Rock 'N Soul
Solomon BurkeProper good. An unexpected treat. Will be listening again. We like the part where the songs happen.
Proper good. An unexpected treat. Will be listening again. We like the part where the songs happen.
Sometimes we were really into this and thought it was great. Other times it wasn't quite hitting. Ended up somewhere in the middle.
We listened to this album at the perfect time - driving through the Lake District, taking in the beauty of the scenery accompanied by this folky, jazzy, ethereal album. We both enjoy this genre and are surprised to have not discovered Pentangle before: we will definitely be listening again.
Smooth and classic. High quality country-folk with some unexpected hits. We enjoyed chilling out to this.
Misery. A cacophonous wall of torturous sound and I don't hate myself enough to endure it all. Did not finish and listed to rain dogs instead which is a great album 5/5. I especially like tango till they're sore, rain dogs and anywhere I lay my head. I would recommend that anyone who is thinking of listening to this album listen to that one instead.
Inoffensive. A bit samey. Decent, a good battle soundtrack to reading the train sequence of ONe pIEcE.
Good, but can it really be better than a plugged in version? Unlikely. Man Who Sold the World is a good cover, but Bowie reigns supreme.
Maps is a great song, as is Y Control. Otherwise, an unremarkable album. Might take songs from this to add to a playlist, but when listening to the whole album cohesively, the songs don't stand out from one another and it all blurs into one. It does turn this around a little towards the end.
This album doesn't overstay its welcome, going from strength to strength before seeing you out with the smooth Goodnight Ladies for the perfect finish. Perfect Day and Walk on the Wild Side are absolutely brilliant songs.
Atmospheric. Smooth. Sometimes a little bit haunting, other times somewhat peppier. An album that takes you on a journey. A slow burner with 5-star potential, but it's too chill to feel that connection after just a few listens. One to be listening to again.
Most jazz doesn't have much staying power and after a while it starts to get a little dull. However, It's evident why this is considered one of the best jazz albums of all time because we could listen to this all day and not get tired. Feels like a lazy Sunday morning, listening to this. Will absolutely be listening to this some more.
Not ok computer.
Starts off strong with the first song, then loses momentum a little. By The Time I Get to Phoenix is way too long and a bit of a slog to get through. Overall, OK.
A bop. Starts smoother than expected but develops into the ahead-of-its-time 90s style hip hop we anticipated. There's some clever sampling on the tracks, some slightly strange sampling also. Overall, an enjoyable listen.
A classic. Emblematic of 1960s British music, feels like a audio time capsule. Waterloo Sunset is, of course, an absolute tune. Harry Rag another great song. Jaunty but cohesive, keeping you listening the whole way.
Absolute nostalgia trip for Goof, less so for Dork. Should be acknowledged as a hugely pioneering album from grime and full of absolute bops, especially Fix Up Look Sharp.
We were pleasantly surprised when it got better... Only to realise the album had finished. Really not our vibe, though partly because that genre requires you to be in a certain mood and trying to force it was not very successful.
It was good. We liked it.
Like the pixies but not as good
Good vibes.
A bop with some unexpected robot voice. Sad lyrics juxtaposed with a cheerful tune.
Pretty good. Surprised to recognise Epic, had no idea it was by Faith No More.
It was good. It has some good songs, others are meh.
Very catchy. Happy just dance with you is a great song. Nevertheless, not one of the top Beatles albums.
Full of bops. Ends stronger than it begins, full of really clever sampling (within some slightly less successful use) and rhythms that make your head bop. Good stuff.
Pretty good. Space junk is especially good, as is the title track
Has some good songs.
Many bops. Symbolic of good 60s albums, lots of really good stuff on here. Some lush instrumentals also. To improve: more prominent mama cass and it would be a five star album (and less of the "dude")
Unrecognisable as Neil Young. Really unenjoyable.
A wall of noise. Literal screaming involved for too long at one point.
It's a classic.
Classic hardcore punk. Some decent stuff on this album.
A vibe, some clever sampling.
Maggie M'Gill is quality. Not the best Doors album but still a good listen.
Chill vibes.
Slightly disappointing album, lots of songs which have been song better by others. Later songs are definitely better than those at the start.
Classic the jam. Down at the tube station at midnight is a good song.
Starts off strong. Not the best ZZ Top album and the rest did blur into one a little, but it was decent.
Misery. A cacophonous wall of torturous sound and I don't hate myself enough to endure it all. Did not finish and listed to rain dogs instead which is a great album 5/5. I especially like tango till they're sore, rain dogs and anywhere I lay my head. I would recommend that anyone who is thinking of listening to this album listen to that one instead.
I struggle to believe there are many live albums that are better than their studio counterparts, and this is definitely not one of them. All their songs sound like various iterations of the Ace of Spades, which is a great song.
Full of bops with some clever lyrics about love and heartbreak. An album that took us by surprise: would listen again.
Evidence that 'heavy' has changed, but seminal to the genre. War pigs, Paranoid and Iron Man are excellent songs.
Too much of the skitty interludes.
Lots of long guitary stuff
Pretty good but PSB are more of a single than an album kind of band. Some really good stuff and some pretty meh stuff.
