Sep 06 2022
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Hot Fuss
The Killers
Really solid album front to back, with a run of constant great songs - and then some absolute bangers sprinkled in on top.
Sep 07 2022
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Rattus Norvegicus
The Stranglers
I quite liked the vibe and attitude, but it's not really for me, or an album I'd revisit.
Sep 08 2022
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Abbey Road
It's really good. I don't think it's my go-to Beatles album, but lots of great songs on there.
Sep 09 2022
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Taylor Swift
Quite a soft, delicate album. The songs are all quite nice, but there's very few standout tracks to me, it all kind of sits in the background a bit and feels a bit samey for the most part. No body, no crime is a good track and worth revisiting.
Sep 12 2022
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The Queen Is Dead
The Smiths
This can't be a coincidence getting this album to listen to today of all days. Madness.
Anyway it's a really solid album with some great tunes in there, Bigmouth Strikes Again and There is a Light being particular highlights, along with The Queen is Dead itself.
The main problem with this album comes outside of the album itself, as Morrissey is such a rampaging bellend these days it's hard not to be put off at least a little bit listening to it. And I know he's a massive anti-royalist, but the Queen was brilliant and an amazing public servant, so there.
Sep 13 2022
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Armed Forces
Elvis Costello & The Attractions
Not for me. I'm not really a fan of any of this, there's just nothing grabbing me at all. Oliver's Army is pretty good, but that's about it.
Sep 14 2022
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Black Sabbath
Black Sabbath
I do like a bunch of Black Sabbath songs. I think I appreciate this album more than I like it though. There's some really nice rhythmic stuff going on here, some great guitar work, and so on. It's just not maaaassively my jam.
Sep 15 2022
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I’ve Got a Tiger By the Tail
Buck Owens
Not a country fan at all. 1/5
Sep 16 2022
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Selling England By The Pound
It's safe to say this isn't what I was expecting from this album at all. It's not my thing, and I have a major aversion to Phil Collins usually, but I do really dig parts of this album. There's some good jamming and guitars on firth of fifth in particular. Elsewhere it's pretty damn weird, which I was surprised by and kind of respect in a way, but ultimately it is still just weird and I'm not that into it.
Sep 19 2022
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Billion Dollar Babies
Alice Cooper
I like it, it's nowhere near as heavy as I thought it would be at all, but it's still got some fantastic guitars in there, and it's also quite melodic. I'll certainly check out some more Alice Cooper beyond this (and the other big hitters I know).
Sep 20 2022
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Hot Rats
Frank Zappa
Quite easy going, it'd make for good background music at times but that's about it.
Sep 21 2022
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...And Justice For All
I like it - I couldn't listen to it for too long in one sitting, especially as the songs are all quite long, but it's hard rocking, and some good riffs in there.
Sep 22 2022
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Fear and Whiskey
I like the vibe of this. Some good driving beats, and I like the violins.
Sep 23 2022
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Dig Me Out
I'm not a fan, it all sounds a bit one-note and not drawing me in at all. I'm not liking the vocals, lots of shrieking and it's just too much.
Sep 26 2022
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The Black Saint And The Sinner Lady
Charles Mingus
I'm glad this project is helping me to really expand my horizons... I'll be honest, I thought the first track was not great and really put me off... but later on it's very listenable and I had a good time with it. I'm still not a jazz man so I'm never going to rate this too highly, but maybe I appreciate it a little bit more now.
Sep 27 2022
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My Generation
The Who
There's some great tunes on here. A really nice, chilled record, but it also has some decent driving rock n roll.
Sep 28 2022
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Sticky Fingers
The Rolling Stones
Really great - the Stones have got such a great sound, and some real tunes.
Sep 29 2022
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Led Zeppelin IV
Led Zeppelin
The best Led-Zep album. Stone-cold classic.
Sep 30 2022
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The Soft Bulletin
The Flaming Lips
I'm struggling with this one - I don't like his voice at all, and it's all just a bit weird and floaty and weak.
Oct 03 2022
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Buena Vista Social Club
Buena Vista Social Club
It's a nice easy listen, but I'm not really invested in it. I found it a bit much after about 6-7 songs. If I were watching them play in a Havana club while sipping a rum cocktail then this would be 5/5.
Oct 04 2022
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The Pleasure Principle
Gary Numan
I like it, some solid synth tunes.
Oct 05 2022
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Only Built 4 Cuban Linx
This isn't my kind of thing in general... but it's not too bad. Some nice beats in there.
Oct 06 2022
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Joan Armatrading
Joan Armatrading
Nice melodic tunes, but it's not grabbing me.
Oct 07 2022
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Music For The Jilted Generation
The Prodigy
Oct 10 2022
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Station To Station
David Bowie
Quite short this one, but some really great songs on there. I love love love love love Wild is the Wind, I genuinely think it might be my favourite Bowie song ever. I know it's a cover, but he sings it with so much pain and soul and it's JUST sublime.
Oct 11 2022
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Let England Shake
PJ Harvey
I like the vibe of this. I've heard other stuff from her and not got on-board, but this has got a nice energy to it, and a really interesting sound.
Oct 12 2022
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Gris Gris
Dr. John
Oct 13 2022
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Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This)
Not into this, it's just a bit weird and not connecting with me in any way, musically or lyrically.
Oct 14 2022
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Blue Lines
Massive Attack
I much prefer their darker, moodier stuff (like Mezzanine) but this is still a really good album. Lots of good tracks and generally very solid throughout.
Oct 17 2022
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Willie Nelson
Willie Nelson!? Ugh... this is going to be a chore.
*2 seconds in* - Ok, damn, those are some smooooth vocals. Yeah. Ok, I really like this.
I'm not convinced by the entire album, but there's some really lovely tracks in here.
Oct 18 2022
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DJ Shadow
It's ok - It covers quite a few styles and moods, but most of it I'm not that into beyond general background music. Some tracks I really dig and are definitely my kind of thing (like Midnight in a Perfect World) but I wouldn't revisit the album beyond that.
Oct 19 2022
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Want Two
Rufus Wainwright
Not bad. I started off really into it, but it seemed to slow way down as it got into it, and my interest dropped off a bit. Some nice tracks in here though.
Oct 20 2022
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Underwater Moonlight
The Soft Boys
It's got a nice vibe to it, this. It's hardly deep, and a little bit one-note at times, but it's an easy listen.
Oct 21 2022
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Fulfillingness' First Finale
Stevie Wonder
Yeah man, love a bit of Stevie Wonder. Never heard this album before, but some great tracks on here. Really nice funky soulful grooves.
Oct 24 2022
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The Joshua Tree
I'm not really a fan of U2... A lot of this just doesn't do anything for me. I like some of the moodier bits and some of the soundscapes on songs like 'bullet the blue sky', but the rest just doesn't hit for me.
Oct 25 2022
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The White Stripes
I love the driving guitars on this. Jack White has such a distinctive tone and style.
Oct 26 2022
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Gasoline Alley
Rod Stewart
Very middle of the road, gentle, folky rock n roll. It's very dull. It's not for me.
Oct 27 2022
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Vincebus Eruptum
Blue Cheer
Ugh, I hate this. I like a guitar, but this is just grating and an assault on the ears. Production is terrible. They sound reeeeally amateur, like they're a teen band who haven't learnt how to play with each-other properly yet. Why the fuck does the lead guitar keep cutting in and warbling in a different tempo and style to the rest of it? This is the kind of thing I'd expect to see in a comedy film or parody - a lead character in a band who thinks they're good and are tearing it up, but the reality is they're shit and the audience are laughing at them. This is the first album to make me properly angry. Fuck this noise. I'm not a fan at all, and neither is my tinnitus.
Oct 28 2022
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The Suburbs
Arcade Fire
I really like Arcade Fire's earlier albums, and my interest fell off a bit beyond those. However there's some good songs in here. It does feel over-long though, with a bit of sag in the middle. I really love Sprawl II. Seeing that song in particular live at Glastonbury - there was actual magic and electricity in the air and it always takes me back to that moment.
Oct 31 2022
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The Cars
The Cars
I really like this. I'd heard some of these guys before but never really invested beyond a few songs, but there's plenty of catchy songs in here and it's overall a really good listen. The whole presentation is great, I love the cover too.
Nov 01 2022
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Wish You Were Here
Pink Floyd
I like the big sound of a lot of this, but I'm not connecting with it on a deeper level. I've never been able to 'crack' Pink Floyd beyond a few songs - I guess they're just not entirely for me.
Nov 02 2022
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Here, My Dear
Marvin Gaye
It's not really my vibe, and it was a bit much in one listen, but I can appreciate it. It's got a gentle funky vibe, and damn has he got some smoooth vocals! I think I'd appreciate it more in smaller doses. 3
Nov 03 2022
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The Dark Side Of The Moon
Pink Floyd
I just can't seem to get into Pink Floyd. I honestly don't get it. A lot of people approach this album with sheer reverence, but it seems to me that there's plenty of random filler and blase songs in here, along with random weirdness. I like some of the instrumental stuff. The Great Gig in the Sky is good. Please stop giving me prog rock.
Nov 04 2022
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Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere
Neil Young & Crazy Horse
I knew essentially nothing about Neil Young, so I'm glad this has enabled me to actually give him a listen. I really like the vibe of this. It's a nice gentle listen, but it's really good musically, and there's plenty of stand-out songs.
Nov 07 2022
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Songs Of Love And Hate
Leonard Cohen
I like this, it's a really good moody mix. I guess it's just as well it's not too long, because it is a bit hard-going in one sitting, especially the bits where he's singing with a kind of mania. I love the first track in particular. What a voice.
Nov 08 2022
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David Bowie
It's fine. I do like a lot of David Bowie, but this one isn't hitting for me. I think I appreciate the fact that he did a weird musical half more than I like the weird musical half.
Nov 09 2022
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Southern Rock Opera
Drive-By Truckers
I only listened to the first half, as it wasn't really my thing. However, this is definitely better than I was expecting. I like the ambition of the thing, and it's way more thoughtful than I was expecting. Ultimately though, this isn't my jam and I don't connect to it.
Nov 10 2022
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Les Rythmes Digitales
After seeing the cover I was expecting a radical being from an alternate future to come and take me on a most triumphant voyage through hyperspace. While it didn't quite reach those dizzying highs, I did have a really good head bop and foot tap while he played an array of synthesizers at me. I spent some time in his company. We nodded knowingly at each other during particularly rad beats. We drank way too much sonic-Pepsi. We had fun together.
Nov 11 2022
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The Seldom Seen Kid
It's a nice listen, and musically pretty interesting. I'm glad I gave it more than one listen, because it's definitely grown on me a lot more with repeat listens. I've now upgraded this from a 3 to a 4 because I really like a lot of what they're doing here.
Nov 14 2022
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Young Americans
David Bowie
This is on the lower-end of Bowie for me. Not really my jam. It's alright. His cover of Across the Universe is terrible. It feels at complete odds with the content of the song. Go to Fiona Apple for a beautiful cover of it.
Nov 15 2022
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Kid A
I love this album, but I am sympathetic to the people who really don't get on with this, particularly if they enjoyed earlier Radiohead. I think the whole 'Radiohead disappearing up their own arse' thing is valid, and there's some tracks on here that definitely come off as pretentious. On the whole though I think this is a big, bold and beautiful album. It definitely requires a few listens I think, and it deserves to be listened to as loud as possible. Some of the tracks on here and truly transportive. Songs like 'How to Disappear Completely' just wash right over you in their melancholic majesty, while other tracks like Optimistic and Idioteque really drive on with some real thrust. There's so many dark, broody, interesting tracks in here, and I think it was a really interesting direction for them to take as a band. It definitely paid off.
Nov 16 2022
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All Hail the Queen
Queen Latifah
I didn't realise, but this is a proper old-skool sound. Some quite funky beats in here, and some properly weird bits. It sounds very dated which goes against it a lot, but I'm more on-board with this than I thought I would be. It's still way too much though, I gave up after 8 tracks. In small doses... it's alright.
Nov 17 2022
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To Pimp A Butterfly
Kendrick Lamar
It's a well put together album, and it's got a lot to it, lots of different vibes and styles, and some interesting things going on - that gives it an extra star, as I don't like it at all.
Nov 18 2022
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Bob Marley & The Wailers
I don't like reggae, so..... a few stars to show appreciation for the musicianship.
Nov 21 2022
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At Fillmore East
The Allman Brothers Band
A lot of this I quite like, nice easy listening, good jams etc. Especially towards the end, they really go for it. But then there's plenty of smug, masturbatory musical interludes that are annoying and soooo long, and do absolutely nothing. Imagine seeing them in concert and a third of the gig is them just them wanking each-other off on stage.
Nov 22 2022
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Tres Hombres
ZZ Top
Although it's an album I doubt I'd ever come back to in its entirety, I do quite dig this. Lots of great guitars and driving rhythms, alongside some solid bluesy rock.
Nov 23 2022
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american dream
LCD Soundsystem
I like a bunch of their songs from other albums, but this one is kind of boring.
Nov 24 2022
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Ágætis Byrjun
Sigur Rós
Ugh, I really love this. It definitely helps to listen to this as an album in its entirety. Turn the sound way up and let the whole thing wash over you in its sublime majesty. The whole album is solid, with big melancholic soundscapes throughout, and flashes of searing beauty (notably with songs like Starálfur). The long tracks go by so quickly.
I love everything about this. The album art, the concept, everything.
Nov 25 2022
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MTV Unplugged In New York
You know a band are really on top of their game when a whole bunch of live acoustic versions sound better than the originals. I'd say that's true of 'About a Girl', but definitely 'All Apologies' which to me is the definitive version. Chuck in some absolutely brilliant covers, and you have one of the best live albums ever. I love how it's a celebration of lesser-known songs, and they play so well.
There's so much feeling in a lot of these songs. 'Where did you sleep last night' is utterly mesmerising and imbued with so much pain and emotion. It's like his very soul has been laid bare.
Nov 28 2022
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Mermaid Avenue
Billy Bragg
It's mostly low-key and nice and inoffensive. It doesn't get me going.
Nov 29 2022
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Live At The Harlem Square Club
Sam Cooke
I'm not really loving it, as it's not my groove, but I am loving the passion and the energy. It sounds like it would have been a grand old time.
Nov 30 2022
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All Directions
The Temptations
It's not my thing.
Dec 01 2022
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Modern Kosmology
Jane Weaver
I like this, it's got a good atmosphere and some really interesting songs. Quite dark and broody in places. Plenty of cool synth too.
Dec 02 2022
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Siamese Dream
The Smashing Pumpkins
I find it weird that so many people classify this as grunge or even part of the grunge movement. I think what the Pumpkins were doing here was so much more interesting and varied than a lot of their contemporaries in that space. Sonically, it's so good. You have deep, fat, layered guitars that smack you around the face (notably on tracks like Hummer and Mayonaise). The ridiculous amount of tracks mixed in give it such a robust, unique sound, with layers and layers and layers of guitars and noise. Jimmy Chamberlain is pummelling his drums like he hates them, and Billy is laying down some mad, squealing guitar solos on top. When this rocks, it really rocks hard, with a real depth and force to it.
But then you have some beautiful and tender ballads thrown in, utilising violins, bells and all sorts, and some truly iconic songs sitting in there like Disarm. Lyrically there's so much to love here too. There's a lot of raw feeling, vulnerability and honesty. Billy really chucked himself out there, and the songs benefit from it. I get that a lot of people don't get on with his voice, but personally I love weird, interesting singers and it really works for me.
There's so many different levels and riffs and interesting details running through this whole album. I just don't think other bands of the era had anywhere near this level of range.
This is an absolutely superb, iconic album.
Dec 05 2022
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Living Colour
Eh. It feels dated. And bland. And inoffensive. I'm not sensing any stand-out tracks throughout.
Metal / Hard Rock.... eh?? Who's picking these classifications? Is this what passed for hard rock in the 80's? I feel like this is the kind of thing you put on at an American prom to get the kids to have a bit of a boogie. Mr. Strickland is roaming the floor making sure there's no inappropriate touching, and keeping an eye on the fruit punch so it's not getting spiked.
Dec 06 2022
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New Order
Quite nice. There's some nice melodies in there. Nice.
Dec 07 2022
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3 + 3
The Isley Brothers
There's some nice smooth, soulful tunes in here, along with some real funky jams and big hits. I really like the funky psychedelic space guitars.
Dec 08 2022
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The Psychedelic Sounds of the 13th Floor Elevators
The 13th Floor Elevators
I like a lot of this. I'd never heard of this band before so this is a genuine little hidden gem. They have a lot of elements from similar 60's bands, like the jangly guitars, bluesy riffs and vocals... some surf in there. It's kind of the Doors meet the Rolling Stones, with a bit of Dick Dale thrown in, or sitting somewhere in that space. The jug was pretty interesting at first, but jeez do they use a lot of it! It would have been better used sparingly I think. Still.... Groovy!
As a side note, the first song was SO familiar and I knew I'd heard it in a film I knew well - turns out it's the start of High Fidelity, apt!
Dec 09 2022
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Jean-Michel Jarre
It is the distant future. The year TWO THOUSAND.
Jean Michell Jarre has invited you to a strange alien landscape. He invites you to sit awhile, while strange noises and themes come at you. They come slowly, and deliberately, allowing you to explore them at your leisure. There's probably some weird alien fauna surrounding you. It's blue, and the sky is yellow, and there's a strange alien breeze whisping about your feet and running over your toes. Somewhere you hear a distant shore.
You're calm and laid back, exploring this world in no real hurry. JMJ is taking his time. He's exploring the space himself, just like you. A look of serenity is on his face. He looks over at you and nods approvingly. Am I in a dream right now? Am I dead? Why am I surrounded by purple clouds? Have we transcended into another spiritual realm?
No. It's all over now. That was interesting, and I've enjoyed this moment in time.
Dec 12 2022
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Different Class
I've always been a fan of Pulp, but rarely ventured into their albums as a whole. Clearly, I'm an idiot. This album is brilliant, and plays so well front to back, especially as so many of the songs tie into one whole, throwing up themes of class, resentment, and general depravity. I love the cover with this in mind. I also didn't realise how brilliant the lyrics were on some of these songs. Kicking off right away with Mis-shapes, it's superb, and really pointed.
Jarvis Cocker is such a brilliant front-man. I really wish I were rich enough to hire him to just follow me around and read things for me in his overtly sexual perv-voice. Imagine him listing off a recipe while you cook.. "Add in two grams of... salted butter... and stir... vigorously... while you ladle over... ladle over the beef dripping, and STIR"
So many big, sing-along classics here. And even if you didn't have the rest, this album has Common People on.... I mean come on... it's an absolute stone-cold classic. What a song.
It's a big five from me.
Dec 13 2022
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David Bowie
There's some quite engaging and upbeat tracks in here, compared to some of this other stuff. The musical tracks feel pretentious and I'm not into them.
Dec 14 2022
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Clube Da Esquina
Milton Nascimento
It's very nice.
Dec 15 2022
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Kick Out The Jams (Live)
I quite like the jams they're kicking out here.
Dec 16 2022
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James Brown Live At The Apollo
James Brown
What a character! What a presence! What funky jams! What soulful ballads!
Dec 19 2022
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Crowded House
Bit of a mixed bag. It starts off really bad. It's just a bit boring, and the lyrics are terrible. But there's some nice songs in here like Fall at Your Feet and Four Seasons in One Day, and Weather With You is a good tune too. Overall, it's just a bit mediocre / soft / middle of the road I think.
Dec 20 2022
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Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots
The Flaming Lips
It started off ok, and it has a few songs in there that stand out a bit, but I don't really like his vocals, and plenty of the album just comes across as a bit soft and wanky.
Dec 21 2022
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In The Wee Small Hours
Frank Sinatra
He's got a great voice, and it's got some nice smooth songs in there. It all blends into one a bit though with some very samey songs, and it's just all so slow and sad.
Dec 22 2022
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The Last Of The True Believers
Nanci Griffith
I don't like country, and I'll never listen to this again, but it was easy enough to have on in the background.
Dec 23 2022
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Buenas Noches From A Lonely Room
Dwight Yoakam
I don't like country. I'm sure it's a fine example of the genre, but that genre is awful.
Dec 26 2022
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A Christmas Gift For You From Phil Spector
Various Artists
Some great songs on here, I'll definitely make sure this album works its way into the Christmas rotation.
Dec 27 2022
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Black Holes and Revelations
I think this is probably the last great Muse album for me. From here they did some good songs still, but the band as it exists now is so far removed from the one I was really into.
This album though is solid front to back. I really, really like the fact that they're unafraid of going as big as possible. Massive sounds, big riffs, interesting instrumentation and lots of fist pumping stadium bangers, highlighted best with the ridiculously epic Knights of Cydonia.
Dec 28 2022
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Rubber Soul
It's a great album with some real stand-out all-time songs. In My Life is possibly my favourite Beatles song. The content and lyricism is just superb. Deceptively simple, but so expressive and effective.
Dec 29 2022
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I don't like it, it's really annoying.
Dec 30 2022
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I really love the sound of Garbage. I'm sure a lot of that is down to the fact that a lot of the band are music production nerds and have carried it across to the band. The guitars are droney and interesting, and I really love the big sound they generate. Then you have a bit of trip-hop flavour seeping in there, and Shirley's vocals on top.
I like the album as a whole, but there's some real stand-out tracks in here. I particularly love both Queer and Milk. Great stuff.
Jan 02 2023
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Live And Dangerous
Thin Lizzy
This album is an absolute banger. I'd only really listened to Jailbreak before, but I'm definitely checking out more Thin Lizzy albums now. So many big, big tunes in here. Massacre is fucking great! Jailbreak is a tune! Emerald is utterly badass!
All the guitars are awesome. The squealing guitar solos are SO my jam. Phil Lynott's vocals are iconic.
Do I want it to lose a star for not being fully live...? No, I enjoyed it way too much for that.
A great discovery, this.
Jan 03 2023
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Le Tigre
Le Tigre
I'm not a fan. There's a few interesting tracks in there, and some others that sit in the 'not bad' category, but there's also a lot that are just very noisy and screechy.
Jan 04 2023
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The Roots
I'm not really a fan of most hip hop, and that's still the same here, but there are some good tracks. I like the more upbeat tracks like 'Thought @ Work' which has some old-skool funky beats in it, 'The Seed (2.0)' and 'Rhymes and Ammo'. There's some interesting variation across the board.
Jan 05 2023
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I like some of their bigger, bombastic hits, but a lot of this isn't hitting for me. It's alright. I was quite surprised at some of the slower, piano-based songs, so at least there's that. 2.5 / 5
Jan 06 2023
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Manu Chao
Ehh... it's ok. It doesn't move me in any way though.
Jan 09 2023
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Hunky Dory
David Bowie
I do appreciate the opportunity to go through Bowie's albums as a whole, because you get a much better understanding oh his back catalogue and get to stumble across some hidden gems beyond the greatest hits. This album has got some nice tunes in, and is way more consistent than some of his other albums.
Life on Mars remains an absolute classic and is the stand-out, with Queen Bitch coming in a close second.
3.5 / 5 rounded down
Jan 10 2023
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I like a lot about this. It's quite a bold debut, pulling together lots of different elements. I already knew there were some good songs on here, like Human Behaviour, Big Time Sensuality, and definitely Play Dead, but there's a lot of other good songs on here too. I really like 'There Is More to Life Than This' and 'Come to Me' too.
Jan 11 2023
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C'est Chic
Some good upbeat songs on here. Some nice chilled grooves otherwise and some little hidden gems. I really like Happy Man.
Jan 12 2023
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Two Chic albums in two days! I liked the first one, but this one is just a bit too disco for me.
Jan 13 2023
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(What's The Story) Morning Glory
I was never really into Oasis as a kid. I always said Blur were the more varied and interesting and maybe dismissed Oasis as a bit one-note, but I realise that's not really true. Maybe when you look at their career as a whole, but there's a lot of variation in here.
Production is really good. I'm hearing a lot of bits I hadn't really heard before, with some really interesting harmonies and background tracks. The riffs are really good. The song-writing itself is super strong, and there's a lot of big, big tracks on here. The hit ratio across the whole album is massive, and this is undeniably a classic, magic album.
So why am I not giving it five stars? I guess because despite all the above it still doesn't quite connect with me enough. I don't think I would ever choose to actively listen to this despite really appreciating it.
Jan 16 2023
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Screaming Trees
Quite nice this. I like his voice. It seems pretty solid all the way through. I'll have to check out their other albums, as I hadn't really heard of these guys before.
Jan 17 2023
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The Boatman's Call
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
I like his voice, and some of the musical bits and melodies are nice, but it's just so sombre. There's a few standout tracks, but the whole album certainly didn't fly by, let's say that.
Jan 18 2023
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Duck Rock
Malcolm McLaren
I mean... it's interesting... there's lots going on here. I'm not really on-board with this wild ride, but I appreciate it's out there somewhere and people are jamming with it.
Jan 19 2023
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Parsley, Sage, Rosemary And Thyme
Simon & Garfunkel
Very nice. Very soft, but some lovely songs on here.
Jan 20 2023
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He's got some good rhymes, but I'm not big into hip hop and it's very samey the whole way through. The score came down the more I listened.
2.5 rounded down to 2.
