Trout Mask Replica
Captain Beefheart & His Magic BandYou could give this a 5 for the sheer brass balls of releasing this on the public, but, really, it gets a 1 for being shit.
You could give this a 5 for the sheer brass balls of releasing this on the public, but, really, it gets a 1 for being shit.
It's simultaneously boring, pretentious and arrogant. Yeah, it's John Lennon's solo career
One of those albums people are thinking about when they say music sounds all the same
IS it me or is Bowie just overrated?
All very pleasant but ultimately one dimensional
Didnt engage me at all.
Not my normal genre but an awful lot to like here.
Its a pleasant enough experience but it never wavers from its true path. It sets it stall out from Track 1 as to how this is going to be and sticks to it until the end. Theres no real filler here but it doesnt seek greatness either
Its a bit early to be a JB classic, but its still pretty bloody good!
Its very much a CCR album with some of its hits mixed in wuth longer jams. It does seem that John Fogerty's vocals elevates the band as the vocalled tracks far out perform the more freeform instrumental secrtions
Classic Motorhead tracks but it's not a classic album by any stretch
Its a nice enough Album and Kate always has a lovely voice but there is nothing stand out her.
This geta similar very quickly. It's someway before their golden era.
Sigur Ros are a genre leader for this brand of trance folk and this album is one of their best
Pretty generic American country with hints of Dylan
Its all very nice. But I didnt think it was any more than that and didnt do anything for me
Hated it. Shows Lydon up for the talent-free 14 year-old esque poet and agitator that he is.
There's 42 tracks and nearly 3 hours is enough to make you hate Country & Western and convince yourself it all sounds the same
Pretty standard fare which is quite dated nowadays
Of course it's an all time classic!
A real oddity. Euphoric at times. Twiddly le Dee at others
You can hear why he was considered the king, but Im in no rush to listen to the album again
There is some pretty decent classic rock on here
Big Black Flag fan and this is arguably their finest
She's the original angelic country singer that all copycats are based on. And this is a really good album. Showcases perfectyly what she is about
It's not good. By her own admission Sarah admits she doesn't know how the song goes which sums jazz up really
PJ has dated quite badly since the 90s but this is her most mainstream effort. It's quite a few bangers mixed in with her terrible poetry about horses and a genuinely moving final song
Its all very pleasant. All very 80s. Nothing stand out, though
AS close to wallpaper as The Cure gets. Uninteresting
Puts the School in Art School. Not Good.
Ironically Spotify played a Curtis Mayfield track after this album, which was a great track. It wasnt a D'Angelo track though
It depends if you prefer garage rock form the 90s or alt music with a clearer tune structure.nof it's the former, Fugazi ar one of the best.
Minus 1 for the spoken word guff. Minus 1 for the excessive length
It's all about dated now and given how Cast didn't really go anywhere either it's a bit of a misplaced cult record
Her voice is flawless and it's all very nice, but it's also very dated and not really my thing
Its incredibly sweet
It's all a bit dull if were being honest here.
It's basically creedences greatest hits album
Basically unlistenable
It's much better than I remember it being but it's still undeniably niche.
In all honesty, its a classic. Not my genre at all, but its really good
It's a lot of fun but you can't shake the feeling there is something better out there
An OST. Pretty Meh.
Its literally one of the worst albums ever released. A conceptual nightmare
It bangs a long at a consistent rate, but not much variety between songs here
A band that gets better as they age. This is a classic
This has aged quite badly. Really outdated lyrically
Oh do shut up!
A whole lot of nothing really
You know what, its all very impressive.
A real mixed bag. Some inspiring stuff. Some shite
The most niche album so far, to which I can only say - its OK if you like that sort of thing
It is of course a classic. Maybe a few tracks too long but it's the Beasties at their peak
Its not bad per se, but its definitely of its era and a bit of a chore nowadays
Its pretty epic and interesting in its own way - but the album is way too much of it.
There are better Mile Davis albums
Theres not much wrong with it, but its not remarkable either
Its a genuinely moving album. Beautiful in its way
It's all pretty meh.
Great Album. Genuine Classic
Its basic. And she has a great voice which has been ruined by a few questionable production decisions
Its 808's best album which means it must be very good.
It's a bit of a curio. Walks the line between exhilarating and being a bit too much.
Really good. Perfect voice. Somewhat dated
Im a fan of some of Nick's work butthis is just depressing and he barely gets out of spoken word.
It bounces along quite nicely, and surprisingly for The Fall, it's half decent
Of course, Its a defining album of our generation
Its aged pretty damn well.
There is something grating about Suzanne Vega that other songwriters in this genre dont possess
Its way too long. Which is ironic as there is so much fat on here? An editor required maybe? Of course, Stevie's talent is without question
Background Music
That voice. Plus a couple of bona fide classics on here. Some filler, though
Its just before he refined his pop into superstar status so Off The Wall keep some of its funk roots. But likewise, it sounds like the sort of thing you would get on Radio 4. A mixed bag
Condescending rubbish
All very unmemorable
It borders on white man blues. Its all very pleasant but nothing spectacular
Its better than most in this genre, but its still this genre
No surprises here. Its a Byrds album. Thats it.
It bridges the gap between Rock (Good) and White Man's Blues (Not Good). Clearly lot of ability here but contains a lot of blues indulgence
Absolute solid gold guff
Its very nice if not a bit twee
They are obviously talented so a shame they are wasting their time in this genre
Its good for what it is, but its all a bit childish really
Basically, it's a bit of a classic in it's genre.
Its a pretty tight album. But also there is nothing stand out
Let down by its frequent forays into gibberish
Everything is peereless except some of the songwriting is a bit basic
Im sure more experienced ears appreciate this, but to my ears its sounds quite ordinary
Starts well but loses itself in the middle and peters out
Its "OK".
Its all pretty mediocre Dad rock
Tune after Tune after Tune after Tune.....
In all honesty, its a bit of a slog
Theres a lot going on here but im not sure id add it to my rotation
Very basic
Has its moments but is oddly uninteresting
It is both iconic and the home of some pretty bad poetry
Its all very pleasant but not really my thing
Tremendously dated. All a bit silly
A lot of tunes on this one. Bit of a classic. If anything, it goes on a bit, though
Not one of their best but its Sonic Youth so of course its good
Not usually my thing but not much wrong here
It's a genre I like and this is a good, if not great, example.
