Neil YoungHELL YEA BROTHER!!!! NEIL FUCKIN YOUNG Neil can harvest the cum out of my moons
HELL YEA BROTHER!!!! NEIL FUCKIN YOUNG Neil can harvest the cum out of my moons
Das war Scheiße, ich ärgere mich jetzt.
Pretty boring and repetitive but still better than the shit they make today
HELL YEA BROTHER!!!! NEIL FUCKIN YOUNG Neil can harvest the cum out of my moons
I have no opinions on this one but 'barbarism' goes alright anyways.... The smiths more like the sniffs coz that shit was stinky
I know this is an iconic album and I find parts funny but I'm too white to fully enjoy rap music no matter how original or iconic. Anyways... You're tuned in to the biggest balls of them all: DJ Saul T. Nuts Aye, don't forget to about my homeboys Twitch.tv https://www.twitch.tv/doggydogg20
Yeah but nah, it’s alright if you’re stuck in traffic and have absolutely nothing else to listen to
OOH. YEA-HEEH. DAD GUM THEY DUN HIT THE PENTAGAWN!!!! Hard to beat this shit when ya just wanna get fuckin mental, even tho it's not my favoured Metal licker album.
Far out I forgot how good this one is, also this album is 56 years old... holy fuck Jimi was cookin back then.
A Weirdo, A True Psycho This is some proper psychedelic nonsense it reminds me of ummagumma. Anyways what do I know I'm just another onionhead.
I must be a spoilt Victorian child coz that was as boring as batshit. Do yourself a saving grace and give this one a miss.
One word grating With the exemption of the last 4? jam type song, I found the music very messy and unresolved. Also he sings like someone's squeezing his nuts and tickling his gooch.
What an extremely good sounding album and well mixed, whom ever plays the bass goes hard. Definitely punk at its best but it's still punk. It's not like going on a wine tasting tour, it's like just go to the pub have 12 beers and have some fun.
This was just loud nonsense mixed into punk songs which are also nonsensical, this album left no impression on me except for the start of the last song which made me pitch a tent in my tracky dacks.
Very average, I do not understand how someone can wake up and go "I NEED to listen to War by U2" like the drums and bass were boring and Edge the tone snob was trying his best to make his guitar not sound like a guitar. Completely neutral album not good or bad just exists.
Boring My old analog tv picking up static was more musical then this.
Yep that was a range of sound waves that entered and bounced inside my ear hole and made my brain go “Mmmm music”
The same review as the previous Oasis album. Yep that was a range of sound waves that entered and bounced inside my ear hole and made my brain go “Mmmm music
Not bad though I would have thought these reggae songs would have more groove but I still enjoyed it. I happy to have a break from all the shit punk albums we been getting.
Came into this one thinking I was gonna hate some generic 80s disco trash (which it still was) but I came out with a new favourite bass player. My lord, Derek Forbes where you been and that tone, so tasty.
What does a Horse and Patti have in common...... They both can't sing. How is this one of the top 1001 albums.
The "rapping" in this album sounds like some square white dudes, with some of the most typical and boring trap beats I've had the pleasure of hearing.
Celtic ACDC with Bon Scotts dad? not bad
Definitely not as good as the first 2 albums but few good songs on this still go hard. Like Mother is some of the worst shit and is somehow trying to rip off The Wall.
The first song is PISSING ME OFF with the music flipping from ear to ear. That was utter dogshit.
I was wondering how long the first song was so I looked and I was on the 4th track so there's that. Not bad tho, pretty relaxing, I got no issues :)
Dogshit Sean your a weirdo
Prince is the musicians musician, the man could do it all. He really set the scene for 80s music.
Yep that was a blues album from a man in Newport in 1960. I have nothing else to say.
More music I have zero opinion on except Pez stole Susan's house for Festival Song but that's all right, but then again I feel like these guys didn't write it either.
They alright, I never got into these guys and I think it's cause they sound like any other late 60s rock band but they made one song that goes for 17 minutes. I always preferred their first album Heavy.
I've never disliked an album so quickly. This shit fuckin sucks, I stopped on the 3rd track. You could Cold Chisel, Men at work and Midnight Oil in place of this shit. Not happy, Jan!
This bloke hates his wife and/or girlfriend, also I don't think I've heard cunt in a song before.
I find myself writing the same thing for these albums, it's not bad or good. This is a very adequate (and a bit weird) pop rock album that does the job, although this one sounds really good production wise. But come on give us something substantial to chew on. 1001 albums to hear before you die, my arse.
It's alright but there are so many other albums in this genre and time period I'd rather listen to.
I don't know it's alright.
Das war Scheiße, ich ärgere mich jetzt.
Compared to the shit albums we have been getting, this ones a masterpiece. Just some nice relaxing country blues.
