Christine and the QueensKonfuser Pop-Funk.
Konfuser Pop-Funk.
Boring Soft Rock.
Slow and ploddy Psychedelic Rock with iconic album cover featuring plenty of random filler and blase songs. With all the good reviews this feels Like a Case of the emperors new clothes.
Sehr psychedelisch langsame Musik. Ein bisschen wie Weltraumklänge. Meist ohne Vokals, die als solche erkennbar sind, Ausnahme Agaetis Byrjun.
Rockiger Soundteppich. Einige bekannte Songs (bspw. Fell in Black Days, Black Hole Sun, Spoonman).
Rap. Nichts für mich.
Rockiges Album. Heute Standard. Highlight ist der Song Orgasmatron.
Mit dunkler Stimme in Singer-Song-Writer-Manier eingeladen in eine ruhige Folk Rock Ecke zum verweilen.
Singersongwriter Gedudel.
Mediokrer Postpunk.
Interessanter Singer Song-Writer Instrumental Rock.
Pop hooks and electronic accents make it exciting mainstream, Highlight "Bad Blood". Nice and easy listening.
Seichte Rockmusik, die selten mitreißt. Fahrstuhlmusik?
Wenig mitreißendes Singer-Song-Writer Gedudel.
Klassischer Rap.
Passables Elektroalbum
Mittelmäßiger Alternative Rock. Klingt leider oft verwaschen.
20 Minuten Kakophones Saxophon, dann teils melodisch/rythmisch interessant.
Was am Anfang des Albums als vielversprechendes Rock Alternative Album beginnt, rutscht im weiteren in die Mittelmäßigkeit ab.
Mediokres Rockalbum.
Großartiger Beginn, solider Rock. Höre ich wahrscheinlich noch Mal.
Netter Hintergrundjazz bei einem Abendessen.
Genialer Beginn im weiteren guter Rock.
Seichtes denglisches Singer-Song-Writer Gedudel bis Geschrammel mit Flöte, Streicher, selten Gitarre.
Musikalisch seichtes Punk Rock Gedudel.
Folk rock classic, simply not exciting.
Schrammeliges Rockalbum
Dumpf klingender Alternative Rock.
Passables Rockalbum. Als Hintergrundmusik akzeptabel.
Seichtes Rockalbum.
Seichter unaufgeregter Rock.
Teils schrammeliges Vocals bei wenig interessantem Rock.
Schrammeliges Rockalbum.
Nostalgisch klingender, fröhlich stimmender Psychelic-Rock.
American HipHop. Not hoping my way.
Durch den Charakter Dr. Octagon, einen mörderischen, extraterrestrischen, Zeitreisenden Gynäkologen und Chirurgen mit sehr unterschiedlichen Tracks spannend und musikalisch verdaulich. Trotzdem noch Rap/HipHop.
Wundervoll entspannter Jazz von Wohnzimmer bis Empfang immer gut für zwischendurch.
Sphärisches Indie. Weder allein noch im Club wirklich gut.
Erfrischender, teils urwaldlich klingender Afrobeat
Seichter Rock
Blumig-dröger Rock
Schlechte Bollywood Musik
Lahmer britisch Folk.
Passabel. Reaggie eben.
Klassiker der Rock-Musikgeschichte "Crawling", "in the end".
Ist progressive Rock immer so komisch?
Neo-soul und R&B Album, mit Elementen aus Hip-hop, Electronic, Pop, Indie und Soul ist eine ziemlich komplizierte Beschreibung für wenig interessante singende Erzählungen.
Blumiger Glam Rock.
Seichter Rock. Hintergrundmusik.
Senegalesischer mäßig interessant klingender Singer-Song-Writer.
Melodischer Rock. Teils sehr geläufig wie "Under the Bridge".
Seichter Alternative Rock. Bekanntes Lied: Mrs. Robinson
Mäßiger Psychedelic Rock.
Teils langsam, teils schnell gerappt, bleibt es am Ende Hiphop
Psychedelic bis Indie Rock. Bleibt gleichförmig ereignislos. Erinnert teils wenig glaubhaft an die Melodie von Yellow von Coldplay.
