My Life In The Bush Of Ghosts
Brian EnoA couple of musical geniuses creating together doesn't automatically make it interesting.
A couple of musical geniuses creating together doesn't automatically make it interesting.
Fatlip from Pharcyde said it best: "Your mama is so big and fat that she can get busy with twenty-two burritos, but times are rough I seen her in the back of Taco Bell with handcuffs". Preach Fatlip. Love these guys, they're clearly having a blast making this album and messin around lyrically on most songs. Passin' Me By is a juggernaut - on of the best hip hip beats of all time. My sister Becky (fortheloveofmusicqb) and I saw Pharcyde in college together at a small club in C Springs -32 Blue. These songs all remind me of those days.
Great album front to back! Interesting timing from the "random" generator.
Santa Cruz is a great song. Reminds me of my college days - I learned it from my shuttle bus driver - who would blast this song everyday in 2003. The rest of the album is mediocre indie pop rock. Honestly, this made me nervous that many of my favorite 21st century albums will not be on this list. - which i guess is ok - since this is about learning new things.
Perfect weather for my favorite Tom Waits album. Rain Dogs is Tom Waits at his creative/weird peak (along with Swordfishtrombone). It might seem like this is a bunch of goofing around, but like an abstract painting by Picasso -with colors -, every moment here is meticulously arranged into a brilliant mirage of sound. It evokes emotion (maybe emotion you don't always want to feel) - but I love where it takes me mentally. Tom Waits is a musical genius, and his vocal range and composing ability are almost alien. Changing his vocal style entirely and musical genre on every song, but somehow still weaving a perfect tapestry like an eclectic patch quilt. The appreciation and respect I have for this guy, because of this period (83-85), is right up there with Neil Young (72-79), Bowie (71-77) and Bjork (95-01) during their creative peaks. There's nothing else like it and there never will be.
One of my favorite albums of the 90s
giddy up. love this shit. El Paso - best cowboy song of all time.
good evening vibe but theres better Sly
5/5 album cover.
I bought this CD the day it came out over my lunch break in high school. 'Stan', "Way I Am' &"B&ych Please 2: still dope. Rest of this album is absolutely wild. I can't believe 'Kim' is a real track.
Another scary one! david bowie's all over this - 3
Makes me want to put on my finest suit, pour a bourbon and a grab cigar for an after supper swing party. I don't love big band jazz, but Basie is an incredible pianist and band leader. 3
Cool vibe.
I respect Buddy Holly's influence on rock, and Grateful Dead's version of Not Fade Away - one of the best live concert moments to experience - would not exist without the original, but I don't need to hear this version unless I'm at a Steak & Shake, about once every 15 years is plenty.
sooo goood.
I've listened to this album so many times the songs are starting to lose some appeal. Still really enjoy it though, one of my favorites from that era - "Ragged Wood" - all time banger
This was new to me, and I really liked it. Captures the post-punk sound of the moment (Clash, Television) with their own memorable spin. On my list to dive in more in the future.
oh yoshimi, they don't believe me - I tried to make this my jam in college but couldn't connect with it. Now back here listening again I like it more....'Do you realize' one of the greatest cheesy songs of all time- could be the theme song for this group. Also, really creative musically throughout.
About perfect for me. This has been a favorite of mine since my youth, and somehow it keeps getting better. A collection of very dark but also uplifting songs. Every song is special, but Try Not to Breath, Sweetness Follows, Nightswimming and Find the River -all-timers, cue all the tears. damn.
Great vocals and psychedelic vibes, but nothing that memorable.
New discovery for me. Not bad “Tinseltown in the rain” is kind of a jam
First half of the album is an easy 5 for me, the rest is good, not great. Love Elton John, and got to see his last show in Kentucky, it was incredible.
I've never been a metal fan, but I don't mind listening through this album every few years. Some absolute classics.
Who can forget that video! The album builds and builds with each song. 'Shadowboxer' and 'Never is a Promise' big highlights. She's awesome - incredible voice, creative as hell, and her later albums are even better.
These are some groovy jams.
Love this album and all of its weirdness. Starting with carnival horror music and transitioning to soft piano jazz by end, with the full spectrum in between. I don't know wtf was going on in his head during writing/recording, but I love the ride.
