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UB40Through this album project I’ve learned that I’m not a big reggae fan.
Through this album project I’ve learned that I’m not a big reggae fan.
Feel no need to listen a second time, but enjoyed it while it lasted
Very groovy but some themes had me raising eyebrows. I appreciate the commitment to whimsy, but it felt like verging on chaotic evil whimsy.
One of my favorite albums of all time. It’s so cohesive and such a vibe, but each song is distinct and bold. The production on this album is second to none (this coming from a Jack Antonoff hater). Green Light - I remember not liking it when it first came out, now it’s such a bop. “Honey I’ll come get my things but I won’t let go” just /pierces/ me Sober - love the horns in the background And homemade dynamite is opposite of Green Light for me. I loved it, listened to it to death, and can’t get into it the same. Still great though! The Lourve - the “boom boom make ‘em all dance to it” makes me laugh, it feels out of place to me, but what do I know. Killer guitar effects though. Liability - brb, sobbing Hard feelings/Loveless - I still don’t get why this isn’t two songs. Hard feelings is one of my favorites, I could do a whole 3 minutes of that. Maybe that’s my hard feeling to sit with… The song and fading away from someone makes my heartbreak, she does such a good job of making a song sound like heartbreak feels. Sober II - I never appreciated the vocals on this one until today. Underrated hit of the album. Reminds me of Brittany Spears tbh. Writer in the Dark - The indignant win the words “I’ll love you til you call the cops on me” gives me such an image of how she felt writing those words, a little tongue in cheek but maybe hurt enough that a little serious. Super cut - this is the song I relate to most, romanticizing everything rather bitter sweetly but it’s all still beautiful. Casual afternoon crush is what I’ve always had on others. Perfect Places - had me dancing in the airport, I ate that UP
I really liked this album. It feels very cozy. Like sitting by a fireside on Christmas Eve when everyone else is asleep. I think my favorite was The Stranger Song because of the guitar. I’ll be real, I did not know what a single song on this album was about. I feel like the need for Genius might be part of what makes people like this album.
Very excited to listen to a band Ashley’s so into. Where the streets have no name - wasn’t expecting this epic intro! Art! I still haven’t found what I’m looking for - I had no idea this song was U2! With or without you - dang, I know this song too! Jump-scare. All these songs are super cohesive in energy and sound which I really appreciate. Bullet the blue sky - ok I’m hopping my head to this one for sure In gods country - fun little guitar riff One tree hill - ooo groovy, this caught my attention. Any relation to the show? I looked it up and apparently the show is named after this song, cool. The strained “baby”s at the end were not my favorite haha Exit - I’m finding it hard to believe this song came out in the 80s, it screams early 2000s Mothers of the disappointed - not my favorite. Could have done without, but it does slow the album to a close.
Beetlebum - good production but I’m not sure if I’m going to like this album. His high pitch singing is taking me out of it. Song 2 - ooo I know this one! Party! Country sad ballad man - back to an album that sounds like hs band kids made as a passion project before school Look inside America - this song makes me want to rate the album a 1 Essex dogs - I got nothing out of this song :( It feels unfair to give this a 2 when the production is good, but I just don’t like it and I have to judge within 1001 great albums.
This is a funky little album that I really enjoyed but I wouldn’t say is impressive, just very fun. I like the guitar parts a lot. Loooong album. Private life is my fav song so far. The little “stops” are so cute Brass in pocket reminds me of Shania Twain. I started warming up to this album because of its consistency. All of their riffs sound familiar, they’ve really stood the test of time.
Not my style but fun music. Don’t love the vocals.
Fine but not my kind of music. Nothing stood out to me about this album - good or bad - which is almost worse than if it were bad.
Closer - I was so excited by the into music and then the dude’s weird voice made me take several steps back Sex is on fire - such a man song smh Use somebody - a bop Revelry - I like the bass guitar in this. Would 10/10 listen to this in a boat I want you - I groove with this song. Then I looked up the lyrics and I groove less. Be somebody - I like this one a lot
I wasn’t expecting this album to be reggae- inspired. It is certainly different from what we’ve heard so far. I think I would’ve liked this album more if the singer didn’t sound like a 12 year old boy. Love Und Romance is an interesting mix of The Beach Boys and The Adams Family. Typical girls - they really called out the “not like other girls” girls/guys in the 70’s, ahead of their time I heard it through the grapevine - I swear this sounds like the guy from Naked Brothers Band singing. Fun cover! Honestly surprised this isn’t a more talked about cult classic album.
