Pink Moon
Nick DrakeOnw of the moodiest albums ever
Onw of the moodiest albums ever
My second favourite Radiohead album. A nice blend of their electronic- and rock styles. 4.5 stars
Some signs of Cave to come, but generally too abrasive. 2.5 stats
Not the biggest fan of the vocals, but a nice album overall. Light 4 stars
Overall doesn't connect with this and finds it boring
I think this is a good britpop album, though britpop is not my prefered genre. I don't like the closer, but pretty much like the rest. 3.5 stars
I am not a particularly big fan of Led Zeppelin, and even though this has my favourite Zeppelin song, Kashmir, it is both uneven, too long and too often descend to pointless riffage and guttural screams
Starts off a bit boring, but get really good towards the end
A good album, but not my favourite genre, and nt my favourite Talking Heads album
There are a few nice tracks on here, but this album doesn't work as a whole for me
Cool early alternative rock sound, but a bit too punky for my taste, and a bit uneven
I really enjoy desert blues and this is no exception, although I think I prefer other artists like Tinariwen and Mdou Moctar
Generally my favourite type of hiphop, and sadly still a relevant album politically.
Really cool in parts, but not my prefered musical style. Lake of Fire is fantastic, the rest merely good
I think it starts really strong, but that the quality dips a little towards the end
Solid noisy alt-rock! I prefer the more noisy, shiegazy parts, over the triphop-adjacent parts
I think the album lacks direction and a unified sound, and the quality of the songs varies a lot
An all-time classic! Pure pop bliss!
I might have a bit of a sentimental connection to this album, but I think it is a real fun indie album. "Mr. Brightside" is a great song
Wonderful ambience, a few more boring tracks in the middle, but mostly great
Some cool tracks, mainly the hits, but too uneven and very of its time
My favourite Kinks album! And "Victoria" is at least a top 5 Kinks song!
I have a bit of a nostalgia for this kind of music, and have also started to enjoy the kind of meditative quality of the repetitive nature of the music
I find the hindustani influences and the anti-nuclear weapons theme interesting, but I think triphop and downtempo are really boring genres, so overall not a fun listen
Interesting sonically, but not really my prefered type of album
So much feeling and passion. Really cool! 4.5 stars
Nothing unpleasant, but nothing remarkable either. Quite bland, but not bad. 2.5 stars
Really liked the slacker rock sound on here. I have a feeling this might rise further on subsequent listens. 4 stars
Like the music and playing, hates Janis Joplin's vocals. Low 3.5 stars
Not the biggest fan of the vocals, but a nice album overall. Light 4 stars
Not my prefered type of hiphop. Not really bad, just boring. 2.5 stars
Really not my favourite alternative rock aesthetic, and on top of it all more than an hour long. 2 stars
"Papa was a Rolling Stone" is a masterpiece, the rest is good, but not up to the same level. Low 4 stars
The hits are good, the rest is mediocre. 2 stars
Well-produced, but too smooth for my taste. 3 stars
I liked Roxy Music when I dived them a few years ago, but this was one of my least favourite albums of theirs. 3 stars
I especially like The Love Below, but as a doubt album this is too much for me of a style I don't care that much for. 3.5 stars
I should have liked this even better than I do, but a solid album, even if I struggle to really remember the songs afterwards. 4 stars
Incredible record! Love it from start to finish!
Too meandering and deconstructed to be my favourite prog, but still quite good. 3.5 stars
Could have been better with trimming off about 15 minutes, but quite enjoyable, and "The Cedar Room" is a great song. 3.5 stars
Right in my wheelhouse, but a bit too much of a pop leaning and there is something about the production that I don't care fully for, but nonetheless a good album. 4 stars
Not bad, but not that engaging either. Low 3.5 stars
"Moonchild" is too long an plodding, but the rest of the album is fantastic, especially "Epitaph", my beloved! 5 stars
One of the more enjoyable post britpop albums out there. Low 4 stars
My second favourite Stevie Wonder album. Nice listen for sure!
Enjoyable music, but a bit long and could be more varied. 3.5 stars
Steely Dan is too smoth for my liking in general, but I can't argue against this being a good album and that the songs are quality.
I don't like drum and bass, and the extremely long run time didn't help either!
I don't really get Bowie! Most of this seems uninteresting to me, and only a few songs make any impact on me
Nice blues to be British and made by white people
"The Last Resort" is great, but overall too smooth and with not enough edge for me. 3.5 stars
Some really nice songs, especially "Mother", but overall far from my favourite Pink Floyd. 3.5 stars
"Eight Miles High" is a fantastic song, and the rest of the album is also good, but not up to the same standard. 3.5 stars
Being born in the mid-80s and growing up in Scandinavia, it was impossible to avoid ABBA's music. Even though this is not my prefered style of music, they have a knack for good pop tunes and an undeniable musicality, but too me they are certainly a songs band, not an album band. On this album, I think \"Dancing Queen\", \"My Love, My Life\" and \"Knowing Me, Knowing You\" are great, but the rest is not as good in my opinion. 3 stars
I love "El Condor Pasa" and think this is generally a really strong album, but there are some weaker tracks, especially "Bye Bye Love". 4.5 stars
Not my favourite Joni Mitchell album, but still one of the greatest albums of all time!
