Bee GeesI didn't realize it but somehow these guys suck across multiple genres
I didn't realize it but somehow these guys suck across multiple genres
This is a revolutionary hip-hop album....... for 1988. 6 years later, Jeru gets buried by hip-hop royalty in Biggie, Nas, WuTang and more. Rap was about to change forever but it sounds like the damaja was late to the party. This record is just ok.
This other side of 90s hip hop represented here in triumphant fashion. Few albums are as fun, influential, and raw.
Just amazing. Best psych album yet. Better than your Jefferson airplanes, better than artsy Velvet Underground (not "Loaded"). As good as piper at the gates of dawn
The best parts were when the drum beat was present and the vocals were silent. The worst parts had no drum beat and....well.... vocals. This has some value I suppose, not a 1 but I can't get to 3.
Side A: no skip Side B: good not great. Lots of 80s snare drum here, no surprise. Great tunes on Side a and a lot of fun on Side b
Nice Latin grooves. Extremely listenable!
Great sideA so so sideB. Minimal production. Maximum appreciation
This album is basically. An embarrassment to the general huge fan of psych and all sixties and seventies rock however this. Has terrible writing terrible production. No arrangement intricacies whatsoever and doesn't. Really offer anything above what can be described as musical sound
Revelation here as I would never choose to listen to this. BEAUTIFUL album, expertly produced and written. Must hear. Best in the morning possibly while foggy out.
So what's 25 track double album basically? One of substance 2 or 3 others the 2 singles are OK. Little red lights is great and some folks are wider than me is a notable track.
Masterful musicianship spiked with exuberant immaturity. Tedious though as about 5 tracks too long. Great representation of modern soul/R&B
Great tunes here. All time band at their best. 4star only due to all songs sounding the same. Trying to be objective here
Iconic style here. Jack White has such a presence in all of his projects. White stripes probably have a five star album this one is not it however very much worthless
Wonderful achievement here creating so much beautiful dirty noise. Not a SY Gan but may need a deeper dive. I assumed this was early due to how raw it was but the production value screamed established artist and boy oh boy there established art on this one
This is actually a beautifully written album, with lyrics to rival many. However nothing else piques interesting here. This sounds like a mediocre Talking Heads albums
I get that the have great voices, interesting arrangements, and thoughtful lyrics, but I just can't sign off on this being one of the great albums of all time. This was a band of talented musicians whom I FEEL were marketed into lameness
Just as solid as can be. Hits galore and great album tracks. Hypnotic sound
Not special here. Nothing this band did was extraordinary
No place in music should this exist. There's no innovation, invention, or irreverence. Just demented notions of what might qualify as music. Why why why why why
Great surprise here. Awesome songs that defy genre.
Most overrated album of all time
Not a bad listen. Some interesting stuff here. If I were a fan id Be constantly reminding folks when there's 7 miles To go in our trip
I wanted to dislike this album. After track 1 I was not looking forward to 60+ min. Really grows on you. Not a Pixies fan but this guy is talented. He's like Bradley Nowell/Lou Reed hybrid (to far? Maybe) plus now I get that 311 reference. Parcheesi anyone?
Truly flawless, landmark record. Lauren Hill is the #1 female MC no question, no argument. The Soul on this album is palable
Disappointed here. "Loaded" is an all time album and the &Nico work is interesting and enjoyable. This misses The mark in my opinion
Wanted to like this more, but beyond the title track and the cool side a reprise, there's not a lot going on. Track 3 was enjoyable as well but as we know, lot of filler on R&B albums and it shows here
This is the only early tribe album I did not own. I missed out as this is an impressive debut. Masters of sampling on full display. Side B does drop off a bit.
Not a fan but I own this one. Worth a listen every few months. Remarkable debut for a guitar god
I owned the first three Pantera albums. Listening to this brought almost no nostalgia. Groove metal maybe, but still just power chords distortion and throat screaming.
This is the worst live album created. And yes I AM familiar with j.giles and Edgar winter. This is the most incoherent piece of garbage recorded. I'm a Phish/Dead fan and no stranger to live recordings and long jams. Even if there is some great musicianship, this album does nothing to lead us there or bring us back.
Truly wonderful album. I try and save the 5stats but this is deserving. No skips, all iterating concepts and a revelation of indietween
Just ok. Loved "Julio" forever but not allot more here and some songs are below average
Two Paul Simon albums in a row. This one was better. Still not my thing. Great production here. Worldly instruments, musicians and styles. No skip album for sure.
This album exists largely On its reputation. Although it is markedly better than white light white heat it is still not easily digestible to the common music fan.
Not often you get a "no skip" hip-hop album. You don't here either but it's damn close. 8 straight tracks of absolute fire.
This is a revolutionary hip-hop album....... for 1988. 6 years later, Jeru gets buried by hip-hop royalty in Biggie, Nas, WuTang and more. Rap was about to change forever but it sounds like the damaja was late to the party. This record is just ok.
Kept waiting for this to get interesting but no go. Enjoyable listen. Not a 'Poor mans" but a "middle class suburban mans" David Byrne. I haven't heard the three albums from thier heyday.
Finally some hip hop I can listen to in front of the kids. This is am OK listen, I feel like it'd be cringy in inglish
Just ok for me. Some really good sections, and some skips.
I didn't realize it but somehow these guys suck across multiple genres
Picked up at the end, strong side B. I'm not a big Bowie fan and I only really like the ziggy stardust album, I can see why fans are into this record.
This music has zero depth whatsoever it's not bad to listen to but there's not much going on
Turned 16 in late 1996, bought this album when I first got my license later in 97. Blared this album all summer down the shore in my mom's Mercury Villager. Great times. Ni hypocrisy Herr, as I just knocked the Buzzcocks down to 2 starts cause there was no depth. Lots more to chew on here in Fat of the Land, but these drum beats are interchangeable, and as with all electronic music, tracks are too long. Not ever concept needs repeating 5 times over 6min. I wish I had a 4 5 option
Good record. Fun and immature. Side B got interesting. Worst cover song ever in 'under the boardwalk' 3.28stars
Can't accurately rate with NO frame of reference. This was good music that is easy to listen to and enjoyable for all.
Side A is full of introspective, personal lyrics, well constructed over perfectly executed beats and samples. Then side B turns to shit. Even Dre and Snoop are cringe worthy here. Eminem is a great talent but his characters and personas wear thin.
I've been defaulting to 3 stars on these non-english records. I've liked most of them but no standouts, until now.
Fun album obviously. Genre bending at every turn and a no skip proposition. This is a high 3 for me but I'm feeling g generous
The notion that this is somehow enjoyable completely escapes me. I've read the Radiohead comps and that's perfect cause kid a and ok comp were also aimless pieces of shit
True garbage. Not capt beefheart level but pretty bad. Why is it always the worst musicians who are the most pretentious
Great sounding album that doesn't really let up. Solid 3.5 for me here as I go 4stars. This is like the smashing pumpkins if they were British, and not 'iconicly' talented....
Each song is in an 'ok' world of its own. But as a collective on an album devoid of talent and creativity.
This was a lot of fun and had interesting moments throughout
Slept on this one a s a tewnage boy. Had no interest in her message. What a Masterpiece. Bangers thruought. Great tunes with biting witty lyrics
Same as all the other African records....this is excellent music that is very enjoyable, but with little to no frame of reference, I find it hard to compare
This list has so many boring punk albums but this takes the crumpet. Guilty pleasure at best
This has no musical worth whatsoever. This guy obviously is a 'talented' poet? possibly author, given his imagery and storytelling.
Would be a 4star instrumental work. French spoken word? No
This is just bad bad bad. Still have no idea how one album "ziggy" carried his whole career
Not abhorrentlly bad, but pointless and banal. I heard 'Cars' coming from the beginning, and then to my "suprise"... lol. Catchy commercial jingles don't earn many stars though
This is a pointless and boring record. Hears cars froma mile away and to my surprise...
My new favorite band that i've never heard of wow what a revelation from a time in which music was my life as a thirteen year old
Not looking forward to this one but was pleasantly surprised. A but repetitive but it works
Wasn't into Beck at the time. Mid90s heyday. But have grown to respect him as an artist over the years. Thus album is unstoppable. The hits keep coming while the strong album tracks more than hold their own.
Wanted SO bad to love this album and I think I finally came around. PGs voice is NOT it for me but looking past this superficial element to find the most haunting vibes on a pop album in recent memory.
Like T.Rex meets the B52s meets the the Bloodhound Gang meets Jack White
Nothing special here. Tell me they had more than one good song....and it's not on this record that I find overrated by many. How was this shoved down our throat but I missed Manic Street Preachers?!?!
Sorry just not enough for me. Her voice is amazing, a gift, an instrument all in itself. These are great songs to mellow out a Playlist but as an album it's a bit grating. 3 min never seemed so long.
Give anyone with zero Musical experience a month witht the software used to crate this album. And they could create this album. Latterly britpop without lyrics and looped endlessly
To some this is random noise. To some this is "musicians warming up" separately before a session. To some this is a grant musical conversation among the greatest musical philosophers of their time. Any look behind the curtain to see how this album was made will reveal a truly refreshing and energetic approach to "experimental" jazz. Not to mention a tip 5 album art of all time.
Fact is that this is a no skip album with some of the most recognizable lyrics and cuts of all time
I suppose I just LIKE britpop/britrock. These guys have even less creativity than talent and they may lack souls.... but each track is as good as the last one and these grooves are passable
Was every British band of the 60's required to do a Beatles album before they were allowed to have a style. And this IS NOT psychedelic!!!! in any way. Why do these albums have that genre indication?
Sounds like burning hair
Only track I loved was Hard Times. Mayfield is a great lyricist and that's the highlight of his music The funky/soul is template background music.
This album is great for grooving while the rest of your family/household are a sleep.
The machine has taken over, immediately after this album in 1992. Hope you're happy not. Do what they tell you!
Liked the esthetic of this album at first, but eventually he just faded into a worse version of Springsteen
Side B/Title track is worth another listen. This is just ok compared to some of his more celebrated works
Basic 50s style oldies, covered in basic 60s style pop, with a voice that seems interchangeable. Good listen while cooking dinner with my 6yo
Upbeat downtempo
No skip album. Banhmgers front to back. Should be 4 stars due again to electronic music having too many long repetitive tracks. This album is OK on that front and just a great listen
This is peak grunge. Talent, creativity, and production come together for a perfect album. Such a shame the Clinton's and the CIA had to offer Chris Cornell as a blood sacrifice as he uncovered their child trafficking operations.
