Brown Sugar
D'Angelo“Uhhh kissing you, kissing me, squeezing yo butt cheeks, Putin’ my bologna pony in yo minestrone, talking’ ‘bout sex whooo whooo” every song basically
“Uhhh kissing you, kissing me, squeezing yo butt cheeks, Putin’ my bologna pony in yo minestrone, talking’ ‘bout sex whooo whooo” every song basically
Made me feel like I was in a Guy Ritchie movie
Was anyone like "I had no idea that leather clad man with the beautiful operatic vocals was gay" when Halford came out in 1998? I was too young to remember but it seems pretty obvious when we look back on it. All in all a badass classic album that was pretty revolutionary for its time and influenced tons of great metal and probably non-metal bands.
This was a hidden gem of the list for sure. This album just has a good groove throughout despite changing gears every song. Every song has its own style and groove and is done very well. Reading the wiki tells you why, these are all pros who were involved in tons of other successful projects. It’s mostly folky to me but there’s quite a bit of soulful blues and rock and roll mixed in as well.
I love Ry Cooder, even if his name does sound like a crude term for a yeast infection
Look out my window, what do I see? a crack in the sky and hand reaching down to me. all the nightmares came today and it looks as though they're here to stay. Bowie is the artist, he did it well and he did it right from the beginning to the end. He had a way with words that really gets the emotion across to me. The music is great, its almost like they are impersonating and mocking the music of the time and doing it better than the ones taking it serious.
Beautiful songwriting, beautiful voice, and beautiful execution by the band.
I love David Bowie but don’t like post-punk, so maybe that explains why I never truly liked this album. Maybe I liked his music better when he was on heroin, I don’t know.
Definitely cool but does this imply there was nothing cool before this was recorded in 1949? Products introduced in 1948: Cheetos, Cheez Doodles, Dial(soap), Frisbee, Fudge, LP record, Nesquik, Reddi-wip, and wagon wheels. Is Miles trying to say Cheetos aren't cool? you tell me
Really good and beautiful. They did a really good job of mixing up the styles from song to song, going from rock, pop, lounge music almost, soul and others. Good Song writing and delivery.
Something about this sound just makes me feel happy. I think it reminds me of some old Disney movies or childhood shows I grew up with(album came out the year before I was born). I think Paul Simon is such a great artist and for him to be down and out, divorced, band broke up, last solo album flopped, so he decided to come out of left field with this album focused on African rhythms and things. Very risky but it paid off and created a one of a kind album. Also, You can call me Al...Probably one of the happiest songs and music videos of all time, watch it and try to stay in a bad mood, you can't.
Really Sets the tone of the album with the opener. The wind chimes and piano before Santana's guitar comes in sounding like a siren. He just has a great feel for his instrument and backed by an awesome band focusing on a lot Spanish Style rhythms, makes you want to shakes your ass a little bit.
Vocals are like David Bowie if he had a Vegas crooner era. Great catchy riffs and hard charging guitar parts so fuzzy they can put you into a trance.
Low key and somewhat lo-fi but layered nicely with vocal harmonies. Solemn and eerie, even if you couldn't speak English, you could tell there is some sort of sorrow or depression coming across from the artist.
Catchy and energetic. Some huge hits off this album that everyone has heard and have held up well for 30 years. You can't help but to like these songs, but I am not a fan of most of the other pop punk they ushered in, so I will hold onto that grudge.
Instantly recognizable to a time and place. Imagine hearing this opener without knowing who Snoop is. "What in tarnation are bizzalls and jizzaws?"
The perfect album to take me, an innocent 12 year old, from thinking Offspring was heavy to being open to much heavier music. Yea its gimmicky with masks, 100 members beating on random things, and they have real deep lyrics like "you can't see California without Marlon Brando's eyes"(what does that mean?) but that's honestly a perfect recipe to turn a 12 year old into a metal head and it worked on me with help from other Nu-metal bands. I still like it and I went to California and could not see shit, so maybe he was on to something. Iowa was their best record, though.
Sounds like the resting state of my ADHD brain
Soft, sweet and funky. Funk guitar but not at a high tempo, very laid back. Singing is soulful and quiet.
Some bands on this list get the added benefit of nostalgia but some get a handicap. I loved Led Zeppelin as a kid, long after their heyday, I was listening to them in the late 90s. I idolized them and thought they were geniuses for the music they created. Years later you hear the stories, you hear the similarities in their music to older blues songs and things, then all of a sudden you hear the music a little differently. Each member was an all-star at their instrument and they were at the right place at the right time, but they were walking the line between flattery and stealing very closely. That line is ambiguous at best, one guitar player can play a lick and it sounds like they're paying homage to the players that came before them, then another can play the same riff and it seems fraudulent, I can't really explain it but I guess it has to do with their intention and I don't know how you can know what that is for sure. On another note, It's not advised to judge the past by today's standards, but some of the debauchery involving underage girls they were known for is gross to me now too. I know it was the 70s or whatever but still hard to look away from that. If you want to live in blissful ignorance, don't meet your idols and don't read their Wikipedias.
Good indie rock. Loud and upbeat but still some-what melancholic, I don't know what causes me to hear it this way but it is common for me among bands of this style(Sonic Youth, Karate).
Ambient electronica, not my strong suit but this one was pleasant. Good background noise that also has a touch of gangster in it. Like "yea just doing a little work on my spreadsheet feeling peaceful" then "feelin' like I wanna' run up in yo house, make love to your spouse, fucker her in the mouth then I'm out" then back "Is the purchase of tangible personal property for resale taxable? Let me research."
I had barely discovered the last At The Drive-In record(at the time) and fallen in love, only to find out they would split shortly after. I was wearing that CD out when this one came out. It was familiar in it's chaos but it was totally different. It felt like they had hit puberty and decided they wanted to be mature and to be artsy. It worked. This album is awesome. It has a lot of what I liked about ATDI, the manic feeling to the tempo, the ridiculous lyrics, the ENERGY. It's like they said to me "We saw you liked that and decided to turn everything you liked up to 11".I have done my best to wear this album out over these 20 years, but it still holds up. Its comes across so emotional and I honestly have no clue what he is singing about when I'm listening to it.
Some pretty beautiful classically inspired parts on here but they still rock out. They pull from several genres and lean heavily into "nu-metal" territory with Rage Against The Machine sounding riffs and runs. Really a cool mix throughout the entire album. I really don't like the newest Muse records, though, so I have to separate that in my mind when I go back and listen to the good ones.
This album sounds like my house smells. I can't even tell if it's good or bad, it's been with me so long that it's just what music sounds like. It sounds like the car ride to elementary school with my mom. It sounds like grandma's front porch. It sounds like every band that came after them and stole a little piece and didn't even realize they were doing it because this is just how music sounds.
The album that took the Beatles from the chili bowl to the space helmet haircut.
I love the guitar throughout, that jazzy bossa nova style is so cool to me. Her voice seems so effortless and seductive, must be a Brazilian thing. There is some variation in styles from song to song that keeps it interesting as well, from slow love sounding songs to more upbeat fast paced, and some theatrical songs sounding like they were taken from a musical and I can almost picture the movie.
The godfather of grunge for a reason. Sounds like the stripped down raw music from the 90s only it was ten or so years earlier.
It took a year and a half from when I got this album until I finally listened all the way trough. Today was the day, rainy and relaxing, cold, and feels like we skipped straight from Summer to Winter. This album was perfect for this day, very cool and relaxing but also very interesting. This is a genre I do not regularly listen to, so it was very nice to hear the different instruments working so well together, for example a part where the piano and I think a vibraphone complimented each other so well. Enjoyed this album very much, it was worth the wait but also there is a reason it took 1.5 years for me to listen to it, it isn't my everyday listen.
Good band, too bad they had Ace Ventura on vocals. The jam for last few minutes of Devil Eyes was worth the listen.
Disco still sucks BUT that guitar on Good Times, and really through out the whole album, is awesome. Wicky Ticky Ticky Ticky
The vocal delivery paired with the extreme 80s vibe is too wild for me. I bet Leonard was a big weirdo in real life.