Wehleidiges Rockalbum.
Background Jazz.
Seichter Rock, einzig interessante Ausnahme, da bekannter der erste Song.
Passabler swinging Jazz. Wunderbar fürs Wohnzimmer.
Wenig interessanter Country Rock
Typisch eintöniger Glam Rock.
Passabler Root Rock. Sehr bekannt der Eröffnungssong "Sympathy for the Devils"!
Üblich dröger Hiphop/Rap.
Entspannter Country Rock.
Passabler Blues Rock.
Wenig innovativer Reggae.
Dröger swinging R&B.
Seichter hard Rock.
Mostly likeable Hard Rock, too mich screeching for me.
Leiernder gothic Rock.
Jazz mit klassischen Instrumenten. Keine gute Idee.
Passabler Rap.
Elektronische Ambientemusik. Im Wohnzimmer oder Fahrstuhl ideal. Ansonsten wenig innovativ.
Seichter Folk Rock.
Pretentiöser Art Rock.
Moderately interesting Progressive Rock. Iconic known song "another brick in the wall gets two extra stars.
Iconic opening "Blitzkrieg Bop", othereide uneventful Punk Rock.
Mittelmäßig interessanter New Orleans Rythm and Blues.
Langweiliger progressive Rock
Passabler, aber letztlich eintöniger Raggea Rock.
Entspannter, dadurch teils eintöniger, Outlaw Country.
Originell daher kommender New Wave ohne mein Interesse in den Songs geschweige denn über das Album hinweg zu halten, eher war ich froh als es endlich zu Ende war.
Iconic Song "Father and Son" and "Of you want to sing Out, sing out". Apart from that the Singer Singer Writer Folk Rock is not remarkable.
Uninspiring Indie Rock.
Boy band Pop Gewäsch.
Good enough Pop Rock. Nothing exceltional but still entertaining.
Good enough Rock'n Roll Nothing exceltional but still entertaining.
Semi interesting Art Rock. Listen once and forget.
Folk Rock. Ok to listen to from time to time.
Sehr langsamer Jazz, eventuell noch OK fürs Wohnzimmer oder zum Einschlafen.
Uneventful Indie Rock.
Unstrukturierter Psychedelic Rock.
Good old alternative Rock. A few Evergreens "Mr. Brightside", "Somebody told me".
Blues, which puts you to sleep.
Lame Indie Rock
Uncordinated Punk Rock.
Langatmiger Soul.
Verkündtelter Art Rock.
Wohnzimmer Experimental Rock. Gut genug.
Between alternative Hip Hop and Rock IT fails Go bei exceptional.
Baroque Pop which leaves me unimpressed.
Blumig klingender Synth-Pop.
Passabler Rap Rock.
Seichter Outlaw Country.
Very Slow Rock. Fahrstuhlmusik?
Irish Folk Rock. Passt perfekt im Pub
Passabler Psychedelic Rock.
Wortwhile and easy to listen to alternative Pop.
Deezer refers to this album as \"Peter Gabriel 3: Melt.\". Good enough progressive Rock.
Seicht-weichgespülter Heartland Rock.
Mediokrer Gangster Rap
Mediokrer Pop Rock.
Für Weinachten als Hintergrund gut genügen Blues Rock
Wenig interessanter Folk Pop.
Typischer Glam Rock.
Einschläfernder Folk
Amelodischer Postpunk.
Teils rythmischer Gangster Rap, teils klischhafter Glam Rap.
Schrammeliger Post-Punk.
Seichter Art Rock.
Einschläfernder West Coast Jazz.
Halbgarer Rock.
Mostly Mediocre Pop Rock. Well known exceptions: "you give love a bad name" and "Livin' on a prayer".
Leiernder Country.
California Dreamin' is an all time classic. Apart from that mediocre Pop Folk.
Merkwürdig sphärischer Instrumental Rock
Algerische Folk Musik, die von Kitsch "Imagine" bis Bollywood-artiger Musik reicht "Trigue Lycee"
Uneventful Hiphop
Seichter Soul
Interesting Mix of Jazz and Cabaret. Not really my style but feels New every time.