Never got these guys. Lyrics are trying to hard to be cute, or not trying ar all. This guys voice is tolerable for about two tracks. Nothing on here stands out. I drove around with it on and eventually barely noticed
I prefer the 90s when Conscientious rap and gangstar rap were separate. This 80s brand of hybrid is kind of annoying. This album was enjoyable, great production, but still this early in hip hop- too obsessed with audio clips and skits and shit. 40min of music 20min of not
Queen in my eyes is a highly overrated band. They owe Wayne's World a debt of gratitude. I've always seen them as a band with hits that weren't even that good, just provocative (fat bottom girls, that bicycle song, under pressure.) But these album cuts are deep. Lots of ground covered.
Just amazing. Best psych album yet. Better than your Jefferson airplanes, better than artsy Velvet Underground (not "Loaded"). As good as piper at the gates of dawn
This seems to grow on you. New Wave Percussionist dub-step Metal
I swear pop music I. The 60s was as bad or worse than today. If you were Dylanesque or Lennon and McCartney-like, you got an album. Thank you black sabbath and led zeppelin and pink floyd
This album stands soley on the opening measure. A production work of pure brilliance. After that, there a lot of meh cheesy yacht jazz. These guys are corny as fuck and not that charming.
Super enjoyable listen. Just bridges the gap between funk pop new wave. 4 stars for production and a mostly no-skip affair.
These guys brought it here, sounding like the Beatles, sure, and doing the beatle-thing, but we'll enough. Kept things interesting as can be for the time and place
Fan-fucking-tastic. T.Rex for the 90s! I'll be digging in deep with these guys.
I hate that this album was so good. Not a fan of Waits in any way, until now. This album builds and builds. The first two tracks sound like hot garbage but then the rest settles in to groovy backwoods burlesque. The first tracks make sense now too. The real star is the production that somehow made Tom's spitting and farming into the mic sound great
This is just hoe music. Explains a lot of our problems with young people today when you learn how popular this garbage is. The music isn't anything notable either
I must be missing something bc this album seemed basic as fuck to me. Similar drum beat echos through while brief loops and fills come and go. It was an enjoyable record with no skips but no standouts either
Jamiroquai always has a great clear sound that mixes well and can turn any background Playlist into a groove fest. But its just that, background. The music rarely goes beyond your template funk/soul vibe and the lyrics are a bit forced.
I feel like this is just a British wutang album. Meaning a different but similar style could've worked here. But after all said and done, too cringy
What a wild gift this w as. Really grew on you as you got used to shrill monotone female vocals. The music here is multilayered and interesting.
Not an official police fan here. But two of my favorite hits an this album plus two great singles and interesting, sometimes quirky album tracks
I wanted to hate this bc the negative reviews were excellent. This however hits for me. Not perfect or even unique, just good old fashioned folk country
Big fan of trex and Bolan for that matter. This is an all timer for me, but I'd like to address some negative reviews. This is trexs most pop-y album. It seems like the payoff IS missing from some of these tracks. I feel mark played ot safe here and got what he wanted. Earlier tracks are less polished and more heartfelt
This is Sweet Baby James, just the 90's female version.
Really wanted to love this. Sounds excellent, gets very interesting on side B. Not totally my thing but being objective here
A first generation Wu-Solo affair that plays like wu album itself, with Ghostface and the Rza prominent among a host of guests including Nas. This 'no-hook' song structure is what made wutang and MGDOOM so great, just a luscious beat looped and cut.
Couldn't do it. Like who is listening to this. I had had enough, looked at Spotify and Deer Stop was on. I was like yes, ok dear stop!!!
Disappointment. The doors/stones covers are very bland, Side B picks up with some interesting tracks with fleshed out concepts
This was just ok barely. Later works by this artist spark more interest
Terrible British electrocheese
Basic AF indie/alternative. Sounded like Nirvana but as much as I like Nirvana, that's a negative here
Enjoyable enough, annoying enough. Typical world music never fails
Feel dumb after comparing that Sugar album to nirvana. These guys were REALY going for grunge in 02 and found it. Solid work that I'll never hear
This is a great time capsule but just an ok album
Beatles/Pink Floyd/Nirvana Three best 2Album runs of all time.
This is a fine listen highlighted by punchy crisp bass lines. I would be unfair to down rate Morrissey bc he's a jackals so I'll do it cause I hate his voice
What a revelation. This is the best pop ever. You can hear new wave, atl, grunge even, on this record. The lyrics, the lyrics, the lyrics. These songs bend and shift genres and provide vivid pictures thru witty sarcastic at times choruses. I have 1 regretful 5star rating on Beyoncé '4'... I was surprised by how much I liked about it and over stepped a clear 3.5. I wont regret however this 5 star edition
Bad. Just bad. Not captain beefheart bad, but bad.
Simply brilliant. Ghostface flows prose as good as any that ever attempted. Storytelling and vivid images shine thru here, overshadowed sometimes by potentially overproduced tracks. Don't get me wrong, the tracks alone could be a successful venture even for a less talented MC. It becomes a challenge to digest all this album has to offer. Still a bit long as Hip hop albums are known to be, but all said, a Masterpiece.
The genius production element here is the multiple vocal tracks layered and mixed I to every song. This is quit good and done well. But that's the sole reason for being on this list.
This bops. Hits galore, but side B is were its at. Chauffer should be a hip hop masterpiece, is it? MFDOOM possibly wutang?
Another Masterpiece. An hip hop album where the skits make sense and enhance the songs. Hate the lyrics and message all you want, this is real, and remains so. The cadence shifts and punctual liberties taken here shape talented artist to this day.
I've been a fan of the big three (Fear of Music, Remain in Light, Speaking in Tongues) for 25 years. Other than Psyco Killer I've stayed away from records before and after, deemed too poppy by yourself truly. Problem is I've recently developed an affinity for 70s-early 80s pop. Obviously this is a supreme entry in any discography with just as much experimenting and quirky introspective lyrics.
The best parts were when the drum beat was present and the vocals were silent. The worst parts had no drum beat and....well.... vocals. This has some value I suppose, not a 1 but I can't get to 3.
This wasn't nearly as cheesy as I thought it would be. Still not my style but LL can spit.
THE cliche 80s rock. Time capsule record right here. This should he a soundtrack to a retro 80s movie.
Still can't figure out how a band who sounds like childrens and Christmas music were pop sensations.
With two great tracks, this album seems full of filler. Guitar riffs are good but the scene itself leaves some to be desired
Tough to find anything notable here. Cinnamon girl is an OK single, the long tracks are good but leave a bit of meat on the bone. I own this record and it's a fine piece
Another winner here from Sonic Youth. I hear Saucer Full of Secrets Floyd throughout and couldn't have enjoyed it more. This list has brought this band to light for me.
Another album that anyone with zero musical talent could produce, given a few weeks practice with whatever drummachine/synthesizer is used here. Drivel.
Absolutely magnificent. I kept saying "well she sounds like Morrissey or David Byrne" only problem is she predates these bands as this album came out in 75. Truly revolutionary.
Fabulously produced and lyricly inventive as Missy has become known for. A top female MC for sure, not only of her time, today's ladies could take a lesson.
This is high quality R&B. Great voice, excellent production.
This has northern the ART of 'w/Nico" nor the POWER of 'loaded'. It's not even as fuckedup as 'light/heat'
Solid entry here. Sides A&B could've been a strong debut on their own. Side C gets into weird covers of songs not to be covered. But closes strong with 2 great album tracks. This record is fun, inventive, weird and remarkable.
Stroke of luck here. I'd just bought my first nu-metal album "Poisonous Legacy"- Sarabante, when this Slipknot! was fed to me. What an experience. Lots of highlights, although at 60min, way to long. The CD age forced these long run times, but this could've been a 45mim masterpeice.
I listened to this on my day off, morning time, cleaning the kitchen and feeding/hanging out with my 18mo old. That kinda vibe.
Competent third installment of a great run for this band as they hit their stride. Punchy poppy density digestible however quirky creative and fun
This is good music sure but at no cost. Meaning no chances taken and no challenges met. Derivative to say the least
Overrated I'm sorry. Great music that I thoroughly enjoy, I'll take thoroughly first album any day
There's nothing terribly special here but it works, well. Basic power chord progression but with great fuzz/effects and production. I don't understand about 80% but I don't care.
This is not for your average music fan. This is a cohesive work, high on production. I feel like so much of the music I love that this needs to be digested in full.
No thanks. There are no musical sections to any of these songs. No changes, no interludes/bridges, just cheese phrases from Americana and bah bah bahs. Anyone who listens to this fool is a braindead slob. It is better than captain beefheart though
I wanted to like this more. Just not as good as some contemporaries. (Manic StrPreachers, Pulp). Just ok indie rock
I'll take 70s Neil Young any day over this. Seems kinda boring and u inspired
Peak 90s brit pop
This is yacht rock at its finest. These riffs and melodies can not be beaten. Sooooo cheeesey
It sounds like they just weren't trying
The Stooges went on to do much more interesting work. This record works well, but somehow drags on even with a reasonable run time. We Will Fall is 10 minutes of the same drum beat and baseline, kinda kills side one. Most songs suffer from monotonous melodys.
This is not terrible, but terribly unremarkable. I'm not a fan of the vocal delivery. Kind of a bad mix of Soul Asylum and Jane's Addiction.
I rarely devote any time to solo efforts. I've just never connected to a solo project even 1/2 as much as the nexus band. This however IS listenable. Great bluesy melodies grittier than Beatles of the time.
The Kinks are a 'hit or miss' band for me and this is a mega HIT. This has everything in every track. Blues psych brit pop with the goofiest darkest lyrics
Pretty bland and basic reggae. Not enough anger and to many frills. Overall an enjoyable listen, but not remarkabke.
This is better than Jefferson Airplane. Great female vocals and haunting melodies. Could've done with out the Celtic style stuff
This has very poop structure and no melod8to speak of. Not to mention this guy's questionable voice, sounds like Randy Newman on acid
This is just fantastic. All of the "this sounds like the 80s" negativity....Yeah it does, this some of the best the 80s has to offer
Just never got there for me. Great voice, great songs, but never peaked
This isn't as bad a s some reviews here would lead one to believe. Sure the lyrics are juvenile but the punk rock here is tremendous.
This is a fine listen. I see why fans are disappointed, as this electropop product is not as interesting as earlier works
5 star hands down. Great mix of hard and acoustic rock. Bluesy and mellow, while fist-pumping and head banging.
The negative reviews on this are hilarious. Half "lack structure" half "too repetitive" both wrong, it's "intricately structured and masterfully repetitive". Also, this level of sampling IS original music. An Em chord is no one's music, just as the hundreds of sounds and phrases used on the record are no ones music, sans the Avalanches of course. This album is a Masterpiece and all who listen shall know. This is the album that the Monalisa and the Moonlanding recorded on the great barrier reef during the Tanguska event
Tried my best for my normal 3.... but this album just fought back at every turn. No skips here and a ton of the best Modrevival you're gonna here
Wanted to hate this but....the guy is a damn good song writer and producer
Congrats on completing your first semester on music theory here's a synthesizer
There are a lot of good songs on this record, although I feel that the track listing is a bit off. Morrissey's voice, while annoying, blends and contrasts well with the rhythmic acoustics.
