Fire Of Love
The Gun ClubPunk junk…. Just this one not all punk
Punk junk…. Just this one not all punk
Christmas! But certainly not one of the best Christmas albums…
So good, jimmy page shining
Ummmm why
Some fun melodies but overall not very relistenable
One of my all time favs!! 5 Star performances from the whole crew
such a wonderful & joyful album. What's going on & mercy mercy me are the standouts for me. It doesn't have high relisten-ability in my life, but every time it's on I can appreciate how important it was for its time
Such a timeless album. I listened to it straight through sober and high. Each experience had it’s moments. The instrumentals have a flow that is clearly inspired from 70’s prog rock but nothing on this album leaves you bored. This is one of the few 90’s albums that I genuinely think will stand the test of time. 5 stars for relistenabilitity, album concept/flow, impact on music at the time
it's fineeeeeee, nothing special. Standouts were 6"1", dance of the seven veils, shatter, and canary cause of the keysss
I wanted this album to be a 5 sooooo bad especially after the first three songs which are just brilliant. Unfortunately I don't feel like the album is able to progress with the same quality. Other standouts are Jamie's crying which gives me you're so vain vibes ... don't hate me for that but also Feel Your Love Tonight. Such a fun listen overall!
OK album with some standouts. The instrumentals are very different especially paired alongside the vocals. This is especially apparent on Starting at the Sun & Dreams. Other favorites are Ambulance and Don't Love You
it's soul, it's funk, it's rock, it's got some psychadellica in there ... it's fun! I haven't quite heard a fusion like this before so it was refreshing. I Want to Take You Higher, Everyday People, and Sex Machine are standouts. Sex Machine ... what a song 13.5 minutes of experience. You can see where he they got some of their inspirations from on this particular track.
It’s fun, upbeat, gives you good vibes, makes you want to dance! Lots of synth/disco vibes with a modern touch. I love this album, it’s not a 5 more like a 4.5 but it’s a classic to me. New York i love you is such a contrast showing this deeply emotional side to them which I also really enjoy each time. 4.5!
This was just not Alex Turner’s best … theyre clearly being experimental but it just lacks execution. I struggled through this album and really did not enjoy it. Standing next to me was the only redeemable track imo
Michael buble? Sad, alty rock, indie, & some keys in there. It’s got love ballads, it’s sad, a lot of it is very OK but some of it deeply emotional and brilliant. I wouldn’t say I thoroughly enjoyed it but what parts i did enjoy I enjoyed thoroughly. This year’s love is officially my new fav sad song
The more I listen to this album the more it is a 5/5. There’s some lyrics on here that are so emotionally aware and honest along with vibey music way ahead of it’s time. For example on I Know There’s an Answer “I know so many people who think they can do it alone They isolate their heads and stay in their safety zone Now what can you tell them? And what can you say that won't make them defensive” So so good! I have to give this a 5, I love this album
Alive and Even Flow are fun songs and are well produced ... but the others to me are so over the top or over produced or dramatized in their melodies which I don't like. It's not terrible but not one that I found enjoyable to listen to.
He’s one of the best and both of these songs are brilliant in their own right. Miles Davis always finds a way to make jazz refreshing when you find more of his music
Such a lovely and enjoyable album. I don’t know if it was the French language or the music or a combo but it felt warm and calming especially with that defining bass
Folk rock? Country Rock? lots of harmonica .... I understand why there's an audience for this type of music and I don't want to hate on it but I didn't enjoy it. I enjoyed the sad songs, particularly the ones near the end like In my Time of Need. I respect this as a record, but I don't think it's tremendous by any means. It's like Johnny Cash and Bob Dylan Beta ... is that too harsh?
What an album! Released in 1973.. this couldn’t embody more of that time period, do you think they listened to zeppelin?? The riffs, the flow, the messaging .. I love it all. It’s not quite perfect with some songs dropping off but nonetheless it’s fantastic.
it's fine, it's fun but it's not his best work in my opinion. Lively up Yourself and No Woman No Cry will forever be iconic though! He breathes love and joy through his music
It’s okkkkkkk … there are times when their music just hits the exact chord and melody it’s beautiful and fun but when it’s not there I find it very boring and kind of hacky. That being said this album has some absolute bangers including welcome to the jungle, night train, paradise city, and sweet child o’mine
I did not enjoy this ... what is this post punk randomness? I need the person who enjoyed this album to explain why!
If genesis, rush, and radiohead all had a baby this is probably what would come out! It's fun, it's different, it's building off of the powerhouses of prog rock before it's time. I enjoyed it
if someone asked me to give them a recommendation afte listening to Depeche Mode and LCD this is probably what I would send them. Lots of synths and melodies, it's fun but can sound a bit the same the more you listen to it
It’s so cool listening to this early album knowing what’s to come, you can see what they were trying to do even at the beginning. It’s not their best, but deep cuts from revolution to all around the world make this album so fun. The transitions as well!
My favorite Beatles album!! There's not enough good things I can say about this record. The deep cuts, the flow, the depth of the lyrics, the drug influence ... it's all there ripe in the 67'. It's just brilliant.
What a beautiful voice she has, albeit not my favorite work of hers but nonetheless incredible range and melodies. In general, live albums to me are higher ranked because of how difficult it is to perform live vs in a studio.
