Jan 04 2024
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All Directions
The Temptations
The funky songs are good, and have some great guitar playing/tone.
The ballads are ok, never been a huge fan of ballads in general.
Jan 04 2024
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Beautiful Freak
Some really good songs, some ok songs. A lot of the songs seem very one note. I've always liked Novocaine for the soul and the Shrek song.
Jan 05 2024
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Steely Dan
I've never been the biggest Steely Dan fan, but they are really good at what they do, and they never disappoint.
Jan 06 2024
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Sticky Fingers
The Rolling Stones
Some of the best Rolling Stones songs.
Low 4.
Jan 07 2024
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Neon Bible
Arcade Fire
sexual abuser
Jan 08 2024
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Surfer Rosa
Surfer Rosa is a chaotic raw album that is all over the place. This is a hard album to get into but it has a lot of great sounds that the Pixies would perfect on their next album.
Jan 09 2024
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Viva Hate
Johnny Marr was the heart of the Smiths, and without his unique guitar playing most of these songs are ok/good at best, with a few stand out exceptions
Jan 10 2024
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I am a pretty big Massive Attack fan, so I have been meaning to listen to this album for a while. The first half of this album is very good, and reminds me a lot of Lovage. The 2nd half drags
Jan 11 2024
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Foxbase Alpha
Saint Etienne
I get why it is influential, but it didn't really click with me. It had some good ideas and songs that I liked, but a lot of the songs are just too long and repetitive. I don't think this album holds up too well over time either, a lot of the production and vocals seemed sloppy
Jan 12 2024
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...And Justice For All
The official mix for this album is terrible. I feel like this album would be a lot better if it was 10 - 15 minutes shorter, a lot of the songs feel repetitive and too long. Despite how tired I get of Metallica some times, One is always a banger
Jan 13 2024
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The Jesus And Mary Chain
I enjoy a good amount of noise rock, but I have never really connected with JAMC. It clicked with me a little bit on this listen. I like all of the guitar tones and effects I just wish that the underlying songs were more complex it feels like every song vamps between the first and fifth. I will probably enjoy this much more on a 2nd listen.
I give this a 3.5, but I can't so I guess it rounds to a 4
Jan 14 2024
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AmeriKKKa's Most Wanted
Ice Cube
It's fine.
A lot of the songs feel the same, and once you've heard the first 30 seconds of any song, you've heard the whole song.
Jan 15 2024
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Songs Of Leonard Cohen
Leonard Cohen
Not my type of music. A little boring, but I respect what it is.
Jan 16 2024
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Beggars Banquet
The Rolling Stones
I have no strong opinions about this album. It was more acoustic/folk than I was expecting based off of Sympathy For The Devil
Jan 18 2024
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Halcyon Digest
Sounds as if an indie version of George Harrison was on the verge of falling to sleep. There are some pretty moments, but I don't think I will ever think about this album again
Jan 19 2024
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The Cure
Pornography is one of the all time greatest goth rock album. Despite not reaching the highs of some of The Cure's later albums, I love how dark and cold this album is. 100 years and Cold are easily the best tracks on this album. I also really like how most of the album has this machine like drumming that almost sounds industrial. My only issue with this is album is that the middle does drag a little bit due to the tone and tempo being the same for majority of the tracks.
Low 5.
Jan 20 2024
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Rust Never Sleeps
Neil Young & Crazy Horse
My My, Hey Hey is a great song, and a really good opener, and Thrasher is a really good continuation. After that everything is just ok not too much stands out to me, besides Welfare Mothers which is really bad.
Low 3.
Jan 21 2024
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Led Zeppelin IV
Led Zeppelin
I have been burnt out on Led Zeppelin for a while now, but every time I put one of their albums on it always surprises me how much I still like them. This album has so many great tracks, and I will never get tired Going to California or When the Levee Breaks
Jan 22 2024
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Amazing album. Everything is perfect, the singing, the production, the samples, the James Bond esque guitar. It sounds like a dark smokey dingy club in the best way possible. I will never get tired of this album.
Jan 23 2024
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Ill Communication
Beastie Boys
The original deez nuts
The first couple of times I have listened to this album I always enjoyed it, but it never really clicked. However this time it may have passed Paul's boutique as my favorite Beastie Boys album. There are so many great songs on this album and so many great lines that come into my head all of the time.
Root down is such a great song, the Update may be one of my favorite Beastie tracks (the upright bass!!), Get it Together has so many great lines and moments, sure shot is a banger, even the instrumental interludes are great, and If anyone hates sabotage they cannot be trusted.
Jan 24 2024
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Raising Hell
The first 4 tracks are so strong that the rest of the album suffers in comparison.
Jan 25 2024
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Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not
Arctic Monkeys
A very solid album with a lot of very well made garage rock songs. I enjoyed almost every track, but after listening every thing is kind of sounds the same and not much stands out. Probably closer to a 4, but I am feeling generous
Jan 26 2024
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We Are Family
Sister Sledge
Not my type of music, but still a very solid album. Some tracks were a little dull, but I enjoyed the album. Great bass parts and tone. Probably closer to a 3.5
Jan 27 2024
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Van Halen
Van Halen
Side 1 is a 5 with a lot of great guitar work and melodies. Side 2 is a 3 with a lot of forgettable songs.
Jan 28 2024
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The Köln Concert
Keith Jarrett
A very unique and interesting album, I enjoyed it while I listened to it, but I don't think I will ever actively listen to this again, but maybe as background music.
Jan 29 2024
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Ritual De Lo Habitual
Jane's Addiction
This album is good, but it has never really clicked with me. I think Stop, Been Caught Stealing, and Three Days are Great, everything else is just good/ok. I don't know what it is, but it feels like something is missing from Nothing Shocking. If everything on this was as consistent as Been Caught Stealing, this would probably be one of my favorite albums. Still a good album though
Jan 30 2024
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The Slim Shady LP
My Name Is is a fun track... everything else is pretty repetitive or just plan bad. I am glad some songs had choruses, it breaks the redundancy of the album. This album feels like it should be 40 minutes rather than an hour
Jan 31 2024
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Big Black
A pretty good punk / noise album. I really like how this album sounds (especially the guitars and drum machine), but some of the songs are a little cheesy and the vocals aren't the best at times. I can see me enjoying this album a lot more on future listens.
Feb 01 2024
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The Age Of The Understatement
The Last Shadow Puppets
I found this to be an inoffensive, safe, by the numbers album. Nothing great, nothing bad, nothing I need to listen to before I die. I might enjoy it more if I listened again but idk
Feb 02 2024
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American Gothic
David Ackles
I was surprised how much I liked this album. A very unique and interesting album that will stick with me for a while. I enjoyed the frantic nature of some of the songs with all of the shifts in tempo and instrumentation. If I liked this genre more, this may have been one of my favorite albums.
Feb 03 2024
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Back In Black
I have a very unique and rare take on AC(lightning bolt)DC: all of their songs sound the same, and I don't quite like the singer's voice. I would have given this album a 5 if I was in highschool.
Feb 04 2024
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Get Behind Me Satan
The White Stripes
A jaunty little album with some good tunes. A lot more piano than I was expecting
Feb 05 2024
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The Soft Bulletin
The Flaming Lips
Not a bad album, just not something for me. A lot of the songs are a little too melodramatic and I am not the biggest fan of the singers voice, which is weird because he reminds me of the Pavement singer (which I do like).
Feb 06 2024
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All Things Must Pass
George Harrison
At first I was put off by the length, but I ended up really enjoying this album. The production and song writing is top notch. There are a few duds here and there, but that is to be expected with this many songs. I doubt I will ever listen to the bonus tracks/jam again, but the main album is surprisingly good.
Feb 07 2024
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A Walk Across The Rooftops
The Blue Nile
This is definitely something that will take multiple listens to fully appreciate. On first listen there are some really great tunes, with a couple that fall flat. I really like the production and the ambient synth noises in the background. The synths and the vocals remind me a lot of Berlin/80's era David Bowie.
On first listen I would give this a 3.5, but I can see this easily going to a solid 4 on further listens.
Feb 08 2024
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Deloused in the Comatorium
The Mars Volta
Rant Time:
I have tried to get into this band four or five times now, since they have overlap with bands I like. When the intro started I was starting to get into it, "maybe I was being to harsh on them before", and then the vocals came in and reminded me why I can't stand this band. This dude has one of the most annoying voices in rock (and I like Billy Corgan). I have no idea what it is about this guy in particular, there is no other band that ruins songs as much as this guy for me. Why are his vocals like 20db louder than the instruments, its like a jump scare every time he starts hitting the high notes. The instrumentals are really good, which is a shame. Having his voice isolated to the right headphone in Drunkship of lanterns is giving me a headache. You shouldn't be allowed to make your songs this long if your voice is this annoying. Why is everything mixed so loud?
Reflecting on the album after finishing, there isn't much that stands out. It seems like every song uses the same vocal melodies and quiet/loud/quiet structure. It gets quiet guitars go clean, the dude whispers, drums go onto the toms, then the distortion comes back and this guy tries to hit the most annoying notes possible. If you asked me to sing anything from this album I would just riff around in my upper register.
instrumentals: 3.5/5 (a little repetitive but they have talent)
vocals: -5/5 ( >:( )
This album made me feel physically ill and I hate the stupid gold head on the album cover
Feb 09 2024
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Being There
I liked the first track a lot, I liked the feed back and I thought the quiet parts were nice. After that was a nice acoustic song which was fine. But then it started to sound like a Disney Channel original movie soundtrack where the band gets back together after learning the meaning of friendship. And then they started playing country 🤮 🤮 🤮.
There were a few songs here and there that were good, but most of them were forgettable. I can see why some one would like this, but it just isn't for me.
Feb 10 2024
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On The Beach
Neil Young
I am not a big fan of folk music, but I have no complaints about this album. It's a pretty relaxing / melancholy album with some great production and guitar playing. I love 30-40 minute albums that have no filler and just get right to the good stuff.
Feb 11 2024
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Green River
Creedence Clearwater Revival
A very solid album. If CCR would have slowed down their releases and combined all the best songs, I think it could have been one of the best albums of all time
Feb 12 2024
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The Last Broadcast
Ehhh... I'm not crazy about the singing, but the instrumentals are fine. I doubt I will remember this album by the end
Feb 13 2024
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The Suburbs
Arcade Fire
I have never liked Arcade Fire, but knowing that there is a creep in the band. It makes it hard for me to separate artist from art on this one. I would have given this a 2 or 3, it's pretty bland, but I can't bring myself to really listen to it.
Feb 14 2024
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At San Quentin
Johnny Cash
Great album, I love the energy, charisma, album cover, and the down to earth nature.
Feb 15 2024
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Weird ass album
Feb 16 2024
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George Michael
I am a little disappointed with the album. Faith is a great song, but everything else just feels like a low tier Prince song. Nothing bad, but I expected more.
Feb 17 2024
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Teen Dream
Beach House
This reminds me of a modern version of Cocteau Twins. I would have expected to like it, but I just can't stand the singer. Their voice does not suit the music, it is mixed to loud, and doesn't blend well with the rest of the instruments. They also pronounce some words weird (but it is 1000 times easier to understand than the enchanting table lyrics of the Cocteau Twins).
If the vocals were turned down around 15-20% in the mix I might have given this a higher rate. There are some good moments, but just as many forgettable ones.
Instruments: 5/5
Singing: 2/5
Feb 18 2024
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The Downward Spiral
Nine Inch Nails
Ramble Time:
Such a dark, dirty, grimy, depressing albums (the album cover matches this perfectly). This album sounds so good, the production on this is top notch. All of the synths have this great unique tone, and all of the overlapping synth parts (especially the outro on closer) are perfect. The drums/drum machines all sound super powerful, and I love the clean guitar tone on this album.
Closer is such a funky little number with some of my all time favorite synth tones. The muffled screams on the Downward Spiral are such an interesting and unique idea. And hurt is such a powerful closer with those last three hits. This album also has great sequencing, with a good balance of quiet and loud moments
The easiest 5 I have given yet.
Feb 19 2024
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Killing Joke
Killing Joke
A really solid album, way ahead of its time. Some songs sound a little dated, but the overall production is still great. I don't have many complaints about this one.
Feb 20 2024
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Otis Blue/Otis Redding Sings Soul
Otis Redding
This one took me two listens to appreciate. I think it is a very fun and soulful album with some great singing, but I have some minor nitpicks that keep me from giving it a 5.
Feb 21 2024
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The Blueprint
Not my type of music, but I can definitely see why someone would really enjoy this. Overall I think the sample work is really good and the rapping is good. Tracks 1-3 and Renegade are a lot of fun, tracks 4-7 are the worst one and the samples are kind of annoying. Then the rest of the tracks are fine.
Feb 22 2024
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The Coral
The Coral
This is embarrassingly lame. If this came out in the 60's it would be excusable, but it didn't. IT CAME OUT IN THE 2000's. It's just the Doors if they couldn't sing or write interesting songs.
They stole It's A Small World on the song Goodbye...
Skeleton Key is one of the worst songs I have ever heard.
Usually when I see a decent mix of 1's and 5's, I tend to lean towards the 5's or at least understand why people like it. But this is just straight ass, no idea why it was picked.
Feb 23 2024
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This is one of those album you need multiple listens to fully appreciate. However on first listen I can tell this is very good, not perfect, but it has some very good arrangements and I really like the sound of the drums.
Currently a 4.5 but I could see it becoming a 5 on future listens.
Feb 24 2024
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Pink Flag, The Clash, Television, Sex Pistols, and The Talking Heads would all release next year and are all 10x more interesting. The best thing I can say about this album is that it inspired better bands, and blitzkrieg bop is a fun song.
I don't hate the Ramones and I wouldn't turn them off, but I just find them really boring most of the time.
When loudmouth came on I had to check to make sure the album wasn't repeating. I wonder if any other reviews mentioned that all of the songs sound the same?
2.5 (rounding down)
Feb 25 2024
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The College Dropout
Kanye West
I have never listened to a kanye album. I am definitely not starting now.
Feb 26 2024
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Bubble And Scrape
This is the kind of album I was hoping for from the list; a really good album from a band I have never heard of. I am shocked that the rating for this is so low. Going in I thought it would be unlistenable, but there are some really good indie / alt rock tunes on here. Sure, there is a little bit of noise rock and screaming at times, so I understand why people wouldn't like those songs, but in between those are some really solid songs. It is like Sonic Youth met Pavement met the Foo Fighters debut with a tad of the Pixies.
This album is far from perfect and it does have some stinkers, so realistically it is closer to a 4, but I feel I need to give it a 5 out of spite.
Feb 27 2024
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The Doors
The Doors
One of the greatest debut albums of all time. It is so strong that it almost seems like a greatest hits collection. Definitely one of my top 10 albums of the 60's. The organ parts are what really bring this album together, there are so many great lines, the tone is superb, and that solo on Light My Fire is next level. Jim Morrison's lyrics and vocals are great, a lot of stand out lyrics and melodies. I love the line "You men eat your dinner, eat your pork and beans. I eat more chicken than any man ever seen", I just think it is really funny. And what a closer, The End is one of my all time favorite songs, such a great atmosphere and the guitar really gets to shine here.
The album cover is also great, it really captures the mood of the album. It is one of the best covers that is just a photo of the band. Also the typography is great.
Easy 5/5 for me.
Feb 28 2024
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Inspiration Information
Shuggie Otis
Reminds me of a more guitar oriented Stevie Wonder. This album just sounds really good, especially the guitars, electric piano, and bass. The first track has a great blend of jazz and funk. Sparkle City almost sounds like something off of Head Hunters. Happy house feels like a late 90's hip hop or early Gorillaz song. I imagine these songs get sampled a lot.
My only complaint is that some of this album is too mellow for me (especially the 2nd half). I really enjoy high energy songs (metal), but I can definitely see people digging the calmer songs a lot more than me.
Feb 29 2024
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Shake Your Money Maker
The Black Crowes
Even for 1990 this album sounds dated by a couple of years. Nothing on it is bad, but it feels more like the tail end of the hair metal movement rather than something influential that I have to listen to.
A lot of the songs feel like wannabe Aerosmith songs that all just kind of sound the same. Once again, none of it is unlistenable (maybe besides Thick N Thin), but this album is just really bland. She Talks To angels is the stand out song.
Middle of the road
Mar 01 2024
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Boy In Da Corner
Dizzee Rascal
I am not a fan of rap/hip hop, and I am sure this is influential for grime, but this is not for me.
The overall production sounds good, but I found a lot of the beats really annoying and I did have to skip a few tracks. I also found this to be really distracting and hard to focus on work while it was playing. There are some good moments here are there, but this is my least favorite rap/hip hop album I've gotten yet.
I am sure if you like this type of music it is really good, but it is not for me.
Mar 02 2024
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Rock 'N Soul
Solomon Burke
Great soul album and a great voice (he sounds like John Fogerty at some points). The instruments and arrangements are what really pull this album together. To me, the thing that makes one soul album sound different from another is the band, and this band is great and has some really fun parts.
The first half of this album is 5/5 second half isn't as strong and lowers it down to a 4 (but it is close to a 5).
Mar 03 2024
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The Rising
Bruce Springsteen
I've had an irrational hatred of Bruce Springsteen's music since high school, but I was willing to put all that behind me. However, I think this was the worst album that could have been picked to give him another shot. I couldn't wait for this to end, three songs in felt like 30 minutes.
This album is too long, and there are way too many mid tempo semi ballads. For some reason, every song on this album sounds like an album closer to me. I completely zoned out by the last 6 or 7 songs.
This is probably closer to a 2, but this is the most boring album I've gotten yet. Why is every song between 4 and 6 minutes? This would be so much easier to get through if they were a little shorter. The list would have been fine with 4 Springsteen albums.
Mar 04 2024
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Young Americans
David Bowie
I am a pretty big David Bowie fan, so I am going to be given all of his albums on this list somewhere between a 4.5 and a 5.
I really like this album. I love the way it sounds, the lead vocals, backing vocals, and all the instruments are all great. Young Americans and Fame are easily some of David Bowie's best songs, they are so unique and funky. I love the vocal parts of win especially the deep notes when he sings: "All you have to do is win". Fascination and Right are great funky song, and I love the bass part in Right. I also think that this version of Across the Universe is way better than the Beatles version.
My only complaints are that Somebody Up There Likes Me and Can You Hear Me are kind of duds.
Not a perfect 5 but it easily rounds up to one.
Mar 05 2024
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One Nation Under A Groove
They really like to say the word funk.
This is close to a 5 but something I'm not sure of is holding it back. Maybe if some of the songs were a little shorter/tighter/not as repetitive it would have clicked a little more. However, this album has a lot of really great bass parts, and I will definitely check out some other albums by them.
Mar 06 2024
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I had to listen to this one at the office and I was embarrassed someone might see me listening to this. I don't know much about KISS, but I never thought they had a bad singer, but man who ever is "singing" on God of Thunder is not it.
Great Expectations is one of the dumbest, lamest, blandest ballads I have ever heard.
High 1.
Mar 07 2024
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Djam Leelii
Baaba Maal
This album sounds really clean and modern despite being recorded in 1984. I love the way the guitars sound on this album.
My only complaint is that it goes on for a little too long, but it is great background music.
Mar 08 2024
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Living Colour
Cult of Personality is a straight up banger, I love the guitar solo, that triplet drum intro, and the political speech snippets. Sadly the other songs don't really live up to the heights of this song. Nothing is bad, just some songs run a little on the generic side. There is great guitar and bass playing throughout though. Also shout out to the album cover.
Some other stand outs:
- Funny Vibe is funky, and almost sounds like an early Faith No More Track
- Memories can't Wait: I love the talking heads and this is such a unique funky cover.
- Glamour Boys sounds like if Sting tried to sing a Sublime song.
3.5 closer to a 3 but I could see it going closer to a 4 on future listens. On second thought I'll just make it a 4
Mar 09 2024
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Green Onions
Booker T. & The MG's
The title track is great, but every thing else just seems like a lesser version of it. I ended up completely zoning out during the middle third of this album.
