Alien Lanes
Guided By VoicesThe best part about this album is that it was over quickly. Wtf is so great about this lump of noise? Can't imagine it was particularly innovative or influential. 2 stars. Cause it's almost christmas.
The best part about this album is that it was over quickly. Wtf is so great about this lump of noise? Can't imagine it was particularly innovative or influential. 2 stars. Cause it's almost christmas.
I don't really care for Neil young that much. But I liked the way this album started out. But then the middle and end was a return to form. No thanks.
I definitely think this is one of the greatest albums ever based on reach and execution and the sum is greater than the parts with only a few great or even good songs present. But it's not that enjoyable. I've always felt pink Floyd's popularity with the main stream is surprising given how experimental they are. Good for them. I like this album and them but if someone told me they hated it, it wouldn't surprise me. Waters is a dreadful singer too.
Much more boring than I thought it would be.
I had to listen to this and drive like jehu back to back and robert wyatt oy 2 days before. Someone is messing with me. Give me my time back. Just cause it's different, doesn't make or good.
Better than I thought
I appreciate it but I found it boring
It was fine
Good album
Love this album
A nice album. A little sleepy. I respect it but wouldn't listen again
Too hokey. Couldn't finish it
Pretty good
I like the Beatles but I'm not as fond of the white album. It always feels scattered to me. A collection of good songs but no cohesion
It was a nice relaxing listen.
Oh man. That's way too much David Byrne in 1 dose for me.
It was fine. The album sounded very similar. Could be fun to drink to outside. Would be fun to see live.
Awesome. Pure 90s dance music.
Enjoyed the chaos and aggression. A full album was a lot without drinking along
I feel like this type of album is better done by others.
A good album. Some seminal songs present. All sounded very similar though if not paying close attention
A great guitar rock album
Nice early rock
Definitely some good songs and enjoyable but I dont think I'd revisit it
Awesome album. Myself and a coworker were blown away. Some hits we didn't know he sang. Some really good songs
Really enjoyed that album, start to finish. Makes me want some straight tequila
The meandering weirdness of rush amd geddy lee.
Such a rich and pleasant surprise
The hits on the album are great. The other few songs are incredibly slow and boring
Decent. I like her other albums better
A good album. Some hits. Stayed entertaining the whole time
Entertaining. A bit monotonous. Kinda doubt this is one of the 1000 best albums ever made.
Good in a small dose.
I appreciate it coming out of nowhere and all the prog rock it led to. But I don't really like prog rock. Points for originality. Deductions for enjoyment.
I didn't think of it. But it's importance to rock music and culture is obvious.
Hated it. HATE. Some cool beats I guess. But I don't like disco. At least I know they're whispering chic in those songs
Pretty good. A little somber and slow, which is what they're known for, but still...
A tough listen. Appreciate their pioneering spirit though
Good early rocker. Goes on too long, though
Oooohhh, yoshimi. A beautiful and very weird concept album I've known for many years. Nice to see it on here.
I like the doors. Always have. But I don't think this is one of the best albums ever
Was done better by bowie. This isn't be one of the best albums ever.
Good tunes. I don't like his voice though. Wrong voice for the songs.
Starts really strong and fades really hard. Can't be one of the best albums ever
Well made but monotonous
I'm sure if I played an instrument i would appreciate this noise. But I don't. And I didn't like it.
Decent. I like this album but it's a bit monotone. The strong songs stand out.
An interesting late 90s electronic time capsule
Pretty good. Reminds me of the 90s
A solid blues offering
Really good. And I don't like jazz
I mean...I'm fine with this existing. It's good for lots of different music to exist. But I'm not sure who's donating the money for it to be made. I suppose there was a plan for these "songs", but it really sounds like noise, for the most part. If it's on in the background, you might not go crazy. If you're listening to it on headphones while focusing on the music. You could either occupy a transcendent deity state or decide it's best to murder everyone around you and burn down the building you occupy. I'll never listen to this again but I will recommend it to people as some sort of listening feat, in the same I'd ask someone to taste something that tastes bad but is both singular in it's taste.