It’s the Dylan we all love and know early on in his career. There’s some really fun grooves with I want you and Just Like A Woman but overall it’s fineeeee. I don’t love it and probably don’t love Dylan in general even though he might be considered one of the greats. I just find a lot of it to be OK in the best way possible. It’s above average ! More like a 3.5
It’s great, it’s ahead of its time, and there’s music like the Beatles that probably would never happen were it not for Buddy Holly! Especially those early years… as someone who’s not listened to Buddy all that much, I really enjoyed hearing this early rock n roll blues inspired music
Iconic!! I knew some of the hits but to listen to this front to end was so fun… hip hop was so different back then and to hear the quality of the lyrics and melodies versus now is remarkable. What an album!
It’s mid, I don’t see the hype!
gentle, drawn out, sad lyrics .... love his take indie/folk rock. I don't love it but I don't hate it. That's all I got for this one.
a must listen to..... I think not. Take nothing away from her beautiful voice but it's not a must listen
I don't like country and more the most part think it's lack luster music from instrumental perspective but she does do it better than the others ... her voice is very OK ? is that a hot take? The sad songs appealed to me and the ones that stretched her voice and leaned into country specific motifs really didn't
sooo this album is good but surely this shouldn't be put on this list over say A Night at the Opera?? or The Game??
one of my favorite finds so far! Not just bad moon rising, but I like Green River, Lodi, etc. Deep cuts, good lyrics, and spot on for this era
never heard this album and listened to it on a 100 mi bike ride 3 times lol. It's indicative of rock in the early 2000's and for a first album this is quite something. Experimental, edgy, refreshing almost but at the same time not put together. It lacks flow at times and some of the tracks are lack luster at best. It's worth the listen but not 'great' if that makes sense.
I’m not a hip hop officianado but this clearly has shaped hip hop to some degree given the time it came out. It’s bold, it’s loud, it’s edgy, it’s lyrical, and it’s fun. I enjoyed it albeit not having the base knowledge of hip hop & rap to fully appreciate it
love me some new jazz music! Never heard of Count Basie & as a piano lover some of those melodies were beautiful. It's a lovely album
Uhhh not a fan & definitely not a must listen to before you die.
Struggled hard through this one, is this gospel music? Kidding but for me that’s not top all time.
it's grunge, it's before the likes of nirvana & soundgarden and from what I have read about them, they laid the foundation for the Seattle punk rock scene which says a lot! This album is a bit too long and lacks in areas but the deep cuts are wild and loud which I enjoyed. It's not great imo but it's an important listen
Message in a Bottle & Bring on the Night are fantastic songs but every other song seems to be trying get repeat the success of these songs... maybe a little harsh
I love ELP & this album!! I don’t know if it’s my favorite album but the song Tarkus is an all time classic. They might not have the mastery in lyrics and concept but they make up for it musically. This is more of a 4.5 for me, wish I could do half stars ugh
I know they’re hugely influential on the metal scene blah blah blah but I didn’t enjoy this album. It felt so over produced but maybe that’s their point…
A new favorite added to the jazz collection, what a find! The balance of keys, bass, and drums is superb. You don’t need to love jazz to enjoy this album, and it’s live!!
I was reading other reviews and came across this review which I felt couldn't describe my feelings better so going to copy here! "You could be forgiven for forgetting that you're not listening to The Beatles or The Rolling Stones or any of a half-dozen britrock bands. There are some bands that are just pillars of a time and place. The Kinks seem to just bounce around in the in-between spaces that aren't occupied by the greats. They don't offer anything really new or unique to the britrock scene. They're just sort of filler. Not that the album is bad. It's not bad by any measure. There's a lot of good stuff on here. There just aren't any tracks that stand out. In every case, someone else did it better."
It's clear where they got their influences & from and that's not necessarily a bad thing but Elvis' voice??? ehhhhh it gets a bit annoying on tracks like Shabby Doll. I did love some of the keys melodies but overall very mid for me.
Cyndi Lauper had all the chops to much so grander and this album is a work of art! The synths and pop mixes combined with her feminist takes behind those vocals are just incredible!
Highway 61 is an album that you can easily dissect and find all the things you don’t like about it… from his definitively tiresome voice and out of tune instruments at times BUTTTT if you stop there then you’ll miss on such a beautiful piece of work. Dylan is finding himself, showing himself, and bringing to the forefront the highway 61 that represents unity in America by showing these deep emotions through incredible lyricism and poetry. Also important to know that this is the first time he really leaned into a bit more rock which combined with his background in blues is just sublime. Yes - Like a Rolling Stone might bore you over time…. But there’s so much there he wants you to enjoy, that’s why the single is the first track :) Would give it a 4.5 if I could
It’s very OK, first two tracks draw you in and then the deep cuts from the remaining tracks are lack luster
This album might lack synchronicity at times but the concept and and attempt for instrumental variation is there with some really deep cuts! Her voice shines! I would have thought this was a 80’s album with how conceptual it is. More of 3.5 for me
It’s not for me, I was very bored. I guess there’s an audience for this?
hip hop isn't exactly my forte but certainly this isn't a must hip hip album ....
yes!!! how fun this album is. A new favorite added to my piano performances. Jerry Lee Lewis was breaking ground during a time where this music wasn't accepted as it is today. What great music playing!
Just because it’s stuck in my head doesn’t mean I thought it was good…. I can’t get over the nasally voice and why does this just teeter on rock n roll & Brit pop. I get that some of the songs are iconic but for me this is very average
1970 punk ?! big koodos for them putting this out in an era where more traditional rock n roll was making the $$. It's fun, it's grimy, it has a saxaphone and a trumphet, and the middle three songs are great especially Dirt. As an album though... it's fine nothing special.
