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UB40I only know "red red wine" from UB40. Every song feels endlessly repetitive. 1 hr of this was unghhhhh
I only know "red red wine" from UB40. Every song feels endlessly repetitive. 1 hr of this was unghhhhh
So many classics on this one. I'd never heard their version of BOTW, and it gave me chills, and I was only 2/3 through the song. As I continued listening to this album, almost every song was excellent, and I feel like the ones I didn't love right away would just take a few more listens. Top to bottom wonderful. Highlights: bridge over troubled water, el condor pasa, cecilia, the boxer, the only living boy in new york (harmonies!)
Nice strings in opening tracks. Some U2 vibes from Quiet Heart. Finding this album kinda boring. A reviewer compared it to the Smiths, which I had a hard time putting my finger on. It's like a proto-version of other bands I like, like the Shins. 1*, such a drag of an album.
Why did I think kraftwek was a more modern group? This album/band is from the 70s! After oxygene maybe I'm a sucker for old school electronic music. This albums feels like a good prototype of other albums I'd enjoy, 3*. Enjoyed: the groove of autobahn (but then it got weird around halfway through. Such a goofy song)
Oh I know this one, so many fave Killers songs. Jenny was a friend of mine is a banger opener, love that bass line. A couple songs I did not recognize.
Chill background music. I'm in Brazil.
Just What I Needed album. Rest of it was ok, not really my jam. But JWIN is a banger, bookmarked.
Oh I know this one, so many fave Killers songs. Jenny was a friend of mine is a banger opener, love that bass line. A couple songs I did not recognize.
I really want to be *into* jazz, but it hasn't quite clicked for me yet. I remember learning about this album in a college music class, and how iconic "Take Five" is. So as iconic as this album is, I struggle to give it a high rating for me, but I can understand its cultural significance for the time. Establishing some criteria for going forward for me: 5-all bangers, top to bottom a great album 4-mostly bangers (75%?), would happily revisit this album 3-like about half of it, but not a standout album 2-only like a couple of songs 1-dislike the album overall, hardly any songs I like
Never heard of this band/album before. Initial vibes: Fleet Foxes. I like the instrumental things these guys are doing (An Audience with the Pope), dig their sound. 3*. Standout tracks: One Day Like This, The Loneliness of a Tower Crane Driver Some more criteria: 5-amazing top to bottom 4-very good album, but some weak tracks 3-enjoyed overall but not necessarily an album I'd revisit or that blew my mind. Middle of the road. 2-some songs I liked, but overall not a fan of this album 1-hated it
First of all, what badass history -- somebody died because this music was made? Having never listened to afro beat before, I really enjoy the rhythm with other instrumentals (this is reminiscent of Samba Jazz). I enjoyed the album and introduction to the genre, 3*. Favorite track: Zombie
As iconic as this band is and how it influenced so many other bands I enjoy, I didn't really enjoy any of these songs, 1*.
First Madonna album I've listened to end-to-end. Don't love 80s pop in general. Some interesting musical elements I never heard in Madonna songs I had listened to before (strings? something that sounded like Prince?). Overall a 1* for me.
It's Nasty: that hook again! -- this is where I learned it came from the Tom Tom Club, Genius of Love. Very groovy, fun listening for the first couple tracks. Scorpio was weird. Then Dreamin'/You Are were like R&B ballads, took me by surprise. Feels disjointed. And then The Message has the hook sampled by that "girls is players too" song! Iconic. Overall maybe a 1.5 for me, 1*.
Highway to hell: such a great album opener. Album is oozing with energy to the point that most of these sounds samey to me. 2* since I enjoyed it more overall than the last few albums, but I don't think I'd revisit it very often.
My first exposure to Neil Young, very lyrical, easy listening. 2*, don't think I'd revisit but I didn't hate it which is why it gets more than 1*. I liked Southern Man.
Smooth, easy listening, some sexy times music. Didn't love it, 1*. Not about that 18 minute song. 3-5*: albums I actually enjoyed to varying degree.
Liked the gospel-y elements of "Set the controls..." "Business as usual" was weird, it made me physically uncomfortable to listen to. Enjoyed some tracks, but some were too experimental for me. Strong musical/movie soundtrack vibes. 3*.
I recognize Let's Stay Together. Enjoyable listen, 3*.
I know he's a legend, but idk if I like his voice in this album. In general, I don't love "spoken word"-like music. I think I would have enjoyed an acoustic version of this album more. 2* for the instrumentals.
Mannish boy hook - is this the origin? Badass blues album. Enjoyed Bus Driver.
Right Here Right Now, Rockafeller Skank, Gangster Trippin, Praise You are such classics, and are all in this album! Catchy but repetitive tunes, I guess like what 90s Euro-techno reminds me of. 3* because outside of the hits, didn't love the rest of the album. Kalifornia made my head buzz? Very trippy sensation.
Let me get this out of the way: Kanye is a POS that put out good albums in the early aughts. I feel conflicted enjoying these albums these days. 3* for me, rounded up..I dig what I can only dub as "melodic hip hop." Tracks I enjoyed/remembered: All Falls Down, Jesus Walks, Through The Wire
Nice strings in opening tracks. Some U2 vibes from Quiet Heart. Finding this album kinda boring. A reviewer compared it to the Smiths, which I had a hard time putting my finger on. It's like a proto-version of other bands I like, like the Shins. 1*, such a drag of an album.
Did Start feature the old PS startup sound? The interstitials (?) between some songs are strange. I dig some of the sounds, but overall kind of meh for me. 2* because I didn't totally hate it. Enjoyed: Sweet Life
Was wondering when my first Beatles album would come up! There's so much early Beatles goodness in this one, which I adore, but also some tracks I'm not a fan of (All I've Got To Do, Don't Bother Me, You Really Got a Hold on Me). Iconic tracks: All My Loving, Please Mister Postman, Till There Was You, Hold Me Tight Till There Was You feels like the start of Paul doing his own thing -- I think they start coming into their own in this album, but you really start hearing their own sound in A Hard Day's Night. This album still has a whole bunch of covers and general samey-ness across most tracks. This one is 3* for me, not one of my top Beatles albums. It gets a star over 2 because it's the Beatles, but in isolation I'm not sure this album stood the test of time.
Off the bat I already dig this sound, Zebra is beautiful. A chill dreamy sound. 1.5 tracks in, I'm already leaning 4*. A cozy album, makes me think of summers in the PNW.
I recognize Lust for Life. Sounds very pre-punk. Can't say I enjoyed the album but it wasn't terrible to me. 2*.
Country music just isn't for me, I tried it in its modern take, and it just sucks with its lyrics about trucks and beer. Dolly Parton, however, is a treasure of a human and her voice is lovely. It's a 2* for me. Lyrics a little saccharine at times. Song highlights: Coat of Many Colors
I dig the wall of sound of Dirge, also about 4min in it reminds me of early Muse. Then the vocals in the second track came in and I didn't enjoy it anymore. Very repetitive soundscape. Very distorted and experimental sounding. I'm generally enjoying everything except the vocals. It'd be a good soundtrack for a game or movie. 3*.
Great rhythms, and it sounds so good it's hard to believe it's live. 3* for me, not sure I'd revisit, but love discovering more afro beats, the drums are a lot of fun.
Love the opening energy of Stop. The forward drive of the guitars and drums is electrifying and so fun. Been caught stealing is another great track. Wasn’t loving Three Days but the bridge drums took it up a notch for me. Of Course: what?! A Klezmer song in 3/4?! Overall a 3* for me, not sure I’d revisit the album as a whole, but has some great tracks. A 4* is an album that is overall enjoyed and I would revisit even if not all tracks I loved.
Oh fuck yes! Mr Blue Sky is on constant rotation for me. Turn to Stone with all its strings is a fun opener. A lot of 70s goodness in the instruments, harmonies and overall upbeat feeling. Enjoyed Steppin Out, Believe Me Now.
Garbage. Take Revolution 9 and make it an album. Take one of those Yamaha keyboards and randomly dick around on different settings hitting random keys for 40 minutes. Performance art in music form. This is no one’s favorite album.
Kid Rock is trash these days. I think I would have enjoyed this back in the day when Nu Metal was all that and I was super into Limp Bizkit, Korn, etc. But nowadays, meh, and the whole album feels samey. 1*.
Even Flow from back in the Rockband/Guitar Hero days! Alive is a classic. A 3* for me -- can't see myself revisiting, but it is a classic with lots of good tracks. Enjoyed Black, Jeremy.
It's jazzy! Yeah, my ear is too untrained to tell good and bad jazz, but this is enjoyable background music. So, like, a 2* for me? It was aight.
I dig the rock influence in Rock Box. Makes me think of Beastie Boys. 2* for me; it's clear this album/group influenced much of hip hop going forward, but as an album I'm not sure I entirely dig it.
Statesboro Blues is a fun blues opener. Really enjoying this one, 3*. Was thinking of giving it a 4*, but it really rambled unnecessarily in the back half. Not much more to say other than I'm learning I really like blues. For a live, jam session kind of album, this one was ok. Also like You Don't Love Me.
Cool, groovy 70s sound. Feel like I need to be smoking pot along to this album. Enjoyable, 3*.
Time to start making a playlist of song highlights. I know nothing of Elvis except his perennial greatest hits, which this album has none of. Enjoyed the gospel influence in I'm Movin On. Also harmonicas in Power of My Love! Enjoyed: Long Black Limo, In the ghetto Another solid album but not cracking 4-5* for me. 3*.
This is not an ensemble; it's a bunch of musicians playing random shit on their instruments for 40 minutes. How the fuck this made it on this list, I will never know. There are moments where you can somewhat hear the virtuosity of individual instruments, but the whole is not better than the sum of the parts. This is like listening to a bunch of children playing whatever the fuck they want on their instruments. My beginner youth orchestra sounded better than this. Maybe this is what jazz sounds like to aliens.
Oh hell yeah, Radiohead! So many songs I adore in this one, so it's 4-5* before even listening to it as a whole. Highlights: High and dry, Fake plastic trees, My iron lung, Street spirit This album still holds up, 5*. On full album listen also liked Planet Telex, Bullet Proof (great guitar doodling), Black Star.
Indie but country-like in the guitars. Vocals remind me of the whole "sound out of tune" vibe of early aughts indie. I enjoy the instrumentals but not the vocals on this one. I just don't enjoy the spoken word/not-even-trying-to-be-in-tune singing. Like what is even the start of Time will break the world? 2* for the instrumentals. Transylvania blues was a cool track, much harder guitars and no crappy vocals.
Have never listened to REM outside their hits. Enjoyable listen, 3*. Enjoyed: Stand, Pop Song 89, Orange Crush
First exposure to the Pixies outside of "Where is my mind" because of that one movie, and is in this album. Most tracks don't stand out to me. Only enjoying WIMM. 1*. When Spotify shuffled away from this album at the end and went to 12:51 by the Strokes I actually said "oh thank god, actual music"
No prior experience with ZZ Top. Dig the guitar/drums in Gimme all your lovin, even though by today's standards they may seem simplistic. Maybe this is like ACDC, where all the songs sound the same after a while. Didn't hate it, but there's no originality when it's all so samey. 2*. This led to White Wedding though, so that's cool.
This is a genre and era I thoroughly enjoy as a millennial. Hate to say I told you so is such a strong opener. Stronger punk influence than I remember or ever knew the Hives to be (Supply and Demand, Untutored youth for example), maybe because HTSITYS is so different from the rest of the album. Overall a 3*, doesn't cross into fave albums territory. Highlights: Main Offender, HTSITYS, AKA IDIOT
This is ok. Shades of early aughts music. Just ok, 2*, don't hate it. Can't tell why this is on this list. Some reviewer compared them to Arctic Monkeys, which is what this reminded me of.
More than a feeling is an excellent song. Peace of mind I also really enjoyed. The melodies, the vocal harmonies, very enjoyable. A solid 4-5* for me. Should have given the ELO album 4*...
