Golden Hour
Kacey MusgravesNot for me. Cheesy lyrics, bland.
Not for me. Cheesy lyrics, bland.
The front of this album is phenomenal, hard to believe they had so many hits on their first release.
So many great tracks. Van the man!
So good, the highs are extremely high, and the lows are fairly high too, to be honest.
Meh, all pretty samey.
Nice listen, starts strong. Good relaxing songs, go well together.
Fine, not really my style.
Not for me. Cheesy lyrics, bland.
Ok, not really my style but some good songs.
He’s a legend for good reason, but there’s only so much Bob you can take in one sitting… prefer Budokan
Some undisputed classics, but Elvis isn’t for me.
Not my favourite style, but some ok songs.
Much more enjoyable than I had expected. Some absolute bangers on here, particularly Miles From Nowhere. Saved 5/11 songs onto my Spotify.
Can’t Get Enough, Bad Company, and Seagull already some of my most liked songs. The other tracks were good, but didn’t stand out compared to those 3. Still a good album.
Don’t really like Aerosmith’s sound. They all blend into one for me.
Cool album, interesting sounds. Saved second track When I Grow Up.
Great front end of the album, falls off towards the end.
Meh, Get It On I liked.
Really didn’t enjoy this.
Nice listen, love Mother and Child Reunion and Me and Julio. Duncan a nice discovery.
Some cool songs but I wasn’t crazy about them.
Nothing interesting in this for me.
I enjoyed this. No songs really stood out as ones I’d like to go back to often in isolation, but it was still a good listen. A real album experience.
Starts strong with Street Life, kind of lost interest after that.
Classic, at least 8 great songs on this album.
A classic Christmas album, Phil Spector is unfortunate though…
Some cool songs. I probably wouldn’t listen again, but I also probably wouldn’t skip if they came up again.
Kinda funky but nothing really grabbed my attention.
Maybe I just don’t get David Bowie.
Hated this. Not much more to say, definitely not for me.
I appreciate the music, but I don’t really enjoy Leonard Cohen.
Meh, all pretty samey.
Cool songs, especially The Passenger.
Found it kind of bland.
Nice songs, saved one.
Not really my jam, but some decent songs.
I hated that a lot more than I thought I would.
Kinda cool, like Gaudete.
I liked it, nice vibes throughout.
Didn’t mind listening, but didn’t save any either.
Not for me.
Weird mix of things that I wasn’t expecting. Probably won’t be returning to it.
I generally like Green Day, but for some reason I’ve just never enjoyed Dookie.
Great album, really strong start with the first 3 tracks, Rudy good in the middle and then Crime of the Century brings it to a great close.
Nice listen, would happily listen again or put it on for a BBQ, but didn’t save any.
Don’t like this genre tbh.
Not my jam really. There’s one Brian Eno song I know I like, maybe there are more. Not here though.
Didn’t really vibe with this.
Fine but not something I'll go back to.
Quite enjoyed this.
Liked this more than I thought I would. Already liked Lovesong, saved another couple of new tracks. The back end of the album drags though, maybe 10-15 minutes too long.
Pretty meh, though I liked the last song.
Having listened to what is “routinely ranked as one of the best live jazz recordings of all time”, I think I can safely say I don’t like jazz.
Nothing particularly wrong with this, but I didn’t massively enjoy it either.
Some beautiful songs here which outweigh the weaker points of the album and make it worth it.
Brian Eno just doesn’t do it for me.
Didn’t really enjoy anything on this.
Really liked this, some good ones I knew already and a few new discoveries.
Other than the two I knew already (It’s the End of the World and The One I Love) didn’t really get into this.
Liked this more than I thought I would, saved two songs.
First two I enjoyed, after that I wasn’t into it.
Not my jam. There are some Talking Heads songs I like, but they’re not on this album.
Some enjoyable tracks here, but also some others I don’t really care for.
Nice start, but I was a bit over it by the end.
Nice chill out music, liked the title track especially.
Meh not great.
Great album, Can’t You Hear Me Knocking is phenomenal.
Not my type of music.
Nice music, but none stood out to me.
A nice listen, but not something I’ll rush back to.
Sounded a bit flat and samey.
Ok as chill out music, wouldn’t really be listening again though.
Ok, but not as good as the other Cure album I listened to.