Quality 70s rock
As entertaining as it is crass
Nice composition. Immediately forgettable.
Terrible noise. I don't care who ot influenced.
I was surprised how much I did not enjoy most of this album
Very cool. Very 9ps. Great to work to
Short and to the point quality
I had to listen to this and drive like jehu back to back and robert wyatt oy 2 days before. Someone is messing with me. Give me my time back. Just cause it's different, doesn't make or good.
Fine. Very 90s
Very entertaining. Today's rap could learn a thing or two
Fine. Lots of hits. Not really my thing
A good 90s album. You can hear what comes after it
Fine. Which is how everyone feels about this album.
Interesting. Different. 2 thumbs up.
The hits are good. The rest is fine
Totally forgettable
Really liked the beginning but it slowed down and became monotonous
Obviously very good. But they have better albums.
Very good. Better than their newer stuff
Ok. Good beats for '81.
Almost a 5. Very good
I understand this is possibly the best hardcore album ever. But for the uninitiated, listening to it sucks.
So boring. I almost fell asleep
Tons of fun. If you don't find yourself tapping your foot, check your pulse
It was fine. It's hard to go back to that time for these types of albums
What is so great about this.
It was fine.
I don't really have an reference for this. And it's a soundtrack.
Well, not boring. Songs are very different. I appreciate all the variation. I'll probably never return to this album or ever think of it again.
Much more boring than I thought it would be.
Michael's got a great voice. And the hits are great. But I otherwise thought it was pretty forgettable. Maybe my expectations were too high
Pretty good metal. Some standouts but a bit all of thr same
I don't think this is a bad album. But what is great about it? Maybe because I'm not a musician. It was fine. I'll never think of it again.
Pretty decent. Early marker for that type of electronica. Fairly repetitive.
Very cool
Great music and tunes. The hits are masterpieces. I can't get past jaggers voice on half the songs though. It's sacrelig, but a lot of stones songs would be better with another vocalist
Definitely ahead of its time
Good. Not their best. A but repetitive. I'm not sure it's one of the best albums ever. I did enjoy it though
Good music. Especially for the time. I don't love concept albums or rock operas or whatever usually. Just seemed unnecessary
The hits are very good. They seem to be of two minds here. Some neat progressive modern harmonic songs intermixed with more dated sounded bubblegum hymnal type music
Another British concept album to deal with. I like the kinks but this was a solid 3 for me.
All the stars. No bad songs. Nearly perfect album. Although the titular song should be the opener
Very good. Lush and unique soundscapes.
A mix of Americana and weird carney back alley music. Waits is a singular creature. I don't think I'll revisit this but I'm glad it exists.
Really strong ambient electronic breeze. It's 25 years old but could be made today. The end of the album flames out a bit compared to the first half.
Not bad. Maybe punk for people who don't like punk. A bit like the talking heads.
I really didn't like this album. I don't know what's so good about it. I had to look up why it was a good album and even then couldnt get many answers. I will say that the songs were different from one to the next which can be hard to find on this list. But I didn't enjoy my experience.
You can hear what he's influenced all over the place. An artists artist and clearly groundbreaking stuff. But other than 1 or 2 songs...I just didn't like it that much. Most of it was fine. But I won't come back to the album
Really liked this album. Went on to listen to his other stuff and I liked that too. Only thing is, kind of more an EP. 4 songs doesn't feel like a full album.
Pretty good 90s beach alternative punk. The hits are excellent
Not really my thing. Not Curtis fault though. Different but mostly the same, if that makes sense.
Nicely made. Fairly exhausting by the end
So many 90s bands came along and ripped this off. I've never heard of this album or this band, but I feel like I've heard a lot of these songs in various forms before. To see it came out in '87 was interesting.