Kind of bored of this one. Maybe I'm inconsistent in what I enjoy. Enjoyed: guitars in Move Over -- but then I learned from other reviews that this is a cover. I don't think it says much when the song I enjoyed the most is a cover. 2* because I didn't hate it/wasn't total trash. Just meh. Also a LONG album. Also what's with the terrible audio quality of this album on Spotify? Kill Em at the Hot Club was also very different from all the 70s dude rock but kind of enjoyable. What's the deal with that last track with them talking as if they are on the radio with excerpts of their songs? Was this a thing at the time?
A legend, an album of classics. This is obviously a classic and innovative for its time, but I'm not sure it has stood the test of time. His vocals are outstanding and the instrumentals are bluesy, which I enjoy. For this, this is a 3* for me. Doesn't break into 4-5* territory because musically it follows a lot of well-known patterns to 21st century ears.
Enjoyable in the background, but I'm not entirely into it. kinda meh, 2*.
First time listening to an MJ album as a whole, have only heard some of his songs here and there. I don't really love this synthetized sound, but I can understand how this can stand out in 80s pop. All feels very manufactured except for MJ's voice, which if it were autotuned would sound robotic like everything else in the album. Maybe it's this particular usage of drum machines that is just unenjoyable to me. 2* for one of the best sellers of all time. Just doesn't stand out to me. Not bad enough for a 1* because MJ's singing is great but not something I'd pop in again to get 3*. Standout tracks: man in the mirror, smooth criminal Zero judgement based on MJ as a person when judging this album.
That wikipedia is bare bones. Never heard of this artist before. Nice wah wah funky sounds in Billy Jack. Overall enjoyable sound, but not breaking into favorite album territory, 3*. Need to dive more into funk and soul though. This led to Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings, which was a great discovery.
The sitar is giving me George Harrison vibes. Not sure what to make of this genre, very much of its time but I'm not sure it has held up over time. But the singing could be straight out of 2000-2010s alternative. The more I listened the worse it got. 1*. Feels like a random array of words. Why is this on this list?? Fuck was it hard to tolerate the longer it went on. That weird dual-channel sax album was better than this. It's white people trying to emulate Indian music in the worst way possible. No dawg, you can't sing in quarter tones, you're just a terrible singer.
I'm thankful that this project helped me discover Muddy Waters -- I really like blues and this guy is exceptional. 4*. This hit good with mate in the morning.
First exposure to motown in this. 3* overall. Enjoyable intro but not a favorite I'm going to pop in randomly. Enjoyed: Papa was a rollin stone (scratchy swangy guitar), the singing in Mother Nature
A few seconds in, I can tell I'm going to enjoy this. I enjoy their more upbeat tracks, not a fan of the slower tracks like Look at Where We Are. I was really hyped for this, thinking it would be at least 4*, but it didn't hold strong. 3*. About half to a third of songs I like. Enjoyed: Ends of the earth, let me be him, motion sickness, don't deny your heart I like How do you do, but the religious lyrics irk me. Ok, on second listen I'm more inclined to give this 4*. There's a lot of really cool moments in this album. Night and day has a cool funky start.
Ugh, another 80s hard rock band. Just samey on every song. Not terrible, just incredibly boring and repetitive. The same song 11 times over. Even within a song the structure is so vanilla and uninteresting. 2*. Isn't Love removal machine straight out of the Rolling Stones? The born to be wild cover was mid at best. YOOOWWW
Don’t recognize these by title. Smile please sounds so clean, it's wonderful. The harmonies, the instrumentals, excellent. Stevie's voice is wonderful. Enjoyed: Boogie on reggae woman (instant head bopper), you haven't done nothin (the brass!) 4* I think I did myself a disservice by listening to this in a loud coffee shop...
I feel like I've been listening to Led Zeppelin copycats. This is already much more interesting than all the 80s hard metal bands that I've encountered so far. Not super into it though, 2*. Oh hey, I know Kashmir. Enjoyed: guitars in Bron-Yi-Aur.
And now for something completely different: Grindcore Instinct of survival's vocals sound like a barking dog. I dig the high-energy instrumentals though. These tracks are all so short! I can see most people not enjoying this (including myself) because it's such a distinctive, inaccessible genre that will just sound like a bunch of noise to people. It's a 1-2* in the first few tracks for me. Sounds like Doom music. Yeah, kinda hate this one, giving me a migraine. 1*. I couldn't wait for it to be over.
Wait, did they purposefully give me this for Christmas? I guess if a Christmas album is on this list, it makes sense to give it in December, not in July. I was just watching a video about how Phil Spector screwed Darlene Love out of royalties in the making of this album, as iconic as she was in Baby Please Come Home. Phil Spector sketchiness aside, this sounds pretty epic for a 60s Christmas album in the singing and instrumentals. Still, it's a Christmas album, 3*.
That description told me nothing. the opener gives me surfer rock vibes. A rough sound. The yelling reminds me so much of Paul McCartney, who made it more songy. Enjoyed: Do you love me (a cover) Some of the covers (Roll over Beethoven) are ROUGH, and not in a good way. 2* -- has a lot of elements of 60s music I like, but it's just rough. The same YOWWW, 12-bar blues progression gets old after a while. All these covers someone else did better (Money, ROB).
Man, this one was a struggle to find as a whole. It's like the same 60s sound I heard yesterday, but maybe more bluesy without being 100% 12-bar blues. 2*, but more enjoyable than the Sonics. Enjoyed: Lazy me
Not into screamo metal, but love the percussion and guitars in this album. 3* for me, because of the screamo. The instrumentals and a couple of great tracks bump this up from 2*. Just can't cope with all the vocals being yelled at me. I love Korn, Slipknot, and other nu-metal, but maybe pure screamed metal isn't for me. Maybe I would have really enjoyed this in high school. Because it was so different from everything else, I enjoyed Jasco. Itsari, which features a native chant, was very cool. This put me onto a Korn kick.
I don't know what post-punk means, but this was enjoyable to listen to. 3*. Also this being from the 80s sounds way ahead of its time. Enjoyed: Sin in my heart (the guitar reminded me a lot of Muse)
Enjoyed her voice. Track highlight: Miss Chatelaine (samba vibes). Back half of the album kind of dragged.
It was alright. Not overly memorable, not terrible. Maybe a little repetitive.
Enjoyable cuban music, good vibes. Doesn't quite make it to 5*/favorite territory but very enjoyable nonetheless. Highlights: el cuarto de Tula, pueblo nuevo (really vibing with this one)
Enjoying the guitar/wall of sound of opening tracks. Overall a 3*. Highlights: pictures of you, lovesong (a classic)
Reminds me of the Leonard Cohen album from a while back. A musical-y piano, vocal heavy album. It's ok, not my thing but not terrible, 2*.
I will not let the reviews sway me before finishing going forward to form my own opinion. The lack of info on the wikipedia summary is always concerning, just don't know what I'm getting into. I recognize Novocaine for the soul? Alternative 90s, with that recognizable drum pattern (Susan's house). It's ok, if a little out there, but enjoying it, 3* for first half. Second half was meh, 2*. Lots of 2-3* lately...
Why does this album cover kind of creep me out? I can see how this preempts punk and maybe some 90s alternative, but it's not my jam at all. 1*
I only knew Nothing compares 2 u from this one. Her vocal ability is undoubtedly great; the tracks where it's just her and minimal instrumentation (I am stretched on your grave) really highlight this. Enjoyed: three babies, black boys on mopeds, nothing compares 2 u, i do not want what i haven't got (her vocals are haunting) Pretty solid, but not in favorite album territory, 3*
This felt very rambley. Enjoyed the guitars but the lyrics and singing were very mid. Album kind of put me to sleep, like music you'd hear right before going down with anesthesia.
RIP Chris Cornell. Solid soundgarden sound - heavy but refined, with Chris's iconic vocals. Overall solid 3* for me -- no tracks blow my mind as much as Black Hole Sun. Highlights: Black hole sun, drums in Spoonman
This is an angsty album. Maybe iconic for its time in the land of dude bands, but not grabbing me. 2*. Great energy to it.
A more melodic take on punk/pre-punk stuff that's been coming up lately. I like their sound, but not in favorite album territory. Solid 3* album. Enjoyed: Villiers terrace (keyboards) Very Cure-adjacent
The Stairway to heaven and Black dog album! Classics. Also enjoyed: rock and roll, when the levee breaks Lots of energy, classics, and variety in this one. Unlike most 70s-80s rock albums which sound so samey after a while, this one is special. Solid 5*, every track slaps. Stairway to heaven is well known and established as a classic, but it's also a bang-for-your-buck song -- one of those epic songs that feels like has 3-4 great songs in one. Misty mountain hop has such juicy guitars. When the levee breaks has such a cool blues feel
DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME OR TIME WILL WASTE YOU Muse?! I'm incredibly biased, but this is an instant 5/5. Not my personal favorite Muse album (that goes to Origin of Symmetry), but this one is top to bottom full of bangers. This band will always have a special place in my heart. Muse may not have the best lyrics, but musically they are outstanding. Top to bottom highlights. Map of the problematique, a top 3 Muse song for me, is here. Whenever I get to hear it live, my heart explodes in happiness. No lowlights. Starting with Take a bow? Such amazing buildup. Starlight is a little overplayed by now, unfortunately. Cheesy Muse. SMBH guitars just go hard, and Matt's vocals really shine on the high end. Soldier's poem, although slow, melts my heart. Invincible is another space-y, cheesy song, but great in its grandiosity. Matt's vocals are so passionate. Assassin is so powerful, and hearing it live, the Grand Omega Bosses version, is epic. Hoodoo: piano! And I've had recurring nightmares that I was loved for who I am and missed the opportunity to be a better man Knights of cydonia is an epic album closer and the signature end to Muse's shows these days with Man with a harmonica. I'm trying to figure out where the "southern Italy" influence is?
Highlights: good times bad times, your time is gonna come (love the guitar groove) Very interesting guitar and music effects; is this vamping? Almost jam band like. Lots of blues. Not as many top to bottom highlights like LZ4, but lots of enjoyable tracks. The unending-ness of some songs takes some points away.
Wow, this is different, but in an enjoyable way. The reviews gave me little hope, but I'm thoroughly enjoying this. Maybe it's my affinity for funk and groovy basslines. Never heard of Thundercat before and I don't know how much of this album is him vs. his collaborators contributing to the sound, but this is a solid 4-5*, will decide at the end. Even with some meh tracks, I really like this. In a sea of samey albums in this list, this is a delight. What do the fast funky basslines remind me of? It's on the tip of my tongue. OH I KNOW, BILL WURTZ!! Holy shit, this so reminds me of his short random-ass songs on YouTube. Enjoyed: captain stupido, uh uh, friend zone Goofy shit that got me to giggle: a fan's mail, tokyo
The strokes are such an iconic sound for this era. Outside of my highlights though, didn't love the rest of the album. Highlights: modern age, last nite, someday (LOVE this song), hard to explain
The description says salsa but this starts funky as hell? I'm into it. This is ageless. I have heard these before, just not sure where (Buscando guayaba). A solid album, just good vibes. 5* Each track is unique and doesn't just have the same salsa rhythm, it's layered with so much more. Highlights: plastico, maria lionza (cool starts and groovy bass)
An album that is on this list because it inspired other amazing artists is not a good sign going into to from my experience so far. I'm not sure what psychedelic rock entails, kinda get the vibe in positive vibrations. This is enjoyable, not bad, but also not outstanding, reminds me of late Beatles/George Harrison. A whole lot of blah. 2* Only the stones remain: Rolling stones vibes, was that the intent? HOLY FUCK, 40 SONGS?? 2.5 hrs of this? Yo, cut the crap, trim it to the good stuff. Oh, maybe it's all these bonus tracks that are unique to Spotify? The longer this went on, the less points I wanted to give it. But it doesn't suck completely, so 2*. I had to stop at track 22, this album kept giving me anxiety. Maybe I will finish it tomorrow. Got through the non-bonus tracks anyway.
Don't love the vocals on most of the tracks. Overall meh, 2*. Bailed during the long outro because there was just nothing there. Enjoyed: help the aged (kinda reminds me of Ok Go)
Ooo walk of life! An excellent song. This song alone puts this album in 3+ territory. Love how so far away starts the album, love the twangy guitar. Enjoyed the sax in your latest trick -- brings me back to grocery shopping with my mom in the early 90s. Why worry is so chill and lovely Enjoyed overall, 4*, although I wonder how much I like this because I *should*.