Still not sure about The Cure, some songs from the first album of theirs I listened to I saved, none since then.
All sounds kinda samey to me. Something I’ve never clicked with.
Nice music, prefer The Invisible Band though.
Great surprise. First track was a banger.
At least I came to this after he became and out-and-out dick, so I don’t have to pretend to like it.
I liked this, but was probably a one time listen.
Kinda funky, won’t be rushing back to it though.
The genre isn’t for me. Didn’t enjoy any of these songs.
Bit bland, meh.
Cool stuff, but a bit long to listen through.
Nice, prefer his voice here to his later stuff that I’ve heard, though admittedly I haven’t paid much attention to that yet.
Nothing particularly special here.
Not my jam.
Fine, but just fine.
Surprisingly enjoyable, I didn’t think I’d like this.
Smooth Operator is great, but the rest of the album doesn’t keep up.
Some really good stuff on here, and I unironically still like Hey Ya and Roses. However, the full 2 hours is a lot.
Fuck that very much.
Really liked this, some cool songs. Never heard of him before.
Fun album, moves quickly, nice flow.
This was all just a bit nothing.
Nice songs, but none that I saved.
It was ok, but only being familiar with one Beck song before (Loser) this album wasn’t as good.
Nice Bob songs, some good discoveries here.
Ok, nice listen but didn’t save any.
I like the hits from this album, but the whole thing is a bit much.
Some undeniable classics on here obviously, but there’s also some incredibly weird tracks (what the hell is Revolution 9?). I appreciate The White Album and it’s place in the top whatever albums, and it has some of my favourite Beatles songs, but are the 31 songs each a great listen, would I be listening to it in full regularly? No, probably not.
This was kind of bland, I don’t really like this kind of indie.
Nothing Compares 2 U the only one I knew before. Nice songs, didn’t save any though.
Not quite my jam, but I could appreciate some of the tracks.
Not my jam really, but nothing terribly bad either.
Cool songs, didn’t save any though.
Not really my jam, but not too bad either.
The first time I’ve ever listened to Kanye West with any real interest, and it was ok. Some songs were good, some songs were bad. Don’t see myself actively going back to it.
Absolute knockout album from start to finish. The first four tracks are all instant classics, and while the second half slows down slightly, it finishes right up at that high again with Free Bird.
Fuck that very much.
Very interesting music and some nice tracks I enjoyed.
Really liked this, I knew a lot of songs from it already but never listened to it in full.
Liked this. More to Dexys than Come on Eileen.
The hits on here are unreal. One or two MFers which bring it down a bit for me, but only slightly.
Parts of this I liked. The last track was fun in particular.
I liked this more than I thought I would. In general it was a nice listen, with Pretty Good and Angel from Montgomery the stand outs.
Great stuff all round, the hits are some of their best.
Kinda cool, not what I expected. Saved one song.
Some very nice songs here, but a few weird tracks which drag it down to just ok.
Not memorable, tbh. But at the same time, it was an ok listen.
I liked some of this, but not all of it. Not what I expected from Elvis Costello, I was aware of him but didn’t really know his music.
A continuation of the last few Cohen albums I’ve gotten. I’m still not sure about him, I definitely prefer his younger voice here though.
Jeez this was tough.
This is fairly inoffensive, but I didn’t like it either really. Won’t be returning to any of it.
Nice to listen to, but I wouldn’t be putting it on often.
It was ok, but honestly all a little bit anonymous to me. When it ended, The Seeker by The Who came on and I was instantly more interested.
Fun album that races along. Two hits (Last Nite and Someday) that I knew already, but a couple of new discoveries here too.
Thin Lizzy at their best.
I like Photograph and a few others were good listens.
Fuck that.
I liked this quite a bit. Short and snappy, kinda weird as Bowie often is, but still a nice listen.
Awesome album. Unfortunately no new discoveries for me here but that’s just because I knew them all already.
A great live album, really fun to listen to, I really enjoyed the whole journey it takes you on.
Not bad, but a longer album perhaps than they should have done.
There were a couple of songs here which I knew from being huge, and they were ok. But otherwise I didn’t enjoy this.
Nice sounds throughout. I came close to saving a few but they were just a little long or had something that stopped me.
I liked this, but I think 3 or 4 songs should have been left on the cutting room floor. Pulls it down from a 4 for that.
