Bee GeesThe most interesting thing about this album is the picture on the cover. This whole album makes me think of Jimmy Fallon. And that's not welcome either. At least HE had JT.
The most interesting thing about this album is the picture on the cover. This whole album makes me think of Jimmy Fallon. And that's not welcome either. At least HE had JT.
Just good old fashioned bluesy rock n roll. I love it when it's good and timeless
It's fine. I think it's time someone told Robert Dimery the definition of the word "need".
I was looking forward to listening to this album. I only know 1 song by Joni Mitchell and I really can't stand it. But I know she's popular so maybe I'm missing something? Nope. And the first song is proof I wasn't gonna get a song that I like. The next 9 beat that point home over and over. Seriously, ZERO FUCKIN' STARS!
Oh. I guess Graceland isn't the only Paul Simon solo album I hope to never hear again. ZERO stars.
One of the best alternative bands and albums. 5 stars 🌟
Starts out strong. Then it falls off a cliff. Listening to this whole album is a chore. Also. It's better, IMO, to hear these songs in a dark, very loud club. Maybe on some drugs
This album is at least 1/3 of The Best of... Vol. 1. It's a good, solid album start to finish and has a great flow to it too. The fact that it was the middle of 3 albums released that year is amazing to me.
Tgis is a classic for a reason. A continuous album with a lot of history behind it (Pink Floyd's and my own). Not a lot I would do to this album, ie. work, drive, make love. But just sitting and listening to Dark Side of the Moon is like curling up and reading a favorite book.
This is a tough album to sit through. I wish they had done this 10 years earlier, for several reasons. The first being that they would have had only the first 4 albums to choose songs from. Also, James sounds old and tired, and he wouldn't have in 1989. S&M is over-produced. Almost everything is buried under the vocals and drums. They say there's a symphony on this album, and you can hear it sometimes. But, Jason's bass is very quiet, no wonder he quit. Metallica is a shell of the great, ass kicking band they once were. That's alright with some people, but it hasn't sat well with me for 30 years.
It's The Beatles! What else is there to say? Their 3 album to date, first album from 1964 and it sounds like the first quarter of a best of album. This band stands the test of time. They truly were amazing.
Odd, very formal live album. I'm not huge on Dylan. The Dylan songs I like are the ones other artists cover. I wouldn't really seek thus out or leave it on if it was on the radio.
I reallyvlike this album. Starts out string and upbeat. Ends in a bit if a slower nite. Not any real singles, so maybe has passed some people's radar. Still a a great solid album.
This album is OK. There is a good stretch of 5 very good songs (and great Bob Marley songs) in the middle of Exodus. But the songs on either side of thise 5 are too similar to each other. The version I listened to had 12 songs instead of 10. The last song, Punky Raggae Party, is a good song to leave you wanting more. I would also give this album 2.5 stars, but that is not an option, so I rounded down
I don't understand albums like this. How are some songs popular, and others are not when they all sound the same? That said, I was rather bored when the non-singles were playing. I guess I just like to hear an AC/DC song once in a while. Even on Double Shot Tuesdays I find myself wondering they've played both songs yet, or if we're still listening to the first. Do you get what I'm saying? This review is as boring and repetitive an an AC/DC album!
This album is 33 mins. But some of these songs seem like a half-hour on their own. I'm looking at you 3, 6 and 7) Not CCR's best album of 1969. But it's there.
An album to screw to.
Of all the DM albums, you saying THIS one is what I should hear before I die? Huh?
I don't listen to a lot of Jazz. Maybe Big Band Jazz (Sintra and such), but this style is foreign to me. This was good music that created an atmosphere. I can see myself enjoying this album again. Sounded like it could be a soundtrack or a movie score. This album generator finally has done what I was hoping it would do, turn my ears on to music that for whatever reason has passed me by.
Not the XTC album I would choose to tell someone that they absolutely HAD to listen to before they die. But. I like XTC and I like that this album is in their catalog, even if it has a lot of Paul McCartney similarities.
Tgis is a great album. A bit long and filled with interludes is you play all 40 tracks. But still stands up. Not my favorite by them, but they have great albums all around
Not their best. Not my favorite.
Great album. I never rally listened to it and I thank this generator for opening my ears to it. A lot of bands clearly were influenced by The Kinks or influenced by bands that were influenced by The Kinks.
Classic. I would love to live in an alternate universe where the Beach Boys kept exploring this path.
So good. SO GOOD! I don't think there is a dud at all on this album. Classic!
I love this album when I was 15. And those songs I loved so much back then are still great today. But the few songs in between are quite tedious. I'm giving this album 3 stars based on how much I enjoyed it at one point in my life. But if I was hearing it for the first time today, it might get 2 stars. The way this album sounds a lot like some music made in a shire with smurfs or Hobbits or the like; along with the repetitive themes that come up throughout the album (although the band says it's not a concept album?) just bore me somehow.
This was a huge hit and there are some very, very good... even great... pop songs on this album. The album as a whole is a vit disjointed and all over the place. For 1999 when people were still making (and listening to) albums, it feels like a collection of singles. It does deserve a half star more than I'm giving it, but not a full star mor, so I rounded down
Meh. A lot of Arcade Fire songs sound alike
This album is worth the listen. And then do it again and again. My favorite by OutKast and one of my favorites on this generator list so far.
Simply a classic! The songs are great! The order is perfect! Almost sounds like best of album! I like exclamation points.
Good album. I was in the mood for it today. This isn't the type of music I ever think about or seek out.but very good. I'll round up the stars.
Very dated. Wanted Dead or Alive can't even save this record. Unlistenable.
This album gave me exactly what I was looking for when I started this journey. I, of course knew about Amy Winehouse and also couldn't escape her songs (singles which I liked). But I never listened to the albums in their entirety. This album is very good! The lesser songs are at a minimum good. And the better songs are great! Rounded up for stars
Starts out harder, better, faster, stronger. Then the last third drops off. Rounded up on stars.
I was looking forward to listening to this album. I only know 1 song by Joni Mitchell and I really can't stand it. But I know she's popular so maybe I'm missing something? Nope. And the first song is proof I wasn't gonna get a song that I like. The next 9 beat that point home over and over. Seriously, ZERO FUCKIN' STARS!
It has a few songs I liked. This link took me to a double album with more than a few repeats/remixes that were unnecessary. The Dylan cover was also unnecessary as it was very bad. This album was too long. Cut it down and there'd be a great EP here
Oh. We're including live albums now? Are best ofs allowed too? I call BS. Also this album? I know people love this band. I do not. I'm not into jam band/southern rock. But seriously what is this? It's just pointless and aimless. Ending in a 25 min Whipping Post? The only thing I can say is it's expertly recorded and mastered. I can't imagine that an Allman Bros. fan wants to sit through these songs that should have been left on the cutting room floor, and then done live to boot. Gets one star for effort and 1 for the production value. MINUS one star because it's a live album and really shouldn't be included on this generator.
I had never heard of this band before today. I would like it if I never hear of them after today. I used to work at a gaudy woman's clothing store when I was a teenager in the 80's. Bands like this and Shakespeare's Sister and poor man's versions of Richard Marx and Howard Jones would play in the background. It drove me crazy day after day. There was a lot of this background, one step away from MUZAK, easy listening garbage in the 80s. The world is better now that people don't make it anymore.
