Slanted And Enchanted
PavementThat was...not great. Couldn't get into it. Abrasive even. Had to make myself listen all the way through.
That was...not great. Couldn't get into it. Abrasive even. Had to make myself listen all the way through.
Champagne Supernova is still excellent, as is Wonderwall. A whole listen-through of Oasis gets annoying. Everything tends to sound the same, and a bit whiny...
Not my jam. I feel the seriousness of their message, but for me it's too angry to listen to while working, but not angry enough for running.
This album never gets old. Into the Mystic is one of the best songs - it can't be touched. The jazzy Moondance is a nice light dance and Everyone is bright.
Very of its time. California Dreamin' is so beyond over-played that I don't enjoy it anymore. I hadn't heard of most of these, and enjoyed a handful (Go Where You Wanna Go, The "In" Crowd) but the songs are mostly forgettable to me. Listened through twice, and didn't really recognize anything on the second roll through. Not a terrible album, just nothing special.
Tiny Dancer and Levon and Madman Across the Water. So good. Indian Sunset, despite interesting orchestration, is the weakest link. Elton's vocals are strong.
I've never actually listened to this album. I didn't know they did With a Little Help From my Friend. Pretty much the only good song here. Lucy in the Sky isn't bad, but takes a while to pick up. Overall, a garbled mess. Would never listen to this again.
Have always thought Cash was overrated. Bridge Over Troubled Water - this version is an injustice to the original, it sounds like bad karaoke. Same with Personal Jesus - but in this case it is drunk karaoke. The only goody on here was The Man Comes Around. Everyone loves Hurt, but it's not as good as the original. Still not sold on Cash.
Not super into this. Some tracks were okay for background music, but wouldn't listen to it again. Not to my taste, but not awful.
Album really varied. How do you go from Without You to Coconut? I wanted badly to like this as a whole, but don't. Maybe forced listenings will get me more on board? Some of these are great (Gotta Get Up), but then there are the ones where he sounds like he's dying (Without You).
Another of those albums that is supposed to be important, but I couldn't get into it. Varied too much. Country Girl is particularly egregious. Second listen at Johnny's behest: -Carry On - pretty good -Teach your Children - classic, one of the best on the album -Almost Cut My Hair - I can see this growing on me -Helpless - I can go either way on Young - his vocals were both delicate and beseeching on this one -Woodstock - not bad, good guitar throughout -Deja Vu - just when I thought it wasn't going anywhere, it ended. I feel like this is a song that I don't like now, but it could grow to be a favorite. -Our House - listening to the lyrics, I now love the song -4+20 - not much going on -Country Girl - what is this mess??! (Maybe this could grow on me? It came together at the end with the harmonica) -Everybody I Love You - awful and indulgent So: verdict is changed, due to Johnny's praises!
Wanted to like this - I love Take Me Out. But most sounded like a drunken band at open night mic. Not into it.
Pretty good. Got early Rolling Stones vibes, esp on Holiday in Waikiki. Not bad overall, ran through it twice. Don't think it'll be on the regular rotation, it's a smidge droney on some tracks for me.
Have always loved Breakdown. Album is pretty okay overall, will be adding it to my rotation.
He's the Greatest Dancer is a banger! The rest chills out, disappointingly. Still good, just wish the party vibe continued!
This is my new favorite album. I need to find this on vinyl. Friday night vibes, very groovy!
Didn't even get through this. Never was into the early hip hop stuff, so was initially glad to see this come up today, but what a disappointment. Respect was the only thing that was interesting, and it didn't really even feature Biggie.
Very textured voice, but every song sounded the same. I didn't realize I was on the fifth song until I looked - it could have been the second or the seventh. I know there are better Billie Holiday albums out there.
Wanted to like it more. Some are great/classic, the rest are droning. I don't understand how an inconsistent album can be so revered...?
Nice smooth jazz - dinner time jazz. He's excellent on the piano.
I've always thought Springsteen sounded like a mewling drunk. This album wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but he still sounds terrible....
