Nas4 out of 5. While not being a genre I have an interest in this was a pretty good album and lyrically it has a good flow. I can see why people find this album influential. Favorite song: Memory Lane (Sittin' in da Park)
4 out of 5. While not being a genre I have an interest in this was a pretty good album and lyrically it has a good flow. I can see why people find this album influential. Favorite song: Memory Lane (Sittin' in da Park)
3 out of 5, first listen. More folksy than I thought it would be and it was good for a listen, but not sure if it'd play it in regular rotation. George Harrison still might have the best solo Beatles album I've listened to (as of 7/10/2024) Might be better as I get older. Favorite song: Imagine Least favorite song: I Don't Wanna Be A Soldier Mama
4 out of 5, classic R.E.M. It's been a while, but Sidewinder Sleeps Tonite and Everybody Hurts are great songs. Overall good album, probably my third favorite of theirs.
4 out of 5. First Stevie Wonder album I listened to from start to finish and it left a good first impression. I can see why people rated this one so highly online, good rhythm and melody that I can tell influenced a lot that came afterwards. Favorite song: You and I (Blame it on the Sun comes in a very close second) Least favorite song: Lookin' For Another Pure Love (hard pressed to pick this, no songs were bad)
5 out of 5. The whole album sounds and feels cohesive and Gaye's voice is wonderful. Easy to see why it was included on this, and I'm sure many other's, top lists. Not a bad song on this album. Definitely an album to add to my collection in some way. Favorite song: Keep Gettin' It On
5 out of 5. Listened to the 1997 Private Mix version, if it matters. Very influential album in one of my my favorite music genres. I think I listened to this one before but now I have a better appreciation for it's sound, which is silly because I feel like this album should have had more listens from me. Favorite song: I Need Somebody Least favorite: Again, there really isn't one, but if I had to pick it's probably be Penetration
3 out of 5. First time listening to BVSC and while not usually into this style it was a fun listen.
4 out of 5. It's not their first album but Money For Nothing and Walk of Life are there. So Far Away From Me is too.
4 out of 5. Having always had trouble getting into Radiohead I appreciate when their albums are more conventional. This was probably the most melodic album of theirs I listened to so far. Favorite song: Fake Plastic Trees
5 out of 5, certified rock classic, nothing else to say that hasn't already. Also love that Stone Free and Purple Haze, JoJo references, are included on this album. Favorite song: Hey Joe
3 out of 5. As important as blues is and how cool it was to hear it sung with a different language and with African influence it's not a genre for me but it'd be one I still recommend to others.
4 out of 5. While not being a genre I have an interest in this was a pretty good album and lyrically it has a good flow. I can see why people find this album influential. Favorite song: Memory Lane (Sittin' in da Park)
5 out of 5, first time listen. Loved the blend of bossa nova, pop, and psychedelia along with how soft his voice is while singing.
4 out of 5. First time listen. Bob Dylan and folk in general aren't really my thing. The rambling way he sings his lyrics can be fun and as a musician he's talented, but this wasn't written for me in mind.
5 out of 5. An album that started it all for a great band with I think a great consistent output.
3 out of 5. The beats are solid and make me feel weirdly nostalgic for the 90's, but it's unfortunately an album I can't see myself returning to. Favorite song: 6 Minutes of Pleasure
5 out of 5. Like a lot of these albums don't know what to expect going in but this double album was magnificent and I would consider adding this to my own personal collection. The bossa nova, folk, psychedelia, and mix of other styles is smooth and a joy to listen to.
3 out of 5. The French language is beautiful and goes well with rap, but this is another album that just didn't click for me.
3 out of 5. No hate and it's a solid rock album but for some reason I've never been able to get into Jack White or his music even though it feels like I should.
5 out of 5. A quintessential classic rock album that while didn't quite stick out was solid all around.
4 out of 5. Didn't know this album had so many bangers like Beat It too. The production value throughout was my favorite part of the whole thing.