For some reason I just don’t enjoy this kind of stuff. It’s not really bad to me, but just not fun to listen to.
Nah not for me.
I’ve never fully “got” David Bowie. Starman is great, and there are clearly other good songs here, but it really doesn’t grab me they way I think it probably should. Will need to listen again, but for now it was just grand.
This was fine, no more and no less in my opinion.
Some cool songs and a nice listen overall. Nothing jumped out to me so I didn’t save any though.
Not what I’m looking for.
This is a masterpiece, particularly Side 3. Great all round.
This was ok, but nothing stood out to me.
These were a nice listen, but it got to be a bit repetitive.
Meh ok, nothing special.
A great album, but I feel they really front-loaded it.
Not really interested, nothing jumped out at me.
The front of this album is phenomenal, hard to believe they had so many hits on their first release.
This started ok but got real old by the end. Was a 3 but ended up being a 2 because it got annoying.
It was ok, not what I thought Alice Cooper sounded like, I was expecting something a bit harder. Liked No More Mr Nice Guy
Fun album, first time really listening to Prince other than Purple Rain.
Kind of annoying lyrics, the music didn’t work for me.
This was fine, a nice listen. She has a great voice.
I was not enjoying this until The Model started. I looked at it differently then, kind of enjoyable. Only saved The Model though, so maybe it’s just that.
Not for me.
I liked these, but nothing that really grabbed my attention.
I could listen to this again and again.
This was good, some nice stuff here and a few saves.
This was ok, but not my jam.
This flew by, in a good way. They were all enjoyable, with a couple of stand outs.
A nice listen, they go well together, front end has some hits.
Yeah that was good, I liked that overall.
I like Sunny Afternoon, but nothing else really.
A great sound, I don’t like all the songs but the ones I do like drag it up.
This was a surprisingly cool album, saved one song from it.
I liked this more than I thought I would. Some really nice songs here.
Telling that my favourite was the cover of Jumpin’ Jack Flash. Didn’t love it otherwise.
Some weird songs here, but I quite liked em.
Nice slow chill out music. Enjoyed this listen.
Great voice and great music, however I thought for a double album some songs were weak.
This was fine.
Alright, but I didn’t really get into it.
Not as insufferable as the last Bjork album I had to listen to, but still not something I want to listen to again.
Some good songs here, she has a great voice.
Really enjoyed this, plenty of new Rod Stewart songs I’d never heard before. Really nice sound throughout.
Ihh, a bit weird and not really enjoyable. Found myself wondering a few times why I would ever listen to it.
As jazz goes, I found this much more bearable than usual.
A great voice, Respect is a classic and saved another.
That was a pretty fun album overall. Saved a few songs.
This really irritated me for some reason. Didn’t help that I looked Ryan Adams up halfway through and read up on him.
Great Balls of Fire is a fun song, and the others are pretty good. Can’t support Lewis though.
Classic, a great first album by them. All the tracks work well together, with Shiver, Spies, and Everything’s Not Lost personal favourites.
A solid fun album, Live Forever is an absolute classic and one of my favourite songs. However, there are some tracks on here which aren’t as good, dragging it down from a 5.
Knock out of an album. Some absolute classic hits, with Bon Scott at his best.
First real time listening to Kate Bush, other than Running Up That Hill. I had read somewhere that you either love or hate Kate Bush. I’m not sure I’d go that strong either way, but I could probably leave her based on this.
Cool, funky, but didn’t save any.
Cool album, though I didn’t like it as much as their first.
Not great tbh. Very repetitive, I don’t really see the point. Their hits in isolation are grand, but a full album? No thanks.
Not really jamming with any of it. The best songs were All Apologies and Heart-Shaped Box, which to my mind were the most unique. The others just weren’t for me.
This was a really fun, solid album.
This was a nice listen. I found the songs a little indistinguishable unfortunately, but it didn’t really take away from my enjoyment.
Not my jam really, but it was ok.
Interesting album, saved one.
Kinda weird and some cool moments, definitely to be experienced the whole way through.
Some of my favourite David Bowie so far, but he still doesn’t quite click for me.
I preferred this to In Utero for sure. I’m not entirely into it though.
Great album, flies along.
Nothing in this was particularly interesting, but nothing was overly offensive either.
Ah fuck that.
An experience to listen to, the opening two tracks are masterpieces and the rest is very entertaining.
