GorillazI feel bad giving this a 3 since it’s so well produced, but alas. What massive attack wishes they sound like.
I feel bad giving this a 3 since it’s so well produced, but alas. What massive attack wishes they sound like.
Let’s be so honest I wasn’t paying a ton of attention. Was listening on the train up to NYC. But just a little lovin is such a good song, and I bet with a second listen some of these songs would be of similar caliber
Great great great album. Must revisit when not in Prague but wow lived up to the hype for sure. Only complaint is songs are mostly too long and skits should be their own tracks. But that’s nit picking. She’s insane.
Awesome sauce. Love the acoustic into some live rock. Love it all really. Awesome album.
I mean… we all know how I feel about this album <3
Noiiice. Haven’t touched this one since the 70s era, so nice to revisit. Lives up to the hype for the most part. Some new songs stood out.
Noiiice. Haven’t touched this one since the 70s era, so nice to revisit. Lives up to the hype for the most part. Some new songs stood out.
Oh man. Even better than I remembered. The Beatles are the best for a reason. Cooking with gas on some classic pop songs.
Bleh. Country kinda started to slap though. But this is not good cmon team
Hm… ya know there’s definitely some cool stuff happening here with the chords and the guitar parts. But not rly for me. No real standout tracks imo. Don’t love her voice either.
Wasn’t sure exactly what was so awesome about this till those last two tracks. Really brought the whole thing together for me. Overall just solid rock songs, with some really cool, spacey guitars.
Cmon boyssss. Helplessly hoping and guinnevere remain king for me, but this album is beautiful. Do think my listening on the tram may have messed with some of my perception of the songs (since the mix is sort of quiet) but that’s alright.
Late night album for real. Watched rodolphe and Aivery (crazy spellings) play slap while listening to the album. Made me get it more. Super cool
Tbh skipped thru some of these songs. It’s cool but it’s not rly for me at the moment. I think this one is on the list cuz of a few hits, and I liked those, but otherwise much filler to be had.
Before: baby we were born to ruuuuun After: hwoah!
Hey now hey now. This album was sort of boring I fear. Beep beep boop boop but evil.
How fuckin cool. Not only is it proven to be timeless (see running up that hill) but it’s also so experimental and unique. There’s nothing like talented artists doing their own thing. *chefs kiss*
Could be favorite led zep album if it wasn’t a little clunky. Best damn guitar riffs of any of their albums though. Ten Years Goneeeeeee. So beautiful, that bass part is deadly.
Super cool album, though I am with gideon about the songs with vocals being more exciting.
A true 3. Finally found one. Anyways. Lyric writing is crazy good on this album which I was surprised by, just think it’s underrated. Sting’s voice is obviously so damn good, and there are some real heaters in the second half of this album.
I think I didn’t give this one enough attention. Really loved some songs though so should revisit on a day not directly before a show lol. Happy opening to twelfth night!
Very cool album with a pretty long run time, but never gets boring. Best song by a long shot for me was Maseru. Will be coming back to that a lot. Great sound too to this album.
Cool! Starting to get slight 1001 albums burnout I fear cuz this didn’t wow me but oh well!
Cool production! Very cool. Getting more picky though, so yeah skipped thru much of this. Also tired and in London so…
This album was insanely good but like hm not sure I can give it 5 since he is who he is.
Ain’t nothing to fuck with! This honestly didn’t wow me the way it did the first time I listened to it in high school. But also I was on my way to the airport so was a little distracted. Still holds up though, and is so fun.
God damn. This is so fun and knows exactly how silly and over the top it is. 90s rap sounds much better on the west coast? Snoop dogg just knows how to make catchy rhymes and hooks with funny ass lines.
This is just bad oasis
Not much to say. Kinda boring. Bloated songs. But some cool stuff and cool production no question.
Damn how cool. Glad this was a second listen, it was even better this time around. So irregular but so effective. Can’t give it a 5 because I like can’t just play these songs every day ya know lol.
Love love love this album.
tight as shit. rock tf out. yeah.
Listened on plane so perhaps missed Jaco’s legendary playing cuz of humming. But don’t rly feel like relistening again I fear.
only complaint is vocals too quiet sometimes but damn this is a great album
DOOO YOU REALIZE That this whole album is sick and what a fun concept and love his voice Lost some points cuz listened to soft bulletin and liked that better
My CD sounds really bad :’( I’m scared that this means bad things for all my CDs. This album though takes some time to get going. Then it’s the shit.