Short album - went by quickly. Standard live recording - sounded good, but didn't strike me as spectacular.
I wonder about some of these albums. This is one of those. I don't understand it. It is passionate, but def not my jam. It sounds like everything 80s in one place, and not in a good way.
Interesting and funky.
Hair metal. Was okay, if that's what you're going for. Very standard.
Some are groovy, some are meh....
Not bad - haven't really listened to Marley before. Chill, as expected, but don't know if I could play more than just the album at a time without being over the reggae.
What a piece of garbage. How did this make the 1001 list? I've never like them, and this confirms it. The vocals sound constipated, and the instrumentation is generic. I had to end it during the penultimate song.
Not bad as background music when doing other work, but it is rather noisy and cacophonic. I want to hear the melody (Dracula Mountain ain't bad), but it's eluding me....
Reading the context from other reviewers gave me a better appreciation. This is tough, and was even better on the second go.
First half is awesome. Last half I can live without. Can't give 3.5 stars, so they get a 4.
Rooster is excellent, a lot of the rest of this droned on. Feeling comes mainly from the vocal delivery...
That was...not great. Couldn't get into it. Abrasive even. Had to make myself listen all the way through.
Agree with another reviewer: it sounds like this is AI trying to create a 90's sound. Very generic, nothing catchy or interesting. How did this make the list??
I refuse to listen to this dreck.
Very much Ozzy. Wheels of Confusion was okay, but it eventually devolved into songs that all sounded the same...
Have always heard of these guys, but never took the time. Kind of weird, don't know if I would re-listen...I feel like I'm supposed to like this, but just can't muster it.
Rough. Guitars aren't bad, but sounds like bad karaoke. Nirvana's covers are better.
Do people listen to this for fun?
Lots of noise, and I normally like noise.... One of those bands that you are supposed to like, but I'm not feeling the love...
If you love CCR, which I do, you'll love this. Classic.
Chill, moody, contemplative...
If you like carnival folk, this is for you. I don't.
Okay, but nothing special. Why is this on the list??
America is so very good. Some of the rest is meh, but overall very S&G sounding.
Boring club music, aside from the first ear-worm tracks.
Good for groovy background music. Solid beats!
Better than I thought it would be. Fun music (although the dated attitudes in the lyrics may irk some people).
Rough sound, but can see why it is on the list. Don't think I'll be relistening...
Personal favourite, so it's hard to be unbiased. Her voice is soothing and beautiful. Admittedly, there's little in the way of daring or interesting, hence the four, and not five, stars. Still love it.
A better Springsteen than normal. Quiet.
It's okay, decent sound/grooves. Nothing special though...
Very standard for these guys. Good grooves.
Fun and hip hoppy.
Good go for when you're in the mood for this. Pretty Hate Machine is better, but this'll do the trick!
Not my taste. At all. Wondering what qualifies it to be on the list?
First time actually giving this a spin, and probably the last time. Rough. None of the flow of the Ramones.
Not as groovy as I was hoping, but still pretty fun!
First time hearing this. Actually love it. The attitude, the beats.
Some good, some not very good....not their best.
Not as bad as I thought it would be. Some interesting beats; I could see these fitting in nicely to an overall playlist.
This is awful. Sounds like an angry 15-year-old in their father's garage.
Chill, and reminiscent of early James Taylor.
I know I'm supposed to like Radiohead...I've tried to like Radiohead...I can't get into Radiohead. Drones. No oopmh. I guess okay background while working...
Always great. Solid.
Am I old because I think this is noise?
Not my jam, but strong voice.
Hit and miss. Some bangers, some weirdos.
Rockin'. He's always good for vibes.
Kind of juvenile to be honest. Just showing how cool they are?? I can recognize that this was big/groundbreaking for the time, but I couldn't get into it.
Very honky-tonk.
Okay. As others have noted, the title track is still a banger. The rest is typical of rap/hip hop from that era: it hasn't aged well, and it all tends to sound the same. Giving a three instead of a two, soly based on the strength of the title track.