This album is fantastic what a find!! this is the type of experience I imagined when I signed up for this 1001 albums conquest. It's so different, it's fresh, the instrumentals match the melodies well, it's off the wall and doesn't make any sense a lot of times, and it will take you for a ride! This is by no means a traditional album and knowing now that Sufjan does soundtracks it makes all the more sense. I quite like this album, almost a 4.5
Ok this was terrible my first pass through admittedly but it grew on me. I don't think I'll ever have true hip hop fandom especially grime/drill, but I can appreciate it's recognition and importance in the development of this genre.
I never knew who Norah Jones was admittedly but this was quite lovely to have on. Her voice is very soothing and the instrumentals are good. It’s obviously not rock or upbeat in anyway so reviews comparing it to that are way off base. Songs like the long day is over are very emotional! It’s good
Culturally and single wise this album will always get the praise and to some extent rightly so, but if only freddy took a back seat on some of the songs from the drummer!! Still, it's an incredible album and will forever be remembered for having you're my best friend, bohemian, and death on two legs all on one album.
I get why this album is important and you can clearly hear other bands who were influenced by them so kudos to them. I now wanna put on eye liner and punk out but it’s also not great to me. Helter skelter really is a jam though wow
Lyrically dense, loosely cinematic, and a showcase for almost every single member of the Clan, Cuban Linx is possibly the definitive Wu-Tang album. I was on edge waiting for that absolute banger that never arrived, but nonetheless this is clearly an influential album in the hip hop genre. It's not great by any means to me but being OK isn't a bad thing.
this felt like radiohead/muse outtakes ... ok maybe a bit harsh but it's very just OK. I did enjoy the synth and rock instruments combo but as an album it doesn't go together smoothly
I mean..... the greatest album ever????? All you touch and all you see is all your life will ever be !!! My love for PF cannot be written in words.
His name kind of says it all for me and maybe a hot take but he's certainly not an album artist... not to say there aren't great songs in his catalog and on this album but for me he's a notch below the greats and although this album has some funk, soul, psychedelic pop, electro, and rock, his voice doesn't shine nearly as much and the instrumentals don't always align just right. He's an incredible artist but this isn't a incredible album
this 2 stars means it was by no means bad and definitely not the worst thing I have ever listened to but also highly likely I won't revisit except for a few singles... I did appreciate the range as they really are all over the place but for me this was also what I didn't like about the album as it feels so unorganized
why is this album a mix of jimmy buffet and tony bennet with a grateful dead song at the end... me no likey
Haven’t listened to much of Neil young but what an album! Those instrumentals are fabulous. 1972 right on the nose
You need to be sitting in on the back deck with a drink looking out over nature and then I think you can listen to this fully… ok kidding but really it’s an OK album, clearly original compositions and not his best work
self titled track is a masterpiece and the rest of the album is a slow decrease in quality. McCartney is no doubt one of the most brilliant musicians of all time, but his best work is also representative alongside is compatriot Mr. Lennon.
it's really really good... its not singles and catchy tunes but it's melodies that bring you on a journey, drop you off at different spots, then pick you up without you even realizing. i'm surprised this never became a soundtrack !! Seriously I want to make a short film just to their album titled track
The inclusion of the keys and Bowie clearly finding his voice right before ziggy stardust makes this album so enjoyable. Changes and life on mars are the clear standouts but personally eight line poem was on repeat, what a beautifully produced song
Look Sinatra is amazing but this isn’t his best work by any means…
It’s a wonderful piece of work but you can hear he’s still finding his voice. It’s his development for songs in the key in life. Superstition is amazing though! He’s in his element with funky soul vibes
so fun! The kind of music that puts you in a good mindset for a day. The guitar work in some of the songs absolutely rip. Summer Breeze is iconic
I have never listened to salsa music and didn’t think I could sit through 40 minutes of it nonetheless but pass me some chips please cause I wanna dance
this is quintessential "never would have listened to this before this challenge" kind of album and to be frank I probably never will again but im glad I know it exists
What a beautifully composed album, the melodies, interplay of jazz and rock, and the long guitar riffs I mean come on!! This is your rock bands favorite alnum. They absolutely killed it and it’s their first album! Not quite a 5 for me but a 4.5
The guitar & keys are unbelievable! I know of soulful bluesy music but this was special for sure. Definitely worth the relisten
live albums>>> Disc 1 is lots of fun then it declines. Lots to love if you want long riffs, wild instrumentals, and overall craziness
Disc 1 is a masterpiece from the peak of one of the most talented bands ever… if only the 2nd half maintained that level of quality and eclectic nature. Still, Kashmir alone makes this is a 4. More like a 4.5 in total for me
You can listen to this whole album and be like where do I know this voice from?? It doesn’t quite fit here but OH YES ITS THE SAME WOMAN FROM ILL BE YOUR MIRROR…. But it’s perfect on that track. Otherwise could honestly be forgotten… there’s some ok tracks on this but some of the strings are bizarre
there's a lot to love about this album and lot to be left undesired. Glam rock infused but not quite bowie or iggy pop. Starting song and Ballroom of Mars are my standout songs
It’s not terrible, it’s not good, would maybe have it on as background music, but probably wouldn’t listen to it much again. First track was fun
Mixed feelings on this. On one hand - it's excellent rap. Funky, fresh, great beats and production, Snoop Dogg is smooth, it's an unblemished representation of Dre's reality. On the other - it's violent, misogynistic, and I don't especially like hearing the n-word every other word. This was a difficult listen for me and I would not ever revisit this. Look Dre is iconic I get it but it's MEH here... also emimem listened to this huh
This album is a good time but unlikely to make it into rotation, kinda got tired of it after awhile. I know they have a huge fan base and they are anti establishment in the way that punk rock kind of is so kudos to them but for me I would have liked more.
