A Seat at the Table
SolangeLyrically was ok, musically it ended and spotify moved on to 4 different artist and I didn't even notice!
Lyrically was ok, musically it ended and spotify moved on to 4 different artist and I didn't even notice!
nah, not for me - figure this guy only had "higher love" and then there's a whole album without it on there, worries me that the other album will be in here too
pile of crap
Radio friendly, low end pop. Don’t see how something as beige as this makes it on to a list that needs to be heard before I die
Battery, damamg inc, Master of puppets - great album
a lot of chaff, come on eileen, more chaff no thanks
Some big hits on here, some of the filler songs did nothing though
Very different from everything else, could have done with being a wee bit shorter
really liked hanging garden, rest went by largely unnoticed
hated it
A lot more relaxed than I'd expected from a Springsteen album. Was a decent enough listen although I wouldn't go back and play again
upbeat, Rod Stewart can really belt it out, decent album
great way to wind down at the end of the day, so easy to listen to
why won't it end?? and then holy crap, Go West but it's 8 MINUTES LONG
Tuesday's Gone, Simple Man - what's not to like. And then FREE BIRD!!!!!
long album as his voice never leaves the same single tone but was good
didn't like it, could have easily been a single album, can't believe people will complain that jazz is the musician self-indulging but would listen to 2 discs of this
A pre-bedtime listen, chilled me out and had a great sleep, thanks Mr Coltrane!
darker than some of their other stuff, liked it better
more sexy sax than I've ever heard in a dire straits song before but enjoyed the album
Why this group exist escapes me, awful, can't give zero stars but hated every moment of this one
Up there with MJ for great pop music, not exactly my thing but defo a better listen than regular pop crud
boring, expected more from a group with sprouts in the title
better live, can't get into it at a desk
saffa jazz, super chill, loved it
didn't set the world alight
Meh, it's all bit all over the place and then, you know, Bohemian Rhapsody
Medieval funk rock, some of the songs (esp. Goodbye & hello itself) pricked my ears up as being very listenable, then the jesters and jousters get involved again and it loses me - switched off twice and went and listened to some zeppelin instead!
Enjoyed this, chilled vibe while delivering a hard hitting message
interesting, like the energy in this
great album, some hit songs on there. finishing on bold as love is superb
expected 60's stoner music, didn't expect to enjoy it as much as I did
fookin long winded, first song - roundabout, was decent, downhill from there
good album, not gonna enter heavy rotation but enjoyed it
Some of a little dated, most of it seems ahead of it's time though!
Much preferred to the other Cohen album on here, found this one a great listen
bit beige this one, didn't really do too much but the girls were screaming like crazy in between songs
What an album! 4 stars cos it's good and a bonus star as it's live and from the same year that Pretty Woman and She Love's you (Beatles) were topping the charts and this just blows them out of the water
background noise, didn't wow me
was expecting a drumming masterclass from Neil Peart that didn't materialise
liked this one, not going on heavy rotation anytime soon but was a decent listen
Didn't realise this was such a sedate album - kinda passed by without jumping out much
Not my favorites by Neil Young but was still decent
Just wanted it to end, didn't get the fuss when it came out, even less on board with it now!
loads of sings you can't help but already know, it's good, guitar solos are boring though
Typical Springsteen, toe tappable but not amazing
mad mad album, yet really liked it!
Rival sons-esque, liked it, gonna give some of their other stuff a whirl based off that album
she can really sing, some good songs on there, hadn't heard her windmills of your mind before - awesome
Chilled out, the album flew by without any real standout songs but also was more than happy listening to it
it's good for a couple of songs as it's very different and the bongo solos are awesome, but by the end it feels like just bongos and shouting
LOVE THE BEASTIES! Already high on list of albums I listen to so although was gonna try and be objective it's getting a 5
their early sound is great, really raw guitar sound
what an album! listened to it years back as it comes up on loads of "best album ever" rankings but didn't really get the fuss, glad this came up for another round today as I loved it
Hey Joe was great, interesting album but overall not for me
Much preferred to a night at the opera, gets an extra star for stone cold crazy - love that one
Awesome, sounds like the incredibles!
Dillon-esque, loving a bit of lou reed
some great tracks on here, Plant's voice and Page's guitar work are such a good combo
Super angry, raw sound, loved it
Surprisingly enjoyed more than I thought
always thought I quite liked T-Rex having heard a bunch of their bigger songs, turns out an album is too much for me!
Nice Beach boys sound, chilled but without the stand out songs of pet sounds
Battery, damamg inc, Master of puppets - great album
80s synth pop, very samey, extra star for little 15 which I LOVED!
pretty good christmas album as far as they go, it's not Shatner Claus though
Fantastic way to wind down after meetings before logging off for the day
Interesting, not for me
Love a bit of jam!
Lyrically was ok, musically it ended and spotify moved on to 4 different artist and I didn't even notice!