There are some good tunes, but its all a bit basic and requires some genre investment that I dont have.
All very pleasant but ultimately one dimensional
Chaotic and noisy. Quite likeable
Its so bland, it just melts into the background and never comes back.
Its basically rush. A little bit epic. A little bit naff
Its legendary but it self pity hasnt aged well.
Not a huge amount here TBH
IS it me or is Bowie just overrated?
Very pleasant. Thats all.
Led Zeppelin have acquired legendary status but, at times, its not hugely interesting
Simply magnificent
At times its one of the most iconic sounds of its era. at others its diabolical poetry
Yeah, I very much like this sort of stuff
Theres a lot of bangers on here
It starts smooth butter but soon becomes R&B wailing. And enough with the narration!
One of the best from one of my favourite bands. What more needs to be said?
Not Sure where this adulation comes from. Its OK at best
Honestly, its pretty effing great
Its actually pretty impressive stuff. Some genuinely cutting edge pop. Moving
Completely Uninteresting. Not for me.
All very admirable, but not really my thing
All very elegant and simple, but completely uneventful
Its really quite beautiful. A couple of ropey tracks, though.
A very good instrumental if your into soundscapes
REally doesnt go anywhere pretty quickly
Its iconic. Pretty much every track has been replicated by a 90s band somewhere
Generally its very impressive but, man, some of these lyrics are a bit edgelord
Well its a classic isnt it?
A really problematic album. Its listening to 500 tracks at once style is basically unlistenable
It has its moment but overall its a bit try hard.
Not bad but not impressive either
By the numbers. Of its era. Forgettable
It only occasionally gets above average. Occasionally
Its experimental which is good. But also Meh, which isnt
Verse. Chorus. Verse. Chorus. etc etc. Its fun but it has a sell by date even at its sparse 28 minutes
Its pretty straightforward but enjoyable nonetheless
Its the quintessential crossover between Psych and Punk. Perfect.
You dont have to say everything 20 times!
Its very relaxing but also quite underwhelming
You could take 80 minutes off this and it would still be too fat
Its a not bad slice of early punk
Couldnt relate to this at all
This is very enjoyable. A classic?
There are some tunes on this but if I was to be critical, its sort the poster child for rock albums seeming about samey
Its "OK"
Effortlessly Cool
You could trim 20 minutes out of the middle of this and improve it immeasurably
The problem with the concept is too much dead air
It rocks along just nicely and sounds a lot of fun
What a racket! I love it!
They honestly did put a lot of care into their albums in the 80s
Yeah, this is fucking great
Didnt really grab me
All very pretty but not very interesting
You know what. It's actually pretty bloody good.
It seems to be the album that modern arthouse rock albums are based off of. And it is considerably better than its imitators
I suppose you have to be in on the joke for this middle of the road baroque pop. It certainly stands out if nothing else
I thought it was incredibly uninteresting bar the banging outro
It has its moments but its also kind of goofy
Its from a far more basic time and its simplistic song writing is unrelenting
Its absolutely lush. A begrudging minus 1 for its length
Basically everybody's favourite thrash album
Ive never been convinced that Skunk's combination of pop and rock really work. Its all "half decent"
Some of this actually Bangs, but you need to be on the same wavelength as KR. And Im not
There are a lot of nice melodies but I guess you had to be there?
It's the first good album since Dave stopped sulking about not being in Metallica
Stylistically it feels like two albums competing with each other but its still a very enjoyable album
It's obviously cool, but you have to be on board with Curtis' vocals and I'm not really
If I was to be critical of this masterpiece I would say it is 15 minutes too long.
One of those instances where the performer isnt so good live
Well that's a whole lot of nothing
It doesn't quite have the songcraft of it's 80s counterparts but it's pretty good nonetheless.
An awful lot of good stuff going on here. Without the usual Who hokum, its a near classic.
It's a classic if not a bit one dimensional
It's obviously very good but you have to like the genre. I don't really
A bit of a surprise - it moves at a good pace pretty nicely
It's still got it. It's a thrilling, important, inspirational record. Basically perfect
Its not his best, but Wonder just oozes quality
Nonsense, really
Its basically impossible to rate. Where do I even start? As art house albums go, its both amazing and shite.
Its OK but not really my thing
Theres a certain coolness to it, but also a certain datedness
It's just so one dimensional
I know it's more a vibe than an album bit for me, that's the problem.
I'd forgotten how slow this album is
It trundles along with some nice tunes, but not much more
It's the most relaxed of new romantic. Honestly it's very nice and cool.
Shes the queen for sure, but do we need more than an hour of this?
Its Polly's best but once again, more terrible poetry
Its simplicity is its appeal. All over too quickly
Being boring is ironically apt
Its pretty much similar to all Stereolab but it trundles along quite nicely
Its quite delightful
A couple of famous tunes but its all a bit dated now
Theres a lot of god stuff on here
Not quite a classic. A lot of fun
There are some pretty nice tunes on here. Massively dated, though
This gave me a headache which Im sure was half the point. Its the better of the art house albums but it goes on forever
Really nothing interesting going on here. Bland
It's seminal for sure but is it any good. Some of it very much is. Some of it very much iant
Its pretty standard hippy fare
Its their classic
Way too much bang average hip hop. Get An Editor!
Unmemorable. Im sure people like it, but itsrather dated now
This hits every note. A Classic
I do still wonder if Tom is taking the piss
It's about as 1 dimensional as pop gets.
Its pretty decent but its as silly and indulgent as the worst of prog
Its very good
It's a true genre album. A genre I don't relate to.
All in all a solid pop effort.
It's a totally unique sound and, in places, pure ear honey. Still not sure I like it though!
It starts off really good but peters off badly
I found it all rather ordinary
Completely forgettable
It's a step down from their best
Its pretty good but it feels like rich kids pretending to have the blues
I guess somebody likes this stuff.
It has some of Pop's iconic moments, but, gosh, Daivid does guff as well
It has a Radio 4 feel about it nowadays but its undoubtedly a unique, beautiful voice
Since when have compilations been allowed. Its one of the better art school projects but its still a bit cheeky
Its OK but never gets better than that
Its nice enough but doesnt really get out of second gear
Its basically a dozen Ocean 11 soundtracks rolled into 1 album
My god its tedious
It has a few peaks but its not particularly interesting
The point where George Michael's career turned. A poor man's Prince and in desperate need of an editor
A semi-classic!
