Highly Evolved
The VinesI mean, it's fine, but doesn't belong on this list.
I mean, it's fine, but doesn't belong on this list.
Sounds like a soundtrack from a bad, low budget 90s movie about hacking.
Today I learned that Jerry Lee Lewis was a nonce. Fuck him.
Greatest Christmas album of all time.
Don't get the fuss for Queen. Apart from one or two songs, they are seriously overrated.
Much better than I remembered. Never been a fan of Yorke's voice, but works well here and this was when Radiohead were good before they started putting out all the weird shit later on.
Loud, early punk.
Really enjoyed this. Early pop-punk sound with lots of attitude and still sounds fresh
Awful. The Police have to be one of the most overrated bands ever. Sting's dreadful whiny faux-reggae voice screeches over every song. Terrible, terrible record.
Never been a huge Dylan fan.
cool and funky.
Some good, some bad. Can't see me listening to the whole album again.
Don't get the fuss for Queen. Apart from one or two songs, they are seriously overrated.
Dreary nonsense. Like a shite Boards of Canada.
Enjoyed this. The opening track sounds exactly like Moving On Up by Primal Scream.
Incredible record.
Just cannot get into jazz. It's just people dicking around on instruments.
Alright, I guess. Never been a huge metal fan, but it works well with an orchestra although it's almost 2hrs long!
Great album from a permanently underrated band.
Folky background music. Fine I guess, but can't see me listening again,
Hip hop classic
Classic hip hop. Full of humour, social commentary and incite.
loud, angry and vital.
Some classic rock n roll.
Meh, not for me
Bland MOR rock.
Can't stand country music
Still sounds great
Short, loud and shouty. Like Kevin Hart.
Thought it would be good based on Blister In The Sun, but the rest is just a dreary carbon copy. Dull.
Greatest Christmas album of all time.
Better than other Dylan records I have had on here. Nice bluesy sound to some of the tracks.
Hit and miss.
Enjoyed this.
Hit and miss. Some good stuff, lot of guff too.
Fantastic and poignant.
I have a Pavlovian response to hearing a slide guitar - I immediately want to punch the speakers and listen to anything else. That I didn't do it for this record says something I guess, but it's still too twee and country for me.
Dark, moody and magnificent
Steely Dan are dreadful.
Not on Spotify
Not really for me. Some cooler disco sounding tracks, but not really my thing.
Too many covers on here to be on this list. Sounds great but doesn't belong on here.
this was great!
every song sounds the same, and this is not a criticism.
It's just so dreadfully bland.
I mean, it's fine, but doesn't belong on this list.
There will come a day when I don't cry listening to the guitar solo on Purple Rain. Today was not that day.
Dreary country nonsense. Only decent track was One In A Hundred. The rest all sound the same.
Some good moments, but too much self indulgent guitar wanking going on. Also they were right to bring in Bruce Dickinson as lead signer at a later date.
This is everything I hate about prog. 20 min long 'songs', bullshit cover art, shite lyrics when they can be bothered to look up from their instruments for more than 20 seconds, keyboard solos that hurt your ears, guitar solos that last for 23 years. Fucking unbearable. I HATE PROG.
Absolutely sublime.
Great sounding New York hip hop
Just awful. I love hip-hop, but this is just a poor attempt at shock to get a reaction from people and be controversial. His nasal, whiny voice grates on me so much, and if it wasn't for the great Dre beats, I wouldn't have lasted more than three tracks.
Starts off well, but got bored pretty quickly. Enjoyed spotting the J Dilla samples in Worst Band In The World.
Awful, twee, country bollocks.
Waaaaaay too long.
Really enjoyed this. Forgot how many good tracks were on there.
One or two parts are OK at best. The rest is just the usual self indulgent prog twaddle.
Hit and miss, but Like A Prayer is one of the greatest pop songs of all time, and I'll fight anyone who says otherwise.
Probably a record that needs several listens and concentrating on the lyrics. As a background record it was fine, but didn't really do anything for me.
Fine. Nothing special.
Imagine is one of the most overrated songs ever, by one of the most overrated artists ever.
Fucking hate The Police. The faux reggae and his awful voice just grates on me. Such an overrated band.