Genius shit. So so so up our alley wow. It’s 10cc before 10cc, elliott smith before elliott smith, the Beatles around the same time as the Beatles. It’s killer.
These 90s albums just get better and better (whatever I know this one is a 00s album but you know what I mean). Too good. Perfect rap album, fun, playful, clever, and also impactful when it wants to be.
Wow. One of the most deeply dark albums of all time. Kind of loved it for that, but also found much of it grating. But maybe that’s the point? Gosh, it’s tough to rate this one. It’s both a 3 and a 5, so we’ll go 4. But also maybe I’m being too nice on my ratings gosh idk.
Great stuff, but definitely drags on in parts. Gonna become a real harsh critic now.
AHHHHHHHH listened to this with maustin in the car ride home and she liked some of it yay. Funeral for a friend = one of my favorite songs ever. But this is not a perfect album thanks to some slow songs that drag on for a bit too long. And a long run time. A 4.5 in my book.
Well this big 3 is gonna get a 2 unfortch. Bit old sounding in a negative way.
Bit droning I fear. Live forever is nice, and the last song is by far the best. I think Oasis goes a bit too Oasis on this record.
Awesome awesome awesome. Deserves more listens.
Big win. Like this much better than the other Rolling Stones album we heard, and that one was p good too! Awesome stuff though.
Fiiiire. Bus ride home from NYC. Could be my new fave Queen album. Just so consistent.
Strong start with first two songs, but gets a little less strong in the middle. Do think the sound is very cool though, and like the band ofc.
Came around on this album big time. Gonna give it a three, but could see this being a big grower
I fear not for me. Trip hip doesn’t do it for moi. But cool music and obviously well made.
Jesus Christ. Where have u been all my life prince. This album is insane.
Very important album to me! Thanks for all the good mems.
Hm. Not sure who wrote that review uh oh. Well this account is Eli’s hi! And let’s keep it that way! This album was cool though, nothing insane or mind blowing imo.
Faust arp. Cool stuff, though not sure it’s catchy enough for me to come back to it.
Such fun songs, really inspiring songwriting! Love it all!
Nice album maybe sullied by some wind coming in from an open car window. No A/C :( Very very cohesive album. Must relisten
Just like let’s get it on, this one is clearly special, but I’m trying to be more picky about my 5s. So this is a 4.5 or a 9.
I feel bad giving this a 3 since it’s so well produced, but alas. What massive attack wishes they sound like.
Unfortunately hounds of love dawgs this album. Pun intended.
Cool stuff! Weirdly XTC inspired? Which surprised me but then I found out it’s the same producer so maybe that’s why.
Almost done with it. Unfortunately not quite rumours level stuff here. Perhaps a bit too polished?
Not sure it lived all the way up to the hype but the highs are very high. Supercut and Green Light are just genius.
Unfortunately not my favorite! Fear the age of the album shows and don’t love the singer. Cool rock tunes but nothing more to me.
Tom waits plus Yankee hotel foxtrot. Still outshined but rip torn by MJ Lenderman at the moment though.
A reminder of hounds of love. Wayyy better than sensual world.
Well written and compelling since it is live which is exciting. But altogether a little boring.
Pretty solid stuff! First three songs kill and then the rest get a lil boring. A 3.5 probably.
The WITCH! So cool. Love their sound. Proper 4.5
Nice stuff. Steely Dan keys goodness. Yuh
Somehow less interesting to me than the first, perhaps cuz not live and longer songs. Oops sorry mr. Waters
Finally listening to this band! People said they were like friko and I see it a little, def very belle and Sebastian but more dark. I like a lot.
Yeah maybe I’m just tired of mid albums but damn this was ass. Nothing of note.
Fun live album!
A bit repetitive but poppy rock fun!
Cmonnnnn four women goated song
Really enjoyed this. Definitely lost some steam as I went along but I was distracted. Much stronger than tricky.
Nice and pretty! Stardust one of my all time fav songs!!!
Me and gideon throwback! Excited for more porridge as they’re grear
AYO really great stuff here. Gonna get back on this stuff now as callbacks are winding down but wow awesome stuff.
Ooh man that was awesome. Losing a star for the 10 minute song that goes nowhere lol. But some real great songwriting.
Solid stuff!!! Think I’ve heard this before but enjoyed it. Kanye makes great beats unfortunately!