Mediokre Folktronic.
Unimaginative Rock.
Passabler Punk Rock.
Elektronika bis progressive Rock. Passabel.
Uninspiring Christmas collection.
Schlechter Punk Rock
Vor allem lauter heavy Metal. Wenig Genuss möglich.
OK enough baroque Pop.
Mediocre Son Cubano
Konfuser Funk Rock.
Seichter Art Rock oder schlechtes Ambient.
Lots of all time classics of Alternative Rock.
Zielloser Experimental Rock.
Bad Pop.
Lauere Elektro Funk
Weder Fleisch noch Fisch dieser Blues Rock.
Seichter alternative Country.
Schlechter Hiphop.
Noisy Noise Rock.
Passabler Folk Jazz.
Einförmiger Pop.
Dröger progressive Soul. Mitreißend sieht anders aus.
Passabler Hard Rock.
Seichter New Wave.
Mäßiger alternative Rock.
Endloser, grottiger Punk Rock.
Passabler, aber nicht begeisternder Electronic
Mäßiger bis schlechter Synth-Pop
Aufgeregt langweiliger Garage Rock.
Schlechter Punk Rock.
Einschläfernder Soul.
Vorwiegend eintöniger Instrumental progressive Soul.
Solider Swamp Rock. Highlight und wahrscheinlich am bekanntesten ist "Bad Moon Rising".
Passabler Psychedelic Rock mit dem Highlight und wohl bekanntesten Song des Albums am Ende: "Riders in the Storm".
Mäßiger Post Punk.
Schwer erträglicher Deutsch Art Rock.
Mäßig interessanter Pop Rock.
Grottiger Progressive Hip Hop.
Seichter Jungle Rock
Nicht begeisternder Jazz Rock.
Allgemein wenig Begeisterung erzeugen der Synth-Pop. Eine Ausnahme auf dem Album ist der wohl bekannteste Song und Highlight "Tainted Love".
Solider Folk Rock mit dem Highlight und wohl bekanntesten Song "Mr. Tambourine Man".
Aufgeregt schrammeiliger Punk Rock.
Mäßig interessanter Pop Rock.
Wenig interessanter Garage Rock.
Mäßiger Psychedelic Rock.
Uninteressanter Pop Rock.
Selten spannender oder guter Psychedelic Rock.
Mäßiger Synth Pop.
Seichter Soul.
Langsamer, mäßig interessanter Country Rock.
Grausiger Jazz Rock.
Mäßiger Folck Rock.
Die meiste Zeit solider Pop Rock. Highlight und wohl bekanntester Song ist "Shout".
Anstrengender Proggressive House.
Konfuser Pop-Funk.
Bisher mir vollkommen unbekannte Musikrichtung Mblax, der ich nichts abgewinnen kann.
Angestaubter Rythm and Blues
Post-Punk. Teils interessante instrumentale Anteile, teils Garage Rock. Verwirrend ohne richtig schlecht zu sein.
Lahmer Funk-Pop.
Interesting Trip Hop. More instrumental than anything yet interesting enough to revisit.
Lahmer Gothic Rock.
Passabler Rock'n Roll.
Mäßig interessanter progressive Soul.
A Mix of Jazz and progressive Soul. Good enough to relisten.
Passabler, aber wenig mitreißender Rock'n Roll
Weinerlicher Alternative Country.
Moderat interessanter Elektro-pop. Ikonisch und wohl bekanntesten Lied ist "Model".
Passabler Samba-Jazz für den Fahrstuhl.
Wenig interessanter Art Rock.
Konfuser Avid Jazz.
Teils passabler Rock'n Roll. Bekanntestes, eingängistes Lied ist das für das Album titelgebende.
Seichter, sphärischer Indie Rock.
Passabler Klavier Jazz.
Wenig interessanter R&B.
Seichtester alternative Rock.
Teils spannend und mitreißend, bspw. im Lied 'Got my Mojo working' (just don't work on You).
Uninteressanter Folk Rock.