Even as I'm listening to this I'm finding it forgettable. It was ok, but not loving it.
Queen Latifah made music? I must be too young that I only knew her as an actress. Dance for me is a fun start, girl can rap! A fun album, very 80s hip hop. Mama gave birth has some weird chipmunk shit, fuck that. Also enjoyed Ladies First. Overall 3*, fun album.
Enjoying the guitars in I looked away, backup vocals in it's too late, Layla (a classic, cool piano interlude) Overall enjoyable singing and instrumentals since I'm a sucker for blues, 3*
She has a nice voice and this album feels simple -- just vocals and guitar. Not really enjoying it though, maybe I need to hear the instrumentation come through more, 2*. The vibrato in her voice I found a little jarring after a while. Super repetitive, many religious lyrics.
This is the kind of 90s electronic that felt so edgy and fun at the time. Electronic music doesn't sound like this anymore. Repetitive overall, but enjoyable in the background. After a while I couldn't tell tracks were changing anymore. 3*. Highlights: smack my bitch up (lol), breathe (excellent groove)
Enjoyed: the golden age I have mixed feelings about Beck's "lazy" vocals usually. I enjoyed the instrumentals in this album and the vocals in a lot of the tracks. A nice melancholy album, would listen again. 4*
From the description, a truly iconic album. Highlights: That cymbal sample in Peter Piper! It's tricky (from that one game I played), walk this way (don't think I've heard this version before) The beat boxing in hit it run is a little bit ridiculous 3* overall
Yo wtf is up with the gift? I tuned out all that nonsense. Off the bat, this is garbo, maybe this is on the list because of the band name, not because of how the album is. Or maybe this is here because it "pioneers a genre" -- just because of that. it doesn't make this a good album.
This is ok. I enjoyed some of the instrumentals and singing, but no songs really stood out to me.
Enjoyable piano album, doesn't sound like jazz to me, but maybe because it's solo piano. The story and how it was fully improvised, especially for what the final product sounds like, is amazing. 4*. Good background music, had to listen to it twice. The random yells are weird though.
Ok, very cool! Electronic music from before the digital age really blew up and made it trivial to produce. Unexpectedly cool. This is the kind of album that makes the 1001 albums a really cool thing to get into -- discovering gems that got lost to time (at least to me). It starts so ethereal, reminds me of 70s television interstitials. I dig the theremin sounds. Space-age-y. Really dig this one, easy 5*.
Never heard Portishead before. This is mellow, not really my jam with the airy singing. Has potential and similarities to other music I enjoy, but meh. 2*. Enjoyed: the rip (reminds me of Simulation Theory Muse) Did not enjoy: dissonance in we carry on, magic doers
Sounds like a musical, some epic orchestration. Overall, it's ok. Not sure why it's on this list. 2*, not 1* because it's not total garbage like some albums on this list. Highlights: everybody knows Like wtf is this: If you were a dog I'd feed you scraps from off the table Though my wife complains If you were my dog
A solid, soulful rock album. His singing reminds me of Radiohead/Thom Yorke at times (dream brother!). Great range and variation. It's amazing this came out in the 90s, it sounds so much more modern. A solid 4*. The jump from corpus christi carol to eternal life was jarring and a clear example of the variety in this album. When I saw he died young I quickly assumed drug OD, but reading about his death it's tragic and a huge loss. Highlights: last goodbye, hallelujah (a haunting version)
Strong surfer rock vibes from "I'd like to know." Overall a fun, high energy album, but I'm not sure why it's on the list. Highlights: Alright (I loved this song!)
Woof, country, getting through this might suck. It starts super generic, and continues to sound super vanilla in the production. It's also very telling when the first song Spotify plays after an album is already miles better than the last 40min-1hr of listening (Mama tried, Merle Haggard -- and I really don't like country).
Surprised to see this one before Elephant. It started strong, but got weak in the back half. I appreciate them branching out but meh. 3*. Highlights: blue orchid (goes hard for an opener), my doorbell, the denial twist (similar groove to my doorbell)
Another "advent of punk" album? Ice cold ice kind of reminds me of Green Day, lots of it reminds me of REM. Meh overall, why is this here, 2*.
Another whole lot of what? Why is this here? 2* Once again, Spotify took me to something better after this, aka Duran Duran. Enjoyed: a foreign place
That is a crazy list of accolades. The fact that it's a live album from the 60s makes the audio quality pretty bad, and the screaming is just ugh. You can feel James Brown's energy, and it's crazy that this is such an early album. Overall didn't wow me though, 3*.
Never listened to Steely Dan, except maybe in passing. A very chill album, I feel like I'd hear this on vacation or a long road trip. Enjoyable, 4* I recognize: do it again, dirty work (enjoyed it), fire in the hole (piano)
The original girl from Ipanema! Rest of the album has a very mellow, chill sound, but kind of repetitive. Nothing blows my mind.
Why did I think kraftwek was a more modern group? This album/band is from the 70s! After oxygene maybe I'm a sucker for old school electronic music. This albums feels like a good prototype of other albums I'd enjoy, 3*. Enjoyed: the groove of autobahn (but then it got weird around halfway through. Such a goofy song)
This is a longboi. Singer reminds me of the yeah yeah yeahs. Good energy and drive but I'm not sure why this is here. Not going into my favorites, but the vocals are great, 3*. It starts very punk rock, then stop your sobbing is like a pop bonanza. Recognize: brass in pocket
BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP YEAH! Oh damn. Back in the day when I binged the Beatles for 6 months, this was my favorite album; it felt like their first departure from the boy band look/sound and they'd stopped touring at this point. Let's see how it holds up now for me. Fuck it, easy 5* for me. Instantly in a good mood with Drive my car. Norwegian wood just has a great guitar groove. You won't see me: I was always more inclined toward Paul songs. Nowhere man: obsessed. Why did I just praise Paul, when this and In my life are in this album?? Think for yourself: even when I'm not a fan of early George songs, this is still great and catchy Michelle: so lovely. Also all the harmonies in the album are so on point. Girl: another John great All my life is such a GOAT track. All good, 5*.
Yo what’s up with the album cover? The album is good vibes, but not mind blowing. 3* because I enjoy this sound. Highlights: big sleep
I don’t know any of the songs on this one. Nevemrind, I recognize and enjoy Knives out. The rest is a little too experimental for me to enjoy. 2*. Sax on the last song was interesting.
Repetitive soundscapes with bad singing. I just don’t think I like the velvet underground. Cool Andy Warhol cover though? Finishing it was rough, wth was that last track?
Song 2! Except apparently this is nothing like the rest of the album, let’s see. Have to agree, all very different from song 2, which is unreal how hard it goes. The rest of the album was ok, 3*. Highlights: beetlebum, song 2
First Bowie album here. Very instrumental, kind of meh. Second half is very atmospheric. Maybe ahead of its time or something. 2*.
Cherub rock is such a great opener. Highlights: cherub rock, today, disarm, silverfuck (love some good drum drives)
1.5hrs? Woof. Impressive that he did all instruments. I recognize I saw the light. Enjoyed: couldn't I just tell you Overall ok, just a lot of genres/styles going on, 2.5* rounded up.
Very 90s grunge, solid sound. 3* because I enjoy the sound, but nothing really blows my mind, no tracks really jump out at me.. Enjoyed: would?
This was ok? It kind of came and went and didn't stand out to me, but her voice is great. 2*
The Fela Kuti influence is clear in this one, but not as good. Overall rough, not much stood out to me. 2*.
I feel like this album is here in the sense of Madonna's evolution, but on its own it's just ok., feels like a product of its time. I hear some things I enjoy. I also think it's from the time she worked on the Austin Powers soundtrack, a song I adore. Highlights: ray of light, frozen
Terrible singing, rough to get through. Based on the wiki, I can't tell why this is here. Ramblings of a crazy man (for 1 hr!).
Clean voice, enjoyable, Cool orchestral elements. 3*. I just don't think I'm a Neil Young fan.
I can see this will be a genre/era of my liking. Digging the intro, but iffy on the falsetto-y singing Enjoyable sound, 3* Enjoyed: the fun powder plot, underbelly (ended too abruptly though)
What's up with the random mumbling and talking? Has some musically fun moments, but nothing outstanding. 2* One of these things : sweet home alabama
That description is OOOF. Track 1 (GYAHHHH) and I'm already struggling. 2nd track, all I hear is yelling and power tools. 1*, no question. Another, "oh this is so unique and groundbreaking, you must listen before you die" with no consideration for quality. FUUUUCK a whole hour of this. I had to keep reminding myself to not skip tracks to power through this. I see now that this is the lowest rated album here, so I guess I have better albums to look forward to!
Enjoying the sound of this one. Today I woke up dazed and exhausted from work, so this hit the spot on a Friday morning. 4* Enjoyed: waitin for the bus, la grange I feel like I'm no consistent with some of these ratings; a lot gets tied to how that album hits that day.
A pile of meh. I don't get this, why is this here? Another album that just kind of came and went.
Once again the wiki leaves me doubtful. Big ol' YAWN, a lot of moping for 1/2 hour.
Finally something a little more different and new after a string of kinda meh albums. Strong 70s vibes, very refreshing, can't pinpoint the genre across the whole album. This whole album is a vibe -- maybe I'm just glad to hear something I enjoyed and therefore giving it a 4*
Ok cool, this will be something different. Confused as to the title not matching the album cover on this page, so I hoped I grabbed the right one. This guy has a massive discography. Already vibing with the first track. My unaccustomed ears would argue all these songs sound very similar. But I'm glad every time this project introduces me to something not American/British. Enjoying the sound though, 4*
A snoozefest album, why is this here, pretty unremarkable. Hard to pin down the genre as I went along. I will say, it did get more interesting by tracks 2-3. 2* because I don't hate it. Ok, I take it back, 3*. It got better as it went along. Refreshing sound. Highlights: euro child, heat miser (+piano, -breathing)
Very meh in ways I can't describe. I'm ok with moaning on a guitar, but this ain't it. 2* I was glad when I got to the last song, then realized I had the album on shuffle so I have no idea what I did/didn't listen to, so I went back to the top. Bahhumbug.
First time listening to a whole Aretha album. Chain of fools already starts so iconic. Incredible, clean voice. 4* only because it's not my type of album, but I have no complaints about it. Added to library. Highlights: chain of fools
I dig the guitar in this album, very soothing. I think this came at the right time for me. 4* because not in fave album territory, but very enjoyable.
Have heard some of these before, but not the whole album. Dude on the cover always looks like Adam Sandler to me. Great energy in this album. Highlights: mardy bum.
Hm, two versions of this album, going with UK version. This sounds nothing like any famous RS song I've heard before. It's not very good at all, even if different for the RS. Inclined to 2* (1.5 rounded up) 3 tracks in. Maybe I should have listened to the US version with paint it black, and that would have earned it another 0.5 star.
Oh boo, my review didn't get cached. Another great, this one with RESPECT, but not my kind of fave album.
Hold up, this is a thing? I freaking love Mussorgsky's piece + the Ravel orchestral adaptation, so this will be incredibly biased if they do it justice. Honestly super refreshing. Adding lyrics is kind of interesting, but also kind of works. Sucks that the oxen, my fave movement, did not make it. Highlights: blues variation, curse of baba yaga 3* because of a fresh take on a classical fave of mine, but not all great. Lyrics were not necessary.
I love the beach boys but never heard of this before. I hear a lot of the harmonizing goodness. This was enjoyable, with some tracks having the BB charm, but not as good as the OG. 3*.
Highlights: blitzkrieg bop (iconic) Beat on the brat -- fun to hear after playing Cyberpunk This sounds clean and polished for a first album, especially for a punk group. Solid album, 3*. It's repetitive, obviously their trademark style. Maybe this is a good running album as the BPM is so steady.
I only know "red red wine" from UB40. Every song feels endlessly repetitive. 1 hr of this was unghhhhh
Refreshing after the last repetitive-ass album from UB40. You can tell how much more experimental this is. Sax in the national anthem? I think I lean more toward the earlier Radiohead sound. Highlights: everything in its right place, how to disappear completely
Oh wow, lots of classic ACDC in this one. I just don't like the singing of ACDC (I just learned they switched singers during this album), but musically I dig this album. 3*. It's also too dude-y for me.