Jan 23 2023
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Nilsson Schmilsson
Harry Nilsson
This is a really random album. It started off as a 2/5.. it was very delicate and I was finding it hard to engage with a lot of it. But then you have Without You, which is a sudden weird burst of passion and energy, then you have that followed by the quirky and upbeat Coconut. And from there you have some genuine stand-outs. Jump Into the Fire has some jams, and I'll never leave you is really interesting and weird and quite heartfelt. Harps and everything, violins. I really like it.
So there's actually loads of variation across this whole album. It's a real mishmash.
Jan 24 2023
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This is definitely my jam, and it really is a classic album. There's a lot of big hits in here, but the whole album is solid. Lots of interesting jams and production. Definitely one of the big trip-hop albums / touchpoints. 'Roads' takes the best song award - what an emotional punch that has.
Jan 25 2023
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PJ Harvey
It's alright.
Jan 26 2023
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Fun House
The Stooges
I like the first song a lot. It's got a lot of manic guitar energy, and driving jams. The middle and end felt like it dragged a bit to be honest, and was just a bit too loud and brash.
(It's a really clever album cover. I had no idea about the face until I saw the deluxe album cover turned the other way around)
Jan 27 2023
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Simon & Garfunkel
Again, as with their last album I reviewed, it's mostly very gentle and folky. But once again, there's some really nice songs in here.
Jan 30 2023
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Larks' Tongues In Aspic
King Crimson
I really hate prog rock. I get the impression they think they're way more clever than they actually are. They're just farting about and making random noises. It's utterly tedious. There's a bit of nice violin in there which always gets my attention, and some nice piano and musical bits AT TIMES. That's where my 1 star is going. But it's like a feeble ray of light shining on a giant cloud of guff, which can't quite penetrate it and break free.
Jan 31 2023
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Chirping Crickets
Buddy Holly & The Crickets
It's a really nice time, lovely jangly guitars, nice harmonies, some great toe-tapping beats in there. Lots of very short songs so it's over and done in no time at all - perfect to get in and out and have a perfectly enjoyable time in-between.
Feb 01 2023
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It seems to me like nothing much at all is happening in this album. I'm nearly at the end and I'm not sure I've really heard a single fully-fledged riff or some kind of theme. It's just... a bunch of stuff happening. Or maybe it's so boring and nothing that it's washed over me without me even realising it.
Feb 02 2023
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The Notorious Byrd Brothers
The Byrds
It's quite nice for the most part, but very gentle, and it didn't really grab me. I don't know why so many bands of the era felt compelled to add in random, tedious instrumental tracks with weird sounds. It's not big and it's not clever.
Feb 03 2023
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Sound Affects
The Jam
I like a lot of this. Nice music and grooves, good musicality, really good production. I like Paul Weller's vocals and style. The general content and attitude. "But I'm different now" is my standout, it's really upbeat with driving rhythms.
Feb 06 2023
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Hybrid Theory
Linkin Park
I was 17 when these guys exploded onto the scene, and I couldn't have been MORE the target audience. Those were some formative years and these guys were part of my identity almost. I played this CD so much it's permanently engraved on my brain, to the extent I could probably not listen to it for another 50 years but still somehow remember all the lyrics.
I'm aware that the nostalgia factor has woven its way firmly into my rating, but I think if I heard it for the first time today... I think I'd still be on-board. I'd definitely have some heavy eyerolls at some of the overly-dramatic lyrics. I can't go on! The face inside! Paranoia! Pain! However, I think I'd still massively appreciate how many brilliant hooks and singalong choruses are in here. You can't deny how great some of these songs are.
To me these guys hitting when they did, it was lightning in a bottle. Everything came together, riding the nu-metal wave, Chester's raw vocals, Mike Shinoda's rapping, the heavy riffs, the soaring choruses. I love it. What a debut.
Feb 07 2023
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Born In The U.S.A.
Bruce Springsteen
Sorry Boss. I'm not really into it in general. It feels way too broad rock n roll and I just don't think it's for me for the most part. 'No Surrender' has got something about it and 'Dancing in the Dark' is a real air-punching tune.
Feb 08 2023
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Rhythm Nation 1814
Janet Jackson
The 80's always feels like it's dated the worst out of any decade by far. A lot of this just doesn't work for me at all because it feels like it's from a different world. The music itself just feels so soulless. Maybe if I were wearing some mad, garish shellsuit or something then it would help me tap into this energy. I got about halfway through - I'm very certain it wasn't going to change direction. 2/5 because it was inoffensive enough and didn't actively irritate me. What a recommendation!!
Feb 09 2023
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Daydream Nation
Sonic Youth
My experience with Sonic Youth before listening to this was that I liked a bunch of their songs, but that the majority of their work was unrelenting shoegazey noise. I had some hopes after the first track 'Teen Age Riot' - It's got a real groove and energy to it. The rest of the album doesn't hold up to it though. There's a lot of general meandering and extended takes. I do like a bit of distorted guitar and shoegaze at times, but it gets more and more oppressive the longer it goes on, and this is a long album. I end up feeling completely drained by the end of it.
Feb 10 2023
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69 Love Songs
The Magnetic Fields
I wonder how many people have actually listened to the whole thing?
I was fully expecting this to be quite irritating when I first turned it on, but, I don't know... it sounds quite nice. There's some nice songs on here and there's some interesting variation. It's obviously way way too long of course and there's tons of filler. I listened to the first disc before giving up. I get the idea.
Feb 13 2023
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Daft Punk
I totally understand some people finding this really grating, with tons of repetitiveness throughout, but damn some of these beats are good. I've had some solid head-bopping going on here. It is really long though and there's plenty of tracks that don't cut it. Overall, generally happy with this.
Feb 14 2023
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Carole King
This is real nice. Lovely songs, really solid instrumentation, good singing. There's not a single track that feels out of place, they're all consistently good across the board. I'll definitely listen to this again. It wouldn't be a common go-to, but it'd work wonders at a dinner party or something, but also as a good rotation option for when I'm in the mood.
Feb 15 2023
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My Life In The Bush Of Ghosts
Brian Eno
I was fully expecting to dislike this based on the overview and genre, but it's remarkably listenable for the most part. It's definitely avant-garde, but doesn't feel pretentious in the same way similar albums do. At least, again, for the most part. There's clear musical melodies and themes here. I wouldn't really come back to it, but I quite liked it overall.
Feb 16 2023
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School's Out
Alice Cooper
My first Alice Cooper album I got on here I met with a raised eyebrow - until I realised that it was actually really good, and there was a lot more going on with it than I thought there would be. So I was actually really looking forward to getting stuck into this one.
This one is really varied. There's some great songs on here, and it's hard to place it in any one genre. Alma Mater as an example sounds like a Beatles song, and you wouldn't expect quite so much brass either. I'd say a few of the middle songs lag a bit, but it's still very listenable overall. I like a lot in here. I really like the songs with lots going on instrumentally, including brass, piano and violin.
Bring on more Alice Cooper!
Feb 17 2023
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Born To Be With You
The very first note of this is a typical country-twang note... siiiiigh.... but hey wait, it's not country, and this actually sounds quite nice. The second song is nice too. In fact these are all really nice songs. He's got a nice voice, it's all quite heartfelt and there's some nice melodies and interesting ideas here. Real easy listening.
It's consistently good all the way through. While it's not 100% my thing, the fact that there's 20 songs and not a single bad one is some achievement.
3.5/5 rounded up to 4
Feb 20 2023
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Never Mind The Bollocks, Here’s The Sex Pistols
Sex Pistols
This is a really good album. Catchy songs. Lots of driving rhythms. Some iconic bangers in here. And lots of energy and oomph in general.
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Feb 21 2023
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Let It Bleed
The Rolling Stones
It's a nice album, but it's definitely a contrast between the two big hits, and the rest of the album that meanders along.
Feb 22 2023
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Hounds Of Love
Kate Bush
This is a really bold album. The tracks are so strange in places, with tons of variation is music and tone. It's not a typical singer-songwriter approach at all. Overall I found it interesting.
Feb 23 2023
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The Afghan Whigs
Nothing has really stood out at all across the whole album. It all seems to have melded into one giant murky thing, with no particular standout riffs or moments, and no real changes in tone or mood.
It's completely ordinary. I'm not getting a lot from it.
Feb 24 2023
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Machine Head
Deep Purple
Solidly good all the way through. There's some killer tracks on here. Highway Star is an absolute beast of a song \m/
There's some great guitar work on here, but I also particularly love the keys too. They seemed to fall out of favour at some point.
Feb 27 2023
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Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
There's some great songs on here, the first three or four in particular. It's weird, in that I don't think I'd ever properly heard this one all the way through before. There's definitely a lot more expansive stuff on here compared to other Beatle's records, but I personally think there's a lot of misses in here too. There's also some stuff I actively dislike as well. I'm not digging 'Within You Without You' at all (sorry George).
Feb 28 2023
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Def Leppard
This is quite easy-ish listening. A bit of general toe tapping and head nodding going on. But this kind of 80's rock just feels a bit empty for the most part, devoid of any real depth of feeling. There are some standout tracks in here that I dig, including 'Love Bites'.
Mar 01 2023
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Can't Buy A Thrill
Steely Dan
It's quite nice. It's not exactly exciting though. Very soft.
Mar 02 2023
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Dub Housing
Pere Ubu
Fucking hell. I'm 30 seconds in, and I'm already wondering how the hell I'm going to endure this whole album. What the fuck is this 'singing'?
Ok, two songs down, it's picked up a bit... to the point where it's not utterly grating. Let's wait and see...
Track 4 checking in... this whole album is just weird, and I'm not really along for the ride. I don't find it particularly charming or interesting, just weird. I can't help but think about the recording process. What's going through their heads? Are they embarrassed when they're just spurting hysterical gibberish into a microphone?
Track 7... not far off the finish line now... close, but OH so far. Who the hell voted this into a compilation of greatest albums? What are people getting out of this? Christ.
Final song. Come on. Let's limp over the finish line. Please. I'm a pretty upbeat guy, but this whole album has made me wish for death's sweet embrace.
Ok. I'm done. It's over. I'm going for a lie down.
Mar 03 2023
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Elvis Presley
Elvis Presley
It's quite easy-listening I guess, but it feels a bit anaemic. If you take away the force that is Elvis and his whole persona and fame, and just listen to it fresh on its own merits, I don't think there's that much there to really get excited about. I appreciate I'm saying this from the year 2023 of course.
Mar 06 2023
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The Slim Shady LP
When I was a kid I printed out the lyrics to 'Guilty Conscience' and learnt it with a mate of mine, taking a part each. My parents found the lyric sheet and freaked out, which I thought was a bit over the top, but looking back now I'm not fucking surprised! I think the main thing I find re-visiting this album now as an adult is just how immature the whole thing is. And needlessly 'edgy'.
That said there are some good tunes in here. The production is really good, and all the samples and sound effects work well. And yes, I did rap along to Guilty Conscience with full gusto when it came on, regardless.
Mar 07 2023
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Five Leaves Left
Nick Drake
He's got a lovely voice. A bunch of tracks on here I really like. There's a real melancholic undercurrent with the whole album. I can see a lot of influence on later albums like like Beck's 'Sea Change'. There's also some interesting musical arrangements in here that I dig.
It's mostly quite nice, but I feel like a lot of it bleeds together as one. I think this is more of a selective listen with a few individual tracks for me rather than listening to the whole thing in one go.
Mar 08 2023
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Grizzly Bear
This album is incredibly boring. It's far too floaty, nothing, indie-wank for me. Nothing stands out at all.
Mar 09 2023
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This Year's Model
Elvis Costello & The Attractions
It's alright. It's definitely better than the other Elvis Costello album I had. The songs in general are at least quite musical and have something about them. 'Pump it Up' is probably the stand out.
Mar 10 2023
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Arthur (Or the Decline and Fall of the British Empire)
The Kinks
Victoooooooria! Victoooooooria! Victoria. Victoria.
I love the Kinks. I've always loved their songs, but their back-catalogue was always a bit intimidating, so I never really ventured into it beyond the (admittedly still quite large selection of) greatest hits. So thank you 1001 albums generator for making me do just that!
There's lots of really good songs in here, with tons of personality and charm. Everything is top class - songwriting, musicality, instrumentation, the sheer variation on display.
I am loving the brass on here! I'm loving how upbeat it is! I am loving the extended instrumental moments! I'm loving the boldness, the chucking lots of different ideas at it, the range of instrumentation! The different styles! The lyrical content!
They're just an all-round class act.
Mar 13 2023
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Gang Of Four
I got quite a long way into this before I even realised that it had been playing. It was just kind of moving along in the background. Its alright, it's in no way exciting though. It all feels a bit one-note, with very little ambition.
Mar 14 2023
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I Never Loved a Man the Way I Love You
Aretha Franklin
It's a really nice time. She has such a lovely soulful voice (I mean, obviously).
Mar 15 2023
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Rum Sodomy & The Lash
The Pogues
It's an interesting album. I love the storytelling in these kinds of songs. There's also some great tunes in here. Sally MacLennane, what an upbeat toe tapper that one is. I much prefer that kind of thing over the slower songs.
Ps: What a great album cover. Very renaissance.
Mar 16 2023
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Happy Sad
Tim Buckley
Wow what a voice! This is way better than I was expecting from the cover. I love the vibraphone throughout the album, especially on the opening track, and the general mood through the album is nice.
There's lots of really interesting instrumentation throughout the whole album. Gypsy Woman is over-indulgent and a bit annoying, but it's still got some interesting instrumentation and rhythms going on in it.
I'm going to go 3.5 / 5, rounded up.
Mar 17 2023
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Blood On The Tracks
Bob Dylan
I think, objectively, this is a good album. The songs all have some passion and energy to them, they're well crafted, and the melodies are nice. I'm generally not a fan of Bob Dylan, but I did have quite a nice time with this one. He needs to give his harmonica a fucking rest sometimes though.
Mar 20 2023
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You've Come a Long Way Baby
Fatboy Slim
Yes boy! Some sick beats in here. Lovely bass, really working my headphones.
A lot of it IS very repetitive, but it's still a head-boppin' good time. What I appreciate about a lot of these songs is that they're a real, real happy time. Standing in the sunshine with friends, pint of cider in your hand, feeling the good vibes kind of songs.
Mar 21 2023
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Africa Brasil
Jorge Ben Jor
It's a nice listen. Lots of funky, upbeat jams and cool instrumentation, and he has a nice voice to boot. It's not my usual listen, but I appreciate it.
Mar 22 2023
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Sly & The Family Stone
It's alright, but it's not really for me. I thought there'd be more standout tracks, but a lot of it feels quite repetitive. Some of the longer jamming moments feel pretty tedious.
Mar 23 2023
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Ragged Glory
Neil Young & Crazy Horse
It's fine. It has some nice guitar work and is pretty competently made in general, but it's definitely not exciting and nearly all the tracks go on for way too long. You could easily lose 2-3 minutes of generic jamming off of nearly every track. It wore on me more and more as it went on - it's just all a bit generic and samey.
Mar 24 2023
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Time (The Revelator)
Gillian Welch
I was fully prepared to downvote this because 'Country', but there's some really lovely soft songs in here in places and I had a nice time with it in general.
Mar 27 2023
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Court And Spark
Joni Mitchell
It's perfectly nice.
Mar 28 2023
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The Human League
This isn't even bad 80's, it's completely boring 80's. Don't You Want Me is of course the only exception.
Mar 29 2023
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Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
Elton John
It's a very solid album, and a really good listen. Once again, I appreciate this project giving me the opportunity to dive into back-catalogues and discover an artist's work in a more cohesive way.
There's a lot of brilliant standout tracks on here. The start in particular is really strong. I love the opening with the synths and real upbeat rocking out bits. Candle in the wind is superb. Obviously Goodbye Yellow Brick Road is a real sing-along. "I've Seen that movie too" really worked for me. I'm not digging ALL of the songs, but that said even the ones I'm not massively into are still really solid.
Mar 30 2023
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It's not working for me, it just kind of sits in the background. There's not really any fully defined songs - it's more like different experimental soundscape phases. That's not bad in itself, it's just that those soundscapes have nothing much to them.
Ps: The album name and cover are terrible. Who signed that off?
Mar 31 2023
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Paul's Boutique
Beastie Boys
It's pretty upbeat and funky. I'm liking the beats and sampling going on. Overall I liked it.
Apr 03 2023
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Red Headed Stranger
Willie Nelson
This is my second Willie album, and he's shown me once again that Country can be genuinely great if done right. This guy just seems like such a class act. Once again, really lovely songs on here. His voice is liquid honey.
Apr 04 2023
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Live At Leeds
The Who
I do like the Who, but I'm not massively feeling this live album. They do have a good energy about them, but, as with seemingly everyone else on here, I am puzzled by its inclusion. I'd much rather hear the studio songs.
Apr 05 2023
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Tuesday Night Music Club
Sheryl Crow
It's not really my thing. I don't particularly dig it, but it's nice enough.
Apr 06 2023
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The Slider
T. Rex
It's pretty groovy, I quite enjoyed it.
Apr 07 2023
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New Wave
The Auteurs
I liked the opening song. After that a lot of it all felt quite soft, generic indie that didn't really grab me. He's got quite a weak singing style that doesn't work for me. Maybe it'd be improved with a more dynamic or interesting singing style?
2.5/5 rounded down.
Apr 19 2023
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Joni Mitchell
I found this really boring. I fundamentally don't like the song structures or compositions on any of these tracks. She effectively sing-talks over all the tracks, and each track is SO dense with lyrics, it's just incessant. She doesn't allow any of it to just breathe, or introduce any interesting hooks or melodies. She should have just written a book of poetry or something.
Apr 20 2023
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From Elvis In Memphis
Elvis Presley
It's a nice listen all the way through. I actually came to like it the more I listened. Plenty of toe-tapping tunes, nice production, nice instrumentation, backing vocals and so on. Once again, I love the brass, and I love the violins. Suspicious Minds remains an all-time classic, but I've also saved a bunch of other tracks too including Long Black Limousine, I'm Movin' On, Power of My Love and Gentle on My Mind.
Apr 21 2023
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Opus Dei
This is a very oppressive album. I quite like how weird it is, with the rhythmic drums, layered synths, guitars and trumpets. It definitely has a unique atmosphere to it, it's just a real slog. Very repetitive and very hard going.
Apr 24 2023
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Physical Graffiti
Led Zeppelin
It's not the best Led Zep album, and it's definitely overlong I think. That said there's some good standout tracks, and the rest of the album is generally pretty solid. Contrary to a lot of people, I actually think I prefer the second half more. I like a lot of the chilled songs, and I think there's some real nice grooves going on. Across the whole album I found a decent amount of songs quite generic though.
3.5 rounded down.
Apr 25 2023
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Fela Kuti
The first two tracks were quite nice. Pretty upbeat and interesting instrumentation, but I was absolutely done after 20 minutes. It got more of a slog as it went on. The third and fourth tracks I didn't like at all.
Apr 26 2023
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In Rainbows
I remember being underwhelmed with this album when I first heard it, and wrote off 'latter years Radiohead' in general, but actually it's been really nice to re-visit this. First off I think the production on this is sublime. There's so many interesting layers to the songs, lots of variation in tempo and style, and just a very consistent mood sitting underneath the whole thing. It's definitely a whole album experience, I don't think I would dip into any of these songs individually from here.
Apr 27 2023
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Blood Sugar Sex Magik
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Overall this is a really well produced album. Musically I think they're really strong and sound super tight. The drums and guitars are all solid. There's some interesting rhythmic things happening throughout. I agree with another reviewer that I really like the jamming moments and wish there were more of those / they were extended. Like I said, they play well together and those bits are great (found in songs like 'Sir Psycho Sexy').
On the other side I'm not a big fan of the general rapping and musical style for most of the songs, and it's also a long album. RHCP remain a band that I really like a number of songs from, but who I'm not that interested in overall. Under the Bridge remains a stone-cold classic.
Apr 28 2023
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Emperor Tomato Ketchup
It's quite nice. Easy going but with some interesting things going on.
May 01 2023
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Green Day
I was an Offspring kid around this whole era, and I never got to listening to much of Green Day or this classic album, despite the fact that Basket Case was on constant rotation on MTV2 / Kerrang TV.
I really enjoyed this. It's really upbeat and toe-tappingly good all the way through. I really like Welcome to Paradise - this was one of the songs I did know, but it's nice to re-connect with it. Plenty of other good songs in here including, of course, Basket Case. Re-listening now on headphones I noticed lots of new little details like the additional harmonies that work really well. Overall a well made, fun, good-time album.
Music aside, this is also an awesome album cover.
May 02 2023
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(Pronounced 'Leh-'Nérd 'Skin-'Nérd)
Lynyrd Skynyrd
I really like the vibe of this album. Plenty of nice tracks, good song writing, nice instrumentation. Free Bird is obviously a stone-cold classic, but I really liked Tuesday's Gone as well.
3.5/5 rounded up.
May 03 2023
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A Girl Called Dusty
Dusty Springfield
There's a lot of really nice songs on here, but I realised they're all covers, so a lot of that is simply down to the power of the song writing. She's a good singer though, of course. It's a perfectly nice time overall.
May 04 2023
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Yet another album where I knew a bunch of songs, liked them quite a lot, and had never listened to the album as a whole.
Kicking off with So Young, what a way to open an album! And then straight into Animal Nitrate, wowzers. This album is upbeat and rocking in a few areas, but there's also a lot of really lovely songs with floaty guitars and really nice melodies. I like his vocal, it's quite ethereal and I think it works well with the songs.
I'll be re-visiting this again, but have also added a few additional songs to my liked list, including 'Breakdown'.
May 05 2023
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Figure 8
Elliott Smith
There's some really nice song-writing in here. A lot of the album kind of floated by, but there are some good standout tracks. I particularly liked 'Junk Bond Trader' and 'Stupidity Tries'. I really like the instrumentation and his vocals.
May 08 2023
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I'd never really listened to this album before despite hearing various songs here and there. There's some nice songs in here though. It's also a lot more chilled than I realised. There's a lot of interesting floaty guitar tracks running through it. Sparks is really nice, I really love the mood on that track. Other standouts for me are Don't Panic and Trouble.
Ps: I really like the album cover. Very simple but impactful.
May 09 2023
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The La's
The La's
I'm finding it hard to tie this band and sound down. A lot of it sounds like it's straight out of the 60's. 'There She Goes' is an obvious example. 'I Can't Sleep' sounds just like the Kinks, but other tracks feel like they have lots of other touchpoints from that era. It doesn't feel 90's to me at all.
It's fine in parts, but most of the album isn't really grabbing me. A lot of it really drags. It certainly doesn't feel essential.
May 10 2023
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Songs Of Leonard Cohen
Leonard Cohen
I do like a decent amount of this. I really like the interesting layers of guitars, and the quite complex picking that serves as an undercurrent for most of this album.
It's just very dense. There's lots of storytelling and lots and lots of lyrical content, and after a while it gets a bit samey.
The standout for me is 'So Long, Marianne' (which I'd already had as a favourite before listening to this album). It's got a really nice driving rhythm to it, but most importantly it's just way more direct in terms of the song writing and message. It's feels more heartfelt and is just a really well written pop song.
May 11 2023
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Born To Run
Bruce Springsteen
This is the second Springsteen album I've had now, and another that I just haven't connected with on any level beyond one song.
I'm reading a lot of people raving about Thunder Road. It feels like it should be an air-punching good time but it's evoking absolutely nothing in me. I don't really like his voice, or particularly the way he sings. It feels like he's tuned into a completely different energy to me. I get why people might like him, but christ, it's not for me. And just to pick out one track in particular to shit on: Backstreets is fucking terrible, my word.
May 12 2023
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The Blueprint
This was better than I was expecting after the first track. It's still not my scene, but there's plenty to appreciate. The production is really what makes the album for me, which is pretty consistently interesting and well done across the board. Girls Girls Girls works well, as does Hola' Hovito.
I'm not a fan of the lyrical content or his rapping style particularly. "U Don't Know" in particular is terrible. Ah you've got so much money and you're so great and brilliant and untouchable. Good for you.
May 15 2023
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The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan
Bob Dylan
Uh man, this album is just a drag. It wore me down into the ground. And give the harmonica a fucking rest man! It's not big and it's not clever.
May 16 2023
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London Calling
The Clash
I enjoyed this overall, despite it being not massively my scene. Having only heard 'London Calling' before, and knowing they were a punk band, I was really impressed by the variation on display here. There's genuinely lots of different styles and the songs all stand apart from one another. The second half is better in my opinion. I think I would enjoy it more with more listens too, so that's why I'm going to go.... 4 stars!
May 17 2023
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Tanto Tempo
Bebel Gilberto
It's very pretty. Lovely singing, really nice delicate instrumentation, but with lots of interesting layers. Some of these songs are definitely entering the rotation on my various 'chill' mixes.
May 18 2023
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Let Love Rule
Lenny Kravitz
From all the negative reviews I thought this'd be terrible, but it's really pretty decent all the way through. The songs are pretty varied, there's nice instrumentation across the board, and it's sang well with plenty of character.
May 19 2023
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Dire Straits
Dire Straits
I let out a groan when I saw the album, because ugh... Dire Straits! I realise now that I had a bit of an irrational prejudice against them, based on very little data. They just generally blended in amongst a whole bunch of other similar bands who I couldn't possibly get on with. But hey, now I'm over that, this is a nice album! A solid 3 stars.
May 22 2023
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Michael Jackson
My overriding memory of this album is from listening to it as a (roughly) 6-7 year old. My brother had it on cassette, and I remember us playing it while jumping up and down on our beds together. Fun times!
