No Sleep 'Til Hammersmith (Live)
MotörheadThis is how all live albums should be.
This is how all live albums should be.
Undeniably a talented bunch, but together it sounds insipid. No, thanks.
A quieter, more reflective Harvey on display here. The songs, no less effective or powerful for it. She is a genius
A brilliant reminder that once upon a time, electronic music was diverse, creative and highly original.
Even after all these years, it’s a masterclass in songwriting and production values.
There are some classic songs here, and the band create some wonderful musical weirdness, but by God, do I hate David Byrne. Yes, the lyrics may be clever and he quirky but he just annoys me as a singer/artist/etc (Sorry, David. I’m sure you’re a lovely person if I met you)
There’s some great tracks here, but ultimately some filler, too. Earlier stuff had more of their raw edge, shown only briefly here. You can tell it’s a band in transition.
This sounds like a cross between Parquet Courts and the Wiggles, but without the best parts of both. I am sure at the time it was a great record, but it now sounds cliched. There’s a couple of well-known tracks here, but a lot of filler.
This is what happens when you rent a studio and then drop too much acid on the bus ride there. Musically, it’s not their best work. The last track (Happiness Stan) sounds like their attempt to outdo Edward Lear. It fails
Wonderful album from an oft-overlooked great of the grunge scene. Saw them live a couple of times and the deluxe edition reminds me of just how good they were
Two words. FUCKING AWFUL. Then again i hate country…
Not my usual thing, but I did enjoy listening to it. I’d call it interesting, and it deserves another listen
Pretty much the turning point when post-punk became Goth. I assume there’s a lot of Joy Division influence here but doesn’t quite achieve the same heights.
Not until Primal Scream wrote Screamadelica did band want to become the Rolling Stones more. Couple of good tracks, but most just 1970s filler rock.
I first heard this when it came out and I honestly don’t know what my opinion of this album is. Some days I love its ambient feel, and other days it feels cliched and annoying. I think it’s her voice. I need to be in the right mood for it
My favorite TH record, but that’s not saying much.
Of all the music that Bowie has recorded, this piece of AOR / Middle of the road / play it safe / elevator muzak is what you send me? It's not bad. It's just not his best work by a country mile.
Kate bush. And woman with the voice of both an angel and a banshee. She uses it to great effect here.
I have never really understood the hype around NIN. I definitely don’t hate them, but they also don’t excite me in the way that other people are. It means I listen to this every couple of years in the hopes it will get better (for me) but it never does… Maybe next time
An absolute masterclass is in how to write a song. But it still sounds like music for my grandma
This is how all live albums should be.
Some stellar songwriting here.
This album gives a new definition to the terms bland and mediocre
This album served one purpose only. To reinforce my view that Country is literally the most regressive, pathetic and offensive music known to humankind. This is literally what Cancer would record if it was let into Abbey Road.
It’s good, but pretty homogenous. By track four or five I was bored. Sounds a lot like the fugees, which isn’t always a good thing
It’s not that bad, but it’s also not that great.
Some of the finest psychedelic rock ever.
Definitely some of her best work.
Some delightful very sixties rock. They were the first band to use a wah-wah pedal, but not much evidence here.
Pure rock genius.
One of Paul’s better solo efforts which really isn’t saying much…
A truly superb listen as Roxy Music demonstrate there is life after Eno.
Marc Bolan was a pop music genius and this shows why
An album that could only have exited in the 1960s. In just 29 minutes, it shows a greater ability in writing songs than Ed Sheeran ever will and gives fuel to anyone that says modern music is crap.
still one of my favorite records ever. It has energy which may never be matched
She had a great voice, but a tragic life. I still don’t like this record.
Yet another that is not on Apple Music in Canada. Then again, I did listen to couple of others from them I condone Apple in saving us from this much tedium and mediocrity in songwriting.
Genius record
Ugh. A record that everyone I know loves and yet I find tedious and insipid. Does this mean I hate all my friends?