Cool album! Couldn’t find it in the book though…
Cool stuff! Very cool first side with one theme, and enjoyed the long song. Joe core. More enjoyable than expected!
Skipping this lol. Listened to a few songs and found it to be literal elevator music like what we modeled elevator effort off of. So good but nothing special.
First sing fucks, rest is good but not amazing for Bowie
I fear that this is a sort of boring album of covers. But his voice sounds great and Hurt is S tier duh.
I’m like not done listening yet, but wanna see the next album, this is sort of unexciting but also pretty idk.
So good. So near to gift shop!!! Need to own on CD
Cool rock! Definitely gets points for being in another language!
Great duh. My fave has gotta be either light that never goes out or some girls are bigger than others. A true 4.5 since there are some songs that are only ok.
Very nice album! I was working out so maybe missed on some lyrical genius… but it was great.
Fun! Great stuff by Chiiiiiiic.
God these mfers are too influential it’s insane. The Murder Mystery (while probably my least favorite song on the album) is just like a sonic youth album that came out 20 years before they released music like what.
Cool reggae cmon. Surprised me pleasantly.
AWESOME ALBUM. Low key this is the first bob Dylan that super clicked. Just great tunes and the band sounds so good
XTC found a friend!!! This shit bangs, do think the songwriting isn’t as strong but this is like windmill-esque aligned with XTC. If that makes sense.
More succinct but still really quite strong. Less love than blonde on blonde cuz instrumentation is less exciting but v close.
Maybe just tired of hearing good albums but this has stood out amongst a string of greeeat albums as one that didn’t do anything for me. Weird arrangements without a super clear hook?
Very cool!!!! Love to hear some live stuff this shit is tight.
Fiiiire in contention for fav bowie album wow fuhhh
Boring unfortch. The national is also in contention for Worst band name of all time sorry.
Skipped it sorry.
Not into it at all unfortunately
Prince, you’ve done it again. And this time with an album twice as long. Need to listen more but Prince is quickly becoming a favorite artist of all time dang.
it's a 4.5, it rocked tho. black hole sun is just an incredible song. gotta be in my top 100 songs oat
Big win. Must relisten but this is a classic
Very nice and pretty. Really enjoyed this one. Funny music to work out to.
A true 3.5, this is a great album with production that sort of bugged me I fear
AYY AY AY AY Black Sabbath delivers
A big surprise. Think this is what 80s can be. In the best way.
Listening quietly while lying next to ezra don’t wanna wake him up but wanna listen to an album. Sort of unspectacular but some fun stuff. A 2.5 (edit: marimba and horns came in and made me regret giving getz a 2 cuz this is a true 2.)
Girl from ipanema rocks, and this was cool, but instrumental stuff like this is sort of unexciting to me mostly…
Woooooo I feel like an AMERICAN after listening to this. Good stuff. Classics on classics. And such good guitars.
Wow. I was gonna rate this higher because he is talented as hell and I think gets a lot of hate for being corny as an older guy… but Kim made me really uncomfortable so… 3 stars!
So awesome, and I had never even seen this cover before! Love mr. Simon duh.
Since this unfortunately isn’t on streaming, will be listing the songs that caught my ear here (well shit it’s gonna be all of them this album rocks so hard I love you XTC so glad I own this shit on CD) (okay nvm just starts with three heaters) River of orchids I’d like that Easter theatre (classic wow) Your Dictionary Harvest Festival And maybe the last one too sending this review in early…
honestly... not my fave. something bout these recent rap albums just ain't hittin.
I fear this album gets a tad boring, and maybe i'm just in a bad mood with these albums idk... but it's giving a 2. but amsterdam is goated so i'll give it a 3
oh man i'm so far behind oh fuck. this is a classic, although idk if it all sunk in on first listen... expected to like it a bit more...
where is the line with you is a fucking triumph jesus. also her voice is just so unique and powerful mmm.
second best album with a black and white cover that came out in 1975 (may end up regretting this and decide it's third best lol)
so far... might take this over my fav Oasis album... but does this have champagne supernova... hm... we will find out... you're so great? whatever it is, this is a proper 4.5. (btw last song def not champagne supernova yuck lol)
my complaint is it is friko but like altogether far too wordy and not heavy on hooks. (which is sort of the reason why i love friko so tbh don't know why they're always compared to these guys besides like the style of singing?) cool music though, so more of a 3.5 that last song was rly great tho wow
oh man this rocks. second half definitely slows down a bit unfortch, which makes me want to give this a 4,,, but I haven't given an album a 5 in a while so teehee
saw the song teacher's pet, looked somewhat promising 30 seconds in: "teacher's pet, teacher's pet, teacher's wet" oh hell nah
wow what a gem. love that the album with my name in the title delivered. sweet blindness blew my mind in the most amazing way.