4 out of 5. This certainly carries an early 2000's sound but not in a bad way, and I do like albums that tell stories.
3 out of 5. It's a unique album with beautiful staccato singing but doesn't grab my attention otherwise. Favorite song: Two Doves
5 out of 5. Full bias here but nearly every track on this album is amazing and no skips on repeat listens.
5 out of 5, fantastic guitar work and songs that are timeless.
3 out of 5. A lot of these songs are catchy and easy to dance to.
4 out of 5. I enjoyed the soft guitar as it lead into more funk near the end though this album is more of a background music thing for me.
5 out of 5. This is only the second album I've listened to by Led Zeppelin (the first being IV) so there isn't much I can base my review on. Overall this album is a solid piece of rock and I might like it best from their discography so far.
4 out of 5. I found this album to be much better than The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan and though I gave both albums a four, Blood on the Tracks has the better, more solid, sound.
3 out of 5. This album has good energy and I love the references to martial arts movies and Voltron throughout. Overall it's still hard for me to get into this one but I can see how others can hold it up to high regard.
3 out of 5. I love speed and thrashing guitars, and this album has both, but after a few songs it all seemed to blend together too much.
4 out of 5. I haven't heard of The Sonics before and was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed this album. It can be a bit basic but given the year it's from that's not shocking or even bad
2 out of 5. Going into this I was not a NIN fan and I'm still not. Hurt is a good track and Closer was played on the radio a ton but those were really the only songs I resonated with. This album, and Industrial as a whole, doesn't float my boat.
3 out of 5. This album has some good hits like Would? and shows some heavy guitar that borders on metal. It does however get sludgy at times like grunge can be.
4 out of 5. This was a good album and the first Neil Young album I listened to in its entirety, Powderfinger being my favorite overall.
3 out of 5. While this album is probably where the Stones started to get good some of these songs still sound meh, and it's a shame Paint It Black wasn't included with this UK release.
5 out of 5, this is a great proto-punk album that should at least be listened to once.
4 out of 5, really dug the instrumental tracks on this one.
3 out of 5. Outside of the title track this is where Bowie's music starts to lose me a little but like a lot of other albums it took me a while to get into it may be something I just haven't found how to appreciate just yet.
2 out of 5. I don't mind slow music but this album isn't floating my boat.
3 out of 5. This is the third Dylan album now and it hit me how narrow this whole list may be. It's my second favorite Dylan album after Blood on the Tracks.
5 out of 5. This was a fun, energetic album and not what I was expecting with songs like Gang Bang. When Robert Smith said this band was a forerunner to punk it's clear why. I'm interested to know what their other albums sound like.
3 out of 5. More country/folksy than I thought it would be (no idea what his sound is) but better than I originally thought it would be.
5 out of 5. The second half turning into a musical fever dream with avant garde sounds surprised me in how much I ended up liking it, plus Running Up That Hill is a banger.
3 out of 5. I'd say this matches Freewheelin' as far as placement goes, maybe just above. Some songs, like Mobile, ran on longer than they probably should have. I said it on my last Dylan album review and I'll say it again that this whole list needs to be revised and lower the amount of duplicate artists appearing.
3 out of 5. This is an album I can see myself cooking to, a little fun and good vocals from both Louis Prima and Keely Smith.
4 out of 5. I like the energetic melodies this album has, with Headache being a standout for me.
2 out of 5. This was kind of a hard album to listen to and I kept getting distracted throughout. I like the jazz but at times the music felt disjointed. That being said These Walls was the standout track for me.
4 out of 5. There's a lot of nostalgia going back to middle school that's making my scoring what it is. Overall solid album but tame compared to other metal albums I've listened to since, and I know this was a big change for Metallica but I'm not familiar with their previous albums to really compare.
2 out of 5. While I admit Adele has a great voice her music doesn't quite do it for me.
4 out of 5. This album makes the blues sound like a party and I would have loved to see these performances at least once, and King's guitar solos were gold.
