Fisherman's Blues
The WaterboysI put this off because I figured I wouldn’t like it, and you know what? Good instinct. It was sort of meh at the beginning but by the end I wanted to be bludgeoned. (ntm.)
I put this off because I figured I wouldn’t like it, and you know what? Good instinct. It was sort of meh at the beginning but by the end I wanted to be bludgeoned. (ntm.)
I feel like there’s a whole group of people who find the Temptations really, really historically important but no one ever said anything and they just expect us to know? They don’t run around trying to insert the Temptations into ever conversation, it’s more like ‘whatevz, yer loss.’ Strange.
Sounded pretty cool but I am not sure I’d ever choose to go back and listen again. Definitely prefer it to some of the more recent hip-hop albums I’ve gotten on here.
After officially trying to get into this for 25 years I guess I quit. I love noisy music, I love pop music, I love many of the artists who were clearly inspired by this, I just don’t love this. “When You Sleep” and “Only Shallow” are exceptions, though. And actually, maybe in another 25 years it’ll click, so I guess I don’t quit, after all.
Oh dear. Not for me. Not at all. But clearly very important to many artists whose work I do love, so thanks for that, Kraftwerk.
Now I’m 100% sure, I do NOT care for Black Sabbath.
Sure. Fine. Just think of Sawyer w/number one, though. In a good way.
Never listened to any of their actual albums before. Pretty much what I would’ve expected, and enjoyable!
i actually mostly enjoyed this! Haven’t listened to it since middle school when I was going through my mom’s records trying to find cool stuff. First of these I’ve added to library.
Feel the same way about it I have since it came out — meh. “End of the Century” is always a nice, forgotten surprise.
First time actively listening and it was quite enjoyable. If my angsty teen brought this home I’d certainly ruin it by giggling at the ‘hail Satan’ bits. Really enjoyed this. Wish it were twice as long, though.
I almost didn’t listen because I was so sure I “got” Joni Mitchell. I was wrong! This was great, not what I was expecting at all, and I’m so glad I didn’t skip it. Learning lessons all over the place.
I feel like if I had maybe heard this at the time it came out I would feel differently? It seems like a strange inclusion to me, for some reason.
After being surprised by Joni Mitchell decided to give this a fair try. I didn’t hate it like I thought I would, but I definitely officially don’t like Neil Young.
Haven’t heard in ages. Way more metal sounding than I remembered. No wonder they are always mentioned as early metal. Good for educational purposes.
A music supervisor is asked to find some “vaguely old-hippie music” to play in the background.
Is this supposed to be a quadruple album? Is George Michael always so melancholy? Should’ve listened on a rainy day.
Delightful chiming throughout. Haven’t listened to this in ages and it is So.Good. First five, couldn’t be anything other than a five.
Well, definitely British and 90s… Maybe too British and 90s for my taste. Solidly okay.
Actually listen-listened this time and it is pretty good! On my list of things to return to. Everything is just so dreary, though.
Not a jazz person so pre-judged but really enjoyed it. Right time, right activity (speed-cleaning)? (ntm.)
Another “good in an early 2000s British” way, I guess. I don’t know. Above average? Not life changing, but I might keep it in the rotation. Solidly fine.
Are the Pixies as appreciated as they should be? Great album, but maybe only their second-best? Solid classic? I don’t know what to say.
He sounds nice. Quite pleasant to listen to.
Definitely Leonard Cohen. Still fine; still not totally my thing.
I wish I could un-hear that album opener. It got better, though, and “I Want You” is definitely one of the top stalker songs of all time.
Why did no one tell me to listen to this?? It’s great. My main complaint and compliment are that it’s not a very cohesive album. The songs are all there but they don’t go together, which is good or annoying, depending on mood. Overall, two very enthusiastic thumbs up. Why did no one tell me about “Kid”???
I got this about 150 albums ago and put it off because I knew how much I’d hate it. Today was the day that I finally made myself listen to it, and holy shit is it great.
It’s cool. Good for them. Love getting these metal albums that I wouldn’t normal seek out. I wish I were cool enough to listen to Iron Maiden.
Oh dear. Not for me. Not at all. But clearly very important to many artists whose work I do love, so thanks for that, Kraftwerk.
More enjoyable than I thought it would be, and would’ve enjoyed it more without the last song or two.
I think it’s okay to not include EVERY Bjork album on these types of lists.
I didn’t think I would possibly make it through three hours, but turns out it’s impossible to turn off the perfect voice. When the album was done I didn’t know what else to do but start it over. Maybe it was just the right time/right place, but it was an absolute pleasure to listen to this. If this one seems daunting, at least listen to the first section.
This did nothing for me.
Sounded pretty cool but I am not sure I’d ever choose to go back and listen again. Definitely prefer it to some of the more recent hip-hop albums I’ve gotten on here.
Sometime you hear an album and are shocked to learn it came out at a certain time, and then there are Peter Gabriel albums. And thanks for the nightmare flashbacks to the Sledgehammer video.
This was pretty okay. They do have a distinct sound, and I look forward to other Police albums, should they come up. Hearing “Every Breath You Take” as part of its album (vs in the background on tv) made me realize it really is a great song, (vs just being a massively popular song).
It’s possible there aren’t actually 1001 albums you need to listen to before you die. This was fine but definitely not groundbreaking/Earth-shattering/terribly special.
Unfortunately, this came out during my high school years and will never not sound like angsty suburban teens. I was excited to give it another try as an adult, but just remembered sad alternative teens shout-singing “God is dead and no one cares” and it made me feel sort of embarrassed for everyone involved.
Playing catch-up and just listened to and (surprisingly) loved Axis, but this is not the same.
Already a favorite. I never listened to Fiona when I was a teen and was floored when I heard this. Highly recommend to everyone!
It seemed like it was almost good? I was somewhat enjoying her voice and the vibe, but then some of the lyrics started sticking out, and not in a good way. Didn’t love it, might revisit.
