Talking Timbuktu
Ali Farka TouréAn hour of Civ IV menu music. Was decent for the first 5 minutes but fell flat pretty quick
An hour of Civ IV menu music. Was decent for the first 5 minutes but fell flat pretty quick
Proto Zeppelin John Paul Jones playing organ on You Shook Me Jimmy Page and JPJ playing with Keith Moon on Beck's Bolero And Robert Plant is clearly cut from the same cloth as Rod Stewart Excellent early hard rock from the virtuoso himself
Country tinged folk rock, was quite enjoyable
The best
Bloody long mate but good 😃
Yeah pretty good she should make more music
Beautiful stuff, Neil. Sit on my face! 😃
Decent, but morrisey can sit on a cactus
Funky shit, certified hood classic. Bend over for me Snoop 😩
Most meh album ever. Made me feel like I was a weirdo with no friends only weird music for comfort
Too many YEYEAHS, not enough OHWHOAS Let me ride on James’ moustache
Psychedelic masterpiece. I would get on my knees for Jimi HENDRIX IS GOD
It’s like 70s tame Impala Did you know Todd Rundgren is one guy??? Did you know MGMT are from Brisbane??
Rubbish, poo poo, caca. The legacy tab on Wikipedia mentioned how one guy heard it and realised bad music could also be published. THATS IT??? THATS WHY ITS IMPORTANT??? LIKE SHIT SOUNDING MUSIC DIDNT EXIST 20 YEARS BEFORE IT??? One of the songs towards the end was aight
Yeah good but not great, only one head was talking
Green day, red night! Sky was yellow and the sun was blue! I like the song about smoking dope and wanking, very relatable
Yeah yeah nah, was alright but nothing making me come back, but her moaning making me cum 😩
Fuck bono is a whiney bastard “Every time I clap my hands, a child dies in Africa” 👏👏👏👏 WELL STOP FUCKING DOING IT Album actually went alright tho, drums and bass go pretty hard
Wtf is so special about this album that it needs to be on this list? It’s a mediocre alt rock/punk album that came out at a time when there was plenty of great alt rock/punk albums. This pales in comparison to Nirvana, Smashing Pumpkins, Alice in Chains, Foo Fighters, Silver Chair, L7, Stone Temple Pilots, Blind Melon, Pearl Jam and so many more. The legacy tab on Wikipedia only mentions that it was on the 1001 albums list, nothing else. They can’t even tell you why this is special. When you’re missing actual genre defining albums like Voodoo by D’Angelo, Baduizm by Erykah Badu, Discovery by Daft Punk, All Eyez on Me by 2Pac, Aquemini by Outkast, Sex Machine by James Brown, Ride the Lightning by Metallica. You can skip this crap. It wasn’t bad just no where near essential Also FUCK XTC Venus apple fucking WHATEVER. The most boring honky cracker shit music ever. Made me embarrassed to be white
Yeah decent, was like if Rolling Stones and Beatles had a baby band Liam Gallagher is a funny bugger and a nonce
Pre good, better than the first. Absolute classics on here with the go to acoustic guitar party song and the imagine rip off. But I really didn’t near to hear 2 Oasis albums back to back after 2 weeks of only rock albums
Funky skanky reggae stuff. Bass goes hard like usual
Meh, 80s junk. Some of the textures were alright but nothing I couldn’t have heard on a Prince or Police album
Yeah was aight. Cool poetic punk. I bet she got some nice armpit hair
I am neither drunk, Irish nor a pirate so this music is not for me. This album is so bad it made me racist against the Irish, fuck bono, fuck Liam Neeson, fuck Thin Lizzy, fuck them all. Fuck Irish independence, should be apart of the UK and most of all FUCK GUINESS
Yeah pretty good, I like the police, Stewart Copeland is cool, good drummer, made the spyro music I like the cover of the p Diddy song
Was expecting country joe and the fish type stuff, instead was pleasantly surprised by some proper out their psychedelia It’s like sitting in a cabin in a swamp, stoned, while a bunch of dirty hippies perform some cracker voodoo rituals
Nice folky stuff. Makes me wanna buy a phone and run to the beach at the break of dawn in 2012
Beautiful voice, pretty melodies, breathtaking textures, tear jerking lyrics. Only such magnificent music could be made in the 60s … NOTTT
Best of the 80’s, funky and freaky The first definitive prince album