Actually enjoyed that, would listen again
It's alright more heavy than I though it would be.
Sounds like an album full of Ps2 game music.
This bloke thinks his shit doesn't stink if he's got his ginger mug on all the albums his made. A quintessential 80s pop album, absolutely mid.
What a voice, felt like I was there.
Hats off to Roy Harper, I'd like to have a cigar with him.
It was alright, I always enjoy some good slide guitar.
Meh, it wasn't bad just a bit boring for my liking.
I have never gotten in to Jeff Beck, but this shit went hard.
I wanna know if this was in the list before stranger things, coz it’s not the best thing I’ve heard
I love Rush. This album is awesome the B side is very rush which people don't enjoy as much but I still love it. Also this is the last album from Rush's golden period and I'll die on the hill, the sound of the 80's and the way Rush changed there sound to fit in sucks.
This felt like a meditation soundtrack, made me wanna go sleepy time.
I'm sick of these shit "Artistic" albums, mate stop whingeing and play some normal music not this circus jingle dogshit played in-between this bloke banging on.
The Aussie pissed dad special. Gotta love it.
I don't know it sounds like early 60s light rock music oh wait it is, go figure.
Modulation. Excellent album an easy back to fronter.
Wow the 3 Alanis songs that Triple M bash are from the same album, the more you know.
I can enjoy this music in isolation but not a full 1 hour 20, just gets super boring
Sounds like all the other early punk albums I've listened to.
I don't know they just sound like the beach boys or early 60s surf rock. A far cry from later stuff.
Yeah I'm familiar with a couple of the songs on here, but this music is just boring to me.
Yeah nah I am not enjoying this
Yeah I know this is like an all time best album but I'm just not the biggest fan of it, not sure why. It's still better then the half the albums we've gotten so far.
So the Captain can make normal music.
This music and most punk for that matter fuckin pisses me off, with how repetitive, dull and droning it is. I can not sit down sober and listen to this. Punk is only good live when ya heavy on the grog and feeling dangerous.
I've always enjoyed A Hard Days Night, its properly my 3rd favorite Beatles album. It's just good toe tapper to listen to for half an hour.
Interesting, very prog a bit Supertrampy but quite enjoyable. That's why I've heard of these guys, they made the cricket song.
Sounds like what Clint Eastwood listens to. Makes me wanna get a poncho and smoke a cigar whilst riding a horse into the sunset.
Get freaky on some funk. I don't mind that shit
Yeah I don't know this shit all sounds the same to me. Coz I'm see through I'm that white
Is good A nice mix of punk, chillness and weirdness
Oh boy, if I were an 80 year old lady I would be getting all hot and bothered listening to Frank sing about the Webster Dictionary.
Johnny making cash in jail
I listened to this at 5 am this morning and it's 8 pm now and I cant remember anything about this album except I didn't like the blokes singing.
Remember when Captain Kirk stole his step father’s vintage car and had a police chase/drove it off a cliff while sabotage by the beastie boys was playing. Yeah me either.
I ain’t gonna pretend to say this is a great album
I ain’t got nothing to say
Very good like it very very much
Stop I don’t like it
Kind of good jazz Davis
If I got a big enough bucket, could I catch a cloud?
Blah blah bla blah bla bingbong blimmpoplie blubping
Holy shit BORING
Tell him to go suck a lemon
Yeah yummy music in my noise mouths
We're rockin' the suburbs Bla bla bla blah blah Dee bla
Please find my attached review:
Folk lore sprongspoon
Would not listen to of my only free will
This Ray Charles guy really understands the genius of Ray Charles enough to make a pleasingly Ray Charles type album.
Warm margarine life by Ballsac paynes
Smashed eggs on toast quite nice init
Fine. Atmospheric music that panders to your emotions, you'll have to try harder then that Chris.
Oh yah shuggie my Otis please inspire my Otis and let it inform all over you
Strutter is kiss’ best song by a country mile and no one can change my mind
I not likey I think it bad and smell like poopie
A tough sounding album by an apex predator with an unexpectedly relaxed feel
Eric clapping cheeks
It's a jungle out there
Didn’t understand one song title
One of the better Radioheads I've listened to
80s garbage, Prince has done better
By far the best Megadeth has to offer and it goes hard
Shit as
More Simon then Paul
Simple and pleasant
Boring, the Cartoon Network has a better soundtrack
Whatever, more nah than yeah
I like the Beatles Abbey Road Very good, very nice
Rap just ain’t my thing yo
No, there is no life on Mars
4/5 stars, the strats just the best shape isn’t it
Yeah this is music that people like
I felt like was getting serenaded, for real this put me in a trance.
Yeah I don't know it was fine
I love Willie! * Nelson I mean ** Willie Nelson