I didn't catch fire with this Reggae Rock.
Teils ganz hörbarer Pop Rock.
Hat was, aber auch nicht übermäßig dieser Soft Rock.
Noch einmal hörbarer Blues Rock.
Schwer aushaltbarer Psychedelic Funk.
Passabler Dance-Pop. Kurzweilig.
Passabler Brot Pop. Sehr langes Album.
Leiernder Folk Rock.
Als Hintergrund Musik erträglicher Contemporary Folk. Bekanntester Song ist wohl 'Talkin bout a revolution'.
Seichter progressive Soul. Highlight ist das Lied "Pasttime Paradies", which is the Basis for Coolio's "Gangsta's Paradise".
A lot of all time classics of heavy Metal.
Not her best try at country folk. Sound soppy.
Seichter Chamber Pop.
Passabler Folk Rock.
Seichter Dreams Pop.
One of the Albums I identify with good Alternative Rock.
Als Hintergrundmusik ist dieser Ambient ok.
Passabler Heavy Metal.
Seichter Baroque Pop. Maximal noch als Fahrstuhlmusik.
Seichter Neo Soul.
The opening song "Like a prayer" is also the highlight of the album. Unfortunately the rest is second class Pop.
Passabler Trash Metal.
Mäßiger Jazz Rock.
Leicht weinerlicher Acustic Pop.
Seichter Psychedelic Rock.
Abgefahren sphärischer Space Rock.
One of the classics of Blues Rock. Highlight and most known song ist probably "Mercedes Benz".
Entspannter Jazz Funk fürs Wohnzimmer.
Wenig interessanter HipHop.
Passabler alternative Rock.
Unterhaltsamer Rythm&Blues. Highlight und wohl bekanntester Song ist "(I can't get no) satisfaction".
Seichter Folk Rock.
Some interesting Synth Pop parts but Overall to depressingly slow.
Passabler HipHop.
Gleichförmiger R&B. Bekannte Ausnahme und Highlight ist der Song "We are Family".
From Art to alternative Rock it feels inconsistent at best.
Silent Post Rock.
Sonderbarer Art Rock.
Weinerlicher Folk Rock.
Profaner Gangster Rap.
Ambient Country Rock.
Anstrengender Post-Punk.
Actually really Ambient music for airports. Also useful as Ambient music with crying Kids.
Okaish Rock'n Roll.
Passabler Indie Rock.
Anstrengender Golden Age HipHop.
Unterhaltsamer Garage Rock.
Okayish Country Rock. Would'nt listen a second time.
Mostly great Soul-pop. A lot of memories coming up with "someone like you".
Dysphoner alternative HardRock.
Folk Punk, der in jeden Irish Pub passt. Gut genug.
Nichtssagender Southern Rock.
Moderately entertaining Jazz with spoken words.
Vocal Jazz fürs Wohnzimmer.
Okaish paychedelic Rock.
Weinerlicher Experimental Rock. Like the album Cover suggests: 1 Star.
Seichter Art Rock. Schwer durchs ganze Album zu hören.
Grunge seems to feel like scratching a blackboard for me.
Slow, boring Folk.
Irritating Hard Rock, especially while navigating in traffic.
Mostly noisy hard Rock. Most interesting spheric/ambient sounding instrumental is "Spiders and Vinegaroons".
Alternative Rock, which reminds me of my first close relationship as this album was offen playing in the background. Still makes me sad hearing it today.
Okaish new wave. Wouldn' listen again.
Trashiger Punk Rock.
Trying symphonic Rock to Post Punk and failing both. Most well known song might be "The Killing Moon" (movie Donnie Darko").
Obviously "Billie Jean" and "Thriller" are some well known classics. Apart from that the album feels mediocre.
Anstrengend hektischer Drum and Bass on four CDs.
Boring swamp Rock.
Okaish psychedelic Rock. Fine as background music.
Entspannt jazziger R&B, der leider weder mitreißt noch zum Wiederhören wollen einlädt.
Belangloser Blues Rock.
Schrammeiliger Industrial Metal.