Light and airy. Not bad as background, but don't think I'll bother again.
I don't know if I'm cool enough to get this album.
I understand why this might be on the list, but it's definitely not getting a re-listen. Track 2 in particular - a little too much freedom and improv in that jazz for my taste.
Chill, not bad. Prob won't give it another spin b/c it's not my genre, but not bad.
Couple okay tracks. The rest are drawn out and drone on. Overall not great...
Excellent voice. Fast car is great; I ended up tuning out a bit mid-album...
Better than I thought, and surprising! Harmonica?! Not too bad indeed. And if this was the birth of just seems surprisingly tepid compared to what's out there now.
I don't understand why Morrissey is a thing. This is okay, sounds very much like the Brit rock that it is, but nothing special.
Pretty groovy, but I can't ever strand his voice for more than a couple of tracks at a time....
I think I like this! Will listen to it again. Good beats, good variety.
Was expecting it to be...funkier. Too much psychedelic? Really long songs, first one is the best one. Just okay. Note: found full album on youtube, as Spotify only has the first track available.
Champagne Supernova is still excellent, as is Wonderwall. A whole listen-through of Oasis gets annoying. Everything tends to sound the same, and a bit whiny...
Groovin' is classic - didn't realize that was from them. The rest: can forget it. Same old late 60's stuff.
Angry man rejected by lady.
Typical Radiohead - warbling, ghostly, and I know I'm supposed to really like it, but it's just meh....
Just because you can belt it out doesn't mean the album will be interesting. I've never understood the cult worship of Adele.
One of my favorites. They lyrics, the mood. Joni's voice.
Couldn't get into it. Grating.
Some cool tracks, some Lynchian tracks. Decide if you want to be one or the other.
Rockin'. Lots of hits, and bluesy. Will listen again.
Classics on this one! A few are a bit psychedelic for my taste, but Jimi's talent cannot be ignored!
Meh. As the other reviewers have noted, nothing special, very 90s, very generic. Why is this on the list??
Reconsider Baby - bluesy and jazzy. Nice! Overall, very Elvis-y. Don't think I'll re-listen, but not bad overall.
Another Brit-pop-y sound, with nothing special. Why is this on the list?
Kind of very 80s. In Your Eyes is classic though...
I've never understood the enduring popularity/love for the Beatles. Not terrible, not my jam.
Never listened to these guys before. It's okay, a little light and corporate-sounding, as another reviewer stated. Prob will never listen to this again, not because it was bad, but because there is just nothing to hook me.
Strong Wilson-Phillips vibes anyone?
Interesting. Some caught my mind, but most did not. A lot of the tracks sounded the same...
Zep is the best!
Better than I thought it would be! Would relisten!
This was the first ABBA album I've listened to. Very ethereal, not my style.
Not great. Drones or weird. Can't get a sense of it.
Another Brit-pop-y album, a bit better than most that I've heard, but I'm still puzzled on why this made the list?
I've always heard of Pulp, but this is my first listen. Don't think I'll pursue it - it's not bad, just not me. Meh.
Not too bad. A lot of reviewers seem to strongly dislike it. I think it's pretty good for background, or having tracks mixed into a bigger playlist. Definitely need to be in the correct mood to enjoy it.
Not what I thought it would be. It's generally okay, just quiet rock with lots of guitar. Nothing memorable for me.
I cannot. I've listened to some doozies on through this generator, but I just cannot do this one. Killed it in track 10. Noise, and not good noise.
Delicate vocals. Really liked about 75% of this. Will relisten!
Pretty good overall. Chill. Their harmonization is incredible.
What a surprise! Groovy and good - this is a repeater!
Meh. Not interesting. Felt like I was in a boring European spy film that was trying too hard to be sexy. It was not sexy.
Ironic is terribly overplayed...some of the lighter tracks felt like filler. But the good ones have not lost their power or resonance!
Nick Drake vibes. Super chill.
Good party background!
Some of these are still bangers!
Know their hits. Don't really know the catalogue. Don't know if this sold me. I'm not into this type of rock. Kind of disappointing....