Had a deluxe edition, includes an instrumental of "cakes" - great song! Album is seriously chilled, just what I needed but not quite enough for that final star!
really liked this, had no idea what to expect, thought it was a jazz record at the start!
feels like one of those albums that influenced a million artists and/or a genre. enjoyed it a lot
liked this a lot
enjoyed a lot more than expected
was ok, nothing wow though - had an expectation that lyrically I would be really impressed but not really
Too jazzy for me, technically impressive stuff but couldn't find a flow to help me get into it
would never have listened without this list. Probably not going to listen to much more Marianne Faithful although I wouldn't count it out either, why'd ya do it is a great way to finish off the album.
feels like 2 albums, possibly due to time taken to write vs release date, loved the instrumental finish
This was great!
Only knew all the young dudes by these guys and that weren't even in here! liked it though
Great, chilled out start to the week, not going to listen to it again but was a nice way to kick the week off
Seemed like all the components were there but it just didn't kick on and hold at an interesting rhythm
good ol' US rock n roll, what's not to like?
never really got the Dylan hype, but this was great!
early days of prog rock? had some interesting moments but felt like it went on a bit
thought I'd enjoy this more than I did, became pretty much background noise, was toying with 2 stars and then "They don't go when I go" came in and made this a firm 3
Couldn't get into this at all
Not much in the way of lyrics, sounds like a soundtrack great listen though
awesome start to the day! will defo be listening again
standard 70s pop, sounds like one long song with pauses thrown in
Too funky for me! Maggot brain/Chant was the standout for me, second half of that song was great
Great album, enjoyed it even more as it was directly off the back of Funkadelic!
it's good, loses a star for a collab with McCartney Thriller itself still the standout
was ok, nothing amazing but not offensive to my ears either
not for me, too electro-80s for my liking
Can't put my finger on it, but really enjoyed this!
loved it, Slow ride - amazing
easy listening, easily forgotten though too I reckon
bit on the mad side, liked some of it but went on far too long
nice album, unfortunately in the wrong mood for something this gentle
some singles I knew, and can see why they were the singles, rest is circus fillers
If it were the movie, probably a 4, but as a soundtrack there's a lot of random filler going on
thought she was much more upbeat at least, wrist cutting music
HIPPIES!!! It was kinda alright as an end of week wind down, not gonna be getting payed again although didn't hate it
nice chilled vibe, enjoyed it
great way to wind down on a friday, definite second listen due
chilled out country and western, what's not to like!
wow - doesn't sound like a 70s album at all, that could have been released yesterday. Suddenly wondered why he was heavily sampling "Without you" before realising it's his song! Just about getting over that and he puts the lime in the coconut...BRAVO!
very much background noise, upbeat but forgettable
wasn't as crazy as I expected, went by quite unnoticed
Enjoyed the first third but man did they drag that album out!
Hippies! Was ok, 15 songs was about 10 too many though
Love his voice, wouldn't go winning any singing competitions but has found a sound and style that really compliments it
just awful
really enjoyed this one, Hurt gets a hell of a lot of press but there's some great covers on here
Loved "couldn't believe it was true" good background music but not blown away
was ok as background noise while working, my version had some demo tapped on the end that sounded great
her voice is great, such a great fit with the music
not for me
nope, more 70s vanilla meh
nah, not for me
meh, went on a fair bit
odd, but had some songs I really liked, Cold war especially jumped out
Loved it, powerful playing, raw sound, aged well
Liked "if it takes all night" especially, overall was alreet
pile of crap
didn't realise it had finished and moved on to other albums, very much background noise
good, think the album art is more iconic than the music though
super hilled and really enjoyed
can see why school's out is the only one anyone has heard off this album, very different to the rest of the album, enjoyed the last 2 songs but not great overall
Bit too hippyish for me
one of those I'm sure has seriously influenced some artists down the year but is a little left behind now. Thankful at the end was a great way to finish an album
As far as a pop album goes, this has to be unbeatable, every song was a single!
can see why the hits were the hits, rest is very repetitive filler
Was ok, but went on for too many songs
much preferred to a night at the opera, without any real huge hits this still felt much more like classic queen
Sad but true still my favourite on this album. It’s good, the drumming is infuriatingly dull though
nice, chilled out, folksy vibe. Enjoyed this one over a coffee
was ok, too radio friendly for my liking
Never heard wasted time before, soppy as hell but a great song!
Sounded like the artist has a bunch of different mates who agreed to do a song each and they all have a different sound, songs were all over the place. Couldn’t get into it
Reptile, eraser, heresy - what an album this is.
So many hits on this, gets an extra star just for the chain but loses one for oh daddy.
