Either Or
Elliott SmithMaybe it's my age, but this is a fucking masterpiece.
Maybe it's my age, but this is a fucking masterpiece.
Sure, they’re fucking around, but they’re not just fucking around. It’s like Ummagumma, but by post-mothers Zappa. This is good, and at the very least, good for you. If you feel that listening to this is eating your vegetables, then I’ll just have you know that while you’re living under my roof, you have to finish the album before you put down your headphones and go listen to Dookie, the doors, Taylor Swift, John fucking Williams, Vivaldi, or whatever it is that kids listen to nowdays.
Tough first album to listen to in this project. Sounds very 2000s, which would make it quite a trendsetter I suppose. I liked it, but I don't think I can tell nu metal bands apart just yet.
Pretty good. Some tracks remind you that Elvis used to be in the same genre as the Rolling Stones, although it can't help but it can't help but let 70s Elvis seep in and eventually take over.
You can hear what everyone else at the time was missing and would absorb to elevate the entire genre. Leading straight to the career highlight that was Lucky Wilbury.
Rocking in all the best ways. Takes one to the time when today's dad rock was for the youth!
Never paid attention to Siamese Dream at the time. It's solid and it rocks. Peak grunge.
After nearly forty years, I finally dove into the album that surrounds that single string riff I learned in 7th grade. It sits somewhere between the Doors and Judas Priest, but knows exactly in which direction it's facing. For its not quite forty minute runtime, it seems like they mostly let the drummer play through while the band starts and stops and starts again. I say this was the right call.
This was close to being my first 5 stars. I don't know if it's my male gase talking, but in Love's voice you can hear a fury, that in some other guy could come across as aggressive posturing. Here you can feel the hurt.
Nothing to add, really. This is timeless. I can't see any of the aughts' fingerprints on these tracks. Just soul.
Aja's strengths are also its weaknesses. It's as if perfection itself was a genre. It does that perfectly, but it is just the one thing.
Nice listen. If in the mood for Kinks, no reason to pick any other album.
To be clear, Björk is an artist, and this album is a great example of her work. But her music works for me better when she creates within the constraints of a song. Her other, freer tracks are fine, but I keep returning to her songs.
What if the Kinks, but the Cars? That’s not fair. This is good stuff. Still… maybe Violet Femmes lived next door?
It was only 91 when U2 showed everyone what the 90s were going to sound like (outside of grunge, which is kind of a large caveat, but still...). Achtung is no Zooropa, but it is the U2isest U2 has ever achieved. Not a lemon in the bunch (get it?).
You can't blame this album for not being Exile. That alone cannot make it a 4. The Mick Taylor era of the Stones is not the peak Stones necessarily, not even the most Stones... but it is them being the best at what they do best. Even if it's doing something everyone else was also doing at the time. It kinda makes it more impressive, really.
Not quite Damn the torpedoes, but pretty solid. If you don't mind a time when the Heartbreakers could also sound like other bands of their day.
This might just be too 90s for me.
This was pretty good, but it only made me want to listen to other, better albums.
A couple of absolute classics with a few more top level tracks peppered in. About half still feel like filler to me, though.
Some great songs, good rock and roll. Some not so memorable.
There's no denying the success and timeless status of that title track. Most of the rest is defiantly mediocre. Classic Eagles, I suppose.
This might have been a 4 start record if I was already familiar with it. How have I never heard this? 5 stars to 1001albumsgenerator for telling me about it.
Simone is impeccable. This is not my go-to album, though.
I wasn't into Soundgarden as much back in the day. But hearing it now, I have no idea why. Good stuff.
Like a good workout, it takes a while to really take off. In spite of the opening track. Still, most influential. If not the most listenable.
We need the Smiths more than ever, to forget what Morrisey has become.
I didn't expect this to remind me so much of early Floyd. Loved it.
Their first great album.
You shouldn't read about this record. It's greater than the sum of its parts, which is a bold statement when those parts include Comfortably Numb, and Another Brick in the Wall part 2. It's a prog rock album that care more about what it has to say than about the technical mastery of its musicians. And sometimes a weeping wailing guitar solo is what it has to say, and it does so masterfully.
Nice, energetic. Unfortunately, the best tracks are the least original.
I was entirely unaware of Nitin or his work. Wow. Pretty good. I much prefer the non musical theater kind of tracks by far. It’s all quite nice.
It's like a mission statement. A taste of what they were capable of before reaching the top. Also, immediately before releasing The Top, but that pun was accidental, I swear. These tracks drag you along relentlessly. They can't stop, but they can't elevate, because it's oh so painful to live. I didn't ask to be born, MOM! I will, however, ask to play this album again.
