To Pimp A Butterfly
Kendrick LamarCouldn’t make it through another rap album about dicks, bitches, hoes, and N words.
Couldn’t make it through another rap album about dicks, bitches, hoes, and N words.
It was fine. Not sure why the author thinks we to hear 2 Doves albums but 0 Lois Armstrong.
Decent reggae album when the leave out the synthesizer.
Pretty spacey
This style of music is not for me but I do understand why it made the list.
This one was not for me.
There are some great songs on here but taken as a whole it was just OK for me.
This is not my style of music but it was some of the best rap I have heard.
Amazing album. Hurt is possibly the best cover song of all time.
This genre is not for me but I can understand why it was chosen.
This is bad. I’m not sure how this is even considered music.
Not my favorite rem album but pretty solid.
It’s a little noisy for me but not bad.
This is not my favorite Peter Gabriel album but there are a couple of good songs on there.
Really solid album.
All time classic.
I liked this more than I expected.
For Shoegaze this was better than I expected.
Not my thing, but I didn’t hate it.
One of my all time favorite albums.
Struggled with rating a 3 or a 4 but that voice and the band. Had to go 4.
I’m not a big Springsteen fan but if I you are you probably would like this album.
I kinda liked this.
Not for me.
Really solid album.
This was better than expected.
This was quite good.
Bland, disjointed, meandering, definitely not for me. I’ve listened to worse on this list.
Pretty solid REM album.
Not for me and not sure why this one made the list.
I loved this when it came out.
Dark and moody Bruce. I kinda like it.
Really like her. Tragic loss.
Ooo baby baby I’m not diggin’ on this. But I do understand it’s inclusion on the list.
Not a huge queen fan and this is not one of their better albums.
One of my favorite albums of all time.
Too whiny for me but I didn’t hate it.
Heroes is a great song. Not a great album.
This was pretty good.
Kinda cool.
Not for me, not horrible.
This is decent, not a huge fan.
Some classic songs on this album.
Some classic U2 songs on here.
I can’t believe this came out in 1966. Clearly way ahead of his time. This is not my favorite Zappa album but it is interesting.
Spotty, a few classic songs and a lot of not so much.
Love this.
The sound was pretty good but the “songs” were not for me.
I didn’t think this was very good. A couple of songs weren’t bad but overall mediocre at best.
A couple of fun songs from the way back machine. The remainder is nothing to write home about and sounds very dated.
High energy classic southern rock with some clever lyrics.
It’s not terrible but it’s not my thing.
I love their first album. This one for me is just OK. The guitar and vocals are still great.
Just ok for me. The first two songs were kinda promising.
This is a pretty crazy album. It was fun to revisit.
Not a big Radiohead fan however musically they are interesting.
My least favorite Heads album but it does have Psycho Killer.
For me it was ok for background music.
This music style just isn’t for me.
I wanted to like this more.
Oh good another rap album.
Some classic stuff on here.
Not bad, for me mostly good as background music. It all sounds pretty much the same.
It was OK, not my favorite Clash album.
Pretty noisy for me but I’ve heard worse on this list.
Love me some Ramones.
I thought this was kinda interesting.
Pretty solid reggae album.
Pretty good.
Didn’t really care for this.
Sounds pretty dated but then this never was my thing. 2 stars for the king of pedo or pop.
I feel like I may have liked this if I had heard it in the ‘70’s.
At times it reminds me of Queen without Freddy Mercury or any hit songs.
I like it, glad to see it made the list.
Some good songs, great voice.
I much prefer who’s next but the band, especially Keith, sound amazing on here.
I thought this was as good or better than the white stripes albums. These guys must love jack white. I think I’ve listened to 70 albums and 3 of them have been his.
I don’t understand why there is more than 1 Radiohead album on this list. I feel like if you have heard one you’ve pretty much heard them all. You either like them or you don’t why I would need to hear more than one of their albums before I die I do not understand.
I’m not much of a country fan but this was pretty good and his voice is amazing.
Not for me.
Never really was into the grunge thing. It’s not bad and he’s got a powerful voice.
There’s a few classic songs on here.
Excellent blues album by one of the all time greats.
Decent reggae album when the leave out the synthesizer.
It was fine. Not sure why the author thinks we to hear 2 Doves albums but 0 Lois Armstrong.
This is a weird who album. Has a couple of good songs.
Wow all the screaming! Rush was never my thing. They had a few songs that were ok and musically they were talented but that vocal style was rough.
This sounds pretty dated with the synthesizer and electronic drums.
Not for me.
