In The Court Of The Crimson King
King CrimsonPhenomenal. So happy I have this on vinyl :)
Phenomenal. So happy I have this on vinyl :)
Hadn’t heard before
Not bad at all
If each song didn’t have a clear ending, I would genuinely find it IMPOSSIBLE to know when it was a new song.
Lovely lovely voice :)
Some really good songs throughout
It started strong but died a little later on
If I wanted to listen to Electronic music from Scandinavia, I’d just listen to Björk
I just don’t like it. Electronic music just isn’t for me
The fact I’ve listened to this album before Disintegration does feel a little weird
I now know where that meme sound come from. Roundabout!
Absolutely love the Eagles. I own their greatest hits 1971-75 on vinyl too, absolute classic :)
A very very solid album :)
A very pleasant surprise. I heavily fuck with the vocals on this, something about his voice makes me happy
I’d been meaning to listen to this album for a while but I’m very glad I now have as I liked it very much
I am a big big fan of The Rolling Stones. I absolutely need to listen to more of their albums
It was just slightly ever so boring
It’s that good, I’m gonna buy it on vinyl :)
I love the concept of the Wu-Tang Universe but I think all the albums just fall slightly flat for me
I have a lot of time for this. I’m so surprised the average rating is as low as it is?
Wasn’t too bad but just lacked character
Just didn’t care for it at all unfortunately
I really struggled to decide what to rate this album but I settled with a 3 Words also cannot express how much I disliked Dogfight Giggle…
I listened whilst walking through Paris. It was wonderful :)
Some very good shit
A lovely listen but nothing special, especially since it came out in ‘88
To this day, it must be up there as one of the best beginning and ending to an album of all time.
My new favourite Jazz album. Shit was fantastic :)
It was solid but I couldn’t STAND each of those individual audience members that wouldn’t shut their fat little faces
Any rating other than a 5 is just objectively wrong. 104 minutes of pure, passionate music was blissful to listen to
Unbelievable vibes coming from this one but by the end of it, I was ready for it be finished
Can’t complain really, you rarely go wrong when listening to the Beatles
I wanted to like this way more because I was already a fan of Sugar Kane. But I was quite disappointed unfortunately
The second album I’ve gotten that I have on vinyl. Albums just don’t get better than this one unfortunately🤷♂️
Another album that just has the same song TWENTY SEVEN times
Voice actually irritated me at points
Absolutely loved this. Was so much fun to listen to and actually quite refreshing :)
Very Disney Channel. Nothing special.
A very pleasant listen :)
Sounded nice
Definitely preferred this to Neon Bible
Angelic. I loved it
Excellent stuff :)
I love discovering where certain sounds originate from. Without this generator, I’d have never known the intro to Bitter Sweet Symphany
It really irks me that I don’t get the Bon Dylan hype. I love how he sounds but to me, classing him as one of the greatest artists ever really surprises me
Just didn’t care for it at all. It’s not music I’d ever put on and i actually couldn’t wait for it to be over
Big fan of this. This is the second The Who album I’ve listened to and I’ve been happy to hear both of them :)
Didn’t really get anything out of listening to this unfortunately
Love me some Dad Rock!
28 minutes of just meh really
I certainly prefer Nevermind but this is also a very very good album to listen to
Reminds me of my grandad :)
A slightly weird one but I didn’t have it. Had a nice sound to it
Happy to listen to but I wouldn’t say it’s revolutionary
It was a good listen but I cannot STAND when live recordings have audience members talking throughout. It really does my head in but definitely an album you need to hear to fully understand who Nirvana were
A nice listen whilst I worked. His voice is very calming
All songs were quite similar but it wasn’t a bad listen overall
Loved it!
Very smooth
I’ve been meaning to listen to this album for a while and thank god I now have, this was phenomenal
My second favourite Bowie album. I’ve currently only listened to Ziggy Stardust and Hunky Dory (LOVE Ziggy and not awfully fussed on Hunky Dory) but this sits very nice between them
It’s not bad by any means but I can imagine the disappointment everybody must have felt after listening to The Bends, OK Computer and Kid A…
Bloody brilliant. That man really knew how to play a guitar. All Along The Watchtower still slaps
I actually am a big fan of this. I thought it was quite a nice and easy listen
Genuinely cannot stand how anybody can dislike this. Each song is practically perfect and this is without a doubt one of the best albums of all time
God this got boring quick. I don’t mind longer albums but when they feel longer than they already are, that’s when I start to have a problem
I wasn’t a massive fan of Pink Moon but I actually enjoyed this and it’s boosted me to give Pink Moon another listen
I’m such a big fan of albums with constant 6+ mins songs compared to just loads of 2min songs
A really lovely listen :)
It’s not the worst instrumental album I’ve ever heard, it’s just unbelievably boring and somewhat pointless
They’re one of the most famous bands of all time for a reason. Wild Horses is arguably a top 25 song of all time.
This is one of the most fun albums of all time. It’s absolutely Kanye’s best and you will not convince me otherwise
The most pointless album I’ve ever sat through
Definitely preferred this to Slider
Very smooth, I’m a big fan of the continuous flow and lyricism
Another album I have on Vinyl. Bloody generational
Wasn’t horrendous but very few songs really stood out to me
Sounded okay but it wasn’t very memorable
Such a sweet album but didn’t reach out to me as much as I thought it would. His voice is fantastic though
This might actually be my favourite album of all time but at the very least, top 5. You shouldn’t be allowed to make albums this good, it’s unfair on everybody else🤷♂️
I liked the vocals a lot more than I liked the instrumentals but it was good overall
It’s sweet, a nice listen
Didn’t really scream to me but it wasn’t bad.
A really odd mix of sound and genres but overall, it was a good listen
Can’t go wrong with a bit of Bowie :)
This album was me discovering I would have been a real loser if I was a teenager in the 90’s lmao
I made this shit on a school keyboard in year 8…
His voice really was something. Loved the idea of an album of very popular songs at the time. Satisfaction was quite a pleasant surprise
The most okay album ever. I’ve listened to it, I haven’t hated it, I’ll likely never listen to it again. A simple cycle.
Some little gems throughout but I’ll never understand albums with LOADS of short songs.
Hell yeah??
WHO doesn’t like this seriously?
Perfect. I’m surprised it’s the highest rated album out of the 1001 but it’s certainly an all time classic. I’m lucky enough to have it on vinyl too :)
You cannot deny how revolutionary Miles Davies actually was but this album was only okay for me. I’ve definitely heard better Jazz albums
This is really good, I’m a big fan of this country album
All sounded exactly the same but lowkey loved it
I’ve listened to this album at least 3 times in my life and it’s never truly been as good as people make it out to be. I wish I understood what other people saw
Very sweet :)
I don’t hate the beats but 90’s Hip Hop/Rap as a whole I really do not care for
Van Halen will never not be in the conversation of best guitarist. What that man did with a guitar is unbelievable
The Kanye production is so clear. What’s happened to him man :(
Can’t go wrong with some Jazz really can you