Emerson, Lake & PalmerFor progressive rock, this isn’t nearly as bad as the reviews suggest. It’s basically jazz
For progressive rock, this isn’t nearly as bad as the reviews suggest. It’s basically jazz
Spectacular big sound, orchestral and jazzy. I would have never guessed it would be that good
Good energy, but I can’t say it did much for me
It’s Abby Road
You can see the beginnings of his talent, but this was his angry middle school notebook
Fun first choice
I had this album when it came out because everyone said Radiohead was so amazing and revolutionary. It was so boring and overrated. Now hearing it again 20 years later, it’s still boring and overrated, but a little better on headphones. The dude cannot sing and there’s much better electronic music out there.
Fun dreamy glam rock
Started very fun, but fell off at the end
Not their best work, but not bad.
It’s Abby Road
A peaceful listen, but not too memorable.
Lots of classic southern rock with blues influences
I really like the dreamy low tempo electronic music
A little weird at times, but overall very groovy and chill
Mind bending
Reminds me of Miseducation, but less memorable
This is one of the 90’s best
Wow that was great! How did I miss this before?
I could go the rest of my life without hearing Under the Bridge or Give It Away again, yet the rest of the album still soars.
Jane’s Addiction is kind of annoying
A breath of fresh air
Much better now that high school is over and the annoying girls who played this all the time are far away. Now it’s very groovy
I didn’t get into this back in the day. He was smooth, but a lot of it is very repetitive. It gets stronger towards the end. It’s not bad overall, but the era has better hip hop too.
The second disk was awesome! I can’t be 100% sure if I heard the artist’s original intent since only later additions were available. Nonetheless, this jumped genre and did reasonably well in all of them
I’m obviously going to love this, but I don’t know that I have 3 1/2 hours to dedicate to it. Agree with others that a best of should not be eligible.
4 instead of 5 because I thought it had it’s oh so quiet and it didn’t
This is completely insane and I can’t begin to know how to rate it
The Cure was around in 1980? I like their later work, but this didn’t really speak to me so much. I enjoyed the penultimate song a lot
Well, it’s not bad, but I don’t see picking this over the original stuff. It’s definitely performed really well and helped introduce this stuff to a new audience.
Pretty and raw, but I don’t think I’m likely to listen again
I remember hearing about this artist back in the day, but never listened to it. It was much better than I was expecting. Haunting and well crafted
This was five stars up until that weird Telephone song. Nonetheless I loved this and have absolutely no idea why. Aw never mind, it’s a five in spite of that
This is so unique and only possible in the 90’s
I enjoyed this well enough. You could have told me that this was U2 in the late 80’s and that would have been pretty believable. Yet, I doubt I will revisit this one too often
That’s tough, I loved this in 7th grade but was way too cool for it in 12th. I guess I’ll just have to try to give it an honest listen 30 years later. It pretty much holds up! The instrumentation is top notch, but the lyrics are dumb and boring. It would be a five if it were in a language I don’t understand.
Not very memorable. Some of the breaks were nice, but I can’t imagine putting this on
Maybe I wasn’t in the right mood, but I had a hard time getting into this
Fun distraction, I could put this on again
No one jams like this. Dolby Atmos sounds so good with this too
Radiohead was deeply overrated at their best. This collection of B sides that even they didn’t like was torturous to slug through. The only listenable track was the instrumental one.
Still so much better than Oasis
A bit of a slog after the title track
Tough to judge, Jay-Z was always pretty funny and without much gimmicky stuff or unimaginative swearing. He picks good tracks to mix, but it does get a little same-ey after a while
This is unique and new to me! I have heard the name, but I don’t think I’ve heard her stuff before.
A couple great tracks but it gets really weird and experimental. Not necessarily a bad thing tho. Tough to digest
That was great, never heard of him before
He was certainly talented, but this is such a product of its time that I cannot help but be a deeply bored child again when I hear it.
