Scott 4
Scott WalkerI have no idea why this guy is on the list. He might have influenced a lot of people, but the most notable thing he did for me was influence me to never listen to this again. 2/5
I have no idea why this guy is on the list. He might have influenced a lot of people, but the most notable thing he did for me was influence me to never listen to this again. 2/5
If Trump loses this election, I'm gonna have "High Horse" on repeat for DAYS. Country, or something else? Who cares. She's great, and this album is great, start to finish. 5/5
If I know all the words to all the songs, it's a 5. 5/5
Liked it, gave 3.5ish stars
4 stars. Adding to workout and/or roadtrip playlist.
Classic case of art vs artist. The album is good, but I won't be listening to it again since Kanye is, well, Kanye. 4/5.
3/5. I like Metallica, but the orchestra didn't add much to the listening experience. I'm sure it was fun for the crowd to sing along - just not so entertaining for those of us who missed out.
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I can see why this album is on the list, but it's not for me. Some things just don't age well, even if groundbreaking for the time or pointing out injustice. 3/5
The production on this album is great, and I see why it's on the list. However, songs blend together too much/sound too similar for me to give 5 stars. 4/5
Another album that I can understand why it's on the list but isn't great start to finish. 90's alternative rock before the 90's, and I can hear the influence on lots of other bands I like much more. I'll give their other albums a listen, though. 2/5
Found some songs I've never heard but liked which surprised me. His voice does keep me from ranking it a full 5 stars, but overall pretty solid album. Happy with this surprise today. 4/5
I wanted to love this, I really did. Songs are short and similar, and I can think of other bands that have done it better. 3/5, and only because I'd add it as a road trip album.
1, 2, 3, 4 5/5
'Take Me Out' was the only thing good on this album, and it was way overplayed on the radio. 2/5
I'm waiting in line at Tomorrowland. Also, the inspiration for all the other vaporwave/synthwave/deep space music that gets me through my workday. 3/5
Proof there's music for out there for everybody. This just isn't for me. 2/5
Weird, but I liked it more than I've liked other experimental albums. Flamingo was a surprise song I'll add to a playlist or two. 2/5
After listening to a bunch of the "influential" albums on the list I was prepared to dislike this. So many of the bands I like also like this band - and usually that's meant I won't like it. This one broke the rule, though, and I was happy about it :D 4.5/5
This album is deeply confusing to me. It starts off bad, then gets a little better. I don't know if I kinda like it or hate it. I'll listen to some songs again, but probably not the whole album. 2/5
Surprising 5/5. Usually don't care for them too much. I like the band more than Morrison's vocals and lyrics at times, but would listen again.
This is just fun. 4.5/5
I know every word to every song. How can this not be 5/5?
I've heard the hits on the album so much Ibdon't really want to listen to them again. And, nothing else on this album stuck out enough for me to want to listen to it again, either. 3/5
Loved the music (5/5), hated the lyrics and the singing (1/5). On a song or two it works, but not a whole album. Averages to a 3/5.
He's talented, and I can hear the folks he's influenced. 3/5
I've tried to like Joni Mitchell, but I just can't. By all accounts I should like this, but it doesn't speak to me. Did like the synthier/bassier parts of this. Kudos to her for being a pioneer, though. 2/5
Was good, then became too long and overstayed it's welcome. A shame. 3/5
I like this like I like a punch to the face. Which is to say, some.
I've listened to this more than once to truly nail down how I feel about it. The reality is, I just don't want to listen to it anymore, and probably won't ever again. The sampling is neat, but that's about it. 2/5
Why haven't I heard this before? It scratched all my dark, brooding itches. 5/5
I'm just not a huge fan of Sinatra. I can see why it's here, but it's not for me. 2/5
Sabotage is still my favorite. 3.5/5
Not great, not terrible. 3/5
Happier sounding Radiohead. 4/5
I listened to this on a pretty dreary day, so it was a good fit. Too bas it wasn't on a treaming service I have, so I had to suffer through ads. 4/5
One of my first cassettes (bought it with Boyz II Men II). I can still remember screeching along with her in my room, with a Barbie as a microphone. My poor parents. 4/5
My disappointment was immeasurable when I determined Dale Gribble was not the voice on the title track. Would have been the highlight of an otherwise bad album.
Songs started bad, then got a *little* better. Never a good sign when the hit doesn't sound like the rest of the album. 2/5
Smooooooooooth. Not something I'll listen to again, though. 3/5
Another good Radiohead album. 4/5
Influential? Maybe? I liked it a little, but I'll pass on these guys. 2/5
The hits on this are iconic. Too bad the skits and everything else is pretty cringe. 2/5
It's funny, how I could rate one of their albums with a 5, and this I'm giving a 2. I guess I like their later sound more than this. 2/5
This isn't their best album, but still good enough for 4/5.
