D.O.A. the Third and Final Report of Throbbing Gristle
Throbbing GristleThis is totally my jam
This is totally my jam
This is a great album. I'm finding it hard to pinpoint a favourite track so I guess I'll have to listen to it again... and again.
This is totally in my wheelhouse. I love this so much, bring it on. How can this be rated worse that Kid Rock? Save the turtles indeed people.
Another band I was not overly familar with but Can't Stand Me Now does ring some bells. I liked this album more than the Preachers album and found it to be a lot of fun. Faves: Can't Stand Me Now, Music When The Lights Go Out, What Became of the Likely Lads
I think it says a lot about an album when the final track makes you want to listen to the album again. Red Morning Light is a great start, Joe's Head certainly grabs your attention, California Waiting, and Molly's Chambers are great tracks but there's something I really love about Talihina Sky.
Susan's House is such a standout for me, just a perfectly delivered narrative. Novocaine For The Soul is great and it was nice to dig in to the rest of the album.
A solid 4 for me. Certainly an artist that seems to keep popping up here an there and I still find intriguing. Faves from this: Once Around the Block, Bewilderbeast, Pissing in the Wind, Disillusion
I usually take a peek at the wikipedia precis when I start listening, especially for artists I don't know. So for Leonard I just hit play and was much pleased, so I thought I better look at wikipedia to get some context and was surprised to find that this is his debut. It's such a well rounded beautiful heartfelt pure Leonard Cohen album. Faves? It's all good, so captivating.
Great fun french electro pop. Faves: D.A.N.C.E, Phantom Pt. II, The Party
This is so good and perfect example of why this list exists, such a dichotomy but still works. Faves: Isi, Seeland, Hero, E-Musik
So far II and Physicaly Graffiti have gotten a 4 from me and I still have II and III to catch up on. Fave: Dazed and Confused
I probably need more time with Beyonce to get what she's really about but there's not doubt she's talented. Fave: ***Flawless
Long time fan of Talking Heads but never listened to this album. Take Me to the River is a standout track with some other highlights being Stay Hungry, and The Big Country.
This is pretty great but will need a bit more brain power to fully comprehend. Faves: Natural's Not In It, Not Grat Men, Damaged Goods.
It's like listening to a greatest hits album! What a cracker. Faves: Second Hand News, Dreams, and The Chain still gives me shivers.
Eighteenth album and he nearly threw in the towel? Well, I'm certainly glad he didn't. This is a side of Stevie I wasn't familiar with and certainly keen to keep on the playlist. Faves: As, Saturn, All Day Sucker
There is something enticing about this ecletic mix. Faves: (Drawing) Rings Around the World, Receptable for the Respectable, Juxtapozed with U, and Run! Christian, Run!
So beautiful. The first listen the first 7 tracks just kind of sat in the background just nice and chill and then River came on and changed everything. Beautiful songs, beautifully delivered. Faves: River, A Case of You, This Flight Tonight
Certainly and interesting artist. Tiny Dancer is well known and pretty good. Levon was interesting, along with Madman Across The Water, and Rotten Peaches. But it's not something I'll be rushing to hear again.
Smooth, interesting, and curious. Certainly worth digging into further. Fave: Garden (Say It Like Dat)
A big fan of Royksopp, great debut. Boppy electronica. Faves: Sparks, Poor Leno
Epic rock opera with an epic song. Fave: Pinball Wizard
I see the next on my catchup list is another The Who release. Pretty strong debut but it's not for me. Fave: The Ox
Upbeat lounge music? Very cool afro jazz vibes and what on earth is Cubop.
I guess I can now call myself a Metallica fan. I'm enjoying what I've listened to in this list and keen to discover more. Certainly it's hard to see what impact the Orchestra is having on the songs overall. I mean The Ecstasy Of Gold certainly sets the scene but I'm not familiar enough with the rest of the songs to know what's what. Fave from this release: Of Walk And Man for the wolf call out, For Whom The Bell Tolls for the sing-a-long, and Wherever I May Roam.
Very cool afrobeat with funk and politics. Fave Zombie, Mr Follow Follow
This is so cool and brings me so much joy. Metronomic Underground is such a great opener and the follow two tracks just keep up the vive. Les Yper Sound is also great and Spark Plug just booms. Too many songs to mention, the title track is also awesome.
I try not to let my friends reviews influence mine but this was a 5 already and I totally agree with the faves. --- Fave track - "M.E." maybe - source of that badass sample the Basement Jaxx used for "Where's Your Head At?". "Cars" is obviously an absolute tune. "Metal" was a stand out. The bonus track "Bombers" was excellent too...
Awesome voice, she really knows how to make these songs her own. Respect is a classic, I Never Loved a Man (The Way I Love You) was also a standout for me.
A big fan of Beth Orton and as soon as Stolen Car started playing it was like a big warm welcome home. I was a bit dissapointed to learn that Central Reservation was about drugs but hey, all music (art) is open to interpretation. Faves: it's all good but special call out for Stolen Car and Central Reservation.
It's like listening to the greatest hits on a jukebox that doesn't have the license so the songs are just instrumental versions. Such a cool vibe, very enjoyable grooves. Green Onions and Mo' Onions were the standouts for me.
It's such a strangely straight down the middle of the road rock album. Fave: Open Letter (To a Landlord)
Unfortunately I wasn't able to give both playthroughs a really good listen but I enjoyed what I heard and quite liked Golden Age and DLZ. But I'm keen to hear it again so that makes it a 5.
I've always enjoyed PSB but never really got into them I had a friend who was a big fan and that was enough for me. One More Chance is such a delightful opener it really capture my attention. Rent is such a great song. Overall quite enjoyable.
Space Truckin' is one of my favourite songs and Smoke On the Water is so iconic but I didn't know the story so that was pretty cool to learn. Highway Star is a great opener.
Very cool and relaxing. Alice In Wonderland does certainly capture your attention for a moment.
Very cool, jazzy, bluesy, spoken word, history lesson. Fave: H20gate Blues
Ok, I think that's the last of the Beastie Boys for me on this list and that's 3 for 3 (boom, tish!). Faves: Fight For Your Right, No Sleep Till Brooklyn
I'm having a pretty good run on this list lately. Love PJ Harvey. I love that she gave this album her all thinking it would be her only chance and yet here we are 10 albums later and still going strong. Faves: Dress, Sheela-na-gig
I just listened to Tangerine Dream before this, I'm in complete heaven. I was sad when I realised this album was about to finish. So brilliant. Faves: Part 2, Part 5, Part 6 -- the whole album is great.
Some pretty neat harmonica here. But overall, this ain't for me. Faves: Damn Sam (I Love a Woman That Rains), Come Pick Me Up
Good fun live afrobeat. I do love a drum solo. Black Man's Cry is a great track also, and the sing along in Egbe Mu O (Carry Me)
I don't know anything about Amy Winehouse and I must say this is a pretty impressive debut. Faves: You Sent Me Flying / Cherry, Fuck Me Pumps, In My Bed
It's like a well matured album I guess. A rewarding listen. I've mentioned my parents on all Rolling Stones reviews so far so here's another mention. Fave: hard to pick one but I did particularly enjoy You Can't Always Get What You Want.
Ok, number 2 of 5 for me and as much as I like the song Born To Run the rest of the album doesn't quite reach that crescendo. Other fave: Meeting Across the River
Middle of the road UK garage? I didn't mind this so much and particularly enjoyed Sincere and Crazy Love. Slum King as well. This is firmly a 3.5 for me.
Poppy grungy post punk. Weirdly doesn't sound that dated. Everyting old is new again. Faves: Connection, 2:1
Oh yeah, what a great album. I do enjoy artists that take different approaches and the variety of sounds on this album is just a joy. Faves: Know, Sugar
Looks like another 3 Beatles albums after this one. I can't quite justify 5 stars for this one, it's enjoyable but not in a way that I must listen to it immediately again. Faves: Come Together, I Want You, Sun King
When I think of this band I remember a review from way back when that kind of influenced my opinion that simply said "Stop Whinging Billy". Anyway, it was nice to pay some attention and what a wonderful album. I've only ever really listened to Siamese Dream but of course knew some of the big hits from here. I do like 1979, and Zero, but there are so many songs like Porcelina Of The Vast Oceans that are also great. Thanks 1001 for changing my views.
This is more of the Tom Waits I know and love. Looks like there's one more album. So far it's 2x5s and 2x3s Fave: too hard to choose.
Since I'm going through the albums I've missed backwards I haven't listened to License To Ill yet and Hello Nasty is the album I'm most familiar with. I didn't mind this album, the boys have a certain charm. But it's not really something that'll get regular play. Fave: Shake Your Rump
Damn, this is pretty cool, doesn't quite make a 5 for me but certainly won't mind it on a future rotation. Walk On By is just great.
This is a pretty cool and funky album. Faves: Stand! Everyday People, You Can Make It If You Try
I quite enjoyed Ms Jackson when that came out and I was aware of Hey Ya! and Roses from this release. I really thought I might dig it but man it's a hard slog getting through these songs, especailly The Love Below. Faves: GhettoMusick, She's Alive, My Favorite Things
Eh, it's ok. I guess it's on here because Garfunkel was deleted. Fave: The Late Great Johnny Ace
I found this quite enjoyable and just a nice relaxing curiousity. Faves: Flying High, Super Bird
A good fun rollicking album. Certainly one worth further exploration. Fave: South Australia
It's a kind of refreshing version. Faves: Don't Stop.., Off the Wall
I've always thought of myself as a bit of Lou Reed fan but this is the only album I've listened to in full so it looks like I have a nice journey of discovery ahead of me. Faves: The Kids, Sad Song
Funeral For A Friend / Love Lies Bleeding is an incredible album opener. Candle In The Wind is what it is, Bennie And The Jets is good fun, along with Saturday Night's Alright (For Fighting), and I do enjoy Goodbye Yellow Brick Road. But there's some other songs on here that I just can't get onboard with so not a 5, but also not really high on my list of next in the queue, so 3 it is.
My 17 year old is into New Order and has recently breathed new life into this band for me. Elegia has long been a favourite song of mine but I have not listened to this album for a long time. So it was a pleasure rediscovering it. Faves: Love Vigilantes - is he a ghost? The Perfect Kiss - slightly creepy, Elegia, just beautiful.
Eh, it's ok. I listened to this over a few days so it's a bit hard to be totally objective about all the tracks but there's certainly some bop along bits and some awful bits. Spaceship and Jeses Walks are the standouts for me.
Sounds like a good fun time. Sam holds the room nicely. Fave: Cupid, and Nothing Can Change This Love
Always such a delight listening to Bowie. This album has some of the more well known songs so it was great to hear them in context. Faves: Changes, Oh! You Pretty Tings, Life On Mars?, Kooks.
I like Fiona Apple :shrug:
It's certainly an album that grows on you. Certainly a nice laid back feel to the whole album. Faves: Sara, Walk a Thin Line, Tusk
I appreciate what Eminem is doing, it's just not for me. Fave: The Real Slim Shady, The Kids
It's like a movie soundtrack. Certiainly atmospheric. Fave: If...
10th album huh. Peak Sinatra? who knows. Fave: Making Whoopee
Everything I love about Underworld in one tight package. Too hard to choose a fave, they're all good.
Great reggage with a history lesson. Faves: Old Marcus Garvey, Jordan River, Resting Place
I do like me some Daft Punk but this album feels a bit mediocre these days. Certainly a few interesting bits here and there and I certainly am into Da Funk and Around the World but everything else just feels a bit samish.
This whole album feels like a fever dream. The whole album just blends into one long extended play. Fave: Heroes and Villains
I love this so much, it's so out there and you can see why Bjork had to go her own way. Just so much fun. Faves: Birthday, Deus, Take Some Petrol Darling
Hard to pick a fave out of 4 tracks, the whole album is great.
What a great album, timeless, and still rocks hard. Planet Caravan is great, just wish it was 3 minutes longer.
what a great fun album. I've always been intrigued by Janelle Monáe and enjoyed diving into this album. Fave tracks: Cold War, Mushrooms & Roses, Wondaland and Say You'll Go.
I listened to this album so many times when it came out and was lucky enough to see these guys live. Being so familiar with the album I feel like all the tracks are my favourite but I like Satanic Reverses (for the geography history lesson), Television The Drug Of The Nation, Music And Politics, and California Uber Alles.
Not much variety in these songs and a little bit too much country for my taste. Fave track: Little Rock 'N' Roller
I like this one a lot more than the debut. The second listen really grew on me. Fave tracks Psychosocial, Gehenna, Vermillion Pt 2 - Bloodstone Mix, 'Til We Die.
Given the context I guess it's good to see a rising star on the rebound. Nothing really struck me on this album but my fave track would be Mainline Florida.
Pretty incredible for a debut. She surely did take the world by storm. Don't Know Why and Turn Me On are my faves.
This is such great fun. The whole album is a fun trip. No real standout tracks but keen to give this another spin.
First time listening to a whole Jimi album.
Good one Iggy
I was kind of expecting to like this but it didn't do much for me on the first listen and second go around I still wasn't able to get much into it. Maybe this album needs a time and a place. Fave: Metal Baby
This album starts off ok. Bawitdaba with it's nonsense sounds and rockin' tune. Cowboy with hilarious nonsense about a boy from Detroit. The album then just completely devolves into "I am the best" until the laughable Only God Know Why where he wants use to feel sorry for little Bobby. Then finally he just tells everyone where to go. This album is a hot mess and I'll be glad to not hear it again.
Haha this is great. At times joyful, at times heartbreaking. Faves: Gotta Get Up, Coconut
Bit of a snooze fest, wasn't really in the mood for this.
What a great album, so much fun. I love how it opens up and the way Bohemian Rhapsody fits in perfectly with the rest of the album. Faves: You're My Best Friend, Bohemian Rhapsody
Maybe there's some familarity here but after recently listening to a Morrissey album this certainly feels more comfortable. Fave: Meat Is Murder
I consider myself a bit of PJ Harvey fan, but I haven't spent a lot of time with this album and found it very curious. It certainly deserves more time and I'm sure I'll get more into it with each listen. Faves from today: The Glorious Land, On Battleship Hill, Written On The Forehead
What a delightfully smooth listen. I didn't really know what to expect but I enjoyed the ride. Cranes in the Sky is great, I love the way Don't Touch My Hair flows into Where Do We Go via the Interlude. The album overall has a good flow.
Another interesting story but there's something about the way Johnny tells a story in each song. Certainly Folsom Prison Blues hits hard at the start and the whole record kept me engaged. 25 Minutes to Go is my favourite today.
I guess if I need some blues in my life then this is a good one to have in my collection. No doubt that B.B. King is good at what he does but nothing really grabbed me on this album except for How Blue Can You Get?
Ahh back when CDs were still a thing this was such an exciting release and we played it to death. My kid got into Gorillaz a few years ago and this got a lot of airplay on car trips (the car being the only cd player we had!). It's hard to pick a favourite song for me, all of the songs are like your favourite pieces of clothing, well worn and very comfortable.
I remember when reading reviews of other Beatles albums on this list a lot of people mentioned Rubber Soul but apart from Drive My Car, Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown), and Nowhere Man I don't really get it.
Another intesting story around the album but the opening track didn't really grab me. Nor did much else on the record except for Mixed Up Mess Of A Heart.