My standard for 'world' records has been 3 Stars. They're all pretty good, but I've got very little to compare them to. This is a 4 star record great jazz tunes, great implementation of instruments, and just a wonderful vision brought to life.
Another so-so installment. Side A is atmospheric space rock and pleasant to listen to. Side B is some early post-punk and rather influential I presume. Still only a 3 as nothing blows you away and I'm not sure I appreciate the contrast
This record defies all logic. It is so bad that it's good confusingly successful but I have to admit some catchy tunes and the corky lyrics have me tap in my toe.
This is just okay, there's a lot of pop mixed with psychop and none of it is really bad
FANTASTIC electronic psych rock. Grabs on and doesn't let go.
Great reunion story. This bands best works are "Low Spark" and "Barleycorn", both produced after a disbanding and permanent exit by the talented Dave Mason. This isn't bluesy as it is jazz-rock psych-folk.
So close to a 4. Two great songs and another couple notable tunes. The arrangements are interesting on thier own but the record did drag on a bit
NOT a radiohead fan. Most overrated band in history. That being said, I had never really dug into this record. This album actually made me forget why I stray away from them. Okcomp and KidA get all the hype but this is a clean concise effort that delivers from the jump
Truly remarkable. Wanted to hate this after the debacle that is the aptly named "Rock Bottom"@1974. However there is just too much here to love. For the record, I've always accepted poor vocalist and nonsensical lyrics, and this album has both. But the depth of production is what draws your attention with this record. These arrangements are nothing short of genius. I will be returning to the afore mentioned 2star album with a slightly less jaded perspective.
Ok. Not funny. I liked the Bends but two albums later? Cmon. This is radiohead at peak fart sniffing pretentiousness.
Solid jazz record. Nothing more nothing less
Consistency matters. Witht this record the Roots, in my opinion, become only the second rap artist to release three 4star+ albums in a row. Onlt A Tribe Called Quest beflre them, not Biggie, Nas, Jayz, wutang... MFDoom accomplished this after The Roots but in a different way, producing two of those albums in one year. Point is the Roots are fantastic and went 4s5s4s with Illadelph, TFApart and this Phrenology
Didn't realize Stevie was basically a child star. Took him till his early twenties to find his signature sound, perfectly melding funk, soul, gospel, motown. That style culminated in this flawless gem of a double album. This record is why this project(1001albums) exists. This is for all music lovers to gather and agree that no matter personal preferences, this is the art of music perfected.
This IS music I assure you, just not very enjoyable music
Side B is a bit listenable, side A however os just 20 min of garbage. Gets an extra star bc that successfully convince you, on multiple occasions, that your stereo is broken
If you told me that the album that gave the world paper planes was one of the top 1001 albums that I needed to hear before I died. I would have told you that you were wrong. I would have been right.
A solid piece here, beutifuly written and recorded. However, let's not forget this is simply Cristina Aguilera in the 60s. This is just pure manufactured pop
Good listen for my morning commute, sure, but it was really just her droning over various samba beats.
I'm a sucker BloodSugarSexMagic, a fan boy if you will, and I did all I could in the 90s to go and explore early RHCP. (Yes they had albums before that) I enjoyed One Hot Minute thoroughly but considered it an odd evolutionary step considering it was back to their quirky punk roots. By 1999 I had abandoned radio music and was well on my way to jamband music and an expanded musical palat that I wish most people experienced as they age, but I digress. This album Californication I always dismissed as one of my old favorite bands sell-out album. Chuck full of radio singles and catchy choruses. 25 or so yrs later, I just now realy listen to this album, and I'm pleasantly surprised. Yes, it's kind of a sell out, but the singles are good, and they are RHCP songs, still market with nonsensical lyrics and punchy verses. The album tracks also harken back to the old days of albums past. Sure it drags a bit and be a bit to sentimental, but as a natural evolution of a band this is were the Peppers should've been
5 star side A, 3 star side B.
Go figure, another britpop album that I love. It's funny, I had been listening to Muswell Hillbillies and laughing at how the Kinks made a country album that was the most British thing in the world. Then I get fed this album. Hadn't really considered Blur, sure, they and this album are responsible for the most played song ever in garage and basement teenage bands worldwide of all time, but what else? Well, I still don't know what else but what I do know that this venture into Indie emo alt industrial noise rock was a successful one
The title of this album is quite ironic and due to the fact that there is a lot of bullocks surrounding this album. "This band has no talent,this band is contrived, this band is all hype." Fine, this is a 70s boy band, constructed and imaged. And sure, sid vicious and Jonny rotten are no Simon and Garfunkel, but never mind that, here are the sex pistols
Meh. Next time I need to seduce someone in an elevator
While better than Trafalgar this still blows. Can't believe a successful movie soundtrack created one of the most overrated acts in history. Oh wait, yes I can
Never heard an arctic monkeys song before this, as I've only recently become a huge fan of britpop/postmod/punk. Gotta say this holds up. Kinks,Clash,ManicStreatPreachers,Blur, these guys....
R&B artist don't make good albums. The genere is geared toward singles and rightly so. No o e wants to listen to some one drone on about the some Ole love story for an hour. Marvin Gaye obviously produced two of the greatest songs in americam musical history, he has not, however, produces an album that we NEED to hear.
I usually default 3stars on world records. This however was a bit unlistenable
My moto is "trust the list". It is hard to believe that some of these selections are legitimately top1000 records. But for the most part I'm down to ride the coaster. This however..... this isn't even included in the best work from an obscure band. This band is the second fiddle to another lesser known band I mean by these standards about 10 albums on this list stand to me Mott the Hopple and Hanoi Rocks. That's 1% of the list, where as these bands should represent .02% if that.
This is just a cover album and I'm not sure it improves upon any of the original. In fact, they seem like paired down, lowfi versions.
Just phenomenal. No words. This is just a fucking Masterpiece no room for discussion. This should be rated with the best pop albums of all time,while it shines equally as an all time concept creation. This should've revolutionized music, maybe it did?and I just don't realize it but. Wow.
Great guitar work. This is Garage Psych at its finest. Beutifuly produced, abandoning any lo-fi tendencies and noiserco of thier previous release. A classic album bolstered by some MTV unplugged publicity some years later.
This album, aside from its singles, doesn't have much meat on the bone. This band gave us Slash and some great songs, from this album and others, but overall not as big of a musical moment as far as I'm concerned
A truly diverse work of art. His voice I can almost do without, until it pairs with this musical journey. An all time great in this genre, I mean, pop, folk, songwriter, does not describe this.
As a very fringe Green Day fan and someone who owned 39 smoothed out happy hours and Kerplunk!, this is as good a non-Dookie record as they've made. With half/quarter stars were an option
Sorry to say that this could not quite meet the 3star world music standard rating. To repetitive and too much of that particular version of vocalization
This was more listenable than the Timbuktu record.
I've grown as a fan of this genere, and this record, for that reason, surprised me, as it's not full of singles and the tracks each have an individual sense of power and presence.
I'm a pretty big fan of Berman's style and talent, and this album hits for me. However, objectively speaking, it's not as stellar as the previous two albums. Even brilliance has an expiration
This record lacks the cohesion needed to have a highly rated product. There are as many highlights as lowlights on this record, and in my opinion, Yes would go on to produce a few records better than this one.
Wanted to love this but just liked it. A lot of great ideas and sections, but lacked cohesion. Golden Age is a grat tune and DLZ is probably as good as it gets
This is just ok. So so so uninteresting though. 2 stars on sort of principle
Gonna lean into a 4 here. A ton of interesting material that rarely disappoints
I'm a fan of the genre but KC never hit for me until I heard Discipline, which may as well be a different band. Right off the bat almost 30% of the record is complete trash, I'm sorry, and the closing title track is overblown and derivative. Side A is a huge step up and, as strong as they come, and worthy of praise. This is on the list for sure but not a top album in my opinion.
This is kind of a joke right. This record has some fine music on it with one great artist and some other fine ones I'm sure. This is far from ray Charles best work and doesn't even suite him that well. Could've died without listening to this
I've always seen Def Leopard a s kind of a joke band, like SUPER stereotypical. I finally get the joke
An underground hip hop gem with great atmospheric production and technically impressive, mind-boggling rhymes.
This other side of 90s hip hop represented here in triumphant fashion. Few albums are as fun, influential, and raw.
A genere that's been growing in me and what seems like a sentinel album
First of all this is NOT metal. Genre designations are so sketchy on this list, as well as the actual content. This record is a microcosm for all rock to come in the early2000s it eas all mid AF
Gotta say I likes this and look forward to digging into toxicity. As a late 90s Phish fan, these guys were as far away from my wheel house as possible. I still don't live the vocal styling here but there is plenty else to tantilize
Great electrosynthpop side one, a must hear. Side 2 is interesting and enjoyable but felt bland at times. Almost I all a great suprise.
This was a record I listened too while moping a floor. It served its purpose
Pretty great album honestly. Born in 80 I grew up with this version of REM right thru automatic.
This is more than your straight forward R&B funk album. Lie great things going on cover songs that actually improve upon the original
This was an OK Sunday morning with the kids listen. Great album art
The haters are plain wrong here. This album is more consistent than given credit, and flows quite well for the vast majority.
I'm a bit biased as a ELP fan. I feel they released 4 quality albums back to back in the early 70s cementing themselves asprog rock second teir royalty.
Two things I hate: Solo projects/comebacks The Smiths.... No really the Smiths are OK and worth a spot on your Playlist but this Morrisey content is ass.
Gotta love the reviews on this. I'm no apologist, but the slander is real. This is a break from her country and pop roots to create a warm heartfelt sister album Masterpiece in Folklore and Evermore. This is the lesser of the two, but poppy? Manufactured? Please... the reason. This sounds like othe music is because every artist is trying to accomplish what she has and stil is. You've gotta love when someone succeeds at their goal (songwriting) so astonishingly well that those that decrie her claim the work is contrived, or banal. No, it's so good you can't believe it was constructed by a mere mortal.
Surprisingly listenable. I've been liking newwave more and more, but these guys can be a little weird right? Yes, delightfully. Great mix of sounds and unpredictable melodies
Background noise at best. Eno has had great influence but his misic itself leaved much to be desired
This is better than the reviews would lead to believe. There are some interesting arrangements here and thier style isn't while contrived. I love reading about their stage antics, reminds me of my favorite band Phish
This is the type of Christmas music I feel os stereotypical and therefore good
I likes this better than thier first record. Side A is listenable
Never a big Janice fan as I can do without her screeching. But as a record itself this is extraordinary. The guitar work here is phenomenal.