Not a bad album from someone I've never heard of. 3/5
Turns out I disagree with Mick Jagger. Talented bunch, though. 3/5
Another album where I can appreciate the influence on other bands I like, but overall just not for me. 2.5/5
I like a lot of other bands that sound similar to this, just not this one. Music is better than the singer, and it's mostly forgettable once over. 2/5
If Minecraft beats were laid in the 70's, minus the German voiceovers. Not my favorite album, but I truly appreciate this band's influence on the ones I do love, and on one of my favorite SNL sketches (Sprockets!). Glad to give this a listen. 3/5
I can't listen to "Bridge Over Troubled Water" without crying - I heard that song in the car right after my aunt's funeral, and no song described her better. The other songs, while not as powerful personally, are still great. 5/5
It's a joke in our house that every time a random Smiths song comes on, I say something to the effect of "who is that? I like that." I was prepared to like this more than I did, so I can't really hide my disappointment in my review. The music itself is great, and I think why I liked this album the most. The singing gets lost a little bit, which is a shame. My criteria for a 5/5 is repeatable listening for the full album, and this just doesn't have it. A song or two is good, but not something I'll put on for a drive or for just a listen at home. 3/5
I wish I had more to say about this album - I can see why it's included, but wasn't something I really got into. Maybe just not a great day for it to be on my list? 3/5
CCR does what they do very well. Might it all sound the same? Sure. But it's done so well we're there's no bad song on the album. 5/5
An album like this is exactly why I'm on this 1001 album journey. I never would have listened to this otherwise - while I know who Herbie Hancock is, I just never felt the need to give him a listen. I'm very glad to have heard it now, though! Great music for a morning at home or a study session. I know this came well before Cowboy Bebop, but it's like I just found a long-lost soundtrack from that show in the best way. 5/5
Sad I missed this when it came out originally, because I would have loved this as an angsty teen. Now I get to enjoy it as an angst adult. 4/5
I can tell that we are gonna be friends. Nostalgia 5/5
Pretty great. Influenced lots of bands, yada yada yada. I can only stand so much Robert Plant, though. 4/5
Super mellow. I like this kind of hippie nonsense. 3/5
Unhinged 3/5
A good song or two, solid 3/5.
I miss hearing his songs on the radio. 4/5
Easy listen, and she can sing :) 3/5
I really would've liked these guys when I was in middle school. Too bad you grow out of this stuff, unless you're the guys from Jackass. 3/5
Sad and sleepy. 3=5
Alas, another album I wanted to like more than I actually did. Liked the music, just not so much the singing style (though she's talented!).
Solid 3/5 from me. A good song or two, but not an album I would want to listen to in full again. 3/5
I was left wanting more. She has a phenomenal voice, but after lots of the same or similar songs, her voice loses its luster. And, the standout hits were just overplayed, so I don't even really want to hear them, either. 2/5
Rufus Wainwright did it better, fight me. 2/5
Feels wrong to give the Beatles less than a 5. But, they've got way better albums than this, so a 4 it is. 4/5
Interesting, quirky little songs. 3/5
Enjoyed the songs that were spanish/irish fusion :) Started closer to a 4, ended at a 3.
I feel like I missed much of what was here because I don't speak the language. +1 to give him the benefit of the doubt. 2/5
I usually like this kind of stuff (darker, goodies beats) but I struggled with this one. It just did not grab my attention, and there's nothing on here I can't live without. 2/5
Struggled on this one. LOVE the music, dislike Jim Morrison's singing and lyrics. 2.5/5
My dude has a way with words. Wouldn't listen to the album in full again, probably. 3/5
This... wasn't good. The songs are just too long with so little substance. At times, the lyrics were cringe and the whole thing felt like he was trying waaaay to hard to be retro/cool/activist. A riff or two was interesting and saved it from a 1-star. 2/3
I can think of quite a few other albums that should be on this list more than this one. It's not bad - she's clearly talented, and I liked the electronic bits of her songs. But I wanted her to commit to one or the other, since both made the album too forgettable to me.