Better than some of her latest stuff. Would listen again
Why are there so many live albums? Great songs but drowned out by audience screams
Best listened loud. Some really good stuff on here, this woman's work is quality especially.
Recognised more than expected and not as ominous as implied. Some decent bops.
There are beasts in this world and there are boys.
Still not OK Computer.
The lead singer sounds uncannily like Rod Stewart!
It was pretty good. I liked some of the songs.
Just not a vibe. Better than justice for all...even if we've somehow ended up rating that one higher.
Another live album, but the boppiest of them all so far with less audience wailing in the background. King's command of the guitar is regal.
Killing me softly is a classic for a reason. A good album, though some of the skits run too long. Mista mista by far the worst song.
Bored after the twentieth b*tch. Express yourself the only redeeming element of this album. 90s hip hop is just significantly superior.
Born to run is an excellent song. Otherwise, a decent album.
Decent. Paul Weller has a good voice.
Full of bops but nosedives at the end into a very unnecessary cover of American Pie.
I am goof and I loved this album it's my favourite and I decided this rating on my own. 4/4 extreme gooDness. Tonight tonight is my favourite as well.
Pretty good.
The best of Guns n' Roses (which is both a positive and negative comment). Lots of their best on this album, making it a decent listen. (Axl Rose is still a deeply unpleasant man, regardless.)
Black Hole Sun is good. The rest is reasonable.
One of his best. Proper good goof demanded it be 5 stars. Stuck inside of mobile with the Memphis blues again is a jam.
A real surprise. Caught out attention from the get-go and maintained it. Will be listening to this again.
Still, still not OK Computer.
Full of Christmas classics.
Better than the first ten seconds suggested. We enjoyed this.
Better than other 90s music of this ilk. Likeable.
The lyrics leave a lot to be desired. Occasionally, there's a decent rhythm. Otherwise, really not good.
It's a good'un.
Bit disappointed in this as it didn't live up to our first experience with Portishead, but there's some decent stuff on this.
The Police are an excellent band but not necessarily an album band; there's a few poorer additions on this. However, there are also many bops and it's a good listen.
Very chill, but not as good as earlier/edgier Beck albums. Decent, but a bit bland, especially compared to Odelay.
Quite chill, we liked it. Would listen again.
Chill, in a variety of ways. Some really smooth, jazzy songs and some very ethereal, atmospheric songs. An unusual album. We enjoyed the tranquility of it, and the way it kept switching up the vibe across the songs.
Sometimes OK but most of the time not. Only listenable when in a specific mood and so doubly hard to listen to in this context.
Smooth, easy listening. Appropriate for almost any mood.
Just quality. Goof liked it as well. Dork enjoys Porpoise Mouth ("even though it's rude and has the word erect in it") and Flying High.
We thought it was Greatland.
Not the best The Clash album but not a bad one. White Riot is a great song.
Quality. Ahead of its time, really good stuff. I used to think this was nowhere near as good as surfer Rosa but now I think they're a lot closer. Probably still prefer surfer Rosa but only by a little bit.
Extremely high four, almost a five. Love it a lot and goof agrees. Ball and chain is quality and so is summertime. (Grrrrr)
Not the best. Bleh.
It was good, but we can't remember the specifics 🤷
One of the best RS albums. Full of top quality songs - Sway is proper good.
Iconic. One of our faves of all time. Some of Bowie's best work. Very enjoyable.
Best of the Beatles solo work. Proper quality. Goof loves it too. Apple scruffs is a jam. A line in I dig love sounds a lot like I love d@ck.
Actually not garbage. Decent stuff. Has some bops. Didn't know they'd sung Stupid Girl. Will probably listen again.
What's with all the hate on the Chillis? They might not be the epitome of lyrical genius, but the songs on this album are bops. We enjoyed.
A great album with a lot of great songs, with the occasional filler.
Not as good as Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness, but still good. Rocket and the song before Rocket where very good.
This album had an important purpose but it's difficult to listen and enjoy because of the instructional elements. Not the sort of album you can put on in the background. A difficult one to rate because it's more of an educational experience than an album you can vibe to. Some parts of the songs were enjoyable, but swiftly interrupted but further instructional segments.
The stand out single is obviously a bop but there are a decent number of really strong tracks as well as that. Not the best indie album of the mid 2000s by any stretch but very solid.
Proper quality, classic 60s psychedelia and honestly I prefer it to their country stuff. Required listening for anyone exploring that era of music
It was an album composed of multiple songs where music was involved as well as lyrics
Don't know what I was expecting going into it but this wasn't it. Genuinely very good might have bumped up to a 4 star given more listens.
Good but, other than psycho killer, not hugely remarkable.
Elements where you start thinking it's not bad and then it derails again. Not for us.
Pretty good.
Full of grooves. Really good stuff. The baby song was very good. Me and Bobby brown also very good.
A cheery affair.
Gold finger by far the worst part of this album. Otherwise, not bad.
Proper good. An unexpected treat. Will be listening again. We like the part where the songs happen.
Good stuff. As good as Teaser and the Firecat. There's one song in the middle which isn't as good, about light ships or long ships or something like that. Either way, an unnecessary addition to an otherwise great album.