These are the types of albums that get through when you set your number too damn high. Maybe 401 albums would have been better. Seriously, mediocre bands, sub-par albums from great bands (or at least a band that has a much better album). I'd like this generator to start honing it in I'm being generous with my stars today
Yeah. This is one of the quintessential pop albums of the 90s. I feel at least 7 of these songs were singles or released somehow and very popular. And because of that, this whole album sounds dated and quite frankly bores me. Strangely Thriller doesn't bore me, although it sounds pretty dated too. I didn't really care about this album in 1987. I care about it even less in 2024.
This is a good album. Better than I thought it would be. Doesn't bore me. Incorporates more than just Raggae, and the song order is good too. Rounding up on stars, because it deserves it.
Good, solid album. Not really a bad song. Some songs are better than others though. I can clearly see how a lot of bands that came later were influenced by this album.
For what this album is is great. I personally lost intrest after song 9 or 10. But that doesn't make the rest of the album bad. I was just bored. Rounded up on stars
Green Day has always made me want to shut Green Day off. If I'm gonna listen to poppy-punk, I'll choose a band that does it well (Operation Ivy, NOFX) I wanted to shut this off several times too. I do commend them on stretching out a bit for this album. I'm sure if you like GD then this album works for you, it just doesn't for me. I almost long for the days off Kerplunk or Dookie. Almost
This album is exactly what that first wave of punk was. It's fun, energetic and not boring at all. The songs are in a great order and it's perfectly produced. If this is what you're into it should be up your alley. I'd say they are sadly under appreciated (or even heard of)
Pretty damn near perfect especially for the time.
Beautiful, nice background dinner (or post-dinner cocktail) music
Yawn. Dry & tight.
This is a good album
This isn't as great as I expected it to be. It's the first from Elvis so that means something. Blue Suede Shoes is a fantastic cover and a great way to kick of the album. But it never reaches that height again in the next 25 minutes. Wonderfully produced and good order. There are just better Elvis albums out there
I love this album. I love Liz Phair. I thought it would be hard for me to listen "objectively and with new ears". But it turns out I was able to do it. The songs that always hit hard, did again. And there are more than s few of them. But some if the songs I now hear as filler songs. Not great, maybe even just good. I would just skip them if listening on my own. They make the album too long and then by the end, I got a bit bored. I think maybe this album could be in just a slightly different order, and the boredom would be alleviated Still a wonderful album though
I haven't heard this whole album in decades. I don't know how I'd feel about it if I heard it for the first time just now. But because I loved it when I was young, and it was a big part of my growing up I still love it. No matter how dated it actually is.
Dylan has good songs, even great... when someone else is covering them.
I don't know a lot about this band. But, this is one of those albums where you can just tell they have better albums. I'm gonna listen to their others. If this is their best, I'll be disappointed
This is one of those times when I wish that I could advance without rating the album. I do not like this album at all. It's not my thing. BUT, people I know whose thing it IS say this album is in their top 10. One friend said they thought of Hardcore or Speed Metal as sped up Jazz Fusion. I love Hardcore and Speed Metal, but I do not make the same connection.
FINALLY! This is one hell of a debut album from one of my top 10 favorite bands. They were so young when this came out that it's amazing how good it is. Also how smart and introspective some of the lyrics are. Proper rock band, with proper influences. This is an amazing album (& amazing debut) and it's not even the best by Supergrass!
Yes there are some good songs on this record. Even a couple more when they were billed as Cult Hero. But this is an album you listen to after you've already establishedthat you really like The Cure and you want to see where "they came from". Good solid record, not their best and a few years away from hitting their stride
Maybe because he passed last week and he's front of mind right now, but you can totallyhear the Steve Albini thumbprint on this album. And that's a good thing. I love the intensity and honesty and humor and emotion on this album. If I were choosingone PJ Harvey album to put on this list I dontvknow which I'd pick. Maybe it would be this one. Maybe not. But while I was listening to it, I thought it would be. I'm gonna listen to her next release now and I'm sure I'll feel it should be that one too
This sounds like a compilation of 70s TV themes you've never heard because the shows didn't make it past the pilot.
This album is great. There are a few too many interludes, even for the era. But he was obviouslytesting the waters to see if people would gravitatetoward how funny Snoop is. There are also too many repeated lyrics from The Chronic. But all the songs are good and it even leaves you wanting to hear more.
I'm starting to think this list and I have different definitions of the term "Must Hear".
Eh. I don't like VM. And this album did nothing to change that opinion.
I'm not into Cheap Trick. Have friends who are. I know some songs, they're fine. I don't think Best Ofs or live albums should be on this list (unless it's special like Sinatra Live at the Sands) but as someone not very into CT, this gave me a good insight. They're good. I understand why people like them. I'm still not into them, but they do what they do very well.
Not my favoriteRadiohead album. But I like them for doing it.
Makes sense that this album would be on this list. That's a relief. I've heard this album a million times. I've heard some of these songs even more than that. Amazingly, some of these songs still sound fresh. It's a good pop album. Ends on a lower note than I'd appreciate, but that's just me. I have no desire to ever hear this album again
I understand
This album felt like an eternity! I know very little about this dude's music. So little so that the first song "I Saw the Light" I've always just assumed it was Carole King, or Carley Simon or Anne Murray. All I knew was he did that 'I don't wanna work I just wanna bang on my drum all day' song. (Not for me) And that Liv Tyler thought he was her dad until she was 11. I hope this is the only album of his on this list.
Really good album. Unfortunately I'm hearing it for the first time just now. It suffers from so many bands sounding like this in some way over the past 50+ years
Good album. If this is what you're into, he does it maybe better than anyone else.
This is a good album. I now wish I gave it more if a chance in 1992/3. I've seen them live at Lollapalooza, they did put on a great show. But at the time it's just not the hip hop was was interested in listening to. I bet if I did give it a chance I'd have a place in my heart for it. Now I listen and I like it, and I wouldn't turn it off, but I don't see myself listening to the whole album again too many more times. Rounding up for the message of Love, respect and self-worth
One hell of a metal album!
COME ON! You don't NEED to hear even one Yes Album. Why would you put 2 on the list? If there are 3, I'm forced to belive this whole list is just plain bullshit! ZERO FUCKING STARS!
Made me want to listen to Workbook by Bob Mould
It's fine. I think it's time someone told Robert Dimery the definition of the word "need".
Shot out to WBCN If you took out all the repetition on this album, the playing time would be 46 seconds. I danced once, reminisced twice. And got bored by the repetitive nature of it all. You don't NEED to hear one Fatboy Slim album (maybe a few songs, but aside from that), let alone 2 Praise You is good though.
Good. I mostly ignored Pulp in the 90s. I dint turn them off, just didn't seek them out. But listening now, there are some very good songs. And some good ones too. I'll listen again.