This was better than Eminem led me to believe. Elvis was kind of the go-to pop culture joke in the late twentieth century, so it’s kind of weird to give him an honest listen. It was pretty enjoyable really (still hoping to see the original blues men make their appearance tho)
Well that was different. I mostly enjoyed it, but the Flaming Lips did it better
I can’t be sure that I heard the correct version, but I enjoyed it well enough without being blown away by it
This was kind of a mess, but with a few bright spots. I can understand why someone might like it and can see how it inspired the goth sub genre, but it was pretty grating
Summer Breeze is a lovely song (at least the first time it appeared on this album), but the rest was in the best that 70’s soul has to offer
Haunting and absolutely beautiful
Trippy and fun! I probably wasn’t in the right headspace for this, but I can tell he definitely pushed the technology available in 1973 to the max to great effect . Really rocked near the end
This was so much fun! It’s stuff that you know you’ve heard in the background of movies, but really focusing on it lets the storytelling shine through
Well this is what I’m here for! Amazing music that I’d never heard of before! Have to welcome multiverse Beatles into the regular rotation
My streaming service didn’t carry this album, but I was able to cobble together most of it from other albums. Absolutely beautiful, but not Miles Davis
Fun but rather same-y. I’m surprised that they started with their hit.
Best of the Southern rock genre
Megadeth kinda sucks. Metal can be great when it carries a big atmosphere, but this almost sounds AI
Pretty relaxing, but forgettable
Beats are best in genre. Unfortunately the skits are still dumb
So much fun! I appreciate how they inspired Rev Horton Heat
Morrissey is great but this wasn’t his best
Tough follow up album. Enjoyable, but not as memorable
Pretty mellow and enjoyable on a weekend morning
I like jazz, but fusion is a mess. The musicians are talented tho
What a trip, early punk sounds. This was so fun
An unexpected 5 stars! I have heard plenty of Young’s music, but not this album. That was hauntingly beautiful
It’s literally Thriller
I recently discovered these guys too! Good stuff
This album is so fun and would probably be 5 stars if it was just one disk
Crazy how I don’t think I ever heard this beyond the singles before. So complex and beautiful
That was fantastic and shall be added to the rotation
Better than expected after hearing their whiny and shitty later work. They should have kept this energy
One interesting track but mostly boring
I was really surprised to discover that I have not heard this whole album before, but know about half of it very well. The highlights are some of the best songs ever written, but the lows are so stupid “let’s do Julia in the road 100x” that’s it’s so hard to rate. I would rate it 4.5 if I had the option
Pretty good, I love the call and response on this! You definitely need to be in the right mood for it tho
Enjoyable background music, but doesn’t really catch you for the most part. You can tell it wasn’t a cohesive work, but just kind of everything he was working on
He had a lot of gusto
It’s really tough to know if an album this recent will stand the test of time, but this one seems likely. She’s a world class poet
Modern R&B does not appeal to me, but I recognize the talent
That was awesome! If not for the screaming vocals would probably be a five
Hauntingly beautiful lyrics
Not bad, but typical of the era
Sorry, quite boring
That was a pleasant, but very forgettable background sound
First half was incredible! Fell off a bit at the end
Dolly is the greatest American
I was never really into these guys, but they were definitely a big influence. This is 1990s rock in the 1980s
This is the background of a 1990’s coffee shop, pleasant but not memorable
Man, it was really weird to find this album on the list. Like, it’s fine, but more a goofy distraction than anything influential or must-hear
America’s poet
I was expecting much worse based on these reviews. This is pretty ordinary pop from the late 80’s. Not my thing but well done
It grew on me on the second listen. Not bad if you keep an open mind
Not his best work, but the highs are still pretty high
This hit just right! Not normally a genre that I’m into, but I wish I’d given it more attention in the 90’s
Billy Joel owns the 70’s
This whole time, I thought I didn’t like U2. This was really something else
Good, but not as great as Kind of Blue was
Didn’t like it at first but it really grew on me
What a deep reference! I heard these guys in their Alternative Tentacles days. Some of the writing is cringe now, but the rolling bass is lots of fun
I’ve been sick of this album for 40 years, but can’t deny it’s great
Pretty good, it reminded my wife of Pink Floyd
That was something different. Sounded a lot like a precursor to Beck
It had some solid moments (Ice Cream Truck), but the beats were not very memorable. Wu was missing its Tang
One of my wife’s favorite albums and I can see why. Haunting and beautiful. I enjoyed the loving Dylan send-up too
I can see why this one was so controversial. It took a second listen on a good speaker with no distractions to really get into it. It really grew on me tho, and I think it would be a five if her voice matched the project better (she has a bluesy voice). I’m intrigued
These beats were insane and never let up. I normally don’t enjoy the whole “movie dialogue sliced into the track” thing but this DJ excels at at. This has to be an unexpected 5
Not exactly my jam, but I can definitely acknowledge how atmospheric and enchanting it sounds in the right environment
Aside from the Jamaica song was perfect
This was a lot of fun (outside of the last track). It reminded me of a small town local band in the 90’s
As someone who played video games in the 1980’s, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!