I always do love Abba, but I’m pretty sure we can all agree that ‘Abba Gold’ should count as an album (rather than greatest hits), and then that can be on the list.
Nope. I’ve tried you, Neil Young! I always suspected I wasn’t a fan and now I’m sure. Please let this THIRD Neil Young album in two months be my last.
Well, Depeche Mode has a nice sound, but maybe a lot of their songs sound the same, so I’m not sure what to do with this. I enjoy plenty of their songs that sound like these, but that aren’t these, so what am I really rating here?
Solid classic I haven’t heard in years and it sounds/feels the same as it ever did. Kind of one of those perfect albums that you can put on at any time, in any place, with any crowd.
Jammy garage. (ntm.)
I guess I finally have to publicly admit that I’ve never been able to get into Nick Cave. Oh well!
If you’re familiar with any of their songs (which you are, because of commercials) you could consider yourself familiar with this album and go ahead and skip it, if you were toying with that idea. Unless you really like the song you sort of know, and then you might love this! I don’t know your heart.
Got this back-to-back-to-back with Blue Cheer and the Birthday Party. Was doing a listening catch-up, and by the time I got to Bitches Brew my nerves were fried and the air felt oppressive. Plus, not a huge jazz fan! So don’t try out this one on if you’re already feeling anxious, would be my advice.
The more I listened to this the less I liked it. Kinda hate it now, actually. But it did start to give me Stone Roses vibes at some points, so there’s that…
I appreciate that there are newer albums on this list, but I have a hard time weighing them against the much older “actual classics.” There was nothing about this that made it stand out from other 2010s electro-pop sort of stuff, except for the French singing, I guess. Every time I listened to it I ended up with Ellie Goulding’s “Lights” in my head, so I would say if you like “Lights” and want to hear more songs like that, try this.
Later PJ Harvey is better PJ Harvey.
Fifteen-year-old me heard one Gillian Welch song and did NOT appreciate it, but forty-something me is so happy to have been properly introduced. This is quiet and acoustic but somehow bright and warm; her voice is soft (not whispery) but strong… I don’t usually enjoy singer-songwriter/acoustic music, but for whatever reason, this has turned out to be an exception. If you’re the same way, and aren’t thrilled about getting this album, I would say give it a shot anyway. Definitely surprised me. Another day I’m grateful for this list!
When someone says “70s classic rock” this will be what I think of.
I was scared to listen since this is a “past his prime” album but I was pleasantly surprised. Definitely worth a listen.
Yes. This does have some great pop songs on it.
Very happy about this. I don’t have enough Talking Heads in my life, so thanks, list.
After officially trying to get into this for 25 years I guess I quit. I love noisy music, I love pop music, I love many of the artists who were clearly inspired by this, I just don’t love this. “When You Sleep” and “Only Shallow” are exceptions, though. And actually, maybe in another 25 years it’ll click, so I guess I don’t quit, after all.
I suppose it’s great if you like Prince.
Just great! Always has been. The covers alone make this a top album of all time.
THIS is Merle Haggard?? Wow. Not what I was expecting, in the best way. Ready for a deep dive now. If you think you don’t like country and want to skip it, maybe give it a chance; it’s classic country, more melancholy than redneck.
I used to put this on as pleasant background music when I had guests. People would either ask “why are we listening to elevator music?”, or they would think I was trying to make-out with them. So be careful if you play this with people around.
Well, for some reason, the link here took me to a strange edited version that didn’t have all the tracks, so don’t listen to that. Find the actual album and listen to that. Always such a perfect album. Even the “skits” are at least funny. (Maybe not intentionally, but still.) Wu-Tang forever, thank you!!!
I’ve been enjoying the metal albums so far but I did not care for this man’s voice, so I was disappointed. The rest was cool though!
No. There’s a reason this isn’t constantly popping up on “best of” lists.
This has stuck with me more than anything on the list so far. I guess I only knew their big U.S. hit and this is NOT like that — this is way more interesting and complicated than what I expected.
It was good to hear this so far removed from the hype when it first came out. Very emotional.
This reminds me of Peter Gabriel, and I don’t care for Peter Gabriel. (ntm.)
I tried. Not happening for me. So happy for the Trio though!
Everyone was obsessed with this when it came out. It’s good chill background music. Inoffensive. Nicely nostalgic?
It just made me realize how much certain British pop/rock stars have made a career out of copying this. I guess I prefer their earlier stuff so far?
Another artist who got a lot better on later albums. And then got worse, but still.
A perfect album, especially in the summer. No notes!
Well, certainly educational. Definitely belongs on this list; definitely won’t listen again.
A nice break from all the jazz albums I’ve been getting! This was good — chill and inoffensive without being dull. Pretty enjoyable and will probably listen again.
So cool. Don’t know if I would have ever thought to listen to an album over singles but I’m glad I did. It’s just so strange. Loved it.
Yes, this is jazz. It is very famous and well-respected. I feel bad rating jazz albums because of how much I do not ever want jazz in my ears. Mr. Davis was very good at jazz.
I really wanted to enjoy this, but by the time I got to “Milky Cereal” I started to wonder what it’s even doing on this list. What IS it doing on this list??!
I’m assuming I’m one of a small number of people who has listened to this while *not* on ecstasy. Pretty groovy tho!
Marvin Gaye fans will likely enjoy this Marvin Gaye album.
First time listening-listening to Bob Dylan. Maybe if I had started with him earlier in life it would’ve been different? I guess all the copies have watered down the original.
They do sound like they’re having a nice time. Very yelly though.
I like female singers, classic country, and feeling blue, so I cannot for the life of me explain why I hated this so much. So so much.
Actually just sounds dorky. Hilarious that this defined/s any kind of “cool” for anyone.
Enjoyed it slightly more than the other Sly album I got a few weeks ago…
I know someday I will get into the Fall but today ain’t the day. Solidly okay.