A surprising delight. Good vibes. Will be listening again.
Many of the songs were quite good. Good thinks so too
Decent. Sometimes fell prey to 60s experimental issues.
Made for good house spa time. Sounds a bit like dolly parton. Good vibes. Pleasantly surprised.
Peter Gabriel genesis >>>>>>>>>> Phil colins genesis. These are facts and there is to be no discussion. Goof agrees.
Don't get the hate. A great vibe, caliFOURnication 😁
A bop. Would bring out in a party. A few really good songs, some boppy but middling songs. All of her best songs in a convenient location!
Will listen again. Is wassssss goooooood
Decent vibe, better than expected. Secure 3 stars.
I wanted 3 stars but Goof demanded EXTREMELY aggressively! Has some proper good songs on it. Has a couple that are a bit non descript. We are on a coach by the way. To Wakefield
This is very long. It also mentions Lynyrd Skynyrd so many times. Not offensive but not really our vibe, and for the most part it blends into one.
We avoided this one for a long time thinking it would be unpleasant but actually it was OK. We enjoyed this a lot more than expected.
Proper laid back vibe, not necessarily many standout tracks but they flow very well. Quite short but no filler. Still on the coach by the way.
Decent vibe, better than expected. Secure 3 stars.
Full of good noughties bops.
Good but I prefer 2 and 4. Communications breakdown is really good.
Not his best work but some good stuff on here.
We've listened to this three times through now because we keep forgetting to rate it, then listening to it again to remind ourselves. The second the album starts it is a groove: sensual and rhythmic. A very good album that has taken us by surprise and one we will very listening to again. (Somehow the album name doesn't fit with the vibe, which is why I think we keep forgetting it.)
A few absolutely excellent songs on here (Brighton Rock, Killer Queen, Now I'm Here) but still not Queen's best work.
Some quality country. Nothing hugely standout on here, but it is all enjoyable.
Some decent stuff on here, though it doesn't feel overly cohesive with the way it dips in and out of different genres. Some decent songs, bit slower than we were expecting.
Lots of classic Billy Joel on this album: Always a Woman, Only the Good Die Young etc. Good stuff.
Cannot get over that this album contains the lime and the coconut song, Without You AND Gotta Get Up. We'd never even heard of Harry Nilsson so this album was a huge surprise. The other songs were not hugely remarkable, but for the audacity of having three such varied but iconic songs on the same album we gave it 4 stars.
Quality Adam and the Ants. All the songs are good and the album is very cohesive: no song feels like filler. We enjoyed this.
Very chill with a slight french vibe. Enjoyable background music.
It was good. Lots of good songs. Some not quite as good. Overall quite good. I enjoyed it. Goof sats the same
Unexpectedly recognisable first track. Everything else we had not heard before, but it made for chill listening.
First half better than the 2nd but it's proper good overall still
Pretty good. A musical feel to it; enjoyable, smooth songs with gritty subject matters.
The 2nd best sonic since the hedgehog. This was a good album, quality 60s rock and roll with some top quality covers of of the classics.
A good 'un. Quality The Who. Behind Blue Eyes is really good. Starts off strong and continues that way.
Better than Imagine.
An iconic, influential song but no one needs to hear it for 26 minutes, even if the guitars did take us by surprise. A good song but not a good album.
Chill but unremarkable.
Some great songs on this. Passenger is really good as is Lust for Life, Some Weird Sin and Fall In Love with Me. Quality stuff.
Very chill with good beats. Stripped back abd smooth, but not too fond of the production on his voice.
A wall of sound with the occasional scream. Important to the metal genre, but not for us.
Fine for a live album, but much less enjoyable than Cash usually is.
Good stuff. We liked. Will listen again.
Would be a 5 star if not for the poor flow and transitioning in some parts of this album, where it sometimes feels unfinished. Carried by a handful of absolutely spectacular songs and a few good ones. Best songs: Come Together and Here Comes the Sun.
The first album we've disagreed on. G: 2/5 D: 4/5 Grunge is not for Goof and this album just felt morose. Dork enjoys. Lots of the songs are good.
Absolutely one of the best albums of all time. Bone loves to rock, yes he does, yes he does.
Not bad for a live, but still quite average. Other than Show Me the Way, no real standout songs.
The first half of this album is very strong with hits like Sound and Vision. Unfortunately, the second half is not as strong.
The Stranglers are great but they're not really an album kind of band. Lots of great songs and lots of filler.
It's just too long. It's a very good album: a lot of thought has been given to the progression and to the transitions between songs. They had a clear vision which they committed to. However, with an hour and a half there are too many songs on here that don't do Pink Floyd justice.
We like the songs. The Father Ted song especially, and Something for the Weekend.
Enjoyable. Very chill.
This is an album that goes beyond just being a collection of songs. Especially enjoyable when listened loud, it's easy to feel surrounded by the experience of this album. The best of Bowie's later work and an excellent send off.
Surprisingly enjoyable but the songs in the latter half of the album are too long and get a little stale. Otherwise, a quirky, warbly album that we enjoyed more than we thought.
It was good, very chill and laid back. I'm a fool is especially good.
Fine. Lots of weed was discussed.
California is particularly good. A good album and we like it.