A lot of these songs do sound dated now, but you can't deny MJ is a really talented song-writer. There's some great songs on here and the hit ratio is really high.
3.5 / 5 rounded down.
May 23 2023
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At Mister Kelly's
Sarah Vaughan
The whole album is nice. Really smooth tunes, relaxed vibe, and of course she has an incredible voice. I bet this was amazing watching live. However I found it a bit much all in one go and found it a bit samey by the end.
May 24 2023
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This album is terrible. The opening track 'Pretty Hurts' doesn't prepare you for what's to come, because that's actually not bad - but from there it just descends into boring nothingness. It only picks up slightly towards the end with the last few tracks, where they start to resemble actual songs.
I know this sounds pretentious, but at least with other albums I don't like I can at least see why others might like them, or even appreciate how they're made. I don't get any of that with this. The beats are basic and stripped back, the content is completely shallow and nothing, and it's irritating to listen to. Bewildering.
May 25 2023
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At San Quentin
Johnny Cash
It's not massively my jam but this is a really good live album, with lots of great audience interaction and lots of energy. What a character.
May 26 2023
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The Man Machine
I'm not on-board with their weird shit.
May 29 2023
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Dusty In Memphis
Dusty Springfield
This is a lovely album. It's real smooth and chilled. I love her voice, I love the instrumentation and melodies, and it's just a real nice time overall.
May 30 2023
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Surrealistic Pillow
Jefferson Airplane
It's fine. It's ok. There's some standout tracks, but a lot of other tracks feel quite low-key and a bit boring. It's not the most exciting album in the world. White Rabbit is a hell of a track.
2.5 rounded up.
May 31 2023
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Fever To Tell
Yeah Yeah Yeahs
This is a big and noisy record, with plenty of punky, chaotic energy. It sounds quite rough around the edges, and in production, but I think that works in its favour. I like Karen O and the anarchic energy she brings to it.
There's a lot of hits, but also a lot of weird tracks that you need to tune into to really appreciate I think. For me I tended to like the singles on the album, and found a lot of the rest a bit hard to get into.
Best tracks: Date with the Night, Pin, Maps, Y Control.
Jun 01 2023
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Duran Duran
Even though I would never choose to listen to this album from here, I had a pretty good time with it overall, and I appreciate having an opportunity to check out different genre's that I wouldn't have otherwise touched.
There's quite a few tracks on here that I liked. I like how upbeat My Way is. Songs like Save a Prayer and The Chauffeur are really good. Rio is just a bit much for me, I've heard it too many times at various family discos and whatnot.
A solid 3/5
Jun 02 2023
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Disraeli Gears
It's alright. Kind of floaty and jangly. I like the playing on this, but not so sure about the main vocals. It sounds like he's being gently haunted by a ghost throughout. "ooOooo a ghhooOOooost"
Jun 05 2023
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All Things Must Pass
George Harrison
George really did have a great career post-Beatles. This is a really good album, with a lot of standout tunes on it. My Sweet Lord is probably the main one, but there's a lot of others in there across a generally solid album overall. I like the guy's style.
Some of the mixes do sound quite strange with the vocal mixed way back, but they're still carried by the songs. Musically it's very good. You might switch off before all the extended jams at the end, but they don't really detract from what went before.
Jun 06 2023
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There's some really good tracks on here, including some real classics. I'd never listened to this album as a whole before now, and I don't think I'm missing much at all by only hearing the singles/hits before. It has a good energy across some songs, but there's also quite a lot of weird tracks and general filler it feels like.
Jun 07 2023
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Apocalypse 91… The Enemy Strikes Black
Public Enemy
Public Enemy Number 1! Public Enemy Number 1! Kna what I'm sayin? Yeah Chuck!
I like how aggressive their rapping style is on a lot of songs, and I like a bunch of their beats. A lot of other tracks are really upbeat and quite funky. Overall the album is solid, with no real dips in quality.
Standout tracks: Nighttain, By the Time I Get To Arizona, Move! And of course... Bring Tha Noize - Tony Hawk reprazent!
3.5 rounded up
Jun 08 2023
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The Idiot
Iggy Pop
This is absolutely dreadful, I'm not a fan at all, and I love a lot of other Iggy Pop songs! But this is so subdued and grubby sounding, with a really low mix and zero energy. It's utterly depressing and a chore to get through. It sounds like he's singing it while sat half-drunk on the sofa or something. There's nothing dynamic or attention grabbing here, it's just a constant dirge.
Jun 09 2023
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Histoire De Melody Nelson
Serge Gainsbourg
This is what this whole 1001 greatest albums process is all about. Completely left-field choice, something I'd never even heard of before, a concept album in a different language - and it's a real, genuine hidden gem.
What an atmosphere this album has. It's quite dark and dangerous and sexy and seductive. The music and production is incredible. I love the violins, the sudden explosion of drums, that deep driving bass. Very very good. I've given it about 3-4 listens now, and it'll definitely be one I go back to a fair bit. There's something really compelling about this.
Album 192 and I've finally found my first 5 star album from an artist who was completely unknown to me beforehand - thank you!
Jun 12 2023
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Bryter Layter
Nick Drake
It's real nice musically, even if it's not massively my thing. I find his voice a bit floaty and too nice, which sounds like a weird criticism. I guess I just prefer something with a bit more bite, and this is just very pleasant and lovely.
Jun 13 2023
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Hard Again
Muddy Waters
It's not really my jam, but it's got a good energy to it in general. The guitar and keys are nice. Too many of the songs just sound the same to me though, it's so formulaic. Also, if there's one thing this 1001 process has taught me, I find the harmonica really, really irritating.
Jun 14 2023
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It's Blitz!
Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Zero is a tune. It's a great energetic way to start the album. I knew that song well before listening, and also knew 'Heads Will Roll' which is also good. The energy and vibe changes a bit beyond this, but it's generally solid, with some standout tracks sprinkled in. 'Runaway' is great, it's got a real depth and atmosphere to it.
3.5 rounded up. And side note: It's a great album cover!
Jun 15 2023
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The Rising
Bruce Springsteen
Boooooring. I don't want to check how many Bruce Springsteen albums are in this list, because I suspect it might make me cry. Please, I implore you, no more Springsteen. I don't get on with it at all. It's just so bland and middle of the road, man. The lyrics are absolutely dreadful. And why are there 15 tracks? Why?
I will however give a shout out to the track 'World's Apart' which has something about it.
Jun 16 2023
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Toys In The Attic
It's very solid across the whole album. Nice guitar work, nice singing, nice tunes in general. There's some standouts of course - Sweet Emotion is always going to be up there. Walk This Way is a classic. I really like 'No More No More', there's some great guitar and keys on that.
I'm glad I gave this a second listen, because I didn't give it enough focus first time around. It holds up well with the second play-through, and I'll listen to it more from here for sure.
Jun 19 2023
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All Mod Cons
The Jam
I'm not getting lots out of this. I still get why people do, and I like the energy of it, but it's a middling 3 for me. My favourite track (David Watts) is a Kinks cover, although I do also like Down in the Tube Station at Midnight.
Jun 20 2023
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The Wall
Pink Floyd
My third Pink Floyd album, and this one finally hits!
Considering there's so many tracks, there's surprisingly few that are just ok. This album is also interesting, in that their more experimental bits I'm really on-board with, whereas that definitely wasn't the case on some of their other albums.
I love the whole concept album approach, the way the tracks repeat and are re-worked, and how it all plays out in one big sweeping thing. It's way more expansive than I was expecting.
There's a real epic feel to some of these tracks, but I also like some of the drama on this too, like 'One Of My Turns'. It's really interesting. The standout element though has to be the guitar playing. A lot of the guitar work in this album is genuinely amazing. Comfortably Numb is such a fucking tune, oh my god. His guitar tone is like liquid honey.
I'm going to go 4.5 rounded.... up! I admire the ambition.
Jun 21 2023
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I'm not a fan - It picks up a bit once you get past the bloated, boring first track, but it's still not good. I don't really like his voice. Some of the guitars are quite nice, but still the songs aren't grabbing me at all.
Jun 22 2023
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Dance Mania
Tito Puente
It's a real nice, fun happy time. Really great instrumentation and playing. It's all top-notch and I appreciate it, it's just not massively my scene.
Jun 23 2023
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Back to Mystery City
Hanoi Rocks
I thought it was going to be rubbish 80's glam based on the cover, and the first few 1 star reviews on here... but I really liked this! They've got something about them. They have a real manic energy, with tons of personality and attitude. Nice rocking guitars and rock vocals. Plenty of 'waows' in there and so on. Good stuff!
Jun 26 2023
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Let's Stay Together
Al Green
Let's Stay Together is a tune. The rest of the album is a nice time overall.
Jun 27 2023
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Oracular Spectacular
It's overall pretty good. Time to Pretend is a brilliant track, and Kids is also really good. There's a reason why they were the two main singles. The rest is kind of a nice time for the most part but I didn't find it massively exciting. Of Moons, Birds and Monsters was the other standout for me.
Jun 28 2023
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My only exposure to this before now, was that the track "Shutdown" was in the Tony Hark remaster, and was always an instant skip the second it came on. Blah blah blah, shutdown! Blat blat blat and shutdown! Did some tings and shutdown!
Fam, I'm not a fan of grime. It's boring and repetitive, you get me fam? Also the actual content is just dreadful fam. It's dreadful fam!
Some of the beats and production are good though, I'll give him that.
Jun 29 2023
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White Light
Gene Clark
Well this has happened before... kick straight off with a country twang and a prominent harmonica... "Ugh... kindly fuck off please". But wait... actually it's not too bad. In fact it's really nice and chilled and I'm enjoying it very much. I don't often go in for this kind of folk music, but these are some smooth vocals and the whole vibe is incredibly mellow.
Thanks again 1001 for making me confront my various musical prejudices! It's nice, real nice.
3.5 rounded up.
Jun 30 2023
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Ghostface Killah
This is actually really good, and pretty consistent throughout. For someone who doesn't really listen to hip-hop, there's a lot to like here. The beats and production are really solid throughout. There's a lot of variation here too, with some real driving and funky beats. The Champ is siiiick, what a tune.
Jul 03 2023
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Either Or
Elliott Smith
It's a nice album. Quite chilled and soft. I like his style, but also feel like it tailed off in the second half a bit.
Jul 04 2023
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Michael Jackson
It's a good album, and consistently good too. Thriller is a massive, massive tune, going straight into Beat It (wowzers!) then THAT goes straight into Billie Jean (hooo lordy!). What a 3-track run. Overall it's a solid 4 stars.
Jul 05 2023
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A Wizard, A True Star
Todd Rundgren
Well this is really weird. I'm not really with this. The cover definitely reflects in the music. Like he's just dropped a load of acid and is exploring this mad world via weird ditties and sounds..
But then there's some genuine songs in there in the second half that work well, particularly the more soulful ones found on the likes of 'Medley'.
I kind of appreciate that he's done something interesting, and I admire the variation, but too much of it is just weird, and there's not enough to latch onto.
Jul 06 2023
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Bee Gees
It's all very soft and breezy for the most part, but there's nothing really standing out, and it IS a bit weird. I'm usually a sucker for a violin undercurrent, but this was just a bit bland overall. Especially when you compare it against some of their other bigger (ballad-type) hits - these just can't hold a candle to them. I can't say I'm a fan.
Marley Purt Drive was nice though.
Jul 07 2023
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Slippery When Wet
Bon Jovi
I used to listen to Bon Jovi back in the day as a kid and thought they were awesome. Listening back now a lot of this stuff seems so bombastic and cheesy. Just his voice alone is so exaggerated, "YeeeEEAaaH, huhh!" *rock riff*
They DO do the bombastic, woah woah hair metal thing effectively and well though, and there is plenty to like, with lots of great hooks, choruses and riffs. I think people can be too elitist about some of this stuff. I mean, come on, Livin' on a Prayer is superb. I don't care if people are sneering at me while I'm punching the air, I'm having a good time!
Jul 10 2023
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Led Zeppelin III
Led Zeppelin
What a way to kick off the album eh? Straight into Immigrant Song - whollop! And then this follows with a bunch of great tracks all in a row. Just very good rock, interesting instrumentation, style. They're a great band.
I think the second half tails off a bit, but I do like some of the more folky type songs and they're still good overall. It's a shame I really don't like the last song, because it leaves a bit of a sour note.
Jul 11 2023
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Reggatta De Blanc
The Police
I came to this album thinking, "I really don't like the Police, they're shit", and I'm glad I got the opportunity to give it a listen now, because it confirmed my suspicion. I was right, they're shit.
Jul 12 2023
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A Walk Across The Rooftops
The Blue Nile
This album is more interesting to me than it is exciting. It's not my scene, but I kind of appreciate what they're doing with it. The actual musicality and skill are there, and I admire the amount of different ideas and experimentation they've thrown at it. There's some interesting things happening with the instruments, with brass, violins, weird kind of soundscapes, synth... It's just a bit floaty and unassuming for me.
Jul 13 2023
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Forever Changes
Alone Again Or is such a great song. I love the Spanish guitar, the brass, the orchestral movements in it. What a great opener.
The rest of the album feels reeeeally 60's hippy / psychedelia. There's a few standout tracks with some interesting things going on, but it's mostly quite soft and floaty.
Jul 14 2023
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The Wildest!
Louis Prima
I love this guy's energy. It's a real good time, with some FAT trumpet.
I'm Baloo in that moment in the Jungle Book where he can't help but be taken by the music. I'm gone man, solid gone.
Jul 17 2023
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I like the intro. There's some funky beats in there man. It's a shame the rest of the album doesn't hold up to that. There's still some nice things going on, but it's just not my thing and lots of it sounds generic.
Jul 18 2023
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A Hard Day's Night
This whole album is full of real nice, catchy songs, all just brilliantly crafted.
Jul 19 2023
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Honky Tonk Heroes
Waylon Jennings
This feels like country in the classic-mould, twangy, sincere, well shucks country. It's a genre I can never identify with, I just don't get it. So much of it is so derivative, and tends to stick within extremely close parameters. This one certainly isn't pushing any boundaries, but it's competent enough. There are some songs that are actively irritating to me, but 1 star would feel harsh I think.
Jul 20 2023
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It's weird that some of my favourite ever bands have shoegazey elements to them, but outright shoegaze I really struggle with for the most part. It really just grinds me down and down, and I find it so dreary and depressing. This album holds mostly true to that, but also just seems really samey and goes on and on. There's nothing here that stands out.
Jul 21 2023
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Sunshine Superman
It's very gentle, 60's hippy-folk. It all feels quite painfully sincere and nice. It's not necessarily bad, it's just quite boring in my opinion.
Jul 24 2023
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Heaven Or Las Vegas
Cocteau Twins
It's a quite nice floaty-sounding album. It wasn't what I was expecting at all. I think I had these guys confused with another band who were a bit more hard-hitting. I can't say this is particularly exciting. They kind of sound like a softer, less-interesting Roxette or something.
2.5 rounded up.
Jul 25 2023
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Catch A Fire
Bob Marley & The Wailers
It's a nice easy listen this album. I was expecting it to drag on, but I had a pleasant time with it. A lot of reggae is so formulaic and samey, but I don't want to dismiss this on those grounds because it's pretty solid throughout.
Aug 03 2023
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Scott 2
Scott Walker
I'm honestly not sure what to make of this - it's quite nice in places - there's a kind of performative, theatrical element to it. There's some nice instrumental bits, with sweeping violins and things. The first song is certainly something - It's very grandiose. There's plenty of other meandering songs though that are hard to latch onto, and a lot of other songs that are just really slow and drag. Overall it's just... a bit weird? Hard to digest as a pop album?
I like the ambition, but it's not for me.
Aug 04 2023
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Amy Winehouse
This is really nice. She has such a strong singing voice and sense of self for a debut at such a young age. I like the songs and style. It's very cool.
Aug 07 2023
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I'm not really into this genre and style of music, but it's quite a nice time.
Aug 08 2023
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American Idiot
Green Day
I think the hit rate on this is pretty damn good. It's fairly consistent across the board too. Really upbeat, nice catchy songs. I always thought of Green Day as super quick, pop-punky songs, but there's plenty of longer ones on here too that still work well.
Aug 09 2023
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Tom Tom Club
Tom Tom Club
It's all a bit weird and silly and shit.
Aug 10 2023
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Da Capo
I wasn't into it that much. 'Orange Skies' is quite pleasant. The rest of the normal length tracks were just ok. I was actually dreading that last 19 minute long track. It was just sat there taunting me. "It's almost 100% likely that I'm going to be an over-indulgent wank-fest" it said. However... that was actually the track I dug the most. It changed this from a 2.5 rounded down, to a more favourable 2.5 rounded up!
Aug 11 2023
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Suzanne Vega
Suzanne Vega
It's very nice and is consistently good across the album. I like the mood of it. It's not massively engaging, just kind of soft and pleasant.
3.5 rounded down
Aug 14 2023
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Liquid Swords
I'm not into it. I like the kung-fu elements, but I'm not feeling the beats or rapping at all really. They don't feel particularly innovative or interesting.
Aug 15 2023
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The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill
Lauryn Hill
This album is a bit of a mixed bag for me. I much prefer the more soulful / singing songs to the rest, which I'm not big on. I actively dislike all the backing uh, uh, uh's - yo, yo, yo stuff that are littered throughout the whole thing. I think it actually undermines some of the nicer songs. Overall, it's alright, it's easy enough to listen to.
Aug 16 2023
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Teenage Head
Flamin' Groovies
Everyone naturally compares them to the Stones which is fair enough. They are very similar, but they do it very well. It's a good album - I like their flamin' grooves!
Aug 17 2023
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Robert Wyatt
I'm glad that this project gives me the chance to discover these kinds of albums. I would have avoided this like the plague based on the description, but this one mostly works for me. Yes it's experimental, and it's a bit of a concept album, and it is weird and non-conforming... but he achieves a cohesive mood throughout the whole thing that I'm on-board with. There's some nice floaty songs in here... a little bit melancholic at times... and sure, there's quite a lot of meandering bits in there too, and some odd moments, but it holds true to the vision of the album and works overall for me.
3.5 rounded up.
Aug 18 2023
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Close To You
Is it a bit too gentle and nice? Maybe. Will I revisit it again? No. Is it a perfectly lovely time in general? More or less.
Aug 21 2023
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Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness
The Smashing Pumpkins
On my review of Siamese Dream I said it was mad that the Pumpkins got lumped in as 'grunge', and how I thought they were way more interesting than a lot of other bands at the time. Mellon Collie only further exemplifies that point, because this album totally blows those guys out of the water. How many other bands of the time had this range and breadth of songs? This level of mad ambition? This insanely prolific level of creativity? Even their (many) B-sides from this era were so good and could have easily appeared on this album, or walked onto any other album of the time.
Am I biased? ....Yes. I came to this project with Mellon Collie as my favourite album of all time. I have the t-shirt, the record mat, the original pressing vinyl that I spent an absurdly large amount of money on. This album, to me, is perfect. I love it deeply on a very personal level. It means an awful lot to me, and I think it always will.
So with that said, I'll try and leave some notes with fresh ears...
I think what's funny, re-listening to this critically through the 1001 lens, I totally get why people might find it a bit bloated. If I listened to it for the first time I would undoubtedly be blown away by a lot of these songs, but I think I would likely dismiss a number of them too. Overall though, I do love the way this album ebbs and flows, and has various moods working through it. I like how some of the weirder songs punctuate that too. I love how grandiose the whole thing is. And that extends to the cover and the whole package. It's beautiful.
Sonically it's so good. The drums really struck me this time around, as they explode into life in Tonight, Tonight. There's so many sounds, instruments and vocals layered brilliantly throughout the whole thing. The work that Flood and Alan Moulder did can't be underestimated in that respect.
This album does things to me that I struggle to explain. Listening to something like 1979 - I love it SO much. It's transcendental. It evokes something in me that makes me so happy. As a nearly 40 year old man, I find myself losing more and more individual fandoms, but it's so satisfying to know that I can put this on and still be so moved by it.
I came here with the plan of hopefully beating this album and finding my new favourite. I haven't yet, and likely won't. After all, how do you top something that has so much nostalgic and sentimental value? Something that was there for me in some of my most formative years, and has stayed a constant in my life since? I will hold out hope though, because if Mellon Collie can be toppled, it'll need to be by an album that's very special indeed.
Aug 22 2023
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Lady Soul
Aretha Franklin
It's real nice. "Ain't No Way" wins the best track award, which is a lovely soulful ballad.
Aug 23 2023
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Master Of Puppets
There was some decent headbanging going on during particularly gnarly moments, and some decent foot tapping too. They're really tight as a band, with some great musicianship, but it's just relentless.
Aug 29 2023
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Sheer Heart Attack
I didn't discover this album via this project, but it has been a recent discovery nonetheless. I joined a vinyl subscription club during the first covid lockdown, and this was in one of my monthly bundles. I have to admit I was massively disappointed when I opened it. Queen are just so bombastic, and while I like a bunch of their songs, they're not really go-to listens. Or so I thought...!
This album is fantastic, and I've listened to it a ton since then. Brighton Rock is a mental opener. It was one of those cases playing the vinyl where you immediately take it off and play it on the different speed setting because it sounds like a chipmunk singing... only to realise it was correct in the first place!
So many other great songs, with lots of variation and playfulness. Big glam hits. Really catchy, great guitars and melodies. TONS of personality. I love the way the tracks merge and sit alongside each other. I particularly love the segueing of Tenement Funster into Flick of the Wrist, which then eases beautifully into Lily of the Valley. Flick of the Wrist is an absolute beast, and definite favourite on the album for me. I can't help but sing along. Killer Queen is obviously another big hit, but Now I'm Here and Misfire are other real standouts.
I think this is a brilliant album. And for me it's a real left-field choice. I just think it fires on pretty much every level.
As a fun aside, the actual track 'Sheer Heart Attack' didn't make it onto this album, but instead went on 'News of the World'. However, that is also a tune!
Aug 30 2023
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Club Classics Vol. One
Soul II Soul
This is ok, just ok. And by that, I mean it's ok as background music only. It doesn't really have much substance. It has that kind of 'nothing' feeling to it that a lot of 80's music does. It's not offensive.
Aug 31 2023
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Bayou Country
Creedence Clearwater Revival
I like a lot of Creedence songs. I feel like this album doesn't reflect their best work, but it's still pretty good. Graveyard Train was the only real down note and was a real slog at over 8 minutes. The album beyond that was nice and groovy. Proud Mary is obviously pretty iconic.
Sep 01 2023
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Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables
Dead Kennedys
I don't like it, it's just so chaotic and noisy.
Sep 04 2023
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The xx
I really like the intro to this - it's a really nice way into the album and sets up the tone. Sadly I don't think the rest of the album really delivers on that early promise though.
I do like the atmosphere on some of these tracks, but the songs are just waaay stripped back and I'm not really digging that. I do usually really like bands where they have a girl and guy playing off each other, but less so here. The vocals are so breathy, and it feels a bit wanky indie to me. It doesn't have a ton of substance and I was a bit bored by the end.
2.5 rounded down.
Sep 05 2023
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Off The Wall
Michael Jackson
There's some big hits in here. The album in general is pretty nice, but it's not setting the world alight for me.
Sep 06 2023
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Murder Ballads
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
This album has got such a sense of style and mood to it. From the cover alone the tone is set, and the album really carries that promise through the whole thing.
I'd had 'Where the Wild Roses Grow' on my main playlist for years, but this was another classic case of not delving into the album as a whole. I think I did once, but maybe got unstuck after the first song, which frustratingly is a bit of a slog.
It picks up a lot from there. Stagger Lee has some real bite, and that's followed by Henry Lee which is a lovely duet. Outside of those, I thought The Kindness of Strangers was also one of the better individual tracks.
O'Malley's Bar threatens to derail it as it's SUCH a long samey song again, but it's then finished off with Death Is Not the End which is a great closer.
As an album and overall piece of art I think it's very good.
Sep 07 2023
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Rid Of Me
PJ Harvey
It's pretty raw and grungy. I don't find it particularly compelling. It's alright.
Sep 08 2023
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Emergency On Planet Earth
This album is funky as fuck. The main thing for me here is the absolutely brilliant instrumentation. Smooooth bass, funky psychedelic space keys, violin, sexy synth, trumpet!
There's tons of great songs on here, but I also I love the extended musical interludes - really nice. And big shout out to the mixing on this record - it's top notch.
I find the other commentary on here around appropriation so boring, if we're talking solely about the music of course. Are you not allowed to have influences anymore? Get over yourselves. You're a white British man JK, stay in your fucking lane. You should be more like someone like George Formby, play ukulele and sing some innocuous song about cleaning windows or something. Oh wait, the ukulele was from Portuguese origin and popularised in Hawaii... but... that's appropriation too! Is it too late to cancel George Formby? He's a monster!
Rant aside... great album!
Sep 11 2023
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The Black Keys
There's some nice songs in here, and the album as a whole is pretty solid. I like their phat guitar tones in particular. I just think some of their other albums are a bit more exciting.
3.5 rounded down
Sep 12 2023
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Tea for the Tillerman
Cat Stevens
I'm not sure what I really want to say about this other than it's just really lovely. Lots of nice songs, quite delicate in its approach, and kept nice and short. As the songs are all well crafted and presented there's no bloat at all.