There are some really great songs on this, but I can't give it more than 4 stars. It's influential, and I can hear/get that, but some songs are just too long for me to really get into. 4/5
Just couldn't get into this one. 2/5
Not all songs are great, but the better songs on here are really great. I enjoyed her voice the most, and the arrangement on some of these songs is stellar. Glad to have heard it. 4/5
So dreamy, I nearly fell asleep. 3/5
Was just okay. In my head, some of the lyrics to the MST3K theme song fit to 'Jaimaican Jerk Off,' which was fun. 3/5
Couldn't have picked a better day for this album - went to a roller skating rink with my family. It for the vibe just right :) That said, even on the most perfect of days for me, was still an album that was just okay. I could hear lots of songs that were sampled by others which was also neat. 3/5
Got me right in the middle school. Nostalgia 5
Liked this more than I anticipated. The bass lines were great and I liked the variety in song style. 3.5/5
Got better as it went. So mellow it was forgettable, which is sad because I wanted to like this much more. 2/5
The Album is Fill of Morrissey's Crashing Ego. 2/5
This is just meh. Overplayed on the radio, for sure, and a whole album of this just isn't fun. 2/5
Interesting, and had more hits on it than I was expecting. 4/5
This felt like the worst kind of homework. Cute at times, with some variety, but a slog. Like others have mentioned, they should have focused their attention on 10-12 really good ones instead of 69 mediocre ones. 2/5
Paul McCartney knows how to make pop hits. But, editing his own work / ideas eludes him, at times - the gimmickiness of mashing what should be two songs together works, but gets old after awhile. 4/5
I was not interested in this at all. 1/5
Actually, I didn't like this very much. Maybe it's the day, maybe it's my mood, but I don't really have a desire to hear this again. I reserve my 1's for albums I hated listening to - this wasn't that bad, but still not great. 2/5
The music itself is fine, but I just can't stand the singer. Not an album I would choose to listen to again. 2/5
Solid middle of the road album. Not great, not terrible, just is. 3/5
A little too pervy at times for me. This didn't age well, if it was even good at one point. 2/5
Oof, too cheesy for me. 2/5
More like two-minute-men, ha. +1 for inventive song titles and for making the theme song to Jackass. 2/5
My parents loved this album, I love this album, and now my son does, too. 5/5
Wasn't super in love with the first few songs but the rest of it grew on me. 3.5/5.
Ha, I'd get my millennial card revoked if I rated this less than a 5. Trust me, I double checked the terms and conditions. 5/5
I like the metal, just not so much the voice. 2/5
I find myself conflicted on David Bowie. I want to like his music, but when I'm faced with a whole album I just don't care for it much. 3/5
Some songs I really liked, and others I really didn't. 3/5
Gloomy and moody, just what I like. 4/5
I'm not cool enough for Miles Davis. 2/5
Not my favorite drum and bass, but okay. 3/5
Probably something really neat when it was released, but not something I found particularly compelling. 3/5
Had a moment or two of being interesting. Otherwise, not worth my time. 2/5
Just the right kind of rainy day or summer evening drive home album. Simple but very well done. 5/5
Again, I really enjoy the music part, just not so much the lyrics and his quiet sing-talking. I'll still with my synthwave stations instead. 2/5
I have no idea why this guy is on the list. He might have influenced a lot of people, but the most notable thing he did for me was influence me to never listen to this again. 2/5
I like the funky beats here, but won't go out of my way to listen to this again. 3/5
Was fun, and upbeat while I worked remotely. 3.5/5
I was going to give this a 2 - I just can't. What Bjork and Fiona Apple do so well is edit themselves. They are quirky, use their voices as instruments, keep it interesting by better curating what is on their albums. This is just so long. It drags on, forever. For the first 5 minutes, I was intrigued; after 6, I was done, and still had 50ish more minutes to go. 1/5
Just no. 1/5
I don't like Bruce Springsteen. I tried, I really did, but I just don't. 2/5
Solid 4. Black is the best song on this album, and showcases the best parts of Vedder's lyricism and singing style. 4/5
This was just okay - heard parts and pieces of other songs I like more. 2/5
I liked some of this, but not something I'm going to go out of my way to listen to again. 3/5
Like the backing music, and the singing. The songs go on for too long for my taste, but an easy listen for the day. 3/5
Love, love, love the harmonies. Not every song is fantastic, but this is my kind of hippie dippy bologna. 4/5
Was cute for a little while, but got boring and then was too long. 2/5
Silky smooth voice, I really do love it. For a whole album of it, though, it's a bit boring. 3/5
Enjoyable. Was neat hearing bits and pieces of other bands they've influenced in these songs. 3/5
I like Willie, but the problem here is that it's almost all the same tempo and type of arrangement (read: boring). For a song or two, it's endearing, but for a whole album my attention is drawn elsewhere. 2/5
Easy to listen to while getting some work done. Loved the atmospheric vibes, but have to be in the right mood to get into it. 4/5