Decent, and well timed as we listened whilst walking round a farm.
I liked it. It was good.
Solid 80s rocks. Enjoyable, More Than a Feeling the obvious banger on this album.
Much more cohesive than other PSB albums. We enjoyed, would be good music to dance to. There are lots of very good songs on here: it starts off strong and keeps coming back.
It's clear from looking at the lyrics and reading more about this album that it was important. Unfortunately, we managed to not notice anything about those lyrics until the final song and our impression is that it was a decent, standard punk album. Maybe we'll pay more attention and listen again, but it feels like a decent 3 star album to us.
Quite enjoyable. The upbeat, dancey vibe does not convey the serious circumstances of the album.
It was ok. Don't quite get the hype.
An album of many vibes. Some good songs, but very disjointed due to the way it skipped round genres and some songs have not aged particularly well. A Brimful of Asher is an excellent song, regardless, and Corner shop are an interesting group.
Started off very strongly but lost momentum as it went on. Imagine was not great, but there were some other good bops on here that made us want to dance.
This has been an exciting revelation about Carol King and her contributions to the industry. Song after song we recognised, despite not having heard of her before. After some research, it's clear she was a musical giant and we will be listening again.
Quite good. An album that is evocative of a certain period in time and of a certain generation.
Ahead of it's time. Chill, yet somehow boppy at the same time.
Although this one was a struggle to find, we did really enjoy it. It starts off really strong and the title track was excellent as well. A little moody, somewhat sombre. We had a good time. It's a shame we probably won't listen much as it's not very accessible.
Still, still, still not OK Computer. A weak Radiohead album.
Enjoyable but started to grate towards the end. Lynn's fixation on cheating doesn't make for an overly exciting album.
Not Dylan at his best. Some good songs but mostly songs that were largely unenjoyable. Make You Feel My Love made particularly poor listening. 5 minutes+ for Lovesick was not necessary.
We enjoyed this album, listened to on the train back home. That one popular song was still good (we don't remember the name). Other than that, no standout tracks but all around pretty good.
Intrigued by the first listen and convinced by the second listen. A really interesting album; we will be exploring PJ Harvey more.
It is very good. Lots of good songs. God Only Knows is very good, as are some of the lesser known Beach Boys songs on these albums. Overall, very good.
Liability is an excellent song. Lorde is reliable quality.
Smooth and relaxed. Big band is the best kind of jazz.
It was a good album, listened to while painting. Some songs 3 stars some 4. More of a canoodly album, very sensual.
A few real standouts - Sweet Dreams, Love is a Stranger - in amongst other decent songs. An enjoyable album and always a nostalgic one. Many road trips were spent belting along with Annie Lennox.
Immigrant song is really really good but otherwise it falls behind 2 and 4. Overall it is a good album though.
The titular song is just an absolutely brilliant one. Not listened to the full album before but definitely will again; we really enjoyed it.
A big surprise to Dork (less so, Goof) and a lot of fun. His voice is nostalgic.
Bloody awful, off brand tool I wish I hadn't listened to it. Very very unpleasant.
It sounded nice.
These are indeed songs for the devoted. Unfortunately, we're pretty noncommittal. The music is fine but not our thing.
Very groovy. Lots of excellent bops on here.
Reliable. Infectious. Joyful.
About what we expected, which = not our thing. Didn't make it through all of this, despite the occasional glimmers of enjoyment we gained from the background beats. His voice is quite unpleasant at times.
Better than we expected but still not really us and we were glad when we had finished it. Extreme early 2000s vibe.
Surprisingly homogenous. Decent to start with, but became flat quite quickly. Meh.
We think it was good but forgot to rate it so maybe we are wrong 🤷
An exciting discovery. Very atmospheric, best listened with both headphones in. Exciting from the first song, it really captured our attention immediately.
It was fine.
Starts off very strong but loses it towards the end. Revives very strong drama GCSE memories which will always make this a fondly received album.
Enjoyed it more than expected. Probably won't listen again as not really to our taste, though.
Decent. We like it.
It was good. It is a classic. Sunshine of your love is very good and so is strange brew.
A quality classic. Still Alive is really good, as is the rest of it.
A good album, but not hugely cohesive and a little uneven in places. The live track was also not particularly welcome.
Solid stuff. Pretty chill old school rock.
Quite chill and enjoyable, though it felt slightly too long
Decent. Some excellent songs and some abrasive ones.
Hallelujah is a really good song and this is the best version of it. Other than that most of it was OK but we can see why other people like it a lot.
Pretty rough. Not our thing.
Some really good songs - I Wanna Be Your Doll being one - but they're eclipsed by We Will Fall. A 10-minute song on a 35 minute album, it is repetitive and not a fun listen. Otherwise, this is a good listen.
Starts off strong and declines slightly. The second half not nearly as much of a vibe, we were glad when it finished.
Underwhelming and not his best work.
Started off very strong, slightly loses momentum.
They are a good vibe. A little samey, but successfully so: they found a formula that worked for them and stuck with it.
Initially struggled with momentum and some songs didn't quite hit, but overall a decent album. Stronger at the end.