I didn’t know this man sung for the smiths and so the first song I said huh, this sounds a lot like the smiths. We’ll let you know - Very meh sound. Nothing interesting going on. You’re the one for me, fatty - lol what Tomorrow - this is the first song I really liked. But also, what??
The album art looks like the little guy from Robots! Crazy that each song is 10min long. I don’t listen to much jazz, but I liked the techno aspect of the keys, that really saved this album for me. After so much dude rock, this album was refreshing. Good stuff!
Peaches en Regalia - I was expecting hard rock but like this much better. The saxophone break was so inspired. Cool. Willie the pump - this voice is more what I was expecting and I do not like it. Long guitar solo is good but generic imo. Fiddle, yes! The gumbo variations - this one gave me a big of a headache tbh The last dinner party - very creative, very different Wiki says about Zappa “supporters of his music admired its compositional complexity, while detractors found it lacking emotional depth” and that’s how I feel about this album. Giving it a 3 for its creative sound, strong production, and overall musical influence.
100 years - sounds like 80s vampire music The hanging garden - this has a fun chorus but I don’t like the dude’s voice. The intense drums create a vibe. The figurehead - ooo this song actually kind of slaps Cold - this song is so bleh Pornography - perhaps my fav on the album bc of how different it is. Reminds me of Ethel Cain’s Preacher’s Daughter. The background grunts def made me uncomfy. That was a freaky little song. I was ready to rate this album a 2, but the final song changed all that for me. It was the first song in this process that made me viscerally feel, and then their vision for this album clicked. This is also the first album I’ve immediately gone for a second listen of.
Silence - not into this classic rock sound. By 2007 we’d heard way too much of it. Hunter - really not into this one either. Really uninspired writing imo. Nylon smile - I don’t like the writing here either. The fade into The Rip was cool. We carry on - ok miss ma’am Machine gun - everything about this song is pretentious. This is why my parents hate indie music. Small - I couldn’t finish this one. The asmr was too much for my headphones. If I never listen to this again, it’ll be too soon.
This feels very appropriate with Beyoncé’s album dropping tomorrow, I haven’t listened to a lot of jay z so I’m excited to go through a full body of work. The rulers back - catchy opener Takeover - good beat! I’ve heard people complain about jay z’s earlier music being disrespectful of women and unfortunately I hear it here and don’t love it Izzy - I dig it, very Sesame Street esk. Oop very much that last note of lyrics tho. Higgs the nigga - not the early 2000s low rise pants call out lmao Heart of the city - makes me feel like I’m sitting on an nyc portch step in a blue sepia world, trains buzzing in the background, kids running around town while parents laugh and drink. Renegade - immediately the production on this is different and awesome. Good album, I like it. Very of its time.
Pre album thoughts - ugh I am really not looking forward to more classic rock. This could be a problem for me to get through the rest of this list. Child in time - really impressive guitar skills It’s not really my kind of music, but it’s creative and I see why people would be really into this.
I grew up listening to this album with my dad and never liked it, but now it’s rather nostalgic and I can appreciate the guitar riffs going crazy in every single song. There are some real classics on here, especially for a relatively short album by today’s standards. That’s impressive.
Reading bell hooks has made me pessimistic when it comes to media consumption. I don’t think she would’ve appreciated some of these songs. “Go see a foot doctor tonight” is a wild lyric that I was not expecting.
I’ve listened to one REM album on Ashley’s recommendation and really liked it, so I’m excited. Pop song 89 - catchy and vibey Stand - I am bopping my head at my desk to this one The wrong child - I really like the folksy sound of the mandolin with the lead singer’s voice Orange crush - sad boi hours. A good pace change Hairshirt - least fav song so far I remember California - baller drums Untitled - also eh. Solid album, I like it a lot!