Real groovy, made me happy
Something about Jim Morrison I do not like
Made me feel like I was in a Guy Ritchie movie
Not my style of music but not too bad...until the song with audio of someone eating chips. Terrible. 1 star
Calming and weird. First album of hers I have liked.
I think I accidentally walked into The Gap or maybe even Old Navy
Banger after Banger
Pretty interesting musically, his voice seems like an acquired taste that I have not yet acquired and I was not a big fan of the nursey rhyme style on some songs.
uh, ok Pepe Le Pew lookin' ass.
Disco still sucks
Bears, BEATS, Battle Star Galactica
Easter Parade was nice the rest sounded like a Scottish version of Sting singing over a million synthesizers
Hendrix and Clapton as features on the same record is pretty incredible. Then you’re gonna flute it up another notch on Cherokee? Get out of town
“I fuckin’ hate The Eagles, man” - The Dude
Should have kept the name (Mike Hunt's) Dishonorable Discharge.
This is not music for me per se, but the bass playing throughout the album is pretty great. I am not a bass player but there are some very tasteful bass parts on this album that sound very nice to me. Other than that it's not too special.
It's supposed to suck and be off-putting. Beefheart can sound like Tom Waitts at points and at others like he's having a psychotic break. The album can have really great moments too, kind of like Grindcore music, it sounds like total chaos for the most part, then all of a sudden it comes together beautifully for a second before breaking apart again.
“Hey you guys want to make a pretty cool alternative country/R&B album? Ok cool, only catch is that the singer has to be quiet so he doesn’t wake up my mom.” That how I imagine it went down
Good shit, sounds like Chuck D a lot
Spacey but not too spacey. Really a beautiful and interesting album.
Madonna sucks
Decent Reggae, nothing to write home about in my humble opinion, mon.
Lou Reed annoys me but I liked this album. The stories remind me of a Nelson Algren novel who also wrote Walk on the Wild Side
Feels like a dream sequence from some weird 90s movie or tv show, especially noticeable on Wash Me Clean. PeeWee's Funhouse Dream core
Elvis singing over The Memphis Boys, apple pie, baseball, mass shootings, and credit card debt
It is The Stones but they hadn't found it yet. You can sort of hear it on Can I Get a Witness. It is cool to see where they were at the beginning and how you can compare these early albums to The Beatles early albums easily(The Beatles did the better clean cut rock n roll style in my opinion) but the farther you get from here the more it is like apples to oranges with how far they went in different directions.
Those are some ugly women
I think Peter liked marijuana
Cool sounds
Could cure a headache
Pretty wacky but I liked it
Appropriate band name, shit had me snoozing.
Kinda makes me want to fight the power...funkily
“Uhhh kissing you, kissing me, squeezing yo butt cheeks, Putin’ my bologna pony in yo minestrone, talking’ ‘bout sex whooo whooo” every song basically
Beautiful music about some of the ugliest things humans are capable of
Never heard this band before but still makes me feel the 90's nostalgia feeling creeping in. This was a good record and still sounds good 30 years later. Album cover is a little bit creepy, reminiscent of another album I discovered from this list, Throbbing Gristle's D.O.A.
Feel good music
Great guitar tone
I get that it's the point but there are too many songs on this record. Beautiful record to listen to in the morning BUT THERE ARE TOO MANY FUCKING SONGS ON THIS FUCKING RECORD
Get a haircut hippie
Black Zappa or maybe Frank is White Funkadelic don’t know for sure. Sounds like master class musicians jamming out and having a good time. Of course it’s funky but they mix in a lot of other genres and most songs are pretty guitar driven and the guitar player rips. I love the wacky humor and over the top imagery and antics.
Classic shit
I bet it was weird for Julian Lennon to listen to the song Mother from this album, If he ever did.
upbeat and fun
I love Ry Cooder, even if his name does sound like a crude term for a yeast infection
sounds kinda like you had to be there
How do you even start to come up with some of these beautiful songs? So many beautiful melodies in each song, Lynn is a genius, a very weird looking genius.
Makes me want to damage
"Remember there in school one day I learned I was inferior.....Water in my cereal" Something about this line paints a picture of growing up struggling better than almost anything I've heard before. Great album just not my style
Paul Mcartney probably could have taken a shit, then pressed it into vinyl and I would listen to it and give it 5 stars. These songs have been playing throughout my entire life and when I hear the Beatles I feel like I am home, but it is impossible for me to listen and rate them objectively.
Pee Wee's Funhouse vibes with too many songs
I like gangster rap but wish we had more of this feel good rap, too.
Real nice, for some reason I always imagined this is what Bjork should have sounded like.
Complete package of an album, the music is beautiful, the idea is original and executed perfectly. We need more albums about states, Sufjan!
"ahhh cool an album by the Toy Story guy, this ought to be fun and innocent" ---Opening Song--- "Uhm, this must have been about Woody's sordid past, lets go watch Monster's Inc. instead"
Good reggae but just wasn't feeling it. Could have been that cold and rainy weather doesn't mix well with reggae.
Disco sucks but We are Family can still get it
I am not Generation Z, but this album is a mood no cap
It's Elvis
If that's what it feels like to be a natural woman, I am about to update my pronouns. Shit gives me chillbumps, although I have to say its equal parts Aretha Franklin and The Muscle Shoals Sound that cause them.
From what I hear he is a pretty big douche bag but this music is decent Americana. Ill give it five stars but actually 3.5 when you take away the curve I grade on.
Too sober for this
Singer sounds super sad, hope he's doing better now.
Good Laid-back background music with sparse whispered lyrics I couldn't understand, which are the best for laid-back background music.
Kinda makes you wanna smoke a cigarette or somethin
This could be the default music in my head at all times
More like Depeche Chode
All the boys in the straight edge scene are in the basement huffing gasoline
Not crazy about the music on the album, but it is an interesting and important album for Pink Floyd and Rock n Rolll fans.
sounds like the 90s
Was anyone like "I had no idea that leather clad man with the beautiful operatic vocals was gay" when Halford came out in 1998? I was too young to remember but it seems pretty obvious when we look back on it. All in all a badass classic album that was pretty revolutionary for its time and influenced tons of great metal and probably non-metal bands.
Pretty awesome to imagine how much went into making records back in the day. The huge band and arrangements for each song and the attention to detail is amazing. All of that plus Billie Holiday singing on top. Pretty good and a very important album given the context of when it came out and what she was going through.
This one caught me off guard, great album all the way. I really like the funky rhythms with the starts and stops and how they fill the space but it still seems sparse, if that makes sense. Every instrument from vocals, guitar, to percussion seems to have a unique spin on it that makes you listen a little more closely.
not my thing
Jim Morrison gets on my fucking nerves
Sounds like "No, Honey, we have Billy Idol at home" This album is the Billy Idol at home. Also, the album cover looks like a bootleg version. That being said, not bad 80s butt rock, if that's what you're into.
Clapton is not God. Duane Allman is God. Get it right you limey blokes.
Since this one didn't have Come on Eileen on it, does that mean Dexys Midnight Runners not only put out more than one album but they also have two on this list? Probably could die without hearing both albums I would have to imagine, but we will have to see. This one is alright, I like the horns and I like how terrible the singer's voice is but how well it works with the music.
Some pretty feel-good upbeat songs like St Elmo's Fire. Then some songs, like Becalmed, that make me feel like I am sitting inside one of those suicide pods waiting for the chemicals to take hold and slowly kill me. That being said I think there should be something on here for everyone.
How'd he learn to do that?
Some of the best Thrash or even all-around heavy music you can listen to... with some of the dumbest cornball lyrics/vocals ever written. I will admit that the corny 90s metal and death metal lyrics have grown on me over time and I now find them endearing, which then makes them gay and me a poser.
Bjork with a harp
Not a huge fan of most of Bruce's stuff but this one was really good, really good story telling type o' shit.
Every song sounds like the theme song from a 70s sitcom
Really liked the cover of Tracks of My Tears
Good fun
sad story but beautiful and timeless music
Almost every song reminds me of the theme song from Insomniac with Dave Attell. Kick the sandman in his sack, stay up late Insomniac!