I liked this, but not enough to really want to hear it again. 3/5
Guess I might be in the minority on this one. Was unique for a song or two, then just kinda blended together. Did appreciate his brand of country - seems more authentic and raw than our current country stars. 2/5
I liked the peppier, upbeat parts. Everything else was meh. 2/5
Man, the first disc is great- something magical about it. The 2nd disc just gets lost and it's too long, though there are some good ones on it (Bron-Yr-Aur was a hidden gem). 4/5
I get that she has an instantly recognizable, iconic voice. I just can take an hour of it all at once :/ 2/5
Might have been influential, but the folks who came after just did it better. Would have been a 1 but a song or two was just okay. 2/5
Upbeat, fun jazz. 3/5
Was just okay. Fun to listen to, though. 3/5
This sounds dated, and not in a good way. 2/5
This was just good to groove to while I worked. Didn't have to think to hard about it. 4/5
Pleasant background music for working remotely. 3/5
This was a fun and peppy 80's album. They aren't all winners, but good background noise for my workday. 4/5
I liked the songs with Natalie Merchant best. Jesus Christ for President was also great. 4/5
Was okay. Kanye and John Legend made this much better. 3/5
High and Dry is one of my favorite songs. Haven't found a Radiohead album I dislike yet. 4/5
Just wasn't something I was into. The punkier stuff was good, but I was bored by the rest. 2/5
11 year old me loved 'My All,' and part of me still does. Gets a bit repetitive at times, and there's only so much R&B diva I can stand at any given time. 3/5
I was surprised to like this. Her unique voice and pop melodies made this a good one to keep around for when you just want to feel violently happy. 4/5
This is... gross. Music is barely okay, and the rest is just forgettable. 2/5
Wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I don't typically like George Michael, and I was surprised by his range and the variety on this one. More somber/serious than I was expecting. 3/5
It's between this one and Rubber Soul for the best Beatles album for me. This one wins by a smidge. 5/5
+1 for being a unique thing on this list, and another +1 for this dude's vocal stamina. 2/5
This was just.... not good. It made a long car ride even longer. 1/5
Oooh, I liked this. Nice ambient music for my work. 4/5
Very 60s jazz. Felt like I was hearing the soundtrack to a mid-budget spy movie. 2/5
Not every song is wonderful, but I have some really great memories with my parents seeing James Taylor live and listening to these albums. Boomer music, sure, but it's my boomer's music. 4/5
Some songs were okay. The rest just felt like 80s cheesiness. 2/5
I waited until I could listen to this with headphones. Have heard it/ been around it all my life, and wanted to give it the attention that it truly deserved. I will say, both my husband and dad have the clocks from 'Time' as their ringtone, so I did think for a hot second that phone was ringing which was fun. The tingliness in my ears at times was an added bonus. Breathe (In the Air) and Us and Them are my two favorites, and they aren't even the best on the album. It warrants 5 stars. I can't find anything to fault here. The hype is real. 5/5
Was just okay. Some beats are pretty good, but there's nothing here I must listen to again. 2/5
I like industrial... this was a tough one to get through. As a plus, I now have a new way to torture my child if he doesn't do his math homework. 2/5
Mixed feelings about this surprising album. Much more blues than I was expecting, and the mandolin parts were cool. If I was out at a bar listening to him, I would enjoy it because of his energy, but I don't think I want to listen to this again. 2/5
Brings back memories of when they would actually play oldies on the radio. This rating is more nostalgia anyway, and in a good way. 4/5
Interesting old soundtrack, and broke up some of the monotony of my more recent albums. Pretty unique but I won't be picking this up again. 2/5
Yoshimi is better, bit this is still good. Yeah, still good. 4/5
I couldn't get into this. I can think of quite a few singers who have tried to sound like her, which is a neat realization after hearing this album. Aside from that, it was a bit boring for me. 2/5
I enjoyed this groovy little record. Wouldn't have ever stopped to hear this if not for the list. Great beats, but some questionable singing and lyrics knock it down just a smidge. 4/5
Not my favorite. But influenced a lot of rock bands I like, so that's cool. 2/5
I only rated this because the site made me, otherwise I won't conform to your authority. 2.6775437 / 5
Great listen on Halloween. 4/5
Mellow music. 3/5
My son got in the car at the absolute wrong time during this album. As others have pointed out (and to contribute my own repetitive rating), the songs kinda blend together and are, you guessed it, repetitive. 3/5
Liked this better than their first album, but not by much. Not interested in listening to this again. 2/5
Nothing really stood out to me on this one. 3/5
Didn't enjoy this, even though it seemed like it would be right up my alley. 2/5
I liked this one, but didn't love it. There's enough to keep me interested, but fades away after a little bit. Guess that's shoegazing tho, huh?
