A Christmas Gift For You From Phil Spector
Various ArtistsOh no, can it get any worse? Minus five stars for Phil Spector and his "Christmas Company"
Oh no, can it get any worse? Minus five stars for Phil Spector and his "Christmas Company"
I'm currently in hospital after a kidney transplant and every single Bowie song makes the life I'm allowed to lead a little more worth living. I was not only given new life, but also content and joy
So'nt like it. No consistency. Hatte "Hobo' Blues", that violin. zero stars
So muss ein Album klingen
it's like a nightmare, you're hanging from the gallows, struggling for air and the hangman is laughing at you and then you grow up. You think oh shit and ask yourself what was that, then you hear it in the background, that nasal voice of Jarvis Cocker. I can't eat enough, I want to puke like crazy. Minus one star!!!
who needs that? I certainly don't. I've at least listened to all the songs. Her voice doesn't appeal to me. the only one I liked a little bit is "Sir Greendown" what a pity
I'm a big fan of electronic music, 'Berlin School', this is just lame. It's not going on my turntable. No, it's going straight into the bin of musical failures. It doesn't even get a 'Micro Star'!
I've never been a fan of Judas Priest and I'm still not a fan after listening to British Steel from start to finish. I can't stand Rob Halford's singing. I find their themes and their whole attitude annoying.
I skipped through the songs and they mean nothing to me. The 'Mary Chains' had no meaning for me in the past and even less so today. They are a typical product of their time and have not aged particularly well. The 'guitar fog' is just irritating. Linking them to the 'Stooges' is just ridiculous, they will never reach their class. The Stooges will stay, the 'Mary Chains' will disappear into the abyss of music history. Good!
I liked the album, but after listening to it again, after a long time, I don't like it so much anymore. Her voice is very irritating, tormenting. I have to listen to the album again when I have a quiet moment, maybe then I'll like it better again
well, typical 60s pop rock. not really catchy. in the context of the time probably a great album, but for me and in the 2020s it has no meaning. OK, if I may add, even in the 1970s I didn't hear this and I know exactly why
Great album, I listened to it twice.
I hated every song! Yeah, yeah... Minus 5 stars
I'm sorry, but I can't get into this music, if you can call it that. I like some of the jazzy sounds but the spoken 'singing', nope! I hardly understand anything and I have to say, I'm not interested in it either, it's not my world
I liked and still like the Commodores, I love Barry White and many more, R&B and soul were great, but I don't understand what is being produced today under this or related labels. I can't do anything with it. OK, some of the music snippets are interesting and beautiful, but they mostly come from a different time. It may be that her lyrics are important and good. It's great that she writes them herself. Unfortunately I can't do anything with it. I'm sorry, but it's not my music
Habe mir die ersten zwei Songs angehört und entschieden, das ist nichts für mich. Musik und Text, rufen in mir Kopfschütteln hervor und ich meine damit nicht 'headbanging'. Ich wüsste keinen Grund, warum ich mir so etwas anhören sollte. Ich denke, das war mein erstes und letztes Mal. Eigentlich gibt es von mir '0' Null Sterne, aber da das nicht geht, halt einen '1'
Ganz klar Cure!
Muss man mal gehört haben. Zählt aber nicht zu meinen persönlichen Lieblingsalben. Für meinen Geschmack zu Gitarrenlastig. Wer's mag, das Album ist OK.
Das Album ist OK incl. einiger 'Dance-Stampfer' die sicherlich Partytauglich sind. Zum regelmäßigen Hören reicht es allerdings nicht
Nicht meins. Vertane Zeit! 90j Musik, musikalisch für mich eher eine schwierige Zeit. Zu viel 'Technik' zu wenig Brilianz. Soundschnipsel zusammenfügen, Ok. Ein überragendes Ergebnis? Für mich nicht! Die ganze DJ Kultur geht mir ab.
