We're Only In It For The Money
The Mothers Of InventionFrank Zappa is really sticking it to big Good Music on this one
Frank Zappa is really sticking it to big Good Music on this one
Kinda bollocks mate innit
Really cool French industrial. People here have no taste, this album is great. It sounds like Rammstein or Ministry.
Bob Dylan was one of the best songwriters of all time, and this is some of his best work. Idiot Wind is a work of lyrical genius. I love his trademark unconventional vocal delivery; to me it makes the songs more memorable than having a Michael Bublé type singing them. This album is going on repeat and straight to my personal collection.
This album seems like it's meant to be played in full at a dance club. I really like the bass and guitar work. It gets a little repetitive in some places but other than that I don't have any real criticisms. This isn't a genre I have a ton of experience with and I don't know if I'll go out of my way to listen to this album in full again, but I had a good time with it today.
Great first half, but I'm not a fan of the instrumentals on side B.
There are like 3 great tracks on here. The rest range from pretty good to skippable, but not awful.
Great opener and closer. Garbage in the middle.
Led Zeppelin is the ultimate classic rock and roll band. This is like their 5th best album and it still gets 5 stars.
Not bad but kinda boring. The banter sections don't help. I'm more impressed by the recording quality than anything else here.
What the hell is this
This is neat proto-punk, hard to believe it's from '79. I enjoyed it the whole way through even if it's probably not going in permanent rotation for me.
These covers are fascinating. Johnny Cash lends a humongous gravity to each one.
How had I never heard this before??? This album rules. Super energetic and chaotic instrumentals with wild vocal performances.
What a gem! I never would have listened to this on my own. I can't tell what he's rapping about, but he seems to be doing so very skillfully and the beats are all great. This is music to make you feel cool. Loved it the whole way through.
Uninteresting. Didn't finish this one.
There are enough great songs on this double album to make a one very good album. Enjoyable but bloated.
Great first album from The Who. Hadn't heard most of these songs before. The Ox was my favorite, what a fantastic rock and roll instrumental.
I already liked The Smiths and I enjoyed my first listen to this album even more than I thought I would.
This album is better played in the background than really listened to. At least it's short. Petty here sounds like he's doing mediocre covers of nonexistent Springsteen b-sides. Not a fan of his voice on this.
Cool album! I like this psychedelic surf sound, especially the guitar. Never heard of this band before.
Boring slog with a couple of ok songs.
Great jazz-rock, I played this album twice today.
Aggressively bland. Not my kind of music.
I like the beats and Nas has a great flow.
Stevie Wonder has a great style. Not all of these songs are great but enough are for me to like it.
Sounds like music that plays when you call a utility company and they put you on hold. I don't think that the "world" music genre is for me.
This is The Beatles actually being as good as people say they are. Revolver is maybe their best album. No filler here and a perfect blend of innovation and catchiness. These songs are iconic. Paul McCartney's bass is especially incredible.
Moody and dark. One of the best acoustic singer-songwriter albums. Free Ride is my favorite song on here.
Awful singing over good guitar playing. I didn't make it through the second song.
Well made but not really for me.
This album is pretty ok!
Corny lyrics over mostly solid instrumentals. This would be a 2 without Give it Away and Under the Bridge. Most of the rapping is pretty bad and detracts from the overall experience, but Give it Away is hilarious and one of their best songs. I hope that Californication is on this list because that album is a 5.
Love their sound! These guys deserved to be more than a one hit wonder. A couple songs on here sound like they're inventing ska and made me really happy.
Some of the big singles are kind of grating now, but I had this album on repeat for so long after it came out that I still have to give it a 4 even if I don't feel like listening to it on repeat anymore. I can't help but compare 1989 to Lorde's Pure Heroine from the year before and CRJ's Emotion from the year after, which have both held up better imo.
It's interesting! I respect the experimentation.
Competent, inoffensive 80s arena-rock. Don't love it, don't hate it, I'd just rather listen to something else.
Some good songs but like half of it could have been cut at least and it would have made for a better project. That's how I feel about Gorillaz in general, too much dicking around with some real songs thrown in every once in a while.