It feels quite ordinary but, really, its just not my bag
The whole day is indeed greater than the sum of its parts. Still lacking something though
Pedestrian Dad Rock
Alt-Techno with Class
Its become really dated and a bit naff
Its quite seminal in its field, but there is so much name checking, ultimately, it has very little to say for itself
For its genre, its pretty strong
Love the prison albums but this wavers a bit in the middle
Near Perfect
A bit of an oddity. It SEEMS quite good but its also very samey and needs an editor
Rich kids play Britpop. Some ear worms admittedly
Its far too long and laden with terrible poetry
It's a pretty archetypal smiths album. It's alright but a bit one dimensional
Its legendary in its own unique way
ITs pretty decent all said and done
Slightly less egregious than your usual arthouse affair but only just. Not enough material for an album
A lot of banda from this era making a similar sound but much better
There are a couple of decent party tunes on here, but otherwise it didnt do much for me
It bangs along quite nicely
It never really gets you going but you can admire the craft
One of their less annoying ones, this has some good stuff on itm
All in all, its pretty strong
It's a bit of a classic. But not really my bag.
It's a bit uninteresting
Well this is all very pleasant
It's absolute rubbish
Its pretty effing good
Pretty Bland
I can see why people like it but its not really my thing.
When they are white guys, this is one of the better one. But there is still a lot of the Rolling Stones paying at being black guys and its quite inauthentic.
Another nice effort from this era
It has some tunes on it, but also a lot of filler. A this sound of the times seems a bit bland nowadays
Tremendously cool. Sort of a forgotten classic.
You wont hear many more charming and unconfrontational albums as this
It's sometimes quite sweet but ultimately a bit dated
Same old, same old from Lana. How long has she been doing this now?
Well this is a hidden gem. Its a bit too long, but fabulously noidy
If I have one thing to criticise this iconic album is that its a bit too long
Despite its iconic title track, its still an OST, so its uninteresting despite its musicianship
Its incredibly dated now. Basically unlistenable
OK, he's definitely piss taking bit there is some fun poetry hidden in there
Some bangers on here. But too long for me
Its so slight its barely there
Shes got a good voice but would a decent song writer go amiss? Practically zero tunes
It goes along quite nicely but there is a super long track near the end that makes Itfeel like an EP
Not familiar with this. Different to what I expected. I suspect some people love this. I didn't.
It's the Black Keys so it's good. But it's too long and meanders a bit
This is a lot better than I remember it being
In retrospect, Radiohead were really rather good. This isnt their best, mind
It's right up there as the greatest of all time
It's very pleasant. Twee almost. But that also makes it not very exciting
Bit worried when I saw the cover versions but I ended up enjoying this
A very pleasant slice of seemingly forgotten American folk.
Despite being their best one, this art school stuff is not ageing well
This is a bit of a treat. Doesnt outstay its welcome either
Its all fun and games until somebody does a drum solo
It's definitely a defining record of it's era
An incredible singles band with a self indulgent unfocused album
Classic Rock performed in its greatest format. Whats not to like?
It remains interesting all the way through without ever getting memorable
There is plenty of ear honey here and it's quite revolutionary but it also becomes boring at times.
Madness have been surpassed by so many bands since
I wanted this to end at a point long before it did end
Another example of a front man leaving a band to pursue a career in Dad Rock.
I prefer their first but plenty of bangers onhere
Its all a bit twee nowadays
Its an odd album. The first side is incredibly boring but it ends with some sweet trance like dance
Its nice enough but not especially noteworthy
Its got a bit of an intensity to it, but its a right racket and Robert's vocals are very marmite
Completely Naff
If Im honest, I didnt find it hugely engaging
Well this bangs along at a nice pace. Good stuff.
Tenderly walks that thin line between uninteresting and shite
TBH, once the hits are out of the way, its pretty mundane
Honestly, its a banger
This is Van at his more romantic and approachable. It usits him better
Not much wrong with this. Apart from the self-pity of course
This was a pleasant surprise. Likeable and contemporary
A real lush production but its oh so Radio 4
Nothing wrong with this
Its hard to rate these CCR alcums. Theres some greatest hits on here. Some tunes that could be on the greatest hits. It feels like a greatest hits - its architecture is so simple
Its pretty decent stuff TBF. But also, TBF, its pretty uneventful
Spotify played The Pixies after this and I didnt give that a 5, Frank, so how do you think this is going to end up?
Have to admit its got a few classics on it
Its better than their later ones but its still not that great
There are some really nice tunes on here
The poor man's QOTSA. One dimensional AF, but you cant deny it rocks through its whole play length
Not the greatest example of its type. Starts off well but deteriorates into mediocrity
In its genre, Peerless
The concept is good but there is way too much of it and youll want it to finish a long time before it does
Its completely seminal but also a bit Fur Q
Obviously he's amazing but this is An hour and 45 Minutes so one for the enthusiasts, I feel.
Nobody starts a party like Fatboy but you spend almost all this album wanting to play the singles versions as they are much better
Some nice tunes but its so brief, its barely there
Its better than some of his colleagues in the C+W scene, but its still terribly basic
Like CCR, all of Leonard Cohen's albums sund like Greatest Hits to me. The lack of an album theme lets down the number of tunes here.
All the "Trying to be Black" ness isnt as egregious as other Rolling Stones Albums.
Its a very good example of The Doors' vibe. Lacks anything killer, though.
Its got a few tunes on it. But its oddly bady produced and a bit of a dirge to my ears
This is an enjoyable album. Well put together. Keeps going.
All a bit one dimensional
And now, ladies and gentleman you are invited to an hour of Dad dancing
This is a really pleasant listen
Hard to rate this one. Its bang average hip hop but its aware lyrics are worth an extra point
Its pretty experimental, though not too wild - I guess thats his charm. However, some misses on here too.
Its a banger - but didnt feel it needed the commentary. Although the commentary was pretty good. Nearly a 5 TBH
Don't get the fuss if I'm honest. It's pretty one dimensional and it goes on and on and on.
Queen have always been seen as a singles band to me and this is no exception. But its hard to deny, theres a lot of quality on here amongst the guff.
Do I like the Husker Du sound? Yes. Do I like over an hour of it? Not sure.