Excited for this one, I like some arcade fire songs but never dug into their albums (a common theme in this exercise). Wall of sound. Enjoyable, but it does get a bit weaker after the first couple of tracks. 4*. I would typically give albums like this a 3*, but I'm too biased toward early 10s alternative. Highlights: the suburbs, ready to start
It's on the minimal side; has some features of electronic I enjoy, but not breaking into favorite album territory. I couldn't believe how long the first track went on for, and every track thereafter. I generally enjoy this type of music, but this just went on too long. Again, not a 1001 thing you should listen to before you die, not missing anything by not listening to this. 2* Skipped the last 2 edit tracks in the end, I was done. Daft Punk's 'Around the world' is less repetitive than this.
Have heard of these guys but never any of their music. This album is great vibes, 4* Highlights: cheap day return
I'm not huge on the rolling stones, this is ok. 2*. Highlight: you can't always get what you want I had Spotify on shuffle and missed half the album. Went back to the beginning and my opinion hasn't changed. Something about these guys doing honky tonk is meh. Good for them for branching out, but meh. Only the highlight stands out.
I see avant garde, I become suspicious. The singing in the first track is already rough, I can't imagine it gets any better. The singing makes this album unbearable. Another why the fuck is this here?
Ace of spades goes pretty hard. The rest of instrumentals and vocals feel a little repetitive, nothing special here. 2*
Generic '60s cover album. She's a good singer, but nothing outstanding here. Why is this here? I should keep track of how many times I've asked myself this, probably 10+ times so far. 2* for not being terrible.
This is fine? Another nothing-burger IMO, but not trash, so 2*. Fuuuuck that last track, annoying self-serving, rambling mess.
Didn't know any of these Aerosmith songs before this album. Enjoyed it more than I thought I would. 4* Highlights: last child
Amazed that this is from the 80s, could have come out 2008-2014. Some Cure vibes. Really digging this album. This is why I like doing this project, for discovering albums I really enjoy like this. too bad it happens like once a month and >30% of what I come across is terrible. 5*. Good vibes, pleasant sound, enough variety. Highlights: waterfall, i wanna be adored, this is the one, guitars in i am the resurrection
I just don't like the Rolling Stones -- I keep finding myself not enjoying their songs that didn't stay in the mainstream. Maybe they were revolutionary for their time, but I can't get into them. This is my 3rd or 4th album from them, and no dice. 2*. One thing I'm learning is that the Rolling Stones drew from blues waaay more than I thought. Highlights: sweet virginia
Dude, I don't even know. Angry german yelling. Maybe yelling is an overstatement. Why is this here?
I didn't know the Byrds did country? At least this is my first exposure to them. It's ok, nothing groundbreaking. Endless country crap.
Refreshing after the last couple crappy albums. Solid, a good sound, but not many super memorable tracks 3* Highlights: common people
This is a goofy, very 80s album. A lot of variety here, all over the place. 3* because not fave album territory. Highlights: relax (zoolander!), born to run (sounds like something out of a musical), bang
This was ok, but not sure why it's here. I read a comment that this list skews heavily toward the late 60s, but there's so much good stuff in other decades! Very blah, nothing interesting, has not held up the test of time. 2*. Ok, I got less salty as this went along, this is an alright 60s record, 3*. Highlights: kicks, all i really need is you
Solid live album, great energy, but very long for the number of tracks. Child in time and Strange kind of woman had wayyy too much yelling/squealing. 3* Actually, this went on too long, self-gratuitous, reminds me of another album like it. Smoke on the water was also not outstanding vs. the album version. 2*.
I don't know much Bowie, except a couple songs. I think this album is on here because of his return after a long hiatus, but I'm not sure any of it is super outstanding to me. This list needs to be more discerning with artists with multiple great albums; we don't need every entry of their catalogue. 2*
Joy division only had 2 albums? TIL. After that one album cover went everywhere, I thought they had more. This is angry ranting over some ok-ish background music. Felt like the same song throughout.
This project has intro'd me to the whole Cosby/Stills/Nash/Young thing. Enjoyable album. Highlights: love the one you're with
So many classics on this one. I'd never heard their version of BOTW, and it gave me chills, and I was only 2/3 through the song. As I continued listening to this album, almost every song was excellent, and I feel like the ones I didn't love right away would just take a few more listens. Top to bottom wonderful. Highlights: bridge over troubled water, el condor pasa, cecilia, the boxer, the only living boy in new york (harmonies!)
Starts off solid, then it's kind of so-so. Good groove on funny vibe, giving me Cory Wong vibes in the back half of the album. After cult of personality every song felt very different, did not hate the sound. Highlights: cult of personality, funny vibe (good groove), broken hearts
Sounds clean, but album was putting me to sleep. I'm sure this was iconic in its time, but not sure now. 2*
At least two iconic songs in this one, mainly from commercials. A fun, high energy album. 4* Highlights: our lips are sealed, we got the beat
First Jimi album on here for me, and an iconic one. Not necessarily my type of album, but I acknowledge the iconic nature of it, especially for its time. 3* Highlights: the wind cries mary, foxey lady
The police but make it like background coffee shop music. It's pleasant background 80s music, maybe this would fit some TV show. Not sure why this had to be called out on this list, but I don't hate it. Beige music.
Very fun, high energy album. I'm biased but feel like I need to give anything non-anglo-centric a higher rating. but this is such a fun album. Love these kinds of discoveries.
Oh, nice more Smashing Pumpkins! Have never done this album end to end, so looking forward to the journey. Lots of classic smashing pumpkins on this one. Not every song was amazing, but an overall enjoyable album. very diverse but within a sound. 4* Tonight tonight after the piano intro is a really cool ease into the album. Highlights: tonight tonight, 1979 (goes so hard, timeless), zero, bullet with butterfly wings
Post-punk is just not for me. 2*
I'm biased toward this period/genre of music but this album is kinda bland and boring. Some songs are ok, 2.5 rounded up to 3*. Highlights: memory boy, he would have laughed
She's a solid vocalist, and walked so that so many modern female vocalists could run, but the album is just ok. 2* Highlights: harry's house (jazz!)
Didn't know what to expect. A nice musical journey, great instrumentation; what genre is this? 4*. Lots of great songs but also very long. Highlights: chicago, they are night zombies
Ok reggae album, nothing blew my mind. 2*
This sounds like generic 90s techno, but not as fun as euro pop. Default tracks on a yamaha keyboard. Lyrics are bad (I CAN MOVE ANY MOUNTAIN). Why is this here? I would give this 2* for not being complete garbage, but I just gave a much more decent reggae album 2*, so this gets 1.
Ok, Guitar grooves that remind me of my favorite Beatles period. Has some good moments, but the off-key vocals don't quite work for me. Highlights: she's bought a hat, shangrila, australia
Oooh, something very recent. The awards confuse me because it sounds like a lot of what's on the radio these days. It's a nice sound, but nothing outstanding. 2.5*
Classic early metal album, without being obnoxious dad rock from this period. 3* Highlights: war pigs, paranoid
I've liked some of slipknot's stuff, so looking forward to this one. It taps into my nu-metal teenage years, can't say it's something I'd seek out these days. Def have to be in the right mood to hit this now. The drums are freaking fantastic, great energy throughout. 3* (docking because scissors/eeyore was a little too rough for me). Highlights: sic, wait and bleed
More Beatles! Still from their early era but getting closer to their mid-Beatles era that is my favorite. Lots of songs I love but many that are just ok to me, so 4*. Beatles will always skew higher for me. Highlights: i should have known better, if i fell (paul's voice cracking near the end), and i love her, you can't do that (everybody's greeeeen)
Off the bat, liking the sound compared to many 80s albums on here. Wait, this is late 70s, even better. I'm vibing with this on a Monday morning. Very clean, inclined to 3.5* rounded up. Love her voice, fits very well. Highlights: one way or another (a classic), heart of glass
Country... sigh. I'll give everything here a shot, but idk. All kinda same-y, just ok. I just haven't found country I didn't find boring and uninteresting. 2*
I recognize Rikki don't lose that number. Overall this is ok background dad rock you'd hear at a doctor's office. 3* (I have to give this more than the last snoozefest country album I heard -- I hate that I can't even be consistent with my own ratings). East St Louis came out of nowhere, enjoyed it.
Off the bat this kind of sucks, I just have a low tolerance for mediocre vocals. A rambling album, maybe it would be ok without the vocals. 1* because this was much longer than it needed to be, it was torture. After a while I felt like I kept hearing the same guitar riff. 70s rock of jerking off to your guitar for several hours needs to stop. I'm learning psychedelic rock may not be for me. If I had to listen to this live, I would need copious amounts of drugs in me. Or a sleeping pill. I skipped the 3 alternate versions at the end. When they said "see you" in the last song, I took them up on it.
Had to go to YT for this one. Based on the description I wasn't expecting much, but it sounds very clean and better than some other pop 60s album I've heard on here. It's ok, 2*, nothing outstanding. Just another album that is the precursor to bigger and better things. Cuckoo came out of nowhere.
I see Damon Albarn, I'm intrigued Enjoying the sound, something very different. 3* because not sure about fave album territory.
Alright album, sounds like 3*. Enjoyed the ride but it came and went. Highlights: walk on the wild side
Enjoyable sound, don't know much about the dude. 3* Highlights: the national front disco
Sing is one of my all-time favorite songs, but it's not in this one. As you are sounds a ton like Thom Yorke. This is ok, kind of meh. Enjoyable enough, but to me is proto-other-albums-I-like. Not sure why it deserved to be on this list. I want to give it a 2.5, since it's the kind of sound I enjoy but not that good. There's a secret track at the end, which feels like something form a bygone era. Highlights: turn
Let me get this out of the way: Kanye is a self-centered asshole. Always has been. I feel like I need to make this disclaimer every time a Kanye album comes up. But I really like this one. It's objectively full of bangers. It's also sort of nostalgic to me, based on when it was introduced to me (being 0% into hip hop prior to this). Easy 5* on the music alone. The outro of blame game is so weird (is that chris rock?). Also bon iver is in this album?! Highlights: dark fantasy, power, all of the lights, monster, runaway
A fun, good vibes album. Weird to see something called a "gay album." I get excited when anything not from the 60s-80s pops up on here. Mary feels like a more modern Elton John song. 4* Highlights: take your mama
This album is a little out there for me, but seems very ahead of its time (or prime for its time because this was 1994 and things were shifting?). 2* 'The becoming' gives Doom vibes. 'I do not want this' was too much angry white man rock (not that I'm against it, but meh). I think I'd need many listens to follow the concept, I'm too tired today. Highlights: closer
Nice instrumentals, and I can get behind a lady with a deeper voice, especially from this era. However, it was very samey after a while, 2*.
Woaaah, bittersweet symphony has been popping up a lot in my life these past couple of weeks, crazy! Let's see if the rest of the album holds up as well. Very Oasis reminiscent. Catching the butterfly sounds proto-Muse. Overall enjoyable album, 3*. It's interesting that this is such a high selling album; I think that is all an artifact of an era where you had to buy the whole album for just one song,, you couldn't pick and choose like we do with streaming. This means these guys had one amazing banger and that's that. A la tubthumping. The hidden track was weird. Highlights: bittersweet symphony
High energy album. I feel like Aerosmith sounds one way and that's kind of it. I tend to not pay attention to lyrics on first listen, rating based on vibes only, so I'm not deducting points for horny lyrics. Highlights: love in an elevator (sadly because of Disney Hollywood Studios), Janie's got a gun
Oh fuck yes, GOOD Coldplay. Yes, I'm one of those people, I don't like the direction they took musically after 2007ish; it's just not for me. I love this era, and this album has many of my all-around favorite songs. I'd say the rest of the album is too mopey for me though. Highlights: shiver, yellow, everything is not lost
This album felt like a trip, I didn't know where it was going at any point in time, but I enjoyed the sound overall. 4* Highlights: plug tunin, me myself and i
A chill, funky album. 3* Enjoyed: rainy day
Immigrant song as an opener goes HARD. The rest was nice but did not blow my mind like other LZ albums here. 3* Highlights: immigrant song,
I first started liking U2 around this album, lots of songs I enjoy in this one. The sound solidly brings me to the early 2000s. Some goofy lyrics but very catchy songs. The back half may not slap as hard but is still enjoyable. 4*. Highlights: beautiful day, walk on, stuck in a moment, elevation
Oh I know le freak! Fun, makes me think of disco even though it's R&B. Or is that what disco was? White people discovering rhythm? Overall a fun little album but I'm not sure why it's on this list. 3* Highlights: le freak, savoir faire
First exposure to Bjork. It's different but not as weird as I expected, it's ok. Ended abruptly. 3* Her legs in the album cover creep me out.
