Olympia 64
Jacques BrelWhat I listen to while my rat cooks me dinner
What I listen to while my rat cooks me dinner
You know I'm a sucker for a good Britney album. Love it
A very nice listen. Had hints of maybe James Taylor mixed with John Lennon? A calm, but moving listen.
This was bad. Felt like a punishment. Would vote this off the list.
This was so immersive, felt like I was chillin' at a jazz club in the 70s. Very entertaining, less chaotic than the later Tom Waits albums I've gotten so far. While bizarre, that was some captivating story telling. I really liked the crowd, like the 70s people weren't all too different then me today. The band is incredible throughout, so top tier jazz.
My first introduction to Bowie. Enjoyable. Very British, artsy.
What a blast! Drums hit hard, guitar rips. Great to hear more than just the biggest hits
New artist to me. Didn't really wow me. Fine enough. There She Goes slaps.
Really enjoyed this. Pleasent and calm. Relaxing simple sound, with great lyrics.
Didn't recognize the name. But knew the first song. Folky with some early psychedelic/eastern sound. Easy to listen to. Didnt love the 2nd track.
I must just be an Elvis fan, cuz everything I hear from him I like. Including this!
I’ve never really explored Dylan’s music. Honestly I wouldn’t say I love this album yet. Poetic sure, but the vocals are so harsh. Hoping it grows on me. Some songs feel like they go on way too long.
This was bad. Felt like a punishment. Would vote this off the list.
Fun look at the earliest of hard rock. Screaming guitars. Ahead of its time.
A surprise 5 star from me! What a blast! Apparently thrash metal hyped me up big time. Guitar solos were insane!
Nice voice. Easy listening. Songs kinda all sounded the same. Too many skit tracks. Surprise Andre 3000 feature near the end.
Definitely not my cup of tea. Wonky beats, odd tone. Just unpleasant to listen to.
So impressed that was live! The British rock / classical blend is great. Pure talent to pull that off. Defiantly one to listen start to finish to get the full effect. Organ sound can be a bit much at times.
wow! So I had skipped this one for months since it's not available on Apple Music. Finally played through it on YouTube today, and was very impressed. So smooth, and so impacting. An amazing glimpse into the soul of the 1979s black man.
Nice sound. Easy listening, though nothing really jumped out and wowed me.
Fun 80s pop. George Michael is very passionate lol.
Nice jazzy soulful music. A little heavy on the vibrato sometimes.
Really liked this one! Impressive talent, great great music. Southern bluesy rock. Replayed immediately
Didn’t love this one. Felt all over the place. The 19 minute jam track at the end was unexpected for sure. Just ok overall for me.
Had a fun time with this one. Bobbing my head, good funk, groove, music. All around good time
Liked this more then I thought I would. Was expecting bland hipster rock. But this has a great sound, good mix, relaxing vibe.
Maybe I’m just not in a funk mood today? Got into it a few times, but not enough to like it as a whole. Kinda shrill sometimes. But would probably be good on a dance floor or something
Like this one! Great voice, fun pop. Cool the whole album repeats in French
I nice sound that I couldn't quite pin down to a specific genre. Almost like jazzy reggae elevator music? I think I'm way off. A few too many instrumentals too.
Good rap, sounds just like 2005. Can definitely heard the early Kanye production on the tracks. Common has good bars. Never really heard much from him before
Points for the uniqueness. A bit long and loud for parts though
Hits were top notch! Some songs just ok. But good stuff all in all
I really REALLY liked this album. Wish I would’ve discovered this earlier in life. Can’t describe it, but it’s so good!
Feels iconic for a demographic I don't fit into. Regardless, smooth good music, especially like the incorporation of jazz instruments like flute, upright bass, congos, etc.
You know I'm a sucker for a good Britney album. Love it
Definitely sounds like 60 pop. Very Beatles-y. So I like it. Every song sounds kinda similar though.
Beautiful voice. I feel like she should be talked about more. Really good sounding jazz, all live
Never got into Brit punk, and while this wasn’t bad, it wasn’t my favorite. Maybe a song once in a while, but the album started to sound the same every song
Jazzy and soulful. A talented singer lost too soon
Honestly, I was just bored. Felt like music for a video game menu. Mixed well, but couldn’t even move to it.
Dang, 2 ambient albums in a row. Just not for me. Was so bored throughout. Just felt like an hour of a video game on a pause menu.
The Jimmy Fallon band? Raps were clean, but too much filler.
My first repeat of an artist. I like this band. Sounds so similar to the Beatles. I like the other album a little better than this one, but still good
Fun, perfect salsa album. Makes you wanna get up and dance
Pretty good. I liked the songs where he sang. Some songs were just the same riff on repeat for 4 minutes
Finally listened though a Zeppelin album for the first time. As classic rock as you can get. Great sound. Felt long, but I read it’s a double album. Really enjoyed it. Made me want to be in the 70s
2nd Bob Dylan album I’ve gotten. I really want to like his music. He’s so legendary, but man his voice is just so rough. And man that harmonica was shrill to the ears. Points for the art/creativity to the lyrics, very story like.
Enjoyed this way more than I thought I would. Perfect blend of 80s girl pop and rock.
Lana makes good music, but man every song sounds the same to me. Not in a bad way. The first song was my least favorite on this one. Cool seeing such a new album on the list.
As pure as jazz gets.
Pretty standard 90s alternative sound. Couldn't find too much info about them, besides that they covered Mrs Robinson well. Nothing stood out to me unfortunately
Some good riffs. Sounds weren't always pleasent on the ears though. Recognized one song from GH3, but I never played that song too often lol.
Classic hip hop. Great beats. Great bars.
2nd Bowie album. Growing on me. I liked the composition a lot. The dramatic theatrical performance must be what people love. I don't understand Bowie but I'm enjoying figuring him out
WOW! Rap perfected. The lyrics just keep rolling so smooth. Beats you can bob your head to.
Really enjoyed this. Great alt rock, can definitely hear how this album inspired many bands to come around in the 90s. Ahead of their time for their sound.
Hard hitting powerful rock. Amps you up! And incredible use of vocal harmonies. Really takes it up a notch.
Did not enjoy this one. Every song was waaay too long. Just the same 4 beats repeated over and over. Music as bland as the album cover.
Never knew how far back in time LL had music! Old school style for sure. Pretty clean overall, beats and lyrics.
First time I've ever listened to a Stones album. I've been missing out. Looking forward to hearing more. This album, every song was enjoyable. And the mix was top notch
Probably my favorite 80s pop album yet. Felt like it could be a soundtrack to a musical, it was so theatrical. Great mix, lots of fun.
Incredible harmonies! These guys can groove together incredibly well. Talented musicians, singer's, songwriters. Easy to listen to and just groove. Like if Beatles we're southern rock.
Smooth Latin jazz. Makes me want to dance with my wife after a candle lit dinner.
3rd Bowie album. Gotta say I like the guy. Each album give a better look at his career. This one had some great showy theatrics to it. Loved all the space theming. Album came out not too long after the moon landing. Good stuff
Nice solid 3 star. Music wasn't bad, but man nothing really gripped me. Nothing got stuck in my head, just sounded alright then instantly forgot about it. Never knew Rod Stewart had a band lol
Nice music, definitely the definition of the late 60s hippie pop movement. Easy to listen to. Folky in a good way.
Ok, so beautiful voice, and some truly top tier rapping. Leaps and bounds better than most rappers. But each song felt dragged out a minute too long. And too many skits. But man her voice is pure.
Mostly great tracks, but I bet it would hit different on a get-away with my wife, rather than on my commute to the office. Sensual, soulful, passionate.
Yikes this one was rough. No flow, just 40+ tracks that all sounded similar and not in a good way. Terrible vocals. Songs so short. An extra star due to the Jackass theme song being a fun surprise. And there were moments when they had good riffs.
Lovely sound, excellent harmonies and storytelling in the songwriting.
This band completely missed my radar duri g their early days, but I really like their sound. A notch above the rest of the early 2000s rock bands that all kinda sound similar. But this was totally enjoyable start to finish.
Incredible spacy 70s orchestral rock. Harmonies layer incredibly. Album felt like a journey. Long but kept my attention. Synth but a full orchestra
My first time listening to The Wall. All I can say is WOW. Perfect album to test my new airpods pro. The composition is insane. Very long, but engaging throughout. Especially the end of Comfortably Numb. Loved it
Not bad by any means. Some solid groovy funk. Gotta love Le Freak. But mostly just a 45 minute groove. Gotta be in a real particular mood to put this one on
I'm finding more and more that I like the late 60s early 70s music way more than I realized. This albums continuing that trend. Good music. Wait I just looked up the band, and turns out it's Neil Young lol. Well there you go
Gotta love Frank. Smooth as always. The bossa nova that Jobim adds to the record make it stand out above the rest.
Solid late 60s British rock album. Didn't really know anything by them before. I like hearing bands from that genre other than the Beatles. Love the Beatles. Expanding my horizons
A good album, I hadn't heard of them before. Really enjoyed the use of jazz instruments, the flutes, horns, stand up bass. Would listen again. Sound was British 80s pop, but jazzy and soulful.
A few track were ok, but overall I didn't enjoy most of this one. Sounded like Coldplay but like if they weren't that good yet. Nothing too memorable unfortunately
Enjoyed this. Very peaceful mixed into the pop/rock. Cool to hear Coldplay before all the fame.
Kinda felt like it went on forever. Read up on it, apparently this album is pretty renowned? I recognized the Exorcist theme. Impress he made this album at 19 years old. Feel like it could've been chopped into tracks instead of being 2 crazy long pieces. Maybe I'm missing something, but just ok for me. Yet to have an instrumental album really grip me.
Fun in-your-face rap. A fun style, but most songs sounded really similar, and 20 songs just felt too long.
This one was tough for me. Glad to be exposed to African music, as I don't really know any. But this wasn't my favorite. Voice was shrill and so wiggly. Music all over the place and songs too long.
Never really taken the time to get into reggae, but I liked this more than I expected. Relaxing feel-good vibe. Simple but in a good way.
I can hear the influence Bowie had on the production, but Iggy's voice just didn't do it for me. The deep growly wobbly tone just wasn't pleasent to listen to unfortunately
Pretty nice sounds. Didn't really wow me, but didn't annoy me either. Comfortable 90s indie rock.
Welp turns out I like ABBA? Never knew! Enjoyed almost every song. Like disco pop with splashes of orchestra. Great harmonies. Complex but concise.
Liked this one a lot more than the solo album I had last week. Fun energetic early punk rock
Back to back punk albums. I think I may have liked this one slightly better. Felt more put together, less crazy. This album's energy pumped me up but I could not understand a word they sung lol
Wish I could say WOOHOO to this album, but what a snooze fest. One memorable track, but was bored the rest. Nothing popped out memorable at all
Interesting album. Felt like it had influence from every decade, like I couldn't pin it down in time. Nice sound, but man the lead sounds really dorky. Points for sounding ahead of their time at times though.