It’s hard to appreciate Jim Morrison any more. He has the voice of a lounge crooner, but gets dirty when he needs to. I wish I’d seen them live…
An album that’s aged like warm milk. I loved it when it came out and now it sounds clumsy.
A wonderful, raw piece of punk energy. Just a shame about the saxophone
Possibly about the most average record I’ve ever heard
Musically interesting but ultimately there are many better records…
Some excellent songwriting here
In 1979, Gary Numan invented music when he released Cars. The world has not looked back and we continue to venerate him until this day
Meh. Was vaguely interesting until they got to the creepy Jesus song. After that I couldn’t take it any more
Great for fans of world music and four hour drum solos (or so it feels). But too much saxophone for me
While the title track is memorable, the rest is pomp-rock at its most vapid. Complete shite
This is to modern music in the same way the cave paintings are to Da Vinci or Picasso. Listenable but little else
This is the most Beavis and Butthead record ever.
While she has a good voice, the album is incredibly lackluster
Such a creative take on hip hop when it arrived, it’s lost little of its originality. A true gem
Pleasant enough but ultimately it’s background music
One of the greatest albums ever made. Hannett’s production and Curtis’ lyrics and amazing and capture the edgy, raw feelings of a city on the cusp of decline and rebirth.
Some good, some bad. Great guitar, mediocre vocals. It’s eric Clapton….
Total. Cockney. Wank. Never saw the appeal of Ian Dury. Too melodic to be punk, his lack of edge is like shaving with marshmallows and he bores me intensely
I didn’t know this existed and now I do. It’s fairly good
Cracking album that still amazes
Love this record. Sooo gooood when it came out, it still sounds good
A nostalgic journey that reminded me of a time where everyone either did or wanted to sound like Blur. I liked the singles, but the rest was meh
I’ve never really listened to Wilco before, but thanks to 1001 Albums generator I now know they are completely shit.
Bjork has a fantastic voice, but for some reason, keeps making the same, self-indulgent song over and over again since she released Post. I, for one, have had enough of it.
Nope. Nope. Nope. Just nope.
This is your typical white-man blues nonsense. Some very good guitar playing mired by awful singing. It’s enjoyable, but I’d rather listen to Muddy any day
Sounds a bit like Paul McCartney but is infinitely better
Pop shit. Not offensively bad pop shit, but just pop shit
Not often you find something this original, and I’m really enjoying it
Utter. Shite.
It’s just about Ok
As, apparently, is all pretence at musical talent… Honestly, I’ve puked better sounds than this.
I’m guessing this is what music sounds like before it decides what it wants to be when it grows up Lucinda has a good voice trapped in generic middle of the road music. It belongs in an elevator
Fucking brilliant
A punk classic.
I can only imagine the impact this had at the time. Today, it sounds like kids music, by which I mean simplistic and not in a bad way like most modern pop music
Some excellent Soul music on offer her most of which has been butchered by cover versions.
Complete turd. This is music for people who don’t like music.
Undeniably a talented bunch, but together it sounds insipid. No, thanks.
Another slice of genius from the period in which they could do no wrong
Blinding drum and bass
It’s was complete cock when it came out and it has not aged well.
Get fucked. Tedious, at best
Ethereal is probably the best way to describe it. More accurate than good music anyway
An opening track most people, including me, like. Its then followed by a bunch of mostly dreck
Still stands up today. I don’t like a lot of Beatles stuff, but this is invention pure and simple. From the songwriting to the way it was recorded, this is something special
I used to think I hated Aerosmith. Now I definitely do
Still the king of the blues for me. Awesome
Kind of like an early prototype of Radiohead. But not as good.
Disco fanstastico
A classic. Excellent downtempo beats.
Prog rock… it’s the jazz version of Rock music and therefore pretentious prittle-prattle. It’s best avoided
Was never a huge ska fan, but this is something y of the bedt
Pure shite
A steaming turd of over-vocalization and studio electronics. Truly garbage
Dear God, no. This is unlistenable
It's the sixties. Music was usually better then, if a little weedy
An awesome swell of noise and chaos, that still somehow sounds like music.
