Born To Run
Bruce SpringsteenThere is some tunefulness but the vocals are like a roaring punch of constipation and when they cease, the sax comes in and sounds even more like it needs a shite. I don't get it.
There is some tunefulness but the vocals are like a roaring punch of constipation and when they cease, the sax comes in and sounds even more like it needs a shite. I don't get it.
Given it's only their 2nd album, it fees very early to have lost this much excitement. There is almost certainly beauty to be found in this for the right listener but I feel bored after the promise of raw sex from their earlier singles
Feels like the kind of thing Americans get excited about. There's some talent in there and trappings of intrigue but it forgets to be exciting in any way. Cafe music but not really suitable for a cafe
This was a bit of a slog. Americans are, mostly, deeply serious people. Many though are afflicted with a curse of wanting to desperately try to appear fun. It hardly ever works. Mathers is one such American and the curse really shows itself. The serious parts of the album have something but they are undermined by the painfully American take on fun that attempts to gatecrash the album at every turn. The twists at the end of songs are a nice idea but these get old very quickly.
Good throughout but actually lacks some energy
Cant believe they're American. Queen, Bowi, Stones influences. Much better than expected. Unlikely to seek out but happy to listen to again. Really tuneful
Clear delineation between the two halves. First half great voice and songs show some signs of life but it's all a little slow for me. 2nd half mich more me but no definitive versions of any song
Will revisit artist. Album a bit long but some good stuff and nice variety. A bit 6music mind
Expected to hate it. Really didn't. Concept feels forced but the live aspect improves the songs and it is tailored to the audience
I like the blues sound but too many slow tracks for me
There is some tunefulness but the vocals are like a roaring punch of constipation and when they cease, the sax comes in and sounds even more like it needs a shite. I don't get it.
Possibly racist, probably homophobic, definitely exist. Yet the nod at the end to ripping off suffragette city is appreciated, it definitely rocks and I can't hate an album with a track called "rendezvous with anus"
Lacked a little heaviness in beat. Not the level of groove I hoped for. Did enjoy no woman no cry on a bontempi organ
Given it's only their 2nd album, it fees very early to have lost this much excitement. There is almost certainly beauty to be found in this for the right listener but I feel bored after the promise of raw sex from their earlier singles
Starts sliw but picks up in middle. Instrumental and title track display the kind of groove that would go on to work for the Mondays. Does feel like an album to be appreciated more than enjoyed though and ultimately they are a rock band that rarely rock.
Not a bad track on it and good variety. Only really exciting song though is the very problematic one
I can never fully get this, I'm not the right demographic for the lyrics but musically (and production in particular) this was top class. Perhaps the lower end of 4* but kept me interested throughout
Shows that soft rock has a place if can offer a groove. Drops off a little after a brilliant start but there is energy throughout. Would happily revisit
Clearly a very influential album. I want to be around the kind of people that love it but I'm not one of them. The content all felt cliché and predictable once you realise you are listening to a Tolkein druid album
Didn't hate it half as much as I expected. No desire to listen again but enjoyable as a one-off
Completely out of nowhere for me but I enjoyed it. Very much out of my comfort zone. When you have Hispanic Americans doing this and African Americans knocking out motown/soul/disco as sources of inspiration, it is genuinely astounding that white America is incapable of producing decent dance music
Really like the title track, that has some groove. Otherwise the album is very dependent on lyricism and storytelling that I just can't relate to. Probably a demographic issue but some artists can overcome that
Difficulty here is 4 or 5 stars. It's a fantastic album at the start, the middle bit of Tolkein wood rock is better than the bands who specialised in that stuff and the cover at the end is magnificent. But can an album with two dud tracks really be 5 stars?
There's something to work with here but the songs all sound the same and the shouty rap thing is bollocks. Good people seem to like them, I am unpersuaded in spite of this
There's some great music here and psycho killer is banging but the vocals and lyrics largely piss me off. Seem like a band for folk who want to show how clever they are
Better than I expected for NWOBHM and this was on course for 4* but the tracks get samey and it does rival Oasis for stench of incel. 4* is for something I want to listen to again, this doesn't quite hit
Another surprise. Didn't expect such good production. Very upbeat
The storyline is a great concept and executed well but it reminds me of Arthur Miller. Flawed tragic hero but so flawed that I lack any sympathy, empathy, or good will towards them meaning I don't buy into this in the way I might have.