Progressive Avant Pop. Most well known song is "Bohemian Rhapsody".
Uninteressanter Art Rock.
Einschläfernder orchestral Rock.
Sounds like a 1940s movie musical. African music seems not be something I will revisit.
Underwhelming Psychedelic Rock. At its best it sounds like Ambient.
Underwhelming Chamber Pop. Wouldn't listen again.
Mediocre Progressive Metal.
Neither Rap nor Rock it looses in both ends.
Experimental Pop, which apparently means excellent soundscape ruined through mediocre vocals.
Confusing mixture of Sounds apparently attempting to create Psychedelic Rock.
Electropop worth to listen once or twice.
Mediocre alternative HipHop. I liked some tracks more Like "Ready or Not" but probably won't relisten.
Was kept waiting for the good parts of Pop so probably not everything is bad.
Generic still not Bad Britpop. Relistend twice before being able to decide in this review.
Can't seem to decide if it wants to be Glam Rock or Hard Rock (Screamy parts and guitar aerobics).
HipHop R&B. Strange. Interesting enough combination to listen once.
Mediocre modal Jazz. Didn't even like it as background music.
Weird sappy Folk.
A lot of uninspired Country Blues.
Long, Ornate, obnoxious orchestral flourishes and choral singers in Orchestral Pop
Good beat, unmotivated vocals. The last song "Decades" is better because the vocals are less prominent.
Passabler Rock. Werde ich dennoch nicht noch einmal hören
A lot of old times Classics of psychedelic and eletronic Rock, e.g. "Time to pretend". I will relisten.
Slow to boring Country Folk.
Okaish East Coast HipHop.
Annoying sappy Jazz.
Orchestral Pop sounding like a sound deep-pile carpet. Unfortunately Not available in Deezer.
Art Pop featuring mostly repetitive bad lyrics and poor singing.
Simply bad alternative Rock. Wanted to turn it off troughout the album.
Okaish psychedelic Rock I wouldn't relisten to.
World seems to sound discordant and a bit droning. Also: Not available at any streaming service.
Half raw Alternative R&B instead of yummy half-baked.
Seichter progressive Rock.
Mäßig interessanter Country Blues.
Some parts feeling more like Samba music some like HipHop I just didn't get into it.
At best mediocre alternative Rock. Apparently that's called grunge.
Seichter Pop.
Piercing vocals in a Pop, R&B Smoothie Maker. I won't relisten.
A lot of screaming apparently makes Trash Metal.
Lonely, desolate, gloomy, depressing and dark. Like a Soundtrack to a monochrome movie. Okay to listen to once.
Whiny Americana. Wanted the album to finally end.
A guy on vocals & guitar with a hired rhythm section. It’s not a band. It's not really bad but neither good. Won't relisten to this Power Pop.
A mix of good psychedelia with mediocre proto punk/metal and Sometimes enjoyable soundscapes making this Experimental Rock.
Okaish Art Rock. Most well known song is "Psycho Killer".
Okaish eletronica. Feels Like in between Organ music and instrumental.
A capella, instrumental, elektronica Mix. Okay to listen once.
Lots of Art Rock. Most well known song probably "Lucy in the Sky with diamonds".
Sounds like a very scratchy experimental rock opera. It's difficult to listen for a long time. At the same time I Imagine it should feel better since it's opera.
Okaish Folk Rock would Not relisten.
Droning, monotonous with a lot of enthusiasm on the artists Side but not mine apparently makes this post punk
Blues Rock apparently means loosing the part which makes Rock fun and the part which makes Blues heartfelt.
Faust's Krautkrock goes from okaish electronica to droning noises, distortions and cricket chirps. Unsettling enough to wanting to quit the album half way.
The obnoxious equivalent to interpretive dance apparently is experimental Rock.
Bland, repetitiv, trying futuristic synths. It appears as though it can't decide if it's Rock or Funk.
British Beta electronic Rock.
Feels like simple, repetetive and moody Rock.
Whiny Psychedelic Folk.
Uninspired, generic, canned smooth Soul.
Talky alternative Country.
Synthesizer-Pop with whiny lead vocals, sappy backup vocals and piano rhythms.