Kinda Creepy and beautiful
This some Epstein shit
Imagine Red hot Chili peppers with a crappier Guitarist, bassist, and drummer but somehow the music is still better.
The original outlaw singing songs written by the best outlaw song writer.
dun dun dun, dun dun dundun, dun dun dun, dun dunnnnnn
is it 1001 albums you must hear before you die, or 1001 albums that make you want to die?
Really pleasant to listen to. Creative mix of genres and very melodic. Sometimes sounds close to My Morning Jacket mixed with electronic dance style.
Over the top imagery, speed and subject matter. They really got it right and its no surprise they got copied by so many bands to come after them. I love hearing the little things they did on this album that other bands capitalized on, my favorite being the palm muted chugging rhythm guitar on a couple songs like Countess Bathory. They really missed the mark with Teacher's Pet though, should have let Van Halen blaze that trail alone. That being said, if you don't like or understand metal you probably wont like this. HAIL SANTA!
I liked their first album Felt Mountain when it was the record of the day but this one just sounds pretty much the same, maybe a little more folksy. I did not like this one as much. Nothing against it really, its just nothing to write home about, its barely enough to write this review about.
good. Love the fuzzy bass heavy sound and hushed vocals. Sounds loud and quiet at the same time, the whole time.
Sounds like they might have done a little booger sugar before this show
What happened to Paul from the Wonder Years that made him so angry? Did they record this before or after he removed the ribs?
Not catchy and not formulaic. Raw straight 90s vibes, you can tell Albini was involved. Very good.
When it came out I am sure they were going for Southern Rock but in the 20 years since it came out, it just sounds like a lot of the underground country music that I am sure they inspired. Unfortunately, I grew in an area where that is basically the only type of music you can see live on a regular basis, so I'm kind of burnt out on it. There are also a lot of bands that I think have done it better since this album came out. Props for being trendsetters but not a huge fan of the album.
I am a white trash American. My hair naturally grows into a mullet with porkchop side burns. This album is in my DNA.
Pretty cool if you're a fuckin' nerd or on drugs
pretty sure the last song has a goat on it
Sounds like old school gangster rap with that Law and Order guy rapping
This is what The Who was when they were there then.
Not bad but I think 1 Kinks record on the list should've been enough, this one ain't it
Dude can wail
The music and his style are too smooth for lyrics like “deep like a skinny girl’s cunt”, makes it feel grosser than if someone like ODB said the same line
Really cool for its time and influence it had.
So many great American folk songs on one album it's pretty incredible. I personally even like his vocal delivery, which I don't on some of his later albums and live albums. There are several huge hits on here that were covered by tons of other artists but I also like some of the others like the last two on the album. Easy five star for me
Somewhere there is an Old Navy store with no music playing because someone stole this album out of the Cd player to put it on this list. Who listens to this kind of shit besides retail workers at Old Navy or The Gap? Shit really triggers my PTSD of going back-to- school shopping with my mom.
I don't think I heard a single pet
Sounds like Kid Rock wanted to be these guys but also heard Limp Bizkit on the way to the studio. (Kid Rock - Limp Bizkit)+ musical talent ≈ Fun Lovin' Criminals
Sounds like a smoky room
Not bad but in my opinion just another mediocre alt-rock English band on this list.
Garfunkel, What would you say you do here?
The band is jamming on this album but I don’t like his voice. A little Ace Ventura, a little carnival barker.
-9/11 Happens- Random man to Bruce: "We need you" Bruce: "I'm on it" Random man to Bruce as Bruce runs to the studio to capitalize off of 9/11: ...not to capitalize off this tragedy and make it about you...
Probably responsible for a lot of terrible hair bands to come but still cool and innovative. Ice cream man is the best song off the album.
Some of it is interesting but mostly just repetitive and simple sounding stuff. Really edges you on Hey Jude with the loop on Wilson, just have to put that on after to finish.
My hometown heroes, Buddy Holly and the Crickets. Some real bangers on this album, you better watch out or you might start gyrating.
Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should. Just because you know how to play that awful instrument on the opening song, doesn’t mean you should play that instrument on the opening song.
Somehow falls in between music and acting to me. I felt like Tom Waits was playing a role the whole album, in other words being a total poser.
Pantera came out with this and filled the void that was being left by the transition of bands like Metallica (self-titled 1992) and Slayer (diabulous Musica 1994). These bands were trying to adapt to the changing times but didn't realize there was still plenty of metalheads who wanted loud, fast, and angry. Pantera threw away their hairspray and adopted the machismo attitude and it worked great, Vulgar Display was the first step planted firmly in that direction. Dimebag Darrell's guitar work is unmatched in my opinion, very creative and groovy, not to mention heavy as hell but the real heaviness and machismo attitude is mostly attributable to Phil Anselmo, love him or hate him. Easy five star for me on my curved grading scale, if you want a true 5 star metal album for me check out The Great Southern Trendkill by these guys. One major complaint for me about this album, is the dude's fist doesn't look like he's throwing a very good punch, looks fake, step your game up if you want to be a tough guys.
Can't get enough of this shit that makes me feel like a misunderstood black youth (am middle aged white) but also kind of like I am in the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles live action movie circa 1990. Chuck D for president.
Can't help but picture a young William Shatner as their singer for some reason.
That's some finger lickin' guitar pickin', I tell you hwat.
Last song is the best song.
She does have a pretty voice and some of the sounds are nostalgic for me as a kid growing up in the 90s. With that being said, fuck this shit for me personally.
One of the best rap albums of all time
Good old school reggae with sincere meaningful lyrics
I love his organ. Guys grow up, I am talking about his dick.
Best Elvis Costello album in my opinion, but my opinion of his others that I have heard is pretty bad. I just don't really like his voice and delivery, but on this album it doesn't bother me as much. Other than the vocals, the music is great, which saves the album for me.
Johnny should have stayed sucking at punk rock instead of transitioning to sucking at post-punk rock
For me, music is best when it makes me feel something and the easiest way for that to happen is emotion through vocal, lyrics and instruments imitating the human voice or something where you can feel the human emotion underneath if that makes sense. With a lot of electronic music or whatever you want to call it, it seems the goal is to strip as much of that away as possible and make it sound mechanical or robotic. This album does that but it also very calming and peaceful which was nice but still not for me.
Hard to be in a bad mood with this playing, also hard not to copy the accent after listening. RUUUHHIGHT by the beach BOOOOiiiiiiii
Good mix of styles, hard not to groove.
Nostalgic for me but not that great. They should have stayed zany.
Feel good classic rock that reminds me of a world I never actually knew, the 1970s, but I did watch Detroit Rock City the movie as a kid and feel like that's pretty close to actually being there. Care-free, gimmicky, and corny, can you believe this scared people?
The drummer had two arms on this album, but we now know that he could play these songs with just one. I am not supporting this freeloading sandbagger.
I am probably too ignorant to understand something this highbrow but for some reason I always picture William Shatner when listening to something delivered like this.
Seriously? Second Dexys Midnight Runners' album and still no "come on Eileen"? So there will be another album from them on this list, making it at least three? Did Dexy create this list?
Erratic and hyperactive is how I would describe this to anyone who hasn't heard At the Drive-in. If you have heard At the Drive-in, I'd say subtract a few levels of hyperactivity and crazy babbling lyrics from them and you'd have this record. Pretty good shit if it's what you like.
I liked the songs that have the guy who spells his name wrong on them.
Writing this review immediately after listening to the album and I can't remember anything about it
Very cool vibe to this album, the rockabilly without the stupid look, they had their own more original stupid look(that I love and think improves the whole package).
Mix of semi-gangster rap and club dance music. She is a good rapper I just don't like it.
Donald loses some cool points due to lack of Walter but totally redeems himself by having Larry Carlton play lead guitar on every song. I am a fan of Steely Dan but this is different, I'd say it has a little less rock and a little more yacht but it is still quality.
Sounds like a gay reggae club
I think it is the little things he does that make me really like his music when I normally do not like music like this.