OK is an apt name for this, because it is exactly that. OK. Before listening I was interested in the concept - merging traditional Indian folk music and techno, but it just never got going for me.
Just a great pop record
Stone cold hip-hop classic.
Some great tracks on here, but a bit of filler. Definitely a break through record for them though and one that propelled them into the mainstream.
Not really my thing. Too much wailing from Lydon and overly long. Some decent instrumentals at times, but otherwise just a bit shit. Can hear some PiL influences in music by The Rapture who are much, much better.
This album should be up for crime of the century. Dreadful.
Fine I guess. Like a lot of their stuff.
Worth 4* just for The Cutter, but the rest of the record is also great.
Some great stuff on here, but some guff (Bungalow Bill for one) and it's too long.
Someone just needs to say it, Radiohead are pretty shit.
One of the greatest pop records of all time, and it's not even MJ's best record.
Pretty forgettable. Juxtaposed with you is a great track though
Some absolute classics on here, and really shows off what an incredible songwriter King is, but I often find myself preferring the covers of her songs to the originals.
Some great songs on here, nice short and snappy rock and roll record.
Just a bit forgettable. Glittering Prize is a tune, but the rest just passed me by.
It's just shit. Like everything else they do.
Absolutely loved this!
Never been a huge Cash fan or of live albums in general, but this record is great. The sound is fantastic and you can hear the energy from the inmates, especially during San Quentin. the chat between the tracks is great too, shows that Cash wasn't just doing the show and then moving on. He takes his time to joke with them and pay them respect. Really enjoyed it.
Just a bit bland.
Probably a record you need to listen to intently with headphones on. I didn't. There's some good stuff on here, but nothing really grabbed me. Always found it remarkable that a band so experimental had such huge sales.
Not really for me.
Starts off strong, but I soon lost interest.
grungy and swampy. Decent, but not sure why it' on this list.
This was excellent and the backstory makes it even more special. A record of pure joy but tinged with sadness knowing what went on when Wilson first tried to record it, but also just hearing his voice, changed by time and sounding older struck a chord with me. A really beautiful record.
More melodic than I was expecting, but not really my thing.
Some really nice stuff on here, but does not need to be two hours long!
slow and funky. Really enjoyed this.
Just a classic.
Enjoyed this, a bit too long but some great tracks
This is super funky. Enjoyed it a lot. Strawberry Letter 23 was the highlight.
Great album. Doolittle will always be my favourite, but this is still really enjoyable.
It's ok, nothing special. I preferred their self-titled record.
Nowhere near as good as I remembered it to be.
Lovely dark post punk
Dreadful, faux reggae. Love Gets Sweeter saves it from being a complete abomination, but it's awful.
A lot heavier than I thought it would be. Can really hear the heavy metal influences that the like of Deep Purple and later Sabbath had on what followed.
Never really got into the Jam. Couple of good tracks, but nothing special.
I would have been about 22 and living in Sheffield when this first came out, and it just perfectly encapsulated what it was like being a young man in the mid-00s. Fights in taxi ranks, swapping clothes to try and get past a bouncer, the hot girl in the bar you actually can't stand but would go home with in a second if she asked you to, not having the confidence to speak to any girl in a bar so you just stand there and hope she makes the first move. The references go on. All of this delivered with a razor sharp wit, pounding drums and clanging guitars which was absolutely on the button for that time. The best debut album of all time in my opinion.
Usually like Neil Young, but couldn't really get into this one.
Just a bit bland.
Just a bit boring. This is the era of Coldplay that most people seem to think of when asked whether they like them or not. Or it is for me anyway. All the tracks are just 'there' they don't get any response from me either positive or negative. It just exists, like cottage cheese.
One or two tracks were ok, but very repetitive.
First half was very boring. But from 'Hero' onwards, it's great.
The man with the permanent blocked nose.
Stone wall hip hop classic.
God, I hate Steely Dan.
Loud, intense and dark. Absolutely love this record. Always blows my mind that it was able to shift millions of copies in the pre-internet age and with no radio play.
Couple of good tracks, but not sure why it's made the cut.
One of my favourite New Order albums. The opening three tracks are sublime. If ever there was a band where the sum is greater than the parts, then it's New Order.