Sam stone and pretty good are awesome. Not a huge fan of country but this really gets the toes tapping
Quite like the 2 “blues” songs, album a bit too sedate for my liking, kinda expected from Paul Simon though
Enjoyed this, thought it’d have had a few of their bigger hits on it but had only heard one track before today
Never listened to this before, expected quite a bit due to its timelessness, it did not disappoint! Upbeat, sounds great today so must have blown people away in ‘79
Frankie teardrop was mad but I liked it, kinda sums up the album
Sunshine of your love stands out a mile on here, liked the last 2 songs too “take it back” and “mothers lament”, last song jumps out as very different to the rest
Couple of the songs on here were brutal! Was a long album of similar sounding songs but defo some stand outs, they’re hanging me tonight and the hanging tree I really enjoyed.
Too folksy for me to really get into
really slow album, finishes well with Mrs Robinson and Hazy shade of winter, not too bad if looking to chill out I gess
Not listened to any Ryan Adams before, not likely to happen again intentionally, too radio safe for me. Some of the songs had a stones sound to them, these were better, but the album on the whole, not for me
Enjoyed the vocal on this, album a bit mad but worked because of it
Not for me, too soft
Great! Easy listening, solid guitars and a great tempo end to end
Sedate album but undeniably great, where the bass line for Eternal life comes from on this album I’ll never know
As soon as you hear it you know the artist, nothing like it even after all this time, 30 mins of madness and I loved it
gets an extra star for frontier psychiatrist, rest of the album felt like background noise as it has no flow
not sure I'd ever listened to this entire album before and think I preferred to whats the story
some of their biggest hits on here, the Bon Jovi fans must have lost their minds when this came out, felt like an extended end to a night in a club cheese room though
Feels like coffee shop background music, easy to have on in the background but not going to seek it out for another listen
Awful, tried the entire time to figure out how this would work live and had to concede it simply wouldn’t. Repetitive with nothing to catch my attention anywhere in the album
Found this instantly forgettable, much preferred the previous album on the list
Enjoyed this, not listened to much prolonged Rod previously, really liked “That’s alright”
What an album! Super chilled, really enjoyed from start to end, strong beat in the background keeping it going the whole way and just zoned out into it, defo listening again
I know it’s a Radiohead album, but I was just waiting for it to get going/kick off, the slow stuff is very good but needs at least a couple of more up tempo songs to break it up for the extra star
I guess the loop music was more innovative when Moby did it, but for me is very quickly incredibly repetitive. Again couldn’t understand how this would work in a live setting
This is a really tough one to rate, first half of the album I was wondering if I could listen to all of it, by the end I was kind of embracing its madness and enjoying what rhythmic music there was to enjoy - that said I do feel the second was more “musical” than the first. Was going to give a 2 but as I will defo listen again, purely out of curiosity, have gone one higher
Good for a few songs, very similar throughout though, liked the last song the most
Upbeat, pop friendly, just a Billy Joel album. Didn’t know “Just the way you are” is a Billy Joel original though
She can really sing, but album felt very reserved and with her holding back, was ok but felt like it was dragging
Good to get back to an album by a proper band again, largely forgettable, liked the 2 singer setup
Theme tune is 5 star, the rest does sound like background music to a movie and isn’t as engaging, was still a good listen and was good that a lot was instrumental
listened to it twice, simply loved the tone of her voice. Musically was ok, not much to get you jumping up and down but vocally I loved it
Superb! Full of funk and soul, was let down a little by the previous Isaac Hayes entry and this more than made up for it, never heard a version of walk on by like this one, assume no-one has done it like this since cos it just wouldn't get close
Proper hippy music, no rhythm to get behind, not for me
Radio friendly, low end pop. Don’t see how something as beige as this makes it on to a list that needs to be heard before I die
Better than expected, enjoyed The end and come together is a great track too.
Essentially the same song on repeat, it’s ok but best kept to the odd song popping up on a best of album somewhere
Was alright, pretty chilled rap with a decent bass line throughout, nothing jumped out at me though
Surprised a second album from this lot was on the list, this album was better than MBV but still found it boring
Listened to it 3 times round! Feel like studio time is slightly wasted on these guys as sounds like a garage and a 4 track, but think overall it’s better for it.
There are two five star things about this album - the end, and the fact that it’s not on Spotify so there’s no chance I’ll ever have to put up with it again, utter drivel- seemed like the artist had to put out an album to have an elongated whinge
Really nice relaxing tone to her voice, enjoyed listening to the album even though nothing like my style of music, but unlikely to listen again
Enjoyed the energy. Felt a little dated, probably due to the number of covers of their songs down the years, but still liked it
Was ok without being all that good, didn’t really find anything in here that blew me away
Just don’t get him as an artist, odd song is ok but very whiny style really grates over a whole album
Goo and Cinderella jumped out, look thing is a classic I’ve heard a million times. Sound is still raw and fresh for a 30+ year old album.
