She's So Unusual
Cyndi LauperTwo massively overplayed pop songs, neither of which I care for surrounded by a collection of lifeless filler
Two massively overplayed pop songs, neither of which I care for surrounded by a collection of lifeless filler
I hated out of time and put off listening to REM for a long time after that. Shiny Happy People being possibly the worst song ever written. This album is a different beast entirely.
I expect this album is going to score relatively poorly on this site. Those people are wrong and this album is in fact 'mint'.
I know the album quite well having heard it a lot when it was released. Still sounds pretty good on re-listen. It's a bit emo but probably the best album I've heard that came out of the nu-metal thing in the early 2000's. Gets a higher score probably for the sheer nostalgia value.
One of my favourite ever albums. It's a timeless masterpiece.
There are parts of this album which are unbelievably good, especially when you consider how old it is. However there are bits that are dated and hearing Little miss strange kick in for the first time is jarring and in general the middle part of the album is a bit of meandering mess. The beginning and end though are outstanding.
No notes required, it's my favourite album and I listen to it multiple times a month.
Seemed okay - almost classic jazz (is that a thing?) Easy to appreciate the quality of the music but just not really my thing.
I quite like the alternative hip hop scene although I am fairly new to it and it wasn't something I grew up listening to when I generally formed most of my music taste. This album was very good, felt modern and quite old at the same time.
I think my musical tastes have changed a lot from when I first heard this album. The headline tracks (Jeremy, Alive, Even Flow and Black) are still really good and the rest of the album is much better than I remembered.
Fantastic album that still holds up really well. I was a huge fan of punk when I was younger and this album was the first that drew me into the hardcore scene over the pop-punk style that was popular at the time.
Not my cup of tea. I'm sure some people really enjoy this but it is not something I would listen to again. Honestly just felt a bit limp and I didnt think it was very good compared to similar bands/styles.
I actually liked this album a lot more than I thought I would. I probably wouldn't want to listen to it again though
Having spent my life having old heads tell me that the Clash are one of the best punk bands, and that London calling is one of the greatest punk albums ever, I have been socially shamed into nodding my head and agreeing. It's not true. The Clash are massively overrated and this album isn't even their best.
Enjoyable - and not what I would call a live album in terms of audio quality and crowd noise
Tastes like cheap cider and lambert and butler
Although a good album it does have the feel of a band that hasn't really hit their stride yet. The highlights of the albums all involve a deltron 3030 member who add a lot of stability to the album. Gorillaz follow up album, Demon Days, is a much better project.
Sounds really plain and I enjoyed it less and less as I went on
A greatest hits album? 'Veni Vidi Vicious' should have been picked instead. I like the Hives. It doesn't pretend to be anything it isn't. I don't think they won many song writing awards and I don't think they give a fuck.
It was alright I suppose - I prefer his more uptempo stuff and some of the stuff he produced for other artists
A fantastic album I discovered way too late in my life.
I wasn't expecting this to be anywhere near a top 1000 albums list. Angels is a drunken karaoke banger but the rest of the album is flat and uninspiring. I wouldn't even say this is Robbie Williams best project.
Struggling to think of anything positive to put here.
I should like Muse. I am pretty much their target audience, but outside of a couple of singles they just dont click for me. It's like someone made a supergroup of all the bits I don't like from bands I love.
It was alright, don't think I would actively listen to this again but would be okay background music
Probably my 3rd favourite Zep album, which shows the strength of their discography
Pretty inoffensive early pop punk which kind of defeats the point. Really good vocals though
Really enjoyed this having not heard the album before
Bit all over the place, parts were okay but other tracks I really disliked
It wasn't bad, but not sure I would actively listen to this again. I preferred the more experimental stuff over the pop tracks
Not my favourite pixies album, but sounds good
A little gimmicky take on a greatest hits album. I would much rather listen to the originals but I expect this would be amazing to experience live.
A difficult and rewarding listen. This album is far out of what I would call my comfort zone and took me quite a few listens to really appreciate and has since become one of my favourite albums.
Art punk without the swagger
Kind of liked this one. Had a very strong sound and a sense of identity and you can see why they inspired so many big bands today
Two massively overplayed pop songs, neither of which I care for surrounded by a collection of lifeless filler
Particularly enjoyed the version of heard it through the grapevine
I really try to avoid comparisons when listening to music as it leads your brain to thinking about things in a particular way but for this one the symmetry with deltron3000 is too close for me not to bring it up. It doens't have anywhere near the same tightness. Generally it all felt a bit underwhelming. The beats were good, but not great. The rapping was okay.
Not my favourite MJ album but still good.
Not really sure what to think of this, I think it definitely needed extra listens to get my head around it
The Talking Heads belong to a time I was never a part of. Honestly the whole thing feels dated and simple
I'm not a massive fan of any of the individual Smiths albums, and if I was in the mood to listen to the Smiths this isn't the album I would select. Not bad or anything, just very middle of the road.
Trying to be objective here but honestly this is just awful. Practically incomparable to anything I have listened to before which is a good thing and has a really strong theme running through it. However there is no 'music' to speak of. It doesn't evoke emotion or thought, it doesn't impart information or wisdom and it doesn't even make me feel uneasy or uncomfortable. It's more like a 6th form art project than an album.