Muddy mentions my birthday!!! "On the 12th day of April" Thanks Muddy Muddy, baby, everything alright in there? I think I'm about to pass a kidney stone DUNDUNDUN DUNDUN AHHHHHHHHHH DUNDUNDUN DUNDUN OHHJHHHHHHHH
Was kinda like a lesser Beck. Wasn’t bad but nothing too much stood out Except for the surprise shrek song
In the Garden of Eden, by I. Ron Butterfly Wait a minute, this sounds like rock and/or roll Pretty standard 60s psych rock, not much you couldn't hear from better albums like the doors or country joe, except the title track which is pretty good but ain’t no dark star or the end
Worse than Beefheart, was like looney tunes on brown acid
Pretty edgy white boy stuff here, but production is good and he's a good raper. Stan is an amazing song White boy approved 🤓👍
Reminded me of Bowie minus the good music. Idk boring cracker shit, reminds me of xtc
Pixies have some great songs, too bad none of them were on here. This one's alright but nothing stands out. The Breeders are better anyway
An hour of Civ IV menu music. Was decent for the first 5 minutes but fell flat pretty quick
Weird but a lil funky. A bit zappaish, a little floydy, Aphrodite's child-esque
A low down hoedown from the big Willie himself
Not just any band, but THE Band. I wanted Bob Dylan but got his backing band instead, it'll do I guess.
Sorta like Radiohead but mid It's alright if you like that post modern experimental bullshit
This music made me want to steal a car or pirate a movie Robbie music
Went in with low expectations, they weren't exactly met but was still pretty underwhelming
Yeah was pretty good but didn't grab me enough for 4 stars
Epic space funk This album changed my life!! Shine on You crazy Diamond
Another 90s alt rock album This album sounds like Patti Smith's Horses, which came out 20 years prior and is already on the list, so did I really have to listen to this?
Proto Zeppelin John Paul Jones playing organ on You Shook Me Jimmy Page and JPJ playing with Keith Moon on Beck's Bolero And Robert Plant is clearly cut from the same cloth as Rod Stewart Excellent early hard rock from the virtuoso himself
Meh, 80s theatre kid music
Side 1 is near perfect, side 2 is pretty good pokemon music
Jeff Buckleys dad goes alright. I thought this was gonna be one of his proper out there weird ones but was fairly tame, still enjoyable His voice sounded like Alice in Chains at the start of Gypsy Woman
If booze and cigarettes made music. The one song from robots was funny to hear but I wouldnt go out of my way for it
Lame bogan anthems. I cant believe this is the 6th best selling album ever. It’s not bad but it’s not great
Was a bit underwhelming, nothing bad but nothing really of note
Stevie Wonder is the fucking MAN, modern day Beethoven. I feel blessed to even share the Earth the same time with. Super funky, jazzy, and enough great hits to please anybody. The ballads get a bit weird tho
I never disliked her voice until I had to listen to it for 50 mins. Having said that it's not a bad listen, one of the slightly better alt rock albums this list has shown
Ye was alright, like Kanye light, but better lyricist
Being generous with the 4 stars but I liked it. Nice mix of country, rockabilly, swampy punk music. NOW GIVE ME DANGELO
Beatles worst album, but still enjoyable. Some good originals, some good covers, and some dodgey ones. But they were a tight unit and no one sounded as good. Out of all the Beatles albums I think this is the weirdest to include in this list unless they meant Meet the Beatles, the American equivalent which was the first Capitol release over there with She Loves You Banging Album cover too
Midnight oil but without the bogan I gave Lupe Fiasco and Gun Club a 4 but not this, SUCK IT
Idk man it was pretty lame
Really good but does go on for a while. That would be the only thing stopping it from a 5. After a few more listens I reckon it could be a 5
Strange cosmic blues. This must've been before the LSD got out of control
Eh, overrated, they were really only the face of the scene. Stooges and MC5 beat em to the punch by about 7 years, fellow CBGB goer, Patti Smith, even beat them to the punch for an official punk album. I'd say even their contemporaries from across the pond, The Sex Pistols did it better. But not the worst thing I've heard, but far from the best. Well I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend might be the worst thing. I can give them credit for pioneering Pop Punk from the start, never understood why some people would hate Green Day and Blink 182 because it's pop punk, but then enjoy the Ramones
AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! RINGO HAS A SEXY NOSE!!! RINGO HAS A SEXY NOSE!!! AND PAUL MCCARTNEY, IF YOU'RE LISTENING. ADRIENNE FROM BROOKLYN LOVES YOU WITH ALL HER HEART!!! This is peak beatlemania, early Beatles at their best. Perfect harmonies and great melodies. Their first album full of original material too
Like progressive, art, glam rock. Like mixing ELO, Supertramp and Slade together
Country tinged folk rock, was quite enjoyable
At times it was typical 80s new wave junk, but at other times it was funky 80s Hong Kong vibe which I really dug
Absolute banger and a classic. At one point in life this was one of 3 albums I had on repeat, I hold this album very near and dear to my heart. Funky, smooth and jazzy, what's not to love
Long winded alt rock epic. Wouldn’t quite say the birth of emo but wouldn’t be far from it
Retirement home music
Good ol classic, probably the most accessible country album out there
Eh, sorta mediocre art rock with a early punk tinge. Brian Eno did better stuff with David Bowie
God damn this was a banger. Probably the best album I've been introduced by this website. Good mix of psychedelic funk, easy coast boom bap and punk. Somehow all blended fluently and effortlessly
Eh, average 80s new wave rock
Surprisingly better than expected, not by much tho, and I was expecting much either
Probably the best metal album out there, they got it down on lock by the second album, incredible, back to back classics on this. It’s like if Led Zeppelin had Black Dog, Rock and Roll, and Stairway to Heaven on the same album. Not my personal favourite from them but hard to argue that it isn’t their best output
It was decent, like a 3.5. But by 1990 youre starting to get acts like Public Enemy, De La Soul and NWA which I'd say is leaps above this
One of the greatest ever. I once got stoned and put this on and just got hooked on the ride cymbal, that's how good it is, just the ride cymbal hooked me.
Eh, kinda just boring woman music. Sorry ladies 😐
I used to listen to this a bit when I was 15 so I’m a bit nostalgic with it. I used to think I was hipster listening to it, then I found it’s one of the best selling hip hop albums and one of the most streamed 90s hip hop albums. It’s got some great heavy hitters and a couple songs that sorta just move along but overall it’s a great, dark experience
Extremely unimpressive
Didn't go in with high expectations, it was already tho. Not great, but, just like, you know... Whatever
Looks like a dork who I'd lunch money from but the music was alright
Was sorta Riley music but doesn't make me want to buy a phone
Was alright nothing special
Very good, was not expecting the minimalist folk approach, this was my first Springsteen album and he's been on the list for a while. Time to explore The Boss
Aside from the 3 hits, the rest was pretty average
Proper retirement home music. Ray has youthful (for back then) sounding music but this ain’t it
First half is brilliant gangster funk. Second half is a bit of a drag, enough to lose a star but still enjoyable. If you can stomach an 8 minute spoken word section
Really long, could be decent, could be gay. Overall was alright
Have a very goodfellas christmas
I like it
Was alright but production/mix could get in the way at times
It’s like combining Twin Peaks with that Dementia album Look, it wasn’t bad, but nothing much to pull me in. I just wanna know the type of weirdo who goes out of their way for this music
Decent PS2 music
Eh, a lil too Elton john for me
Full late 2000s vibe. Made me feel like Paris Hilton a bit
Idk man kinda made me wanna kiss boys
Good psychedelic rnb. Bit of sly stone going on, good stoner funk quality
If this didn't have Detroit rock city itd be a 2 Kiss sucks
Pretty funky. Good samples. Hendrix, Parliament, Herbie Hancock. Lyrics could be a lil silly tho
Quirky, don't know how these guys and oasis were even compared
Ye it’s alright, it’s just rock n roll with a bitta lipstick innit?