It's hard to rate this album. It came out on 1960. She's covered a lot of folk music and it's several years before Woodstock and even the Beatles. I appreciate the time and circumstances surrounding it. was a really tough listen. I couldn't finish it. Her voice over almost all instrumentation was brutal after about 12 songs.
I don't really care for Neil young that much. But I liked the way this album started out. But then the middle and end was a return to form. No thanks.
Pretty good
70s jazz fusion. I like it better ar christmas. Not the worst but not my time.
It was fine. Nice, like a warm breeze. White women everywhere probably like it. Would be nice to make dinner to probably. Almost fell asleep
Very good. Very hard. There's a reason why it's held in such regard.
I really enjoy radiohead. But I think this is their worst album. Having it on in the background while working is fine. I think if I was focusing on listening to it or in the car it would be a tough listen. Yorke really gets pretty whiney toward the end.
Pretty good. Several different sounding songs. Several Beatles rip offs.
Pleasant. Like a beer by the pool. I have no sense of the reggae scene to know if this was groundbreaking. Because it sounded incredibly simple
All the stars. Still rocks with great melody and bravado. Put it in my veins
Awesome jazz. Way before it's time. Felt super cool listening to it.
Not a big fan of hip hop and rap. But this is really a great album. Great hooks. Good lyrics that are about more than most other rap songs. Really enjoyed it
Uhhhh...nice sounding voices. I dunno. Just, not for me I guess
I don't know what people like so much about this guy. His shit is so whiney. Very british. Meh.
Very samey to me. But I can appreciate the background beats and the structure of their rhymes. Everyone js talented and going for it. No songs off. That being said, I didn't really enjoy it that much. I respect it but won't listen again.
Enjoyable. The last 2 songs stink but otherwise, it's like going out to dinner with an old friend.
Very 90s. Pretty good tracks. Just missing a little something. Hard to tell but you can understand why they weren't as popular. It seems like everything they did well, someone else did better
Mostly annoying
Really pretty good. Songs sound different from each other. Several hits. Overall difficult to categorize. Much respect. Not sure how often I'd come back to the whole album though
Uhhhh..fine I guess. I have no comparison i guess. A little annoying by the end
I'm glad I got exposure but that was a rough and extremely long listen
Great musicianship. But I didn't enjoy it all that much.
Strum strum strum, talk talk talk. The originator of the Coldplay school of music. Anyway, not too enjoyable but also not bad in small doses. Really good lyrics. But so goddamn boring for a whole album
Can hear all the things it will influence. Lots of variables tunes. Can't stand his whiny voice
Weird. Way weirder than I thought it was gonna be.
Pretty good. Like the mama's and the papa's but more interesting.
Paint me red and call me a firetruck cause that's a 5/5 every day of the week. More, please.
Pleasant. Sounded the same after a while
Im very sad and tired after that. Why is that a great album? Nice voice though.
Good background listening. Good beats. Mostly the same
Nice melodies and hooks. Morrissey suckz
What a great timeless album. Do you like fun? You'll like this.
Pretty enjoyable. Very big.
Actually really fun from start to finish. Some great hits. Some really good b sides. Will definitely listen again
So good. You can hear so many of rhe bands they will go on to influence
It was fine. Kept a good pace. Can hear the things it will influence pretty easily. Not sure it's one of the greatest albums ever though.
Fine I guess
Really quite good at the beginning especially when you put it into the context of when it came out. The end slows down a little too much.
So boring. Wake me up. Nice voice though.
So ryan is a known POS, but taking a moment to separate the art from the artist, this album is just ok. I've spent 20 years listening to it, or at least some of it and I've always felt that way. Its a solid 3 but that's an average because it's a collection of 4 and 5s but several 1s and 2a. Like most of Ryan's catalog, it's an album of some really good or great songs surrounded by just some really blah tunes he kind of farted out. I've always felt like his catalog should be half as big and more attention to crafting higher quality albums vs just wrapping out 2 or 3 albums a year of whatever he feels at the time. But that's just my opinion. He's still a favorite artist or mine, or at least the art. He's a major douchebag.