Liz Fraser's voice soars, and the guitar work from Guthrie remind us that he wasn't always a complete dick, or addicted to chorus pedals.
Words cannot describe just how bad this is, so I am not going to try…
A brilliant reminder that once upon a time, electronic music was diverse, creative and highly original.
Another slice of fairly mediocre American forgettable rock. It’s just about ok and that’s it
Much better than I remembered it
Classic frank.
Genius. Pure, pure genius
Just no. Talentless, overproduced crap
Kind of weird and disjointed. Almost a parody of other music.
One of the best rock albums ever. Period
It’s mostly a case of hate the band, not the music here. They seem like a bunch of posturing twats, the very worst of “madchester” and yet this album is a joy to listen to. If I recall, John Leckie produced it. That probably is the reason
I never got the eagles. Their most famous song “hotel California” is tedious at best. In this album they’ve yet to achieve even that low.
Jeez… could they be any more formulaic and tedious? Yea, they sound a little like Neil Young, but that’s about it. Besides, that’s not really that much of a high water mark in musical genius…. Vapid shite made for sorority girls who want to feel “edgy” but don’t know how
Pure genius.
This is a hot pile of steaming shite
I’d not heard Ellitott Smith before and while I still don’t get the hype, it’s not bad and definitely merits another listen or four
Some good, solid early punk vibes here, but clearly showing it’s age
A glimmering turd that for some reason, other people think is a good record. The Gallagher show a complete lack of originality or musicality not seen again until Ed Sheeran and it’s amazing they’ve gotten away with it for so long. I’d give this zero stars but I am not allowed to
Some seriously funky Bhangra beats here fused with mid 90s indie energy. And, like a lot of 90s music, sounds somewhat dated now. Still well worth a listen though
In Berlin, by the wall, you were five foot ten inches tall. Sounding like German cabaret music with lyrics from an addled mind this should be awful. Instead, it’s one of the greatest musical works in the modern era with its tales of suffering and joy. It needs six stars
Sounds like Father John Misty albeit with more major key usage. Not necessarily a bad thing, but folk rock is just so fucking bland sometimes
Sounds like a discount version of Leo Sayer. There’s nothing wrong with this per se but it’s so lacking in edge that he’s a complete circle polished smooth. This offends my punk sensibilities so much he makes me want to throw up
A solid, if uninspiring grunge outing. Works well in a. Car
Back when IDM actually was intelligent, this was an interesting take on just what you can do with beats. It still sounds interesting today, but ultimately never quit makes it past “good ideas” into great and memorable music
There some interesting stuff, reminiscent of Badmarsh and Shri (and even Ravi Shankar). More western than I’d hoped…
A landmark foray of folk into the rock sensibilities. He can’t sing with a damn, his guitar playing is simplistic at best and yet this is a tour de force of both song writing and performance. A true classic
Very much of it’s time and it feels less interesting than I remember.
A classic… so much energy in the performace And, fun fact, my old Maths teacher swore blind he was the person that bootlegged it. Absolutely no one believed him…
It’s a classic. I’m not a huge fan and yet I bought it again yesterday because I secretly do like it
16 tracks of solid no thank you. Oddly Lauded as breakthrough, she has a good voice but little else. Musically dull at best
Fuck. No. Some of the most overrated, tedious and moronic music ever created.
A fantastic opportunity to give more royalties to The Rolling Stones… Shame it’s so mediocre and dated
It sounds like a bad acid trip, and yet comforts and entertains
Pure genius
Holy shit is this bad. I made it about 20 seconds into any given track. While I’ll give Tweedy a partial pass for being a third-rate musician, Billy Bragg should be banished a long, long way away. Can’t sing, can’t play and can’t write songs worth a damn. This is an album that owes me some time back.
More like Everything but the Good Music. She can sing. Ben can seemingly write decent music. Put them together and it's a steaming turd of no thanks.
The great shimmering turd of Irish music. Are these the most overrated band of all time? Maybe not, but they're definitely a contender
From the grungy stage of CBGBs to the heights of bubblegum pop sensibilities. She was cute and knew what she was doing. The album is good enough without actually being good.
