Sheer Heart Attack
QueenQueen is possibly the most overrated and overplayed band in history
Queen is possibly the most overrated and overplayed band in history
This is the kinda thing you think is cool like your freshman year of college then immediately look back on it and realize how much it actually sucks
U2 is a disgrace to Ireland and Bono should be barred from the country forever
Not a huge PJ Harvey fan. This is certainly better than Stories from the City but I've yet to find an album by them that makes me think more then "meh" before abruptly moving on and forgetting about it. I can see why this appeals to some people, I'm just not those people
Ok, some decent stuff, some whatever, not really the best, pretty forgettable overall
This album reeks of the type of empty faux-patriotism dad rock that permeates most of these weird post-9/11 albums. Listen to Darkness on the Edge of Town instead
Motörhead isn't terrible, but this live set seems like it's just a greatest hits hodgepodge with no coherence as an album itself. Still some good songs on it though
A lot of surprises on this album. I was really only familiar with heads Will Roll and Maps but this album surprised me. It's almost a dream pop album in some areas, if anything "Heads Will Roll" stands out as being very unlike the rest of the album. Highly recommend
Not a huge PJ Harvey fan. This is certainly better than Stories from the City but I've yet to find an album by them that makes me think more then "meh" before abruptly moving on and forgetting about it. I can see why this appeals to some people, I'm just not those people
You don't need me to tell you this album is good. You've probably already heard the whole thing played throughout 20 different Vietnam War movies
Faust is great, very well done Krautrock. I still prefer Nue but there's enough going on here to really make this stand out amongst the broader movement
The Band bangs
Pretty average Zepplin fare. Has some famous songs on it but isn't as good as their better albums
Probably the best Culture Club album. I'm not entirely huge on them as a band but their hits are great. The things between the hits I could take or leave, they kinda drag a bit and get muddled in 80s noise
Not as good as Doolittle or Surfer Rosa but a very good and different album by the Pixies
Odd and interesting, weirdly sexual, but very good
Kinda sounds like a ripoff of Neil Young or Bob Dylan. Not bad, but why not just listen to them instead?
This album sucks lol
One of Cohens best, and that's a high bar
I don't like Megadeth
Didn't realize how deep the Astrud rabbit hole went but this album is incredible
Classic funk, iconic 70s classic, bonus for being used in Muppets in Space
One of the greatest rap albums of all time, what more even is there to say about this that hasn't already been said
Decent album by van Morrison standards
Probably some of Paul Simon's best on here
Great album by Eno, title says it all, perfect vibe for airport waiting
Almost all of CCR's albums are good, this is no different
Probably the cure's best in my opinion, but what do I know?
I'm meh about Todd Rundgren, this album is fine and so is most of his discography
Some of the best there's ever been from Nirvana
2nd best Neil Young album
Very well made but not really my kinda thing personally
Eh, Van Morrison is fine I guess
Queen is possibly the most overrated and overplayed band in history
Top 5 albums from the 90s, incredible shit
Not as good as Paul's Boutique but probably the Boy's second best
I've never liked Anthrax and this only affirms my dislike of them
Great album by Jay-Z, not as good as the older stuff but I still enjoyed it
Great album, rivals a lot of Parliament's other stuff on its own
All-time hip hop band, Tribe is sensational. Only surpassed by one or two of their better albums
It's fine, I'm not really a fan of Solange personally but this is one of her better albums
Great example of phenomenal abstract pop. Not Björk's best but it's up there and Björk owns that genre so it's still phenomenal
Middle of the road for these guys
It's alright
Great album by McCartney, probably one of his best as far as solo work goes
It's alright? I'm not really into Arcade Fire
Probably my favorite Aretha album
Great Halloween album
It's fine
Not Stevie's best but certainly has some of his greatest songs
Decent by CCR, but they're all decent
Incredible, Gilberto's entire family is beyond talented
One of the greatest classic rock albums of all time, but that's standard for Pink Floyd
Prefer other Nick Cave stuff, this is meh
Not Hendrix's best album but Hendrix is easily top 5 guitar players all time so that's a hard bunch to pick from honestly
id not like this but he's undeniably talented
Really good by Snoop standards, but I'm eh about him so that standard is mid
Great classic album, Jojo moment
Not that impressive, the covers of Cruisn' are better than this
This man's voice is fucking insufferable. The only redeeming quality here is MAYBE the instrumentals
Very good but just not my thing
Literally one of the greatest Jazz musicians of all time, not a single sleeper album