It's like a tasting platter.. some were very tasty and I'll be back for more. Faves: A Salty Salute, As We Go Up, We Go Down
It's a bit like listening to one of the best easy listening stations. Very smooth.
My Dad is a big Santana fan so I have a bit of nostalgia points for this. I certainly enjoyed Black Magic Woman / Gypsy Queen and Oye Como Va.
wow, what fun, got a bit weird around born to run but such a nostalgic sound
Ahh memories. This is the album that got me into Grizzly Bear back in 2013.
Oh hey it's Metallica
OK, yeah a bit of fun and a few memories.
OK wow, pretty wild and fun.
Yeah, right, well Ok.
This is totally my jam
Feel like I've heard these songs in some shape or form over the years. Really love Sunworshipper which I first heard on a Ministry of Sound Chillout Sessions album in 2007.
Good fun listen, man this dude is prolific!
The birth of psych folk? I'm here for it. Fave: A Very Cellular Song, and maybe Mercy I Cry City
I've always had a liking for Primary Scream but never really dug in. This album is great with Movin' on Up being such a classic. Come Together and Loaded are great tracks too.
Ah yes, music for the Jilted Generation indeed.
I remember listening to my Dad's Deep Purple records (yep, vinyl) when I was a young un. Still enjoy these grooves.
Wow, I really enjoyed that. Wasn't sure at the start, but the short punchy songs really got me going. All topped off with a cruisy come down at the end.
Still such a great album to this day. Great work Hole.
Timeless classic and very enjoyable.
I feel like live albums are better if you are either intimately familiar with the band or have been to an awesome concert. Not sure they're talking about my generation but still a good fun listen.
Long time listent of Bauhaus, very enjoyable.
Really enjoyed this, way ahead of it's time.
Eh, I don't know. I guess it's a product of it's time. American Pie and Vincent are standouts for sure but the rest doesn't really grab me.
Such bongo! Such fun. Apache is the show stealer and the rest starts to get a bit too much with In A Gadda Da Vida being another highlight.
It's not terrible, just not for me. I did look into the meaning of ...Baby One More Time and it seems to a non-native English speaker "hit me" means "call me". I mean hit me up some time Britney we can have a chat. Fave song, Autumn Goodbye, mostly because it's the last song.
After the first listen I was so sure but on the second playthrough I started to warm up so maybe it just needs a few more listens. For now though faves are Midnight and Body Count.
Such a beautiful album. This could easily be a 4.5 and I think with a few more listens it could nudge it's way into a 5. Fave track: Ghosteen Speaks.
Oh this is so great what a fun vibe. The opening track is great and probably In This House That I Call Home are the highlights but the whole album has such great energy.
I had a friend who was a bit U2 fan from the early days so I've always been aware of them as they have grown into the phenomenon they are now. This is a great album and those opening tracks are jusst incredible. Excluding those my other faves would be Bullet The Blue Sky and Mothers Of The Disappeared.
Wow, that was a really fun listen. I should probably spend some more time with ol' Bob.
I haven't spent much time with this album but certainly enjoyable.
She certainly does have some powerful pipes.
This is right up my alley. Love this band so much and this album has been on high rotation for a long time.
Out of the Neil Young albums I've listened to from this list so far this one is the best. It really started warming up to me on the second listen. I like the story telling of the early songs and I like the crazyness of Welfare Mothers and Sedan Delivery. The closing track is unhinged and a great way to finish.
That was a struggle for me to get through on a zoom intensifies kind of day with the only music being this album which I did not enjoy, although it had a few interesting moments.
Melancholy vibes, made me think of my mum.
I do enjoy listening to the old Zep.
Just grateful that this doesn't have Hotel California on it. Being their debut, this is a pretty impressive album.
So much nostalgia for this. On my first listen it felt like hit after hit after hit. On my second listen I tried to figure out which ones are my faves for the purpose of this exercise and while the first 5 tracks are great You Can Call Me Al is incredible and Homeless was also a highlight.
Yeah, ok, not my cup of tea.
A good fun listen, quirky in the middle.
Oh, wow, never listened to these guys before but am a big fan or Spiritualized. What a fun trip.
Totally not what I was expecting from Peter Gabriel! What a fun listen.
Most of my exposure to Leonard Cohen was from the Natural Born Killers soundtrack and newer stuff. This album is incredble and definitely makes me want to dig deeper.
Yeah, nah, no thanks.
This is the guy you want singing at your wedding. So much fun.
Pleasant voices. I'm not familiar enough with Linda and Emmylou to determine who was who. Only Hobo's Meditation caught my attention.
I do very much like this album and well played by the team :hat-tip:
Christmas already? Oh, not a christmas album but feels like one.
Enjoyable but a bit of a snooze fest. The first track starts off hopeful but doesn't keep my attention. Live And Let Live is interesting, You Set The Scene is also ok.
Well my Mum was a big fan of The Rolling Stones, so this makes me think of my Mum and that made me happy.
What a trip!
Always been a Kraftwerk fan. This is right up my alley.
What a trip. A delight to listen to .. so many songs though! Most memorable: Jsut Another Rhumba
I'd forgotten how much joy I get out of listening to Happy Mondays, something about them just makes me ummm Happy. Fave songs Kinky Afro, Loose Fit, Bob's Yer Uncle, Step On.
Jangly brit pop? Fave track: Show Girl
A pretty incredible debut. Fave track: Last Goodbye
Sexy and fun.
Ahh yes, the division of joy. Meloncholy at it's best.
Fav Track: Bound 2
What a banger!
Ant music!
It's hard to go past A Forest when picking a fave for this album but At Night caught my attention too. Love The Cure looking forward to spending more time with this one.
For someone who has not listened to a lot of Taylor Swift this was quite a pleasant surprise.
I've never heard Leonard Cohen like this before. What a groover.
Short, fast, kicking ass.
Didn't quite get into this one as much as some of the others on this list but still a good fun listen. Fave track: Last of the Steam-Powered Trains
Very enjoyable
Nothing like a bit of swedish punk from the naughties
I don't really get it.
Wow, most of these songs are completely unfamiliar to me. Very enjoyable!
That was strangely familiar and so much fun.
wow, the 20th anniversary edition is 7 years old. Still a good fun pop rock album.
Love this album
What a whole bunch of fun!
Wow, 77, still a great album to listen to.
I love this album, always have.
Such a great fun album
There's something about country music that I have a problem with and I wasn't looking forward to this but I pushed through the first listen and on the second listen I started to get a better appreciation but by the end I was glad it was over. Fave: Buenas Noches from a Lonely Room (She Wore Red Dresses) Who doesn't love a murder ballad.
Uh, yeah not sure what's going on here.
Love Bjork, love this album.
Some cool jams on this one.
I still love you Lana Del Rey
What a fun listen, Party Line is a crackup, Sunny Afternoon sure is a cracker.
Wow, what a journey. Krautrock had me from the getgo, The Sad Skinhead gets stuck in your smashed up faces. Giggly Smile is as catchy as all get out. But Lauft.. is the track that stole my heart.
This album slaps in you in the face straight out of the gate but from Helpless onwards reminds me more of Barenaked Ladies than punk :D Fave track: A Good Idea.
I wasn't a big fan of Oasis at the time but I certainly have come to appreciate them more. Fave track: She's Electric
I've been a big fan of Fiona Apple for a long time. This album definitely needs a couple of listens. My fave is probably Fetch the Bolt Cutters.
Never really paid much attention to Arcade Fire but have always liked what I've heard. Ready to Start is a fave on this album and Rococo kept catching my attention and might need a few more listens to fully understand. But Sprawl II (Mountains Beyond Mountains) is my absolute favourite.
This album feels very reminiscent of it's time. The earlier tracks sound familiar in some way but I found the whole album a struggle.
This felt like one cohesive piece rather than 4 individual tracks. I rather much enjoyed the whole thing.
What a great trip, with the start buying the drugs and the end with a crash.
Such a great album. Jane's Addiction is one of those bands that all my friends were into so I never really dove deep. Really loved Three Days and Classic Girl is a great closer.
Feels like there's one or two good songs on here that get rehashed over and over again. I think African Dance and Jazzie's Groove are standouts for me,
I've got a whole lotta love for the Zep, but I think my fave from this album is Heartbreaker.
Really enjoyed Afternoon Tea and Harry Rag is good fun.
I've probably said this before about live albums but I feel they are better if you have seen the band live yourself. On first listen the screaming fans got to me but by the end of the record I was enjoying the experience so the second listen was more enjoyable. I'd say favourite tracks would be Surrender and Clock Strikes Ten.
A bit much to take in all at once. Standout track is probably Parchman Farm.
Good fun album. Really enjoyed Lazy Sunday, Mad John, and Happydaystoytown.
What a banger. I really enjoyed this and am having trouble picking a favourite track. Walk is most familiar but so many other tracks are just great.
Richard III easily favourite track, also enjoyed the acoustic version of Caught By The Fuzz. Overall an enjoyable listen.
Good fun, really enjoyed Planet Claire.
This album sure does take you on a journey through the south. I feel like I'm missing quite a bit of context but I started to get into this album a bit more on the second listen. Favourites are 72, Three Great Alabama Icons, Let There Be Rock, and Dead, Drunk And Naked . The closer, Angels and Fuselage, feels like a good late night song.
Sometimes Blur sounds like Gorrillaz and sometimes Gorrillaz sounds like Blur but this album is pure Blur. Fave tracks are For Tomorrow and Chemical World.
Wow, that was a lot more fun that I was expecting. Fave track is Show Me, really sets the scene as the opener. And the track Theme from "Mantrap" is the perfect closer.
This album starts out so promising with Chich Cheer setting the mood and Le Freak building on that. But rest of the record just kind of fades into the background and doesn't really go anywhere.
A very enjoyable listen. Hard to pick a favourite but Dead Leave and the Dirty Ground really sets the mood. The other songs that caught my attention are just the more well known ones like Hotel Yorba, and I Think I Smell A Rat but the album probably needs a few more listens.
Easy listening. Fave track is Gonna Keep On Tryin' Till I Win Your Love
Raucous fun. Favourite tracks are Trouble and Me, Let the Sad Times Roll On, The Band Keeps Playin' On.
Good fun listen. Faves are the title and I Got Caught.
Very enjoyable album with lots of great tracks. Especially like Jesus, Etc., Ashes of American Flags, Heavy Metal Drummer, and Reservations.
Take on Me is just so well known the rest of the album just kind of fades into oblivion. But I did enjoy the title track and Here I Stand and Face the Rain is a nice closer.
I'm a big fan of Kate Bush and this is a great album. Really enjoyed Sat In Your Lap, Suspended in Gaffa, and The Dreaming.
Big fan, love this album, no favourite tracks, it's all good.
I don't mind the first 3 songs, and the last (instrumental). Was surprised to hear their version of We'll Meet Again.
Yeah, nah. Didn't really get into this one. Fave track Cure for the Itch.
What a groove! Really liked the opener You Ain't The Problem as well as Rolling, the Piano Joint (intro + song), Living in Denial, and Light. But damn, it's all good.
Didn't really get into this one, although by the end of the second listen I started to see some of the progressive elements in songs like The Camera Eye, Witch Hunt, and Vital Signs which are probably my favourite from this album.
So dreamy. Strangely Ivo doesn't really capture me but once Lorelei kicks in I fall in love all over again.
Such a classic album really. A lot of great tracks but Something In The Way is my fave.
One of those bands you know of but didn't really know you knew until Sunshine Of Your Love kicks in.
Wow, just wow. First time round didn't really get much out of this but second time around I started hearing Radiohead and Stereolab. TIL that I heart krautrock. Fave track is totes Halleluhwah
Another one of those bands that one of my friends was deeply into but I wasn't. Reading the history of this album was interesting but I didn't find it overly compelling, Love Bites and Pour Some Sugar On Me got stuck in my head but not sure if that makes them faves.
Spotify says Blue Suede Shoes has 102 milltion plays. This album was good fun to listen to but no real standout for me except for the better known songs.
Another good fun listen but the only standout for me was Tutti Frutti.
This was a lot more enjoyable than I was expecting and probably deserves a bit more exploration. Fave tracks are Parental Discretion Iz Advised, Express Yourself, and I really like the way Something 2 Dance 2 wraps up the album.
I don't think I've ever heard ABBA like this before. Nice surprise with fave tracks being Two For The Price Of One, You Owe My One, and The Day Before You Came.
Good fun listen, I'm sure my dad had a ELO record but can't remember which one. Fave tracks Sweet Talkin' Woman, Birmingham Blues, and of course My Blue Sky is a cracker.
Yeah nah, this is not my jam. I did not look forward to a second listen but I perservered and my faves would be Pyramids and Bad Religion.
Wow, 1971, this is so timeless. The whole album is a great trip but I particularly enjoyed L'hôtel particulier.
Took me a while to get an understanding of this one so I gave it 3 listens. I feel like I need to spend a bit more time with Tom Waits but for this release I liked the title track, Downtown, On The Nickel, and Ruby's Arms is a nice closer.
Good raucous fun. Fave tracks California Sun, Weekend, and (I Love For) Cars and Girls.
I've always been a fan of Talking Heads but never spent much time with this album. I Zimbra sets the mood, Life During Wartime sounds eerily like the Bunnings theme song, and Dancing for Money is a trip. Overall feels just as relevant today.
Standout tracks for me are Answering Machine and Unsatisfied. Androgynous is a well known hit. Overall the album is charming enough.
Maybe I need to be more British to get the full Bragg experience but an enjoyable album all the same. Fave track is Greetings to the New Brunette.
Reminds me a lot of Salif Keita who my dad was really into during my late teens. Very enjoyable bop, a few standout tracks but Salminanam is the only one I remembered the name of.
I quite enjoyed this one but also learnt this is one of 6 in the list! Wow. Anyway, enjoyed 13 Steps Lead down, 20% Amnesia, and Sulky Girl.
Wow, turns out I might actually be a Bob Dylan fan. Really enjoyed this one especailly Outlaw Blues (I might be a bit biased) and Bob Dylan's 115th Dream is a crackup at the start. Definitely keen to get into some more.
Oooh, I really like this one. Nocutnal Me grabbed me from the first listen and I think I like it more than Killing Moon.
First listen I wasn't really getting into this and was thinking 3 but it must of got me into the mood for a second listen because now it's a solid 4. Love the tracks Grounds for Divorce, Hotel Instanbul, and One Day Like This is incredible.
London Calling is such an iconic track the rest of the album is fun the listen to and I'll say Lost in the Supermarket is my fave from that bunch.
I like this album as it's a journey from start to finish and it's hard to single out a favourite track.
I feel like this album is trying to tell me a story but I'm not sure what it is. I did enjoy it and I think my fave track is B.I.B.L.E.
This is a fun album that takes some strange turns especially in Mother! But I'm a fan and faves here would be King of Pain, Wrapped Around Your Finger, and Murder By Numbers.
So, this is their radio friendly album huh? Well nothing really stood out for me.
Ah yeah, this is pleasant enough. Imagine is a good track, Crippled Inside is a bit of a banger and Oh Yoko! is just funny.
First time through that second track, Have You Seen Her Face, sounded like The Beatles. Second time through though I could hear the Byrds as I became more familiar with their sound. CTA - 102 is interesting and my fave track would be The Girl With No Name.