This starts off really strong, even if this 80s production is not my favourite, but it meanders off after a while. Low 4 stars
Fantastic album, with gem after gem! So diverse, so unpredictable, but so good! 5 stars
A lot of pop sensibilities on here, a nice listen, but not an all time classic in my book. 4 stars
Not the worst disco I have heard, but it is still disco. 2.5 stars
Don't care too much for the title track, but the rest is excellent. 5 stars
I like it, but doesn't find it particularly essential. 3.5 stars
A few good songs, but mostly too schmaltzy. 3.5 stars
Like some of the songs, but don't like the production. 3.5 stars
First of all, I have never liked singing in Portuguese that much, and secondly, this is overly smooth and boring. 2 stars
Not my favourite music genre, it is done well, but not my thing, and her voice grates on me after a while. 3 stars
Too long and too varying in quality. 3 stars
There are some interesting features here, but I don't like the vocals and the production. 3 stars
Like some of fhe songs, but mostly it is too dance oriented for me. 3 stars
This gives me flashbacks to the worst music of the early 00s. 1 star
Smooth jazz, a bit too smooth for my taste, but thankfully a step above elevator music. 2.5 stars
I love shoegaze and this is one of the absolutely classic shoegaze records in my book. 4 stars
Enjoyable album, if not my favourite style, but there are some enjoyable catchier elements among the goth here. 4 stars
Not a big fan of this style, and even if this is not bad, it is not interesting and sounds sterile. 2.5 stars
Fun album, maybe not the most substantial, but fun for what it is. 3.5 stars
It is okay, but I am not a big power pop fan, and I didn't find this particularily interesting. 3 stars
Onw of the moodiest albums ever
Very dark and gothic, but with interesting textures. 4 stars
Enjoyable album, even if power pop is not my favourite genre. 4 stars
I don't think their songs translates that well to an acoustic setting, although some of the covers are great. 3.5 stars
Good guitar work, but not that interesting apart from that. 3.5 stars
Great mix of noise and more melodic parts. A bit strange I haven't listened to this before, because they have clearly influenced a lot of my favourite muaic from the 90s and 00s. Parts of it is a bit abrasive for my taste, but most of it is great. 4.5 stars
The uttermost representative of Britishness in the 1980s. Not too high on ska-punk, but think it is done well here, and certainly enjoy quite a bit of this. 3.5 stars
Some cool songs, but overall not too special. 3.5 stars
Fantastic voice and swagger! Great songs! 5 stars
Nice garage rock sound, fun album! 4 stars
Not my prefered style of jazz, but this swings hard and features impeccable playing. 4 stars
I don't like his quirky delivery, but an okay British hiphop album. 2.5 stars
Like this a lot more than I thought I would. It sounds a bit like Beach Boys in the same era, but more ballady and grand. 4 stars
A really strange album! I loved parts of it, but it is just all over the place and lacks a cohesive sound. 3.5 stars
I really like "A Forest", and I enjoy the somber mood on this record, but I think their songwriting is stronger elsewhere. 3.5 stars
An ABBA album lacking really memorable hits. Quite a few okay deep cuts, but it needs some hits, and also ABBA is not really my thing, even though it is impossible to escape them when you are Scandinavian. 3 stars
A nice listen, but nothing really out of the ordinary. Low 3.5 stars
A magnificent mixture of funk and soul. "Sex Machine" is awsome! 4.5 stars
Fine alternative rock. I especially like some of the longer tracks, in particular "Three Days". 4 stars
I right the old school beats on here. My favourite type of hiphop. 4.5 stars
One of my favourite albums of the 90s. I adore it! 5 stars
Have heard this a long time ago, but upon relisten my rating is still 4 stars. A bit uneven, but the best songs are absolutely magnificent.
Really didn't like this kind of industrial noise, but "Hurt" is a good song. 2.5 stars
Good shoegaze-adjacent dream pop, much better than the other Cocteau Twins albums I have heard (Treasure). 4.5 stars
I keep this album at 4 stars, like I had it when I did the Sabbath dive. A solid album, but not my absolute favourite Sabbath album.