Only a couple of songs here I can really appreciate (Mysterious Ways, One), the others don’t do anything for me really.
Really nice groove to this, nice and mellow.
A nice mix of songs here, most I’d never heard.
Nice music, he has a good voice. I don’t know if I’ll be going back though, but I didn’t dislike listening to it.
There are some good songs in here, but a good chunk of the middle of the album is really forgettable.
Surprisingly more fun than I thought it would be.
I think I only like jazz in small doses… smaller than this.
Jeez this just went on and on. If they wanted to start the album off on a bad note and get listeners into a bad mood from the off, they sure achieved it.
There was just nothing special in this in my opinion.
Didn’t vibe with this, which was disappointing because I’ve liked a few songs from New Order before, but never listened to a full album.
Really liked this. I’d only heard a couple of Radiohead songs before, and seen plenty of memes.
I liked this for the most part. I hadn’t listened the Alright for a few years and I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it. Lose It and Time To Go were two nice discoveries.
I liked this, nice and peaceful and I would definitely listen again in certain situations.
I like the three hits on this, the others I could take em or leave em.
I liked this, very chilled out.
Nice fun album, I liked hearing My Generation in mono.
Meh, don’t really get the hype on this. Seems a bit bland to me.
Pretty forgettable to be honest, but also inoffensive.
A fine listen, won’t search it out again.
Fun, but I already knew the hits and they’re the ones I would listen to again.
Fine, nothing wrong with this but nothing particularly exciting either.
That wasn’t particularly fun, tbh.
Jeez I couldn’t stand this. I don’t like his voice and the music wasn’t enjoyable.
This was kinda cool, could see putting it on at a party or BBQ, but didn’t save any.
Nah fuck that.
I like a few here, but then a lot of them seem kinda samey.
This was ok, but I won’t be searching it out again in a hurry.
Ooh boy this was a mixed bag. At times I couldn’t stand this, but some tracks were pretty good. Nothing was a knock out.
I liked this.
This is just great. Really fun to listen to, That Lady and Summer Breeze are unreal and should always be listened to in Parts 1 and 2.
Really nice laid back live recording.
Pleasantly surprised by this.
Nice album, wasn’t expecting it.
Nah not for me.
Good stuff once again from Neil Young, there’s consistently one or two songs on his albums that I really enjoy.
This was a really nice listen. The second half of the album fell away a little for me, but it still did just enough for a 4.
Wouldn’t return to listen again.
Basically no filler on this, their output was crazy.
Some cool music in here but not quite to my taste.
Finally a Bowie album that I really enjoyed.
Alright but nothing particularly special for me here.
Had never heard of this, didn’t care to hear of it either.
Some good songs on here, but it feels front-loaded and it gets old.
Kinda cool.
Once again, David Bowie and me just don’t click.
A bit too weird for me.
The song I enjoyed most was Dance Wiv Me, and when I went to add it to my 1001 songs playlist I noticed that it wasn’t on the album, the album had finished and had gone onto that song. Oh well.
This wasn’t for me.
I really liked this, a fun listen and some songs saved.
This was fun, I liked the first track the most.
A relaxing listen, but no saves.
Fever is great, the rest seemed a bit anonymous.
Very impressive. I was obviously well aware of the album before, and heard a good few of the songs many times, but had never listened to it in full before. Crazy that she was 21 here.
Really enjoyed this, particularly Cinnamon Girl, Down by the River, and Running Dry. Nice snappy album.
Grand, saved one song.
Bit too weird, won’t be returning.
I really liked the beginning to Tommy, maybe first 3 or 4 songs, plus Pinball Wizard is great. However it definitely fell off for me.
Really nice, some very cool songs on there that I’d never heard.
Kinda cool, but a bit too weird to be going back to it much, if at all.
This wasn’t fun.
This was fine, one or two songs I liked and the rest were grand.
Yes! This was great, I’ve only heard Fire and Rain before. Really nice acoustic songs and powerful harmonies.
Big fan of the first couple of tracks, fell off a bit after that for me.
Time of the Season and This Will Be Our Year are great. The rest is good.
This was fine, not really my type of music.
This was a nice acoustic listen, short and sweet.
A couple of the hits on this are great. The rest I thought was alright.
Ok, not my favourite but a grand listen.
This was a really pleasant surprise, didn’t expect this from the Beach Boys.