3.5 rounded down
Sep 13 2023
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Straight Outta Compton
Yep, this is misogynistic as fuck, and that's obviously a mark against it. Looking beyond that there's some good tracks on here - quite an array of different sounding tracks - you can tell the influence of the 80's scene coming into the 90's. I quite like how aggressive something like 'Fuck Tha Police' is. If It Ain't Ruff is good. Express Yourself is a tune.
Sep 14 2023
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A Love Supreme
John Coltrane
The first track is boooooooring. The only positive being that it got me looking up some Mighty Boosh skits on YouTube. "No-one listens to jazz. Science teachers and the mentally ill, that's all jazz is for." - "You hate jazz? You fear jazz!"
I'd say it picks up from there a bit, and it's not quite as chaotic. There's some smoother stuff later on with the last track.
2.5 rounded down
Sep 15 2023
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The whole album is kind of lo-fi. It doesn't have a huge amount of bite to it in general. Is it just mixed a bit weird? Everything seems so far back and just a bit bleh. It's not grabbing me at all, sorry.
You do get a sense of Chrissie Hynde as a personality, and she seems to have a bit of attitude which comes across. Brass in Pocket is about the only stand-out track. 'Stop Your Sobbing' was done way better by the Kinks.
I'm not going to fall-out of love with the Pretenders as a result of this, as 2000 Miles remains my favourite Christmas song and I'll be singing along to that with gusto come December (probably November).
Sep 18 2023
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The World is a Ghetto
It's quite a nice time. It's pretty funky in places, pretty atmospheric in others, and well made in general. It's not really something that kept my attention though, and the reality is a lot of it just sat in the background. But it was pretty nice background music.
Sep 19 2023
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The Köln Concert
Keith Jarrett
It started off real nice, then it started to get a bit tedious after a while. I didn't even really like it as background music.
2.5/5 rounded down
Sep 20 2023
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The Visitors
This is a good album on the whole. These guys really know how to write a song, with plenty of catchy tracks on here. I like the driving rhythm on a lot of songs. Especially towards the start of the album, I was tapping my foot a decent amount. There's some good synths in here, some nice piano and violins, and generally pretty good production. There's also a bit of atmosphere on a number of tracks.
It's not my usual go-to, but it's pretty good. I felt like the quality fell off a bit from about the half-way mark, but it's still quite solid.
3.5 rounded down.
Sep 21 2023
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Stevie Wonder
I love a bit of Stevie. This isn't his best, but it is a real nice, funky time. He obviously has great soul and presence, and a WONDERful voice. I really love the ballads most on this album, I think they're reeeal nice.
3.5 rounded down.
Sep 22 2023
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Every Picture Tells A Story
Rod Stewart
I'm sorry Rod, I just find this SO boring. It's way too boring, twangy, middle of the road rock n roll for me.
Sep 25 2023
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Fleetwood Mac
It's nice enough, but I'm 5 songs in and it's not really popped yet, it's just kind of floated along. Ok I'm now 8 songs in and it still hasn't - it's so stripped back and barely there. Surely this can't keep up for the whole album...? Ok I've finished it, and it kind of did. I'm not mad Fleetwood Mac, I'm just disappointed. You have some banging tunes, did you forget to put any on here?
The album cover is rubbish as well.
2.5 rounded down.
Sep 26 2023
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This is a really good album. I like the lo-fi beats across it, the strings, the piano, the melancholy / bittersweet feeling to a lot of the tracks. There's some good variation in there too, with some good upbeat tracks. It's really consistent across the board here, just very well done and great to listen to.
Sep 27 2023
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American IV: The Man Comes Around
Johnny Cash
There's some nice covers in here, alongside a few original songs. It's very soulful. Plenty of songs that are stripped way back, but mostly hit well. I really like the first track, that's great. Hurt is brilliant. First Time Ever I Saw Your Face is a standout, which has a real depth of feeling.
Sep 28 2023
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Hot Buttered Soul
Isaac Hayes
This is a real weird album, real hit and miss. The tracks are way too long and over-indulgent, and they start to get repetitive and grate after a while, especially when so much is instrumental.
The 18 minute track is 9 minutes of completely uninteresting talking, 9 minutes of great track that slowly builds into something with real energy.
One Woman was reeeeal nice - why couldn't they all be 5 minute tracks? I love all the instrumentation on here: keys, sweeping violins, wind instruments, chimes, backing chorus - and of course the big man's incredible voice. It's very dramatic and big and I love it.
On that note, I should say I'm reviewing this album without the single edits (so the original album). The single of Walk On By works SO much better. If they'd have trimmed the rest it would have improved this immensely.
Sep 29 2023
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Out of Step
Minor Threat
I grew up as an Offspring kid, and I am hearing SO much influence from this band, as I'm sure it influenced so many others. I do like the attitude and driving bass. There's just not really much variation and it's very samey. Thankfully it's short.
Oct 02 2023
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Licensed To Ill
Beastie Boys
I like a lot of Beastie Boys tracks, but damn man, so much of this is just irritating and repetitive. Some of the samples and beats are good. Fight For Your Right is a classic and I love it. No Sleep Till Brooklyn is good.
2.5 rounded up.
Oct 03 2023
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Highway 61 Revisited
Bob Dylan
This is my third Bob Dylan album now. My previous two reviews both resulted in me demanding for him to 'give his harmonica a fucking rest', and in this case... you know, he's used it JUST the right amount. And when he does use it, it seems to have some genuine personality and fit well within the songs. So well done, Bob Dylan, you come good.
I actually really enjoyed this, and I think it's a definite step above the other albums. Some songs are over-long, yes, but they're also just really good. Again, lots of personality here, and well written, interesting songs.
Oct 04 2023
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Meat Puppets II
Meat Puppets
I think this is pretty rubbish. The songs don't have much form to them at all, they're just kind of loose and chaotic. I don't like the singing at all. It's so whiny and weak and nothing. It's kind of telling that the best track is the instrumental one.
Oct 05 2023
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Gunfighter Ballads And Trail Songs
Marty Robbins
I like this. It's very nice, well sung, nice tales, gentle guitars. What a silky voice! I like all the "oooOOoo" backup vocals too.
3.5 rounded down
Oct 06 2023
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Pet Shop Boys
It's not bad this. More gentle than I thought it might be, but a few tracks hit a little bit harder and are more upbeat. I like Neil Tennant's voice.
Oct 09 2023
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Band On The Run
Paul McCartney and Wings
This just showcases that Paul McCartney is a really accomplished and interesting songwriter. I really like this album, there's tons of great songs, and lots of moods and tones running through it.
4.5 rounded down.
Oct 10 2023
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Kind Of Blue
Miles Davis
I'm a filthy millennial, so I'm clearly not educated enough to understand or conceptualise this properly. Kids these days just don't understand what the jazz is all about.
So now that my ignorant and stupid position is established... this is fine. You know, in a kind of reasonably nice, background, boring way. There's some nice trumpet in there. My thoughts on this may be more easily summarised with a slow head-nod and a lip sticking out, in a kind of 'not bad, but ultimately I don't really care' face.
2.5 rounded up.
Oct 11 2023
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Bringing It All Back Home
Bob Dylan
It's not bad - another middling Bob Dylan for me. I kind of appreciate him, but I'm definitely not a fan outside of a number of songs.
Subterranean Homesick Blues is great and the standout track. The rest are kind of just nice. He still has the habit of having waaay too many verses in a lot of his songs, but once again, at least the harmonica doesn't grate here.
Oct 12 2023
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Warehouse: Songs And Stories
Hüsker Dü
It's pretty good. It's quite upbeat. They kind of sound like a more energetic and slightly rockier REM. I don't think there's tons of variation across so many songs, but I didn't really mind, and it was a real easy-listening experience in general.
3.5 rounded down.
Oct 13 2023
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Since I Left You
The Avalanches
It's a bit weird, but there's some nice vibey tunes in here. All weird samples flowing into each other. Frontier Psychiatrist is brilliant and elevates the score a bit, but overall it's a bit mad and chaotic for me to revisit or to have as a go-to background chill mix.
Oct 16 2023
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David Bowie
I love David Bowie's back-catalogue of songs and hits, but this project has taught me that a lot of his albums are wildly inconsistent. This album however is actually consistent and good throughout. The context of the album definitely elevates it I think, making a concept album out of his looming death. A true artist to the end. It's bold, and artsy, and kind of wonderful.
Oct 17 2023
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The Cure
I like that there's a consistent mood on this. It's just that, for me, that mood is quite oppressive for most of the album. A lot of it is quite lo-fi, and there's not many stand-out songs that particularly grab me.
Oct 18 2023
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Signing Off
I don't really do reggae, but this is a super chill time.
Oct 19 2023
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Paul Simon
Paul Simon
It's real nice. Lovely song-writing. Good instrumentation. It's quite inventive and with varied songs.
Oct 20 2023
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The Velvet Underground & Nico
The Velvet Underground
I love the energy and vibe of this. A lot of it is pretty iconic. I like the vocals. I like the artiness. I love the droning violins, the weird jangly guitars, the heart-attack inducing, thumping drums. They add to this kind of weird oppressive atmosphere on it. Heroin, jeez what a stressful time, but it's so good. It's not their best album in my opinion (I prefer the more accessible Loaded) but it's still great.
Oct 23 2023
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The Band
The Band
Who could have guessed that a band named "The Band" would be incredibly boring and middle-of-the-road dad rock? I mean... it's alright. It's competent. It's just not exciting in any way shape or form.
2.5 rounded up
Oct 24 2023
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Queen II
It's such a weird, bold, arty album. It has some similar DNA to something like Sheer Heart Attack, but the songs aren't anywhere near as compelling or succinct. It's all a bit chaotic.
Oct 25 2023
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Raising Hell
It's got plenty of catchy songs, but also a bunch that are just quite samey. I really like the addition of rock guitars with rapping over the top. There's a lot of similarities with people like the Beastie Boys, only their voices aren't quite as grating. I wouldn't listen to the whole thing again, but there's definitely stand-outs that raise the bar overall.
Walk This Way is iconic. Tricky has tons of energy. I had flashbacks to SSX Tricky on PS2. Tricky Tricky Tricky Tricky!
Oct 26 2023
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Hunting High And Low
Take on Me is a belter of a tune!
Some of the other songs are a bit generic and ehh. Others pop (like The Sun Always Shines on T.V). Overall it's quite nice, but it's only Take on Me that's worth revisiting.
Oct 27 2023
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Done By The Forces Of Nature
Jungle Brothers
I quite like some of the older hip-hop stylings from this era. This one feels a bit underwhelming in terms of the beats though, and the mix is really murky. It feels like it should be way funkier. And it's way too long.
What "U" Waitin' "4"? is a good track, despite the MAD punctuation. Good Newz Comin' has something interesting going on. But it's not enough.
2.5 rounded down
Oct 30 2023
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Bat Out Of Hell
Meat Loaf
It's utterly bombastic from the off, and I kind of love that. It's unapologetic, leaning heavily into the grandiose rock opera thing. Lots of foot tapping happening across a lot of these songs, but there's a lovely ballad in 'Heaven Can Wait' too.
Oct 31 2023
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Here's Little Richard
Little Richard
This man has ENERGY. A lot of the songs sound very similar in the beats and delivery, but they're still great.
3.5 rounded down.
Nov 01 2023
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Live At The Regal
B.B. King
It's a nice time. Real upbeat and full of energy.
Nov 02 2023
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Exile In Guyville
Liz Phair
Sounds very 90's alt-singer-songwriter. I guess because it is. It's alright, but I'm not really into it that much.
Nov 03 2023
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I Want To See The Bright Lights Tonight
Richard Thompson
I feel like I say this about a lot of albums lately, but it's generally a nice time. It's not my go-to genre or type of music, but it's gentle and easy and well made.
Nov 06 2023
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Madman Across The Water
Elton John
I'm not really a massive Elton John fan. He does have a pretty great backlog of classics, but a lot of other songs feel quite similar to me, at least in a structural sense.
On this album I think that kind of holds true. Tiny Dancer is a great song. I (obviously) love the bit where it all kicks off, and you get all the strings coming in along with the piano and the rest of it. A lot of the other tracks are very well done, and are good in themselves, with plenty of decent hooks and melodies... it's just I started to lose a bit of interest after a while.
There's some really good experimentation and variety of instrumentation on this album though. Holiday Inn has some cracking mandolin playing through it for example. Other than that there's violins, keys (obviously) and even some soul backing vocals. So, overall good, just not entirely my jam all in one sitting.
3.5 rounded down.
Nov 07 2023
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Music in Exile
Songhoy Blues
I like this. Lots of driving energy throughout. Some of the guitars in this are greeeeat, both bass and jangly lead guitar.
I obviously have no idea what they're singing about, but they clearly have some serious lived experience to draw upon. I'm sure it's quite profound.
The more 'world' sounding tracks I didn't enjoy as much.
Nov 08 2023
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Not a fan of metal albums where it's just guttural screaming. The Brazilian influence in the music is interesting, and there's a few good heavy riffs, but... ehh.
Nov 09 2023
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Ritual De Lo Habitual
Jane's Addiction
Ehh. I'm not a fan. I like some of their singles, but a lot of this just melds together as one big noise, and a bunch of tracks also annoyed me.
Nov 10 2023
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Franz Ferdinand
Franz Ferdinand
I love the energy on this record. Lots of driving, catchy rhythms. There's some other interesting things going on instrumentally, with some nice organ keys and so on. Take Me Out is obviously a big hit. I'm definitely going to re-visit.
Nov 13 2023
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Neon Bible
Arcade Fire
There's so many great songs on here. I love the big sounds they create, with lots of layered instruments and backing vocals and so on.
Intervention is such a fucking tune, real power and building to SUCH a crescendo. Been working for the church while your life falls apart - DADAA DADAA DADAA!
4.5 rounded up.
Nov 14 2023
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Fear Of A Black Planet
Public Enemy
Much like the other album I had by these guys, I like it. There's good rhymes and beats and I really like the sampling. It's quite a noisy record, with lots and lots going on (which I like) but it's also 20 tracks so it's quite a lot in one sitting.
3.5 rounded down.
Nov 15 2023
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Beck is such a great musician. Everything he does is at least interesting.
This isn't his best album, but there's plenty of great songs on here. You have real upbeat numbers like E-Pro, which is a great kick-off for the album, via weird electronic robot songs like Hell Yes, and then a gorgeous ballad like Broken Drum. The music and instrumentation is so varied and interesting throughout.
Beck transcends genres even as he re-invents them, and I for one applaud that.
4.5 rounded down.
Nov 16 2023
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FKA twigs
Jesus Christ, it's so minimalist. It's like literally nothing is happening. There's some interesting sounds and backing bits that sound kind of sci-fi, but it's just so empty. I don't think any single song distinguishes itself as something separate from the rest. Just high breathy vocals over some basic minimalist beats on every single song.
It faded into the background easily enough for the most part, but that's hardly a winning endorsement now is it?
Nov 17 2023
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Djam Leelii
Baaba Maal
It's nice enough and made with enough skill, it's just not my thing at all.
Nov 20 2023
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The Clash
The Clash
Overall this is a pretty good package. There's lots of energy, and some great iconic songs. Some don't work for me, but being a punk album it's quite quick, gets in and out and does it's thing.
3.5 rounded up.
Nov 21 2023
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This may sound a bit cynical, but it feels a bit X-Factor-y for me. She's got a big voice, but it's like a lot of the songs are just a vehicle for her voice and not a lot more. I don't find the songs themselves that particularly interesting bar a few. It's ok overall.
Nov 22 2023
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Machine Gun Etiquette
The Damned
Fast-paced and snappy, with a decent energy and plenty of personality. It's pretty good. I feel like it picked up the more it went on. I'd have to be in the mood for it though.
3.5 rounded up.
Nov 23 2023
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Fisherman's Blues
The Waterboys
Well this was much better than I was expecting based on the cover and title. I like the singer... those are some real nice vocals. He doesn't sound like he should be singing in this kind of band, more like he should be in a rock/indie band or something. I like the mix of fiddles alongside the kind of upbeat rocky numbers. Some nice mandolin in there too.
It turns way more traditional towards the end of the first half, which is quite a nice way to end I think. The songs are very nice. They're very tight musically and it's all solid.
I was going to say it was way too long, until I realised the original album is just the effective first half of the special edition. That makes it a much more appetising package I think and means it doesn't outstay its welcome.
Nov 24 2023
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Mj Cole
A bit more interesting than I thought it was going to be based on the most popular reviews. There's at least a bit of inventiveness in there, with some interesting soundscapes and changes in mood and tempo at times. That said, it's still not good. UK Garage beats are all pretty much exactly the same. Some tracks are incredibly vacuous and irritating as hell. And it's SO long.
I almost gave up after 10 tracks, but then a few good tracks dropped. Incredibly frustrating that there's some good stuff in there, but that so much of it is just actively shit.
Nov 27 2023
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Little Simz
It's not really my thing, but it's put together well enough. Plenty of weird and wonderful instruments and sounds. I'm not a fan of the rapping style and content.
Nov 28 2023
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Led Zeppelin
Led Zeppelin
Lots of great songs on here, lots of experimentation with genre, lots of changes to tempo and style. Sprinkle on a ton of classic riffs, iconic vocals, big interesting guitars and you're looking pretty good!
4.5 rounded down.
Nov 29 2023
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Vanishing Point
Primal Scream
I like the chilled vibes of this. There's some interesting instrumentation and soundscapes in it, and the overall atmosphere is pretty nice.
3.5 rounded down.
Nov 30 2023
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New Gold Dream (81/82/83/84)
Simple Minds
I'm not really a fan. Most of it is sitting solely in the background and it's not grabbing or interesting me. There's some nice synths, but it's quite pared back. It's mostly forgettable.
Dec 01 2023
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Slanted And Enchanted
It's ok. It's quite murky and rough around the edges, and his vocals are definitely an acquired taste. There's enough variation on display and a few standout tracks, but I wouldn't revisit.
Dec 04 2023
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Natty Dread
Bob Marley & The Wailers
This is a well made enough record and I'm sure a fine example of the genre. It's just... reggae is so boring.
Dec 05 2023
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Cloud Nine
The Temptations
This is a nice record and it's well made, there's just something that's not quite taking it to the next level for me. Some bigger hooks and memorable choruses maybe. It feels a bit paint by numbers perhaps.
Dec 06 2023
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Green Onions
Booker T. & The MG's
It's interesting having a solely instrumental album for a change, and there's some nice songs in here... but it's a bit limited.
Dec 07 2023
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Janis Joplin
There's some good jams in here but I'm not massively keen overall. I know people love her voice, but for me it's just way too bombastic.
2.5 rounded up.
Dec 08 2023
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Good Old Boys
Randy Newman
People obviously find it hard to shake the Pixar thing, but there's some good songs in here, and some nice music. I got over it pretty quickly. I like the backing orchestral bits. Overall quite easy-going and it didn't outstay its welcome.
3.5 rounded down.
Dec 11 2023
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What an album! So many amazing tunes on here, my god! Debaser, Wave of Mutilation, Here Comes Your Man, Monkey Gone to Heaven, Hey..
They've got a bit of an anarchic edge to them. Lots of weird and wonderful compositions and approaches, but then just tons of catchy hooks and choruses as well. The combination of male and female vocals...
It works so well as an overall album.
Dec 12 2023
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The Atomic Mr Basie
Count Basie & His Orchestra
I'm enjoying this. Real big sound and tons of personality.
Dec 13 2023
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The Man Who
This is objectively a good album, with good standout songs, strong melodies, choruses and all the rest. It's quite soft and melancholic, and I understand that it's not everyone's cup of tea, but reading the top reviews on here it just reads like complete snobbishness. I guess it's just somehow cool to hate on it? Who knows? Fuck the haters, I like it.
Dec 14 2023
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Happy Mondays
I like the atmosphere on this. It's got a manic energy to it, and there's some interesting things going on musically. I like the psychedelic guitars. It's quite unique.
3.5 rounded down.
Dec 15 2023
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Winter In America
Gil Scott-Heron
It's quite a chill time. He's got a great voice. It's just a bit slow.
Dec 18 2023
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Seventeen Seconds
The Cure
I feel like The Cure are a band I should like, but I can never quite get into them. I quite like the vibe on this album. It's broody and a bit foreboding, with some interesting soundscapes to it. Once again, there's not really any standout songs, but as a whole it's quite consistent.
Dec 19 2023
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The Low End Theory
A Tribe Called Quest
It feels quite samey all the way through, but it's pretty listenable.
Dec 20 2023
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Anita Baker
Plenty of nice songs in here sung well. It's not something I'm massively into in general, but it's easy listening.
Dec 21 2023
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Solid Air
John Martyn
Oh this is nice. The music is complex and interesting, and there's lots of varied songs. Plenty of experimentation. I really like the acoustic playing, the vibraphone, the brass, the vocals. The musicality is absolutely on point.
4.5 rounded down.
Dec 22 2023
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Dear Science
TV On The Radio
I like the vibe on this for the most part. It's a bit frantic at times, but they're an interesting band and the songs have a lot of experimentation in them. Probably not one I'll re-visit, but there's some good songs on here.
3.5 rounded down.
Dec 25 2023
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The Number Of The Beast
Iron Maiden
Lots of really catchy tunes in here, and some utterly badass riffs. Loads of energy. This is great.
Dec 26 2023
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Van Halen
It's quite good. There's some good riffs and plenty of energy. Nice and short. Maybe a bit superficial? I don't know if that's a massive criticism as it is what it is, and it's not trying to be anything more than that. Just a bit of good fun that you can nod your head to.
Dec 27 2023
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So Much For The City
The Thrills
It's quite nice, but it's a bit indie-wank. It's the kind of music Zach Braff would put in one of his movies. All very floaty and quirky and inoffensive with breathy vocals on top. Crafted well enough but not exciting in the least.
2.5 rounded up.
Dec 28 2023
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L.A. Woman
The Doors
It's a bit hit and miss for me. I like a lot of the Doors hits, but there's lots here that's quite plodding and slow. I'm not really that excited by most of the album.
Love Her Madly and Riders on the Storm are the standouts for me.
Jan 04 2024
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Lost In The Dream
The War On Drugs
It's all a bit dad-rock, gentle fist pump while sipping a cup of tea for me. Since others have pointed out the drums thing, it's really bothering me. It must be the most dull band to play in as a drummer. Even though there's plenty of layers of sound to the whole thing it still somehow feels really anaemic. And it's just so bloody boring, christ.
Jan 05 2024
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Younger Than Yesterday
The Byrds
Overall it's a nice record. There's some interesting experimentation and some weird old sounds in here, but also some solid, well-crafted 60's tracks. Favourite tracks: Thoughts and Words and My Back Pages.
Jan 08 2024
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The Fat Of The Land
The Prodigy
I'd never really listened to this album all the way through before for some reason, despite loving 'Music for the Jilted Generation' as a kid. There's plenty of banging tracks outside of the big singles, although they don't all hit. In terms of quality and consistency I think someone like the Chemical Brothers were way better, but this is still decent and I'm pretty there for it.
3.5 rounded up.
Jan 09 2024
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The College Dropout
Kanye West
I didn't know anything about Kanye West before listening to this, apart from the fact that he did the 'gold digger' song, and that he's a flaming bellend in real life.
So I had no idea what to expect here. I was definitely expecting it to be way more obnoxious than it is, and I was under the impression that he was quite minimalist, but that's definitely not the case.
It's actually pretty impressive how varied and broad this is in scope. There's lots of different, interesting beats and samples, and the content is also more varied than I was expecting. It's incredibly well produced, and I hate to admit that this is good, but it is.
3.5 rounded down
Jan 10 2024
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Wild Wood
Paul Weller
It's a really nice album and well crafted. Very consistently good across all the songs. I really like the instrumentation and like his voice.
Jan 11 2024
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Bitches Brew
Miles Davis
"You hate jazz? You fear jazz! You fear the lack of rules. The lack of boundaries."
I mean, this is mostly nonsense isn't it? In my humble opinion, a lack of any kind of cohesive structure makes for a dull and un-engaging listen, especially if you spread it into a long-form piece. I didn't hate it like I have some other albums, but I have to judge it based on how well it moved and involved me, and that answer is not at all. It sat in the background well enough, and I adopted a face of mild bemusement for the most part while listening to it.
Jazz isn't big, and it isn't clever.
Jan 12 2024
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Ananda Shankar
Ananda Shankar
I groaned so loudly when I saw this pop up, but actually it's nice. I like the covers on here unlike some others, particularly Jumpin' Jack Flash. I like all the weird spacey sounds. I'm not sure about the extended 13 minute track, but overall it's a really chill album.
Jan 15 2024
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That's The Way Of The World
Earth, Wind & Fire
I had a nice happy time listening to this. Straight down the middle, good vibes.
Jan 16 2024
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The Age Of The Understatement
The Last Shadow Puppets
I would usually expect to go for something like this. Something with some moodiness to it, and with plenty of extravagances with the violins and brass and so on. But... it's just fine. I don't quite click with Alex Turner, either here or with the Arctic Monkeys. The songs just seem a bit superficial and lacking somehow despite all the nice instruments on top. They ultimately don't excite me at all.
2.5 rounded up.
Jan 17 2024
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Speakerboxxx/The Love Below
It's pretty varied, upbeat, funky, lots of layers and grooves. Well produced. But boy is it loooong. And the second half isn't as good as the first in my opinion. I appreciate this one way more than I like it.
Jan 18 2024
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k.d. lang
It's pleasant.