Dreading the connotation this band has and their use of the confederate flag because fuck hate and racism. But just like I did for Kanye, I will rate this on musical merit. This is very much dad rock, a couple of decent songs, but I'm getting tired of this genre. 3*. Highlights: free bird, tuesday's gone
First full Police album. It's different and not at all what I thought they would sound like based on their greatest hits. Mother was weird. 3* Highlights: every breath you take, synchronicity 2
This is like solid 90s basic electronic tracks - like the stuff you'd layer under other stuff. It's ok but now sounds dated. Not sure why it's on here. The talking also didn't help. Radio 7 started with potential (seemed like a cool Bond remix incoming), but then went back and defaulted to the same patterns. 2*
Second Bjork in the same week? I respect her being out there and enjoyed the instrumentation (harp?!), but this wasn't for me. 2*
Damn, the description is foreboding, this is not gonna be a good time. In this 1001-album process I look forward to the 5* gems I find about once every two weeks, but there's also atrocious garbage that is **unique** that I endure. 1 minute into this album and I know this is the latter. Solid 1* I think musical talent is somewhere in here, but it's put together in a completely unappealing way. Pena was atrocious.
This is ok, this singer-songwriter stuff is not necessarily my jam. 2* Too dull. I fail to see how this is different from the female songwriter stuff (Nico) I got a week or so ago. I enjoyed So long, Marianne because we actually had other voices than just LC+guitar.
Very smooth, I don't get all the hate in the other reviews. This is my first album after a two-week hiatus, and I'm not upset.
Enjoyable but sounded kinda quiet, not sure how to explain. Reminiscent of many bands I enjoy but not sure why this is on here. I could hear some proto-SOAD, proto-Incubus, stone temple pilots.
This is ok. Didn't hate, didn't blow my mind. Wanted to understand the hype, but didn't see it. Very long album.
GB yellow brick road has had a chokehold on me ever since I saw the Rocketman movie on my way back from Taiwan last year. Adore that song. I really appreciate Elton now. This album just has so many bangers it's hard to give it anything less than 5*. I knew the hits would be highlights for me, but I also really enjoyed many other tracks. Even Jamaica jerk-off, if you forget for a sec that this is Elton John, is a really enjoyable song. Album dips a little in the middle, and I didn't love the country-ish tracks (roy rogers and social disease). Highlights: goodbye yellow brick road, candle in the wind, bennie and the jets, funeral for a friend/love lies bleeding, saturday night's alright for fighting, grey seal
I can't not be biased by nostalgia. Britney is my pump-up music these days. As an album it may be too saccharine and not hold up the test of time, but I can't review this album in a vacuum. It opens very strong with baby one more time, crazy, sometimes, born to make you happy. Soda pop was surprisingly catchy.
Excited any time I see non-anglo music on here. Could've done without the Imagine cover, but otherwise the album is fun and upbeat. 4* Not on spotify, and the youtube playlist I found had some skippy tracks, but that's not the album's fault.
This album also sounded kinda quiet? The whole subdued voice+guitar/barely audible thing just never slaps. It was ok, not sure why it's on here, nothing outstanding. 2*
This is very long, but looking forward to this kind of collaboration as an orchestra person. No vocals, which is a very cool take on Metallica. Oh JK, some vocals start in track 3, maybe I would have liked it more if it was all instrumental. Master of puppets sounds like Doom soundtrack.
Only 2 songs? Enjoyed jazz, or whatever subgenre of jazz this is meant to be.
Wow, an iconic hip hop album. Not my genre, but good beats throughout. Highlights: straight outta compton, express yourself
Enjoyed the sound. Highlights: daydreamin, hurt me soul
Never heard of this before, but then Default came on and it felt like out of the recesses of my mind. Great track. Enjoyable overall.
I hear Thundercat in the first track, nice. Thundercat came into my radar thanks to this 1001 albums project. Hip hop is not a genre I listen to, so I have a hard time rating these albums (what's good? what's not?). Overall I enjoyed this.
First thought: I don't recognize any of these titles. Second thought (upon hitting play): oooh I know Devil's haircut! I guess Beck is just always in my subconscious. I don't love Beck's (lack of) singing, but his instrumentals are very catchy. Enjoyed about half the album, 3*. Highlights: devil's haircut, the new pollution, where it's at
I first heard the title track last week and enjoyed it. Off the bat I'm digging the sound of Flight test. I have not a huge sense of the Flaming Lips coming into this. This album is a vibe, loved it. 5* Highlights: yoshimi battles the pink robots pt1, flight test, do you realize
Second Nick Cave album in two weeks? I guess Murder Ballads is an apt title based on the first song alone; this could be in a horror movie or a depressing musical. This is ok but not my jam, 2*. This album has Kylie Minogue in it?! Highlights: the curse of millhaven, death is not the end (for the fee-fees it gave me)
Oh, this is gonna hit hard on a Friday. Super enjoyable vibes, wish it was longer. 5*. I've been hearing enjoy the silence for forever, but all of this still sounds so fresh. No bad tracks. Highlights: personal jesus, enjoy the silence (<3)
Not sure how I felt while listening to this. 2*, just ok, but didn't invoke anything in me. Maybe proto-other-stuff-I-like, but meh. Highlight: the killing moon
Slipknot drums are badass. Big fan of the more harmonic aspects, less of the screamo aspects in my old middle age. Highlights: psychosocial
Hard to find this album. A fresh sound, enjoyable vibes. I'm always in for funk. 4* because a couple of meh tracks.
It makes me want the harmonization of the Mamas and the Papas. I like the instrumentation but everything else is kind of meh, hasn't held up over time. 2.5* rounded down, I think.
Never heard their music, but deceptacon sounded familiar right away. This sounds very 90s. Not my jam, but I don't hate it, 2* Highlights: deceptacon, slideshow at free university Metric came on after this and I was like, ah yes, this is a refined version of le tigre.
Something different, always good to see. Fresh and different - jazzy but modern. Great vibes, love finding stuff I've never heard of before. Maybe it's background-y, but very enjoyable. 5*
Ms Jackson! BOB, humble mumble, ? were also great. Did not enjoy the interludes and the rest of the tracks were ok, 3*.
Idk about this, just blah, why is this on here, etc. 2* It had some moments, I heard timpani at one point. The closer makes me think of a musical, but the album overall just came and went.
This feels proto-punk and Rolling stones. Have heard of this band but not their music. It somehow feels ahead of its time for 1970. A solid 3* because I don't see myself revisiting this. The last few minutes of this album were just fucking around with instruments, should have cut the recording sooner. Highlights: down on the street
First Johnny Cash album for me. His deep range is incredible to listen to, it comes so clean. I'm generally averse to country, but this I really enjoyed. The side commentary is pretty great. Cocaine blues with the prisoners reacting to the lyrics about shooting your wife is also hilariously excellent. Bonus for telling them they can't say "shit" because it's being recorded. This guy is a storyteller, and this performance is very rock and roll even if the guitar chords are pretty straightforward. 4* because not my genre, but a very enjoyable experience nonetheless. I'm glad it wasn't edited to just contain the songs. Highlights: folsom prison blues, cocaine blues
Not country again.... Why is this here? My ears didn't bleed, so 2*. But I honestly don't see what this pile of unseasoned mashed potatoes has to offer.
The Offspring puts on such a good show. Looking forward to listening to this album end to end. This album goes pretty hard and makes me want to rage a bit. 4* (from 4.5 rounded down). Highlights: gotta get away (drum intro), self esteem, come out and play, bad habit
Excited about this one, iconic in my life. Oasis is 90s brit rock. On nostalgia alone this album gets 5*. Is cast no shadow wonderwall in a minor key? Highlights: some might say, wonderwall (pretend it's the first time you're ever hearing it), don't look back in anger (absolute banger), champagne supernova (a vibe)
This is the white stripes album I thought would be on here, not the other one I already got. To this day I can't remember off hand if they were married or siblings. In the cold cold night make a lovely intermission. I want to be the boy(...) had a nice guitar groove. Enjoyable rock album. Highlights: seven nation army (an amazing opener with its stripped-down start), hardest button to button, in the cold cold night, i want to be the boy...
Many many years ago I tried some country albums to try to be open-minded since a bunch of my friends loved country, but it just isn't for me 99% of the time. Spotify still thinks I want country in my daily/weekly rollups. Anyway, Kacey Musgraves vocals kind of remind of Dolly, but the music itself feels more folksy/indie (like early 2000s female vocalists). She's a good vocalist, but I'm not sure this album belongs on this list. Dentist office music.
This band and album are completely new to me. I hate that spotify has this 1 sec gap between tracks when it's clearly an album that all flows together. It's super disruptive. Read that this is rock, but there's a lot of orchestral instruments, so I don't know how to categorize it. Reminds me of late Beatles maybe. I enjoyed the overall vibes. Highlights: sacrificial bonfire
Dad rock. Not super interesting and I don't hear the few songs of his I know. Meh. 2*.
A chill jazz album, nothing wrong with it. I don't know a lot about jazz to know why this album is on here, but I have no notes. 5*
Never heard of this, didn't know what to expect. Sounds like a fun band to see live, good energy in the album. Would fit in the tony hawk pro skater soundtrack. It all sounded very similar, 3*
My first sonic youth album. Teen age riot reminds me of the strokes. Very instrumental, which grew on me by 'cross the breeze. I think I enjoyed the instrumentals more than the vocals on this album. There are occasional moments that are really neat (eric's trip, intro to 'cross the breeze). 2.5 rounded up to 3* Enjoyed total trash. Back half of the album got too "noisy" for me.
Wow, from the first beat I'm in. 2nd jazz album this week and I'm not upset. Instrumental, enjoyable albums are always high stars for me. 5* Highlight: inner crisis Ingoo pow-pow came out of nowhere -- i know the description says afrobeat but I didn't get any of that in the other tracks.
A lot of discordant noise. Meh. Enjoyed Chapel Hill because it was the least noisy nonsense in this album.
First Elvis Costello album. This was kind of meh. I don't take as much issue with his voice as others do, but none of these tracks were interesting. Chord progressions felt kind of basic? Sounds like a cover band at a karaoke bar, not sure why it's on here.
Looks like a long, but iconic album. I'm hearing trumpets do something I've never heard before (black and tan fantasy). The music is outstanding but the live-ness and talking in this adds no value unfortunately. After Cash's prison album nothing holds a candle to that kind of live album. 4.5 rounded up to 5* because the spoken interludes can be so cringy at times. Like, people started to riot? IDK, maybe I don't go to cool enough concerts. The musical artistry is impeccable.
Oh, this sounds fresh. This is why I like this project because knowing very little about hip hop, I get introduced to some great albums. I like the teases of other songs (footprints intro, can i kick it). 4* Highlights: luck of lucien, can i kick it
This was playing out loud from PC speakers for a solid 2 minutes before I realized why it sounded so muted on my noise cancelling headphones. At least it's not the cringiest thing one could play out loud in the office. This is very meh, unclear why it's here, maybe unique for its time. Waiting room music these days. 2*
I saw it was punk and wasn't super stoked, but it's very funky which is right up my alley. Some songs are ska, which was enjoyable. The jackass theme song is from this album?! A lot of good moments, some bleh. I will say that because the songs are short the whole thing being long wasn't overwhelming like similar length albums. 3* Highlights: viet nam, corona, my heart and the real world
This is nice, she has a nice voice, but the album just doesn't do anything for me. 2* Enjoyed: raised on robbery
I went from Queen to this as I'm catching up with the weekend's albums. Some interesting instrumental things, but nothing super interesting, Enjoyed stay. 2*
I can get behind the genre, but not this. A lot sounded like noise. 2*
First Queen album here and this one has bohemian rhapsody? Excited to get into it. All the piano is so fun and different from other rock albums at the time. Reminds me of ELO. Lazing on a sunday afternoon is so goofy. Prophet song starts out ok, but there's some cool harmonies and solos in the back half that remind me of bohemian rhapsody. Great lead in to love of my life. Lot of good stuff in here, but not a top-to-bottom perfect album for me, so 4*. I was trying to imagine what it would be like to hear BR for the first time in this album -- something that's worth doing with songs you've heard 100s of times -- the beginning is very similar to a lot of this album, but once the guitar kicks in at 2:40 it's a completely different ballgame. What a beast of a song. Highlights: you're my best friend, bohemian rhapsody (duh), seaside rendezvous (very out there for what I know of Queen, but they pull it off), prophet's song, love of my life (Freddie's voice!)