A couple good bookends. This album seems like it tries to be so many things, that it's nothing really at all
Hope you like harmonica. There was actually a song I was unfamiliar with, and I actually liked it. Most Dylan songs are better when covered by other people IMO. This being the third Dylan album on this list I'd say it seemed like the covers are better because of the lack of passion in Dylan's delivery. This album actually was performed with some feeling. So that was a welcome change. Still, it's Dylan. PS This album cover won best cover of 67 (I believe). The other covers must have been utter garbage.
This is the foundation of my youth. A lot of the bands I listened to growing up were directlyor indirectly influenced by Venom. While I hadn't been turned on to them until later, I love them for existing!
The music is better than the lyrics/melodies. Also, seems a but dated because it's almost 40 years old. I really do love Cult of Personality. I also think it was a very important bridge between the hair metal era and the grunge era.
It's Rush. No more. No less. Not very exciting. You dont need to hear it. No songs about radio towers on this album. At least it didn't give me yet ANOTHER fuckin' Yes album.
Wu-Tang for President 2024!
The Brian Eno David Bowie doesn't excite me withe way David Bowie without Brian Eno does. I understand this album and why it's on this list. It just doesn't need to be if you take all other Bowie albums into account.
It's as good as the first time I heard it. If you're at a party and The Who is on and you see someone really into it, stay away. That person is probably boring too. This album thinks it's better than it actually is. Sadly, it's the best album The Who has to offer.
This album is very, very good for what it is. Perfectly catchy. Perfectly produced. The songs that dancy are successful in getting you to move. I don't listen to ABBA voluntarily but I don't turn them off either. I'd be happy to hear any of these songs at a club (or let's face it, it would really be at a wedding). I was not familiar with Money, Money, Money and I really liked it
Tgis is an album that shows off alot of what the Police have to offer. Some hits, pop songs, reggae, jazz. Sometimes all in the same song. It might not be my favorite Police album, but I understand why it's on this list. Rounded up for Bring on the Night and The Bed's Too Big Without You
It's good if you like avant guarde. It also still sounds fresh. Not what you might expect from PiL, but it's their second album, so they were telling you to abandon your expectations.
Oh. I guess Graceland isn't the only Paul Simon solo album I hope to never hear again. ZERO stars.
I didn't remember as much filler on this album as there is. I also didn't remember that almost half the album has become radio hits. My opinion about this album has ebbed and flowed over the years. Regardless of my current opinion it's the first album I've gotten on this list (day 89) that I actually agree that you must hear.
This is a solid album. Well produced and Bonnie Raitt is a talented songwriter and artist. Amazingly, thus is my forst Country album from this list (day 89). This music isn't something I seek out,and sadly it reminds me of background music at the market. Because that's what it was for me for so long in the 90s. But this deserves more than that.
It's an LCD Soundsystem album. Nothing more. Not much less
Man this tape didn't leave my tape player for close to a year. I still think it's fantastic! Fantasticly produced. Fantastic order. Great beats, great songs, great rhymes. Great message on all the songs. I'd love to hang out with T. OG aged well and I still enjoy listening/singing along to it. Sad that nothing has really changed in America. I was 16 when it came out and I'm 50 now and I see and hear the same problems. I had been a fan of Ice since the Breakin' days and I always will be.
This is solid. Still sounds fresh. Last year, I knew a 25 year old who had never heard Television before. A song from this album came on and he thought it was a new song from a new band. I like this album. All songs are good if not great.
This album is so good. Beck is one of those artists who when I listen to an album like this I think "is this his best?". Then I listen to another and I think the same thing. And then even another.and think I again.
Tgis album bored me. And that is by no fault of the band. If I had discovered this when I was anywhere between 14 & 21 I would have loved it- I'm sure. But now it sounds too similar to bands I love that were clearly influenced by The Only Ones. That is worth appreciation. The last 4 songs of this 13 track album were exceptionally better than the rest, I must say.a couple could actually be released today and get a following.
Doesn't get much better than this!!
I don't know what I was expecting. This is all new to me. I might have to give it another listen. Some songs are way too repetitive lyrically. Som beats are great. Some songs I like and others I don't think I like at all. I'm interested in hearing what comes after this. See if he grew as much as I think he could.
No. No. No. Nobody ever needed to hear this. I listened again and was just as annoyed as I was in the 90s. This is just bad. No redeeming qualities.
So, so good. This album along with Ice T's OG and Dre Dre's The Chronic are the trifecta of early 90s rap. Paced the way for groups like Wu Tang and the like.
There's no reason for THIS Metallica album to be on this list. Just like there's no reason for the S & M album to be on this list. This isn't the worst Metallica album (that honor goes to any album that came after this one). I still listen to new Metallica albums, hoping they'll go back to the well. They came very close with Death Magnetic, but James ruined it with those lyrics and his melodies. Also, this album would be better if the bass was audible.
This is good. Just not sure I was in the mood. I dint care for how he tried to sound like, and sing like Elvis Costello on a few songs. Also, a couple of songs got me wanting to listen to OK Computer. I'll listen again, but I wasn't feeling my first go around.
Now we're talking! I was fearful that this album wouldn't hold up. I was afraid it would just make me nostalgic. It did make me nostalgic, but I also think these songs are still very good. I heard a message this time around, or maybe a bit of a theme? Maybe I'm just older and read into things nowadays
I totally understand why Mark Lanegan and Mudhoney are on the tribute album. I wouldn't put this in the class of "Must hear before you die" but that seems to be the case for 80% of what I've heard so far from this generator. Some of these songs also sounded like demos and one sounded like it was recorded at the bottom of a swimming pool
It's a good album. 2 songs take up 20 of tge 36 minutes. So if you like that sort of thing. Music is good. Seemed like they had a good time making it. Rounded up
Is it interesting? Yeah, sorta. Do I want to hear it again? No! Am I happy I heard it once? I'd be the same person if I never heard it. I'm gonna say even for something a bit interesting, absolutely nothing stood out enough to make me think I'll remember it in an hour.
I've known Supertramp peripherally forever and never cared about them at all. I actually can't stand the radio songs. Looks like I don't like the rest either. Ever notice how that Take a look at my girlfriend song has the same intro as Don't Speak by No Doubt?
This album was released 10 years too late for it to be worth anything. Also these lyrics are very juvenile. There are much better albums in this genre.
Not for me. This album made me want to listen to other albums by bands I enjoy. Curiously, a couple of those bands are Rockabilly. Maybe RFTC should have gone that route. But, they would need to fire this post nasal drip lead singer for one with a real voice who can come up with pleasing melodies.
This sentence made me throw up in my mouth a bit... "Solid Air is the fourth studio album by Scottish folk singer-songwriter John Martyn, released in February 1973". Everything about that screams RUN! RUN NOW! PURE SHITE! I was mostly right. Dreams by the Sea and the "Jelly Roll" part of The Easy Blues are good. As for the rest... well you know... RUN! RUN NOW! PURE SHITE!
The most interesting thing about this album is the picture on the cover. This whole album makes me think of Jimmy Fallon. And that's not welcome either. At least HE had JT.
I have no use for albums like tgis. Especially if I'm listeningmidday and sober. It was a tad interesting at the beginning. But that faded quickly. I've also heard less repetitive, vis a vie, less boring albums from the same genre. Not worth having to search out what platform to listen on as it isn't available on most. YouTube has ads in the middle of the what I can only call "songs"
One of my least favorite American bands. And this album helps prove my point for me.