Jan 19 2024
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Germfree Adolescents
X-Ray Spex
I'm not usually into punk, because it's just so noisy and discordant, but as an example of the genre I think this is decent. There's some good grooves and riffs running through this, and it clearly has a lot of typical punk energy. It's way groovier and more musical than other punk albums, with the addition of the sax in particular.
3.5 rounded up.
Jan 22 2024
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Aladdin Sane
David Bowie
Top-tier Bowie. I love how generally dramatic and big the whole album is. Watch That Man is such a great opener. I love the elaborate twinkly keys across a lot of the album, definitely in songs like Aladdin Sane but then particularly in Lady Grinning Soul. That song is soooo good and elevates the whole thing.
Jan 23 2024
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The Police
The Police, to me, put out really soft, insipid, uninspired, nothing music. It's not dreadful, but it's just so, so weak.
1.5 rounded up.
Jan 24 2024
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Destiny's Child
I recognise all the hits, but I'm not into them. It is hilarious how you have a bunch of female empowering songs, followed immediately by a song slut shaming someone and telling them to put more clothes on. Hmm.
It's a 'meh' for me overall, with one or two tracks that elevate it a bit. I can't relate to most of it and it doesn't really move or inspire me in any way. 'Happy Face' is probably the best and most interesting track for me, and that is by far the least listened to song on the album according to Spotify, go figure. I guess I'm really not the target demographic!
2.5 rounded down.
Jan 25 2024
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Urban Hymns
The Verve
It's a good album overall. There's some really well crafted indie pop songs, and some particular standouts (basically the singles!). The longer form, meandering songs I'm not as big a fan of.
3.5 rounded up.
Jan 26 2024
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NEU! 75
This is more interesting to me than it is something I actively enjoy. It starts off quite chill, with some interesting soundscapes mixed in and then it builds into this kind of relentlessly upbeat thing, which all feels a bit samey and repetitive. I think I would enjoy the songs more individually, but a whole album in one go is a bit much.
2.5 rounded up.
Jan 29 2024
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British Steel
Judas Priest
I quite like this, but it's not one I'll revisit. Breaking the Law is a real head-banging tune.
Jan 30 2024
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The Rolling Stones
There's some great tracks on here, but there's also a lot of generic filler. I don't think it really recovered after the rubbish 11 minute track smack bang in the middle of the album. Who thought that was a good idea? It completely kills all the momentum. The mix is really low and strange for much of the record too.
A generous 3/5
Jan 31 2024
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Don't Come Home A Drinkin' (With Lovin' On Your Mind)
Loretta Lynn
Good country or bad country? Bad country. How does a 28 minute album manage to feel like an eternity? It's so, so dull.
Feb 01 2024
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Goodbye And Hello
Tim Buckley
I didn't like this as much as the other album I had of his. It's still quite nice overall. He still has an incredible voice, and the instrumentation is still on-point for the most part. I'm not really into the whole 60's hippy folk-singing scene. To the person who mentioned it sounding like a renaissance fair.. I can't quite shake that, and yes those songs in that vein did grate a bit. Pleasant Street was real nice, that's the standout for sure.
2.5 rounded up.
Feb 02 2024
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I've enjoyed this, but I have to be honest that it mostly sat in the background. I looked up and it had practically finished. So it's good, but obviously not gripping enough to push the score up further.
Feb 05 2024
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Fear Of Music
Talking Heads
Thanks to this 1001 albums project, I've come to learn that I really don't like 'Post Punk', so at least I could come into this album preparing for the worst.
And yes, it still holds! I just think it's way too weird, and it does absolutely nothing for me for the most part. I don't like his singing style at all. He's either singing with some kind of mania, or just mumbling and farting about. I thought I would hate this more though. There's a few upbeat tracks that work well, but that's about it.
Feb 06 2024
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Rock 'N Soul
Solomon Burke
It's real nice. He's got a lovely voice. Smooooth.
3.5 rounded down.
Feb 07 2024
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Raw Like Sushi
Neneh Cherry
This is bad in the classical 80's way. It just sounds so dated.
The bits where she's singing definitely work better. There's some more upbeat numbers that are quite good, but overall it's just dated and feels hollow like so many other 80's mainstream pop albums.
Feb 08 2024
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In It For The Money
I watched their 2023 Glasto set, and realised they're one of those bands where you know way more of their songs than you thought you did. There's plenty in here which were pleasant reminders of that.
I think this is overall a good album. I love the trumpet on the opener. And then really, to be honest, when it's at its best it's with the singles and bigger hits. I thought it tailed off a bit in the last third or so.
There's some great songs in here though. Great melodies, happy singalong times. I may revisit the album, but it'll mostly be putting the bigger tracks into playlist rotation.
Feb 09 2024
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Axis: Bold As Love
Jimi Hendrix
It's alright. Jimi knows how to play, but it's not speaking to me. It's quite stop start, and the songs are quite chaotic. There's not enough flow for me, and not enough to latch onto.
Feb 12 2024
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Once again, I think Blur do disappoint a bit on the album front. You're kicking off with a classic in Beetlebum, and the other singles on the album are great too, but outside of those it's a bit meandering. I do admire them switching things up a bit and trying different things creatively, but there's not enough outside of the big hitters.
Feb 13 2024
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Sufjan Stevens
It started off so promising with the opening tracks, but I'm sad to say it fell off and I ended up bored by the end. There's lots to appreciate here - the big concept album approach, tons of varied instruments, lots of interesting songs, good lyrics.
It's way too long for me though. The songs are all quite soft, and touching on the twee for some of them, and it's just too much. There's still some good tracks throughout, but it mostly feels like one big gentle thing.
Feb 14 2024
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Diamond Life
It's very pleasant and chilled. Smooth songs, sung very nicely. I wouldn't usually go along with this level of sensual 80's sax, but you know what? It's working.
3.5 rounded down.
Feb 15 2024
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Roger the Engineer
The Yardbirds
It's alright. It's fine, but entirely forgettable. It lacks any kind of bite.
2.5 rounded down.
Feb 16 2024
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I love Ash, they're genuinely one of my top 10 bands - and yet there's so many albums I haven't listened to all the way through. They're one of those bands that I've mostly only listened to on compilation albums. Maybe it's because their music is more about an overall feeling, and delivering a particular kind of hit. They're kind of specialists in that nostalgic, teenage fantasy realm, where it's always summer and there's possibility everywhere. When I want to feel good and rock out a bit I'll stick some Ash on and they'll always deliver. I don't need to go beyond the big hits and compilation songs, because they all rock and do exactly what they need to do.
Anyway it's a stupid reason. This is a really good album, and I definitely enjoyed it. I'm so happy Ash made it onto this 1001 list, as I've always thought they were a bit underrated and should have been bigger. I've seen them a bunch of times live and they've always delivered big. I remember seeing them play a tent at Reading festival, and some 'cool kids' at the back were sneering at me for jumping up and down when Kung Fu came on. Come on man, it's Kung Fu, it's an absolute jam! I went straight down the front, jumped about with those lot and had the time of my life.
Lots of brilliant songs on here. Some great melodies, choruses and riffs. Bits of the album fall off a little bit but overall it's another feel good treat.
Feb 19 2024
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3 Feet High and Rising
De La Soul
Two albums in a row where I've mentioned seeing them at a festival. This one was Glastonbury festival on the pyramid stage. We were walking generally past. The weather was utterly abject. Dark clouds overhead and rain coming down. I decided to buy a pear cider. We take a look at the main stage, and who is coming on? De La Soul. At that moment, the clouds part, a ray of sunshine breaks out, and I'm standing there with a pear cider in my hand and a big grin on my face, watching some super happy fun-time music. It was magical.
Anyway, I like the upbeat energy of these guys, but most of the album isn't as good as the big hits. I guess we'll always have Glastonbury.
Feb 20 2024
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Back At The Chicken Shack
Jimmy Smith
I don't like jazz really, but this one was a real chill time. Way more accessible than most jazz albums, and there was some genuine foot tapping action going on for most of its runtime.
3.5 rounded down.
Feb 21 2024
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Selected Ambient Works 85-92
Aphex Twin
I like this kind of electronic ambient stuff. It can't exactly reach the highs of other albums in terms of impact and merit, but I really dig it.
Feb 22 2024
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Steely Dan
It's competent but really boring.
2.5 rounded down.
Feb 23 2024
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As a broader fan of R.E.M I thought I would like this more, but the only songs really worth re-visiting for me are the ones I already know (It's The End Of The World As We Know It and The One I Love), which are obviously great.
Feb 26 2024
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Taylor Swift
There are some absolute bangers on here (Blank Space, Style, Shake It Off). The rest of the tracks are all very solid and catchy. She's a very gifted songwriter.
Feb 27 2024
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Back To Black
Amy Winehouse
There's some really accomplished songs on here. Lots of character and depth of feeling. The production is superb. It's not the kind of thing I'd put on usually, but I can't deny it's a really good album. That's why I'm going 3.5 rounded up.
Feb 28 2024
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Sound of Silver
LCD Soundsystem
I like this. Good rhythms and beats, and it's pretty solid throughout.
3.5 rounded up.
Feb 29 2024
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Like Water For Chocolate
There's a few good tracks in here which are pretty funky, with good beats and production, and lots of variation in instruments and so on. There's not many though, and the runtime is too long. Most of the album for me doesn't work and isn't my thing.
Mar 01 2024
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m b v
My Bloody Valentine
A bunch of my favourite bands have shoegaze elements to them, so I always find myself optimistically starting albums like this, before almost immediately realising that it's depressing, droney bullshit. It's so fucking miserable! Christ.
Turn that frown upside down guys! Go outside for a bit, sniff the fresh air.
Mar 04 2024
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Alice In Chains
It started off pretty good, but the further I got into it the more it dragged, and the more samey it felt. There's not really tons of variation across these songs. There's some nice guitars in places, but it was definitely way too much in one sitting.
2.5 rounded up
Mar 05 2024
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More Songs About Buildings And Food
Talking Heads
It's way less obnoxious than the other album I heard from them. I don't like his voice and the manic way he sings a lot of them still, but a lot of the actual music I'm finding myself tapping my foot along to a fair bit. There's some good upbeat grooves in here that work for me, with nice guitar and drums in particular.
Mar 06 2024
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Caetano Veloso
Caetano Veloso
Some of it is pleasant. There's some chilled tracks with nice violins and guitar. Some of it is kind of boring. In fact it's mostly boring. I'm not really into it.
2.5 rounded down.
Mar 07 2024
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Millions Now Living Will Never Die
I don't mind these kind of ambient, soft electronic albums. It's a very chill time for the most part, but it's never going to dazzle me.
Mar 08 2024
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Hotel California
I've listened to this twice now, and I've come to the conclusion that it's really good. There's some great upbeat numbers, as well as some really nice ballads. It's pretty consistently quality throughout, and the instrumentation is on point. It's got a real easy listening vibe to it.
I'm going a solid 4/5.
But... you know, that's just, like, my opinion, man.
Mar 11 2024
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The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars
David Bowie
I know from this 1001 project that a lot of Bowie albums can be strange beasts, and be wildly inconsistent. It's great to see an album like this where he's just laying down perfectly crafted rock n roll / pop songs and nothing but.
I'd never heard this album before outside of 3-4 songs, but it's great. Obviously there's some massive hits, that are still as good as ever. Listening properly now I've come to appreciate new little details like all the layered vocals, and the really great guitar on Moonage Daydream for instance. I've also been introduced to other great tunes like Five Years, It Ain't Easy and Rock 'N' Roll Suicide.
It's a great overall package. Brilliant songs. Great production. This one is a HIT.
Mar 12 2024
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Coat Of Many Colors
Dolly Parton
I mean, it's classic country music, so it's not going to be my thing. Dolly's a class act though. There's lots of personality in these songs, and they're nicely put together. This one is easy listening enough to work for me.
Mar 13 2024
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Arcade Fire
What a debut this is. There's so many big hits. Catchy hooks. Big choruses. I absolutely love all the layers of instruments, the violins in particular coming through, but also the dual vocals. It has a really big depth of sound and tons of energy to it.
Parts of this album are just absolutely joyous. After this album came out I saw them at Brixton Academy London, and seeing everyone on stage at the same time really was something, but having the whole crowd sing back the melody to Rebellion Lies minutes after the song had ended was something else. A great memory, and great collective experience.
This is a brilliant album.
Mar 14 2024
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Tragic Songs of Life
The Louvin Brothers
Mar 15 2024
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Kanye West
It doesn't really sound like anything else I've ever heard, so I guess there's that? I do quite like some of the weird electronic noises throughout, but everything else that goes with it, rapping, lyrical content etc, is shit. I was going to give an extra star for production, but I realised I hated the content so much that I just couldn't bring myself to do it. Kanye West is a piece of shit, and a gay fish.
Mar 18 2024
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Brothers In Arms
Dire Straits
It's nice enough, and it's not too offensive. There's some quite good songs in here, more so on the first half. There's some nice variation in music, instruments and so on. I'm not excited by any of it, but it's nice.
The second half all goes a bit slow and the length of the tracks start to wear on you a little bit more. Side note: It's a rubbish album cover, but I won't hold that against it.
A perfectly acceptable, middle of the road 3.
Mar 19 2024
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Snoop Dogg
This is funky as SHIT. Great production, flow and tunes. It's also misogynistic as shit.
Mar 20 2024
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The White Room
I don't hate it, but it's hideously dated, and generally kind of rubbish.
Mar 21 2024
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Fred Neil
Fred Neil
This is a real nice, smooth, chilled album. I kind of like everything about this. The really nice guitar, the complex strumming and picking. I like his lower register vocals. I even like the harmonica, so that's saying something. Maybe because it sits nicely in the mix, and isn't brought obnoxiously up front.
Mar 22 2024
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Mr. Tambourine Man
The Byrds
It's nice and jangly, and whips along at a fair old pace. This just reminds me of Saturday mornings, my dad playing this album while cooking a bacon sandwich for everyone. Nostalgia!
Mar 25 2024
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Who's Next
The Who
I knew some hits on this already which I liked. Most of the album I thought was a bit of a let-down though. Maybe I was expecting more from its reputation, but there was plenty of 'meh' in here for me.
Mar 26 2024
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Teen Dream
Beach House
It's nice enough. Chilled, inoffensive, and not too engaging.
Mar 27 2024
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Electric Prunes
The Electric Prunes
It's not that bad, it's just a bit disjointed.
Mar 28 2024
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Twelve Dreams Of Dr. Sardonicus
It's quite a strange record, with unusual production and song construction, as well as some quite varied tracks. It is interesting though, I'll give it that. I'm kind of digging the vibe here and there's some good jams. It's definitely unique and doing it's own thing, which I respect.
3.5 rounded up.
Mar 29 2024
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Talking Book
Stevie Wonder
I really like this. I love his voice. I like the chill, spacey keys. I like the ballads and I like it when he brings the funk. It's not as good as his absolute best (IMO: Songs in the Key of Life) but then that's a very high bar!
Apr 01 2024
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Otis Blue/Otis Redding Sings Soul
Otis Redding
What a reeeeal nice time.
Apr 02 2024
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Jagged Little Pill
Alanis Morissette
There's some good songs on here. I like how raw some of these are, with some really biting lyrics. It's mostly 'quite good' throughout the rest of it.
Apr 03 2024
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Lazer Guided Melodies
It's alright. It's got a real laid back, shoe-gaze, spacey stoner kind of vibe, while channelling the likes of the Stone Roses and the Jesus and Mary Chain at times. It's nice enough for what it is, but nothing leaps out and excites me about this.
Apr 04 2024
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Beyond Skin
Nitin Sawhney
Hell yeah, lo-fi, trip-hop style beats. Good ethereal singing, good instrumentation. And now he's rapping... and now some drum n bass. I'm really on-board with this first half or so.
It definitely falls off in the second half and that brings the score down unfortunately, but I'm still on board overall. I get that people are annoyed by some of these tracks, but slightly bewildered by the barrage of 1 star reviews.
3.5 rounded down
Apr 05 2024
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This is a bit of a mixed bag for me. There's some absolute gems in here like Pyramid Song, but then it has some absolute bullshit in there too. Pulk/Pull Revolving Doors I can't figure out if it's them being pretentious or if they're actively taking the piss. It doesn't have the cohesiveness and grandeur of Kid A, and plenty of the album is just a bit miserable and flat.
2.5 rounded down.
Apr 08 2024
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Morrison Hotel
The Doors
It's way upbeat this album. Lots of driving songs with interesting guitar and cool keys. It dies down a bit towards the end.
3.5 rounded down.
Apr 09 2024
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I liked the last Eagles album more. This one is a bit too Country for my liking, and some of the rock n roll numbers feel a bit more generic.
That said, it's well made and I'm still pretty down with it. Good production, some nice guitars, good backup vocals, and a number of the upbeat songs I really dig.
Apr 10 2024
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At Newport 1960
Muddy Waters
It's perfectly nice blues. Competent, really lively at times, easy listening, not massively varied. I had a nice enough time with it.
Apr 11 2024
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Beck is such a unique artist. I love how he can just let loose on an album like this and do SO many things while still having a cohesiveness.
This album is funky, it's weird, it's accomplished, it's zany, it's engaging. How does he manage to blend so many genres so seamlessly? Something like Hotwax is a perfect encapsulation of this, mixing up country, rap, electronica, all sorts - and making them work together.
Lots of great (multi) instrumental work here, sax, drums, guitar, organ keys, harmonica and more. So much creativity on display. It's great.
4.5 rounded up
Ps: Shout out to the awesome album cover
Pps: Odelay IS a word. Just look it up in the Becktionary.
Apr 15 2024
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Something Else By The Kinks
The Kinks
I love the Kinks. Their songs are so interesting and have so much personality. Most of these are all little, self-contained stories which I really like. There's a lot of great songs in here, including some all-timers. Waterloo Sunset on its own is one of the greatest songs of all time.
As I said on the last review, the song-writing and compositions are really diverse, and they do lots of different things sonically here too.
Overall, it's a really good album, but not a great one for me, despite some brilliant songs. There's just too many so-so songs in-between which bring the score down.
Apr 16 2024
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Crosby, Stills & Nash
Crosby, Stills & Nash
It's too wanky and floaty for me. I don't like the singing or the approach. All too comfortable and soft and harmless, and painfully earnest.
It's so long man, and so utterly dull. Such a slog.
Apr 17 2024
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Second Toughest In The Infants
It's alright. It's quite nice and chill and lo-fi.
Apr 18 2024
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Really chaotic and noisy, as expected. I'm sure punks would enjoy it way more, but it's not for me.
Apr 19 2024
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The Modern Lovers
The Modern Lovers
I'm absolutely baffled by the deluge of upvoted 1 star reviews here. This is pretty nice you know. It's got a good energy to much of it and has some nice bopping tunes. Some of the songs are a bit droney and repetitive and those I like less.
Apr 22 2024
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The Jesus And Mary Chain
I love the driving energy of this album. It has a kind of innate coolness to it. The only thing is there's not tons of variation, and a bunch of the songs sound quite similar. It's a good listen though.
Apr 23 2024
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Music for the Masses
Depeche Mode
I know it's cool to like Depeche Mode, but I don't get it. I do quite like the moodiness that sits underneath a lot of this, and the almost gothic, dramatic instrumentation on some of the songs, but it's an issue when everything else is kind of droney and flat and boring.
Apr 24 2024
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Deja Vu
Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
I had to re-write my thoughts on this, because I initially found a lot of it incredibly boring. However about half way through I thought it picked up a lot more and I was way more on-board with it. I went back and re-listened a bunch of times and actually it grew on me much more and I was able to appreciate it. There are some lovely songs in here as it turns out.
3.5 rounded down.
Apr 25 2024
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Cocteau Twins
Weird and floaty and annoying and boring.
Apr 26 2024
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Tellin’ Stories
The Charlatans
I usually shake my head when I see a lot of American reviews of classic Brit Pop albums. "Ugh, not another BRITISH band, they're so shit and overrated". While that opinion is usually stupid and wrong (!) I think this is the first time I'm actually kind of agreeing with them. While I don't think they're shit, I don't see anything in this that makes it stand out from the pack. It feels entirely generic and done better elsewhere. Other bands of the time had better riffs and better ideas. Even the annoying, whiny singing voice has been done better elsewhere.
I'm going 3/5 because it's decent enough, but in no way does it stand among any of those other great break-out 90's Brit-pop bands.
Apr 29 2024
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Wonderful Rainbow
Lightning Bolt
This is their "most accessible album"!
Maybe this review is influenced somewhat by the fact that I've been doing this whole project while I work during the week - and this music is fucking TERRIBLE for working along to - but I'd like to think that even if I had my headphones in, sitting in a quiet space and really honing in on this, I'd still think it was bloated gibberish. I like SOME of the melodic bits within it, and I like the badass sounding guitars. The genre's just not for me. I need structure! I can't handle how aggressive and frenetic this is. It's just a bunch of stupid noise.
Apr 30 2024
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The Next Day
David Bowie
It's a really nice album. It's pretty solidly listenable and interesting throughout, and I like a lot of the songs. It feels imbued with real emotion, particularly in his vocals. I really love Where Are We Now? It's such a sad song.
3.5 rounded up.
May 01 2024
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Inspiration Information
Shuggie Otis
Unfortunately, this album is underwhelming. Some of the other reviews had this spot on, saying it's a bit of a tease and seems to promise something, but then ultimately fails to deliver. It's quite stripped back and restrained and doesn't deliver on the bigger grooves. Strawberry Letter 23 is a clear standout.
2.5 rounded up.
May 02 2024
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The first track is supposed to be the best by far, and I didn't like it. What does that mean for the next 50 minutes? Oh no...
I mean... hang on... it's not that bad. I kind of prefer some of the other tracks to the opener. It's not really my thing, but it's not bad. It passed by well enough. Plenty of wanky instrument noodling, but it doesn't come across as completely obnoxious, and there are some nice instrumental bits in there.
I deem that this album is "OK".
May 03 2024
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Destroy Rock & Roll
Yeah baby. This is definitely my jam. I prefer the more down-tempo tracks, but the rest are still a nice upbeat happy time. I'd never heard of this before, but I think it'll enter the rotation given how easy-listening it is.
3.5 rounded up.
May 06 2024
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Sisters Of Mercy
There's something about this. It's very atmospheric. It exudes a lot of cool. The album cover is cool as fuck. It's quite repetitive within the rhythms and construction of the individual songs - but somehow that works in it's favour. It's really interesting and unique in that respect, maybe because it has such a consistent mood and vision.
I like the driving beats on some of the songs. I want to hit up a goth club, stare at the floor and kind of generally flail about a bit while looking desolate. Outside of the goth club where I won't be judged, there's plenty of toe-tapping going on.
3.5 rounded up.
May 07 2024
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Depeche Mode
As I said with their last album, I quite like the dark moodiness that sits across this, and I like some of the dramatic instrumentation. I way preferred this one to 'Music for the Masses', but it still doesn't quite hit 100% for me, and isn't something I gravitate towards in general. It IS slow and brooding, but not in a way that works for me.
Enjoy the Silence is a great song, but even so it's still not really a song I would actively seek out or bop to.
May 08 2024
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Real Life
It's nice to discover a band like this that I knew literally nothing about beforehand. Nearly every single 'post punk' album on here I've actively disliked, but this one hits for sure. It's actually cohesive, and the kind of post-punk mania generally works in its favour.
I definitely really like the music on here, across the whole album. I like all the different instruments. I like the weird sci-fi synths in particular. I like the energy and drive of the music itself. I'm not a fan of the singing though.
Shot By Both Sides is great. Really nice driving rhythms and guitar in there.
3.5 rounded down.
May 09 2024
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Bone Machine
Tom Waits
This is such a hard album to properly review, because it swings so violently between dark, sombre, interesting ballads, and just utterly weird, maniacal shit. And then I need to consider how much I respect and appreciate him doing something interesting and unique, with a real particular voice, against how much I actually enjoy the album.
So... I really like the ballads. They're quite affecting, and dark and brooding. I don't like his voice in general, but it does work on these tracks. The rest of the album brings it way down, because it's just nonsense and complete shit.
2.5 rounded down. I have spoken!
May 10 2024
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The Shamen
The opening track sounds SO dated. The drum machine in particular roots it firmly in that specific early 90's era, and to me it just makes it sound really hollow and superficial. I was fully expecting to give up about half way through this with a verdict, but to its credit it did pick up and there were some nice tracks in there. I don't know if this is a positive or not, but it drifted into the background really easily, so there's... that?
2.5 rounded up.
May 13 2024
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I thought I would like this way more. I was expecting a super happy uplifting electro time, and to be honest I found a lot of it quite weird and discordant. It's mostly a miss for me and I won't be re-visiting it. There weren't even really any standout bangers. Really disappointing.
2.5 rounded down.
May 14 2024
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Automatic For The People
It's an overall really nice album, with some great hits in there. It's strange, but when you're actively listening to an album you notice so much more. I wasn't too aware before just how much organ was on some of these songs. I also like the jangly guitars and the violins. There's some standout songs in here. Everybody Hurts has to take it though, it's such a beautiful song, my god. My favourite songs are generally the ones I already knew, but 'Find the River' is a lovely end to the album. Great stuff.
May 15 2024
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Exile On Main Street
The Rolling Stones
This album is great – what a brilliant find!
The opening track is funky as FUCK. That trumpet! Those keys! The second track is on, “Rip This Joint, and there’s that SAX. This is the first time in this whole process I’ve ever exclaimed out loud while listening to a song, made a hand movement to indicate “Yeah boy this is sick!” and then immediately CRANKED the volume. It makes me want to jump on a dancefloor and spin a pretty dame all about the place.