Like, it's ok. But nowhere near worth all the hype. Jumps all over the place musically and you have the usual Lennon nonsense track that loads of people probably think is genius, but it's actually shit. Just don't see where all the hype and acclaim comes from.
Never liked Eminem. Even as a lover of hip-hop I just don't get him. Can't stand his whiny nasal voice and it just feels like he's trying too hard to be controversial to get attention. There's some great beats on here, but that's all down to Dre. Stan is a classic and one of the few times this rises above the puerile shock factor shit on the rest of the record.
Annoying whiny voice, but a couple of good tracks on there. Sounds like some early rap-metal cross over.
Dark and moody post-punk. Loved it.
The Queen. That's all you need to know.
Funky, but a little same-y after a while.
Struggled to get into this. Too much prog.
Some fantastic tracks on here.
Noisy nonsense. Shite.
Some great beats, but after a while the shouting and whining starts to grate.
Some great tracks on here, but Queen Is Dead is the better record. Also forever fuck Morrissey.
Never been a fan of re-imagining of tunes on different instruments. Reminds me of those god awful pan pipes albums my dad used to play all the time. This one is a little better.
Better than I expected. I thought it would be a lot more like the title track, but a few highlights lifted this from bland to slightly seasoned.
This is baby making music.
Don't usually like prog, but this was decent. The title track is great, but didn't need the usual self-indulgent 5min drum solo in the middle. Why do prog bands think we want this?!
That's some funky shit right here!
Fun 60s pop
Sounds like a soundtrack from a bad, low budget 90s movie about hacking.
Some absolute gold on here, but it's a little too long.
Just so dreadfully bland.
Bit dreary, this.
Loved this!
Loud, angry and important. Chuck D's remains one of the greatest MC's to have ever picked up the mic. His lyrics and flow hit clear and true time after time. The beats strike like a punch to the chest and Flavor Flav, whilst at times annoying, adds his own je ne c'est quoi to many tracks.
Still waiting for the day that I hear a Dylan record and something 'clicks'. Today was not that day.
Nice background music, but not sure I would listen to it very often.
Nice and bluesy, I enjoyed this
It's fine, but a pretty bland record. if it wasn't a Springsteen record it would be nowhere near this list.
What a voice.
So many memories from this record. Some sublime stuff and a bit of filler. Maps is one of the greatest love songs ever written.
Not really my thing, but didnt mind it.
very smooth, but very forgettable.
Today I learned that Jerry Lee Lewis was a nonce. Fuck him.
Such a great album and a sign of what Nirvana may have evolved into over time had Kurt stuck around.
Planet Rock still sounds great, but the rest is garbage.
Just unspeakably shit.
After a while Keidis' "whoop-hap-gap-plop" lyrics get a bit annoying.
Awful, bland, soulless.
A little over-produced, but of it's time. Great voice and a few good tracks.
Sympathy For The Devil and Street Fighting Man are the standouts, some decent other tracks on here, but nothing close to those two.
Enjoyed this. Not sure it belongs on this list, but nice listen.
It's not even the best KOL album, so no idea why it's on this list.
If only Radiohead made more records like this, rather than the twaddle they have come out with since.
Cream: Decent. Clapton: Permacunt.
Takes me back to first year of uni. At the time, I loved this record, but the years haven't been kind. The beats are still killer, but a lot of 50's bars just sound dated now. In Da Club is and always will be a banger, but the rest is forgettable and way too long.
Strong start but gets a little same-y and too long.
Aim might be true, but this record is boring.
Jump is still a tune, so is Panama, but the rest is pretty MOR and forgettable.
Was lucky enough to be at their first ever gig at The Art School in Glasgow. You could tell right away that they had something special. All the singles leading up to the album being released were brilliant and I was concerned that it would be a record with three good tracks and the rest filler, but the whole album is great. Under The Tide and Science and Visions were both good enough to be singles, and Lies is just one of the best tracks released in the 2010s.
Bit funky, bit shit.
Pretty good. Always enjoy punk bands with a female lead vocalist.
Probably a record you need to really listen to and give is a few goes, but I still enjoyed it.
Live albums are whack.
Really good, modern pop music. Excellent.
Gotta admire being able to fit 14 songs onto a 15min record. Short, angry and sweet.