This is a great record but suffers badly from side A-itis. Side A is 4 tracks, 20min of brilliant disco-pop. Side B however is just ok, with bookend tracks worth a listen but grand ballad filler in between.
The songwriting and arrangements here are top knotch and one can see how they soon blossomed into full blown musical artists. Even with fairly basic song structures the album remains fresh throughout
My hand is forced here. This album is just too good. Truly a "no-skip" affair. Even as I try and grow weary of the closing ballad, it becomes somehow catchy, and then reprises the masterful title track.
This is a must hear because we get a glimpse of what life would be like if the Beatles SUCKED.
This is probably as good as this specific genre gets, however I struggle to find the relevance.
Big fan of the more poppy-newwave London Calling, and this is clearly a precursor and essential punk listening
What a bi-polar record. Amazing highs and desperate lows. I feel the artistry still shows thru even on tracks that remain barely liste able
Prince is just a one hit wonder with multiple hits. You know what I mean. Talented musician and his work is well produced, but his albums are mostly dull and lifeless.
A soundtrack? Really?
If you want a tragic comedy, scroll alllllll the way down to the bad reviews. Poor souls
I probably like this album more than you do. It picks up a bit on side B after some twists and turns.
Good mix of rock but mostly folky country with that Neil Young twang.
Unfortunately unlistenable
Huge miss. Was excited to see Portishead but then I realized I didn't recognize the album at all. Come to learn it's an album recorded 11yrs after their heyday. "Third moved away from the trip hop style they had popularised, incorporating influences such as krautrock, surf rock, doo wop and the film soundtracks of John Carpenter." So they're literally junked what they did well and ventured I to genres that are unlistenable. The result is a drab boring gut punch
I've never tried harder to like a particular artist. I've delved so deeply into GKMC and TPAB, it's mind boggling, especially because I've claimed up and down to not like KDot. However I think I've finally wore myself down to the point that I can admit that the level of talent here is extremely high. This is top notch slam poerty over respectable jazz-fusion tracks. This guy certainly has a ton of ideas and executes them without hesitation.
Caveat here as a huge Bob fan. His stretch of nine album is frankly unmatched. One or two 3*, two slam dunk 5* and six or so other impeccable entries. This lands near the top as a high4 but still a 4
This somehow stays fresh and relevant, defining a few subgenres and being genuinely entertaining
You really have to love all the social Justice Warriors even on this app project, whatever you want to call it of all the things on this record that are absolutely deplorable by many moral standards, it's the misogyny oh, good heavens the misogyny?!?. that everyone has to point out and deduct Stars for. what about all the anti-racist anti-white, what about all the cop killing and crime glorification? This is what rap music was back then and in large part still is. get off of your high horse. You're all full of s***, the misogyny does not ruin this album. This is classic hip-hop and to be honest with you, one of the best.
This is quite the entertaining album with great musician ship all around. It seems and talented performers however, as fun as it was. I just don't see myself going back to it very often
Just a great listen no matter how you view it. Sure there are cheeses lyrics and catchy riffs but that's why half these songs were heaven rotation singles. Great harmony and good fun
Surprisingly good. Awsome riffs and interesting lyrics. Gotta love the hate on this app due to intolerance. Southern culture is one of the only groups we can still all hate with impunity, and I find cowardice in that
Have to admit that a one time hater of Bob Dylan has come around recently, and grown to respect and enjoy much of his work. Really enjoy the electric blues albums as they provide a rich sound Tapestry. This bootleg, however is what the haters hear in their head as they deride Bob as overrated and untalented. This solo act only highlights his whiny voice, absent guitar, and overused hatmonica.
I normally despise solo projects, this might not qualify as it is a collaboration. Solid listen here. Arctic Monkeys has grown on me recently and 60-s era baroque pop is a favorite.
Hip hop is the one genre where solo projects can be worth while. Problem here is that rappers normally do not age well. Rap is a young man's game. Q-tip holds his own here though
Disappointed to say the least. Title track is ok, and reminiscent of Jackie Brown by Quinten Tarantino soundtrack but the rest is boring and derivative. If you were on hold while trying to make a dentist appointment, you'd be like wow this is dope.
Another quality addition to the list. This is an interesting indie rock release. Lot of ground covered on this album. It has a conceptual feel while remaining fresh track by track
I mustave owned this CD because boy of I didn't know every song on this album. Very concise, refreshing outlook, great beats and some signature voices
This is becoming a trend. Random band random album and its not even their consensus best work. I mean, this group has two albums rated higher than this one, so how can this be a 1001 need to hear record?
Kind of disappointing as I thought this might have been a hidden gem. I will say side B was quite interesting
This has nothing on low spark or barley corn those are 4 and 3 star albums respectively. I feel like traffic are the rare case when the parts are greater than the whole. These songs are just o k only one release stands out... it's not the single
I'm a Dead/Phish fan and generally enjoy the jamband genere, as well as psychRock and baroque pop. The Allman brothers style of blues jmimg has never resonated with me. The same droning bass line and drum beat for 8+ min as blues scales screech over top gets boring very quickly. Say what you will about the Dead, but at least thier sonic landscape changed constantly throughout a performance. And oh yeah, live albums suck
Wanted to love this, justvloked it. The production sucks ass, but the songs are good enough.
260ish albums in and I am growing weary of this nonsense
Another pick out if left field. I mean sure track one was entertaining, and there was a fantastic piano breakdown somewhere in there about 20 min later but....
Each track had a delightfully cringy sound that permeated. I loved it
I love being wrong. I had never gave this album a chance, yet still scoffed at the idea of it being a "top10 all time " record. While it's not in my top 50, I get it. Initially my review was going to read: Joni Mitchell, excellent vocalist, great poet, mediocre musician. But this album just hooks you. Each track is unique and the sound here is obviously beutifuly produced. I will be coming back to this
I'm trying to be objective here, as a huge Pink Floyd fan. In fact, I took the opportunity to listen to it while shaving my head this morning. However much I love this album, I have to admit that it wouldn't be top 5 albums I recommend to a new Floyd fan. Pink went on a 4 album run of 5star work from Meddle thru Animals (sans "Obscured"). The Wall marked the beginning of the end for the band as Roger Waters' self indulgent autobiography. While I love the theatrics and the live performances are worth noting, the casual music fan my find this hard to digest and full to filler. Sure they'd be wrong, but it's ok
It's a shame, but a fact, that all reggae must be judged vs. Bob Marley. Most can't even remain in the same conversation. Peter Tosh and legalize it do just that. Nice work.
Great at creating a dark brooding atmospheric mood, not so good at writing good songs
But we continues to impress me as an artist. That I hadn't previously enjoyed. However, digging into his catalog with now for records recently. Can honestly say them becoming quite a fan. This lags behind ziggy low and honkey dory but still quality listen
Started off fun in a corny off beat kinda way. Then never evolved
I liked this a bit more that the consensus. I've been enjoying this genere recently and this band fits in well. I found the vocals a bit trying as well, along with others, but it grew on me
4 great track and only the closer as a low spot. Concise and well produced classic
Can't say I'm a fan but you can REALLY hear the influence on modern dream pop
Only problem is length here. Too long for a noise rock album. But its genius
Just an absolute triumph. Chaotic and beautiful all at once
This is honestly one of those bands that I just don't get and the fact that they're highly rated. In so many forums And websites and rating sites is befuddling to me. They didn't release one recordof any substance this one is a particularly low value
This started off as a mediocre at best entry into the 2010s indie pop scene and then a song I actually recognized that's completely terrible came on which definitely drop this album down a bit. Unfortunately just borderline enjoyable
Never a fan cause I was WAY too cool listening to Phish and the Dead but as a mature adult whi is a fan of new wave fro.the 80s I see a good bit of value here.
Neither the time, nor the place.
Simultaneously LoFi and overproduced. Loud, grating and melodic. Boring but experimental
This is much more than noise rock, for the record. Sure it's experimental but there are mostly tangible drum riffs and melodies. It's pretty good and I'll be looking for more of them. You gotta be at least kinda I to it though
Surprisingly excellent
This is just ok. More of a miss than a hit. Bowie trying every genere under the sun eventually turns me off
He's guys certainly can shred and drum but how about song writing??
REM keep surprising me. Born in 80 I wasn't exposed to them until this era of their music. They stayed consistent while also pushing boundaries
Man I was excited during the first track. But after that it was just basic 2010s indie
Overall listenable. Better than Scott walker
The pinnacle of sixties British psychedelic rock. Sure the beatles had peaked (and remained peaked) but no one had done what Syd and the boys did here. USA had hendrix and the doors, while the stones remained a British r&B band and the kinks were at thier height, but Floyd started at a different level and were a new pace for rock experimentation.
As much as I love the afro-beat and experimental aspects of the big three(fear, remain, speaking) these first two albums are new wave gold
Exceptional throwback, true to roots, fabulous production
Style yes substance no
This did pick up and become a bit better than tolerable
Pretty dull and disappointing. I've never dug in to this band but I assumed they had something interesting. I didn't hear that here
Straight up snooze fest literally built on one guitar riff.
So this has the usual SoloProject stench on it for sure...with a twist. My overreaching opinion is that 99% of solo albums suck. This record is salvaged by the fact that it is more of a Iggy/Bowie collaboration. Ot plays as if David Bowie wrote an album of Stooges material and invited Iggy to be on lead vocals.
I get the hype. This is fantastic. Looses just a bit of steam after track 10
An easy 4 stars. Only thing holding this album back is there refusal to break cadence. I'd love to hear a verse or two that breaks free from that 'perfect pocket' they seem to find.
This guy could do great things with his voice. I'm sorry that he did not do that.
I'll put my hate for Van Morrison aside and admit that the production, recording, arrangement, of this album is superb.
Starts off promising, goes nowhere
Totally irrelevant
I hate Bruce with a passion but these songs weren't all bad and was even a lil badass at points
Upon catching lighting in a bottle, the bottle inevitably shatters
Top 10 all time, all genre
This had some great tracks but nothing to REALLY sink your teeth into
This is as advertised. Good listen, chill, morning vibes. But like so many others it's probably.better suited for the 2501 albums to hear before you die
I'm a fan of Costello, and this is a fine listen but nothing special. It's hard as a songwriter to belt out record after record year after year and remain fresh and interesting
A fine 90s hip hop album akin to most early gangster rap. But suffers as usual from the 'doesn't belong on this list' factor. I respect ice cube but he has maybe 1 top 1000 album and this ain't it
I mean, I've honestly been trying to get into metal and like in a lot of it.However this is just fucking unlistenable
Hard to see why she's so renowned. Her voice is akin to a Disney character. Sure it's unique but how is it enjoyable?
Again this list digs deep into the discography of a relatively fringe artist. Simply don't get it. This wasn't un listenable and the production is over the top. She's got an interesting voice.