The musicians on this album are great and I love the sound of the organ, but it just couldn't really hold my attention. Also for 35 minutes, this album felt very long.
Mar 10 2024
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Cocteau Twins
I love Cocteau Twins, they are probably my favorite shoegaze band (if you would call them that). I love the sound of this album it is so ethereal, the singing is perfect, and there is so many great effects.
Ivo is a great song and a great opener. Lorelei is one of my favorite Cocteau Twins songs and I love the stuttered breathing thing she does in the chorus. Persephone has a great guitar part. Pandora is such a pretty song and I refuse to believe that the lyrics are in English.
Easy 5
Mar 11 2024
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At Fillmore East
The Allman Brothers Band
I know next to nothing about the Allman Brothers and I have no idea how important this album is, but I am surprised that the only album they have on this list is a live album.
Overall this album is pretty good, there is some great guitar playing, and the extended solos don't overstay their welcome in my opinion. You Don't Love Me lost me a couple of times, but other than that a solid album
Mar 12 2024
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Rage Against The Machine
Rage Against The Machine
Banger after Banger, every member is perfect at what they do. This is one of my all time favorite albums to play bass to there are so many fun unique lines, the drumming is really tight, the rapping is perfect, and of course Tom Morello basically reinvented the guitar on this album.
This was my favorite album in high school and even after so many listens it is still great to listen to. There is so much energy and passion behind every song. Zack also has a great scream on songs like Wake Up and Freedom that I wish he used more in his later albums.
Shout out to MJK on Know Your Enemy.
Easy 5.
Mar 13 2024
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Reggatta De Blanc
The Police
The Police have a problem were their hits are far far superior to their lesser known songs which can make their albums really hit or miss. That being said this album is more hit than miss. The deeper cuts on this album aren't as cheesy and bad as some of their other albums. A lot of really good songs and some really tight playing. The last 4 or 5 songs are bordering on cheesy but they are okay.
Mar 14 2024
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Tom Tom Club
Tom Tom Club
I guess I need to preface that I am a huge Talking Heads fan but I have never listened to this album before. I knew Genius of Love from Stop Making Sense and I liked that song so I was excited to check out the rest of the album. However, this album is pretty rough and a lot of songs feel unfinished. The instrumentals are good for the most part, but the lyrics and singing don't feel like a finished project. It is almost charming how juvenile a lot of it sounds, but I expected more from band members that just wrote Remain In Light.
Genius of Love is still a great and funky song that I will continue to come back to, but I doubt I will ever check out this album again. I am surprised that this album was even included on the list when Speaking In Tongues (my favorite Talking Heads album) didn't make the cut.
2.5 (a very generous 3)
Mar 15 2024
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Such a great album with so much to love. Of course Chris Cornell's singing is out of this world, the guitars are so unique and have such strange melodies, and there are a lot of weird time signatures but the drumming is so good that it is hard to even notice. Every song has such a strong melody.
This album is stacked with great songs, almost every song stands out in its own way. Blackhole Sun may be one of the greatest songs ever written, it is so unique and memorable (great guitar tones too). I also love the drum break in Spoonman.
Easy 5.
Mar 16 2024
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Exile On Main Street
The Rolling Stones
This one is probably my favorite Rolling Stones album, a lot of really good songs especially Rocks Off and Sweet Virginia. The album is not perfect though, I think ~1/3 of the tracks could have been easily cut.
A lot of these songs usually end up getting skipped when they come on shuffle because I listened to them a few too many times, but objectively this is a good album.
3.5 (rounding down because I don't think it's as good as the other albums I gave a 4)
Mar 17 2024
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Oracular Spectacular
Of course the big 3 hits are great, they have great production, great synth tones, and really catchy melodies. Time to Pretend has always been my favorite of the 3 so it surprised me that it had half the streams of the other 2.
The second half of this album isn't nearly as good. It's not bad, but they lose what made the first half sound so special and they start to sound like a wannabe Strokes band or something.
Mar 18 2024
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Vincebus Eruptum
Blue Cheer
Great guitar tones and feedback, the drums are also pretty good. Everything else is a little lacking, especially the vocals and overall song writing.
This album 100% deserves to be on the list and is very influential, but personally I just think it is fine.
Mar 19 2024
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Hot Buttered Soul
Isaac Hayes
I feel bad giving this one a 3 but it didn't really connect with me. Isaac Hayes has a great voice with a lot emotion, and I thought the first song was really good. However, the other 3 songs just felt a little lacking specifically the instrumentations/arrangements. A lot of people are complaining about the length of the songs, but I felt they were fine. I think that the idea of this album or what this album represents is far greater than the actual songs on the album.
Mar 20 2024
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2112 is probably my favorite Rush song. There are so many great riffs, solos and such great energy. The drumming is out of this world, there are so many great drum fills (a great song to air drum along with). My only complaint is that the discovery kills the energy and flow of the song.
Despite loving the song 2112 I never listened to the whole album before. After listening I am a little disappointed that the rest can't live up to 2112. Most of it is just run of the mill Rush songs that are all okay/good but not great. Which sucks because I think they keep me from giving this album a 5.
2112: 5/5
The rest of the songs: 3.5/5
Mar 21 2024
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White Denim
Pretty decent album, the instrumentals remind me a lot of KGLW (which I really like). My biggest issue with this album is that the vocals don't really seem to fit this style of music. His voice reminds me too much of the dude from Imagine Dragons especially when he got louder/more strained.
This album is somewhere between a 3 and a 4, but I don't think there were enough songs that I really enjoyed to warrant a 4.
Check out Paper Mache Dream Balloon by King Gizzard if you like this one.
Mar 22 2024
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Definitely Maybe
Oasis write pretty generic songs, but they are really good generic songs.
Mar 23 2024
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Live At Leeds
The Who
This is fine, not as boring as I thought it would be. Not sure why it made the list though.
Mar 24 2024
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Henry's Dream
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
This album is really weird and I love weird music. The second half does lose me a little bit, but this was a lot better than I expected.
I am definitely going to give this one a second listen and I could see my rating going higher
Mar 25 2024
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Isn't Anything
My Bloody Valentine
I have only listened to loveless by mbv, but if I didn't know better I would have guess that this was an early slowdive album.
A lot of people here are complaining about this having too much distortion. I am surprised it didn't have more, this album was a lot closer to the dreamy side of shoegaze than I expected.
Anyways this album is great. I am definitely going to need to give this a couple more listens to fully appreciate it.
Mar 26 2024
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From Elvis In Memphis
Elvis Presley
This album is good but not great. The singing and backing band are pretty good, but the biggest thing holding this album back is that it is very samey. It feels like every song is a 2:40 mid tempo semi country ballad with sappy strings and a fade out. If I'm not mistaken I think every single song faded out.
I doubt I will ever listened to this again, but it was fine while I did listen.
Mar 27 2024
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Les Rythmes Digitales
I don't listen to this type of music, but based off of the reviews I thought that this would be unlistenable to me. Turns out this album is a fun little EDM/dance album.
There are a couple stinkers, but overall this was a fine album.
Mar 28 2024
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I See You
The xx
I don't have many opinions about this album. The production is good, but most of the songs start to sound the same. This reminds me a lot of mall / forever 21 music. I wouldn't care if it came on, but isn't very interesting and I wouldn't seek it out.
Mar 29 2024
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A Night At The Opera
So many great songs. Queen really does make timeless music.
Mar 30 2024
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Songs In The Key Of Life
Stevie Wonder
I forgot how stacked side 1 of this album is. So many great songs with no misses. Side 2 could have been a little tighter. There are a couple of okay songs and some that could be trimmed down a few minutes.
Overall still a really great album and it reminds me I need to listen to more Stevie Wonder.
Mar 31 2024
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The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan
Bob Dylan
I'm not the biggest Bob Dylan fan, so this album isn't really for me. It was enjoyable enough and definitely deserves to be on the list, but it isn't really my perfered style of music.
Apr 01 2024
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The Jesus And Mary Chain
While I think I prefer the noisier sound of their first album, you can definitely tell that they have improved as song writers on this album. The songs are more complex and more atmospheric.
This isn't my favorite album ever, but I will relisten to it at some point.
Apr 02 2024
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I have tried to get into REM a few times before with little success, so I am surprised how much I like this album. There are a few songs that I'm not super crazy about so this is probably closer to a 4, but I am feeling generous and I can see this growing to a 5 on future listens.
Apr 03 2024
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Siamese Dream
The Smashing Pumpkins
A couple months ago I decided that this is probably my favorite album. Whenever one song comes on shuffle I almost always listen to the entire thing.
I listened to this a couple of hours ago and I am typing on my phone so I am just going to list a bunch of things I love off the top of my head.
1. This album probably has my favorite production and mixing of all time
2. That layered big muff guitar tone is my favorite guitar tone, especially on mayonnaise
3. All the drum parts are killer and all the fills have so much energy and weight to them
4. The bridge in geek USA maybe the greatest minute of music ever recorded and it gives me chills every time.
5. Geek usa is probably one of my top 10 all time favorite songs. I love how it mixes all the different parts together.
6. This album has great lyrics vocal hooks/melodies and Billy's singing has so much emotion behind it
7. Cherub rock is such a good song and is so much fun to play on guitar
8. Soma is such a great song. It may be my favorite solo of all time, there is so much emotion and power behind it
9. Idk what that string synth sound thing is on space boy but it reminds me of a melatron and I love it
10. I love all the mini solos Billy and James throw in between the vocal parts
Ok I think 10 is enough but I could keep going
Apr 04 2024
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A very solid album, a lot of good songs not too many great ones though. It is interesting hearing REM before they really found their sound.
Apr 05 2024
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I don't have much to say about this one. All of the musicians are good, but the songs are a little too repetitive for my taste. There wasn't anything bad, but not much really stood out to me. I think this album would be better if every song was half the length and then the number of songs was doubled.
Apr 06 2024
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Black Holes and Revelations
Muse are a guilty pleasure band for me, I know they aren't great (especially now), but I still have a soft spot for them since they were the first band me and my wife saw live together.
I was a little surprised to see Muse on this list, and even more surprised that they picked this album over Absolution or Origin of Symmetry. That being said I think that this is a very good album and I enjoy every song on it. I wouldn't say this album is great though. This was the turning point for Muse where they started to become more campy and cheesy.
Apr 07 2024
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Brothers In Arms
Dire Straits
Why worry to one world drags a little, but the rest of the album is very good. Money for nothing has a killer riff.
Apr 08 2024
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Sign 'O' The Times
I love prince, he really was a very talented song writer and musician. He always knew how to write fun and danceable songs.
This album does have a couple of stinkers so it is probably my least favorite of the 3 on this list, but it's a double album and there are so many great songs that it doesn't really matter.
Some stand out tracks for me are: the title track, it, slow love, its going to be a beautiful night, you got the look, and the cross.
Apr 09 2024
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Songs For Swingin' Lovers!
Frank Sinatra
Sinatra doing what he does best, a lot of good songs. My only complaint is that all of the songs start to sound the same by the end.
Apr 10 2024
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Fear Of A Black Planet
Public Enemy
First off, this album has great production, one of the best sounding hip hop albums. I also think that the interludes do a lot to add to my overall enjoyment of this project.
The first half of this album is really solid, a lot of really good beats, samples, and rapping. The second half of this album isn't as good (besides Fight The Power of course) and holds me back from giving this a 5.
I think the ideal version of this album would cut 5 or 6 songs from the second half.
Apr 11 2024
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I’ve Got a Tiger By the Tail
Buck Owens
I have a very low tolerance for country. All I can say about this album is that it is short and isn't completely unlistenable. However, I swear they tried to sneak the same song in 2 or 3 times.
I would rather listen to this than any country album released in the last 30 years, but I would also rather not listen to any country. I bet this has a lot of historical significance, but I know next to nothing about country musical history.
This is a pretty bad album cover too.
Apr 12 2024
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Dig Your Own Hole
The Chemical Brothers
I had a good enough time listening to this album, but I was ready for it to end by the time I got to the last 3 songs. The production is good, I like the sound of the drums throughout the album.
I doubt I will ever listen again since this isn't really my style of music, but it was enjoyable.
Apr 13 2024
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You Want It Darker
Leonard Cohen
I like this album a lot and I want to love it since I see a lot of parallels with David Bowie's Blackstar. This album is so much more interesting than the last Leonard Cohen album which was on the list, and the instrumentation is really great. I even think that the vocals work for this album. However, my biggest problem with this album is that the vocals are mixed WAY TO LOUD.
The title track has a really cool baseline but then the vocals come in and you can barely hear any of the instruments. Who mixed this album Billy Corgan and Lars Ulrich. The second half is better, but the vocals could still be turned down just a little bit.
Apr 14 2024
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Modern Sounds in Country and Western Music
Ray Charles
This is a very good album, great singing and great instrumentation. Ray Charles has a great voice.
My two biggest complaints are that it seems like he somehow manages to say "love" in every other sentence, and the slow love ballads (the ones with the sappy string arrangements and choir that sound like Christmas music) all kind of sound the same.
Apr 15 2024
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A Hard Day's Night
I am not super crazy about the early Beatles sound, so this is my first time listening to a pre Rubber Soul Beatles album all the way through.
After listening, I would say that this album is good, but not great. There are a couple very good songs, but for the most part I would describe the songs as just good or okay. This is probably a high 3 close enough to round up to a 4.
Check out Kurt Cobain's cover of And I Love her, it's very good.
Apr 16 2024
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Not a huge fan of this one, I am just not crazy about his voice / flow. Also something about the production rubbed me the wrong way, either too much compression, too much high end, or something like that. Some songs also had annoying chipmunk vocals, or annoying back up singers.
Also fuck Kanye
Apr 17 2024
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Dinosaur Jr.
I've listened to Where You Been before and I liked it enough so going into this album I was expecting to give it a 3 or 4. But I don't know, I guess this was what I needed to listen to today, because I really enjoyed it. It is a lot more noisy than I expected (and I love noise rock). I also think that J Mascis' voice suits this album very well, and it provides a very interesting texture and emotion. The songs are pretty simple, but I think that it works in it's advantage. I absolutely understand why people don't like this album, but I think it is very good.
Apr 18 2024
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Opus Dei
I think that this album is more interesting than it is good. It reminds me of a mix between Rammstein, early Killing Joke, and a little bit of Type O Negative.
This is one of the most interesting and unique album that I have gotten on this list so far, and I want to like it more, but it is just too sloppy. The instruments don't really blend well (especially the horns), the vocals aren't great, the song writing is a little lacking at times, and I think the happy horns clash with the industrial/doomy guitar and drums. I think I would like this album a lot more if it went in a darker more atmospheric angle and sounded more like what Type O Negative would end up becoming.
Even with all of those complaints I did enjoy the album, I just wish it was a little tighter. I might check this one out again some day to see if I still feel the same, but who knows.
Also shout out to this album cover, it is super sick. Ever time I would scroll by it looking at the albums on this list it would always catch my eye, and I was really curious how it sounded.
Apr 19 2024
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The Notorious Byrd Brothers
The Byrds
This album is fine, but a lot of the songs start to blend together, and there isn't really many standout moments. This album sounds very 60s, which I think holds it back just a little. It is also weird how many songs are around the 2 minute mark, but I guess that was just the time.
I wasn't crazy about this one.
High 2.
Apr 20 2024
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The Band
The Band
I'm not a fan of folk music, so there wasn't much here I enjoyed. The biggest thing holdng me back on this album is the singer, he just isn't very good. A lot of the songs sounded very generic and ended up sounding repetitive. But that may be due to my lack of experience in folk music.
Apr 21 2024
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Listen Without Prejudice Vol. 1
George Michael
I wasn't super crazy about the first George Michael album on this list, something about the production made it sound like cheesy versions of prince songs. However, this album is a lot better, it seems a lot more developed and mature. A lot of really good songs on this album too. Freedom is easily a 5/5.
I was debating whether to give this a 5, but I think the last couple songs are just ok, so it's closer to a 4. It might grow to a 5 on future listens though.
Apr 22 2024
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Unknown Pleasures
Joy Division
This is one of the rare examples of an album where the first time I listened listened to it I was blown away. Every song has so much atmosphere. This is also one of my favorite albums production wise as well. It is crazy this came out in 1979, everything on this holds up so well.
The bass is great and is the backbone holding this album together. The drums have this really unique sound, especially when it mixes in the electronic drums. The guitar has a some really great tones, but it is also very minimal and let's everything breath. Ian Curtis does have an acquired voice (personally I think it fits the album) bit he writes really great depressing moody lyrics.
I love this album, I remember nothing is easy my favorite song, I love how dark it is. I recommend anyone who likes this album to buy the vinyl, it is a really good pressing.
Almost forget to mention that this is one of the greatest album covers of all time
Apr 23 2024
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Music for the Masses
Depeche Mode
I like me some Depeche Mode, and this is some good Depeche mode. He really has a great voice and a great sense of melody. A lot of catchy moments and good synth tones.
This is probably my 2nd favorite Depeche Mode album behind Violator.
Apr 24 2024
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Mama's Gun
Erykah Badu
Good album, the instrumentals are really great. I like the jazzier songs.
I'm just not a huge fan of her voice, and the album does go on a little long.
Apr 25 2024
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Lust For Life
Iggy Pop
The Passenger and Lust for Life are obviously the stand out tracks here, there are a couple other songs I think are good, but not enough to warrant a 4. Overall I would describe this album as "fine"; it has it's moments and I can hear the Bowie influence.
Apr 26 2024
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Tago Mago
I heard that this was an inspiration for Radiohead and I can definitely see it. Very experimental and influential album. It is crazy this came out in 1971. Aumgn reminds be of a mix between Swans and something off of Mr. Bungle's Disco Volante.
I also really like this album cover, it has a nice use of color and texture.
One of the most interesting and coolest albums I've discovered yet. I need to check out their other stuff.
Apr 27 2024
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In The Court Of The Crimson King
King Crimson
This is one of the albums I have been meaning to listen to for the longest time. I knew 21st Century Schizoid Man going in, and I kind of expected the rest of the album to sound like that, but only the title track has the same sound. The slower songs aren't bad, just not what I was expecting.
It is crazy that this album came out in 1969, it is way ahead of it's time. Great drumming on the songs that bookend the album.
I don't find the album cover super appealing, but it is definitely iconic.
Apr 28 2024
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I feel like I should like this more than I actually do. I like a lot of bands with similar sounds, but this one just isn't clicking for me. Maybe it's too DIY for me or something idk.
Interesting album though, it is always moving and is constantly providing interesting idea, nothing overstays it's welcome. A lot of great bass parts too.
I wish I liked this one more.
Apr 29 2024
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Willie Nelson
I don't know. This album is fine. I liked the title track, I thought it had nice guitar parts. However, after that it really lost my attention. Every song started to sound the same, especially the second half. I will be honest, I started to play Counter Strike around the 6th song, so maybe if I listened more actively I would have enjoyed those last songs more.
This is probably the one of the only times I will ever listen to a Willie Nelson album, so I am kind of bummed that it was all covers. Hopefully the other one on this list is better.
Overall, I thought the production and guitars were good. However, I found it really hard to pay attention to this album and I am not a huge fan of the idea of a covers album. The covers I did recognize I thought the originals were better
Apr 30 2024
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The Next Day
David Bowie
This is probably the weakest David Bowie album on the list, however it is still David Bowie and it is still very good. This is also the only one out of 9 I haven't heard before, so my thoughts may change on future listens.
Overall this album this album has great lyrics and some really good song writing. However, I don't think it reaches the highs of his other albums. I also found some of the songs in the 2nd half to be a little bland. I am glad that this wasn't his last album, because I think a lot of the ideas covered on this album are done 10x better on Black Star.
This album cover is great. Such a unique idea to reuse a previous album
On my initial listen I would give this a high 4.
May 01 2024
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Willie Colón & Rubén Blades
I don't know much about salsa music, so I don't have much to say about this one. I liked the horns and piano parts, but I wasn't too fond of the back up singers. I enjoyed this enough while listening to it, but I doubt I will seek it out again.