Peaches is still a tune, not really digging the rest.
OK I guess, but a little forgettable compared to later records.
God I hate prog.
Even as a huge LCD Soundsystem fan, I was a little surprised to see this record on the list, and can only assume that Sound of Silver must be laying in wait for me on another day. This record came a little out of nowhere at the time after the band had announced their effective break-up some years before. Whilst it doesn't quite have SoS's (or any other LCD record for that matter) stand out banger, or even as much of a 'club' feel to it, this record instead captures James Murphy contemplating aging what the future will hold. It still has the usual LCD trademark sounds - cowbells, 80s synths, nods to musical heroes such as Bowie &The Fall but doesn't quite reach the heights of SoS, but let's be honest, very few records do.
Oh, to have seen him live at his peak!
No drugs were hurt in the making of this record.
Absolutely loved this.
Robin Gibb sounds just like Barney from the Simpson's when he sings!
Probably one of those records that was considered groundbreaking at the time, but just sounds a bit generic now.
Absolutely incredible voice, but an album of mostly covers, even if that was the norm back in the day, should not be on this list.
Deserves four stars for Enjoy The Silence along. The rest of the record is great too.
Unspeakably bland.
Starts off good, but loses it's way.
Bland album from an awful human being.
Screechy, twaddly nonsense.
Had two Bee Gees records in under two weeks, and have both been shite.
Starts off strong but loses it's way, but some great stuff at times.
Always find myself torn with Beatles records. There's no doubt some amazing songs and song writing on them, but also a lot of nonsense that people either wrongly attribute genius to or just overlook the fact they are not very good. Yellow Submarine is a shit song. There, I have said it. It's nonsense and childish and doesn't flow with the rest of the record. Sure it's a catchy chorus, but it's shit. But then there are tracks like Tomorrow Never Knows which is just fantastic and I go back to being confused by The Beatles all over again. I guess what I am trying to say, is The Beatles have some incredible songs, and no doubt hugely influential, but they also did a lot of shite.
How to make a Metallica record. Guitars: dug-a-dug-a-dug-a-dug-a-dug-a Lyrics: "humay-uh-soh-wah-ayo-meeeeeee" Repeat for 8 mins.
All a bit meh, really. Couple of nice shiny 80s pop songs, but ultimately forgettable.
Can't decide if I like this or it's a load of drone-y bollocks. Probably both.
Does nothing to alter my view that all prog is just a steaming pile of wanky toss. Gets a star for 20th Century Schizoid Man, but otherwise just fuck off with the self indulgent twaddle.
One of those records I like in parts, and I'm sure it means a lot to some people, but a whole record of Eddie Vedder grunting gets a bit much.
It's fine, but not sure I would listen again.
Saw the word 'prog' in the album description, and was prepared to hate this, but actually enjoyed it. (70s prog is still balls though)
It was fine. Sounds like a lot of indie music from the mid-late 2000s. Probably one where if you know the backstory you will appreciate it more.
Little too jazzy for me.
Just a bit boring.
Hip-hop classic
Like does anyone really, like reaaaallly need to hear this before they die?
Decent, but not a patch on Funeral or The Suburbs.
Just one of the greatest pop records of all time.
Starts off strong, then gets very shit very quickly.
Not sure I really needed to hear this before I die, but not a bad way to spend an hour.
I just can't stand this twee, slide guitar country music. I don't care if this was the original, it's still shit. Dolly is a saint though and must be protected at all costs.
Just sublime.
Loved the first track, but the rest was pretty bland.
Such a great record. Full of innovative samples. Very ahead of it's time and still sounds great now.
Starts off really strong. Nice, polished pop music. Sounds a lot like Michael Jackson, and I think a few of these tracks had been written with him in mind. It fades in the middle though and is just too long.
A little less rocky than I expected, but enjoyed it.
Oh, Lord grant me the confidence of a white man telling me that current race events are blown out of proportion. I remember first hearing Wildfires and was blown away by it. I bought the vinyl having not heard any other track and absolutely loved it. It's thought provoking and important but with a theme of love and pride running through it. Love the "Black is..." voice overs between tracks too. Nice nod to The Warriors which is a dope movie.