It has the CCR growl/voice. It's ok, but all songs sound very similar. 3* because it's enjoyable. Enjoyed: bad moon rising
Sounds like early 90s grunge, but still from the 80s, sounds ahead of its time. Clean, different (for its time), I didn't not enjoy it.. 3* Not higher because not a sound I super enjoy and was a little repetitive. Vocals sound whiny after a while. Idiots rule had some brass, which was cool. Thank you boys seemed random, but then I remembered albums used to do this, have this off track toward the end that didn't match anything else. Highlights: mountain song, jane says
Wtf even is this? She's not a good singer, or maybe I just don't like her nasally voice -- sounds like dive bar karaoke? 1* This was somehow a worse version of working class hero. This album has no redeeming qualities for me.
Singer reminds me of Tom Petty. The weird part is the song I was thinking the first song sounded like was "red eyes" (in this album) which is actually a WOD song and not Petty's. Enjoyed the sound, but nothing super stood out to me, some of it was very aerial and understated. 3* Highlights: red eyes (probably the most upbeat song in this album), burning (slow start but eventually gets good)
A very enjoyable jazz album. Not 5* because I don't know if I'd go back to it.
Haven't heard of the zombies before, but I really enjoyed the harmonies. Reminds me a lot of the Beach Boys. 3* because it's in the right direction but not enough. Highlights: a rose for emily, this will be our year (I heard the ok go cover first)
First time listening to the album as a whole. Smells like teen spirit goes hard as an opener. Highlights: SLTS, in bloom, lithium, on a plain... actually I give up, this album is great top to bottom, 5*. Actually did not know most of the back half of this album, but has the same Nirvana magic. A lot of other albums from the era try to emulate this, but this album is just so good and in a league of its own. Hard not to give this 5*, unless Nirvana is just not your genre. Endless nameless was the one track I didn't like.
I have no idea what to make of this. Too experimental/psychedelic for me. Album was a drag. 2*
Another one that I haven't heard as an album, only random songs here and there. It starts off so very 90s. Outside the songs I already knew and liked, the rest all sounded very similar - the start of GD's signature sound but not quite their peak. 4* Highlights (songs I already liked): longview, she, fod, basket case, welcome to paradise
I want fudge :( Didn't enjoy the singing or music in this one, didn't do it for me, like pulling teeth to get through, 1* Don't fade IV made me feel physically uncomfortable. Legit couldn't wait for this to be over, I could feel the anxiety creeping.
Not sure I like this as much as S+G work. Good for him for branching out. Backing vocals in Diamonds on the soles reminded me of the Nickelodeon theme song. The songs I enjoyed the most here were the more african-influenced ones. 3* Highlights: gumboots, homeless
Love maps and y control, excited to get into this whole album. I miss this era of music. Hm, I liked it less than I thought I would.
Thank you fellow reviewers for making me notice the blackface on the cover, wtf. Kind of a fun album, said ska but not what I expected.
The sound mixing of this album (or maybe it's just spotify) made it so quiet on all the vocals. This is ok, 2* Enjoyed: dreamer
Very Caribbean -- love hearing different genres on here. This one sounds timeless. 3* because it doesn't surpass some other albums I've really enjoyed.
Sounds like a lot of late 90s alt radio female singers. Not sure why this one was special enough to land on this list. Reminds me I think of Sheryl Crowe. Pretty mid, then it got more country and more on my shit list. 1*
First TSwift album, I guess I'll do the original because Taylor's version is 2x as long. I've liked some of her songs but never got the rabid hype, she just isn't for me, but I respect what she's done. 3* Highlights: blank space (starbucks lovers, every time), shake it off, bad blood (maybe I'd like these more if radio didn't overplay them), this love
Enjoyed the first half of the album more than the second half; this was ok.
Don't know what to say about this. It was pleasant, and very cool to know that it pioneered ambient music. Of all "pioneering" albums I've heard on here, I liked this one a lot, but it's, by definition, background music.
Fun album, 3*. Nothing that blew my mind, but enjoyed listening to it. Some lyrics were super silly. Highlights: soul flower
Loving the intro, not knowing what I'm getting into. Enjoyed the instrumentation and vocals of this album. 4* Highlights: roundabout, we have heaven
Love an album with a killer opening. I think I judged this harshly based on thinking this was yet another 80s dad rock album, but I dug the tracks. 4* Highlights: tom sawyer, yyz, the camera eye
I can see how this album was vilified if it was the first thing that came out when the Beatles broke up. It doesn't sound as good as later McCartney work, and a lot sounds like unpolished demos or musical ideas. However, you can still hear Macca's musical chops in the variety of styles he threw into this. 3* because the ideas that are in here are great on their own. If every song was as polished as "maybe i'm amazed", this album would be a hard 5/5. Highlights: junk, oo you, maybe im amazed
Some fun songs I already knew in this one. Back half of the album came and went for me, 3* Highlights: e-pro, girl
Some good tracks, did not need the sex skits. When these old hip hop albums come up I don't pay too much attention to the lyrics and judge on vibes only, otherwise a lot of shit would get 1/5. 2* (would be 3 but the sex). Enjoyed: big poppa Worst tracks: fuck me, respect
This one came and went, enjoyed the vibe. Some tracks were missing in Spotify/YT but I got the gist. 2*
Damn, what a controversial album cover for the 90s. This was ok, has a lot of elements of other music I like, but nothing super outstanding. 2* Damnit, I had it on shuffle and not even sure where it started or ended.
Maybe iconic for its time, but didn't do it for me. 2* Highlights: light my fire
Never heard him before. Having no contextual knowledge of him, this album feels pretty flat. Has elements of genres I enjoy, but in a blah package. The instrumentation had some good moments. 2*
50s to 60s music feels like such a dramatic shift. In the context of the 50s, this is super fun. I want to learn to dance to this. And as a Fallout fan, this has those vibes. The trumpeting is also great in this album. Silly lyrics all around. 4* Highlights: I'll be glad when you're dead
Because this is mellow, I'm enjoying it way more than prior VU albums on here. 3* The murder mystery made me anxious
Alright reggae album, nothing super stands out, maybe all very samey. 3* Highlights: stir it up
Oh hell yes, love me some SOAD, great to do their first album as a whole. I'm partial to later albums, but this one has a lot of elements that make SOAD so fun and refreshing vs. other bands in that era. This list better have Toxicity. 4* because it's not an all-bangers album for me. Highlights: sugar, mind
This is going to be an easy 5*, no question. Great to revisit since last time I binged the Beatles in 2009. This + Rubber Soul are my favorite Beatles era. I don't think I have any notes for this -- even the "weaker" songs are great (here there and everywhere has amazing harmonies), unlike prior albums where some songs/covers were lacking. Opening with Taxman goes hard (even with mainly George vocals!). Then Eleanor Rigby, a motherfucking classic with strings! Then I'm only sleeping, another song I adore because it brings me hard back to 2009. 3 back-to-back very different but amazing songs. I learned the for no one is only voice, piano, and french horn, how cool is that? More highlights (here I list practically every track): she said she said, and your bird can sing, FOR NO ONE, got to get you into my life, tomorrow never knows, i want to tell you Low lights: yellow submarine (because of its ubiquity), love you to (just not a fan of this category of George songs), doctor robert (but the carol-like harmonies!)
The second guy looks like Reagan. This is hard to judge -- I LITERALLY just listened to the Beatles' Revolver, and I feel like these 50s groups walked so the Beatles could run and fly. It's very much the predecessor of a lot of great rock 'n roll. 3* I loved the very simple percussion in Not Fade Away. Highlights: that'll be the day (only song I knew of Holly's and it still holds up)
it opens with monday, monday <3 Love me some mamas and the papas, but never heard an album of theirs as a whole. Very sad all the shit that was slung at Mama Cass. A few covers here, which was happening a lot in the 60s, but loved hearing the harmonies these guys added to these songs; fresh takes. 4* Highlights: monday monday, california dreamin, go where you wanna go, spanish harlem
Maybe this was ahead of its time, which is why it's on here? Idk, sounds very bland to me. Call hold music. 2* because I reserve 1* for albums I abhor.
Hotel california is a good song, but man is it overplayed. The rest of this album is a snoozefest of dad rock. 2* mainly because hotel california.
I don't think I had ever heard any of these FF songs except big me. You can tell the ingredients for FF are in here, but this is not them at their prime. 2* Highlights: big me
First Bob Dylan album for me, crazy that it’s his 30th. Also weird to start with something so late in his career. His voice is so rough. Highlights: standing in the doorway
An album full of demos, sounded ok but not needed before I die.
Wow, the first three songs are back to back bangers. I’ll never not like Where the streets have no name with its subtle start from nothing to that great guitar line. Didn’t know the rest of the songs but enjoyed what I heard. Atmospheric sounds and nice rising melodies. Doesn’t sound like it’s from the 80s. 5* Highlights: where the streets have no name, I still haven’t found what I’m looking for, with or without you
About 1/3 of the songs were missing in Spotify, but did not adore the rest enough to go seek them out. At moments it sounded like something from the 2000s (stroke it noel). Enjoyable but didn't blow my mind, 3*
The description sounds like John's therapy sessions. This was ok, more of an album that's on here because of who it's from than its contents. It ends very abruptly? Art, I guess. 2* Highlights: working class hero
Enjoyed this sound, never heard of this group before. 3*
It's alright, Neil Young/dad rock stuff. 3*
Ok, but like the NIN x Pink Floyd comments are pretty spot on. It also acquired Metallica growling. Meh.
This was ok, nothing outstanding, generic rock album maybe.
Have never heard this as a whole, only some songs. This version of Dumb was on my constant rotation back in high school. Went to YT to get the full experience. This album really showcases the voice Kurt Cobain had, with all its flawed pitches and roughness. Easy 5* I like how the wiki says these are "lesser known" songs, where they are all iconic/well-known songs now. Highlights: about a girl, come as you are, the man who sold the world, dumb, polly, on a plain, all apologies
Is that a nip on the cover? This was ok, kind of refreshing to not have this be fully autotuned. 2*
As usual with this project, I'm very uneducated on hip hop and have a hard time finding stuff that's above 3* for me. I recognize the icons that WTC are but still this is 2* for me.
Never heard of this. Kinda groaned when I saw yet another 60s artist I've never heard of, but actually ended up enjoying this quite a bit. Maybe it was the simplicity of vocals + guitar. 3* Highlights: smokey river, needle of death
Really enjoyed the instrumentals on this one. 4* Highlights: I've seen all good people, starship trooper, yours is no disgrace
I listened to this on a Saturday morning, gray day drive. Very fitting. Not the biggest Springsteen fan, but this is a good piece of Americana. The back half was a huge bummer though. 2.5* rounded down.
Outside the well-known highlights/hits, all the songs sound the same, like an AC/DC album. Axl’s voice is more annoying the more I hear it. Highlights: sweet child o mine, welcome to the jungle, paradise city
The Bowie education continues. Really enjoying the soul influences; a really rich record. Have to take 0.5* for butchering across the universe. 3.5* Highlights: young americans, somebody up there likes me, fame (1 and 3 I didn't even know were Bowie's)
I found a deluxe version of this album that was 2x longer, and noped back to the regular version. I like electronic, but this is like shitty Bjork, and I don't even like Bjork. Songs that are weirdly moany and sexual are a huge turn-off. 1*
Shitty Depeche Mode and 80s synth. Why is this here, 2*
Some reviewer on this website described this as "1001 albums the authors listened to" and I'm never going to forget that. This falls into that bucket. Nothing new or interesting here, it's ok. Also super hard to track down the album as a whole but I really don't want to. 2*
I don't think I would listen to this on a regular basis, but it's nice to be exposed to Sinatra and 50's swing. Puts me in a Bioshock/Fallout mood (anything goes!). 3* because not really my jam. I enjoyed how the album flowed.