May 02 2024
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Signing Off
Fun album, very chill. Great bass and great drumming. The biggest problem is that a lot of the songs sound the same and get very repetitive by the end. Madam Medusa really didn't need to be 13 minutes.
I enjoyed this album while listening to it, but would only listen to it again if I needed calm background music.
I would give this a "high" 3.
May 03 2024
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At Budokan
Cheap Trick
Not really feeling this one. The recording isn't great and it is a little sloppy. The songs I did know sounded better in the studio (maybe besides I Want You To Want Me).
Fun Fact: the line "This next one is the first song on our new album" was sampled in the Beastie Boys song Jimmy James.
May 04 2024
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Feast of Wire
I tend to dislike most indie music past the 2000s. However, I enjoyed this album quite a bit. I think the horns and strings really add a lot to my overall enjoyment. The instrumental songs are also really good and add a nice flow to the album.
My favorite song is easily Black Heart because it just sounds like a Placebo song and I love Placebo.
Also this album cover is butt ugly
May 05 2024
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Sea Change
It Is crazy that this album came after Midnite Vultures, one of his happiest and most absurd and over the top albums. This album is so stripped back and depressing, and I love the string arrangments. I've always been a fan of Beck's lyricism, and this album is no exception.
The only thing I can say that goes against this album is that since it is so stripped back some of the songs start to sound the same. However, I still enjoy every song so it's not a big problem.
May 06 2024
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Eternally Yours
The Saints
This is a lot more interesting than the Ramones, but I am still not a huge fan of this style of punk music. I appreciate how the songs sound different from each other.
May 07 2024
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Let's Stay Together
Al Green
Al Green is a great singer and this is a great album. However, the lead single is so good that the rest of the album suffers in comparison.
May 08 2024
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The Chronic
Dr. Dre
The first half of the album is great. Great production, rapping, synth tones, and structure. The second half loses focus a little and doesn't feel as strong. There are also too many skits and songs I am not crazy about in the second half that keep me from giving this album a 5.
May 09 2024
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Taylor Swift
This album is not for me.
I don't want this review to come off as I hate all modern music. However, this album is also the epitome of all of my least favorite genres: post 2010 pop, acoustic indie, folk, and country.
First off, I really hated the production, this is a personal preference but I just can't stand music that sounds too clean (to me it sounds almost soulless). There is very little dynamics, every song sounds very similar, and I really disliked the electronic drums (or house style drums or whatever) they really didn't blend with the piano ballads. Every song also had a very similar melody, vocal harmonies, and song structure that got really taxing as the album went on.
I wasn't paying too much attention to the lyrics, but every now and then I would catchy a really cringy lyric.
Objectively this album isn't bad, it does everything it aims to do, and I guess it does it well. However, this is my review, and I was bored out of my mind listening to this.
This isn't the worst quality album on the list but it is my least favorite (so far), because it is just too boring.
evermore, more like eversnore!
May 10 2024
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Broken English
Marianne Faithfull
This album has a very interesting backstory and the mix of new wave and folk is something i have never heard before. I liked some of the lyrics but the overall music is just okay.
May 11 2024
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Music in Exile
Songhoy Blues
Another album with a very interesting backstory, and the music is pretty good too. Nothing blew me away but it has a nice groove.
May 12 2024
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Paul Simon
Not feeling this one. I just don't like his voice. A lot of the songs also sound dated and cheesy in a bad way. I would give this a 3 but I'm subtracting a star for the apartheid stuff.
May 13 2024
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Talking Timbuktu
Ali Farka Touré
I received the Songhoy Blues - Music in Exile album two days ago so I am going to compare the two. Talking Timbuktu has better production, tones, and they are probably "better" musicians, but MIE had much better song writing, song structure, and I found it more more enjoyable to listen to. The songs on Talking Timbuktu tend to drone on one riff for 5ish minutes without really going anywhere. That is fine if that is what you are into, but I just found the other album more interesting.
Overall I did enjoy this album, I just thought it dragged on a little long in some parts.
May 14 2024
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Raw Power
The Stooges
This is an influential punk album, but I am not a fan of his voice here. There are some good guitar parts, but not enough to hold my attention for long.
If I have learned anything from this list, I learned I am not a huge fan of 70s punk.
May 15 2024
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Justin Timberlake
This album is better than I thought it would be. I am still not crazy about it, but when everything aligns it can be fun. Rock Your Body is easily the best song here.
My 3 biggest problems with this album:
1. Some songs are just cringy, or have cringy lyrics.
2. On some songs it sounds like he is trying to impersonate someone else, especially when he tries to show off
3. The album is just a little too long and some of the similar songs could have been cut.
I would give this a high 2.
May 16 2024
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Pieces Of The Sky
Emmylou Harris
I feel bad giving this one a 2, but it is just too twangy for me. I enjoyed the slow piano ballads when her country accent wasn't as strong. The Beatles cover was my favorite. But there were too many up beat twangy songs for me to give this a 3.
May 17 2024
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Heaux Tales
Jazmine Sullivan
This album is not for me, it is fine. I thought that the spoken word segments were interesting and tie the album together. I don't have any bad to say about this one, but it's not something I would ever listen to again.
I've been on a rough patch recently with this list. hopefully I can get some albums I really enjoy soon.
May 18 2024
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The Gershwin Songbook
Ella Fitzgerald
Ella Fitzgerald is a great singer, and this album is varied enough that it doesn't get too repetitive. This album is VERY long, but the sequencing is good enough that it doesn't feel too bad, especially as background music. The backing band is also very good, and complements her voice well.
May 19 2024
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Double Nickels On The Dime
Very fun album with some great funky bass parts and some great lyrics. All of the instruments and singing feel perfect for this type of music. I love well made indie music (indie meaning independent not what would become the genre). Obviously nothing overstays its welcome here. The 2nd half isn't as good, but it is still interesting, and the weird songs don't last too long.
Anything that even vaguely reminds me of Black Midi is good music in my book. The singer also reminds me of Ian MacKaye from Fugazi a little bit too.
May 20 2024
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Django Django
Django Django
I like the instrumentation and the way the songs flow, but something about the singing just sounds amateurish to me and really holds me back from enjoying this. If I wanted something in this sound I am just going to stick to King Gizzard.
May 21 2024
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Janis Joplin
A very solid album, not many negatives in my opinion. I wasn't alive back then but I associate this sound more so with the mid to late 60's so this album may be dated by a couple of years, but it is still a good album.
May 22 2024
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Superfuzz Bigmuff
It's dirty, raw, and exciting but it is also a little sloppy and doesn't have the best song writing some times. Some of the choruses are a little weak but if they really committed to the dirty noise rock and were a little more mature in their songwriting this could have been a 5.
Also this album cover is 1000x better than the actual music (and I did enjoy this album).
Very influential early grunge album. If you like this album checkout Bullhead by Melvins
May 23 2024
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Devil Without A Cause
Kid Rock
I am going to be writing this review as I listen so I may ramble and sound disjointed.
I guess I need to explain that I love (good) nu metal; Korn, System of a Down and Deftones are some of my all time favorite bands, but this is straight dog turds. I knew Bawitdaba from high school, but I never realized how bad his vocals were, there is almost no energy behind them.
I am the bullgod is like babies' first metal song. Barely even a riff.
Roving Gangster is basically the same song.
wtf is that annoying noise in Wasting time. IT IS SO ANNOYING WTF! how is this the 5th highest stream song on this album.
I got one for ya is a terrible song
Somebody's Gotta Feel This is the same song as Roving Gangster and Bullgod in a different key.
Fist of Rage is just a bad Filter song.
The worst thing about this album is that it sounds fake. Kid Rock is a poser and doesn't belong in this scene. Korn and nu metal as a whole were huge at the time and he is just cashing in on the hype. I don't believe that any of this was made out of the love of music but rather what could make him the most money.
I can't believe that this made this list and Korn's debut (the birth of nu metal) didn't
Kid Rock has a terrible voice, his music has no soul and worst of all his riffs are weak. I am going to go listen to the Coal Chamber album now.
May 24 2024
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Crime Of The Century
Supertramp makes really good fun music. It's not the best thing I have ever heard, but I had a lot of fun listening to it. This made me want to check out some of their lesser known albums after listening to this one.
May 25 2024
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Ágætis Byrjun
Sigur Rós
Some really interesting soundscapes, but some of the more boring songs do drone on a little long.
May 26 2024
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Out of the original Pixies' albums this one is probably my least favorite, because the second half has some filler. But it is still the Pixies so it is amazing and I did enjoy it more than previous listens. This album also has some of my all time favorite Pixies' songs:
Velouria, Is She Weird, The Happening, Ana
I recommend seeing them live if you get the chance.
May 27 2024
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Dog Man Star
Some of the best brit pop I've heard. Almost sounds like a long lost Bowie album. The first 5 or so songs are really great, but then the middle does drag a little and sounds a little generic. But the production through out is great.
This is really close to a 5, but not quite.
May 28 2024
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3 + 3
The Isley Brothers
A pretty fun album with some great guitar playing. I enjoyed the covers too, very good interpretations.
May 29 2024
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Finally some Radiohead! Radiohead and System of a Down are my two favorite bands (I know it's a weird combo) so I am going to nerd out a little.
There are a lot of really good songs on this album that don't get enough attention in the Radiohead fandom. Personally I think the I Might Be Wrong guitar riff is so cool and I find the melody that goes with it so catchy. And I can't believe Like Spinning Plates and Life in a Glass House don't have more streams.
**Note to future listeners**: I like to substitute Pulk Pull Revolving Door with Pulk Pull - True Love Waits Version it doubles my enjoyment of this album. I just think the original version is too long to be so weird (and they ruin a really good beat with the vocals)
I have a hard time picking a favorite Radiohead album, it is probably not this one, but if you ask me one specific day a year I might say this one.
Spoiler alert: I am going to give every Radiohead album a 5
Also Check out the KID A MNESIA virtual exhibition, it is definitely worth the experience.
May 30 2024
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Faust IV
It is impressive that this album came out in 1973 it sounds great and is very interesting, but the overall music just isn't that compelling. I thought the opening track set a good tone for the album and had some interesting ideas. I also thought Jennifer was a nice little song with a cool noise section near the end.
The next 2 songs have some cool funky parts but also some bad / annoying parts. Lauft... almost feels like it would belong on The King Of Limbs, but it never really goes anywhere.
Overall, some cool ideas and impressive for the time, but as a whole a little boring.
May 31 2024
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Kimono My House
The best thing I can say about this album is that it is never boring.
The worst thing I can say about this album is that it is too campy for me.
Jun 01 2024
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Peter Gabriel
Pleasantly surprised with this one. I've always avoided Peter Gabriel's music for whatever reason, but I enjoyed this one. Nothing on this is life changing but it has a good vibe and good production.
So > Graceland
(it's not even close)
Jun 02 2024
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Joni Mitchell
Not really my style, but I can still appreciate it.
Very chill
Jun 03 2024
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Beach Samba
Astrud Gilberto
It is fine. A lot of the songs start to sound the same, and the one with the kid singing was a little annoying, but overall it is fine.
Jun 04 2024
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A lot of really good songs and some just okay ones. Great production throughout.
A lot of people are discrediting sampling as if he is just pushing a button to take a sample and then he releases it as a song. There is an art to sampling and it takes a lot to make these short samples compelling. Moby gets a lot of mileage out of 20 - 30 seconds of vocal samples per song.
FYI My Weakness is the last official track before the B-Sides according to Wikipedia
Jun 05 2024
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Curtis Mayfield
A couple good songs and a bunch of ok songs. It is a fun listen, but I don't think it is good enough for a 4.
Fun Fact: the intro to Superfly was sampled for the Beastie Boy's song Egg Man.
Jun 06 2024
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All Hope Is Gone
TLDR: Some good moments, but kind of generic. Very generous 4.
I had a short Slipknot phase a couple of years ago, now their debut is the only album I still enjoy out the ones I have listened to (besides a few songs here and there). This is my first time listening to this album though.
.execute. is a really good intro and sets an exhilarating tone but then Gematria is just kind of generic Slipknot and kills the vibe.
Sulfur has a memorable chorus, but it's a little too poppy for me.
Psychosocial is a really fun song, and I will always enjoy the breakdown. This is probably the first Slipknot song I ever heard.
Dead Memories has a good melody and something about it works a lot more for me than Sulfur does.
Vendetta has a cool breakdown, but the rest of the song is kind of generic.
The next four songs are just more Slipknot.
Snuff and the title track are good.
I am surprised that this album was picked over their 2nd or 3rd album. But I am also surprised that they picked two Slipknot albums (RIP Deftones)
3~ (rounding up because people rate metal low without listening)
Jun 07 2024
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Rejoicing In The Hands
Devendra Banhart
I struggle with a lot of indie folk, but this is fine I guess. I wish that the songs varied a little more, the guitar parts are very similar on a lot of songs. His voice isn't as bad as people made it seem.
Jun 08 2024
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Black Sabbath
Such an influential and genre defining album. Great drumming and guitar playing throughout, super catchy riffs. I never really noticed how strong of a part the bass plays in almost every song; really great bass tone and cool counter melodies. I am not the biggest fan of Ozzy's voice but it fits here and he has some catchy melodies.
side note:
despite being iconic I think this album cover is kind of ass. Their first album looks so spooky and this one just looks lame. Also the font looks like a spaghetti western or local mexican restaurant
Jun 09 2024
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Sly & The Family Stone
I've tried to get into Sly & The Family Stone a few times now. While I enjoyed this listen more than previous attempts there is still something holding me back from saying it's great. Everything on here is fine, but it is missing something that would take this to the next level.
Jun 10 2024
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Before And After Science
Brian Eno
I've been aware of Brian Eno for a long time now but never listened to any of his original music before. The first half of this reminds me of Little Creatures era Talking Heads or something. I enjoyed a couple of songs off the first half, but the second half is so much better. I really enjoyed the slow ambient pieces. I am excited to get more of his albums later down the list.
Jun 11 2024
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Songs From The Big Chair
Tears For Fears
A very 80's album with some absolute bangers. The middle does drag a little though
Jun 12 2024
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Bongo Rock
Incredible Bongo Band
A fun little funky album. It definitely helps having some recognizable songs. I am assuming there are a lot of samples from this album. The one I recognized was the drum break in Last Bongo in Belgium was used in Massive Attack's Angel and the Beastie Boys' Looking Down the Barrel of a Gun.
Jun 13 2024
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I Want To See The Bright Lights Tonight
Richard Thompson
It is fine, but there were a couple of songs I had to skip because they were too twangy. The Great Valerio was my favorite song.
Jun 14 2024
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Post Orgasmic Chill
Skunk Anansie
I have never heard of this band before, so I had no idea what to expect, but what a fun album. Kind of trip hop, kind of nu metal, kind of soul.
Even though I enjoyed this album and I am glad I discovered it, it does seem like a weird pick for this list.
High 4
Jun 15 2024
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Green Day
So many huge songs. So many great and catchy melodies. The transition from chump to Longview will always be cool.
Jun 16 2024
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Back To Black
Amy Winehouse
Pretty good album, but I expected a little more after hearing so much about it. Some of the songs start to sound the same after a while, but that is okay, because they are still good songs.
Jun 17 2024
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Second Toughest In The Infants
Eh... I didn't hate it, but the length definitely hurts this album. There are some fun ideas here and there, but they all get dragged out so long that I lost interest. This would make fine background music if you like this type of music.
high 2.
Jun 18 2024
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Fela Kuti
A very fun and groovy album. This is probably my favorite album from Africa so far from this list. Some sections could be trimmed a little, but overall a very enjoyable album.
Jun 19 2024
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Rhythm Nation 1814
Janet Jackson
This reminds me of Prince, but a lot less fun / funky. Also Prince was doing this stuff a decade before and moved on to new sounds, so isn't this sound a little dated for 1989.
Overall it is fine, but not much to write home about. I would have rather added something like Controversy or Dirty Mind to the list in the place of this record. But this record does have some historic significance so its inclusion makes sense.
low 3
Jun 20 2024
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The ArchAndroid
Janelle Monáe
An enjoyable album, but probably not something I would listen too again. I was kind of surprised that this album had some very good guitar solos.
3.5 (rounding down because the last 1/3 drops the ball)
Jun 21 2024
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Dig Me Out
Short and Sweet, some very good songs and some ok ones. The title track is going to be stuck in my head all day.
Jun 22 2024
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The Wildest!
Louis Prima
It's good but not much stood out. Every song here has this really weird reverb that makes it sound like they are playing in a cave and once you notice it, it's hard to ignore it. A lot of songs have the same I'm just a Gigolo piano / bass intro. I'm also not a huge fan of his voice.
Jun 23 2024
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I'm sorry I have a strong grudge/bias against Beyonce ever since I had to do an entire unit on Lemonade my junior year of college.
ok so this review turned out to be more of a rant.
Is this album quiet? It felt way quieter than I am used to, I had to double check everything was set up properly.
I'm not a fan of the 808 and synths (especially on Drunk in Love) they sound like default garage band synths. The synths in the background of Jay-Z's verse sound like wet farts. Partition also has annoying synths.
Rocket really didn't need to be 6 and a half minutes. Actually a lot of these songs feel way to long and never really go anywhere dynamically.
Flawless is a terrible song (I am really considering a 1 now).
Superpower is so long and boring. (yeah I can't do this this is getting a 1)
I tried I am sorry, there is very little I found enjoyable here. This is now a contender for one of my least favorite albums so far. I couldn't stand any thing past the first couple of songs. They all just meander for way to long and the production hurts this album so much. The last 7 songs all sound exactly the same and have no drive or anything to keep me interested.
Overall, some very generic pop songs with some truly awful synths. The second half of this album just drags on forever there are like 0 choruses or anything engaging and they are just SO BORING. I also expected more from her vocally, everything seems pretty reserved (which is fine, but when the rest of the music is so boring I would like something to grab onto).
Jun 24 2024
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Jeff Buckley
A truly great album with some great vocals and songwriting. There are a couple songs I am not crazy about but I can see myself enjoying them more on future listens. I can also see how he inspired Thom Yorke to use his falsetto more.
4.5 (but may go up to a 5 on future listens)
Jun 25 2024
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Back At The Chicken Shack
Jimmy Smith
From my initial reaction to the cover to my actual enjoyment of the album this is one of the biggest underdog stories so far. Very chill/smooth/funky, great musicianship throughout. My only complaint is that this may have been the same song 5 times in a row and I really have no way of confirming one way of the other.
Jun 26 2024
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Live At The Harlem Square Club
Sam Cooke
I don't have many opinions about this album, it is fine but nothing really stood out. I don't really listen to this type of music ever and I think this is the only Sam Cooke album on the list so I would have preferred to listen to one of his studio albums because now I probably never will.
I hope this live album had some historical significance that made it more important than all of his studio albums.
Jun 27 2024
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Man I love this album, it is definitely in consideration to be my favorite metal album. The louder you make it the better it sounds! Air drumming and stank face can also increase your enjoyment of this album.
Everything on this is so heavy, the last 2 minutes of Roots Bloody Roots is some of the best/heaviest music ever recorded (I have been listening to this song basically once a week for the past 5 years). Max Cavalera's vocals are crazy and he may be my favorite metal vocalist primarily due to this album. And of course I can't forget about all of the indigenous Brazilian instruments and chanting, it is such a creative and unique sound.
The only thing I can say negatively about this album is that they probably could have cut a song or two in the second half for better pacing, but I love them all so I don't really care. Also my vinyl copy of this album has demos on side 4 instead of Canyon Jam, so that is kind of a bummer (but it does have Kaiowas so that is a plus).
Also shout out to Johnathan Davis and Mike Patton on Lookaway
Jun 28 2024
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The Good, The Bad & The Queen
The Good, The Bad & The Queen
This is one of those albums I am going to forget I listened to in a month. It is fine, but very one note and not much stands out.
low 3
Jun 29 2024
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Let's Get It On
Marvin Gaye
Very good album. Great singing and instrumentation. Not really my style though so I don't know if it is really something I would ever really return to again.
low 4
Jun 30 2024
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Echo And The Bunnymen
I am surprised how much I liked this album especially considering how many people are calling this mid or that they don't like the singer (I think he has a great voice). The first half of this album is great, a lot of great songs and melodies. The production overall is really good too; peak 80's sound. They even beat the cure to this sound that they would adopt on Head on the Door.