Wow, da versagt mir einfach die Vorstellungskraft. Die Stimmen sind schrecklich, kann man, Frau da wirklich zuhören wollen. Absolut gruselig. Das musikalische Grundgerüst dagegen ist gefällig, mehr Jazz als Folk, OK. Leider verliert das ganze für mich deutlich an 'Strahlkraft' Die Stimmen dominieren die meisten Songs. Weg mit Schaden!
OK, aber keineswegs überragend
Absolut hörbar. Sehr rockig. Nice!
Nein, auf keinen Fall, das ist ein Album, das ich nicht noch einmal hören möchte, bevor ich sterbe. Die Stimme irgendwie erinnert sie mich an Elvis, ist absolut nicht mein Fall. Weg damit und nie wieder in mein Ohr. Allerdings befürchtet ich, das ich "everbody's talkin'" doch noch einmal aufschnappen werde. Dann aber hoffentlich in der Version von Harry Nilsson
wow, what crap. I normally love rough, deep voices, but what Cohen is saying is an absolute disgrace. Not even close to spoken word. Of course you can flatteringly title it all with 'you want it darker', but it's not dark, it's dull. Absolutely wasted time listening to it for even a minute
Pop at its best!
I never was a fan and will never be one in this life
I've never been an Elvis fan, but OK, you can listen to this album. Is it great? Definitely not. It may have been very important in the context of its time. Today, it's probably only for Elvis fans and nostalgia music nerds. But OK, there are big differences to today's productions. This music is still real, in contrast to overhyped ex-country stars in glittery bodysuits and cowboy boots. Oh, the glittery outfit is of course a clear parallel. Well, show business. Still, a clear thumbs up for 'From Elvis to Memphis'. We'd rather not say anything about this lady, who wasn't even asked about here.
Would I ever buy this record, nope. Will I ever listen to this record again, nope. Would I give this record even one star, nope. So let me sum it up, nope, nope, nope!
'L.A. Woman' was the first blues record I consciously listened to and the first Doors record. I hated it. I couldn't understand at all why my friends liked it so much. Blues isn't for me. This way of playing and expressing music makes me feel sick and rejected. I'm sorry, that's not just specific to the Doors, but I associate it specifically with this record. But in the end, the Doors didn't make this record for nothing in my opinion, there is the absolutely wonderful and outstanding 'Riders on the Storm', for that reason alone it deserves 5 stars.
Yes, I listened to the entire album and I don't really know why. The music is relentlessly boring. I'm really wondering if I'm going to be 'sung' to death. It seems absolutely impossible to spend such a lovely evening. The whole set seems to have no real highlights. With a little alcohol and an equally bored accompaniment, I would definitely have fallen asleep. Zero points, I can't even give a point for the album cover, it's just as uninspired. "at Mister Kelly's" wow, does anyone really care, or are there really good drinks there? Let's wash our ears out and hope for the next album.
wow, that's some real shit again. an attempt to make music sound 'modern' and synthetic and that's exactly what the crap sounds like. why would you want to produce something like that, why would you listen to something like that, it just sounds like shit. can I say shit again? oh, I'll just say shit as often as I want. a few drum beats, a high and 1-2-3 shit, 1-2-3 shit, shit, shit. 2-3 shit, ... OK, now it's no longer fun
way too much country (rock) I was never a country fan and never will be. For me, country is what 'Schlager' is in Germany, simply unbearable. but no problem, because this is not the only album by the Eagles. They have grown significantly over time
GREAT album
Well, Joan Armatrading, that really isn't easy. I don't like her voice, and I'm not interested in her lyrics, but somehow the whole package is right. It's not that I'm praising the record to the skies, but every now and then it's worth listening to. This is real music, from a real singer-songwriter. J. A. or T. S. I'm just saying - and this isn't translated from German - 'JA, JA, JA!' That means YES, YES, YES! We'll quickly forget those other initials, as will hopefully the music world, because if this isn't just a passing trend, I'll probably have to get my ears amputated.
