Birth Of The Cool
Miles DavisNot a big jazz guy, but this was a good listen, know there's more Miles to come on this album journey so looking forward to that
Not a big jazz guy, but this was a good listen, know there's more Miles to come on this album journey so looking forward to that
Really like the mix, very enjoyable to listen to. Feels like the songs could've either done with being a minute shorter or had something extra to fill the run time, but had fun listening regardless
Struggled with this, wasn't anything to draw me into it. Felt quite low tempo and stripped back for what I'd come to expect from Bowie
Not a big jazz guy, but this was a good listen, know there's more Miles to come on this album journey so looking forward to that
Pretty easy 5/5 for me, the level of energy is infectious thanks to Sam's performance and the live crowd
Can see why people would love this, but wasn't for me. Grooves were cool but not much else to draw me in
Bit of a hit and miss album for me, some really good tracks but I feel the start and end of the album gets a bit weak
First exposure to Björk as an artist, looking forward to hearing more. I have previously listened to Sigur Ros and this reminded me of that a lot, really ethereal.
I really like the Allman Brothers studio albums, so this was quite disappointing for me, some classics on this recording but good lord, some of the instrumental/solo sections drag on for some time without doing anything especially interesting.
Really didn't get the appeal of this, have enjoyed a lot of the Cure's material previously but this album was meandering, hookless and each track was hard to distinguish between with it all being at the same tempo. Maybe I need to be in a very specific mood to appreciate it
First album where I saw no justification or reasoning to give it another listen, just dull.
I tend to like Springsteen's slightly more soulful/ballady songs over the rockier stuff, so this album suited me down to the ground, great to listen to the whole way through
It's hard to not be impressed by the almost virtuoso level talents on the Guitar that Mark Knopfler has, but it's a slightly inconsistent album. Tracks like Sultans and Down by the Waterline are high points, a lot of what remains became a touch forgettable
It was hard to get into this album, it really was just weird and not in a good way I think. I understand she was being experimental with production and I can see the influence it had on albums such as Hand Cannot Erase. However, I feel Steven Wilson took the foundations of The Dreaming and made it much more coherent and musical (it's one of my favourite concept albums). I'll maybe give this another go as it feels like an album which works situationally and didn't work for me when I did listen to it to really appreciate it.
I was only familiar with the title track before listening, but there are some hidden gems on here! It was like a soup of Talking Heads, Chic and Velvet Underground and the 45ish minutes flew by
As with most Chic records, it's hard to not be impressed by how tight the grooves are, but I found there to be a bit of a lack of variety from song to song to really enjoy this beyond that
This was a powerful album, both lyrically and instrumentally. First time listening to Public Enemy and won't be the last, found this album to fly by
Didn't get on with this one. An English born musician cosplaying as a world musician and it leads to some paper thin interpretations of the genre. Only person who I think ever has successfully got away with this is Paul Simon
Pleasant to listen along to, but all in all a forgettable experience. Nothing to complain about but nothing to grab my attention
I can see why this album belongs on this list and would be so beloved. For me personally the songs side on being too long and too repetitive without there being enough energy to carry my interest. The album went by pleasantly but never grabbed me lyrically or sonically and to me that was its downfall
I know it's an unpopular opinion, but I simply do not connect with Nirvana. It sounds amateur with production, you can't understand a single lyric due to the mix and Cobain's complete lack of enunciation and the guitar sounds like a tin can full of wasps and doesn't work to be in a way that works for me. I think Cobain was an okay to good writer but never found the way he delivered them to resonante with me, I tried to listen to the entirety of this album but just couldn't.
Not the strongest work from Costello, definitely prefer his slightly higher energy, hookier content.
First half of the album is great, typical soulful Neil Young goodness. Less keen on the second half where it becomes less so about that and more so drawn out guitar solos which really did drag for me. Would've been an easy 5 if it continued on that path
The obvious timing aside, and Phil Spector's indiscretions, this actually was a very fun album to listen to. The wall of sound recording method was on full display here with some very rich instrumentals and tidy production
Wasn't expecting this! Thought it would be the slightly mindless noise generation I came to expect from White Stripes but ended up with something quite musical where Jack shows he actually has chops as both a writer and a guitarist, spanning a good number of genres well. Would listen again
I can see why this album was influencial at the time, but I don't think it has aged especially well with the likes of Daft Punk taking this genre and effectively mastering it. This by comparison sounds a bit bare bones, not bad though
An easy no skip album, Canadian royalty and always interesting to listen to
All the slick production of her brother's music, without any of the emotional hook and general interesting song choices
The duality of Thundercat, one of the best bassists around but his lyrics man, they're really quite bad. I honestly feel this could've been amazing if it was just an instrumental album
First album I had generated I listened to previously, it's a masterpiece, not much more to say beyond that.
Can't say I got this album. I'm not against sampling, but it just doesn't do anything interesting with the samples and left me quite bored
Noise. Nothing more to me, could not finish it
All the flashy Beach Boys production, can't say I loved the slightly half hearted attempts at the songs having real world meaning. Pleasant but nothing outstanding
Ethereal, beautiful and a delightful listen
Too short to really get into, had potential though
Many songs sound like a bad David Bowie cosplay, despite being before a lot of Bowie's work which is kinda weird. It gets better listening with full headphones instead of IEMs
Bit of a one hit album, odd inclusion
I wish the Spotify link was the actual length of the album.