Eddie Vedder
Love it. He’s British, but this album is pure NYC nostalgia for me, everytime I listen (which is still once a year at least) I feel like I’m walking around Central Park in the Fall. Bought this cd the week I moved to NY in 2007 on a bartender recommendation - at Kim’s on Broadway. Highly recommend to not skip this one! technically there are a couple skippable songs on here, but its mostly gems throughout. A classic for fans of the Beatles and early 2000s indie rock.
Not on my radar at all. Pretty good.
I appreciate this albums place in history, and if it we're 1986 and we were listening to this for the first time, I'm sure it would be mind blowing, but today I can't listen to a whole Run DMC album straight through. I like them one song at a time, during random times in my life. I learned through the Wikipedia that Rick Rubin produced this album when he was 23! (and he'd been at it for a few years)...crazy, that guy is a genius and has the most amazing music resume (seriously check it out: Also, they finally got Jam Master Jay's killer... so that's cool!
Who knew Portishead kept making music after the early 90s? Good for them, because I really enjoyed this one.
I saw J5 in college and have this cd. They put on an exciting live show, but as an album, this is mostly boring beats and cheesy hooks. Scratching my head on how this one found its way on the list. I've always seen these guys as watered down atcq/roots - and this is like their 2nd or 3rd best album - weird.
Not nearly as interesting (or good imo) as the last Tom Waits, but this one might be more palatable. Love 'Jersey Girl' - and check out Bruce Springsteen's version if you haven't so good.
Man....raise your hand if you miss "Murder Ballads" ✋. (im jk - I know you all hated it). Seriously though, Nick lost his gritty edge on this one. Lyrics are pretty good, but music is meh. The good news is we only 17 Nick Cave and Tom Waits albums to go....
Love America
first timer, really liked and cant wait to listen again. Slowly builds for the first several songs and then explodes with "A Forest" a fuckin gem. Great vibe throughout.
Love early bluesy Stones
I didn't fully appreciate Patti Smith until I saw her live about 10 years ago. Her passion is electric. One of the all-time great performers. This is her Mona Lisa, but not always easy on the ears if you're coming in cold.
This album is about perfect for me anytime, but even better with a joint, a cocktail and a warm fire. Lue Reed is a boss.
A classic. Love Steve Earle's song writing and voice. Progressive country, but also one of the early Americana albums. this one influenced so much of the music i like today (REK, Jeff Tweedy, tyler childers, jason isbell, avett bros, Jim james etc etc..).
such a dreamy, 'fuzzy bruce springsteen' vibe. Been revisiting this one often since it came out.
I remember the singles, the rest just kind of felt like Oasis songs I've never heard. Not a bad thing, it was just boring.
A legendary voice and a classic album 3.5
Not the Sunday morning album over coffee I was hoping for.
So good. The ultimate yacht rock album. Transports me to another time and place.
Very 2002.
I like how it got a little psychedelic on that last song, just for the last 90 seconds or so. Basically saying, we sing sweet songs, but we also like drugs sometimes. Ironically, Karen Carpenter died of an overdose at 33 in 1983- there were early signs.
Unapologetically love this album. "Hey", "Wave of Mutiliation", "Monkey Gone to Heaven" and "Debaser" are all amongst my favorite 80s songs. Every song has a different feel, but the energy remains the same. Its loud and punk throughout but with tender touches. The vocal duality of Black Francis and Kim Deal is magical. Such a fun band and album. 4.5 stars but I'm rounding up on this one.
...and an excellent debut it was!
I know this is considered one of the greatest albums of all time, and I deeply respect it, nearly perfectly executed, great funk beats, and Stevie's voice is one of a kind. But, I've listened to this now 3-4 times, and outside of a few tracks (Living for the City, Don't You Worry About a Thing - both slap) the rest just doesn't do it for me. Excited to dig into the rest of Stevie's 70s catalogue, but won't revisit this one unless I do this list again. Can see my opinion changing on this one as I get older though
I went through RS top 500 albums in 2020 including the 7 Neil Young albums on the list. While I had previously loved some of his songs, going through his best albums gave me a new appreciation for him, which quickly led to an obsession. He was the biggest and best surprise of the entire list. Bought several of his records after that and went on an intense binge (maybe driven by covid loneliness) and listened to his entire catalogue (30+ albums) - They're all good. 'Harvest' is the perfect album to start with. Not my favorite NY album, maybe not even in my top 5, but one of his most generally loved. Perfect opener with "Out on the Weekend" and then each track builds, not a dud on here - highlights are the hits, + "Alabama" "Harvest" "Man Needs a Made" "Needle" "Words". . Got to see Neil Young for the first time this year and he played 'Heart of Gold' a very special moment for me - right after a surprise appearance by Bob Dylan and warming up for Willie Nelson. The best part...this is just the tip of the ice berg.