Have to admit, I really like her stuff. Just the right amount of edge
There's actually quite a lot to like about this album
Mostly unremarkable
Well it's Elvis so it's a perfect voice. Bang average album though.
Again. No real theme hear so just feels like all his other albums. But some bangers on here
Its full of beautiful tracks but it doesnt really stir me otherwise
Some progressive moments but also a lot of hippy bollocks
It's noisy in a fun way. Feels revolutionary
It's so urgent and demands to be listened to. It's brilliant.
Quite a lot of highlights, but in the end, even at just over 30 minutes it's a bit too much. Like working in a supermarket
Its a bit Rock for Radiohead fans, but you cant deny its well written
Background Music
End up being a waste of pretty much everybody's time
Its starts off really nice, but drops off a bit badly
It seems too long from the outset but then you realise there's a lot of quality on it
Only rarely gets above mediocre
You could give this a 5 for the sheer brass balls of releasing this on the public, but, really, it gets a 1 for being shit.
Was all that Sax and Piano necessary?
Its not bad. Its not great. The true definition of a Median album
It rocks along quite nicely but lacks the edge of it's nearest rivals.
It's pretty good if you separate the art from the artist
A pretty average slab of likeable psychedelica
Another 80s singles band
Its basically quality all the way through
Love that 80s vibe but Tina's lack of restraint gets tiring after a while and this is a LONG album
At several points it stops being sexy and veers into naff. Its an era where Marvin fancied himself just a bit too much.
Its a banger from start to finish. Ticks a lot of boxes
Not much to it but it bangs along very nicely
Their most controversial album but it doesnt really put a foot wrong
Basically the album for which classic rock was coined
Ticks my boxes but letting down by a certain monotony and those grating vocals
You can really see what the fuss is about. Goes down so smooth
Outside of Cult of Personality, there isnt much here
Honestly, who cares.
Not as smooth as Exodus but still oozes quality
I wouldnt listen to it regularly but I liked this
Never grabbed me
Its just so dumb
Stylistically it's all over the place. I liked the funk bits but much of the other stuff felt dated
Noisy AF but completely exhilirating
There's an absolute banger on here but outside this, the album has a delightful vibe but seems a bit amateurish otherwise
Its aversion to vocals let it down as the guitar playing really needs an accompaniment to stop it becoming uninteresting
Not hugely interesting
There are some good tracks on here but some stuff that is the sort of conflict free alt rock that appeals to people who dont really like alt rock
Not bad for an arthouse record, but its still and arthouse record
Its OK but there are better things in their discography
Its nice enough
It doesnt quite maintain the momentum of some of their others but its still very listenable
It forms the bridge between Dylan and the acoustic singer songwriter. Its nice but not really my bag
I think this is a whole lot of nothing, really
Borderline unlistenable
A couple of era-defining tunes here, but the album overall has an element of sameyness to it.
Its not bad but at the same time its very Radio 4
It's pretty nice but it gets less interesting as it progresses
It sometimes gets above pub rock, but not frequently enough
It was a nice slice of progressive pop
It can sound rather revolutionary, but can also sound rather dated
Just a little too much filler for a 5-star. Otherwise iconic
Its a party album, no doubt. Lots of fun but Im not sure an album of this title even exists. Has it become lost to time?
It was cool. Then it wasnt. Now it is again. Its mean spirited nature is completely relevant today. Not a filler on here.
Again, for an arthouse record its pretty much top of the pile, occassionally breaking out in excellance
Could listen to this all day but even then it falls short of Hysteria
It bangs from start to finish, but it lacks the craft of their peers to be a masterpiece. Close, though
There are some interesting things on here but really, everything is done by their peers and progenies
Proof, if it was needed, that Bowie is more about the artist than the art
Completely dated and so mediocre
It's very lush. It's very cool.
Another day. Another Leonard Cohen album. You can gauge how good the albums are by how many recognised hits are on them and this has less than other albums.
It's good in small doses but an hour of this is way too much
Its OK - a couple of nice tunes - but it primarily stands in the middle
if I was honest, I found this was unremarkable
There are moments here, but generally its meandering, aimless, hippy nonsense.
Some quality, but also very woolly in places.
For me anyway, this deteriorated from somewhat interesting to utterly tedious very quickly
It has some excellant moments but, as an album, its more than 20 minutes too long
Its the most 90s record you can think of! It feels like the opening credits to 15 films from the 90s that were cool back then. But not now
Its not bad, just remarkably uninteresting
When its tight its tight. But its not always. Too much of a good thing
Well this is pretty dull
It was on in the background and I only really half listened to it, so shall I say "It didnt really grab me"
Polly has shifted to folk in her old age but it's still prone to her idiosyncrasies
Love this genre and MC5 undoubtedly rock, but they are also not as expansive as others.
I thought it was imaginative and creative all the way through. Liked it. Too much of it,though
This is very pleasant
Its exactly as youd expect it to be. Outdated now.
Its undoubtedly era defining
Its a lovely combination of lush sounds and arthouse rock. Its really good. A -1 for some lyrical naffness
I think this is starting to lose its status
Its decent enough. Nothing special, though
Its their first album and the sound isnt very refined at this stage in their career.
It rattles along quite nicely but lacks the punch to be a big hitter
Its well crafted but it sounds like 10 other artists. No distinct sound to it at all.
It's clearly well made, and made with love, but it's not my sort of thing.
This is a classic. Bob at his peak. Will score high.
Some superb production levels here. It's pretty decent all around
Somehow, this is really bad. I didn't think the ska and reggae influences which are consistent through this record did anything but make the album naff.
Its seminal, its fun, but you cant help feeling that its been done much better since
Again, another perfectly acceptable, ATQC album
Love the DMC and there are certainly some tracks on here but I never felt albums were their best format
The bridge between their earlier, more fun albums and the later more mature content. Possibly their most complete and best album
Boring AF
If I'm being brutal, it makes disco seem a bit boring
It can appear to be a bit of a vanity project but it ends up being some uptempo fun
It's a very decent album which has a few wobbles and is a bit too long.
Not usually into white man's reggae but this was an exception
Shrill and shouty. Not Good
What they do they do very well. It's just not my thing
Undoubtedly a top singer songwriter, but he doesnt half come across as a middle aged man sometimes.
It's perfectly pleasurable.
