BeckBeck is just awesome. I scored Odelay high, and I'll score this high. Great album all in all.
Beck is just awesome. I scored Odelay high, and I'll score this high. Great album all in all.
I've never been a huge Massive Attack fan. I'm sure they're great, and they are probably the originators, but I feel like there have been so many parodies and stuff on this "type" of music, I couldn't get past the parody to hear it as a real serious album.
I’m just not into dance music, at all.
I had only really heard Song 2 by blur before so o was expecting something like that. What I got was really Brit-pop, Beatles-esque music. I enjoyed it. It’s crazy this came out right around when Nirvana was just getting big. This is completely different from that and from what everyone else was doing.
I love this album. I'll admit that I don't always reach for it like I do with in Rainbows or Kid A, but it's just fantastic front to back.
I love Siamese Dream. Great album, with a lot of fun memories associated with it.
This was awesome. I knew several of the songs, but didn't realize they were from the Zombies. I have never listened to this album front to back. It was really good.
This was great. Good to hear some AC/DC that isn't the hits.
I love this album. It was changing the game from the day it came out when you could oh whatever you wanted for it. I have loved it ever since.
This was great. Several hits that I knew and a lot that I hadn’t heard before including the skits.
This is not what I expected at all. Lots of good instrumentation. Great dose of rap, r&b and pop.
Knew the hits, and liked the rest as I listened.
Again, loved the “not hits” from this. It was also super long.
This was a good album. It all kind of bled together for me, but I understand the cultural significance of them recreating their sound and stuff.
I like the who, but I did not like this album. It played well into the title, with them doing commercials and stuff, but it was too gimmicky.
This album was amazing. Still holds up. I had forgotten about it, but enjoyed every song.
This is just a perfect album. Great songs start to finish. I’m not a huge fan of the Indian sounding ones, but they’re all great.
I had only really heard Song 2 by blur before so o was expecting something like that. What I got was really Brit-pop, Beatles-esque music. I enjoyed it. It’s crazy this came out right around when Nirvana was just getting big. This is completely different from that and from what everyone else was doing.
I had never heard of this before. Good album, I thought the mixing was great.
I had never heard of this before. It was cool to hear different rhythms and instruments. Also, amazing to hear South African songs with click sounds. I can’t imagine choosing to listen to this, but I’m glad I did.
I can't believe I hadn't heard of this before. It was a cool album. Kind of like a concept album in themes, but with all different stories both from the murderers and the murdered point of view. Overall I liked it.
I grew up listening to this album. So fun to relisten. I like how the album looks so much more intense than the actual music. I like all these songs.
This was cool, I hadn’t heard all of these before. Everyone in my family liked it.
This is one of the Kanye albums that I always see on lists, but honestly haven't listened to that much. I really liked College Dropout and Graduation when they came out. As I listened to this today I actually really liked it, and I think I'll listen a bit more over the next few days.
I had this cd when I was younger but don’t remember a lot of these songs now. They all seemed really genuine. There were lots of different styles too which were cool. Decent album.
This is a band that I’ve heard of but never intentionally listened to. This was perfect to have on at work. I actually listened two times. I can definitely see how they originated dream pop.
I have listened to a lot of Sigur Ros, but I think I've mainly listened to later albums like (). I did a little reading on this and it was amazing they came out with this amazing masterpiece after their previous album only sold 300 copies! I do see the historical significance of this in the post rock world.
I love this album. It has been on a regular rotation for me for years and it's what really first drew me to Flaming Lips. Since there I've listened to all their other albums. They have some really great stuff, but this is the one that I keep coming back to.
Another band that I have heard of, but have never listened to. Honestly didn't actively listen to this, but I did listen in the background. It was decent and I liked some of the songs on there, but there was nothing that really jumped off the page at me. Again, that's probably my fault for not listening intently.
I really liked this. I forgot how much I liked Chuck D's voice as a rapper. Not only is it a great album, but I'm still amazed at Rick Rubin for hearing these guys, signing and producing.