The second half isn't as strong, but it is still very enjoyable. I am definitely going to listen again and can see this growing on me on future listens.
Jul 01 2024
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Pearl Jam
The definitive all killer no filler album. Realistically any of these songs could have been a single; the ones they did pick were the best ones though.
This album has so many great riffs and vocal melodies, it's hard not to song along to. One of the few albums I think may be perfect.
Jul 02 2024
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Axis: Bold As Love
Jimi Hendrix
This album has some of Jimi's best songs but it also has some of his most "okay-iest" songs, so I am really debating between a 4 and 5 here. A lot of great solos and bluesy riffs. Bold as Love is a great closer
4.5 (This is probably closer to a 4 but Little Wing and Castles Made of Sand are too good)
Jul 03 2024
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The Seldom Seen Kid
It's okay, but I am just not a huge fan of his voice, it sounds like he needs to clear his throat. The production is also a little too clean for my liking (almost sounds like commercial music at times).
Grounds for Divorce sounds like the Home Depot song.
Weather to Fly has these annoying vocals in the background.
One Day Like This sounds like a nursery rhyme.
low 3 (very very close to a 2)
Jul 04 2024
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Lost Souls
I am a little surprised that this kind of generic indie rock band I never heard of has not 1 but 2 albums on this list. I am not a huge Arctic Monkeys fan, but you could just as easily have replaced one of these 2 with AM or something like Interpol.
That being said I do enjoy this one more that the other one (at least I think I do, I barely remember it). This album has fun moments, but the middle of this album is a real drag.
Jul 05 2024
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Quiet Life
Pleasantly surprised by this one. Don't know much about them but I am guessing this was an early trendsetter for the new wave movement. This album has some really great instrumentation and production, especially the synths and bass. The singing could be a little better, but it is fine.
This album isn't straight synth pop either, it has some really good dark moments, which are a great mood setter and adds a lot diversity
Jul 06 2024
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Vol. 4
Black Sabbath
Nowhere near as catchy as Paranoid, but a great album none the less. A lot of really great guitar and bass tones throughout this album, and a surprisingly good piano ballad. The last half of this album has some very heavy songs (respectively for the time).
I can never hear Supernaut without thinking of Tim and Eric's "Bang Bang Cops and Robbers"
Also checkout System Of A Down's cover of Snowblind they really make it their own song.
Jul 07 2024
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I Am a Bird Now
Antony and the Johnsons
This album has a lot of meaning and emotion behind it, but judging it on a purely music level it's okay. To me they remind me of songs that some one with a sob story would sing on American Idol or something, and I hate singing competitions. A lot of the songs sound the same too, but the album is short so it isn't too bad.
Also the guitar tone during the guitar solo on fistful of love is terrible.
Jul 08 2024
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Lou Reed
I didn't expect this album to be a downer. Anyways, I've always liked Lou Reeds softer songs better, and there are a lot of great guitar and piano ballads here.
This may be favorite Lou Reed project I've heard so far. Definitely going to need to give this a few more listens.
Jul 09 2024
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Time Out
The Dave Brubeck Quartet
Very smooth, very influential, very good jazz album.
Jul 10 2024
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Countdown To Ecstasy
Steely Dan
I've always enjoyed Bodhisattva from Rock Band 2, everything else is okay.
Jul 11 2024
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Man I love Prince, such a talented musician. So many great songs on this album, a lot of funky and sexual jams. I love all of the synth sounds and especially that snare sound he uses on some songs (you know the one). Prince is super underrated as a guitarist, but Lady Cab Driver has a short, but kick-ass solo. 1999 is probably my goto party song. The word "automatic" has been ruined for me, I can't hear it anymore without thinking a-u-t-o-matic
All the Critics Love U In New York is the only song I really don't care about on this album, beside that this album is perfect.
Jul 12 2024
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Teenager Of The Year
Frank Black
I was very surprised to see this album. It is good, but it could have easily have been replaced with Trompe Le Monde or Last Splash.
I've always really enjoyed the song Whatever Happened to Pong, it's just a weird chaotic song. Space is Gonna do me Good also gets stuck in my head every now and then. Headache is also a really good song.
Besides some standout songs, a lot of the songs on here are just good or okay. This album could have easily cut 1/3 of the songs and been ~40 minutes.
Jul 13 2024
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MTV Unplugged In New York
This album is soooo good that I don't even really consider it a live album (if that makes any sense). If Stop Making Sense didn't exist this would be my uncontested favorite live album and it wouldn't even be close.
Such a depressing and intimate performance, and a great setlist. But it is the covers that really sell me on this album. They take every cover and make it 10x better than the original.
I recommend watching the performance on youtube if you don't have a copy of it, you can find a playlist of every song on their channel
Easy 5
Jul 14 2024
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Fever To Tell
Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Very good album, the second half is where it really shines. This reminds me of a more atmospheric Sleater Kinney.
I'm looking forward to their other albums on this list.
Jul 15 2024
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Legalize It
Peter Tosh
This is fine, but I think reggae music as a whole suffers the same problem reggaeton does. When your genre is based off of a specific rhythm (in this case all upstrokes emphasizing the off beat) it makes it hard to distinguish songs. I think Peter Tosh does a good job adding unique sonic palates to each song to distinguish them, but I could have used a little more rhythmic diversity or tempo variations.
Jul 16 2024
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Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers
Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
I don't know, this is fine, but I feel like there are probably better Tom Petty albums out there. A lot of this songs don't feel finished, they kind of just fade out as they are getting started. A lot of them sound the same too.
I feel like this album was only picked because it had two hits songs, not because it is a good album.
Jul 17 2024
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Locust Abortion Technician
Butthole Surfers
A very interesting album, I understand why people don't like it (because it isn't very good) but it is something I won't forget. I feel something like Melvins' Ozma to fill the early sludge metal spot or Mr. Bungle's debut to fill the weird spot would have gone over better.
Jul 18 2024
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Sweetheart Of The Rodeo
The Byrds
I did not enjoy the last Byrds' album, so when I figured out this one was a country album it set my expectations to the floor. Man, this album is so boring and twangy, I have no patience for country music.
I am not looking forward to their other 3 albums on this list. (did they really need 5 spaces?!?!)
Jul 19 2024
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The two songs I knew going in to this album were Roundabout and Heart of the Sunrise, so I was a little surprised that most of the songs were around 2 or 3 minutes.
I am not a huge Prog Rock guy, but this is some of the best Prog Rock out there. Very good guitar playing and some funky basslines.
High 4
Jul 20 2024
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This is your favorite band's favorite album.
This is easily a top 5 album for me. Everything is just so short and sweet. They cram so many ideas into such short songs. Every song has such a strong melody and it is so much fun to sing along too. Whenever I'm feeling bored or don't know what to listen to, I usually end up throwing this album on.
This album is probably one of the single most influential albums in the last 50 years. Radiohead have a quote that is something like: "We stopped using guitars in our music because the Pixies stopped releasing music we could rip off". And of course they inspired countless bands like Nirvana with their loud quiet loud song structure.
Jul 21 2024
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Gris Gris
Dr. John
Here is another album that is more interesting than it is good. Some cool ideas here and there, but I don't like the back up singers. Their voices are annoying and I think it hurts the album.
Low 3
Jul 22 2024
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Felt Mountain
It ain't no Portishead, but it is decent. Idk, something about it seemed off but I couldn't tell you what.
Jul 23 2024
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This is probably my favorite Bjork album yet. It is weird and artsy but in no way self indulgent or hard to get into. Some very good instrumentation and production throughout. Also some surprisingly funky tracks which were fun.
Jul 24 2024
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Highly Evolved
The Vines
There are some good song, but not enough that I can comfortably give this a 4. The ballads are what really hold this album back, they are all just so bland. It doesn't help that he doesn't have the best voice.
I don't think this is an album I needed to listen to. It is okay at best, but I don't think it really had a big impact on anyone. Their one hit is just a copy of Nirvana's Breed (which came out 11 years before). I don't know enough about the garage rock revival movement, but the strokes came out a year before, so they weren't breaking new ground in that aspect either.
Jul 25 2024
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John Lennon
I've always associated Lennon with the more experimental Beatles tracks, so I am a little disappointed that most of these songs are kind of generic blues songs. They are fine, but nothing exciting or anything I would want to return to.
Jul 26 2024
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Ogden's Nut Gone Flake
Small Faces
Yikes, this one is pretty bad, (but so is the album cover so I am not surprised). A lot of people are defending side 1, but it is sooo cheesy, his singing just isn't good, and the production sounds really fuzzy. There is a good idea every now and again, but it is quickly followed by something cringy or annoying.
The only positive I can say is that nothing overstays its welcome.
low 2
Jul 27 2024
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Joan Armatrading
Joan Armatrading
Not really my style, but it has its moments.
High 3
Jul 28 2024
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Talking Book
Stevie Wonder
Not my favorite Stevie Wonder album, but it is Stevie so it is still great. There is not a single person who dislikes superstition.
Jul 29 2024
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Achtung Baby
A little on the generic side, but it has some good moments.
Jul 30 2024
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Cosmo's Factory
Creedence Clearwater Revival
What a great opener. At first I was not super into it, but then after the switch up I was hooked. Ok, so Ooby Dooby isn't a very good song, but it is short. But besides that this album is stacked with hits.
Jul 31 2024
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Nighthawks At The Diner
Tom Waits
I feel like I should probably hate this album, but something about it is weirdly charming. I don't know, this album is just a vibe.
It could have probably been trimmed down to ~45 minutes or so, but it is fine.
high 3
Aug 01 2024
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British Steel
Judas Priest
Compared to what metal would become (even a few years later) this album is pretty tame. I consider it more hard rock than metal. There are some good songs, and there are some stinkers.
3.5 (rounding up because of how influential this album is)
Aug 02 2024
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Machine Gun Etiquette
The Damned
One of my biggest problems with late 70's punk is that most of the songs on an album sound the same. That isn't even close to a problem here, most of the songs here don't even sound like themselves by the end. There are so many sonic, rhythmic and tonal changes throughout this album that it keeps you on your toes. There are a lot of good melodies too.
I really like to production on this album. The bass and drums sound killer.
high 4
Aug 03 2024
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I wonder if anyone here has seen the big Lebowski? /s
But for real though I can't stand the eagles, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be
Aug 04 2024
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Christine and the Queens
This album is not for me and I thought it was very middle of the road.
Pros: the production was very good, and it had some good synth tones.
Cons: I don't like their voice, and the songs were a little generic.
I'm subtracting a point because the last couple songs were a little cringe and they gave me a head ache (I may have been hung over)
Aug 05 2024
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Ambient 1/Music For Airports
Brian Eno
A very good album, but I do think that having recognizable "melodies" does hurt this album. Especially when they are repeating for 10+ minutes.
Aug 06 2024
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I've been on an R.E.M. kick recently, and this may be my favorite album now, but I need to let it sit more. I think this is one of the most consistent album I've heard from them so far. There was only 1 song I didn't really like.
Low 5
Aug 07 2024
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John Prine
John Prine
Man I can't stand country music. Listening to this after a 5 hour drive isn't helping either.
This isn't the worst album ever, but it is the last thing I want to hear today
Very low 2
Aug 08 2024
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Wonderful Rainbow
Lightning Bolt
If your favorite bands/artists are Bob Dylan and The Who and aren't open to anything past 1975 you can skip listening to this one give it a 1 and just say it sounds like white noise.
I discovered this band somewhat recently, and have been meaning to give them a listen, so I am glad they are on this list. This album has some surprisingly groovy noise rock played by some really great musicians. I am definitely a fan now and will check out their other albums.
Pushing the boundaries of Rock music. High 4
Aug 09 2024
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Wild Gift
Eh, this is okay, but the singing is pretty bad, and everyone just seems really bored. There is a weird lack of energy to this album, everyone seems like they are about to fall to sleep. If I had to guess I would have said this album came out 5 years earlier than it actually did. I can't overstate how old this album sounds for 1981 (the same year damaged by Black Flag came out). Also for only being 30 minutes, this album felt like 45.
I'm not exactly sure why this album was included, it doesn't sound very good, or that ground breaking/influential.
low 3
Aug 10 2024
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Daft Punk
I liked this alot more than I expected to. I never listen to this genre, but it was almost industrial at some points which was fun.
Going in I thought it would be really repetitive, just because that is what dance music is, but to my surprise they were able to keep my attention throughout the album and I enjoyed the variety in the tracks. I also never realized that Daft Punk were a 90s band, so I guess they really were ahead of their time.
Don't know if I will ever listen again (maybe as background noise), but I enjoyed this album quite a bit.
Aug 11 2024
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Space Ritual
Ok, so this album is good in the sense that they can play their instruments well, and for a live album it sounds pretty good. However, (as many people have pointed out) IT IS WAAAAAY TO LONG. I enjoy some jam bands so I get it, but 2+ hours when every song sounds the same is just too much.
Here is a list of complaints:
- too long
- can't sing well
- individual songs are too repetitive
- every song sounds the same
- too many spoken word segments
- spoken word segments are too long
- spoken words that are spoken are cringe
- the riffs they play are annoying (every song has 1 guitar riff on repeat until the required solo section. I found myself skipping to the solo everytime because the riff would get annoying)
I might have enjoyed a condensed studio album, but this was just too much nothing and made me angry
Aug 12 2024
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Pet Shop Boys
This album is ok. The singing isn't my favorite and it is a little repetitive, but it has some good moments.
Aug 13 2024
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The Marshall Mathers LP
I think Eminem matured a lot on this album (as a musician not as a person). The songs seem a lot more complete and not as repetitive. I do still think that the album is too long, but I didn't find it as annoying.
Some good songs and some good beats. I found this album a lot more engaging than the last one.
Aug 14 2024
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Frampton Comes Alive
Peter Frampton
I don't know much about Peter Frampton, and I may be stupid, but one thing that has always confused me is that it sounds like he is playing to a pretty big audience that love him and know all of his songs, but this is also his breakout album???? something doesn't add up here.
Not really sure why this site lists "Hard Rock" as one of this album's genres. This is some of the softest rock out there. This album was a little dorkier than I expected, but it is fine.
Aug 15 2024
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The Teardrop Explodes
Post punk and new wave are some of my favorite genres of the 80's, so I had high hopes for this album. However, I guess there is a reason I never heard of these guys, because this is one of the most average albums on the list. I guess the only reason this was chosen to be on this list is the Echo and the Bunny men connection, but I think they have enough representation and I would have enjoyed another Cure album much more. This album also came out after the Cure's 17 Seconds so it's not like this album is ground breaking or anything.
The singing here isn't that great, and those Trumpet synths sound terrible.
When I Dream is way too stupid to be that long.
low 3
Aug 16 2024
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Step In The Arena
Gang Starr
Pretty good album. Very enjoyable beats and good rapping. However, it does get a little samey after awhile. A very strong debut, but I feel like their later albums would improve on this sound and be a step up (the streaming numbers on spotify seem to agree).
high 3
Aug 17 2024
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Hounds Of Love
Kate Bush
It is good, but not something I would listen to normally. This just kind of became background noise after a bit, but I enjoyed it enough. The second half does fall off though.
above average 3
Aug 18 2024
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Arthur (Or the Decline and Fall of the British Empire)
The Kinks
I'm not a huge kinks fan, but I enjoyed the first song a decent bit and thought I may have misjudged them. But then the rest of the album is just a little bland. There are some good moments every now and then, but not enough for a 4.
Also it's a little too British for me.
Aug 19 2024
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Heroes to Zeros
The Beta Band
More interesting than people make it out to seem. It reminds me of a tamer version of Beck's Odelay. Nothing here was nearly as good, but it had its moments.
Aug 20 2024
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Maggot Brain
Groovy, funky, great guitar playing. Maggot Brain is the clear standout track here, but there are moments to love throughout the album.
low 4.
Aug 21 2024
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Planet Rock: The Album
Afrika Bambaataa
This is going to be a weird album to rate. On one hand it is a fun and influential album, but on the other it is kind of corny, most of the songs could have been 50% shorter, and the sounds here haven't aged super well.
high 3.
Aug 22 2024
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Sweet Baby James
James Taylor
It has now been 16 albums since I gave out my last 5, which is the longest dry stretch I've had out of the 231 albums I have rated. I hope I get something I love soon.
Anyways, back to this album, uh... it's ok.
Folk and Singer-Songwriter are my least favorite genres, not because I find them bad, but I just don't get much out of these type of songs and I find most of it boring. James Taylor has a good voice and the songs sound good, but this music is just too calm for me and a lot of it sounds the same.
The blues track was interesting and I liked the horn section.
Not really sure why Fire and Rain has 350 million streams on spotify and Oh, Susannah only has 4 million. To me these songs sound exactly the same, not really sure why people would so heavily gravitate towards one.
Anyways this album was more enjoyable than I thought it would be, but not something I think I would listen to again.
Aug 23 2024
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Wish You Were Here
Pink Floyd
I can't believe I made it 1/4 of the way through this list without any Pink Floyd, but I am happy to start with what might as well be my favorite album from them. All 5 songs are basically perfect.
-SOYCD 1: I love the opening guitar solo, it is one of my all time favorites. I love the build up to when the vocals come in. And those 4 notes are so cool. Also love the beat switch at the end.
WTTM: I love how cold and industrial this song is. I also really like the melody of the chorus, it is fun to sing along too.
Have A Cigar: Really one of the only "funky" Pink Floyd songs I can think of, really great vocal melody too. I love to sing the gravy train line. Checkout Primus' version of this song if you like their sound.
WYWH: It's Wish You Were Here.
SOYCD 2: I love the lap guitar and all of the shrieking high notes it hits. I don't think this song is as good as the first one, but it is a good book end to the album and has great moments.
Aug 24 2024
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Tres Hombres
ZZ Top
Very solid album with some nice grooves and some great guitar playing. Nothing here blew me away, but it still a very strong album.
Low 4
Aug 25 2024
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Here Come The Warm Jets
Brian Eno
Very interesting album, reminds me a lot of David Bowie. The singing here isn't the best at times and there are some weird moments, but over I enjoyed this album enough.
low 4
Aug 26 2024
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Madman Across The Water
Elton John
I tried to listen to this album 5ish years ago and didn't really enjoy it (besides tiny dancer of course), so I didn't really expect much going into it again. However, I found myself really enjoying the first half of this album. A lot of great songs and great piano and vocal melodies. Everything after Indian Sunset is just ok, but the rest of the album is great.
High 4
Aug 27 2024
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Crosby, Stills & Nash
Crosby, Stills & Nash
I feel like I have been saying this a lot recently, but I am not a big fan of folk music. It just doesn't do much for me and a lot of it sounds the same.
This album doesn't do much for me and a lot of it sounds the same. It is fine and they have good harmonies, but that is about it. Every song sounds like you could throw in the Mrs. Robinson chorus and I wouldn't bat an eye.
low 3.
Aug 28 2024
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Songs Of Love And Hate
Leonard Cohen
Rant Time:
In the past 30 days I've had 18 albums from the 70's (that's 60%) and I feel like a good chunk of those, especially recently, have all been folk/country/singer songwriter. There is only so many ways I can say I don't have much of an opinion on this genre. To me a lot of these songs all sound the same and I don't get much out of them. I get that this album are important and people who like folk love these albums, but man there are just too many. Did we need 5 Leonard Cohen albums, 5 The Byrds albums, or 8 albums that have Neil Young on them. All of these artist deserve to be on this list and have some good albums (maybe not The Byrds), but there are so many better and more interesting album that got excluded from this list. The best thing I can say about these early folk albums is that they tend to be short and don't overstay their welcome.