One of my all time favorites. I will never forget the first time I heard A Day In The Life on 8 track that I got from Columbia House.
I liked this far more than I expected.
Not for me. Most of the first half of the album all sounded the same. There are a couple of ballads on the second half that helped mix it up a little. Surprised how much she sounded like Michael at times.
Huh, not sure why I needed to hear this before I die unless it was to provide a classic example of an MTV band. Pop synth one hit wonder.
Not for me.
Not for me.
This was such a popular album when it first came out that it ended up being massively overplayed on the radio. One power ballad after another.
Not for me.
Fantastic Stones album, practically a greatest hits and with Mick Taylor. Awesome!
I was never into KISS, and this is the first time I have ever listened to a complete album. It wasn’t great. I get it they have a shtick and I’m sure they are laughing all the way to the bank but the goofy costumes, lame music, lyrics and playing is pretty bad. I’m sure that if you are into this style that seeing them live would be a more enjoyable experience.
It was fine, nothing special for me.
Never been a big Springsteen fan. I did see him once live and he put on a very good show. However, on an album I think it’s mostly his screaming vocal style that puts me off.
One of the first albums I ever owned. A lot of great songs on here.
Wow I know there’s people that like this kind of thing but to me it’s a lot of screaming and repetitive noise.
I liked this.
Sort of a more hardcore version of the B 52’s.
A couple of good songs on here. Otherwise just so so for me.
Don’t really care for this style but didn’t hate it. Freedom is a pretty good song so 2.5.
2.5 pretty boring.
Pretty solid, take me to the river was the first song I remember of the talking heads.
WTF seriously another Radiohead album. So this my third so far out of roughly 100 albums. Did we actually need to hear 3 of these before we die? No of course not because they all sound basically the same.
Pretty solid 3.5.
Someone must have really liked the movie.
This type of music is not really for me but I’ve heard much worse.
This style was not for me but I’ve heard worse.
Not a big grunge fan. I find it mostly repetitive and noisy but there are a couple of good song on here.
I liked it mostly as background music but it was nice.
Super weird storyline. Some great songs and Moon’s drumming is amazing.
I like Bowie but this album is pretty lame.
Never was much of a rush fan so first time listening to a whole album. Don’t really like the vocal style. The drummer is impressive but it’s not for me.
OK author we get it, you like Radiohead. I don’t hate them but. 120 albums in and this is my 4th frickin Radiohead album. What the hell does the author see in this group? Every album sounds almost identical why on earth do we need 4, or maybe more, Radiohead albums? Unbelievable!
It was pretty good.
Pretty decent I liked a couple of songs. The story behind it was very interesting.
I thought I might appreciate this more but it mostly just sounds incredibly dated.
It started off very promising. Ultimately it’s a little too much of the same thing when you listen to the whole album. At its best it does remind me of the velvet underground a bit.
A few very good songs. After a while though it started to remind me of Mariah Cary when she has to hit her high note in every song. I would be listening to a song and mentally bracing myself for when she would go for the high note. Overall not a great experience listening to the whole album.
Just ok for me.
Saw these guys live once and they were really fun. The album was just ok.
Not for me.
One of the great jazz albums.
Not for me.
"When Dizzee thinks very deeply—worrying about growing up, about those around him who won't grow up, about dying before he grows up—he sounds like, what else can we call it, the real thing". Where in the hell did this village voice reviewer get this from? He must have been listening to a different album.
I’m not a huge steely Dan fan but this album has several of their best songs.
Not great.
I feel like you either like Dylan or you don’t. I do but I totally understand people that don’t. It’s unfortunate he wasn’t blessed with a voice to match his songwriting. I liked this album a lot. The band is really tight as usual.
One of the many great Beatles albums.
I liked this and it has Coconuts which is one of my wife’s favorite songs.
Lots of wining and synthesizers and a few decent songs.
Not much to like here. I do like some Pink Floyd but this one is pretty lame.
I don’t care for this style but Dave could definitely scream and Eddie could definitely play. I recognize many of these songs, they used to play the shit out of them back in the day. Not a terrible version of the Kinks song.
Not my thing but it was kinda interesting. Had to listen to it on YouTube which sucked.
When it started I was thinking I’m liking this more than I thought I would. Then after a while I was getting pretty tired of it. She has got a great voice but there are so many songs on this album. Towards the end there were a couple of songs that I kinda liked again but in the end I’m feeling about 2.5 but I will round up.
I thought I was going to actually like this but it was disappointing. 2.5.
It was fine. Nothing really stood out to me.
I thought this was ok. I thought I would like it more.
