Wish You Were Here
Pink FloydThis one is just obvious. Good first pick.
This one is just obvious. Good first pick.
Good bass lines. More of a coffee shop vibe for me. I would have enjoyed the concert back in the day.
Just ok, though i’ve always liked the title song.
No. Played E-pro (itself 3-3.5, mostly from familiarity) and skipped halfway through the rest and closed it before the final two. Not an album I would put back on for a reconsideration.
Neutral on this one. Not adding any of their songs to my playlist but can let most play through. Maybe.
Something I liked more back when it came out but still not enough to have bought the record. I could still enjoy about half the songs turned up at a bar.
Like a musical version of R Crumb comics. I like comics. I like music. But Crumb and this album are not appealing to me.
I gave song one a chance and a few seconds from a couple others. I couldn’t imagine what worldwide location would be its equivalent in 1001 Places to Visit Before You Die.
I’d rather give 3.5 but I’ll round up. I like the rhythms.
One of my favorite tunes along the lines of murder ballads is Country Death Song by Violent Femmes. I only like a couple of songs off this album and those had help from guest singers.
Not quite my style as a whole. A few good beats, but I like my rap usually a bit tamer, 80’s I suppose.
Not bad. Nothing special
Definitely some time there, but not something I just put on to listen to
Nice to listen while relaxing.
Love some bass lines in there.