Back to this album:
I am indifferent on his voice here, I see why people don't like it, but it is the only thing really going for this album. I like the artsy elements here, but still it is a little bland and could have been taken farther. I think Diamonds in the Mine was the most interesting song here, but I wish it wasn't so twangy. The rest of the album is fine, and has some good moments, but I am just tired of 70's folk right now.
Aug 29 2024
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Licensed To Ill
Beastie Boys
When I want to listen to the Beastie Boys I usually gravitate towards Ill Communication, Paul's Boutique, or Check Your Head, but that doesn't mean this one is bad. When comparing this to their later albums, this album feels a little incomplete and immature (quality and personality wise). The production here is good, but once again compared to their later works feels a little unrefined.
Shoutout to She's Crafty, I don't think that song gets enough attention.
This album is probably closer to a 4, but compared to all the bland 70's crap I've had this past month this is a breath of fresh air.
Aug 30 2024
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The Holy Bible
Manic Street Preachers
I've been aware of The Manic Street Preachers for a while, but never really listen to their stuff before. Very interesting guitar parts, almost metal at some points. I think the vocalist is what is holding me back the most here. His voice is fine, but something about the way he sings just doesn't mesh the best with the instrumentals in my opinion. Putting that aside, this album is constantly shifting and throwing out new ideas that keep you on your toes.
Aug 31 2024
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The Atomic Mr Basie
Count Basie & His Orchestra
A pretty fun album, I enjoyed the upbeat songs. However, it does get a little samey as it goes on. Very Fallout-core music.
high 3
Sep 01 2024
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The United States Of America
The United States Of America
Ok, so when this started, I had to pause it to make sure there wasn't an add playing in the background at the same time, because it is literally just 2 different songs playing at the same time.
This album is experimental and innovative, but not always good. It has a lot of interesting idea, not all of them pan out, but it is enjoyable at the very least. I am not a huge fan of the female singer, but she is a lot better than the male singer.
Some songs do sound a little too derivative of specific Beatles' songs, but I'm not sure which would have come out first.
Sep 02 2024
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3 Years, 5 Months And 2 Days In The Life Of...
Arrested Development
This album is fine, it is a little too repetitive for its own sake, but the length doesn't help either. However, I think the biggest problem keeping me from enjoying this album is the weird holier than thou are vibe I got throughout the album. Children play with earth sounds like someone who would say "no phones, just people living in the moment" unironicly, and people everyday is some kind of weird power fantasy.
Probably could have cut 4 or 5 songs and had a tighter album.
Low 3
Sep 03 2024
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Pink Moon
Nick Drake
Out of all of the folk/singer song writer albums I've gotten so far, this is easily the best. I see why this album is held in such high regard. Great singing and lyrics throughout the album.
When listening to horn I immediately noticed that this song had the same melody as boris' farewell. I knew Boris had an album cover that referenced another Nick Drake album, but I never knew the connection between these songs. So I guess that song is a tribute to Nick Drake.
In short, very good album, I liked it a lot more than I thought I would. (Also check out Boris if you like shoegaze, noise rock or sludge metal)
High 4
Sep 04 2024
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Bat Out Of Hell
Meat Loaf
Story Time:
10-15 years ago, or whenever I was in high school, I used to drive a relatively old car to school that only had a cassette player and a radio. At the time I was into classic rock, and there was really only one rock station in my area, so I would listen to it as I drove to school. I don't know who ran that station, but who ever they were they LOVED Paradise By The Dashboard Light right when I would start my drive, because it felt like at least twice a week minimum I would hear it. I get that you can't really make more "classic rock" so there is a limit pool of songs and what not, but that song is 8 and a half minutes long, and my drive was only 10ish minutes. So if that song came on I would be stuck listening to it my whole ride. At first I didn't really have much of an opinion on the song, but I kind of liked the chorus. But as the year went on I slowly grew to hate and despise the song and Meat Loaf himself. The point of this story is I have a grudge against Meat Loaf.
Ok, back to the album. First off, this album cover is waaaay too cool for how lame the music is. Grudge aside, Meat Loaf is a good singer, but the songs are a little too theatrical and campy for my taste. The ratio to piano ballads to rockers is also too high in my opinion. I still hate PBTDBL.
If I didn't have a bias, this would be a 3. But I do have a bias, so it is a 2.
Sep 05 2024
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Club Classics Vol. One
Soul II Soul
I'm seeing way too many 1s and 2s for what is a perfectly passable album. I don't even like dance or soul music, but this album isn't even close to as bad as people make it seem. I think the beats are actually pretty good, especially for 1989, and the guest vocalists are also really good. The biggest problem here is that the lyrics are really surface level. They sound like stuff I would write (and I consider myself a terrible writer). I think that the mix of RnB, soul and dance music is really interesting and there are a couple funky little tracks here. Some of the beats even remind me of the Talking Heads, so that is a huge plus.
high 3, nowhere near as bad as people make it seem.
Sep 06 2024
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White Light
Gene Clark
Rant Time >:(
A couple days ago, in some random folk review I made a snide remake about how the Byrds feel over represented in this list with 5 disappointing albums, but to my surprise THEY HAVE SOLO ALBUMS TOO!!!! I had to google the members of the band to make sure others don't have solo albums too. Of course Crosby went on to do stuff so that makes sense he has 3, but Gene Clark (who never charted) has 2, and Chris Hillman has 1. THAT'S 11 BYRDS RELATED ALBUMS!!!! WHY?!?! Unless I am missing some, that's 1 less than the Beatles and its members. No one on earth can argue that the Byrds are even close to as important to the Beatles, I couldn't have even named a Byrds' song before this list. It really is quite annoying how a lot of these early bands feel like they get 5 or 6 albums and then when you get to the 80's and beyond you will be lucky if a great band gets 2.
When I read that this dude was a member of the Byrds I made such a loud groan my wife thought I got hurt. The Byrds are quickly becoming my arch nemesis on this list.
Also maybe if the quote "Like all of his post-Byrds records, it did very poorly on the US charts." Takes up 1/5 of the review and is one of the only things worth mentioning, this album isn't worth being on this list.
Ok, I guess I have to actually listen and talk about the album.
First off, Gene Clark is not a very good singer. The first two songs are ok, a little bland, but ok. But the title track is awful and felt like double its length. Because of You starts off nice, but it really drags on and doesn't really evolve. The rest of the songs are pretty boring, and also don't really go anywhere.
I try to save 1's for albums I think are unlistenable, or that I absolutely hate. Despite how much I complained, I don't think this is unlistenable (It is completely unnecessary and bland).
very very low 2
Sep 07 2024
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Who's Next
The Who
I don't remember if I said this in another review or not, but I used to like the who a decent bit, but then one day I woke up and thought they were a little too cheesy/cringe and I couldn't bring myself to really listen to them. That being said this album has most of the songs I can still listen to and enjoy.
The singles on this album are great (except the end of baba o'riley, it kind of dies like a wet fart). Everything in the middle of this album is a little lame and doesn't do much for me. If these songs were tighter I could have given this a 5. The lyrics for getting in tune are something I would make up when writing a song and then later change, but they never changed them.
Kinda wish I never learned they peed on the obelisk.
High 4.
Sep 08 2024
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Clube Da Esquina
Milton Nascimento
Pretty good album. It does get a little repetitive as it goes on. I think 45 minutes would have been the perfect runtime. Maybe if I spoke Portuguese it would have helped too.
Great vocals throughout the album, and I enjoyed that every couple songs they would incorporate new genres and mix in new ideas to keep the album sounding fresh. However, I still think they could have trimmed it down a little bit.
Low 4
Sep 09 2024
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Catch A Fire
Bob Marley & The Wailers
Pretty good, this was my first time actually listening to Bob Marley. This album made for some good background music as I did chores around the house. It was short and sweet, and I don't really have much else to say about it.
Low 4.
Sep 10 2024
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The Fat Of The Land
The Prodigy
This album sounds very 90's, like cool hacker 90's, and I think it pulls it off very well. Out of all of the Electronic albums I've had so far, I think that this one is my favorite. Fun beats, interesting soundscapes, and it is always shifting to never sound boring or repetitive.
Low 5.
Sep 11 2024
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The Human League
Wow "that" synth in The Things That Dreams Are Made Of sounds terrible. The next song also has a terrible synth around the two minute mark. What is going on? Who thought these sounded good?
Track 3 has this really annoying popping sound in the right headphone. I thought my headphones were breaking for a second.
I should say, that despite some annoying noises here or there I am enjoying this album. Nothing is blowing me away, but I have a surface level appreciation. It really is funny how 80's one-hit-wonders can write some of the most forgettable/passable songs and then everything will come together, like the perfect storm, and they will write one of the greatest melodies of all time.
I Am The Law is barely a song. I get what they were going for, but I don't think it turned out like they wanted it to.
Don't You Want Me really is (Human) Leagues above the rest of this album
low 3.
Sep 12 2024
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Machine Head
Deep Purple
I am satisfied. Not the greatest rock album, but a very good one. The star of this album is all of the great organ solos.
I've never really understood why they were considered metal. Even for the time, they are more of a blues rock band.
Sep 13 2024
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The Colour Of Spring
Talk Talk
A little forgettable, but still a pleasant listen. I am writing this review about 12 hours after listening to this and don't really remember much.
Sep 14 2024
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Electric Warrior
T. Rex
Pixies released a cover of mambo sun reccently, and I had no idea it was a cover until 5 minutes ago.
Overall, pretty good album. I'm not crazy about his singing, but he makes up for that with his song writing.
Sep 15 2024
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Massive Attack
Let's fucking go!!!! I love massive attack!!! It really is a crime that mezzanine isn't on this list though. If you even slightly enjoyed this album I HIGLY HIGLY recommend Mezzanine. It is a lot darker and colder, and has more rock elements, and some of the best production of all time.
Now back to this album. I love the title track it is such a comforting track, and probably one of my all time favorite massive attack songs. I feel like I should hate karmacoma, but it is just so hypnotizing and I love the chorus.
Three has some fun parts and nice singing. But weather storm is just such a chill song. Spy glass has a great beat, I don't know the singers names, but I always enjoy this guy's songs. Speaking of good singers, any of their songs that feature a female vocalist is top tier.
Euro child is such a groovy track, I'm usually not the biggest fan or their hip hop tracks, but this one just has such a good beat.
The rest of the album is good except for their cover of light my fire, which is one of the only Massive Attack songs I would describe as bad.
Sep 16 2024
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Songs From A Room
Leonard Cohen
I don't know... I'm just not feeling this one today. I think I liked it more than other Leonard Cohen albums, but I just wasn't in the mood for another folk singer song writer album. Every song here really does sound the same, and for being 30 minutes this album really does drag on. Maybe I'm just unlucky but this list is starting to feel over represented with folk music.
High 2
Sep 17 2024
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Hot Fuss
The Killers
The Killers easily wrote some of the best pop rock bangers of the early 2000s. All These Things That I've Done is my favorite out of all the singles.
They really did front load this album with all of their best songs, the second half is fine, but nothing really stood out.
High 4
Sep 18 2024
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Method Man
This album is fine. It has a few fun moments, but not many. I like the beats for the most part, they are grimey. I think the worst thing about this album is the vocals. Sometimes they just seem really sloppy.
Low 3
Sep 19 2024
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Violent Femmes
Violent Femmes
I LOVE THIS ALBUM!!!! There no other album that sounds like, which is crazy because it is basically only vocals, hi hat, snare, acoustic guitar and bass. What is also insane is that this came in 1983. It sounds 10 years ahead of time.
This album is so much fun, all the songs are so much fun to sing along too and have really great melodies and some witty lyrics. Their bass player is on another and is really what sells this album for me.
The 4 track run at the start of this album is perfect and one of the strongest openings of all time. I love the harmonies in Please Do Not Go, the bridge of Kiss Off, and the main melody of Add It Up is so good.
I really should try to listen to their other albums.
High 5.
Sep 20 2024
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Another Music In A Different Kitchen
I guess I should start by saying that the guitars and drums sound really good. They don't play many memorable parts, but at least those power chords sound good. If you played the isolated guitar part from any track I don't think I would be able to tell which song is which for the most part.
However, the worst part about this album is the vocals. I just find his voice to be annoying. He is just a little too whinny, too high pitched, and too bri'ish.
Despite all of this complaining, I didn't hate this album. It's just more late 70's run-of-the-mill punk.
Low 3.
Sep 21 2024
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Moving Pictures
I don't think there is a single person who dislikes Tom Sawyer, such a cool song. It's been such a long time sense I've listened to this album I forgot how good the album Is as a whole. Red barchetta is really solid song. YYZ is one of the best instrumentals ever recorded. There are so many great parts throughout like when the synths come in, the chicka chicka guitar part halfway through, or just that main riff.
I've never been the biggest fan of limelight, but it's a good rush song and i like the chorus. I think Witch Hunt is the most underrated songs on the album. I just love that main riff, and when the synths come in *chef's kiss*. Vital signs is the only song I don't really have an opinion on. It is fine.
Somehow I wrote all of this without praising the excellent drum work. RIP Niel.
I like the three way pun on the album cover (you can only understand the 3rd if you can see the back sleeve).
Low 5.
Sep 22 2024
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Trans Europe Express
Kraftwork is a band I've been meaning to listen to forever, so I am glad I am finally doing it. I really like all of the sounds they are making, it is super impressive for 1977. I just wish each song was like 50% shorter. I like every song I just think they go on for far too long without introducing many new ideas.
High 4.
Sep 23 2024
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Fire Of Love
The Gun Club
This is one of those albums that is more interesting than it is good, and by interesting I mean unique because it is a little boring.
I think the genre meshing is cool, but every song is a little too samey. I can see a through line between this and double nickels on the dime which I enjoyed a lot more.
Low 3
Sep 24 2024
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(What's The Story) Morning Glory
One of the most impressive things this album does is make Wonderwall not feel overplayed in the context of the album.
There are a couple of stinkers, but for the most part this album has some all time bangers, Don't Look Back In Anger, Some Might Say, and Champagne Supernova especially. A lot of great melodies throughout. Champagne Supernova is one of the best closers of all time, I just love the solo/outro section.
Low 5
Sep 25 2024
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Hunting High And Low
I guess I will no longer think of A-ha as a one hit wonder.
This album is good, but it seems like every song besides Take On Me is a ballad. I think I would have enjoyed this a lot more if there were more bangers. I've just never been a huge ballad guy, but they were fine, and the production was good.
Low 4.
Sep 26 2024
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Ragged Glory
Neil Young & Crazy Horse
This is my third Neil Young album, and I don't remember disliking his voice so much on the previous albums. Maybe it is just that he is older, or maybe this album is just more country inspired. He just really seems to be struggling to hold a note which I didn't notice on previous albums. This album also has country/folk inspired group vocals that I am not a fan of.
The writing on this album also seems weaker. The songs aren't bad, they just don't feel as biting or necessary. The production is good though, I like the guitar tones and the feedback some songs end with.
Something about Love to Burn reminds me of the Simpsons' joke were Milhouse's dad gets divorced and writes a song called Spare me a Feeling or something like that. I have no idea why I made this connection.
Farmer John is a terrible song... I could excuse it if it was 1:30-2:00 but 4:14 is really pushing what feels like a joke song.
This list probably would have been fine without this one, there are plenty of other Neil Young albums on this list (too many IMO) that make up for this forgettable one.
I like the album cover. It is very punk/DIY.
This album is more boring/bland, than it is bad.
Low 3 (very close to a 2).
Sep 27 2024
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C'est Chic
Good instrumentals, very very cringe lyrics. When they aren't repeating the same phrase for 2 minutes the vocals sound like a parody song a middle school would make up on the spot.
All of the instruments have a great groove and sound really good, I just wish that the vocals had more thought put into them.
Mid 3.
Sep 28 2024
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Home Is Where The Music Is
Hugh Masekela
Boy can these guys play. Very funky, very groovy, very... jazzy? I don't listen to a lot of jazz, but this may be a contender for one of my favorite jazz albums.
high 4.
Sep 29 2024
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Paris 1919
John Cale
Another bland 70's album... not really sure why this is on the list. There are a dime a dozen albums like this that sound leagues better and more interesting.
Nothing here really stands out. This dude can't sing, the songs all sound the same, and the melodies are really lazy. The only thing going for this album is that the strings sound good at some parts.
I can tell I am going to forget about this album in 2-3 days.
High 2.
Sep 30 2024
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Oedipus Schmoedipus
Barry Adamson
Before we talk about this album we need to talk about movies. David Lynch is probably my all time favorite director, and I just watched Lost Highway for the first time about a month ago. Such a weird and creepy movie, highly recommend if you like weird art films. Something Wicked This Way Comes plays in the scene where the mystery man is first introduced (great scene!). I can see why Lynch likes this album and if I had to guess Lynch's favorite song from this album it would probably be Business As Usual.
Ok, now the album. First off, Oedipus Schmoedipus is such a funny title. I think this is the only time I've ever actually laughed at an album title. Not really sure why I am seeing so many 1's and 2's this is just a chill little trip hop album. Never mind some of these songs are not so chill (still very good though).
I don't want to be a contrarian, but I did really enjoy this album. It is really weird and it is something you will never forget. I wish this list had more stuff like this album.
I am definitely going to need to check this one out again.
Low 5.
Oct 01 2024
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The Cure
One of the greatest albums of all time, and one of the few albums I would call a masterpiece. There is just such strong song writing, lyrics, vocals, production and a great sense of nostalgia and melancholy. This album is the reason why The Cure are huge, if they never released this album I don't think they would still be as half as popular as they are now.
First off, Plainsong is one of the greatest openers ever. It just sounds out of this world. And then there is all of the hits: Love Song, Pictures of You, Lullaby, and my person favorite Fascination Street. The bass part in Fascination Street is just too good. Another thing I love about this album is that the vocals usually don't come in until you are 1 or 2 minutes into the song and it really lets you appreciate just how good all the instrumental parts are.
Did I mention how good the lyrics are?!?! And everything is so much fun to sing along too. Also that synth melody in Lullaby is great, and I love the way he whispers the lyrics.
High 5!
Oct 02 2024
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Will The Circle Be Unbroken
Nitty Gritty Dirt Band
This list is really making me despise the 70's. This is the only decade I get upset when I see an album I don't already know, because I know it's going to be some awful country folk album, or some bland singer singer writer easy listening music.
These guys are technically skilled at what they are doing, but the problem is that I hate country and cannot stand their voices, and I am REALLY REALLY not in the mood for a 2 hour country album.
This album is long enough, did we really need banter in between songs. I don't need to hear them tune or say "let's play this one real good this time". I hope they play good and are in tune every time, they don't need to reassure me.
Another problem is that they really only have 1 melody, and 2 or 3 variants of the backing band. You could take the melody from any song and place it over any other song and no one would notice. Nowhere near enough variations or ideas to draw out this dreadful album.
This album is torture. The only positive is that they can play instruments to an acceptable level.
I made it through disc one, I am going to skim disc 2 and I'll listen to any song that sound noticeably different or unique.
Surprise! there wasn't anything, but I can't believe they added a 2 minute track that's all dialog. I liked that there was a group of instrumental tracks, but they all sounded the same.
Terrible album, they dragged 20 minutes worth of ideas to 2 hours and 10 minutes. They have 3 songs: fast fiddle, not as fast banjo, or slow finger picked guitar. I feel sorry for people who listened to this without skipping through (you are stronger than me).
Time to clean my ears (Amplifier Worship has never sounded this good).
Low 1.
Oct 03 2024
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Fuzzy Logic
Super Furry Animals
I am not really sure why this album was included. It sounds like it was recorded in 20-30 years before it was actually released. The album cover also looks like it made in the 70's. The only thing that kind of sounds modern is the guitar tone. This album isn't bad, but it isn't pushing any boundaries, and it isn't phenomenal, so I am just confused why I "have" to listen to this before I die.
Inoffensive, and I will forget I ever listened to this in a week. This guy's voice also sounds straight out of the late 60's or early 70's, and I mean that in the worst way possible, because he isn't a good singer.
FYI for people on Spotify, track 12 is the end of the official release.