It never even once occurred to me to listen to the album that has Come On Eileen on it. Now I know that I should have kept it that way. I'll never listen again. There's no reason to listen in the first place. Also, I now don't care if I ever hear Come On Eileen ever again.
You know what album you "need to hear before you die"? The album that makes you want to listen to Radiohead!
After 11 straight days of 0 to 1 star albums this was a change. I've never heard of Alex Harvey before but I like a couple songs. Those were the ones that sounded as if Ween and Randy Newman made a record. The rest of the album was OK. But enough to make 2 stars.
Sure. Whatever. If an American in a 1960s film goes to India, at least one song from this album would be on the soundtrack. Rounded up on stars
No Thrills Here I was listening to this album, and only listening to this album, literally doing nothing else, and I forgot that I was listening. That's how ignorable and background these songs are. I almost gave it 1 star, but that last song ruined any good credit this album was holding on to. Zero stars Yeah, I don't like Steely Dan and this did nothing to win me over. When am I gonna get something actually interesting? Inxs? Beck? Kanye? Fugazi? Quicksand? Goldie? Faith No More? A Tribe Called Quest? Kylie?
This is a great jump off record if you want to get into the Stones. It has a lot of their influences and sounds like their earlier work enough, all while showing you a glimpse of what's to come.
I don't play guitar so I don't really care about Hendrix as much as most. I mean seriously, people still cream their pants over this guy. Technically this is a pretty sound album. Great production, the blending of genres the use of stereo and what might be early sampling are all pluses. I just don't really like the songs. Most of the time it sounds like the rock n roll version of what you would hear in a spa. That just doesn't do it for me.
Stop with the Live albums. The only Live albums you should have are Throwing Copper and Mental Jewelry. This is my 2nd The Who album on this generator. I guess I just don't like The Who. I've always just tolerated them. But now after having to hear a bunch of songs in a row I find them to be the least exciting of the Brittish Invasion bands.
Tgis is the beginning of when The Beatles get very, very interesting. They are really coming into their own here, while still letting their influences show, weather those influences be older or newer. Tgis is one of my favs
Morrison Hotel perfectly encapsulates why I hate The Fucking Doors. ZERO STARS
I'm glad I heard this album. Has some songs I have never heard before, some of them even funky. But the second part of the record was a bit boring for me.
I hoped this would be better, memorable even. Man this should have been great. Maybe I have to give it another listen.
I'm very familiar with these songs and I guess this album. It's much, much more interesting than Bold as Love. I don't play guitar so I don't jizz my pants over the mere mention of Hendrix. All in all it's good, I just can't get myself to care.
She's a great singer and she has a lot of great original songs. I guess your first album used to be covers to show off how you could sing and then people wrote songs for you? Some of these sound to me like she's trying to sound like an African American woman. But I guess if Elvis could get away with it. This is good I guess, I'd just expect to have an album on this list that was an album of Dusty originals instead of all covers
Sure. I get why 3 Michael albums are on this list. But he is a pedo. I don't know if I can ever let that go. It will be the first thing I think of every time I hear his name or a song by him. Is that fair? Who The Fuck Cares?! What he did to little children wasn't fair
Fuck! Really? I just had an Eagles album 2 weeks ago and I haven't been fully cleansed of all the shit still stuck in my ears. I'm 127 days into this and I'm starting to believe that Robert Dimery just has shitty taste in music. This albums sucks. No redeeming qualities AT ALL.
This is a brand new Hell. A 10th Circle of Hell. Having to play a horrible experience on a loop forever!. That's what it's like to listen to this album.
I had only heard of Manic Street Preachers in the 90s, never listened to them. But then i realized the music on this album is great! It's right up my alley. But those melodies are atrocious! By the 7th song I didn't want to listen anymore. By the 10th song his voice started to grate on me too. Too bad for me I guess. Their fans don't seem to care (or think I'm wrong) so good for them.
FINALLY!! I've had 3 weeks of shit to just OK albums. This one is fantastic. For some reason I stopped paying attention to J5 after Quality Controll. Wish I didn't. 5 STARS!
I get it. People love Iron Maiden. Maiden has never been my type of metal. And even then the Iron Maiden I DO like has Bruce singing. For who they are and what they did (do) this album gets 3 stars, but more so because Maiden walked so future metal bands could run
Good disco album. I was a tad disappointed that it lost energy in the middle but, happy that Funny Bone brought it back up.
My first thought was 'this can't be true. I don't need to hear this'. Then I saw how popular every song on this album is on my streaming service. Now I'm excited to listen to this band I've largely ignored over the past 40 years. And.... if this is the music you like it's a great album. I wasn't too into it, but I understand how people are. I found myself perking up at the songs I was familiar with, and then not really caring about the ones I wasn't. Good album, just not for me. 3.5
Taking me out of my listening comfort zone here. I listened to the whole album and didn't have a problem with it. I personally was hoping for some grooves, but that's just not what his music has to offer it seems. I wouldn't normally seek anything like this out and Lam Toro didn't convert me, but I'm glad I listened
Started out strong then it just dragged on and on and on and kept dragging and kept going. Just like a lot of these 5 star reviews
If Spandau Ballet got worse and repetitive gospel-like. This album is pure trash. Zero stars is generous.
FINALLY!! On day 138, this generator gave me my first perfect 10 album! This is in my top 5 albums of the 90s. Probably top 3. 10 stars!
Yeah. It set the tone for what was to follow. Fantastic! Some songs are better than others, but still a solid album
Too much going on in every song. Some had good parts but then they threw in 12 other songs/genres and made them boring songs that kept going. Some songs seemed to be directly pulled from Paul McCartney riffs (1985, Long and winding road) Sometimes the Grateful Dead reared its ugly head into these songs too. Maybe this album was interesting in its time, but exhausting to listen to today
I like a lot of CCR songs. And, they have so many singles that preformed well on the charts, songs that are still being played today. So, it's probably no surprise that most CCR albums sound like greatest hits albums. Cosmo's Factory is no exception.
I listened. It's interesting. I'll never listen again. I think German cabaret falls into one of those "Oh that was a fun thing I saw on a random Tuesday night" but I'm not going to actively seek it out.
This is a good dance album. Listening the way I did for this project did do Arular any favors. It's a solid 3.5 star album. But I'll save it for the dance floor
I was sooooooo bored. Bands that take themselves this seriously and without any joy or whimsey really have no place in any musical lexicon. Let alone a list like "Must Hear".
145 days in. And while some albums have been generated that I like more than this one, this is only the 2nd album on the list (so far) that I think fits the "Must Hear" moniker. I personally like this album a LOT. But I LOVE some albums that it inspired. And for that I will always be grateful. Lou Reed is a National Treasure
This was a tough one. I had a hard time making it through this album, and I knew I would when I heard that first song. I was familiar with The Weight, but that's it. I liked Chest Fever, but that's about it. I like This Wheel's on Fire better on AbFab. I know people love this band/album but I just don't understand what they hear in them/it.