glam rock gone wrong??? you think it's gonna be good then it's just not
looooook no denying eminem's lyrical genius, it's absurd how long yet poetically brilliant he can be. BUT gotta say there's horrendous phrases and views..... lol interesting critique of celebrity, influence, the record industry, being a role model and parasocial fan relationships... ALSO is this really above Recovery???? Or dare I say the Eminem show... Dr. Dre producing is abundantly clear (watch the defiant ones on HBO if you want some BTS on Dr. Dre he's a musical savant). Conceptually as well this album is good but a lot of these songs just give me such bore, like yes the lyrics are dope but meh vibes
lots of synth and some good vocal parts... probably wouldn't ever listen to this again except for Cherry Colored Funk
FYI this is his debut album…. Def not his greatest album but all of the signs that would set up his greatest work. Ignore him as a lunatic and just appreciate the art here. Conceptually it’s amazing, lyricism is very good, and overall it’s a fun ride. There’s low and boring points in there that don’t add up to quite a great album but some of those songs like all falls down or get em high are brilliant
Build up in the age of pamperius was notable & everything else not
album is fulll of fresh-sounding ideas and unusual choices, jazzy + blues + rock. A little long perhaps, but the quality of the album makes it feel shorter. Big ELP vibe if they were more bluesy/musical
It's a Syd Barrett album and one can only imagine what PF would have been if he didn't sadly derail (but then we wouldn't have gotten Gilmour). It's psychedelic infused on another level and its disjointed throughout relative to their other work but some of the experimentation is way ahead of it's time and would inform their later works. You don't get Animals without Piper at the Gates of Dawn!! Favorite lyric by Syd: Change brings success, action brings good fortune
Sabotage rips and overall kinda meh, did enjoy some of the funky/jazz moments but didn't really stick with me. More like a 2.5
I have never listened to this album and don’t listen to swift regularly at all but I knew about half of the songs on this album… I think that says enough?? All the hits on here with some good songs covered up by those hits. Wouldn’t listen much again personally but can’t deny the musical & lyrical talent
Oh it’s John and Paul from the The Beatles…. Wait what?? Ok it’s insane how similar they sound to the Beatles but to be fair that’s not a disservice but a compliment the problem is the Beatles did it better hence they sound like the Beatles and not vice versa. It was pleasant but also average. You can see how this influenced Pete Townsend from The Who who was a pioneer of concept albums.
Only album with Dennis Stratton on guitar and this album art is abysmal butttt Transylvania and Strange World were incredibly fun to listen to. Hot take but Sanctuary and Phantom of the Opera aren't that good. Wouldn't revisit much but for being self titled and their first studio album it's cool to see what they were trying to do
Incredible voice but lot left to be undesired… second half of the album when she seems to lean into her musical creativity, was better
Jazzilicous, you can tell they’re having fun. I likey
pure fun and joy, was dancing and singing a long the whole times. His live performance aura shines through
Rap opera concert gone wrong??? Was very strange listen, did not enjoy
Not advisable to be listened to sober…. Obviously heavily prog rock enthused, reminds me of some PF early years songs particularly from saucerful of secrets but what they lack is coherency and a live album as fun as it is high, showcases the writing and instrumental flow flaws more than highlighting them. 3 because prog rock rules and it’s still fun high but not one of my more memorable live albums
Jack White is very talented and I want more of we're going to be friends + this protector and LESS of fell in love with a girl... big strokes or artic monkey vibes. Album has experimental moments which shouldn't be discounted but at the same they are extremely disjointed and ruin the flow so drastically i found it off putting sometimes. It's not bad by any means, the bluesy notes opening Offend in Every Way are such a treat but then you get I think I Smell a Rat which sounds like a wanna be fell in love with a girl or I can't wait which sounds like Red Hot Chilly beta... HARSH yes but this genre deserves more criticism. So much talent without the execution and trying too hard
Master of his craft!!! Saxophone >>>
timeless yet somehow extremely memorable?? Windmills of Your Mind & son of a preacher man are fabulous. Her voice is striking and it's a shame she didn't write more of her own material... will revisit singles but not as an album
It’s by no means their best but if you put into context what follows, revolver then sgt pepper and what predated this I.e Help, it’s a huge moment artistically for the Beatles. Gone are the pop singles about girls and in are the folky, soul, jazz, and psychedelic infused deep songs filled with some of the best lyricism and vocals to go along with it. The Beatles if for nothing else, should be known for their ability to evolve and not stick to what worked. Songs like Norwegian wood, in my life, Michelle, etc stay on the brain all day and don’t tire. They’re masters of their craft and any day it’s a Beatles album is a good day!! It’s a 4 but only cause what follows after is just so so much better in every way but they don’t get let it be without this album just as much as Pink Floyd doesn’t get dark side without meddle and atom heart mother
yucky yuck & a lot of the same. They're no a7x that's fo sho
Punk junk…. Just this one not all punk
folky, smooth, sitting by the fire with some hot chocolate in hand. Nothing really bothers me about this album and it's an interesting debut album but also nothing really gets me excited. I'd listen again for a relaxed vibe, particularly for the Blue Ridge Mountains song
Honestly, my least favorite song on the album is probably Mr. Brightside, and that's only because it's one of the most popular songs in the world at this point... i didn't know mr brightside also included some of these other songs I was pleasantly surprised. I really enjoyed the song 'everything will be alright' as it actually shows some of their depth versus the singles like smile like you mean it. The singles are just ..... yuck like great for a wedding or ball game or maybe road trip but not listenable outside of that and they really lean it to those a lot. 3.5 for me
an erik satie gymnopedie remix ??? yes pls!! I'm kind of shocked I neve heard about this album or band, it was all pleasantly fun and enjoyable. Not necessarily a great album but had a bit of rock, jazz, and experimental concepts. 'You've made me so happy' is wonderful. People won't like this for how off shoot it can be and I get it but musically this is quite brilliant and i'm shocked they didn't go on to have further success.