so good. made me want a mojito and a cigar.
very relaxing. Nice background noise for a stressful day.
Santa Cruz is a great song. Reminds me of my college days - I learned it from my shuttle bus driver - who would blast this song everyday in 2003. The rest of the album is mediocre indie pop rock. Honestly, this made me nervous that many of my favorite 21st century albums will not be on this list. - which i guess is ok - since this is about learning new things.
daddy Miles cooked up a good sound here.
First, Happy Christmas Eve. Second, the kids are into records again, so I started a new tradition with my two nieces last Christmas, we go out and pick an album on vinyl and I buy it for them. 'Queen is Dead' was my 13yo niece Amelia's top choice (Pixies Doolittle was also on her list). One thought, poor old Morrissey probably doesn't know exactly how Joan of Arc felt but "Bigmouth strikes again" is still a banger- and -very fitting for someone who's infamous for saying dumb things - "Light that Never Goes Out" might be the most emo of all the emo songs of all time.
Its dark avant garde and really artsy. Predicting most people won't like, but very interesting discovery for me though. I always held Les Claypool (Primus/Oysterhead) as one of the most creative musicians of all time. I didn't love this, but it so closely resembled Primus that I assumed this must be a big Les Claypool influence - turns out YES, this was like his favorite band. Which is crazy if you know Primus, this is almost a total rip off (Primus is just slightly less dark, more commercially friendly, and cleaner singing).
I was kind of shy about giving this one a 5, but its kind of a 5 right? The best Christmas album of all time? I mean a new Christmas tradition was born for me.
I like this band, I like their sound, I don’t love this album. starts out really preachy and repetitive, too much beat poetry sprinkled in (ol Johnny clearly going for a Patti smith-horses vibe - and getting away from the Sex Pistols sound that made him famous). The album gets better though, “annalisa” and “public image” are great songs). Shocked the scores are so low. anyway, The next PIL album is way better -dare i say ‘great, (second edition), no preach talking and a solid vibe throughout.
Peak 90s alternative. Big Radiohead fan since high school and this one hasn’t lost anything for me over the years. Every second choreographed into perfect succession. One of the greatest albums of all time.
So good.
I don't know PJ Harvey that well but I like her vibe. She was huge in the UK in the 90s, I think she's got a few on this list.
Love this discovery. Strings added new dimension to these songs. Would definitely check out a Metallica concert with strings. Energy out of control. Will definitely revisit this one.
She's a phenomenal singer. Some classics on here, I'm just tired of hearing them.
Fatlip from Pharcyde said it best: "Your mama is so big and fat that she can get busy with twenty-two burritos, but times are rough I seen her in the back of Taco Bell with handcuffs". Preach Fatlip. Love these guys, they're clearly having a blast making this album and messin around lyrically on most songs. Passin' Me By is a juggernaut - on of the best hip hip beats of all time. My sister Becky (fortheloveofmusicqb) and I saw Pharcyde in college together at a small club in C Springs -32 Blue. These songs all remind me of those days.
These guys can play funk, just sounded a little boring against all of these other great ones.
I prefer prog-rock Peter Gabriel with Genesis, but this was ok.
I like it now. First listened in 2020 and hated it. A lot going on, it's artsy, had to listen to it twice (loud the second time) to catch many of the nuances. Very cool things happening as the album unfolds.
Loved the Thom Yorke song, rest wasn't really my thing.
I am a U2 fan and I believe there are 4 or 5 really good, and some great, U2 albums. This is not one of them. Outside of a couple classics (Elevation, In a Little While) this album kind of bores me - much like most stuff they released after 2000.