Not my thing, but I’ll grade on a curve since this sound had to be pretty new in 1974
I didn’t like it at first but it grew on me. I’m still not sure why it’s here when there’s so many more impactful broadway recordings and this was nothing new in 2000
Prince does what he wants
Well, I can’t argue the talent, but it got very same-y very quickly
Raw and awesome. Not sure how I missed this in 2003
It’s fine but from the era when R&B started to fall off
I love the blues guitar. No idea that JJ had a backup band before her solar career
Good energy, but I can’t say it did much for me
The more experimental stuff didn’t age well and their self-titled original album was their best in my opinion. Still cannot deny these guys invented a new sound that’s unique
Big band’s last gasp. Really enjoyed it
This was much better than I expected! Full confidence 80’s pop that didn’t hold back
There were a couple good songs, but overall this was kind of a mess
These guys are quickly becoming an unsung hero
My wife said I can’t make a flight club reference, but I may give it five stars anyway
Enjoyable early 90’s rock that didn’t reach the charts so much
This was pretty enjoyable. I respect the effort. Reviews suggest it was not a typical work for her. I did not know the artist previously
Not bad, but doesn’t really grab your attention. This becomes pleasantly background music and you can tell that’s not what they’re going for
Please stop making me listen to Radiohead. They aren’t getting better.
The title track was great but fell off from there
This was so good, I love this sound (surf-punk). It’s like Dead Kennedys were in a good mood. I had not heard these guys before and was slightly expecting a ska band with their name
If this can stay instrumental it might be five stars Welp, not working for Master of Puppets Works well with Wolf song, (but not really a good song) Thing that should not be is boring Fuel is good Spaced off A good idea in theory, but they are really overwhelming the orchestra and May as well not be there Nothing Else Matters works well…but didn’t it already have a symphony? Bell tolls is working pretty good…please don’t sing Roam would work really well if the dude would just STFU, they need a choir next time Second disk picks up a lot One works really well so far Sandman doesn’t work nearly as well as they thought it would, maybe spoke too soon…nah Well, I gotta give an A for effort tho. I think this project would have worked best as a DVD instead of an album because the symphony got drowned out a lot. Still a very fun idea that would have been great in person
The energy never lets up. This is close to best in genre
One of my very first CDs. Aged better than I expected
I love the titular song and can tell it’s a fantastic album but can’t really say I was in the mood for it
Think about you is the only weak spot so far. Rocket Queen too, but everything is is banger. It’s been a while, but this album has held up beyond expectations
At a certain point in the 60’s, it’s hard to tell what is rock and what is R&B. Regardless, this was the golden era for R&B
Great instrumentation, but the singing was noticeably off.
Pretty intense drumming. I enjoyed it
Aside from one cringey song this was flawless
Aw, I grew up with this album. I cannot turn down blusey classic rock
I know they’re supposed to be making fun of each other, but I don’t think they could have ever guessed how unintentionally homoerotic it comes across 30 odd years later. The first half of the album was a solid five, with the iconic rolling bass and whistle sound. It falls off pretty hard when the skits start to about a 2.5, so it’s a 4 on average
This was a lot of fun! Somewhere between Elvis and Sam Cooke
A peaceful and enjoyable album that dragged on a bit too long
I have seen this name, but never heard him before. I do not normally go for this genre, but wow I was floored by how catchy and gripping it was! A little twangy protesty poignant Dylan/American Pie. This is a five star new album
This is what Radiohead would sound like if they were good
Much better than the other CHIC album. The repetition was bugging me at first, until I realized that this is meant to be dance music. I mean, disco is still a synonym for dance club. With that in mind I totally get the groove and it’s a good one.