Is this why Germans like Hasslehoff so much? Because their music sounds like the Night Rider theme? This album is good I guess if you listen to it as an demo showcasing that you can do scores.
Just good old fashioned bluesy rock n roll. I love it when it's good and timeless
There are far, far too many English electronic albums on this list. And much like 90% of all the other albums of the genre I've listened to from this generator, this album is far too long, far too repetitive and not worth mentioning, let alone listen to. I invariably find myself thinking I'm almost done listening to the album and BAM! I'm only on the 2nd song!
The flow on these songs is quite repetitive, especially at the beginning. Music is good a diverse though. Good messages, lyrics. Selfish is a shining star. The non-rapping parts of Wounds is good too
This is someone that I was unfamiliar with before today. I liked this album. Nothing knocked it out of the park for me, but it was soild. At certain times it sounded like Elvis. Either with his voice or style of playing the song, or even the song in general. But that didn't take away or distract at all. For only the 2nd rime in 150 days, I've been introduced to an artist that I will listen to again. (Rounded up from 3.5)
Now I can say I have heard a whole Cream album. I never had before because I don't really like any of their singles that they've released. After listening to Disraeli Gears I can say for certain that I've haven't missed a thing. Pluses - Great drummer. Loud for a 3 piece. Blue Condition
Oh great! An album full of 7 minute + long songs that have the same 6 seconds on a loop. There are almost none of these on this list. UGH. How could this or any of the other electronic albums on this list ever be considered a must listen. Yet another 2 hours 20 mins of bullshit.
This album starts out strong, just what you'd expect from and EW&F album. Then it quickly turns into a hot mess of styles and rhythms and tempos and I don't know what. Yearnin' Learning and Aficano are mid album bright spots for me. Because this is an EW&F album, I'm rounding up on stars
This album is fantastic. It exactly fit the mood of what I wanted today. I'm flabbergasted that this is his 13th!!! album!
I've missed this album so much. I haven't listened to Being There in a long time. I recently thought I should go back and listen again and also to AM. Being There still holds up for me a quarter century later. The order of the songs, the production, everything about it makes it as much of a welcome breath of fresh air today as it was 25 years ago.
It's like listening someone doing karaoke of the worst Pogues songs
I didn't become aware with MBV until a decade after this album dropped. It must have been crazy for the time. I like some of the music in the heavier songs, but those vocals are hard to ignore and just plain get in the way. I wish it all sounded like (When You Wake) You're Still in a Dream. Several Girls Galore is OK too. Not too big on the rest of the album myself though.
UGH! I tried, I really tried to keep an open mind with this one. I even listened twice! Led Zeppelin is the most OVERRATED rock band in the last 50 years. Zero stars
Yes! I love this album. Probably in my top 10 of all time.
There is nothing about this that is for me at all
I love this album so much, I got married on the 20th anniversary of it's release. That's Where it's At!
It's hard tp listen to a Beatles album and not compare it to other Beatles albums. This album is low on the Beatles list. Too many covers (that was a big thing bands did back then, I get it) but if giving it a rating I'm just going to say it's meh. 2.5 I guess. Although I'm not thrilled. I'll round up because it's still the Beatles
Beautiful. Sad. Not my favorite of NC&TBS or even in the dead son trilogy but still stands
This whole album is just meh at best. I'd probably turn every one of these songs off if I heard them on the radio. They all sound like someone trying to be a better band that exists. Even then that would be a mediocre band. The most popular song on my streaming service is Angels. I liked that song least of all. My favorite song was Let Me Entertain You. Even though sounds like the first performance or opening theme song to a variety show or AGT or some such nonsense.
I like this album. I like ZZ Top. But I almost never think of them.
I've heard of this band but never heard them. I'm glad I haven't heard them before today. I never want to hear them again. I know people like stuff like this. I used to have to suffer similar bands when I'd see live shows in NYC during the 00s. Anti-Music I belive is an apt description. Zero stars is too many
I really like this album. Because there are so many of my favorite bands that were influenced by it and them it holds an even more dear place in my heart. I think the Scream is underrated, even among Souxie fans
What a piece of shit this man was. Fuck him. This album is tight though
I don't know. I get it. It's good? I guess. I can listen to a song and then want to move on. Some songs are way better than the other on this album (for me it's the ones with a faster tempo) 3 stars. Maybe it deserves 4. Maybe 2
I like the energy of this album. I just really don't like the tone or repetition. I get it Maps is good. It would be better with a bass
Prog. Gibberish. At least 3.5 stars.
Yeah. I remember this band. I didn't need to be reminded that they existed. I get it. It's not for me. Sounds a bit similar to itself.
I hated those singles in the 90s. I hate them today. This album sounds like high school kids just learning their instruments and started a band. Then played at a party, someone recorded to and released it. A joke A mistake Just plain awful We should be able to do zero stars
Booooooorrrrrrring Just like this list. Enough with the trite, repetitive electronic music. Some of these songs started out with promise, just to disappoint. I thought Suicide was going to be good. The it made me want to kill myself. Spacemen 3 just suck and this album is no exception
I don't know their language. But listening to this I could hear protest, heartbreak, confussion, happiness. Everything was genuine and compelling. I liked the music as well. This was worth the listen
Best of albums should NOT be included on this list. Because of the best of nature of this album, there is no cohesion and that is also a demerit. This sounds like an advertising agency's house band version of what they think the "kids want". But it just makes me want to listen to bands that do it well. Altgough its 4o seconds too long, I liked Automatic Schmuck. I didn't want to, it just happened.
Sure. OK. I found myself wishing this album was shorter. Toss the filler and he'd have a solid album.
Yes. This is an album of its time. But, this is a very, very solid debut. She's comfortable with several styles of flow and more than a few styles of beats. With this one album she planted her flag and proved she belonged with all the other rappers that were already popular. Female or male
Just round my background working music. I really like this album for not having to think about it.
What flow. What a debut. Too much Puffy. One of the best to ever rap
Church Music Chamber Music Circus Music Broadway Play (which it HAS turned into) Something for everyone... except me. That one song I heard a LOT in 2005-2007 is pretty good (Chicago) but the rest of this album is dismissible
Good album. Well produced. Great order. A couple of clunkers in the middle, Porcelain and Emit Remmus. I struggle with knowing if the RHCP suck, belong in their own corner of the sand box, or are really very good. My opinion changes daily. Today this album gets 4 stars. If it was a Dave Navarro album it would get zero. IMO... this is their last good album And it's not the best with the Fruschante/Smith addition.
Perfect. Fantastic follow-up to the also perfect Daydream Nation.
This is an album worthy of being on this list. Like it or hate it. Don't like country? It still makes sense that it's here. It's coherent. It's interesting. The concept is easy to understand. Some songs are better than others of course but it all still works, and very well I might add.
Not bad. Quite dated. For a C & W act he has mor diversity than most other acts at the time. Must listen before you die? Like 99% of albums I've heard so far on this list the answer is ... No
This is a great album. Compared to Bowie albums. I like others better and I hope they are on this list too (this is the first one for me so far) Still, Aladdin Sane is wonderfully executed
This album is too many things all at once. I can't say I could ever get into it because it doesn't seem to know what it wants to be. Full disclosure, I detest Spinning Wheel. Always have my whole life. So that took me out of any cohesion as well. All in all, I don't really like any of these songs and I'm not convinced it's not just a collection of leftovers from various albums or sessions.