I have always thought the production sounds a bit muddy, but the performances are great, and I especially dig the drumming of Mitch Mitchel. 4.5 stars
I love the voice of Emmylou Harris! This is a nice, pretty, quite traditional-sounding country album. A nice listen. 4 stars
I am not the biggest punk fan, but I enjoyed this quite a bit. 3.5 stars
I think it is a bit uneven, but the best songs are immense! "Jealous Guy" and "Oh My Love" includes some of the most beautiful piano parts ever set to tape. 4 stars
I really like music from the Sahara region of Africa, but this sounds less interesting to me than a lot of other albums from this part of the world. Still nice, but only a light 3.5 stars
Pretty much everything I hate in music, but one cool song. 1.5 stars
My favourite Elliott Smith album. 4.5 stars
Enjoyable album. The best Eels album I have heard. 4 stars
I love Matk Knopfler's guitar playing, but has never really liked his voice, but there are quite a few songs on here that are undeniably great, especially "Money for Nothing", "Walk of Life" and "Brothers in Arms". 4 stars
Don't particularly like glam rock and hate the vocals. 2 stars
My favourite Paul Simon album. I really like the African influences on here. 4.5 stars
I hate the vocals, but kind of think the musical ideas are a bit interesting. Low 3 stars
I don't need to hear "Every Breath You Take" ever again, but I liked this more than I thought I would. Low 4 stars
Really cool sound scales and some good songwriting. 4.5 stars
I like Eminem's rapping style, he might be a bit immature, but still I enjoy this well enough. 3.5 stars
A top 3 Floyd album for me. I love "Shine on You Crazy Diamond" and the title track, but not as high on the two other songs. High 4.5 stars
I like this fine. Not the biggest post-punk guy, but usually like it more when it becomes darker and more gothic, which is the case here. 3.5 stars
My favourite Neil Young album, and I am certainly a big fan of Young. Listened a lot to this when I first got hold of the cd, when it was rereleased back in 2003. I pretty much love every song, but the title track is my absolute favourite. 5 stars
Basic rapping and beats I don't like. Very dated. Highly influential, yes, but not something I will relisten to. 2 stars
Overall doesn't connect with this and finds it boring
Some good moments throughout, but ultimately not my prefered style, and I think it is too long and sprawling, with too many ups and downs. 3.5 stars
Catchy hooks and great hits and some heartland rock mixed in. 3.5 stars
Far from my favourite Christmas record, but still quite enjoyable. 3.5 stars
A few really good tracks, but most of it is boring and one dimensional. 3.5 stars
A really good album, but I think it is built a bit too much around the two long jams of "Down by the River" and "Cowgirl in the Sand", although both good, they get a bit too drawn out. "Running Dry" is my favourite song on the album. 4 stars
Immaculate pop craft. "Life on Mars?" is a certified classic, and the rest of the album is filled with super solid pop tunes as well. 5 stars
There are some interesting production choices on here, particularly on "Blue Light" and "Onanon", but ultimately this is a genre I just don't like very much and the close to an hour runtime is too much for me here. 2.5 stars
One of the best hiphop albums in my book, even though this is out of my wheelhouse, this album has some real quality beats and some catchy songs. 4.5 stars
Competently made, but a lot of this does little for me, but the three best tracks, "How Do You Sleep?", "Call the Police" and "Black Screen" are really cool. This was heading for a 3, but those three tracks lifted it to a light 3.5 stars
I am lot that fond of hiphop, but I like the general songwriting here and rhe jazzy beats. Light 3.5 stars
Sorry, but this does not do much for me. He sounds like a worse and more boring Prince. 2.5 stars
Cleaner sound than it's predecessor, but not as high quality on the songs, except "Little Wing", which I absolutely adore. 4 stars
Maybe my favourite reggae album ever. More varied and more interesting instrumentation than what I am used to. Enjoyed this one. 4.5 stars
My second favourite Radiohead album. A nice blend of their electronic- and rock styles. 4.5 stars
My least favourite of his "classic run". Low 4 stars
Nice album , very of its time. A bit uneven, but some great songs. 3.5 stars
Some good hits, but overall quit uneven, and I am not a big Queen fan in the first place. 3.5 stars
Quite good for being punk. 4 stars
Not my favourite style of jazz by a long shot, but still a pleasant listen. 3.5 stars
Really pristine and beautiful album. Wonderful listen. 4.5 stars
This album was good fun. Great guitar work also. 4 stars
A bit too British for my taste, and missing an outright banger of a song, but still very good. "Last of the Steam Powered Trains" is my favourite song on here. 4.5 stars
I am not a big fan of The Smiths. I don't like Morrisey's voice, but there are some cool guitar work on the album. 3 stars