fun songs! too long though…
while i don't know if this album has my favorite bowie songs, it is probably his most cohesive. the musical theme is so clear and unique. love him so much he can do no wrong.
fun music! generally not super memorable I fear… but fun!
literally who likes this
solid 80s pop. kinda boring tho
The recording of this live album is some of the best I’ve ever heard, and this album is prob pretty old. Yeah 1974 wow. Anyways, unfortunately gets a little boring as we get deeper into the album. Lost my attention rip.
a classic. stairway to heaven is one of the weirdest songs ever but gosh that's one of my first fav songs.
i think the key (of life) is listening to these albums in the car cuz dang the second half of this album hit harder than it ever has. a serious classic. always my answer for what album is coming with me on a deserted island, and for good reason.
phil spector murdered someone insane how much staying power these songs have. hope the artists who performed them got the royalties (I unfortunately doubt it very much prob all went to the murderer) but I’m giving them their flowers this is quintessential stuff here. But also I’m jewish so 3/5
Think this caps out at a 3. Solid but meh.
Started off super strong, and throughout reminded me of Scott Pilgrim's iconic songs. But mostly underwhelmed on the back half unfortch.
Pretty awesome. Don't know if I've ever listened that closely to a Steely Dan album. Lyrics and production and all that is a masterpiece.
Fun stuff! Cool production, although as per usual lost me by the end. Glam rock 4 life.
Legendary album despite some repetitive melodies. Baba O’Reily and Won’t Be Fooled Again are still fresh like they were recorded this year.
Wow. Stunning stuff, especially that first one literally had me getting lost in the Whole Foods lol.
skipped around here. I love who cares? but it underwhelmed so rip this.
DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH listened to this on my first run of the year was an interesting vibe. and your bird can sing hittt
might just be my fav zep album. tied with house of holy but babe i'm gonna leave you is an all timer and every song is just awesome.
definitely trying to eat flaming lips nachos... some of it swims, and some stinks. #cornball
It’s nice! It’s fantastic! Pretty voice, not overly exciting though.
TRACY JAAACKS. XTC album in disguise, and a damn good one too.
you alr know this is my favorite stevie album... Now to be fair... I think songs in the key of life and innervisions hold a candle to this one for sure, but i just think this one has the most heart and the best sleeper picks. (Plus a personal favorite sleeper, too shy to say). it's a 10
cool start, but lost steam as per usual. i'm sorry, it's me, not you.
I think for a song called gang bang and also the use of the f slur, we're gonna have to dock this one down to a 2. but must say there were two killer tunes on there with the rest of the cheesy fillers
i wanna say a 3.5, because I really enjoyed this, but I don't know if I'll come back to it. Would be interested to hear more Robert Wyatt though, he makes really cool great music.
an album full of the 7 minute songs i play on new works hour when i need to stall to think of some actually good songs
Oldie music very nice. That’ll be the day rocks.
nice stuff divies!
if this is a 5 then so is paul mccartney's born to run, but also maybe i just give benefit of the doubt to first listens. but maybe they're both just 4s
fuck to the yeah. can't believe i'm only just now hearing this.
some really awesome timeless songs. hits on hits. i see the o rod and taylor swift comparisons here and all I'll say is o rod has the better voice soz
another cool posthumous album written near end of life. this one is particularly strong, but I don't think I love leonard cohen in general lol.
i wanna go to sleep. please pet shop boys. please.
this shit rocks. 4.5 because the songs are awesome but nothing totally blew me away. except maybe the title track. her voice is also just incredible wow. and me and gideon disagree but i love the silly 80s production.
fun rock n roll. not sure how much of this I'll come back to but I could see on the right day this being like an 11/10
Yeah unfortch jane was right. Pretty mid rock and roll, with a classic sound though. But none of the songs are particularly memorable besides title track.
wow reminds me of r. stevie moore, the outsider music that is just so compelling to me at least. Really love this and hope to come back to it.
Very cool. Big fan. Balatro and this made for a nice combo. Also noticed a sample from a great rap song during one of the mid to late tracks.
a serious classic, although some of the later songs are less memorable