Quite liked this, more than I thought I would.
The front of this is great. The back falls off slightly which for me drags it just down from a 5.
Great songs throughout, a nice listen all the way through.
This was ok, not my favourite type of music but a grand listen.
Electronic is tough. Despite the length of this, it wasn’t the worst, but definitely not for me.
All sounded a bit flat and nondescript.
Didn’t love that to be honest, not my jam.
Yeah there was some interesting stuff here, but equally some weird songs I’ve no interest in returning to.
Nice, nothing special but nice.
This just seemed kinda grating, didn’t enjoy it.
I didn’t hate this, but I couldn’t say I really enjoyed it either.
This was great. The hits are some of their best, and the album tracks go nicely with them and keep it moving.
Fine I guess, but nothing I’d return to or really enjoyed.
Well that was fun. A bit weird towards the end, which is a shame because I really enjoyed track 1 and probably would have given it alone a 4.
This did nothing for me. I’ve learned that I don’t really like any kind of Punk music.
This was so good, solid tunes throughout. Having said that, nothing jumped out to me as an absolute knock out though, so I think a 4 is fair.
Some songs I instantly recognised here, which was kind of surprising, but a nice listen.
Didn’t love this, not going to seek them out again.
Strong start with Fisherman’s Blues and the front end continues to be good, but the second half dropped off for me.
Moping along, saying absolutely nothing of substance or interest.
A nice fun listen.
I liked Running Up That Hill and Cloudbusting. Some of the others were fairly insufferable though.
Her voice is really impressive, but I just didn’t enjoy the music at all.
Em, nothing amazing here.
Not for me, tough to listen to the whole way through.
Smooth, groovy, catchy. A really nice discovery.
Alright, but no more than that.
I didn’t click with any of these. Rambling
I liked this. Some classics on here which I knew already but also some new ones for me.
I’m not really sure what to think of this. I didn’t mind listening to it, and at times the songs were pretty good in their own way. But I didn’t feel like saving any or returning to it.
Fun, a bit mad, with some absolute classics (Bohemian Rhapsody! You’re My Best Friend!). ‘39 a nice new discovery.
Ok, fairly harmless songs. Didn’t love any but didn’t hate any either.
These were good fun songs. I loved the opening. Dropped off a little for me in the middle but it finished strong.
Not my jam, didn’t enjoy it at all.
Undoubtedly a great voice and nice songs, but not really what I’m looking for.
Ok I suppose, but nothing particularly exciting. I kept thinking how Sex On Fire or Use Somebody would liven things up, and when it ended Spitting Games by Snow Patrol came on next and instantly perked things up. Very 2000s album anyway.
Nice, to the point, easy listen. Not that many standouts for me.
I like Enter Sandman. Listening to the album through though, it all starts to sound a bit samey to me.
Not my jam at all. The harmonies got kind of grating and the lyrics are not for me.
Very meh.
Nice smooth tunes. Nothing particularly outstanding to me on that listen, but I enjoyed the whole groove throughout.
Really strong start with Hate To Say I Told You So, but for me it drops off a lot after that.
This was nice and relatively new to me. The Stones at their early brilliance, I’ve a new appreciation for Mother’s Little Helper, and Under My Thumb is still one of my favourites.
I just have a mental block with punk, I can’t get into it.
What a fun album. Love how everything was kept in, the prisoners, the announcements, Johnny Cash asking for water. This and San Quentin are great.
Surprised by how many songs I knew. However, I don’t think I’d go back to it.
Some nice tunes here but no bangers unfortunately. I like Neil usually.
A nice listen all together.
Didn’t love this. A few standout songs but overall I found it a bit rambling and frustrating to listen to.
Big ol meh from me.
Besides Hallelujah I just didn’t see much to like in this.
I struggle with Todd. Some good stuff in here but I think it’s outweighed by the bad, just slightly.
I thought I’d like this going in as I knew Part 4 from the GTA IV radio station The Journey, but I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it. Really good. I could definitely hear some elements that inspired the Stranger Things score.
Some fun songs, but an hour of Prince is kind of tough.
Actually some nice stuff here, but he always has to go and ruin it somehow.
I really liked this at the start, but it fell off a bit towards the end for me.
Can’t hack this, or almost any jazz really.
This all sounds so flat and samey. Getting real sick of punk.