I try to avoid the "this isn't my thing...1star" attitude that I see a lot on this site. But after a run of Billie holiday, Kate Bush and now this... I'm about to throw in the towel
A savior after some duds. Brilliant production, and underrated writing
I find it interesting that this is categorized.As only rock whereas, it has a lot of noise elements, experimental elements.And this was a revelation, this was awesome.It helps that I was getting into this type of John Rose already and I'll tell you what.This is much more listenable than the billie holiday record from four days ago
I have to say I'm in love with this album. Every song comes on you think well, this is as weird as it's gonna get and it keeps getting weirder and weird her. But it keeps its consistency as well. Remains one total project. Kind of dips off in the end, there. But.
This one's a real revelation. What a genre tbh. Thus is like progressive psych-wave. 3.8 stars
Kind of a shame be cause most tracks have a good foundation, however never once is anything built upon or fortified. It's pretty bad
Kind of Blew
Had this on repeat, late 90s, teenager, was convinced I LOVED jazz. 25yrs later amd some big jazz records stay in my heavy rotation. However, it's come to light that I love Herbie Hancock and I just appreciate jazz. To me, the best music utilizes soundscapes. This is prevalent on most of Herbies early 70s work and on masterful display here.
Have to admit this is a banger. Female rapper from the 80s litteraly checks NO boxes, but queen comes thru. The beats are on fire and her flow remains interesting, something the fellas couldn't even accomplish back then
Listen the brits did a lot of things. Great rock and roll hell, we owe you big time. Stay away from rap, please.
Disappointed. Big fan of song "White Winter Hymnal" due to my love of Phish, iykyk. But the rest of this album is pretty boring They have a blueprint, and follow it. The production is great and the harmonies are nice
Born in late 1980, I had always seen Aerosmith as a caricature of a rock band, which they basically had become by their late 80's comeback. I'll always have an ironic nostalgia for "Get a Grip" with some great soapy pop classics. Their first four records however, encompassing the mid70s is a 5 album tear of solid hard rock. This may be the best of the bunch with two hits in Walk This Way and Sweet Emotion
What a shocker. These guys annoyed the fuck out of me and anyone who was anti-pop rock top 40 in the early part of this century. Who knew that had produced such a complete and concise product in their early years? One that stays fresh for the duration and kept surprising as we listen...?
Cmon what are we doing. A mediocre collection of tracks that no one needed to hear outside of enjoying this movie.
Even the Beatles are not immune to the solo record melange. Solo albums suck, sometimes inexplicably. This is an OK collection of charming British songs. Imagine is the musical equivalent to a tranny blowjob
Temptations produced a ton of music over decades. However thier sweet spot of the early seventies contained thier signature sound and catalog. This is an excellent representation covering thier funkiest and most soulful, truly All Directions
Man this is even better than "dark twisted fantasy" or whatever it's called. This is entertaining, thought provoking, fun, inventive ,catchy. Here's the whitest part of the review: I actually understood the lyrics and got the references!!! This makes hip hop that much more enjoyable. So many other top rappers of this century try to be Edgar Allen Poe, speaking in code, not Kanye. A rapper for all. Plus shout out to all the Reviewers on this site that refuse to listen, because he's a "bigot".You're all now the people screaming from the ocean to the sea in regard to the Palestine situation.So go f*** yourself.
Never saw the appeal here as a mid 90s teen. Amazing how prospective changes. I'm a big noise rock fan now and this is nothing less than a seminal entry in to grunge catalog. This is super melodic and filthy at the same time.
I did nothing but listent to the music and I can't figure out why anyone hates this so much. Sure the band name and album art is atrocious but the music is a bit above average
Miss this era of indie rock in the early 2000s as I was not paying attention.However, this arcade fire is exactly how I remember it pretty boring.Some highlights I'd like Neon Bible.I'd say a lot more than I thought.I'd like this a little bit less
I just can't get on board with this one. I see many many excelent pieces, but average composition. This may have been pioneering but it's still a bunch of one note melodies synthetic to a drum machine
Genuine and Professional This record isn't the go-TO for the Byrd bros, but a great listen. True to life country remakes, utilizing Nashville finest sessions musicians
This is just another example of something that everybody wants to be really good but it's just okay
Common did the impossible here. He wrote and produced a hip hop album that clearly speaks to his life experience, and the world around him, without saying nigger 200 times or devoting two tracks to his dick. Bravo!
The Beatles + Distortion =
This is a love it or leave it kinda record. It's from the past and future at the same time.
The Kinda-normals
This recordig/mix leaves mich to be desired. And the tracking/timing/arrangement was weird. But it's James Browns so...
Really just the perfect representation of mid 60's psych. This is the type of record we needed from the Grateful Dead, but never got.
Overall listenable, but about 20 mon too long.
This is a million times better than Trout Mask. Why didn't they expand upon THIS?
This could be the most useless record on the list
While music everywhere was evolving and transforming, we still had these guys to belt out tired riffs and cringy lyrics
This is a solid R&B record, and an easy listen. Just not a lot of variation here, as genre limitations dictate. Boring eventually
That time, when they are strum strum strumming along, and then they stop . . . and THEN start strumming soooo hard!
This guy has a pretty unique voice. He reminds me if someone too. Can't put my finger on it
Seriously? The maker of this list needs to be shot
Tom was an expert songwriter and hit maker. Albums not so much
Don't have a ton to say here.I was never the biggest rush fan.Due to the fact that I don't like gettylee's vocals.However, the prog here is really top-notch.And I feel like they also have better records as well
She has a cool voice and sings with great passion. There still just isn't enough here for me to really sink into
Very top heavy record with great hits up front. Pretty good as far as solo efforts are concerned
Waaaaaay more boring than it needed to be
Hard to pinpoint why this is so great. Probably how it seems to have overachieved in all that it attempted.
This is pretty bad, barely listenable, and begind it's time
Finally an electronic album that delivers.
Just another bullshit ass entry to this bogus list. There is nothing done on this album that hasn't been done 100x better elsewhere
The musicianship gets an A+, and production a B. It's the songwriting that brings this record down a bit. There are really no GOOD songs here, but we'll played and fun.
As I first found this record, I was set on a 2 star rating for sure. As I listened through these tracks each More unique than the other and weaving seemlessly through generes and iterations of rock, I felt a strong compelling urge to reach on a 4 for this record.. As things progressed I realized this IS in fact a pop masterpiece. Then the finale, a song I've heard hundreds of times, and would've scoffed at the notion of appreciation.... well, it hot different as the kids would say.
Wasted talent. These guys have all the.makings of guitar gods wasted on bland ribs and repetitive solos. This is like the third best album by possibly a top500 band. No room On the list
It's no wonder these guys are considered Metal gods. This record rocks. I'm new to metal Fandom and two thing I look for. Vocal tone, and tempo variation. These guys get an A and A+ respectively. Did they invent the 'hard snare on the downbeat' style or just perfect it?
Never would the 20yo me have predictable the 43yo me would Raye Sepultura and Elliot Smith 4starts in the same week but here we are. Really hear the influence on 2010s style dream pop
Loses a star from me due to Portuguese being quite hearing to listen to
So you're trying not to let personal bias? Come in to play here as I saw kid Rock and his band perform in 1998 touring for this album at a place called the truck a Darrow in Philadelphia. Now let me tell you.This was one of the most fun shows i've ever seen and I was at about twenty before and a hundred or more cents and it remains one of my greatest live concert experiences. The musician ship on display was actually top.Notch and kid rock himself played every instrument multiple times during the show and it was just a lot of fun. Also I have no real issues with kid rocks, political views.Say what you want, feel what you want.Support whom and what you want. Only problem is that this is incredibly immature.Record with lyrics that not only in their scope but also in their style are about ten years late
Oasis is a top 10 britpop band all time for sure, and their one two punch of 'Definitely Maybe" and this release right here are top entries into the pantheon
Can't help but notice that.This seems like a precursor to all of the indie dream.Pop that.I listen to from like the early two thousands and two thousand tens
Have to say off the bat that I've never really liked Bjork's vocal style. It's obviously unique and quite enchanting, but only digestible in small portions. I appreciate the weird and unpredictable, I love the high end production, but this still ends up being barely listenable
This guy is turning out to be one of my lease "vibed-with" artist of all time
Sure there are more than a few pleasant harmonies here, but cmon. This is late 60s cheese at its highest form. And the covers?🤮
At first, this guy sounded a little bit too much like the Smiths.However a kind of wained after a while and there's a lot of good songs on here but nothing great as usual
This is a classic no matter how you slice it. Sure this soft pop rock isn't my cup of tea, but this is hit after well produced hit
I've been getting a lot of music from this time period and in this style.This album certainly stands out among the rest. post rock art pop landmark
Big Nirvana fan obviously is a lot are.However, I gotta say revisiting this record.I feel that it was missing a lot. The highlights on this record by far are the covers.And I have to say that the nirvana originals feel kind of blan. They chose all of the songs that would really work acoustically penny royalty Polly. Something in the way.Now the addition of the string sections was great on dumb and on something in the way.But again I just feel like these were poor versions of nirvana songs. Also I know this 1 came first, but all of the other unplugs are better.Allison changes better Stone Temple Pilots is better.The pearl jam one is better
As stated in almost all reviews, this is bland pointless rock that belongs on a list of 10,001 not 1001
This is an easy 4 stars.What an enjoyable listen, the piano.The drums the entire arrangement.This is the type of jazz.I hear in my head when I tell people I listen to jazz
This just didn't have the oomph that Hugh Masekela delivered with his album. Bill is reduced to background dinner party duty
This is some of the best work among "Solo efforts" I've heard to date. I still ding it a star for being too long and too much fluff, much like a hip hop album. But there's a solid Beatles record buried in here
Big Pink Floyd fan here.Obviously and sit Barrett as well.However, this is just a 1/2 of an album.First half is pretty much 4.Star material the second half as well.It's below three
These guys really tried. Without talent or charisma, the attempted to emulate the Clash and failed tremendously
Great movie soundtrack type of record. Fine music to run to maybe. Wears on you after a while though
Just a half notch above AI generated 80s synthetic pop. Comes close to a list soundscape on occasion. Droning monotone vovals kills it
I'm sorry, I try not to play the " all sounds the same" game, but boy do the first six tracks sound like a medley. Sur the production is top notch and it's a complicated piece of R&B, but it still comes down to the quality of a Man's voice, and sure this is high quality, but I/we need more
So of course I normally write short reviews and I had a really long detail on one written out for this one and well it didn't save so here goes. This album came unfortunately, in 1967 up against much competition in the musical world. And for me it incapslates everything that came before. This is a perfect representation of 60s psych pop. However, it came at a time where the doors and Jimi Hendrix and Pink Floyd were absolutely elevating. Rock music faster than ever before.