Not bad, but very background
If you are listening on Apple please turn off the Dolby atmos or it will sound like she’s yelling at you a cappella. Of course the big singles were very overplayed, but if you can get past that…Easy five star but at least two stars are Flea’s
Not what I was expecting. Pretty decent jam band playing a variety of styles well.
Who knew these guys had other songs and that they’re pretty good?
What an interesting album! I wouldn’t exactly call it punk but I don’t know what to call it. They were not shy about experimenting with new sounds and I heard a lot of stuff that would become prominent throughout the 80’s
Okay, but does not hold your attention. Very difficult to get worked up liking or disliking this guy
Her newer stuff isn’t for me, but I really respect Björk as an artist who makes exactly what she wants.
Hail Satan! Once you get past the 80’s metal cheese, it does have a few high points. I really prefer sludgy metal, but you can tell these guys were having fun and didn’t take themselves all that seriously. Definitely had a big influence on the next couple decades
I hadn’t heard this album or any of its songs before. It’s pleasant and peaceful up until the penultimate song. I like his other work more tho
Absolute banger all the way through
This doesn’t sound like 1990. Really growing on me in the second listen. These guys exceeded the one hit wonder reputation
He did his own thing in an instantly recognizable and an unduplicated way.
I was skeptical But it is winning me over. This is a massive talent. I won’t exactly listen to it again because it’s not a genre that works for me, but big respect. I’m sold
What a great surprise! Apparently this was part of Ted Lasso
Great to hear a generational talent just messing around in his home studio all raw and lo-fi
Oh man, I’ve only heard of this because of the Vandals Turns out, TV’s GE smith was no match for this
Well I’ve heard this a million times. What I didn’t know was that they released a handful of rehearsal songs from this in 2019 and it’s haunting to hear today.
The first three tracks were a steamroller! It mellowed out after that but never really let up. I haven’t given Dire Straits much attention before, but I’m realizing that I really should
This album is really funny! It’s odd that now he’s better known for playing a cop, but he had a lot of fun making this
A pleasant listen, I’m glad I heard it
A lot of solid and uplifting moments, but it got too disjointed at times. I’m spoiled by finding Miles first
Pleasant noodling but didn’t really hold my attention
You sure don’t expect to get slut-shamed by Iron Maiden?!
Well crafted industrial music is hard to come by. I guess I should have looked in Switzerland. This was a genuine treat and exactly the sort of thing I was hoping to find. I can understand why it’s a little out there for some folks, but it worked for me
Transcendently beautiful
This was country before it sold out. It’s not my genre so I can’t really judge it very effectively, but it was well crafted
The Beatles had no bad albums, but they have entries stronger than this one. The hits are the hits tho
The first third was a bit rough. I didn’t like his singing and wished it was instrumental. It really picked up in the middle and I can see some real solid talent. The poetry near the end was FIRE and notched it up a star!