Nope. Didn’t start appreciating Pearl Jam.
My favorite Beastie Boys album. Totally fratty and silly but idc, still sounds so good.
I guess if you like R&B/soul this would be enjoyable?
I was really not looking forward to this one since I frequently see it mentioned as being one of the worst albums on this list, but it was actually not terrible. Yes it’s noisy and chaotic but it’s not anything crazy.
I feel the same about this as I did when it came out: meh. I never really got the hype when it was released. That being said, listening to it however many years later made me realize it’s kinda become a classic. So the hypers knew what they were talking about.
Cool/cheesy 80s metal. Think I should just give in and listen to this all the time.
“Groovin” is an appropriate title. Felt very groovy. Not sure if I’d go out of my way to listen again but it was a nice change from what I’ve gotten lately.
I guess I’d say late 80s ska/funk/gross? No thank you.
Nice and jangly and 80s. Loved the drums! I’ve only ever listened to their singles so it was good to learn their music is solid beyond those.
Once again: I’m not sure there are 1001 albums you need to hear before you die. There was absolutely nothing special about this aside from the possibility that music in 2017 was SO terrible it made this seem interesting, which is entirely possible. (No offense to SZA, who seems to be well-liked and is lovely, I’m sure.)
Title song is great and I wish I could get into the rest of it but I just don’t think it’s going to happen at this point.
No notes!
I wonder if I actually love R.E.M. but just forget to listen to them? This was great and I hope I don’t forget about it again.
Wow. Somehow I never got around to listening to this band. I guess I assumed I wouldn’t like them?? I am learning I’ve done lots of incorrect music assuming through the years, and I’m exciting for the next album that comes along and makes me realize how wrong I was. But I loved this! It did get a bit jammy toward the end, iirc, but the rest of it more than makes up for it.
One time Damon Alburn came into the place where I worked and he was dressed as a child sailor or casual mime or something and he was so bratty and pouty and that’s all I can think of when I hear his music. Prior to that, I liked this album just fine when it came out and it’s still nice.
I loved this! I haven’t ever listened to Ray Charles and did not expect this. Maybe his biggest hits that I would’ve heard are different? Like maybe the song selection here just worked for me? Not sure, but another very pleasant surprise.
When I was young I pretended to like Marianne Faithfull because I thought she sounded cool and then I was embarrassed when I actually heard her and did not enjoy her music, so I can’t really listen to this without cringing at my younger self. That being said, still not a fan. This album was…I don’t remember hearing anything pop out at me or make me want to listen more than once.
The early 2000s were a really good time for music, as it turns out. I don’t know much about this band and assume they were bigger in Britain, but it’s pretty good. Likely to revisit.
I’m very glad they kept going after this. I just listened to it and already forgot what it sounded like.
This is not something I would probably listen to again but it was pretty okay. Nice in a time-capsule kind of way.
Minus the one with the demon voice and the Irish Spring jingles it’s fine. I guess I mean track one is a classic.
Well, they are my favorite so I am biased and of course this is perfect. What an amazing follow-up to another perfect album (Different Class). I don’t mind skipping ‘Seductive Barry’ though, and I infinitely prefer the version of ‘Like A Friend’ that’s on the soundtrack to A Life Less Ordinary, but that’s just a minor gripe.
I’ve gone back to this one over and over, trying to “get it”, but I just don’t think it’s for me. I understand the importance, and I always see people quoting great lyrics online, but it’s just not happening for me. Maybe someday! Also, the intro is so scary.
I mean… I wish I were cool enough (aka knew anything about the technical side of music) to understand how amazing this is. I liked it just fine, but from what I understand it’s incredible if you actually understand music. Lucky nerds! xo
After crying about receiving yet another Neil Young album I met with an understanding support group who listened to me vent, and then shared their own thoughts on Neil and this album. I finally felt strong enough to give this a chance, and you know what? I didn’t hate it! I know this list won’t stop until my body is covered in Neil Young tattoos and that frightens me; however, for now I can only go as far as saying this album was fine.
The first song is one of the most sonically unpleasant things I have ever had the misfortune of hearing. I had to fight the nearly overwhelming urge to turn it off and set my ears on fire. Somehow I managed, and I found myself kinda liking the rest of the album, maybe. I listened again WITHOUT playing the first song and found this to be pretty good. Sounds very British 90s, which I guess is exactly what it is. So if you are into that, definitely give this a listen, beginning with track two.
I hadn’t heard this in years and it was great to put on again. I can’t put my finger on why it’s not 5 stars for me… It’s always felt like an extended ‘Master’ EP and for no good reason that bugs me. If it were two EPs I’d almost certainly rank them both 5. Such a puzzle. Anyway, ignore me and listen to this, it’s great! Turn it loud!
I always enjoyed this when it came out but I didn’t appreciate it until now. It’s so good! It’s so DIFFERENT. It feels so big and grand, yet is so far removed from some big budget major-label production. Just a group of young people who were good at stuff just made this. I’ve really tried to think of similar artists/projects but nothing has come to mind, at least nothing on this level. Somehow the actual work got overshadowed by the “he’s going to make an album of all fifty states!” line that was in every article and review at the time, but no matter. This 100% holds up and has gotten even better with time.
I will never know how I feel about this album. I just don’t know — I want to love it but I also want to hate it. I’m glad other people get so much out of it, I guess.
They had me at ‘Sex Packets.” But really, this was mildly better than I expected. Don’t love the obligatory “sexy” song, though it was actually pretty funny.
Hey, this wasn’t terrible! I was expecting … what’s that song by Harry Chapin that everyone thinks is by Cat Stevens but isn’t? Obviously this isn’t that, which I knew, but still. Thanks for reading! Hope this review helped :)
They sound like they’re having a nice time.
Um, so I’m guessing the list authors have a friendly connection to this man because BBC stuff or something?