I love her voice
This is what I think of when I think Adult Contemporary Radio or Lite Radio. Most of these songs were hits on this formats. Some of these songs sound like they are 20, 30, 30 years older than they are and for that she loses a star. With a voice like that and to not have your own personal sound is a shame. Most are good, some are God awful (I'm looking at you Don't You Remember). I'm glad I listened. I wouldn't seek this record out myself though
Albums like this are exactly why I'm doing this. Something not in my normal wheelhouse that I get turned on to and like. I've never heard of Astor Piazzolla but you can bet your ass I'm gonna listen to this album again. Probably even seek out more. I had no clue I would ever want to hear something like this and now I do.
The nicest thing iI can say is i am just never in the mood to hear Steely Dan. That being said, for about 45 seconds, the middle of that first song was interesting.
Seriously, What The Fuck is This Shit? Sex Pistols, The Cure, Sonic Youth, The Beastie Boys, INXS, The Replacements, Operation Ivy, Sinatra, Pavement, Beck, The Clash, The Beach Boys, Alice in Chains, Bad Brains, Fugazi. All bands with perfect 10 albums. Give me one of them. Not this shit!
The type of using you play around people who don't notice music. I was bored for most of this album. Sometimes I was angry because it reminded me of the Grateful Dead. I don't like to be reminded of them. His dog looks friendly, wonder what happened to the chickens?
Yeah. This is fun
I don't go to Renaissance Fairs, I don't believe in fairies, I don't read Tolkien and I don't listen to this shit. There is no way anyone could actually believe that you absolutely HAD TO hear this before you died.
Over-over produced garbage. The worst of the genre. Absolutely no business being on this list.
There are a handful of songs I never want to hear again, the title track is near the top of that list. Turns out i never want to hear the rest of this album again either.
So you're saying, be for i die, I absolutely, MUST LISTEN to not 1 but TWO Yeah Yeah Yeah albums? That's what you're telling me? Do I have that right? This is proof positive that this list is mostly filler. Or he should have done 1001 SONGS... That being said, this is a much better album than their first. They spread their wings more, reigned themselves in and made an album that's entertaining, less boring and quite interesting to listen to Dragon Queen did it.
Talk all you want about how Clapton is God. I don't care. Sceeam about how the blues laid the groundwork for rock n roll. I get it. I just don't like music that sounds like this. Clapton sucks to me. He makes me yawn. Everything he did seems to sound the same. Whatever this is that I was just subjected to, is no different. Maybe all of these songs should have stayed dirty and with an acoustic guitar, then I'd like it more. All of this is way to polished, clean and without character, save Another Man.
They do what they do very, VERY well. It's not for me but this album deserves praise. Everyone is on their A game. The fusion of a few genres all come together to make a smooth, easy listening album that fits the mood you're looking for perfectly.
This is a great album. Worthy of being on this list. It's where the Beatles start to grow up and become a bit less pop. Plus it influenced Brian Wilson to write Pet Sounds.
What a surprise. I love this album, probably because of the memories attached mostly. But hearing it again now I believe that it's a solid proper album that deserves to be recognized.
It was good for the brief moment in time it was new and fresh. And good to listen to it again 17 years later. Now I'll put it back on the shelf until 2034. I liken it to 60s psychedelic rock in that way. Rounded up.
It's interesting if you want to hear how the Stones started out. They were a cover band that released an album. Like UB40
U2 has reinvented themselves a few times in their career. Of all the first albums in each reinvention process, Achtung Baby is my favorite. I'm well aware that U2 is absolutely not for everyone, I understand. But for me I like them a lot and this album ranks high on the list of my favorite albums by them. Achtung Baby is worthy of being on this list. It's well produced and has a great order to the songs. The album is a departure of what they had been doing. In no way did this album break a musical mold, but it did break a U2 mold and opened them up for the electronic period they embraced soon after.
If there is one thing I can say about this list it's that it's made it so I never want to hear electronic music anymore. All of the albums are boring because of the repetition and they also all start to sound the same. Along came Remedy by Basement Jaxx! At first I was impressed about how it was unique, in that the songs were interesting and different than all of the other electronic albums I have been subjected to. Then around song ten, I was bored again. I've said it before, I'll say it again, this music is only good for the clubs and drugs. It's no good for a sunny Thursday morning.
My friend tells me this is a masterpiece. Maybe it is, I don't know. To me it's fine I guess. It sounds like it would be fun to walk into a bar and hear this band play. I think I've only ever listened to Born in the USA. There are a few very popular bands I've never heard a whole album by (or did only recently) because so many of their songs I heard so oftem on the radio growing up. This is clearly one of those. I like the title track. I like She's the One. All in all I'd say i like the 2nd half more than the first half.
Don't look Back in Anger is a highlight. The rest either bore me or are just plain bad.
All these songs sound the same. And they sound the same as the songs on their first album (the only other one I've heard), which is to say they sound like throwaway Radiohead songs. And that one that sounds like it wants to be a Queens of the Stone Age song.
This is not a cohesive album at all. It sounds like 6 dudes got together to jam on some songs they liked. Then wrote a few themselves. Then put them all on an album and gave no thought to how they sounded as a collection, or even the order. My rating of this album in no way reflects my overall opinion of The Isley Brothers.
When this album came out, I wasn't into the single that was released on my college radio station (The Drowners). I was also the only one in my real close group of friends who listened to alternative music so I never heard this whole album. Putting it on today for the first time I heard the first 2 songs and I thought oh man I might have missed out on a album I might have really liked. Then I kept listening. It lost me. Songs got similar and tired. Some songs were just too boring. Too much whining for my liking. Morrissey didn't even whine this much. Weird turn of events, my 2 favorite songs on the album are The Drowners and Metal Mickey.
I didn't expect to like tgis album as mush as I do. It's a bit long though. Rounded up
Fantastic! My personal tastes would have chosen Mind Bomb. But this album is a great peek of what's to come. The The is really something special
Nice. Time of the Season is the absolute highlight though
I really expected this to be better. I guess the really good songs came when they took Neil Young into the band. The 3 part harmony really is off the hook here though.
Man, there has never been an album that fits the definition of 'not for me' more than this one
In th3 middle of this album i realized how beautiful it is. It's like Portishead meets Bond themes meets the opera singer from Fifth Element. Then I got bored by the penultimate song. As single I'm sure I like these songs. As an album it ends up being too much of the same thing
Maybe it's because I grew up in New England, but all of these songs are radio singles to me. So when I listen to this album, it sounds like a Best of The Cars, Vol. 1.
All these songs somehow sound like 70s TV theme songs
I honestly have no idea what it is that I just listened to.
Stars of Four
It's hard to belive that this album wasn't trite and boring even when it came out. Every song here seems formulaic and unexciting. It's also hard to believe that 'Smoke on the Water' isn't about smoking from a bong. "Deep like the purple smoke on the water song. Taking hits from the bong" -State of Corruption (circa 1998)
I didn't like this. Claims to have been influenced by Fugazi, so you can imagine my disappointment when i heard this.