I had never heard of this band or this album before. I'm amazed that it came out in 1977. It still stands up today! There were definitely standouts like 3 Girls Rhumba and Ex Lion Tamer. Some of it even reminded me of Fugazi during casual listens. I'm definitely going to give this one some more plays.
This was a nice throwback. I had this album when I was younger. I did get a little annoyed by her voice by the end of the album, but overall it was good!
This was a decent listen. I’m not huge into big band, so it was just going as I was doing other stuff.
I had never heard this. It was decent. I like the sound of it.
Another band I never heard of but liked!
This is a classic. So many great songs even beyond the hits.
This is a good album, it may be my favorite bowie album back to front outside of Ziggy of course. There are some great hits on here and some really good b-sides too.
I'm liking all the Post-Rock stuff here. Some really cool songs on this album, especially in 1996.
Hadn’t heard of this before. There was definitely some morissey influence. Decent overall.
This was a good album. There were some songs I liked on there, but I hadn't heard (That I can remember) any of them. I like the mix of soul and funk that Curtis does on this album.
This isn't my favorite Flaming Lips album, but I do really like it. I think I probably haven't spent enough time with it. I have friends that this is their favorite. I prefer Yoshimi and War with Mystics. I will keep this in the rotation to see if I can find some hits with a few listens.
I liked aspects of this. Some of the guitar work reminded me of the Smiths. It was a neat sound.
I really liked this. It felt a lot older than it was. I could hear some Jim Croce influences even. This is a great album to keep in mind if I need something just happening in the background.
This was great. I hadn't heard of this before. I liked this late 70's punk/post-punk stuff that doesn't sound too much like the Clash or Sex Pistols. Wonder why these guys didn't make it bigger?
This is such a good album. Song after song is a hit or a classic.
I think this album was a little bit unique. There were some songs that were really funky, and then others that were really soulful/ R&B. I didn't feel a real sense of flow to the record. After a funky song I found myself skipping the slower songs so that I could get to another upbeat one. Every song was great, but I was just missing the flow.
I liked the acoustic guitar in this. I know Nico from the Velvet Underground but not her solo stuff. This was a decent album, and again, great guitar work.
I have never sat down and listened to a Pretenders album before. I've obviously heard the hits, and even some deeper cuts, but I enjoyed going start to finish. The fact that this is their first album is amazing to me.
I liked the concept of this. Two American army men meet in Germany. Have a band. I just didn’t love the music.
This was a great album. There's something special about this Smiths I think that makes them completely relevant and great music for 2024, but also Somehow you feel like you're in a dorm room in 1985, and Morrissey is the only one who understands you.
This album was ok. I’m pretty indifferent about Elvis Costello. I think I just don’t understand what he is, or where he fits in.
I liked this album. I was traveling today so it worked well for me to listen while in the car. I didn't find anything that really jumped out of the speaker at me, but I did enjoy it all.
This was a decent album. I've always loved Sledgehammer. Also his collab with Kate Bush on here was a nice listen.
I liked this one way better than the who sell out!
This is definitely a classic amazing album. I like a lot of songs on there and the ones I didn’t I didn’t have to wait for long before another one came in that I did like.
This album was a lot of fun. Ride home from Nashville and listened with the family. I was shocked to hear Jump Jive a Wail.
I hadn't heard this album before, in fact I hadn't really heard any of the songs off of it. I liked the Seventeen Seconds songs, and the Forest song. I thought this was a good album. There were some strange bits, but overall a good album. I was surprised that this album was on there and not Disintegration, but maybe that's coming at a different time.
I had obviously heard the one song Hole had done, but never heard the whole album. I truly never liked them because of her weird relationship with Kurt, but it wasn’t bad. There were some highlights in there.
I love this album. De La Soul is a treasure.
Illmatic is an absolute classic. I was able to give this a really good listen while mowing the lawn today. I am very familiar with this album, but it's one that never really gets old.
This was a good listen. I'll listen some more.
I liked this. Just classic country. Also, I knew I recognized the guy from somewhere, he was in the Wire and in Treme. Pretty cool, didn't know that he did country music.
This had a lot of things I didn't expect - Flutes, odd rhythms etc.. there were lots of crazy things on here. Not a bad album.