Was ok, seemed like slightly more upbeat lift music to me
Not a list of their greatest hits but a really good album, liked the flow between songs and then snowblind pops up in the middle as a great track
Has something of a Jeff Buckley vibe without actually ever getting very good, instantly forgettable
Started off too poppy for me but was kinda liking it by the end
Sounds a little dated in places but still a strong album
Great energy, guitar work and drums throughout, already loved this album so review maybe a touch biased
Nah, not for me this one, nothing in the musical side of it caught my ear and the rapping seemed pretty generic
What an album, so much energy from start to finish, some of their best songs and then Three Days which is one of my favourite songs of all time, shame I can only give 5 stars, want more!
Milk it, up there as one of my fave nirvana songs. Album is great, prefer the raw sound over nevermind, arguably doesn’t have as many big songs although depending on my mood I think it’s their best album
Can see why heroes was the big single, second half of the album was essentially self indulgent poor quality jazz.
Was going for 2 star unnoticeable background noise but the last few songs really dragged out and I ended up really not enjoying it
Passed by quickly enough, was an interesting fusion of Indian and Western music at points, although overall not for me.
Old school crooner pop music but I kinda enjoyed it
Harvester of sorrow, what a track. there's some cheesy bits like the start to frayed ends and One is the track everyone goes on about, but it's a great album throughout
it's not bleach, and I always approach it thinking it suffers from too many people overplaying it and therefore I want to like it less, but it's an absolute banger
Was fine as background music, loopy and a little hooky but nothing amazing
This was great, the sound is still really raw and while Holiday in Cambodia takes all the plaudits kill the poor, lynch the landlord and Cali Uber alles all jump out too
Liked the sound, really like the guitars of the grunge era, something so clear was fave song on this one, will check out more by the artist whilst prob not putting this on again anytime soon
Punches itself out in the second half, take your mama and filthy I remember as the big singles, felt like the grand return of disco, really like their version of comfortably numb as it’s so different
Tone of his voice is really nice, really slow album overall, was ok as background noise though
Didn’t like this at all, one of those where I was wondering why it’s on this list and when it would be done
Funky and kinda cool but not as good as the Isaac hayes shaft album from earlier, loved Freddie’s dead, no idea the Fishbone song was actually a cover!
Sounded like a western soundtrack missed with Jazz, not the greatest, wouldn’t go back for another listen
This totally went by without anything of note for me, background inoffensive music and nothing more
Went into this convinced I wouldn’t like it, not a fan of the start or end of the album but kinda liked the middle bit, like the sound of the singers voice when he’s going for it properly
Very jazzy but enjoyed for the most part, not going to listen to other albums but would put this on again
First half was a little sedate with old pop songs but really liked the second half oh sweet Mary and ball and chain jumped out
The sound quality for a 63 live album blew me away, liked his energy and his voice was superb, musically not so strong an album for me
Heavy pink Floyd vibes, some of the final songs really felt like they dragged out, would listen to more of their stuff though
Liked the strong bass lines, felt very 80s and mostly just passed by without much to note
Stairway is a standout but also has battle of evermore, black dog, going to California and to finish on when the levee breaks - what an album, still sounds great today
Was ok for a few songs but seriously dragged when getting out to songs 11/12
decent album to start the week cos it's generally quite uplifting, even if a USA-fest. Some of his bigger hits on this one, i can see why it's on the list although musically it's not a masterclass
went in with expectations and got really let down! Album is much more instrumental than I thought it would be and sounded almost more in the prog-rock space, felt really drawn out
Not exactly my type of music, but this was good, the singles jump out at you right away but even the filler songs have a lot going on with them really liked Serial Thrilla
What a load of shite Singing is poor, music seems to be without any sort of hook, just wanted it to finish
Really enjoyed this, sounds really old but his tone and the tempo are great - will listen to more by this artist
Good in the background, really soothing although musically nothing was jumping out
too folksy for me, can only take so many flute solos per hour and this pushed it too far
nice enough to have on in the background without anything particularly to note musically - wouldn't bother again
Don't mind a bit of disco, thankfully this didn't drag on too long so I finished the album and it didn't feel like a slog. Really liked "you're a friend to me" - much slower than the rest of the album and was a real nice way to change it up
Really liked this, only half an hour so didn't drag out, first half has a real funk vibe to it and then it slows down in the second half, actually think "first time ever" is one of the weaker songs on here, really liked mother nature though - not likely to listen again though
Love this album, Bobo on the corner and sabrosa are faves of mine. While sabotage is simply genius
Not for me at all, looping dance music that feels like each song could easily be 30 long instead of 4-5 minutes
Super chilled, really enjoyed this, nothing standout about it but interesting enough that having it on in the background I'd stop to check it out
Chilled out and easy to listen to
not for me, singer takes over the sound and it's all in the same tone throughout so sounds like one song on repeat - that said I did enjoy it more than I thought I would
Expected to hate it, wasn't too bad actually, as a trio they harmonise really well which I find much more listenable than just Beyonce trailing off solo
Interesting album, seemed like an updated Kate Bush, not going to be listening to it again but glad I've heard it
While there are some really good songs on here I just can't get into their general sound which I find too slow and depressing
Technically superb, listened to it twice to try and take it all in, although unlikely to listen again in future
quite optimistic with the opening few songs, but quickly became a standard radiohead album for me- vocally can be great in places but spends most of the time slow and dreary
I found nothing to like about this one, except when it was over, couldn't tell if it was country, folk or jazz but it didn't do any of it well