Decent, but PIL have better stuff than this
Not Pink Floyd's best, a little to faux psychedelic for me
Alright, kinda like other "wall of sound" bands better, listen to MBV or something isntead
Kinda overrated honestly
Incredible stuff honestly
Incredible album by an even more incredible band
Decent, but most Smiths albums are better than this
Great album, honestly insane for how old it is compared to today
pretty good, some real bangers, XTC certainly has better albums though
One of the best 80s sleeper hit bands there is
Pretty good
Really just not a big Adele fan
Bad, boring, ass
It's alright, not really my style
It's alright, not a huge fan honestly
Really freaking good. never really got into her before but this bangs
One of the best to ever do it
Honestly enjoyed this album a lot more than I thought I would
It's fine, not really my thing, a lot of 90s grunge is kinda ass, sorry
Not as good as other albums from the same era, could be better
Fine stuff, not really familiar with Nyo's work but I enjoyed it well enough, nothing really standoutish though
Pretty good, didn't know Common got down like that
One of the best to ever do it, genuinely one of the best albums of the 70s
Eh, it's alright, not really my favorite style personally
While I love Cohen, this isn't necessarily his best work
Incredible stuff, really captures the vibe of 70s funk perfectly
Truly incredible work, Chicago moment
Just not really a Portishead fan, don't think I ever will be, whole album is just meh
great album, one of the best Beatles solo works honestly
It's alright for this genre of 80s pop but I feel like it's nothing memorable and would get lost amongst more talented artists
Great stuff, anything with Lauryn Hill is a must
It's decent, pretty much all you'd need to hear of ZZ Top is on here
It's fine? Kinda hard to listen to since half the songs were copyright blocked on Spotify lol
A great early self-titled, but not The Stone's best
I'm all for interesting and creative rock, but this is just boring and often bad, sound like something I'd come up with as a 10 year old on a child's drum and keyboard set
Something for almost everybody on this, really solid blend of genres and style
Costello is a phenomenal talent, really one of the best artists of his era. This isn't my favorite album by him but it's great none the less
Bad, better than a lot of other meh grunge but most grunge is not great. You are not gonna get me to like Pearl Jam or Soundgraden, sorry, I do not care
Alright for early oughts punk, nothing to really write home about, very middle of the road
Incredible album, one of the greatest ever. One of the first albums I ever bought on vinyl. You a real hater if you can't get down with this
This is fine, middle of the road, nothing memorable, meh, whatever
Really solid stuff, Patti Smith is legendary for a reason, I don't think she's ever been overhyped
Pretty boring, really nothing I'd go back and listen to. Not badly produced or anything, just really unremarkable
Love these guys
Really solid, probably one of the greatest soul albums ever made. Can't really go wrong with Sam Cooke
Great album, Neil Young is one of the greatest songwriters ever. Only reason that it's not 5 stars is that it's not as good as Harvest or After the Gold Rush
Public Image is fine, I think Johnny Rotten is an arrogant asshole and that sense permeates through most of LTD's songs but this album was decent
Wildly great, some sleeper hits, McCartney one is meh, but the highs are some of Jackson's best
Really good. I think Yellowbrick Road is a better album but most things like Elton John are unbeatable
It's fine, Rod Stewart is fine, I really don't have much more to say about this or him really
Wild sound, 2nd best Deee-Lite album probably
Pretty good, I don't really care that much for Yes but this has some classic hits on it
One of the greatest Irish bands ever. Please, I beg the public to associate Ireland with the Pogues instead of U2. I'll do anything. Please take Bono, we don't want him anymore, please, I'm begging you
Very good interesting album. Not really that well versed in South African music but I enjoyed this
This is GOOD. Not great, not \perfect, just good. Kraftwerk has better albums and better songs but this is still undeniably GOOD
Awful awful awful. Some Billy Joel songs are ok, this album is like 90 percent trash. I think if I have to hear Scenes from an Italian Restaurant one more time in my life I won't be able restrain myself, just a terrible song
This isn't as good as Plastic Beach or Demon Days but it's probably their 3rd best album? Just not as solid all-around but still pretty great
I think Nick cave is fine, I just really don't fuck with his vocal style, I don't know what it is. He's undeniably talented but i just can't stand how he sounds between this, The Birthday Party, or any other project, sorry
Whatever? I could care less, frog man
Alright, kinda eclectic, not really sure what to feel about this, don't think I'd go out of my way to listen again but I didn't dislike it