Two great songs, rest is the ramblings of a smackhead nonce but musically good
Teenage me gives this 5* no questions asked. Adult me has gone off soft lad rock (that often doesn't rock) a lot so was expecting to go 3*. Teenage me was closer to winning out. The album has a couple of duds and a couple of overrated tracks but Adored is a great opener, Resurrection delivers on the groove that fool's gold promised as a single and made of stone achieves the rare feat of rocking and having groove. It's a pity that lad rock won out over the funkier rock of fool's gold and the Mondays, paving the way for shite like Shed Seven and Kaiser Chiefs, but it won because this is a fantastic album.
There's the odd track with signs of like to keep this above 1* but this is pretty boring
High 2 or low 3. The gentle musicality replicating Marr saves this and there are a couple of very good songs but some of the lyrics are very serf-absorbed and childish. Okay but no desire to listen again
I won't be reaching to listen again but also wouldn't be unhappy if someone else put it on. Good, gentle, hippy pop
The 90s is my black hole. Neither mine nor my parents era, but you hear of it as a great time for indie/alt rock (depending on if you are British or American). Neither label fits. The bands aren't independent and the only alternative about the rock is that it doesn't rock. This fits the bill for the genre. It has a heavy experimental side and hip hop influence but deep down it wants to be a rock record. But it doesn't rock. It just screams LA bubble
No absolute stand out tracks but no filler either. Heavy beat but relaxed too, this is high quality reggae
Album 32 and my first 5*. I hadn't listened in years but knew every note. I must have rinsed this as a 16 year old. I revisit some soft lad rock and leave very disappointed but every song on this album (apart from the riot van interlude) either rocks or grooves and sometimes both in the case of still take you home. I didn't even cringe at the lyrics. Only mardy bum brought on a tinge if this. Excellent album.
I won't shit on this. I can see why some people love it and find it beautiful but it's not for me
Another in the list of ne understanding why someone might love it but it's really not for me. I crave excitement, not reflection
Odd 80s at times but solid pop all the way. Will listen again
Almost subversive levels of MOR. Wouldn't offend me as background music but serves no other purpose
I've long struggled to articulate my issues with Springsteen. There's something decent there but I've never got on with the constipated vocals and sax. But I've just realised the biggest issue is the character. Just like Arthur Miller, his tragic hero is the downtrodden American working man who is flawed. I can't look past the flaws so I can't empathise with the character. Also, rock music that doesn't rock.
The more Indian influenced songs are great and really sparkle. The more British songs are all a bit Shed Seven. Mixed bag but decent overall.
Reeks of 6music. Some early tracks hooked ne in and I like the commitment to the short snappy pop song but the momentum quickly died
Nonce rock. I'm happy to separate art from artist but when the art itself is a celebration of noncery, it's not for me Clive
Has something going for it and I see its place but it is just trying a little too hard to rock. Wouldn't complain to hear it again but won't seek out
Starts well with the covers and there is some real promise in some of the bass but self indulgence wins out. Decent, not great
I'm not into the slower, more relaxed album but this does have pockets of excitement and is clearly a great example of what it is. Not for me but would be happy to hear again if someone else had it on
There's some attempt at interest musically but it is heavily not for me. Doesn't rock, can't dance to it, doesn't bring joy. Instead feels like something to be appreciated.You can't go and play outside again until you've eaten your radiohead. Stuck some breezy Hello Mello pop on afterwards and it felt like a weight was lifted.
I was excited for this but it's quite plodding. More foot tap than stirring. SBS and NYD save it
Something different, nice sound but gets repetitive. Happy to hear again yo won't seek out.
The who album could have done with a "short attention span" edit. I liked that last track and the one that ripped of I'm Stronger Now by The Definitive Two. Otherwise, it was dance music you can't dance to and a whole lot of it at that
Just as good as San Quentin. 4 is harsh but there are no stand out tracks I'll go back to. I'll revisit the album as a whole though.