I had a blast with this one. Made me wanna drive fast. And play Tony Hawk. High energy, quick tempo skate rock
Good God this is torture. It's taken days to power through this, and it's yet to be enjoyable. Just noise for 74 minutes.
Pretty solid, multiple tracks brought the hype. But too many instrumentals. And sometimes the distorted vocals were too much for too long.
Booooring. Ok the mix was nice and the vocals nice, but man I was bored. I described it to my wife as "stuck shopping with grandma at Dillard's" music. Sorry but wouldn't listen again.
Straight to my soul, this one! I'm not a cowboy by any means, but something about this styles makes me feel so much peace. Yeehaw all day. Perfect western music
Nice late 90s rock, nothing too mind blowing though
This album broadened my horizons on what reggae could be. Silky smooth with the sax. Relaxing in a way.
The epitome of early 90s rock. Has a simplicity to it, backed by angst and grunge. Loved it.
If power tools started a band. Sounded like what would play at the Zoolander Derelicte fashion show. Too chaotic for me
Almost gave 3 stars, but good lord that last track brought it down.
The type of rock that makes you want to ride a big motorcycle. Solid rock with a nice groove to it.
Enjoyed the arrangements on this one, lots of movement and instruments. Impressive but forgettable
Love love love Willie Nelson. The old outlaw county has a special place in my heart. Simple and somber. Great storytelling
The vocals were way too grating way to much. Took a long time to get used to. Extra star for the music sounding way ahead of it's time
Good stuff. Cool to hear quality rap from the early 90s that isn't gangster or corny. Just grooving bars
Lots of fun on this one! This is definitely an evolution of a certain branch of jazz showing the future in 1993. Hard to describe, but easy to listen to
An interesting listen, for sure. Not something I could replay very much, but cool exposure to some of the African and Asian influences woven into the music.
First impression, "wow this dude's sounds a little to horny". Second impression, "ok really this dude needs to calm down" lol. Fun to listen to though I guess
Some tracks were fun. Had to listen twice to grow on me. But too often the guys voice was so squawky every other word
Still not crazy about this guy's vibe. The loosy goosy nerd thing just doesn't quite land for me. This is the second Costello album I've gotten, and I think I liked the other one a little better. It's not terrible though, the more I replay it, it grows on me a bit
A little crazy, but no one's got the flair like this guy. Just a fun rock and roll time
nice 60s pop, love to voice on her. Easy listening
Missy deserves more credit in the game. Helped catapult female rap to a new level. Solid bars, never holding back, rapping about things we hadn't heard much of before. Some beats sound dated, but some still slap
After reading about the album, I'm amazed how popular this album was in it's day. I only recognized Wonderwall, but don't think I could've told you it was by a band called Oasis. But it was a good listen. Definitely some 90s British alt rock
My 2nd Black Sabbath album so far. The more I hear them, the more I really like them. Incredible album especially as a debut. They really inventes a new sound and feeling.
Finally got a Beatles album! I like this album because it still has influences from the 50s, but solidifies the early Beatles sound before the psychedelia came into play.
Hard to rate this one. On one hand I can tell that it is intricate and creative music, often ethereal unlike anything else. On the other hand it's like if a whale in outer space was stuck on rewind putting you to sleep.
Really surprised when I saw this came out in 88. Definitely sounds ahead of it's time. Like late 90s maybe. Most was good, but man those last 2 songs were so painful I gotta knock a star off
Enjoyable soul filled jazz. Like if the weather channel got a little funky. Must be good if an 11 minutes intro track doesn't feel like it's dragging.
Good sounding 90s rock. More gentle/radio friendly than any kind of hard rock. Feel like they could've/should've been a more commonly know group but Iver never heard of them. Good stuff though
Might be my first play through an entire Elton John album. Very impressed. The piano playing is great, and I like the storytelling of the songs.
Felt like a soundtrack to a secret agent PS2 game. Was like "how do I know Remind Me" and it's the freaking Geico caveman song 😂 unfortunately ambient albums just haven't caught me right yet. Always just feels like credit to a movie for 45 minutes
First exposure to The Who. Enjoyed it. Got that great 60s rock sound. Fun play with the ads/sell out gags without overdoing it.
Did not enjoy. Album dragged for eternity. Felt like a playlist rather than an album. Not a well thought out playlist though. Band covered 10 genres in 11 songs
Deserves the 5 stars. My first time hearing this album. This man can make true music that gets to the soul. Even at 20 songs, it kept my attention and impressed me throughout
We're the songs really long? Yes. Was this one of the most fun jazz albums I've ever heard. Also yes. Really impressive instrumentation showcasing African influence. Thumbs up
With a name like I that, I didn't expect much, but man this was right up my alley. Still has the 60s country influence with a touch of 70s pizzaz. Would listen again
definitely feel like I'd really love this band if I spent more time with them. Can definitely tell this was an inspiration for bands that would come in the 90s.
Solid 70s funk. Pretty much by definition. Took a strange turn with all the farts at the end.
Much of this album has had an effect on the American Christmas for decades, popularizing Christmas pop music. Plenty of nostalgic Christmas cheer throughout. But can only really listen in December
Cool to hear what could've come from nirvana next, but sad to know it's missing someone. Good stuff, some songs gave that nirvana sound, while others showed a new chapter of what would become foo fighters sound with Dave at the helm. Some songs sound flat. Would love a remastere
Sounds like if blue man group played while you wait in line for test track. Pretty awesome mix to it though. Amazing on a good set of headphones. Still struggling with long mostly-instrumental albums
Gotta say, wasn't expecting the toy story guy to drop the n word in the opening track. Musically the tracks were impressive, good storytelling, intricate piano. But man his voice just sounds like he's a little slow or something.
A few good bits, bit too much quirky shouting for me
Gives off a sounds that seems like they should be more popular or talked about. Solid creative 90s rock. Not mind blowing, but better than many.
Is this the best bongo album I've ever heard? Yes. Does that mean I want this much bongo in my life? No.
2nd ABBA album so far. Enjoyed this one almost as much as I did the other one. Love the harmonies and orchestral pop of the songs
Look there's both that wrong with this album, a few catchy tracks, but not enough to justify the rest. Too long, vocals fall out of sounding nice sometimes. But man, All I Wanna Do can get stuck in your head
Lots of passion, dudes really feeling the music he's making. Yells a little too much. Like every song. But yeah he's giving it his all
interesting rock style. Like a little electronic with some crazy drums.
Some cool layering on some cool beats, but man instrumentals just don't do it for me. Way too long for anything to stand out and shine
Finally something to give five stars to. Every band member going full out every track. Awesome rock, songs have good movement, creativity, and hype.
Some fun 70s rock for sure. Nice hearing songs other than smoke on the water by them. Enjoyed "lazy" the most I think.
I love this style of music. The harmonies and story telling have a comforting sense about them. Twangy but lovely.
Never heard of them, but they seem to have perfected that late 2000s indie hipster rock. Sounds nice without becoming cringey or annoying. For me though, nothing really stands out to make it amazing. Just solid hipster rock
Dudes got soul.
Not too exceptional, but I enjoyed Rene and Lazy Sunday. Fun and over the top british
There's something I really like about this guy's music but I can't put my finger on it. Music and vocals sound simple but comes across as good music. I did like the Smiths album I got a little better than this solo album
This album had an awesome upbeat pulse all the way through. Kept me bobbing my head the whole time. Each song was peak 80s pop, and now that I know Duran Duran's sound, I can tell it's them when the guy starts singing. Distinct in a good way.
Incredibly smooth voice. Songs too long though
Honestly this was cornier than I expected it to be. Most songs too long. Tough guy gangster rap, still pretty cheesey
love the early Beatles albums. Before all the fame and experimentation. Still has the doo-wop influence of 50s pop heavily throughout
Wasn't expecting this to be a 5 star for me, but even throughout 18 tracks, this album kept me engaged, fun to listen to, lyrics not corny, beats interesting. Wish 50 would've stayed on top longer
This one grew on me. Was bored at first, but something clicked. The violin was great. Definitely was a 42 year old Irish dad would love.
Not bad per say, but nothing remarkable jumped out at me. Unfortunately forgettable.
How can you not like Frank! Smooth, swanky, and swingin'. Timeless
This one wasn't for me. The xylophone sounds were nice and calming, but the songs carried on so long. Good voice, just not my cup of tea. Wouldn't seek out to play again.
Some fun funky beats on a few tracks, but the vocals brought it down. Can't decide if I like it enough for more stars
Can't deny the musicianship to be able to play that well live, but man some of the jam session sections felt like they were never going to end
One of the better late 2000s indie rock albums I've heard. I like the use of the organ and the string instruments
Incredible. Love the back and forth between Johnny and the audience. The songs were wonderful stories. Such an iconic album. A concert in a prison. Classic Cash
Good lord. So much of this was a pain to listen to. Nothing exceptional about the music, and the wailing vocals sucked.
Peak early 2000s hipster music, but in a good way. Very artistic music, great instrumentation. Calming vocals. Not my cup of tea on the daily, but can respect the artistry. Little too long
Present to the ear, but nothing really stuck out. Couldn't remember a single track.
Nice solid stadium easy rock. Better than I expected
First time sitting down and listening to. Doors album. Sounded good. Like what I think I expected. Songs were fun but the few keyboard solos were a bit shrill.
The vocals caught me off guard but grew on me quickly. So much gravel. Finished the album before realizing it was released in 2016. Raw gritty simple and cool.
Not bad! Never heard of them, but I like the overuse of horns and sax. Cool blend of funk and 80s British pop
How does this band get 2 albums on this list? It was ok. Different than the other one I had by them. Chill late 90s indie pop
2nd Joni Mitchell album I got. Nice voice, but the long round about story telling with no structure just isn't for me
Neat to hear where they started. Not quite as iconic or gripping as their massive albums to come later though. Listen with good headphones, the mix is cool
Really good! She deserves to be a rap legend. How is this a debut album from 1989?? Outshines many others from this time period of rap.
I'm not really one for instrumental albums, bit this one was better than some of the others I've gotten so far. Good experimentation without being annoying. Way better with good headphones in.
Guys probably a legend, but this album felt kinda sub par to me. Felt like every track was a demo recording. Would've liked to hear a cleaner studio sound. Dudes got soul, but this album doesn't show it off
Nothing too great on this one. Whole thing sounds like the soundtrack to a 2003 heist movie.
I've had some great rap albums so far, but I think this one takes the cake. The lyricism, the flow, the beats. All amazing. Feels way ahead of it's time.
Sounded a lot like what I imagined a Prince album would sound like. Some fun, funky hits. But also a few that last forever, and a few that sounded like Prince was definitely trying to make a move on me.
This guy's really growing on my. Voice sounds like mud, in a good way. Great poetic story telling lyrics. Simple at times, but quality
This guy's voice is so unique. Borders between cool and kinda annoying. This is the 2nd album i got by them. Grows on you the more you listen. Just gotta get in the mood for that Irish vibe
What a performer! Dude made me wanna love my wife better lol. Like a guide on how to love a woman. Guy gives it 100%
Really dug this one. Cool early 70s rock, but that extra flair of the flute was another level. Loved the poetic lyrics and that the song structure explored, kept going places I didn't expect
Look was it bad? Not really I guess. I think it was growing on me. British reggae is such an odd combo though.