I wonder if anything will top the artist name/album title/cover art perfection here. And the music was actually pretty enjoyable! Wild card 5, I guess. I still don’t even get it. Well done, Thundercat. (ntm.)
Nice for the nostalgia. Not sure I’ll keep it in rotation. Not my favorite but I can actually see why it’s on the list, so that’s maybe a first.
Some 80s things just sound too 80s and I can’t get past that. It’s not bad, it’s just got too many terrible 80s synthesized sounds for me. I would give it another try if someone could erase those sounds though.
Please. Why do I hate this man? Are there more than two albums on the list? Please, you’re ruining everything. (ntm.)
This was good but somehow Elastica ruined it for me. Elastica is good too, but you know what I mean.
No idea what was going on but it sounded so amazing and I instantly wanted to watch a video of this performance. Loved this from the list; it’s so nice when something DIFFERENT pops up! (ntm.)
The hits are sure hits. The rest are….fine. Not bad? Not a perfect album by any means. I feel like this was KW’s highest height — the range of guest stars is insane, he was clearly at the top, and now all of that good will is gone. And rightfully so!
This was not as gross as I thought it would be! I really don’t care for folksy hippie-dippy herbal-themed thoughts, but I actually kinda enjoyed this. “Feelin Groovy” is such silly, terrible nonsense but I let it play anyway.
Black Sabbath just does not to anything for me. It’s not even funny like the later metal bands.
Perhaps it’s silly, but had the line been ANYthing other than “your sex is on fire” I would probably feel very differently about this band. This album wasn’t terrible, and they have some earlier stuff that I enjoyed, but they are so, so gross to me, mostly because that lyric.
This was wonderful. My cat sat next to the speaker the whole time. I paused it for a bit, cat left, turned it back on, cat came back and sat by the speaker.
I thought this was gonna be so cool! Guess the songs I sorta like that sound just like these songs are on a different album though.
I’ve always had a soft spot for Goldie. No idea why. I’ve never really listened to much of his music. I guess my rating is really just a reflection of my inexplicable love, but the album was actually pretty good too!
I’m really not convinced people like Joy Division, I think most people are just terrified to look uncool. The first song was kind of okay? But come on. I am glad so many other musicians I enjoy were influenced by Joy Division, but please don’t make me listen to them.
For once I read the little write-up on Apple Music before I listened, and I think that greatly affected the experience. I really enjoyed this and was happy for Def Leppard, knowing what they were going for. Not likely to keep listening to it, but maybe I appreciate them a little more?
This was so great when it came out, and it’s still mostly good.
Mostly just so embarrassed that I never realized ‘Tuesday’s Gone’ was theirs. Sorry, mom!
It’s not some great classic, and I’m not likely to listen to it again, but I do appreciate that it’s on the list. And I guess it was probably a bit ahead of its time? Or that’s just being generous and we’ll never know? Definitely British!
Early Leonard Cohen sounds like Leonard Cohen, and late Leonard Cohen sounds like Jarvis Cocker?
I put this off because I figured I wouldn’t like it, and you know what? Good instinct. It was sort of meh at the beginning but by the end I wanted to be bludgeoned. (ntm.)
I’m so glad wee weirdos have someone to look up to 🖤
I did listen just to be sure, but no — I still do not like Alice In Chains.
Um, she’s got a pretty amazing voice. Don’t know if anyone had said that yet. I’ve never listened to Aretha Franklin outside of movie trailers and commercials, I guess, so it was nice to actually listen for listening’s sake. Might revisit this one. Nothing helpful to add.
I can’t even articulate how much I loved this. It was all completely new to me and it hit me like a truck… I really have no words here. Probably because I don’t know how to talk about music in any useful way, but really I am just in awe. It’s like gnashing, angry noise, but sad and beautiful and melancholic, and I was happy, and then I was staring pensively out the window… idk. I need an extra star or two for this one. (ntm.)
I bet I would like Bob Dylan’s songs more if someone else were singing them. But I actually did enjoy this album more than the last one I got here.
I really didn’t enjoy this but I did listen to the whole thing, mostly to try to pinpoint what I didn’t like about it. And I have no answer. So strange. Nothing stood out as being particularly bad, but I really, really hope I don’t ever hear this again.
Um, this was pretty, I guess. My life will have have taken a really strange turn if I find myself listening to it again though. (Totally going to become obsessed with it now, right? Thx)
Who IS that lady, anyway? Is this just the same few songs over and over? Cover art 9/10.
Pretty impressive for a debut album, now that I think about it. (Yes, I do realize I mean debut solo album omg.)
Great pop!
I thought it would be way dumber, based on the album name. Still pretty obnoxious though.
It’s probably great if you like this sort of thing, but how could you like this sort of thing?
This would have hit me a lot harder if I’d heard it when I was in my 20s. Or if I’d heard it before I’d heard countless bands who had been influenced by it? It’s good, and I’m glad it did so much for other people, but I guess I’m just old now.
Yep, sounds like punk! I love the biting commentary in “Beverly Hills” — ‘they’re so lame!’ I feel like I understand certain Portlandia sketches better after listening to this. It feels rude to give it a low rating but these 16 minutes aren’t much to work with. It’s not bad, it’s just basic punk. W
Where I’m forced to finally deal with the question of whether or not to include skits when deciding on a rating. Rap skits are SO bad! Especially the ones from the 90s omg. My first thought is just to ignore the skits and rate the music, which would easily be at least a 4. Howevah, the skits are clearly there for a reason, and for better or worse (worse) are part of the artist’s vision. This is all just rambling to say I feel so sad imagining the poor girl giving a fake blow-job in a recording booth, almost definitely multiple times so they could get a good take.
I didn’t get into Wilco until YHF and I never went back to their earlier stuff, thinking it would be too alt-country for me. So this was a nice surprise! Wilco just sounding like Wilco. Clearly they are doing more than just repeating themselves; I’m not suggesting everything sounds the same (though they do have a distinct sound), just noting that if you like other Wilco albums you will probably like this. Also, every single time I have tried to write “Wilco” I’ve written “Wico” and is that just me?