This was pretty good a couple of very good songs.
Some amazing guitar playing and a couple of good songs but it’s too much for me for a whole album listen.
Well I guess this is what this is all about finding out what other folks consider to be music that they like.
A few really good songs but overall I remember thinking this album was better.
This was ok, certainly nothing special but pleasant enough. Hard for me to wrap my brain around the apparent fact that Spin thought this was superior to Nevermind. That position has certainly not stood the test of time.
Definitely not for me.
I like the concept of the album, the band and even some of the songs but after listening to a whole album it’s a bit much for me. There are some very clever lyrics at times. 2.5
I thought this was ok. There wasn’t anything here that I would go back to but it was fine.
Never been much of a prince fan other than a few songs. This album sounds so dated. Nothing really stands out here to me.
I saw prince once. It wasn’t great. He was an hour late, he played his own music during the warmup which obviously lasted an extra hour. Then he played Alicia Keys introducing him at the rock and roll hall of fame where she basically called him the second coming the sound was terrible and tickets were expensive. Other than that it was fine. 🙂 This album for me was better than sign of the times which was the previous album at least it has a few good songs on it. Otherwise the style of this music from the 80’s mostly just sounds extremely dated. 2.5 but I’m rounding down because of my concert experience. Probably not fair but oh well neither was starting the show an hour late.
A guitar virtuoso and Rod Stewart before he became “Do Ya Think I’m Sexy” Rod Stewart. What’s not to like.
Not a big nirvana fan but this version of them I do like.
I like David Bowie, some of his songs are great and I really like ziggy stardust however, most of the rest of his albums are disappointing to me. They seem to mostly have 1 or 2 good songs and then a lot of filler that is marginal at best.
This is one of my favorites. I have seen them several times over the years including their trinity session tour.
Definitely not for me.
Pretty decent not great for me.
I had not ever listened to this album before but I thought it was pretty good.
I wasn’t expecting much but initially it sounded better than expected. By the end of listening to the entire album I was more than ready for it to end. A lot of the 80’s music for me has not aged well at all. All the cheesy synthesizers and electronic drum sets are pretty rough.
Pretty solid, not a lot of standout songs but no real bad songs either.
Pretty good. I like the kinks, never got to see them live. Did see Dave Davies once.
Never heard this before. I thought it was very good.
Great album. So many good songs.
Not one of my favorite zeppelin albums but still pretty good.
More cheesy British 80’s music. No thanks, I’ve had enough. Something tells me we are in store for much more unfortunately.
I liked this a lot. This is better than the other Dusty album that is on this list. In fact I’m not sure we needed 2.
This reminded me of a French Leonard cohen. However, not knowing French I’m left with just the sound of his voice and the music which were both fine but nothing special for me. 2.5
I thought I would like this more. For me it was pretty good but a little disappointing.
Some beautiful piano playing, amazing really.
Even though I’m not much of a prince fan this album started off very strong. However after the first three songs this really dropped off and sounded like just another mediocre 80’s synthesizer based album which is definitely not my thing.
I love this album. Might be my favorite Doors album although I know others get more critical acclaim.
Under 200 albums in and this is the 4th Springsteen album. I understand why this one is on the list but 4 Springsteen albums seems like overkill. The songs on this album are so melodramatic and he’s just yelling about New Jersey and muscle cars. No thanks.
This was better than I expected. I used to live billion dollar babies but the rest of his stuff I wasn’t crazy about. His band is always good but his schtick is mostly not for me.
That was horrible.
Really enjoyed this.
Great doors album.
Another 80’s one hit wonder. I’ve heard worse.
Pretty solid, I liked it more than I thought I would.
It kinda interesting 2.5.
Pretty good. 3.5
Pretty jazzy but not great. 2.5
Lots of swearing, tough talk and N words. Not for me.
It was fine. 2.5.
There’s a few great songs on here but overall it was just a decent album for me. 3.5
Definitely a classic album. Lots of song were hits. 3.5
Better than expected for me but then I had low expectations. 2.5
What the F was that? Was that a joke?
This was pretty nice.
One of the best rock albums of all time.
With all the N words, swearing and tough talk I figured this guy must be a bad ass. But apparently he’s just a successful musician and actor who grew up playing la cross. Go figure.
It was ok. Don’t really care for synth pop or whatever this is. Apparently the author does however. 2.5
His first and maybe his best album. 3.5
Not his best but ok. 2.5
Not for me.
Not for me, too noisy.