This was a surprisingly fun listen. I like it. I would go see the Aerosmith farewell tour, they were supposed to be at YUM last weekend, but Steven Tyler got Larynx damage so they delayed it to later in the year.
There was no screaming and their sound was not primal - but I really enjoyed this.
Missy is a hell of rapper, Timbaland is a hell of a producer. RIP Magoo & Aaliyah
Jim Morrison's last album.
I used to be obsessed with this album. Still great, not elite. Tonight, Zero, Bullet, and Muzzle still pump me up
Liked it. Cool concept and definitely created a vibe, up there with some to the good instrumental soundtracks.
so good. Way ahead of its time - revolutionary. The best Beastie Boys album, and IMO best hip-hop album of the 80s.
Not a thrash metal fan at all, but the shredding is absolutely insane here( especially on Raining Blood) which rips hard. I never sit down and listen to this, but if slayer was at a rock festival is was at, I might take a peak for a few mins
He's got an incredible voice, in your eyes / sledgehammer are very good songs, but outside of that, this album is very boring (putting this after two metal albums probably didn't help). Early 70s prog-rock Genesis is peak Peter Gabriel and nothing in his solo catalogue comes close to it.
Perfect weather for my favorite Tom Waits album. Rain Dogs is Tom Waits at his creative/weird peak (along with Swordfishtrombone). It might seem like this is a bunch of goofing around, but like an abstract painting by Picasso -with colors -, every moment here is meticulously arranged into a brilliant mirage of sound. It evokes emotion (maybe emotion you don't always want to feel) - but I love where it takes me mentally. Tom Waits is a musical genius, and his vocal range and composing ability are almost alien. Changing his vocal style entirely and musical genre on every song, but somehow still weaving a perfect tapestry like an eclectic patch quilt. The appreciation and respect I have for this guy, because of this period (83-85), is right up there with Neil Young (72-79), Bowie (71-77) and Bjork (95-01) during their creative peaks. There's nothing else like it and there never will be.
Really good 70s rock. Love Stephen Stills. Didn't know this album.
Love Disorder and She's lost control. I just never really liked Ian CUrtis' voice. Ironically, New Order is my favorite 80s band (Joy division post-Ian Curtis).
Pure nostalgia. Love this album.
This was the first vinyl Rachael and I bought together as a couple. Very special memories. Amazing singing from a legend who was gone way too soon. Other than 2 songs, this is an album of covers, which IMO, Otis puts his signature on and they are my preferred versions especially, "Change is Gonna Come", "Down in the Valley", "I've Been Loving You too Long" and "My Girl". Ironically the one song he did write on this album "Respect", is not as memorably as the other songs, at least not until Aretha put her spin on it and made it legendary.
This album gets better every time I hear it. "The Ledge", "Sara" "Storms" "I Know I'm Not Wrong", "Tusk", many of my favorite FM songs. It's a departure from their previous albums. You all should definitely read this Wikipedia - Lindsey Buckingham was a maniac during the recording apparenetly "For certain songs, Buckingham played a Kleenex box" "Early on, he came in and he'd freaked out in the shower and cut off all his hair with nail scissors. He was stressed" was determined to make the band sound less like "Rumors" and more like the Talking Heads.
I'm sure these songs are fun live, with a heavy dance bass and Beyonce being Beyonce - but I can't get into it here. I'm generally not a fan of her voice, and the rapping makes me cringe.
The Clash get so much better.
I actually like elevator music, and this in particular, was pretty groovy.
I really liked this. New to me, can see how this was a big influence on REM and a lot of 80s rock to come.
Yes! I think the original album was just the first three tracks. Those tracks were made for me, the perfect blend of rock, pop, psychedelia and jamming. Absolutely love it. The rest of the songs are good too.
DIg it. Sabu was a rhythmic machine.
I really liked some of these songs in college, now they're barely listenable. Akso, I remember being pissed that these were two solo albums (how can you even call that Outkast). Speakerboxx: 2/5 Love Below: 3/5 All other real Outkast albums that came before this: 5/5
One of my favorite classic rock albums. Eric Clapton + Duane Allman = pure gold! Duane died the next year so they never got to collaborate again, but we can dream of how amazing it would have been...
Classic. Every song is good
Absolutely fine, toe tapping good music. Nothing more, nothing less.