largely passed me by without much to note
Started ok, but didn’t ever seem to get going
kinda crap, didn't hear a single song I'd recommend and thought more of the songs seemed to edge toward the folk angle than their bigger hits which are much more listenable
decent, always liked them musically but personally can't take a whole album of that vocal
interesting but repetitive, probably much much better when in a club
Interesting sound, some of the hooks are pretty good too, although nothing stands out as musically challenging
actually really enjoyed this one, only good for background music but would possibly actually put it on again
enjoyed this more than I thought I would to start off with, but found it got tiresome really quickly and was so glad it was done by the last song
Enjoyed as an album in background, feels stronger than a 3 but defo not a 4
Don’t see how this makes it into this sort of list, very forgettable pop music, I couldn’t find anything to like
this was excellent, so listenable, chilled out and doesn't sound dated at all
just a load of noises, didn't seem to follow any real format, wasn't bothered by it but wouldn't listen to anymore by the artist either
absolutely loved it, the energy is great and he really goes for it on the vocals, then backs up up with super slick guitar work - listened twice and will again
Eleanor Rigby I do love, and has some other of their bigger tracks on it, but was fairly forgettable in my opinion
didn't like the first half, kinda grew on me, not gonna listen again
Great album, will defo listen again - so surreal that someone would be able to go and play a concert in a prison - especially with songs written about the prison he's performing in
was alright, funky but you can see why the songs that became singles got picked as such, not gonna listen again
Very accessible so far as jazz goes, really liked it
didn't seem anything too musically amazing here, but also really enjoyed it as something to chill to
totally on here due to "Novocaine" but still a decent album, good for toe tapping background music
Interesting, a bit mad but I kinda liked it - gave some of their other stuff an extra listen but wasn't so hot on listening to too much in one go
Really enjoyed the energy in this, couple of the songs went on a little too long but enjoyed the big drum solo at the end
Much too slow for my liking, not exactly sure why it's actually on this list, although I wasn't begging it to end, just not a fan
Nope, didn’t like, odd, vocals mental
Was ok, glad to have it in the background as not my type of music, but was listenable while doing other stuff, not gonna listen again though
Double album was a lot too much Stevie Wonder for me, was ok but dragged too much
Why so many short songs, literally a 4 second song on here, breaks up the album too much for me, actually quite liked Seige of power and Scum, longest 2 songs on the album, rest felt too stop/start for me
Wasn't amazing but really liked the energy, will check out other albums by the same artist
Barely noticed this as it passed me by, except American Girl which is a great track
expected more, it was ok without ever really making my ears prick up
Meh, didn't offend but nothing really stood out either
pretty good - baba o'riley is a cracker and My Wife was decent too
Really good, would have loved to have seen this live
California Dreamin jumps out obviously, otherwise I thought the album was pretty basic and suffered a little with dating, the sound not being all that polished. Glad to give it a listen but not going back
Was good, some big songs on there, although the sound of the organ was starting to grate a little by the end
Damn, she can really sing! very mellow album, it's "nice" but didn't blow me away
really liked this, super chilled as expected and just really listenable
Vocally she's amazing, musically it's absolutely not for me
Just a great album, not sure how the singles became the singles as I prefer a lot of the album tracks but even having it on in the background it keeps pulling you back in
liked this a lot, still sounded great even though I feel the other albums in this genre haven't aged all that well
Fast car earns this an extra star, the rest of the album went by largely unnoticed, liked that it was chilled but not gonna rush back to it
was ok, very samey though
Found this slightly odd but really listenable - not sure I'd go nuts on playing this one again but will check out more by the artist for sure
it's a decent pop album, still not for me
meh, title track prob only reason this album is in the list - I didn't even think it was very good as a hip-hop album
I thought "the dangling conversation" was a Dillon track! totally radio friendly and easy on the ear throughout but not gonna rush back for another listen
Although the main song is super long, thankfully the rest of the album is not, in-a-gadda itself, I really like the last few minutes, really gets going, but as an overall album, less fussed
Iron man gets this an instant 5, but the rest of the album gets the same rating without it. Still sounds as good today as ever
Remember thinking this was better when it first came out, couple of good songs on here, still way too radio friendly for me though
liked it, but having heard so much about Neil Peart on the drums, I was looking for a little bit more....YYZ stood out for me and nudges this up a star
Nooooope, this was turd. Too poppy and 80s electro for me - despite it being from 2000
Considering concealed carry laws and legalisation of pot the stuff Snoop sings about don't seem quite so gangsta anymore, just every day life. Was a kinda cool album, still completely inappropriate in places but I respect that he doubles down and doesn't apologise for that
Liked this, early Punk, very listenable, will check out more by the artist
was ok, kinda passed me by, although a couple of songs defo jumped out more than others
It's good, sweet child is a stand out, but a lot of huge songs on here and they still stand up really well
was a little slow in places but thought it's aged well. Liked it overall, not quite enough to get to 4 though
favourite song was the last one, this sound not really for me, but can see why certain parts of it appeal
Really like the first song but the album never seemed to get going, fine to have on but not enough of a hook to relisten
Sound and vision is great, the first half is good, second half much less listenable - although interesting
didn't quite get into this, a bit too slow for my liking, although "sham" was decent
super slow, kinda cool but wouldn't listen again, not really for me
listenable and interesting, favourite was cloudbusting
His name is Robert Paulson
Really good, very listenable enjoyed from start to finish
meh, nice enough but didn't get going
a whole album of this sound was too much for me!