I always wanted to like the Dead Kennedys. On paper, I should like them, they are right down my alley but Jello gets on my nerves. Like dude we get it, you have ADHD just take your medicine, bro. Plus, none of these songs were even on Tony Hawk.
This was a hidden gem of the list for sure. This album just has a good groove throughout despite changing gears every song. Every song has its own style and groove and is done very well. Reading the wiki tells you why, these are all pros who were involved in tons of other successful projects. It’s mostly folky to me but there’s quite a bit of soulful blues and rock and roll mixed in as well.
I didn't know the history of Blur and how they changed their sound for this album. I really like the sound and energy of it and am glad they made the change. Especially because we got that Whooohooo song out of it.
They mastered the swamp sound so well, I for one didn’t know it was a thing but when I first heard CCR as a kid I said to myself “sounds swampy”. It was quite a bit later that I discovered they were from Cali and kind of felt betrayed but I got over it because the songs are too good.
Pretty chill and catchy but nothing spectacular and definitely not worth 2hr34min of run time.
Man there are some real winners and some real losers on this album. Some of the catchiest pop songs of the early 2000s but there is some filler. At the end of the day five stars based on my very generous curve for five stars (basically anything I’d like to listen to again) and the huge nostalgia factor having graduated in ‘06.
Great song writing with a great backing band
Pixies minus a few, still good
Was not too impressed with this, until the line "hugging the curves and dipping like I'm supposed to do for the Underground Troupe, cause I know I'm the poop, steaming hot, stinking up the dance floor"' instant classic in my eyes.
Good mix of ambient and industrial sounds, which for me don't sound like they should go well together but they do on this album
I bet music for Greyhound bus stops is more my style
Laid back indie rock whose influence you can hear in many bands that came after, especially one in particular.
I had only ever heard Paper Planes and always thought it was cool how they used different sounds to make the beat, I guess that is kind of her thing because there is some more of that on this album. I like It and I like her raps but the frantic nature of it kind of wears on me wile listening to an entire album.
Beautiful voice and world class musicians backing her. What else do you want?
No offense to Tracy but growing up in the nineties and hanging out in bars throughout my life hearing covers of Fast Car and Gimme one Reason has kind of soured my ears to her style. Nothing personal just not my thing, they all kind of sound the same to me after a while.
Gram Parsons > David Crosby ...and it ain't even close
Now back to your regularly scheduled prog I love '70s prog and this is a high watermark of that era. Easy five for me.
Peaceful and beautiful. If Radiohead and Bjork adopted a baby that wasn't as weird as either of them genetically but learned to be a little weird just from being raised by them, that would be Sigur Ros in my opinion.
Sounds good to me
I like the sloppy, kind of jazzy hip hop feel of the band. The vocal delivery is pretty unique, like someone free styling while coming out of anesthesia, very laid back but kinda mumbled and somewhat hard to understand.
Pump that weird shit into my veins, I love it.
Nothing but love and respect for Miles Davis but I love this era of Davis' because of John McLaughlin and his guitar tone.
William Shatner vibes
T. Rex + 80s punk = Good
10 Years old when this came out and I saw the Firestarter video on MTV, I still want that reverse mohawk haircut. This is a good record, very unique in the way it is electronic/dance style music but feels more punk than anything.
I Liked this a lot more than I expected I would, especially after starting it and not getting through the first song or two the first couple tries. You can tell that it was one of the albums that laid the foundation, or discovered the formula for, psych and jam bands that would follow. It seems like a more bare representation of the elements that would go on to dominate those genres. Very bluesy at times with a country and rock ‘n roll vibes with a lot of experimentation and ambience.
Very high society feel, like they probably wore powdered wigs while recording this album. The music reminds of Arcade fire even though this album came out 30 years prior to Arcade Fire forming. Good album.
I am a machine that turns Radiohead album recommendations into 5 star reviews, it's what I do.
Honestly this album sounds pretty obnoxious, maybe you just had to have been there? Should have named the list " 200 or so albums to hear before you die and a shit ton of shitty albums from British bands that sucked"
Excruciatingly horrible/awesome music AKA Grindcore. I love it, I love the brutality and total disregard for anything that anyone at the time would have considered musical. I love the artwork and I love what some of these musicians went on to accomplish, especially Bill Steer (listen to Carcass).
Sounds like generic 80s dance music, not sure why its included
Nerdy and immature, perfect for this brand of folksy punkish rock. Of course we all know the one song on here but the rest are equally as nerdy and absurd, I loved it.
The most amazing and appealing part of Joni Mitchell's music is her lyrics. I really believe its genius how she tells a story to a melody but kind of makes her own rules with how she does so. This album has a great mix of different musical styles to accompany her as well, which makes it even more interesting.
Gotta love AC/DC, they found a formula and stuck with it, that being said, if you've heard one you've heard 'em all. Some nostalgia points but one of the major classic rock bands that I could live without being in heavy rotation.
I liked the whoo hoo Blur better
John Barleycorn must die by Traffic. What if we actually used traffic for the death penalty? Not the band but like if somebody murders someone we just throw them out on the highway, probably not a good idea. Anyway, good album, folky and jazzy with super clean vocals. It really transports me to the time and place it was made even though I have never been there and wasn't born yet. Last song "Every Mother's Son" was my favorite.
Its just like sitting in a room with a few bad ass dudes while they jam. It sounds like masters at their craft applying their skills and having fun and it just happened to be recorded.
Dreamy, soft, and fun. "Hard to be in a bad mood if this is on" type of shit.
I wouldn't call it garbage. Some sounds like Prodigy with a female lead, others just run of the mill 90s alt rock to me.
British indie rock or new wave or whatever you call it, I think it is vastly over represented on the list, which has been mentioned a few other times. Pretty good album, nothing too crazy or notable to me other than being good background music to work to.
This shit will keep you guessing. I would say at it's core it is Hip Hop but there are so many different styles of music going on from song to song and sometimes multiple within one song. I though it was a good mix of the classic upbeat hip hop I like with the added bonus of all kinds of unfamiliar styles and sounds I didn't expect. Very original and I am surprised I don't know of any groups that were inspired by this style because I think a lot more could be done with it.
Cool vibe and great instrumentation but whether you will like this or not will 100% depend on how you like Nick Cave's vocal delivery. Very unique but very fitting of the music in my opinion I really like it.
Some of it is super catchy and some of it is super corny. There are also some really beautiful parts of songs but only Easter Theatre was solid all the way through for me.
I appreciate the musicianship but sitar is better in smaller doses for me personally. The mix of sitar with western music elements is cool and I did like this version of light my fire better than The Doors (That's mostly because I don't like Jim Morrison).
one hour and seventeen minutes of that sound it makes when something bad is about to happen down a dark wet alley in a nineties movie, like boom boom boom chi chi chi chi, plus other good sound effects that could be in a Steven Seagal thriller.
Sounds a lot like a lot of other early 2000s indie/dance rock like the killers and other bands with “the” in the name. Not too much stuck out to me beyond what those bands did but o guess this one is English so they probably have three other albums on this list.
Heard this one before when I dropped into an Old Navy to get a couple pairs of their unbeatable relax fit denim shorts
Classic Rock n' Roll, hard to hate it but outside of its huge contribution to the music that would come, there isn't anything too special to me about this one in particular. I bet it was wild when it came out though.
Imagine indie rock, now make it French, now make their main influence be all of the James Bond Soundtracks. That's this album and I cannot explain any further.
Lo-fi indie originators or whatever you want to call it. I liked it alright but it I did not like it when I tried listening to it a few years back. So either my tastes have changed or it's one of those that grow on you. I do believe its on the list more for its social impact than it is because its a solid album front to back. Definitely some good songs but also a lot of noise and filler.
Instantly loved this sound. Garage rock with a pretty rough edge, especially for 1965. You can tell they influenced a ton of punk and rock acts to follow.
Fun, quirky, with great melodies. I really liked how different each song was from the next but there was still a continuous feel of easy-going anything goes vibe, kind what you'd expect from the way Nilsson looks on the cover.