Now we're talking! Gives me hope that Bad Brains is on here.
Yeah. That's how it's done'
I can hear that Lou Barlow might have been influenced by Nick Drake. It's good. I have to be in the mood for it though.
This album is beautiful, mysterious, weird, experimental, ahead of its time, and clearly an influence on several well-known musicians and bands that came later. And for all that it deserves 5 stars.
I've always appreciated the fact that ZZ Top is allowed their own little corner of the sandbox to make some power blues that is genuine to them. I just happen to be a fan too
This album is interchangeable with Funeral. Some really good songs here, but after a while, I just get quite bored with their sound. Because this album is so indistinguishable from that first one, I wonder why they chose this one and not Funeral? As that has the qualification of being first. 2.5
What a wonderful foundation album. You can hear all the bands and genres that came after this album and yet it doents seem terribly old or dated. Still fun, still fresh and a great ride from start to finish. And, oh, that bass!!
What is this? It's not something you absolutely "MUST Hear" before you die, I can tell you that. I guarantee that as soon as I'm done with this review and rating I will never think about this album again in my life.
This sucks man! Today is my birthday and I had to sit here and listen to the most overrated group of thieves.
I feel that at a certain age and a certain time in my life I really would have liked this album. That time was just not in 2002. There's a lot here, a lot of songs remind me of... (fill in the blank) I guess that's OK, it just limits tge band from having a sound and gaining fans who say I like The Vines! It's more of I like The Vines song that sound like (fill in the blank)
For some reason there are only 3 songs with legit melodies. Also, for some other reason, about 85% of the lyrics on this album are echoed. This is not as good as I was hoping it was going to be. Extra star for a popular music star making an album that is very different than what was commercial at that time.
Too much filler. The good songs are very good. The filler songs got annoying in their abundance.
I'm so bored of this electronic music. Bored Bored Bored
I guess i applaud them for doing something different at the time. But a lot seemed like they combined a lot of sounds from the era to make something that wasn't necessarily great. That 2nd song reminded me of Nick Cave and I thought we were gonna go somewhere special. But we didn't. We stayed home
Not really a huge Dylan fan. I prefer his songs when preformed by other people. I feel this is a quintessential Dylan album, and I still wasn't feeling it.
If 90s Wilco, Pavement and Ben Folds Five merged and was lesser than the sum of its parts.
245 days in, I've discovered 3 albums I've never heard before that get 5 stars. This is one of them. I wish someone would have made me listen back in 1988 or even 1992 after Constant Craving hit big. I love this album for all it is. Stylized, well produced, thought out, blend of styles, familiar and original at the same time.
I really don't like this album. But I can tell it's good if this is what you're into, I'm just not
This is the newest album I've gotten, 245 days in. All bands that sound like this, sound exactly like this! Can't tell the difference between any of them. I'm bored
Wants you to believe it's better than it is. Other albums by JSBE are better.. bit this is still fun at points
This is so over the top and so familiar. Bookended by absolute bangers. It's Purple F-ing Rain
I'm a firm believer that there is no longer be a Doors fan once you turn 15. Because at 15 you become too mature for lyrics written by someone with a 14 year old's mentality. The Doors may be a great band, I wouldn't know. It's impossible to get past Jim Morrison and his ego. This album did nothing to change my mind from that opinion.
This is good background music on a beach or at a pool. Maybe at a tiki bar.
Not for me. Never have been. But I listed to the whole thing
The album you put on or sing to your child to sleep. Works on adults too
Not the strongest New Order album. And unless the stronger ones make an appearance on this list, Technique has no real right to be here
I love this album. I love Beck and the fact that Sea Change is a Beck album is only part of the reason I love it so much. I would love this album if it was by a one and done I had never heard of before. But because it's a Beck album also helps make it that much better. With the complete departure of his style came an incredible, raw emotion we are not used to getting from such a whimsical artist.
This was one of thise albums I was hoping or sure I was going to LOVE because the songs I was already familiar with I really like. But unfortunately the songs I was not familiar with didn't measure up to the radio singles. Some songs even reminded me of cheesey late 80s transition music from a show based in FLA on USA Network.
I do really like Frank Black. Because there is no filler I don't mind that this album is too long. But it is too long. Maybe he only needed 15 songs. 16.
I was hoping this was going to be the soundtrack to the Alexander Payne movie Nebraska. Then coupled with Philadelphia, Bruce would be the guy who does soundtracks for movies names after American places. Then he'd be asked to do soundtracks for films like Chicago, Nashville, Fargo, Truth and Consequences, New Mexico
12 songs 1 hour, 16 minutes. I've never listened to an album by Chicago. That's probably because I can't stand any song I've ever heard on the radio by Chicago. Chicago Transit Authority did little to change that. Most of this album comes across as pretentious and precious. I don't understand the popularity of this band at all. BUT. BUT there are at least 2 very, very noisy jam sessions that I dug a LOT! I'm talking noise like Eruption by Van Halen. Or Noise like Sonic Youth.- good stuff. I bet it was hated in 1968 2 stars for the noise and noise only
This album gets 3.5 stars for what it started. It's a good album, but not as good as what they do later. Also, I can't get that "K-Mart ad fodder" review out of my head after listening a 2nd time. Rounded up because I'm pretty sure the Beatles have proven themselves
Why? WHY? So you can hear what crap sounds like? With this album/band this whole project lost the tiniest thread of credibility that it was holding on to for dear life. I'm going to go as a far as to say Robert Dimery is a hack. That's what backing Limp Bizkit does. It ruins you.
I get it. I dont really care about it or buy into it so my 3 star review seems like a slight, but trust ne it's not. It's just that I want to hear Queen as much as I want to hear Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. But unlike my last album (a Limp Bizkit effort) this album absolutely deserves to be on this list.
BEAUTIFUL voice Shit songs Probably one of the most boring albums on this list so far.
Random that the generator gave this to me... On Christmas Day! What can I say? It's wonderful! Darlene Love is enough for the high rating.
It's so hard to not just shut this album off. Fuck Autotune Pyramids is the only thing even remotely enjoyable about this album. Different genre, but this album is about as bas as Chocolate Starfish and the Hotdog Flavored Water.
It's good. Not great. Extra points for honesty.
I like the Neil Young songs a lot. The others I could take or leave.
This is a pretty great album. It's rooted in funk, but takes you many other places. I understand why people put it near the top of his albums. It's a hard album to deny.
Perfect! The band that made thrash popular, perfecting the sub-genre! Made even better by the lesser than music they released starting with their self titled album.
This was the first band who I liked more than one song by. And it was brought to my attention that I could like a "band". Or that songs were even done by the same people at all. For that I will always be grateful. Although I never owned anything by Human League, I do keep a warm place in my hear for them.
Fantastic. A fully realized album with great, thought provoking songs. Laying the groundwork for an incredible body of work. Pound for pound Kendrick is still one of the best rappers working today
"Most rock critics love Elvis Costello because they look just like him." -DLR I don't hate Elvis Costello. I just don't care about him. I don't get how many people put him on a pedestal and love him so much. To me he is astoundingly mediocre. I like about 6 EC songs. To Elvis Costello fans that sounds like I hate him. I'll tell you what I DO hate though. This album! It fucking sucks!