I don't understand the hype for this album. The vast majority of these covers are worse than the original (including Hurt). Too much sing-talking, too many songs sounded too similar to one another. A few were decent, but l won't be listening to this again. 2/5
Wish I could have found the actual version on Spotify instead of trying the YouTube version. Either way, I liked it. Pretty upbeat for a dreary day. 3/5
This was a fun little album to listen to. I liked disco more than I thought I would. 3/5
Would be a 5, but Kanye's ego gets in the way. 4/5
If Bob Dylan played a day at an off-season renaissance festival. Would've been a 2, but the session musicians did a really great job with what they were given. 3/5
I usually don't like when singers sound like this guy, but the rest of the music makes up for it. I'm a little enchanted. 4/5
The vocals were meh and the music was okay. 2.5/5
My son enjoyed this one more than I did, which I'm considering a win. 3/5
Like others, I didn't know this album existed. It's an interesting album, for sure, and I don't know that I would rank it as one of their best. 3/5
I really like the hits on this one, but the others were just so mediocre, enough to drop my rating from a 4 to a 3. 3/5
I had heard Planet Caravan before but never really took the time to look at the lyrics - I now have a new favorite Black Sabbath song. Was pleased with today's listen. 4/5
Guess I like Latin jazz. Was fun to listen to while powering through some programming. 4/5
So nobody is gonna mention the wild banjo parts in Take It Easy? I got a fever, and it's definitely more banjo. 4/5
Enjoyed this, and reminds me of a time when this kind of stuff was actually played on the radio. 3/5
In general, I can't stand his voice and so that makes it really hard to get into this. But it's also amazing how pretty much everything he sings about still rings true today, which is impressive. I adore his guitar playing on this, too. 3/5
Mid mid-90s ambient techno. Even did some programming to this, but was still just okay. 3/5
What a chore. 2/5
Was a little sad this isn't on a streaming service, since I'm not sure the version I heard was the one that was meant to be rated. Was okay, I wanted something a little groovier and a little less... silly? But to each their own, I guess. 3/5
Her voice is phenomenal. Then I found out these folks had also been in Fairport Concention and realized why it sounded so good. 4/5
Holding my nose and giving a 4. Dude can play piano (this album is short and sweet), but he's a terrible human. 4/5
I tried, but I just can't. Not my thing, and pretty perry. 2/5
Heard one song previously, and thought this was going to be one of those albums where that's the only good song. I was wrong. Lazy was a surprise stand out for me. 4/5
This was an interesting listen (youtube). One of the first times in the list I feel like an artist was a bit ahead of their time. Liked the punky nature of the songs, not always the singing voices, though. 3/5
Paint it Black is such a good song and just matches the mood of this week for me. The rest is okay. Wanted to really like more songs since the first one is so good, but them's the breaks I guess. 3/5
Not quite as good as Violator, but close. 4/5
I don't think I have much to say on this one. Didn't love it, didn't hate it. 3/5
I liked the guitar some, but it's not good enough for this list. 2/5
I'm a simple lady - I hear Damon Albarn, and I like. 4/5
Another one where I truly get why the artist is great/amazing/influentual/ the best, but the type of music just doesn't speak to me. I'm just not hip enough for jazz. 2/5
This wasn't great 80s music. The one hit on here isn't worth it, either. 2/5
Man this album sounds like they just took songs from the ends of Bob's Burgers episodes and made them into full songs. I didn't want to like this as much as I did. A fun album. 4/5
Enough variety to be interesting; too many weird ones for a full 5. Some really good ones on here, though, and I'll always have a soft spot for it. "I Will" is the lullaby I sing to my kiddo at bedtime <3 4/5
Never listened to a full public album before - wasn't expecting the complex beats and samples. Nor was I expecting to like Flava Flav (Flavor of Love, anyone?). 4/5
Cisco Kid is such a great song. Liked the funkiness of this, but some songs were just too long. 3/5
Started out stronger than it ended. Liked all the weird bits and pieces. 3/5
This could really take you back in time. Lovely work, but it's just not a type of music I'm into, nor could see myself choosing to listen to for fun. 3/5
This is my third Pet Shop Boys album, and it gets the same rating as all the others. Why are three of their albums on this list (so far, for me)? Surely, there must be two other albums worthy of a spot? 2/5
I still sing 'hate to say I told you so' when I'm right (glad to say, pretty often). Slept on the rest of this album - enjoyed it quite a bit. Made my middle school heart happy. 4/5
I really disliked their first album. This one was a little better. 3/5
I don't get this album's low ratings. Is it great? No. Did I need to hear it before I die? Also no. But I've also heard far, far worse on this list. Was just fine to get through some of my work to-do list today. Was great background noise. 3/5
This was a bit of a slog. Occasional good bits, but felt like homework. 2/5
A love child made from a threeway between Bryan Adams, Dire Straits, and Bruce Springsteen. Each song could've been 2 minutes shorter. 3/5