I've just finished the last track (which was the best on the album) and I have instantly forgotten the entire album. Had it been an album of songs like the last track I would have enjoyed it more. It isn't bad, but there is nothing else there that gripped me at all.
In my opinion this is the best Pixies album. Has a darker unpolished sound but still keeps the pixies insane levels of weirdness. Also it has boobs on the cover.
Instant reaction is that drums and guitar work are ace and the vocals are rubbish but the album was really samey and kept up that hyper aggressive style throughout which I got tired of pretty quickly. If I was listening to a playlist and a single song came on I wouldn't mind at all but a whole album was too much. I struggled to finish the album if I am honest
Oh hey its the clash album they released before they went shit
It was good, i expected more bluesy style rock but this was more of an early MTV highlights reel
Opinion for this album would massively change depending on the mood you are in. Personally I thought it was okay but I don't think I was quite in the head-space to really appreciate it
David Bowie is consistently the most overrated musician (and person) to ever walk this planet. The best album he made was an Iggy pop album and the veneration he receives as a legend of music seemingly untarnished by his frankly unacceptable behavior puzzles me. In this phase takes huge inspiration from the American soul explosion at the time and manages to water it down to a thin white sound. Even if you are fan of Bowie I can't imagine enjoying this album outside of a misguided tribalism.
Very old school Jazzy
I think if I had listened to this album closer to when it originally came out I would have been a massive fan. Still it is a very good album and I would listen to again
Would have been a 5 if the album had Soul Limbo on it - but cant take away anything but the fact this is an incredible album
The best led zep album? Maybe
Excellent album
My 72nd album and the first I couldn't finish.
A double album that really didnt need to be a double album, and the Maggie May cover was awful
First two tracks are great - then it kinda fades. Def not bad though
Really enjoyed this
A cold Monday morning was probably the worst time to listen to this album and may have cost it the extra star
I think of they leaned more into the St Jimmy rock opera bit and less of the generic fuck bush stuff it would have been much better
2nd PJ Harvey album for me and maybe not as good as the first. However I scored that one low and warmed to it on a few re listens so knocking this one up by a percentage point to compensate
Started off really enjoying the album but was getting a bit tired towards the end.
Very different sound to the last Doors album I reviewed. I prefer the lean into blues rock much more
Psychedelic rock really feels like a product of its time and I struggle to appreciate it
Dire unimaginative tripe
Really weird album but enjoyable. Glad I have listened to it but probably wont again
I hated out of time and put off listening to REM for a long time after that. Shiny Happy People being possibly the worst song ever written. This album is a different beast entirely.
Another Bowie album, but this time he is a whiny racist? Musically this album is much better than the others. The first track in particular started off really well before Bowie's vocals came in and ruined it for me.
Outstanding album but I think understanding the context behind the songs and the general hip-hop/rap landscape at its time of release is crucial to fully appreciating it.
Good album, but there are a lot better in the genre and think this mostly got on the list due to the name rather than the content itself. The cover of I shot the sheriff is pretty bad
Its like KLF and the Streets had a mad bastard baby. I quite liked it initially but got a bit bored towards the end
Instantly forgettable - not bad by any stretch but not something I am ever going to listen again, or recognise if it plays.
Banger after banger
This is pretty much the jazz album for me. On the surface really smooth and listenable and hides a technical complexity that you probably need a degree to understand fully
Look, look! The Emperor isn't wearing any clothes! This is by far the worst I have heard of his. Are we all just pretending this is great because he died shortly after? It's a hot mess. Honestly this is so bad.
Lots of similar sounding psych rock albums on this list. This one was probably the most enjoyable of the bunch with quite a clean sound despite the age
Very poppy and outside of the well known tracks pretty forgetful
The best Nirvana album by some distance
I expect this album is going to score relatively poorly on this site. Those people are wrong and this album is in fact 'mint'.
I found this really dull. I think it has aged a lot and just didn't hold me interest
Probably the best pop album ever made and worthy of all the praise it gets
This is probably one of the easier slam-dunk 5's on the list. The Easy Star All Stars version of Let Down clears
Let's be honest there are a lot of absolute duds on here. I think if they dropped the 5 tracks from the back half of this album and shaved 20 mins of the runtime it would have been much better. 4 stars seems a bit high and 3 stars seems a bit low.
A high 3 - think it definitely needs more than 1 listen to appreciate
Very 1980s production. I definitely wouldn't listen to this again
I like the idea of Siouxsie much more than I actually like the output
Actually a far better album then it is given credit for, usually relegated to a shock album and looked down on compared to some of the more fashionable bands of the time like the clash. The album is pure energy though. The music is rough and ready like you would expect from a punk band of the era but some of the riffs are really good.
Somewhere between a 3 and 4. Has the same problem that I felt Californication had where it has a handful of really excellent songs and a couple of really poor fillers. Bumping it up to four based on under the bridge
The title track is probably one of the greatest songs ever written but the remaining album fall a little flat
Just couldn't get into this at all.
Completely different from anything else I have been recommended as part of this process and one of few records that were completely unknown to me.
Needs another listen. Definitely doesn't have the range that back to black has but there were some really good tracks on there
Very close to a one star
Been lucky enough to see The Prodigy live at a festival and was probably the best live music experience I have ever had.
If it didn't say John Lennon on the cover I don't think I would have given it a glance
Couldn't finish it