WeezerWait this wasn’t one of the 1000?
Wait this wasn’t one of the 1000?
👏 I am here for the music not from the US or UK 👏
The modern funk, fun
Garbage rules
I like this user submitted list because now it’s stuff like this - some actual human’s fun favorite album. Catchy pop nothing wrong here
Delightful Americana via Sweden featuring some of the finest contemporaries we have to offer from the US catalog folk monsters
Dancey tunes that actually cover a lot of ground and keeps you interested
Always have to give it up for MF Doom
Kooky kraut-rock
I don’t know that I need anymore early 90s metal, thanks
As interesting as the location of the album’s namesake, Marvin’s is one of my all-time favorites.
While it’s very funny that according to Wikipedia this band is also known as God’s Pee, I found myself checking often how along I was on this or if it was even still playing. Which according to my rules is a two - not my thing but that’s okay
Breathy modern alternative/ indie is a lot of people’s jam but never has quite been mine. Nothing hurtful I’m just not that interested
Garbage rules
This seems like something that would’ve been on the main list. King Crimson prog but with some jazzy notes. Interesting
Wait this wasn’t one of the 1000?
First half loaded with bops, second half kind of but overall forgot how good this album was. US making a strong showing here in the user albums
These chill dudes again
Everyone’s first album in America sophomore year of college where we think we’ve started listening to really cool music for the first time
Back to the golden age of punk pop, babyyyyy. Bunch of solid high school hits here
Pretty cool garagey rock
I wanted to be upset because France but I didn’t mind having this on
Love me some Bad Religion
Really good mix, huge instrumentals. Nice vibe for some morning work
There is a whole world of breathy synth yacht rock ‘vibes’ music that I don’t know a lot about, thank you
Spanish rock accompanying some Spanish poetry - extremely badass.
Mix of synthy electronic sometimes with the modern whispy vocals and sometimes just grooves. Enjoyed it, could’ve been a little shorter for me
A late 70s / early 80s post punk / new wave album?? Was this added by our author??? It wasn’t these guys are Australian not UK. but sound-wise in the ballpark of the 1001 post punk album list
Swedish folk outside of Eurovision..nice
Rocky and rolly
This was awesome
Protomartyr is a very cool name for music that is fine
👏 I am here for the music not from the US or UK 👏
DESPITE the FRENCH there are some catchy moments in here that make an energetic morning listen
It sounds like they tried really hard - I’m proud of them
It certainly sounds like Phish live
If you liked Dave before you will like this, if you don’t like Dave you won’t like this
Delightful voice, chill tunes
What handsome man picked this one? Absolutely legendary
Oh yeah, The Postal Service
If I can’t stream it on Apple Music it’s a one them the rules
Groovy baby
Catchy little bops with sax?
It’s Zappa alright
Not my thing
Nothing wrong here just never pulled me in
Music from the future
Nothing stood out for me here but could be the listening environment of work
Okay I can get into some John Mayer now
I can get behind some Arctic Monkeys
This was interesting. Also short and sweet so thumbs up
This was a fun collection of tunes
This is that good mood food jazz
I am always here for some Power Pop
Some very polite and nice sounding modern folk for shows on the CW
I like this user submitted list because now it’s stuff like this - some actual human’s fun favorite album. Catchy pop nothing wrong here
Make dub not war
A return to high school alternative radio
Groovy, baby
Nice and trippy great work
What a cool guy
Hmm okay
Those kooky 60s folks at it again
Love this one
The modern funk, fun
This flew past as the kooky trippy rock kids always do
The good alt-folk
I do not care for this and that’s o.k.
This album has and will always kick major ass
Dogrel is a cool name
The Avett Brothers were there for my indie folk phase and they should be for yours too
Electronic - it’s not for me
Hey man I get it. You did some drugs. You’ve listened to Springsteen. You don’t have to rub it in my face. I’m into the tunes but exhausted by the imagery
This is that chill alt R&B / ?? that doesn’t get me excited but also doesn’t get me upset so cool of you’re super into and okay if you don’t like it
This is pretty cool stuff but the most cool thing is that the founding members of the group were in a group previous with someone named Thirstin’ Howll III which is extremely badass
People think it was great to be a medieval king but in my head this what they had to sit and listen to
Are you P-Funk? Are you metal? Are you..why are you doing this to me?
