The Suburbs
Arcade FireBasic...very boring. I can't think of a more down the middle milquetoast album that I have listened to in the past 10 years. Lyrics are meh. I know they have their fans though...good for thee, not for me.
Basic...very boring. I can't think of a more down the middle milquetoast album that I have listened to in the past 10 years. Lyrics are meh. I know they have their fans though...good for thee, not for me.
Elton John is great. Bernie Taupin is a horrible lyricist.
I am sure it is good...I am not smart enough to understand jazz piano
Great album...Stevie always brings it.
Great Album!! I did not know that Queen did the original Stone Cold Crazy....I knew all the others were covers, but I thought the original was some obscure band. Dear Friends is a sweet little diddy written by Brian May. Tenement Funster is a great understated come down from the perfectly light and breezy Killer Queen. Flick of the Wrist and Lilly of the Valley carry the middle of the album to it's ultimate and satisfying conclusion. I really enjoyed this album from front to back.
Enjoyed this more than I thought I would. Good workout music. I had this back in high school when it first came out but have not listened to it since then. I will revisit more often.
Seems like mood music...just caught me in a good mood so it didn't work for me...I am trying to get away from sad b@atard music....but everyone needs a cry sometimes.
Not my bag.
Ok. I’m not smart enough to understand jazzy piano music.
Ultimate outer-planetary funk. It don't get no funkier.
Great album. A blast from the past for sure, but fun from start to finish!
A nice sexy time
Basic...very boring. I can't think of a more down the middle milquetoast album that I have listened to in the past 10 years. Lyrics are meh. I know they have their fans though...good for thee, not for me.
Awesome album. Apart from the radio hits, there are 3 or 4 other great songs on here. My ear could be clouded by nostalgia since this was a huge album in my house when I was a kid. Either way, it's a romp back through the '80s for me.
Good Album. I am a white male, but even without being an African-American studies major this album does give you some idea of the good and the bad of their experience in 1990's in America. At times I felt like I was in on the joke, and at times felt like it was over my head (which it should be). I was a kid in Southern California when this came out, but had close black friends. This album recalls going to the beauty shop with Ronnie's mom while she got her hair did, Cross Colours clothes that I wanted to wear but didn't quite understand why I wasn't allowed....many other things that I wanted to feel a part of, but it was not my place. I digress. Great album, 5 stars!
Great album. Classic
Great album. Some catchy songs and some ethereal stuff. Best Song: Street Worm
Perfect album. Perfect songs. She is an amazing storyteller. This is like a movie. Don't go into this album if you are looking for a lighthearted romp...this is a heavy drama.