"Guitars are out of tune, drums are off beat, it just sounds like a bunch of dudes who have no idea how to put together a cohesive song. I probably miss something in this album, but it felt like listening to a draft composition from a bunch of teenagers, in constant pain... "taking the words of another reviewer cause this is how I feel. There is one good song on this album and It's called "Game of Pricks" and it's almost as if this one was fleshed out fully... oh wait
did I need to listen to this before I die? maybe I wouldn't think about how I look when I wake up as much... but this contemporary R&B with electronic and soul music vibe she has going is a choice ?? she can clearly sing and there are some bangers for fans on there but not a huge fan... i've heard the visual album is good so maybe that's a better entry point for me
noise vomit.... hehe i kid just not for me, howdy!
A little too self titled imo… I don’t know I guess if this is nostalgic it can hit the sweet spot but felt all over the place to me. Grungy pop isn’t for me maybe
This is how I felt as well, once was enough for me : “ I appreciated the cool reggae drums and bass, but the songs were very one-note for me and it took a lot to get through them all. Just not the right flavor for me, I guess. ”
Americana through and through with a tangy kinda of gets annoying voice… 2 kool 2 be 4-gotten is funny and so is concrete and barbed wire. Lots to be forgotten tho…
Psychedelic turned folk with medieval rituals… I wanted to like this more from how it started but it kind of just slowly got less enjoyable. Do u think they did drugs??
If you like prog rock at all this is fundamental for understanding where bands like rush and genesis got their influence from. It’s such a beautifuly composed debut album full of jazz and experimental drawn out compositions. Even moon child which is a huge change of pace holds its own. Also, Kanye even reused the iconic 21st century intro… says enough. 4.5
I’m sad I have to review cause it means my next album won’t be as good….album art is iconic and might be the most famous. The fact that this album is off the back of revolver, sgt pepper, magic mystery, white album, and yellow submarine is insane. They mastered their art in a way only few artists ever have and this album is a culmination of a lot of that great work. Octopus garden is a brilliant song written by ringo. The whole album is like a love letter to fans saying thank you for everything but this is where we are now and we’re tired but please everyone spread love and peace and help each other. Their music is just timeless, so many wonderfully composed songs. Oh darling by Paul is a beautiful song, them keys!! I’m just thankful this music exists. Okay I’ll get off my soap box
It wasn’t worth the effort to find somewhere other a streaming platform….
Idk if it’s because I saw David Gilmour on the same say but nothing was very memorable good or bad… should probably come back for a better review
Ear vomit
Clapton!!! He’s a musical genius but yes quite the asshole… anyhow this album had lots of potential after the A side but doesn’t quite carry that momentum. Nonetheless a very important album for the evolution of psych rock/pop, clearly had influence on the likes of Beatles, PF, etc and vice versa
She’s great and thank you for a window into the mind of a woman. A lot of is simple and that’s ok because her voice shines and the lyricism is beautiful
I kinda just came in and out of it with no real feeling other than that electric jug… I don’t know honestly, it was certainly trippy but in terms of psych rock mehhh
Remarkably uninteresting
Brian Eno!! Understanding that this record was made by drawing influence from Nigerian musician Fela Kuti, as they experimented with African polyrhythms, funk, and electronic reframes how fun and brilliant it is. It’s a specific vibe but loads of fun
A classic! RIP to Kurt and big shout out to Dave grohl. This album is nostalgic yes but also evokes a visceral emotional state that is quite powerful. Somehow Kurt made me like grunge, probably cause of his incredible lyricism. It’s a 4.5 and iconic
DJ premier!! Undeniably talented lyricist and had a big cultural impact on east coast rap scene. One of the best debut albums…
The singer is both the worst and best part of this… remarkably uninteresting otherwise
A few interesting sounds here and there but by and large pretty boring and repetitive.…. No flute in the song called black flute ?? kinda lcd knockoff lol
I wish they just picked a style… it felt way too chaotic or overloading at times. Probably wouldn’t listen front to back again… just a lot left to be desired. Lazarus was fun
I enjoyed this album, I’m glad it wasn’t overly Dylan influenced. They have lots of variations in the sound and none of them drag on too long. I wouldn’t say any of it really drew me in but was lovely background music or boppin around on a walk.