I have the album myself, but I can't do much with the music anymore. Because I once thought the sound and the attitude were great, I gave it 3 stars, but only for the sake of nostalgia
Not mine
Nope, nicht meins! Punk hat bei mir eine geringe Lebenserwartung. Wie im wirklichen Leben ist er sehr schnell durch wesentlich innovative Musikrichtungen und Entwicklungen abgelöst worden, gut so. Die spätere Renaissance, war eh nur eine Luftnummer, verwöhnter Vorstadtkids, weg damit. Hey, ich mag 'Gary Gillmore's Eyes'. Hätte gedacht 'Bette Davis Eyes' von Kim Carnes wäre älter, aber kam danach
Kann mir dem Album nichts anfangen
I'm currently in hospital after a kidney transplant and every single Bowie song makes the life I'm allowed to lead a little more worth living. I was not only given new life, but also content and joy
I don't know what 'trip hop' means and I didn't like 'Dummy' straight away either, but today the album is one of my favourites. Beth Gibbons' voice is as bittersweet as almost any other I know. The instrumentation is "restrained" but still distinctive and wonderfully complementary. I am blown away by two of the samples they use, firstly this trembling melody, Zither, which reminds me totally of the Third Man and then Elegante People by Weather Report, I am an absolute Weather Report fan. If Portishead is a good example of trip hop, wow! What else is there to say, for me it's manna for the ears and soul. It's not medicine in the true sense of the word, but for me, currently in hospital after a serious operation, it's a healing and nutritional supplement. Give me more of it and it would be the devil's work if they didn't see me from behind here soon
Was soll ich dazu sagen. Eines der deutschen Produkte die einfach nur gut sind. Zu "Das Modell" habe ich in den '70 in der Disco getanzt. Das war gigantisch. Ich bin ein großer Fan elektronischer Musik, der klassischen "Berliner Schule" und natürlich "Düsseldorf" Das fiel mal wie vieles andere unter den Begriff "Krautrock" und das ist wie Mercedes, Porsche und Haribo ein deutsches Qualitätslabel. Wer es noch nicht gemerkt haben sollte, das ist natürlich eine 'Besprechung' auf deutsch, es gibt heutzutage genug Übersetztungswerkzeuge, (das schreibt sich so lang!) haut rein, hört auch mal das Original "Die Mensch-Maschine"
Oh no, I don't like it. Rather lame and tame, plodding pop, rock, whatever. OK, if you like it, I don't like the album. But many people seem to have liked it, at least according to the Wikipedia article. I can't and don't want to judge anything 'technical', I don't know enough about that. My ratings are more based on the emotional aspects and their effect on me. Not a album I would buy or ever listen to again. Too bad, cool band name. But if that really falls into the same category, where are The Dead Weather, The Black Keys, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club? That can't be right. Hey and Eagles of Death Metal, I love all that stuff. I'm confused
If you see potential here, congratulations. It's not my time, so I'm judging in the here and now. Wow, that's crap. The kind of white blues that I really hate. "I am hate" (please in German, "Codo the third, from the center of the stars... DÖF) there are and were definitely people who were totally into it, that's OK, quite justified, different taste, different approach. I have to erase that from my ears and memory quickly, preferably with good music. And bang, it's gone. I never liked the Stones, apart from a few little things. "Paint it Black" is one of them. And as a band member, Brian Jones too. Jagger and Richards, the old confectioners, not really. They managed to make every sweet pastry a little worse. They still managed to create the myth of one of the world's best bands. For me, the over, over, over-rated band of all time. I'm going to be "stoned" now, screw it. A little bitten off tongue and the totally wrinkled look isn't enough for me. Fuck you Stones
oh no 'blues' again, I can't stand blues and then it says Eric Clapton, I can't stand Clapton. Without even listening to the record I've already said "I can't stand it" twice, it starts off really well. Nope, I've heard it and it doesn't work, at least for me! The only song that I can stand is the first one on the first side "All Your Love". The rest is wasted time for me and nobody will give it back.