One of many albums that I, when I was a young teen, refused to give a chance to, that turned out to be pretty good. Is “The Unforgiven” my new favorite song?? Maybe! Will I revisit this album in the future? Absolutely! Definitely sounds exactly like I expected it to, based on the few songs I had heard, but it is waaaayy less cheesy than I’ve come to expect from metal bands. Maybe that’s why it’s such a landmark album?
I’ve only listened to one other Beta Band album, and this sounds like that. I think they might count as being ahead of their time?
I typically enjoy the Talking Heads, but this… this was not it. I feel like the music here may have been trying to program me to commit murders. It was like jungle robots clanging in my brain. I really don’t understand.
I got through the first hour, realized there were two-and-a-half more, and said “no thank you, good day.”
I don’t dislike Billie Holiday by any means, but I do have to give this a low rating because it made me suicidal.
Reminds me of the music in some old movies I like. Mostly bearable jazz!
Something something Wes Anderson soundtrack something. Cover art 8/10. (ntm.)
A sound only the British could love. And I had sorta high hopes for this, as I understand they aren’t a one hit wonder over there. Makes sense why they were one in the U.S. though.
Groovy. It’s groovy, what else is there to say?
I just really like young Dion (old Dion?) so even though this wasn’t quite to my tastes it was perfectly okay. I’d be happy if my mom really liked this or something.
My main issue with this album is putting ‘Green Light’ as the first track. How do you follow that?! I’ve listened to the album before but it never stuck, and I realize now that that’s why — nothing much stands out after the first song. I’m glad I got this album under these circumstances (this list) because I had to actually a little harder this time, and I’m glad I did. It’s a great album! My future self may wish I’d given it a 5 but it just feels a little soon. Four-and-a-half stars!
I liked this but I definitely didn’t listen enough to understand EVERYthing about it, but it was much more enjoyable than some of the other hip-hop records I’ve gotten here.
Solid album. Does this count as classic rock yet? Like have things shifted enough? or that’s just in my head?
This is great! I didn’t realize all these hits were from the same album, let alone their debut.
I put this on without really looking at it and immediately thought “okay, sorry, but giggling at whatever I’m mishearing as “Melody Nelson”, gee this will be funny when I look and see what they’re actually saying,” but nope, they were whispering and crooning “Melody Nelson” the whole time and it’s just too funny to me. Sexy/groovy French songs about the most bland 1970s teen-girl name I’ve ever heard. I feel like I ruined this for myself. Melody Nelson.
I remember after the first Police album I got on here (Synchronicity) I noted that I’d enjoyed it and would be looking forward to more Police albums if they were on the list, and well, here’s one and no thanks.
I’m not a huge Green Day fan, but I am a sucker for over-the-top pop-punk rock-operas, so this was preettty delightful.
If I’m being honest this was sort of a downer.
How am I supposed to rate a rock opera about a deaf, dumb, and blind pinball player as anything less than 5? Not possible!
Somehow I forgot that I used to listen to this all the time in high school, so I’m not sure if my enjoyment of it this time was because it’s really good, or if it was just nostalgia. The good news is no one cares, me. G’s up, hoes down xox
This was pretty cool! Only ever heard that one song before.
Idk what it is, because I don’t really love this music, but there is something undeniable about Janis Joplin.
While listening I keep thinking, “oh, I bet people who like x would really like this”, or “this reminds me of y”, but then I was thinking about it, and *I* really like x and y, but I never really liked Beck. Hmmm. It’s like all the parts are there but something’s off with the glue that’s holding it together. Yes, Beck, you are weak glue.
I’ve been needing to get more into them for decades.
If “Only Love Can Break Your Heart” had a big moment in the U.S. I was too young for it. It’s really a great tune. And the rest of the album was pretty enjoyable, definitely chill, super chill. Are they Scottish? I should listen to this again.
(For my own future reference: This is the one that sounds like “Irish” bar music but slightly less terrible than usual.) (ntm.)
I’m beginning to understand that I don’t hate ALL jazz. This was perfectly pleasant.
8am: ‘ho hum, just another day.’ 8:05: starts album. 9am: *dancing in circles, covered in glitter* ‘yes, I WILL go west!’ *spins spins spins*
My second Beck album this week! Still not that into Beck, but still not sure why. This album sounded slightly more “mature”, but so what? What am I supposed to do with a slightly more mature piece of toast?
It’s been over a month since my last Neil Young related album; I was getting worried. This has been my favorite so far — only 36 minutes long! Four stars for the run time, five stars for David Crosby’s hat, two star for the ones who aren’t Crosby and Young, minus 19 stars for that song about teaching children well.
I feel like there’s a whole group of people who find the Temptations really, really historically important but no one ever said anything and they just expect us to know? They don’t run around trying to insert the Temptations into ever conversation, it’s more like ‘whatevz, yer loss.’ Strange.
The link here didn’t work for Apple Music, but I did find the album there. Actually, I found the super-deluxe five hour version, but I only listened to the songs that were on the original album. I hope that’s okay. Anyway, turns out, I think I really like The Who! This is my second album from them this week and I am psyched.
Not for me.
Sounds better to me than it did 20 years ago, but doesn’t necessarily sound good.
Another that made me think there might not actually be 1000 albums I need to hear before I die.
It’s hard to express how much I hate this. I try to find something to appreciate in everything, no matter how much I don’t care for it, but this is different. Hate is a strong word but here it’s not strong enough. I guess at least now I have new (very low) bar for the worst thing I’ve ever listened to. That’s sort of positive in a way, maybe.
I’m glad that this exists for the people who are into it. Not really my thing, but way better than similar sounding albums that aren’t my thing.
Way better than I expected! Is it fair to say Bob Marley fans have kind of ruined Bob Marley? (And yes, by “Bob Marley fans” I mean college bro types.)