I’m just not a Springsteen fan beyond Philadelphia. Born to run had good potential but when he started singing I was no longer into it.
Another one I don’t understand. Someone’s drunk karaoke uncle. 1*
Love white winter hymnal, so I'm excited to get into the whole album. A lovely album, 5*
The Byrds are ok; I always feel like I've heard it all before. The (lofi) girls screaming in the opening track kinda took me out. 3*
He sings nicely. I don't have the background knowledge as to why this guy is so despised. 3*
Too experimental/funky to my ears, like a circus and Sousa concert put together. 1* I wonder if it sold well because of the band's name.
Ok, I like instrumental jazz more.
Thought I would like this more because nostalgia, but beyond got the life/freak on a leash, I didn’t really enjoy this much. Very same-y and not in a way of “I would have liked this song a lot back then too”
Very long songs, not super enjoyable, but ok. Not something I needed before dying.
I've had a string of flops, so I'm excited to listen to this one as a whole for the first time. The fact that this is 60 years old is wild. 5* It's very atmospheric and would work very well in an IMAX theater with space footage playing. It may not be an album I return to often, but I recognize how grand it is. It has the overarching feeling of a symphony. Highlights: breathe, us and them (epic buildup, these dudes know how to use dynamics), brain damage
Didn't know Lenny's music outside of "are you gonna go my way"; this is a great listen. Kinda funky. 4* Highlights: let love rule, i build this garden for us
Take away the fact that this is John Lennon, the album is kinda meh outside the two songs I knew. It's Lennon dabbling in other genres and being kinda mid at it; Paul and George did better solo stuff. 2* Highlights: imagine, jealous guy
An opening song about allergies is definitely a choice. So is cars are cars. Nice Paul Simon though, 3* Highlights: heart and bones
Nothing super exciting in this electronic album, maybe it just hasn't held up for me. 2*
"Guarantee you anyone born after 1982 is not putting this in their 1001 albums to listen to list" was one of the reviews, and it was my initial gut reaction, but something about the bridge of "red rain" caught my interest. A nice listen,, but heavily too 80s for me 2* Highlight: in your eyes
S&G are so comforting. I just love their harmonies and guitars. I was trying to imagine what this combination of spices would taste like, and it seemed overwhelming. Highlights: scarborough fair, homeward bound, 59th street
The story of this album sounds wild. Never heard it as a whole, so I'm excited. I think this cements Paul's capabilities outside the Beatles. Easy 5* Highlights: band on the run (a banger, a masterpiece of many songs in one), jet, mrs vanderbilt, let me roll it
I love funk, and I'm instantly into this. 5* Watermelon man sounded familiar but I can't place it.
Super different from anything I've heard before, I can see how this precedes hip hop in some markets. I didn't love every track, but a lot I really enjoyed, good discovery. Maybe it's white people appropriating black music again (what isn't in the 20th century), but it is catchy. 4*
Were these guys hardcore vegetarians? It's very Smiths -- enjoyable sound but nothing stood out. 3* Barbarism begins at home had a nice bass groove.
This may be my first Dylan album. Nice sound, but I don't get the hype. 2*
So many Lebowski references in the reviews. Other than take it easy, the rest is very bland. Highlights: take it easy
Right away, I'm bummed. Why is this on here? 1* I will go by the wikipedia tracklist and refuse to sit through 2 hours of this crap. Was lazyitis trying to replicate the Beatles?
666 Goes hard, but not fully my thing. 3*
A little weird at the intro/outro, but started getting into it halfway through planet of the shapes. I can vibe with this, 4*
Nope, screaming and screeching for 40 minutes with no redeeming qualities for me. 1* I thought the album had one song that didn't suck, but my music player had actually moved on to sonic youth.
This is nice, some good soul/motown (?) moments. 3*
This was also nice but not my jam, good vocals. 3*
I was hesitant to get into this while driving (hip hop is not my go to), but I really vibed with this, 4* CHECK YO SELF BEFORE YOU WRECK YO SELF
This is fine, unremarkable. As another reviewer put it, this list fucking loves the 60s and puts in here anything that isn't the Beatles from that decade. This album, from any other decade, is a nothingburger.
This album has a lot of elements I enjoy, and nicely bridges 90s alternative and electronic. I was surprised to already know a couple of songs. A little mellow for me, but enjoyable. 4* Highlights: sexy boy, all i need, kelly watch the stars
Enjoyable album, lots of elements of music I enjoy. Instrumentals maybe like the Smiths. 3* Highlights from the deluxe version: the mrs robinson cover (apparently this is making me a S&G shill), knowing me knowing you (I'm also an ABBA shill and these guys make nice covers)
Not sure how this is different from other female hip hop albums from that era, but I enjoyed it. 3*
I know nothing about this album except for its cover. This started ok but tracks were hit or miss (insight's vocals were meh). It's wild that this is from the 70s, many tracks sounds like NIN or the 90s. This led to some cool ambient stuff, so that was neat. 3*
Arguably peak Beatles, where you can really hear everyone's style most clearly. It's not my fave Beatles album (I think Rubber Soul still takes it), but I can't not give this 5*, it's perfect. Come together: such a great bass line and opening for an album. Imagine you're in the 60s and think you know the Beatles and then you hear this -- what a banger for the ears. Something: having the second track be a "George" track is lovely and a great contrast to the opener. The bridge is excellent. Maxwells silver hammer, octopus' garden: she cute. Ringo has progressed! Oh darling: an iconic Paul track, the tension in the song is palpable She's so heavy: another great bass line. Love the bridge with the guitar and harmonies, just so satisfying. Here comes the sun: just gorgeous I learned today that "the medley" is the whole back of the album start at "Because" which is nuts -- bangers from top to bottom. Because: gorgeous, the harmonies are *chef's kiss*, but then again, the Beatles always had this down. Sun king: the harmonies in the chorus "ki-i-i-i-ing" really hits. Mean mr mustard: I dig the switch to 3/4 Golden slumbers/carry that weight/the end: all amazing, my favorite part of the album.
Feels like a very 90s attempt at world music by white people. The male vocalist was ugh compared to all the other vocalists on the album.
Eno is my favorite NYT crossword answer
This is an ok album; there are elements that will make future Who good, but not quite there, maybe because I listened to the mono version. The cover makes me think of Oasis. 2* Highlights: my generation
Pay-what-you-want is iconic and something that would not work anymore. I'm always down for more Radiohead. This is a solid 5*, especially on a rainy morning. Highlights: weird fishes/arpeggi, the rhythm of 15 step, bodysnatchers, jigsaw falling into place
This is my third Cohen album on this project, I still don't really like his singing. Like, you can have a low gravelly voice, and do the whole speaking-not-really-singing thing, and not sound this terrible. 1* Lowlight: Did he have to sing/grunt like that for diamonds in the mine? Maybe drink some honey tea? Mild highlight: famous blue raincoat was actually kind of nice, but I think it just cancels out "diamonds"
Ah yes, the running up that hill album, that song got played to death a couple of years ago, making it go from rediscovered gem to overplayed. 2*, only because not really my jam. Highlights: jig of life (love the irish influence)
This project has been a Bowie education. Didn't know Changes was his. For 1971 this sounds very refreshing. 3-4* Highlights: changes, life on mars
This very much defined soft pop radio in the early aughts. Nice easy listening. Highlights: don’t know why
This project is obsessed with 70s punk and most of it is not that interesting. 2*
Refreshing, love Stevie's voice and the funky instrumentals. Wish more of it was like superstition. 4* Highlights: superstition (that bass line!!), i believe
I know nothing of these guys outside bittersweet symphony. Their last album I listened to was right in the middle of the road. This one is also a 2*, nice, but just ok IMO, it all blended together.
What even is this. It's the morning after the 2024 election, and this is not the hangover cure I need for that shitshow. 2*
I enjoyed this album, but I'm kind of uneducated on good vs. bad hip hop. 3* Highlight: bring the noise (shoutout to tony hawk pro skater 2)
I respect Jimmi's guitar playing and recognize he's iconic, but this is not super my kind of music. Meanders too much. 3* Highlight: voodoo child (the second one)
I recognize the talent and how iconic this is, but again not my jam. Kind of a huge bummer, would fit if I was cosplaying a 50s cocktail party. 3*
Walk is badass, too bad these guys are nazis. A lot of screaming in this one.
I got whiplash going from Pantera to Elton John. Tiny Dancer is a great opener, but I'm not sure the rest measures up to it. I like Elton, but this album didn't quite do it for me. Rotten peaches convinced me Elton can sing about anything.
Never heard of this band, some nice sounds but not remarkable. 2*
Enjoyed this sound, it's the kind of relaxing/indie shit that I can work to. 3*
Never listened to Lana after her first huge album. Really enjoyable, but I think I'm a little old for the target demographic, 3*
Highlights: moondance (did not know it was Morrison's). This was ok, smooth dad rock, 2*
I'm a bad judge of hip hop. This was enjoyable, cool to hear early Snoop. 3*
Posting here because I hit submit on the last Dr Dre review too soon, but what is it with hip hop albums and sex in between tracks? Like what does it add to the album? 'How gangsta, this dude fucks' -- maybe it was a function of the 90s. Ok, back to this album: someone else described it as budget Pink Floyd, and that's all I can think of now.
Oh hell yes, Alanis goes hard. She sounds so raw, a hoarseness that I never noticed before. I love it. Easy 5* Highlights: ironic, hand in my pocket, you oughta know, all i really want, right through you, forgiven (chills during the chorus), you learn, head over feet Ok, I think I just don't like the soft fillers (mary jane, perfect, wake up), but otherwise enjoyed the whole thing.
I'm not listening to the demo CD. By the third track, I'm just UGHHHH with this drivel. Shit is endless. I skipped all the different versions of Suicide. I always try to listen to the album end to end, but 3 versions of the same shitty loopy song is just too much for my brain, which is wild because a lot of reviewers liked that song the most. 2*
The wailing in the first track is just the worst. I'll take Yoko over this. When the interview started in Apple Music I actually thought it was part of the album. Is this just more English crap? 1*
Take Cabaret but make it oppressing as fuck. 1* Sometimes you wish you could time travel to see what life was like (in this case to 1920s Germany), but this wasn't it. Did I need to listen to it before dying? No, but it is definitely unique.
I'm not gonna like this, am I? Ohhh 21st century schizoid man is sampled by the Kanye album I really like! Actually didn't hate it as much as I thought I would, 2*
Was ready to dismiss this as I don't like country, but Steamroller had some nice blues/brass.
Wow Music took me straight back to that era. I didn't know most of this album, but it encapsulates that period of music really well. 3* Highlights: music and don't tell me (because nostalgia)
The vocals made me think of ACDC, but not in an enjoyable way. I respect Janis, but not got me. Enjoyed the instrumentals more than the vocals. 2*. That's a racist album cover. Highlights: piece of my heart
More 60s psychedelic crap. Couldn't wait for the back half to end, just felt like people fucking around in a studio.
The guitar in like a rolling stone feels like a very refreshing opener for a 60s album. The rest is this talky-waily kind of singing that I just don't enjoy. I wanted to like Dylan, but I just don't like his stuff beyond the twoish greatest hits I know. 2* Dude looks fucking cool on the cover though. Highlights: like a rolling stone
Don’t know why he’s on here so much, it’s bland as fuck, 2*
This was alright, very 60s vibe but not the same old. Highlight: proud Mary
Of all the albums on this project that are only findable in YouTube, this is the most tolerable one I've heard so far. That said, it's nice, but nothing new.
