Jack WhiteSome people have a gene that makes cilantro taste like soap. I must make the gene that makes Jack White’s voice sound like nails on a chalkboard.
Some people have a gene that makes cilantro taste like soap. I must make the gene that makes Jack White’s voice sound like nails on a chalkboard.
This was fantastic
I’d never listened to this album, but had heard the hits. Very good. She’s very talented.
All the cool kids loved The Mars Volta. Either I’m old or all the cool kids were wrong. This just sounded loud.
I did not enjoy this. Way too repetitive.
I really didn't love it. I just don't like his voice.
This is my favorite of the three so far. Obviously there is the connection with El Segundo and the good memories it brings. Can I Kick It is an iconic song. But I group up on rap in the era this came out and it just sounds like my youth. I love Bonita Applebaum. I've never listened to the whole album before, but it just is an hour of happiness.
I listened to this three times at work. I love Simon and Garfunkel and listened to their greatest hits growing up. That said, I was a bit disappointed in the songs that I hadn't heard before. But the songs I knew were great. Me and Julio is a banger.
I liked this more and more the more I listened to it.
This is absolute garbage.
I really didn’t like The Doors growing up. So when I saw this album pop up I was very apprehensive. But then I listened and I have to say, I was right. The Doors aren’t good. I don’t care for this. Nearing the end of the album I thought “at least this wasn’t the album with Riders on the Storm.” But - BAM - there it was, one of my least favorite songs ever. Hard pass.
I just don’t get it. I go I to these wanting to like the music. That’s why I started this project. But this was awful. I dreaded each new song. How was this cutting edge ever? It sounded like it was written by eighth graders who thought they were deep. I was convinced it was Christian rock for half the album. I’m still part way there. Oh how I long for my life one week ago when I could honestly say I’d never heard of the Triffids.
Super easy to listen to, but didn’t blow me away.
Super easy to listen to, but didn’t blow me away. The “hits” were great. There were some odd ones though.
Some really great songs here.
This album was just fantastic. What an icon.
I listened to it four times. I can’t recall a single song. It was easy to listen to but completely unmemorable.
Really liked this. Listened to Hell Yes on a loop this weekend.
If this album were a cup of tea I would tell people “it’s not mine.”
I really liked this. Not usually a country fan, but loved how these songs told a story.
Complete background noise. Had no impact on me whatsoever, but didn't offend me at all.
All I can say is that I hope this is the last Doors album out of the 1,001.
I really liked the fusion of jazz and electronic. While I'm sure it was groundbreaking in 1973, it isn't much more than good background music now. If I was trapped in an elevator for 45 minutes, I'd love if this was the soundtrack, though.
His voice annoyed me. Had the one classic song and the rest were mid.
I absolutely love the Velvet Underground and there are some perfect songs on this album.
There was an explosion…but it was more punk than blues. I enjoyed it, but it won’t make my regular rotation.
Good. Other than imagine, not memorable. I did put it on while I was driving around this weekend and enjoyed it.
I was very pleasantly surprised.
Given the name of the band, the name of the album and the cover art I thought I would love this. I was wrong.
Another miss.
I listened to this yesterday and can't remember it. I think it wasn't that bad, but I'll never listen again.
What a pleasant surprise.
What a pleasant surprise. Who knew that satanism rocked?
This is a truly great album. Sprawl II is a classic.
I was excited when I saw the album, but it just didn’t connect. Very dated.
I’ve heard this is one of the best hip hop albums ever. I liked it, but no track really stood out. I would have loved this 30 years ago. Now. Not so much.
Just a very pleasant listen.
I really dug this. This is why I’m doing this challenge. Never would have listened to this in my own, but so glad I did.
Sounded like a ton of other stuff
While I was listening I wondered if people considered Clapton to have stolen Blues music. So I googled it and learned that Clapton is a complete and utter garbage human being. Mid music. Total POS. Hard pass.
This is a weird album. Some absolute bangers and some really weird stuff too.
A bit dated.
Pretty damn good, but way too short.
In general I love this genre, but there was something off about this. Too experimental, maybe?
I couldn’t listen to this. I tried, it was bizarre.
Really good songs.