Liked, but didn't love this - had some interesting songs, will give another listen as would like to see what a second listen brings
lot of radiohead vibes, bit slow for my liking but musically it was decent
really enjoyed this, chilled, guitar work was great
full of energy, some big songs you can't NOT know, great for its age, would listen again
Too slow and when they do play a more typical Metallica track the symphony sounds out of place. Works better with the songs from load/reload but they’re the slow ones
Enjoyed without feeling like I'd listen again
don't get quite how people see this guy as the godfather of modern rock/punk, actually preferred the madness of the other of his albums on this list
bit folksy for me, ended and I'd not realised until a completely different song was played almost 40 mins later
decent enough, like the sound, glad the album wasn't much longer though as woulda started to get old quick I reckon
More traditional jazz, very intricate instrument work but more difficult to get into a flow with it, enjoyed it in parts, especially the blues-y ending to Group dancers
why is this a double album? so much filler bullshit on here. Had some expectations for this and simply couldn't get on with it, having it as a double album just meant that I was counting down the songs till it ended after getting part way through disc 2
was ok, enjoyed some, zoned out during others
This was pretty good, didn't grab my attention massively (apart from Gang Bang - amazing!). I liked the overall sound and tempo though
There's some really enjoyable songs in here, but it's a lot of Jazz in one go and I found myself drifting in and out of it. "Blues to be there" I really liked.
Was ok, very slow and only really showed off Miles Davis, no real technical input from the other players
no huge moment that would make me listen again, was ok as background noise
Having given an additional star to the beatles for producing what they did "at that time" this immediately qualifies for 5 stars. Still has a great sound, so many huge tracks and was out in the same year as st pepper...
enjoyed this, sound is really raw, has a good energy to it too
nah, not for me - figure this guy only had "higher love" and then there's a whole album without it on there, worries me that the other album will be in here too
couldn't find anything worth bothering about, have definitely heard much better hip hop records in my opinion
Has to be the most accessible jazz album ever - absolutely love Freddie freeloader
just kinda passed me by without anything of note jumping out - good or bad!
very sedate, kinda nice as a bit of backing music while busy
Funky jazz, enjoyed the start and the end, middle was pretty technical and jazz-wanky
Love the sound of the stooges, although this is not my favourite of their albums
got bored of this very quickly
really liked meet me in the morning, overall album was good, would listen to a lot more
white rabbit and someone to love obviously jump out, rest of the album wasn't exactly noteworthy
Happily listened to this while working, had some interesting moments but not going to be playing a load more from the artist based on this
I would love to see this live - the songs are intense and yet over as soon as they begin - will listen to more from these guys for sure
Amsterdam is now my go-to top Coldplay song - sums them up perfectly, whiny and slow, not for me
this was great, a really good listen, loved the first track
enjoyed this, wouldn't normally listen to it personally but it was funky as hell and great to have on in the background, how can you not smile while this sort of thing is on?
classic album - it still sits in the softer early pop punk realm for me rather than actual hardcore punk, but still enjoyable
Nah, not for me, too poppy
don't get it, didn't at the time, no idea why it's on this list - I didn't hate it, but I don't get the fascination
had this on while working, productivity through the roof, listened again while cycling, good to motivate! really like 3 kilos
Guy can belt a tune out! Enjoyed this although not my type of music so not intending to listen to much more
kinda hoped this would be better, didn't seem to really get going
Really enjoyed this, not listened to it in ages, love the guitar tone throughout
Loved it, super chilled and totally upbeat
expected this to be better, not gonna lie!