Rating this for greatness or influence or whatever is pretty impossible for me. I respect it, seems like some good drumming. But it was a lot of the same. I would like to have it next a pool with a mai tai maybe. And that's probably reductive but whatever
Good album that was ahead of its time. Better than the sum of it's parts but not thatany actual good songs though
Yea proto punk or whatever. Ok in small doses I bet. A whole album was a tough, noisy listen, even at 35 minutes
Really good 70s rock. Shame to hear about how poorly their albums were marketed. Should have been a much bigger band
A really good album. Probably not where I'd point someone just starting with zeppelin but I do think this has sole more of their restrained and thoughtful songs
I can't stand most 70s funk like this. But I can understand how other people do. Just reminds me of gap commercials and dirty cities from the 70s. Not my think. But if you like it, funk on
Didn't do anything for me. I'm sure it's well written and musically sound. But it was all just very forgettable to me.
I definitely think this is one of the greatest albums ever based on reach and execution and the sum is greater than the parts with only a few great or even good songs present. But it's not that enjoyable. I've always felt pink Floyd's popularity with the main stream is surprising given how experimental they are. Good for them. I like this album and them but if someone told me they hated it, it wouldn't surprise me. Waters is a dreadful singer too.
The best part about this album is that it was over quickly. Wtf is so great about this lump of noise? Can't imagine it was particularly innovative or influential. 2 stars. Cause it's almost christmas.
Entertaining. Over produced. Very much of its time. Cry me a river is worth some stars pf it's own.
Very influential, I'm told. Very country. Surprisingly so. Also sounds like a group full of assholes. In any case, it was fine. I'll never revisit it. And I think it has too many covers for a higher score.
Pretty good. Better and more creative than a lot of stuff from that period. Not much stood out though
Meh. I feel like I've heard this before. So 80s, it's bleeding synthesizer.
Really awesome. I was listening at work which helps though. Way ahead of its time. Very cool stuff
Meh. A compilation. Fine.
Wtf was that. Very cool and different. A bit tom waitsy. 4 stars today. On another day could be a 2. Bizarre stuff but not in a terrible Robert Wyatt kind of way (Wyatt is the shitometer to which all other albums shall be judged).
I get it. His music was important and he inspired lots of more entertaining artists that came after him. I promise to give at least 3 stars if you don't put anymore of his albums on the list
Meh. Fine. Its barely a full album. It's only on here because it's bowie.
Very noisy and angry. Its not for me but I can appreciate it coming out in '81 and important it likely was
I literally just had a different fela kuti album and it sounded exactky the same. Which means neither of them can be all that important. 2 stars. I gave the other one 3. The albums can split the extra point to make it a tie if they want.
Ok. Maybe better than I thought. Almost fell asleep toward the end until raised on robbery came on which was fun. 3 stars cause it's well done just not for me really
Big in college. I respect it. Sime very beautiful music here. Mostly made me sleepy though.
Too much fela kuti lately. Its fine. Not sure how groundbreaking it is.
An ok listen. Can hear the influences. I was listening to bloc party earlier the same day and this is an obvious predecessor
Yes, ryan is a POS. Let's get that out of the way. But separating the art from the artist, this is a great album. Pure American. Makes you want to put on a Jean jacket and hit the road. The first half of the album is incredible. The second half slows a bit so I'd give it 4.5 stars. Rounding up to a 5 though considering how good the first 2 songs are.
Fantastic album. Start to finish. Very tight. A little samey but that's OK.
A few good songs. But mostly everything just sounds like a holoday gap commercial to me. Not into stevie but i respect him. Boogie on reggae woman is good but I like ot better when it's covered by others. Please dont go was good. For me, this is way too much rudimentary keyboard for me.