I’m on vacation. I’m still trying to listen to my albums. But this was not my cup of tea at all. And, oof, so long. I stopped listening after the third song.
I really wasn’t into grunge when it was happening. Didn’t really care for Nirvana. I was wrong. This is really good and totally holds up.
Never really listened to them growing up because I didn’t have a cool older sibling. But I didn’t feel like I missed anything ground breaking.
Had never listened to this although I knew it was a classic. Some really good stuff. Where are the lasers, though?
Love the Arctic Monkeys.
Sorry, all jazz sounds the same to me. I had this on at work and it’s the perfect background noise, and I really enjoyed it, but I also didn’t realize when the album was done and when Spotify was playing other similar music.
Didn’t care for this.
All the cool kids loved The Mars Volta. Either I’m old or all the cool kids were wrong. This just sounded loud.
I knew the hits. Only one other song really spoke to me. They definitely have a sound, but I like it and it holds up.
Excited to see it pop up, but ultimately disappointing. Decent, not great.
Had heard some of these songs, some as covers, but had no idea where they came from. This is classic, although a bit dated.
This was better than I expected.
This was better than I expected.
What a delightful album.
This reminded me of The Doors. I don’t care for The Doors. And I didn’t care for this.
Had heard the hits. Was pumped when I saw this was today’s albums. The rest did not disappoint. Great album.
I saw the album and thought it was a shame that we didn’t get one with any hits on it. What an idiot I was. I listened, loved it and then listened again. This was such a great album.
This was good, not great. Nothing too memorable, but never unhappy it was on.
Man, I want to like this, but his non hits are rough.
Very easy to listen to.
Was this a joke? I knew 2 seconds in that this wasn’t for me.
This was very mid.
I’ve always thought I didn’t care for the Stones. But I really liked the first track. The rest didn’t do anything for me, and some felt like they were stealing.
If I was 18 and took MDMA and was at a rave this would have slapped. I’m 51, I take blood pressure medication and listened in an airport waiting for a flight. Didn’t enjoy, but not the target audience.
Liked it. The songs I’ve heard before were good, and I looked forward to them. Nothing else stood out.
Very good background music. Not earth shattering. Not sure why it’s on the list. And what was up with the grunting?
I was expecting something a little harder based on the album cover.
This was all over the place. Really liked some songs, really didn’t like others. And I don’t think they’re scissor sisters at all.
I don’t know what to say. This is background music. I can’t imagine just sitting down and listening to this intently.
I really enjoyed this. Holds up really well. Just makes you tap your feet.
Really like this album. Something about her is special.
This was like a college freshman wrote very liberal papers and then spoke them behind a mid beat. Love late 80’s and early 90’s rap. Love Public Enemy. Love Boogie Down Productions. This is nowhere near that.
These are good finds, but it’s so hard to know if they influenced other bands, or were influenced by them. This sounded like a lot of other indie rock bands. Good, but probably won’t replace Arcade Fire in my rotation.
I had their very popular release, but didn’t realize they had other hit albums. This was good and holds up.
I never really understood Coldplay. Yes, it’s easy to listen to, but it’s pop rock. I can’t imagine really loving this, it’s just there.
Felt like I was listening to background music at a spa. Nope.
Weird AF.
I listened 20 hours ago and can’t remember a thing about it.
Just not my cup of tea.
This was fine. It’s obviously dated, but still easy to listen to.
I just never got the allure of the Beatles. This album did nothing for me.
I of course know the hits. But I’ve never sat down and listened to a whole album. Some weird stuff, but overall very enjoyable.
I see band names like this and I expect it to be hardcore. This was not. There were some decent songs, but others that were just off.
This is great background music.
I really liked this. There wasn’t any song that stood out, but I found myself replaying the album as soon as it ended.
Growing up, all the cool alt kids were into this. I’d never heard a song of theirs before, but when I saw this pop up I was happy. This is the sort of thing I wanted to learn from this project. A band I would never listen to but for this. I will not be listening to them again. I’m old. This was just noise.
I think this is the first album we’ve had that I actually own. This is really good, and forgot how much I enjoyed it. Love Sitting on Top of the World, Let Love Rule and My Precious Love.