That sure was noise. You know what, they stayed true to whatever vision they had for their music and I respect that.
Good little album to bop to, nothing jumps out at me
What a breath of fresh air. I had a great time walking around my city to this album. It’s smooth and relaxed. I really enjoyed the trombone and clarinet parts especially, but the big band in general was phenomenal.
From the cover, I want expecting this sound. I like the guitar and the music a lot, but I cannot stand the whiny man voice, he sounds so over his own music. It does sound very modern for being from the 80s.
First few songs - Chill, I like it a lot! Kind of all blends together. Time of the seasons - ah, that’s why this album is on here. Otherwise I would say it was pretty mid
War pigs - He’s got a good voice! Iron man - sick opening Electric funeral - I also like this one quite a bit. Very bleak lyrics though lol. This album was great, a W for me
Before: I had an oasis song on my iPod in middle school and loved it, so I am recklessly optimistic about this album. Roll with it - cool sound, no melody that jumps out at me Wonderwall - ah, a classic. Love the sound of the acoustic guitar. Don’t look back in anger - chill song Hey now - pretty good Some might say - I was bopping my head to this for sure She’s electric - oh no, I don’t like this one Champagne supernova - guitar solo saved it for me. Long though. Ugh, I had such high expectations. Too high. The songs on this album didn’t lock me in and make me want to listen to the whole thing through, so I was bouncing between my liked songs and this. I think that sums it up - fine in small bites but too much all at once. Like hummus. As an album, it didn’t hold up.
This is our first repeat album and the last one of theirs I ranked quite favorably, so let’s see what we’ve got here. Girls got rhythm - head banging jam Walk all over you - I was liking the song and then the unexpectedly sick guitar solo made me like it even more The second half of the album was pretty monotonous which brought it down for me.
I like the sound, especially the voice, but none of the Melodie’s really hooked me. Among all albums, I’d give it a 3. I don’t see why it’s on this list though, so I give it a 2.
Now this album, I SEE why it’s on this list. The sounds and instruments and melodies sounded fresh. A mix of country, rock, and jazz. All very cool. I was getting James Bond from the brass and intensity. Lots of fun, I would listen to this again.
I like the instrumentals of this one. It sounded country to me, and I’m really into the steel guitar sound.
Block rockin beats - ooo I like this. One of my favorite opening riffs. Dig your own hole - this belongs on the Kim possible soundtrack (my beloved) Setting sun - this one was interesting. The repetitiveness of some of these beats wasn’t my favorite, but I respect the album a lot for doing something interesting and different.
I didn’t realize how old The Rolling Stones were. Very beach boys. 5 for its continued groovyness and historical influence.
Very cute. Not my thing, but exciting background noise for something, I’m sure. Could be a beautiful movie soundtrack.
I like the vibes of this one, though it is a little long
Pretty good, didn’t wow me sonically
This album took me on a trip - it had highs and it had lows.
Through this album project I’ve learned that I’m not a big reggae fan.
Running up that hill is pop perfection, but the rest of the album never measures up to that feeling. Cloud busting is my next favorite.
I like that this sounds more unique than the other classic rock albums we’ve heard. Idk if it’s the singers voice or the production.
Cult of personality - looooove the baseline
I dig it
Good but didn’t impress me
I listened to this in the evening with some fairy lights on and it fit the vibe perfectly. Much preferred to the wave of rock we’ve been riding. I did NOT like the duet with the child though.
Cool album art. I like that it opens with the crazy piano. I thought the song writing was really inspired.
This didn’t sound like I thought it would based on the album cover. I really liked Jennifer’s Body and reading the history made me appreciate it was a little wacky.
I don’t love this genre
I don’t love this genre
The guitar was the only pleasant part of this.
It does exactly what its title proclaims and would be great in an evening setting.
Beautiful voice, but was slow paced for me
Sure was jazz
I thought this was good, and if I was born 20 years ago I would’ve LOVED it
I couldn’t stand this man’s voice, and since this was a paired down album, that’s very unfortunate.
This was different than anything I’ve ever heard, and I enjoyed it
Loved this album, so many great singles while still being cohesive. Really enjoyable.