This is a fun record, as are most fro these guys. Kind of a poor man's Soundgarden thougg
Fantastic record. Perry Ferrell is an acquired taste I'll admit, but once your in. This is innovative for 93 let alone 88
There are some great moments of music here, buried among a ton of boring droning and talking
Actually does a great job of finding it's own genere. Enjoyable tracks that switch it to just enough.
This was just below a 4. Top notch background music
Not an album any of us will be coming back too. A rare 1star for me, as this lack basic human decency
Almost listenable because the tracks and beats are great. Too bad it's a spoken word political affair with 7min run times
This is the best BriTrap I've ever heard. 3 stars!
Never been a big Ray fan, however these big productions suit him well. This is a fantastically fun record, where the big band more than makes up for any of Charles' deficiencies.
Poor man's Beach Boys. And I hate the beach boys
Simply Solid outing here by Bowie. I'd say his 5th ranked record behind Aladdin Sane. This album just doenst quite hold on to my interest as his other works like Low, HonkyDory, os Ziggy
As generic bullshitty as this, fact remains that these are catchy, well constructed, although cookie cutter, tracks. It's so unobjectional, it becomes offensive, but can't help but come back around
This is timid and mild. I cam enjoy some 80s pop ballads, but this is all too familiar.
All due respect but this plays like children's music nowadays. Plus, anyone else hear a strong influence on The Doors' Jim Morrison?
Just as interesting as any other world music record, just as interesting as any other jazz record
Just another OK Neil Young record. The guy is consistent I'll give em that. He's good in 3-4 song increments, like one side of a vinyl
This still plays as children's music to me, even though it's a drag. This guy should stick to christmas
This is just boring amd derivative. This isn't even one of the 1001 albums you need to hear from the 2010's
Still pretty good background noise. Jazz Samba was better
Wah wah wah I dint like Eric Clapton the man, so how could I possibly raye his music. Wah wah wah ima whiny little pussy, this music makes me feel uncomfortable. SHUT THE FUCK UP. 3stars
This is so mutilayered for a genre strapped with a label of being basic. These guys produced two near masterpieces with this and War, there second offering
Pedophile anthems
Hard to stay unbiased here. I was 11yo when I first heard So Watchu Want amd was immediately hooked. Waited two long years for this record and was mind blown at the consistent evolution of this bands music. I appreciated them returning briefly to thier punk roots while simultaneously tapping jazz and soul influences only hinted at on previous efforts. I may get push back but I feel this was they're artistic peak, although I selfishly enjoy Hello Nasty in the same vain.
Queen is hands down the most overrated band in history. They wrote one true badass song and three of the most marketable tunes in R&R history amd are able to ride those laurels. This record here, "II" was revolutionary in 1968, too bad it was released in 74', a year in which it may cracks the top 100 albums produced. This band was great the first time I heard them, when they were called Led Zepplin. Seriously if Queen or AC/DC or KISS are in your top 20 you're basic AF
6 stars
This is a win. Who honestly thinks this is repetitive and boring? The beats are layered about every 4 bars and something is added/dropped constantly throughout tracks. Each track is remains unique as well even if the formula remains. I had Dark Side of the Moon last album amd that all timer has excellent tracks but it REALLY works as a whole. This record, while not nearly the artistic pinnacle that Darkside is, also equals greater than it's parts.
IDK what anyone says, this shit DID NOT hold up. Sure the beats are fun and cool, the production specifically I'd top notch. But these lyrics?!? I get it's the 'conscious' 'afrocentric' vibe but cmon, this is nursery rhyme bullshit. Look, I love Tribe, had this record when I was 12, but it plays like grandpa rap
This is quite good. I tried to pretend I've never heard of them. (Tbh I didn't listen to 2000's pop). But found it quite enjoyable. Lots of progressive and psych elements
Sure it may "all sound the same" but this group did what they did well and consistently. Fun, offbeat.
I'm not a CSN fan and actually prefer Neil Young to all of them, but this has got to be their best record. Good listening
So I've grown to enough Metal more and more. However, this band of 80s fratboy rock leaves mush to be desired. Plus it's a live album
This was just ok. Mildly entertaining. This band has two legendary records, so are there three on the list? If so, too much Pixies, if not, just another waste of time
Double edged sword here. The lyricisim on this album is very good, although I'm not sure, for it's time, that it represents any kind of advanced status. The beats and tracks however did not age well at all, and nothing for nothing, this guy never was ot will be any type of gangstar.
Just as good as any of his 60's work, with better production
Not list worthy, boring, and over all bad, like what kind of a name is Japan?
Liked Figure8 a bit more. This has never been my goto genre. His songwriting is great but there isn't enough meat on the bone has this up there with Bowie's best work. Records like Low, Ziggy, HonkeyDory, I get, although I don't love Bowie. This, however I do not get, I feel people rate this with their heart not thier ears
Wow, wow, wow, what a pleasant surprise. I've been getting into Atmospheric Indusrial Goth Noise so maybe it makes sense
I despise Springstein, but have to admit this album is BIG and FUN, and produced expertly. His best work by far
This was just incredible. I'm more of an atmospheric sludge fan, but this early thrash is something else.
Some really great tracks and some ide leave behind. Overall great sound and production. I liked Fairport Convention enough too, so no surprise
This isn't bad. It's a slow, digestible techno. Almost downtempo-breakbeat at times. Plus the techno community seems to rate this highly
Life is too short to review this album. I'll just listen...
Nothing short of great. This is post punk at its core, with some pop mixed in, all done well. Only knock is that it came late to the party
Why is this man hated so much? He had some "radical" ideas about preserving British culture? Look at England now, 3rd world country after waves and waves of imports. Your women can no longer comfortably walk the streets. Hope you're all happy, whilst still thumbing your nose at someone who saw it coming. Thanks for trying, Morrissey. Your music is terrible though.
I've come around on Dylan over the past few years. In fact I'd say I'm a fan. This is probably his last great album and it came after what seemed like quite the recording hiatus. It doesn't match up against Highway61 or Blonde on Blonde, but it headlines his strong second teir
The Stones went on a historic 4 album run. For me, this ranks behind Exile On Main, the writing and arrangements on that album are superior. My favorite is Beggars Banquet, exelent songwriting with some of the deepest heartfelt Stones work. Let it Bleed and Sticky Fingers represent the pop side of the Stones best
Second Dylan album this week and as stated I've really come around on him over the past few years. This record is tough as it holds true to the Dylan I despise, whining into his harmonica, solo on stage with acoustic guitar jangling. There are a few 'full band tracks' like on subsequent albums that I happen to enjoy much more. It's a high 3 for me,
The highs are high but the lows are So low
Despite a terrible band name, worse album title and an all time BAD album cover, this still delivers fully in terms of 60s dream pop rock
An acquired case, yes. Delicious non the less
Just magnificent. This is akin to Bowie and better than Roxy Music. This is an art rock classic by a truley unique and amazing talent
Very confused. This album is pretty widely acclaimed. Can't understand why
this is a genuinely unique combination of post-punk, psychedelic rock, gothic rock, arty glam rock, new wave and more. Problem is it wasn't perfected till their next album .
As all have said, this is just ok. I do hear a bit of modern indie influence being offered, but meh
Gotta love the hater that writes a multi page essay on the background and history of this " most overrated band". This band is properly rated. I am a deadhead. We love the dead and think they are the greatest, not the best. There's a difference, if your mental capacity allows. Sure, side A features 5 songs with 4 lead singers, and side B plays more like a Jerry Garcia solo album, but this and many of the Deads records have a intangible charm. It's like when a square band releases a live album, it's fans and listeners appreciate hearing the group in their raw natural environment. For us it's different, Dead studio album are like a window into an uncomfortable family dinner, where you feel as much love as tension and as much tradition as anarchy. As stated elsewhere the studio was NOT a comfort zone for this band but that's not an excuse, that's what makes there studio work great.
Nuff said here I suppose. Just remember this was a true debut album, not first big record. Could this be the best debut ever in rock? Rivaled by Boston, and who else? Doors, Sabbath, Hendrix, it's a short list
I happen to like this and think it does have a place on a list like this.
Landmark record that really marked the beginning of their psychedelic phase. Really set them apart in a R&B genere with little artistic experimentation to this point.
Had an idea of what she sounded like, and assumed she was overrated. Then I heard Blue and was blown away. This however, reinforces my assumption that her music is aimless and whiny, barely listenable
New lows for the 'need to hear'
I'm a Kinks fan but admitt they are a hit/miss kinda band. This is a miss. These songs play like children's music. They were famous for their concept albums, so this may have been some kind of spoof? Experiment? Idk I love pthe records like 'Aurthur' or 'Village Green' in fact their next four records greatly outdo this one
Morrisey is a great man who wants nothing more than England to preserve its culture. His warnings have now come true and the entire world is suffering destruction from the inside. This might be my favorite of his solo works, his music is dreadful but this was ok
This record is rather anthemic for obvious reasons, Moby had a free for all letting anyone and their mother use his tracks for TV, commercials, ect. And the bangers don't disappoint. Side bar: I love how Led Zeppelin always gets absolutely shit on for "stealing" American blues music, however, since them, many musical generes have been literally FOUNDED on the use of past material, aka hip hop and electronic
Sorry but no. This sounds like true contry to me but what do I know. Not 'difficult' to listen to but not that fun either. Production is good, his best song is not on this album but it's pretty cringe
Never a time nor place for this. I suppose if you needed a movie score. On fact, I'd like to see a separate artist write and produce a full album music vid.
Elvis sure did have an amazing vocal range, and his songs, whether original or covers, are undeniably emblematic of the evolution of rock.
Tremendous. Fun. Loud. Memorable
Gets two stars only bc it was a challenge to make and I feel this is highly artistic. It just sucks though
The kings of trash rock. What a detectable genere and style of music. Does every song need an Oohhhh! and a Whooo!? Low IQ. But high musicianship, but atrocious lyri
This is one of those records that succeeds mightily at what it set out to do.
Looks like this is the best this band has to offer, and it's not much. Derivative as can be, inde elevator music. Pales in comparison to their peers.
Tracks 1 and 2 aren't bad, but it gets worse
Jimi was a great songwriter/pop artist, as much as he was a guitarist. Here, he spends a lot of time in psychedelia and attempts soundscapes and long blues jams. These rarely hit, I'm afraid. I am more of a fan of the consistent "Bold as Love"
This is an atmospheric record first and foremost. If you like catchy singles you're out, in fact if you like songs, you're out. If you like talent, you're out. But if low-fi noise is your bag, dig in
Honestly a pretty good listen. Solid songwriting and capable musicianship. Sure it's Bowie lite o
As much as I try to give pop it's due, this seems rather derivative as late as 85, a few good tunes.