So smooth. Hard to pick a favourite but Feio stands out because of that dog barking kind of sound and chit chat at the end. Very enjoyable to listen to.
Meh, dancy, disco-ey, and ok. Fave track would be Mr. Disco.
I'm sure there are some Belle and Sebastian songs that I like. I gave this album 3 goes and I didn't really get into it. Fave tracks would be She's Losing It and Mary Jo.
I've always been a big fan of Goldfrapp, I remember when this came out I was instantly into it. Listening now it's hard to choose a favourite track but I think Utopia would have to be it.
Oh wow, this starts very subtly and then jumps into wonderfully angsty fun. Just the kind of mood I was in today. I love the duality of La fille de la mort, and my fave track would be Crier les chiens.
Such disco. Great lines in He's the Greatest Dancer \"One night in a disco on the outskirts of Frisco \" and Lost in Music \"I Quit! my 9-5\". We Are Family is such a classic.
I kept getting distracted while listening to this album, so I gave it a third go to see if I could pick a few favourite tracks. I really enjoyed the whole album and will put Daylight and A Rush of Blood to the Head as my faves.
This is very cool. Really enjoyed Two Weeks, Numbers, and Kicks. But so many great moments overall.
This is the Tom Waits I know and love. I think on on the bandwagon with loving Goin' Out West and I Don't Wanna Grow Up is classic.
Wow. 28 songs, 33 minutes, what a rush. You Suffer? hilarious. I do actually like the opener, Multinational Corporations, and the closer, Dragnet.
Love this album, and always been a big fan of The Chemical Brothers. It was hard to choose favourite tracks as I've listened to this album many times over the years. But for the purposes of this review I'm going to say my faves at Where Do I Begin (also a big Beth Orton fan), and The Private Physchedlic Reel just puts me in such a good mood.
I guess this is Alright and that's my fave track. <mic drop>
Didn't know what to expect here so pleasantly surprised. Not really my thing but I did enjoy the songs The One You Love and Old Whore's Diet.
I probably need to give this a few more listens. Only songs that really stood out for me were Long Gone, and For Now and Ever. After reading other reviews I feel like I'm missing something, maybe just not in the right frame of mind.
This was a good fun ablum with heaps of great tracks like Who Needs The Peace Corps?, What's the Ugliest Part Of Your Body, Flower Punk, Lets' Make The Water Turn Black, and Lonely Little Girl.
This is a pretty classic album. Lots of well known tracks. From my listening my fave is that last track, just makes me laugh.
I do enjoy me some Arcade Fire. Wake Up and Rebellion (Lies) are such great tracks.
Wow Jackie is a great song. Next is hilarious, and I also enjoyed The Girls And The Dogs, and the closer Come Next Spring (so croony).
What a great album. I really enjoyed the opener and all the tracks leading up to the incredible The Big Ship.
Fun album and with 69 tracks I thought it would be difficult to choose favourites but narrowed it down to Come Back From San Francisco, I Think I Need a New Heart, and Love Is Like Jazz.
My mum was a big fan of The Rolling Stones, can't say I'm overly familiar with this album but it's a debut and a good fun listen. Route 66 is great and Walking The Dog is a fave.
I had forgotten how enjoyable The Streets were. What fun. Could Well Be In, Fit but You Know It, and Dry Your Eyes are all stuck in my head now.
14 songs in 40 minutes, short, sharp, not sweet. Fave track Summer Babe (Winter Version).
Love Tori, Love this album. All the tracks are winners.
Such a great timeless album. Pablo Picasso is easily my favourite and RoadRunner is very enjoyable.
One of the first albums I had as a kid was Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome so my first exposure to Tina Turner was We Don't Need Another Hero (plus she was in the movie). Another memorable Tina moment in my teen years was Nutbush City Limits, also heard many times at my kids' school discos. This album doesn't really grab me with What's Love Got To Do With It being the only stand out.
To think where k.d. lang got to from this debut is pretty incredible. Not sure how I feel about cover songs but if the purpose was to showcase her voice then that worked. Fave track has long been a favourite of mine from other artists: Black Coffee
Very enjoyable. Can't really remember any faves but the whole album is a great listen.
What a cracker of an album. Hard to go past The Number Of The Beast and Run to the Hills for my faves at the moment but would certainly love to explore further.
I have a soft spot for Simon & Garfunkel. From this round of listening I would say Cecilia and Keep the Customer Satisfied are my faves.
The into to There Goes The Fear sounds like the intro to a parenting video series I'm currently watching. Pounding is a great track and I would like to dive more into this band.
I didn't get all the way through this on my first round of listening but was very much enjoying the music as such that when I was making dinner I put Nightmares On Wax on and very much enjoyed some of their other tracks. Faves on this release would be Groove St., and Rise. Looking forward to spending more time with these guys.
What a smooth groove. On the back of the Nightmares On Wax album this is smooth and gentle. Hard to pick a fave as this album just flows so nicely.
This feels very 80s, a good fun listen. Favourite is Double Dutch. Merengue piqued my interest as it uses the same sampled dialogue that another song I like also uses.
Hard to go past hits from the bong err Song Of A Preacher Man as a standout track but my faves from this release would be Just A Little Lovin' and I Can't Make It Alone.
Jimi is a good fund frolic through the era of psychedelic substances. I liked the craziness of Third Stone From The Sun.
Starts off like a punch in the face. On a Rope has big Faith No More vibes. I really liked Ball Lightning for the mentions of cheese and wine. I was so warmed up to this band by the end that Burnt Alive is also a fave.
Moar Punk! I learnt about California Uber Alles via the cover by Disposable Heros of Hypocrisy, I have a world map in my bathroom and think about Holiday In Cambodia everytime I look at that section of the map. This album seems to be a reaction to what was happening in the world at the time but sadly it's still happening.
This is incredible! 1978! So timeless. One Chord Wonders and Gary Gilmore's Eyes are great songs but my favourite is Bored Teenagers. I also love the way that the live version of No Time to Be 21 ends. :mic-drop:
Nice concept. Not really familiar with Woodie Guthrie. I enjoyed Bird and Ships and fave would be One by One.
I kind of expected to like this one, seems like a genre right up my alley but maybe I'm not in the right head space for something so "cerebral". Fave track was Wind-Up.
I can imagine this in high rotation on an easy listening station. Quite an enjoyable listen with fave tracks being the opener, Artificial Energy, and Triad. Moog Raga is also pretty cool.
I don't think I went far past Animal Nitrate when Suede first came onto my radar. This album was quite enjoyable. I like the opener Introducing The Band but the standout for me was The 2 Of Us.
I remember this album from my teenage years, one of those bands that beeen ever present. The first 4 tracks have a high play count on Spotify and they're all great tracks. I think the standout for me was Why Worry? Ride Across The River sounds like it would be a good instrumental track.
This album probably would have been a breath of fresh air in 1978. It has aged quite well but I listen to such a bredth of music it doesn't really stand out as unusual. I do love the cover of (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction, very catchy.
Oh right, that band. I wasn't sure what I was getting into until That's Entertainment kicked in. Start! is an enjoyable track as well.
My wife introduced me to Orbital, and this is one of the albums she had a physical copy of and was in high rotation. For people who know me they would understand that I Wish I Had Duck Feet is a fave. I really like Philosophy by Numbers and the way it feels more like an extension of Science Friction. Kein Trink Wasser, Quality Seconds are great and Are We Here? is another favourite.
Oh wow, Tom Waits story time. This album makes me wish I was in that club (with a cigar and a whiskey?). This is the third Tom Waits album I've heard through this site and a quick search shows there's at least two more. All have been vastly different and very enjoyable. Favourites would be Emotional Weather Report and Eggs and Sausage (In A Cadillac With Susan Michelson)
I never really got into Pearl Jam but this is another band that my wife had on high rotation except she had Vs. AFAIK this is my first listen to Ten and it's quite enjoyable especially for a debut with those well known tracks Even Flow, Alive, and Jeremy. For me the album really comes alive when Even Flow kicks off and keeps the energy high with a nice late night finisher at the end of Release.
"Jefferson Airplane’s “White Rabbit” has appeared in at least one movie or TV show every year since 2001." Haha, as soon as White Rabbit kicked in I was like "Oh, which TV/Movie show did I hear this in before". Regardless I still think it's a great song. White Rabbit and Somebody to Love stand out so much the rest of the album kind of fades into the background.
Much like the recent Tom Waits album I feel this would be more enjoyable in a certain state of mind. That said I did enjoy it. Crosstown Traffic and 1983...(A Merman I Should Turn To Be) were favourites and All Along The Watchtown is such a standout track.
Fun trip down memory lane. I'm sure one of my friends had this on cassette back in the day. Welcome To The Jungle, Paradise City, Sweet Child O' Mine are still great. I do also like Mr. Brownstone.
Wow, on the first lesson the promise of School's Out made the rest of the album fade into insignificance. So I thought of it as an album all school leavers should listen to but still didn't get right into it. Fave track is easily Grande Finale, sounds like a James Bond them played by the High School band at the game.
Another album that kicks off with a lot of promise. But Cinnamon Girl doesn't stay the course. I enjoyed this more than the Cooper album but only just. Fave tracks would be Down by the River and Cowgirl in the Sand
The first track just made me feel icky. The rest of the album doesn't improve much and the only thing going for it is that all the songs are under 3 minutes.
Not sure what I'm missing here but didn't get into this at all.
Ah yes, this is my cup of tea. What a great album. Fave tracks would probably be Paintwork, Petty (Thief) Lout, and Spoilt Vicrtorian Child. Definitely going to give this a few more spins.
I quite enjoyed this. Can't really think of any particular track that stood out.
As soon as Dr John's voice kicked in I knew I'd heard it somewhere before and remember that I Walk on Guilded Splinters was on a Back to Mine album by Lamb from 2004. Not realising that I Walk on Guilded Splinters was on this album I was thinking my favourite track was Jump Sturdy. On my second listen I got into the other tracks a lot more but I Walk on Guilded Splinters is still a stand out for me. Oh, and I always thought the lyric was "'til Alberta" :)
This is pretty cool. Nice to listen to, feels like a story telling session in a remote country tavern. Hard to go past Sally Go Round the Roses as a standout track as it's on the album 3 times.
The kind of album that I'd expect to hear around the campfire at a party in the bush. Nothing really stands out until Layla kicks in.
Oh, this was quite cool. Wasn't sure what to expect not being familiar. But Be (Intro), GO!, and It's Your World - Part 1 & 2 are great tracks. Looking forward to hearing it more.
I've been a big fan of Aphex Twin for a long time. This album was good to listen to in full. I found it hard to pinpoint a particular track that I liked since I enjoyed the whole lot.
It was raining quite heavily both times I listened to this album and it seemed to fit quite nicely. Although I could imagine this on a sunny tropical beach too. No particular favourite track, nice dreamy listen overall.
Great album, angsty LA rock. Fave track is Big Sleep.
Yeah, I still really don't get this.
This is one of those albums that my wife had a copy of so I'm more familiar with this than their other albums. That said it's been a while and I really enjoyed listening to this and think my fave track is Rock Star.
What I like about Meat Loaf is the epic love ballads. What I don't like about Meat Loaf is the epic love ballads. My mum and dad were big into Meat Loaf, a product of their generation. So I'm quite familiar with these songs. From this listening session I'll say my favourite is Paradise By the Dashboard Light.
Such a great album, feels like putting on something comfortable. I was hooked from the opening strains of Plainsong. With my favourites this time around being Pictures of You and Fascination Street.
Wow, what a great album. Been a while since I listened to this album. I thoroughly enjoyed this session. Fave tracks are Boyz, 20 Dollar, XR2, and of course Paper Plans.
This is so different to my previous experience to African (Mali?) music and it's wonderful. If I had to pick a favourite track it would be the last 2, they just leave you with such a good feeling. I look forward to exploring this further.
What a nice surprise. A journey indeed. Black Heart, total Portishead vibes. Close Behind, The Book and the Canal, Attack! El Robot Attack! are all great tracks.
I find it hard to pick favourite tracks of an album I've listened to many times for many years. I guess this album carries more weight being his last. Anyway, all that to say, this is a great album :)
Wow, what a surprise. When Chivalry kicked in I was like ok, these guys sound pretty cool and then Trouble Down South kicked in and blew me away. Hard to Be Human Again brought some normality back along with Darkness and Doubt before Psycho Cupid just leaves my jaw on the floor. I look forward to spending some more time with this.
The Message is just part of the culture right it's one of those songs that's applicable today as it was when it was written. The rest of the album is fun but doesn't quite hold up to the epicness of The Message. I did quite enjoy It's Nasty (Genius of Love).
This is another one of those albums where I feel like I'm at a party with a big bonfire. The party is well into the night, not quite ready to end and Peter Frampton comes on. Pretty sure my dad had this record while it's not really my thing I did enjoy Doobie Wah, Baby, I Love Your Way, and that final track Do You Feel Like We Do.
One my first playthrough I wasn't really sure about this album, having no idea who Syd Barret even was but was thinking this was a 3. Second listen made me realise how much I enjoyed No Good Trying, and Love You (where it sounds like he is actually saying "Ice Cream" instead of "I scream") and instantly made this a 4. After reading more about Syd I am keen to hear more.
Very enjoyable but it's hard to tell where one track ends and another begins. Fave tracks Hello My Baby and Rain, Rain Beautiful Rain.
The first song I did not like the second song starts to warm you up a bit and I did enjoy Pull Together, Lend's Some Dough, Captain's Table, and I Want You. While the album overall is ok, it doesn't really leave me wanting to hear it again.
Don't mind myself a bit of Hot Chip. Fave tracks are Don't Deny Your Heart, Night and Day, and Let Me Be Him.
What a great album, especially for a debut. This came at time of music discovery in my young life and will probably always hold a special place.
At an $oldJob my boss was a big Dinosaur Jr. fan and they always felt like a band I need to spend more time with. Well that feeling is still true today I didn't fully get into this album but I'm still intrigued enough to explore further. Fave tracks: Yeah We Know, and The Post.
Smooth grooves. I like Billy Jack, and So in Love. Jesus sounds like "cheeses" to me, so makes me smile.
Good wholesome rock and roll :) Fave track: That'll Be The Day.
Just Like Honey is just such a comforable feeling song. Like putting on your favourite jumper. I'll need to spend some more time with this album to figure out what other tracks I like, both sessions felt like the rest of the album just faded into the background (in a good way).
I think it says a lot about an album when the final track makes you want to listen to the album again. Red Morning Light is a great start, Joe's Head certainly grabs your attention, California Waiting, and Molly's Chambers are great tracks but there's something I really love about Talihina Sky.
I enjoy Wilco and probably need to spend more time with them. Strangely this seems to be the first time I've listened to this album. Anyway, quite enjoyed it and came away with at least 4 favourite tracks for now. Misunderstood Monday Red Eyed and Blue Sunken Treasure
Have always been a big fan of LCD Soundsystem. This album is great, lots of favourite tracks: oh baby, other voices, call the police, american dream, and emotional haircut.
I remember when Brimful of Asha was all over the airwaves. It certainly piqued my interest but this is the first time I've given Cornershop a good listen. It's an interesting album with my favourites being Butter the Soul, What Is Happening?, and that interpretation of Norwegian Wood.
Another one of those albums that I discovered during my formative years and my friends absolutely devoured. Blister In The Sun, Kiss Off, Add It Up, all great songs, but my fave is Gone Daddy Gone.