Oct 04 2024
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Fear Of Music
Talking Heads
This review may be a little biased because I love the Talking Heads. They are just so groovy, funky, influential, innovative, and most importantly fun to listen to. Talking Heads and LCD Sound System are my goto party bands when I want to have a good time.
This is the first Talking Heads album were they really found their sound and started making truly great music. The first 6 songs on this album are really strong, funky, and have great melodies. The rest are weaker but I've grown to really love them. Heaven is a lovely little song, I LOVE the outro to Animals, it is just so weird, and this may be a strange opinion but Drugs is one of my favorite songs off of this album. I just love how creepy and weird it is, and that guitar solo is just perfect (listening tip: the more of a stank face you make while listening to this solo the better it sounds).
Somehow I wrote this whole review without mentioning how great David Byrne's lyrics and vocal delivery is. Everything he does and sings about is so weird, but he just sells it so well that it becomes infectious and endearing. I also love how the guitars are really understated on this album and really let the vocal melodies breathe. They are more of a rhythmic element rather than a melodic one.
High 5!
Oct 05 2024
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Lost In The Dream
The War On Drugs
This is just Bob Dylan singing Bruce Springsteen songs with reverb. It is fine, it is very chill but nothing ground breaking or that memorable.
Low 4.
Oct 06 2024
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Mermaid Avenue
Billy Bragg
The story behind the album is interesting. The music itself is just ok.
High 3.
Oct 07 2024
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Jethro Tull
Aqualung, Hymn 43, and Locomotive Breath are all great. Everything else is just good.
I feel like the pacing of this album could have been a little better. All of the boring acoustic songs are all back to back in the middle. I feel like I would have enjoyed them more if they were spread out.
High 4.
Oct 08 2024
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Disraeli Gears
I've never understood the argument for Clapton being one of the greatest guitar players of all time. There are thousands of blues/rock guitarists that sound just as good or better. He doesn't really bring much to a song imo. He is also a racist asshole, but I am going to try to separate art from artist on this one.
Sunshine Of Your Love has a cool riff, but besides that this album is incredibly lame. Not really sure what people see in Clapton, he really is average at best. Even for his time he doesn't sound that ahead of the pack or that unique. The production also sounds really muddy, but it was the 60's so I can let that slide a little bit.
I can't tell if there are multiple singers or not, but no one here can sing.
Low 3.
Oct 09 2024
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american dream
LCD Soundsystem
I've been on a huge LCD Soundsystem kick recently, so this is great timing. I knew this album was on the list so I was specifically waiting for it to come up for my first listen. So let's see if it was worth the wait.
This album seem to be a lot more drone / trance rather than groovy / funky. Which is fine, but what I love about LCD Soundsystem is that I want to dance, and I didn't really want to so much listening to this album. There is still a fair number of funky tracks, but most of them seem like slow burners. I still enjoyed this album and I think all of the songs are good, but I just expected something else.
This album sounds great, I always love all the synth sounds they choose. However, this album is on the longer side, the last 2 songs could have been shorter.
This is probably my least favorite LCD Soundsystem album but it is still very good and I had a good time listening to it. It is a shame that This Is Happening wasn't included on this list though.
Low 5.
Oct 10 2024
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Greetings From L.A.
Tim Buckley
I really wasn't expecting what ever genre this is, like funk rock, or soul or something. I really thought Tim Buckley did folk or Americana.
This album is good, nothing here really stuck with me, but I had a good time listening. It reminded me a lot of the band Geese, which is a good thing because I love 3D Country (check it out if you want a more modern version of this sound).
Mid 3.
Oct 11 2024
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Rattus Norvegicus
The Stranglers
This album is like the missing link between punk and new wave.
Pretty good album, I wish they took it further. There are some neat ideas here and they that I feel they could have really expanded on. Also some of the synth sounds aren't the best.
They could have left off the last 4-5 songs and had a tight 35 minute album.
Low 4.
Oct 12 2024
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Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
I really was expecting something different here. It is good I guess, but it had a lot more country elements than I expected. The production of this album sounds really great, it is just the songwriting that is a let down.
I liked the first song, it was indie, electronic, and some noise (almost Radiohead-esque), but then the rest of the album is country indie, and most of it all sounds the same. I am not really sure why Jesus, Etc. has so many more streams than the rest of the album, they all sound just as equally boring. Every now and then there will be a glimmer of something exciting, but then it will go back to the slow paced indie country.
Heavy Metal Drummer sounds like a rejected Pavement song without all of the charm.
I am being really negative, but I didn't hate this album.
Mid 3.
Oct 13 2024
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Pet Sounds
The Beach Boys
I've avoided this album for the longest time, because I thought the Beach Boys were just a little too cheesy. This album isn't as cheesy as I thought it would be, but it also wasn't as good as I thought it would be. It is a fine album and I did enjoy it, but a lot of the songs really do sound the same, and too many of them end with fade outs. I am definitely cutting this album some slack because it is historically significant and a beloved album.
Also, I hate this album cover. It is iconic or whatever, but the green bar and the text are really ugly.
Low 4.
Oct 14 2024
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Astral Weeks
Van Morrison
The word meandering represented in album form. Whatever you hear in the first 20 seconds you will hear until the song ends. None of these songs needed to be over 5 minutes, yet some of them are nearly double.
Normally I would give this a low 3, but it gets minus 1 for being an antivax idiot.
Low 2.
Oct 15 2024
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Dire Straits
Dire Straits
Of course Sultans of Swing is a great song, I also enjoyed Down to the Waterline. Everything else is just okay/good. There is a weird twangy sound throughout this album that makes it almost sound like country that I really didn't expect.
Great guitar playing throughout the album. Not so great singing throughout.
Low 4.
Oct 16 2024
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Soft Machine
I am a pretty big fan of noise rock, so hearing these sounds at the beginning of the album is insane for 1970. However, the recording of the horns/woodwinds could have been a lot cleaner.
Ok, this reminds me a lot of In the Court of the Crimson King. I'm not sure why there are so many 1's and 2's.
I had crazy low expectations for this album, but it was a pleasant surprise. Very unique album that I would happily listen too again. If you enjoy this kind of stuff, you should think about attending a King Gizzard concert.
Mid 4.
Oct 17 2024
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The Gilded Palace Of Sin
The Flying Burrito Brothers
Rant Time:
I can't believe there is another Byrds related album I didn't know about, I think that brings the total up to 12. That is insane that this list has 12 album from a band that 1. isn't that great 2. isn't that relevant and 3. At least 3 of these album weren't even successful. The review says: " it was not a commercial success" and peaked at 164. The Gene Clark review said he never had a successful album and he has 2 on the list. WHY!?! He made boring music that people didn't care about and still don't. There are plenty of other albums that could have been chosen. Especially around the late 60's early 70's. Such as:
Pink Floyd - Animals/Meddle
Led Zeppelin - House of the Holy
The Beatles - Let It Be (I'm not even a huge fan of this one)
The Velvet Underground - Loaded
The Doors - Strange Days
Simon And Garfunkel - Sounds of Silence
But whatever, I guess it's time I listen to another bland late 60's country "rock" album were every song sounds the same.
The actual review:
Wow this guy has an annoying voice, and the songs are boring, what a surprise.
In all honesty I would have probably given this a 3 and called it bland, but The Byrds just piss me off and now I am in a bad mood.
Low 2.
Oct 18 2024
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Like Water For Chocolate
I think the production and rapping is a lot better here than the other Common album on this list. I think I like the beats here a lot better too. The problem is that it is just too long.
Mid 3.
Oct 19 2024
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Carole King
Great voice and great songs. They do start to all sound the same after a while, but I still enjoyed the album.
Mid 4.
Oct 20 2024
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New Order
I've been a huge Joy Division fan for a while, but never really checked out New Order. I am glad to say I enjoyed this. It reminds me a lot of the early Cure works. The singing isn't the best but I think it fits the music well. My favorite thing about this album is the production and the way all of the instruments and synths sounds together.
Low 5.
Oct 21 2024
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I'm surprised I've never heard of these guys, because this is right up my alley. The singer reminds me so much of someone else. Maybe Weezer, sebadoh, or hum or a combination of them.
A bunch of very enjoyable tunes. Some great melodies, and great guitar tone.
This will definitely go into my rotation.
Mid 5.
Oct 22 2024
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Live At The Regal
B.B. King
A very endearing performance, it really holds your attention. Great guitar playing and singing. Some of the best blues out there.
High 4.
Oct 23 2024
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Anita Baker
It is fine. Kind of forgettable, but she has a good voice.
Someone else mentioned Whitney Houston and I got curious, apparently she didn't make the list which feels really weird. I don't know enough about her, but maybe she was more of a singles person, or maybe she got snubbed IDK.
I think the fact that I talked 5x more about Whitney Houston than this album shows how unremarkable this album is.
low 3.
Oct 24 2024
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Guitar Town
Steve Earle
Some of the most generic country I have ever heard. Sounds like wanna-be Springsteen. I'll be honest, I completely zoned out during the last 5 songs, but if I remember correctly they all sounded exactly the same.
Low 2.
Oct 25 2024
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Buena Vista Social Club
Buena Vista Social Club
I was not expecting this to have such massive streaming numbers. I mean it is good, but I don't know if it 30-90 million (and one 230 million) good.
Enjoyable album, but I think it overstays its welcome just a little bit. The guitars, percussion and grooves are great.
Low 4.
Oct 26 2024
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Natty Dread
Bob Marley & The Wailers
Very good album, I liked this a lot more than Catch a Fire. Great vocals, great grove (a lot funkier than I expected), I also really like the organ parts (it may be an E-piano idk).
Mid 4.
Oct 27 2024
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Hard Again
Muddy Waters
This is a very good album. He has a nice voice and the guitar sounds great. I also really like what I think is a harmonica (I can't tell if it's a guitar with weird fuzz effects).
The only thing holding me back from enjoying this more is that every song has the exact same structure and it can get tiring after a while.
Low 4.
Oct 28 2024
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Rip It Up
Orange Juice
This reminds me a lot of the talking heads and starts off really strong, but it sort of dies out in the second half. It is still good, but I just wish they made it funkier and more up beat.
Mid 4.
Oct 29 2024
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Tea for the Tillerman
Cat Stevens
As a registered folk / singer-songwriter hater, I am a little surprised that I enjoyed this album. I think the biggest thing that separates this album from the countless bland 70's folk album on this list is 3 fold:
1. He can actually sing, and is a really good at it
2. There are melodies which are complex but still memorable.
3. It has more instruments than just an acoustic guitar
Probably not something I would listen too again, but I wouldn't be upset if it came on.
Low 4.
Oct 30 2024
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Get Rich Or Die Tryin'
50 Cent
The worst thing about the CD era of music is that everyone thought that they had to add as much music as they could to an album, and now everything from this time sounds bloated. This album did not need to be an hour and ten minutes.
I don't know a lot about 50 cent, and maybe this is just how he talks, but on the first song I heard him slurring some words and for the first half of the album I couldn't help but pictured him drunk and that didn't really help my enjoyment.
Some bangers, some not so much, great production/beats throughout.
The length of this album is the biggest downside.
mid 3.
Oct 31 2024
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There's A Riot Goin' On
Sly & The Family Stone
Very enjoyable album, very funky and great vocals. Not much to say about this one, just a solid album.
Mid 4.
Nov 01 2024
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Heavy Weather
Weather Report
Pretty fun jazz album, I like the electronic elements mixed in. I couldn't tell you what, but it is missing that tiny edge that would bump it up to a 4.
High 3.
Nov 02 2024
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Station To Station
David Bowie
I have been meaning to relisten to this album for the longest time, and I am so glad I finally did. This clicked a lot more for me this time than my first listen. It is a great continuation of the Young American's sound with an eerie underside. On the surface it is a fun, happy, funky album, but there is something under the surface you can't put your finger on that is a little unsettling.
I really enjoyed this album and is probably a top 5 Bowie album for me now.
High 5.
Nov 03 2024
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Reign In Blood
I feel bad to people who can't stand metal, but this album is very influential and important in music history. (Also just because someone screams does not make it screamo or death metal, but it will always be funny when I read these review)
This is one of those bands you know the drummer is jacked even if you've never seen him.
When I first heard this album I didn't like it, besides angel of death and raining blood. Every song really sounds the same when they play so fast and you dont pay attention, but over the years this album has really grown on me. It is short and sweet and has some great riffs. Like that breakdown in the middle of Angel Of Death *chef's kiss*. Also it is impossible not to head bang to the "your time slips away" breakdown. The angel of death scream is so cool too. The halftime parts in Piece By Piece are great. The Criminally Insane drum groove is criminally underrated.
One of the funniest things is that the expanded version of this album on spotify adds one remix and that's it. Some expanded version.
High 5.
Nov 04 2024
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The Clash
The Clash
Pretty good straight forward punk album. I liked Police & Thieves and how it foreshadowed their more reggae infused music they would create in their later albums. Besides a few songs, this album wasn't super memorable, but I still enjoyed it while I was listening.
Low 4.
Nov 05 2024
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Ok, so Adele is a good singer, but I have a few problems with this album.
1. All of the hits are overplayed and I cannot stand them anymore
2. Rumour has it is really annoying, and the chorus makes me mad
3. I am not a fan of pop music
I really didn't expect a cover of The Cure, but that was nice (check out their new album it's great).
That being said this is some of the best pop music out there.
High 3.
Nov 06 2024
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Joy Division
Such a dark and gloomy album, but in my opinion no where near as good as Unknown Pleasures. Still a very good album, I just feel like the production is a step down on this one. You can really start to hear them moving towards the New Order sound here with some catchy songs like Isolation. I also love the bass line on Twenty Four Hours.
Low 5.
Nov 07 2024
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Steven Tyler is a mega creep, which makes it hard to listen to Aerosmith, but that's ok, because this album is ok at best. Back In the Saddle has always been my favorite Aerosmith song, but besides that there isn't much going on in this album. They really did just write the same riff 9 times.
Low 3.
Nov 08 2024
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Make Yourself
I dove into Incubus in preparation for the first Sick New World festival, and I was really surprised to find they were a funk/semi-metal band since I only knew Drive. One of my favorite things about this album is they have some really catchy choruses. Some of my favorite are: Privilege, Nowhere Fast, Make Yourself, and Pardon Me.
Very fun album, funky and fun to sing along too.
Low 5.
Nov 09 2024
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My Generation
The Who
A very revolutionary and innovative album for the time, but compared to modern music it is just okay. The title track is fun, but everything else is kind of bland. I really didn't expect all of the Beatles-esque harmonies.
Mid 3.
Nov 10 2024
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Among The Living
Anthrax are the only band out of the big four that I don't really know anything about, so I am glad to finally listen to them.
This album has some great riffs and grooves, but I think the singer is really what is holding me back. I think I would have enjoyed this a lot more if it had more traditional metal singing like Slayer instead of the hardcore/punk inspired singing.
He isn't a bad singer, he is actually pretty good. I just think I would enjoy this album a lot more if was sung in a different style.
Low 4.
Nov 11 2024
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A Love Supreme
John Coltrane
Very chaotic jazz. Not much to say, but great playing throughout.
Low 5.
Nov 12 2024
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L.A. Woman
The Doors
What a way to close out your discography! (We don't mention the other ones). Easily my second favorite Doors album behind their debut. It is really sad that Jim Morrison died after this album, because I think this album has some of their best song writing and I would have loved to see where they would have taken this sound.
There are a couple of songs near the end that I am not super crazy about (but still enjoy), but besides those this album is very fun to sing along to and just have a good time. Also if you don't like the "Mr. Mojo rising" section you should question what you are doing.
Mid 5.
Nov 13 2024
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Suzanne Vega
Suzanne Vega
This album is okay. Every song kind of sounds the same, and none of them really have a chorus/climax or really go anywhere. She also has this weird way of talk singing which doesn't always work. There are some moment that I like, but for the most part this album doesn't really work for me.
High 2.
Nov 14 2024
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Bryter Layter
Nick Drake
Out of all of the folk singer-songwriters Nick Drake is easily the best. I didn't enjoy this album as much as Pink Moon, but it was still good and had some great melodies.
Low 4.
Nov 15 2024
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Every Good Boy Deserves Fudge
I think this album is a step up from their previous album both song writing and production wise. The only thing it is missing is a big song like Touch Me I'm Sick. I really like the guitar tones here, they have this compressed fuzz sound or something, where they are very dirty, but still kind of clean and don't muddy up the mix. I don't remember their previous album super well, but I think the vocals are a huge improvement here too.
I think I'll checkout some of their other albums in my free time.
High 4.
Nov 16 2024
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Enter The Wu-Tang (36 Chambers)
Wu-Tang Clan
I've been meaning to checkout this album for the longest time, and I am glad I finally did. I understand why this album is held in such high regard. Great beats, great rapping, and great energy throughout this album. There are a few misses on the album and a few too many skits, but besides that there are a lot of bangers on here.
Low 5.
Nov 17 2024
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Wild Is The Wind
Nina Simone
Nina Simone is a great singer/songwriter, some of the songs feel too short for how good they are.
Mid 4.
Nov 17 2024
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I Do Not Want What I Haven't Got
Sinead O'Connor
Idk, she is a good singer and the songs were good, but this album really didn't hook me. I kept zoning out and the album became a blur. I already knew the Prince cover and Black Boys On Mopeds, but besides that I remember nothing from this album.
High 3.
Nov 18 2024
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NEU! 75
Very influential album. They were defining the sound of post punk before punk music ever really took off. I really enjoyed the ambient and moody tracks. The more straightforward punk/Velvet Underground sounding tracks were ok.
Mid 4.
Nov 19 2024
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Dusty In Memphis
Dusty Springfield
Pretty decent album, nothing really blew me away, but also nothing bad. Son of a Preacher Man and The Windmills of Your Mind are the best songs here, everything else is OK.
High 3.
Nov 20 2024
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Freak Out!
The Mothers Of Invention
I was expecting a lot more from this album. There is a weird moment here or there, but for the most part it is just a straightforward rock/blues album. The last three songs are strange, I kind of expected the whole album to be like that. There are some silly lyrics, but besides that and the last few songs I don't think I would have guessed this is Frank Zappa. This reminds me of Pink Floyd's debut album (if that makes any sense).
Mid 3.
Nov 21 2024
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Who Killed...... The Zutons?
The Zutons
Out of all of the semi-obscure 2000's UK indie rock bands on this list, I think this one is my favorite so far, it's not great, but it isn't generic. I kind of get White Stripes vibes from them, just not as good.
High 3.
Nov 22 2024
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PJ Harvey
Pretty good album. I only knew her song she did with Thom Yorke, so this was a lot more punk than I expected it to be, it reminds me of Sleater Kinney.
Mid 4.
Nov 23 2024
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The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill
Lauryn Hill
Here's another hip-hop album I've been meaning to listen to for the longest time. However, unlike the Wu Tang album, I don't think this one quite lives up to the hype. It is still a very good album and she is a great singer, but I just wasn't a huge fan of many of the beats, they were just a little bland. Also this album is too long, I think there is an edited down version of this album that is a lot better. Some of these songs just drag on a little bit (like To Zion or When It Hurts so Bad) without changing things up too much.
Also a pet-peeve of mine is tagging skits and stuff onto the end of songs, they should be their own tracks so that they don't come up on shuffle. I do like the interludes though, they tie the album together.
Low 4.
Nov 24 2024
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Little Earthquakes
Tori Amos
She is a good singer and song writer, but she kind of writes the same melodramatic song over and over again which gets really tiring by the end of the album.
Mid 3.
Nov 25 2024
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A Short Album About Love
The Divine Comedy
No idea why the rating for this one is so low and so many people are having negative reactions to it. This album has some of the most unique and interesting string parts and vocal melodies I've heard from this list in a long time.
Mid 4.
Nov 26 2024
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White Blood Cells
The White Stripes
I forgot how stacked the first half of this album is, a lot of great garage rock / bluesy songs. This is my favorite White Stripes album out of the ones I've heard. Some of the later White Stripes albums kind of lose that raw bluesy feel that makes this album sound so great. I love how simple these songs are, but are all still really unique and never gets repetitive. There are a lot of great vocal melodies too.