I groaned when I saw it was another 60s album, but this was enjoyable. 3* Highlights: lonesome suzie
7/12 top 100 hits? Wild ratio. This is nice, but clearly a function of the times, like Sinatra's works, 3*
Yes another punk album. It's ok, nice harmonies in some songs. Enjoyed some more than I expected (autonomy, i don't mind). 3*
Why was I waiting for the opening notes of the first song to turn into "eyes wide open" by Creed? Where dreams go to die is very "across the universe". I didn't know this artist or album and quite enjoyed it, 4*
I was excited for electronic, but this was too "whimsical" for me. 2*
I'm just not a Springsteen fan. This feels like your parents' love jams. I haven't found a song that wasn't Philadelphia that I liked. 2* He's extra talkey/mumbley in this one.
Someone described this as white blues and I couldn't agree more, 2* Even the drum vamping in "what i'd say" sounded like someone with no drum skills fucking around.
Never heard of this band or album before. It was ok, nothing outstanding, another one I don't understand why it's here. 2*
Stating the obvious, this was fucking cool. 5*
Toys in the attic has a great starting guitar line. Enjoyed this one, and Tyler's voice isn't obnoxious. Also brass in big ten inch record. 4* Highlights: walk this way, sweet emotion, toys in the attic
This got me reading the story of the disappearance of the former member, a wild story. Never heard of this band before, a nice sound. 3* Highlights: a design for life, no surface all feeling
This seems like it'd be an iconic American album. 4 HOURS LONG (the version in Apple Music has some Nelson Riddle pieces). It's definitely a clear snapshot of that era. I'd be happy to have listened to it, been exposed to it, but don't expect to be going back to it. I also hate the album cover, it creeps me out. Just like Sinatra albums, I recognize the artistry and icons of American music Fitzgerald/Gershwins are, but this is a 3* for me. I spent all day at work listening to this and only made it through 3/4 discs. The last disc seemed like other versions of songs I already heard, so I quit. Highlights: let's call the whole thing off (tomato tomahto potato potahto)
Don't know if I like this phase of the cure, too emo and aggravating on a Friday. 2*
Really enjoyable prog rock album. Their musicality really shines. Another reviewer mentioned that Pink Floyd is best enjoyed as a whole album, and I completely agree. This album is a vibe on a Sunday afternoon. Highlights: shine on you crazy diamond (both), wish you were here
This was ok, made for fun background sound, but nothing I needed to listen to before dying. Went harder on the first half. 3*
Drunk yelling at a mic with discordant instrumentals. WTF is up with this, and why is this on here. Did not need this before dying. 1* 2.5 hours of garbage -- maybe no one should have given them access to the studio. I skipped all the bonus tracks, fuck this noise.
Love LCD soundsystem, super excited to get into this as a whole. The first track reminded me of Blue Man Group. It's arguably repetitive, but it's refreshing, I can vibe with this. 5* Highlights: someone great, watch the tapes
This list is super biased with 90s british electronic music. This is ok, but nothing that feels genre-defining to me, 2* I stopped at disc 1 because I got it.
Wow, what a wikipedia entry. Never heard this album as a whole; it's wild that so many bangers are in the same album. It's very 80s. Wanna be somethin' has that very catchy bridge. Back in the day when I was a sucker for beatles-adjacent anything I really liked the girl is mine, but now I found that a) it clashes with the rest pretty hard and b) the talking part is cringeeee. Thriller's "narrator" (?) really took me out and kind of ruined the song for me, maybe it was an artifact of the time/music video craze. The back half is a snoozer, 4* because of that. Highlights: billie jean, beat it
My expectations were low for a band called meat puppets. Their instrumentals were fun and unexpected. All was more country than expected. The singing was awful. 2* Highlights: magic toy missing (because it involved 0 singing)
Oh THIS is where the sexytimes movie music comes from! This was nice, a little too sexy for a Monday morning.
Excited to get into another S&G album. Front half was ok, voices of old people really took me out of it, like old trauma of hearing old folks rant. This one doesn't even touch bridge over troubled water. Highlights: mrs robinson
This was ok background music, surprised it's from the 70s. Nice guitars and vocals. 3* Highlight: from the morning
90s grungey alternative, it's ok but not for me. Doesn't feel like an outstanding album to be on this list. 2*
Partying like it's 1999 sounds so quaint now. A very 80s album, but I could vibe with it. The back half didn't do it as much for me. Highlights: 1999, little red corvette, delirious (a goofy line but super catchy)
I'm convinced nobody does electronic like the French. Love Justice, and this is an easy 5*. Highlights: DNCE, DVNO, genesis, phantom pt1/2
TIL that, in spite of all the spanish in his music, Manu Chao is french?! I was convinced my entire life he was latin american. The first few tracks flow so well into each other. Really vibed with this, 5* Fuck the reviewers that trash this or any other album only because it isn't in english; what a shitty, close-minded, ignorant take. Highlights: je ne t'aime plus, desaparecido, bongo bong, luna y sol
I was about to shit on this because “yet another UK album that is by no means influential,” but I actually really enjoyed this. Good vibes all around. The back half is stuff I love working to, and I mean that in a good way. I enjoyed all the different genres blending in. Highlights: punchbag, a minha menina, sunshine, Zia
This album got really fucking weird in the back half. Just post-modern, weird crap. Not sure why it's here. 1*
Very 80s, not sure it's held up over time. May be another brit-centric entry into this list.
To quote someone else on this site: "punk, but they know how to play their instruments" Cool brass, musicality. Punk I've actually enjoyed listening to. Lots of ska here too. Highlights: london calling, train in vain
Enjoyed it more than expected, but not sure why it's on here, doesn't sound revolutionary.
Never heard of these guys or this album, kind of enjoyed it after a hiatus from this project due to vacation. 3*
Hey, at least this is short. This is punk? I was expecting to hate this, but this was somewhat enjoyable, but then the lyrics took a nosedive. 3*
A-ha is Norwegian?! Take on me is the only song I know going into this. Other tracks are super 80s. Not sure the rest holds up to take on me, 2* Highlights: take on me (obv always a banger)
I don't know what to make of Morrisey, it's ok. His songs sound so rambley to me, The guitar made some songs better. 2* Highlights: everyday is like sunday, margaret on the guillotine (guitar)
Lots of energy, and sounds very clean, but hard to give it more than a 4* when it all sounds the same to me/like Iron Maiden but with less heart. I was gonna give it a 3*, but this deserves more than the other very meh 3* albums I've heard.
It was interesting enough, free form guitar is some fuckery that didn't deserve to be there, I will always disapprove of "songs" that are just people fucking around with instruments. Save that shit for practice time. Skipping that, the rest was enjoyable. 3* (-1 for free form guitar)
This felt like a good continuation to the Chicago album. Not as funky as I expected but still very enjoyable. 5* Highlights: can you get to that (wow that bass voice)
I <3 Royksopp -- I discovered them way after the fact, but I'm excited to listen to an album top to bottom; it's really what I need to get today going. Easy 5*, but I agree with others that it peaks early on. Highlights: poor leno, so easy (catchy and understated), eple
Never heard of this before, but I'm intrigued by the production of this. "90s pink floyd" is pretty spot on, but some of it also reminded me of some M83, the xx, and even ok go that would come later. A great album to vibe to, spacey and chill. It grew on me the more I listened, 4* (-1 because the back half of cop shoot cop was a bit too revolution no 9 for me).
Of all Bollywood music out there, this feels like the most inoffensive/white-adjacent flavor of it, not sure why this album (a soundtrack?!) in particular was picked. So much potential, but the anglocentrism continues to come through this list's choices. 3* because it got way more interesting as it went along, it was the first couple tracks that I really disliked.
Not sure the rest of this album holds up; beyond KC it's an 80s cheesefest. 2* Highlights: karma chameleon (I didn't remember this song having harmonica)
I knew none of these Queen songs before. Has a lot of the elements that make queen great (the harmonies, Freddie, the guitars), but none of the tracks really blew it out of the water for me. 3*
Idk if Kate Bush is for me. Not bad, but it just went on forever and all sounded the same. 2* Last night I watched the Sopranos episode where Christopher’s girlfriend was trying to get some band signed onto a label and the sound guy was like “where’s the chorus?” This is what that was like.
Is this another one of the author's just highlighting random-ass american/british groups nobody cares about? I'm 30 sec in, and I already hate it. The chicken wailing is doing nothing for me. 1*
Generic 90s hip hop album with some nice funky moments. 2* Why is this here?
A nice Americana album, without veering too much into country, which is always good in my book. No tracks that blew it out of the water for me though, 3*
Enjoying this style of hip hop, and it's not overtly about the rappers having sex on record, 4*
Brought to you by the era of "The <noun>s" bands. First exposure to the vines outside "get free", actually really enjoyed the album overall, had to give it another listen. Just up my street, but nothing super noteworthy, 4* Comparing to Nirvana is bit much. Highlights: get free, outtathaway, country yard
This was nice (especially compared to all the not readily available albums on this list), but I'm not sure it's anything special. More anglocentric crap.
Very early 90s electronic, has some good moments. Enjoyed: build a fire, justified and ancient
This album is a vibe, just feel-good queer bops Highlights: liberation, go west
Generic brit rock - Temu Oasis - why is this on here? 2* only because it didn't sound like garbage.
Never heard this as a whole, this is exciting! A journey and I imagine very ahead of its time when it came out. 5* Highlights: starman, moonage daydream, ziggy stardust
Feels like a lot of shitty wailing. Just another brit album included despite not being anything special. 1*
First time listening to this album as a whole, though I've listened to many of these songs before. I get the hate, outside of their timeless hits, the rest all sounds the same, vanilla metal. 4* Highlights: enter sandman (badass opener), nothing else matters, the unforgiven
A classic, my beef is with the sound balance where sax/trumpet would come through only one ear, which is very jarring. Still 5*
I was only aware of Brian Eno's more atmospheric stuff, which is better than this. I guess he had to start somewhere, but it doesn't mean this album should have been included here. 2*
Actually enjoyed this more than I expected, especially since I'm not huge on singer-songwriter stuff. 4*
I love bohemian like you, but it's not in this. Good vibes, enjoyed the sound, but the slow songs were kind of a drag 4* Highlights: every day should be a holiday
Reminds me of the circus album I got from this a little while back (The United States Of America?). It's ok, don't know the hype. 3* Enjoyed: lost and found
That this is proto-punk and way out there for the time is wild to me. Sounds so normal? Like grungier rolling stones? I guess it influenced many others. It's ok, 3*
Standard alternative album, I think others did it better, but I appreciate how cross-genre it tried to be. Really fucking long and boring though. 3*
The black keys are a band that by all means I should like, but I just can't get into fully, got kind of sick of them being shoved down my throat by spotify. Anyway, some good songs in this one. Highlights: everlasting light, howlin for you
Did not need to listen to this before I died, it's boring and generic. Just another entry that adds nothing to the musical repertoire. 2*
That this album was so controversial so as to go in front of congress is quaint in this day and age. Skits are always stupid af. Kim made me incredibly physically uncomfortable. Some good songs, 4* Highlights: stan (probably the first fucked up song I heard as a tween in the early 00s), the way that i am, real slim shady
Meh, just kinda droned and was not very enjoyable. Just because it's AN album from a famous artist doesn't mean it belongs here. 1*
Peak alternative music era, life was so full of hope. I was worried about opening on a banger/their biggest song but it just kept slapping. Should have listened to this full album before. Just good vibes. 5* Highlights: the mother we share, tether, recover
Shoutout to Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 for bring the noise. First time hearing Flavor Flav rap, cold lampin was silly af. Enjoyable, 4*
It started out so funky and immediately lost me when he started singing. WTF are these lyrics? I bet it was certified platinum only because it was "edgy" and "raunchy" like how the Bloodhound Gang was in the early 00s. This is super british humor. 2*: gets a +1 because of instrumentals. Actually, fuck it, 1*, the tracks got generic after a while. The last handful of tracks I had to just skip toward the end because it was just belligerent noise. Again, total garbage I didn't need before dying.
This is the 2nd Eminem album in the past week, and I expect this one to be worse than his 2nd album. A lot is very amateur, the skits are not fun(ny), his later albums are much better. The talent is there, but the content hasn't aged well, 1* Highlights: my name is
This is like prototype Kings of Leon - their later stuff gets more tolerable. It came and went with nothing of value. 1*