Nice dreamy album. Hard to pin point an exact moment it's like when you have a nap and are suprised at how much time has passed. All I know is that I'll be happy to listen again.
Interesting album. I don't mind listening to REM and It's The End Of The World... and The One I Love are great tracks. I feel like I need to give the rest of the album a bit more time.
I totally dig prog rock and this is totally my jam. Larks' Tongue In Aspic (Parts 1 and 2) and Book Of Saturday are the standouts for me. Also love the bonus tracks.
Couldn't really get into this one. Freedom! '90 is a pretty good track.
I think I need to spend more time with this one. Didn't grab me as quickly as Ocean Rain but still really enjoyed it. Fave track: Rescue
Good fun punk rock! Fave tracks Fast Cars, Fiction Romance, Moving Away From The Pulsebeat.
A side of Stevie I don't believe I've heard before. Fave tracks Too High, He's Misstra Know-It-All
This album brings back a lot of fond memories for me and I found this time around to be quite enjoyable. 100% is still great, as is Sugar Kane, Creme Brulee just leaves me wanting more so let's go again!
I wasn't really familiar with this album so it was a nice surprise. E-Pro and Que' Onda Guero really set the mood. Girl is great too as is Send A Message To Her.
This is so great. Love the tracks Broken Witch, There's Always Room on the Broom, Hold Hand and It Will Happen Anyway as well as They Took 14 for the Rest or Our Lives. I look forward to spending more time with this band.
Wasn't sure what to expect and I guess I was pleasantly surprised. Not really my cup of tea but I did enjoy Takeover and U Don't Know.
Oh what fun! I'm glad I had a chance to listen to this album it was really enjoyable. Fave tracks would be (Who Discovered) America?, Saturday Night, and Dejame En Paz. Cuando Canto is the perfect closer leaves you feeling relaxed afrer all the hype.
Not really my thing, it's not bad. Fave track Ain't The Devil Happy.
Well if there's one thing I've learned from this website it's that I'm an Arcade Fire fan. This is the 3rd Arcade Fire album I've heard on this list and I've really enjoyed all of them. For this album my favourite tracks are Keep the Car Running, (Antichrist Television Blues), and No Cars Go.
This is their best album? Ok, well didn't really get into it. Standout track for me was One To Another.
Ahh, this is the kind of hip hop that I like. The album is a great listen from go to woe but Bring Tha Noize just brings a smile to my face.
Muse is one of those bands I've always been aware of on the periphery but never dived into. Take a Bow really sets up quite a fun listen with Knights of Cydonia taking the cake for me. I'm keen to hear some more.
I'm a big fan of Kraftwerk and have always enjoyed Autobahn (and the idea of driving on one one day). I also enjoyed Morgenspaziergang on this release.
Yeah Nah. I don't really understand the hype, it's boppy it's fine, but not for me. I did enjoy Cry Me a River and Rock Your Body (probably more because I know it from Just Dance)
Walk This Way is such a classic but I think my fave from this album is Sweet Emotion. Round And Round certainly borrows it's style from some of my favourite bands so that was an interesting twist on this album.
Scarborough Fair/Canticle is quite dreamy. My faves from this are Cloudy and A Simple Desultory Philippic
Smooooooooth. This album really captures a point in time while the music itself feels timeless. Fave track Blues to Be There.
I really enjoyed this, very funky. The album cover is fun. The Cisco Kid and The World Is A Ghetto are great tracks. I also enjoyed City, Country, City,
As far as live albums go this is a pretty good one. I'm not familar with the majority of songs on this album so it was nice to hear a different side of Van Morrison. Fave tracks Warm Love, Wild Children, Saint Dominic's Preview.
I found this quite interesting a big range that was interesting at times. With 33 tracks it's hard to keep track of favourites but River Song, Holy Man - Instrumental, and All Alone at the top of my list.
Wasn't sure what to expect but what a nice surprise. Somehow this album had passed me by and most of my exposure to Lambchop prior to this was a remix on a chillout album. I quite enjoyed Grumpus, Up with People, and The Book I Havent Read.
Don't Panic really sets the mood for this album. Spies is one of my favourite Coldplay tracks and I quite enjoyed Everything's Not Lost, especially as the closer.
More nostalgic vibes. Push It Along is a great opener. I wish the album was a bit more fluid, it seems to hint with mentions of the next song at the end or most songs but the flow doesn't feel right. Pubic Enemy made me laugh. Fave tracks would be I Left My Wallet in El Sedungo, Bonita Applebum, and Can I Kick It?
9 songs, 21 minutes, probably one thing I like most about punk, short, sharp, to the point. This album is pretty good, not something I'm going to put on repeat but I did enjoy Betray, Think Again, and Cashing In.
I wasn't sure where this was going at first but when Feelin' Alright? kicked in I was back in familiar territory. I enjoyed some of the crazy turns it took like Here We Go Round The Mulberry Bush and Shanghai Noodle Factory.
On the first listen I wasn't really sure about this but this album really does grow on you and I was having a lot of fun right about the time I heard Buried Alive for the second time. As the album progressed I was thinking this was a 4 for sure but I realised this version has 10 extra songs and I think this album would be perfect if it ended with Don't Burn The Witch. By the end of Acid Queen - 12" Version I was starting to get a bit over these goes so 3 it is. Favourite tracks Buried Alive, Leave Me In Hell.
Pretty interesting and pretty good for a debut. However, can't say I enjoyed it overall. Favourite Track: Wait and Bleed.
Blitzkrieg Bop is such a great song. Unfortunately the rest of the album kind of felt like 13 versions of the same song. Maybe I need to spend a bit more time with this release but I can say it has aged well.
I wasn't sure about this when I saw it was all cover songs. But when Hurt came on it sent chills down my spine. Other faves would be I Hung My Head and Personal Jesus. Being his final album We'll Meet Again seems poignant as the closer.
Apparently this is considered classic Stevie and I agree. A cruisy comfortable listen. Fave tracks: Smile Please, They Won't Go When I Go, and Bird Of Beauty
Wow, this album is so timeless. It could have been released yesterday and still be so great. River Man is easily my favourite. I look forward to exploring this album further.
I like Sade's voice and this album was smooth as. Smooth Operator is a classic. Fave tracks When Am I Going to Make a Living, and the 80's vibes on Why Can't We Live Together.
Rip It Up is such a great song, the rest of the album kind of pales in comparison with the exception of Hokoyo. Also Tenterhook is a great closer.
This is a great album. I'm finding it hard to pinpoint a favourite track so I guess I'll have to listen to it again... and again.
Oh What A World sets the scene for this gentle album. Once again enjoyable enough middle of the road. Fave track 11:11
I struggled to get through this one but it was a bit better the second time through. Fave track Blue Canadian Rockies.
What a great fun album. It's Him grabs you from the very beginning. Back at the Farm is my absolute favourite. Street Joy seems to be popular and I can see why. Looking forward to hearing this again.
Ahh, so dreamy. Fave tracks, Little Bird, A&E, Cologne Cerrone Houdini, and Caravan Girl
Pure fun rock and roll. Fave tracks, Electric Ocean and Love Removal Machine.
Pure easy going reggae. Fave track: Stir It Up
The best thing about albums pre-streaming days was that you could discover more of the artist. I think that's what I like about this website too as while this album has some very well known songs it was nice to hear some of the funner stuff like The Na-Na Song.
So relaxing and boppy at the same time. Fave track: Lasidan
I don't mind myself some folk music and fairy tales and this is a gently flowing album that takes you on a journey. Fave tracks: Matty Groves, Tam Lim
When I listen to this album I feel like I'm at a party on a farm where there's a campfire and people are sitting around having a good time. I guess also it's the 70's because no one is looking at their phones, they are just happy with each other's company. Fave tracks: Do It Again, Turn That Heartbeat Over Again.
Good raucous glam rock fun. Fave track: The Last Of The Teenage Idols
These guys certainly know how to make a pop song. So many well known songs it was hard to listen to this objectively. I'm going to say Fernando is my fave track as it's been stuck in my head the most.
This is great. Just overall interesting. Fave tracks The Duchess, Free Will And Testament.
Unexpectedly delightful. I love that this list introduces me to things like this that I kind of know exist but have never dived into. Fave track for now: Learned It
Bitter Sweet Symphony is well known and pretty catchy. The Drugs Don't Work is a meme these days isn't it? Lucky Man is ok. Fave tracks from this session: Catching The Butterfly and Deep Freeze
What a great debut. Highly Evolved really sets the tone and 1969 is a great closer. Get Free is very catchy. I think my favourite track though is In The Jungle.
What a great album. I remember the Sledgehammer video when it came out and the song is still great. Big Time is fun as is This Is The Picture (Excellent Birds) with In Your Eyes rounding out my favourites for today.
So the release I listened to had 10 tracks and 30 bonus tracks which was a bit of a slog to get through after 20ish or so tracks. But I still really enjoyed it an just listened the 10 tracks for my second listen. Fave Track: Positive Vibrations. I Got the Hots is funny, so is Old Pervert. Underwater Moonlight is growing on me too.
Feel like I'm in a fancy bar, or at a concert hall. Fave track: Montana Song
This is so lovely. Such a great voice, such wonderfully intricate stories. Fave tracks: Coyote, Song for Sharon.
Interesting, strange, varied. Fave track: Caligari's Mirror
All Hail the Queen indeed, what a great album. Not really knowing what to expect Dance for Me really kicked it into Gear and the craziness of Mama Gave Birth to the Soul Children makes it my favourite track along with Inside Out.
I wasn't really sure where this album was going on the first listen by the end I started to get into it. Second listen I was still a offput by Music Is Love but I really like Song with No Words (Tree with No Leaves).
Such a comfortable listen. This was certainly a big album during my formative music years. Fave tracks: Drive, Ignoreland, Nightswimming
Wow what great fun. I really enjoyed this whole album, with the standout track being Boude de La - Part 1.
Wow, totally unhinged heavy rock. Summertime Blues really sets the scene. Doctor Please is a trip unto itself.
This is pretty cool, especially for a 1981 release. Probably need to spend a bit more time with it but fave track so far is She's Like Heroin To Me.
I've always been a big fan of this album and it was a joy to listen to for this exercise. Fave tracks are many but probably Building Steam With A Grain Of Salt and Midnight In A Perfect World are stand outs.
I was a big fan of Talking Heads during my very young years but never really dug deep into them, just always appreciated them. Fave track is easily Psycho Killer. I love the Carribean vibes on Uh-Oj Love Comes to Town, and Happy Day stands out for me.
Certainly didn't know what to expect but what a wonderful album. Fave tracks O Trem Azul, Saidas E Bandeiras No 1 and 2, Um Girrassol Da Cor Do Seu Cabelo, and Trem De Doido.
Dy-Na-My-Tee is a good fun track but seems different to the rest of the tracks. Seed Will Grow caught my attention as well. Still enjoyable enough but not quite to my taste.
It's like bubblegum for your ears. Sweet to listen too but tiring after a while. Fave track Blank Space.
I guess I'm not a Todd Rundgren fan. This album once again feels like a product of it's time and probably best enjoyed under the influence. Fave track: Just One Victory.
Christmas? Maybe. Smooth? Definitely. Fave tracks: I Concentrate On You, and Baubles, Bangles And Beads, for the little doop de doos in the background.
Good fun album, hard to escape some of these tunes which makes it hard to be objective but I enjoyed it all the same. Fave tracks: If Things Were Perfect and The Sky Is Broken
As soon as Something for the Weekend kicked in I knew I was in for a treat. I vaguely knew of this band but have never spent any time with it and really enjoyed this album. Fave tracks, The Frog Princess and A Woman of the World.
I never really knew NERD beyond She Wants To Move and this album was a delightful surprise. Fave tracks are probably Breakout, Wonderful Place / Waiting For You. I look forward to spending more time with this.
Big fan of Air since Moon Safari and this movie/soundtack blew my mind when it came out. You know it's a good soundtrack when you can picture the movie while listening to the album although it's been a hot minute since I've seen the movie. Playground Love does stand out as standalone track but the rest of the album is basically one piece. To choose a favourite for this exercise, The Word Hurricane, because I like clouds :)
I think teenage me would have loved this and it's a pretty kick ass release, glad to have given it a go. Fave track is easily Kerosone.
I wasn't really getting into this on the first listen but Wolf of Velvet Fortune caught my attention (and remains my fave). I started to appreciate the album a bit more on the second listen. San Fran Folk Rock for sure.
hahah what fun. Young teen me would have been right into this it's a bit too 80's for current me but hey nostalgia right? Fave track: Song With No Name.
I never really got into Iron Maiden it was another one of those bands my friends were into that I didn't feel a need to dive into. This album was such a blast, not even sure what I was expecting but so enjoyable. Fave tracks: Running Free,Phantome of Opera, and Strange World
This totally caught me by surprise. I didn't know much about Roxy Music except that they existed. 2HB is easily my favourite. Certainly an album that deserves more plays.
There's country music and then there's this. I don't know enough to really understand but this album is just good fun. Fave tracks: Keep On The Sunny Side, and Tennessee Stud
Scottish folk ambient from 1984 that sounds timeless and reminds me a bit of Peter Gabriel. Fave tracks Tinseltown In The Rain and From Rags To Riches
Put into context this album is pretty good. However maybe I need to spend a bit more time with it as I just didn't overly enjoy it. Fave track is Cyprus Avenue. Special call out for Ballerina as when it starts I wondered whose iPhone was ringing.
I still struggle with hip hop and was leaning towards dismissing this as a 2 after the first run through but it started to win me over on the second listen and I feel I could get more into it with more time. Fave track: It Ain't Safe
When I saw this ablum come up I was curious and thought, I think I've heard of these guys. My listening history shows that I've listened to them pretty much every year since 2013. As soon as Default kicked in it all came flooding back. This album is right up my alley and I look forward to giving it another spin. Fave tracks from today: Default, Zumm Zumm, Wor
Nice chill vibes but does get a bit samey samey. Fave track: Universal Music
Love Kate Bush, certainly unique. Fave tracks, The Sensual World, Deeper Understanding.
It's certainly a hard album to listen to but is that a reflection of the lifestyle the commentary is based on. I don't know and I guess I should be grateful for that. Fave track: It's A Man's World or maybe I'm Only Out For One Thang for the Flavor Flav feature.
Dirty Projectors have always been one of those bands that come up every so often that have some interesting songs. This album is a good example, most of it is mediocre but Stillness Is The Move is a realy standout for me.
Yeah, I'm not an American Teenager so totally did not get into Kiss. But it is a fun listen and I can see the appeal. Fave track: Detroit Rock City
Good ol' fashion blues from the 70's? Fave track: Mannish Boy
I mostly know Snoop Dogg from Gorrilaz and I guess his biggest hits. To me the misogyny mostly feels tongue firmly in cheek but that doesn't make it ok. Fave track: Gin and Juice for the laid back vibe.
This album really hits you fair and square right from the start. I wasn't really sure where this was heading at first but by Dracula Mountain I was getting into it and that feeling continued through 2 Towers and On Fire. Crown of Storms and Longstockings could also be contenders for favourites.
Pretty groovy. Great album for a debut especially knowing where Lenny got to from here. Standout tracks for me are problably Let Love Rule and Flower Child.