Is “Hallowed Be Thy Name” supposed to be their best song? Because it IS. Damn! Love the days when I get a metal album here. (Said as someone who doesn’t listen to metal, as I feel the need to mention in every review. Maybe there is something to be learned here?)
I feel like surely this is mentioned a lot as an inspiration for lots of artists but somehow I just never noticed? I don’t ever want to hear it again but it seems like lots of people must’ve felt the opposite. (ntm.)
I guess I don’t really know what to listen for in reggae, so I can’t say whether this is good/bad/meh within that genre. Generally speaking it’s fine, I guess?
If this isn’t on the soundtracks of any and all movies about a woman in her 50s finding herself faced with divorce and discovering a new side of herself I’ll eat my hat. Teasing aside, this was actually pretty enjoyable. If you like strong women with guitars this may be for you. (ntm.)
Almost no skips! (Sorry, “My Lover’s Box”. You’re half good at least.) The big singles are the weakest songs imo. Such a great album. High school me won’t let me give it anything less than a five.
This is one of those albums where I think surely it is universally appealing and how could anyone find something not to like here, but I bet I’m about to be proved wrong when I look at some of the other reviews.
Great, an hour of Damon Albarn trying to convince everyone he’s cool. Not falling for it, Damon.
On one hand, thanks to this project I’m just now getting into The Who; but on the other hand, I’ve never enjoyed live albums. Split the difference?
I liked about 10 minutes of this, I guess. I would describe it as “90s cop drama does an episode centered around “underground dance club raves” and this is the music”
Baffling choice.
It just makes me think of Simon Pegg in ‘World’s End’ so I love it. It’s pretty…I don’t know if they make words for what this sounds like, but know that the cover conveys it perfectly.
Dropped the ball again, younger self. What a disappointment.
She’s so…lively. Really giving it her all, and then some. (ntm.)
I guess there’s a reason they’re left off the list of bands that sound like this? Btw, that sound is exactly what you think would be, judging just on the band name and cover art. (ntm.)
The kids of today will never understand how many teen boys bleached their hair after Eminem blew up.
Love it! Right up my street. Sounds like a lot of people liked the little melody in Taj Mahal.
Love the name. Loved the sound for the first 40 minutes. Funk-lite, would you call it? Idk, but it was pretttty smooth. (ntm.)
U2 fans will love this U2 album.
I forgot all about this album. It’s great! I will say, though, that all of Kanye’s sex lyrics make him sound like a virgin.
I’m glad this is on the list. I don’t care for it at all, but I can tell these guys need a win.
I don’t really have the context to appreciate this as much as I should. Why do I know this name though?
I don’t know how they do it. Everything about this is something I would hate, but for some reason I don’t really mind it. I felt the same about the last S&G album I got. Weird voodoo wizards…
Not at all what I was expecting. Not anything I’ll ever listen to again, probably, but not terrible. Swampy, maybe?
Any time I’ve tried to listen to the Happy Mondays I end up thinking the same thing: 1) Hey this isn’t so bad, 2) No, why did you add those synth sounds and why do they sound so terrible?!
This is what the cool kids in 1970 were listening to, huh?
Oh! Sitar electronica with a little flute! I’m glad the people who want this have this, but I am not one of those people. (ntm.)
Hey not too bad. Good job, John Lennon 👍🏼
Hidden gem! I’d never heard of this, prepared myself for the worst, and then found myself playing it on repeat. Will I remember it exists in a month? Not too sure. (ntm.) (PS Update: Totally forgot it existed)
I don’t really feel very strongly about this one way or the other.
My third Nick Cave project received here and so far this is the best. Very murdery.
I would probably enjoy this more if I kept listening to it. Why am I scared to like Billy Joel, even in secret?
I definitely like the idea of ZZ Top more than I like the music of ZZ Top.
I tried getting into this when it came out but it didn’t really happen; enjoyed it much more this time around. Thanks, list!
I guess if I were a cool dad in the past I would listen to this.
The songs I like are not these songs. I guess these songs are too psychedelic for me at this stage of my life. Maybe someday…
I assume ‘Back to Black’ is also on this list? Which it 100% should be. Struggling to hear why this is included, though. If this were my first time listening to Amy Winehouse it would probably also be my last.
Umm… happy for y’all. This was much better than many terrible things but still not my cuppa tay.
Didn’t make me as nervous and jumpy as the last Talking Heads album I got, but was still somewhat unpleasant. And I say that as someone who really thought they liked Talking Heads! This band is so confusing!!!
I like other Elliott Smith albums more than this one, but this one is fine.
All I know is I saw them when they were opening for *NSYNC or BSB back in the day and that was a weird booking choice.
I would like a lot of these songs a lot more if I didn’t understand English. I’m glad this is on the list because I definitely needed to hear that first track before I die. It is something else, and not in a good way!
I am just completely baffled as to how I have never even heard OF this. I feel like I’m in a weird alternate universe and I’m questioning everything I think I know. I get that this isn’t for everyone, but shouldn’t it be one of the most frequently mentioned albums of all time? I think I’m in shock. (ntm.)
I’m so confused about Fools Gold being the last track. I don’t even remember where I think it goes, but I do know it should not be at the end. Otherwise, perfect album!
No. I can’t imagine what type of person thinks “gee, what shall I listen to today?” and then chooses this.
Delightfully different from what I’ve gotten lately. I don’t know what this movie is about but this soundtrack makes it seem very cool. (ntm.)
Enjoying it for the nostalgia factor, but goodness gracious what a collection of wholly unpleasant singing voices.
This was my day-after-the-election album, and it feels quite fitting.
I first heard this about 20 years ago, and to this day I think of it when I see a bird sitting on a telephone wire.
Somehow, this has never not sounded perfect to me. It never gets old, never sounds dated, and every time I put it on I end up on a months-long Wilco binge.