My ex-wife used to listen to this all the time. I never liked it then, and I like it even less now due to the memories…
There's some cracking tracks on here, but it's still only the third best album by the Monday. Blinders like Kinky Afro and Step on are surrounded by average fare like Donovan and Dennis and Lois. You get the impression here they succumbed to their own success. They got far enough up their own arseholes that the record stood until Oasis came along. Still worth a listen though
Goddam is this ever fucking awful
Why the fuck does Elvis Costello keep appearing on “best of” lists??? He’s written maybe two decent songs and produced any number of bands into his idea of mediocrity.
For some reason, my 21 year old son *loves* this band. It’s just about OK in my opinion
Opens like some of the most derivative 80's music I've heard, and doesn't really improve from there. Sounds a bit like Bruce Springsteen with better guitar playing and songwriting, but a lot less edginess.
A quieter, more reflective Harvey on display here. The songs, no less effective or powerful for it. She is a genius
A somewhat morose outing and with vague Wagnerian overtones toward the end. It’s a long way from their early work with Vince Clarke, but this is what they’ve been for a very long time.
Folk rock that is about as good as it gets.
I love German culture, but this…? I cannot get along with it. It’s almost a stereotype with its guttural vocals and opera-esque arrangements. It’s not for me
Just pure genius
It’s ok, but dated
On Apple Music, when you load it, it says this is a cross between Pink Floyd and Coldplay. If you’re still interested at that point, maybe give it a listen. I wasn’t and I listened anyway and completely f*cking hated it. Also, I really don’t see the Pink Floyd bit. They’re just a Coldplay rip-off and one Coldplay is already far too many
A true goth masterpiece from The days before they became just a Pop band
Trite shite
I’d never come across these guys before and it’s a weird but likable cross between Iggy and the Stooges and Motown. Definitely worth a listen
This sounds like Soundgarden, the Red Hot Chili Peppers and Korn music was stuck in a blender, fed through a corporate “Edgy” filter at Shithole records and then shat into CD cases for mall kids to listen to. It is quite literally fecal matter for your ears.
Some superb, cheeky indie rock that seemingly came out of left field. I defy anyone to not enjoy “caught by the fuzz”
It’s ok. Prefer Mellon Collie and don’t get why people think this is better
Fucking awesome energy. Brilliant, catchy songwriting, and while sometimes the voice can be a bit grating, fix your EQ... A banging album that is too much overlooked - at least among people I talk to
Always hated this band. They felt like the boy band version of grunge and made solely for marketing executives to have Bukkake parties over. Maybe I was just too old and didn’t get it? Perhaps, but I do recall literally everyone at the time being more interesting and less annoying that these turds.
At one time, they were the epitome of rebellious rock and rock, and a lead proponent of the punk sounds. Unfortunately, they only had the one song and after a while it started to get awfully repetitive. It didn’t help that other bands (especially the british punks) took the “fast and loose” approach to a 150 seconds three-chord trick tune and were infinitely better at it. Worth listening to now only as a trip down memory lane as it now sounds as tame as the 50’s rock and roll it sought to both emulate and subvert.
Pure psychedelic rock perfection from a true musical genius.
Holy crap. A collection of some of the most mediocre songs ever recorded in the most mediocre of ways. I strongly suspect this album was created to appeal to accountants
I loved this at the time. I do not recall why
Just nope. No idea why he’s popular and I have tried. He’s a nice voice, two good songs and this was a waste of my time
Hate the cover, but love the originality of the songs.
Quirky energetic songs tat sometimes feel a little forced. Listenable but dated
Pop dreck.
utter cock rock.
Please stop recommending to me music that sounds like it was made by people who ride the short bus.
Probably the first actually interesting Beatles record. Prior to this they were, for the most part, just a pop band. Rubber soul had a couple of interesting tracks, but this was a record. It’s amazing what stopping touring and taking a shed-load of drugs can do for a music group
Pure genius from a true musical wizard
Nobody needed or wanted Peter Gabriel 1. That there are two (or more) sequels is truly horrifying
Everything g that is wrong with 70s Music in one album!