I wasn’t completely in the right headspace to take this album in, but I could tell it was some poignant and powerful poetry
You wouldn’t expect Michael Jackson to make one of the best disco albums
That started slow but got really beautiful by the end
A lot of very solid background tracks. It would be five stars if it was about a third shorter
I have been wrong about Madonna for 25 years, that was amazing actually . I was surprised by how good this was. I don’t really like the Ray of Light song so much, so I didn’t have high expectations of it, but it’s downtempo and really well put together. I think sometimes we don’t give albums a fair shake when the artist is a media spectacle. Lesson learnt
With Song 2 being so overplayed, I’d kinda forgotten how good this was. Very few misses on this diverse album
Well that was interesting! I can see why it’s controversial because at times it does seem like they are just screwing around with the synthesizer, but when they really get going and jamming it’s not bad
A beautiful album
It was better than the other one and I kinda jammed out at times
I wasn’t able to give this the time it deserved, but the middle was incredible writing
Pretty solid funk album. I particularly dug the instrumental tracks
I’m starting to think there might be a reason all the country music on this list has been from the 80’s or earlier so far
I was too sick to properly enjoy this one, but I could tell it was spectacular
Well, that was what you might expect German electronic music from 1979 to sound like. I was impressed that he’s still making music today
Better than I was expecting, this was actually pretty epic
Very solid album, but I like This is Happening more
A couple decent songs, but this was mostly phoned in and boring
I have heard of these guys, but never listened before. It grew on me a lot during the second listen
Ouch why? Track five is listenable. Make it to the half point and it gets a bit better
Brilliant rhyming, sampling and storytelling. I am skeptical about the last few tracks being on the original album tho
I used to think this was the worst White Stripes album (still incredible, but not on level with their other work). I’ve matured since then and realized this is a generational talent
I think I had this album but barely remember it. It holds up well enough
Solid proto grunge
This one was not on my streaming service, so I listened to a couple tracks from a “best of” album and was underwhelmed at first. Then I found the whole thing on YouTube and gave it a full listen in the background and it really impressed as a complete package. I can see how this influenced so much in the 90’s
I am a sucker for anything blues based. It is the sound of America 🇺🇸
Wow! What a surprise masterpiece
Really solid work! I did not realize Wilco was around that early
Not iconic, original or influential. It’s not awful but I cannot understand why it’s here.
Possibly best in genre
Quirky and fun
I spent the 2000s in the UK and I kinda remember the short lived belief that a new genre had been invented. Aged pretty badly. A couple high points, but These guys would probably prefer to be left off of the list so this embarrassing album could be forgotten
Solid influence on the 90s
American music’s heart…except the dog shooting I guess
Introspective and yearning masterpiece
The second half of this album SLAPS
Not bad but didn’t connect with me
These guys perfected rock samples into a hybrid genre that is almost uniquely theirs
Getting a little tired of Kraftwerk, but there’s a couple good tracks
It had a moment or two but not nearly enough to justify the 90 minute slog
Not bad, some earnest hits that have fallen out of the zeitgeist on here
My folks loved this album growing up. It really showed that Paul McCartney had solo musical chops
Hauntingly brilliant
A really unique and interesting sound. Was too sleepy to give it a proper listen, but I’ve heard them before
This one needs to be enjoyed in a cozy environment. It improved greatly in the second listen at home
I can see the talent, but for me this is about where R&B fell off until the 90s. Every song lasts about two minutes past when it was over
I didn’t want to like this because I thought of them as a one-hit wonder, but it won me over. Better than the Strokes, but not as good as the Black Keys or White Stripes
An all-time favorite and an easy five
Cozy background music, got better when stripped down
Is this a punk rock jam band? Interesting stuff
Apple Music called this a pop album, but I’m still not fucking with it
This was almost as weird as JD Vance
Lots of classics that set up a half century of pop music
Pretty decent pop record, if it had been released 20 years prior I think it would have a higher general rating here
Great collection of world music sounds
Solid Dylan work
Hard to see what they were going for here
Fun late 60’s rock. Did not realize who they were until the last song
Not bad background jazz. It mostly doesn’t command your attention after the first track
I’m a sucker for anything blues based, but the version of Riders on the Storm with excessive band chatter at the beginning with no other noticeable changes was annoying
Good variety of sounds on here
I was today years old when I learned Social Distortion did not write that song
This labor of love is possibly best in genre. Every song is so layered (except Disarm, that song is annoying)
Very solid start
Good collection of covers
Popularized the genre worldwide
Not as good as their later work
I’m the right context this could be incredible
For everyone who was ever 14
That was off the wall
The final boss of 80s synth pop really picks up about halfway through when it gets more creative and varied
I’m a sucker for blues based anything
What a delight that was!