Good first half, unnecessary second.
Super pleasantly surprised, this is great 80s pop. I'd never heard The Sun Always Shines on TV before, what a banger!
Fantastic jazz pop. The couple of moments where Vaughn makes a mistake only humanize her and add to the live experience.
They sound like a less experimental, more straightforward REM. This album is a little too safe/watered down for my taste but they're not bad. Better second half than first. 3.5 stars but I'll round up to 4.
Here The Kinks sound like all of the other best bands of the 60s. I'm just not sure what their own sound is based on this album.
Weird but extremely listenable! Several highly skilled musicians exercising their creativity.
Simply incredible. Some of the best soft rock I've ever heard.
There are just enough good songs on here for a solid EP, but this album is an overlong mess, and it commits the cardinal sin of art by being boring.
It's fine
I wish I had heard these sorts of interesting production techniques on a more engaging album
This man sounds like he is going to imminently vomit and I can't deal with it. Tom's voice is actively unpleasant to listen to so it gets a 1.
Preliminary 4 stars. I didn't give it the full listen it deserves yet but I like most of what I've heard. Welcome to the Terrordome is amazing.
Mountain Song is fun but this album is hella boring otherwise.
Such a fun album. The Darkness had a sound they wanted and just went for it.
It's remarkable how lucid and uplifting this album is. I would not have thought that Kanye was capable of making music like this given his current state.
I really like Tom Sawyer, YYZ, and Limelight, but the other songs were different combinations of forgettable, boring and overlong.
I don't need 33 mediocre folk songs to fill 2 hours of my life.
If I had grown up listening to this album I would probably have enjoyed it. As it is, I'm bored and I don't like the singer's voice.
Short and incredibly sweet. Loved this.
Eminem is one of the most skilled rappers ever and Dr. Dre's beats are perfect for him. Unfortunately, the edgiest teenager you've ever met wrote all the lyrics on this album.
I'm at least glad that Britpop is its own genre so I can easily tell when an album is going to suck. Not only are most of these songs boring but they are all too long.
Fantastic instrumentals ruined by an AWFUL singer. I want to hear these songs sung by someone who can actually carry a tune.
Pretty ok, but some really questionable lyrics in Turn Blue.
Dark, moody, atmospheric. I enjoyed this a lot.
Some of the best country songs I've ever heard. Loved Prine's lyrics, especially on Flag Decal and Angel from Montgomery.
Raekwon and the rest of Wu Tang have incredible style and skill, but this album is too long for lyrical content that amounts to "sell drugs, get money, fuck bitches." Other 90s rappers had more to say.
Generic 70s music. It's fine.
Most of this sounds like it could have been on a Roxy Music album but the last 3 songs sound like what I expect from Brian Eno. Both styles were great.
Another band that's like REM but not as good. Didn't hate it but probably won't listen again
Some of the lines on here are great but this album is long and unfocused. I don't think I'll be listening again.
I do like jazz, and this is not bad, but it's slower than I'd like.
I wish this had vocals but it's a good soundtrack. Very Pink Floyd-ish in a way that I like.
Yep, it's The Cure!
I liked this at first but found it grating after a while. Don't expect to revisit this album often.
Great background music! Not super engaging but I still enjoyed it.
A bit too long, and the second jam track over 10 minutes long was unnecessary, but Jimi and his band are incredible musicians. Really liked most of this.
Decent but a bit repetitive.
Didn't finish this one, it's one boring.
Loved most of this. Gimme Three Steps, Simple Man, and Freebird are terrific. Things Goin' On and Mississippi Kid are not.
Can't get past the awful singing
Great beats! This style of rapping and a lot of the lyrical content haven't aged well unfortunately. I get that NWA's attitude was intentionally abrasive, but these guys just didn't see women as people. Express Yourself is also a very funny inclusion on an album largely about raping and killing. All that said, I like some of these songs, and I recognize how important this album was in the evolution of rap from the 80s to the 90s. I'd just rather be listening to Dr. Dre's production on something else.