It was so explosive at the start, to the point that I was really, really loving it. So I was slightly disappointed when it came down in terms of that energy afterwards, but the rest of the songs are still really accomplished. They cover a lot of styles, and do them all really, really well.
The actual musicality on display is so impressive, and probably the thing that stands out the most for me. I love the huge range of instruments all played perfectly, the variance in styles, the soul backing singers. The keys. The brass! When it all comes together it’s exquisite. There’s some monster tracks in here.
It is strange how they’re a British band, but this is so massively inspired by American Blues and Soul. They do it so well though. They’re the real deal.
May 16 2024
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Iron Butterfly
It's relatively pleasant, but the mix is muddy and a lot of the instruments sound flat. I feel like the music would be way better if it was a bit more dynamic in the mix. More guitar and drums, and take the organ back. 'Are You Happy' has got some great rocking moments. And this is the moment I realise that the title track was used famously in the Simpsons, hah! This has been said, but it's got a real Doors-y vibe at times. A way-overlong track with plenty of filler, but also some great jams.
May 17 2024
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Public Image: First Issue
Public Image Ltd.
The opening track is a slog man. I mean, it's going for a particular scene and I get that, but it's not for me. Then you have a cringey spoken work poem about religion, subsequently added to music. Some of the songs in the middle did pick up a bit and my foot DID tap at times, but so much of it is just rubbish.
I had to look this up, and found out that John Lydon was still very young when he made this. Which gives him more of a pass I guess, but it still feels completely juvenile.
May 20 2024
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Fela Kuti
This is very accomplished, and musically it's very good. It suffers (in my opinion) in the same way that a lot of these long-form jazz / jam type sessions do, in that the tracks end up feeling very repetitive. I wish they were much shorter and with more structure, because the music itself is good. There's some real nice jams in there.
May 21 2024
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In Our Heads
Hot Chip
It's a pretty solid, upbeat and bouncy album, but it doesn't ever reach beyond that. There's some good tracks in here, but nothing particularly standout. It's just generally a good time.
May 22 2024
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Punishing Kiss
Ute Lemper
Overall, I quite like this. At it's best it's theatrical and very dramatic. Lots of people are hating on this, but I'd way rather listen to something like this than some insipid, safe pop album. This one at least swings for the fences a little bit and is doing something interesting. Funnily enough, the tracks I like the least are where other artists are involved that I'm not particularly a fan of.
May 23 2024
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Safe As Milk
Captain Beefheart & His Magic Band
It's quite groovy. I like the jangly 60's bluesy / rock n roll guitars, and I like some of the weirdness and experimentation.
May 24 2024
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Joanna Newsom
Opening the first track and playing the first 5 seconds... *extreme wince face*... Oh man, this is going to be an experience.
Her singing voice is really bad. Like, really bad. And not just her voice, but the performance of it. It's like she's role-playing a crone from Macbeth at times, and other times as some kind of woodland nymph, caught up in a state of perpetual wonder at the natural world. The music around her is all dis-jointed and awkward. She occasionally juts in with this extreme shrill tone, and it would always make me jolt back in an alarmed manner.
I might actually quite dig some of the music if it wasn't accompanied by such an awful performance. But let's be honest, most of it sounds like cringey, medieval minstrel music, with artsy-fartsy poetic lyrics that are WAY too earnest.
I don't just dislike this, it makes me really annoyed. Awful.
May 27 2024
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Bitte Orca
Dirty Projectors
The first track was ok, just the right side of wanky, but it leeeaped way over that line coming into track 2. Track 3 doesn't show any sign of stepping back. This guy singing is annoying me enough just listening to him, I have no idea what I'd feel if I saw them live. It's just so pretentious and pleased with itself, but the content is so bad. "Stillness is the Move" has something about it. See, this is a bit more cohesive and works for that reason. I seem to have inadvertently done a 'track by track' review again, so may as well continue. Track 5, "Two Doves", what have you got? Ehhh.. it's quite nice. I like the violins as usual. If I heard this track in isolation I might be more dismissive, but maybe on the back of the poorer tracks, something like this stands out a bit more. Track 6... Ooh I like the weird synths, but oh wait, this stupid bloke is breathing sensitively over the top again. He's starting to really wind me up. They're being all weird with the music now, seemingly just for weirds sake. Good job! I do like these mad guitars rounding out the song though. "No Intention" is a more palatable track, but nothing special. Track 8, mmmm, a delicious cup of weird indie wank, delicious. God they must be so pleased with themselves. Nearly done, track 9! Oh whoops, I completely tuned out and didn't really pay attention, I only really caught the end. Erm, let's just say that it was probably 'ok at best'.
Overall grade: 2/5, "Mostly Bad"
May 28 2024
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Brilliant Corners
Thelonious Monk
I'm reading the novel Erasure at the moment with the main character Thelonious 'Monk' Ellison, and this is the point where I realise why he has his nickname.
To the music... it's ok. It's not particularly special. It sounds kind of generic, and doesn't appear (to me) to be doing anything that interesting or different. It just kind of plods along. It's pretty harmless in itself, and easy enough to listen to, which is about all I can say for it.
2.5 rounded up.
May 29 2024
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Chemtrails Over The Country Club
Lana Del Rey
I really love Lana Del Rey's earlier albums, so it's such a shame not to have the chance to properly review them as part of this process. Her debut album in particular is superb, including the EP that goes along with it. There's so many big songs in there, and lots of different producers bringing different vibes to the table, while still keeping it a consistent whole. I started to fall out of love a little bit after so many albums, as they veered away from what I thought was more varied, interesting music, into more one-note 'sad jazz singer' territory only. Whenever I see a new LDR track drop, I strongly suspect it to be along those lines, and it almost always is, much to my disappointment.
Which brings us to this album..
Right off the bat with the first tracks it's clear that the above holds. It feels way more one-note, with her floaty, whispery vocals not really changing all that much, or the feeling of the songs really changing that much at all. I still like her vibe, and if I didn't have this comparison I'm sure I would be way more up on this. There's definitely moments where the music is quite affecting and her talent shines through. Despite what I said, I do like the sad singer vibe, it's just that I feel like so much of this has been well-trodden by her before, and too much of the album passes by without grabbing the attention as much as it should.
Parts of it are very good, and there ARE some different sounding tracks in there, but overall I have to mark it down. We're talking 3.5 rounded down, so still a recommendation overall I guess. But it's not an album I'll revisit very often, if at all.
The best thing about this was having the opportunity here to say that I think Born to Die and Ultraviolence are both stunning, 5 star records.
May 30 2024
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Todd Rundgren
This is a really impressive album. I groaned when I saw it was a double album, and realising I rated his other album 2/5, but this flew by pretty quickly. There's a real consistency across the whole album, with no real dip in quality. There's plenty of variation too, from soft ballads, to more upbeat rocky numbers, to more soulful ones, and weirder interludes. He makes it all work together. There's an impressive amount of instruments across this, that he apparently all played himself, and does so excellently.
May 31 2024
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Roxy Music
Roxy Music
It's quite unusual in many ways, but has a nice vibe about it. A lot of the tracks are quite joyous and fun, and make for a good listen. Virginia Plain is a real tune. I don't really do karaoke, but that would make a great go-to karaoke hit, due to all the theatrical warbling. I've been known to tackle it in the shower on more than one occasion.
Jun 03 2024
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The Lexicon Of Love
This is better than I was expecting based on the reviews and commentary. It is 80's, but it doesn't have the hollow production that a lot of other 80's albums suffer from. There's driving, funky bass, and lots of interesting instrumentation with strings and brass. The songs are dramatic. It's got plenty of catchy grooves and a lot of energy. It's still not really my thing, but I can see why it has it's place in this list.
Jun 04 2024
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#1 Record
Big Star
There's seemingly lots of big fans on here. Either I don't get it, or maybe it's a cultural thing, or perhaps it plays hard into nostalgia for some?
For me it's just quite easy-going, generic rock 'n' roll. Heavy emphasis on 'generic'. I mean, it's fine. The first half was better. There's some Led-Zep sounding moments, just without the Led-Zep ooomph. And there's some nice enough ballads that aren't offensive. The second half, slower acoustic stuff, again, is nice enough to listen to, but it's all a bit bland and ponderous.
A generous 3 out of 5
Jun 05 2024
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This is definitely a whole-album experience. It's weird and wonderful in places. It's very atmospheric. There's not really any hooks or strong melodies, but it's not about that. It's all about the overall. There's definitely moments where it tested me a bit, where it was just a bit much, a bit too formless. Overall I think it works. It's layered and atmospheric, and doing its own thing, which can only be commended.
3.5 rounded up.
Jun 06 2024
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Lupe Fiasco's Food & Liquor
Lupe Fiasco
This is pretty solid throughout. The production and beats are excellent. It's quite a chill time, and I like the flow of it.
3.5 rounded up.
Jun 07 2024
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Bruce Springsteen
I have an unbroken record of giving Springsteen records 2/5 stars, so to say I wasn't exactly optimistic about this is an understatement.
I started out tolerating this one, genuinely, but it didn't take long to start to grate. I don't like his voice. I don't like his vibe. And if we can banish the fucking harmonica to the annals of history then I'd actually be delighted.
I'm sure he's a lovely bloke, but I don't want to listen to anymore of his music. I get the idea.
You guessed it... 2/5
Jun 10 2024
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The B-52's
This album is a lot of fun. It's just a total bop from start to finish, and my foot was in a constant state of tapping. I like the groovy beats. I like the attitude. It's refreshing. This album will be making an appearance at some summer barbecues this year for sure.
Jun 11 2024
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Q: Are We Not Men? A: We Are Devo
Ehhh... it's just a bit weird innit? I don't really get on with this kind of random, post-punk style. It's all a bit haphazard, and lacking real substance. Gut Feeling makes me nostalgic for 'The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou' but that's about it.
Jun 12 2024
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Scissor Sisters
Scissor Sisters
It's alright. I knew quite a lot of tracks already, and some of them are a good upbeat time, but I was expecting to like this more. It's just ok. The Comfortably Numb cover surprisingly isn't all that obnoxious, and kind of works. The best thing about this album is the album cover.
Jun 13 2024
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Fever Ray
Fever Ray
It's a dark, interesting album. I'm glad this kind of stuff is out there, as it's so different. Plenty of atmosphere and mood. The music and vocals are quite effective.
3.5 rounded up.
Jun 14 2024
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Copper Blue
It's all a bit generic alternative rock. I can't say there was much that jumped out and got me excited. The odd track has a bit more about it, but most of it just completely passed me by.
2.5 rounded up.
Jun 17 2024
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I mean, fucking hell, kicking straight off with Smells Like Teen Spirit, it can only go downhill from there... right?
Wrong! Because In Bloom kicks in and veritably smacks you round the chops with that great, fat riff and those big, big drums. And it's another banger. Followed by another, and another. The flow of this album is so good. You have a lot of big hitters merging into more laid back tracks. You've got songs you can lose yourself in and belt out at the top of your lungs, like Lithium - YeeeeEEEeeeeaaaAAH! And just when you think it's taken a step back with something like Polly, Territorial Pissings comes in and smacks you about the face once again.
How much fat is on this album? Very little. How many absolute bangers are lined up in a row? A lot. It's got so much energy to it. It (still) feels so vital. This truly is an album of a generation, and it's SO good.
Jun 18 2024
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Post Orgasmic Chill
Skunk Anansie
It's a really good album, with plenty of great songs. I like how they're not afraid to go really big with it at times, with driving guitars and drums, orchestral surges, great big power vocals... they also have plenty of softer moments with sweeter vocals. Some of the music is sublime, notably on tracks like Secretly or You'll Follow Me Down.
It's slightly surprising that this album of theirs would make the list as there's none of their big hits in here, but this one does play well as a whole album experience.
Jun 19 2024
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Heroes to Zeros
The Beta Band
It's quite nice. It doesn't have a lot of bite to it, but there is some interesting and varied music, with lots of different instruments. There's some nice soundscapes and general production.
Jun 20 2024
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Jazz Samba
Stan Getz
It's a real smooth, chill time, sitting nicely in the background. The sax is soft as butter, and I like the nuanced guitar in there. It is what it is.
3.5 rounded up.
Jun 21 2024
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Beggars Banquet
The Rolling Stones
It's full of quality as you'd expect and well put together, but it doesn't have a lot of stand-out tracks. A number of the tracks I wasn't particularly taken with, especially those that lean towards country.
3.5 rounded down.
Jun 24 2024
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The Predator
Ice Cube
It's not massively my thing, but there's some good upbeat tracks in here that I like, bringing a little bit of funk. It's not on the level of some other hip hop albums I've listened to on this project, and the beats don't deliver as those other albums do. Some of this sounds like it's still carrying over some of the influence and style of the 80's. It's ok, just ok.
2.5 rounded up.
Jun 25 2024
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American Gothic
David Ackles
This really isn't for me. He gets credit for some of the music, or perhaps the ambition of some of the music, but I find the whole thing really annoying. The conversational delivery of the singing winds me up, and the more dramatic moments are weird and disjointed. And I wrote the above BEFORE he laid down the overt Jesus track. Maybe this didn't find it's audience because it's simply shit.
Jun 26 2024
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There's No Place Like America Today
Curtis Mayfield
So much of this album is really slow and laboured, and there's nowhere near enough oomph. I don't like his vocals or singing style at all. It's so high pitched and floaty. There's a few tracks with a bit more about them, including the likes of 'So in Love'. The last few tracks also pick up a bit. Mostly though, no thank you.
Jun 27 2024
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This feels like lower-tier REM for me. They've got the nice jangly guitars and rhythms, and the usual backing 'ooh' vocals. It's all perfectly nice, it just feels a bit bland and samey to me.
Jun 28 2024
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George Michael
It's not really my thing, but I can appreciate it well enough. The content and lyrics are pretty weird, and it does sound quite 80's, but he's got a great voice and it's produced and put together well enough. I like 'Kissing a Fool' the most as it was nice and chilled.
Jul 01 2024
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I See A Darkness
Bonnie "Prince" Billy
I really like this. I love how soft and melancholy it is. It's stripped back, yet still has a lot of depth. It's such a shame I had to listen on YouTube with all the advert interruptions, because it's a real mood from start to finish. I love his soulful singing. The artwork just tops it off. Great find!
I've uhmmed and ahhed on this all day, but the fact that I've listened to this album like 5 times already tells you all you need to know. I have to go big on the rating. They're rare, and few and far between, but this is what we all want right? Completely new musical discoveries that really take you and capture your imagination. Great stuff.
Jul 02 2024
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La Revancha Del Tango
Gotan Project
I feel like I've definitely heard of some of this before, on some kind of chill mix playlist. I love this kind of down-tempo vibe, and it's very much in my wheelhouse. In terms of the music and quality, it's consistent throughout, and I enjoyed all of it. In terms of where this sits for me in terms of music and albums in general though? I don't think I would ever specifically think of this band in particular, or remember them... I would save this and come to it occasionally when looking for a particular chill mood. And that's just fine!
Jul 03 2024
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The Message
Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five
It's a bit up and down really, and quite a mish-mash. The opening few tunes are funky as shit and a real good time, and then the next few definitely fall off and are a bit weird and dated. Then there's a strange ode to Stevie Wonder, a bit of a soulful ballad.. and obviously The Message, which is back to being upbeat and funky. It's a bit inconsistent, but I had a good time.
Jul 04 2024
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Merriweather Post Pavilion
Animal Collective
Jesus, when the first song kicks in... grimace. This is way too much. I fully expected this to be released in like 2020 something, as it feels like the kind of music I'm too old and out of touch to understand. I mean, I definitely am too old, the album cover alone is giving me a headache. But the music just doesn't make sense to me. I don't think it's clever to have random noises and time-signatures that make it feel completely disjointed. I don't understand it. I just don't understand!
I want to round this up to 2 just so I don't have to look at this stupid album cover again on my user summary page, but I'm just too much of a professional dammit.
Jul 05 2024
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This isn't too bad you know. I like the driving rhythms, and a lot of it is quite upbeat.
Jul 08 2024
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We're Only In It For The Money
The Mothers Of Invention
The fuck is this shit? It's not making any kind of statement, so it doesn't even feel like an art piece. It's just a bunch of stupid unfunny skits and noises that they've released and called an album. It's like the secret track you find at the end of a normal album where they're just messing about with a personal in-joke or two, only, you know, doing that for the whole thing. This is utterly embarrassing and they should all be ashamed of themselves.
Jul 09 2024
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Straight into Blitzkrieg Bop and we're OFF, pedal to the metal! Yes, the songs are incredibly similar, they mostly share the same three chords, and are all very short and chanty. But for the most part it's a good, head bopping time. It gets in, does it's thing, and gets out. And it's kind of great for it.
3.5 rounded up.
Jul 10 2024
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Kings Of The Wild Frontier
Adam & The Ants
It's got a bit of attitude to it, this. I like how this embraces the weird, and how it doesn't really sound like anything else. Some nice grooves and a lot of fun.
3.5 rounded up.
Jul 11 2024
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The Undertones
This is definitely pushing for one of the worst album covers on here. Thankfully the music is better, and it's an upbeat, pop-punk good time.
Jul 12 2024
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KE*A*H** (Psalm 69)
It's not too bad. It's quite murky and a lot of it is just too noisy. But there's some driving rhythms in there and I'm down with some of it. It's not one I'll return to by any stretch.
Jul 15 2024
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Definitely Maybe
This is really good. There's tons of great songs with catchy hooks. It's also really rocking in places, which I hadn't necessarily always attributed to Oasis. I think I'm overcoming my Oasis prejudice and coming to realise that they really did deserve to be as big as they were. They're still not a go-to band for me, but I do really appreciate the quality here.
4.5 rounded down.
Jul 16 2024
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It's 'powerful vocals' pop ballads, but powerful vocals alone don't make for interesting music. And powerful vocals doesn't even mean that they're more impactful or emotional. If you compared Adele to someone like Aimee Mann, her music and singing style conveys so much more emotion and depth of feeling. There's a sheen to this that detracts way more than it adds in my opinion. It feels like a perfectly polished piece of commercial pop property, designed to appeal to the masses. I just found it all a bit boring.
Jul 17 2024
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Pretzel Logic
Steely Dan
This feels better than the previous albums of theirs I've had. It's pretty easy-going and well put-together. It started out better and slowly got more boring, but... it's nice enough I guess.
Jul 18 2024
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Mothership Connection
I thought I would like this more than I did. I like the music and the vibe for the most part, but I wasn't as tuned into it as I thought I might be. It feels somewhat repetitive at times. Overall though I had a pretty good time.
3.5 rounded down.
Jul 19 2024
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Shaka Zulu
Ladysmith Black Mambazo
This is so profoundly boring and nothing. I wish my musical tastes knew no boundaries, but they do, and this isn't for me at all.
Jul 22 2024
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This is an overall groovy time, and legitimately sexy, I'm impressed. It's not really the kind of thing I would listen to, but I enjoyed this, and Waterfalls is SUCH a tune.
3.5 rounded down.
Jul 23 2024
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White Blood Cells
The White Stripes
Overall good. I like the rawness of this record, and I'm always down for some Jack White guitar. There's some big hitting songs in here, and I like some of the softer songs too like "We're going to be friends". There's a bit of bloat in there, and it doesn't all hit for me.
Jul 24 2024
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The Stooges
The Stooges
It's a bit of a mixed bag for me. I like the weird fuzzy spacey guitars, and I like the rawness of it. Some songs are excellent. Others are a bit murky and more meandering. It's a pretty good album overall. I mean, cam' ahwn!
Jul 25 2024
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Bright Flight
Silver Jews
I quite like a good, sad album. You can really descend into a quiet, contemplative mood and let the music take you. This sad-sack approach on the other hand is really boring and irritating. His voice is so droney and half-arsed. It sounds like he's chronically depressed, and singing all the songs while sunk deep into the sofa (presumably the one on the cover). He's dragged me down to his level and left me feeling a lot worse for it. Thanks for that mate.
Jul 26 2024
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It's not good. It's so dated, and there's not really anything to it at all. Every song is so samey, with incredibly basic beats and rhymes over the top. I found the whole thing really boring.
1.5 rounded up.
Jul 29 2024
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Bongo Rock
Incredible Bongo Band
A loud audible groan when I saw this pop up, but this is WAY better than I was expecting. This is some FUNKY shit. I am way digging these bongos (just as well really) and some of these covers (like Apache) are BAD ASS.
I thought I would finally answer the question of "how many bongos is too many bongos?", but you know what? I haven't. We need more bongos if anything. More. Bongos.
Jul 30 2024
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Locust Abortion Technician
Butthole Surfers
It's weird, and oppressive, and murky, and very noisy. I'm not really sure what they're going for here. There's not really that many succinct, actual songs. It all kind of bleeds into one loud mess. Weird.
Jul 31 2024
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The Sensual World
Kate Bush
This isn't really my thing, but I do respect it. It's interesting at least. I really like the moodier elements, and some of the more grandiose moments. So much is forgettable for me though, and it mostly wafts along in the background, with a lot of songs blending into each other.
Aug 01 2024
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The Real Thing
Faith No More
It's really good man. I have no idea why I hadn't properly dug into Faith No More before beyond a very surface level. I like Mike Patton's voice, I like the heavy driving riffs, and I like their style. It sounds super fresh given it came out at the tail end of the 80's. Rock \m/
Aug 02 2024
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The Sounds Of India
Ravi Shankar
I appreciate the skill, but I don't like it at all. I wish there was an option to have gifs in your reviews, because this could so much more easily be summed up by a single funny gif of a bored and frustrated looking dog or something. Maybe a dramatic eye-roll from a small child, wise beyond their years. Or maybe I could just include a static image of me lying down flat on the pavement, looking utterly defeated.
Aug 05 2024
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Sunday At The Village Vanguard
Bill Evans Trio
I found a lot of this to be real nice. My kind of jazz. Super chilled and laid back, down-tempo, lo-fi. A bit moody, with some real atmosphere to it. Nice elegant keys and gentle backing bass.
I'm not as much of a fan when it introduces more of a chaotic element in some songs, maybe more 'traditional jazz'? Drums in weird time signatures and the like.
Overall, it was an enjoyable relaxing time while working.
3.5 rounded down.
Aug 06 2024
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Blonde On Blonde
Bob Dylan
I've had a lot of Bob Dylan albums now, but I'm pleased to say this is on the higher-end of the scale. I don't really like his warbly voice, and I'd still rather he wasn't always defaulting to his harmonica all the time, but the song-writing is undoubtedly good and there's some jams in here. It's got a real nice vibey upbeat feel to it for the most part.
3.5 rounded up.
Aug 07 2024
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Freak Out!
The Mothers Of Invention
For FUCKS sake, I've only just had these guys and it was one of the worst albums I'd ever heard in my life. And now you're subjecting me to another whole hour of them? Why on earth have they got two albums on here?
Once again they seem to think they're really funny, but they're just annoying. There's clearly some skill there, so it'd be nice to hear an actual serious album from them to see what they really have. Some songs have some promise to them, before they're inevitably ruined by some stupid interjection or undercurrent. Overall this is definitely better than the other album I had, but it's still SHIT. I hate them and everything about them.
1.5 rounded up.
Aug 08 2024
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I’m a Lonesome Fugitive
Merle Haggard
I mean, his voice is nice enough, but dear lordy... yaaaawn.
Aug 09 2024
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The Sensational Alex Harvey Band
I like how big and bold and varied this is. There's lots of layers of instruments, different styles being thrown around, theatrical elements, lots of pomp and sass. I like that something like this exists. It's quite confidently out there without being obnoxious, which (after listening to a lot of other albums in this list) I know can be a tricky thing to pull off.
3.5 rounded down.
Aug 12 2024
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Welcome To The Pleasuredome
Frankie Goes To Hollywood
The absolute best thing about this for me is the consistency and flow of it. One of those albums that drops little notes and flavours that follow-through to the rest of the album and make it work well as an individual piece of work, with a consistent mood.
On paper this isn't for me, but actually I'm down with it. There's some great tracks in here, solid instrumentation, some good covers, and he has a great voice to boot. And it has actual atmosphere that carries through like I said, with layers of sound. Quite the surprise as I was expecting this to be not for me at all.
3.5 rounded up.
Aug 13 2024
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Basket of Light
I really don't like this at all. It's way too twee, earnest and, frankly, boring.
Aug 14 2024
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Midnight Ride
Paul Revere & The Raiders
This is a perfectly nice, jangly 60's record. Lots of nice upbeat songs, with some good variation in music and instruments.
3.5 rounded down.
Aug 15 2024
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Truth And Soul
They way this album mixes so many genres together while keeping a consistent whole is genuinely impressive. There’s rock, ska, punk, funk, soul and reggae all working together, but it also has a lingering sense of the 80’s about it. I don’t think there’s any real dips in form across the whole album. It’s really accomplished.
Aug 16 2024
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Penance Soiree
The Icarus Line
I was way more up on this at the start of the album, but over time it started to drag a lot more and began to feel more repetitive and samey. It’s nowhere near as noisy and discordant as people are saying. I thought I was in for an ear-splitting time, but it’s just quite competent grungey / garage rock. It’s ok. There’s enough here that works.