It’s aptly named and is quite the rock/punk journey. Somehow Billy corgan made an album that’s simultaneously very good, but also I didn't connect with a lot of it. Right after tonight tonight you’re throwing into a mosh pit with jelly belly and it sounds like something from the pixies or Elliot smith lol. But you really can't argue with an album that has Tonight, Tonight, Zero, Bullet With Butterfly Wings, 1979, and Thirty-Three. I like it, don’t love it and it’s nowhere near a 5 but here I am writing a lot about it so I must have thoughts. It’s more like a 3.5-4 for me. Billy’s voice just starts irritating me after awhile…. As a piece of a art it’s impressive nonetheless
A masterclass in instrumental soul, r&b, and jazz, it’s such a vibey album. I’ve never listened to any of this before and it ages just fine. The guitar riff on rinky dink!! Just lovely all around, I quite enjoyed this playing all day. Probably a 3.5 but 4 cause I’m being kind
soft and wistful and not really drawing me in or pushing me away... happiness was fun
Blister in the sun is iconic and the rest of the album was largely post 70’s grungy rock but nowhere near what would come with the likes of nirvana. The two good songs kinda carry
Lots of blues influence and kinda carried by two songs… monkey man is fun though. I don’t think the stones are a great album band honestly
I didn’t hate it but probably wouldn’t listen to again. It’s groovy with soul and rock undertones. City, country, city was fun. Album art very good
Lyricism amazing, whiny voice (sorry not sorry)… glad he experimented with some more electric guitar here but still was hard for me to get into.
Radiohead inspired??? Maybe that’s a bit generous or maybe Tom Yorke is his hero. Nonetheless, it’s artsy with ballads as well as drawn out songs about seemingly minuscule things such as your phone vibrating but shows how deep your phone not vibrating is on us?? Ironically this was written in 2003… I’ll probably visit Want Two to see how he evolved. Interesting listen
Didn’t need to listen to this one :)
I don’t even care that these are all covers… he makes them his own and better at times. Beautiful voice that soothes you one second and wants you to dance another
Rubber Soul competitor is a bit generous, Paint it Black is a great song, and like most stones albums there’s much left to be desired… they’re performers, mick jagger undoubtedly but album writing and cohesiveness isn’t up to par relative to the greats. Look at what the Pete Townsend was doing for example. It’s not to say the Stones don’t deserve their place on the pedestal, they do but not for their albums.
sex is violent !!! I did not enjoy this at first... then I settled in and it really grew on me. It's groovy, its screams, and it's got well written lyrics. Summertime Rolls is a good good song.
Mr blueeeeee, I remember hearing this song in high school and immediately being hooked. I’ve never listened to the whole album. Yes it’s over the top and yes it’s a specific mood but that mood is awesome and it’s got a lot of groove and happy vibes. They were so ahead of their time especially in the context of the other music largely being made during this era.
It was nothing to write home about and certainly not must listen to before I die… I enjoyed the blues infused rock, there were some ok tracks, but overall more on the generic side
Maybe his best work? Epitome of pop, you just wanna dance
She’s good huh sad that she didn’t live longer. What a voice, I really enjoyed trust me
Dreamy, folky, beautiful harmonies. Very beach boys esquié, not in a bad way. It’s music I feel comfort in even though I wouldn’t revisit very often. Wish the mono was released and California dreaming is gold
brilliant, not much else to say. It's a double LP 5/5, stevie put this out for fun. Can’t believe this is his 18th album! It’s undeniably great and arguably the best album on this list. I could wax lyrically about this album, but really all I can say is go listen and enjoy his masterpiece
largely very OK, Neil Young's other work is better, and probably won't ever listen to again
money for nothing through your latest trick is fun and deserves praise but overall not an album I'd revisit too often. I was impressed and surprised how they somehow were able to fit in proj rock, pop, folk, and almost bluesy tones into one album
it's hard to understand how impactful and new this sound really was because so much music was inspired after he tore the rule book up. He was a master at his craft and I only wish I heard this at its debut to fully enjoy it. 4.5 for me
I understand what they were trying to go for but really didn’t do it for me, nothing too memorable
Christmas! But certainly not one of the best Christmas albums…
just your average 80's band making average music
Lots said & rightly so but well said?
If nevermind didn’t come out prior, this album would get more love. It’s good and shows cobain’s ability to evolve. I only wish we got more music from them. I don’t know if I’ll come back to this much, maybe I’ll give it a chance again later
Lost in you struck a chord with me, otherwise this was largely boring and middle of the pack for 90s indie rock
im not here to hate, just saying that aint for me...
I hear your complaints about some of the repetitiveness, but as a someone listening to this for the first time im Ok with it. Would I listen to this over and over? no, definitely not. Are the songs fun? Yes. Praise you avicci levels of hook and feel. He's not hitting a home run but he sure aint striking out. I've learned to appreciate a good sample.
king of dad albums and what a debut!! You can tell where they got their influences from and that doesn't bother me. You can also tell how they influenced bands after them. If you like classical music, you'll recognize compositions layered in here rock and roll infused. It's a fun fun album. I lived in Boston for 6 years and this still get played at bars all the time.
wasn't worth finding on YouTube....