He's a good one - the album just didn't capture my full attention. I tried with two listens, too :/ 3/5
Couldn't get into this. Can hear her influence on others, which was cool. But not really a great listen. 2/5
Just okay techno. Sounds dated. 2/5
I have tried, like really tried, to enjoy this band as much as other people seem to (and, to be frank - the makers of this list. Is every album on here?). But I just can't. The hits are good, but the rest are just okay. Best I can do is 'like.' 3/5
Not sure why there are so many low reviews for these guys. If I had heard them right at release, it would probably be a 5 instead of a 4, since I would have had more time to appreciate the album. In any case, a good mix of Beach Boys, Wilco, Polyphonic Spree, Flaming Lips, Pete Yorn, and probably a few dozen other artists. Was nice enough to hear a little bit of each of those in the song style and composition. Some just prefer to just listen to those artists instead, which is fine, but it is nice every once in awhile to just hear something a little different. 4/5
I wanted to like this more :/
I love Sam Cooke's voice - I don't know that there's anyone in my mind that will ever sound as good as him in this genre. You never know how well an album voice translates to a live performance, though, but this album proves he's good in any format. 5/5
This was fun. Sampling done right. Also, any artist that can fit the word 'nincompoop' in without being cheesy is a winner. 4/5
This album produced no strong feelings on my end. The album equivalent of an unseasoned water chestnut. 2/5
I couldn't decide what I liked more - that I thought this album was okay, or that my son really loved it. I really enjoyed the variety. 3/5
Didn't love, didn't hate. Solid 3. 3/5
Cheesy 80's metal just isn't for me. 2/5
At times, glimmers of cool things that could've been. But the majority is something I didn't particularly enjoy, and it seems the story behind this album is horribly depressing. 2/5
I understand why this is rated so highly by critics. But, the songwriting style (storytelling, minute details) just aren't for me. Her voice is divine at times, but the high falsetto gets a little jarring. "River" was a standout, and "A Case of You" is better with James' Taylor's guitar. 3/5
Happy to have this one on the list. My son also loved hearing it, which was also pretty cool. Fell on Black Days is such a good song. 4/5
Smooth. 4/5
I was really ready to write this album off and was bummed when I got this album. 'Lonely at the top,' 'Political Science,' and 'God's Song' changed my mind. Sorry I doubted you, Randy. 4/5
What a fun album. The whole thing is good, start to finish. 5/5
I don't know what I expected when I saw the armadillo tank album cover, but it wasn't this. 2/5
Peppy, punchy, punk. Short and sweet. 4/5
I really wanted to give this more than a 1, but I can't. It's another instance where a band influenced a ton of other artists I love (Depeche Mode, Daft Punk, Nine Inch Nails, the list goes on), but I just can't understand the appeal. I guess that's why those other folks are music legends, and I'm just sitting here wondering what the hell I just listened to. 1/5
Didn't love it as much as I thought I would, but I can hear how good this is. Good for a mellow afternoon. 3/5
Gloomy, and I liked it. My inner goth would be happy, if it could feel happiness. 4/5
I don't usually like experimental stuff, but this was great. 4.5/5
Can't help I was already introduced to most of this from my parents. Love the harmonies, and the instrumentation on lots of these. Sometimes, it gets a little samey, but on the whole, great. 4/5
I enjoyed this quite a bit. Was better with headphones, some parts made my ears feel all weird which was cool. 4/5
Realize I have a thing for twelve string guitars and harmony. 4/5
As cool as realizing Re-Ignition was sampled in a song on The Matrix soundtrack was, the rest of this just wasn't my thing. 2/5
I just couldn't get into this as much as I expected I would. A shame. 3/5
Pleasantly surprised by this, and it's their debut! I needed something to groove away to after a long week while cleaning my house, and this fit the bill. Mostly sing-alongable, with some songs here or there I didn't know that were still good. 4.5/5
Gets samey after awhile, and that's not a good thing. Enjoyable listen on a quiet evening, when you just want to chill. 3/5
Yea, I don't need to hear what is essentially the same song for 2 hours. I get it, you can jam. 2/5
Man, Sympathy for the Devil is sooo good. The rest was just okay, and that's a bummer. 3/5
I fell asleep at one point, and my brain thought I was listening to the Muppets and I was happy. But alas, this album has no Muppets. 2/5
A pioneer, sure, and a weird journey with an album and an artist I'd never heard of. His voice sounds like Robin Williams at times and that made it a little better. 2/5
Been awhile since I've gotten an album I've already listened to a ton and can rate by heart. Sweetest Perfection and Waiting for the Night are great, underplayed songs. 5/5
I enjoyed part of this - the production, the sound, the horn section. Then, it veered terribly into 'jam band' territory and I lost interest. Started strong, middle was meh, and ending was a little better. 3/5
Well ding a ding dang my dang a long ling long, this was awesome. 5/5
Different and fun. Didn't love all the songs, but enough good ones to keep me interested. 4/5