Jack White is a master at less is more. Sometimes the best or catchiest music is the simplest and it feels like he studied a lot of classic blues to come up with this formula. I like the shift in their sound for this record away from a mostly guitar driven approach, which is opposite to how I would normally feel being a big guitar fan, but it works to make this album sound like something new and exciting.
"what's happening?" is a good song, I could live without the rest. Kind of run-of-the-mill early psychadelic folk type shit. I blame David Crosby for me not liking this album, seems like everything he touches makes me not like it. Best Byrds albums are ones without him, best CSN&Y are the solo albums by the members without Crosby. This list has helped me realize my disdain for him and Jim Morrison, hard to explain but I think it has as much to do with personality as it does with musical ability.
I like her voice and delivery but I don't think the new wave sound fits with her very well. I really liked the last song "Why'd you do it", but it had more of a reggae/rock feel to it.
I am the whitest man I know and this album makes me feel like a straight up G, like don't fuck wit' me 'less you want tha heater. Feel me? just kidding but this is what rap is supposed to sound like to me, but I am also old. The beats and samples are so distinct to this era of East Coast rap that you know it immediately, then BIG's raps are so clear and clever you can't help but move your body and feel like a G.
Elvis Costello has too many albums on this list
Very strange even 50 years later. So I guess I'd say mission accomplished, Ziggy.
He just sounds like a dickhead. With that being said, its catchy music.
The sound of drug fueled rock 'n roll. The Rolling Stones had to work their way up to acting this debaucherously, it just came natural to Aerosmith. The first two songs on this album set the tone for the rest of it by really coming out swinging for the fences. I love '70s rock and they really got it right on this album.
Captures the sound and excitement of Van Morrison’s live show well and has a lot of his hits. I think he might have been missing a line or two of booger sugar though because his live recording from The Last Waltz with The Band was way more hype.
"Real Gangster shit y'all wouldn't know nuthin' 'bout." I think to myself as I listen to this while making the most gangster Excel spreadsheet of all time. Fixin' ta blast this pivot table straight to the dome, bitch.
For anyone not there, this is what the 90s sounded like. Not music in the 90s per say, that was grunge and all of that but literally the 90s sounded like this. These sounds were just going on in the 90s plus maybe some dial up internet noises.
Coke-fueled madness, seriously the Devil's music. 20 years after Elvis was possessed by the devil into shaking his hips, Sabbath showed them what a real demonic possession would look like. Trail blazing album, total brutal metal before metal was metal.
I love the Beastie Boys but more of an Ill Communication guy, with that being said this is quality old school hip hop. Bonus points for the Kerry King feature.
Great songwriting, sad story. Crazy how someone could live such an eventful life in such a short time. Makes you wonder if the most talented are the most tormented, therefore self destruct, or if we idolize the self destructive and in turn make their art into more than it is. Would Nirvana be as popular if Cobain hadn't died?
Sounds like a shy guy
Very chill, perfect for early morning work background music or late night chill mode. Some might not like it or find it boring if you want something with high energy.
I love Neil Young but his high pitched singing on a few of these songs was almost nursery rhymish, I still liked most of it but he lost a few cool points on that.
With how many mediocre albums Ice Cube has on this list I would have to guess he is British
Laid back indie country/folk, really good but I am also a sucker for good song covers. I like the singers laid back delivery.
Much more enjoyable to me than some of their San Fran Psych peers. Basically just a jam loosely based on Who Do You Love, very bluesy. If it weren't for the lengthy improv jams and jazzy parts, this would be a pretty straight forward live blues album.
I was familiar with the singles from this album but never listened to anything else. The second half of this album is really awesome and changed my opinion of this band entirely.
When I was a young Killer B, it was all Meth and RZA for me. Age and wisdom have shown me it was Ghostface all along.
Very low-key singer songwriter type music with some 80s flair, just kind of boring to me.
The soundtrack to ADHD. "I like this genre and this genre and oh look there goes someone on a bike, I like bikes"
Perfectly situated between 80s girl groups and 00s female-led indie groups, like a stepping stone. Think somewhere between The Bengals and Yeah Yeah Yeahs.
Pretty awesome arrangements and very beautiful just not a good fit for me personally.
Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds minus the baritone and cool lyrics, add 8-bit instrumentals. Not enjoyable and kind of discomforting like sitting on a couch with a plastic cover over it. Let me guess, they were big in the UK? Beans for breakfast and shit music, never trust a Brit's taste in anything.
Hits me right in my millennial feels. Hard for me not to love this album as it was playing everywhere during a fun time in my life, all of these songs take me back to riding around on dirt roads smoking weed and trying to get my older brother to buy us beer. Hard to looked beyond that and give an honest review of the quality of music. So, five star based solely on nostalgia.
Came out in the 90s, sounds like its from the 70s, still good in the 20s. Its classic rock made 20 years after classic rock stopped but they put their own twist on it, very soulful.
I love The Beatles and all of their solo stuff mostly but this one seemed like a lot of what would have been filler on a Beatles record except maybe I’m amazed. Still quality though and maybe I’m amazed is a great song.
Caught off guard with this one. Very cool album not just Hip Hop on here. Cool concept and execution.
Total snooze fest
Sounds like these scallywags had one too many goblets of mead. Honestly, sounds like somehow some medieval musicians found a mixtape of The Beatles. Baby, you can drive my ox cart.
I am a little younger than the original fans of Fugazi are but I am old enough to have been a fan of countless bands that are obviously inspired by them, most notably At The Drive-in. I like their music and I really respect their dedication to what they believe in, DIY and the humanitarian/vegan things. I appreciate and respect the impact their music had on so many bands, but I would rather listen to the ones they influenced, their sound has something that turns me off and I can't quite figure out what it is.
Chicken or egg situation with any Beatles album or solo project from one of them, I can't tell if they just resonate with me or if they resonate with me because I have been listening to Beatles albums since birth. But even the songs I have never heard from some of their solo projects hit as if I have heard them forever, except Bluebird from this album, it sucked.
I love horns in rock music. Good jazzy rock with catchy lyrics and some pretty cool experimentation going on. I really liked free form guitar not really as a song but just respect the amount of noise and various sounds coming out of one guitar.
Adele is one of my “I don’t listen in front of other people but in may car I be hitting those notes”. Adele is great on this album but I just don’t like the backing instrumentation as much as her earlier albums, wiki says something about using 80s style R&B or something like that and I think that’s what turned me off of it a little bit. Still amazing vocals I just won’t be getting caught at a red light with this one.
I respect it and hear the melodies but lead vocals sound like 1990s Adam Sandler
Wasn't expecting such a good album from someone looking like a combination of every character from The Rocky Horror picture show.
I liked this one better than Daydream Nation which I think most fans prefer. This one seemed more thought out or maybe it just sounds similar to other music I am familiar with from that era, like some of the grunge bands of that time.
Dreamy and very 80s. Imagine drifting off to sleep counting sheep, so nice and peaceful. Then, in the distance a drum machine and some soft guitar begin playing. Oh no, is that Cyndi Lauper or maybe Boy George? Who is that? where am I? Why is my hair permed?
Slower and eerier than their prior albums. Ok computer and Kid A has a lot of similarities in writing style and I think a lot of the songs were written at the same time just split into two albums, insomniac seems to be the start of the gradual evolution into more electronic feeling music (not sure what exactly makes it feels more electronic, maybe just the drums) and playing more and more with creative ideas around the songwriting process, like pyramid song’s unsettling chord progression. I just feel like Radiohead makes really good complete albums that flow together while also having great songs that stand alone
Right off the bat weird, melodic and beautiful. Growing increasingly weird through the album. A lot of different music styles layered, some island sounding rhythms with prog rock guitar and sound clips from tv shows or movies all playing out like you’re temporarily schizophrenic. A very unique listening experience but overall enjoyable.
Somehow it sounds stripped down a little bit, probably due to the folk backing band, but at the same time sounds theatrical and complex. Can’t help but relate it to Sufjan Stevens but maybe it’s just my Neanderthal brain thinking gay dudes make similar music. My gay brother and BIL have terrible taste in music though so I don’t know, unsolved mystery I guess. Really good album.