Low 5.
Nov 27 2024
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Fun House
The Stooges
Very good and influential for 1970, but it didn't really do much for me. The last 3 or 4 songs stated to get on my nerves.
Mid 3
Nov 28 2024
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Crossing the Red Sea With the Adverts
The Adverts
Wow, the drop in quality between track 1 and 2 is astounding, the mix sounds awful and the song is painfully generic (besides the bass solo).
I always get disappointed when a late 70's punk band I've never heard of appears on this list, because I know it is going to be one of the blandest and most repetitive albums I've heard. However, I thought the first song was really good. It had decent production, the song structure was interesting, and it had a good melody. But then for the rest of the album they said "What if we didn't do that. Let's just write the same punk song everyone else already has 12 times".
This came out in '78 there really is no excuse for this to be on the list. This album came out after: The Ramones, The Clash, Television, Pink Flag, and Talking Heads. Talking Heads basically started the New Wave movement. You know, as in THE NEW WAVE OF PUNK. This album came out too late and is way to generic to be on this list.
The main riff of Newboys sounds like something The Shaggs (literal children) would write. I'm just now realizing that the Shaggs' album came out in 1969, almost a whole decade before this album. Man, now I wish that the Shaggs were on this list instead of this forgettable British band no one has heard of.
Low 3.
Nov 29 2024
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Moby Grape
Moby Grape
When I saw that the genres for this album were Country and Psychedelic Rock, I got worried that they would sound like my least favorite band on this list, The Byrds. However, thankfully they sound more like the CCR, The Beatles, or any other 60's rock band that can write songs that are at least semi interesting.
Speaking of semi interesting, these songs are just fine. Nothing here really stood out to me, but there also wasn't anything bland or terrible. It was all just good, nothing more, nothing less. It is a little weird that almost every song is between 2:00 and 2:30. I feel like they could have let some of these breathe a little bit more.
High 3.
Nov 30 2024
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Beauty And The Beat
The Go-Go's
Pretty fun album, they have a great energy. Some songs are better than others, but this album is short and sweet.
Mid 4.
Dec 01 2024
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The Bones Of What You Believe
I am a little conflicted on this one. On one hand I can't stand her vocals or the production, and the song writing is a little bland. But on the other hand I like the synth tones, it is pretty good for pop music, and I get a hint of LCD soundsystem.
High 2
Dec 02 2024
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Coat Of Many Colors
Dolly Parton
I'm not a fan of country music, but it was okay. There was something about her voice that was bothering me throughout the album that I couldn't figure out. It might have been her microphone, the way it was mixed, or maybe it was just clipping (she was kinda shouting). But there was something about her voice that wasn't meshing well with the instruments.
I'm just glad it's short.
High 2.
Dec 03 2024
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People's Instinctive Travels and the Paths of Rhythm
A Tribe Called Quest
First Wu Tang, then Lauryn Hill, and now A Tribe Called Quest. I've been getting a lot of 90's Hip-Hop groups I've been meaning to listen to for a long time these past 2 weeks.
Very enjoyable, and funky album. I liked the way they incorporate all of the samples. There are some really big sample in there that would be really hard to get nowadays.
The second half isn't as good, but it is still a pleasant listen.
Very high 4 (almost a 5).
Dec 04 2024
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Chelsea Girl
It looks like I can tolerate Nico's voice a lot more than other, because I am indifferent on it. It's not great, but I think it is fine (it is definitely unique). The instruments are the real highlight here. Some of the most interesting instrumental parts out of all of the 60's.
I really like the more artsy songs like It Was A Pleasure. I can hear the Velvet Underground in that song specifically.
Low 4.
Dec 05 2024
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Iron Butterfly
Pretty good 60's Psych Rock. I never realized he almost has a David Bowie quality to his voice. I didn't think I would like anything besides the title track, but I found the other songs to be enjoyable in a way I don't always do with 60's music.
But of course everyone is here for the title track, and I do really love it. It has such a dirty and crunchy guitar tone, and the organ complements it perfectly. I also really like the drum solo section. Oh! and that organ solo back into the main riff is crazy. And that chorus melody is perfect.
Mid 4.
Dec 06 2024
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Power In Numbers
Jurassic 5
My favorite type of hip hop is the stuff that samples a lot of old funk and jazz tracks, and this album has some pretty good beats. However, I didn't really like their flows or rapping in general. It was just a little too cheesy, and the guy with a deep voice sounds like a cartoon character in a very distracting way.
I was also ready for this album to end by Track 10, there just isn't enough variation to keep me interested.
Low 3.
Dec 07 2024
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In A Silent Way
Miles Davis
This album is a lot more energic and funky than I thought it would be based off of the title and the album cover. Great energy throughout the songs that keep everything flowing well, you really don't feel the long run times. Very slick album.
Mid 5.
Dec 08 2024
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The Shamen
I listened to this while building ikea furniture and it made perfectly passable background music. It was a little long and got a little repetitive, but whatever.
Low 3.
Dec 09 2024
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I understand why someone would like this, but it hits a lot of musical pet peeves for me. Also a lot of the songs have the same flow and just kind of sound the same.
Mid 2.
Dec 10 2024
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The Rolling Stones
Wow, the wikipedia album summary really overhyped one of the most 'okay-est' blues rock albums of all time. They made it seem like this was going to be some phenomenal experimental pysch-rock masterpiece. I was actually a little excited to listen to a Rolling Stones album for once, but just like every other Rolling Stones album it is just the same bland Blues Rock songs. This album does have Paint it Black, which is my favorite Stones' song. Every other song is pretty boring and whatever that last song was had no business being 10+ minutes.
This is my least favorite Stones' album so far, it is passable, but there is nothing interesting about besides Paint it Black.
Low 3.
Dec 11 2024
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Liege And Lief
Fairport Convention
Wow, a folk album with actual melodies, interesting instrumentation, and someone how can actually sing. The Byrds wish they could write something as interesting as this album.
Despite all that, I am not blown away by this album. It is fine, but for a folk album it is on the higher end of the scale.
high 3.
Dec 12 2024
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New York Dolls
New York Dolls
I'm usually not a big fan of any punk that came out before '77, but this one is pretty good. The singer has a very unique voice, and I think he uses it well. Also this album has some pretty good guitar tones and production.
The last couple of songs do drop the ball a bit though.
High 3.
Dec 13 2024
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Isaac Hayes
I knew this album was on the list, but somehow I was still surprised that I got it. I guess I thought I was exempt or something.
The album is fine, it's not very memorable or something that I would include in a list like this, but whatever.
Low 3.
Dec 14 2024
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The Low End Theory
A Tribe Called Quest
90's hip hop is just so much fun. This album has a great energy and flow throughout. The beats are also infectious, I love when jazz and hip hop mix.
Mid 5.
Dec 15 2024
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The Poet
Bobby Womack
A groovy little soul album. Reminds me a lot of Stevie Wonder. Not much to say about this one, just a decent album.
Low 4.
Dec 16 2024
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Sex Packets
Digital Underground
These past 30ish days I've had 2 Tribe Called Quest albums, Lauryn Hill, and 36 Chambers, so this album had some real competition, but just couldn't quite cut it. The beats are ok at best, but it just isnt that fun. However the real problem is the "bars". A lot of cringe lyrics, bad flow and I don't like his voice.
Mid 2.
Dec 17 2024
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Different Class
Mis-Shapes and Common People have such great choruses and energy that really drives the song. Common People especially really gets you pumped up as the key changes and the tempo keeps increasing.
Despite having some all-time bangers, a majority of this album is just good/ok. Still a very enjoyable listen.
Mid 4
Dec 18 2024
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Beyond Skin
Nitin Sawhney
Very unique and interesting album that blends Indian, jazz, electronic, and classical music. This is definitely an album you won't forget about whether you like the album or not.
Mid 4.
Dec 19 2024
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Christina Aguilera
I really hate 2000's pop (not as much as I hate 2010's pop though), so going into this I thought I was going to give it a 1, but honestly it isn't that bad. I definitely have some problems but it isn't as unlistenable and annoying as I thought it would be.
- She has a good voice
- The songs are written well (especially for pop music)
- She tries a bunch of different ideas / styles of music so the album doesn't get stale
- The production feels a little cheap in some areas (the strings feel really artificial)
- I hate how the introduction of the CD made everyone think they needed to add as much music as they could. The track length really hurts this album.
- The guitar tone in Fighter is god awful
- This album was a victim of the loudness war
- The 2nd half of this album drags and could have been trimmed
A lot of people are really over reacting with this one, it has problems but it isn't that bad. I probably would have given this a low 3 if it was 1/2 the length
Mid 2.
Dec 20 2024
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Red Headed Stranger
Willie Nelson
As a certified country music hater, this album is fine. He has a nice voice, and has some good melodies. Every song does kind of sound the same though, and that is despite Time of the Preacher appearing 3 times.
High 3.
Dec 21 2024
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At Mister Kelly's
Sarah Vaughan
For the most part I enjoyed this album and it is very close to a four. The worst thing about this album is on some songs you can hear one of the other members going "huh hmmm hmm huh hmm" and making weird grunting noises through out the whole song. She has a great voice, but besides the fact that this is live, I don't think there is enough here to really separate her from other jazz artists in this style.
Very high 3.
Dec 22 2024
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The Velvet Underground
The Velvet Underground
Very enjoyable album, but I don't think it's as creative as some of their other albums. My favorite songs by them are the noisy ones, and there aren't really any on this album.
This is my second listen to this album and I enjoyed it a lot more this time than the last, maybe I'll like it even more on a 3rd listen.
High 4.
Dec 23 2024
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461 Ocean Boulevard
Eric Clapton
Oh boy! Another album from Eric "I wish I had more time to be racist" Clapton. And what a surprise, it sounds like ass. If you're going to steal your entire career from black musicians at least steal some good guitar tones, because this first song sounds like dog turds, what a terrible riff. Also I don't know if he is singing or not but the voice is super weak.
I've never understood the argument for clapton being a good guitarist. He just takes what people before him did, but then plays it in the most boring way possible. This album legit sounds like something that would have came out in 1968.
Track 2, 3, and 4 all sound the exact same (boring!). But for real, why would you frontload your album with slow barely songs that have the same riff.
Oooooohh, I see what's going on here. I forgot I Shot the Sheriff was on this album. Clapton discovered reggae and thought he could just steal that too. What an idiot.
The only positives I can give this album are that it is short and Please Be With Me sounds like an actual song.
I wonder what other song starts with the words "Let it ___" that inspired Clapton to rip off, I mean write, Let It Grow.
I think I went about 100ish albums in a row since my last 1, but I'll happily break my streak for this.
Low 1.
Dec 24 2024
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At Folsom Prison
Johnny Cash
Johnny Cash is a great performer, and does such a good job working the audience. He just has so much charisma.
I don't know if this is a popular opinion or not, but I think I like San Quinton better. I think he just played more up beat songs at that one, and had more variety.
Very high 4.
Dec 25 2024
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The Bends
This album takes the more straight forward rock of Pablo Honey and greatly expands on it with better song writing and lusher instrumentals.
I sometimes wish Radiohead would return to this style of music because there are some all time bangers on this album such as Fake Plastic Trees and Street Spirit. I also think Nice Dream may be the most underrated Radiohead song.
Just is also a banger.
For those who don't know My Iron Lung is about their song Creep and how people were calling them 1 hit wonders
High 5
Dec 26 2024
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A Christmas Gift For You From Phil Spector
Various Artists
I've reach the point in my life where Rat Pack Christmas music is the only Christmas music I can still stand. This album is fine, and has some of the best renditions of certain songs, but it also has some clunkers.
Red Water (Christmas Mourning) by Type O Negative is my all time favorite Christmas song for anyone wondering. Check it out if you like dark Gothic music.
Mid 3.
Dec 27 2024
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Highway 61 Revisited
Bob Dylan
I'm not the biggest Dylan fan, but this album is fine. There is some good songwriting. I don't really have much to say besides that.
Low 4.
Dec 28 2024
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Michael Kiwanuka
I feel like what this list chose to represent the last 5ish years of music has been pretty lackluster. However, this album seems to be the exception. Very artsy, great instrumentation, and no 2 songs sound alike.
I went in with low expectations, but came out pretty surprised. It's really hard to describe this album it's kind of retro through back soul and jazz, but also kind of shoegaze and rock, and just a hint of electronic and dance.
High 4.
Dec 29 2024
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Follow The Leader
So, this is a very weird album to include on the list. It is technically thier highest selling album, and probably their most popular, but ask any korn fan, and I don't think any of them will say this is their favorite. Personally this is my 3rd of 4th favorite korn album behind their debut, Life Is Peachy and maybe Issues. If you were to include any korn album on this list I think the debut would make the most sense being that it birthed the nu metal movement.
When listening to this album I always skip All In The Family (the album is 10x better when you do), but I actually just got the vinyl for Christmas so I guess I'll listen to the whole thing. Okay it's been a while since I've listen to that and it was worse than I remembered. I draw the line at limp bizkit.
The biggest downside to this album is the hip hop tracks, some of them just aren't that good, but I've grown to enjoy them for what they are. There are also some really good riffs and break downs throughout this album.
Pretty is a really messed up song, so look up the backstory if your into that kind of stuff.
Korn also puts on a pretty good live show if you ever get the chance to see them.
I understand why this is rated so low, I just think this music has a fun blend of funk, metal, riffs to headband too, and singable choruses. What I'm trying to say is that this is just a stupid fun album.
Low 5.
Dec 30 2024
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Mariah Carey
Oh boy another pop album of the CD era that is 20 minutes too long, just because they could. I strongly believe no pop album should be over 45 minutes unless you have an artistic point to make, or these are the strongest pop songs ever written. These are not the strongest pop songs ever written. I swear anytime something is described as "adult contemporary" what they really mean is "this is the most boring album ever and we have no other way of describing it that makes it sound good".
Wow Mariah, you sure practiced your scales, now try to stick to one note and then write a memorable melody that will stick with the listener, because ever song sounds the same here. Mild tempo lofi r&b groove and then someone showing off all the scales they know. It doesn't really make for great music.
Ok, so this isn't the worst album ever, it is "listenable" but tracks 2-12 are barely songs that never get start. Like for real is there a single chorus or bridge, it felt like every song just looped the verse for 5 minutes. I also started to get a headache by the end. How did you make a Prince song sound boring!!!
High 1.
Dec 31 2024
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Bridge Over Troubled Water
Simon & Garfunkel
This is my first time listening to Simon and Garfunkel, and idk I guess I expected more. It is fine, but a lot of these songs sound really lame. They aren't bad, but they just sound really cheesy.
There is definitely stuff to enjoy here, and I can see why people like it, but this album just isn't for me.
High 3.
Jan 01 2025
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We're Only In It For The Money
The Mothers Of Invention
I forget the name of the last Zappa album I got (I think it was his debut), but I like this one a lot more. This is what I was expecting when I hear the name Frank Zappa. Very strange album, but honestly not that bad, and surprisingly flows together really well.
I like all the weird experimental stuff, and I still think the more straightforward British invasion sounding parts are the worst and dated. It is crazy this album came out in 1968.
Weird way to end the year.
High 3.
Jan 02 2025
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Urban Hymns
The Verve
The drop off in quality between Bittersweet Symphony and the rest of the album is absurd. I can't believe they wrote one off the most timeless greatest singles of all time and then 12 throwaway wannabe Oasis songs. Also the lyrics in The Drugs Don't Work are really lazy and cringe.
I think its fair to compare this album to Pablo Honey. One really strong hit and then a bunch of generic 90's songs that are fine. He also kinda sounds like Thom Yorke.
Also this album does not earn its length.
Mid 3.
Jan 03 2025
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The Message
Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five
This album stared out super strong and was even considering giving it a 5. The first two songs are funky and a lot of fun, and I love any song that samples Genius Of Love. Track three was fine and reminded me of Robot Rock by Daft Punk. But then track four was really lame. And track 5 was a pretty bad ode to Stevie Wonder, and then track 6 is a wannabe Stevie Wonder song. At this point they really lost me. The message is good and the last song with all the samples was fun, but at this point I think the album is too flawed to gain any points.
High 3.
Jan 04 2025
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Great grooves, great guitar playing, and great rhythm section. Just an all around great album.
One of my favorite gags in the Big Lebowski is when it hard cuts to them in their beat up car eating in and out burger and Oye Como Va is playing.
High 5.
Jan 05 2025
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Music For The Jilted Generation
The Prodigy
Nowhere near as good as Fat of the Land, but as far as Electronic music goes, this is still pretty good.
Mid 4.
Jan 06 2025
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Look, I love weird music and I love noise so I appreciate those aspects, but these songs are just annoying.
The only song that wasn't annoying was Paper Planes and that's because Straight To Hell (the sample) is my favorite Clash song.
I feel bad giving this one a 1 because it's very unique, but on a scale of every album on this list, this is one of my least favorites so far. I see why people would like this, but it is not for me. I had to skip a few songs, because they were giving me a headache.
High 1.
Jan 07 2025
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The Who
Ok, so you have to understand that I think The Who are one of the most overrated bands of the 60's and a pretty lame band, and those horns on the Overture are not helping, but I guess here we go.
I do appreciate that the songs flow together, but I guess it is easy when most of the songs kind of sound the same. A lot of these songs sound unfinished, they don't really have a hook or anything to really draw the listener in.
I guess I spoke too soon because Eyesight To The Blind and Christmas sound different, but they also sound really bad. who thought the "AH AH AH AH AH AH" was a good idea. We also could have done without Fiddle About. PINBALL WIZARD COMES AFTER FIDDLE ABOUT!?!?! WHAT IS THE STORY AGAIN?!?!? HUUH???
This album has a very ambitious idea, but I think the music suffer for the sake of the story, which makes the actual album pretty flawed. In order to tell their story a lot of the songs just end up feeling really bland or unfinished.
The Who weren't able to break their accusations of being lame.
High 2.
Jan 08 2025
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Ocean Rain
Echo And The Bunnymen
The Killing Moon is an all time favorite song of mine, but besides that nothing here really comes close. Personally I think Porcupine was a much stronger and more consistent album. The melodies here feel a little lacking.
Mid 4.
Jan 09 2025
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Off The Wall
Michael Jackson
Very groovy album, I really like the bass sound. The hits are great, everything else is good. I've never found a Michael Jackson ballad that I've enjoyed so Girlfriend and She's Out of My Life are my least favorite songs here.
Mid 4.
Jan 10 2025
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I don't know, I guess this album is too British for me to understand it or something, because this album just sounds really boring to me. The songs just kind of meander around and he isn't a very captivating singer, so there isn't really much going for this album.
If I wanted to listen to this type of music I would just pick Tears for Fears, since their songwriting is infinitely better (and they have a nice voice).
I really had to stop myself some skipping some of these songs.
Mid 2.
Jan 11 2025
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Stevie Wonder
There really is no comparison to classic Stevie, he is in a class of his own. Such a great singer and songwriter, and a lot more funky songs on here than I expected.
High 5.
Jan 12 2025
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The Rolling Stones
The Rolling Stones
The problem with the Rolling Stones is that everything that isn't a hit is just ok (especially their early works), and this album has no hits, so it is just okay. It's more enjoyable than I thought it would be, but it is just fine.
Mid 3.
Jan 13 2025
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New Boots And Panties
Ian Dury
I know nothing about who wrote the original book, but albums like this makes me sure this guy was from the UK, because no one else would have ever picked this album. I mean it's fine, its a little too British/weird, but it isn't bad necessarily.
No idea why I NEEDED to listen to this one before I died. This will be completely forgotten in a week.
Low 3.
Jan 14 2025
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If You Can Believe Your Eyes & Ears
The Mamas & The Papas
This is a pretty good album, but just not my taste. It is fine, and that's about it.
High 3.
Jan 15 2025
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David Bowie
It is so hard to pick a favorite Bowie album, there are so many classics. Some days I think it's Ziggy Stardust or Station to Station, and others I think it's Heroes or Low, but I also really like Young Americans and Scary Monsters.