His song writing is very good and was the most enjoyable part of the album for me. A lot of the instrumentals seemed repetitive or boring at times for me. Kinda felt like country bob Dylan, maybe that's a weird take. I feel like he should be more bleachers, or something upbeat. His voice is good enough for better
There’s a lot to enjoy about this album, but there was nothing particularly special. I was working with my partner during it and we felt very relaxed and were singing along here and there. Signs of Coldplay, fleet foxes, bon iver, etc. I’ll probably listen to more of their work
There’s parts of the album I really enjoyed parts of it and similarly to Mellon collie and the infinite sadness, Billy corgan made an album that’s simultaneously very good, but also I didn't connect with a lot of it. But sequences like disarm and then soma got me feels. Then spaceboy hit a sweet spot. Maybe I just don’t like the A side? They’re clearly good lyricists, it’s worth listening to
one of the quintessential live albums, walk the line!! My mom is a huge huge cash fan. He's one of those artists that will probably never get the recognition he probably deserves, but that shouldn't take anything away from the impact he had on music in America at the time. He's so in control in this performance and what a badass performing at the prison. I do NOT like country music... but Johnny cash is fun. He's genuinely crazy and I fuck with it.
Maybe hot take but very OK folky, blues album. I actually think conceptually it’s pretty good but execution less so. Maggie may is a good song, I enjoyed that one a few times
I was looking forward to this after listening to another green world, but this album didn’t hit as hard. On some far away beach is a lovely tune, but other than that I found it not so enjoyable. He’s clearly musically very adept and want to take nothing away from the experimentation. He kind of reminds me of Jacob collier with the notes he tries to incorporate at times. It’s not bad at all, just wasn’t as favorable for me
Fantastic grooves mixed in with some ok background music. Nothing can stop us is a jam
Everything up to drugs don’t work, yes… then they bit off more than they got a bit greedy. Worth the listen for A side
I don't hateeeee it but a lot of it was just very meh and sounded similar to the rest of it. There were no songs stuck in my head or that I needed to repeat except for one love (but that's not theirs). It's not an album I needed to listen to but because U2 is so universally big and despite their album songs of innocence being forced upon every iPhone user... I'm still not a fan
One of the most beautiful and distinctive voices in all of music. You’ve got a friend in me!! He’s an absolute legend and this album perfectly matches his tone and personality. It’s so warm and easy to listen to. Toy Story anyone??
we will fall is laughably experimental but respect for taking the swing... this is such a "fringe" 60's rock album. I don't mean that in a bad way, but they sound so similar to bands that I've listened to on repeat for years. Part of me finds this warming because I have a connection to this style of music and understand it in the context of the amazing music made at this time. The other part of me is saying, well it's not this and that.... I really enjoyed the song no fun and the bass intro on little doll is lovely. maybe if you've never listened to 60's or 70's rock you would love this??
It’s refreshing! This album has elements of music I’ve heard before but sounds unique to them. Nice bop to their sound & wor is such a jam. I don’t imagine I’ll return much to it and certainly won’t be saving it as an album, but I appreciated the listen
There’s some wonderfully produced songs on here I.e the way you move but I have to be honest and say this kind of rap really just doesn’t do it for me. There’s probably a sleuth of lyrics in here I’m missing out on, but the style is off putting and largely unenjoyable. Disc 2 is a stark contrast in a lot of ways. Musically it feels more sophisticated at times even though the motifs tend to be quite bizarre and don’t age well. But in general, it’s not just rap all around that I’m hating on! I’ve listened to some great fucking rap. Take roses, it’s a jam but then you remember it’s about some girls fucking pu$$y… like what. My favorite things remix from sound of music was kinda fun.
This music is pure joy. It might not be the musically brilliant but that shouldn’t take anything away from how uplifting and joyous this album is. It constantly made me feel upbeat, put a smile on my face, and was enjoyable to listen to. It’s fun. It’s soulful. It’s hard not to like. It’s not great funk or Motown, but it’s worth listening to.
Very ok meh Grunge rock
Enjoyed the piano led tracks, love the album title + title song
I was basically in a trance all day thinking about how much I’m in love and Dion just affirming to me through one long ballad showing all the different perspectives why. It’s beautiful. I get Sinatra, carol king, prince, and John Lennon somehow all wrapped in Dion’s own voice. I’m glad I was shown this album.
there wasn't much about this I enjoyed, largely boring and similar sounding songs. Did not need to listen...
Greatest rock opera of all time not to mention greatest guitar solo of all time?? This album hits hard and is like an old friend. Every time I listen to it I feel something new but somehow familiar. It’s friggin Pink Floyd. No one did it like they did and they just don’t make music like this anymore
Spotify is missing some of the tracks, but largely boring for me. No song had me wanting to come back, it felt generic and not important for me to listen to
Nopety nope nope nope
Confused as to how this was included…. Nothing particularly stood out to me. Kind of just classic 80’s rock, bang average
you don't get close to the edge without the Yes album. This was their first non cover oriented work and with a new guitar player. It's a work in progress and definitely lacks coherence at points but shows potential through I've seen all good people which ultimately culminates in close to the edge which is a fantastic freaking album.