He has the sort of gravelly voice you actually don't want to listen to and his love songs are not very romantic. We struggled with this one. This is what people who don't listen to Radiohead, think Radiohead is like.
A vibe. Costella has a cool voice: quirky but tuneful. The songs are good.
Listening to this off the back of Luton's Radio One Big Weekend where we are very much in a pro-Coldplay mood. A very chill album that achieves exactly what it sets out to do. Coldplay don't deserve the hate, they're actually just pretty reliable.
Sounds like The Who but worse because it's another live album. Who prefers this format to a polished, studio album? Not us.
A bop. Weird they just stuck Fairytale of New York in the middle though.
We liked it. Very smooth and quite cool.
We enjoyed this a lot, which for sale reason was a surprise. Nice and folky with good vibes.
The best of the live albums so far, but still an unnecessary live album with weird repetition on disc 2. We definitely liked this more than we thought we would, but would still choose a studio album.
Significantly more laid back than we were anticipating from the name of the artist.
It's a shame, as there are several incredible songs on here - the title track especially, wow - but there are just too many songs with incredibly long, monotonous outros. This applies to Cop Shoot Cop especially. At several points we would be convinced this deserved 4 stars, then a few minutes later we skipped another song because we got tired of the same looping sound. We would listen again to a lot of songs on this album, but not to the album as a whole.
Overhyped but still good. There are better Bobil Dylano albums out there. Ballad of the Thin Man is excellent, though.
Pretty good but nothing stand out.
Although not the best Bjork album, we enjoyed this.
Pretty good but not really an album kind of artist. Some good songs on here.
Maybe some songs could be cut but the whole experience is worth it.
Down by the River and Cinnamon Girl are good. The rest was quite good too.
It was long but ok, kinda jazzy not what we expected but still too long. Didn't really stick with us.
Wowie zowie is and a couple of other songs are really good but is held back by self indulgent wanking.
Smooth and classic. High quality country-folk with some unexpected hits. We enjoyed chilling out to this.
Surprisingly, a live album where we didn't mind that it was live and the elements that made it so were to its credit. The blues is just a very reliable genre, and one that always gets us dancing.
A lack of consensus here but Goof has capitulated and this one is getting 4 stars. There are great songs: Bittersweet Symphony is obvious, but also Lucky Man and Catching the Butterfly. A early Brit-pop/psychedelic feel to the whole thing.
Quite atmospheric but nothing overly standout, and a weak start.
The Clash are just quality. Really deserves a 5 but 4 is just about acceptable
We did not have a good time with this one. Bleh.
Quality Madness. Not their most mainstream work and a few of these songs we didn't know, but we really enjoyed this. They're a very cheery band.
Occasionally atmospheric but on the whole not particularly exciting
More classic Elvis than previously. Some good stuff on here, and although we don't quite have the Elvis bug, we can appreciate his historic significance
Teenage Kicks is, of course, a classic. We enjoyed this album but it wasn't a standout one.
Pleasantly surprised. We were uncertain at first but got into the groove.
Classic 90s beats. Firestarter is iconic, plus the other big hits on here. We also appreciated some of the lesser known stuff here.
The first song is excellent. Otherwise, a good album.
Psychedelic rock is an excellent genre and this is a great album that starts off strong, but it lost momentum a little and failed to continue to thrill us.
Standard 90s fare. Decent but unremarkable.
A very tight, controlled album: all killer, no filler. It doesn't suffer from being bloated like other Pink Floyd albums and doesn't outstay its welcome. We really enjoyed this a lot: a cohesive, atmospheric, musically impressive piece.
Really not the vibe. It was fine in the background for a while but then became a bit unpleasant. Would not recommend.
We enjoyed.
We really enjoyed this.
Enjoyable in the moment but otherwise a little forgettable.
A cool spin on the blues and an important context behind the creation of this album. We really enjoyed this.
A-ha are more multifaceted than expected. We enjoyed the big hits on this - Take On Me being one of them - as well as the songs we were less familiar with.
We enjoyed this, especially Sledgehammer, Red Rain and Don't Give Up.This is a Picture detracted from the cohesion a little.
Ranges from OK to much less than OK. Zappa just ain't for us he's too far up his own arse.
A good album. Mercy Beats is a great song and there are some other good ones here as well.
Better than we remember when it came out. But still one of his weaker showings. Dirty boys is still shite. Not Bowie at his best
Lots of boppiness. We enjoyed this a fair amount.
We have both grown to appreciate Costello's voice more than we used to. This is a pretty standard Costello album: enjoyable to listen to but nothing overly standout. As much as we enjoy Elvis Costello, we're not sure he warrants quite so many albums on this list.
OK but unexciting.
Full of bombastic piano ballads and unselfconcious vocals straight from deep in the heart and belly. Bat out of hell is an album that knows exactly what it wants to be, and doesn't care what anyone else says about it. A welcome addition to any car journey, party, dentist appointment mentioned or funeral.
By I Ron butterfly. It's a fine hymn for any service or for snuggling. Just make sure you get an organist with some stamina. Can sound too much like rock and or roll for some more traditional ministers though.
Pretty slow and laid back shoegazie psychedelic stuff. It was pretty good we liked it.