Feels like generic Progress Rock, easy to forget.
Some okaish New Wave. Most well known song is "Message in a bottle".
Progressive Rock I can't seem to place. While thinking of it being music played on a carousel ride while the horses go up and down as well as a Renaissance fair both doesn't entirely fit. Will not relisten.
Monotonous New Wave failing to hold my attention. Don't plan in listening again so probably "not next time around".
Quiet Contemporary Folk. As described before a bit repetetive. Most well known song is probably "Suzanne".
Dull Indie Pop.
Average alternative Rock. Okay to listen to.
Good enough Rock, some songs being already familiar.
Alternative without the Rock, grooves grooveless, vocals occasionally amusing.
Easy to listen to and easy to forget alternative Rock. Like a greeting card. Nice to get unlikely to keep for a long time.
Okaish chamber Pop.
Okaish progressive soul. Unlikely to listen again.
Okaish Blues Rock. Unlikely to listen again.
Enjoyable enough alternative Rock. Will relisten.
Boring homophobic 80s Rock.
Proto Punk, which seem to have the creative concept seems to "see how many weird synthesizer noises one can throw against the wall to See If maybe some of them will stick.”
Scratchy Hardcore Punk.
Worthwile to listen to Alternative Rock Album which apart from the most well known songs "Personal Jesus" and "Policy of Truth" sometimes just annoyed me woth whiny lyrics.
Psychedelia Rock which sometimes a good start then gets blantly repetitive.
Monotonous and dreadful Punk Rock.
Apart from "London calling", which is probably the album's most well known song I didn't like this kind of Punk Rock.
A lot of mumbling periodically broken up by unimpressive guitar solos and unnecessary saxophone solos apparently makes up Heartland Rock.
Okaish Pop Punk. No need to relisten.
Ambient Techno with weirdly interesting sounds which still kept me listening the whole album. Surely not what I am looking for in music.
Mediocre Britpop. Okay as background noice in a pub.
Nice R&B vocals!
Pleasent and overly long Jazz album with lots of talking in between.
Art or Experimental Rock mostly letting you sort of swim in the sound (a haze of drone and jangly to screeching guitar line while the vocal wends its way around you).
Weak and jumbly HipHop.
Underwhelming, deteriorating Psychedeleic Rock.
Although "Even Flow" for me is one of the key songs I identify with Alternative Rock the album is at best okaish.
Extra long live Heavy Metal album rock with crazy long drum and guitar solos being okaish
Okaish alternative Rock. Didn't like the Metal parts.
Chamber Folk being sweet, repetitive, modern easy listening trip. Okaish Background noice.
Britpop which for me is the Definition of alternative Rock, e.g. the well known song Wonderwall. Got stuck here for a week relistening a couple of times always omitting the rating.
Underwhelming Americana.
East Coast HipHop consisting of beats where every track seems to hone in on a 3-note sequence and samples repeating endlessly rather than opting for a longer, more interesting loop.
Garage Rock sounding like a few old guys trying to "jam like the old days in the basement with a beer.”
Ambient consisting of 30 Seconds of processed guitar creating an ethereal ambient soundscape, then forgetting about that guitar, some hard-panned arpeggiated synth out of nowhere going in repeat
Sloppy Indie Rock. Sometimes being repetetive.
Boring Soft Rock.
Good enough alternative Rock.
Okaish Pop soul. Tremendous voice but after 21 the bar is high.
Background Jazz at a cafe, for listening with Attention it fades into boringness.
With this album Nirvana made my day and defined alternative Rock for me.
Generic R&B.
Repetetive harmonies make this folk album dull.
Glam Rock reminding me vaguely of a rock opera, like The Rocky Horror Picture Show while missing the iconic pictures.
Art Pop imposing you shall like but missing a distinctive sound, storytelling or voice.
Garage Rock being messy throughout generes Feeling Like ITS falling apartt with some fun parts (alternative riffs like a spring sound, some lines being catchy).
Whiny Blues Rock.
Pretentious Punk Blues.