A weird one this as the production is absolutely terrible. But it sort of works!
BEyond the first three tracks this feels like standard irish folk rock to me
It's undoubtedly iconic.
Better than I remember. Still meanders into mediocrity every now and then, though
One of the most begrudging 5's ever. Its not just peer pressure, honest
Background music that never makes it to the foreground
There's a lot of bangers in this genre and this is one of those albums that work
This got old after 40 minutes - I pity the fool who sat through all 3 hours0
Undeniable quality. Would I listen to this more often? Probably not.
Its nonsense really. But there were times that I would seriously groove along to this. If it wasnt nearly 2 hours long, Id probably fall more favourably off the genius/shite line that it walks.
Very similar to their other album, I could barely distinguish them. Some nice production values and some.breakout times but some filler too.
Barely listenable. Maybe an extra point for some nice stylish choices?
It flirts way too much with White Man's blues , but of that genre, its one of the better ones.
It's always been their cult album because of it's ropey production but now it's been remastered it has a new life!
So what is this. Is it a prog parody? Is it a poor man's Led Zeppelin. It all seems quite silly to me.
Its pretty decent TBF, but still carries that aged Radio 4 production type.
Really not my thing.
Before REM refined their style, it's the definition of Middle Of The Road.
The parts dont really add up to anything, but the sum is very pleasant indeed
It's such a curio. Extra points for being extra weird. Less points for it's amateur dramatics style.
It's very dated now. Way too much ear abrasion for an enjoyable album
There are very few albums that just embody a vibe, but this is just gay clubs in the 90s in a nutshell. Brings a big smile to your face.
I thought it was rather fabulous. Normally this sort of folk ages pretty badly but this endures through pure quality. Excellent
It's certainly old fashioned but it's one of the better of the old fashioned ones.
It's a well trodden genre and dozens have done it better, including artistes before Beth
Not a weak track on here. Holds up very well.
It's perfectly fine, but not a lot more than that. An album of it's time
What a racket!
Its iconic but you cant escape that the second side peters off quite a bit.
Great vocals hiding mediocre songs. The 21st century Great British curse.
Art school music done right. Very right.
Admired it more than I liked it. It's pretty samey all the way through
It's pleasant enough. That's it.
Musically its excellent, but some of the lyrics are as silly as its mammoth run time.
As smooth as you like.
It's like the OST to some godawful west end musical
I'm convinced there is a central reggae sound and the likeability of the albums drop off pretty quickly with deviations from this centre. Thankfully this has that central sound.
You see, Tom, you can make a good album when you aren't taking the piss.
A couple of OK tracks but it never really excites
Ice Cube at his best. Noisy. Urgent. Somewhat on the nose.
I appreciate the importance of Soft Cell and there isn't anyone really like them but this is a bit of a tough slog.
Overwrought nonsense. It's not awful but it's not in my purview at all
You're going along thinking an inoffensive 2 star record and then the album drops a banging festival memory. But that's the problem. Other artists would trim this by 3 or 4 tracks and mix the remainder better. The Prodigy were a great singles band but didn't always make great albums.
It's kind of fun, but ultimately it's the kind of music you put on to keep the kids quiet in the car. Must also admit it took me three goes to get through this. It's long.. So a vanity project as well as a novelty album.
That's is is REM transitioning their sound out of the Friends coffee shop era and into their later more mature sound. It's good, but there are better in the discography to come.
A routine album from a routine band in a routine genre
Puerile nonsense
Well this is a pleasant surprise. I'd never heard this before and thought was absolutely on point. A great achievement
Do you have a child's mind. Boy do I have an album for you!
Im clearly not sophisticated enough for Bjork
There are a couple of promising tracks here but it's mostly bad.
It was acceptable of it's era. But it's not hugely interesting nowadays despite being one of the better of it's type
Hard to rate stuff like this as it's such an early recording, that other artists have taken from it and made it better. Undeniable quality, mind.
This is what happens when you are the weaker member of a song writing duo and you branch out alone. It's also impossibly dated.
It's not really my thing but you can't deny it's quality and it's a lot leaner than their other albums
Not his masterpiece but Nick is reassuringly quality again
Well this is very pleasant
French hip hop is always cool and MC Solaar is one of the best. But even one of the best can afford to take a couple of tracks out of their albums sometimes.
It's a genre you absolutely 100% have to be into or else it comes across overblown. I can hear the quality though
Pretty wacked out psych rock which reaches the limit of it's songwriter's ability
There is so much going on. Quote noisy. Liked it
Such a weird album. Very little of it anything to do with Malcolm Mclaren. And then the bits that are - his inability to sing is just the start of the problems
It's average with smatterings of bad.
OK it's Dad Rock but it's good Dad Rock.
It's pretty bloody great all said and told.
Have to admit it didn't grab me enough for me to pay much attention to. Doesn't sound bad, though
Undoubtedly one of THE voices, but lets not pretend that there arent extended periods on this album where Marvin is waffling on about nothing
Oh, its that whiny vocal style in front of mediocre song writing and its way too long. All the anti-boxes ticked
Theres really not that much to it. Bang average
Doesn't appear to be as good as any of his obvious influences. Mediocre.
I thought I wouldnt like it and it didnt disappoint. Seems to be that brand of classic rock that excites people who dont really like music
Maybe the key album of this much maligned genre
It's actually pretty groovetastic all the way through. Spotless.
Doesnt really get going at any point
Its aged really badly. Its a rough listen
It's starts a bit mediocre but it ends in psych epicness. Oh how to score!
An agreeable Alice of dance music. Lots of personality
Got a headache about 25 minutes in. What a racket
It's clearly not one of his classics, but it's still stronh
The Pixies have released a couple of game changers but this isnt one of them. Its actually quite forgettable.
There are some good tunes here, but the album is messy, too long and from one of the 90s B tier bands
A combination of the iconic and some forgettable filler
It's one of their smoother records. It's really good but I like Sonic's rough edges.
For me this is just more of the same old same old for C+W. It's not inherently bad, but also doesn't stand out from a very busy crowd.
Not natural poets are they? The horny teenage boys of hip hop
Well this is relentlessly pleasant
Usually love a bit of Spiritualized but found it hard to connect with this one. Maybe it's because there is quite a bit of dead air on this album.