Elvis past his prime is still Elvis. Such a powerful voice.
I liked it. This album is only 15 mins long. Which was nice.
I enjoyed it - fit the mood of the day for me.
So many bangers
I love Zappa! but yes, not for everybody. Love the albums concept and how it was essentially mocking "psychedelic rock"" of the late 60s.
Love Lou Reed. I wouldn’t listen to this outside of this project much, but he creates interesting mellow songs
Huge Damon Albarn fan and love almost everything he touches, but I would put all the Blur albums and the next Gorillaz album ahead of this one. Still love 19-2000 tho
Gets better every time I hear it. Used to dislike ZZ Top, but this album got it all.
Holy Shit! Three of the best at their instrument during their prime. Thelonious Monk (piano), Sonny Rollins (sax) and Max Roach (drums) (+ a few others) in 1957- Jazz doesn't get much better than this. Brilliant Corners, Ba-Lu Bolivar and Bemsha Swing are three of my all-time favorite jazz compositions. Enjoyed this with a glass of bourbon and some mood lighting. I had this on repeat all day.
Man. Father & Son is a great song. Hard to top that ending Father & Son > Tea for the Tillerman - great for a Sunday night.
We got spoiled with all of this Stevie Wonder so early. My favorite album of his.
Always amazed that that voice comes out of that person. What a legend!
I liked. Way ahead of its time as far as indie/emo rock is concerned.
The first Bob Dylan cd I ever bought (in college) and my favorite to this day. In fact my favorite album of the 1970s. Every song is a classic. 10/10 lyrics 10/10 music. Love how Bob Dylan reinvents himself musically every few years (how he sings and how he plays), but at the core of everything he does and the one thing that never changes is the genius of his lyrics. This one is all about his divorce from Sara in 74, extremely personal, but also relatable.
I liked this. I remembered "All I Know" from alt rock radio back in the day. Its a solid album reminiscent of QOTSA and Audioslave, two of my favorites from the early 00s. Interesting that this preceded those by a few years, and clearly can hear it's influence in each.
Great album. Chris Cornell arguably, the best grunge voice.
Great album. No skips.
Personality Crisis and Trash are great songs. The rest of the album is OK. Also, love David Johannson's voice.
4.5 this is almost as good as it gets. So smooth.
Very Good. Especially "Cowboy Movie" - two of the songs were greyed out on my Spotify so I had to go to youtube.
I love this album - just good music. Disc 1 is nearly perfect,And then moving to disc two, my favorite song on the album - "All Things Must Pass". One of the best (if not the best) Beatles related projects.
Hey - I've never listened to Slipknot - I was coming in expecting to hate it. However, the drumming and guitar playing is absolutely spectacular. I put this on while I worked and was insanely productive. Not sure this will be in my rotation any time soon - but hey I appreciate it, and I see where you're coming from Maggots (this is what Slipknot people call themselves).
Another great one. Never gets old.
Solid 4. grammy 2011 album of the year. It's really good, still enjoy it. 'City with No Children' and 'Sprawl II' have been in my rotation since it came out - great songs.
Maggie Mae is such a great song. A few other good ones on this album, but, I only really need to hear Maggie Mae before I die.
I love these guys. They're even better live. If they ever tour again, defnitely worth it!
The first Beatles cd I bought, my favorite in my teens, and still one of the greatest today. Every song means something to me. Great stuff.
I knew nothing about this band, but they sound like a Smiths knock off. I guess they come up at the same time in Brittain. This wasn't nearly as good.
So Good.
Just OK
wow. very, very Replacements-y. Which i like - but nothing groundbreaking by 1996.
Not my thing, but Serj Tankian has a one of a kind rock voice.
The four best songs on this album are all Bob Dylan covers. I go back to the Byrds version of 'Spanish Harlem Incident' and 'Chimes of Freedom' often.
Neil Young created the perfect sound for late-thirties Albert. It is this album.
Nice to revisit this one. I always enjoyed parts of it.
The Kinks do better.
Enjoyed this and can hear the big influence it must have had on indie/folk rock that followed it, including Freightened Rabbit (my favorite Scottish folk rock band). Loved the Van Morrison cover. The violin makes everything sound more epic. 3.5 and rounding up.