This is a glossier follow up to thier self titled debut. This record is a bit more produced and better timed, and you can tell they have not run out of material
I'm sorry, but England or not, it's 1994!! This isn't bad at its core, it's enjoyable at tines, competency is displayed. But it sounds like a good 80s record, not even a 90s version os 80s music. For that it's a 4/10 rating amd rounded down
Loses a star bc it somehow remains derivative while foreign
This will take the modern listner a few go rounds. Side B greatly outshines A, I feel JA saved the rockin psych stuff for side B, see Crown of Creation. Probably their best effort all-round, with a fee true classics
Three stars for the music, 1 star for the vocals. Points for the art
This is just amazing. Hit a piece of nostalgia I didn't know existed. I don't know of this record but it and I definitely occupied the same universe. So fun and all inclusive.
Does one set out to produce music, only to be heard at the dentist office and H&RBlock?
Why 'practice rap' is on the list, no one knows
One of the easier 5 star ratings. All tracks slap, and accomplish their goals. Hot take: Iron Man is the most mid track
Biggest one hit wonder of all time, most overrated band of all time. One good song and two commercials/movie soundtrack pieces and they get talked about with the greats. Ridiculous. This is a novelty band nothing more, and a flamboyant front man does not change that.
I normally go 3 starts automatically for world music, seeing as though I have little to no frame of reference. This record is no different, but at times sounds like a characateur of itself
As soon as you realize that the Kinks are a novelty band (like Queen after them), you learn to enjoy their catalog a lot more. This record precedes there best work, but lacks the childish nature of other albums. Thus is a high three, with some great singles
Truly amazing. Original, Deep. Lags a bit and has some house/technonelements that I could do without
I don't know what post-punk is but this record is the definition right here
Solid record with a unique vocalist who continues to draw tour attention throughout
The literal doorway from folk to psych. These guitar riffs are truly revolutionary. Not their best album but an important one.
As I've been getting into metal, I guess it's no surprise that this record grew on me. Although I gravitate towards albums from this century, I know the classics a bit, and normals don't vibe as well with them. But this record just keeps on hitting
Really worthwhile, an exciting adventure. Belongs here for sure. Lesser to a few more popular acts of the time such as Silver Jews or even Bright Eyes
Holy shit I finnaly get all the Lars memes. I'm not an fan of this group inherently, although I've enjoyed the genere much more lately. These songs are really good, that is the song writing, the arrangement. The riffs are good, sometimes great. But the drumming.... the drumming. Why did they settle for the most basic riffs and fills at every turn, it boggles the mind. Also I never realized they were a Christian group. This combo of dumbed down 4/4 time signatures and leaning into Christian ideology explains this band widespread successes
This wasn't great, but it wasn't Bad...
This was listenable as anything I guess.
Wow, where did this come from. Finnaly a record that BELONGS here from the depths of the UK. Great songs, beutiful arrangement and a killer voice
Take you're favorite songs of all time, add bongos, divide by the square root of funk, and you got Bongo Rock
Phenomenal Psych/Blues record. Banger after banger, top notch entry
Coming in behind Queen in the MOST Overrated categories, the Who. These guys were no more than the Kinks on acid. Who's Next is rockin and Quadrophenia has all the ups and downs of a great rock opera but this record can't even stand alongside those works
Truly remarkable and such an obvious inspiration for entire generes
I'll never understand how this is universaly ranked ad Jimis 3rd best studio effort out of three. Experience was merely a collection of wannabe singles and hard rockin hits, which we all enjoy. While Ladyland was a tripped out psychedelic blues fest, bloated and meandering at times. Axis is the true masterpiece, front to back, a balanced effort, maximizing Jimis songwriting, riff execution, and a huge psychedelic soundscape.
So again we're saddled with a mediocre album from a niche band. I JP aren't necessarily niche but hair metal/Glam rock aren't for everyone. I prefer Doom over thrash so this didn't hit well with me. Real problem though is that fans of this band don't even have this record top 5 in the discography. Ham fisted beats and boring riffs.
No instrumentation No vocal range
An absolutely phenomenal R&B album. I know that's not saying much, but this record stays fresh and interesting well beyond any single that it may have produced. Not quite Janelle Monet status but pretty good
Picture a less-talented Massive Attack featuring a less-adventerous Bjork. Side A is great, drags a bit on side B
Pretty great background music. Almost plays like kids songs.
All time Americana right here. What a tear, 7 albums in 4 years and a busy 1969 with three defining records. Eliminate the drug out long tracks on this and it's a classic. Hendrix, Doors, Byrds, Beach Boys and Creedance top 5 USA classic rock
I was unaware that this ring of hell exists. Early 2000's Morrissey? No thank you.
This is some smooth ass shit for sure
Where has this been all my life. Spotify kept the higs coming on a Czukay radio afterwards as well.
I could write for days about how many times I've listened to the record on repeat as an 11yo. This was in my opinion the steep peak of RHCP decending into One Hot Minute and plummeting into pop rock drivle.
Too progressive to be experimental Too experimental to be progressive
This was OK. Unrateable even due to statute of limitations
So so listenable!!!! Haha. Ni for real this is good enough I guess. Music for people who don't really like music
This is satire people. Zappa made a career lampooning music and the music industry. This is the birth of brilliance
Please. Gimmie a break.
This is a near 4 for me but I think these girls are capable of more. This also is not influential at all and quite behind the times. I liken it to Wire's Pink Flag and that is high praise
Sure this has so.e hits, but the ballads bring it down too much. A man singing to a sultry piano don't do it.
A revelation. Best female rapper on this list and best British rapper as well. Neither of those compliments give her justice though. Great album that never lags
Add Eno to my controversial artist list, because this is outstanding. I am rating the original realease minus the 6 bonus tracks upon remaster. Maybe it's the David Byrne involvement, I love the afro beats and odd percussions. Beautifully layered soundscapes and it even, dare I say, was catchy at times
I'm sorry but the difference, to me, between solo Dylan and Dylan+emseble is huge. This record makes me want to punch the harmonica of his face
This fluctuated for me. I started off liking it, got pretty turned off, maybe turned a bit positively and then kinda plumeted.
This is nothing more than ok. Clapton has no style, or substance, and not even top tier talent. There are a few good tunes here I suppose, but isn't that true of just about any rock album
Some really good songs here. Lotta fun. Good psychedelic moments as well. Janis is still kinda annoying.
To be fair, rod Stewart sucks, that being said it's still moderately listenable
Wanted to like this alot more. Not really even fot for background noise
This exists in dome dort of musical limbo. It's not blue eyed soul, it's not psych-blues or rock. It's basically trash pop of the time
This is surprisingly solid. The ballad and a capella tracks aren't vining with me. But when drums and bass are involved is a good listen
A truly seminal album at a time when this genre was really gaining a foothold. I do prefer shoegaze/Noise in small doses, say one side of a record, but this manages to remain fresh and interesting especially upon second listen
They give out bronze medals for a reason. Stevie made his bones, at least to most of the current generation of white people with his big three records in the early seventies. This record is a masterpiece of soul, r&b, psychedelic, and funk. The vocal dubbing and overlay are impeccable. The two strong funk tunes don't get much better. You don't collect vinyl properly unless you own this record along with Innervisions and Songs in the Key of Life.
A post-rock classic out of nowhere. This has become a holy grail vinyl for me after this listen. How is this so good?
Best of Bob's best. Full band first of all.... no whiny acoustic/harmonica combo that plagued his first few efforts. Top notch writing and arrangements.
A question i ask myself when listening/reviewing music, is "what did the artist set out to accomplish? And did they succeed?" The answer to these questions here is a resounding YES! This is a record of its time and yet timeless, seemingly a bridge to the 90s.
Honestly, the only negative here, albeit a large one, is the constant innundation of 9th grade humor and sexualy charged lyrics. Trust me I'm no prude, and I understand that hiphop is full of offensive language and I'm normally here for it. But this shit is the most vapid mindless garbage ever. This was the worst era of rap as well, whether or not Ye was at the top of that mountain. It's ashame too because the production seems right on par with earlier work, or at lease show evolution and growth. Every track is laced with original ideas, and different ones at that. No filler. I can still say I enjoyed Apocalypse 91 by Public Enemy (my previous album) better.
OK so it's probably the smartest punk album of all time and it's still kicks you in the ass
One of the most culturally significant records in American history. Iconic from start to finish. Genre defining
The "female singer-songwriter" list is not a terribly deep one for me, and Tori is near the bottom
Liked this more that their debut, which was a bit folkier, whereas this is pretty rockin
This grew on me. I didn't want to go 1 star so I did my best to elevate to two. This has passion, creativity. As I relistened, this became a soundtrack of my morning. Even saved a track "Fall". This record accomplished it's goal with flying colors
Gets an extra star for passion and recording quality, but this just seems like a 1950s time capsul
Love him or hate him, Marshall Mathers is a lyrical genius and songwriting architect for the ages. So his style and genre will never be respected or considered high art, but his resume of hits/rhymes/freestyles can not be denied. None of his work is 5star but none is 1 start either
I pressed play on this immediately. Expected mid rubbish but got some dank ass gold. Great punk and a solid mix of alternative. I was still unimpressed for the most part, because I assumed this had come out @1985. To find out this was a seventies album was astonishing
We all love jazz until it's played for us. I have to admit this was very pleasant and managed to stay fresh with interesting transitions
As bad as this is it's just more of a waste of time.
I've been a Liege an Lief fan boy since hearing it here, and this is about as good
This is a pleasant surprise. Don't listen to the haters. We have a fine piece of new romantic music here. The musicians hip and vocals are all of good quality and the writing and production make it soar.
As many know, this band has tiers. The Eno years, although I'm not a particular fan of his, we're this bands best. Avalon, their last album was a renaissance of sorts, but the records in between are just basic great art rock.
Like toast but with nothing else, just lukewarm, stale bread
This record deserves all of the 'roses' 🌹 thrown it's way. Remarkable piece of music history as well.
Born in 80, for me, this and Get a Grip are the Aerosmith I 'grew up' with, although they were never my thing. I'm proud of this because this is just a darn good rock album. Great sinles and fun album tracks and a worthwhile listening indeed.
I'll bump it up for being fun and inventive but at times tlits really just self serving and meandering
Phenomenal work here from an early, female led, sax toting, punk project. Real hidden gem. I think the vocals are a tad too aggressive, but I'm forever grateful that I had no input on the production. This is what music used to be.
Loved loved loved track one. Has to be this bands best song. Then the hits started rolling, and while the older me appreciates these songs more now for their musical direction, they were still just the boring pop anthems of my twenties
Seems like a lot of people love this guy. I say he's significantly behind Frank Zappa, but ahead of Tom Waits and Captain Beefheart.