Surprisingly nice for just being a voice and a guitar pretty much the whole album. Hadn't heard of him. Read he past away young. Shame he couldn't enjoy the accliam music like this would've brought him. Relaxing.
This album is its own special niche of cool. Not my fav though. Sounds like the soundtrack to a PS1 racing game in outer space.
Some good fun rock. I think I thought it would be darker, based on Alice Cooper's appearance, but it was mostly just normal rock. Only recognized the No More Mr Nice Guy song
I like the sound of this one. Many songs started to sound too similar, but I did enjoy it. Relaxing.
Albums like this are why I still do this. The exposure to incredible music i may have never found elsewhere. This album is beautiful and gave me much needed exposure to the beauty of African language in music
The type of music that deserves 5 stars. Perfect voice, beautiful orchestration. Timeless
Pretty fun album. Never listened to much Police before. Knew the 2 most popular tracks. Theyre pretty good. Can't pin down his accent though. Album ended kinda flatly. Just a fade out? But entertaining throughout
Uniquely odd voice. Grew on me. Sometimes sounded like Mr Krabs singing the greasy spoon song. But it grew on me. Liked it by the end. Long album. Guy could sing old north wind from over the garden wall
Pretty solid rap, especially for 89, the flow feels way head of the game. The skits were super cringey though. Could've trimmed a few of the shorter tracks too. But good verses on the main tracks
Ehhh not for me. Sounds like every other Irish rock band I've heard. Same instruments, same themes. Just didn't wow me.
Ahh shoot, my bias is kicking in on this one. I love this guy! This album almost felt like a greatest hits, seemed like i knew almost every track even though I've never played the album. Billy Joel is a master at songwriting and story telling. Loved it
Had fun with this one. Cool and effective modern techno alternative something. Sometimes gave me Death Cab meets Capital Cities meets Daft Punk vibes. Hip but not cringey
Classic jazz, as pure jazz as it gets
I think I like the older Coldplay stuff. Most of it's pretty relaxing. I like the more soft rock style over the more pop heavy hits a hear nowadays. But this album was nice
Too monotone, too long. Just didn't do it for me. I did like The Corrosion. Fun track, but didn't make up for the rest.
Some good blues rock riff here and there, but didn't love the vocals
Wow that first song felt like jazz on drugs for 20 minutes. I can appreciate the complexity of the music though, and it had good movements.
Like this one better than the who sell out. Less over the top with all the British stereotypes. More just a band making good music. Didn't know much about the who before, cool to know who they are better now
Woah, almost back to back Yes albums. I liked this one better than Close To The Edge. Gotta give these musicians credit, the songs have some complexity to the rock. A fun listen
I'm sure this style isn't for everyone, but I'm reading Lord of the Rings right now, and this kept giving Tom Bombadil and Goldberry vibes. So it's a win for me
Maaaan get outta here, this sucked lol. This one was not for me. This guy thing singing higher makes it better? Negative ghost rider. What a drag
Some good songwriting, but this guy only sang like 3 notes this whole album. Relaxing for the most part, but felt like the music didn't do enough
The most experimental rock I've heard that didn't get annoying. Good job. This was my first exposure to Radiohead (besides Creep). I think I could grow to like them more, but would have to be in a certain mood for it
I can't pin down what to even call the genre of this album. Splashes of rock, rap, electronica, blues and more. Definitely unique. I'd've ate this up if I was like 19 when it came out. Got a cool factor.
High level late 50s schoomzy love pop. Making the girls of the 50s/60s swoon. Great harmonies, simply cheesy classic pop. Songs are very short
You know I wasn't sure at first, because the songs were pretty long, but this one got through to me. Loving the heavy African influence over some awesome jazz
Too much noise. Not enough music. Read it's important in punk music history, but it was more painful than pleasurable to listen to. Sounds of chaos but not in a good way
Some smooth soul, but nothing really stuck out as memorable. Why is the intro to rolling stone like 4 minutes long?
What a drag. Man this one took me days to get through. Just long drawn out hipster experimental rock. Nothing memorable. It definitely exists
I like these guys funk and style. Rock with some major funk. Couple of stand out tracks, couple a bit forgettable. But definitely unique in a good way.
My guy really forgot to add lyrics to half the album. Would enjoy a Bowie album more if it had more Bowie.
Now that's heavy! Man this was some of the cleanest but gnarliest metal I've heard in a while. These guys nailed it
White Stripes sound exactly like White Stripes. And it's a good sound. Jack's voice, the guitar, the simple drum kit hitting hard. I think I liked Elephant better, but this was still great.
Anybody wanna play Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 2?
I mean she's no Sheryl Crow am I right? Nah she was alright. Kinda that cliche early 90s girl with a guitar singer songwriter vibe. But she must've been one of the first that made that a thing. But man she sure like to song about wanting to bone. Like alright I get it
Easy to listen to. Gave some big Coldplay vibes, but like better for the most part. Nice
First time hearing much from her. I've been missing out. Her voice is so raw and rough, but still beautiful. Like soul come to life. Wish she could've made more.
Nice and smooth. Subject matter is sad though, mostly about falling out of love and divorce. But Marvin makes anything sound like lovin'.
Apparently I've been sleeping on Boston! This album was so polished from start to finish. These guys can jam! Lead vocals were wild. Guy on keyboard knows what's up
Pretty good, but not too memorable. Some songs dragged on forever. Good use of horns throughout. Kept thinking about George Lopez even though that song isn't even in this album.
Kanye definitely reached experimental heights with this album, and pulled it off. It's all over the place, but he's a pro at sampling and making wild beats. Though the lyrics are a bit brash throughout. I'm sure that's what he was going for though
Don't get me wrong, beautiful voice, but I kept getting JCPenny vibes. Like if the store my grandma shops at had a gospel choir every now and then. Not in a bad way though, this girl can sing better than most! Just hard to vibe to on the regular.
This one was a drag for me. Sounded like very little effort went into it. Was on the last song before realizing it was Courtney Love. Didn't change anything though. I've heard her name but don't know much about her. Music just didn't connect though
Some of the more poignant rap of the last 10 years. Kendrick is raw enough to get the feeling across. Something I have zero life experience to, but he gives me a peak in the window of the life his demographic lives in. All while going hard
That was some of the most chill and relaxing rock I've ever heard. That's some feel good music. Makes me wanna be at the beach or something. Great harmonies.
One of those albums that you instantly forget about right after finishing. Unfortunately nothing remarkable stood out to me on this one. Like i can't remember a single song to write a decent review
Always was my favorite Beatles album. Then diving into the experimental and the eastern music influences. Could listen to the whole thing often.
First listen through, I very much did not enjoy this. I recognized the album cover but knew nothing going in. The first song or two was decent, but the longer it went on the more I struggled to enjoy it. Like I was genuinely annoyed multiple times.
This is the smoothest smooth jazz I've ever heard. She is the definition of this genre. So beautiful, but I do feel like I'm walking around a Macy's when I hear this style. But I like it
Ayyy the Toy Story guy again! How does this guy write such quality songs, but sound so freaking goofy at the same time.
Almost wrote this one off as just another hipster rock band from the late 00s. But it was just enough fun and funky to be enjoyable throughout. Every now and then i swear they did their best Coldplay impression. But it was a good listen.
My first time playing through a Metallica album. Man this album goes hard. Felt so raw grungy and powerful. Love the use of eastern spounds, and even some cowboy sounding sounds on some tracks. I'm a fan now.
Surprised this one was easy to enjoy for me. Assumed it'd be a bit annoying, too brit poppy. But it was just easy going 90s British rock. But not so overly over the top British to be annoying. Felt like if the Who maybe if they were a 90s band. So that's good
I've always really liked their album "Only By The Night" but hadn't ever gone back to listen to their first album. I liked this one too, just a little less. Sounded a bit less polished than some of their later stuff. But still love this dude's voices and the style they play
That was nice! Another album of African music. His voice grew on me. Liked that there was a touch of modern (80s modern) over the African style. Enjoyable
This really honky'd my tonk
This is the 3rd Public Enemy album I've gotten so far, and while they definitely embody the feeling of late 80s early 90s gangster rap, I'm surprised to see them 3 times. I feel like no one ever talks about them any more. All to say, another heavy in your face album, fat bars on fat beats.
This album has some of the best sampling on it. When the riff to "The End" by The Beatles dropped, I was lovin that! Love the use of rock riffs in the beats. Love the way the guys rap in that call and reply style. Great stuff
Man I forgot how good this album is. She's definitely the best vocalist of the past decade or so. This album is pretty sad though. A lot of love and loss. But dang she can belt a note like nobody's business.
Their sound sure doesn't quite match their look. This sounded like if you told a business man to whip up a rock album. Kinda flat, kinda lame unfortunately. Expected more sound, something bigger/stronger.
Seems like it may be important to punk history, but didn't connect with me. Their harmonies didn't really go together. Fun enough, but didn't wow me.
Third album by The Who that I've gotten so far. Best one yet. Turns out I know a bunch of Who songs. Like 4 or 5 tracks off this album, I just didn't realize they were by them. This was a good album though. Felt like they were creating on this one, rather than the earlier albums I got sounded kinda off the shelf.
This kinda Brit-rock must be growing on my, I really jammed to this one. Felt like what I imagine being at a skate park in England would be like. Well most of it, why was that 10th track so Minion-y? Fun album though
Interesting sound on this one, lead girl's vocals were a little crazy at times, but not really in a bad way. Music style reminded me of White Stripes sometimes, I wonder if they were inspired. Pretty good rock album
Props for how unique the beats are on this one. Sometimes it was pure hype. Other times like what's going on. Didn't love the tracks with little kids rapping. But a cool blend of electronic and middle eastern.
I have always struggled to appreciate Dylan's music, but this was the first time I got through the album thinking "you know what, that was pretty great". This is the 3rd Dylan album I've gotten so far, my favorite one yet. Maybe him being younger, his vocals are a bit less crazy.
Man this one did not connect. Just felt kinda bland throughout. Cant remember a single part of it, except I recognized the Femme Fatale cover, but only because I got that Velvet Underground album like 2 weeks ago. So not bad per say, but immediately forgettable
Turns out I do miss the old Kanye. This was good though, he's definitely very creative with his beats and sampling. Albums has several big hits. He definitely had a big impact on the game. Last album before he got so experimental and crazy. Probably in my top 3 Kanye albums?
Another 2010 indie rock band that sounds just like all the other 2010 indie rock bands, but not even one of the good ones. Almost every song sounds like it was made on an iPhone app. Bland and forgettable. Not a single song even stood out.
This album made me realize that Amy walked so Adele could run. She really would've gone on to make more great music if she could've been here longer. I like her sound, no one does it quite like here.
Third Joni Mitchell album I've gotten so far. I do like her. Her voice is like if a bird learned jazz riffs. Gotta be in the right mood to groove to her. But this one was my favorite of her albums so far.