Anyways, the song heroes is one of the most timeless songs, Beauty and the Beast is a banger, and then there is side 2. I love all of the instrumental tracks on this album, they are so eerie.
High 5.
Jan 16 2025
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Ready To Die
The Notorious B.I.G.
Such a great voice and flow, it really is a shame he died so young. It is kind of weird how much he talks about dying on this album. The beats on this album are also really great and groovy.
Mid 5.
Jan 17 2025
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Q: Are We Not Men? A: We Are Devo
"Play Whip it!" "No. Play the other one."
DEVO are a weird band, and I love strange music. He almost has a David Byrne quality to his voice which I like. A lot of these songs have very funky (in both meanings of the word) beats.
A short and strange album.
Low 4.
Jan 18 2025
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To Pimp A Butterfly
Kendrick Lamar
For Free? is just a Geordie Greep song.
I know people love this album and its one of the highest rated on RYM, but I just don't like his voice. It is just too high pitched and nasally for me. I think I would like this album so much more if anyone else was rapping. The beats and production are great though, some really creative ideas.
I was also ready for this album to end around the 50 minute mark.
low 4.
Jan 19 2025
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Hot Rats
Frank Zappa
I was not expecting an almost instrumental chaotic jazz album, but it was still pretty good. I think I'm going to need to give this one another listen to full appreciate it.
Mid 4.
Jan 20 2025
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Water From An Ancient Well
Abdullah Ibrahim
Much like the Wikipedia blurb I don't have much to say about this one. It is jazz, and it doesn't seem that deep or complex. Nothing on it is bad but nothing on it is really that engaging either.
There is a lot better jazz albums out there.
High 3.
Jan 21 2025
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With The Beatles
I've never been a huge fan of the early Beatles. It is still a good album (especially for 1963), but there are only a couple of songs that I really care about here.
I think this one is right on the edge between a 3 and a 4 and leaning towards a 3, but it just feels wrong to give the Beatles a 3. I guess it is close enough that it can be rounded up to a 4.
Low 4.
Jan 22 2025
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The Last Of The True Believers
Nanci Griffith
I'm sorry I just can't stand country music. I'm also not really sure why this album was picked, it is pretty average for country and it seems like she only had a handful of minor hits.
This album is more boring than it is unlistenable. This is also the longest 36 minute long album of all time.
Low 2.
Jan 23 2025
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Scott 4
Scott Walker
The orchestral arrangements here are truly great and seem very ahead of their time. The song writing here is also very good.
Last year Beck did a tour with an orchestra and he played 2 or 3 songs from Scott Walker, and this was my first exposure to him. I'm glad to have finally listened to one of his albums.
Low 4.
Jan 24 2025
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Rings Around The World
Super Furry Animals
This album is a lot more interesting than their other album on this list, but I'm still not super crazy about it. Something about his voice and the melodies he chooses is just a little too cheesy/cringy for me. A very creative album and a step up both song writing and production wise from their other album on this list.
Also its Death Metal influence is highly exaggerated, which is a bummer.
High 3.
Jan 25 2025
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After The Gold Rush
Neil Young
Definitely one of Neil Young's better albums, short and sweet.
Mid 4.
Jan 26 2025
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Close To The Edge
I'm not much of a prog guy, but this is some really good prog.
High 4.
Jan 27 2025
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Sisters Of Mercy
I've really come to appreciate goth music these last couple of years, and this here is some really good goth music. He has a really great voice, it reminds me a lot of David Bowie.
These guys were at the first Sick New World, now I feel a little bummed that I missed them, but I think they were on at the same time as System Of A Down.
Low 5.
Jan 28 2025
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Appetite For Destruction
Guns N' Roses
I was a pretty big fan of Guns N Roses back in Highschool, which meant that I only listened to the singles so this is my first time listening to this album as a whole.
First off, I just can't stand the singles anymore. Whenever I turn my car on it defaults to the radio before my phone connects and I swear 50% of the time it's one of these 3 singles and I just can't stand them anymore. Especially Sweet Child O' Mine; I'm going to lose it if I hear another cover band play this song.
The deep cuts are fine, but don't really change my opinion on GnR. They are one of the best Hair Metal bands, but I just can't stand Hair Metal anymore.
This would probably be a low 4 if I wasn't so sick of the singles. It's also funny how almost every single 5 I see talks about how they listened to it as a teenager, or how it is nostalgic to them.
Mid 3.
Jan 29 2025
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Chocolate Starfish And The Hot Dog Flavored Water
Limp Bizkit
So there are two sides to Nu Metal. There is the dark, creepy, more groovy side made by outsiders like Korn, Coal Chamber, Kittie, etc. And then there is the "dude bro" frat guy side like Limp Bizkit, Papa Roach, and Trapt that feel more like they are trying to capitalize on the success of Korn.
Now, I love the outsider side of Nu Metal (I gave the Korn album a 5 recently), but I can't stand this side of Nu Metal and it really gives the whole genre a bad name. I guess that's enough stalling and I should finally listen to this album.
So, Fred Durst is obviously the worst part of this album. He has one of the most annoying voices in music, and his lyrics are cringe. However, the band themselves are actually pretty good (for the most part). Like if Chester Bennington was singing instead (with his own lyrics), this would probably be a top tier Linkin Park Album. I like the guitar tone, and the riffs are very interesting and have a good grove.
Look I hate Fred Durst as much as the next guy, but this album is over hated, there is some decent stuff here, and I don't feel like ever one is giving it a fair shot.
Also, this album is actually interesting and unique. I'd rather get 100 more albums like this than anything ever related to The Byrds ever again. I'd give this a 2 on normal circumstances, but I feel like it deserves a small bump.
At least Scott Weiland appeared somewhere on this list...
Low 3.
Jan 30 2025
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Queen Of Denmark
John Grant
I swear every time I see this cover I think it's Jerma.
This album is fine, not much really stands out though. His voice kind of reminds me of Beck, but he lacks the lyrical chops and interesting compositions. I'm not really sure why this album was included either. It doesn't look like it was a huge success, had that much influence, or is historically significant. This just feels like they were grasping at straws to include an album for 2010 (and if that's the case I'm pissed that This Is Happening didn't make the cut).
WOAH?!?!? can he say that word (I get what he was going for, but I just didn't expect that)???? I zoned out by that point and somehow caught that lyric and had to doubletake.
Low 3.
Jan 31 2025
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Apple Venus Volume 1
Wow, that first song gave me a headache and now it's going to be hard to listen to the rest of this album. There are some interesting orchestral arrangements every now and then, but most of the album is just really cheesy.
Why is every song on Spotify marked as explicit? I don't think they swore once. I guess he spelled it out.
This is one of those albums I wish I could rate with 1/2 stars, because this is the ideal middle of the road 2.5.
Low 3.
Feb 01 2025
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Cloud Nine
The Temptations
Not much to say about this one, just a sweet blend of funk and soul.
Low 4.
Feb 02 2025
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Ray Of Light
I really like trip hop and I had no idea Madonna made this type of music, so that was a surprise. I really liked the first song, but then ever other song just felt like lesser versions of that song. Nothing was bad, and the production was great throughout, but few songs stood out.
High 3.
Feb 03 2025
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Remain In Light
Talking Heads
And it makes me so upset that Speaking In Tongues and Stop Making Sense aren't on this list. Especially Stop Making Sense since it is one of the most critically acclaimed live events of all time, and there are plenty of subpar live albums here. Like who really cares about a live Cheap Trick album...
Anyways, this album is so much fun. Great grooves, infectious melodies, and great song writing throughout. It is impossible not to sing along to the "I'm still waiting" part of Crosseyed and Painless. And don't get me started about that chorus melody.
I know people don't like the 2nd half of this album as much but I love how it ends on a slow and creepy song, idk why but it just ties the album together in a really weird way for me.
High 5!!!
Feb 04 2025
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Sufjan Stevens
Indie singer songwriter is a genre that does next to nothing for me. It is always just fine, nothing more nothing less. This is definitely one of the better ones out there, but still this album goes on for too long, and a lot of the songs kind of sound the same. I do like the horns though, that was a nice touch.
High 3.
Feb 05 2025
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Surf's Up
The Beach Boys
This album cover is too cool for how corny this album is...
Kind of a lame album, there is a decent moment here or there, but for the most part this is kind of a dud.
Low 3.
Feb 06 2025
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Meat Is Murder
The Smiths
I'm a pretty big Smith's fan (I can separate artist from art on this one), but I think this is one of their weaker albums. It is still really good and I love the title track, The Headmaster Ritual, and That Joke Isn't Funny Anymore, but everything else is a little forgettable but not bad in any way.
Johnny Marr really is the standout on this album (he and Andy carry this band).
High 4.
Feb 07 2025
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Let Love Rule
Lenny Kravitz
A fine album. A lot of the songs feel like they are a few BPM too slow though.
This one definitely feels like filler. There are plenty of other albums that deserve this spot over this album.
Mid 3.
Feb 08 2025
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Younger Than Yesterday
The Byrds
Well well well... if it isn't my arch nemesis of this list the mf Byrds. These guys wouldn't be living rent free in my mind if they didn't have like 15 albums on this list (including solo and other related bands). If they only had 1-3 I would say "that was kind of bland" and then move on and forget about them. BUT THEY JUST KEEP COMING BACK. Ok time to talk about this album.
This is by far thier best one yet (still not great), there is actual experimentation and some unique ideas. Overall it is still pretty boring, but atleast it isn't mindless country yet.
Nevermind as soon as I typed that they started playing country...
The second half of this album loses anything that made the first half interesting and becomes a slog that will never end.
Mid 2.
Feb 09 2025
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The Contino Sessions
Death In Vegas
I thought this would be a lot worse based off of the reviews, but it honestly isn't that bad. I think this is one of the better electronic albums on this list. It's a lot more interesting than that Shaman (or whatever they were called) album.
Very unique beats and instrumentation.
Low 4.
Feb 10 2025
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A Little Deeper
Ms. Dynamite
Ehh... I don't know. I mean it's passable, but it's also way too long and it feels like she thinks this album is a lot deeper than it actually is. Some of the lyrics give off I'm 14 and this is deep vibes.
I'm also not a huge fan of her voice.
High 2.
Feb 11 2025
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My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy
Kanye West
I have never listened to a Kanye album and I am 100% not going to start now.
This is a real bummer because I was really looking forward to listening to something new today. At least there is only one more certified nazi album I have to skip on this list (that I know of).
It is kind of strange that both Kanye albums I have gotten have been pretty soon after one of his major meltdowns. I can't wait to see what happens right before I get Yeezus.
Lowest 1 imaginable.
Feb 12 2025
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Metallica were the band that got me into metal back in high school, I don't listen to them as much anymore, but this has a lot of their biggest hits so it's good. I think one of the biggest problems with this is the mixing. The quiet parts sound really good, but the distorted guitars just seem mixed too low and the orchestra seems to be mixed too loud (poor Jason).
Low 4 (rounding up from a 3.5).
Feb 13 2025
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Physical Graffiti
Led Zeppelin
Kashmir is an all time best song, sadly nothing else on this album quite lives up too it. There are other great songs here though like Bron-Yr-Aur, Trampled Under Foot, and Houses of the Holy (which always bugged me that it was on this album).
My biggest problems with this album are that I am just not crazy about In My Time Of Dying, and In The Light and they are so long they just take up such a large chunk of the album. Also the second half has a lot of filler that are throwaway songs.
High 4.
Feb 14 2025
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Murder Ballads
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
Nick Cave is a very strange artist, it's really hard to describe what kind of music he makes. This is a very interesting album though, I really like the sonic pallets he creates. His voice fits very well with this kind of music too.
Mid 4.
Feb 15 2025
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Patti Smith
She is a very good lyricist, and songwriter; a lot of these songs have really cool climaxes and energy. Not much else to say about this one, just a very solid album.
Mid 4.
Feb 16 2025
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Giant Steps
The Boo Radleys
I am a big fan of noise rock and shoegaze, so this was a pleasant surprise. Not every song here is great and it does go on a tad too long, but I found plenty of songs I really enjoyed.
Mid 4.
Feb 17 2025
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Wow, what a great album. Super funky and groovy. All the tracks flow together really nicely too. Great production throughout too.
Low 5.
Feb 18 2025
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Electric Music For The Mind And Body
Country Joe & The Fish
As King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard fan, let me say that Country Joe and the Fish is terrible band name, especially if you don't even make country music.
This just sounds like early Frank Zappa without anything that makes it unique, interesting, or clever. This is going to be one of those albums I completely forget I listened to in about a week (looking back at my review a couple of hours later and I already forgot about it). It's not bad, it's just middle of the road 60's music. I also don't think this deserved a spot on this list.
Low 3.
Feb 19 2025
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I Never Loved a Man the Way I Love You
Aretha Franklin
A very solid Soul album. Not really much to say about this one.
Mid 4.
Feb 20 2025
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The Genius Of Ray Charles
Ray Charles
The first two songs are pretty fun, everything thing else is good at best, but it starts to get a little repetitive.
High 3.
Feb 21 2025
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Logical Progression
LTJ Bukem
IDK what the version on Spotify is, but wikipedia has a completely different tracklist, so I listened to a playlist on youtube that matched that tracklist.
First off, if we are doing compilation albums now too, there is no reason why Hatful of Hollow couldn't be on this list (it's my second favorite Smiths album). Secondly, on some other review someone said something about how this list keeps trying to push UK electronic artist, but the French and German ones keep blowing them out of the water, and that couldn't be more true. It's not like this one is bad, it is just pretty boring. It was basically designed to be background noise.
This album is also too long, and the 2nd half all sounds the same.
Mid 2.
Feb 22 2025
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Myths Of The Near Future
An interesting album that doesn't live up to its full potential. I like the noise elements and wish they fully committed to that sound, because the pop, indie rock, brit pop or whatever you want to call it elements are easy the worst part of this album. I feel like if they removed those popier elements I would have enjoyed this a lot more.
High 3.
Feb 23 2025
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Bad Company
Bad Company
It's the most classic rock of all of the classic rock albums. It is fine at best.
Mid 3.
Feb 24 2025
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Joan Baez
Joan Baez
A fine folk album. It does get a little repetitive as it goes on though.
Mid 3.
Feb 25 2025
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Head Hunters
Herbie Hancock
Easily my favorite Jazz album! It's just so funky and groovy that it's impossible to have a bad time while listening. That bass tone is legendary. I also love how slow they start playing Chameleon and then by the end of the song they are grooving so hard it's like 25-50 BPM faster then when they started.
High 5.
Feb 26 2025
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Very influential album, I can definitely hear how this influenced Bowie works such as Low and Heroes. The title track flew by a lot faster than I thought it would, it is very trancelike and has some really good production.
Low 4.
Feb 27 2025
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The Police
The first half of this has some stinkers (I don't think Mother is as bad as everyone makes it seem though), the second half has some great songs. Synchronicity II is probably my favorite Police song.
High 4.
Feb 28 2025
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Sunshine Hit Me
The Bees
I was going to start this review by making some snarky remark about how this list has too many weird British Bands no one outside of the UK has heard of and how you can tell that it is going to be a bland 3/5, but then I ended up really enjoying the first song. It is like a nice mix of indie rock and trip hop. But thankfully the rest of the album is pretty bland so I am able to keep some of the snark.
But for real though, this album does have some unique instrumentation and ideas, I just wish that they took those ideas further. Songs will start kind of strong and then just kind of linger and die. Like Binnel Bay for example has some really interesting percussion and then the vocals come in with an okay melody, and then it repeats and fades out.
Overall, this album has some potential, but doesn't make the most of it.
High 3.
Mar 01 2025
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For Your Pleasure
Roxy Music
It is pretty crazy this came out in 1973, it sounds like it is 10 years ahead of its time. This isn't the greatest music of all time (or even just Brian Eno), but it is good/fine and way ahead of it's time.
Low 4.
Mar 02 2025
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The Infotainment Scan
The Fall
Man... I love post punk and the 90's are my favorite decade of music, but I don't know if my summary at the end of this is going to represent that because this list keeps throwing out the most average and subpar albums of the 90's. Here's some great 90's albums this list didn't include: Toadies - Rubber Neck, Hum - You'd Prefer an Astronaut, Deftones - Around the Fur, Modest Mouse - Lonesome Crowded West, Faith No More - Angel Dust, or any of the Type O Negative albums just to name a few off the top of my head. I mean I know that some of these are not the most popular, BUT NEITHER IS THIS ALBUM!!! the only difference is that those albums aren't from the UK, because for some reason we need like 50 obscure UK bands instead of some massively influential genre defining American albums.
This album is fine, but it is pretty repetitive and doesn't push any new boundaries. Also the singer isn't that great.
Mid 3.
Mar 03 2025
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D.O.A. the Third and Final Report of Throbbing Gristle
Throbbing Gristle
I've seen enough video essays that bring up this band to know what I was getting into, and I remember trying to listen to them s couple years ago and thinking this was unlistenable. But I don't know, I kind of enjoyed this. You kind of have to think of it more as art than music. I also became a lot more of a fan of noise music in the past couple of years so that helped.
Realistically I think this is a high 3, but I'm going to give it a small bump for being really interesting, ahead of its time, and I want the kid rock album to be the lowest rated.
Low 4.
Mar 04 2025
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Rahul Dev Burman
I know very little about Indian music so I have no idea how culturally relevant, significant, or representative of Indian music it is. But this album is good and surprisingly funky at parts. I could do without the lyrics on One Two Cha Cha Cha though.
Mid 3.
Mar 05 2025
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Seventh Tree
This reminds me a lot of the new Beth Gibbons (Portishead) album that came out last year, just not as interesting. She has a nice voice, but some of the songs are just a little lacking.
High 3.
Mar 06 2025
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Birth Of The Cool
Miles Davis
A pretty solid Jazz album. I feel like it would be a lot better with fewer but longer songs like his later albums do. I don't think that 3 minutes is really enough time to explore this ideas thoroughly enough.
Low 4.
Mar 07 2025
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Blood On The Tracks
Bob Dylan
I'm not the biggest Dylan fan, but I think this is my favorite one so far.
Low 4.
Mar 08 2025
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Let It Bleed
The Rolling Stones
Both of the big hits on here are some of the best Stones songs, everything else is okay at best.
Mid 3.
Mar 09 2025
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The Young Rascals
A very forgettable, generic, by the numbers 60's album. Not even the little Wikipedia blurb has anything to say about this album. Every once and a while there is an interesting flute or horn part, but majority of the songwriting is pretty boring.
Low 3.
Mar 10 2025
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Jazz Samba
Stan Getz
Very chill album. Not much else to say about this one.
Mid 4.
Mar 11 2025
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Grizzly Bear
Most Indie music that came out after the turn of the century really doesn't do much for me, and this album has not changed my opinion. Once Indie became a genre instead of just being a label for independent artists, I really lost interest. None of it is bad, but it all just sounds the same now and I just find it really boring for the most part.
Every once in a while this album has a unique/interesting part, but a lot of this album ends up feeling the same especially after 8th or 9th track. I think it is the production that is really throwing me off here too. It seems a little over produced, like the underlying songs are good/fine, but the production on the more upbeat songs just makes it sound like generic radio music.
Mid 3.
Mar 12 2025
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The mere existence of this album on this list is surprising in so many ways,
1. This list actually has a really good (and somewhat niche) metal album
2. This list has a Sepultura album
3. This list actually has TWO Sepultura albums
4. And then for some reason they chose Arise over Chaos A.D.
I still love this album too but I think Chaos A.D. is a little more refined and it has bigger hits too.
Man I forgot how much this album rips. My favorite thing about this album is that whenever a song start to get boring or repetitive they add this crazy breakdown. I swear the second half of every song here is better than the first half.
Low 5.
Mar 13 2025
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The New Tango
Astor Piazzolla
Pleasant background music, but I have a couple of nitpicks with it. One, the vibraphone (marimba or whatever) is mixed too loud and it really pierces through the mix. Two, this album could be 15 minutes shorter. Three, a lot of the songs get a little repetitive and could be made a little bit tighter. But other than that this album is good.
Mid 3.