This is the second Happy Mondays album I’ve gotten in the last three weeks, and it feels excessive. I did enjoy this one slightly more than the last one, though.
I would have loved to discover this 20 years ago. (ntm.)
Such quaint devil’s music.
Nothing against this album, but I don’t think anyone would be throwing a fit if it weren’t here. On the other hand, ‘Self Esteem’ has only gotten better with age. And after a couple more listens, on the other other hand, I guess I can see why this is here.
I’m sure this was so cool when it came out but it is just kind of dorky to me. Jamming on that little organ? Okay.
Always enjoy getting a new Who record, but I think it turns out I prefer their early stuff. How does this have a cheesy 80s vibe when it came out in the 70s?
There is not a chance in hell that anyone needs to hear all the Neil Young albums on this list. Neil Young would probably even agree with me!!
I listened to this about four time in a row because it sounds good but is also instantly forgettable. (ntm.)
I’m sure lots of people enjoy this and I’m very happy for them. (ntm.)
I’ve never listened to Cee-Lo and was expecting something somewhat different. This was a nice surprise! I guess it made me think of OutKast at some points? Maybe that’s a thing, I’m not sure.
Is everyone still pretending Coldplay is not good? This is great pop music, no matter how you look at it. If Coldplay hadn't been huge immediately, and had instead had been some indie dad-band, this would probably be on so many Top 10 of All Time lists. Nerds. Coldplay is great.
I love Bruce Springsteen but I would never consider myself a fan, ya know?
I wonder if the list makers meant to include this. Just because it’s Leonard Cohen does NOT mean it needs to be on this damn list! I wish I could time-travel to encourage the people who made the original list to try a little harder.
I got The Scream here a few months ago and it didn’t do much for me, so I was kinda bummed when this popped up. But this is so.much.better. This is great! So close to a 5. Now I get what people are talking about when they say how amazing this band is. I’m not 100% there yet, but things make more sense now.
I thought I loved Led Zeppelin but I guess I’ve never ACTUALLY closely listened to them? I don’t know what to do with this. Once again this list leaves me feeling confused about life.
This sounds like what I think of when I think of jazz. (ntm.)
I don’t like live albums and I really don’t like blues… but this was surprisingly enjoyable. Not sure what to do with life anymore at this point.
I have yet to meet a concept album I don’t like.
A little of this band goes a long way.
I feel bad for not liking Stevie Wonder’s music. I liked the second song, sorta! He seems nice. Sorry, Stevie. xo
* Has the last track, Addicted, always been here? * Where’s the Ghostface remix?! * I feel like there are a couple of filler songs here, or maybe they aren’t filler and I just don’t care for them * The title track alone almost makes this a 5 * What an actual tragic loss <3
Not my new fav, sorry. It was mostly fine though.
Remember on Lost when Jack was having another breakdown and drove around blaring Scentless Apprentice? Love that!
I completely forgot that I used to listen to this CD when I was younger! Memories! Raining on me! But I was like 12 (??) and it was just like, pop music or whatever, but then when this came up this morning I knew it would somehow be spiritual AND IT WAS !! My mind is kind of blown and I think I might be obsessed with Sheryl Crow now.
This was …. fine. I guess I don’t get what it’s doing here. (ntm.)
Really no skips here. Yes, Courtney Love is off-putting to many, many people, but come on! This is great. Classic. All time classic videos… what’s not to love?
I think this is either my third or fourth Nick Cave album here, and so far I like this one the best. Not very murdery, but that’s okay. Think I’m finally starting to “get” him.
It has its moments. Doesn’t his throat hurt?
And my list of “why did I never bother listening to this band” continues to grow. This was wonderful.
This isn’t for me, but it IS for lots of people, so good for them.
I just love that part on the title song when it’s going into the chorus, I guess? Such a great thing!
So this is so people who are embarrassed to like Coldplay can still listen to Coldplay? Cool!
Headache alone is worth five stars, and the rest of the album gets close, but (at this point) isn’t quite perfect. I should probably listen to this a dozen times before rating, but I guess I’m not doing that.
If this is here does that mean there are three LCD albums on the list? That seems like two too many.
Really trying to reserve this for when I really mean it, and I really mean it today: I did *not* need to hear this before I die. (No offense, Culture Club, xo)
This was pretty cool. It made me want to maybe consider listening to more Cheap Trick? My mom would be happy about that anyway.
It would be hard to overstate how amazing/important Buddy Holly is. Thank goodness at least the Brits get it.
Woke up so cheerful on Christmas Eve and got this. The music is fine (reminds me of lots of modern film scores, I guess?) but the title just made me laugh. (ntm.)
Even though I’ve been listening to this for the last month, and at least for a full month for the last 20-50 years, it has never gotten old. This is perfect, but I think we knew that already.
Damn! I totally get Otis Redding now!
Ummmm, this was not terrible! Or at least I enjoyed the first and last songs. I was definitely surprised and might even listen again. Might, I said.
Not my favorite Wu-Tang flanker but I thought I would enjoy this more. Needs more Ghost. Needs any Ghost.
Fine, but not my cup of tea.
The first album that was ever important in my life. It’s been in my top three for decades, and it’s never not been perfect; never gotten tired of; it’s one of the all-time great albums, as far as I’m concerned.
I have never felt more let down that I did when I generated this. Actually let out a dramatic, slow-motion “noooooooooo.” Last day of the year, last day of my first year doing the project, just got an all-time favorite yesterday, and now this. I know I’m not a Korn fan (at all, even a little) but I had to listen anyway. And wow. If I saw some of these lyrics I would be one million percent sure someone was just playing an awful joke…how is this real? THIS is what all those kids in high school were obsessed with???? Lately I’ve felt bad about being so judgy as a teen, but not anymore. This is over-the-top, comically bad trash, except that’s rude to trash.
I thought for sure William Orbit = Orbital, but looks like that is not the case. What are the chances? (ntm.)