I like Monday Monday and California Dreamin’, but not the rest.
All kinda blends into one. Didn’t hate it, didn’t love it - definition of a 3.
Didn’t find any standouts here.
I wouldn’t go any more than fine for this.
The first Beatles album I’ve really enjoyed from start to finish. Fantastic.
Fine, nothing stood out.
Pretty nondescript on first listen.
This was surprisingly good. I knew I liked Porcelain but I wasn’t expecting much from the rest, pleasantly surprised.
Kind of infuriating. Won’t be returning to Frank in a hurry.
The reverb was grating, which was annoying because under all of it I think there were some songs I might have liked.
This was honestly ok, but it was disappointing when towards the end I was like ooh this one with the female singer is cool, nice change of pace - and then I checked my phone and the album had ended and Blondie was playing.
So good, the highs are extremely high, and the lows are fairly high too, to be honest.
Not my favourite Pretenders, but some nice tunes here.
Disappointing given I quite liked The Bends. No Surprises the only highlight for me.
Really strong start became a bit too weird for me pretty quickly.
All a bit dull and anonymous to me.
So so good. Feels a little edgier than Thriller.
More and more I’m realising that I just hate Punk. It’s not really offensive or anything, I just find it so incredibly bland. There’s nothing interesting to listen to here.
Some undoubted classics here but not enough to make it a standout for me to be honest.
So so solid. These guys don’t miss.
Neil is solid, always seems to deliver.
This is a few songs too long, which the hits don’t quite make up for.
Solid album.
Such good vibes throughout.
Yep I liked this, especially the opening half.
Ok, but not my favourite Pogues.
This didn’t feel like the other punk albums on this list. There was a little more to it and it felt like more effort went into it. A nice listen, though they were all very clearly about the same thing.
Never actually sat down and listened to this album, though I was familiar with the hits. The hits are unreal, but Bono’s ramblings elsewhere aren’t as enjoyable and drag it down a bit.
I really enjoyed this at the beginning, but by the end it was all kind of dragging along. Cut them a little shorter Bob!
Fine, Shake It Off and Blank Space are fun.
Lovely interesting music. I haven’t liked much jazz so far on this, but I knew I liked Take Five already and I wasn’t let down by the rest.
Great fun, really enjoyable listen that flew along.
Fuck me, and fuck this.
Not my favourite Bowie, but some nice tracks regardless.
Fine, don’t love it though.
This sound is not for me.
More enjoyable than I had hoped. Not too samey which I’ve found can happen with a lot of these, some nice stand outs.
Not my vibe, nothing really going on here.
Jesus Christ, more fucking punk.
This was ok, but I don’t really understand why the Blur v Oasis thing happened at the time - they seem completely different to me.
Interesting music, but nothing saved.
This honestly had no redeeming qualities.
I was worried this would be more post-punk slop. Not quite that bad, but another that does basically nothing for me.
Lovely voice.
Ok, no saves.
Oh damn. So many good songs here. I thought the double LP would be a drag but it wasn’t at all.
Like Steely Dan-lite.
What a songwriter, what a voice.
I gave this a fair go, but it is close to intolerable for me I’m afraid.
Unfortunately I think I’ve discovered (or confirmed) that The Doors aren’t for me.
Fun tunes, none really stood out but all enjoyable to listen to.
Ok, not the most amazing album or interesting songs.
Fine, not rushing to come back though. Feel like I’m sitting in a random, empty bar somewhere far from home.
This goddamn book keeps feeding me punk, and I keep asking it not to :(
Yeah pretty good.
Sounds kind of like Half Life at times. Didn’t mind this.
So many great tracks. Van the man!
I thought this was fine, there was enough going on to keep things interesting.
I actually quite liked this, but I just really struggle to take Randy Newman seriously, because when I hear him all I can think of is South Park taking the piss out of him.
A fine background listen, no more.
Good solid rock, could do without the spoken word parts. A great bolshy banda, but slooshing to too much of those warbles reminds me too much of Nadsat. Too bezoomny for me.
Some good stuff but 19-2000 Soulchild Remix is and forever will be the only thing I return to from this. And it’s not on the original release so have to factor that in.
Was not expecting the harmonica to show up over halfway through. What a lovely listen on a cold February morning commute.
Obviously he was/is huge in Ireland, and he’s having a moment now with his monkey movie, but honestly why is this on here?