Is this really one of the greatest albums ever? I mean, I didn't mind it, it had some interesting elements to it but what is so great about it? It came out 5 years ago and I never heard of it. Has it even had time to be influential?
Pretty entertaining early rap. Was not disappointed within the context.
I actually very much enjoyed this. His music can be tough but most of this was decent. Helped it was on in the background while working though. If I had it on in the car or just the music, might have dropped a few stars
Yea pretty good. Some nice background beats. More than just yell rapping.
Better than some of his other offerings. This is more Marvin Gaye than Shaft. A bit samey though.
Ok. One of the most 90s albums I've ever heard. Made me want to drive a pickup in the Midwest with some bud heavies though. If you're not american I bet you hated this. Way too long though. 3 stars although probably more like 2.5
Pretty good actually. I listened a 2nd time and liked it more. Sounds ahead of its time. Not too surprised it wasn't popular though. No real home in radio heavy early 90s
Yeeaaa, I mean, i can see why it's on the list but I don't care to ever listen to it again.
4.5 stars. Excellent album. Maybe a little samey by the end but otherwise, really good. Can really hear allman and Clapton wailing on some of these songs together.
Pleasant like a warm breeze.
I liked it. Esp for it's time.
Very talented noise makers. 1 or 2 of these songs in a row is fine. A whole album is rough. But that's my preference and it's not made to take away from the very obvious talent on display.
Totally forgettable 80s schlock. Not sure why it's on this list or who it's for. It did kind of make me put on some Versace want to return some video tapes though.
Not a fan really of the talking heads, or maybe just more of David Byrnes yodeling. But this was pretty good. Some very interesting arrangements.
Very samey. Kept expecting him to say "in cars" at any moment in any song. Not necessarily a bad album and I respect it was probably very ahead of its time and clearly helped usher in new wave. But still
Pretty fun. Everytime I see electronic music from the 90s, it's a good bet
All the stars. So much loud fun. Death to hair metal. Chaos. Pure rock.
Not a big rap fan but this is both nostalgic and funky
Ugh. I can't listen to anymore of this 80s British popsynth nonsense.
Liked this alot more than I thought. I'm excited to put it on on a few months again when it's warm out to do some yard work and have some lemonade
Pretty golf the whole through. Its best songs are victims of 30 years of radio overplay though
Very adequate. If you like nick drake a lot, you probably really like that. Its unique and sounds very much..Just like him. I find him absolutely fine and harmless so that album was just like that. Kind of like a nice breeze on lounge chair that lulls you into a nap. I do think it's ahead of its time though. Could easily come out today
Some of the arrangements and music are really great. Very pleasant and daring. Her yodeling gets to me quickly though. Od love to hear someone else sing some of these songs. 2 for her. 5 for the music. 3 for overall listenability
Very samey. Great voice. Cool vibe. I was bored after 2 of them.
This isn't the worst album in the world but it has no business on this list. None. There are so many great bands with no albums on this list and we get this nonsense instead. I'm giving it a 2 because it's not it's fault it's on this list and it's not totally unlistenable (unlike Robert Wyatt who remains the garbage barometer to which all other albums on this list are still compared) but its still just completely forgettable. Maybe just change the name to 1001 greatest albums as they occur to a British guy.
80s easy listening junk. It's the music they played st the salon when my mom got a perm. Can't be either important or difficult.
Fairly disappointing. Way too much funk. Maybe a victim of their own previous success
Very pleasant. Excellent songwriting and composition by Simon. Some amazing songs. Also very sleepy
I cannot stand funk. So the first half was brutal for me and I have trouble appreciating it. Second half was nice.
Enjoyable. A bit samey
So great.
Pretty good punk. Much more melodic than some more famous albums and bands. A lot of songs though. I can do a few but rhe whole album was a slog