It's got a pleasant chill vibe but I was expecting a bit more
There are plenty of bands that sound like this but the Whigs do it with a bit more oomph than most
In it's genre it's a leader. You just have to like the genre.....
Well isnt this just flawless
It starts off interesting, gets less and less interesting until it finishes completely tedious
I love Ice T and this album would have got 5 stars if some much of its 72 minutes run time wasnt interludes
Its very zeitgeist. A bit of a splash in its time but you wouldnt choose it nowadays. Also, it was always way too long
Plenty of LARPing here that demeans the album a bit but it's still amongst Nick's better albums.
As far as Im concerned it wanders all over the place and its not a pleasant experience.
Its not peak Britney but you have to admire the style diversity, if not the spradic filler
Straight out of Iggy's "A bit thirsty" period. I mean its still Iggy, but its a bit sus in places.
It has an impressive reputation as a landmark album, but, in reality, its pretty shit.
Normally I would downvote an album this length, but really I cant get enough of Public Enemy
It all starts off quite nicely as a showcase for Freddie's vocals but descends into fantasy prog and that won't do.
It's all very pleasant and has some right tunes on it but the fact that the remixes are much better suggest that the sound isn't quite right.
Missy Elliott would get better later when she's chatting filth and not calling out Timbaland every 3 minutes
Well this is all very good. Maybe ten minutes too long.
Now, the big track here is bone fide mint but all the other tracks are just weaker tracks of the same style
The Amy Winehouse album nobody listens to. It has some half times but is mostly unremarkable
Not as silly as some on this genre but silly enough to not be taken seriously
It trope along quite nicely and is just the right length. Good stuff
It's the album that killed off Portishead and took forever to make. To be honest it's experimental and not much works
Was worried I wouldnt like this after not listening to it for so long. But I neednt have worried - it stands up well
There were quite a few indie bands went prog around this time. This is one of the better ones, but still....
Completely Radio Four. Outdated
Wallpaper Jazz!
Big at the time, pretty Middle of The Road nowadays
It has a few tunes, but its quite a 2 dimensional album
One of those albums people are thinking about when they say music sounds all the same
Not much wrong with this but it never hits great
Elevator music
There's some belters on here, but its not all great
It's pretty fun but it's still a smug pisstake
Dreampop at its finest. If you like dreampop, of course
Without ever getting amazing, this has quality all the way through it
Its very much an icon of its time, but peters off a bit towards the end
All pretty meh.
It wasnt even that big at the time, so a lightweight addition to this list
What a glorious remaster
It exudes quality but does it have to be X hours long, where X depends on what version it is. I mean one of these is 5xVinyl
Apparently a cut above the rest of the C+W crowd, but, in reality, much the same. Feel sorry for the unthanked vocalist who backs him up considerably on this
Its half an hour later and I dont remember a thing about it
Don't know what to say about this. I can hear it's good but it's also a bit whiney
It has some undoubted tunes on it, but MJ's schtick hasnt aged as well as some others of this era
It's simultaneously boring, pretentious and arrogant. Yeah, it's John Lennon's solo career
There was a time when this sort of bland music was popular - blame the search for the next Coldplay. But nowadays, many years later, it doesnt wash at all. dull.
It's a whole load of nothing. Nothing original here.
Usually up for a bit of experimental but this was curiously flat
It's the one with the hits on. But some filler too IMHO
A shrieking mess. Barely listenable. Must admit I nearly gave up on this one
Very pleasant indeed
I like my Samba a bit more party than this but it's pretty decent nonetheless
It's a nice album but definitely some filler here too
There's really not much wrong here, but it's not really an invigorating live experience
A schizophrenic, rather stupid way to mix an album
Its just so consistently uninteresting
Its the perfect depiction of 80s metal.
Despite my beef with JJ leaving BB&HC this unarguably has some quality tunes on ot
They were never the best of their time and its very generic now
Very mediocre
It's rare to find a band that is so rated creating an album with so much filler on it
Its the sound of the 80s, and the epicness of it songs has meant its legacy is preserved. Its aged well.
INCREDIBLY dated. Sure this made people laugh back in the day, but today its just cringe. A very generous 2 for not completely sucking
It's the album that made PJ the cult legend before she started waffling on about horses
It's a pretty complex album - NIN for music. Not as fun as their other albums but just a bit better.
I understand that people love this but It sounds pretty routine to me.
True wallpaper music.
Just making up the numbers in 90s indie. Sound like 6 other bands but doesn't improve on any
It has a few wobbles, but otherwise this is a very likeable start for Bjork on her mission to be unique
Its one of the best
It's good but Finley doesn't have a distinct sound Otherwise this would score much higher
In its genre, its pretty mediocre
On their own, some of these tracks are laughable but it's a good idea of example of the whole being greater than the sum of its part. A lesson in arrangement.
It's a sort of version of the Beatles but with nicer harmonies. Just as interesting, though. Ie not much.
It's a complex high quality album but not especially memorable
Not really my thing but one of the better things that isn't really my thing.
It has a pair of absolute icons on here, but otherwise its pretty standard fare for its time
JJs best album before she started making those show offy Jazz albums.
It's rather good - you could even say it paved the way for some similar artists but it's 10 minutes too long.
AC was always a bit medium on the scale. His pupils overtook him. This album is no different
MBV were doing more interesting stuff than other Indie bands at the time but this album isnt the optimal example of that
Its pretty good actually, but doesnt really know when to end
It starts off weirdly creepy and doesnt really get better. Its humour deserrves to stay in the past
One of those albums where it all sounds the same. Some one dimensional song writing?
Don't believe the hype it's pretty ropey
Completely bland. Competent. But still bland.
The bits where they are chatting are excruciating. These guys are dullards.
It's pretty decent but two things strike me (1) she rates herself a bit doesn't she? (2) not very African is it?
It's pretty good. Nothing more
From the school of why have 8 half decent songs when 20 mediocre ones will do
Ugh! Shite! Who needs any form of talent eh? Middle class masterbation
It's from a different era. A more simpler one. So it's tricky to rate it according to today's standards
All said and done, it's pretty good.
There are some nice songs on here but it isnt complete. The voice shines
It's a bit B tier but you can't deny is likeable enough. There is just better bands out there in this genre
Its rather iconic. Even if its not your thing, you have to admire it.
It's the album that really defines The Pixies.