Adele doesn't give a fuck. She'll find someone like you, you're lucky to hear her cry about it. You'll love it. You'll fall in love with it.
Never heard of them. Wasn't sure what to expect. Seems out of time. Amazing.
Only in hindsight can this album look diminished. Here Queen was a band that could be another T Rex, another Sabbath, another Supertramp. But it fooled us all and became Queen. You could sense it in their earlier stuff, but here it was in your face, daring you to listen to what might come next.
I enjoyed. But it didn't quite stick.
Makes Zeppelin and early Stones sound like a bunch of white teenagers. I wonder why.
Not my most go-to Yes, but very Yes indeed.
This is not peak Madonna, nor is it peak 2000s dance pop. Even Madonna doesn't sound very convinced of what she's singing. She famously set out to rule the world, not to bet the top singer or top composer. This is the album she made when she saw her rule evaporating.
A little too produced for my taste. But I hear the quality.
Detroit rock city might be their best and most impactful track. And Beth is at least there second most popular. The rest may well all be the same song. It's funny that back when I was really into Kiss I was too young to understand how horny the songs were, and now it's clear you really need to be an 11 year old straight boy to appreciate them. The whole thing would be substantially elevated if they (at least Gene and Paul) had a bit more awareness of their silliness, even while they were making millions.
What if Neil Young, but Radiohead? Solid, but you need to be in this mood. But so what?
Quite lovely, but it didn't really reach me.
Seriously. It is what it is, but I couldn’t be better.
The high points are so high. These guys owned the NWoBM.
Amazing! I remember this being a huge hit, now it sounds like a classic. Even the songs I hadn't heard before. Especially the songs I hadn't heard before.
Some real classic tracks, and overall good, but not the most satisfying listen as an album.
Pretty rocking blues rock, but when the guitars are front and center, they're all "excuse me, I will now demonstrate the NWOBM".
Quite good, but I do prefer 'the source'.
Amazing, a bit dense.
Driving and energetic. It must be one of the earliest 80's rock albums. No such thing a s too much Bowie, at least not in 1977.
Perfect. Energetic. Timeless.
Pretty nice for a Christmas album. Also, mercifully short.
I liked it. It makes the 90s sound so good. I still prefer "Very", though.
Amazing! Just listening can clean out your sinuses! More!
Top notch country rock.
The Doors were great when they were great. This album has some real sparks, but is more of a "return to form" than "The Doors at their peak". I would've like this more in my 20s.
Not sure if I liked this better than Arthur! Still quite nice.
I like it. But I need to be in the mood for it.
Rocking. But it didn't make much of an impression on me, I was just reminded of other blues rock classics.
I'll grant that this is one of the great albums by The Doors, and I appreciate the failed effort they put into not having Elektra photograph them as Jim's backup band. Still, I'm not nearly as impressed as I was in my 20s. That's not their fault.
New wave post punk U2 is the most powerful U2, but not the most U2 U2. It's like you can see the greatness coming, and not have the greatness shoved down your throat.
Lovely. Easy.
This was known as a boring and difficult album. But it's so beautiful. It pours into your ears to remind you what those ears are there for.
Sounds great. Not too memorable on first listen. Maybe just my taste.
I remember thinking this sounded too 80's at the time. Now I think that sound fits perfectly. I feel this is his stronger album.
Pretty good. Not terribly impressed though.
It's a shame that they couldn't follow this up. This album really only started to show what they were capable as a band, outside of the punk pose that they had started out as. Stings songwriting get's truly elevated by Andy Summers and Stewart Copeland.
Iron Maiden always sounds like the gold standard of metal from my youth. It's outstanding how good this sounds even without the core members form the 80's heyday (like Dickinson, Smith, McBrain). They would get better, but this is top notch.
Zappa is an education. This album is great. Not my favorite Zappa, but still a satisfying listen.
I don’t listen to this jazz funk enough. Sounds like the most fun. Love it.
It’s kind of crazy that this album just just pushed “out of time” to the side. This is some of the best music R.E.M. has made. It’s just not the R.E.M-iest.
Sure, they’re fucking around, but they’re not just fucking around. It’s like Ummagumma, but by post-mothers Zappa. This is good, and at the very least, good for you. If you feel that listening to this is eating your vegetables, then I’ll just have you know that while you’re living under my roof, you have to finish the album before you put down your headphones and go listen to Dookie, the doors, Taylor Swift, John fucking Williams, Vivaldi, or whatever it is that kids listen to nowdays.