What the heck was this? Hot garbage. Maybe it's an example of the first cringy annoying rap album? Did it rhyme? Sure. Was it good? No.
Fun southern rock. Wild to realize this tone and style were around in the late 60s. I'm learning a lot doing this lol.
Love the way they can rip a guitar solo. And the drums on hot for teacher is wild. High tier 80s rock
A few tracks were fire, but a handful were dragged. But the ones that hit, hit hard! Girls got pipes like nobodies business.
What a great surprise! I judged that album cover too quick, this was some good rap. Love it when a late 80s rap album hits just right
Had no clue the guy from Are We The Yet had such impressive bars. Solid album
Definitely got that swing. Great big band sound. Keely Smith's duets sounds beautiful. Love how soaked in Italy this is too.
Funny halfway through this album i was thinking "dang this guy sounds so much like Phil Collins". Turns out I should've known they both fronted the same band lol. Definitely haven't heard this guy's name nearly as much, but it was good!
Makes me wanna ride a Harley down the interstate. Top tier, but man that guy sounds like a straight up muppet v
I mean come on, it's Dark Side
This may be the lamest rap album I've ever heard. Like if you asked the 40 year old dad's with corporate jobs to make a"hip" rap album. Cringy start to finish
Woof. With how good Rumors is, i was excited to get this, but man this was not good. Dragged on forever without ever landing. Half the songs sounds half finished, others sounds like cheesy. Only enjoyed like 2 songs out of 20
Great voice, this guy oozes soul. What a legend
Hadn't heard of this guy before, but this was a great listen. Sounded like it could've been late 70s, was surprised it came out in the 90s. A great blend of the decades' sounds. Clean mix, easy to listen to
Pretty good rap. The whole albums is pretty much political commentary, sucks to say most of it's still relevant 30 years later. But he communicated points that people should think about more often. Good stuff
Well dang, did not expect that sound to go with that album cover. How have I never heard of her, she's got a phenomenal voice! most angelic yeehaw music I've ever heard.
I mean it was good. All instrumentals on that classic 60s keyboard. 30 minutes of groovin', mostly covers. I definitely learned the title track from The Sandlot
Alrighty, the fourth Bob Dylan album I've gotten. I'm very slowly warming up to him, little by little. I at least understand his music better now. This one was good. Poetic lyrics, goofy voice, painful harmonica.
Good God help me. Was begging for this to end. Such a shrill voice. Like Joni Mitchell on crack. Singing high and loud does not automatically mean good. Hard pass
First part of the first track had me worried, but this turned out to be awesome! I liked how well some of the tracks blended into the next. Dude's vocals are insane when he gets going. Maybe only one or two tracks that didn't land. Rest was great
I mean it was smooth, but it just kinda felt too similar the whole way through. Maybe if i was in the right mood. Just felt like a really long interlude, never quite getting to any songs
It was good. Nails that 50s do-wop kinda soul. But this came out in 64? I think I need to give it another listen.
Ehhhh kinda just sound like the epitome of 90s dad rock. I swear the lead singer does the same voice Jack Black sings in sometimes. Album way too long. Good but mid
First time hearing a Bob Marley album start to finish. It's good, easy to listen to, sounds exactly like what I would think a reggae album would be. Chill if i was in the mood
You know what, this was great! Why've i never heard anyone ever mention this band. Solid vocals, great energy. Guitar and drums hit
Ice Cube definitely embodies the in your face gangster rap of the early 90s. Wild to listen to, since i was a baby when this came out, i recognize him more from his silly kids movies. But he's got that edge ya know
This album made me more relaxed than I have felt in a good while. This was the first album so far that I just kept on repeat for like 3 or 4 playthroughs. Her voice is so calming. Loved this
this is like the 5th or 6th Bowie album I've gotten so far. The man's really grown on me. I know this is one of his newest albums, but this one might be my favorite yet. It carried throughout. I had a good time jamming to it
Woah, something about this one really connected with me. Hadn't heard of them before. Complex, chaotic, put spot on tight precision. A wild blend of like Rush, Coheed & Cambria, and Death Cab? Hard to pinpoint, and I don't normally like the longer prog-rock style, but this one broke through to me, really enjoyed it
No country music is more pure than The Hag. One of my favorite artists, always brings me back to memories of being a kid and my dad having this on. I normally just hear the greatest hits albums, so this was great to hear some tracks I'd never heard.
Had only ever heard the title track. A fun pop album with lots of experimentation on it. Favorite track: Wrap It Up
A very shoo-woppy 50s pop album. Cracks me up, he singin about all these girls but this dude out here lookin like Pee Wee Herman. Album sounded clean af though for being recorded in the 50s.
Of all the early 2000s rock bands, this has got to be in the top few. Especially for this to be their debut album. Good stuff
I am really enjoying being exposed to the bands from around this time that arent the Beatles. They're all I knew for so long, its great to hear their contemporaries. This album was good, but the guys voice would go from good to goofy too much. The song about the Mother's Sons was very sad :(
An early punk album that didn't get annoying halfway through? The genre must be growing on me. Just the right amount of edge without sounding lame
Perhaps my favorite prog rock album yet. When the bass kicks in at around 6 minutes into Firth of Fifth, WOW. Some of the most technical drumming I've heard in a minute. How can he keep those time signatures?? So much movement through the songs
Oh man that's some FUNK! Got me groovin' all morning. But that last song sounded like farts the whole time though.
Relaxing, woodland folky. The music meanders gently. A nice listen. His lisp was distracting a handful of times though
Sounds just about as bad as the album cover looks. Dude sounds like the villain in a muppet movie. ... After finishing the album, found out it's Nick Cave. I had his 1997 solo album already. Liked that way more than this. This was a struggle to listen through
I'd never even heard of this band, but I really liked it. Incredibly British. Great voice, dude's almost in my ear a few times. Something about this era of rock is really connecting with me.
Dont get me wrong, it's good classic rock and roll, stands the test of time. Good quality, but didnt overly wow me. Favorite song, Cant You Hear Me Knocking
I've always wondered what this guy's music was like, I hear his name referenced all the time. Definitely wasn't expecting so much instrumental, but it was a solid jam session throughout. I like the wildness, kinda jazzy, use of lots of instruments
The singles from this album seem to stand out more than the rest of the tracks. Could've cut all the skits and trimmed out half of the features. Tightened down the album to like 12 of the best tracks, with Andre taking the majority of the verses. He has that wild flow, but most that wasn't him was iffy.
My first time listening to a Cure album. Very gloomy rock. Songs were long, but didn't drag. Leads voice is very British, but very good. Surprised this is the Monday Tuesday Wednesday song band. This album definitely has a less poppy, more depressed sound.
I like this guy's calm kinda folky sound. Lyrics are poetic. Really enjoyed this one
Music sounds ahead of it's time for 1979. I liked the upbeat songs more than the one's that droned on a bit. Some fun tracks in there, I liked Shadowplay. A few times, the singer sounds like someone's 60 year old uncle trying kareoke, kinda took me out of it. Interesting recording style, very echoey.
MY 300th ALBUM! What a relaxing way to start the day. Love that latin groove. A great lesson in Cuban music. After an hours, it all kinda sounds the same, but it sounds good, so it's all right. Great harmonies, and rhythms. Excellent
Interesting to say the least. A few of the tracks made me bob my head a little, but overall it was too much noise. Which is what they're going for, but it wasn't nice to listen to. I'm finding a lot of the punk albums don't land with me.
Right off the bat, I wasn't enjoying it, but once I got used to the accent, something popped. Favorite tack was "Wounds". Flow really picked up on that one. Listened a second time, enjoyed it more. Props for making a concise rap album.
Kinda always thought this band was a joke, and I guess they are really quirky, but man if this didn't hit hard start to finish. Unique and fun. Had no idea Rock Lobster went on that long, that was wild lol.
This is that old school country music sound I love. Twangy but smooth.
Now that's how you boogie, and that's how you groove. Fun and funky on the up-tempo tracks, smooth and cool on the slow tracks. Makes you want to dance, makes you want to be in love.
Amazing harmonies, beautiful lyrics. These guys make really good stuff. Folky and relaxing.
Now I didn't grow up in the 80s, but I think Def Leppard is my favorite 80s rock band. It's fun, but rocks, great drums, vocals, guitar solos. What more could you want. And man, this album has so many singles on it. Kept being surprised how many I knew.
Definitely polished 80s pop. Good, but almost too cookie cutter? Sounds like it was made in a factory. Enjoyable, but I don't know, it didn't resonate with me.
This is sweeping and moving, beautiful orchestration throughout, but a challenging listen. Definitely need to be in like a meditative mood to play it through. Is the album cover a Thomas Kincaid painting? Also, how is this the same guy from The Birthday Party? He got range to say the least lol
A good jam session of rock throughout, got that classic British sound. You can definitely hear the style of the 70s hanging on. Planty enjoyable, but maybe not a game changer
One of those super famous albums that I've never actually listened to. It was good, but I liked the singles I already knew the most. I think I liked 1999 better. But still good
An interested spin on Indian music, probably an easier introduction for a western listener, being interlaced with some late 60s rock elements. Great exposure, but hard to put on on a whim.
Never realized how different their sound is from most of what was coming out in the early 90s. The upbeat energy kept me hyped up. Also never realized how much his "accent" sounds kinda british? Fun punky rock
Beach Boys have such a distinct and iconic sound. Doo-wop, falsetto, surfer music, but man the lyrics make them sound like a bunch of dorks.
2nd New Order album I've gotten. I think I liked the other album (Technique) better, but this is still fun, that electronic 80s pop sound. My favorite track was Sub-Culture.
Man, 13 year old me felt so cool listening to this album! One of those albums where my nostalgia is helping it out. But I think it rocks! Especially Jesus Of Suburbia, I always liked that one. This is peak post-9/11 punk
Very impressed! This guy writes like Bob Dylan, but actually has a good voice. Cool and smooth, would listen again. Lyrics very poetic. My least favorite part about Bob Dylan is that freaking harmonica, and alas, this guy brought his as well.
Had to pull this one up on YouTube, not on Apple Music. I feel like I shouldn't like her voice, it goes crazy several times. But something about it was cool. Just enough acoustic layered into the punk sounds.
This is my first time listening to a Springsteen album, seems odd for it to me from 2002. But nonetheless, this is some polished American stadium rock. Somber but motivational, still fun, even if some of it's a bit sad.
Love this band sounds and style. Got some kinda chill southern rock something to it, but easy to jam to.
One of those rap albums I always hear about, but had never lat down to listen to. I'd be lying if I said the track with Eminem wasn't my favorite. The whole of the album was pretty good, he's got a unique style I had to get into. Good, but not as legendary as I was expecting.
One of my favorite artists. He just got such a calming tone to his music. Great album, putting his spin on popular songs, rather than western themes. Great stuff
The tough guy gangster shtick just doesn't hold up after 30 years, and that's legit the only thing he raps about for 75 minutes. Could've been shorter, less skits. He gets into a good flow a solid amount of times. The rock song was an interesting surprise. The album was good, but didn't leave me wanting more.