Love this album
Their status as a singles band is uncontested but their albums are a bit hit or miss. This is one of the best ones.
It starts off very good - a lot less Mockney than Park Life - but gets progressively worse as it goes along. Not sure why this is 50+ minutes
It stands up pretty well, but Im sure he's putting that accent on!
Im one of the heathens that doesnt get the fuss around this
Their cover of Sweet Jane sums Cowboy Junkies. Its superficially quite nice but has no soul at all
You cant deny it has some tunes on it. Their most accesible
Some nice tunes but they would get better than this
Its pretty good actually
TBH, it never really gets off the ground
TBH I can listen Lemmy and his simple tunes all day
It's all very good, but an hour of it is too much.
It's eclectic enough to be interesting but still some filler
Cool AF
Some nice tunes on here, but meanders quite a bit
The Ying to Psychocandy's Yang. Its very solid shoegaze
As heart warming lo-fi goes, its one of the best. Tight too
It's OK. Drags on a bit.
It's all very nice but I doubt I'll listen to it again I find this genre a bit meaningless
Its just incredibly nice!
Its just a profoundly odd album. And not in a good way
Undeniably a classic of its time, but dance wasnt amazing back then
An album of two halves - the first half being much better than the second
I understand its cult, but its bland cult
When it hits its fire, but there is also some filler here as well
Raw Neil Young is not necessarily good Neil Young
We all know why this became famous. However, although I like it's alt folk rock approach, there's not much going on here as demonstrated by the slew of instrumentals at the end of the album
If Im being brutally honest, its a bit hit and miss
Theres a lot of quality here buy 82 minutes is way too long
It rocks pretty much all the way through, but lets face it, this is barely 'singing' - and it shows
Oh god, the poetry on here is abysmal
Its nice enough. Dull enough too
Some good tunes. Some filler but the good outweighs the average
How did this mundane piece of work get selected?
These guys are hilarious. People used to think like this.
All very exciting, but is in the immature end of this genre
1 super single, 2 singles and 9 filler. Its the blue print for B-List 90s rock albums!
It's certainly sexy and cool but the last 15 minutes takes forever to get through
It's not the greatest of there's TBH and there is Meg's singing....
There is a lot to like here but is still limited by being an uncomfortable fusion
Im finding it difficult to see what this offers over other Jazz albums. Its not bad, but there is nothing stand out
Just sounds like standard to me!
How can you not love a bit of Tito. Admittedly you know what youre getting ,but what you're getting is a load of fun
Ood, the production on this is a bit rough
To be honest, I'm not sure this African/Blues fusion really works
Well this was a miserable experience
So. Much. Filler. Its a wonder she ever got big
Although all very silly nowadays and having aged like milk, it's still a fun slice of the 80s in parts
It's a nice enough album to be honest
I'm quite the cynic of this part of the Beatles Empire but this album is quite OK actually
It's old school Shamen. Starts off quite well but runs out of ideas
It's the blueprint for 80s synth. All stems from this. It still has filler but Oakley's voice is iconic
Always felt that Big Black were kind of the commercial arm of the hardcore scene. It's not bad but it lacks the edge of other albums
Hard to say much about this. Obviously a lot of quality, but it's not much fun. Admire it more than I like it.
Another uninteresting Yes album
A bit of a fan of fuzz rock, but this is a less defined sound than Mudhoney's big hitters and, ergo, comes across a bit generic
The Beta Band. Taking bang average 90s indie music into the 21at century!
I honestly truly don't get the love for this, it goes on for ever.!
Its one of their better albums but the Beach Boys are so child like and creepy that its very hard to like them
Starts off really promisingly but starts to feel quite samey really quickly
It has some nice stuff but sticks rigidly to the formula
Iconic and deservedly so.
Its all very pleasant for those who fear confrontation and conflict
Love all Chemical Brothers output, but I prefer their ravey stuff to their pure big beat era
Lot of good stuff on here.
Good lord, this sounds so amateur. Like a child bought an instrument for Christmas
SOme interesting beats but at other times somewhat a complete racket. Reckon you have to be into this genre to appreciate
This seems to be quite a big genre and this is harmless enough, but the poetry is incredibly basic
It Ok. Its just OK.
It's more of that great Sonic Youth sound, but this album is just a bit too long and unfocused
Man, does this guy talk about his dick a lot.
It's very much what you expect it to be.
Not sure how this got on the list.nots objectively bland.
Its all very impressive, but lets face it, its a jam session
It's undoubtedly a classic. Still a bid conservative, mind.
Sheryl Crow tries alt and it doesnt really work
At the end of the day, it's not that bad! It rocks pretty good.
Despite Al's great voice, I didnt find this too remarkable
More mediocrity from the Queen of it.
It's a bit hard nowadays. Some weird vocal choices.
Arthouse that never really gets out of second gear
Noisy and experimental. It's pretty good
She belts them out but, boy, is there a lot of filler here. Why is this album so long again?
Pretty mediocre live album
Not sure why likes this stuff? Continental Europe?
What a racket!
It's just fine. Nothing more. Nothing less.
I'm not going to accuse this of onanism but it's 2 hours long and has a drum solo in it. The sort of album that's going to score big here.
It never really deviates from it's one dimensional path
Its alright, but its not the optimal album of the genre. Just how many songs about looting can you put on one album?
Its of its time. A gateway album to better albums
It's pretty much Steely Dan isn't it?
It goes on for a bit too long but overall its very enjoyable
Legendary. Of course
Its pretty good, if not somewhat one-dimensional
Its so front loaded that you dont want to listen to the second half and this split track technique where the tracks are sewn together like a Stars on 45 remix doesnt really work. This album is a turning point, after this Green Day would be creatively bereft
Its really rather good - an album for adults
Its very much in the "Its alright" category
Yeah, this is something special. Warm and sad and kind
I'm sure there are a hundred albums like this but as I don't know them I'm just gonna have to say it's very good.
They've got a good sound but you can't help feeling that the reliance on instrumentals is a bit creatively lazy and one dimensional.
Childish nonsense. Music for people who don't like Music.
It's good. Nothing more, nothing less!
Pretty generic l, somewhat repetitive C+W
Its really not as good as you think its going to be.
It's pretty mediocre in its genre
A bit angry for my liking. Lots of shouting
Lets see what the indie-rock hating classic rockers score this - probably the best indie rock album of them all.