I suppose it’s not fair to mourn the police from outlandos, when you get regatta. It’s the best. But most police albums are the best. What are you going to do?
This is good stuff. Peak 90's guitar rock, but with a kick ass blues rock rhythm section. I enjoy it every time.
Quite beautiful. I like it.
I know it's been overplayed, but, really? I can't not.
It's ok. A but much.
This is top notch.
I liked it. Perhaps it's more Spector than Dion to me. Not necessarily a bad thing, but it's the thing that it is.
There's really no choice here. It must be heard.
Bittersweet symphony is great, but the rest of it really didn't stick.
I got no choice.
Quality is good. But it's not easy to get through.
Peak Madonna. Not my favorite Madonna, though.
A couple of classics in there. Not so sure about the rest.
Disco rocks. At least this disco.
The Oasis influence is very apparent. It's declawed enough that its lukewarm Oasis sounds like really insipid Beatles. This is not for me.
I know it's a classic. I prefer Cash's later stuff, though.
Pretty good. Somewhat uneven.
It's overplayed, but a true classic nonetheless.
Sounded great. Not too outstanding.
Pretty bad ass. Not too in the mood for this music when I heard it, but I could tell it's top notch.
It's so short. It's amazing.
I was ready to dismiss this. But damn! It slaps!
This one of the better 3s I've heard. Not quite a 4 though.
I dig it. This might be my favorite Beastie Boys album.
Smooth. Of course. Very original of me.
Beautiful. Not terribly memorable, though.
Is it possible that appreciation for music is subjective? Nah. Some things just hit all the right notes.
Pretty good. Some great.
The only reason it's not 5 stars is that I've heard their other albums.
A classic. Perfect.
Some outstanding tracks.
Pretty great
This one of the good ones.
One of the best at this kind of rock. Not the best kind of rock, though.
It's not Everybody Knows This is Nowhere, but it's still peak Neil Young.
I love Frontier Psychiatrist, but the album together felt like overly busy early 2ks. I still enjoyed it, but for the most part I preferred the deluxe edition extra tracks to the original releases.
Fun enough.
Perfect. Everything where it needs to be.
When it goes 80s, it really goes 80s. Still. A gem
This is pretty damn good. I can see this moving to a 4 star on repeated listenings. Still a 3 for now.
This album is too much. ELO is too much. Anyone that remotely sounds like ELO is too much. That said,it's awesome.
It's overplayed, but still a classic
No words.
Not necessarily an easy listen. But too good to give it a 3.
Pretty solid and rocking, if somewhat unoriginal. But what rock & roll isn't?
Lovely. Need to be in the mood for this, though.
I can't tell if I liked it. Not a good sign.
Classic, if a bit of a downer.
Pretty nice. Not the best.
A classic
I like it. But it's not very sticky to me.
Good. The live tracks, man.
Nice. I'm not too attached to it, but I could listen to this.
Perfectly fine.
Amazing. Piece of my heart alone cements this in history. Some feels like filler. Grade A filler, but still.
Another one whose only fault is being overplayed.
Only other Cure albums can rival this.
Pretty solid. Awesome standout tracks. Not sure if I love the whole thing as much.
I really enjoyed it, if maybe a bit dated. But I had to listen to it 3 times.
A lot of fun. Not necessarily indispensable.
Maybe it's my age, but this is a fucking masterpiece.
Love it. Reminded me of Chemical brothers more than I expected.
I like it enough. Better than 2 stars. But not that memorable.
Overplayed cultural appropriation much? Sill, it fucking rules. Damn.
Good enough. Don't really feel the dead.
This is really good. It's tough to rate it highly, though, since the most interesting parts just make me want to listen to exile on main street, or AC/DC, or ZZ top.
I don't love the whole thing, but damn those highs are so high
Too much of a classic.
I should have payed more attention to hip hop back then. This is awesome.
Ok I suppose
It's fine, but I couldn't really dig my teeth into it.
Pretty good. Not mind blowing.
Damn good. These were kids. But they can't all be Abbey Road.
Pretty good. Too similar to the Stones.
This is good shit
Solid. Very.
Top Yes
Too good. Not my favorite Beastie Boys, but still amazing.
I liked it. No more.
Most motorhead motorhead.
Not sure what to say. I like it.
I can't really add anything to the conversation on this beast. But it's quite better than a 4.
Great to listen. But again I can't add anything to the conversation. Classic.