Aug 19 2024
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Country Life
Roxy Music
I’m not quite sure what to make of this. It’s a pretty nice listen overall. A little strange. Much like their other album I had I guess. It’s not going to be a re-visit, but I’m glad I spent the time with it, and got to get a better feel for the band.
Aug 20 2024
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Talking Timbuktu
Ali Farka Touré
It's very pleasant for the most part, with some nice technical guitar.
Aug 21 2024
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Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers
Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
This is kind of middling for me. It’s easy-listening enough but I’m not excited by it.
Aug 22 2024
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Ambient 1/Music For Airports
Brian Eno
I like a bit of ambient / chill background when I’m working, but this was barely there. I may as well have been listening to rainfall. It’s a bad album to judge because the music is literally designed to be ignored. However, when I actually did focus on it, I found it boring. If you stick this on while giving me a massage, then fine, but other than that I won’t be listening again.
Aug 23 2024
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Private Dancer
Tina Turner
I’m not a fan of this one. Firstly, it can’t escape all the 80’s trappings, which make it sound incredibly dated. I really don’t like the idea of ‘vocals above all else’ either, which probably applies to a number of tracks here. Her cover of Let’s Stay Together is probably the perfect example of the fusion of these two things. The original is this incredibly soulful ballad, and here it’s turned into some kind of grotesque parody. She belts the whole thing out and in doing so strips out all depth of feeling from it, and it’s so abundantly worse for it. This may be sacrilegious to some, but I don’t even particularly like her vocals. I much preferred the upbeat campy tracks, that had a bit of flavour of Meatloaf. I had way more fun with those.
Aug 26 2024
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Stan Getz
It's a lovely, chilled time. I like the vocals, I like the instruments, it's just all very pleasant and smooth. Is it a bit limited? Possibly. But it is what it is, and it's very nice.
3.5 rounded down.
Aug 27 2024
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Live / Dead
Grateful Dead
When I hear the jams on this, I just instinctively picture a whole crowd of white middle-aged dudes, watching on and nodding slowly while stroking their massive beards. I guess this was the 60’s, so I need to slightly re-calibrate and make the crowd a bit more hippy-ish, but it’s the same thing.
There’s an enormous amount of noodling here though. Is this what this band is all about? The first track is 23 minutes of gratuitous, over-indulgent wanking on guitars. I can’t imagine how boring that would have been to watch live, and with the first track! Christ.
When the band do kick in and sing, it’s really muddy sounding. And boring. And repetitive. ‘Turn on Your Love Light’ was a slog and a half.
I do actually like some of the music, and some of the jams. I think they have some skill, despite what a bunch of other prominent reviews here say. When they kick in with that nice solo guitar and electric organ I’m all for it. But you’re talking a few sprinkles in amongst a massive bloated whole.
Not that impressed with this one.
Aug 28 2024
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White Light / White Heat
The Velvet Underground
The Velvet Underground are properly arty and weird, particularly on this album, but I do dig it. I’m tuned into the energy of it, even when it's chucking out frenetic drums at you and weird screeching guitars. Or a whole short story set to a grungy jam track.
I know songs like “I Heard Her Call My Name” are obnoxious and noisy, but something about it works for me still. I'm still tapping my foot a good deal. The last track is a jam, until it does actually get a bit much.
I like this, and I like their style, man.
3.5 rounded up.
Aug 29 2024
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I’ve been aware of this record for most of my life, but I’m only just realising now that I’ve never actually heard any of it before. I assumed it was straight down the middle house music, but this has a lot of interesting layers and moods within it, and a real ebb and flow between the tracks.
This is exactly my kind of jam as it turns out. I like the overall mood of the thing, but more importantly it still kicks some arse when the beat kicks in.
Aug 30 2024
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Fetch The Bolt Cutters
Fiona Apple
It's quite quirky in the composition and delivery, with a lot more experimentation compared to her earlier stuff. It's not bad.. a good number of songs are really nicely put together musically and have something about them. There ARE some good songs in here, but I'm not feeling the overall vibe, or I'm just not tuned into the energy of it enough. I did find myself liking it more and more as it went on though, so maybe it's a grower.
3.5 rounded down.
Sep 02 2024
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Supa Dupa Fly
Missy Elliott
This isn't really my thing, but it's not too bad. I like the production in general, and there's some good flowing, vibey songs in here. It's more chill than I thought it might be, and more singing than rapping which I didn't expect. It was quite listenable.
Sep 03 2024
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Antichrist Superstar
Marilyn Manson
I thought I might like this more. I was quite aware of 'Mechanical Animals' which has got a lot of great tracks on, but this one is messier and noisier, with an emphasis on messier. There's still elements that I like here. I like how some of the tracks flow together. I like the big fat guitars which crop up in places, and I like the clear Trent Reznor influence with the industrial background vibes.
The problem is that there's nowhere near enough standout tracks, particularly as there's 17 to choose from. It's a big messy mix that all bleeds together. And for something so noisy, you wouldn't expect it to be this boring. Really disappointing.
Sep 04 2024
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In The Court Of The Crimson King
King Crimson
I may seem to have a bit of a beef with King Crimson. At time of writing, my review for Larks' Tongues in Aspic is the top rated one, where I essentially rip into prog, call the whole thing shit and accuse them of just mucking about. I was CORRECT.
However, I'm delighted to say that this album is much better! Not the first track, which is all a bit weird and frantic, but the rest demonstrates some actual musical skill and even nuance, which was crucially missing from that other album. Parts of it are very listenable, varying from softer ballad tracks, and balancing those with bigger, more vibrant moments.
Over the course of this project I've come to soften on prog as a whole, understanding that it's only certain parts of it that really grate with me. There's still elements of them pissing about and making random noises here, and I'd point to that as evidence that they still think they're more clever than they are (hello most of 'Moonchild'). But you can hear the more expansive bits coming in, and clearly laying some kind of template and influence for bands to come.
A mixed bag. I actually enjoyed bits of this, and King Crimson can now come (a little way) out of musical jail.
Sep 05 2024
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Pelican West
Haircut 100
I'd never even heard of these guys before, which is strange because this is good. It's new wave, but way funkier and way more more upbeat, with some great driving basslines, percussion and sax. I had a nice time with this.
3.5 rounded up.
Sep 06 2024
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Darkness on the Edge of Town
Bruce Springsteen
Am I done with him yet? Am I done? What is this now, like 5 albums...? They're all shit. All of them. I do understand why people like him. I'm sure they can tune into his dad-rock, gentle fist-pump slice of Americana. For me, it makes my whole body slump in boredom. I seriously don't like his voice. It sounds like he's smoked way, waaaay too much weed and he's trying to drag himself off the floor and sing at the same time. The music, everything, it's just mediocre across the board. The most consistently 2/5 artist of all time.
Sep 09 2024
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You Are The Quarry
This is an overall good album. A lot of the songs are quite catchy and approachable. A number of tracks do tend to descend into generic Morrissey warblings, but thankfully it's not too many. First of the Gang to Die is a tune!
3.5 rounded up.
Sep 10 2024
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I Do Not Want What I Haven't Got
Sinead O'Connor
It's quite an interesting and moody record. I like a lot of these tracks, and I like the whole of it. It doesn't sound dated at all and has plenty of depth and feeling to it. I think a lot of that is conveyed via her singing which I'm really impressed with. Nothing Compares 2 U is obviously brilliant, but that song more than any other highlights just how incredible her voice is. So raw and full of emotion, but also incredibly powerful.
3.5 rounded up.
Sep 11 2024
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I Against I
Bad Brains
This album hasn't made an impression on me at all. It's overall "fine", but the songs aren't very dynamic, and there's not really much that's making them stand apart from each other. It feels quite basic, and it's really murky.
2.5 rounded up.
Sep 12 2024
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Foo Fighters
Foo Fighters
It's a really solid debut album with a sprinkling of really great tunes in there. The opening trio of This is a Call, I'll Stick Around and Big Me is just great. There's proper riffs and melodies in here, and good variation. I quite like the grungy, raw production, as it adds to the overall vibe. It's pretty accomplished overall.
Sep 13 2024
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Deserter's Songs
Mercury Rev
This is one I appreciate more than I actually connect with. It's quite floaty and quirky and unusual. They have some interesting instrumentation and chorusey swells and saxophone and all sorts. I really do like the moments when it goes grand and operatic, and that's when it's at its best for me. It's well put together and I appreciate the skill and how they stand out in the scene. I get it, it's just a bit too indie quirk for me in general.
Sep 16 2024
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The The
I've had to recalibrate a bit for this, because I always thought "The The" were some kind of 70's noodly guitar group or something. Apparently I was way off!
I kind of admire what they're doing here. It's got an interesting mood to it, and the songs are varied with different instruments and synths coming through. I even like the harmonica for crying out loud! Overall I quite like this, it's a nice vibe.
3.5 rounded down.
Sep 17 2024
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The Grand Tour
George Jones
I mean, it's classic country, so it's not going to get me going, but this is pretty nice across the board. He's got a nice voice, full of emotion. This is unapologetic, heart on the sleeve kind of stuff. Some of the earlier tracks I found quite effective, especially with the big swells in music.
2.5 rounded up.
Sep 18 2024
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John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band
John Lennon
I like a lot of John Lennon's solo career. He has some great stand-out tracks, but there's not really many in here. Working Class Hero is a particular standout, but there's also plenty of average, nothing tracks. It's not bad as an overall album.
Sep 19 2024
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Electric Music For The Mind And Body
Country Joe & The Fish
This is pretty nice. It's not obnoxious in a way I thought it might have been. Good instrumentation, nice singing, nice melodies. I had a pretty good time with it.
Sep 20 2024
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The Good, The Bad & The Queen
The Good, The Bad & The Queen
I thought I would have heard about this, but it apparently completely passed me by. It's quite subdued in general, and there's no real hooky elements to it, but it has a nice enough vibe. I quite like some of the quirkier elements of the production. It's not bad. It's ok. I won't be revisiting any of the songs or the album as a whole though.
Sep 23 2024
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Central Reservation
Beth Orton
She's got a nice voice, and I like a bunch of the arrangements and instruments. There's some gentle vibraphone running through some tracks that's really nice, along with various strings. The more upbeat numbers also tend to hit a bit better.
I'm sad to say that the nicer elements of this get overshadowed by the overall slog though. The songs are long, and it really lags a lot. I thought I was coming up to the end, before realising I was only half-way through. At its worst, it's boring, and it feels like a chore.
2.5 rounded up.
Sep 24 2024
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Fleetwood Mac
I'm not sure I'd ever listened to the whole of this album before. It's obviously very good. Plenty of big hits, but it's also nice to see that even the lesser known tracks are very good, and doing all sorts of interesting things musically. I really liked the softer delicate tracks in here that I hadn't heard before.
The songwriting, structure and musicality is really solid across the board, and they do plenty of interesting things. I really like the vocal harmonies in there. And of course some of these tracks are immense, particularly Go Your Own Way and The Chain. Good going, Fleetwood Mac.
4.5 rounded up
Sep 25 2024
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American Music Club
"Nondescript", the album. This is so generic and low stakes, honestly. It's listenable enough, just, you know, in a boring way.
2.5 rounded up.
Sep 26 2024
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Before And After Science
Brian Eno
I'm quite impressed by this. Musically it's very interesting, and it has a great mood running throughout it. Some of it is quite unusual, but always accomplished. The melodies are still really nice. It just stands out as something quite unique to my mind. I like how it tails off towards the end, going more lo-fi and chill, with those cool sci-fi synths.
Surprised and quite delighted with this one.
Sep 27 2024
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Palo Congo
It's not for me, but it's a bit better than I was expecting. The songs are pleasant enough for the most part and they don't actively irritate me. That said, the bullshit tracks of them screeching can do one. I started to enjoy it way more towards the end, until I realised Spotify had segued into an altogether different album!
Sep 30 2024
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Hot Shots II
The Beta Band
I do like doing some deep dives on the back of these things. Through this I realised that both "Squares" by the Beta Band, and "Daydream in Blue" by I Monster are actually both covers of "Daydream" by Wallace Collection. And now I've just checked out that original, and it's also good. VERY 60's hippy vibe.
Back to the album as a whole, I'm generally up on it. I like the overall vibe, the musicality of it, the production, the mood. I'm starting to realise that I describe far too many of these albums as 'nice', but you know... it is.
3.5 rounded down.
Oct 01 2024
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The Contino Sessions
Death In Vegas
Obligatory "never listened to this whole album before outside of a few tracks", and I don't know why I didn't. Maybe I actually did and forgot. Either way I'm usually very down for these kind of down tempo, trip-hop, electronic type affairs.
I can see how people will find this incredibly repetitive, but I really like the slow build that they employ on a lot of the tracks. The soundscapes and musical themes all develop over time into something more, and a whole big mood.
Oct 02 2024
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Now I Got Worry
The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion
It's a bit of a mixed bag this one. A lot of the record is really murky and a bit weird, but there's also a bunch of really good tracks in there too. I much prefer the more upbeat tracks. There's some genuinely funky tracks in here with some good riffs, nice keys and so on. The skill and musicality is there, but I wish it were more consistent. I enjoyed this the more it went on, so I think this one might be more of a grower over time. I went from a 2.5 rounded down to a 2.5 rounded up, to a 3.5 rounded down.
Oct 03 2024
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Moving Pictures
I didn't realise this is what Rush sounded like. I always thought they were some kind of thrash metal type affair. I know I've already listened to one of their albums so far, but I'd clean forgotten what that sounded like, such was the impression it left on me.
This to me has all the annoying trappings of prog, but maybe with more conventional song structures? There's some nice bits in here. I like the synths, and some of the musicianship is good... but as with other prog albums, a lot of this feels way too earnest. It seems to take itself very seriously, yet it's kind of silly and lacks substance.
2.5 rounded up.
Oct 04 2024
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G. Love And Special Sauce
G. Love & Special Sauce
I got way more into this the further it went on. You see a bunch of highly upvoted 1 star reviews calling it cringe, and then you hear those kind of drawling vocals coming in, and you do start to wonder. I thought I'd be more annoyed by them, but actually I'm not that much. After a while I kind of got into the vibe of what he was doing.
I like the laid back, casual flow of this album with those nice bass lines running through it. I feel like it'd be cool to hate on this kind of thing, but if you actually just go with it then you can have a pretty decent time.
3.5 rounded down.
Oct 07 2024
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Surfer Rosa
I'd love to know how I'd rate this album if I wasn't already quite familiar with it. I've got a feeling that I might rate it a bit lower, and that part of this rating comes from familiarity, and being a fan of the Pixies work in general.
The fact is, I do really like their style in general. I like their anarchic edge, their humour, the guitars, the dual vocals. This may not be as consistent as something like Doolittle, or have as many stand-out tracks, but the album still really works as a whole. They kind of hit the scene fully formed as a band, with a completely unique identity, and that's kind of cool.
4.5 rounded up.
Oct 08 2024
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Devotional Songs
Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan
Top tip people - the Spotify linked album includes a whole other album. You just want disc 2, so you can cut the time of this in half. It's something I'm glad I knew ahead of time, because I tend to listen to these things all the way through, and this one isn't really for me.
It's made with skill and there's some nice enough rhythms in there. I like some of the compositions and the back and forth vocals, when it's not being super repetitive. I don't vibe with world music at all in general, so I guess 2/5 is actually somewhat of an endorsement in that respect...? I'll actually go a 2.5 rounded down, because it was easy enough to listen to in the background.
Oct 09 2024
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Fly Or Die
This is way more varied and interesting than I was expecting. There's some funky tunes in here, some laid back grooves, and a great array of instruments. The album as a whole is generally pretty cool, and it's well put together.
Oct 10 2024
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Pink Flag
I've not really got a lot to say about this one. It didn't really leave much of an impression on me at all. It all felt pretty samey and one-note, but was accomplished enough for what it is I guess..?
Oct 11 2024
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The Coral
The Coral
I'm not down with this at all. A lot of indie from this era was just terrible, floppy haired, happy-go-lucky music with no oomph to it. And of course, this is no exception. Maybe they're a bit more varied than some of their contemporaries in what they're doing musically, but it still has no bite to it at all.
Oct 14 2024
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The Cure
I like elements of this album, but as with Disintegration it is quite oppressive overall and does wear on you over time. I do really like the oppressive, droney opening on this. It really sets the mood. Some of the guitars feel like they're actually dripping in sorrow, and the atmospheric drums and moody vocal echoes work really well also.
But then it does just become a drag over time. His singing in particular is quite one-note. This is the kind of album that you should probably listen to as a whole, but then so much in one go is also quite hard work. By the end you realise you've hunched all the way over as this album has been weighing on you for the past 43 minutes.
Oct 15 2024
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The Only Ones
The Only Ones
I liked this one! In general I really liked the guitars and backing music, with their upbeat musical jams. Lots of tracks on here are a total bop. I'd never heard of these guys before (outside of one track), so it was a nice surprise.
Oct 16 2024
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Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not
Arctic Monkeys
Back in the day this wasn't really my particular scene, but of course I was aware of the band. I'm impressed that the whole album is genuinely quality, with loads of great songs, tons of energy and loads of great hooks.
It's still not something I'd naturally flock to but I have to admit it's really good. It's a really accomplished debut.
Oct 17 2024
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I like some of the driving guitar riffs and more melodic bits that they sprinkle in there, but it's not really my bag in general. If the vocals weren't so harsh I would probably like it more.
2.5 rounded down.
Oct 18 2024
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Heavy Weather
Weather Report
This definitely sounds like the theme music to some old-school knockabout police show, and as such it's kind of hard to take seriously. How on earth this made it onto the list I have no idea at all.
Oct 21 2024
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Jack White
It's mostly ok. Even though it's pretty accomplished, a lot of it isn't that exciting. There's a few good tracks in here though.
Oct 22 2024
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The Birthday Party
Even though I don't like this, and it's really noisy and abrasive, and chaotic, and his voice is manic and weird... it somehow works. There's just enough form, and at least in amongst the madness they're consistent in their vision and what they're doing. I still don't like it, but I understand what they're doing.
Oct 23 2024
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Dinosaur Jr.
I actually really liked the vibe of this. I like the layered noisy guitars and I even like his singing. They've got a good sound here and a real identity which I admire.
3.5 rounded down.
Oct 24 2024
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Crossing the Red Sea With the Adverts
The Adverts
This was a real jam, with solid tracks throughout, good grooves, melodies and solid production.
3.5 rounded up.
Oct 25 2024
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Francis Albert Sinatra & Antonio Carlos Jobim
Frank Sinatra
This is a reeeal smooth, enjoyable time. Lovely orchestral compositions with the silkiest of silky smooth vocals across the top. I guess I don't have to wait until Christmas to get that feel-good, warming feel.
Oct 28 2024
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Your New Favourite Band
The Hives
This was a lot of fun, and a great bop pretty much all the way through. It's hard not to like something that has so much infectious energy. It also doesn't overstay its welcome. 'Hate To Say I Told You So' is an absolute tune and is the standout.
Side recommendation: If you ever get the chance to see these guys live, do it. They're very, very good. Complete showmen.
Oct 29 2024
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One World
John Martyn
'Solid Air' was a really nice surprise for me, so I was optimistic about this one. Thankfully I think this one also works really well for the most part.
More than anything I think the music in this is just seriously on-point. There's so much variety and scope across the whole album. I love the ambient moments, the interesting soundscapes, but also just the variety of instruments and styles as well.
It's good overall, but there's some standout tracks here that will definitely make it worth a revisit.
Oct 30 2024
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Ladies And Gentlemen We Are Floating In Space
It’s an interesting one this, as parts of the album work for me and others don’t. I was hoping I might like this more than I did to be honest, as it seemed from the write up that it was well up my street. I really like the bigger soundscape moments the most, with the violins and brass and more, that stuff is great (eg. Broken Heart). And then in general I like those tracks that sound quite big, with lots going on in them.
But then there’s plenty in here that feels self-indulgent, and much of it is overlong. In general it feels pretty accomplished, but… I don’t know… lots of it also feels kind of sanitised somehow. I don’t know how to describe it. Maybe a bit surface. There’s something that’s preventing me from connecting with it on a deeper level – which feels like something an album like this would be really striving to do. There’s moments and soundscapes here that remind me of someone like Sigur Ros – but they don’t connect and resonate in the same way.
Oct 31 2024
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Broken English
Marianne Faithfull
This is a decent enough listen. I’m not 100% on her voice, but the songs themselves are good enough. I like the dark synths that crop up on some tracks, along with the more upbeat numbers in general.
Nov 01 2024
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All Hope Is Gone
I think this, for the most part, is absolutely excellent. It doesn’t feel like some of the other heavier metal stuff I’ve listened to, in that it’s way more interesting and melodic. It’s not incomprehensible noise. Although there is screaming, there’s plenty of proper singing too, and he has a genuinely great voice. A lot of the tracks have real drive to them, and there’s plenty of shifts in tempo which keep things fresh. The drums hit really hard, and the more technical squealing guitars when they kick in are massively my jam. For much of this album I was scrunching up my face and nodding along in a ‘this is badass’ kind of way.
I’m generally on-board with most of the album, but there are some truly stand-out tracks. Sulfur is a great tune. Psychosocial is badass. All Hope Is Gone. Snuff, while the least ‘Slipknot’ song on here is superb. I loooove the guitars in that song when they kick off. Vermillion (it’s a bonus track I think) goes even further with all kinds of interesting instruments and orchestral bits thrown in. Really quite impressive.
4.5 rounded down.
Nov 04 2024
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Soul Mining
The The
It’s a generally nice time without wowing me. Uncertain Smile is my pick of the bunch. I like the synths.
Nov 05 2024
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The Beach Boys Today!
The Beach Boys
It's just a perfect slice of happy-go-lucky pop songs. Under 30 minutes. Right off the bat it gets straight into it. Nice and upbeat and pleasant with lots of really nice harmonies. It's just an enjoyable time.
3.5 rounded up.
Nov 06 2024
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New Boots And Panties
Ian Dury
I really like his voice and style, how East-End it is in the delivery and content. I understand that won’t translate so well to other markets, but I dig it. Right from the off this is upbeat and a bit quirky and interesting. I love how mad and overblown some tracks are, like Blockheads, with the shouting and mad synths.
3.5 rounded down.
Nov 07 2024
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A Short Album About Love
The Divine Comedy
Ah, a mixed bag overall. Initially I was really on-board with it. I love the musicality. I’m a real sucker for orchestral bits, strings, brass and so on, so that side of things was always going to win me over. I like how optimistic and unabashed it is, and particularly love any grandiose moments of musicality. I fucking love a big soar, me.
And then initially I thought it was super funny about comparing a lover to a horse. For Father Ted fans, he’s someone who’s famously written a song about a lovely horse, but crucially not about being IN love with it – so it’s nice to hear the other side I guess! And then in the next song he keeps going on about grazing on grass… peculiar.
I’ll be honest, I like the silly elements less. Some of the songs are quite affecting, and as the musical bits are done so well it feels like he could achieve something more consistently earnest. The later songs started to slow down a bit and weren’t as appealing as the earlier ones.
3.5 rounded down.
Nov 08 2024
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The Who
So disappointed with this, it's rubbish. Pinball Wizard is good, and there's a smattering of reasonable tracks elsewhere, but the rest of the songs don't have enough form or oomph to them. It mostly just kind of exists and meanders along for the whole thing - which is very long.
Nov 11 2024
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I've been aware of Goldie as an artist and personality for ages, but never actually known what his actual music was like. I didn't realise he was so influential in the DnB scene.
I guess this is what it is. It's not something I'll ever celebrate or go back to. I'm not bothered by the super long tracks as so many are. I vibe with it well enough, and it works well enough in the background while cracking on with work.
Nov 12 2024
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Two Dancers
Wild Beasts
I hate that wispy, floaty voice so much. And oh dear god... it gets worse with the insane, falsetto shrieking. It actually makes me shiver and cringe at the same time. "Shringe". No... 'Criver'.
Some of the music is fine enough in terms of ability, and there's a bit of a groove on some tracks, but it's of that awful noughties period where it's all so safe and delicate and inoffensive. And BORING. I'm getting literally nothing out of this other than great regret at having pressed play in the first place.
1.5 rounded down.
Nov 13 2024
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Moon Safari
I've acquired quite a nice collection of pleasing, down-tempo chill albums over time, of which Moon Safari is one. It's massively my jam, and I revisit it a good amount of times throughout any given year. I just really love what these guys are doing. There's so many interesting soundscapes and textures running through this, with solid melodies and production. The flow of the whole thing is incredible. Overall, it's just a really mellow and satisfying time.
Nov 14 2024
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Miriam Makeba
Miriam Makeba
Sorry, African music isn't my thing. She's got a nice voice, and some of the more soulful songs are lovely. Several tracks in here are incredibly irritating though, and it took all of my will power not to bomb this entire review as a protest against them.
Nov 15 2024
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Modern Sounds in Country and Western Music
Ray Charles
This is great. Smooth. Classy. Jazzy. It's that kind of old-timey vibe that feels like Christmas. I think I will revisit, but perhaps just half of it, as it does feel over-long and I checked out more in the second half.
Nov 18 2024
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Let's Get It On
Marvin Gaye
I like this, it's a really chilled and soulful time. I like the backing violins and sax bringing some extra oomph, and he's got such a great voice, sugar.
Nov 19 2024
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Alexander 'Skip' Spence
The write-up says that these are effectively glorified demos, and that definitely feels like it's the case. There's some good songs in here with interesting melodies and guitar-work, but there's also a lot of meandering and mumbling as well. Some songs on here are so weak and not formed at all, and perhaps if this was a more traditional process those songs would either be scrapped or punched up a bit. There's enough promise to warrant a halfway decent score, but it's a shame we didn't get to hear a proper fleshed out album with full production.