This certainly caught me by surprise. Having no context for who Kelala is her voice just shines bright through the whole album. Fave track: Take Me Apart. Certainly worth another listen.
I'm told there are five Springsteen albums on this list an this is likely the best of them? Well being my first I've got nothing to compare it to so here we go. Badlands stands out for me so much that I feel like this album needs a few more listens to get more out of the other songs. Certainly Adam Raised a Cain, Racing in the Street, and The Promised Land piqued my interest. Certainly the album deserves another listen.
I was never really into metal, I was deep into industrial but now I realise I was missing some great stuff. I don't really know much about Megadeth except that all my friends had t-shirts. This album is pretty good with Devils Island probably my fave today.
I enjoy the style and music of Common. This album didn't really grab me though but it was still an enjoyable listen. Fave track: Pops Rap III...All My Children.
I must admit I was like oh Beatles wil there goes my Spotify recommendations but this album is pretty darn good. Taxman is a good laugh, Eleanor Rigby is such a wonderful song, Yellow Submarine is a joy, and Tomorrow Never Knows is a great song I wasn't previously familiar with.
I've really like Touch Me I'm Sick since it came on a compilation of songs performed live from a local radio station. I've gained a new appreciation for this band after listening to this "album". Sweet Young Thing.. is great and In 'N' Out of Grace is good fun too.
This one didn't quite grab me as much as the debut but still interesting. That first song kind of wrecks the whole album but the later songs from about Editions Of You are more enjoyable.
Feels like the soundtrack to a stage show. I enjoyed the quirky lyrics. Fave song is probably Die Dreigroschenoper: Tango Ballad
An album like this makes you wander what could have been. I've never listened to 2Pac before but would happily listen to this again. Still it's nothing special, just cruisy hard life hip hop? Faves: Me Against The World, Old School, Dear Mama
I opened Spotify to play this album and see I already had North American Scum, Someone Great, and All My Friends markes as liked songs. On this listen I got a new appreciation for Get Innocuous! and Sound of Silver.
Only being familiar with his popular stuff I wasn't really sure what to expect. Reading that this was a concept album about social and environmental issues piqued my interest. Certainly What's Going On is a standout track, but I like the way the songs following flow into each other with faves being Flyin' High, Mercy Mercy Me.
There's been quite a few bands on this list that, during my formative years, my friends were all into but I was mostly just aware of. Today I was trying to figure out why that was the case, well simply I was poor and couldn't go out and buy every damn CD of every band that piqued my interest. Nowadays with access to just about everything I'm gaining a new appreciate for these bands and Sisters Of Mercy is certainly one of them. Every week my friends and I would go to this club in the city and every week they would play This Corrosion and man does this album bring back some memories. Fave tracks Dominion / Mother Russia, Lucretia My Reflection, and of course This Corrosion.
I'm not really sure what that was. Very bizarre. The Toonerville Trolley seems to be the best and worst track.
As a debut this album kind of feels like a promise of better things to come than an actual great album. I mean Animal Nitrate is pretty catchy but nothing else really stood out for me.
This album feels like a product of it's time. It's all about radio air play and something like this just fits the bill. Being their fifth album I guess they had a big enough following to keep up the momentum. Fave track Truckin' -- I just love a good driving song.
I really need to spend some more time with Radiohead. It was raining while listening to this and House Of Cards and Videotape stole the show for the vibe.
It's always good to see a "local" artist do well. I enjoy Lorde's really down to earth moments. Green Light certainly first the bill. The other standout track for me is Supercut.
Glam Rock from the 70s. All the Way from Memphis is pretty good but my faves would be Drivin' Sister and I Wish I Was Your Mother
Let's Stay Together is such a classic. Interesting to learn how this was kind of the start and the end of the height of his success. Fave track: I've Never Found a Girl
This is certainly a side of Queen I wasn't familar with. What a great fun 70s rocking vibe. Faves: Father To Son, The Loser In The End.
It's got that 90 indies rock vibe that I enjoy. I didn't really know who Frank was and thought it sounded familiar and then reading the description of the album made the penny drop. It's like a fun version of The Pixies. Faves: Abstract Plain, Freedom Rock
It certainly feels like an album of more to come and I guess this was pretty unique for it's time. Fave: Fodderstompf
Another album full of promise but one I got a bit more into and feel I could really dig with a few more listens. Fave track: Lose My Breath.
This is totally my cup of tea. Just something about The Stone Roses that makes me feel good. Fools Gold is my absolute fave track.
This album starts off so strong and I'm like yeah this is easily a 5, good job Beatles. But by the end I'm so over it and the album is back to a 4. I guess considering I like 7-8 of the 30 songs ... if this was a 10 song album ...
What a great fun easy going happy vibe. Faves: The Magic Number and Eye Know
Great example of 90s grunge at it's best. Faves: Them Bones, Rooster, Hate To Feel.
It's like the birth of prog rock. Picking a fave is hard but Court Of The Crimson King is one I look forward to hearing again.
My third Costello from this list so far. This one didn't really grab me at the start but does pick up around the end. Fave track: Radio, Radio
Thanks for the Geography lesson Lucinda Fave: Title
This album is so quiet that I was 6 tracks in before I remembered I had music playing. Then something about my day made it hard to concentrate so I can't really give this a fair rating. I'll give it the benefit of the doubt and put it on my listen again another time list.
I don't recall hearing any of these songs before and what a joy of discovery. Faves: The Next Day, If You Can See Me, Dancing Out In Space
Pure anarchy. Fave: Submission.
Ahh this is so much fun and so timeless! Faves: A Minha Menina, Adeus Maria Fulo
Good old fashioned power pop. I knew Thirteen from Elliot Smith's version which I feel is a bit more haunting. Fave track on this album is When My Baby's Beside Me.
Lucinda gave me a geography lesson, Randy sprinkles in politics and social commentary. Fave track: Rollin'
I certainly like this one more than School's Out. Faves: Elected, Unfinished Sweet, No More Mr. Nice Guy, and Generation Landslide.
I like the atmosphere on this one and certainly am becoming a fan of The xx. I haven't listened to the other album as part of this list so looking forward to that coming around. Faves: Dangerous, Performance, and On Hold.
I have a fond spot for OutKast and the song Ms Jackson for the way the owl in the film clip makes my wife laugh hysterically. Ms Jackson is a standout song on this album and I also enjoyed B.O.B. and Stankonia.
I do enjoy Joni Mitchell. Help Me is quite a standout on this album. I also enjoyed Just Like This Train, and Raised on Robbery.
This one doesn't grab me as much as some of the others I've heard from this list but still enjoyable. The Partisan stands out and I enjoyed You Know Who I Am, and Tonight Will Be Fine made me smile.
Such a delight. Jumpin' Jack Flash is certainly a banger. Unfortunately Light My Fire reminded me too much of those baby lullably albums which are basically cover versions of popular songs using instruments like a sitar. The rest of the album is great though especially Sagar (The Ocean)
The live sound is a bit gimmicky but I guess it works. Janis is just awesome. Certainly a good fun album with Piece of My Heart the standout track.
What a wild trip. I knew nothing about Julian Cope coming into this and wasn't sure how I was going to get through 29 tracks but it really did grow on me. Faves: Drive, She Said, Soldier Blue, Love (L.U.V) Remix.
I would have been 9 when this came out and I remember ZZ Top being in high rotation. Loved the car and the film clips. Certainly giving this one some points for nostalgia. Sharp Dressed Man is great, Legs is catchy as and TV Dinners is hilarious.
Wow, what a great storyteller. I didn't realise how many Yusuf / Cat Stevens I knew but I really like at least 5 of the 11 tracks. It's not just the lyrics but the way he sings too, it's so captivating.
On my first listend I really dug A Message to You Rudy but the rest of the album seemed to pale in comparison. Second listen I started to get more into it and it's a good fun album. Aside from the opener I also enjoyed Concrete Jungle, Blank Expression, and Too Much Too Young
I also discovered Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan via the Natural Born Killers soundtrack and this is the first time I've really dug in since then. A great album each track awesome.
Interesting back story and a lot of wondering what could have been. I just couldn't quite get into this album though. The highlights for me were Little Hands, War In Peace, Grey/Afro.
I quite liked this but found it hard to understand the lyrics so I just pretended it was in a different language. I really enjoyed Modern Dance and Sentinmental Journey -- I will defintely give this anohter listen sometime.
A band trapped in time at their prime. I like Dumb and many of the others.
Certainly has a good 60's San Francisco vide. Faves: 8:05, Naked, If I Want to
Great fun energy. I was not familar with this band beyond Come On Eileen so it was a fun discovery that I look forward to hearing again. Faves: Geno, Seven Days Too Long
I was just about to write my review and thought I'd just have a quick look at what my friend wrote and it's 100% what I was thinking. --- I liked this a whole lot more than their self titled album. Has more character of its own. Might need to come back to this one for additional listens! Fave tracks - "Glad" and "Freedom Rider" are baller openers!
I found the opening track really confusing as much as I love Satie. Smiling Phases picks up the pace and sets the scene nicely with More and More, And When I Die keeping the interest high. Spinning Wheel tops it all off.
I was digging the groove on the first run through but it did start to grind by the end of the second listen. Connected is great, I also enjoyed Fade Away and Step It Up.
The first listen made it hard to listen to again but I perservered and it's not a complete trainwreck. This quote from the wikipedia article also makes me curious "...she intended to embark on a tour. However, her record company encouraged her to return to the studio and record new music before going on the road." Anyway I like Music for the boogie-woogie.
What a blast this album is. Putting this on high rotation for sure. Fave track is easily Electricity. Zig Zag Wanderer, and Abba Zaba are highlights too. I can see why people seem to be into I'm Glad and I'm sure it'll grow on me.
Gotta love an album that kicks off with Star Wars sound effects. This album certainly kicks off with a cracking pace and settles into a nice rhythm. Girl From Mars and Kung Fu are certainly the highlights, not bad for a debut.
A lot of the reviews for this seem to mention Rubber Soul, which I haven't listened to yet, along with what looks like another 4 Beatles albums!! To me, this album is pure pop, and like bubblegum after a while you forget that you're listening to it. A Hard Day's Night and Can't Buy Me Love are certainly standout tracks but I think I need to spend more time with this album to fully appreciate it.
Hahah this is great and growing on me. I'm going with 4 for now but feel this could definitely move to high rotation one day. Fave: Tuesday's Gone.
There is something captivating about Anohni's voice. Mixed with the personal vulnerabilities just grabs you. Fave track: You Are My Sister
This one gets nostalgia points but does stand quite well on it's own. Message In A Bottle, and Walking On The Moon are standout tracks, On Any Other Day is catchy.
I was a bit apprehensive about yet another live album on this list but Deep Purple was one of those albums my dad had that I loved listening to when I was knee high to a grasshopper. That said, I did get into this album, althoug the edition I listened to had 3 x Black Nights and 2 x Speed Kings. By the end of the first listen I'd had enough of those songs. For my second listen I kept one of each track and glad I did because Black Night is a great track. I love the call and response on Strange Kind Of Woman and Space Truckin' is one of the tracks that was on the album my dad had and is my absolute favourite.
I might have to go back and listen to Peace Sells.. because this album didn't really grab me and if this is the best..... Fave track: Rust In Peace...Polaris
Shining Star and Yearnin' Learnin' gave me real Jamiroquai vibes. The album as a whole as a nice feel to it but didn't really grab me.
Another cracker of an album, such great energy. Every song feels like it's building up to Come On Eileen. Fave Track: Jackie Wilson Said
Oh this is so great. I knew nothing about this band and had no idea what to expect but this was such good fun. Fave tracks: Malibu Beach Nightmate, Tooting Bec Wreck.
This album is all over the place and probably deserves a bit more time. Imagine what the 3 album version would have been like. Standout tracks for me Sign O' The Times, Starfish And Coffee
Certainly an intriguing album that I would like to spend some more time with. Lead A Normal Life is so chilling. Games Without Frontiers is a classic. No Self Control is my fave today.
This album certainly grew on me more with the second listen and I feel like it deserves a few more if not at least a deeper listen. Fave track for now Step In The Arena
I remember this was an album that my dad had although can't say I recall listening to it much. It has a pretty timeless feel. Brown Sugar and Wild Horses are big hits but my faves are Can't You Hear Me Knocking and Dead Flowers.
2024 and the and still feels relevant. I love the weird croony Till Your Well Runs Dry but faves are Whatcha Gonna Do and Ketchy Shuby whatever that is.
I guess I can start to call myself a fan. This quite enjoyable and my first time listening to the whole album. This could potentially become a 5 with a few more listens but for now fave track is A Spoonful Weighs a Ton, and Suddenly Everything Has Changed.
I wasn't really sure about this but these guys really nailed it with Groovin'. On the second listen the other songs started to grow on my and I liked You Better Run.
This is viewed a succesful hybrid between country and rock but it sounds like any old country to me. Fave track: Return of the Grievous Angel
I'm not sure that I need more electric jug music in my life. While I appreciate pschedelica and this album is ok, it wasn't anything real special. Fave: Reverberation (Doubt)
I like learning the nuances of Hip Hop and I can certainly appreciate this album. Fave: The World Is Yours
Such an incredible voice. There's something timeless about this music too. Faves: Love And Affection, Tall In The Saddle
I had no knowledge of Gabriel era Genesis. This album is epic. Peter was obvioulsy such a creative force that he had to go his own way. Faves? too many to mention this album is long and I like more an more with each listen.
A delightful, charming, intimate, live album. Beautiful voice. Fave: How High The Moon
I've still got a few more Dylan albums to catch up to on this list but the ones I've listened to so far I've enjoyed and this one tops them all so far. It's hard to go past Like a Rolling Stone as it's such a classic. Tombstone Blues, and Desolation Row are other standouts for me.
When Plateau came on I was like oh I know this song! So thanks Nirvana for introducing me. I couldn't help but think this sounds a lot like Dinosaur Jr. and I'm not sure if there's a connection there. Anyway, I found myself enjoying more of the bonus tracks. Faves: Plateau, Lost (Demo Version), and Aurora Borealis (Demo Version).
A Design for Life certainly caught my attention on the first listen. Not being famaliar with this band I wasn't really sure what to expect but the songs certainly grew on me on the second listen. 3 for now but could probably be a 4 with a few more listens.
Another band I was not overly familar with but Can't Stand Me Now does ring some bells. I liked this album more than the Preachers album and found it to be a lot of fun. Faves: Can't Stand Me Now, Music When The Lights Go Out, What Became of the Likely Lads
Delicious voice, groovy sounds. It's like a chillout album. Faves: August Day Song, Bananeira, Close Your Eyes
Incredible voice. Chain of Fools and You Make Me Feel are incredible songs. My fave from this listen is Niki Hoeky such a different fun wacky vibe.
Oh man this album is great. Closer just grabs you straight away and by the time Manhattan kicks in you wonder do I like this particular song or am I having a dopamine rush. Certainly after my second listen I was keen to listen again. Faves from today are Crawl, Sex on Fire, Use Somebody, and Notion but there's plenty more in second place. That's 2 out of 2 5-Star records from KoL for me!
This is like 80's in a bottle. Faves maybe Spanish Dancer and Night Train
Ehh, I guess it's pretty good and nice to know U2 were going back to their roots. But still after the first 3 tracks the rest of the album just kind of fades into the background. Fave: Stuck In A Moment You Can't Get Out Of
Oh yeah this is disco at it's best IMHO. Good Times is just that a good time with A Warm Summer Night and My Forbidden Lover standouts on a very boppy along album.