It's a pretty solid race big beat hybrid
It's an absolute classic.
All very mediocre and a bit childish
Its very much of its time. Was B-List back then and now also very dated
Maybe a just too much galloping for my liking, but another good album from a band that got better as they got older
Some absolute bangers for sure, but the filler slides ABBA into big standard euro pop range.
It's OK. Not much more. Big at the time but that time has past
Oof. Dated AF. Somewhat 'wacky' wordplay is a blight nowadays
He's definitely on the down slope from here but it's alright really.
It starts off Ok but peters out a bit. Nothing special. Background music
Its OK. One of their better ones
Classic. But -1 for Everybody Hurts starting the slow part of the album. Heinous stuff.
It's a bit wild and quite a bit of it doesn't hit.
I feel it should be better than it is but its not a patch on Electric Ladyland
What a wanker
Its a stone cold classic that kicked off alternative rock
Don't see what all the fuss is about!
Its good art school stuff. But, at the end of the day, its art school stuff
It has his distinctive voice and is very nice but gets a bit samey on side 2
Roxy Music are always very cool but this isn't one of their best
An unknown album from this era and it's alright. But ultimately I don't really get on with instrumentals
Even at 35 minutes, its 25 minutes too long. I just cant listen to this guy whine all day
Its pretty bloody good. Top of its genre
This just sounds like such a fun album to make. Always brings a smile to my face
They've got a nice sound but can't sustain it for an album
Its all a bit childish nowadays
It's iconic but doesn't really do much for me nowadays
Not much wrong with this - although it's not stand out special
The normal prog rock nonsense
Its a weird album in that its occassionally great and sometimes awful. Experimental, I suppose. Wayne's vocals dont help
Its good, but I played an arctic monkeys album straight after and it doesnt compare
It's iconic and seminal. And although it's hard to take it at face value, it's aged rather well.
From that genre of pretty good but also pretty meh American Rock
Its very mediocre
Must admit I struggled to get through this - its just so boring
Its was really in, then really out and now its really in again
Some more, very by the numbers, BEatles tracks. One of the better ones, though
It's all very nice. Bit too much of it mond and you really need to be into the genre to reach the end.
Now heres a very nice album. As soulful as any soul album
It's kind of alright but not really sure how the group got so big. They sound like they look - pretty ugly.
It OK!
Its not much like anything else, making it an interesting album of the time
I think I felt myself lose IQ whilst I was listening to this. Moronic stuff.
TBH, a lot of this jazz is indistinguishable from each other and, without a vocalist, Soft Machine are a bit more one dimensional than others
It's pretty good but hard to see what distinguishes it from many other records of this genre
Thought this was banging actually. I wouldn't actively seek it out but found it enjoyable enough!
What is this shit?
I have a soft spot for Christina, but the irony of an album called stripped going on for 78 fucking minutes! Some killer tunes but lots of filler too.
Really couldn't connect with this.
Its nice enough but pretty average in its genre
It still holds up. Iconic
Again, there is nothing quite like it
There is a real 90s University nostalgia to this. It sounds like being 20 years old. One of the more interesting US garage albums.
What an absolute banger!
This album is just awful. So Naff.
Undoubtedly some bangers on here and Thriller/Beat It/Billie Jean is hard to rival as a 1-2-3 punch but these ballads haven't aged well.
IMO, its their best. A properly edited album and as close to a rock album as they get
Again, another passable Beatles album. Not a lot more
Its better than a lot of scouse rock as it snot too scouse. But its still mediocre enough to wonder why its on the list
It's fine. A nice vibe but they haven't quite refines their song writing yet.
A short album, indeed
Its got a nice vibe but its too long and too silly
Its a bit of a classic. For rock dinosaurs
It has a couple of tunes buts peters out pretty badly.
Have to admit U liked this quite a bit.
It's firmly in the OK category.
I thought, Feeebird aside, it was a whole lot of nothing really.
Just another outdated Kinks Album
It's kind of OK but it has a real OST vibe that's off-putting.
Nice enough but not his best
It's a nice sound. But it gets very samey very quickly
I look forward to Who albums as much as The Kinks albums. Ie not at all. And for the same reasons. I'm sure this shit was hilarious in the 60s.
He's past his prime at this point. Pretty bad. Sounds exactly like somebody trying to hard to be good again.
You can definitely hear the influence for 100 bands here. On its own, it's good but not spectacular
A couple of decent singles, but, so.much.filler.
A Lot of recognisible tunes here!
You know I want to knock it down a peg as I know it will tick all the boxes of the older generation on here. But, you know, it's undeniably good and it would be churlish to be too edgelord about it.
Like the Beach Boys, its creepy thirstiness and patriarchal adherence hasnt aged well
A lot of quality, but the problem with dance bands that have no themeing to their albums is they can overcompensate by making those albums too long
It's way OTT and super naff but have to admire it in a way
Its a lovely sound, but gets a bit lounge music-y and sort of runs out of ideas
Never gets above mediocre
Its a lot better than I thought it would be
Im really not sure that this child lusting has aged that well.
Im sure somebody's 6 year old somewhere loves this
I would probably like this more if I was going through a bad break up in the 90s. Im guessing it was huge among Fathers 4 Justice
Cool AF
It's very good, if not a bit screechy in it's more frantic moments
Yeah this is very smooth and likeable
I used to think Neneh Cherry was cool. I don't think anymore.
You probably had to be there
It's a nice sound but fades into nothingness after a while. Would like in smaller doses
Much as I would like to say otherwise, its very good. Feels somewhat misogynistic but overall it's a 5 star
If anything their better album. Tighter.
Shoegaze is a genre you have to get, otherwise it goes on a bit and goes nowhere
Lots of quality here. Some filler too
Of the garage bands, these were the best. And this was their best album.
Its a good album but very much in the "tracks become indistinct from each other" genre of albums
It's undoubtedly a classic. Perhaps a smidge too long.
IMO, it has all their best stuff on it. But, boy, does it need an editor.
Aggravating, sad and a bit crap
Its just a very nice album
Its a nice enough sound, but at 42 minutes it still feels too long.
Its like Queen would be if they were an Albums band
Really not sure about the empty instrumentals that end this
The thing about Cream is that you can tell they are trying very hard and that they are always on the cusp of being awful. Less said about the last track the better as well