Would be 5 stars if not for Revolution Nine. Lots of good songs.
Standard 90s fare. Last track is the stand out. Shifts tone quite frequently, bouncing from fast and happy to slow and sad; this was sometimes effective, sometimes startling.
Buffalo Stance is a great song but otherwise this album did not hugely pique our interest. Decent enough.
The lyrics to grinder retrospectively make it sound like they're looking for dick. The other songs are pretty decent but not really our genre.
So much better than the last one of his we listened to. Genuinely very strong album. Enjoyed it a lot.
Dork really got confused about whether or not this was Doctor Dog. It is not. (It's also not the Flaming Lips.) We enjoyed this. Holes is particularly good. Quite an atmospheric album.
It was ok, nothing too annoying but not too many stand out tracks either.
Proper quality, love the samples of sword of vengeance and the beats. Best spin off from Wu tang clan.
Best Neil Young, classic after classic all in a row. Would be a 5 if there was any justice in the world.
Some good quality early hip hop. Some strange songs sprinkled in but overall very enjoyable and fun.
Changes is a five star song but overall not really our thing. Paranoid is the best Sabbath album by far.
Proper quality the only downside is that moonchild should not be that long. The first 3 minutes are fantastic and the rest we can't get behind at all. Epitaph and I talk to the wind are great though and the title track is a fantastic ending.
Not the white stripes but certainly not a BLUNDERbuss either!!!!!!
It was very cool the way it was about cars. We liked it.
Just all really solid early glam rock, some really good songs on there especially 13 and the ballad of el goodo. Good listen from start to finish.
Nearly sent us to sleep in the car and killed us.
The monkeys get creative control. Which is good for them and it's a decent 60s pop album but it's no daydream believer. Sorry dudes.
It's a strong album, Tom Sawyer and red barchetta are both classics but we prefer permanent waves by a fair margin.
We listened to this album at the perfect time - driving through the Lake District, taking in the beauty of the scenery accompanied by this folky, jazzy, ethereal album. We both enjoy this genre and are surprised to have not discovered Pentangle before: we will definitely be listening again.
Lots of very good songs.
Tattooed Love Boys and Stop your Sobbing are great songs. We enjoyed this album a lot (it was a needed respite after a few less enjoyable albums).
Quality 70s rock. We enjoyed this. Sweet Emotion is especially good.
A quality album. Perhaps could be shorter, but a lot of very strong tracks: Rocks Off and I Just Wanna See His Face are honourable mentions. A strong entry from the Stones' golden period.
Pretty decent but there was a very not great cover of born to be wild.
As much as there are some excellent songs on here, ultimately there are a lot of vile, somewhat contradictory lyrics and this album is also just far, far too long. Eminem does not have the musical chops to carry off an album of this length.
There are some really solid tracks here but It can be a bit slow at times. We liked most of it though
Not as good as surfer rossa or dolittle. But still decent.
Personal Jesus is a good song. We thought the album overall was OK (we did skip a song because it was lulling us to sleep).
An interesting album. Bomba and Relight the Flame were enjoyable.
Not really our thing. Baaba Maal is an impressive musical figure and is deserving of a lot of respect, but this album wasn't for us.
Just got a little bit dull over time. Possible that this one has not aged well. Soft Machine is the best song on here - very boppy. A bizarre but great album cover as well.
Tiny Dancer is the only classic Elton John song on this and, going into this, we weren't sure if he was an album kind of artist. However, we really enjoyed this from start to finish. A good vibe.
A classic. Second best Pink Floyd album. Many good songs.
A few bangers mixed in with yawnfest. Would be two stars without them
New York i love you but you're bringing me down and american scum are really good but we didn't vibe so much with the rest.
Proper good, should really be 5 stars but goof was too cruel and did nit allow it.
Top tip: definitely don't listen to this one sharing a pair of earphones between you! They go hard on the stereo on this and we had a very different experience depending on whether we were left or right. Standard 60s fare. Summertime Blues is a great song but otherwise nothing stood out significantly to us.
Started very emo but mellowed out a bit. Felt like a rough start but we enjoyed it more towards the end.
Franklin's voice is incomparable. Some of her great hits on this one, as well as some other songs we didn't know but really enjoyed.
Thematically important but too sombre to fit the mood of the day, unfortunately, which naturally has a bearing on how we rate this album. Ahnoni is an impressive artist and we appreciate the meaningfulness of the songs. May explore again when the mood calls for it.
A very strange start but got better.
Not number of the beast and run for your life are really good. Enjoyed it more than we expected
They were decent, not shower vibes but if we were in a club in the late 90s we'd be all over it.
Music only in the broadest definition of the term. Would only recommend to someone I really hate. No good songs just unpleasant noise.
This was decent has a coop sound but didn't leave too much of a lasting impression on us overall. Would listen to it again in the future though as it probably deserves it.
Cool vibes, very entertaining album. Well deffo be listening again soon.
Some classics on here which are classic for a reason. We enjoyed this but were not overcome with joy.
Far from Bjork's best work. Really disappointed with this as we usually enjoy Bjork but this did not deliver. Couldn't get into it at all.