Seems kinda like a cop-out but they just sound like Oasis with a little more of an alt rock vibe to me
I always liked his lyrics but never could get used to his vocal delivery and then on some of his older albums it would be paired music that I felt didn't fit at all, like one of his albums on this list with a lot 80s sounding electronic-type music. I think his age finally caught up to his vocal delivery and they paired it well with ominous orchestral style of music on this album. I think it all works really well here, very eerie.
Great sounding and groundbreaking live album. If you are gonna listen to the Grateful Dead, it should be a live album, just be careful if you ask a room full of Deadheads which one is best. I have always said Jesus and The Grateful Dead have a lot in common for me, I love and respect their work but their followers annoy the shit out of me.
Taking the suicidal depressing aspects out of Joy Division kind of takes the joy out of it for me. Not a bad record by any means I just don't like it too much personally. Same guitar tones as Joy Division but sounds more commercial and poppy.
Came out almost exactly a year after I was born but somehow still sounds like "college radio" to me. I guess that speaks to its staying power of their music. For me personally, it's good but nothing special and a lot of the songs run together kind of sounding the same.
Ahead of it's time and very influential to a bunch of huge acts. I love this album, high energy and catchy for the most part. Of course where is my mind is a classic and, for me, cannot be separated from the scene in Fight Club, so badass. With all of this being said and how much I like the record and The Pixies overall, this is getting five stars because of the beautiful tits on the cover, sex sells baby.
Love the band and instrumentation with various influences besides the obvious folk sound. They mix in some Indian influence, some choral music, blues, you name it. The one thing I couldn't get passed was how the female lead singer's voice/delivery/lyrics sound like a lesser version of Joni Mitchell, which kind of turned me off even though this album came out right around the time Joni was getting started, so I doubt Pentangle was ripping off Joni it just sounds like it to me.
Soft and peaceful indie rock with some unique instrumentation that would go well with some sort of fairy tale movie soundtrack. I was really pleasantly surprised by this album.
One of the better albums from the San Fran Psych bands in my opinion, feels a little less pretentious than some of their counter parts. I don't get the \"I know more than anyone else because I am the center of the universe and am here to save the world\" that I get from some of those bands (Looking at you David Crosby). Also, some great bluesy stuff.
I always lumped Glam in with hair metal, my mistake. This list has shown me the difference and I have to admit I like Glam but still hate hair metal. This album is fun and kind of silly, the music is catchy and upbeat but I prefer T rex
I am not a huge electronic music fan but this album kills it. I think I like it better than other electronic music because there is a lot of guitar and other instruments involved. Just kind of seems like my ADHD brain created this music. Chaotic yet peaceful and catchy as well.
I don't know how else to describe it other than "theatrical". I don't know if that even makes sense but it seems like they are playing roles more so than just playing instruments. Very interesting album with a wide variety of styles and pace. Extra bonus points for boobs
I am old but I am also right when I say hip-hop/rap should return to clever understandable lyrics with a good beat behind it, like Gang Starr did on this album. That is all, please carry on. -hops off soap box-
This is a wild one. Went in expecting generic 60's white boy blues type shit, which there was some of that but also a lot of other interesting influences, i heard some jazzy guitar maybe some middle eastern sounds plus many others. I also felt like there was quite a bit of punk rock before it was cool. Hats off to the prunes, who probably eat their fair share of prunes these days to help keep them regular in their old age.
Melodic, catchy, and dreamy. A very complete album in my opinion, I also get the feeling of them being similar to The Butthole Surfers but their music is not very similar, I think it must be that they were on the same drugs at the time.
Another hometown hero of mine, this will probably be an acquired taste that most of y'all will not have acquired yet. Twangy vocals over country/tejano/rock 'n roll, lyrics filled with rants about the South Plains and other things that make sense to west Texans. Lighthearted, honest, and probably misunderstood by most.
Catchy and melodic indie rock, fast paced kinda makes you want to be running down a busy crowded sidewalk. Some really great moments in this album, it was one of those pleasant surprises from this generator that make it worth putting up with 50 Dexys Midnights Runners albums scattered between 500 Elvis Costello Albums.
A lot of funk and soul mixed in, I was expecting awkward rhyming over basic beats and samples. Pretty good album and historically important but not something I want to listen to again.
There are certain sounds from the 80s that make me cringe and this album has some of those. The singer’s voice is great and she’s very talented, but there is something about it that really reminds of the worst parts of the 80’s culture. Add in the instrument choices and it’s a recipe for disaster for me personally, I’m sure this is some people’s jam though and that’s cool….for them…..away from me.
Oasis Lite
eh. Progressive guitar sounds with an unusual vocal delivery. Not too bad but nothing special to me.
GAY! No offense, I think it was their objective. Not bad at all, pretty catchy, not really my style of music though, but definitely gay as fuck.
A lot of classic songs on here that we have all heard. Pretty awesome live album, great classic rock.
Catchy, fun, and unique. You can hear the similarities to the members’ other bands, but they come together to create their own new thing. If I had to explain them briefly I would say an analog version of the Gorillaz.
So I finally got to the Dexys' album with come on Eileen on it, it was good, but I am still pissed they have so many albums on this list.
Hot Load of Shit more like
Liked this one a lot more than I expected. I am not usually a fan of female led pop/rap but this was really good, clever lyrics that were sometimes just as vulgar as her male counterparts. Good beats and good features.
Very cool world music, love the guitar and rhythms
Catchy but I don't like his voice, kind of reminds me of a sad teenager
Good vibes on here, surprised it came out in 2004 sounds more like 1994 to me.
Run of the mill 80s female-led pop. Not bad but not sure how it made this list.
This was the best Cohen record I have listened to, I have heard plenty of his stuff but only listened to the complete records on this list. The music on this one fits his vocal delivery the best, a little more folksy while still being pretty dark and gloomy. His other albums I listened to seemed mismatched with his vocal style and the backing music.
Loud, mean, and dangerous. Very cool.
Gotta' love this shit. Reminds me of playing dominoes at my step-grandma's house while she chain smoked and let us watch Steven Seagal movies in the background.
Groundbreaking and catchy. If you have never heard The Ramones, you're a sheltered individual, but also just play early Beatles songs at 2x speed.
Loved it from the opening Peanuts piano intro song. Mixture of jazz and rock with some random old school hip hop thrown in for extra why the fuck notness. very cool and unique.
She is one of the better female rappers in my opinion, the track with Method Man is cool, other than that nothing too special for me.
Whole album sounds like The Ninja Turtles are about to come out of a steaming manhole ready to rumble vs some Foot soldiers, except when there are vocals. When there are vocals, it sounds like The Ninja Turtles are about to come out of a steaming manhole ready to rumble vs some Foot soldiers but they're inside a GAP store in the mall.
Not bad but all of the highlights were because they kind of sounded similar to something else that was out around this time. First song comes in hot though, I liked that.
I liked some of the guitar tones but most of it is just not for me, similar to Morrissey.
Instrumental songs and parts are timeless but any singing is instantly 80s.
This album could consist of only the opening guitar riff from Cant You Hear me Knocking followed by Alvin and The chipmunks singing Baby Shark on repeat and I would still have a hard time giving anything less than 5 stars.
High energy and fun from the time when all cool band names started with "The".
Laid back and unique. Guitar heavy, which I love but they aren't just riffing they are really finding unique ways to play their instruments. It is very chaotic but also calming in a strange way.
A lot of good music here but just too much filler. They should have pruned some of these songs and skits to make it one solid Outkast album instead of two solo albums. I like The Love Below better than Speakerboxxx and I lean more towards Andre 3000 over Big Boi, but I think they compliment each other well. Outkast keeps Andre from going too flutey and Big Boi from going too Ludacrissy.
They just casually slide a song in called Gang Bang that starts off with a pretty cool piano then tells the story of some woman banging 27 guys and smiling through the tears. If you liked that one, wait until you get to the song “next”.