I really enjoyed this today. Maybe a 3 on another day, but we going 4 on this chilly april Friday - cause that HEAT warmed me right up.
This is the Dylan album that cemented his legacy and made him a cultural and political icon, his first album of originals, and he was only 22. Obviously a lot of classics on here, including two of my all time favs "Hard Rain" and "Don't Think Twice". The best part, this isn't even in my top 10 Dylan albums.
Some interesting moments here, but overall couldn't get into it. Maybe I'll give it another try in the future!
Pretty Good. Passenger is a long time favorite.
This is the Band's first album after being Bob Dylan's backing band (with three of these songs written by Bob Dylan). I love the Weight, and their cover of I Shall Be Released, but outside those two, I'm not a huge fan of the rest.
Really liked some of this. But really hated other parts. The flava flav "ha ha" and "ya boyeee"s got really annoying by the end. Chuck D's rapping is awesome though.
Some interesting stuff on here. Wasn't really into the sad British boy songs, but liked the punk/NY dolls-ish songs 2.5.
Love Jack White, incredible guitar player, and fun live concert. Don't love this album.
One of the great folk records. Love Richard Thompson's song writing, and he and Linda's voices are perfect for the somber/hopeful mood they're setting.
This album has grown on me over the years. Love Marquee Moon especially. RIP Tom Verlaine.
Not my thing, but I can see why it was on the list. Felt like a very progressive record for the time - both musically and lyrically.
Love the bluesy vibes on this record. Stones revert from their psychedelic ways back to bluesy roots rock, which will define their 70s sound and next several records which are all great.
Nice straight piano concert by a jazz legend.
Beautiful voice.
this is Sonic Youth at some of their weird best. It's noisy and strange, but it triggers all the right feels for me, when I'm in the mood. I hope they tour again before its too late, Kim Gordon and Thurston Moore are legends.
Love the beats on this, and of all the WTC alum, Ghostface might be the rawest.
If you need a good cry this morning go watch the video for "Hurt" One of the last things he and June flimed a few months before they died. Cash's version of the Nine Inch Nails song is incredible in its own right, but the video is one of the best ever made (especially for Cash fans and those that know his story). This is his last album, its all solid. He is one of the rare singers whose voice continued to get better as he got older. Go see your favorite artists live - they won't be around forever.
This was fun.
First time hearing. Not bad, I'm in o the punk sound of the late 70s and this seemed on par with other more popular bands at the time.
Freedom 90 is one of the greatest songs of all time.
Great album through and through. Probably my 4th or 5th favorite Led Zeppelin album, and I guess I'll reserve 5s for my top 3. 4.5
This was some fine background noise today. While I didn't understand the lyrics, I would have liked to see an interpretation of what was being sung about in Segalese.
When I listen to 70s punk, this is the album I compare everything too - the definitive punk album. Nearly perfect in every way, relisten about once a year.
Completely fine!
Of all the Bealtes studio albums, this is easily ranked dead last for me. And that doesn't mean its bad (Love Lennon's cover of Money - and McCartney's All My Lovinge and Harrison's Don't Bother Me). Early Beatles has nothing on creative/psychadelic Beatles. Also, this is the only Beatles album comprised mostly of covers. Of course, 99% of their catalogue is originals, so this album just doesn't do them justice in anyway shape or form.
I didn't know it. Some interesting sounds, but nothing that captured my attention very much on a first listen.
Similar vibes to Automatic for the People. Not quite as good, but a fun listen.
Clearly an incredibly talented song writer and performer. Just not my thing.
More Zappa - love it.
Had "Frontier Psychiatrist" on repeat in high school and put it on a bunch of mix tapes one year. Still love it and this album.
Prima's got that legendary swing voice.
Very Nick Drake inspired. Some cool lyrics, but don't love the melancholy vibe. My second time hearing this in the last few years, put on my do not repeat list, but decided to give it one more shot. Same outcome.
Better than I expected. I haven't explored this band in any detail before, just know the hits.
I kind of liked this, especially the last few songs.
Love this album. One of my favs on vinyl the last few years for evening listening. Probably 4.5
deep bass beats and cool rhymes. Don't love her voice, but yes Paper Planes is dope (even tho the beat is ripped from The Clash)
I love Tears for Fears. There are a couple week spots on this album, but not many. Head over Heels and Everybody Wants to Rule the World, are all timers.