1 out of 5. Noise rock just isn't written for me, and that's ok. There were some bits did I enjoy throughout and see what others mean when they mention a groove.
2 out of 5. There were a couple of fun songs on this album like Work It and she has a good message in her intro/outro. Also the Beastie Boys reference was cool. Rest of the album didn't grab me as much.
3 out of 5. For me it's an ok jazz album but I wouldn't mind listening to it again.
4 out of 5. This album is easier for me to listen to than Heroes, especially in the second half where it feels more like a 70's or 80's fantasy movie.
2 out of 5. I could see (hear) what Brian Eno was trying to do with this album but it still droned on a bit too much, but there is a little fun to be had here.
3 out of 5. Just as fun as Thriller but with maybe a slightly weaker first half.
2 out of 5. Fire and Rain was the standout song for me on this album, but it was otherwise a little uninteresting as a whole.
3 out of 5. Definitely see how ABBA set a standard for pop music and lots of hits on this one.
3 out of 5. One of the classics, and rightly so here.
1 out of 5. I can appreciate what Barry was trying to do but it didn't land with me.
2 out of 5. Nothing really stood out for me on this one.
3 out of 5. In a weird week with this list this album was the good kind of weird. Slight lull in the middle but overall not bad. Exactly what I expected from an album cover like this.
3 out of 5. Real interesting listen and good singing.
4 out of 5. Very enjoyable! Plus the jacket Al Green wears on the album art looks cool too.
4 out of 5. Another album from a band I've heard of before but hadn't listened to yet, and this was a pleasant surprise with their melodic blitzes.
2 out of 5. A bit bland but there were some nice melodies here and there. Just not for me.
3 out of 5. Middle of the road for me.
3 out of 5. It's alright, I liked the African influence this album has, but nothing else for me to write home about.
5 out of 5. This one has been in my collection for years now and it's solid.
2 out of 5. Nothing much really struck me and pretty much what I expected from this album and artist. And yes, hearing the guy who sings Toy Story say the n-word was weird.
5 out of 5. The Bowie influence really stands out this album.
2 out of 5. I like how chill this album is, and we all need one every now and then.
5 out of 5. There is nothing I can add that everyone else hasn't already.
4 out of 5. Singles aside I like how dreamy this album sounds.
2 out of 5. Mood music that was more background music for me.
5 out of 5. Really happy to see the Buzzcocks on here. Not as strong as, say, Singles Going Steady but I Don't Mind and Fast Cars are classics.
3 out of 5. Things get better from here but it's still an ok album.
3 out of 5. Pop doesn't normally do it for me but there are a few bangers on this one.
4 out of 5. This album was a smooth experience.
3 out of 5. It's a good middle of the road album.
3 out of 5. Nice melodies.
2 out of 5. She has a lovely voice, but this just wasn't doing it for me.
4 out of 5. This album was a pleasant surprise, good energy in the first half but dragged a little in the second.
3 out of 5. This album is a party.
4 out of 5. Editions of You and In Every Dream Home A Heartache stands out on an otherwise ok album.
3 out of 5. I love the sounds of the stringed instruments and the finger work playing them but this album started to sound too similar after a while.
3 out of 5. This would be a fun album to cook to.
4 out of 5. I enjoyed this one with it's frantic energy more than I thought I would.
4 out of 5. Almost a five. Despite knowing this band, some of their singles, and Chris Cornell, Superunknown was the first full album of theirs I've listened to. Loved the energy here.
3 out of 5. Second Micheal Jackson album so far. A step down from Thriller but still has some good songs like Rock With You.
5 out of 5. Banger album from a banger band.
3 out of 5. I saw this album everywhere back in the day. It didn't do much for me but I can see how people say it's influential.
5 out of 5. Another album where I can't say anything that hasn't been said already.
5 out of 5. Any major dude will tell you this album is great.
4 out of 5. Fun album from a band whose albums I need to check out more.
3 out of 5. This album was a smooth piece of cake.
3 out of 5. Not bad as some reviewers here have said.