I couldn't really place this album, I guess it's country? Maybe 1989 country. I was just surprised at some of the synth'y sort of sounds that I heard on there. Decent album overall. You can tell why Bonnie is highly respected in the music world. I think she bent some boundaries here.
This is one of the greats.
This is such a great album. Starts and ends strong.
This was a decent album. It's what you expect from Jack White. There's a time and a place for me for this album. I hit it at the right time and enjoyed the rawness of it.
I'm not sure how I missed this album. It was great. Just chill and really good. I would expect to hear this at a coffee shop or something. I'm sure others would recognize it, but as a first time listener, I enjoyed it.
I love this album. It has some radio hits and some great b-sides. All around great listen.
Such an amazing album. The three of these guys really brought something magical. I’ve loved this album since I can remember.
This was a cool chill album. I have heard it before, but it was just a great album to listen to. I was struck honestly by how good it sounded from a mix perspective.
This was great. Just a chill normal, and approachable jazz album.
I didn’t really get this album at all. With so many incredible albums in here, how did this one get added to the list?
I wanted to not like this album, but I think it’s impossible to be sad while listening. It just has an upbeat tempo and is so very “ABBA” that you just smile.
I first heard of Belle and Sebastian years ago when I was watching High Fidelity and Jack Black called them, “sad bastard music.” I’ve always liked them but never loved them. They are fine for good background music, but never really spoke to me.
This was a good album. I hadn't heard of this before, but I did enjoy listening to it.
Beck is just awesome. I scored Odelay high, and I'll score this high. Great album all in all.
I've always head of Nick Cave and I've listened to him off and on, but his music isn't necessarily one I'd pick to play. This was a decent album. A little different than I was thinking.
Again, I love the combo of Chuck D and Flava Flav. What a great album.
I love this album. I'll admit that I don't always reach for it like I do with in Rainbows or Kid A, but it's just fantastic front to back.
I had heard a few of these songs. The other ones kind of had a throwback folk-ish kind of sound. Overall it was a decent album.
This one is fascinating to me, because a lot of it is really abstract, like Mother, and the two Synchronicity songs, however there are also big hits here like Every Breath you Take. I wonder how people felt buying this album and it being such a roller coaster.
This is a great album. I don't have the privilege of having heard or seen them especially in their prime, but I do love these early albums that are a little more "metal" than their later ones. Great songs on here, and the whole album flows really well.
This was wild. Just the combination of grunge, punk and folk was insane. It was a little chaotic, and then I would know a few songs from the Nirvana Unplugged concert.
I've never been a huge Massive Attack fan. I'm sure they're great, and they are probably the originators, but I feel like there have been so many parodies and stuff on this "type" of music, I couldn't get past the parody to hear it as a real serious album.
I'm surprised I don't know more Blur. I never think to listen to them, but this was a great album. Really locked in on sort their own style that fits very much into Alternative. I'm not sure why they weren't bigger in the US honestly.
This album was wild. Some of it sounded like the Smiths, some of it sounded like the B 52's. I don't know what to think, other than I like it, and I respect the guitar player. He was groovin the ENTIRE album.
This was pretty cool. I honestly haven't listened to much R.E.M. outside of the hits so it was cool to see an early version of them and how they started out.
This was good, it was kind of all over the place. I couldn't really pin down her style into one category. A decent album from an artist I had never heard of.
This is of course an amazing album. I really enjoyed listening to it today, and it has so many incredible songs on it. You can't go wrong with a Simon and Garfunkel album.
I grew up listening to this record. It's great, and it's weird. I'm a little shocked that Ian Anderson made it as far as he did. I feel like he is a super music genius, and that doesn't always translate to normal listeners.
This is undeniably an incredible album. To have been alive and just gone to a record store and brought this home and then just been amazed at the songs one after another would have been incredible. I haven't listened to this album in years, but it's amazing how much I knew. The songs just kept coming back and back to me. 5 stars for sure.
This is probably my favorite Led Zeppelin album. They're all amazing, but I grew up with this one. Such great amazing songs, and they always have such a good mix of blues and rock.