Singles are very strong. Some dirge but enough good stuff to warrant a revisit which makes it hit the 4* threshold
Not a bad track on it and a rare case of an album where almost every track is danceable
Nothing to offend. Nothing to excite. 2* is harsh but I want something to revisit if I give 3.
Nothing bad but only My Sweet Lord that you'd save
Singer songwriter stuff just isn't for me but this is clearly a good example of it. I could easily listen again, just won't seek it
Feels like the kind of thing Americans get excited about. There's some talent in there and trappings of intrigue but it forgets to be exciting in any way. Cafe music but not really suitable for a cafe
Low 3 or high 2, doesn't really matter as I'm not com8ng back. Odd band. In Britain they had one mega hit, were a consistent chart presence in the 80s (but no more than that) and had a very mini revival in 1990. In Central Europe and the US, the seemed to be defined by that revival and more appreciated than in the UK. I'm in the British camp and this album seems to be a bridge to the 90s offerings. Singles are okay but no better than that. The rest I don't really get. The album title is clearly some sort of joke that doesn't land
Enjoyed, especially stepping stone. It's basic but it's good pop
I enjoyed Maggie's Farm but most of this is there to be appreciated rather than enjoyed. 1st Half alright, 2nd fell off. High 2 or low 3, either way I'm not coming back
I'll revisit so just about meets the 4* threshold. Normally prefer shorter tracks but the longer songs worked here. I was happy throughout
Could be a low 4 but i don't think I'll reach for the again. Singles are very strong. The album less so.
Happy to separate art from artist here. A very solid Christmas album
On the weird side but a concept album should be. May not reach for it again but there's good tracks and a good idea here
Hard to rate. I like reggae but a little cold on Bob. This is clearly a strong album but I didn't love it. Will probably revisit so it meets the 4* threshold but not for the reasons that set the threshold. Curiosity alone though is something
I came in with familiarity which can work either way. Bittersweet Symphony is excellent. Lucky Man and Sonnet are very good, but the rest is dirge. This is singles padded out with filler
Almost the opposite to urban hymns. No familiarity for me and definitely not aimed at me. There were aspects I didn't like but the album kept me consistently intrigued and I'll listen again. Just about meets the 4 threshold
Not my music and it was a bit too slow at times but it kept me interested throughout and the quality is undeniable
Some crackers, some dirge. The sex song is the highlight
I really wanted to hate this. The 6music genesis album, the New York celebrity culture that it tries to sneer at but is so clearly a part of, and I cannot stand Perfect Day. And yet, the album kept me interested. The singles are all strong and well saved out between largely good album tracks. I'll be back.
Started great, became NWOBHM-esque, then picked up a heavier industrial sound. I may not reach for the album again but do want to investigate the band further
Competent but never held my attention for more than a minute
A couple of songs that would work well with a different singer but largely a bunch of songs about a world for which I have no affection sung by a bloke who sounds like he's taking the piss out of Springsteen
There's a generous version of me that gives 4 here. Pleasant album, good singles, and especially decent in the context of the barrrn wasteland of British music in 1999 but I probably won't return to the album as a whole so it's 3 from me.
The not live live thing was weird but still enjoyed it. I'll be back
A bit too on the lyrical soft rock side for my taste but I still enjoyed. Unsure if I'll be back
I like the simplicity that allows the vocal to be the star but the subject matter gets dull after a while. I want to hear more Frank, but some change to topic and pace would be nice
It wasn't awful and some songs showed genuine promise but I've no desire to hear any of it again
Starts brilliantly and stays good but settles into something not quite worthy of a 5. Feels like everything has to be massive
It's a strange album to have on the list but fully deserves to be there. It's obviously very long but it needs to be treated differently to a standard studio album. The concept is simple. Get the best songwriter in town and get the best singer to sing their songs. A great historical record that I'll come back to. Perfect uplifting album to put on to create an old time atmosphere
A couple of duds but mostly great fun whilst making a clear statement. You be illin is a great find for me
Lovely album. Doesn't quite stay as strong as the title track but an easy listen throughout
Started with some promise, got bored quickly. Background music.