Pretty GOOd. It's like a rock album but its alternative, meaning the the artists are probably like those cool kids in high school who are kind of nihilistic and depressed, too cool to be "cool".
I knew a lot more about Morrissey's politics and all of the reasons people normally dislike him than I did about his actual music. I am a little different, I allow people to have their own beliefs without me judging them too harshly without knowing their grounds for believing the things they do. I am also different because I don't believe musicians, movies stars, billionaires, or any other type of famous person has any better understanding of societal issues than I do. In fact, I think they are usually so far removed from normal society that they are completely clueless as to what is appropriate and normal. Therefore I treat them more like a naïve child instead of some potential danger that might influence people or hold opinions opposed to mine. So a lot of the reviews I have read about Morrissey talk about how great his music is and how terrible his opinions are. Well in my opinion, these people's opinions are just as bad as Morrissey's, because his music sucks too.
Cool that they were the first to do it. So points for that. Also some really good playing on this album, cool rhythm section, and fuzzed out guitar solos being my favorites. Each song has a defined beginning and ending but all still flows together as one in telling the story. Very cool how you can tell the mood of the story throughout even if you are not paying attention to the lyrics, album starts pretty joyous and sounds like Syd Barrett era Pink Floyd. As it works its way trough the protagonists life, darker moments in his life the music is close to 80s punk and Stoner Metal from the 90s in my opinion, which I like on its own and really like how they were able to incorporate it side by side with the more joyous, almost nursery rhyme style. The cover of the album tricks me into believing it has penises all over it until I take the time to look better, like an ink blot test to determine if I am gay or not. Like I am not gay but is that a giant penis flying out of a black kamikaze sun? Nope, just a blimp, but that is a crucifix penis on the shadow right? Wait am I gay? My Wife is not gonna be happy.
Angry and revolutionary, both lyrically and musically. Basically a hip hop rhythm section, creative guitar playing with a heavy focus on rhythm, and vocals that fill the listener with anxious energy. Had my 8 year old ass running around elementary school "Land of the free? whoever told you that is your enemy"
Real catchy and easy to listen to. Nothing too special though, very clean and well produced 70s pop music. Caught off guard when all of a sudden the room started spinning, then that scientology rapist and Fez were sitting in my garage with me. -Red enters- \"jackass\"
This album came out in the late 70s, but it sounds like a fever dream from the 90s to me. I don't know why but I just picture a warped Pee Wee's Funhouse mixed with early 90s Nickelodeon cartoons but hosted by John Wayne Gacy in his clown costume. Quirky and creepy, more of a performance than a musical album.
Not bad for this type of music, but not for me personally. I don't want you, baby, sorry.
Every song sounds like a different genre or even totally different band at certain points. Interesting mix of all kinds of styles and instruments, done very tastefully. Last song, Dear God, is really good and kind of spooky to me but overall the album is too varied for me, I need something that kind of stays close to a lane, this album is swerving through lanes like they missed their exit.
Catchy and peaceful. Very surprising given my only prejudgment was the ridiculous album cover being so corny looking.
A lot of these English bands from the 90s sound very similar, maybe I just don't have an ear for it but they all sound like different versions of Oasis to me.
very chill but nothing too special for me
Seriously cringed when I revealed this album. 15 when it came out and was not a fan of pop music at the time. Went into it with an open mind and it was better than expected. Still not my favorite thing but much better than the Aguilera stuff I remember, probably from her first couple records. This is much more mature musically, the lyrics feel like they're trying too hard to be mature though, "I'm not a little girl anymore, I talk about sex and stuff". Other than some of the lyrics, this album is a good R&B/pop record, not exactly my thing but I can appreciate it and she does have a lot of soul in her voice for being so young at the time, those Disney years were hard on these kids but I think she turned out alright compared to Britney. The song "Beautiful" really is beautiful though, check out the cover by Clem Snide
Generated Countdown to Ecstasy two years ago, I have been on a major Steely Dan kick ever since. I prefer the first three albums just because I love Skunk Baxter's guitar playing but the following albums are great as well. I love the disparity between the somewhat easy listening jazzy music paired with the dark lyrics, I don't why but I like it when things aren't what you imagine they should be. With music like this, shouldn't they be talking about love and dancing? Nope, we are gonna talk about a guy selling his only possession of any value just to get another hit and it kills him. Wonderful playing by everyone involved and the two leader's vision coupled with their perfectionism results in timeless and great songs. Check out all of their albums and read the lyrics.
A dude moaning over a shitty loop. This is like the banana duct tape to the wall.
A bunch of rich kids sitting in the park playing what look to be chairs, but upon further inspection are some sort of instruments made of wood with strings. These rich kids have spent their youth in classrooms and libraries reading about the atrocities committed by their fellow humans, and so they decide to rebel the only way they know how. They decide it best to play an old forgotten style of music and point fingers at those who treat others as less-than. In doing so, they themselves treat other humans as less-than in an appeal to get them to change their ways. This does not work, but the same style of protest has none the less persisted to this very day. You see for I am the most virtuous of all because I sing about it the loudest without any real sacrifice. MLK Jr. made a sacrifice, Joan Baez made songs and money. The album is good enough if you are a fan of folk music, which I am, I just wanted to vent about the overblown "sacrifices" these celebrity protestors make.
Just kind of annoying to me. Some cool little guitar riffs and lines but mostly just obnoxious quacking like a flight of ducks.
Sing a long shit
Surprised by this one. Solid album throughout. Repetitive beats that get built on but nothing too abrasive. Easy to listen to.
First half was kind of scattered and the songs never really got going for me. The second half was pretty great with really unique sounding songs.
Sounds like people are dancing in wet city alleys. It’s late at night, dancers and musicians strategically placed on fire escapes and loading docks. Everyone is dressed in tattered denim, leather, bandanas, and untied boots. That’s what it sounds like.
Total surprise, quirky and raw, but also melodic and relatable.
Van Morrison is a very unique voice and personality that comes through in his music. Passionate and unique, I love his live performances because you feel this even more than on his studio recordings(listen to Caravan from The Last Waltz live album). The first five songs on this album are five of the greatest classic rock era songs written, the subject matter, the performances, and the soul involved are really unmatched. The second half continues with beautifully written songs performed perfectly with tons of emotion, they just didn't get the radio attention the first half got, but deserved to. You really should hear these songs before you die, or else Ill kill you.
ZZ Top before the fuzzy guitars and hot chicks. Its basically straightforward blues rock with distortion, but the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. They created a brand around their style and persona, this album was just the beginning of that but the sound is there. The chicks, cars, and fuzzy guitars came later.
This one creeped me out the most and I don’t even know what he was saying. The music is unsettling on its own but the vocal delivery makes me picture some leather clad Frenchman (I know he isn’t French but it’s what I see)with a mustache grumbling into the mic. Scared to see what they really look like.
One of my all time favorites, maybe THE all time favorite for me. I just feel like Radiohead make really good complete albums with great attention to detail and a great lack of concern with fitting in or making hits. They have total control of their art, I feel like they can make a calm and and quiet seeming section feel chaotic when in the context of the complete song, things that would not seem heavy on their own are earth shaking when put in the perfect place in context with the rest of the song. Paranoid Android, for example, is so wacky and unconventional but it takes you on a journey and really gets the feeling across that I believe they were going for with the whole album.
Starts out flat and non-abrasive to the point you kind of forget you're listening to music, similar to shoegaze where the music just blends into the background like white noise. Picks up through the album but still feels like a flat soda to me, except the one song that sounds like a commercial.
They don’t call it cool jazz for nothin’ baby
Sounds like a superfuzz bigmuff, if it weren't for them I might not even know what that is. I was introduced to this sound by bands like Kyuss and The Melvins but they were probably introduced to it by Mudhoney. I have heard people exclaim that Mudhoney deserves the notoriety that Nirvana achieved, but its rarely the groundbreaker who makes the big bucks, its the first copycats. With that being said, after listening to the album it is a good album but when looking back through all of the giant albums by other bands that followed in the same vein, it doesn't stand out too much except for the fact that it was one of the first. I do like it though and am more impressed with it knowing that they were on the forefront of this sound a lot of us grew up with.