This was a wild ride. It seemed like they changed genre every song, even sometimes mid song. I’ll never listen to them again, but I can’t say I didn’t enjoy the experience. Crumble was the standout track for me.
This was good, I liked it. More than just one hit.
I had never heard of this person before. But I absolutely loved this album. I’m sorry I was on vacation and didn’t have time to listen more than once, but when I can I’m going to listen to this multiple times.
Couldn’t finish this album.
They say you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. So I tried to put aside my prejudices when I saw their stupid name. I shouldn’t have. Would have saved me a half hour listening to this garbage.
I have complicated feelings about this. I’ve heard the hits but never listened to them voluntarily. I liked it. But it gives very angry white man vibes. Like I feel it could be the anthem of storming the capitol. So I feel guilty liking it.
They were a little past my prime rap listening days, but I would have loved this.
I’m sure he was great love. This couldn’t capture the energy.
Did not get it.
I loved this album. First, every artist should start out with a brief track explaining what they’re doing. But this album was so joyous, and had so many great guests on it. Gossip Folks is such a great track, but I liked it all.
This didn’t really do it for me. I found his voice to be too British.
I thought that I had listened to this album before, but I’ve only heard the hits. Love Basket Case. Other stuff was good too.
A lesser REM album. Nothing really did it for me.
U2 is vastly overrated. One is a very good song. The rest is meh.
I’d love to see a documentary about how this guy got a record deal, sold a single album and then got popular enough to make this list. Because there’s got to be a great story about it. Great accomplishment for a guy that can’t sing.
Another album I’ve listened to quite a bit, but probably not in 30 years. Holds up better than most.
Didn’t really care for anything but the major hits. Hard to separate his political views at the end of his life from the art, sadly.
It’s alright.
Almost every song was great.
They can’t all be winners.
Started off really strong, but then faded a bit.
Had only ever heard free bird, but I guess I like southern rock because most of this was fantastic and really fun to listen to.
Ice Cube and Dre were amazing. I remember having a bootleg tape of this in high school and still remember every line. Amazing that they put out songs that remain so iconic when they were so young. Taking away one star for Eazy-E’s horrible misogyny.
Nice classic album. Don’t think the themes hold up well.
I would have given this two stars for originality if it had been 30 minutes, maybe if it had been 45. But two hours of this? Nope.
I’m just not a fan of Beastie Boys. This album didn’t change my mind.
How great was this.
It’s been 34 years since high school Spanish, but I was reminded of this phrase “no es bueno.”
This was a lot better than I was expecting and good to have on in the background.
I must be old because this was just angry noise.
Glad I liked Smooth Operator, because every song sounded just like it.
Best U2 album I’ve listened. Still 3 stars.
I used to love Björk when I was younger. That’s probably because I hadn’t heard this album.
I listened to a bunch of similar stuff when I was younger but don’t know that I listened to any JBs. What a mistake. This was great. Loved Doing Our Own Dang. Listened like three times in a row to the album. jBs coming through.
I like jazz, but can’t tell if it’s good or not. I like this, but it was no different than the stuff Spotify played afterwards.
ABBA is just the best. So glad I got this album on a Friday. Listened to it all weekend.
I’d forgotten how good this album is. Such a unique voice.
More like tin, amirite?
What a weird album. Some absolute bangers. Some experimental stuff. Was hoping I’d like it more.
I listened to this album three times, and can't tell you a single thing about it. It must be ok if I tried three times, but it's not good if I just tuned it out every time.
Didn’t love this as much as I thought I would.
I appreciate people who try different things, and this was certainly that. I didn’t enjoy most of it, but I could appreciate it.
Could not wait for this to end.
This wasn’t bad. Not something I’d put on again, but didn’t hate it.
Me: it’s only 24 minutes. I can listen to anything for 24 minutes. Also me: [Checks watch every 2 minutes] Sounded like half the band was playing a different song from the other half.
Classic. So good.
I thought it would go harder. Breaking the Law was iconic, but the rest wasn’t my favorite.
Not my cup,of tea. Can’t imagine anyone thinks this is really good.
What a load of crap.
This is very underrated.
Really enjoyed this.
I like this, but, honestly, every song sounded the same.
I want to like this more, but just can’t get into it.