Experimental Rock which is exhausting to listen to because of being more noisy than music more often than not with bearable parts of alternative.
Straining to listen to this amelodic Soul Hip Hop mix.
Hardcore hiphop I had to struggle to listen to as it is filled with unimaginative basic swearing missing lyrical, descriptive or witty art, which I grew to like in hiphop, although it certainly is not my genre.
Pleasant enough Indie Rock but ultimately relatively boring. There were a couple hints at interesting vocal lines early on. At least I've learned that string arrangements can't save any music for my ears.
Hard core hiphop which felt quite repetitive in the sample/beat in each song marking it hard to listen to.
Dull, waify hotel café jazz album which feels like the same cafe mocha served over and over. Might be ok in said café.
Afro Blues Rock having a steady rythm with drums, guitar and Melodic singing.
Experimental Jazz. Experiment failed in an overbearing, dissonant, disturbing manner.
Baroque pop featuring sappy Songs with elongated vocals and suffocating softness.
Alternative Hip Hop, which combines drums, jazz bass line and vocals in a way working for me as background music for a few tracks. I found myself bored after 3-4 tracks though especially as Hip Hop mostly appears as more speech performance than music to me.
Garage Punk being screamy, repitious and in deluxe version very long while song differentiation stays super fuzzy.
Indie Rock with blown out guitars which give a dry brightness, providing a fuzzy texture that swallows up most other contrasts in the middle while the songs themselves are simple, happy and poppy, almost 1950s bubblegum. Unfortunate combination for me.
This album is my first being one of sampledelia. It is a meticulously crafted record that is apparently comprised of thousands of samples, being more an encyclopedia of modern recorded music (though I recognize mostly nothing) than music itself; it disassembles and more or less reconfigures known music to this which I simply dislike. Who likes an encyclopedia being read out aloud?
Eletronica which sometimes felt normal mg for it's repetitiveness and sometimes exhiliarating (from atmospheric headphone music to meatier dance material). I couldn't make up my mind how to rate this album (3 or 4 stars). I guess I'll revisit so IT gets 4 stars!
Psychedelic-Folk crossed with Jazz Fusion trying to create a sappy mood.
Generic hard Rock.
Techno-Pop sounding like the soundtrack for a Disney movie that was way to sad and weird to make it to theaters.
Slow and ploddy Psychedelic Rock with iconic album cover featuring plenty of random filler and blase songs. With all the good reviews this feels Like a Case of the emperors new clothes.
Tropicália which didn't appeal to me in the least, not even as background music.
Apparently, I still understand English song lyrics when listening to music the same way I did as a child with a different native language—not at all. As a result, I barely notice the fixation on sex. The sound is decent but doesn’t inspire me to listen to the album again in the future. The best part of the album is probably the interesting instrumental interludes (which identify as Hard Rock).
Elektro Pop with quirky singing style, strange tempo, frequent langourous drift that fails to deepen mood and instead the longer it goes undermine the themes. Still very different to the 400 something albums on the list so far.
Another generic HipHop album.
Etheral wave where the guitars echo and create a wave of noise that create space in this otherworldly reality her music is set in. Frazer speaks in a mixture of English, Latin, and Gaelic among others, using the beauty of language as the primary instrument itself.
Ambient music I will not relisten.
Glam Rock feeling between comfortably numb and art on acid. Okay as background music.
Psychedelic and Garage Rock feeling all over the place with haunting, dreamy vocals to annoying stage shouting intertwined with swirling guitars and ethereal to country atmosphere. Some Tracks are good enough to revisit others annoy the hell out of me.
Annoyingly noisy and screamy Post Punk with dissonant, double-tracked vocals and weird chittering instrumentals.
Mediocre synth-pop with the meme status song "Take one me". Okaish as background noise. Wouldn't relisten.
Dull, melodic, smooth Art Pop.
Indie pop that’s cohesive, expansive sound to the record, but the songs don’t really accomplish anything, go anywhere or have any bite to them; it’s just a lot of sound that ends up being not very memorable. Like already buried and Standing randomly on a graveyard.
Okaish Post Punk.