Immediately forgot 100% of this album. I don't think it was bad, just had not memorability. Going back for a second listen the next morning. It's kinda fun, like groovy Irish punk?
Say "one! two! three! four!" one more time, please. While the sound of this album is the 70s punk sound perfected (created really), every song sounds very similar. Does make you feel kinda cool and rebellious listening to it though. Will give it another listen to sink in,
He kinda sounds tired on this album. Almost like he's trying to do the Elvis voice sometimes. But I still like it. I like the country and gospel vibes starting to spill into his work.
Man, the first half of this album SLAPS! Feelin' wild at 7AM today. I think the second half felt kinda slow, especially compared to the first half. But the awesomeness of the first half makes up for it. Disco boogie all night long, am I right?
Some solid jazz, enjoyed the smoother parts. But the wild/chaotic parts were a bit to much for me. Sounded all jumbled up. Listened a second time, I can appreciated the musicianship, but its so overly complex that nothing goes together. Like listening to 2 bands play at once. At this time, I just don't get this kind of jazz. Maybe time will change me
Enjoyed this more than I thought I would. Felt like if I went to an eastern worship concert? Islamic church music? Nice sound to it
A bit long and droning, experimental millennium rock. Complex, but not my go to sit down kinda music. I enjoyed Kid A more than this one. Listened twice, good but doesnt grab me.
Snoop has such a good funky flow to his tracks. One of the best.
Fantastic! This album felt like a full on opera or something, like it needs a whole stage play to it. The movement of the tracks makes pictures in the mind. The vocals are incredible. Start to end, felt like it took me for a ride.
Hmm not sure what to say about this one. A good sound, almost like a calm 70s southern rock vibe, but coated in early 90s sounds? Nice, but not too captivating
Some decent moody rock. Didn't land for me. Felt longer than it was. Guy sounds like he's trying to do a rock star impression.
Heck of an album. Went diamond, so she must've done something right. She has such power and poise blended into a beautiful sound. Great album
Been a big Beatles fan since I was young (thanks mom), but never really explored much of their solo works. Of course knew the Imagine song, but the rest felt like unearthing some extra bonus Beatles track. Really enjoyed. Favorite track: Oh My Love.
What I like to call "PS2 music". 49 minutes of the background music to me picking out what snowmobile I wanna race down the mountain.
One of the top queens of soul/R&B. Defined an era. Great sound. Powerhouse, but a little yell-y.
An interesting blend of late 90s British indie rock, with a splash of Indian heritage mixed throughout. A handful of instrumentals that make the album feel pretty long. Dragged just a little. But a good sound.
Cool to hear Nirvana live and acoustic. They still sounded great. Sad this was their last go before the end.
Welp, it happened. This is the 5th Bab Dylan album I've gotten, and for whatever reason, he must be growing on me. This was my favorite of his yet. Enjoyed it. Didn't feel attacked by a harmonica.
Swanky smooth bossa nova album. Just gives romantic dinner vibes.
Third Queen album I've gotten. They are very impressive. So many moving parts in the songs. And of course Bohemian Rhapsody if iconic. The vocal layering on The Prophet's Song was cool but went on way too long.
My second Kraftwerk album. Fun techno pop, impressive that its from the mid 70s, feels ahead of it's time. Quirky and fun.
What can I say, this guy makes great music
Welp, it took me 22 years to realize that the guy from Gorillaz is the same gut from Blur. Mind you, this 1001 project helped better introduce me to Blur. Anyways, this album has some peaks and valleys. I like the more vibing hip hop over some of the looping experimental stuff. But Gorillaz has this unique cool factor about them.
It wasn't bad, but it just kinda droned on for an hour. I cant remember any of it
The extra long jam session of Who Do You Love was fun. That long track in the second half really dragged. I don't know, it was fine
Punk has been one of the genres I've had a more difficult time enjoying throughout this project, and this is no exception. I like the energy of the instruments, but the singer's constant shrill vibrato is grating. Makes it a hard listen.
This album rocked! They make some good fun rock music, and nobody does it like Stephen Tyler.
I love the funky style of rap the Dre was making back then. This album focuses a bit too much on "suck my nuts, I got a gun". Also I feel like Snoop raps as much or more than Dre on this one. The skits were terrible on this one.
I really liked this! It's got a really sleek cool factor to it. Like a calm electro something. But more 80s synth poppy at times than I expected. Don't know how to explain it, but I like it. Great use of dissonance. Side note: this guy sounds like Bo Burnham sometimes (track 2). Also, I never knew Personal Jesus wasn't actually by Marilyn Manson.
Hey, this sucks. That first track was so incredibly bad, that nothing on the rest of the album could redeem it from a 1 star. Second track was ok, third track had its moments, fourth, ehh, this was not a good time.
Half of these beats sound like something you could make on a free iPad app. The fast raps are pretty whack, like he's dead set on cramming too many words in every line, but it doesn't connect, like the flow is just bad. And dude sounds like a muppet.
Very nice. A form of jazz I could listen to again. I've struggle with the wild abstract jazz, but this style was calming. Songs were long, but didn't feel like they dragged.
It's an album of fun beats, but every song is just the same beat and the same line looped like 200 times over 4 minutes. Then do that 11 times. So incredibly repetitive. The kind of music that plays when the credits roll in a 2002 rated PG spy comedy.
It had it's moments. Kinda felt like the start of a bit of "listen to me, I'm still cool. I can hang with the new girls on the scene" kinda vibe. The "futuristic" pop sounds didn't age too well. And why is she wearing a cowboy hat?
A long-form prog-rock album that I actually didn't hate. For almost 2 hours, this kept my attention longer than I thought it would. Though I was tired by the end of it. It was long without be annoying, so that's good. Felt more spacey than some of the more experimental stuff I've heard. And it was live? Man, they've got to be exhausted.
What I listen to while my rat cooks me dinner
Sounds like riding a motorcycle through the desert. Pretty solid rock, though every song kinda all sounds the same. That sound was good, but too similar for that many tracks
"Hotel California" (the song) is on a whole nother level, what a masterpiece. Didn't realize "Life In The Fast Lane" was on this album til now. All around, I really enjoyed. Whatever this easy breezy kinda rock is, I like it.
Pretty much the gold standard of reggae. Chill vibe, island felling.
A well-made blend of Indian and synthy electronic music. If you were going to blend the two genres, this is how to do it. Very unique. Would make a great soundtrack for something like cirque du soliel or something.
Sounds like someone recorded my drunk aunt at Applebee's karaoke night
Oh man THIS is my kind of album. The bluesy rock style is revealing itself to be one of my favorite genres, and this album hits it perfectly.
I am finding I really like this decade/genre/style of rock more than I realized. Really liked the other REM album I got a few months ago. This one was also good, but not as good as the other one.
The long prog-rock albums are still not my favorites, but this one was pretty good. I like the slower parts where the guy is actually singing. The long choppy random parts bring it down though
Lots of soul with a little sprinkle of psychedelia on top. Enjoyable
Feels like this album never actually gets up and going? Like the guy is warming up for an hour and forgot to record the album. Sounds nice enough, pretty calm, but what's it doing?
Very solid classic hip-hop album. Still holds up after over 30 years. Don't see that all too often. Laid back grooving flow,
A 2008 rock album that's not cringy hipster music? Nice! Impressive use of sound, symphonically moving. Great use of harmony and dissonance in the vocals.
Very nice rock album. Feels like it inspired a lot of 90s bands, but also has a great use of influence of 60s and 70s bands. A good listen
Yeah sure why not? Sounded pretty good. He's got a very raspy voice. I like the bluesy almost ragtime sound to some of the tracks. Not world changing, but a nice listen
What a fun and quirky album. Sounds ahead of its time, has a big 80s feel, but its a 79 album. Often felt like listening to a Bowie album. Good stuff
Man I was confident that Moondance was a Sinatra song. Ya learn something new every day. This was a good calm bluesy rocky kinda album.
I liked the first half, felt unique enough, like the Stones starting to define their sound. But the second half started to drag, sounding really generic for the time. A good listen to though
This album was good, one of the better modern R&B albums I've heard. Great voice, and so confident with some of the lyrics there. Went on for a long time though, could've trimmed it down. I'd like to watch the whole video to the album and see if that makes me like it more.
Heavy influences of Springstein in there. A definite Bob Dylan impression in the vocals here and there. Channeled them pretty good though.
If all the tools on a construction site violently murdered each other. Absolute trash.
Does it get more 80s americana rock than this? We've got highways, trains, war, and more! Feels good though.
Took a second to get used to his voice, my god that's a heavy British accent if I ever heard one. But after a minute, I got it. Awesome people could punk out like this in the 70s. Obnoxious in a good way
A worthy attempt at a unique sound, blending hip hop and rock. Though it sounds a bit dated now, kinda cringy. But creative, sure. Gave some Lenny Kravitz vibes at points. Good Charlotte on track 3 was cool.
While elements of the sound do feel dated, can't deny that they changed the rap game, and set a course for rap to evolve into what we got over the coming decades. Still a great listen, takes you back to the golden days when rap began to get in your face.
This is so different than the disco falsetto music I've heard from them, but in a good way, this album is very lovely. Like a blend between The Beatles and The Band. More of their music that sounds like this should be more popular. Could've slimmed the run time a hair, maybe lose the instrumental tracks.
Good album. I like her raspy voice.
A fun album of some classic-era blues. I wish the songs had more than one line repeated 100 times though. Can get really really repetitive.
The second Alice Cooper albums I've gotten. I'm still so surprised how different they sound than I expected. His look looks so much edgier. The music is very tame, kinda poppy rock. More glam than metal. Favorite track: My Stars.
I tend to not love the indie rock from this era, but this is pretty nice. Very calm, very stripped down. A little dreamy, but not too slow.
That was some seriously impressive flows on this one. Apparently I've been sleeping on Wu Tang, always hear about them, but never listened for some reason. GZA's flow sounds way ahead of the pack, I like this way better than the in-you-face gangster tough guy rap that I associate with 90s rap
I got two tickets to Iron Maiden baby. They have a good 80s hard rock sound. I like that the singer doesn't always use the harsh rocker voice.
Very solid soul/R&B/Motown sound. I like how smoothly the songs transition from one to the next. This was the 3rd Marvin Gaye album I've gotten so far, the guy just makes smooth music
Forgot to rate this one a few months ago. Can't remember it at all. Must've been just alright
A fun ride, very creative sound. Lots of off beat rhythms done right. I did not enjoy the song Mother though.
I normally don't love (mostly) instrumental albums, but this one helped me relax a bit yesterday during a really stressful day. So that was nice.
WOW! What an incredible album. The layering is insane, from the harmonies in the vocals, to the orchestral levels of rock instruments. This album shot for the stars and hit them. The way this guy wails is epic. A bit reminiscent of Queen, but amped up for a massive stadium concert with a tons of moving lights if that makes sense.
A nice sound and a great voice, though the singer-songwriter genre still hasn't grown into something I love. Not bad by any means, just not for me.
I like their sound and their energy, and this singer's voice is so unique, and I said it when I got their other album, his voice is giving major Muppet vibes. But yeah, rock on!