An enjoyable album, although some of the songs definitely took up too much track time and we were waiting for them to be over. Cities' 4 minutes may not sound like much but, for this song, it should have been 2. We started off enjoying it and were over it by the end.
Sometimes we were really into this and thought it was great. Other times it wasn't quite hitting. Ended up somewhere in the middle.
Spellbound is an excellent song on a great album.
Not for us, we gave up and listened to nightfall in middle earth instead. Which is very good, and would be 5 stars.
This is a really cool.album with a few fantastic songs. Very much enjoyed.
Some good quality country and folk. Not as sad as we expected it toot be but the heroin song is still very sad
Was a good vibe driving back home in rainy weather. Very chill. It was lengthier than anticipated but we enjoyed this one.
Layla distinctly carried the assortment of love songs here. We enjoyed, but Layla is clearly the standout track.
Enjoyed it to a degree. There were some good songs. Slightly reminiscent of New Model Army.
Dork thought it was good. Goof thought it was decidedly average.
Proper good, very evocative of the time period and it has that song from Shrek on it. We enjoyed it a lot.
Comes out of the gates strong and doesn't let up. Absolute classic and the best doors album. The end is a bit long but other than that is fantastic
It was ok, and became less ok as it went on l. Not quite as bad as we expected though.
Not as bad as we expect. That is all
It was very good and has some bangers on it that we did not expect. Strong trip hop album.
It was decent, quite a lot of the songs were a jam but some were overly long and a bit steange
Not our vibe. Felt like it lasted forever and we were a bit bored of it.
An enjoyable album made by a man who had a very interesting life, as we have just discovered. You can see how it influenced early Dylan. Some good Cowboy sound.
It was good. Starts out especially strong with the title track. Some songs did occasionally blur into one, but overall we enjoyed this.
Atmospheric. Two very long songs that somehow didn't become dull. We liked it.
The good songs are very good but some of the songs are a bit long winded. Can you get to that and hit it and quit it are too good though.
It was very good. An enjoyable soundtrack for working: smooth and relaxing.
One of the real highs of the psychedelic era. Some absolute classic songs and others that have flown under the radar but are still great.
Whiskey soaked misery. We enjoyed.
It has its moments but it's a bit overindulgent and airy fairy. Could have done with a bit more editing. Still good though.
The beats were good and some of the songs were good. But the lyrics were quite grim at times. Question: Biggie or Tupac? Answer: Wu tang clan
Very chilled out album with some unexpected classics. A couple of the middle tracks were a bit underwhelming though.
Some fantastic tracks here especially roundabout. Not much else to say it's some really strong prog rock
Very cool guitar work. We enjoyed it quite a bit.
Classic Elvis Costello, many quality songs and a very pleasant listen
Pretty good, but no Common People. We enjoyed this though.
A hellofa album. The title track is fantastic. AC/DC have an iconic sound that serves them particularly well here. Unpretentious rock.
Proper good 80s fare. Some absolute classics would relisten several times.
We enjoyed it but wasn't hugely a standout album. Started stronger than it finished.
We enjoyed. Recognisably Common, although not as good as some of their other work.
We expected it to be a lot more abrasive, but actually it was enjoyable.
This is a truly excellent album. Our House is, obviously, a classic. 4+20 is great too. Well-honed, each song changing things up just a little to keep you on your toes. Atmospheric - would be good with eyes closed and headphones in.
Alright, though a lot of the lyrics seemed to swing between arguing he was not misogynistic and then saying misogynistic things. Sans lyrics, the rhythms were good.
Chill Sunday morning music for cleaning a car to. We enjoyed relaxing to this.
Dork really enjoyed this. Goof preferred Nick Cave's other work.
Take Five is an excellent song in amongst some other greats. We really enjoyed this album, from start to finish: very chilled out.
Sweet Love is great. Lots of powerful ballads on here.
We enjoyed it. Very Neil Young (except in a good way).
Thid didn't excite us and was also so quiet at points, but then blasted us later when we had turned it up to accommodate.
An outstanding album full or sensational hits. Some of Queen's greatest work - and there's a lot of it!
A real brucey bonus. Pretty good. Not one of our favorites though
Really really long like way too long and there's loads of chatter that we don't care about. But the music itself is cool
Strong album lots of great tracks. Nightswimming is a jam.
Classic 60s fare slightly twee but very endearing. Some very strong songs in the first half too especially the first 2
Not as good as too rye ay but it was decent and geno is a really good song.
Tied for best pixies album. Proper quality. Where is my mind is a classic and all the songs are very very strong
Slow and quiet. Very misleading name you can't call yourself cowboy junkies and bring out something this understated and sad. Maybe we'd have enjoyed it more if they'd been called the lonesome cowboy or something like that.
The best Belle & Sebastian album.
Very very quiet life. But to be fair it was quite good. We enjoyed a decent amount.
Very good album, knocked off a star because he's a diddler.
A bit dull
Talk about the Brucey bonus!
Classic credence consistent quality as always
The weight is the stand out song by far. The rest is good too but doesn't reach the same level.
Design for life is a great song the rest of it is very strong too.
Some quality rock and or roll. Nuf sed
Surfs up dudes! Short and sweet with some very cool 60s vibes
4 stars. We enjoyed this. Warning Sign is a great song, as we're a few others (but we failed to keep track of the titles). Talking Heads are a pretty reliable band.