very repetitive, just didn't get into it
absolutely hated it
started out kinda interesting, was more of a "how long left??" kinda album by about halfway
more annoying than enjoyable
preferred the songs that aren't seen as the hits on this one, felt most of the songs went on too long, was enjoying don't wanna be a soldier but it should be half as long as it is
didn't really get into it although I do think he's very good at writing a catchy hook
the hits are super upbeat and rightly very recognisable, the filler tracks are so slow, couldn't get on with them
interesting, kinda enjoyed it, could defo see how it'd be good live and as a night out, not really one for sitting at the desk to though - wouldn't say no to seeing them live but won't be listening to them in the meantime
actually enjoyed this a lot more than I thought I would
this was all over the place - I didn't like anything about it
while I can say I've now listened to an Elvis Costello album and that's part of the reason for working through a list such as this...I didn't like it, repetitive and got bored quickly
Not their best, although Kashmir is amazing. Enjoyed it and would listen again in future
this was ok, recognised the huge hits in the first half of the album and then it's more than punched itself out by the end of the second third - overall easy to listen to but not pushing any limits
funkier jazz, didn't hate it but didn't want to listen to anymore after 3 songs and there was still 1 left!
listened to this in 3 hits, and although it needed a bit of breaking up for me, I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would.
really like the first half of the album, less bothered with the second half
very different, it's good but more would pick a few songs out of it rather than listen in full again
Expected to hate it, actually didn’t mind it, but didn’t like it
was better than I expected, although wouldn't listen again I also didn't hate it
didn't feel this got going, tons of songs but really short and each one sems to try going in a different direction to the last - wanted it to end
was ok, but instantly forgettable
liked it, Love in Vain was awesome
enjoyed all the way through, will listen again
it's good, very listenable, you look good on the dance floor was my favourite
was alright, kind of passed by without much of note, liked it's all over now and you're my girl (instrumental!!)
I hated this, the entire thing
Very similar throughout, first and last songs were the best on the album, a decent listen, just samey
can pick it out as Dinosaur Jr from the sound right away, fairly easy listen, loved "Don't"
really liked this, super chilled and her voice is awesome
expected to hate this but actually kinda enjoyed it. really liked the blues instrumental in the middle of it
Enjoyed this, although not blown away by it
Mad collection of noises - mildly interesting to start with, infuriating by the time it's done
gets a 5 for like suicide on it's own Limo Wreck, Day I tried to live, Spoonman, Kickstand - great album
It's ok, didn't blow me away, very samey
not for me, found the lead far to screechy
thought this might be bearable given it's Madonna - it wasn't. Synth music that sounds direct from the 80s and boring to listen to - title track is easily the best on the album
good - not amazing, guitar work is superb but I'm not a particular fan of the vocal
Listened to this kids while growing up, still prefer vs. Really like Black, porch and release
got bored of it real quick
Some of the songs have an OK hook, all the songs go on longer than I'd have liked. Overall not for me at all
mental - couldn't wait for it to end
one of those albums that was in there for one good song rest was poor filler
Surprised, have not liked maiden in the past but enjoyed this, Transylvania was especially good Album did sound dated though
Liking the early hip hop albums
Intro was ok and second song wasn’t awful but this album draggggged, best part, it finished
She can defo sing, overall the album passed by without much to note, went out on a great track though "summer is over" really liked that one
Didn't wow me but was an easy listen
I knew dirty old tiwn, gentleman soldier, body of an American and sally Maclennane prior to listening and these stand out, but there’s some other older sounding tracks that are great too - would defo listen again
Couldn’t get into this at all, slow folksy crap
Passed me by without anything of note
Interesting little acoustic album, enjoyed it, shame the organ dates it so much but would defo listen again
I like a bit of Dillon, but a whole album is a lot, too much to take it all in for me
some huge tracks and I actually preferred it with age
largely passed me by without much to note, enjoyed further on up the road but it was all fairly standard springsteen in my opinion
Couldn't get into it - feels far too radio friendly
not for me - either singing in constant trails or non-impressive rap
too country & western for me, couldn't get into it
I thought this would be a more difficult listen as it was all in French, it had good energy and was upbeat throughout, although I wouldn't have it on again although glad I listened to it
waiting room music - and not awesome like Fugazi couldn't get into it
too much of an artist I don't like, some of it was musically pretty good, but overall I'll never listen to this album again
4 kicks jumped out - I preferred this earlier sound of theirs rather than what their sound became
this was fine to have on in the background, it started and I thought I was going to hate it, but her voice is great although nohing in here blew my socks off. Fave song was "I ain't living like this", probably cos it was the most upbeat and had some decent guitar work
Seemed like radio friendly 60s pop and then it went a bit mental- kinda enjoyed it though
Really enjoyed, it was a bit mad but I liked it
very dramatic! Was very middle of the road, nothing to get you going but not much to hate either
really liked "I'd rather be the devil" otherwise was a perfectly listenable album, enjoyed parts of it and other bits I zoned out for
Was expecting this to be much more squeaky - thought it sounded more like a Beatles album and I kinda liked it
Sounds a little dated, quality of the recording is not great. Musically it's good, lyrically it's a little cheesy.