Some of these songs sound like the songs that would play during closing credits of an 80s movie that took place in a place that might have been "exotic" to Americans back then. Think Romancing the Stone, Jewel of the Nile, Weekend at Bernie's, Lion King, etc. Nothing really exciting about this. No real passion in the songs. Inoffensive background music at an outside beach bar at an all inclusive resort. Minus stars for his inexcusable behavior. Minus more stars for wearing white after Labor Day.
I have to imagine this was quite a departure for Curtis. I was not very entertained myself. But, I don't like it when established artists try to do something new. So for that I'll give it a 3 star rating.
"And children by the million sing for Alex Chilton when he comes 'round They sing, "I'm in love, what's that song? Yeah, I'm in love with that song" I hear so many of my favorite bands from the 80s and 90s on this album. That alone is worth 2 stars. A band that influenced bands I love deserves credit. I also really like this album. Darker than the other stuff by Big Star that i am familiar with. Which might make it even better. I'll have to listen to all 3 albums in a row to figure it out.
Before listening to this album (I was only familiar with Holding Back the Years) I would tell you that there wasn't much difference between Simply Red, Tears for Fears and Simple Minds. Now, I feel there is a big difference - one of them has at least one album that is not worth listening to.
2 days ago, this list gave me Third/Sister Lovers. It's hard not to compare, but I'll try. Solid debut record. I would be excited about what comes next if I was back in time when this came out. Some songs are better than others of course. But I stand by 80% of this album being very good
If I were into Bossa Nova, I'd be into this album. It's beautiful, atmospheric and serene. Quite lovely.
YES! I love it when this generator gives me albums i already love. I celebrate almost all of Bob Mould's entire catalog. Bob Mould also did The Daily Show theme
There used to be a coffee shop in my neighborhood in Brooklyn called The Fall Cafe. The owner named it that because he liked this band. I was only familiar with the Fall by name, I had never really heard their music that I know of. I didn't really like the coffee shop so I never investigated the band. I'm comfortable with my choice. Mostly reminded me of The Stranglers or The Standalells. But, I'm aware that could be just me, as I'm not very familiar with those bands either outside of a handful of songs. Mostly this album is OK. I'd probably have liked it more if I were around in the mid 70s. PS. That Dresden Dolls song they have is dope
The Nurse has always reminded me of the theme music from True Romance. Also takes place in Detroit.
I could review this album, but I would just be repeating myself, yet again, about how repetitive, uninteresting and directionless this type of music truly is. And then I would be no better than this album.
Yeah. OK. It's good. Typical of the time. Beautiful voice. Lots of covers.
Except for Superstition, this album is forgettable.
This is much better than I expected it to be. I'd use it as background music playing softly at a party in my kitchen or bathroom.
I've been listening to this album all day and I'm only now starting song 5? Also, this fantasy-type music that should be in a movie with fairies and nymphs has never been my thing.and I guess it still isn't.
Yeah. This is pretty freaking great!
This is the most 80's thing EVER. This album might be more 80s than the actual 1980s
Not really for me at all. BUT, another reviewer claims that Original Pirate Material is good though. Maybe I'll listen to that. Empty Cans reminds me of Postal Service
Awwwww. So gooood. Think she'd go on a date with me?
Aaaaaaawwwwwww! I fuckin' love this album.
I've already forgotten about all of this album, and I'm still listening to it. EmmyWHO Harris?
Not anything I'd call a 'single' on here, but as a whole album it kills it. Really a great job by all of the. Especially that bass! Soooo freaking good. I like it when bands change up and get out of their comfort zone. Or go through phases even.
I haven't heard this since 1987 when my best friend Matt Ancone loved them. (He also loved the band Europe.) Now that I understand more about music, this album is nothing but a bunch of songs to yell along with at concerts. Not that there's anything wrong with that. I never understood the popularity. Now that I do understand, I can say it's too late for me. Getting into Def Leppard as an adult islike getting into pro-wrestling after you’re 18. It’s not a thing.
Bikini Kill, Slater Kinney, Liz Phair, Julianna Hatfield, Devo all rolled up into one band. At the same time sounding like themselves. Wwll done
Yeah. This is top-notch
Choosing this over Mechanical Animals seems wrong. I understand this put him on the map, but if you're choosing 1 you MUST hear, pick the one that is a richer, fuller album. This one is great, although listening years later it got a tad monotonous 2/3 through. Still eid it's job well tgough
I didn't know you could show me an album I actually want to hear LESS than Graceland.
Oldies country pop. Some songs sound like an old TV theme song, and that's just fime by me
I have a memory of liking this album a LOT more in the 90s. Still i love it went artists reinvent themselves. This is no exception.
I saw this and immediately hoped the album was better than the cover. Nope. The music is just as generic dismissable. That country song is alright I guess, but it make me want to listen to Carrie Underwood.
I'm hooked. Honestly it had me at "Stardust... by Willie Nelson... Its ten songs consist entirely of pop standards that Nelson picked from among his favorites" Saving it to my favorites
I struggle with RHCP. Are they a GOOD band? Are they a GREAT band? A novelty band? Silly, stupid, ridiculous? Whatever they are iI can't deny how good THIS album is. The continuous nature of it makes me want to hear every song. My favorite song is The Greeting Song. It was all I could do to sit through Under The Bridge. I legit never want to hear that song ever again. But there's a difference between never wanting to hear a song again, and never wanting to hear it in the first place.
I really don't know what to make of this. People are saying it's groundbreaking and ahead of its time but this type of stuff was not that rare by 1968. 1. The stupidest name for a band 2. All over the place 3. Influences on their sleeve (Beatles, J. Airplane, Beefheart to name a few) 4. Those songs that sound like elves in the woods can go. But I think I get why people would have liked it in 1968. I on the other hand am bored with this type of stuff in 2025. Seriously though, who names themselves that? There are some bad names for bands (Europe, Toto, Foreigner, The Music [seriously?], Kansas, America, The Band, Alabama, Eagles of Death Metal, Them Crooked Vultures) but this is just the stupidest I've ever heard!
Baby I don't need dollar bills to have fun tonight! I (don't) love Cheap Thrills! With just a few exceptions, the songs don't go anywhere. They start out one way. They middle the same way. And end the same way. Roadblock was good though. R. Crumb cover boosts its rating.
3.5 It's great. I hear how they influenced so many. Love the horns. Almost reminds me of Murphy"s Law at times
I really dont want to listen to this album. 2 theives on the same album, Yippie! I listened. The first couple of songs were OK then it was just more of the same old trite bullshit. I'll never know why people go gaga over stuff like this.
I'm surprised to hear that this album didn't sell well initially. It seemed that college radio/alternative radio were playing Grace and Last Goodbye all the time. Back when this was new I was over the singer/songwriter thing so i never gave it a chance. Until about 10 years later. It's very good. I don't know if I'd call it one of the best albums of all time, but maybe on a good day I would. It would have been great to see what he would have done over the next 10-20 years