High 3 or low 4. I've gone generous because I will be back despite not being a fan of Since I've Been Loving You. This is clearly the track the album is built around and "real music" fans seem to love it. I'm a plastic princess and I got bored. It might be a song that requires talent but so is juggling and that's shite as well. Rest of the album is grand
Black skinhead is worth saving. Otherwise this would be a 1*. There's nothing else just enjoy here, it's just a vehicle to hear what he has to say, which isn't anything particularly profound
This was a bit of a slog. Americans are, mostly, deeply serious people. Many though are afflicted with a curse of wanting to desperately try to appear fun. It hardly ever works. Mathers is one such American and the curse really shows itself. The serious parts of the album have something but they are undermined by the painfully American take on fun that attempts to gatecrash the album at every turn. The twists at the end of songs are a nice idea but these get old very quickly.
Has some of the edge that 90s REM lacks. Stipe's voice should be kryptonite to my ears but northern Englishmen of my generation often have a surprising soft spot for these lads. No exception and this album is stong. The one I love is the only standout track but there are no stinkers.
I want to give it 4* to spite the confused Yanks but realistically I won't be back so it doesn't hit the threshold. It's not my music but an excellent example of grime and does have tracks I'd save even if I'm not inclined to hear the entire thing again
30 mins of punchy pop fun bliss. Might not have much sophistication for the fans of "real music", just pure enjoyment
Enjoyable but probably won't be back. Preferred lo borges stuff on the album so may investigate him further
Not for me. Another one where I get that to the right person, this is a masterpiece. No desire to shit on that. That person just isn't me.
Still not for me but about as good as singer-songwriter with guitar gets
Lovely voice and these songs were (and probably still are) important but I wasn't really entertained
I was expecting some mid blowing prog that I'd think was earth shattering or shite. Instead I got MOR, but very good MOR. I probably will be back
Very tricky to rate. The "thing" is good and produces a lot of pleasant songs but does the lack of variety mean I'll not be back? I'm erring on the harsh side
Cat shit
Not capable of rating this objectively
Not keen on the industrial sound but decent otherwise. I feel like I should hate this lot but I can't
Pleasant on the ear but not quite enough so to come back to. Like the coherence of the album but maybe lacks a high. The 6music Moby
High 4 or low 5. Doesn't matter, I'll be back. The highs are very high. Not everything quite lives up to that standard but it's a very good album
It's an album that makes you think. Mostly thinking that I want to listen to Fröken Snusk instead. I save my 1* for albums that are needlessly shit. This isn't that because I don't think this lad can do any better but a 2 is generous.
Pleasant enough that I won't mind hearing again but I won't seek it out. Generous 3
Some belters but not enough for a double album. I'll revisit the good stuff but not the album
Dance music you can't dance to. Not for me Clive
Not for me. There's some bits that grabbed the attention a little but I've no desire to hear any of it again and I need to get harsher on this stuff
Wife liked it, mum likes him. I'm bored
Started really strongly and it's nice to have a solid, reliable band back on my playing. Lost a little excitement, perhaps not quite enough here to warrant a double and I don't see this as a masterpiece but the Stones are establishing themselves as a favourite band of mine on sheer volume of good stuff, even if I do find the albums a little filler heavy
Some killer, some filler but at least it had some heaviness
Nothing outstanding but nothing terrible either
From minute 1 to minute 32, this album sounded like it was doing a sex on me and I rather enjoyed it
I went in with high hopes that weren't quite realised. I'd have probably been blown away at the time but it didn't quite hit
Competent but boring. Generous 2
Another solid but slightly too long RS album
The singles have some potential but also have no need to be 6 minutes long. The rest is pretty dull
There's potential for something really good here, especially in those songs with a motown vibe but the Heather Small-esqe perma-OTT singing that makes her sound like Jeff Stelling when he's heard something has happened at Fratton Park just ruins it. May check out her 1st album to see if she's less extra there
A couple of decent tracks but fairly dull on the whole. Another one where it'd be a 3 on a 6 star system
Undecided if I'll seek out again or not. Has some great moments but plods in places too
Enjoyable. Not enough to actively seek out again but definitely decent
Started well but no need to be over an hour long