Not my favorite velvet’s album but still pretty good with a couple of their classic songs and one of the all time great album covers. 3.5
One of my favorite albums of all time. Saw U2 in concert play this entire album, amazing show.
This was better than I expected. 3.5
Top 10 favorite albums of all time. Classic.
Pretty high energy. 2.5.
Wasn’t expecting a instrumental. Super talented artists obviously.
If you like ac/dc you have to like this. 3.5
This was not for me but it’s hard to hate on. These guys just seem to be having too much fun.
Classic 80’s, synthesizers cute guys with pretty hair playing music targeted at teen and preteen girls. 2.5
Not for me.
Definitely a classic. I’m just not sure I am a huge fan of The Beach Boys. The harmonizing is impressive though.
One of my all time favorite albums. Still remember the day I bought this when it was first released.
Like a not as good version of Coldplay. 2.5
Definitely not for me.
Really liked this.
Excellent album.
Obviously I am not with it. This is fine for what it is but somehow this guy is considered some kind of a musical genius. I don’t see it.
Not my favorite Elvis album but not bad. 3.5
Reminds me of some of the stuff from PJ Harvey. Overall I would say 2.5.
It was fun at times.
This was a pleasant surprise.
Not for me.
Pretty good, great recording.
Not for me. 1.5
Club dance music, no thanks.
Better than expected. 3.5
Decent and surprising
Never really cared for these guys. I put them in the same category as lover boy and later redo speedwagen. Mostly because of their big hit the boys are back in town I guess but this album they were actually rocking pretty hard. Still didn’t like it that much but I do respect them more. 2.5
It was ok. 2.5
More songs about motherfuckers and bitches.
Not bad
Pretty good, a little too country for me though.
It was alright. She writes some interesting lyrics.
This was quite good with several classics.
Pretty great mood music.
It wasn’t bad.
So far this is my favorite Cohen album. 3.5
This was one of the first albums I ever owned when I was a kid. I probably played this 100 times or more. Still pretty damn good.
Not bad
Not my favorite Peter Gabriel but not bad.
We are really stretching the limits of credulity here. How does another “fine” English band make the list of albums that we must hear before we die. There’s nothing necessarily wrong with this album it’s just that it’s so just fine. If there hadn’t been so many other “fine” English bands on this list I could perhaps see why this one is on the list but that’s not the case. Meanwhile no Loui Armstrong. WTF!
Pretty solid.
Couldn’t make it through another rap album about dicks, bitches, hoes, and N words.
It was ok.
Love this.
Kinda fun but not for a whole album for me.
I don’t like hip hop but I’ve heard worse.
Well that was incredibly boring.
Pretty good 3.5.
It was pleasant.
Not much of a fan of this style of music but it’s not offensive. 2.5
I thought this was going to be some kind of a comedy album based on the title and the cover. 2.5
Pretty fun, reminded me of the talking heads at times.
Wow I thought this was really nice.
I really like this album and listen to it regularly.
Classic Santana
The trumpet was nice but the music was not for me.
Pretty good
One of Bob’s best.
Packed with classic CSN hits.
Just re-purchased this album recently. It sounds amazing and every song is great.
Wow definitely not for me but if you like this kind of thing then I’m sure it’s fine.
Pretty good.
Really good songs at the very beginning and the end but the rest was pretty mediocre.
Pretty decent.
It was ok.
I like this.
Not a huge steely Dan fan but this has some solid songs on it.
It was ok. 2.5
Catchy disco tunes from a serial child molester.
Pleasant surprise
These guys are pretty good.
I don’t get her but I know lots of people do.
Pretty noisy, definitely not for me.
My favorite Bowie album.
Far from my favorite U2 album but still pretty good.
It was OK. 2.5
One of my favorite Talking Heads albums.
Not a big Queen fan but this does have some of their most famous songs on it.
It was ok for some background “music” for a while.
Decent 3.5
This is a very good Nirvana album. Grunge is not my thing.
I liked it.
Too much over produced pop for my taste. That being said if you are an ELO fan you will probably really like this.
Pretty solid.
When it started I thought initially that it might be a parody album. Then I did research and found out that this has actually received a fair amount of critical acclaim. To each his own.
This was pretty solid.
I didn’t hate it as much as I thought I would.
One of my favorite REM albums.
It was ok
I thought it would be better.
The best ZZ album.
Pretty solid.
Not bad.
Super dated.
One of my top 3 Beatles albums.
I’ve heard worse.
Just ok.
It was a mixed bag for me.
I don’t feel like this has held up that well.
It’s so cheesy you gotta love it a little.
Pretty decent.
Not a bad Bowie Album.