The Uk version opens with "Mother's Little Helper" the US version opens with "Paint it Black" equally awesome songs, its strange one wasn't included on the other, and vice versa. Really good Stones album overall. other highlights, Under My Thumb, out of time, high and dry, I'm Waitng. I listened to both US and UK versions to make sure I didn't miss anything.
Saw Rufus back in college when he was touring this album. Fantastic performer - really enjoy his singing and songwriting. This is not his best album (Imo), but definitely him in his peak era, and maybe at his most vulnerable, lyrically.
The perfect album. Every song is dripping with passion and impeccable musicianship, one great song transitioning into another, i get lost in it everytime. Last Goodbye is one of best songs of the 90s, but Grace is my favorite track today - that changes every couple of years with so many choices.
45 year old Neil Young put out one of the best grunge records of the 90s. Its spot on dirty garage rock, with highlights being White Line, Love and Only Love, F&%in Up, Love to Burn, Mansion on a Hill....some of Crazy Horse's best stuff since the mid-70s. I guess this was heavily influential on Eddie Vedder and Kurt Cobain, right before their big breaks. I'm obviously a Neil Young & CH fan, but I didn't fully appreciate this album until just 3 weeks ago, when I saw the band live -for the first time - down in Huntsville, and they played three tracks from this one. They still rock hard and put on a helluva show, it was incredibly special.
Love their vibe. Great stuff.
One of the best albums of all time. This is one of the first CDs I ever remember listening to. My dad's favorite, and one of mine today. Really just amazing music, Ray Charles is great.
Pretty good rock & roll
Classic 90s alt rock, definitely sets the vibe for the era
Love it
Another very good Steely Dan album
Very good.
early Who, is just ok, but still pretty good
fahn fahn fahn off the autobahn
OK. I liked the last primal scream album better.
It's great. Pure folk music from the heart.
Love this album, can’t believe it’s been 7 years, long overdue for a new one!
Very good reggae
This was great! SAULT has a bunch of albums from the last 4_5years. Everything I’ve heard has been this good
awesome. One of the very best to do it
Great stuff. Travel beach music
Great album. Always loved 'the Chauffer'. Put on a helluva show at Bourbon & Beyond last year.
probably 4.5 so great
One of the greatest
RIP Shane MacGowan - never been a huge fan of the traditional Irish stuff, but can't deny Shane's songwriting and voice - it's iconic!
Easy 5 for me. Beatles + psychedelics = perfect music.
Tainted Love may be the most overplayed song of my youth. If I was hearing that song for the first time, I would probably have a more favorable opinion. Who knows...didn't love the rest either.
Like Damon Albarn and most Blur/Gorillaz, but this didn't pack the same punch that I remembered. Still one of his better albums but most of the songs are just meh outside of a few really good ones (Parklife, To the end, this is a low).
First time hearing this one. Only know a couple Supergrass songs from the 90s... Really enjoyed this one as a first listen.
So Good.
For bongo/instrumental covers of 60s songs. Better than I expected.
Holding Back the Years was a nice throw back. Overall quality music.
nice mood music
Some great songs on here but they don't hit the same at 40. I feel old.
Yeah really love this one - first two tracks are bout perfect.
Lot of great memories with this one. Every track is solid.
Really good.
It's good. Saw Jack White live when he was touring this album back in 2012. Phenomenal show. Songs don't feel as exciting on the album as they do live, but not bad.
Not in my top 3 Metallica. But ok
One of his best - top 5. Every song hits for me. Incredible folk/blues rock music.
Really good first album, they get so much better too.
Man those blues
love it
One of my favorites
Really liked it. First time hearing it.
This woman's work is a great song, but I prefer the Maxwell cover. The rest is not really my vibe.
Love a couple tracks on here, common people, pencil skirt and disco
Liked this
Really great chill album.
Hard to find a boring moment on this one!
I love Thundercat's vibe this is a really cool album. Somebody at the bar at my 40th birthday party kareokoed "Them Changes" - and I was like, dang, i didn't realize that's where we were with Thundercat, but now here we are - one of the greatest albums of all time, and it feels right.