Not for me.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: I just don’t get the Beatle love. I think you had to be there, although I know it has appeal to some young people. It just sounds dated and nothing I’d just throw on.
Holds up.
In Love Actually I used to think Emma Thompson left Alan Rickman because he was having an affair. Now I know it’s because he thought a Joni Mitchell album was a good gift.
I’ve always heard that this was an amazing album. I’ve heard Bloodbuzz a ton, but nothing else. But this was great. I really enjoyed it.
Started off terrible, but towards the end it got a little better. Of course, that was when I noticed that it had ended and Spotify was playing random songs. This was garbage.
I enjoyed this a lot more than I thought I would.
I liked this! It was nostalgic in some way to me.
This was… not bad at first but then it got worse. I did like it though.
Love the Velvet Underground. Did not love this.
I assume the inclusion of this album was a typo.
Really wish I had heard this when I was younger.
This was 🔥
Sounded like the house band at Applebees.
Massively mediocre.
I really liked this. I appreciate the different genres.
Hard pass.
Some great tracks, some ridiculous tracks.
Love P Funk. This album was just good fun.
Ok, I acknowledge that David Bowie is a genius. But this album wasn’t it.
This was surprisingly good. Dinging it because there were a couple really weird tracks. But overall a fun vibe.
I’ve known of the Pogues, but never listened. I really liked this, and will listen to more. Gabriella, you are wrong about them.
I just couldn’t get into this.
This is some weird shit.
This wasn’t anything special, except one or two songs kind of made me stop what I was doing and listen.
Not his best effort.
This was good. I’d forgotten how much I liked them. But the album was a bit repetitive.
This is the best album on the list so far for me. Had never listened to it, but knew half the songs and the other songs were all very good too. Stevie Nicks has a great voice and the music is timeless. Flawless.
I don’t know what makes good Afro Cuban jazz into great Afro Cuban jazz. All this is listenable to me, just not something I’d go back to.
I really want to like this, but it sounds so dated.
Had never heard common before. Liked the beats, but found myself more intrigued by the featured artists.
This was really great. I enjoyed it very much.
Knew the hits. The other songs were good. My only complaint was that the whole album sounded like one continuous track.
Jury is out on which way those guys'll go. They're a lot of fun, and James Taylor is one of the most proficient bass players in the UK at the moment, giving them a funky edge. Classic.
Never been a Country music fan, but this is really good. I enjoyed it very much.
Definitely on the list because she’s a cultural icon, not because it’s good. Gave a star for an all time hit, but not much more there.
This is music for depressed college students.
Great song names. Not great songs. Maybe one or two that I liked, but overall not great.
Just couldn’t get into this. Just sounded like I was eating mid quality, over priced Italian food on Long Island.
Not a big Stones fan. And this is not their best. It smacks of appropriation. Don’t recommend.
Love this album. Brings back such good memories.
I don’t know the technical term for why Muse doesn’t resonate with me, but there’s something about their music that turns me off. I like a couple of songs, but would never seek them out.
This was surprisingly good.
The cover of Girls Just Want to Have Fun is so known and kind of silly that you sleep on how good she is. This was so much better than I was expecting.
I wish I had found this when I was younger. Like this now, would have loved it as a teenager.
Yes, please.
I just don’t get the David Bowie love. This was strange, and nothing really jumped out to me as really good. Star man was the best track, but wouldn’t seek it out.
Not for me
Three Bob Dylan’s. Not as great as it sounds.
Started off slow - it gave Beach Boys. But steadily grew on me.
Hate these Manc pricks.
I liked this. I only know the big Who songs, but this had a distinct sound and I could groove to it.
This album is not one of the top 1,001 of all time.
I’ve had a bad run of albums. I didn’t care for this. I’m really hoping the next one is better.
If you didn’t like the first 20 seconds, you won’t like the rest. I hated the first 20 seconds.
Pretty good
Classic. I’m glad it holds up. Chevy Chase is the worst, though.
Did not love
Some of the music was ok for easy listening. The vocals added nothing.
If there were only 1,002 albums in existence I’m not sure this would be in the top 1,001 must listen to albums.
I think this is the third Dylan album we’ve gotten. The other two weren’t good, and made me question whether I really liked Dylan. This album was great though. Long live Dylan.