3 out of 5. This is probably the most fun rap album I've heard so far.
4 out of 5. I didn't know this album would go as hard as it did and shame on me for that.
2 out of 5. Based on the cover art I wanted to like this one more than I did, but over time I did warm up to it a little. Also Primus influence.
2 out of 5. Interesting cover of Heaven but nothing really here for me.
5 out of 5. A top Bowie album for me, easily.
4 out of 5. I liked this album years ago in high school, so there's some nostalgia here.
3 out of 5. It's lovely.
2 out of 5. I found this album a little bland, but not the worst so far.
2 out of 5. Raves in the 90's must have been wild.
3 out of 5. Middle of the road for me.
4 out of 5. First album I've listened to from this band, not a bad start.
5 out of 5. Higher ranked than Aladdin Sane and probably should take it's place for another artist on this list.
4 out of 5. This beats For Your Pleasure by a long mile, with only a slight dip somewhere in the middle.
3 out of 5. It might take another few listens but it was so-so.
2 out of 5. This hits a little more than To Pimp a Butterfly.
3 out of 5. Nice to see Bob Marley on this list after not listening to him for ages.
2 out of 5. Not minding the singing unlike some others here, but this isn't my speed either. Fistful of Love was the standout of I had to pick a song.
3 out of 5. Good album for a rainy day.
4 out of 5. I might have been sleeping on this band for all these years.
3 out of 5. Didn't think a so far back Beatles album made the list, but it's not the worst one to me.
5 out of 5. Third Steely Dan album so far, but another album where nothing more can be said that hasn't already.
2 out of 5. I liked how dreamy this albums gets at times but on the whole a bit slow for me.
1 out of 5. It's Christmas songs.
2 out of 5. Murder and Nick Cave's slow music wasn't a good fit for me here.
4 out of 5. Never being a big Velvet Underground fan I went into this with low expectations and left liking it more than I thought I would.
4 out of 5. Possibly my favorite album of theirs, Reckoner being a standout for me.
4 out of 5. My favorite live metal album.
3 out of 5. First album I've listened to by them. Having heard them before though and learning this is their debut I know things get better on later albums. This one was a slow but does atmosphere well.
3 out of 5. Not a bad album but The Smiths have better entries than this one (That being said, Stop Me If You Think You've Heard This One Before is a banger)
3 out of 5. Other than the hits there are some good songs on this album.
2 out of 5. Having listened to this for the first time I can see why Biggie's music is so highly regarded. It was mostly the skits that killed it for me.
2 out of 5. Leonard has a good voice voice, but this album isn't for me.
3 out of 5. Pleasantly middle of the road for me.
4 out of 5. Good ol' fashioned dad rock.
5 out of 5. A good R.E.M. album behind Life's Rich Pageant.
3 out of 5. Very gospel, which is kinda what this band is good at I think.
5 out of 5. This album is fire.
2 out of 5. Some nice moments throughout.
3 out of 5. Hair metal being hair metal.
4 out of 5. While not one of my favorite genres this one is possibly my favorite album in it.
1 out of 5 I related to his lyrics about minimum wage but this was a hard listen for me.
5 out of 5 Much needed after the last album I reviewed, love seeing The Damned pop up. Melody Lee and Smash It Up are some of the standout songs here.
4 out of 5. A live album on the weaker side but a good collection of songs.
3 out of 5. Not bad for a first time listen.
4 out of 5. Lots of nostalgia with this album too but it does sound a little dated.
3 out of 5. I had no idea so many well known songs came from this album.
3 out of 5. More political than I thought but not surprised after thinking about it some more. Some good songs here.
5 out of 5. Though it may have that basic early punk sound this album stands with others released during the late seventies.
4 out of 5. I've only recently began to appreciate their music and this was a good start for me.
4 out of 5. Always a band I heard on the radio but never bothered to actually spend time with their albums. This was some good stuff.
3 out of 5 First time listening to anything Amy Winehouse and it wasn't too bad.