One of my favorite prog rock albums. The shorter songs are kinda goofy but they add character. The longer songs are dynamic and interesting and actually earn their length. Roundabout especially is just a masterpiece.
Great classic psychedelic rock. I already knew and liked a couple songs going in and found several more. This is going on rotation.
This is a really interesting mix of pop/rock/orchestral, glad I listened to it. Black Plant and In My Room were the standout tracks for me. 4 stars right now but I could see this growing even more on. I'm probably listen again soon.
Inoffensive background music suitable for a pilates class. Groove Is in the Heart was the only standout track for me, but I didn't hate this album.
Nick Drake's albums are my favorite finds from this site so far. This one joins his other two in my personal rotation.
This album has an interesting sound and it's made well, but this style isn't my favorite. There's also an instrument / sound effect that sounds like a tiny little monkey hooting every couple seconds that I can't stand. I don't plan to return to this one. Minus one star for the hooting noise.
I thought I disliked reggae until I heard this. It's wonderful. Such chill music and great lyrics.
This album really grew on me over the course of listening to it a couple times today. I had heard it in full for the first time last month and didn't care for it much, but today I listened to it louder and caught a lot of the details I hadn't before. I get why people like it now even if this midtempo chamber pop style isn't really my thing most of the time. 4 stars just because of personal preference but Pet Sounds is undoubtedly one of the most important and influential albums ever.
Josh Homme's voice isn't great on this album and it's not helped by the poor vocal recording quality. The music here isn't as good as on their future albums either. A couple songs are catchy but I mostly wished I was listening to Songs for the Deaf or Like Clockwork instead. This album is too long even without the unnecessary instrumental tracks. I had heard this before and didn't like it much - today's listen didn't change that.
This was fine. I liked Son of a Preacher Man and The Windmills of Your Mind. The other songs didn't stand out too much to me.
GZA is an amazing rapper and lyricist and the production on this is cool as hell.
Good folk!
Entertaining but probably not in the intended way. Sounds like Homer Simpson yelling accompanied by hardcore punk. Impossible to parse the words just by listening but the written lyrics are cool. Kinda fun overall.
Really cool French industrial. People here have no taste, this album is great. It sounds like Rammstein or Ministry.
Kind of like The Cure but less interesting and worse singing.
Decent background music. Didn't stand out to me much.
I subjected myself to less than half of this album. It's terrible. Stupid Girl especially is probably in my bottom 10 songs. The Rolling Stones have some good songs in their discography but it seems like they were mostly singles. The two albums I've heard from them on this list so far were some of the worst entries.
Decent classic rock. I think Jeff Beck is a case of a musician who was so influential that his music just sounds pretty standard now. He is foundational for most guitarists who came after him and I respect that.
Starts off good, gets boring, then ends well. I wish I could give this a 3.5 but due to limitations of this website it gets a 4 on a technicality. I liked the electronic influence on the later songs.
Dated and kinda boring. Minus one more star for Infamous Date Rape.
A lot of these songs were just kinda rambling and didn't really grab me, but I didn't hate this album. The Thom Yorke feature was good.
Kinda bollocks mate innit
Interesting but not my favorite of Eno's art rock.
Great first album from R.E.M. I don't have a ton to say about it but I really liked it. I hadn't heard most of these songs before and they turned out to be some of the band's best.
Got 2.5 songs in and quit
I like the sound of this album a lot and want to listen again soon!
Pretty good despite being British
This is just background music to me but I don't hate it. My friend says that if you play Elvis near boomers it causes them to factory reset.
I love the sampling and DJ-ing on this
At any moment this album could turn into a more interesting, Radiohead-esque project if it wasn't so squarely aimed at people high on acid
Mellow, introspective, and fantastic.
This isn't Tarzan
Well-written lyrics paired with a subpar singer and a somewhat boring band
This is just not my preferred style. It's fine background music.
This was entrancing. I didn't expect to like this and usually don't enjoy these sorts of sparse arrangements, but something about the combination of delicate jazz backing Sinatra's voice really worked for me.
Some of the most iconic hip hop ever made, still holds up today.
I listened to 2 other albums from this band right after this one, love their sound.