Easy listening, but nothing much to shout about
got more into it as the album went on, where did the bassline in The old Man's Back come from?!?
Child in time lost me - very long and very screamy flight of the rat grabbed me back though, as much as I didn't enjoy the first I loved the second and more
hippy vibes - seemed more like Sgt Pepper than Rolling Stones and I'd heard these guys were meant to be more aligned to the stones, was fine but didn't really pick out much of note and had a level of expectation so felt a touch let down overall
Solisbury Hill jumped out - rest of this was ok yet odd. kept thinking it was going to go into the Toy Story song, although some parts felt like just a connection of noises, for what it was, surprisngly listenable
good, soft pop with a bit of funk in it, would like to have heard him really go for it with his voice as liked the sound of it
One of this albums I thought I could suffer through, but by the last couple of songs I just wanted it over - couldn't get into it at all
liked it, really listenable, wouldn't rush back to this exact album but defo keen to check out more
enjoyed this one, bit mad in places but was kind of expecting that. Few big hits on here but overall liked the songs I'd not heard before and was glad I listened overall
a million monkeys with a million synthesisers, given enough time will churn out the works of Mozart - guess we need to give them more time cos this is just a collection of sound bites and noises WHY IS IT SO LONG?!?!
utter trash, nothing to like or be impressed with - bin it
this finished and I felt like I was still waiting on it to properly get going. some good bits in there that I was hoping they'd push on from but they never did - too radio friendly for me
Decent to have on in the background, liked Days the Used to be at the end
too slow, was waiting for it to get going and it didn't. Didn't hate it though either, last song was pretty interesting "Good Morning, Captain"
This passed me by without anything grabbing my ear
one of those experimental collection of noises albums I just wanted to finish
I developed a really fun way to get through the back half of this album - working out which song I hated the most! It was Hand to Mouth Father figure is a good song and he shows that he can actually sing on this track - this seems to be from the era where an album was released to give the singles somewhere to live. I can only imagine how dead inside everyone must have been watching the tour for this album while he moaned over the top of a shitty repetitive electronic drum track.... If unclear, I am not a fan
Was good without actually having anything jump out at me
Heavy with some definite nu metal influence, decent album, Wait n Bleed obviously the big hitter, but really like Prosthetics too
Was ok, but wouldn't go back to it. Liked Helter Skelter the most
weird, but good with it for the first half of the album, gets a bit much by the end
Enjoyed it more than I expected having already heard one of his albums in this list, especially liked Devil Eyes
nice enough to listen to, they can really belt out a song, overall too slow for me though
went on way too long, very similar sounding throughout, not for me, too radio friendly
too slow and didn't like the tone of her voice, found her kinda screechy
this was good, really liked nightmare pt 2. thought the album would tire quickly but just genuinely enjoyed throughout
enjoyed this without having anything really stand out. Liked the raw sound it has throughout, civil disobedience was my fave
not really my thing, liked place called home and whores hustle - Kamikaze was mad but I liked that too. Wouldn't go back for another listen but only cos it's not really my genre
Nope - didn't like this, just seemed like a random collection of songs and I didn't like any of them
what a great album! full of energy, easy to listen to, songs were kind of long so I expected much more of a jazz vibe and although some of that is there the energy is certainly not aligned to a jazz album.
Isn't this simply the same radio friendly beige song 12 times? Heard nothing to distinguish the changes in tracks, and nothing of note to talk about afterwards
Couldn't tell if this was a hip-hop, pop, soul or funk album. Didn't get into it at all
Didn't like this at all, too slow, too folksy and just kinda shit. Only part that jumped out as a sustained bit I didn't dislike was A Sailors Life, but even that's a stretch
enjoyed this, was a bit odd in places but enjoyed overall, favourite was Danse Fambeaux
liked the general vibe of this one, although he declares himself a blues singer and I thought it sounded pretty upbeat, obviously couldn't understand it lyrically though. overall no fave song but just enjoyed having it on
kind of grew on me as it played out, very experimental, wouldn't listen again
enjoyed this, was a bit mad but the production sounded great with the music, small use of orchestral strings here and there without going overboard on it
Fave song - student demo time Overall, harmonies are great as expected, found myself wanting it to be better, but it wasn't
it's kinda fun without sounding like it has any hard hitting impact, sounds like 80s samba music, album did not grow on me and just wanted it to be done about half way through
was fun, different to listen to, didn't love it, didn't dislike it. Jericho was the only one I remembered after.
generic 80s pop for me - there were a couple of better songs but overall passed by without much to note
this was all over the place, started ok then moved into a jazz sorta vibe, odd. Enjoyed the first half of the album but it started to drag toward the end