Nov 20 2024
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Queens of the Stone Age
Queens of the Stone Age
There's a bit to like in here. Overall it's a good debut. I like the riffs and the guitars in general, and the kind of down and dirty production. There's some propulsive energy to the songs. It has that QOTSA feel to it, with a lot of minor keys. The main criticism I guess is that not enough really stands out. It's all kind of similar.
Nov 21 2024
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Black Sabbath
Well this is great. There's some big big heavy hitting riffs in here, but I also love how melodic the guitar work is as well. They're not just smacking you round the face, it's also really musical.
Nov 22 2024
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The ArchAndroid
Janelle Monáe
I am so impressed by this, what a find. The ambition of it, the breadth of skill and the variety. I love the commitment to such a cool concept. The musicality and production across the whole thing is superb.
It's really upbeat for the majority of the album, but there's so many little hidden moments and gems sprinkled throughout, with lots of different moods and themes. I love the variety of instruments, with the cool guitars, the brass, bells, the cinematic sweeps.. I haven't even properly dug into the lyrics yet, but the snippets I've looked at are really interesting.
This definitely isn't in my usual wheelhouse, but I'm honestly so impressed by this. She's seriously talented, and I love the huge ambition and skill on display here. That's why I'm going big. What an eye-opener.
Nov 25 2024
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Rust Never Sleeps
Neil Young & Crazy Horse
Some nice songs, with nice melodies, singing and guitar work.
Nov 26 2024
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The Marshall Mathers LP
As with his other album I reviewed, looking back on this it comes across as so juvenile, edgy, and embarrassing. I didn't realise he could mine so much content from being violent towards women, raping people, and slagging off gay people. Were people in the studio down with it, or were they cringing while he laid the tracks down? I guess the sales speak for themselves, but jeez.
Stan is arguably the most accomplished song on here, but after the Dido bit came in, I kind of wanted that to continue and sing along with that song instead. That kind of shows where I'm at these days, compared with listening to this as a kid, where it had more appeal.
It gets some points because the beats and lyrical skill are there.
Nov 27 2024
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The Madcap Laughs
Syd Barrett
If he didn't have the association with Pink Floyd then he'd be nowhere near this list. These sounds like demos. They're quite flat and tedious, and the timing and delivery is really strange and disconcerting.
Nov 28 2024
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Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
This is seriously dull for the most part and doesn’t really work for me. Some of the sounds are interesting, but can also come across as a bit twee. Some songs are a bit upbeat and inoffensive enough. But that's just it, it's all so soft and inoffensive. There’s no excitement to be found anywhere in here.
Nov 29 2024
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Bridge Over Troubled Water
Simon & Garfunkel
In terms of song-writing, this album is spectacular. Really lovely songs, with great melodies and stories. The lyrics are beautiful. I love the little musical flavours they add in, just chiming in with little accents and notes. The Boxer is a great example, as it has that kind of ambient drum popping up, various woodwind instruments, and then the swelling violins. I enjoyed this.
Dec 02 2024
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Astral Weeks
Van Morrison
It's relatively pleasant, but also just a bit slow and boring. The Way Young Lovers Do is the standout track, but the rest don't hold up to it.
2.5 rounded up.
Dec 03 2024
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D.O.A. the Third and Final Report of Throbbing Gristle
Throbbing Gristle
Fuck sake, it's the first listening day in December, can't I have some Nat King Cole or something? Instead I get a 'challenging listen', joy!
The tracks with music in are either rubbish discordant noise, or mumbling nothingness, and the talking tracks you can't even hear what they're saying. This is absolute bollocks.
I'm off to boot up some 'Christmas with Nat & Dean'.
Dec 04 2024
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The Rise & Fall
Slightly disappointed if I'm being honest, because I do really like Madness. I love their style and what they're about, and they have some great hits. This album is a bit hit and miss for me. It is interesting, and has a variety of different styles, but not all the tracks are landing for me.
Our House is SUCH a tune and is definitely the stand out. Spotify actually randomly skipped it on the playthrough, so I was really confused about how I could have worked through it and not noticed. The rest of the album doesn't hold up to that track unfortunately.
Dec 05 2024
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All That You Can't Leave Behind
A lot of people slamming this for not being as good as some of their earlier albums, but this feels more accessible to me. I'm not the biggest U2 fan, but I'm actually appreciating the craft of the songs and his voice. I much prefer this to the upbeat jangly nonsense they became famous for.
3.5 rounded down.
Dec 06 2024
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The Jesus And Mary Chain
It's very similar to Darklands, in that a lot of the songs feel quite similar. There were at least 2 occasions where the drums kicked in and I went, "oh, it's 'Just Like Honey' again", only it's wasn't. That's not necessarily to it's detriment and I did quite enjoy this overall, just not as much as their other albums. I like the fuzz for the most part, but it does get a bit much at times. In their later albums the songs had a bit more drive to them, and they eased up on the distortion a little bit, which I think works better.
I know this is proto-shoegaze, but it's more upbeat than a lot of those bands that went on to define that genre. There's actual melodies and grooves in here under all the fuzz and distortion.
Dec 09 2024
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Haunted Dancehall
The Sabres Of Paradise
It's nowhere near as bad as so many are making out. That said I do struggle to see how something like this made it onto the list. I guess it's filling some kind of quota. Overall, it's perfectly nice, mellow background music. Some tracks are a bit repetitive and weird and offer nothing, but mostly it's a perfectly reasonable time.
Dec 10 2024
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The Triffids
I love the write-up discussing the prestige of this title. No. 24 on the Swedish Albums Chart! No. 25 on the New Zealand Albums Chart! Appearing on the Belgium Albums Chart Top 60! This must be essential!
The reality is it's not great, but it's also not bad. It's a perfectly nice, inoffensive meander through gentle 80's pop-rock. It is, obviously, far from essential.
Dec 11 2024
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Femi Kuti
Femi Kuti
Ah man, this is such a disappointing one in some ways. The music here is SO good. It's a real party atmosphere throughout, with real passion, personality and skill, and I completely applaud it. The problem is that the tracks are way too long. It's such a shame, because even the best tracks become repetitive and samey. If this were a much tighter album, with shorter tracks and a shorter runtime, then I'd be way more up on it. By the end it just dragged way too much.
3.5 rounded down.
Dec 12 2024
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This Is Hardcore
This is quite a mood-shift from some of their earlier stuff. Pulp were nothing if not interesting. The Fear is such a great opener. It's got so much atmosphere to it, with so many interesting bits thrown in, from the ominous strings, to the backing vocals. I like how melodramatic parts of this album are, and I like some of the darker textures and soundscapes in there. Help the Aged is excellent, and I love it when that goes big. Plenty of other great tracks in here, but the overall quality isn't as good as something like 'Different Class'.
Dec 13 2024
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Dr. Octagonecologyst
Dr. Octagon
I'm on-board with this! I really like the style of beats and rapping. It's quite funky in places, but it also veers off into weird asides, with sci-fi and spooky synths. I like the trip-hop beats and scratching. Some of it is really funny. The album as a whole is definitely quite unique, and one I'll revisit.
Favourite tracks: Blue Flowers, I'm destructive.
Dec 16 2024
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Live At The Star Club, Hamburg
Jerry Lee Lewis
How mad that I get this today of all days, as I literally fly out to Hamburg.
There's plenty to like in here. There's SO much energy. Great twinkly, frantic keys. If you're in the mood then it's great fun. I'm sure if you're in the room then it's incredible. It's obviously live though, and the recording isn't brilliant.
This has got to be one of the shortest albums on here right? Just as well, because I don't think I could do much more of this in one sitting even though I enjoyed it.
3.5 rounded down.
Dec 17 2024
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Ogden's Nut Gone Flake
Small Faces
This feels like a bit of a strange one. It's competent enough, but I didn't really find it that engaging. It just kind of floated along. From a production point of view it sounds really wishy-washy and kind of far away which doesn't help.
I'm not massively on-board with the comedy and twee elements. That's always a turn-off. And then side note: I realise I knew Lazy Sunday already, so that's always nice to connect the dots with something from my past.
2.5 rounded up.
Dec 18 2024
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There's A Riot Goin' On
Sly & The Family Stone
I was quite hopeful coming into this, as I do like a bit of soul and funk. I knew the name 'Sly & The Family Stone', but didn't really know much of their stuff, so I was excited to finally learn more. On listening though, it's way slower and more stripped back than I was expecting. It's not really bringing much oomph. Some tracks are kind of not even there. It's just ok.
However I did leave it running after the fact, and Spotify served up an awesome selection of funk and soul for the next few hours, and that worked spectacularly for the rest of my work afternoon - so this album was a good gateway!
2.5 rounded up.
Dec 19 2024
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Marcus Garvey
Burning Spear
It's pleasant enough. I like the brass, and I like the little whistle / woodwind thing they're peppering in there. However, all reggae is the fucking same! It's the exact same beat on every song. It is so, so limited as a genre that I can't get excited about it.
2.5 rounded down.
Dec 20 2024
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Chocolate Starfish And The Hot Dog Flavored Water
Limp Bizkit
I like the quirky start to this on the intro, but jeez... going into Hot Dog makes me feel so embarrassed for them, it's absolutely terrible. I had this album back in the day as an angsty teenager, and even then I was cringing and making fun of that track.
That said, even though this album is completely juvenile, with utterly dreadful lyrics, there's still plenty that I like about it. A lot of the riffs go really hard and you best believe I'm head banging and rollin' along with Fred when that beat drops. Nostalgia plays a part of course, but I think there's still a bunch of songs on here I would enjoy fresh today.
Some of these tracks I would rock out to back in the day down the rock club. 'Take A Look Around' was just about the most aggressive mosh pit I ever saw, even more so than Slipknot. I do like those heavy guitars when they kick in across this album, it's just that there's a lot of juvenile, awful aspects to this too.
Dec 23 2024
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Little Earthquakes
Tori Amos
I can appreciate that people would like this, but it's not for me at all. It's not terrible, it's just kind of bland and uninspiring. At it's worst it's a bit annoying. I don't like her style at all, the construction of the songs, the delivery... Nothing works for me personally.
Dec 24 2024
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Maggot Brain
I'd seen this album cover crop up a lot, so I'm glad to have finally given it a listen. I think this is broadly pretty good. It's quite funky, with some driving beats and uplifting moments.
3.5 rounded down.
Dec 25 2024
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Superfuzz Bigmuff
It’s very raw and rough around the edges but has plenty of energy to it. Touch Me I’m Sick is great. The rest if fine and a reasonable listen.
Dec 26 2024
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Nick Of Time
Bonnie Raitt
I was expecting this to be quite irritating, but it’s actually pretty pleasant throughout. It is what it is.. it’s not something I’d ever listen to again, but it’s quite nice pop-country-blues. She’s got a nice voice and it’s easy listening.
Dec 27 2024
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Layla And Other Assorted Love Songs
Derek & The Dominos
I like this. It’s really strong throughout, with great songwriting and musicianship. He sings well, there’s nice melodies and the guitar work is on-point. I thought it might all be front and centre and showing off, but it’s not really. There is a reasonable amount of noodling, but it’s done well, and it’s mostly complimentary. Layla is obviously a monster of a tune. What a riff that is, honestly.
Dec 30 2024
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The Young Rascals
I’m pretty impressed with this. It’s such a varied record with so much going for it, and lots of styles and genres. It says it’s psychedelic on here, but that’s only really one track among many. The rest has swells of brass, flutes and even an accordion. He has a great singing voice and it’s just generally solid throughout the whole thing.
Dec 31 2024
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Exit Planet Dust
The Chemical Brothers
I much prefer their later stuff, but I still enjoyed this album generally. This one is more rave-y and repetitive I’d say, where they developed songs with more substance and structure in their later albums. I thought this would be a nailed on 4, but sadly not.
Jan 01 2025
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Pink Moon
Nick Drake
Once again, I’m generally up on this. His voice is pleasant and quite floaty, but I like it. The whole album is stripped back, but it has interesting guitar work and it’s quite evocative. It’s really nice.
3.5 rounded down.
Jan 02 2025
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Mariah Carey
The thing that strikes me the most about this album is how floaty and soft the vocals are. She has an incredible voice, but she’s not belting it out at a hundred decibels – it’s all kind of soft and breathy. Also, that she bloody loves a trill! Half of this album is “Oooo…oooOH…ooOOOooOOooOH!”
It’s quite pleasant as a general background listen for about half an hour. As a piece of art it feels boring and empty. I don’t feel like I’m getting anything at all out of this. It’s not doing anything exciting or saying anything interesting. There’s a time and place for it, sure, and no doubt many people love this kind of thing, but it’s not for me.
Jan 03 2025
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Shake Your Money Maker
The Black Crowes
This kind of Americana rock ‘n’ roll isn’t for me. It’s accomplished enough, it just feels so painfully generic.
2.5 rounded down.
Jan 06 2025
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A slow, moody, sombre album. I like bits in here, but it's a bit much for me overall. I prefer more conventional compositions. I don't mind the spoken lyrics so much, as that definitely goes with the vibe and what they're doing. But it's quite draining, and discordant at times, and it just wore me down a bit.
2.5 rounded up.
Jan 07 2025
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Scott 4
Scott Walker
It's very dramatic - leaning quite a long way into the melodramatic. There's lots of musical swells and exaggerated crooning going on, which I do like sometimes, it's just that it's not always very exciting here. Some of the songs kind of merged into another and passed me by, but there were some nice ones in here too.
2.5 rounded up.
Jan 08 2025
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Rings Around The World
Super Furry Animals
I'm quite impressed with this. It's a really varied, eclectic record, with lots of interesting approaches and bits of detail. I like the vocal harmonies, the variance in instruments and just the general mood. It's quite floaty in places, but dramatic and bombastic in others.
Jan 09 2025
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Get Behind Me Satan
The White Stripes
Now on my third White Stripes album, I realise I'm just a fan of the singles... or most of the singles. This is put together well enough, in their kind of ramshackle, rough around the edges way. It also has enough skill. It's just that there's lots of filler and there's not nearly enough that stands out, or differentiates itself from the rest. And, sadly, a lot of this is actually boring. Disappointing.
I thought the last track was WAY better than the rest of the album, until I realised Spotify had segued into another album of theirs.
2.5 rounded up.
Jan 10 2025
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I kind of half-heartedly tried to get into this album a few times in the past, but it never stuck beyond a few choice tracks. I was looking forward to the opportunity to re-appraise it through this project, and give it a proper run-out and fair go... and the results are good!
One of the issues before might have been that it starts off quite slow and isn't immediately accessible. It feels murky, dark, off-beat and dangerous. But then it opens up a bit and you find yourself tuned into the energy of the album a bit more.
What I really like about this album is that it doesn't really feel like anything else. It's its own beast. You're not quite sure what you're going to get from one track to the next, but at the least you know it's going to be interesting. There's good use of keys, synths, guitars, percussion, and it varies between slow and deliberate, and more upbeat. Overall I really like the production. I found that the longer it went on, the more I got into it.
The samples are really interesting. You can tell that he's taken inspiration from lots of different areas across quite a broad spectrum. Big shout out to him sampling the Pumpkins and their track 'Suffer'.
Some real standout tracks here. Black Steel, Hell is Round The Corner, Suffocated Love..
I like this, and I think I'll be revisiting it a reasonable amount. The whole thing is just such a mood.
4.5 rounded up.
Jan 13 2025
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Walking Wounded
Everything But The Girl
I was quite surprised with the level of drum n bass in this, or definitely the more upbeat dancey tracks, only with mellow vocals put on top. It does work and it's quite nice. I never really checked these guys out back in the day beyond knowing the singles. It's the kind of thing I might be into, I just found it wasn't particularly engaging. The album seemed to pass me by somewhat, but it was a nice background listen.
Jan 14 2025
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Fuzzy Logic
Super Furry Animals
It's two for two for the Super Furries, and both within a week of each other.
Again, it's a really eclectic album. They chuck so much at this and go all out, which I really appreciate. It has a kind of 'fuck it let's do this' attitude. There's brass, whistles, synths, weird soundscapes and all sorts. It sounds so genuinely unusual at times (like on Frisbee and Bad Behaviour) but it's really fun and upbeat overall. The whole approach could have been fraught, but in my opinion it avoids the quirky or twee label.
Jan 15 2025
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Rage Against The Machine
Rage Against The Machine
I mean it's a classic isn't it? What an album. The guitar playing is so unique, and iconic. His vocals are really pointed and angry. It's a perfect match.
There's a few tracks on here that I'm not really into that much, but the best ones are SO good as to massively elevate the whole. There's tons of great riffs and grooves across the album. Really deep and driving guitars. And there's some absolute monster tunes on here. That trio of Bullet in the Head, Know Your Enemy and Wake Up - my god!
Jan 16 2025
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Apple Venus Volume 1
My overall thoughts on this is that it's a bit weird, but nice enough. There's some skill there, but it's unusual, and not something I really vibe with that much.
Jan 17 2025
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Architecture And Morality
Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark
It's kind of alright, but for someone who's not massively into it, it is long. If you like synthy, new-wavey, dreamy pop then knock yourself out I guess.
Jan 20 2025
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Channel Orange
Frank Ocean
I'm going to give him some credit for the PS1 loading sound right at the start. After that there's not really that much to go on. It feels like such a minimalist, safe, non-offensive time. It's really quite mellow.. but not in a particularly interesting way. The music and production is nice enough I guess...? I don't hate it, it passed the time nicely enough, but it's not exciting.
Jan 21 2025
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Faust IV
I appreciate the experimentation and the fact that it's doing something a bit different at least, but I wouldn't say it's a great listen. It's quite repetitive throughout, as a bunch of the songs slowly, slowly build into something, although without much pay-off. There's not huge amounts of form here. It's not bad... it's ok. The last track is nice and ambly and I like that more.
Jan 22 2025
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As shallow as a muddle puddle. Shitty autotune applied throughout. The lyrics and content are utterly, utterly dreadful. No artistic merit at all.
It gets one feeble extra half-star because some of the production is quite good, and the song 'Prom' isn't bad. However I'm still rounding that 1.5 down.
Jan 23 2025
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Queen Of Denmark
John Grant
I was looking forward to getting this one. I'd heard, and enjoyed, Pale Green Ghosts, and was deliberately holding back on this as I knew it was on here. I'd only heard Marz and Sigourney Weaver before which I liked.
So.... it's really good! I really like the mood across the album. I love all the minor keys, matched with his voice. He has a kind of melancholic air to him, and when that's matched with further backing vocals and swells in the music it can be absolutely sumptuous. Notably on tracks like 'Where The Dreams Go To Die'.
Apart from a slight lull in the middle of the album (where it feels a bit samey for a number of tracks), it has tons of great songs, with plenty of surprises thrown in. There's plenty of variance too, not least with the instruments. Piano, violins, brass, woodwind, spacey synths..
I'm on-board, and I'll definitely be re-visiting.
4.5 rounded up.
Jan 24 2025
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Better Living Through Chemistry
Fatboy Slim
This is kind of similar to the most recent Chemical Brothers' album I reviewed, in that I'm a fan of the artist, but the earlier stuff isn't as fully formed, and is more repetitive. But in this case it's still really good. Yes, it is more repetitive, but as with his later work, it's just a real upbeat-happy time and it's a great listen.
Jan 27 2025
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The Last Broadcast
At it's best, this album is perfectly cromulent. But let's be honest, it's so bland. It's like plain white bread. Bran flakes with no milk. Tepid tap water. You don't even need words to describe it. A single, large, languid yawn would do the trick.
2.5 rounded down.
Jan 28 2025
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No Other
Gene Clark
The write-up on this is wild. Having listened to a lot of albums on here now, why this would be a critical failure I have no idea, and the record company deleting it completely from their catalogue is mad. It's really nice. Well made, and well put together. He's got a nice voice, and some of the tracks are really lush.
3.5 rounded down.
Jan 29 2025
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A Night At The Opera
This is such a strange and quirky album, as I guess as a lot of their stuff is. You have all the Queen hallmarks, with the theatrical singing, vocal harmonies and powerful riffs. There's lots of variation and fun to be had. It is maybe a bit TOO quirky at times, but it's made up for with the number of big songs in there. Not least Bohemian Rhapsody, which as we all know, is a MONSTER track.
Jan 30 2025
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Chicago Transit Authority
This is the kind of album I'm really glad to receive on this project, because there's just no way I would ever listen to it otherwise, let alone even be aware of its existence.
It's not the kind of thing I gravitate towards, but I do really admire the ambition, and the amount of stuff they chuck at it. The musicianship is really on-point. I like the down and dirty guitar (except when it goes on in extended periods, and definitely not in 'free form guitar'). There's tons of brass in here which I really like, and it's so unapologetically upbeat for most of it. I'm also quite impressed at how varied this album is, and the amount of different things they try, successful or not. It definitely doesn't feel like 'one thing'.
3.5 rounded up.
Jan 31 2025
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The Stranger
Billy Joel
Musically, the songs are accomplished enough, I'm just not really into it that much, and it seemed to drag a bit at times.
Feb 03 2025
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Tank Battles
Dagmar Krause
It's very dramatic. And it's definitely an 'interesting' listen. It's like a soundtrack to a theatrical wartime production rather than a standalone album. I'm definitely not revisiting, but I kind of like that this is in the list.
2.5 rounded up.
Feb 04 2025
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Only By The Night
Kings of Leon
This feels like a bit of an album of two halves really. While it's still listenable enough, it really falls off in quality from about the halfway mark. The first half is much more successful I think. I've never really liked his voice or singing style, but I still enjoy a bunch of the tracks on here.
There's some down and dirty beats in the opening tracks, particularly on 'Crawl' which I really like. Sex on Fire is a big track whether you like it or not, and whether it's been played to death or not. That will always bring back memories of me dancing on a table in an après ski bar in Austria, drunk on schnapps and drunk on life. Good times.
Feb 05 2025
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Songs The Lord Taught Us
The Cramps
Lots of manic, punky, relentless up-beat energy to this. Like the B52's, but a bit darker and more kitsch. It's good to get an album like this, if only to learn more about the deeper, niche layers of particular genres. I now have an understanding of 'psychobilly' and 'garage-trash'.
It's good. It's FUN. It's so specific though, I don't think you could easily return to it with any great regularity.
Feb 06 2025
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Me Against The World
Why are hip hop albums always so long? I'm not sure he's got THAT much to say that it needs over an hour. It's competent enough I guess, and there are a few good tracks in there (best one: Old School). I preferred the tracks with additional vocals on in general.
2.5 rounded up.
Feb 07 2025
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Street Signs
Ah man, this was really great, I loved it. It's just such a shame that it wasn't that accessible all in one place. It was really difficult to piece together the different tracks on YouTube, which upset the rhythm of it a bit. And because there is quite some variance between some of the tracks, you wonder if you've even lined up the correct one.
Either way, it's just really accomplished. The music itself is really great. Lovely melodies and singing. I like the fusion of all the different elements. I like the pervasive violins throughout, the trumpet, the mixing.
It's such a great time. I would definitely revisit more if I could actually track it down. I might have to buy it on vinyl.
4.5 rounded down.
Feb 10 2025
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Pearl Jam
I've never been big on Pearl Jam. I always found them a bit dull, and I don't like his singing delivery. There are some good tracks on here though, I can't deny. Alive is probably the stand out, but Even Flow and Jeremy also registered. Listening to this made me realise that I may have been a bit harsh on them before, because it really is quite good in places.
Feb 11 2025
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Aimee Mann
This is a nice, well-made album. The production is strong, the variation in instruments is impressive, and her singing is reeal nice. There's some really nice little flavours sprinkled in there, even if it's some tiny detail like a small bell or something. The layered backing vocals also work really well.
It started off stronger, and while it remains accomplished, it gets a little bit less interesting and more samey as it goes on. I'm a big fan of hers, having been obsessed with the Magnolia soundtrack when I was younger. It's been nice to go back and explore her other stuff. I've only recently listened to 'Bachelor No. 2' which was excellent, and this makes me want to continue and check out some of her other stuff.
3.5 rounded down.
Feb 12 2025
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Grant Lee Buffalo
This is pretty good! I like his voice. The songs are well put together and deliver for the most part.
3.5 rounded down.
Feb 13 2025
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Abattoir Blues / The Lyre of Orpheus
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
I really like the variation on show with this album, and I’m generally impressed with the quality over the two halves. Musically it’s very good, and at the least it's always interesting. He’s feels like a true artist forging his own path and I admire that.
Feb 14 2025
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Untitled (Black Is)
I like some of the beats, and it's a chill enough time, but I don't think much of this as a whole to be honest. It's so one-note, and I don't think they're even saying anything particularly meaningful or profound. And it's really long.
2.5 rounded down.
Feb 17 2025
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Liege And Lief
Fairport Convention
I'm not really into folk. This at least, is kind of lah-de-dah and a bit boring.
Feb 18 2025
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Violent Femmes
Violent Femmes
I'm surprised by how modern this sounds. I'd previously liked 'Gone Daddy Gone', and looked this band up, thinking they were like late nineties or something. It's mad that this was early 80's as it doesn't sound like it at all.
It's got some good songs, however a lot of songs really drag, especially the slower ones where he's doing his manic, Lou Reed kind of thing. The upbeat tracks are way better.