Here I'm alive; everything all of the time
Chvrches has a great sound and this is a solid first album, but I like their next two albums more.
These tracks are pretty interesting as individual songs, but not dynamic enough for me to want the full album experience again.
The two slower ballads on here are kind of forgettable, but the rest of the songs are great. I love Mothers Talk and Broken, neither of which I'd heard before, and three of Tears for Fears deservedly biggest songs are on the album. Really enjoyed this one.
These songs are all beautifully arranged and performed spectacularly. Indian Sunset is corny but I still love the instrumental. This album is going in my personal library.
Style over substance. Didn't hate it though, is just too much of this specific sound for me to really enjoy a whole album. I do like the title track.
If you were hosting a dance party and could only play one album, this would be a pretty good choice. Unfortunately, I don't get invited to dance parties.
Great alt rock/grunge!
Hella fun live soul, love hearing the crowd and the banter. Cooke is great and so is his backing band.
Decent Americana but I don't love Springsteen's voice on a lot of these songs.
Pretty mediocre 60s music
Great guitar work, lovely atmosphere, but sometimes a little too slow. I like this band and their album after this, A Deeper Understanding, is better imo.
This album is R.E.M. just being timelessly great. I love it. Their music has more true emotion than other bands I've heard from this time despite the cryptic lyrics. It's such a vibe, as the kids say.
Excellent jazz from a really interesting person
Who thought that white British Afro-dance was a good idea
Kinda like Nick Drake but I'd rather just listen to Nick Drake. Most of these songs were fairly enjoyable but I don't feel like revisiting the whole album after my initial listen.
Great 80s music, I love this style. This album is going on rotation.
American Idiot been one of my favorite albums since I first heard it in middle school over 15 years ago. It's cohesive, consistent, self-referential, emotional, and just brilliant. I love every song. This might be my personal favorite entry on the list so far.
Not bad, just strange. I like Where Is My Mind and Vamos a lot more than the rest of the songs. I don't really get this album, maybe there's something I'm missing. 3 stars for solid musicianship.
Fun, awesome punk rock. Really nice guitar riffs throughout and great instrumentals in general. I love the energy, it just goes and goes but without becoming same-y. I look forward to listening to more from this band soon.
Totally fine blues rock. No songs I hated or wanted to skip, and only 30 minutes long! How likely am I to tell someone else to listen to this though? Eh... they should listen to Credence instead. 3 stars.
Listened to half of this and turned it off. I just found it boring.
Decent jazz / soul but I didn't find it very engaging
Frank Zappa is really sticking it to big Good Music on this one
Got 3 songs in and was bored.
Just not really my style.
Didn't finish this but it was because I was trying to listen to both parts of the double album of which this is the latter half. I really enjoyed what I heard although the songs I loved the most were near the start of part 1.
One of the best albums ever made. It's ok not to enjoy it, but what other band competently makes music like what's on OK Computer? This is a singular, essential piece of music history. On here is one of the best 3-song opening salvos of all time, followed later by Electioneering, Climbing Up The Walls, and No Surprises one after the other. Each of those would be the best song on most other albums (and I'm also a huge fan of Lucky). My one complaint about this album is that Exit Music takes a while to get going. That's it. I thought I liked Kid A more going into today's listen, but now I'm not sure; maybe that album is just easier to listen to on repeat. Either way, Radiohead was on some next level shit in this era. 5 stars isn't enough.
Chill, easy listening
I'm heavily biased towards alt-prog like Tool, Silversun Pickups, Falling Up, etc., but this is rather one-note. I wish there was more musical diversity here because I like this band's overall sound and I plan to check out other albums.
Some good songs but I wish the album as a whole didn't feel so sleepy.
Just background noise. Don't hate it but I have better things to listen to.
Nice, groovy jazz-rock.
Didn't leave much of an impression either way
Kinda fun, kinda silly arena metal. I'm not really into it but it's not bad.
Pretty solid first half but goes downhill at L'America. Saved by Riders on the Storm at the end.
Far from my favorite Allman Brothers material. Way too much time dedicated to endless guitar solos, feels like a jam session.