Losing one star purely because while this is a masterpiece it's not the Beatles BEST album
This album is pretty much perfect for what it is. not perfect for me, but for what it's going for it hits every mark
Great, really solid, some forgettable songs but the hits are hit way out of the park
Another Willie banger, never missed in those days
This album confused me lol, not really sure what it's trying to be. It's great in some parts and forgettable in others, very odd choices
I love you Steve, please put your stuff back on Spotify, please Steve, I need to blast Kerosene from my car without having to mad skip SoundCloud or YouTube every 5 seconds
I don't like Arctic Monkeys and I don't like this
It's fine, Zappa is whatever, this is about as middle of the road as you can get
Only gets a second star because there are like one or two ok songs on this but this is like buttrock for middle schoolers lol
Decent album, I hat Dave Nabarro though
Genuinely got excited when I saw this album come up yesterday, front to back banger after banger
Alright, good stuff, not bad at all, not exceptional
Neil does it again, he does it on every album if you ask me
Very middle of the road, I don't really have a solid opinion on Beck. Everything he puts out is good but doesn't particularly stand out to me
Meh, not huge on Pulp, a few good songs here, not really interesting to me overall though, kinda overrated
Pretty solid all around. Some meh songs on hit but you've got some classic hits too
Every Nick Cave album I listen to I like him less and less, please stop making me listen to Nick Cave
Overplayed, overrated, some good songs, otherwise nah
R.E.M. is overrated as shit, please stop recommending them to me. Only good thing on this album is Orange Crush
Insanely good, one of the greatest singers of all time, really unimpeachable stuff here
trash trash hair metal trash
Most Dylan is great, this is really no exception
Make it stop, why would you subject me to this?
Insanely good, nothing but winners, I Wanna be Adored
Pretty good, not Elvis' best work, still great for the time it was released in
Bad bad and more bad
For what this is it's near perfect. Cuban rhythm and guitar slaps
Incredible work, not my personal vibe but for what this is it's perfect
Herbie GOATed
Great, not my personal favorite Beatles album, but what can you say about Abbey Road that hasn't already been said
Ok, some decent stuff, some whatever, not really the best, pretty forgettable overall
Very good, just like almost everything Radiohead has ever done
Another Kendrick banger, fuck Drake
Trash, garbage even. Really no fucking idea what this was going for or why it's on this list, it blows
One of the greatest rap groups of all-time and one of the greatest rap albums of all-time
One of the best albums in this genre, revolutionary shit
Only reason this is getting 4 and not 5 is because Doolittle is better
Good New Wave, not up there with the real heavy hitters but it's definitely in the rotation
Ass ass ass ass, worse and worse with each song
Solid country, great work
1/2 of the iconic Häagen-Dazs Duo. One of the best to ever do it
Alright, The Kinks have always felt a little derivative to me though, like a more meh version of The Beatles
I understand why this was such a hit but I just have heard it too many times and it's kinda played out, sorry Britney
Nuts, incredible work
Another electronic classic
Not my favorite country album on this list. Still pretty good but not overly memorable
Eh, not as good as some of the other electronic bands or albums from this era
Classic stuff but kinda reductive by modern standards
Another meh album by the Kinks that's reaklly only known for its one or two hits, sorry
This is the kinda thing you think is cool like your freshman year of college then immediately look back on it and realize how much it actually sucks
Good ol' Australian punk. Iconic for its time, alright now
One of the greatest albums of all time by one of the greatest bands of all time
Ironically, Young American is the worst song on this album lol
Alright, Gorillaz is a better Damon Albarn project and produces a better product, sorry
Trash just like this trash human being
Not Yes' best work in my personal opinion
Alright, kinda whatever, nothing particularly memorable
Harry Nilsson is undoubtedly incredibly talented, however this album just really does nothing for me. Probably has to do with how over played it is but it just doesn't feel special
Really fantastic. Not as good as some of the other stuff by members of this band but incredible none the less
Not really Gabriel's best, a lot better stuff that he's done
probably the best Michael Jackson album, every song bangs
I typically don't like PJ Harvey, not a strong dislike, I just find most of her stuff to be meh, but this album is the exception
Alright, I think there's a lot better stuff in this genre
Weird, kinda meh, basically forgot about it the second it ended
One of the greatest blues performers performing one of the greatest blues performances in one of the greatest blues cities in the world, what else can you say?