I like Ray Manzarek's organ the best in The Doors, and that is less in front here. "Riders on the Storm" is a classic, but I am not as high on the rest. 3.5 stars
I like the longer compositions, but the shorter songs ruins the flow for me. Light 4 stars
Not a perfect album, but a really good album with a few perfect songs. 4 stars
"America" might be my favourite Simon & Garfunkel song, but I think the album overall is quite uneven. High 3.5 stars
One of the coolest punk/new wave albums I have heard. "Gut Feeling" is a fantastic song. 4 stars
Some great songs, a good album for its time, but the backing vocals annoy me a bit
Cool mixture of glam and proto-punk. Two genres I am not that into, but this worked well. 4 stars
Seriously boring. Lacking in dynamics and doesn't sound organic. Also I am not a fan of Brazilian music generally. 1 star
Very dreamy instrumentation, fitting for am album about sleep. Some interesting instrumental touched, buy a bit uneven. Low 4 stars
The first three songs are cool, but from then on everything else sounds the same. A good thing it is short. 3 stars
Hard-edged hiphop, which is my favourite type of hiphop. 4 stars
Good songwriting, singing is too theatrical. 4 stars
I like the 50s/60s throwback sound on this album, but unfortunately I am not a big fan of her voice. "You Know I'm No Good" is a cool song. 3.5 stars
I really like African music, it just transport me in my mind to another time/place and life. I really enjoy most of these songs, especially the ones in Xhosa. 4.5 stars
Like the guitar work, but hate the vocals. A couple of good songs. 2.5 stars
Nice sounding and enjoyable, but not too memorable either. 3.5 stars
Boring and tedious. Some of my least favourite styles mixed together. I like "Clint Eastwood" though. 2 stars
The first LP is a masterpiece, and although there is a slight dip to the second one, it is still one of the all-time greats. 5 stars
Cool old-style hiphop. Quite memorable. 4 stars
Cheesy, but also cool theatrical. 3.5 stars
An album with a really cool ambience. It is filled to the brim with rage, and yet so engaging. Post-punk, noise rock, grunge and shoegaze is blended into this cool output of anger. 4 stars
A few really good tracks, bit too disjointed and too many instrumentals. 3 stars
I Get nostalgic for the time period listening to this, but there is a reason why this type of hiphop was mainly buried in the 90s. 3 stars
A bit too mellow and laidback, but still a really nice album. 4 stats
I am not the biggest fan of R.E.M. and I prefer them in the 80s over thus. Still a few undeniable hits. 3.5 stars
The title track is great, and an all-time classic, the rest is kind of meh. 3.5 stars
Afrobeat is usually always cool, but in this case, as is the case with quite a few afrobeat albums, it ends up a bit repetitive in the long run. 3.5 stars
One of the great voices. I love some of the songs, but isn't sold on everything. 4 stars
Hesvy orchestration, crooning voice and 50s/60s influences, reminds me a bit of Richard Hawley in the 00s. 4 stars
Very nice ambience and vibe on this one, reminiscent of The Flaming Lips, although definitely not totally similar. I especially liked the 17 minute long "Cop Shoot Cop..." 4.5 stars
A very good verison of "Come Rain or Come Shine", and Ray Charles has a good voice, but I am especially not a big fan of the big band style. 3.5 stars
Good 60s psychedelic rock. 4 stars
Hypnotic beats and interesting sounds. 4 stars
Hate her wailing voice. Okay in other respects. Low 3 stars
Darker than other Pulp. I can like that. 4.5 stars
Proggy Queen is my prefered Queen. 4 stars
Some signs of Cave to come, but generally too abrasive. 2.5 stats
I love Coltrane's playing style. "Psalm" is the highlight here, but everything is great. 5 stars
Good song selections, but I don't think they particularily suits his voice and sounds a bit safe. 3.5 stars
Cool energy, like the more. Psych parts better than the punk parts. 3.5 stars
My least favourite Nick Drake. Still extremely good. 4.5 stars
Like the playing well enough, even if it is not my prefered genre. Hate the vocals 2.5 stars
Bit too generic background jazz. 3 stars
I like the more upbeat tracks, but when this moves towards downtempo, I think it is boring. 3 stars
Not my favourite genre like a few tracks. 3 stars
I like North African music, but this is a bit repetitive. 3.5 stars
One of the best zstevie recorded. 4.5 stars
Quite cool for being glam rock, which I am not particularly into. 3.5 stars
Good jangly 60s pop songs, but the Dylan covers are clearly best. 3.5 stars
"I Want Yoh" is a great song, the. Rest is okay, but not mind blowing. 3.5 stars
The orchestra is more enjoyable than Metallica. The arrangements are hit and miss, but not the worst thing ever. 2.5 stars
Modal jazz is one of my favourite styles of jazz. Love this!
Don't like thr sinister vibe too much, but love the guitar playing. 4.5 stars
A fantastic mix of rock and classical music. Love the musicianship. 4.5 stars
One of the more enjoyable hiphop records on this list so far. Cool laid-back beats and good flow. 3.5 stars