Impressive guitar playing
What I am learning is that having many lyrics about many things is fun, but doesn’t necessarily make a good “album”
A beautiful, beautiful album.
All the instruments sound so clear and it’s not even remastered - that’s some great sound engineering. Otherwise, sounds very much like the other rock albums we’ve heard so far.
I didn’t know There She Goes was on this album! Incredible song! Doledrum was also good. Other songs were meh.
Sure was an album
Some good hits, overall not one of my favorites but more enjoyable than some of our previous albums.
I really liked it, sounded smooth and had style
Not my favorite
Pretty but idk why it belongs on this list
Groovy, did not strike me emotionally though
To zion - no idea that dilemma was a sample!
Really enjoyed!
Straightforward and a little repetitive, they have a message and go for it!
This was a collection of really good, really fun songs.
A bunch of hits, great album
Cool art, I wouldn’t listen to it on my own
Good, liked the guitar, the songs themselves didn’t stand out to me though.
One of the greats
Beautiful, enjoyable art with a vision AND execution
I cannot stand bob dylans voice
One of the better rock albums here and also points for influence
I’m not sure what qualifies this album to be here more than any other of Cale’s, but I do like it a lot. His voice is strong without showboating in a way that distracts from the music
3 stars for good music, bonus star for cultural impact
I got into t this album more than expected. Will definitely revisit some of these songs
Not my vibe
Really enjoyed the short, catchy songs and good story telling
I really love the song Don’t Want to Know, but hated his up and down singing throughout the rest of the album
There are songs I love that sample this album and I had no idea
Not my taste but creative
Really enjoyed this one! Very joyous, a little objectifying at times, but on the whole an enjoyable album. Big fan of the trumpets.
This album was crazy, I wanted to like it but just could not believe a band put this out
Would love to have been in the room when some of these songs were being written lol. 2 stars just for the guitarist who is shredding his life away back there.
Sounds like it would’ve been a fun show live, but through Spotify it just doesn’t translate for me.
Not what I was expecting. The trumpet was such a rich add. “you masculine you” sounded very much like a precursor to Phoebe Bridget’s Punisher.
I liked it
I never realized how much The Bee Gees singer sounds like Kermit the Frog.
I really, really wanted to like this album, but felt like there were one or two songs that carried it and the rest were meh. Keep the customer Satisfied was the first song that really impressed me, and it was because of the brass hits. I don’t like the softer songs, like So Long, Frank Lloyd Wright. The Boxer I do really love. Baby Driver - fun song Why don’t you write me - also fun, Beatles-esk
Fine album with clear sounds, but nothing so special that it needed to be on this list imo
Definition of commitment to the bit. I am definitely biased because I’ve loved this album for years and saw them perform it live. I probably wouldn’t love it if I listened to it here for the first time, which makes me want to relisten to some previous albums (looking at you, Simon and Garfunkel). It is a testament to the songwriting that with 69 songs and minimal instrument variation, all the songs sound pretty distinctive. Every time I listen to the album I find a new favorite. Book of Love is one of my favorite love songs of all time. Nothing Matters when we’re Dancing - full of such fondness for other people, a delight I don’t want to get over you - puts heartbreak into words so well. I think I need a new heart - so catchy! Book of Love - an instant classic. This song is what music is about to me and will live in my heart forever. “In fact that’s where music comes from. Some of it is just transcendental. Some of it is just really dumb” and that just sums up the whole album, why I love it, and why despite its long run time, it speaks so honestly to so many people. How fucking romantic - yeah, I see why people don’t like this one though lol Punk love - another one I could do without… Very funny - this song gets me :( Grand Canyon - I feel like a trailblazer with a cowboy hat when I listen to this song Washington DC - every dc resident should hear this song, so sweet Long forgotten fairytale - his voice has just the right amount of energy for the techno going on in the back The way you say goodnight is another song I would rank in the top romantic songs ever written It’s a crime makes me bop my head Yeah! Oh, Yeah! - Very funny, makes me laugh every time How to say goodbye - masterful story telling
Not into the whiny rocker sound. Occasional cool riff.