A really interesting album with many great highs and a few crass lows that knock it down a notch
Enjoyable pub rock, but I don’t imagine coming back to this
I usually like older R&B, but this didn’t meet my expectations
Generational talent
Really chill
Some of his best work
Enjoyable and tough to categorize
Very chill and enjoyable album
Had some high points, but was a little past prime R&B
Better than the last one
I enjoyed this much more than I expected to
I’m a Blur guy, but that won me over
Pretty raw early punk
The start of something incredible, but Doolittle was better
Fantastic that this should follow the Pixies
Good, but not their best outside of Immigrant Song
The most 60s album yet
Pretty solid and eclectic collection of tracks
Was okay but not in the mood
Pretty solid rock
I understand why it’s way too much in one sitting, but I found it clever and charming. It was as if Shel Silverstein was a musician
That was okay but I’ll never listen to it again
This was even better than the other one
I really enjoyed it until he started playing literally the same song five times. Too much
The first half had the singer kinda overwhelming the rest of the (pretty decent) instrumentation, but it picked up a lot in the second half to land in the middle
They are not getting much better. It really is an Emperor’s New Clothes situation with these guys
What a great surprise! I’ll definitely need to put these guys on regular rotation
The radio hit was nice, but OMG the rest sounds like Christian Rock
I don’t know metal well enough to rate
I somehow managed to never listen to this one when it was big. What a miss, it was amazing outside of the radio hit
I didn’t realize these guys were around that early
Interesting concept
Really picks up around Southern Man
Early genre weirdness
That was peaceful and influenced a whole genre
Not heard of this before, what a trip!
Cannot believe he just freestyled this
She constantly releases good albums
You can see the beginnings of his talent, but this was his angry middle school notebook
My folks played this one a lot growing up
Massive talent
Pretty fun
Pretty enjoyable
I’m a sucker for blues based rock
Fantastic, I don’t think I’ve heard most of this before
Very solid entry
Pretty good
Not bad exactly, but the tempo just didn’t seem to match to my ear
America’s heart
Of course David Bowie was a treasure. Not bad, but definitely only here because it was his last work, not his best.
Tough to rate. None of it’s bad but none of it really commands your attention either
By 1998 I expect more from electronic music
I don’t like to judge the album by the person, but this did remind me to get my flu shot
It’s an album that has been the butt of many jokes
Great album but not really the day for it
I’m surprised that I haven’t heard this one before. It’s apparently well known
I’ve never really gotten the Who, but respect their talent
That was strange but I can see what they were going for. It was just too much of an inside joke for a previous generation that’s a little lost to time
That was a trip that won my whole family over
Yeah I can see why they called him the godfather of grunge
It had its moments
I didn’t really know these guys when I was younger but this was easily the best 80’s metal so far
I was surprised that I hadn’t heard all of these before
I wish I’d heard his stuff beyond the radio hits before, that was all around amazing
I didn’t want to like this because Genesis taught me that I don’t like progressive rock, but it ended up being pretty good
Pretty good, but very repetitive
Fuzzy sounding excellence
Pretty clever rhymes, but imagine being the one person in the business who he forgot to shout out
Wow, that was atmospheric! I totally get the appeal
Pretty fun direction
Equal parts brilliant and crude
Oi oi oi
Not a very interesting album
That hit way harder than expected
The radio songs (other than maybe Lithium) have been played to the point that I don’t even really hear them anymore. Otherwise it’s hard to express how this sounded when it was fresh
It had its moments but a lot of this was trying too hard
I can see the appeal, but so much of this dragged on and on long after it was interesting. I got bored with about half of it
Best in whatever genre that was
A sweet and inoffensive album
Her voice didn’t work for everything here but it was sweet overall
Another amazing album that I thought I knew, but actually didn’t. That’s what this project is great for
Solid foundational country
A few standout tracks
I did enjoy the rolling bass lines, but the falsetto singing just got too annoying
A great collection of songs that I have not heard this version of before. Not exactly an album tho, just a talent showcase
You sorta know exactly what this will sound like as soon as you see the cover
Better than expected
Best in genre
It’s fine, I just don’t like progressive rock
What a poet!