Some great underated songs on this album. Promised Land is one of my favorite Bruce songs. Non-skipper front to back good stuff.
Pretty good stuff.
I'm torn on this one. Lots of classics. But also some duds.
Really enjoyed this. Will relisten soon!
Love it.
Our House still catchy as hell....but seems like this is a one-hit wonder band.
Great album front to back! Interesting timing from the "random" generator.
I actually never used to be a fan of Karen O's voice (but liked a few songs). Listening to this whole album, actually changed my mind. I do like her voice, and I really like these songs.
Phenomenal album. The first jazz/hip hop fusion album. Was lucky to see Gang Starr in college before Guru passed. Gang Starr is really one of the best hip-hop duos of our time - and Guru -one of the most underrated rappers of all time - I stand by that. RIP Guru.
The "Down-at-the-men-in-music-business-conference" line from "White Dress" is such a funny phrasing. Otherwise, Pretty nice chill vibe. I like LDR.
Another one from my vinyl collection. Lots of great underrated Stones songs on here. Love Sweet Virginia, Tumbling Dice, Torn & Frayed, Shine a Light, Loving Cup.
I love Blur & Gorillaz (All the Damon Albarn bands). But this is not my favorite album.
I liked the Old Kentucky Home version at the end.
I like U2.
Wasn't able to get through this one.
Its not bad, it just sounds outdated for the time- like a relic from the early 80s. With all the other great hip hop of 1988/1989 (Beastie Boys, NWA, Public Enemy, EPMD), I don't see how they were included on this list.
smoooooth jazz.
Love Leanord Cohen AKA 'Dark Bob Dylan'
Really like this album. Sonic Youth fan here.
Like the old school punk, but not like something I want to sit down and listen too. Never heard of the band so i read about em, apparently lead singer died of an intentional heroine overdose the day before john lennon.
Like all the bluegrass stars of the time making cameos and playing some fun old-time bluegrass.
Velouria is a great song.
One of the best folk albums of all time IMO
Far from the best Talking Heads album but a couple cool moments, Cities, Lifetime During Wartime, Heaven
Love this album, front to back. Paul Simon's masterpiece.
A couple of musical geniuses creating together doesn't automatically make it interesting.
Great album to paint a crib to.
Really good
I always loved it, still do. Every song.
Good reminder on national mental health day to keep that mind connected. Outside of the two singles I remember (which are great nostalgia songs) I didn’t really love this
Really enjoyed this.
Love these reimagined Beach Boys songs, from the Beach Boys creative mastermind 40 yrs after the originals.
I like some todd Rundgren stuff, but this is a little too crazy, even for me. Interesting sounds, but not that enjoyable.
Love "dark Bob Dylan". Famous Blue Raincoat - great song. Love the whole vibe, perfect for fall and Halloween.
Love Levon
It's good.
good vibe
One of the best Ye
Loved it.
great 90s vibe
Great album. Such a cornerstone of the 2010s and big influence on a lot of the vibey music i listen to today (khruangbin etc).
Liked it a lot
All time fav
very good
Hard to pinpoint why I don't love this - i just don't.
So good. Best opening track and closing track of any other album, maybe ever? all the tracks in the middle are great too.
Good stuff.
Slint! From Louisville! Really like this album. You can hear the influence it had on a lot of early mid-90s indie/alternative - weezer/nada surf etc..
Classic late 90s
pretty good
Pretty good. Missed this first time around.
The guy from There’s Something About Mary put out a good punk album in the 70s
Catchy fun
Really like a couple of these songs(esp where do i begin) but the whole album vibe is a little too jittery for me.
It's great.
Good jammin
Didn't love their live show, but they record great music.
I kept waiting for these songs to burst into some rock & roll, but instead just long drawn out intros that never turn into anything. Feels like an art project, and these were just some backing noises for this guy's poems. That's fine, just wasn't feeling it.
What a great album. I forgot how great it is.
Hands on the Wheel such a great moment.
Love a Neil Young album day!! Especially this one. A creative masterpiece, all the songs slap, maybe my favorite Neil album front to back.
hadn't heard of it. Really liked it.
love Peter Gabriel Genesis.
Another great Pixies album. I like Doolittle just a little better, which is why I settled for 4 on this one.