A bit to annoying for 3 starts but I'm sure people somewhere love it
Like, didn't the Kinks already have the pseudo-Beatles thing locked down? We needed a full on satirical version? No thanks
Time for some honesty. WuTang didn't really release a lot of good materiel. The group collectively release one phenomenal album (36 chambers)and another great one (Forever). Hot take, but Ghostface had the most ilustious solo career, releasing two classics (Ironman, supreme clientele) and a great album in FishScale. Each other member was relegated to one quality solo effort, if that, and the GZA is no exception. Four solo records were released in between outing albums and served as defacto records, feeding fans more of that wu tang style. Liquid Swords probably best represents what a WuTang album would've been before Forever, and does so mightily. The beats are lo-fi, the rhyms are tight and clever. But the highlights remain the group efforts on this and every wu record. This album in particular takes a while to get going. I have to rank all of these projects wholly as they are impossible to separate. This is probably #3 or 4 behind 36CHAMBERS, tical, Cuban links, and maybe Ironman. All 4 and 5 star records
Too much to say, and I'm lazy. This is underrated, even today. Equally OF and BEFORE it's time.
Jazz is as jazz does
I love so much about these tracks individually, as songs. However they don't successfully come together as a full album. I enjoyed their debut a bit more
Oh Blur..... the 90s answer to the Kinks. Ray Davies and the boys produced no less than 5 tremendous brit-rock gems of the sixties. Blur didn't eecord 1/2 the music the kinks did, but they managed about 4 entries into the pantheon of brit-rock. I'd say this is their "Something Else", while "Parklife" serves as "Village Green"
Fact of the matter is that this holds up in ANY arena. No one can honestly soy they don't like this at all. It's totally infectious. This should represent 20th century are for millennia
Previously stated in regard to Santana's "Abraxas", this too goes a long way to representing 20th century music and should be played for millennia
I love the doors as much as anyone, but objectively speaking this is their 4th (maybe 5th) best album out of 6. Always amazes me how good popular music was back then, or how popular good music was...
This record was clearly produced by someone who was looking to get killed.
Proof that the 80s wasn't all just synthetic garbage. Thoughtful, introspective, mutlilayered, and timeless
I'll admit tos record takes a while to wither get going, or grow on you, or both. But this ends up being a near masterpiece for me. None of these ideas and sounds seem like they would make good music, but they do. That tells me that this writer is on another level
If they try to tell you that side A is worth while, they are lying.
The Cure deserve more attention, as least then I give them. Very accomplished group and visionary front man Robert Smith. I enjoyed this record and recognize it's significance, however, it remains a paired down version of what's to come. A great rough draft
Never really understood the draw of a soundtrack. Compilation type are interesting sometimes, but not the score. Are you cosplaying?
Drip- Hop.
So sure, the narrative as well as the "over the top Britishness" of the whole thing are a black mark of course. But musically, and lyrically, this is as good as 60s British psych gets
Liked this more than nice thought I would bit not enough for 4stars. Solid effort that's just a bit too poppy
This record is full of great moments, but fails to construct many great songs. His release "Fear" is more to my liking.
This was an amazing album of beats and hook ideas, but it felt incomplete. An enjoyable listen for sure though
Lenny a pretty average artist by just about every measure. His third album "Are you gonna way" hold nostalgic value for me but this outing doesn't hold up
I mean, it's Elvis, if you're i to that sort of thing.
Just a few hits and filler. I really don't get why this band is so overrated. Quadrophenia is better than Tommy and all there othe records are just ok
For me this is the greatest Stones record. It's long, and the sameness has been cited as a negative. But I see differently. This is just a complete work that accomplished everything the band set out to do. I have sentimental attachment to Beggars Banquet but even I can admit that this is peak Stones
Somehow worse than I remember thinking it was going to be.
A few great tunes, but enough t(h)rash mixed in. No disrespect but this era of metal is not for me.
A reluctant 3 stars. This guy Julian showed up and ruined just about every track. But in-between cringe spoken word segments was some musical genius
Line drawn
To think this guy was already a hacky soft rock, and this was his sellout album. Sheesh, gag me
No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no
Honestly pretty basic hard rock. I understand they canned this vocalist and I agree with that decision. Can't wait to hear a later album. Great riffs and a couple good ballads actually
These guys hadn't hit for me over the last 35yrs or so. But thanks to this list, I've got three 4 star records to listen to. Could use a bit less of the rhythmic whistle/screech
Solid post punk entry. Great sound and solid tracks that aren't too too catchy
Fairly cringy. 80s - world - R&B. Like a cringe vortex
A groundbreaking gem of a debut. Paved the way for just about every 'indie' rock band.
For real this is some of the best psychedelic folk you can find. Not for everyone but a worthy effort
Last week's stretch of Waits, Cohen, van Morrison really put me on the tilt, I mean talk about a suckfest. Then I get fed another Morrissey solo effort. I think the Smiths are pretty mid and I despose solo records, but if I HAD to listen to a Morrissey album this would be it, kinda rocks
Having grown up in this era, but never really seeking out PJ Harvey over the last 30+ years, one still has a preconceived, educated notion of what she's all about. This record proves that whole heartedly
Truly the most bland derivative shite ever put to tape. Ironic how someone with no musical taste wrote a book about albums to hear before death.
An American answer to the beetles for sure, although they would develop their own sound and become more psychedelic
Almost 600 albums in, I feel that the "loved this while cooking Sunday morning breakfast " trope is much more of an insult than a compliment. A highly rated album demands attention and can't simply blend into the background of life. Conversely, depending on taste, ANY record has those Sunday morning vibes if we grant them.
So these guys were a lot more interesting before they became popular, and sold out for sure. Bilut this still sucks.
I'm sorry bur this is just NOT THAT good. Sure the rifts are very crunchy, and the lyrics catchy, and the melodies are very well structured. However, it really just boils down to palm muted guitar and ham fisted drums. This is popular because it's basic. Even the soaring guitar solos become exactly what you expect them to be. I keep reading about the "brilliance" of Orion, the epic instrumental.....zzzzzz, it seems like a song they forgot to write lyrics to, and boy does it need them. Again, this is good music with mostly competent musicians but nothing special
Just one of those unexplainable perfect albums. These gentlemen accomplished their goals mightily with a powerful yet contemplative record for the ages
Absolutely essential record from a completely innessential genre.
The only band to release 6 five star records consecutively.
Literally just boops beeps and fuzz
Had it my mind that this was a great record, only to realize I had a predisposition for the song roygbiv only. And that happens to take up only 5% of this album so.... It's really just an hour of vibes that are ok
Interesting at times but overall uneventful. The genre bending is here is nothing to be amazed by. Plus the album art is puzzling at best
This was as good or better than any of the world style records on this list
Probably some of the best mid60s British blues. None of these tracks come across as derivative, in fact, lyrically these songs shine.
Easily a top 50 all time album. Pop-punk before it was popular. No skips, overtly track offers something unique and has its place. A true accomplishment
Conventional 70's blues rock entry here. Fun for about 6min
Movie soundtrack at best
The issue with this record is the pacing and tracking. These go hand in hand of course. Why the cosmic black whole right in the middle of side A? I feel as thought this looses a lot of people. Also, I love a strong closer, but 'soon' should've closed said side A. Still a fantastic sounds cape and highly influential album, just not perfect
Criminal rating here. This is just 31min of fun interesting music that you will not find elsewhere.
You people don't DESERVE the 80s!!! This is as poignant a work of are today as it was when it was written. So many modern undertones and as overtly sexy as any mainstream act could get.
Huge Dead fan here but a realistic reviewer. The Greatful Dead were a poor studio band and thrived on stage, as we all know. The obvious fix here is to release a live album, giving the masses what some have only heard about thru word of mouth. The problem here is that the Dead released, with Live/Dead, some of their least accessible material and that's saying something. St Stephen is the only track here with meat on the bone, and while the subsequent The Eleven is an exemplary version, and the preceeding Dark Star is contemplative and subversive, neither of these tracks are able to speak to your average listeners. This Lovelight contains 6+ min of Pigpen gaming over a drum beat and is very dull, sans the last 2 min of the 15min ordeal. DDHNM is a stirring rendition of a song nobody asked for, and feedback/goodnight is a s close to filler as one can get on a live record. Still as I write this and reflect on their 60's repotoire, I do realize that no normie was gonna stumble upon the Dead thru happenstance, hearing an intriguing live record, the show always was and always will be the centerpiece
So a double album, a solo album, and a lack of pure talent, not a great start. I will say that this indeed is not terrible. I like the fact that's more like 4 EPs. It's like a 2.45 for me.
Ah the seventies, when everybasshile with a guitar got a solo album. Look, solo efforts almost always suck and this is no different. Manassas got some points for originality, but this? I mean the Byrds? Cmon. A fine band with no standout talent, and no solo records please
No catchy pop tunes in this album, just raw noise and emotion coupled with dreamy lyrics and fuzz guitar
A true top 100 all time record. This is 1977? This is basically the entirety of 80s music(sans rap and R&B) encapsulated in one record
Not really even suitable for background noise or even the "Sunday breakfast" trope.
I usually reserve 1 star ratings for the truly unlistenable. While this record does have a melodic and lyrical base that seems like music, it is the lowest representation of songwriting we have at our disposal. Also the art and concept
Literally one radio friendly hit followed by 13 more mi d blowing bangers. Might as well be their debut, no disrespect intended but they began the greatest run in rock history with this landmark record
This seems like the quintessential stereotypical hair metal record and that is not good. Mindless lyrics, cheesy riffs, and fake bravado
I think this should've been called Funhouse and Funhouse should've been named Raw Power. This is a fantastic fun record with many interesting layers whereas funhouse is a bit more in your face. 👍 if you agree.
I gotta say this is a better than average record. I'm biased as I'm from Philly and this guy is kind of a 90s Philly legend. Cold Beverages was a banger here and he has a song about the 76ers NBA team that fans of both love.
Refreshingly catchy and delightful. Sure a bit derivative and annoying at times but all in all a great time
This record has its upside and downs. Not their best but not bad either
The world would be a better place, if this album was a more central figure of hip hopand music as a whole.
True pioneering on this record as hip hop wastes no time infiltrating rock and roll, the results of which we still see today.
Kind of like a musical lowest common denominator. It certainly qualifies as music.
Even the radio hit that sounds almost out of place cant force a flaw I this absolute masterpiece
Caveat, i feel as though Elvis Costello has never really writen a bad song. That being said, this could be his finest work. While his previous release gets all the attention, with hit after hit, this record has more interesting arrangements and a more varied sound
I guess im just a fan of his. I like the white stripes a bit, i like every raconteurs song i hear, and this is pretty listenable.
Really do love her voice. It may sound contrived, but she just did it so well.
Been a while since ive heard a true 1 star. Simply unlistenable. A 180 second concept drawn out over 2460 seconds