Really good.
Really good.
I tried but this sucks.
I am pretty burned out on the title track but I hadn’t heard it in years and the rest of the album is pretty solid. 3.5.
It was not bad at times. 2.5
When it started I thought I was going to like it more but I didn’t. 2.5
Pretty decent.
Definitely not for me.
Some of it was decent.
Not my thing but I didn’t hate it.
I’m a big fan of Roxy Music and I love these early albums.
I didn’t love it but it was better than expected for me. 2.5
I expected to like this more but I did not.
Surprisingly good.
One of my favorite albums of all time.
Pretty spacey
Didn’t care for this.
Pretty laid back but not bad.
Not terrible and entertaining at times. 2.5
Pretty noisy for me. 2.5
Not my style but this was pretty good. 2.5.
I saw this tour so I have a soft spot for this album but it got soooo much airplay that I don’t like it as much as I used to. Great recording though.
Wow some people like this.
Not my thing.
It was fine, not one of my Bowie favorites.
Pretty decent overall.
Just fine, maybe groundbreaking’ish once upon a time.
Very dated. 2.5
Maybe my favorite zeppelin album.
Weird album, part slow ambient and part punkish.
Definitely not my thing.
A couple of good songs and a lot of noise.
Wow that was horrible. It kinda sounds like Michael Jackson singing over a goofy synth pop sound on repeat.
Pretty solid.
Not sure I have ever listened to this whole album before. I think it may be my favorite of hers. 3.5
A couple of times it was pretty good but some other times it was pretty annoying.
Ok for a song or two but eventually the whining is overwhelming. 2.5
I know it’s classic punk but wow it’s a lot of screaming.
I like Adele but she puts so much emotion into every song that it was too much for me. There was almost change in pace of the songs. 2.5
Some of it wasn’t bad.
This was pretty crap. Lots of noisy sounds.
Expected more. Most of this sounded pretty cheesy.
A couple of good songs otherwise it was a bit much for me. 2.5
Not horrible but not particularly good either.
This was a pleasant surprise.
Not for me but I’ve heard worse.
Pretty solid.
There were a couple of decent songs buy otherwise not so good. 2.5
Pretty fun. 3.5
One of my favorite albums by one of my favorite bands.
Not bad. 2.5
Not for me.
Kinda spacey but kinda good. 3.5
Definitely not for me.
The first U2 album I got into.
Love this.
This is definitely not my thing but it was much better than most of this style that I have heard.
Not a big cure fan but this was pretty good and the recording is great. 3.5
More rap oh boy. Wasn’t terrible just not for me.
Started off kind of interesting but couldn’t take a whole album of this.
I was prepared to hate this but I did find it very relaxing to listen to.
This was better than expected.
Pretty good with a couple of classic songs.
Not bad, not great. 2.5
I love this album.
Excellent and a great recording. 4.5
Wow what the hell was that aside from an incredible waste of time? Were they serious?
I really liked this, much more than I expected.
Pretty good as background music.
Another album that is great for background music.
Too much like smooth jazz. Something I expect to hear playing quietly in the background of my dental office. Not objectionable but also not very interesting.
Pretty solid with several of their best songs.
Solid album, I didn’t realize so many of the songs were covers.
From the photo I was expecting some reggae influenced punk but apparently not. Not for me.
Not good, extremely lacking in talent. However I do appreciate the energy level.
Far from my favorite Neil album but pretty solid.
He’s obviously very talented and I liked a couple of songs but overall it was kinda cheesy country music.
Pretty dated.
Not for me but I’ve heard worse.
This is pretty good, not really for me but there are a few really solid songs on here.
Not for me but I didn’t hate it.
It was kinda boring.
A little noisy for me.
Really solid and a great recording.
This is an album that a lot of people are obsessed with. I don’t get it. I’ve given it a few tries but it just doesn’t do anything special for me.
It was not bad.
Not my thing but not horrible.
One of my all time favorite albums.
It was just ok for me.
I just this album recently and it’s fantastic.
A couple of songs weren’t bad.
A couple of songs weren’t bad.
Really good with a few classic songs.
Pretty good at times for sure. 3.5
One of my favorite albums.
3.5 some of this had a pretty good sound. I put god away drug on quite a bit.
Well that was pretty terrible. So dated and sooo cheesy. Definitely not something anyone needed to hear before they die. Don’t we have some Duran Duran on this list somewhere. This is like a sad ridiculous version.
Some of the best stuff I have heard from old blue eyes.
I feel like I should like this more than I do. It’s pretty good but it does drone on a bit. 3.5