Cat Stevens, haven't heard from him for a long time, but wow, I was well-known high-flyers. Wild World or Farther and Son, but 'Sad Lisa'. Some days I cry my eyes out, it's unbelievable how much emotion can be contained in so few words. Beautiful album with truly exceptional songs and little filler.
Great Album
irrelevant crap. absolutely boring. after the second song I almost fell asleep. not my thing, let someone else enjoy it
Is there anything else to say about this album? "Krautrock" whatever that is. As a German who grew up with it in the 60s and 70s, I initially found it a bit disrespectful, but now I see it as an award, even though it says nothing at all about the music Großartiges Album *****!
I have never heard of this band or the album. When I listened to it, I realized why. The band and the music are not worth hearing. This applies primarily to me, of course. If that's your music, so be it
I don't need something like that. Minor!
Oh no, I don't like this kind of jazz at all. It sends a chill down my spine. Everything seems so atonal. For me, there is almost no structure in these songs. OK, expecting something melodic here is probably naive. The whole thing is called 'unconventional structure'. I admit, something like that can sometimes be interesting. Would I want to hear it again? Definitely not.
Oh no, can it get any worse? Minus five stars for Phil Spector and his "Christmas Company"
Radiohead, not for me. Thom York sucks. I despise his acidic voice. The music is pure shit. All this over hyped bands, I can't understand it. Radiohead - Coldplay, yuck
This album is not a "lemon"! For me it is a real "heartbreaker". That's why I say "Thank you" So "Ramble On", "Mobi Dick"!
ohhh-hhh, baaa-byyy, youuu- uuuh ... ooo-oooh, please gooo-ooh away Marvin. I haaa-te it! Miii-nuuus - - - - -
Folk, you can clearly hear that it has nothing, absolutely nothing, to do with Bob Dylan. I almost only listen to the fiddle and that is almost an exclusion criterion for me. I was never a big folk fan, with a few exceptions, but that is not my music, absolutely not.
Better than expected but much more boring than I thought. Punk after punk, that's just nothing. There may be a few good punk epigones, but the "Rockets" aren't one of them.
Adele, kind of the same sound, with small changes. Same voice, of course. Kind of the same themes. Actually the same and not even in "green" (a modified German phrase, "the same but in green") no, that's too boring for me. But she definitely has an outstanding voice.
yes, yes, yes, finally an album that I like. The version of "Morning Dew" is great. Rod Stewart's voice sounds a bit strange at times. "Shapes Of Things" I have to admit that I'm not a big Rod Stewart fan. Overall, I give the album a solid, or even a better 3.
I have no idea what to make of this album. But I don't really like it. Maybe the lyrics give more insight into its meaning, but I don't really feel like listening to them. The music is lame and doesn't grab me anywhere. When I think of War, it's always with Eric Burdon, that's a completely different story. Yes, I've decided, I don't like this album.
"Lust for Life" is one of my favorite albums. It's unbelievable how much energy Iggy has. Together with Bowie, the result could only be a masterpiece.
No, no, that's absolutely not possible. I listened to the album twice and I can't get anything out of it. I know why I was never a "Cars" fan, never really paid attention to this band and had completely lost track of them, it's absolutely not worth it. The guitar sound is totally boring and almost always the same. The whining voice really gets on my nerves. 1978 was a good year musically, the Cars were successful, but I ask myself why? Why couldn't I get anything out of them, then and now? Quite simple, I think they're crap. Compared to many other bands, they were simply in the bottom third for me.
I have never consciously listened to this album before and now I know why, it is totally boring. Sure it belongs to his "classic period" but it is definitely the weakest. I have all the albums around it, but I don't have this one. Two stars are enough, I really don't know how you can give it 5 stars. How many do the others deserve then, 'fifteen' (15)?