This was a good album. I hadn’t heard her before.
The Doors are weird to me. I like their hits, and I grew up listening to them. The stuff that isn't a hit is just so strange often times .
I liked this album, I have only ever really heard the boys are back in town, so cool to hear some other of his songs.
This was a decent album. I remember about a decade ago or so this "style" sort of like a really raw / garage like sound for punk was really in. I was really surprised that they founded in 1994. That's awesome. Decent album, and I'd like to go back and listen to some of their other things to see how their sound has changed.
I liked this album. I was found myself listening to it a few times throughout the week.
This is such a great album. I haven't listened to it in years, but found myself, again, remembering so many of the lyrics and beats. Just iconic. Now that we're probably 30 years past this album's drop you can hear how it influenced so many albums even today. I'm not really into the hip hop game at this point, but I am thankful that largely rap has stopped being so violent and moved on to different topics. That's what one of the biggest things that hit me today was the violence in this album, from the opening skit to warning etc... Still, a great album.
I have always loved this album. Absolute classic and so fresh to the scene.
This was a phenomenal album. I don't typically go for this one, but I'm going to be putting it on the go-to list. I loved it.
This has some good songs on it. It's insane to me that they didn't really go further.
I didn't like this as much as young Americans, but still solid album.
This was pretty cool. Definitely mid 90's dance. It wasn't bad, in fact it seems like it would be in some like hacker movie or something.
There's a very specific couple of years where this music was everywhere. This sort of "Do-it-yourself" garage type music. It has its place I think. It's sort of raw. It's not a bad album.
This was a decent jazz album. I had it on while working and really enjoyed it.
I didn't love this album at all. I'm sure someone does, but I'm not seeing it.
Celtic Punk is such a funny scene to me. This was a decent listen. One I never would have chosen, but I did like it.
This was a cool album, I actually recognized a few of the songs from movies. Nice listen.
This was a great album. A good amount of hits and stuff I hadn't heard before.
I'm not a huge Janis Joplin fan, and I think it's because I've only heard a few of her songs that are considered the hits. However, I loved the acid rock that was in the background here and the rawness that this album brought. Definitely made me rethink her stuff.
This was ok. I like Fast Car it gets stuck in my brain. I don't feel like it's the saddest song ever like a lot of people do. The rest of the album to me is just more of the same.
This is such a great album. Track after track just really hits. Not a bad song on the album.
This surprised me. I'm going 4 stars on this.
I liked it
I have loved this album for a very long time. It's a top 20 for me personally, I can't not give it a 5 star review. I like the variation of songs, I like the flow of the album. In my opinion it's their best work hands down.
I liked this album. I grew up with it. There are some real hits on here, and I have always loved Funeral For a Friend.
This album was amazing. I had never heard of her before. The songs were cool, her voice was awesome and the mixing and producing really shined through. This was such a good listen.
I never really listened to this when it was new. A lot of my friends did and really liked it. I of course knew a few of the songs, mostly the hits that were on the radio at that time. What I did find interesting though, is that listening now in 2024 it sounds so generic, but thinking back on it, it's only generic now because so many other bands imitated them. I definitely give them credit for being innovative.
This album was hit after hit. Lots of fun. So innovative.
I'm just not a big jazz guy. This was a decent listen. John Coltrane is amazing. I'll give it some extra stars because I know he's awesome, even though I didn't really enjoy it.
This was ok. It was a little all over the place.
I liked this album. It was a good mix of hits and b-sides.
I like Sly and the Family Stone. I picked the wrong day to listen to it and wasn't feeling it. I like though that this album at least tended to put as much emphasis on the music as it did the lyrics and singing.
This album is undeniable. I have read so much about it, listened to it so many times. They did an incredible job, they had the right amount of originals and covers. Everyone did their parts well. I liked the banter.
I liked this album. Good mix of hits and things I hadn't heard. Great mixing.
Never listened to this when it came out. Undeniable that she has an amazing voice.
I have never been a fan of like the low crooning. I'll say that I wasn't feeling well this day and had a headache, but I honestly just could not wait for this album to end.