Talented song writer, sounds like he has heavy influences from Bob Dylan, among others. Channels them well, though the album felt very long.
Man I used to love this album! Crazy I was listing to this on my portable CD player in like 7th grade at chrisitan school. He really said some insane stuff on this album.
Are the drums in another room? A nice album, late 60s rock with a bit of psych on it. Pretty tame though. Sounds really thin though, needs a remaster to make it sound more full
3rd album I've gotten of theirs. Masters of folky harmonic rock. Favorite song: The Boxer. The faster songs have a feel-good peppiness to them, while the slow songs are emotionally evocative.
That album cover looks like a Veggie Tales logo. Music sounds like the soundtrack for a clown on a surfboard. Super tight harmonies and minors, but too many twiddly-dinks, boinks, and wabba-wabbas to take too seriously.
Awesome sound, like an outer-space cyber-punk dystopian night club in the rain. Moody and dissonant, feel like I need a trench coat on. Vocals are so clean.
This was not enjoyable. Felt like zero effort went into it. Vocals felt so drab, beats so simple and repetitive, and not in a good way. The "rapping" was cringy. Album felt like an eternity to get through
A nice modern female R&B record, with well-placed layers of gentle electronica throughout. Great voice, good production.
The music is a good fun punchy synth pop 80s sound, but good lord those vocals are on crack. Higher does not automatically mean better. Kinda annoying.
Fantastic. Like discovering some long lost Beatles album I hadn't heard, but with a twist of only George. I've missed out on this one, wish I would've heard it sooner. Favorite track: Art Of Dying
This band is really growing on me. The singer kinda comes across pretentious, but he has this cool factor that makes it work.
Not sure why I thought Chicago was an 80s rock band. They've missed my radar my whole life I guess. This was good, plays like a very lively jam session, clearly great musicians. Though most of the tracks feels quite long.
Fun, funky, upbeat British 80s pop. Music was well mixed and a good time to listen to, vocals were great, honestly I'm surprised they aren't better know (at least by me, never heard of them before).
A very quirky album, has a ton of British razzamatazz throughout. Quite showy/theatrical at times. A good listen, though nothing too catchy
Heavy on the northern English vibes, lots of violin. Kinda all over the place, not all too pleasant. Would maybe be good at a pub? Gives pub rock vibes.
Got that Tom Jones kinda sound, real show-boaty. Great voice, very theatrical, like the soundtrack to a musical or something.
Guys in current pop just don't send it like they used to. George Michael fully commits, you can feel the passion in the voice. More somber than Faith. Never knew that Freedom song was by him, but I sure knew it from some commercial I can't remember. Favorite track: They Won't Go When I Go
So I can tell that he is a talented songwriter, like if Bob Dylan grew up in Kentucky or something, but too many times he throws in a random silly line that takes away from what the song had going for it. I love old country but this one was not one of my favorites
The 3rd Byrd's album I've gotten, and I just learned that David Crosby was an original member of this band. How did I miss that all this time? Anyways, great sound on this album, like if The Beatles had more southern American soul to them. More electric rock mixed in on this on than the earlier albums.
This guy's got 3 different voices and they all sound like bad guys from a Muppet movie. I had another album by him already, so I was ready for it, but it's still so rough. Like a carnival in a fever dream. Definitely unique. Favorite track: who are you
Never heard of them, but I like there sound. That kinda 60s folky rock, but with a mix of old timey British influence. The jam session at the end of The Sailor's Life was rad
This was so immersive, felt like I was chillin' at a jazz club in the 70s. Very entertaining, less chaotic than the later Tom Waits albums I've gotten so far. While bizarre, that was some captivating story telling. I really liked the crowd, like the 70s people weren't all too different then me today. The band is incredible throughout, so top tier jazz.
Uhh sure, it was nice. A good tropical bossa nova Portuguese album. Easy on the ears, but hard to connect to, since I have no idea what he was talking about.
So much of this album sounds like what falling in love feels like. Sweeping and moving, gentle comfort. What a pleasant surprise this morning. Such a warm tone to his voice.
Pretty good, kept growing on me. Her voice cracking/stopping so much was a little off-putting at first, but I must've gotten used to it by the end. I had never heard of her, so I read up on her life and how her life and it's troubles altered her voice. That last song caught me off guard lol.
Ayyy that was a blast! Solid early metal music. Full of energy and grit, this is top tier leather jacket metal. Would listen again
Nice and funky, but smooth, not crazy. Felt groovy. And old boss of mine use to always say "Family Affaaaiiir" and I never knew it was a song lol.
Good 60s rock, with a splash of folk here and there. I like the extra instruments that sneak in, especially that trumpet on the first track. Sounds kinda like The Who at times, but with that dash of folky.
I mean it pretty nice and all, but the thickness of that German accent is a bit hard to get used to. I feel like I'd rather hear her sing the album in German. Track 5 brought the album down a star
Definitely a one-of-a-kind artist, who changed the trajectory of popular music. The predecessor of what would become rock and roll, this album is a swingin' good time
No way Humpty made it on the list! lol this is wild. Wait NO! I just read that he died in 2021! Man what a bummer. Never heard more than Humpty Dance, this was actually pretty solid bars, especially for 1990
This is the 3rd REM albums I've gotten. Though this is their debut album. I can defiantly see how they must've inspired several bands that would emerge in the late 80s and early 90s. Sounds ahead of it's time. Though I did like the other 2 albums I've gotten by them better than this one
Pretty solid rock, sound really 90s, so I guess its ahead of its time being from 1988. Not sure how best to describe it though.
At first I was like, this guy's just gonna play piano for an hour? But the more I listened, the more it hooked me. This guy is improvising all this?? That's insane. Ended up watching a few interviews, cool guy. Able to just let music flow out of him.
I definitely still struggle with long form jazz. I totally understand that these musicians are insanely talented, but the length and the asynchronicity continues to be tough for me to sit through for over 90 minutes. I hope to reach the point where I can give over to the style for these longer albums. This one is cool that it blends some rock instruments into the traditional jazz band line up.
Very nice, a more modern flair of Bossa Nova, great voice, lovely language to listen to. Favorite track: Bananeira
What a quirky album. Jumped around from old-school hip-hop jock radio to tracked that have this African sound to it, but with a cool blend of the two. And a yee haw howdy square dancin' ending. What on earth
3rd Radiohead album I've gotten (after Kid A, and Amnesiac). This albums is earlier in their catalog, and I can tell it doesn't quite have the amount of experimentation as those other ones I've gotten. Still good though. I can hear they probably helped influence bands like Coldplay or even Muse.
I wish more country music still sounded like this. The perfect amount of twang/yodel in the voice. Fun honktonkin' boot scootin' fun. Turns out I've been sleepin' on Dwight
3rd Kinks album I've gotten. They have a classic 60s British rock sound, but sometimes it drifts too far into goofy Britishness. Favorite song was the one about the Last Train
This is like the 6th Bowie album I've gotten, and I'm glad I got lots of his earlier stuff first, so I could appreciate this more. Cool to hear him on a modern album, still making elevated pop, not just radio hits. Lots of saxophone in this. Songs were a bit same-y throughout, but still enjoyable.
Did not connect with this one. Too drawn out and monotone. Tracks were inconsistent
The music isn't bad, but it felt dragged out, every song being 5 or 6 minutes long. I like when the use stringed instruments in the mix. Good voice. But nothing too memorable. Wasn't as good as Urban Hymns (other album of theirs I already got). Favorite track: Life's An Ocean
Not bad! Like pre-90s grunge. I recognized the songs on Nirvana's MTV album, which I got a few months ago. Cool to hear the originals.
Very 90s singer-songwriter lady, but definitely one of the better ones. A nice listen. Story driven lyrics, not poppy. She also sings Voices Carry, the 80s pop song.
Pretty cool album. Great mix of sound. Like an alternative electronica kinda sound. First half sounded like a nintendo game on acid from the future. Second half was more western, even beachy at some points. Great harmonies.
Fun and a bit edgier than I think of for 60s music. Solid jams, gets ya in a psychedelic groove.
Grew on me quick, this is like the perfect shift from 60s rock like rolling stones into the punk sound of the 70s and 80s. Definitely created the sound it seems. Name needs more recognition I think
Wish this album was on apple music. Had to track it down on YouTube. Would listen again, good 80s sounding rock
Definitely sounds like a band frying to imitate the Beatles. But they were successful in that. Good Brit rock vibes
That's some insanely smooth flows, lyricism is crazy high with this guy. Chill and very impressive rapping
Pretty unique i guess. Guess from poppy to like a weird monetary chant style something. And some Irish jig in there too. The end felt like being in a cave city from a fantasy book.
Sucks about this guy's legs but this wasn't very good
Kinda generic, not too memorable, late 90s soft-ish rock
It sorta grew on me but not enough. Gives that skater punk kinda style. Might've been the first to do it, but not necessarily the best
If i was going to listen to a reggae album, it'd probably be this one
Fun and showy pop music. The seventh Bowie album I've gotten. Another good one
How many god damn Tom Waits albums are on this god forsaken list. This is the 4th one I've gotten in like a month. Sounds like a cracked out muppet that lives in the circus.
Goofy, that classic 70s black funky sound. Never seen the movie. Now I know where Freddie's Dead by Fishbone is from. Also pusherman is definitely covered in an old Eminem song.
Actually pretty good, but really long. Nice 90s light rock with a little southern Americana sprinkled in
This was some of the best rock I've heard in a minute. And this has to be one of the most well mixed live albums I've ever heard. 17 tracks and the groove kept groovin the whole time
This album is on of the most 80s pop sounding things I've ever heard. They found every whacky sound in the keyboard and made it work. Lots of fun. Super heavy on the British synth pop sound
I mean, it was kinda cool. I still think most of this type of electronic instrumental music just sounds like a PS2 selection screen for a sports game. The first one did feel like flying through space rather than floating. Kinda neat
The lyrics near on Shakespearean on this one. While the vocals may not be everyone's cup of tea, this blew me away. To write lyrics like that that go on that long, WITH a few orchestra?? Gorgeous.
Ehhh I mean I already had their studio album, which was better than this. Songs all sound the same, and the layout was off, songs were choppy as there went from one to another
It never occurred to me that this man was once younger with a smoother voice. He sings real nice, no gravel yet.
Nice. A calm groovy vibe throughout. Singer change up on track three came outta left field. But enjoyabke
This album somehow feels like trying to relax but if the relaxation itself were in a minor key
I tried to like this one, but it just didn't connect. Even gave it a second play. It's decent, not annoying or anything, but nothing stood out or impressed me enough to remember.
Well blimey guvnuh, if at ain't the cheekiest bit muzhik I dun 'erd in a right bit! Wow that was such a thick accent lol. Fun sometimes funny and cheeky lyrics. Fun and funky
This was great! All I knew from them was take on me, but they had a lot of fun British synthy pop throughout this one
I read this was an important album in creating the sound of this kind of punk, but it just isn't a genre I've really liked yet. Female led, early punk. Maybe I'll give it another go someday
Not bad. Had low expectations from the album cover.