Very very ok.
First half is amazing and threatening to be one of bowies best ever. but then Brian eno comes crashing in like a freight train with the double threat of moss garden and neukoln to totally ruin side 2. Secret life of Arabia is ok though.
We liked this, cars is a really good song and quite a lot of the other songs are good too. Quite Bowie like in many ways. Although the later parts of the album were quite strange.
We enjoyed this a reasonable amount. ...we think. Forgot to review this one and now we don't remember anything about it.
We're in disagreement over our top three Arcade Fire albums. This is actually my favourite, whereas Dork rates this at number 3. Either way, it's worthy of 5-stars. My Body is a Cage is an excellent song, as is No Cars Go. The Well and the Lighthouse is also up there. Best listened to with headphones in and eyes shut - there's a real atmosphere created by this one.
This was decent. No strong opinions either way.
Otis Redding is really good. However, we became less enamoured with this as it went on as it felt mostly full of covers which were not as good as the originals/other versions. Still, Redding's voice is such that this album still warrants 4-stars.
It was ok, chill r&b vibes
Proper good. Go is a right song and the title track is as well. Very smooth and melodic.
This is an excellent album where Adelr g Ave a vocal masterclass. Perhaps if she'd been singing in the 70s this would be a 5 star album but it's a little overproduced for our tastes at points. Still very strong with a lot of her best tracks.
Very French. This is a fact and not a loaded statement. Sometimes, the man could have spoken less and the song would have been better.
It was ooooookkkkkkkkkkkk
Not quite as good Breakfast in America but overall a really strong album. Dreamer is a jam.
Best stones album hands down. Bloody fantastic. Nuff said
Underwhelming, especially compared to our last Massive Attack album which we really enjoyed. It had a slow start and didn't manage to garner much momentum.
A lot of mad Donna's greatest hits. All round very strong album. Would recommend
3/5. We enjoyed but it's not their best work and it wasn't anything standout.
4/5. Good.
Good Christmas tree decorating music. Very laid back and very enjoyable.
Really good for a live album. A little ling but very strong overall.
Tonal dissonance given the subject matter but some good songs. Back when U2 made decent stuff. Dark and heavy but also easy to listen to
Some good songs but don't think it really stood out to us that much
Five star album velvet underground at their finest nico fits right in. One of the all time greats. Goof is cruel.
Brings back memories of seeing them live in Dublin. They sound exactly the same. Raspy, Irish rock.
Proper early 2000s fare. Kerrang-core. Enjoyable enough but not standout. Inky bus.
It is a good album
Classic glam Bowie, nuff said
Strong Dylan vibes at times. Overall a strong album with a lot of good tracks. Very enjoyable.
There were some strong tracks but not really our thing.
Some really good songs that went on a bit too long. Could easily be edited into being a 4 star album.
This was good.
The Doors are always good. Riders of the Storm is dramatic and all-around excellent. Good stuff. When God closes a door, he opens a window, after all.
We enjoy Johnny Cash but this is not him at his best. We really just rarely enjoy a live album. The title track was enjoyable, though.
We did not enjoy this at all. Could not get through it all. Junkyard, emphasis on the junk.
A few decent songs but nothing standout.
We discovered Air a year or so ago now - they were one of the earlier appearances on our 1,001 journey - and we have grown to appreciate their laidback sound.
It is astonishing that this was a live album, though it did go on for far too long.
A few quality songs on this- Message in a Bottle and The Bed's Too Big being two of them - but overall too much chaff to warrant above a three.
This album started off enjoyable enough, but there was a distinct tonal shift with Don't which we really did not enjoy.
4/5 We enjoyed this one. It was quality.
A 90s classic - Green Day is always a nostalgia trip. Whilst they might not be quite our go to anymore, they're a classic for a reason. We enjoyed this.
4 stars. Starts strong and maintains its power. Good stuff. Not five stars because some of the songs are slightly self-indulgent and last just a tad too long.
An excellent album. It's a shame Nico disliked it so much.
Not overly standout.
An unexpected bop. The Spotify description made it sound more experimental that it really was, but we enjoyed it nonetheless.
Pretty good. ZZ Top is ever reliable.
We enjoyed the soulful country twang of this. Dion is not an artist we have encountered before but the music was enjoyable.
Despite the unfortunate name, we actually really enjoyed this album. It was good.
Orange Crush is a great song. Otherwise, a decent but not overly standout album.
We enjoyed this a lot, actually. Very chill, was the perfect backdrop for getting some work done. We will be listening to this one again.
3 stars. Slightly too experimental for our tastes. The second song was better than the first.
An absolutely incredible album. Somehow quintessentially British, each song is a treat. The overall album is cohesive, flowing smoothly together with no one song overstaying its welcome. Standouts include Village Green and Monica, but to be honest it's very hard to choose favourites.
Chill. A good backdrop for working. Cosy winter-y comfort. 3 stars.
Another great background soundtrack for working - we keep stumbling on these at the perfect time. This is intended as a compliment. Very chilled out vibes. Also I was glad to see my immediate musical association with the word chic was the correct one.