From okaish Psychedelic Rock to boring Blues.
Unremarkable and dull Pop Rock.
From psychedelic rock to baroque pop and from being bored to thinking I might want to listen again. Result is I won't.
This Chanson sounds like the soundtrack of a musical straining my patience with all the drama in the music while almost nothing happens in stage.
Interesting enough, funky and messy Dancetronica one can only listen to in youtube apparently.
Left me relistening twice in Order to get a grasp of wether I like it or not. Apparently good enough Folk Rock.
Most well known song of this Hard Rock album is "Highway to Hell". Unfortunately the rst of the album basically sounds the same.
Experimental Pop lost in the same "Whoops, too much water in my watercolours" vein.
I had some difficulty grasping what's going in with this Trip Hop album. There's R&B, Soul, Hip-Hop, Electronica and even Reggae. Overall IT feels very weird and ambient while quietly seeping in when you are going about it.
Boring whiny Indie Rock.
Glam Rock being whiny ruined the album for me while the Rock part kept me hoping it might turn out differently listening to the whole album.
Half baked whiny Avant-Pop.
Black Metal with lots of noisy growling, the guitar is showy, fast and intricate at times.
Moody Downtempo for testing the limits of boredom.
Bad toothless elevator Jazz.
Orchestral Pop sounding like the sound track of a whiny musical.
British smothering things in borrowed Indian flavors marking this Indie Rock. Toneless guitar playing pentatonics, 2 chord songs, emotionless singing. Still I enjoyed having Something different in this 1001 album list. Would Not relisten though.
Straight up country music. Playing in a diner as background music would be appropriate.
MC5 has two cards to play: raw aggression and high energy. Marking this more Rock Fury than Hard Rock.
Pointless, repetitive orchestra synth swooshes making up Drum and Bass.
Electronica, chiefly interesting for its innovative and highly contrasting sound textures, but limited by the underwhelming melodies, with their restricted tonal range, a heavy emphasis on synthetic drums and bass lines and performed with an airy reverb-enhanced voice to match.
Sleepy country-sounding folk with a creep, cover.
Repetitive shallow Indie Rock apparently this is supposed to be called Dreams Pop.
Pop Rock being very bubble gum-poppy. Good background music.
Experimental, weird with electronica bells and whistles, arabic onomatopoeia making up some kind of world music.
Refreshing Garage Rock. Most well known is probably "Passenger" which I marked as one of my favourite song.
Mediocre New Wave boring me enough not to think of what bored me.
Pleasant enough Pop Rock. Will relisten.
Folk Punk made of whiny, winchy and screamy vocals straining my patience while having some promising instrumental parts which the rest of the album just doesn't live up to.
Obnoxiously repetitive. Halfway through, my ears were exhausted and I hoped it would end soon. Usually I like Electronica.
Mediocre Psychedelic Rock.
Good enough original Electropop album.
Soul album which fails in a fundamental Level as it doesn't measure up to the manicured artificiality of studio production. While it provides a raw, free expression of live performance, it features all the considerable weaknesses of all live recordings. This makes it difficult rate it highly.
Okaish Psychedelic Rock.
Completely disjointed Avant Pop.not totally awful but couldn't get into it with the different things tried on the album.
Pre-Metallica, mid-tempo heavy metal with low frequencies being cut and cliched vocals style.
Okaish a bit gloomy and to being what is expected of Country Rock.
Too experimental to get into World music.
So Gothic Rock consists mainly of shouting. No thanks.
Washed out, dragging, boring Garage Rock.
Neo Psychedilia being excellently composed electronically while at the same time the falsetto harmonization can get repetitive.
Somewhere between Indie, Rock and Punk. The unmotivated yprechgesang parts ruined the whole album for me though I like some other parts.
This experimental Rock reminds me mostly of Ambient while being too annoying for that. The tempo stays plodding and druggy with a somniferous vocal delivery to match while someone thought it would be a good idea to water it down with synthesizers.
Interesting Pop Rock album, featuring the Most well known song of Duran Duran "Hungry Like a wolve". Still didn't convince me to relisten to the whole album.