Sparse and laid back indie rock. Good background music and a cool collection of sounds in additional to the usual indie rock elements.
Classic Classic Rock
Personally, I just don't like this style of sing singing. Sort of like a less-cool Peter Gabriel with a hint of Morrissey. The touch of Morrissey is the problem for me, I think.
Thin and raw. They say they hated punk but the sound is there. The big difference is the talent of the musicians, there is some great guitar playing on here and I personally love the contrast between the great playing and the cut and dry recording style. The imagery, music, and stage presence is the complete package with these guys, at least during the 80s, I wont vouch for the albums after Seventh Son. This first one is so cool to listen to and see how they evolved and how they influenced so many great metal bands.
So much character and soul in her voice. Band sounded great as well.
Dance music for people who think buttered toast is spicy
I love old country and I like Merle but this one just ain't it for me. Production sounds a little too polished and the songs aren't anything too special. Still true outlaw country BUT he is from Cali and I think that's the problem here.
I am gonna go all the way back to sixth grade to express how I feel about this album. This shit is gay. Not gay as in homosexual, but gay as in faking an injury and calling timeout because you're about to get tagged in hide n' seek type of gay.
A lot of world music mixed in with some traditional western influences as well. Strange to listen to this after reading about his days with Jonny Rotten, not what I would expect after hearing Sex Pistols and PiL, but a pleasant surprise.
This generator has helped me find so much music I love, mid-80s pop is not it. Something about the crisp cleans, synths, and cornball lovesick lyrics pisses me off. Steve McQueen should not be associated with this.
Love the guitar playing and soul but his story is better than the music in my opinion, still awesome though.
I really liked this one. Dark lyrics, with a mix of indie and alt rock but some of it sounds almost industrial. The vocals are clear and cutting, though the phrasing makes it to understand the lyrics without really listening.
Experimental, psychedelic, mostly light and nonabrasive while still being pretty heavy for the time. The extended jams might not be for everyone, especially since some parts are not musical at all or are atmospheric and ambient, but I think they go well with other activities like driving or working. This is not gonna be the album for someone looking for catchy singles.
The sound is "Early 90s sitcom interlude"
I think the song title Youthful Expression defines the album as a whole. Sampled beats on loop with well informed long winded lyrics.
I saw it was Ska and groaned. I listened and heard Muzak and double groaned. Like shopping in a super market owned by Pee Wee's fun house.
I always loved Van Morrison but overlooked this album, I liked the high energy songs especially some of his live recordings (It's Too Late To Stop Now and his songs on The Last Waltz are my favorites). The stripped down style of this album highlighted Van Morrison's creative and unique voice. His phrasing and rhythms while singing are one of my favorite things about him and they are front and center on this album. These songs show that it doesn't have to be loud and fast to have a lot of emotion and energy.
Stripped down and intimate story telling. Beautiful guitar playing but the focus is firmly on the story being told and the voice delivering it. Even if I didn't speak English, I would be able to understand the story being told because of how expressive her voice is to me.
Wasn't really looking forward to this album due to being burned out on the hits that came with the following album. This album was a pleasant surprise, they seemed to be a little looser and having more fun with this album, maybe they were more youthful and experimental, I don't know, but the music seems more playful and fun.
Very unique and rhythmic based music highlighted with sparse guitar work for the most part. Lyrical content is really good like you'd expect from Bryne but the delivery was a change for this album, toward a more fluid almost rap style, and it worked well.
Great album, great writing, very creative and innovative. Dark and emotional curb the subtlety. I have always loved this album so its hard to rate it without bias. The best part of it was reading the wikipedia, Reznor describes meeting Sharon Tate's sister who confronted him about exploiting Sharon's murder by recording the albums there. He says this made him realize that there is usually more to it. What if it were his sister? I guess it takes what it takes to discover empathy for others, but man, you've got to be next level self-centered to have that much of a lack in self-awareness. Great album, great writing, beautiful and creepy, but just because someone creates something genius, does not mean they are geniuses in all aspects. e.g. Reznor can be a genius when it comes to piecing samples together into beautiful arrangements and a total dipshit when it comes to common decency.
Catchy and edgy but not that different from the rest of what I know of her music
Take away the fact that this seems like a perfectly timed swan song for what was one of the greatest music careers or all-around art careers of all time, take that away, and this is still an awesome album. It is unsettling and still beautiful, it mixes some heavy industrial sounds with horns and guitar and freaky lyrics given the timing of the album. Such an awesome capstone to an awesome life.
This triggers my misophonia, it’s almost like 11 minutes of torture every single song. I get it, that if I was on ecstasy in a club in 1995 England it would have been cool and I’m sure it’s important to some people but I don’t like it. These songs give off more of a Heroin Trainspotting vibe, though.
I think I got a contact amphetamine high from listening to this
Totally unhinged that I was listening to this album when I was 10 years old. I didn't even flinch at some of the lyrics, I thought they were funny because I had no life experiences anywhere close to what was portrayed in the lyrics. 30 years later, some of the lyrics are so disgusting its ridiculous, but this album is a great representation of the time and offers a glimpse into the mind of a young man who grew up poor in a broken home and used rapping as an outlet. The scary part is that there are people who have these same thoughts, and not in a "trying to offend because I am an edgy rapper" kind of way.
Not my favorite Peter Gabriel but he always manages to bring an interesting melody or have the perfect sound at the perfect moment, hard for me to explain it much further than that
Brazilian tribal KoяN. I Liked inu metal when I was a young teenager but most of it is pretty bad going back and revisiting. I liked Sepultura’s thrash sound before the full transition to numetal with this album.
Not my style at all and I hated this music at the time it came out. I will say that Aguilera is so talented and has a beautiful voice and her talent has stood the test of time, in my opinion. With that being said, 1h18min runtime is ridiculous, we don't need 22 of these songs. Someone tell her and Martin Scorsese that length does not matter, sometimes shorter is better.
New spin on old psych but done well. I like the zany aspect to it but there are also some really great songs on here.
Really tranquil and beautiful all the way through.
I really like it when the lyrical subject matter is so different from the music. Like death metal about love. I like the grim and gross lyrics against the bluesy and theatric music.
Wish I could just insert the Willem Dafoe interview where he is describing his character in the movie The Boondock Saints . "He's gay but he has a special connection to classical music" Same thing describes Rufus and Sufjan's music for me. Beautiful music all around but if you listen carefully, very gay.
Collaborative and creative. To me it sounds like a Talking Heads mixed with Kraftwerk album, especially noticeable on Us V Them
Nick Cave minus the morbid lyrics and dial the baritone back a little bit. Americana style music with story telling lyrics.
It’s sounds exactly like the album cover looks
Very nostalgic for me and a very good album front to back, not trailblazing or outstanding in any way for me though. It was very similar to a lot that was coming out at the time and kind of lost in the shuffle with all of the "The" bands.
There is something that feels spiritual about this kind of music (all kinds of music to me, actually), especially when it is some sort of traditional music. The stripped down music and vocal harmonies highlight the synergy of all the musicians, if you listen close you can hone in on a single beautiful instrument or voice that fits so perfectly with the surroundings that it can go unnoticed due to the beauty of the spirit of the song as a whole. This album mixes traditional English songs and instruments with some pop culture of the late-60s and captures that spirit as well.
If it makes you say "yyyeaaaahhh" "Heeeyyeeeaaah" or just moan along, then it's probably Motown.
You know these guys are all just entertainers but you don't want to find out that your folk singing cowboy is actually a rich kid from New York City. These are good songs and he sings them well but if you like this, what you're really after is Woody Guthrie.
Pretty cool idea and execution but there is a reason I don't listen to single artist soundtracks, I will just watch the movie and listen to it then. Also, the cover makes me uncomfortable.
Don't ever question my punk credentials I totally still think disco sucks, but The Gibb brothers wrote all of their own music over a career spanning decades with several major changes to the bands style and still coming out on top. Gotta give the credit where its due, these dudes can play and write, they really were the real deal and they were brothers which is cool.