This is so good I can't believe this was recording in 1979 especially when thinking of how different this is to the 1980 Steve Winwood album. I certainly have come across these gals before and I'm a fan. So hard to pick a fave from this album but maye Instant Hit, So Tough, Fm, Newtown, Ping Pong Affair.
Huge nostalgia points for this one as it's one I was really into when I was really young. Still sounds great! Faves are the obvious: Good Times Toll, My Best Friend's Girl, Just What I Needed. The rest is ok, nothing special. Without nostalgia probably a 3.
Pretty impressive debut. Great voice, great tunes. Faves: Mama Said, Do Re Mi, Wishin' And Hopin'
I like the story of the album more than the album itself ... damn record companies. The songs, lyric wise, are indeed interesting but when I compare this to some of the other albums I listen to I can't quite justifty a 3.
Outstanding. Railing really sets the scene and just as you think this song is getting even better you're already a minute into Brown Paper Bag which in itself is exceptional. New Forms, Let's Get It On, and Digital keep the ball rolling. Heroes is a fun track and Watching Windows has been a favourite of mine for a long time.
At first it sounds like a bunch of unfinished songs but after a while the lyrics start to worm their way into your brain. It really does deserve a bit more time. Faves: Remember (for the explosion), and God (for self belief)
Not sure how to seperate Morrissey from The Smiths except for maybe Johnny Marr so as a fan of The Smiths I found this quite a comfortable listen. Certainly worthy of more plays. Faves: Everyday Is Like Sunday, Late Night, Maudlin Street
I was an instant fan of Bill Callahan when I first head him under the name Smog but I haven't really dived deep into his catalog so it was nice to spend time with this record. It certainly reminds me of what drew me in the first time with the way he just delivers such simple concepts. Faves from today: Eid Ma Clack Shaw, My Friend, and Faith/Void for the line about tear gas at his grave.
Coined as a "science-fiction concept album about the future" and I'm here for it. I had a feeling that I'd heard these guys before and as soon as Golden Skans kicked in it all came rushing back. So first run through was getting familiar with the concept again and second listen was enjoying the energy. Faves: Golden Skans, Isle Of Her, Gravity's Rainbow, Forgotten Works, and It's Not Over Yet.
A good fun record, pretty epic debut. Faves are Laura, Take Your Mama, Tits On The Radio and that cover of Comfortably Numb just gets stuck in my head every single time.
This is k.d. lang really hitting her stride. Faves: Save Me, The Mind of Love, and Constant Craving which feels like a strange closer.
I've been slowly learning via this list that I have very limited knowledge of post 2000 music as I stuck my head in the sand at some stage pre 2k. That said my 16yo has been a huge fan of The Strokes and I've been getting into them as I hear more and more. This album is touted as the "reinvention of post-millennium guitar music" so my thanks go to The Strokes. Faves: Someday, Last Nite, and Hard To Explain.
I wasn't sure what to expect with this as I head he can get a bit weird. Anyway they say this is his best and after my second listen it really started to grow on me. A sad crooner with a bent for the mythical. Faves: The Seventh Seal, The Old Man's Back Again
The first 3 tracks didn't really grab me on the first listen then I was getting into Caledonia Mission thinking ok there's at least one track on here that I like. Then, of course, The Weight kicks in and it all falls into place. Nothing in the remainder of my first listen really matched The Weight but I found on the second listen the other tracks started to grow on me. A few more listens might get it to a 4 but for now it's a 3 for me.
Not sure how to pick a favourite from 4 improvised songs but certainly the latter half seems to capture my attention more. Relaxing, enjoyable, intriguing.
Good fun and interesting but not sure how this is "cited as an influence on the trip hop genre". Enjoy Yourself sounds like the a good song to sing at the pub with your mates. I enjoyed the journey on Stereotype / Stereotype Pt 2.
As The Witch kicks off I'm like oh yeah this is pretty cool but the rest of the album feels like these guys were hired for a wedding band. Faves: The Witch, Boss Hoss
Certainly I side of James Brown I have not been exposed to before. I really like the intro and the bridges and Lost Somone is good with my fave being Night Train.
Already looking forward to giving this one another spin. It does seem to hark back to some of her earlier albums but with a modern spin I guess. Faves for now: History Of Touches, Atom Dance
So dissapointed that this isn't on my streaming services but so glad I was able to listen to it because it's right up my alley and so good I'm finding it hard to pick a favourite track. As soon as Smoke Dis One kicks in I'm hooked and Stop This Crazy Thing ramps up the vibe, Not Paid Enough is so much fun but I couldn't find a list of all the samples. Which Doctor? and My Telephone are great and Fat (Party And Bullshit) keeps the party going.
Such a cutesy lovely vibe. Every song is so cosy. Faves Parade (A Banda) and You Didn't Have To Be So Nice
This album starts off quite strong but then Stand and Orange Crush just steal the show so much so that I listened to the album a third time and skipped those two tracks and yeah it's not too bad overall. Faves the two aformentioned, Pop Song 89, and I Remember California.
Its a bit of fun but it's not for me. But yeah it does sound like classic hip hop. Fave track: Otha Fish
When I saw this I thought oh good I like Suzanne Vega but hadn't listened to this debut. When Marlene On The Wall kicked in I immediately when to my music collection to see why I knew this song and it turns out that the two Suzanne Vega albums I have are 99.9F and Tried and True (which is a best of). The three tracks I already knew are fantastic songs, Marlene On The Wall, Small Blue Thing, The Queen And The Soldier. Overall it's a great album and certainly deserves more listens.
Such a warm and cozy feeling. Faves: The Jungle Line and Harry's House / Centerpiece
I don't really recall much about Skunk Anansie except for the name. So I guess it was good to hear this with fresh ears and no expectations. The album comes out of the gates strong and leans into the electronica side and gets very balladly by the end maybe like a big night out. Anyway certainly deserves some more time. Faves: On My Hotel Tv, I'm Not Afraid
I got to ruminate over this one a bit longer than usual and can say I do like the guitar focus on this one. Looks like there's another 2 albums on my to-do list but this one is up there with my faves from Mr Young. Fave tracks: Fucking Up and Love to Burn
Oh this is so awesome and right up my alley. I'd never heard of these guys before so what a treat. Bubble and Silde starts off on the right foot but Bubble and Slide II take the cake for me. Duke of Earlsfield is a jam with Planet D, Wilmot, and Theme amping up again. There's just so much to like, for me, on this album.
That's just too many monkees on the deluxe edition. The story is interesting but the end result doesn't make a lot of sense to me, maybe you had to be there. Fave track: Rand Scouse Git
It's like happy hour at the punk rock cafe. Yes, I was familiar with The Offspring but have never sat down and listened (which is the point of this right!) and what a delight. It kicks off with such great energy and just keeps it going. Certainly, Genocide, Something to Believe In, and Come Out and Play are highlights but Self Esteem really does take the take. I never considered myself a fan but 5 stars easy.
Such a lovely relaxed vibe. It seems I'd encountered David before and I found this album quite relaxing and enjoyable. I'll be back for more. Faves: Babylon, White Ladder
I really enjoyed this. Squares caught my attention immmediately with their version of Daydream which I'd orginally familiar with thanks to I Monster. The rest of the album is great and certainly deserves another listen.
Nice relaxing quick listen. It probably deserves a few more listens, I certainly feel that I could grow to like this band but for now it's a 3. Faves: A Sailor's Life, Si tu dois partir, Cajun Woman
It's country hour on the local easy listening radio station. It's the kind of music I'd expect to hear any time of the day when tuning in. Fave: The Road's My Middle Name
The music's pretty cool. Fave track: I'll Be Around
The first listen this felt a bit dated and I wasn't in the right frame of mind but on the second listen I started to get into a bit more and feel like I should like it more than a 3 so will give this a chance. Fave: It Goes On
Pretty epic for a debut indeed. Dreamy melancholic folk music. Faves: Helplessly Hoping, Long Time Gone
Much like a nothing burger there's nothing much for me here. It's not overly confronting or offensive or fun or interesting. Fave: If I Can't. P.I.M.P has a nice groove.
Fun and bouyant boppable tracks. Fave: El Cayuco I guess as it kicks everything off.
Music school for music nerds. But hey still fun to listen to.
It was interesting to listen to this at a distance but it hasn't aged well and is pretty boring overall. Fave: Stormkeeper
Billie Holiday is pretty incredible but this album just feels like 12 versions of the same song. Fave: You've Changed
What a joyful listen. I'm certainly keen to listen to this again. Darkness, Darkness really sets the scene and such a lovely closing vibe in Ride the Wind
Dire Straits hold a special place in my memory as many many years ago, when I was but a preteen, our family had just invested in a new stereo system (with a CD player!) and a distant cousin of mine, being a huge Mark Knopfler fan, insisted that we play Sultans of Swing to test out the audio delights of this new stereo. This album has a really nice comfortable feel. Down To The Waterline seems a strange choice for the opener but it works. I really dug Water Of Love, Six Blade Knife, and of course Sultans Of Swing.
Keep on Chooglin'
What a delightful surprise. This album is so much fun. I had to go back and listen to I'm Not In Love to check it was the same band. Faves: The Worst Band In The World, Clockwork Creep, The Sacro-Iliac
I much preferred the french versions over the english versions but still it's not really my thing. Fave: No idea, they all sound the same.
Only the second Sonic Youth album that I've listened to from this list and not quite as good as Dirty but still a great album that deserves some more time. Faves: Tunic, Kool Thing
Totally my cup of tea. I like to think I've always been a fan of Madness but the only album in my collection is their 1992 greatest hits collection Divine Madness. It was a joy to discover this album in its entirety whatever it's past transgressions may have been. Faves: Tomorrow's (Just Another Day), Our House.
I've always enjoyed what I've heard of The Dandy Warhols but never really dug into them and found this album quite enjoyable. Psychedelic power shoegaze pop? Faves from this session: Boys Better, Not If You Were The Last Junkie On Earth and the last two tracks which are the come down of the album. bah dum tiss!
I've been a big fan of this album for a long time and it's an instant 5 stars from me. Listening through was an extreme pleasue both times and I can't pick a favourite, they're all my favourite.
First listen just felt like 40 minutes of noise. Second listen I started to understand what was going on. > considered an important forerunner to punk rock music ok, good on ya then.
Well if someone were to ask me what my favourite country album is I guess it could be this one. What a fun listen with a timeless sound. Fave: Boxcars. I do also like the joyfulness of the last three tracks.
I forgot to look at the wikipedia article or even the track listing for this one and just hit play. The album sure starts out nice and quirky and continues with lots of little highlights along the way and then Time of the Season kicks in and it almost sounds like a different band. On the second playthrough, I started to get a better appreciation for this band and am keen to listen again. Fave: Time of the Season is so dreamy.
Well this is good fun. Those first few notes of Birdland sound like the start of some kind of ambient edm but then the horns kick in and away we go. Birdland is a good fun frolic, Teen Town is a cool jam, and something in The Juggler keeps catching my attention. I won't be sad if this pops up on my radar again.
Maybe I wasn't in the right frame of mind for this one but as soon as I saw The Girl From Ipanema was on here I groaned inwardly. Still, it was pleasant enough but I'm also glad that it's over.
As a big fan of The Smiths I expected to enjoy this but it is largely underwhelming with Glamorous Glue being the highlight.
Ok, so my second exposure to this band from this list and I must say I'm a fan. The way this album kicks off really grabbed my interest and the mayhem at the beginning of Lost In Music is great fun. Lost In Music is certainly the standout but I really also enjoyed Im Going To Spain and Paranoia Man In Cheap S**t Room
I like the way this album draws you in and then just keeps the jams rolling with that beautiful outro. Fave: ...Til the Cops Come Knockin'
I do love a 20 minute futuristic space ballad. Certainly some great moments in there. The rest of the album is ok I guess.
This feels like an early 90s version of Superorganism which is right up my alley. Such a delightfully joyful bop along album. Faves? All of them
This sounds completely different to what I know ZZ Top and I guess that's why it's on the list. I really like how it opens but I kind of lose interest when Hot, Blue and Righteous kicks in. La Grange is great but then the album loses me again.
Baba O'Riley is such an epic track it put me in a good frame of mind. Behind Blue Eyes is certianly intriguing and Going Mobile made me chuckle. A good fun raucous album.
It's nice to rediscover artists you've forgotten about. Weirdly on the first listen I wasn't really sure about this but it did grow on me especially April the 14th Pt. 1. This is maybe a 4.4 at the moment. Other faves Everything is Free and I Dream a Highway.
A bit of a fun album to listen to. Not something I'd want in high rotation but good to reminisce about my gunslinger days. It's hard to pick a favourite they all have their little charms.
He sure does have a good voice, what a crooner. Fave. Mood Indigo
Interesting that the two best tracks, imo, are the last 2. So many albums open with their best but this album starts off mediocre at best and picks up with Love Action and takes off with Don't You Want Me.
I totally enjoyed this. I have a bit of a black hole for early 2000s music and glad to have this list filling the void. Somehow in my history of listening to Red Snapper I had not listened to this one and I have it on good authority that Making Bones is even better so I think I'll queue that one up next. Faves. Keeping Pigs Together and Shellback.
On the back of the recent Human League album I do find this much more enjoyable. Rio is great and Hungy Life The Wolf is awesome.
When I saw this pop up I was like, "Oh yeah, Alanis, she's ok". But this album is just hit after hit after hit. Faves from these sessions: Not the Doctor
I must admit I thought this was Orbital at first. Same but different. Anyway, I totally got into this album, right up my alley. Faves: Water From A Vine Leaf, Into The Paradise, A Touch Of The Night
On first listen I wasn't really sure about this but second go through it all started to make sense. The instrumental opener doesn't really set the scene for what's to come but No is a cracker of a track and he cabaret keeps on coming. Fave: Club Country
It blows my mind that this album is from 1967, it could easily have been a new release it still sounds so fresh and relevant. Something about Nico just grabs my attention. From the first moments of The Fairest Of The Seasons I'm hooked. Other faves: These Dats, Chelsea Girls
Hahaha I enjoyed this way more than I was expecting, it gets a huge nostalgia bump but even then it's such a fun concept album. I love the opener with the line "I wasn't born with enough middle fingers", The Beautiful People is a pretty great track, but the whole album just works.
Essentially it's one track with 4 movements, so if I like one track I like 100% of the tracks on the album. Does that make it automatically 5 stars? It's a totally enjoyable jam, nice noir feeling.
I was only familiar with Lovefoool via the Romeo + Juliet soundtrack so I was curious to listen to this. Lovefool certainly stands out but there are a lot of nice surprises on this album. Faves Happy Meal II, Losers, Choke
Ok, another album with 4 tracks, but this one has some standout moments. The linked article says you need to listen to their first two albums for this album to make sense so maybe you'll get more context if you put the effort in. Still, enjoyable enough with my faves being Moon In June and Out-Bloody-Rageous
Third album on the list and I'm just more in love. Running Up The Hill (A Deal With God) is just epic. Faves from today include The Big Sky and Waking The Witch.