This is classic rock, nothing else. Do I need more of it? More, More, More ... my gut feeling tells me, definitely not. "More Than a Feeling" is on the rock radio over and over again. That doesn't make it any better for me, but it's actually a great song. The rest of the album doesn't mean much to me. A good debut, in any case. Do I own the album? No. Will I buy it? No. Stars? Yes. 2-3, I think.
wow, this is sixties music and the album is still a style-defining album. when I heard it for the first time in the 70s, I thought what is that? I listened to it over and over again and thought that was really strange. but the more often I listened to it, the more I liked it. I like this minimalism and the "drones" I've always liked John Cage's and Steve Reich's music. the album is great and certainly not for everyone, but I give it 5 stars!
Another album of this kind. Who is going to listen to this? An 80s album to run away from. All I can say is: ugh, ugh, ugh! That definitely means minus three stars
Oh man, this country and western music is killing me. Slide guitar and harmony vocals, I feel like I'm going to be sick. Something rockier flashes up a few times, but it disappears almost immediately. I can listen to it, but I have to have had breakfast beforehand, on an empty stomach, no. Do I give it stars, fine, because Neil Young is in it. But no more than 2. I really have to eat something.
ok, stay where you are and don't disturb my circles.
I didn't know the album before, but I listened to it in its entirety and can only say that it's not for me. It's not terrible, but I don't think it's good either. 2 stars because the cover isn't bad at all
I have to admit that I only know "Bitter Sweet Symphony" Do I really like it? I can stand it, but not too often. The whole sound is too "laid back" for me. Is that perhaps the meaning of "Urban"? The album is dog shit. But that also fits with "Urban" because most of the dog shit is lying around there. I'd better be careful not to step in that shit again.
I didn't know the album before, but I have to say I like it. The sound is calm and what struck me immediately was that it reminded me of the Beatles. Not the Beatles exactly, of course, but there's a certain Beatles vibe to it. I like it. It doesn't sound anything like "Making Plans Form Nigel", but it definitely has its qualities. The melodies are very beautiful and now on the second listen I've discovered a little bit of "Tears For Fears". All I can say is well done. I like the "Beatles", I like "Tears For Fears", I like "XTC", I like this album.
Country music, ugh! Country music is an abomination in the broad field of musical styles. Merle Haggard's is the best example of this. German "folk" pop music is similarly awful. Unfortunately, the English translation always uses the terms 'folk music' and 'pop music', but that's wrong! This music is a new pop music with mostly Bavarian-inspired instrumentation, ugh! So unfortunately we have something like that too. Again, this album by Merle Haggard is crap and I think if he hasn't developed musically, all of his albums are crap. I don't even know how many minus stars I can give here, let's stick with the system, five stars. 5-minus stars! Again, ugh
what a lame piece of crap. folk pop that the Byrds can happily do without. if "so you want to be a rock 'n' roll star" is really meant to be a reference to the Monkeys, congratulations, they did it much better. for me this album is a boring waste of time. perhaps the album had a certain significance at the time it was made, I can't see it today. the album is absolutely dispensable. thank god they have a few other, much better works
What a lame piece of crap. Folk pop that the Byrds can happily do without. If "so you want to be a rock 'n' roll star" is really meant to be a reference to the Monkeys, congratulations, they did it much better. For me this album is a boring waste of time. Perhaps the album had a certain significance at the time it was made, I can't see it today. The album is absolutely dispensable. Thank god they have a few other, much better works
When it comes to pop, ABBA is the gold standard for me. My girlfriend at the time tormented me with it at first, but later she completely won me over. I still listen to ABBA regularly. Today's pop artists leave me completely cold. Maybe I'm too old for it, but it could also be that today's pop music is much too bad. If I had to bet, it would definitely be on the bad music.
I don't even have to listen to the album, I know it's crap. Yes, I know that one song and I didn't like it, I'll never like it and if that song is the highlight of the album, well, thanks. For me, Coldplay is one of the most overhyped bands of the last few years. I don't think I want to say anything more about it, a waste of time.