This is some extremely hard rocking..and as you know..I am here for it. Great length for a live album also
Not my thing but thanks for being short
Hell yea
How did you get through the list and the first thing you thought was missing was a two hour Springsteen live album. I’m not doing this
A fun hard rocking romp to get the energy going on a Monday morning
Sometimes modern alt rock, sometimes Van Halen’s grandkids, sometimes Led Zeppelin’s great-grandkids, always fun
Some quick little singer songwriter action
Fun band name and album title, chill tunes
I had to listen to this at a fairly low volume as my son napped in the car which led to a lot of this sounding like Lin-Manuel Miranda fronting a prog rock band and I am agreeable to that
Kitschy pop with occasionally interesting lyrics. I had to check to see how close it was to done which by law goes from 3 to 2
This hits a lot of my favorite beats - kinda loose, not overproduced, rocky and not too serious with choruses you could find yourself humming without warning
TMBG continues to be on my list of bands I need to just sit down and absorb because very clearly I will love them
It’s Pink Floyd except I’m less interested. Interested in that alBUM cover though am I right
I’m not quite sure what this was but it was a little silly and I like that
I am always here for some pleasant post-BritPop groovy rock and roll
I know I just said in the review before this that I was here for the post-BritPop stuff but this one leans into the indie world far enough where it went on a little long for me..and I had to check time left. 3 -> 2
I can’t make heads or tails of this and did not finish
The album where CG ascended out of the known universe to better humanity
I am just SO bored by the breathy singer songwriter vibe and now I will have to work to convince my algorithm I don’t want to be served more of it
Entered a new level of dadness indoctrinating my son with the classic rock sounds of our hometown hero
Primus is f*ckin nuts and if they weren’t on the original list they totally should’ve been over the 900 derivative 1980s British post punk albums
I enjoyed this quite a bit and added a few songs to my playlist of similar soundscapes. Thanks
Lonely is the Night and the Stroke have been rotating for years, glad I now know there is a full album of badassery surrounding it to jam anytime
The B-52’s are wacky and o.k.
Spanish 80s rock is a yes
I had to stop start this a few times because of life and I never found myself energized to get back into this next chapter of 1001 post punk albums
I assume this means more to Millennials a few years older than me, Plans was my album
Are the members of Marillion on here or something? Knock it off
This was an interesting detour mix of things and a fun listen
I was not that interested and read on Wikipedia this guy is 1/2 the Moldy Peaches that had that song we all listened to once which made me slightly more interested
Some nice variety of samples in here but nothing moving the needle too far in either direction for me
Apple Music notes this album as touching every Latin genre under the sun, and while I can’t confirm the accuracy of that statement it does feel like it might be true. Each track had its own thing going on which kept the whole thing interesting and fun
Funky and souly and just alright with me
Music from a musical I hope I never have to watch
There are days I have the patience for early 90s sludge and today is not that day
I am “o.k.” With this
I’m not even sure what in the world is happening here but it was cool as hell
It’s Vampire Weekend!
Some good ass dub to come back to if I ever require some straight dub
Ugh..fusion? What kind of fusion is…. oh. OH. And this is live?? Finally something on the user submitted list that feels like it was something handed to me by a friend who said “this is good as hell”
The frontman describes Springsteen as one of his major influences, informing why I feel so supremely bored by what Wikipedia says is one of Australia’s 200 greatest artists
It’s fun to have some J-Pop on here, due to the length it all feels very similar and I had to look to see how much was left which as the rules state means a 2
I like Graham Parker, have some of these tracks floating through some playlists. Full album drags a liiiiitle and I 100 don’t need live immediately following the studio
I would really like to play some board games with large rulebooks to this album. Immediately
Oh hey this is great! Sorry for taking so long, Jon!
Standard toe tapping 80s fare
Jazzy soundscapes that are immediately identifiable as Herb
I really quite dig this, nice blend of genres, Dan Auerbach production. Dumped a few songs onto some playlists
Been a Hip fan for a while now and this album shows off why. Gord’s vocals, rocking hard without ever really rocking hard, the serene chiller tracks. Hell yea added to library
I feel like you’re trying too hard, Robyn Hitchcock
It’s jazz! And I always add any decent jazz album to a big playlist of jazz albums so technically I’ve added it to my collection which as you know means this gets five booms
Looking at the runtime I originally thought this would be too long but it ended up speeding by and I may borrow a few tracks to playlist up with adjacent tunes
I listened to some of his other albums and one or two tracks from this album off YouTube and some of the remix album and I think I would probably really like this. But I’ll never know unless I buy the cd. Shame. I will average knowns and unknowns into a 3
I am always in for an MF DOOM vehicle
We could’ve left this in 1984 where it was
God this one just wouldn’t end
These breakbeat albums always are so long but they go by fast. Nothing to dislike here or overly like for me
Extremely 1995 alternative rock radio kudos for not being a long album
Hail Satan
This was peaceful and nice
It’s hard to keep my attention for over an hour and this is another in that pile. Kept my blood pressure down though so that’s good. Somebody should check on this guy he has a lot of feelings
This is very interesting conceptually and has a cool sound to it because of that. Downside - too long. I had to check how much was left which as you know makes this a two and not a three
You know this went by and I didn’t notice. Pleasant voice pleasant tunes wasn’t too long amen