Great album. I like her collaboration with Timbaland on this. It was a trip back in time to just solid, fun, hip hop albums.
This was such a great album. It was just a perfect picture back in time. It was rock, and soul, and oldies. I loved this.
I truly had only heard Smoke on the Water. I assumed it was all psychedelic stuff. I was surprised from the first song. Great album.
Honestly when I first started this album I was like, what the heck is this. But as I listened longer I kind of got into it. Her vocals are awesome, the music was cool. I'm not sure I'd ever be in a mood to jam out to this, but it was a great listen.
This was a great album. Absolutely love the way he talks. I also liked that it seemed to not be hugely influenced by US HipHop. He kind of does his own thing. His storytelling on this is amazing, I found myself really intrigued by what he was saying and really felt for the characters he created.
I was shocked this was on the list. It's ok, I didn't mind it in the background, but wouldn't go back and listen more. There were some high spots - I liked the little kids rapping that was cool to see, and some of the themes were interesting just because they are so foreign to me here in the US.
Not a bad album. It was funny a bit it was a little all over the place. Like Jump into the fire - drum and weird bass solo? Overall decent though
This is a great album. I remember when it was coming out she would release videos for each song. One per day. They were great then and are great now. I am not sure it's 5 stars worthy yet just from a "timeless" standpoint, but all of these songs are hits in my opinion.
This album was awesome. I didn't know that Donald Fagen did solo stuff. I like Steely Dan, but have not ever been a super fan. From the very beginning of this album it was just a groove. I didn't always love the sounds, like the really electric piano etc...but I did love the grooves.
Oddly enough I hadn’t heard much of this album. I always go to discovery for the basics. This was decent. I like how they grew later.
I liked this. VERY obviously Randy Newman. He has such a unique writing style and voice that you can tell 100% that it's time. I liked his songs and the pace of the album.
Again, Deep Purple surprised me. Nice album.
Great album - hit after hit. I'm not the biggest AC/DC fan, but all these songs were great.
Again, I think I'm missing something. This was fine as far as jazz goes. I'm just not huge into Jazz. I can't think of a time where I would ever say, Let me put on Kind of Blue. I understand it's amazing, and that it's life changing. I just am not getting it.
I'm not a huge Joni Mitchell fan. This all kind of ran together for me. I think if I were really listening and reading the lyrics with it it would have spoken more to me. If i'ts just on in the background it's sort of bland. I couldn't tell where one song stopped and another started.
This one took me a minute to figure out. Somehow I thought My Bloody Valentine was an emo band from like 2005. Once I figured out I was completely wrong about that I was able to enjoy this. I like the risks he took, and how original it is.
I liked this way better than kind of blue. Not sure why.
Great album. I liked the slow pace. There were also some songs I hadn't heard on there before.
This album started a little slow for me, but as I continued to listen I started to really enjoy it. This, again, is not an album I listened to when it came out and yesterday was the first day listening to it. I liked it. It was a good vibe, and I could see listening again.
Great album. I like these 70's sort of underground punk-ish albums. There's something raw and exciting about it knowing they were so fringe and creating a new sound.
This was a decent album. I wasn't sure what to expect, but it really was hard to nail down exactly what it was. Overall, I liked it.
I was sure I had this album pegged after the first song. It was that same sort of mid 2010's garage girl kind of album. However the more I listened it was actually pretty decent. Lots of different styles, and I was impressed by the craftsmanship of the music. I didn't feel like it was too heavy handed with instruments, and things seemed to be well written. I'm surprised, but I'm going with a 4 on this one.
It's amazing to me that honestly every steely dan song I've ever heard before listening to this one album was on this album. I'm super interested now to listen to their other albums to hear what I've been missing.
I really liked this. I honestly haven’t heard a lot of Springsteen outside of the hits. I think, to me, the hits are actually a deterrent for me liking him more!
This was a great album. There were a lot of really good songs on there that my wife and I enjoyed. It would be a great vibe to just have going in the background somewhere.
This was an ok album. Honestly I didn't hear any standout hits from it. I did enjoy the listen though.