Dark But Just A Game was the only song I'd tell other people to listen to off this album. Too many sleepy ballads all in a row does not make for an engaging album.
The second half is pretty good, but I didn't like this 10 song album until 5 songs in.
Bob Dylan was one of the best songwriters of all time, and this is some of his best work. Idiot Wind is a work of lyrical genius. I love his trademark unconventional vocal delivery; to me it makes the songs more memorable than having a Michael Bublé type singing them. This album is going on repeat and straight to my personal collection.
I don't like the really slow drum beats on many of these songs, but everything else is great. Muddy Waters deserves his blues legend status.
I really like Yes' sound. This album isn't as engaging for me as Fragile but it's still good.
I don't love the ballads on here (or really in general), but Hotel California and Life in the Fast Lane are two of the best songs of all time. I'd never heard The Last Resort before and its lyrics shocked me in a good way. Overall very good album and I'm gonna see if the ballads grow on me with additional listens.
Fantastic. I love Bob Dylan. Mr. Tambourine Man is especially beautiful.
There are several good songs here and the story behind this album is fascinating, but much of its music bores me, especially in the first half. Thankfully things pick up later on. I still can't give this higher than a 3 due to wishing I was listening to something else for more than 20 minutes
Pretty decent background music!
This guy sounds like someone making fun of annoying British singing. The instrumentals are pretty decent on the whole but I won't be listening again. At least it's not boring.
Great singing and nice jazz instrumentals. As with most music in this style, I wish the lyrics made for more than just love/breakup songs, but this still very good jazz pop.
Possibly the most overrated band of all time. This album would be 3 stars but Hot For Teacher brings it down to 2.
Joni Mitchell's voice is entrancing and these songs are great.
Interesting and enjoyable but not amazing. I like the guitar, piano, and organ. I wish Joplin's voice didn't have as much of a distortion effect in the recording quality, it's hard to tell what she's singing. Drumming sounds too quiet compared to everything else. Today I'm just not really feeling this style of music for whatever reason. It's not a 5 but I think I'd feel bad giving it a 3 based on only today's reaction.
I'm impressed by the band's punk energy, especially for 1969, but most of these songs are just about sex despite all the stuff at the beginning about starting a revolution and changing the world. It's annoying to hear a band pretend to be about something grand but then sing songs about simultaneous orgasms instead. I'm pretty sure that most people wouldn't exist without sex; MC5 hadn't discovered something monumental. It's ok to make songs about fucking but say something important if you promise to change the world.
I feel like you really have to be in the mood for dark, lovesick music to fully appreciate this album. If you're in that mood, this is the pinnacle of that style. If not, it might seem too long or self-indulgent. I'm giving it a 5 because of how much I can see this appealing to me in a worse mood. Disintegration is my favorite of the 3 Cure albums I've had on this list so far.
Too incohesive for me to give a 5, but I like most of these tracks individually. There, There; Where You End and I Begin; Sit Down. Stand Up; and Myxomatosis are probably my favorites. I don't like many of the slower songs on here as much, and Radiohead would end up doing that style better on In Rainbows anyways.
Oh, look what you've done to this rock n' roll clown! Ninja Sex Party did it better. Two stars.
Today is gonna be the day that I stop listening to this album 3 songs in
I have to judge this harshly because some of my favorite bands are metalcore. The instrumentals are good and the vocals definitely work for the songs. However, the lyrics often have nursery-rhyme simple poetic structures and it gets on my nerves. Additionally, sometimes it seems like they have something important to say about social/political issues and sometimes they're just just being edgy. Psychosocial is easily the best song here. I don't know who to recommend this album to. Non-metal fans wouldn't like it, but there are so many other albums I'd play for another metal fan before this one.
Fun album! Really jazzy and funky, made for good background music today.
Nothing about this music is objectively bad, but it's not for me. The last two songs were more enjoyable than the rest.
I love Thunder Road and Born to Run. The rest of the songs here are at least tolerable.