I wasn't really sure what to expect but I appreciate some of the clever lyrics. Faves for me. Slow Burn, Rainbow
Another one of those bands that I've been aware of but never really dug into. I quite enjoyed this and certainly think it's worth another spin in the future. For now, faves are Everlasting Light, Sinister Kid
I don't mind myself a bit of new wave and it's was enjoyable digging into this album. Faves for me: Someone Somewhere (In Summertime), Promised You A Miracle, Somebody Up There Likes You.
Hmm... not sure about this one, sounds a bit like a cross between REM and Barenaked Ladies. Maybe a bit grittier but maybe not. I thought I'd find it a bit more enjoyable on the seond listen but it wasn't to be. Fave: She Floated Away
Ok, this is more like what I was expecting from a Morrissey record, not sure what the difference is but this one is far more interesting. Faves: America Is Not The World, The First Of The Gang To Die
When the record ended I was relieved. Not that this was painful but it all just kind of blends in and becomes a bit monotonous. Fave: The Twenty-Fourth Hour
Certainly something intersting going on here and worth further exploration. Passionate, vulnerable, honest. Faves: What Jail Is Like, Brother Woodrom
Long time fan of Sinead. First time digging into this album. That's the whole point I hear you all say. Faves: The Emporer's New Clothes, Nothing Compares 2 U
Looks like I've still got one more U2 album to catch up on from this list but so far I think this is one of my favourites. Faves: Sunday Bloody Sunday, New Year's Day, The Refugee, Two Hearts Beat As One.
Haha this is so great. Such a fun debut. Precious is a great opener, Brass in Pocket is incredible but I think Mystery Achievement is the standout for me today. Certainly worth further exploration.
This is my kind of hip hop. Social commentary, tongue in cheek, having a good time. Faves: Acknowledge Your Own History, Kool Accordin' "2" a Jungle Brother.
I didn't notice anything untoward about his voice until I saw it mentioned in a review. I certainly feel that this album needs another spin but for now it's a solid 4 with my favourite being Small Hours
I find it hard to rate favourites from an album I love from an artist I love.
I've like the other releases from The Fall on this list so far and this is another interesting one that probably requires a bit more time. Frightened certainly captures me from the start.
Looking back at my review of Safe As Milk it was an album that I quite enjoyed. This album is much more challenging to listen to and I'm not sure I'll get much out of more listens. Fave: Ella Guru
When it's tea time in our house Google Assistant says Sweet dreams are made of tea. At one stage we even had it play the song but that was a bit too much. Anyway, good to listen to this whole album. It kicks off strong with Love Is a Stranger but kind of loses its way until The Walk, and Sweet Dreams. Jennifer seems to begin the more electro sessions. Other notable mentions for me would be This City Never Sleeps
Is The Whole Of The Law an indie version of I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)? Anyway, it's a catchy opener. Another Girl, Another Planet I was familar with and is a great track. A few other standouts along the way so probably need a few more listens as it did start to grow on me more on the second listen.
Another album that I just love to pieces. Certainly Safe From Harm and Unfinished Sympathy are standout tracks but the whole album is just sublime.
Wow what a trip. I'll say my fvourites are The Garden Of Earthly Delights and the hot mess that is the closing track, The American Way Of Love.
All of my friends were metal heads but I never really felt the need to dig too deep. All that to say I know of this band but have not spent any time with them. It's a great album that hooks you in from the start. Arise is a great opener and Dead Embryonic Cells just takes the cake. Anyway, I'll put this band on my listen to again one day list.
I feel like this is an easy 5 stars but looking back I only gave Kid A 4 stars... I guess I wasn't ready to commit back then :). Anyway, this album, along with Kid A, Pablo Honey, and OK Computer are at the top of my Radiohead charts. Faves from today: Packt..., Pyramid Song, You And Whose Army?, Life In a Glasshouse
When I first discovered Fever Ray I was hooked, I devoured everything including The Knife. If I Had a Heart, When I Grow Up, Keep the Streets Empty For Me are certainly standouts on this album but even tracks like Now's the Only Time I Know get stuck in my head.
This gets +1 just for being Australian. The problem I have is, that the context for this album's inclusion evades me when it's not their best but seems to have a strange story that lead to an "over the top" album. Anyway, faves are Bury Me Deep In Love, Kelly's Blues, and A Trick Of The Light.
Yes, an enjoyable upbeat Congolese Soukus album that is missing from my life. Just not something I feel like diving further into.
Looks like I gave the other album a 3 but after listening to this I'm willing to give them a few more spins. Roundabout is certainly the standout, especially since the edition I listened to had it as a bonus track at the end so I ended up hearing it 4 times.
So this is a band that jams and didn't like the fact that albums were limited to 3 minute songs. Therefore "we have to make a live album" Welcome to the new age friends.
I enojoyed this quite a lot. I saw something about this being the best ex beatle non beatles album and yeah this certainly stands out a bit and I think is worth exploring further. Faves: My Sweet Lord, Isn't It A Pity, Let It Down
This the problem I've always had with rating your music by the number of tracks. Ys - 55 minutes, 5 songs, I've listened to it at least 15 times so 75 plays Milk Eyed Mender, 50 minutes, 12 songs, I've listed to this at least 25 times so 300 plays. Oh yeah btw, I love this album.
Ok, only my second album from this list, yeah I've got some catching up to do. I like these guys and certainly worth another listen down the line, just not quite a 5 for me. Fave: My Doorbell
The Cutter is an incredible track, the rest of the album doesn't overly grab me but I can say I'm a fan.
I wonder if I lived in London how I'd feel about this. Anyway, it's Damon Albarn, it's ok, I'll give it another spin some day. Fave: the title track
On first listen it just sounded like Pavement to me, then reading the bio I realised the influence. Second listen it did start to grow on me and faves would be Slow Education and I Remember Me. Certinaly worth another spin.
Little Simz is certainly clever, I love the way she sets the scene with Offence and the album just flows nices. Other fave 101FM.
It's pretty awesome for a debut. I certainly fell in love with it when I first heard it and have been a big fan ever since. Not sure I can pick a favourite but the opener gets you going and closer brings you back down.
I get the feeling that these guys sounded fresh and interesting in the early 70's but to me they just sound like a parody and maybe they are just having fun. Weirdly enough, the wikipedia article calls out Look at Last Nite as a standout track but on both listens I have no memory at all of that song. Fave? I don't know, maybe Let The Good Times Roll/Feel So Fine
Compared to the previous album this album sounds timeless. It's a little bit chill and full of interesting moments. Hard to pick a fave from 4 tracks but Chameleon drags you in so I'll go with that.
A 90s album that's stuck in the 90s. First listen I was like: Yuck. Second listen it started to grow on me but it still has lots of yuck. So 1.5 makes it a 2?
"abandonment of car or surf songs" I'm sorry, but that's what I'm here for. Faves: Do You Wanna Dance? When I Grow Up (To Be A Man)
Ha! What great fun. Turns out I listened to this album 10 years ago and not since. So strange, anyway I really enjoyed this round and look forward to putting it on again. Faves. Love Is Only a Feeling, Friday Night
ooh I quite dig this one. Certainly a nice discovery, some of the tracks remind me of INXS and some obviously feel like new wave. Faves: Alien, All Tomorrow's Parties or Quiet Life if we're not counting cover songs :)
This is my kind of punk. It's bit like a tasting platter but also filling enough. Fave: Do You Want New Wave or Do You Want the Truth
After the first listen I wasn't sure I wanted to listen again, it's just a bit too much country for me. Second listen I did start to get into it a little more and In The Pines was a particular standout. Overall thought I'm Thankful that it's over.
I've never paid much attention ti Limp Bizkit and I'm glad. This album is just funny. Fave track: Hot Dog because it's just so stupid.
Big fan of Orbital, was really looking forward to this especially after the last couple. Faves, Impact (The Earth Is Burning), Walk Now..., and Halcyon and On and On
It seems I've run across this band a couple of times during my travels and glad to say I still find them intriguing and will give them another spin some time. Faves: The Fun Powder Pot, We Still Got The Taste Dancin' On Our Tongues
A good fun listen which I guess is their aim. Faves: The Fun Lovin' Criminal, Passive/Aggressive, Scooby Snacks.
I often wonder what kind of music someone like this would make in the here and now. I mean this guy apparently likes to rock and roll. I certainly appreciate the folkier songs as another review mentioned. But Lo and Behold this is not for me. Fave: Sweet Baby James
The only exposure that I'm aware of to this band before was via a compilation album from 2009. I certainly found the album enjoyable enough to warrant another listen and found it interesting how some songs start off sounding familiar but them completely fall apart at the seams, like Spun Around. Faves: Upon 9th And Fairchild, Barney (...and Me)
Nice voice, passionate, and heartbreaking. Fave: Set Fire to the Rain
Another enjoyable listen from Blur. I never really understood the hoo haa with Oasis but I'm glad they found a way out of it. Faves: Well I gues Song 2 is iconic, Beetlebum is cool, and Death of a Party is a fave.
It's nice hearing an iconic track like Groove Is in the Heart in the context of an album. On the first listen it seemed to blend in niceley but on the second listen it really stood out as a lot of the other tracks are missing the flair that Groove Is in the Heart has. Still, an enjoyable, light and fluffly listen. Faves: Deee-Lite Theme, Groove Is in the Heart, Who Was That? is interesting and little creepy, and Build The Bridge.
This is right up my alley. Yet another album I've been happy to discover on this journey. Timeless is an epic opener, A Sense of Rage, and Angel are other standouts.
Nothing really stood out for me on this but I do like stories. Unlike the other album that had a standout song this one is solidly 3. Fave: Up On Cripple Creek
This is pretty good, I like to be cool in the pool. Certainly interesting and fresh sounding even today.
Middle of the road rock and roll. Breakdown is good, Luna is curious, Americal Girl is meh.
This is my third Talking Heads album from this list and seems I've not been ready to commit and just been handing out 4s. This album is like a 4.5 for me so I'll finally commit and give it a 5. Faves: Once in a Lifetime is just epic, Listening Wind, and Right Start are also faves.
TV On The Radio is a band I've dabbled with in the past and certainly a band that I'd like to get to know better. I see there's another album on this list that I haven't got to yet so I might give this the benefit of the doubt and bump it up to a 5. Fave: Staring at the Sun is great but there's so much more here to be uncovered.
I just love the plot twist, what a great artist and such an incredible album. Faves: Where Is The Line, Who Is It, Triumph Of A Heart
Hmm, not sure I'm in the write frame of mind for this today, nothing really grabbed me and I've defintely digged some of their stuff in the past. It's probably an album that needs a little time to settle but I have so many of those already do I just add this to the pile or move on? Fave: not sure, maybe Catholic Block.
XTC is another one of those bands that I find interesting but have never dug too deep on. This album has a lot of interesting moments but Dear God sticks out and doesn't really fit, which I guess is why it wasn't originally included but it had to be because it's such a great song. Other songs I enjoyed were Summer's Cauldron, 1000 Umbrellas
This is pretty good but it's not for me. The first 3 songs all hit the mark but my fave is Apple Pie A La Mode.
Intro was intresting but something about the ending caught me off guard on the first listen but I didn't notice it again on the second listen. Anyway, nice voice, but not for me. Standouts for me were Thank You, and The Right Man.
This album brings back a lot of memories. As the songs played they all came back to me. So this gets a nostalgia bump for sure but it's still quite a feelgood album. Faves: People Everyday, Mr Wendal, Tennessee. Yeah, obvious ones right?
Big fan of PJ Harvey, automatic 5 from me. I hadn't spent a lot of time with this album though so I'm grateful to dig into it. Faves: 50ft Queenie, Dry
Waterfalls is a great song, the rest of the album is not for me. I did appreciate the humour in the interludes, especially Sexy-Interlude. Fave: Waterfalls.
Atmospherice, dramatic, trippy, all up my alley. Big Portishead fan for a long time and this album is fantastic.
Fast and furious.
Ah yes, love this so much, right up my alley. Such a great story behind this band too, love it. Fave: Leben heißt Leben -- it just sets the mood perfectly.
Ok, this is pretty cool, love the vibe. Really liked Dark Star, didn't really dig Turn on Your Love Light but still giving it a 5.
Interesting mainly for the reasons of inclusion. Relaxing, ok, but middle of the road for me. Faves: Mr Spacemen, Captain Soul, 2-4-2 Fox Trot
A bit of an AM radio snooze fest really. Luckily it's only short. Fave? New York City Song?
Sure is funky. I love the play on words and certainly dig the grooves. Fave: Who Says A Funk Band Can't Play Rock?
It sounds like a Neil Young album and that's not a bad thing. Fave: Only Love Can Break Your Heart.
This is way too saccharin and sweet for my tastes. Fave: Small Talk
This does not fit my definition of Emmylou Harris. Sultry, emoitional, welcoming, warming. It's certainly intriguing. Fave tracks - "Michelangelo" and "J'ai Fait Tout"
As a colleague of mine said, it's nice to hear another side of Elvis. Fever is certainly the standout for me.
This certainly feels like an album from a time and place. It's very cruisy late night 80s radio. Faves: New Frontier because it seems to be about finding love in the apocalypse and for rhyming beer with frontier. Walk Between Raindrops a nice feel good closer.
I only knew of Sweet Jane from the Natural Born Killers soundtrack, so what a treat to discover the whole album sounds just as dreamy. Certainly an album that could grow on me. Faves: Sweet Jane, Walking After Midnight.
It seems to have been a right album for the right time, but the time is not now and it's not for me.
Epic, beautiful, powerful, sad. I think Move Over is my fave today, it's all good.
This feels more warm and welcoming than I remember the earlier album feeling like. Less outdoor party vibes, more warm inside relaxing vibes. Faves: Bobhisattva, My Old School
What a delightful discovery (althought apparently I'd listened to a couple tracks back in 2016). I didn't really know what to expect but I was hooked from the very first moment. Queremos Pax, Chunga's Revenge, Troptico, Una Misca Brutal are just some of my favourites from today but the whole album is a delight.
The first 3 songs are blistering good and the rest of it just falls by the wayside. On the second listen I had more appreciation for Victim of Love and The Last Resort.
It's good fun, it's punk, it's The Clash. Fave: Janie Jones
I found this quite enjoyable and I do like a 7 part 20 minute track. The closing track is a curveball that just seems to show they were having fun making this album.
Hey, it's congo's. Certainly an enjoyanble listen. Fave: El Cumbanchero
I totally dig this, experimental, sampled, instrumentals. Faves: I always find it hard to remember instrumental track names but for this Jezebel Spirit, Very Very Hungry, and Solo Guitar with Tin Foil.
High energy, raucous fun. Unfortunately my fave song is on the bonus tracks, Cool Vee, so I'll give the award to Rocketship.
Ha! This is great, that closing track just leaves me wanting more. It feels like a bit of a slow start but really picks up after You Will You Won't. Looking forward to giving this another spin. Fave: You Will You Won't/
Ah, so dreamy. I just love the feel and flow, the whole vibe. A favourite of mine for a long time has been Norway. I look forward to exploring more.
An incredible album that I'm very familar with. Common People is an absolute cracker, Disco 2000 is still great fun, an every song has something going for it.
Pretty cool, pretty groovy, by my oh my, with so many albums what makes this one special? Fave? I guess Back At The Chicken Shack.