Was okay. Could listen to while getting some work done. 3/5
You can tell this guy likes music, which makes it fun. Even though he's having a great time, most of the songs are okay so nothing is a standout. There's just too many songs for them all to be great. Wishing sometimes that artists would edit themselves a little more. 3/5
This is akin to jazz for me - I can appreciate (and marvel!) At the ability to improvise for so long as a group. That's just so crazy to me, since I can barely get through playing a whole song even when I have the music in front of me. As cool as that is, it just isn't something I want to listen to. 2/5
The hits on here are great. Some of the other songs are good, but not enough to elevate this to a 5. Still good, though. 4/5
Liked the lo-fi. 3/5
If Trump loses this election, I'm gonna have "High Horse" on repeat for DAYS. Country, or something else? Who cares. She's great, and this album is great, start to finish. 5/5
I agree with one of the commenters- heard this years ago and hated it; this listen something just clicked. A fiesty listen for my ride to work. 4/5
Too long. And storytelling /talking songs are just overrated. Only thing that saved it from a 1 is that I occasionally enjoyed a guitar riff or two. 2/5
The guitar is good but there's only so much Rod Stewart I can take in one sitting. As I said in other instances with Rod - if we were in a dark, smoky bar this would be great. At home in my pajamas not so much. 2/5
The hits really carry this. 'Getting in Tune' is pretty awful. 'The Song is Over was a surprise for me - one I'd never heard and enjoyed. 4/5
Enjoyed the rockabilly feel to these. 3/5
Again, I like a lot of bands that these guys influenced, but not them. Woodpecker from Mars saved this from a 2. 3/5
I don't like 'cult of personality even on a good day. The rest of this isn't as good as that song, and that song isn't great. 2/5
Blues just isn't for me. Listening to a whole album of what sounds like the same song is just... a bummer. That said, this was good. His voice is just blues, and there's not really any other way to describe it. So, even though it's not my thing, I enjoyed this just because he's so dang good at it. 4/5
I really liked this. 5/5
All I think of when I hear 'Jump' is Shamu. Thanks, Sea World! Not bad. I don't usually like 80's hair metal. Made better because it's a short album and my son likes this so much. 4/5
Ok background music while I got some work done. 2/5
Dolly is a national treasure. Great album and great person. 4/5
Sucks to live in the post- COVID celebrity 'imagined cover, since the song just makes me cringe every time I hear it. That's said, this album isn't a favorite. 3/5
Was okay. Not a must listen by any stretch. 2/5
Same as the other one, sad and sleepy. 3/5
These songs sound like fun to play. 4/5
A good moment or two saved this from a 1. Just 80's synth weirdness, and glad I don't ever have to listen to it again. 2/5
I guess the Kinks are like the weird little brother of the Stones and the Beatles, and I dig it. 3/5
It's consistent, but that doesn't make it a great one for me. 3/5
There's nothing on this to keep my interest. Which is sad, since I usually like Americana. 2/5
The music was good, the lyrics were bad. 4/5
Fun to listen to on a long drive home. 3/5
I just don't understand double albums sometimes. Separately they're good, but it makes listening to it all at once a chore. The Love Below was the better of the two. 3/5
This guy is good. 4/5
I liked the variety - just too long. 3/5
Maybe this makes me one of those 'sellout Metallica fans, but this was pretty good. 4/5
Couldn't decide if this was a 3 or a 4. Some songs are really great (only the good die young) but others were too long or two slow. 3.5 it is. 3.5/5
I don't know that I would go back and listen to the while thing again. But the hits off this are really, really good - Sloop John B, Wouldn't it Be Nice, God Only Knows. God Only Knows has a special place in my heart because it's the bedtime song I sing to my kiddo. 4/5
Just not my thing. There's other artists who do it better, and this just feels too clean for rockabilly or blues. 2/5
Ugh, sounds like music from a musical which isn't anything that interests me. +1 for very, very short songs and another +1 for being something truly unique on this list. 2/5
Was kinda surprised by how much he sounds like John Lennon at times. As interesting as that is, I didn't love this. 2/5
Not earthshattering or groundbreaking. Just okay. 3/5
I really dislike this band. That one song from the commercials was the most bearable thing here. Why two albums from these guys on the list? I can think of better-deserving artists. 2/5
Aww, reminds me of my grandma, she loved this guy. I think he's okay. Also, the replay I did when I heard this part of The Strawberry Roan: He's about the worst bucker I've seen on the range That was not what I thought he said. Be a lot cooler if he did, tho. 3/5
Nope. Didn't like it when it came out, don't like it now. 2/5
I liked this :) 4/5
Easy listen. 4/5
Bleh, boring. The age old question on this site - did I really need to hear this before I die? No, no I did not. 2/5
Again, I'm not cool enough for Miles Davis. 2/5
Interesting and not something I would have sought out on my own. That said, no urge to listen to it again. 2/5
A bummer - was excited to hear this and it was just meh. 2/5
Never gave them a chance before, and I enjoyed it. 4/5