This is a great album. Admittedly my musical tastes have changed so it's not really like what I'm going to grab to just put on and listen to, but I used to listen to this album a ton. Great musicianship, and it was such a solid sound at the time.
This honestly took me a long time to figure out what kind of album this was. It was musically a little all over the place. I enjoyed it though even though it seemed scattered.
This has been one of my favorites for several years. Easy 5 stars for me. There's not a bad song on this album. It holds up today perfectly.
This was a fun late 80's hip hop-ish album. Best lyrics: You took my man and didn't mean it But you did it to hurt my feelings What I should do is slap you in your face You left me here with a pain below my waste You lose a guy, you move into the larder You got no style, why don't you try a little harder Chocolates, bananas, dough nuts and salami Ain't gonna fit 'coz you're full of boloney
I had to give this album a second listen and listen really closely. The layering of the sounds on this album and the different types of sounds they got here are amazing. Especially when I think through how new synthesizers were back then. Remarkable.
I liked this album. I was surprised to hear Papa was a Rolling stone and others on here. Overall, a great album, but not my favorite of the Temptations'
I really liked this. I had tried to listen to this before and wasn't feeling it. Today it was just right. I'll definitely come back to this album.
So many great songs on here. This was a family favorite when we listened to it over the weekend. Dolly is an incredible song writer. While her voice is not my favorite ever, it's undeniable that she is a national treasure.
I absolutely love this album. I love the beats, I respect each member of ATCQ. Each one of them brings their talents to this album to make something amazing. Easy 5 stars.
Amy has an incredible voice. I really liked this sort of "new feel" for Motown / soul. Great voice, great composition.
It took me a long time to get through this album. It was ok. The first songs were good, the rest of it seemed to be more of the same type of music. Overall, not a bad experience, but not a great one either.
I was really excited to see that this album included Ry Cooder. I liked the blend of "African Blues" with Ry's type of blues. It really was well done, well mixed and produced. This was a great find.
This was a good "raw" sounding album. I liked it a lot. it wasn't pretentious or anything, it was just a solid album with a good sound.
This album was wild. I liked the sounds and the musicianship. I can't imagine what it would have been like to have been there and seen this performed live.
I enjoyed this album. It's one that was always on my radar, but I never really listened to.
I love A Tribe Called Quest. Their Beats and their Lyrics are amazing. The only bummer is that if you listen at low volume, it all starts to sound the same. This is definitely an "active" listen in my opinion.
This album is incredibly long. That being said, I never really got tired of it. Even after almost 40 tracks. There were lots of great songs on here and just overall well produced and created.
I love his voice. I love his style of rapping. It’s an incredible album no doubt about it.
I was excited to hear another Ali Farka Touré album. However, I didn't enjoy this as much as I did the last one. I think the addition of Ry Cooder on the last made it a little more entry level for me.
I really enjoyed this. It wasn't as heavy as I was anticipating. Good melodies.
This album is amazing. Honestly just take this album and call it a greatest hits. I think it's timeless, and it truly belongs on this list of 1001 greatest. John's voice is unbelievable, and his songwriting and instrumentation is great. 5 very easy stars from me.
Not a bad album. It's not my go-to music style, but growing up and hearing these songs all the time, I recognize how influential this album was, and how it really broke barriers in the music industry.
I liked the sounds in this. I will need to listen again to hear the concept album portion where he befriends a horsefly.
Honestly not a terrible album. I kind of liked the vibe of it.
I’m more of a funerals guy from Arcade Fire. However, I’ve listened to this a few times and it’s growing on me.
Great great album. It had everything I wanted. I listened multiple times.
I knew all these songs, but had not listened to the album from start to finish. A masterpiece for sure.
Never been a Costello fan. This was cool, but I just can't really figure him out. I'll give it another listen to see if I can find something I can get into. Right now it's a 2 star for me.
This was a pretty cool album. I think in some ways it seems a little hokey today, but I think that's because these guys created the style that later became so popular. It's amazing that they were pioneering these sounds and this style in 78. It's amazing to see what they were able to produce, and engineer, and cool to see how society and music has built upon their creations to get to where we are today.