Ugh. Love the synths. Cannot stand annie’s voice.
A truly original piece of work
I only ever liked one his records and this ain’t it
I wish someone’s aim was true. They could put a bullet in my brain so I didn’t have to listen to his adenoid-addled voice
Genius IDM
Goths… punks without the attitude or the energy. Only ever learned to play songs in minor keys. This is one of the better examples
Pure genius. It combines genres from country to dance and indie rock, with quasi non-sensical lyrics. It shouldn’t work and yet it does. This is proof that musical training isn’t necessary, especially when drugs are available. Shame they were such fuck ups…
Utter crap
Not as good as Rum, and mostly spoiled by the awful Fairytale track. But, if you enjoyed that song, this album may be for you
A quick reminder that synergy is a real thing. Many songs co-written by Lennon and McCartney were amazing. Few of Lennons solo efforts hit those highs and none of McCartneys did. If he hasn’t already been famous, this album would have sunk without trace
Geno was a decent track. The rest sounds like a perpetual b-side
I’ve listened to this many times. I still have no idea why it’s so popular. The production is good, the music is moderately interesting and yet it’s much less than the sum of its parts. Michael’s constant lyrical affectations really don’t help anything, and I’m sure he was popular for essentially being a dancer as his music was average at best. If I never hear this again, I will be happier
If they’re giving out awards for “most overrated band”, these guys are up there along with U2 and Coldplay. This is a finely polished turd
It’s ok I guess.
Delicate French electronica, paired with quotes from strange and wonderful film. What’s not to like?
It was shit then, and it’s still shit now. One star for consistency
Yet another attempt to create a “youth culture movement” out of a much community, this time with cultural appropriation! It’s not good…
I first heard this when it came out I wish I hadn’t
This is surely a joke, right?
It;s not often you get to hear the birth of a new form of music. It’s far more melodic than a lot of the ambient music that followed, but this is pure musical genius. It remains one of my personal Top 10 records of all time
Not his finest work. Mainly as he is singing
A fucking blinder seemingly from left field. Still a brlliliant record today
It’s OK.
the better end of the prog rock block. It can be a little grandiose, but most of this is solid 70s pop music at heart.
Awful. Just plain, awful cock rock
Pop genius
Fast paced early Indy pop. Still sounds good to this day
Absolute blinder that seemingly came out of nowhere.
I’m a huge Brian Eno fan, but strangely not of this. It’s good. It’s just not his best work
Very, very average with little to recommend it.
Some cracking post punk from a band that genuinely deserved more success. I mean, seriously, people think U2 are better than these guys…?
One of my girlfriend’s favorites but I never really got into them. This is one of their better efforts
Girl from Ipanema is a catchy and brilliant track perfect for many movie soundtracks But jazz can go fuck itself
Rock and roll genius.
Possibly funks greatest hour
A nice great songwriter (with the smiths) plumbs the depths of averageness here. He truly wasn’t the same without Mr Marr
Love it
Not their best offering, but like everything they do it’s immaculately Produced and always trying to break new ground. Flawless
One of the true kings of music. Raw and unfiltered. Pure genius
Shite. The purest shite imaginable
A steaming hot turd if ever there was one
Some of Mr Wellers best songwriting. It feel emotional and candid
I wish I could leave this behind. Pure cack
As country goes, this is about as good as it gets. And by that I mean it still sounds like music composed by a four year old who is afraid of anything that includes a minor key.
The some reminders of why they were a great band at one time here, but not too many.
The best thing about this is the guitars on the cover.
Overindulgent and very poor imitation of Led Zeplin. Should never be listened to
A highly original piece of work that bridges her poppy yet quirky Sugarcubes work with her later esoteric and just plain weird stuff we get today. I contend this remains her most accessible and enjoyable piece of wor
Shoe-gazing bliss
Disco freakadelica and it’s finest
I have yet to meet anyone that doesn’t own at least two copies of this. It’s a classic. It is great. It’s also both easy listening and complex. One of the finest of all tome