Really good, folky, interesting, exciting
Great, not KK's best, not my personal favorite, but still totally enjoyable
Honestly kinda overrated, sorry
Surprisingly great, way too fucking long though
Not Costello's best but everything he does is incredible so it's still an easy 4
Insanely good classic brit punk
I prefer Eno's more ambient work but this is still great
Ass, ass and more ass
Some good songs, some are just a little too weird
Bjork is great, you don't need me to tell you this
Dumb shit, sounds like something you’d hear at a Renaissance fair
One of the greate4st noise bands ever, they rarely if ever miss
Never really listened to this band before but they're surprisingly really good, fells like shittier Radiohead but in a good way
Ok, not really that great, kinda meh
Please stop recommending me Kings of Leon, they suck
Probably like top 10 country singers of all-time
Alright, some good, some bad
Incredible, very good harmony between R&B and Electronic
One of the best ever, Steely Dan rules
Pretty good first half, gets a little too weird and abstract in the second half
probably one of his bets live performances
Eh, it's ok. You either like Sinatra or you don't
Iconic, what else can be said?
Eh? LKinda generic for its genre and time, there's like 50 other albums just like it
pretty good, a little dated at this point though
One of the best experimental bands of the 90s-early 2000s honestly
Anybody from CSNY does great work
Every Smith's album is perfect, sorry
U2 is a disgrace to Ireland and Bono should be barred from the country forever
Lenny Kravitz is kinda ass, sorry
Holy crap Lois is that a JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part Six Stone Ocean reference????!!!!
Good songs, but Joni Mitchell has better work out there
Great shit, not their best album but still rocks
Short and sweet
never cared for Taylor Swift, this shit is overhyped at best and annoying at worst
Never heard this album before but it was great
Awful buttrock trash
Riding 'round in a Rover If I see opps then it's over I'll send man straight to Jehovah When I take shots like M. Sharapova Doing up tennis Call man Dennis, I'm a Menace Doing up olives in Venice Big man ting, I'm bigger than Ben-is
Pretty alright, some really good stuff and some meh stuff
Impressive stuff honestly
The Model
I really just don't care for Sleater-Kinney, maybe I wasn't born early enough to find them as revolutionary as some people seem to think they are
Meh, unremarkable, don't really care about this at all
Fantastic album, The Fall's influence on the Manchester post-punk scene as it exists today is insane
Almost perfect techno, only a few songs that kinda stray from the path detract from it
I honestly find Joanna Newsom's voice extremely grating and annoying, I don't know what it is, sorry. The instrumentality is undoubtly great, I just can't deal with her voice, it's like if they tried to make American Bjork but it doesn't work
Genuinely surprising how good this is
I don't really like Ska that much but this is pretty decent stuff
Only missing 5 stars because The Wall is slightly better, but this is still one of the greatest albums ever
Moby is ass lol
One of Beastie's best, may be the best
Only receiving 4 because Hounds of Love clears Dreaming, sorry Kate
One of the better Bauhaus albums
Not really a Madonna fan, sorry
Incredibly good, what else can you say?