Fun album
Agree. Could’ve been a 1001 concert, but it’s not a 1001 album.
Wish I liked it more than I did. The dissonance doesn’t sound good to me. Lyrics didn’t capture me. A couple catchy riffs.
Quite liked this one
I don’t like it so much, but I see why people would like it so much
Really glad I listened to this. Not my thing, but I loved the first song and appreciate the genre fusion experimentation
Afternoon Tea was my favorite song and made me smile this morning, so shoutout to the Kinks for that one
Really enjoyable listen, I will be revisiting this one
Jenny, Jenny was a fun surprise
Loved the guitar sound but genre wasn’t for me
Not unique
Right in Time was such an awesome song and set my bar so high. The rest of the album was pretty good, but nowhere near that level. Still enjoyed and will listen again in the future.
I liked this one more than I thought I would, but no songs made it on to my liked songs playlist.
Really enjoy the sound on this. Wish it were shorter, it was a lot to listen to
As an album, I liked it a lot. No songs jumped out at me as great though, and I wouldn’t say I /had/ to listen to this before I die
Boring, not inspired music OR performance which is so tough for a live album
This album is a 4.99999 for me
Surprised me w being interesting
I want to like Coldplay but I really can’t stand his voice or the sound of the music so… 3 stars for pretty good production
Lovely album, cohesive, none stood out to me as ones I loved, but all were pleasant
All sounded the same and it wasn’t good
I found this album extremely charming. Speed of life immediately locked me in. It was very lovingly crafted. Be my wife had my head bopping A new career in a new town sounds refreshing and modern even to my ears today. Probably not something I’ll listen to, but I loved the experience. Very fun, different, and thoughtful. I would 100% put this album on this list myself. However, it didn’t shake me to my core or really move me at any particular point, so I can only rate it a 3.
Groovy little album
Very fun album, somehow the singer’s voice worked with the beach guitar and funky bass lines. Glad it’s on this list.
Very fun album, glad I gave it a listen
Cool album
I can hear the work and thought that went into this masterpiece, but there wasn’t a single song I would listen to outside of this project :(
Good but all blended together
Absolutely loved supervixen. The rest didn’t stand out
Really enjoyed it which is crazy for me and a rock album. The guitar and his voice go so well together. Great mixing.
An album full of banger covers, but covers nonetheless and none better than its original. It’s a 3 in enjoyability but without the creativity needed for original music, I can only give a 2
Unimpressed :/
I didn’t need to hear this one
Surprised how into this I was!
The only song I might like is Blimps Go 90 but even that one I can’t decide on
Not the worst thing I’ve ever heard but not the most interesting either. Cool background music.
This album was exactly what I needed after a very bad weekend. My best experience with a new album yet, I think.
Cool movie but I got nothing out of this as an album
Interesting. Experimental. Not something I’d seek out again.
Definitely an album that belongs on this list. There were quite a few songs I was into even if I didn’t love the singer’s voice.
First half was really, really good. Second half lagged.
Relaxing, good music
I can tell that this is art, but it is not art that I like
Will be introduced into my regular rotation!
Baselines are fun. Didn’t wow me. I think if his voice was different I’d have liked it more.
I don’t know what to make of this album. Great production though.
Doesn’t sound inspired to me :(
Unique sound
Wow loved this one
The good songs were so good! But the bad songs were pretty bad…
So not my taste
Feel no need to listen a second time, but enjoyed it while it lasted
Obsessed with “Darkness, Darkness” Extremely pleasant but just a touch bland as it went on
New! Different! Surprisingly pleasant to listen to! Introduced some new songs to my morning commute playlist
Good enough album but too long
I don’t like cover albums and I don’t like slow cover albums. It’s good, but I really don’t like it.
Cool album, glad I listened, didn’t wow me
I wanted to like this so bad because the idea is super cool. But his voice is borderline unlistenable to me
I’m not into reggae but I respect the game
Not my cup of tea, but well done
I’m not usually into funk but top to bottom this album is so much fun
I’m confused about why this is so highly rated. It was good, enjoyable, but didn’t blow my mind, was kind of just another pretty good live album :/