Middle of the road americana. There are some nice moments on this and I feel it could grow on me. Faves: Pale Skinny Girl, Bad Liquor, Last Harbour
This is very cool and ultra smooth. Street Life is for sure the standout. The rest kind of blends into one track but is still great.
Eh, it's ok I guess. I don't really know enough abpout pre-Christina but it is interesting that albums 4 and 5 are on this list. Fave: Fighter, Make Over was also interesting.
My knowledge of Iggy is not very deep and certainly this was not what I was expecting. A bit more of a mellowness than ferocity. Fave: Search and Destroy.
Thrashcore Jazz? I dig it. Fave: Good Old Days, Feet Music
Well I learnt me a little bit more about New Wave. I thought synths were a pre-requisite but these guys certainly fit the bill, even with their anti-synth stance. All that to say, I like it, I'm a sucker for New Wave. Faves: Happiness Is Easy, Time It's Time
Hmm, reading the wiki during the opening of Save the Life of My Child got my interest but it's such a short album that it's all over before it really gets going. On top of that it's a bit of a mish mash. Still, it's ok and continues my tradition of 3 stars for these guys. Faves: Save the Life of My Child
So Elvis finishes his soundtrack contract, gets put in a studio with a bunch of musicians and creates this? Not bad I guess. Croony, perfect example of Elvis. Fave: it's hard to go past In The Ghetto.
Usually when listening to an album on this list I'll check the Album Summary to get some context. I didn't do that with this album and was pleasantly surprised when I recongnised the opening track as one I've heard many times on a chillout compilation album. The album just got better from there and I was also familar with The Cedar Room. Apart from the two tracks already mentioned I also enjoyed the title track. I look forward to given this another spin.
Belle & Sebastian don't seem to really click with me. They sound promising enough but I just never quite get into it. It looks like I gave Tigermilk a 3 and I was trying to be generous with this one but even a 3 feels generous. Faves: The Fox in the Snow, Judy and the Dream of Horses
Such a great fun album. So many great tracks, so many hits. Fave today: Hanging On The Telephone
What a delightful surprise. Another unexpected gem that this list has opened my eyes to. At first listen I was a bit confused about why an Irish band had so many US song names but hearing the story just made me smile along with them. By the end of the second listen I was hooked. Faves: Santa Cruz, Say It Ain't So
Smooth Mr Gaye, real smooth.
It's album like this that makes me realise how much I like Sonic Youth. I'd not spent any time with this one previous so look forward to a few more listens. Faves: Shadown Of A Doubt, Secret Girl
I can really understand why an album like this makes this list. It's certainly very interesting and so vastly different form Let's Get It On. The ultimate sex album and the ultimate divorce album, what a combo. I'd like to give it 5 stars because it just makes sense, but it's not really for me and I don't really care to revisit it any time soon. Fave: A Funky Space Reincarnation because it's from a time when Pluto was still a planet. "Send you over to the Plutotarium to be Plutotized" Oh Yeah!
It's a debut with a lot of well known collaborators so I guess she made a name for herself early on. It's ok, but not for me. Faves: The Rain, Why You Hurt Me
Cafe R&B? First listen it just felt like the kind of music you would put on in your hip little cafe. On the second listen I started to appreciate the personal lyrics a bit more. Still it didn't really grab me. Fave: ...& On
They'll never get any better, they'll never get any worse. There's something magical about this album and all the songs are my favourite.
So this is like an alt-rock album from right before grunge took off? I started to get into a bit more on the second listen and I think it could grow with a few more but for now it's a 3. Faves: The openers are great, Riddle Of The Eighties, In My Mind
I listend to a fair bit of The Shamen back in the day and reading their wiki article makes me realise it was only because of the popularity of Boss Drum that I probably even noticed them. This album has most of what I remember of The Shamen and the context seems to be that it's a transition record. Faves: Move Any Mountain, Hear Me
Certainly an album that grows on you with more listens. Reading other reviews it seems like this was an album out of time, not well received but quite a magical psychedlic rock album nonetheless. Faves: When I Touch You, Morning will Come
I've still got 2 more albums to catch up on. This one is felt kind of average but then I realised it's a debut and does set a pretty high bar. Unfortunately, for me, Watching The Detectives is just such a standout track it kind of takes away from the rest of the album. Other fave: Alison
The best thing about punk is short songs straight to the point :) It's certainly interesting to see the influence this band his had. Anyway, faves, Field Day For The Sundays, Three Girl Rhumba, Mannequin
Ok, this increases my liking of XTC. It really captured my attention right from the beginning. I guess this album kind of marks the beginning of the end for XTC. Faves: River Of Orchids, Your Dictionary, Harvest Festical
I feel like 808 State are one of those bands that music recommendation services always recommend to me and it looks like I did a deep dive into them about 10 years ago. Anyway, I quite enjoyed this and certainly look forward to exploring further. Faves: Magical Dream, Pacific 202
This list does it again, an interesting find, and that's about it. Classic Rock and a bity of a mixed bag. You could say these boys have a bright future. Faves: My Soul, Broken Arrow.
Is this hardcore? Am I a hardcore fan? I don't know but I dig this album and look forward to exploring further. Faves: Re-Ignition, Sacred Love
Looking at my previous review of this band I mentioned that it sounds like these guys were having fun, and this album just reinforces that view. Concept and deliver. Great work. Faves: The Hut, and The Curse, Of Baba Yaga
Sananda Terence Trent D'Arby Maitreya So he changed his name over 20 years ago and has release 9 albums since and this is the first I've heard about it. I was singing Sign Your Name when I first saw this album come up, not even knowing that the track was on this album. The track is definitely a highlight. Seven More Days was another standout track.
Umm ok, influential I guess? Faves: Amsterdam, Les jardins du casino
So this is on the list because it's a return to form for The Doors? I maan it sounds like The Doors, but there's not a lot here for me. Roadhouse Blues is a great opener and Land Ho! stands out but that's about it.
I guess I'm lucky to have not been over exposed to Simply Red and maybe I have a bit of a soft spot for pure 80s pop. Anyway, I didn't hate this, don't really love it, it just is what it is. Fave: Money's Too Tight (To Mention). I mean we're talking about Reagonomics!
Ah yes, quite enjoyable. Certainly something I'll dig further into. Faves: Shiver, Satellite
I have a friend who is probably Rollins' number one fan. I've seen Henry doing his spoken word thing a couple of times. I really enjoyed him as Zaheer in The Legend of Korra. Yet I've never really dug into Black Flag so it was nice to sit down with a short sharp introduction. If you'd asked me if I like hardcore, I would probably say no but albums like this make me question my understanding of hardcore. Faves: Rise Above, Six Pack, TV Party, Life of Pain
I do love me a bit of space rock and am happy to add a band like this to the pile. Fave: Organe Accumulator
I saw my friend's 1 star review and I was like, "hey I don't remember Korn being tha t awful" and after It's On! and Freak On a Leash I was starting to get into it but then it just devolves into a big hot mess. You had your time in the sun Korn, goodbye.
Guns are bad mmmkay Fave: Cruisin'
It's been a hot minute since I listend to the Ride. I was so caught up in the music that I forgot to pay attention to the song names to mark as my favourites. Which I guess is what would happen if I was gazing at my shoes too. Faves: Polar Bear, Dreams Burn Down.
The Kinks are the 13th most played artist since I first played Face to Face in November 2022. Equal with Nirvana. But I guess that's not surprising since I've mostly been listening to this list over that time as well. Anyway, I don't really see the appeal of this band, this album is certainly an interesting concept but it's just as mediocre as the rest of the albums. Fave: Australia
A breath of fresh air after the last album. There is certainly something I enjoy about MIA's music and style. I didn't get quite into this one as much as Kala but it's strong for a debut. Faves: Pull Up the People, Bucky Done Gun
It took me a bit to get into this one. A colleague showed me the video fo This Is What She's Like and the album started to make more sense. I'll give this the benefit of the doubt and add it to my check out again later list. Fave: This is What She's Like
I'm about 3 albums away from License To Ill which I'll get to once I catch up with the current album (Black Monk Time by The Monks). Anyway, all that to say I'm not sure where this album fits in the whole scheme of things. Sabotage is an outstanding track, Sure Shot is a great opener and there are some other pearls on here. But I'm not quite ready to give it a 4.
I see there's two more Metallica albums that I've still got to catch up on and if they are anything like this then I think I might be a fan. This album is just epically good from start to finish. Faves: hard to say, maybe Orion :)
She certainly has a way to pull you into the story. Fave: One Of These Days
Automatic 5, it's just blissfully delicious for my ears.
What a blast, such great fun. An unexpected delight as this list often provides. Faves: Monk Time, Cuckoo
This is totally in my wheelhouse. I love this so much, bring it on. How can this be rated worse that Kid Rock? Save the turtles indeed people.
An easy 5 for me. I just like the sound and his voice and the words that make you think. Fave: Bloodbuzz Ohio, Afraid of Everyone, Anyone's Ghost
After the other two Steely Dan albums I was curious to see where this one fits. It's pretty bland really, nothing really stands out, there's one moment on Peg where I think it's going to improve but then it just returns to blandness. Overall it's a nice enough vibe so not quite a 2.
I had a quick look at the reviews when I began my first listen, wow so much negativity. This album starts off quite strong so I was thinking 4 for sure but it really drops off after Wanted Dead Or Alive so it'll have to be a 3.
Good fun punk, a bit dated, but of it's time I guess. Fave: Peaches
Thanks to this list I have listened to one KoL album every year for the past 3 years. I really got into the other 2 but this one is very hit a miss. Some great moments, some not so great. Faves: Taper Jean Girl, Milk, The Bucket
I asked AI to write my 3 star review using the keywords from the global reviews. Paris 1919 by John Cale is an interesting solo album that showcases his versatility beyond his work with the Velvet Underground. The orchestral arrangements add a beautiful, baroque vibe to the tracks, and the lyrics are fine, though not particularly memorable. While some songs have a cool and catchy folk influence, others tend to be slow and a bit boring. Overall, the album offers a pleasant and accessible experience, but it might feel too familiar and meh for some listeners. It's a fine listen, though not as groundbreaking or fun as Cale's work with Lou Reed and the Velvet Underground. Fave: Paris 1919
A good fun album, I seem to remember it being pretty unique at the time. Anyway, I quite enjoyed Right Here Right Now and Rockafeller Skank. Fave from today is You're Not from Brighton.
Automatic 5 from me, this is just so ... me. Delightfully atmospheric. Faves: Djed, Glass Musuem, and Along the Banks of Rivers
I'm trying to think what I would give this if they weren't a) australian, and b) from my home town. I guess it's a solid indie record that doesn't feel so dated so maybe a 3 or 4. But I gotta bump it up as a matter of pride. Faves: Streets of Your Town, Was There Anything I Could Do?
An interesting fun and enjoyable album that I'm keen to dig into further. Faves: World Party, Killing My Heart
I don't know why this has such a low overall rating. I'm starting to find myself as a fan of Mudhoney, I certainly have enjoyed the two releases from this list. Fave? I couldn't really pick one it just feels like they all have their moments.
I feel like a lot of the themes on this list are transitional albums and I guess that makes sense. Here is a moment in time when all roads led to the Beatles breakup. As far as this album. It's ok, nothing special. Fave: Maybe I'm Amazed is ok I guess.
Oh hey it's Green Day. Wow they are very popular. For me, this album is ok, I do enjoy a concept American Idiot is a great opener and I did enjoy Holiday / Boulevard of Broken Dreams. Wake Me up When September Ends has a nice vide but the rest of it is pretty mediocre.
I was a big fan of what turns out to be Ted, Just Admin It.. that was called Sex Is Violent on the Natural Born Killers soundtrack and I still found it chilling on this album. Jane Says is pretty epic and overall I found this album enjoyable enough for 5 stars.
Ok, I guess I might be becoming a Beta Band fan, that's two 4 stars for me. Something nice and cosy feeling about this album. Faves: Space, Out-Side
Very cool, very funky, I like the directness of the messaging. I don't really know anything about the film except that it exists. It's good that the music can standalone. Faves: Pusherman, Freddie's Dead
Well, I don't know anything about this band but apparently I have listed to I Trawl the Megahertz before. Anyway, this album started to get better and better on the second listen and it's a solid 4 for me. Faves: Faron Young, Appetite
I might be eating my words by the end of this list but as far as I can tell there are no albums from the bands of the members of this supergroup. Does that just mean they are like the power rangers? Anyway, this is quite a fun album and certainly worth a few more listens. Faves: the title track, In My Room
This is very cool, a good idea done well. Faves: Wildfires is just incredible, Black Is, and Monsters
Funky indeed. It's hard to understand the influence of an album like this but I guess that's why it's on the list. Faves: Runnin' Away, Spaced Cowboy
A very smooth mellow 45 minutes. Not sure I can pick a fave out of 5, it all just blends together.
This feels like the epitome of 1966 rock and roll. Kicks kicks off the album ok, I'm Not Your Stepping Stone certainly is a highlight. I wasn't going to bother with the bonus tracks on my second listen but SS 396 is my fave and my TIL.
A hot mess of an album that would probably be good for someone whose life was also a hot mess. No real faves but Femme Fatale was recognisable.
Freddies Dead misses the mark for me. Curtis Mayfield has stolen my heart. A lot of the album feels kind of promising but then doesn't really deliver. Fave: Subliminal Fascism
It certainly does feel like the epitome of the 80s all rolled up into one package. As a child of the 80s I totally dig it. Fave: Buffalo Dance, although that bit in the middle always made me think she was British.
Such a good upbeat album, pretty awesome for a debut. Faves: Yeah, all the singles.
Certainly a side of Bowie that I wasn't familiar with. Great atmosphere, great instrumentals, certainly worth another spin. Faves: Speed of Life, Sound and Vision
I'd like to think that I'm an EBTG fan and I certainly hadn't heard this album before. And it seems the only music of theirs that I have on CD was from a compilation album. Anyway, I like Tracey Thorn's voice and there's a certain intimacy to this album that probably deserves further exploration.
A change from their rockier past? Well it worked, such a lovely meloncholic vive :) Faves: Driftwoord, Why Does It Always Rain On Me?
Jack White, The White Stripes, I can't really tell the difference. Looks like I have one more White Stripes album to catch up on so that's now 3/4 with 4 stars. Faves: Missing Pieces, Trash Tongue Talker
An easy 5 stars for me. I've always benn captivated by CHVRCHES and love Lauren's voice and the power-pop-synth backing her up. This is an album I've already spent a lot of time with, must be time to branch out. Faves: The Mother We Share, We Sink, Gun, Recover
Wow what a great fun album. Apparently I came across this band on a compilation album 10 years ago but I have no recollection. So as a first time listener I'm keen to dig into it more. Great boppy mix of styles. Faves: Simon Diamond, Goodbye, Calendars and Clocks
This is another fun album, love the interpolated Kraftwerk and the old-school vibes. Faves: Planet Rock for sure and many other highlights along the way.
Aussie Punk that punches above it's weight. Can't help but be a little biased as these guys are from a suburb near where I used to live. Either way, it's an enjoyable raucous listen with Know Your Product leading the way. Other faves from today: Memories Are Made of This, International Robot
I always thought the saying was The Fat Of The Lamb but anyway. This is a great album full of energy and some kick ass beats. Faves: Smack My Bitch Up, Breathe, Firestarter, Narayan
Seems like a gal having a good time behind a piano. Fave: Luckie, I guess.