Without Clapton, it's just another blues rock album With Clapton, it's a definitive blues rock album. Something I love about this is hearing Clapton pre Hendrix, when he was considered the best guitarist in the world. Clapton is God. Bro has a monster guitar tone too. This is a super important guitar album more than anything else
Sounds like Ray Charles with an extra chromosome
Always heard about this one but never got around to it. Very cool to hear that Flea played bass on the majority of it, and Storm Thorgerson did the album art. Music was like if Muse was actually experimental
Radioheads GAYEST album More like GAYDIOHEAD But of a drag tbh, didn’t hate it but nothing really bringing me back
I like it, strange and funky but some of the songs could feel a lil generic at times. I think you could've cut some songs to make this a great single album. Other than that, I loved the Joni Mitchell reference
Solid thrash metal. Solos are wicked, the sound of it all is clear and crisp, and Dav Mustang's vocals are angelic
Eh, come on now. It's only sorta cool cos it was way different to anything else in the 80s
Was decent, nothing stood out tho
Yeah like not bad but not much stood out. Good writing but generic instrumentation.
These monkeys sound like blur This music is like the embodiment of autism
EVERYTIME I CLAP MY HANDS A CHILD DIES IN AFRICA 👏👏👏👏 WELL STOP FUCKING DOING IT!!! I went into this with an open optimistic mindset, cos War sorta surprised me and I enjoyed it. This however, was sorta just a drag the whole way. But some of it sounded like Sims 3 music
Easily one of the best sounding albums put to tape. God bless George Martin (and Giles Martin for the modern remix) Probably The Beatles most iconic album along with Sgt Peppers, has some of their strongest material, but also has some stuff that falls a lil short from the rest. A lot of people praise the medley on side 2, and while it definitely has some great moments on it, the hard cuts to some songs ruin the flow. It’s a nice send off and a happy ending from The Beatles. 😊 “That’s Paul’s. I hate it. ‘Cuz all I remember is the track – he made us do it a hundred million times. He did everything to make it into a single and it never was and it never could’ve been, but he put guitar licks on it and he had somebody hitting iron pieces and we spent more money on that song than any of them in the whole album. I think.” - John Lennon “Sometimes Paul would make us do these really fruity songs. I mean, my god, Maxwell’s Silver Hammer was so fruity. After a while we did a good job on it, but when Paul got an idea or an arrangement in his head…” - George Harrison “The worst session ever was Maxwell’s Silver Hammer. It was the worst track we ever had to record. It went on for fucking weeks. I thought it was mad.” - Ringo Starr “They got annoyed because Maxwell’s Silver Hammer took three days to record. Big deal.” - Paul McCartney
We’ve had Tribe, we just had Jungle Brothers. Now bring on the De La, the Brand Nubian and Queen Latifah and we’ve heard all Native Tongue members Good classic hip hop, if you like de la soul and tribe, you should enjoy this Good samples too, funkadelic, Hendrix and even some sabbath
Yeah some good Bowie on this one, even got him writing a bit of Master of Puppets on this
Solid rock album, none of the songs really stick out aside from the obvious Sultans of Swing, but damn does this album sound incredible and played extremely well. That strat tone is out of this world
Strange, funky, so fresh and so clean. Shout out to Kim and Cookie, maybe my favourite interlude in all of hip hop. Not quite sure how to put it but it's experimentation makes it feel like the hip hop equivalent to Prince's Sign O the Times
Good ol bill Evans, lovely stuff
Ye solid 70s rock, not much else to say
God I love me some good solid Willie. It was a lil short, but size doesn't matter, it's the motion of the ocean
Underwhelming, lady grinning soul about the only thing I liked. Bowie has the most albums on this list, does this really need to be one?? Ziggy Stardusts lackluster follow up
Pleasantly surprised. I thought this was gonna be some boring, whiney music. It was whiney but I liked the country flavour
Man idk, it wasn't that bad but after a while I got sick of it. Lou reed is cooler
Wasn't expecting this but I liked it. Very Bob Dylan/Bruce Springsteen. First song sounded straight outta highway 61