Didn’t realize how old this was and how foundational it was for alt rock.
They had one hit off this album, and I haven’t thought about them in 30 years. Not great.
The Kinks, it turns out, have many great songs. Unfortunately, none are on this album.
This grew on me.
Good, not great. List for life was the only banger.
Epic is, well, epic. But the rest doesn’t really hold up.
This was really good. The music is a bit dated, but being love just adds so much.
I don’t get the love.
Queen is undefeated
Not my jam.
Not as good as I hoped.
Sometimes you get so many bad or weird albums in a row. Thankfully there are albums like this that come along and restore your faith in this project.
Ash? More like trash.
Not my jam.
I listened to this in two chunks. Really liked the first half. Didn’t enjoy the second.
This album brings back such good memories. I can totally understand just hearing it for the first time in 2024 and not liking it. But I've been listening t this for 35 years and it's just great. I completely hate heroin (the drug) but love heroin (the song). While Nico's voice is grating, I love most of her songs on this album.
What a weird album to be on this list.
I dug this.
I honestly don’t know how I feel about this album.
I was surprised how much I liked this.
Metallica rocks. But why three Metallica albums? Are you telling me there aren’t other metal artists that deserve the list. Where’s the justice…for all.
Did nothing for me.
Sweet Dreams is great. The rest is synth rock that simply doesn’t hold up.
Very cool.
Not my boss.
This did not work for me.
This was our 250th album. This album is kind of why I did this challenge. Never really cared for the Stones, but this album was pretty good, provided you don’t listen to the words of Brown Sugar.
Not good
I’ll agree with 1/3 of the album title.
I’m Jewish and Phil Spector is a murderer. So one star.
I don’t even know what to write. Some tracks were great. Some were blah. Was it Wilco? Was it Billy Bragg? Who was the woman? Do I like Wilco now? Am I a pothead now?
Wish I was more into this when I was younger.
This was very good.
This was surprisingly good.
Actually ok.
I do enjoy some British punk music.
I’d never listened to this album, but had heard the hits. Very good. She’s very talented.
Super fly. I don’t know what I liked more, this album or the classic R and B that the Spotify algorithm played afterwards.
This was nice.
I liked this, but got tired of it by the end.
Ironically, I was just looking at listening to more RATM last week. Great album. I realize that I’m the machine, yet still I rage.
I wish that I had listened to this as a mopey teenager.
I’ve started to like country music more. This is the type of country music I didn’t like that held me back. It’s just not good.
These songs are like what you would hear in an indie movie when the main character is going through something. Good for setting a mood in a movie. Not great for listening to all at one time.
Did not enjoy.
Joni Mitchell is not my jam
I refuse to listen to Eric Clapton because he’s such a piece of shit
I just don’t get the allure. Sure, some catchy tunes, but just not something I’d throw on, like, ever.
Not my cup of tea
This was something else.
The best Foo Fighters
This is just great music.
This sounded like a Rocky Horror Picture Show knockoff.
Now this is one of the top albums of all time.
Was super fun to listen to this at work.
Amazing how many of these songs I’ve heard. But I still think it’s just average soft rock.
Great background music.
Better as an album than hearing an individual song on the radio.
Not sure why this is on the list. It’s of a time, and that time is not now.
Just ok, but didn’t listen closely.
Really enjoyed this
Much R E S P E C T.
I did not enjoy this. Way too repetitive.
Nicely done.
Didn’t go quite hard enough.
Some people have a gene that makes cilantro taste like soap. I must make the gene that makes Jack White’s voice sound like nails on a chalkboard.
I don’t know what to think.
Did not care for this.
This did absolutely nothing for me.
I feel like sound quality really affected my enjoyment of this.
Not memorable
I hate that I liked this as much as I did. And Man City sucks!
Not really.
Sadder than I had hoped.
Not a huge Beatles fan, but this was the best of their albums we’ve had so far.
I draw the line at listening to actual Nazis.
This was fantastic
I’d say this was about 75% to being pretty good.
There were some really cool songs here, but also some weird ass songs.
This was outstanding
This is like modern art. I’m sure it’s good and groundbreaking, but I just don’t get most of it.
Unique, I’ll give you that.