I'm not interested a in white British guy doing soul. I wish this list would give better examples of what the genres actually sound like instead of giving us the British White Dude versions of them. I didn't like Rolling Stones doing honky tonk on Let It Bleed and I don't like this.
One of the most iconic albums of the 21st century.
Good concept album, manages to stay interesting despite the double album length.
Not Zep at their best, still some good songs. Like a 3.5.
Entrancing and transportative. A great concert recording from Bob, but I enjoyed his solo first half more than the full band portion.
Fun pop-punk. Self Esteem is such a great song.
A wildly original style done very well. I need to listen to more Björk.
I don't think The Doors on here would be anything special without the organ, but also the organ usage seems too simple and gets annoying at times. This music isn't bad but there are many classic rock albums I like more.
Excellent live album. Not only could Nirvana make great original songs, but they could make covers better than the originals, while live.
Excellent live album. Not only could Nirvana make great original songs, but they could make covers better than the originals, while live.
The album that made everyone ask if Kendrick Lamar is the greatest rapper of all time. It's basically perfect. My only complaint is that the features on this aren't anywhere near as good as Kendrick himself, but even still every track is great both as separate pieces and together. I hope Kendrick's next three albums are on this list too.
Great choral/acapella music, peaceful and uplifting.
I love the first half. 3 of the first 4 songs are 10/10 for me. But this album goes downhill at Pimpf. I don't really like the covers on here. Great side A, mediocre side B.
The trip-hop genre isn't often my thing, but this album has grown on me quite a bit. It's great background music.
Pretty good jazz. Found myself losing interest a few times but there was always something that brought me back in. This would be a 3.5 but out of respect for a legend I'll round up.
Not my favorite Steely Dan album, but I love their sound.
This is probably my favorite kind of jazz. There's just the right amount of everything here and every instrument is played perfectly.
It's decent Christmas music but I wouldn't go out of my way to listen to it again.
Prince's sound is interesting but many of these songs are much too long for their content.
Excellent classic folk, great vocal harmonies.
Wanna go for a ride? One of the best double-albums ever. The variety and mastery of different musical styles on here is incredible. I love the slow songs and the wild headbangers and everything in between.
Nice pop rock instrumentals but I'm not a big fan of Van Morrison's voice.
Hearing one of these songs is fine. Less so hearing them all in a row. I didn't make it through this.
"We have Godspeed! You Black Emperor at home" type beat
Varies between entertainingly bad and boringly bad. Sounds like it was made by amateurs despite the involvement of big names like Pharrell, Timbaland, and Ludacris.
I can tell I'll be coming back to this and will probably like it even more on subsequent listens. A great somber album.
I'm not mad that this is the bestselling album of all time.
It's like being inside Edgar Wright.
I wish I could hate more of Kanye's music, but this album is a fucking blast.
Fun live album, nice jazz guitar.
I enjoy Beck's unique style of rock, these songs are cool.
I listened to a playlist Tim made of the best songs from this album and it was fine.
Not one of my favorite Beatles albums, there are many good songs but too many shippable or just annoying ones.
Decent mix of rock and soul. I wasn't into the slower songs as much but there are some cool tunes here.
Honestly didn't make much of an impact on me. It was ok background music.
Absolutely incredible array of weird, experimental 80s pop(?). Listening to these songs while on a rainy nighttime drive is a vibe. I love this album.
Nobody would care about the Beatles if this was their only album
Really like the cheery vocal delivery combined with really organic-sounding instrumentation. Especially love the bass playing.
Inoffensive background soft rock. Favorite part was sending my friends messages saying "I like boobs too much" with a screenshot of Chest Fever playing.
Nice, relaxing Latin jazz
Weird, but more comprehensible than Surfer Rosa was
I appreciate what they were going for and how this album was instrumental in inventing a new genre.
I don't like how the songs on the last half of the albums are all split into two different tracks, but whatever. I listened to Abbey Road twice today and really enjoyed it both times. Something and I Want You are probably both in my top 5 Beatles songs.
Timeless, remarkable songwriting.
Great soul!
I appreciate Massive Attack's unique sound, but trip hop tends to put me to sleep.
It's CCR doing their thing, good stuff.
Rock music