At one point during this album I was unable to turn left. It was pretty good, style seemed to hop around a bit. I liked the more chill sounding songs
Some pretty solid rock, upbeat, a splash of punk here and there
British 80s lite rock. Very nice
This is so bad. I wanted to turn it multiple times. Maybe make the album good before you put it out?
Gorgeous voice and the orchestra is lovely, though every song sounds exactly like all the rest
The handsome prince did WHAT??!? This album was just ok. Kinda all over the place
I like Dusty. Just some good 60s pop
This guy knows Shrek
I normally don't care much for ambient, but something about this was so relaxing. If I'm ever floating in a dark tank of water, I hope this is playing
It was fine, mostly just very long kinda instrumental rock.
This was pretty cool, I liked the narrative thread through the album. I tell you what though, imma whoop cousin Kevin, nobody hurts my boy Tommy like that.
I listened to it, but I don't remember it at all
Some good quality reggae
Surprised this was from the 70s, sounds way later than that. Must've been some trend setters. Pretty good
A bit off the wall, but definitely one of the better skate punk style albums I've heard. Gotta be in the right mood for it. But good
She's pretty iconic in her own unique way. None quite like her. Fun to hear some tracks for the first time.
One of my favorite styles of music. That old country western, almost gospel sounding type. The tracks can't start to all sound the same though. But still, this is peaceful to me
Perfect harmonies. Nice calm relaxing folky rock
As a big Beatles fan, I enjoyed this less than I thought I would. Some of the songs felt half made, like just two lines repeated a bunch. Cool to hear Paul's voice on songs I didn't know though
I recognize that one song from 500 Days Of Summer. Pretty good album. Need to listen again i think
This album had me questioning if I spoke English at times. Why did it sound like it would drift into japanese or something. I'm pretty sure it was all English. Who knows.
Now that's how you blend genes. A fantastic mix of Latin and hip hop. But like a classic kind of Latin. Great stuff
Good stuff! I think i like this better than his Arctic Monkeys stuff. The use of orchestral instruments was great
A pretty good grunge rock album. Apparently one of the first. Didn't quite have that hopeless edge that grunge excels at
Pretty good, though all over the map in tone. Kinda loungey, multiple singers, an unexpected reggae song.
More solid early 90s rap. The lyrics are fun and dirty, flow goes hard
That was pretty hype. Felt like I was zoned in at an underground Y2K rave. Strobe lights everywhere.
Yo this guy's voice blows. Hey man you don't have to shout every single note. Sounded like a drunk uncle giving his all at Applebee's karaoke
Good ol Fats. Classic 50s music.
Pretty good
While I haven't lived a life that relates to the message of this album, it was still well made, a good message, with a great sounds, soul and poetry used well
Pretty solid. Easy to listen to. Lyrics are creative and unique, a bit odd sometimes. But a great voice
My third Van Morrison album. I don't think I'm a VM fan, just can't stand the way he shouts every other note. Though this live album was better. I liked the jazzy bluesy stuff on the second half. Great musicians on with him
One of the better indie rock albums from the late 2000s. A clean use of electronic into the indie rock too.
Really solid rapping, too many skits
Very interesting. Strange to hear 60s music say stuff like shut up and i hate you. Pretty good
Super woodsy folk music, not all great. The rougher parts really pulled it down as a whole
Not my go to genre, but it had it's fun moments. A bit too repetitive for too long for me, but the high energy was contagious
Love me some Johnny Cash. Especially his old man voice on these later records. Never realized how many covers were on this one. Hurt still is so sad to listen to.
I enjoyed the sound of this one. Felt very on par with a Beatles record. I read this was the first rock opera, though I couldn't really follow the story line if so. But it sounded good
Pretty good. Very creative modern kinda trippy sad British pop. Songs all a bit samey, but good
Really good. Sounds like Kelly Clarkson sometimes
Pop icon of the new millennium. Tons of falsetto, def shows inspiration from MJ, with a cool r&b pop sound. The singles off the record still slap
Hey man, this sucks. Like industrial construction garbage sounds. What a chore to listen to.
Not bad, but such odd lyrics. I think I liked it lol. Track 9 was a surprise to say the least. Good but odd.
Pretty good pretty cool
I can never decide if i like Costello. This is the third album of his that I've gotten. He sounds so dorky. But the tracks are good
This guy just makes nice music, plain and simple. Easy to listen to, full of passion and soul, fun and funky.
A nice calm relaxing sound. Like gentle pop rock. Good vocals
You know what, before this I never really liked her music, cuz it's just the same two singles over and over on the radio. But this was pretty great.
Some great disco pop music. First track had me confused, never knew that's where that beat came from
Absolutely terrible
Enjoyed this one. Soft melancholy rock. Reminded me a little of early Coldplay kinda sound. Maybe a little Script sound too? Though i think these guys did it first. Travis is a dumb name for a band though.
Just alright.
The blues just weren't hitting on this one. Couldn't tell one song from the next. Felt too long
More solid Brit pop rock from blur. Third blur album I've gotten
Definitely sounds ahead of there time, was surprised this sound came out in the late 70s. Good quality early punk.
Enjoyed this one. Nice full rock sound, wild lyrics
Mid 2000s electronic alternative. Pretty good. I like the flow from one track to the next
Really cool concept, and well played out. The trash of Metallica with a symphony backing it up was a really cool combo
Pretty solid, kinda surprised she didn't make it bigger in the states. Great mix of 80s pop and early hip hop
Pretty solid early indie rock album. Nice sound, not much to complain about. Could listen again
A solid listen. An early indie rock album, with a splash of sad southern twang here and there
Great album. Great performance, exploring sounds and styles. Made a timeless album
Really nice 50s band/swing style music. Instrumental
Dudes voice is pretty bad. Not for me
I liked it. Has some acdc influence but the singer here doesn't sound like a muppet. I immediately recognized the guy's voice cuz they have a song on Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 2 on PS2 from 2001 haha
Great to have a rock band from this time frame that isn't pretentious hipster junk. This actually has style
Got halfway through before looking up a translation. Hard to vote an album very high when it's about banging a 14 year. Oh then she dies. The french are wild for this one
I enjoyed this much more than the banana album.
Wonderful music. This man just exudes music out of him.
Man Aerosmith just gets it ya know? Always a blast, fun rock
A very nice voice, calm and comforting. Songs had a country vibe but the drums were like a lofi hip hop drum box or something. Nice
Cool to hear a Portuguese album that isn't strictly bossa Nova. Don't get me wrong i love some bossa Nova, but this was a lot of fun to hear the different styles and rythms.
3rd Nick Cave album I've gotten. Good sounds, a bit overly dramatized, but done well.
The fifth album by Tom Waits I've gotten. At this point, I'm use to his crazy sound and actually kinda like him
Just alright. Too much long winded repetitive instrumental tracks. Track 3 was pretty dope though.
An interesting album. Blown away that this was made in the 70s. Sounded like a 2000s hipster indie album sometimes. Lots of short tracks
Fantastic voice, lots of soul in the best way. I wish more of her tracks were played in rotation, seems like Respect is the only track anyone plays by her
I like these guys. Some good synthy British pop
Sounds like the music for a scene in a movie where they're robbing a casino or something. Too long and repetitive
Well I'm a little biased, SOAD is one of my favorite bands. It's chaotic and violent, but so intricate. And this is probably my least favorite of their albums, but still a banging good time
Pretty sure I hated this
Incredibly bland. The kinda songs that play 10 minutes into the credits of a movie nobody saw. What a drag
Pretty cool electronic
Quite melancholy, but very nice sound. Sounds like a gloomy day
Very calm music. Sounded a lot like a a Nick Drake album at times. Very different from the other Beck album I got way back when.
Literal garbage
Pretty good, upbeat punk, kinda sound like a Tony Hawk Pro Skater soundtrack
I know she's still insanely popular, but this was her peak for me. I haven't really kept up with her music as much since this one. She's good at writing simple but catchy sad girl love songs.
Interesting album, have some 8 bit thrown in there sounding like a Nintendo game. But the album was good
Love the use of all the extra instruments on this one. Like a small orchestra accompanying a melancholy folky indie kinda guy
Jeez this guy likes ants like so much
Apparently I'm a Metallica fan And just never knew it before this project. They are so good and making music that feels so heavy and I like it's complexity and speed
Got that chill but upbeat Tony Hawk kinda vibe. Can't help but vibe a bit. Good use of funky horns over hip hop beats
Man that drummers calves have to be burning. That's some intense thousand mile an hour trash metal right there
Great long form prog rock
I could hear influences of multiple artists throughout this one. Couldn't quite put my finger on it. Plenty good, odd it didn't have lasting popularity, at least that I know of
This sounds like what having anxiety feels like. A bunch of sounds all going a million miles an hour in different directions at the same time. My appreciation for jazz is still growing, so this was a bit chaotic for me. But I can tell it's good, even though I'm not all in yet
Third Smiths album I've gotten. Really like their kind gloomy minor vibe.
Never heard of them but dang that was pretty good. Always good hearing a band where the bassist and the drummer aren't background players. Really felt high speed in your face but really precise with it
Well the vocals on track 6 was a surprise lol. Other than that, just an hour of pretty good electro hip hop kinda beats
Really fun album. One of the foundations of rap. Honestly not as Corby as I feel it gets called sometimes. See killer beats that still hold up too
The forth Joni Mitchell album I've gotten so far. Did we need 4? Probably not, but she must be growing on me because I got in the groove and really enjoyed this one. Bongos and a plucky bass, the most singer songwriter you can get
Not for me. The accent just makes it too goofy. The German version is better. Too many tiny songs. Nothing is on long enough to be anything, but even being short wasn't great
The riffs were heavy, but the substance wasn't there. Too repetitive, got annoying quick. Wasn't expecting heavy metal with a title like Pslams 69, but then I realized, oh yeah, 69
I enjoyed the laid back uesy rock in the first half, but the more traditional sounding blues wasn't connecting for me. Good, just nothing to gush over
Forgot to rate this one like 2 weeks ago. From what I remember, I liked it a lot. Plucky bass, stripped down drums, grungy vocals
Incredible. Never knew they broke away from the cheesy surf style. These songs were beautiful
Love this album. Such a 60s sounds that hold up after all these years
Had no clue Heads Will Roll was by them. Really like her voice. Great lead to some great songs
She's got a great voice. This album was way less country than the last album of hers that I've got. This was more almost like a jazz lounge or something.
I like his sound, it's like a late 90s Paul Simon or something, I can't quite pin it. Soft but not whiney. Read up on him, so sad to lose him early. What a way to go
Good exposure to music from Congo, though it all kinda had the same vibe the whole album. It was pretty good, feel good vibes
My mom listened to this when I was a kid in the 90s, and I'm just now realizing this came out in 1970. Really like the sound, very relaxing
Pretty solid rap. Flow was on point. Way too many skits, I hate those lol.
Before this project, I knew maybe one Radiohead song (creep obviously). This is like the 4th Radiohead arriving I've gotten so far, and there are really good. Something about the echo of his voice.