Say what you want about the 80s, but pop music peaked
I only knew the song from Natural Born Killers before, but wow this album blew me away
Better than the cover suggested
I guess Van Morrison wrote other songs
Eclectically brilliant
That was the BeeGees???
It’s not bad, but not his best work. Too 70s
Solid entry, but not quite as immersive as Key of Life
I can understand why some people wouldn’t like this, but I think it was in interesting blend of punk and industrial
Festively soulful and it reminds you what time of year it is
My wife’s favorite album is an all time classic
I get what he was going for, but was definitely not in the right mood for melancholy
Much better than the other Zappa album. This was a fun take on jazz
Not bad, but instantly forgotten
It has the Nirvana pattern of quiet heavy quiet that was popular in the early 90s
They were having fun making this
Blown away by this. Another five star album by someone I didn’t know before
Don’t care, had fun
I learned that the Basement Jaxx famous song is a cover
This haunting album stays with you. Fantastic
I didn’t expect to like this but it grew on me
So much fun and plenty of 90s rap Easter eggs too
Not really worth paying for, but worth a stream or two
Solid college rock
The second half was a five
She had a nice singing voice, but the songwriting and instrumentation wasn’t anything special. Seems likely this one benefited from family connections
Most of the time this was a lot of fun. A little of the time this was obnoxious
Sweet harmonies, I thought I knew this album but I was wrong
Very pleasant listen. I was a bit zoned out from exhaustion to give it proper attention
A real mixed bag. I really like some of it, but some of it was stupid
Wow we were so cynical, Elvis before he was famous is pretty good stuff
Fine, but not his best work
I did not have high expectations for this album but it really impressed me. Probably the best metal album from the 90s
Eclectic songs that were well cry
It’s not bad, but r&b in general was in a lull
Pretty intense
Not bad. It’s mostly just okay with one stand out track. Odd that this seems to be their only non-streaming album
A couple misses, but overall a garfunkeleske work of art
For progressive rock, this isn’t nearly as bad as the reviews suggest. It’s basically jazz
Pretty epic rock opera here
Not bad early rock
Goofy but fun at times
Surprise hit
Some of it is a little hilariously outdated today (Donal Trump having no time for politics / Diddy being something to brag about) but you can’t deny she’s the best female rapper in the business
Solid album, I wonder if her other one is on the list
I’m rocked pretty good by this
Interesting and beautiful at times
Peaceful and trippy
I’m not sure what this was supposed to be
Okay that was a lot of fun! Much better than the other Megadeth album on the list. It would probably be a five if it didn’t repeat itself for no reason
Well that was certainly an album
Dark and hypnotic
Not bad, I enjoyed the downtempo but I don’t tend to go for modern R&B
I know 13 Songs pretty well but hadn’t heard this before. It holds up
Not his best
Well ya can’t argue with that
You can see why this is the highest rated album on the list
Pleasant background music
Ironically, this would have been way better without Iggy Pop in it
What Radiohead might sound like if they didn’t suck
It occasionally found a song
It wasn’t that bad. I don’t enjoy the barking, but the riffs are pretty good and they stop before they get boring
Coldplay kinda missed me the first time around, but this is pleasant
Yeah I know…in fiction it’s a lot of fun and entertainment when a genius goes mad, in real life it’s just sad
It had its moments, but this just seemed a little too Middle Earth for me
That went pretty hard
I think this would be 5 without that singer. Otherwise pretty innovative and impressive
80s darkwave goodness
Holy shit what just happened. This was a solid five up until the last song spaceman thing
Functionally fine, but reminds me too much of Muzak
Old Skool’s last gasp was fun enough
That was way better than their other one
Goofy at times but kinda fun most of the time
Folks didn’t give these guys enough credit back in the day
Spectacular big sound, orchestral and jazzy. I would have never guessed it would be that good
They said it sounds like the Beatles and AC/DC writing songs for each other and they were right
Wow, what an awesome experience
Replace the singer and this would be pretty good. At least they restrain him somewhat on this one
Enjoyable 89s college rock
Fever dream
I love Beck! I would have gone with Guero tho
Best enjoyed with headphones