Big 90’s skateboard montage background music vibes…. Some of the instrumentals were unique and enjoyable but the lyrics or vocalists in general didn’t do it for me
I sell ice in the winter I sell fire in hell is a hilarious line…. All the signs of a great artist are here in this album but I don’t think it’s his greatest work. He’s a master lyricist and understands musical instrumentation but only some of the songs really hit the sweet spot. For me, a lot of it was off the mark but his future albums show a more evolved approach while this still feels a bit too raw for a “great album.” It’s clear Ye had a role in the producing & some of these songs just don’t age well eek
What an enjoyable album, I want this on vinyl for evenings when I’m thinking about life. Sure it’s reminiscent of the Beatles in a lot of ways but I don’t think in this case it is a bad thing compared to other similar sounding albums. They have their own voice here that’s representative of the time and isn’t a copycat. That’s refreshing. They touch on some beautiful motifs around love and depression and loneliness and yet I feel upbeat somehow. Groovin is a great track and find somebody eerily has a similar opening sound hard days night
Time yorke is that you??? Kidding…. I am now a muse fan! I really wanted to give this a 5. It had the legs. It’s not unfortunately, BUT it’s a lovely album. Everything up to assassin is such a journey. Supermassive black hole is worth the listen just on its own especially progressing to the soldiers poem which is a delicate and beautiful song. It’s one of those musical experiences that immediately understood who their inspirations were but it didn’t bother me. For me, that says a lot. I hope to visit the rest of your artwork
no doubt some of this is beautiful music but after a listening through a few songs, it can feel a bit of the same but Reggae does that to me in general so probably not specific to this album. Stir it up is timeless
There’s nothing to say other than they can do no wrong…. Jokes but really the jimmy page mastery on this album is incredible. It’s the only zeppelin album I have on vinyl for a reason. I could wax lyrically about how good this is or you could just go listen for yourself. Enjoy
What a beautiful voice paired with beautiful music. I haven’t listened to van morrison much but I’m certainly a fan now. There’s a lack of cohesiveness at times in the album but it’s so easy to digest and enjoy. Some very good songs mixed with some very average songs. Neil young / Simon & Garfunkel vibes mixed with jazz ….
took me a second to realize that the b - side is essentially the same set but in French but even funnier to me is that a b-side was made for this... it's 80's synth pop with some ok hooks but musically it's somewhat commendable and nothing groundbreaking or in other words not worthy of being on this list? This is the most recent album I've been drawn and to be honest as someone who doesn't listen to much modern music, it did make me laugh that the first "modern" album I got was essentially an 80's homage album (not that I like 80's music much)
Umm it’s the morning after and I don’t have anything memorable to say. I didn’t hate it but it felt very gargled and unorganized, but maybe that’s the point? I probably won’t listen again but maybe I should
Sample city done not so bad, I was engaged through parts and other times I drifted off.
Iconic in a lot of ways, showcases the groups wide talent, big impact on the direction of hip hop in nyc, but largely underwhelming for me… it was ok. Look it was their debut album, they still had lots to grow on but it is culturally important.
Being a Zeppelin fan, I’ve listened to this album many a time but listening to this as a part of this daily album challenge out into perspective just how freaking good their work is. Back to back weeks of Zeppelin spoiled me, but maybe that’s what I needed. Their first and second albums are arguably their best and masterpieces in their own right. I really can’t believe this is their debut album, it’s just so brilliant. B-side drifts off a little bit but you can understand that being their debut… nonetheless it’s music I’ll revisit over and over again. Good times bad times! 4.5
Not particularly my vibe but it was fun and I’ve never listened to anything like this before and that’s what this is all about right??
I was disappointed with this album, it felt disjointed throughout and never really caught a groove. Maybe that’s their goal being grungy punk vibes?
Most modern album thus far for me and that’s definitely evident musically but I’m happy to say it was quite enjoyable in parts. It gave me soulful frank ocean vibes with Michael wrestling with anxiety and love and change. It’s emotional and intense at times while attempting soothing undertones to provide a counterbalance. Piano joint is a beautiful song. Made me happy that a modern album added to this list wasn’t complete garbo
If you want 80’s disco catchy vibes, this is for you! It’s fun but not particularly my vibe besides Savoir Faire. I probably won’t listen to this again but I do acknowledge that it’s good writing for what it is
I liked Urban Hymns better, but it's still pretty boring overall.... reminds me of one of those bands that sounds like a lot of other bands during their era but didn't quite find their own sound. Maybe harsh. Probably won't listen again
Fringe 90’s punk rock that’s lacking in quality, snore and why is this on the list…
I never really entered the pleasure dome…. High energy, but poor execution overall in general for me. Covers were ambitious but probably their best work on the album?
It’s fine, not lustful
I enjoyed the A side, but B side mehhh. I’ve heard a lot about REM and was curious to what their sound was, particularly because of the era of music they became popular in. Aka I’m not a huge 80’s music fan. I just feel that in the scope of music, this style just doesn’t stand the test of time. The one I love was an enjoyable song, and the A side has some good writing but I don’t think I’ll revisit this much.
I’ve never listened to this album and yet I know I lot of these songs. Instantly, you know these are Alanis Morrisette songs with her folky, tinge voice that somehow doesn’t bother me and actually draws me in. She’s angry, agro, and has a lot to say. It’s also not quite pop, not quite rock, not quite grunge but somehow has elements of all three? I enjoyed some of the catchy tunes such as hand in my pocket, but also like the acoustic tracks. It’s a timeless piece of music
I kinda get why this album got so loved, even though it didn’t get much love in the US vs abroad. A lot of their choices don’t stack up musically to other examples in my opinion and for my own taste but I see why people would enjoy it. Their version of "Comfortably Numb" is so outrageous…. I can't tell whether it is brilliant or awful. As a big PF fan I was really caught off guard by this. I couldn’t help but wonder what David Gilmore would think