This is like the fourth Costello album I've gotten, he's really grown on me. I like the plucky bass lines, his cool guy nerd vibes. Good stuff
Third album I've gotten of theirs. Def one of my favorite 80s synth pop kinda bands
Linkin Park's first two albums are genius. A perfect blend of rock and hip hop and electronic. A new invention that slaps. The record scratches, the screams, the digitized breaking. So good
Last time I got an LCD album, I hated it. This time, not too bad. Though too repetitive at times. Not terrible though
His vocals really remind me of Bowie at times. Which makes this sound pretty good. Like a Bowie rock band. Good stuff
Decent, mostly long instrumentals. Not sure why there's at least two albums by them on the list. Didn't really wow me
EEEVEEEN FLOOOOOOW! Great album. Guys voice is borderline cheesey, but still cool to me. It's like a unique type of grunge, that has some classic rock left in it
Hey this was pretty good! For 2004 I would've thought this was more 80s or something. That capture that funky 80s Brit pop really well. Music was diverse enough to keep engaging. Props
I like this guy's vibe. Very melodramatic. Like the heavy use of minor notes and dissonance
First time I've really played through a U2 album, I've never got the hype. They seem so famous, but I don't know anyone who really likes them. The music was good, but didn't blow me away or anything
As far as the early British punk albums go, this sounds like one of the better ones. Music to make you strut but also break stuff
First time hearing this band. Didn't fall in love with it or anything. A lot of it felt out of tune and distorted, but soft. Vocals felt too quiet, couldn't hear them enough.
Long form prog rock. Good but long
Very calming, guys got a nice deep voice
Very impressive that that was a live recording. Sounded studio polished, these guys are good.
The way this guy moans after every single line is infuriating. He's gotta be like what if I had a cool band, but gave zero effort on the vocals. Rough. And then the last few tracks were just total trash to listen to
She's got some kinda comforting soul to her. Like country blues but tweaked, can't quite describe it.
Had obviously heard the big three tracks off this countless times, but the rest of the album was just as good. Great energy, hard hitting rock
This was my first exposure to Jimmy Hendrix. Maybe I need more time with him, cuz I was kinda just like, yeah it's pretty good, but I'm not blown away or anything. I'm sure that kind of shredding was epic in the 60s though. I'll give this another listen
What a sad day to get another Pere Ubu album. As if one wasn't bad enough. This album sucks
I've been liking all the REM albums I've gotten. This one was good too
Pretty good, her voice sounds so familiar, but i didn't recognize any of the songs
Good lord what a chore. A few nice tracks, but dozens of filler tracks. Should've just picked the 12 best and called it a day
I can't believe this project makes people listen to Kim. That track messed me up as a kid. But man this album is great. Insane, but great
I mean, not great. I didn't like the shouting through a megaphone tone. Wouldn't listen much again
Very cool, a diverse blend of cultural sounds layered through some indie pop kinda songs. Enjoyed it
One of the better modern r&b pop albums, but man it's hard for me to link into the mindset. Like I'm not a passionate woman, so I have to try to get in those shoes. But good voice and style
Absolutely beautiful. Incredible use of the human voice, def worth the listen
Always love some good synth pop
Nice, like a mild Genesis with a medieval flute here and there
Pretty good. Good vibe to them, not much stood out though. Cool hair?
This was like hearing a 2 hour tracklist of unreleased songs for The Country Bear Jamboree. So obviously 5 stars
This is the fourth or fifth Stones album I've gotten, and probably my favorite one yet. It's got a more chill vibe, kinda southern bluesy or even a little gospel or something mixed in there. Really good
I normally don't enjoy the electronic instrumental-heavy albums, but this one had a good vibe to it. Nailed it without trying to hard
Something special about this one. The passion, love, soul, heartache, really comes through the music. Will be a go to for slow jams
A true pop legend in her prime here
Very nice, light and dreamy vocals
Finally a PJ Harvey album I enjoyed. Not sure why her other two albums I've got were so bad, but this one's alright
Pretty solid rock music, don't really have much to say about it
This sound quality is so crisp, bravo to the producer. I hear hints of Queen in here. Very good
Not one I'd play again. Chaos the whole time, almost a so bad it's good kinda thing
Biased, because this is already one of my favorite albums ever. The southern edge in the rock, the cool factor throughout. Great stuff
Fantastic. Her voice is so nice, and her rapping is top notch. Plus the other guys add a great flair to it. One of the best blends of rap and r&b I've heard
Absolutely gorgeous. Normally don't care for the emotional singer songwriter girl albums, but this was moving. Something about the piano, and the way the songs flowed. A nice surprise
Something about this feels creative, but it's too chaotic for me to rank too highly. Sounds like if the devil's cousin made a band that's trying to make it big
A very nice listen. Had hints of maybe James Taylor mixed with John Lennon? A calm, but moving listen.
I mean pretty decent i guess, everything kinda sounded pretty much ch the same the whole album though. Vocals kinda whiney
Some traditional Indian music. Relaxing. Good exposure. But might not play often
Some really good slow winding folk rock, with some of the best jam sessions I've heard in a while. Was confused though, definitely was expecting Native American vibes, I was like how did he get a 100+ year old Indian chief on the record?
Very good music player with other 70s music influences in it. No complaints
Very good, often dreamy and kinda haunted sounded. But not in a scary way, more like a sad way. Relaxing
As far as a more modern pop star, Lorde has a good vibe. Sings about love and loss but doesn't get raunchy about it. I like when her accent comes through.
Some of the more pleasant jazz I've heard so far. The musicians sound like they are playing the same piece. If someone wanted to try jazz for the first time, this would be a good choice. Not chaotic like some of the more adventurous jazz albums I've gotten before
Very nice, that folly americana 70s rock sound. A few tracks had this like cuban congo drum in it, gave it a unique sound I liked. A little long, but it's calm rock for sure
It's like a type of grunge rock that drones a bit. Honestly it sounded like an edgy B52s a few times. But it was good
Would make a great soundtrack for someone trying to speed run Tony Hawk Pro Skater
Finally listened to Wu Tang after all these years. Their flows are slick, must've been mind blowing back when it came out. Especially for all the violence they talk about. Holds up, but not my favorite version of rap
My bai's is coming out, cuz I love RHCP. Though I only listent to their greatest hits apparently. A lot of this album sounds just like all their other stuff. But all their stuff is pretty hype
First and foremost, this album is too long. But it is really good. I think i like Speakerboxx more than The Love Below. That southern hip hop style from big boy is so good. And Andres jazzy side is good too, just a different mood to listen to
A successful blend of blues rock and hip hop.
Hey this was too long. But good for electronic rock or whatever you call it. Upbeat dancey British maybe? Would be great during the credits of a movie
Some raw upbeat rock. A good example of an early 2000s band carrying the torch of some late 60s early 70s hard rock. High energy, but gritty
Great sound. Like a 90s band studied 60s soft rock, maybe the Who or the Byrds maybe, and brought it into the 90s. I feel like this was overshadowed by the grunge rock of the time. Holds up well for a more chill, four man folkish rock band
Instrumental, high tempo, drum and bass. Long songs, super repetitive. I'm sure it was new and exciting at the time, but it just goes on and on and on. Good background music I suppose, for like a snowmobile racing video game or something
Just learned about this guy a few days ago cuz he's got a monkey man movie coming out. Good timing. Music was good, reminded me of Oasis a bit i think
Got better towards the end, but too many time it sounded bad. Like 2 bands trying to play over top of each other
Pretty middle of the road early 90s rock
Very nice, I like his tone in his voice. Plus his songwriting is always impressive, good story telling. I like the dash of latin and maybe like almost reggae that plays in a few tracks. Good stuff
Boy George sure was ahead of his time. Must've be wild being so expressive back then. I like the playful tone through the songs. Nothing to groundbreaking in the sound i guess, but the style bumps them up
Another great album to play Tony Hawk Pro Skater to
Feels like I'm on hold for an hour trying to make an appointment with a secret agent
Who would've thought a couple Norwegians would be one of those keeping alive the high octane rock genre. High energy, motorcycle through the desert kinda rock. They definitely give off Motorhead and a bit of The Stooges
Very good. Vocals sound a bit like Bowie, deep and British. Poppy rock, quite English. Enjoyed it
Solid funky soul album. Tight drums, groovy bass lines, funky falsettos. A certain vibe for sure
I really liked this. The video be is relaxing and bluesy. They make it sound effortless. The jam sessions were chill but top notch. I really like John Mayers live bluesy stuff from Where The Light Is, and this reminded me of that. Well vise versa I guess. This must've been an influence on him
Pretty solid 60s rock. I know there's some legends in this group, good to be exposed to them more, I don't know much of their work yet. Some songs sound ahead of their time with guitar solos, and others fit right in the 60s rock pop folky sound. But a good one
Jack White gives off a certain mystique you don't see in rocks stars much anymore. He's got a recognizable sound with the buzzing guitar and breaking vocals. Picked up right where White Stripes left off
What an experience! To hear this in one go, on your best quality headphones, this blew my mind. Legendary, they were killing it, even on their debut album
This is like my sixth Bob Dylan album I've gotten. It all just sounds so much like Bob Dylan. But he's grown on me. Vocals are still bonkers, but the storytelling is great
Rock on! Love the high energy these guys put out.
Not sure if this band is quite my vibe. It's a little trippy, like something I'd imaging would be great for taking hard drugs to, but when your sad. Crank the reverb up on the guitar, and occasionally sing a soft high voice, but don't sing too often
Always thought I should give this album a try, glad to finally have. This was great. There's something special about her delivery, a bit unhinged and raw, but deep and real. Just the right amount of grunge to feel rough. But a really good listen
A very underground sound of hip hop, good flows that could get pretty deep, experimental beats, but I don't know, not something I think I'd come back to
A nice brot pop sound by some legends of the genre. Sounded like the recaptured the magic of the 90s Brit pop in this one
This is my forth or fifth Costello album so far. He's grown on me, but this album has a whole different sound to it. Less of that nerdy punky sound, more just song singing. Good though
The saxophone is a fun touch for this band. Funky British rock from 2004 with a good edge. Good stuff
Would be great for a Cirque Du Soliel show set in an abandoned construction site
Some solid underground hip hop beats and bars
Pretty good, super heavy British accent, grungy alt rock. Just realized it came out in 1979. Earlier than I would've guessed. Closest i can compare is a mellower groovier but still grungy Stooges maybe?
Solid bright British pop, over soft upbeat rock. Good voice, poetic lyricism. Enjoyable
just another insanely long Drum and Bass album. Fast paced beats on repeat over and over and over and over and over.
I really love some old timey country western music. I wonder what the men of 1967 thought listening to her be so feisty so publicly. Probably ruffled some feathers. But good for her, this album slaps
The outlaw country genre always reminds me of my dad, so it always ranks highly for me. Waylon is a legend. He did the Dukes Of Hazard theme song if you didn't know. Great voice
I've had one or two grime albums so far, and thought they were kinda corny. But this guy has a great delivery and some pretty nasty beats. Best grime album I've heard yet