Not every song is a hit, but has their iconic sound. 3/5
Maybe it's my mood today - couldn't get into this. 2/5
Still don't like Sinatra. 2/5
Groovy, baby. Chain of fools is soooo good. 4/5
This sounds like what I normally listen to when I'm at work. Neat. 4/5
Just not as good as 'Bridge Over Troubled Water.' 3/5
Solid 3 for me. When it's good it's really good then it's just okay. 3/5
Good background music, but not much else. 2/5
Sounds like middle school. Wait and Bleed and Spit it Out are the best on here. The rest is okay. 3/5
I really don't get the need for live albums on this list. That said, the production on this one is good. Too bad it's pretty boring. 3/5
There was a lot of hype for this one. My husband absolutely loved it, but I'm more lukewarm. 3/5
I could not wait for this album to end. 1/5
I'm sorry, I just don't like this. 2/5
This is basically a greatest hits album. 5/5
Sometimes less is more. Just a hair too many 'just okay' songs to make this a 5, but still wonderful. 4/5
Why? 2/5
All the hits are overplayed, the rest was meh. 3/5
Loved the whole thing. My tween self wanted to be Shirley Manson but I was too shy. 5/5
Mellow and boring. 2/5
Mid pop. Interesting, but not really my thing. 3/5
It all sounded like the same song. She's got a great voice, though. 2/5
The boss just ain't for me. 2/5
I'm a simple woman. I see Led Zepllin IV, I give 5 stars. 5/5
I don't know what to say. It is an album, and it's on this list. 2/5
A few good songs, okay album. 3/5
Wasn't great, wasn't rubbish. 3/5
Okie dokie pop. Wouldn't have guessed from just hearing Lovefool that they were from Sweden, so that's neat. 3/5
Sprockets! 3/5
This was not good. 2/5
Was okay, I guess. Some catchy beats but otherwise forgettable. 3/5
Overrated. 'Where did you sleep last night' was the best song for me. 2/5
Did not enjoy. 2/5
I don't understand all the hate for this - was pretty okay for a country/rockabilly album. 3/5
Pretty good 80's music. 3/5
Pretty good, pretty groovy. 3/5
I get the influence, which made me want to like this more than I did. They were better in my mind before I listened to this, which is a bummer. 3/5
Couldn't decide between a 4 or a 5, so a 5 it is. Just enjoyable, didn't hear a bad song. Loved the samples, beats, and flute. A nice change of pace. 5/5
For the benefit of everyone else - the original album is just the first 10 tracks on Spotify ('I wanna destroy you' to 'underwater moonlight'). That's a much more manageable listen, and keeps them at a 3 for me. If I had to actually listen to this for 2.5 hours, the rating would be much, much worse. 3/5
Was a good one to listen to with my son. He says I can't rate this less than a 5, so a 5 it shall get. 5/5
Too long. 3/5
Giving her the benefit of the doubt with a two. But the off-key singing and sub-par rap just wasn't impressive. 2/5
In most cases, the originals were better. 3/5
Soothing and chill. I like it. 4/5
Loses a point for being a smidge too pervy. 3/5
Pretty basic rock music. 3/5
I guess I have a think for psychedelic music. Who knew? 4/5
I gave them the benefit of the doubt with the first album I heard, but not making that mistake again. Just not something I want to listen to. 1/5
I don't understand why there is another album by this artist on the list. There's plenty of other artists who deserve a spot and it was taken by this... I'd like this way more if there were no vocals - it's just mediocre singing over okay-ish beats. I don't get it. 2/5
I liked the samples :) 3/5
I don't understand the hype for this guy. 2/5
My favorite kind of Christmas music. Only gets a 4 since I can't listen to it all year. 4/5
Was a bit of a slog to get through. Influential it is, but great it is not. 2/5
I dislike giving this a 4. But compared to lots of other stuff on here, it's pretty good. I was just after Nirvana's prime, so I just know it as overplayed grunge so I get more annoyed by it than anything. 4/5
I liked the parts that sounded like CSNY and the Beach Boys. The rest just sounded like any other mid 2000s band with an animal in the name (Band of Horses, Trampled by Turtles, etc). 3/5
Pretty funky. 3/5
Mellow, chill music. Makes me feel sophisticated. 4/5
She is unique, for sure. Don't know that I would listen to this again but appreciated the creativity. At least its not 80s britpop. 3/5
Okay, this one gets the 5. 5/5
Not a fan of ABBA. Can hear the influence on current music, but didn't enjoy this. 2/5
I don't understand the appeal of Lou Reed. Only avoided a 1 because it's not the worst thing on the list. 2/5
The hits are great, the rest was okay. 3/5
The guy can play a guitar, that's for sure. Yacht rock. 3/5
This one isn't bad - I hope there are other Wilco albums on here (Ghost is Born, Yankee Hotel Foxtrot, or Sky Blue Sky). Not their best but has some great gems. 3/5
Okayish pop? Sounded alit like Colin Hay to me, which was nice. 3/5
I like. 4/5
Peaceful and calm. 3/5
Boring. :/ 2/5
Pretty, pretty, pretty good. 4/5
If I know all the words to all the songs, it's a 5. 5/5
Boring and bland electronic pop. 2/5
Sounds like all the other Kinks albums. I'm thinking the maker of this list has a Kinks kink. 3/5
8 miles high is a really great song. The rest is just okay enough to give it a 3. 3/5
Do folks not realize this is grandpa rock now? Dad rock is like from the 90s. Either way, it's a 4. The first 3 songs are the best, the rest is just okay. 4/5
Was okay. Little too muffled and chaotic for my liking. 3/5