Meh, just kinda 50s-60s nothingness
One of the greatest new wave albums ever, really nothing more to say
Not Roxy Music's best but good by any band's standards
Who doesn't love Björk?
I love hardcore and the Circle Jerks, while up there with the greats, just aren't as good as some of the other ones
I don't like this band, most grunge outside of Nirvana is ass
This album is fine, it just happens to be full of really overplayed songs
it's fine, a little out there and not in a good way for me
Incredible, one of the most unique albums from this era
Middle-range Beatles album
Thank you Ian
I have no idea why this album is on here. genesis has some great albums and this one is just meh
Most of Prince’s best songs are on here so yeah, it’s pretty good
There's a lot of classic stuff on here but I've also heard it like 2,000 times so it doesn't really hit anymore
This is just kinda corny and stupid, I don't really care about it
One of the best sludge rock albums ever
Nah, I really don't know what the point of this album was but it honestly is complete meh
Fitzgerald is arguably the best in her genre, this album just exemplifies it
Just not my thing, sorry Madonna
There’s some really good stuff on here and then there’s some really not good stuff, very mixed bag
Eh, not their best work
This is good, I guess? I don't listen to this type of music often so I have no idea what the general quality range is. I thought it was fine
Eh, whatever? I legit forgot I listened to this the next day
One of the greatest rap albums ever
A disgrace to the nation of Ireland, I apologize that we are associated with these people
Sick album, never heard of these guys before but I really love the Brazilian psych sound
Eh? Unremarkable. I didn't really care for anything particularly on this album
Pretty great, not my personal favorite of their work but still really good
The instrumentals on this are great but the vocals are abundantly meh
Garbage, just listen to NIN. The vocals on this are genuinely insufferable and the instrumentals are just straight up uninteresting. There's so many projects that do this better, I'd happily never listen to this shit again personally
Pretty good, not fantastic, some good songs, some meh songs
Neil Hannon wrote My Lovely Horse and genuinely seems like a sound guy but I simply do not like his other musical projects. I find them grating and annoying, I'm not nostalgic for them, I never liked them and I don't think I ever will
A fantastic example of Country music that's actually good and not awful pop country slop like Zac brown Band etc.
Great Waits album. You either love or hate Tom but I love him
I do not like this band, no matter how many times you try to make me listen to them, i do not like this band
Whatever album by Madonna, i don't think she's as revolutionary in 2025 as she was when she was putting this stuff out
Slop, really only way to say it
Banger after banger
Pretty good, not really sure why this is on here as a live album though. it's fine and has a decent selection of cheap trick songs but you'd be better off listening to an album
Pleasantly surprising, never really listened to this artist before
Look, I'm a huge weird music fan, I love DEVO, but I just can not get into this. It's not that it's too out there, it's that it isn't interesting and it's just kinda annoying. The only reason this is 2 stars instead of 1 is because Constantinople is a decent song
Pretty good. Not as good as The beach Boys or Brian Wilson's stuff but still
One of the best gazers ever, only losing a star because it's not as good as Loveless
One of the better albums of the early 2000s indie rock pop alternative movement. Without this band you wouldn't have later projects in the series, they really paved the way for music that became popular for a few years before everybody realized it was kinda mid. that's not an insult to this album or band though, unlike groups like Of Monsters and Men or Naked and Famous Arcade Fire actually have an enduring legacy that still kinda holds up
Some of the best ever, not as peak as Wu Tang or NAS but still up there
Courtney did not kill Kurt but she did kill on the track
Captain Beeffheart just isn't for me. i understand it's technically accomplished but I just can't do it man
Decent, not really much else to say
very very very solid 80s jams
banger, great blues album
I get what they're going for, I get what it's supposed to be, but that doesn't mean it's fun to listen to or enjoyable at all
A solid album all around, it's losing a star because Johnny Rotten is an idiot and a loser who should be beaten up and shoved in a locker
I do not like this band, I do not like their music, I do not like them
Slop, like pretty much everything else Kid Rock has ever made
The endless debate of The Bends or Kid A is long argued and I will not rehash it here, I will only say that The bends is one of the best albums of all time, which is more than I can say about some of the albums on this list
Incredibly solid for the genre