I love getting metal albums! This is one of the best ones I’ve had so far.
Not my favorite Elvis.
Pretty okay!
I’m not a fan of Chicago by any means, but it’s kind of crazy how prolific they were/are. There’s so much going on here, and it’s only the beginning (no pun intended, I swear). Good for them!
I was never very interested in this, but now that I've hit middle age it doesn’t sound too bad.
I didn’t realize till now that I’ve never heard this whole album. Weird, considering I was there in the 90s, listening to tons of British bands… Anyway, I guess it sounds like I expected it would. It’s fine, but I still don’t get it.
Mirror universe Neil Diamond. What the hell is this?? I sort of love it, I think. But only the unhinged songs. (ntm.)
Sonic Youth just doesn’t do anything for me. It seems like the sort of thing I would love, but I’ve just never really gotten into them. One of life’s great mysteries, I guess.
A few years ago I saw an old friend and she was so excited by this artist “Sadie” who she had discovered. She put it on and it was Sade. I’m still not sure if she was joking. I get not knowing how to pronounce Sade, but why wouldn’t she have gone with /sayd/? How do people now think Sade is pronounced, what without the help of a radio DJ introduction?? Anyway, this was hot. Really enjoyed it.
Got Chicago’s first album AND this, all in the same week! So many horns! So many flashbacks the summer I worked at the mall and the same music played on a three hour loop! (I don’t care for this.)
Another I had never heard of that was less interesting than it would’ve been when it came out. Really liked the Os Mutantes cover! (ntm.)
So enjoyable! Did the US not discover him yet?
Fine, but didn’t do anything for me.
I wonder what music would play in the background of police dramas set in the northeast U.S. if the Pogues didn’t exist.
My ex’s absolute favorite. I have no choice but to hate it.
Pretty enjoyable but not something I’ll probably come back to.
This is… I don’t know what this is, but I’m happy to have gotten it, and I can’t wait till I have a reason to play it for someone else. (ntm.)
Third R.E.M album, third time to write, “Damn! Maybe I should start listening to R.E.M.” (maybe I’ll actually do it this time?)
Such a shame. Not this album — this actually pretty decent. Such a shame about what came after.
Let’s just say that if I had this on vinyl, I bet Side B would be played a LOT more than Side A.
Is this the music from those anti-piracy ads that were on every DVD in the late 90s/early 2000s? Love it.
I think we can all agree that if were a ranked list this would be #1. Glad this is on here; definitely a landmark album. Why aren’t there more albums as good as this one? Where can I find more of this?
This was nice. Cool. Interesting. I enjoyed it and will definitely come back to it.
I’m stumped. Every other time I listen to this I think it could be great; every other other time I feel nothing. I think I like it better in the background when I’m not really paying attention.
I know there are 600 more Elvis Costello albums on this list, and so far this is only my second. I am betting that after I’m done this will remain my pick for the best of the lot.
I feel like I’m in the opening credits of an 80s movie where a recently divorced woman goes on an island vacation to find herself but soon finds herself solving a mystery. (ntm.)
My note for Definitely Maybe was something like “I don’t get it.” THIS I get. I guess when Oasis is good they are great.
I sort of love this and sort of hate it. (ntm)
Everyone loves this so much that I feel bad not loving it. I strongly like much of it, though. Way better than the last Cure album I got. I wonder if I will come back and give this a higher rating after a few more listens.
Beck still just does nothing for me.
If I didn’t already know this was a soundtrack I would definitely think it should be a soundtrack. Idk, never been able to get into Air, despite trying since the 90s. Love the cover art, though!
I had never heard of this but it sounds pretty much how I thought it would: terrible 80s synth with lame singing and worse lyrics and something I absolutely did not need to hear before I die. Love the cover art, though! (ntm)
I don’t dislike this at all but I don’t think I have ever in my life thought “gee I’d really like to listen to CCR right now.” Sorry mom.
I am sorry, sir, but I am not a jazz fan. I am, however, jazzed at what you’ve accomplished here. I will see myself out.
I really liked this at points; at other points she lost me. Most of it still sounds great. What’s she up to anyway? 3.5 but I just don’t think I can round up right now.
I don’t have that thing that makes me love 80s music like this. I can only appreciate it for about four minutes, so I’m fine with the hits. And their hit is a hit! Wasn’t really worth the rest of the album to get to that point though.
Now I can hear the influence of Pink Floyd all over the place. I had only ever heard the singles from this album before, so I didn’t really get it/them. I liked this much more than the triangle rainbow one, and it would almost definitely be a five if it weren’t for the horrendous singing on a third of the tracks.
Wait, THIS is what Genesis sounds like? I was thinking it would be more like jammier Peter Gabriel (which, I guess technically …), but this was kind of cool and noisy at some points. Definitely coming back to this one. —— update: Came back to it, and uuuugh, I wish I had never started listening to the lyrics!!! You’re ruining everything, Phil Collins!
Does not sound as cool as it did when it came out, but that’s okay. Didn’t actually do tons for me then; doesn’t do much for me now.
Fairly groovy, I guess? I liked it okay.
This was so much less terrible than I was expecting. It was actually sort of cool in a nerdy pre-hippie middle-schooler thick-framed-glasses sort of way, ya know?
Just love her. Mostly because of Last Holiday, but I’m really happy for her here, too.
Well, this was much nicer than the last Kraftwerk album I got. At a few points it came awfully close to sounding like something I’d listen to again.
I remember this as being one of the few jazz albums I find mildly enjoyable, and it still was! Mildly enjoyable, I mean. And is anyone better than Miles Davis at album titles?
Look, I love Courtney Love as much as the next person (jk, I actually do like her), but this is not a great album by any means. Yes, it’s got a few bangers/jams/slappers(?), but overall? Come on, guys. When I see all the albums that are NOT on this list it makes it really hard to overly appreciate the mediocre.