Very blues. Pretty good, but they do start to sound the same...
What was this? Good Vibrations was good. The rest....self-indulgent? Unfinished songs? Drug-trip?
Mumble-y. Maybe I'm just not an alt-rock fan? Didn't really like a single track. What justifies this as something I need to listen to before I die??
Excellent, very enjoyable listen. Will put into my rotation for sure. Authentic and honest...
Funkier than I remember. Good jams, but inconsistent and starts to sound the same. Is this really something I needed to hear before I died?
A nice change from the standard versions of these songs. Sonically good as well.
Influenced by the other reviews, I have tried very hard to like this. Nope. Grinding, nothing catchy....
First time hearing this album, and most of these tracks. I feel like a lot of these are ripe to get sampled (and obviously a lot of this has been). Pretty chill over all, not as in-your-face as I would have thought.
Not my jam. I feel the seriousness of their message, but for me it's too angry to listen to while working, but not angry enough for running.
I loved this. Background working music. Will be on repeat. It's like they are a precursor to Skrillex and more aggressive EDM that has come out in the last 10 years.
Fun, light, peppy.
Wanted to like this, I generally like Paul Simon. But really? I feel like most of these songs are just things he say (Cars, Allergies) and went with it. Annoying sounding on top of the weak lyrics...
How can Dixie and Cripple Creek be so good, and then there's dreck like Unfaithful Servant and Whispering Pines? The good nets out the bad (barely), meaning only 3 stars.
Relentless, it all sounds the same, no differentiation between the songs. If you're into this, it would be good....
This is so raw it's almost bleeding. Proto-grunge. A little too proto for my tastes, but given it's importance/influence, it's evident why this is on the list.
Wanted to like this. Was okay. Some tracks good, some meh. So a meh star rating...
Was okay. Lots were familiar from being in the zeitgeist.
Have always loved Supervixen, Queer, and Vow. The rest suffered from some radio overplay, but it's still overall good. Good example of 90s alt rock.
Unexpectedly liked this. Chill, would be good background while having a drink. A couple of the tracks in the middle were meh, but overall a pretty good listen!
Who decided that rock operas were a good thing? All over the place, cacophonic. Giving a two because at least they had a vision...
First time listening to these guys. Not into it. Nothing caught my attention, felt a little too hip for me...
Groovy! Will re-listen for sure.
Wanted to like it, but it was a little raw for my tastes....Not garbage, just very unpolished.
Pretty good overall, esp if you are okay with Dolly's distinctive voice. I'm partial to her just because she's Dolly Parton, but don't think I'll be re-listening to this one.
Nice and mostly smooth. Very classic jazzy stuff. Will be throwing this on for a Friday night!
Excellent. This is what an unplugged album should be. Cobain's raw vocals, the use of strings, everything.
Great background. I recognized more of these than I realized were from Moby. Nice.
Yet again the question: why did I need to hear this before I died? Kind of fun, but definitely nothing special. Yes, Groove is in the Heart is very classic, but one banger does not an album make.
Completely grating. Nothing interesting. How is this on the list? Will never, ever, listen to this again.
First time actually listening to Alice Cooper. Didn't sound like I thought it would - but that doesn't mean I like it or think it is good.
I know I'm supposed to like this, but....
Some really good tracks. Some filler.
Made myself get through this. Wow. I've learned I'm really not into psychedelic rock.
Not what I was expecting - this was my first Cure experience. More instrumental than I thought it would be. Not bad, esp in the background, but not likely to listen to again - nothing really special.
Love her in the Magnolia soundtrack - but couldn't get into this one.
Was okay, interesting beats. Overall pretty chill.
Some bangers/classics, but the rest is just Axel yelling....
I always want to like them. Maybe I need to sit and listen to the lyrics more? It's not bad at all, catchy at times, I just want to more than I do....
Supposed to like this, tried to like it, didn't like it. Not my type of rock. Too...light? Whiny?
Was okay, but I don't get why this is supposedly excellent??