For some reason not available on Apple Music and if not readily available to me :(
Siri, please play 1994 Sub Pop radio
You know it’s going to be good when you can’t find a Wikipedia page for any of it
Lovely folky americanay indie at times but much much too long. Had to pause and didn’t feel the need to continue which under my personal Bylaws = 1
This is pretty interesting and I can’t think of a comparable. Mostly instrumental rock telling a story with great use of sudden dynamic shifts and long periods of groove. Keeps you with it
The lore around this album was more interesting to me than its contents. Snippets of electronic pop dancey tunes. Read the wiki
A lot of fun moments in this. Great energy. Goes pretty hard
Siri play indie
Solid country album hitting all the beats of this era. A good reminder that country was criminally underrepresented considering the amount of early 80s British post punk
Pretty chill grooves
Unless my browser is chacheing in a weird way this album was already on the user submitted list. What the heck
This album is the pinnacle of ska punk and one I would save from the collection if the house was on fire
This CD remains stuck in someone’s 1999 Pontiac Grand Prix in a player installed at a Circuit City with the cool LED faceplate missing. Aliens will find it one day to be immersed in the album that surrounds a pop punk millennial anthem. They’ll love it
I love that this has the best of all of the things happening in 90s alt rock while being its own thing. I wish that the album ended a little stronger, last couple of songs all felt like the concluding ballad which I got tired of
Whatever happened to you I’m so sorry
The rock and roll tour we took in London lined us up to take a picture of the smoke stacks on the cover. Neat. Pink Floyd at Pink Floyd’s finest
Had to pause this and I don’t think I’ll be going back. Droning chill alternative for alternative’s sake is what I feel like
Sing it Shania
I had no knowledge of this, weirdo fun and I’d love to see the musical
I started with the intention of hating this completely due to the recentness and popularness. It’s nice vibes that remind of Obama-era danceable pop. A Lady Gaga of the 2020s. Will I be angry if my wife puts it on again? Nah. Did this change music history? Nah. Will we be listening to this in 40 years Nah. Would I get down to this if it was the sophomore year of my undergraduate. Hell yeah
I 100% already listened to this and somehow it is here again which is okay because it rules
You can hear the 1992 in this, you can also hear the 2012 in it. Fairly musically interesting alt / hard rock / whatever you want to call it at times. Would’ve preferred a tighter 40 minute album though it goes on a little long por moi
I usually get upset when someone interrupts me while trying to listen to albums at work. I was okay this one got interrupted. Didn’t go back later. This is like clown prog? Not sure what’s happening
This was so extremely long whatever it was supposed to be. Calm down
Sincere serious indie is so boring to me. I’m sorry. It’s okay if this is your thing but it ain’t mine
I cannot do orchestral French whatever for this long. Maybe you can. Bon chance
Shuddering to think about a world where the 1001 album list was made by some late GenX American dude obsessed with early 90s alt and grunge instead of our British author obsessed with late 70s / early 80s post punk
This is a great mix of Foo Fighters / Punk Pop / breakdowns / and emotions that will tug at your stupid little Millenial heart. Just wish I could trim a little off the fat of this one and it’d be a solid five for me. Still will probably come back
Avicii made some bangers no doubt. Through a whole album things start to feel a little similar to me but if this is your thing hell yea
The is would be great to drive around Vice City to
Tight 35 minutes of fuzzy rock and roll. Saved to my library which is an auto 5 stars
Early 90s pop. It played, I listened, now it is done.
I appreciate that Vulfpeck can be Sega video game music or Funkadelic or Marvin Gaye or their own mix of all of those things. I’m sure this was a great show but for a me listening experience this was too long
I really enjoyed this and have saved for future listening which means a 5 from this author
5 songs..*squinting* 56 minutes? I had to pause this and felt no need to come back. I appreciate this project opening us to all types of music but avant garde metal..maybe we don’t have to listen to this before we die
I built a child’s twin bed frame in the time it took to listen to this which is okay because it was a jam band helping me phase out of existence
If you’re like me and are trying to place the voice - it’s the guy from Bomb the Music Industry! (!) This is a fun rocker all the way through and has reminded me I like BtMI and should travel through their and Jeff here’s catalogue
This is nice in a proto-John Mayer kind of way at points but a lot of it made me want to check how much was left. Which by this author’s rules becomes a two star
Absolutely solid punk album that I never would’ve run into if not for this wonderful place of people sharing tunes. This is what it’s all about …looking at you, user who submitted that Chappell Roan album
This would be a great album to pull out around Halloween. Fits in with some Cramps and Misfits and such. Fun
I thought this might be an album by important Detroit punk band ‘Death’ but it is in fact a very long metal album that I did not finish DNF = 1
The Cure have had a ton of albums of great tunes since 1979, I’m not sure if the one they dropped in 2024 needs to be the one I hear before I die. Maybe 1001 to hear from 2024. No complaints. It’s still the Cure.
I thought Brat summer was supposed to save our society but that turned out not to be true. Now I know why
I was going to dismiss this immediately based on length but I like Joe Cocker. We ran through this during evening playtime with my son and it ruled. Plenty of great covers and his solo work in his rock & soul style.
Have always loved Sparkys Dream, rest of this album is great too. Think I need to go back again and listen and may be a five for me. Weird this is 1995 rock and not 2015 indie rock
Absolutely legendary American ska punk record . Sounds like shit. Kids can barely play their instruments. Dropped 27 bangers. How was this not on the original list?