Great album. I loved the sound and rawness of it.
This was ok. I liked some of it, but it didn't really grab me. I had a hard time getting into it.
This album really surprised me. I had heard some other Psychadelic Furs albums that I didn’t love but this was one was great.
This is an easy 5 star. Every song is amazing, and the fact that they created a lot of the tech to do it is incredible.
Great album. There are some killer tracks in here. In my opinion, it's not QUITE as strong as Doolittle, but it's an amazing work of art. 4 starts easy.
I loved it. I had never really listened to Sonic Youth before. I knew that I should, and that so many bands I liked referenced them, but I never listened. This album was great start to finish. I was shocked though, at how incredibly long the album was. 14 songs and many hovering around the 7 minute mark. 4 stars.
I loved it. It was just simple, country music.
Legendary Electronica Album. I enjoyed listening to this today.
I loved this. I listened multiple times. I particularly liked his view on rust. If you stay still creatively, you will rust. He continually pressed forward. It wasn't always amazing, but he was always moving. Really respect that.
I loved her voice. I have obviously heard a lot of Nina songs in the past, but I have never listened to this full album. Great songs, great voice.
This was such a great album. It's funny that this isn't one of Apple's "essential" albums by the Roots. After listening to this I think it's incredible. I was surprised at all the different "types" of music that I heard while listening to this.
So many iconic songs on here, and so much INCREDIBLE piano playing. Truly, in my opinion, Elton at his best.
This was a fantastic album. So many hits, and I didn't remember how much Eminem was on there.
Incredible. I loved it. It's easy to at first say that it sounds so familiar, but that's because everyone else was imitating him. I loved also, reading about this album how so many other artists were huge fans of his at the time and appreciated his new style including Bob Dylan.
Really enjoyed this. There was some absolutely insane compositions here especially on the Tenor.
Animal collective is cool. Part of that same scene as Neutral Milk Hotel etc…I was always more of a NMH fan than animal collective. Still, not a bad listen.
This was ok. I read the overview of the album and I think I wanted a bit more out of it.
Honestly this album didn’t do it for me. I appreciate the weirdness, but I would never choose to listen to this.
Incredible album. There are some huge hitters on here like Jet, and Let me Roll it. The album I think is also put together really well. It flows so nicely.
Loved it. I've always enjoyed this album when I listen to it, however it's not something I always think about, or would choose to listen to.
great album. there's definitely a "white stripes sound." It's always amazing to me though how much energy and "power" they can produce from just 2 people. Jack White is a super talented guitar player and a great writer.
The guitar work on this was awesome. No idea the language, but it was a pleasant listen.
Nice album. It was a good neutral listen. I can see how this would be banging back in the day.
I love this album. Shine on you Crazy Diamond is such a great song. I love how it flows. This album as a whole flows so well with songs leading into one another. 5 stars.
I’m just not into dance music, at all.
I had never listened to this before. It was basically what I thought. I didn’t mind it.
I hadn't thought about this album in a long time. I was honestly shocked when I saw that it was the album of the day. There's soemthing about this album that really transports me back to this time frame. Waiting to hear Keep em seperated on the radio, or seeing them perform Self Esteem at the X-games. it's also amazing that this album really holds up. I listened to it, 2 times yesterday and didn't feel like it was dated or anything.
I liked this one. A little slower pace.
Honestly I think this is my second Judas Priest album here. They are just good rock. Not like crazy metal like I always thought.
I just didn't like this. It's cool what they did for the industry and stuff, just not for me.
Solid album. I didn't see anything really that blew me away, but I did enjoy listening.
This was fine. I appreciate the artistry, i'ts just not something I'm ever going to pick.
I really liked this, really wild that this was his final album. A little haunting in some sense listening to Lazarus.
I liked this album, I had actually heard this a few times before.
I loved this. I found myself wanting to listen more than once.
This is an album I hadn't heard before. I enjoyed it. I thought it was mixed great, and over all it was an album that I think I'd listen to again.
I really really enjoyed this. The mixing and the bass on this are insane. Great songs great album flow. This was amazing.