The Downward Spiral
Nine Inch NailsI know I'm supposed to like this but I just don't. It's very noisy, to the point where you can barely hear the vocals at times. Mix is pretty bright for an album with such a dark theme. 1/5
I know I'm supposed to like this but I just don't. It's very noisy, to the point where you can barely hear the vocals at times. Mix is pretty bright for an album with such a dark theme. 1/5
I enjoyed this more than I expected to!
Very repetitive
Not for me
Did not care for this at all
I enjoyed this one. Not necessarily my style of music, but still a solid listen.
Best album by a band with a different singer than previous? I'd vote yes!
Take Me Out, Matinee, Darts of Pleasure were decent. Probably wouldn't listen again.
The music wasn't awful, but I was not a fan of the Spanish lyrics. Would not seek out again.
Not my style at all, but not a terrible listen. The songs transition pretty seamlessly, so it's almost like one long electronic song. Phantom & Phantom II were jams. I probably wouldn't seek it out again, but I didn't hate it.
One of the best debut albums of all time!
Not a huge Bowie fan in general. This album was more enjoyable than some of his later stuff. I wasn't crazy about his cover of Across the Universe, but this wasn't a bad listen. I've heard Fame on the radio ad nauseum for years, but otherwise I wasn't familiar with any of the songs.
Starts off OK but loses steam after the first 3 songs. Too much electronic drum machine and the songs get longer and drag on. Would not listen again.
I didn't hate this but I didn't love it either. I'll give it a 2 because there were parts that I enjoyed.
Fun mix of 70's R&B and Disco. Vocals are fantastic, recommend listening with speakers that allow the bass to shine through. I enjoyed this album quite a bit, added most of the songs to my iTunes library. 3.5/5
Fairly generic late 60's psychedelic rock. Similar to the Zombies, the Animals, the Turtles, etc. Not a bad listen.
Hard to go wrong with Neil Young! I had never listened to much of his post-70's stuff, but this was a pleasant surprise. Some of the songs were a bit long but they didn't get boring at all.
Very well written album with instantly recognizable tracks! I hesitate to give 5 stars simply because there are 3 eight minute+ songs on this album. It's a killer album, with one of the most iconic covers, but in general I feel like songs over 6 minutes tend to drag on toward the end.
Loses 1 star from me for having multiple <1 minute transition tracks and skits that, in my opinion, don't add anything to the album. Not my style of music in general, but growing up in the 90's, I was familiar with multiple tracks.
First Depeche Mode album I've ever listened to. Very New Wave/synth pop sound, not really my style but I can see why they're as popular as they are.
Not a fan of his voice, feel like the singing is frequently off key. Emerick's stamp is evident in the recording/production quality though. Man Out of Time was a decent song, but wouldn't seek this one out again.
I'm a fan of most 90's Britpop but wasn't familiar with this band or album. I got a bit of a Bowie vibe from the singer at times. Overall, nothing really jumped out at me but not an unenjoyable listen - would probably listen again.
Makes me feel like I'm sitting in a smoky nightclub nursing an old fashioned. Very chill background music, I dig it.
Some decent bluesy guitar licks, a couple cool instrumental jams and several toe tapping songs. Overall an enjoyable listen from an artist I wasn't familiar with. I wouldn't mind taking a deeper dive into his catalogue.
A little too punk rock for my taste, but not an unpleasant listen.
She has a fantastic voice, and I can absolutely see why she was as influential and groundbreaking as she was when she debuted. That said, I'm not a big fan of folk music. I didn't hate the album but I wouldn't seek it out again.
Hadn't heard anything from this album other than Rikki Don't Lose That Number. Steely Dan is one of those bands where I'm content with the hits and don't feel a need to explore their deep cuts.
I'm a bigger fan of Off the Wall than Thriller, but this is still a great album!
Gives me a Van Morrison vibe
Can't hear his voice without thinking of Toy Story. Not my favorite voice, but the music was OK. I don't think I would seek it out again.
Probably my least favorite of all TP albums, but it's still TP! Some classic hits and straight-forward rock n roll.
All killer, no filler! 5/5
It took me a while to learn to appreciate the Smiths, but now that I do I find their music to be quite enjoyable. 3.5/5
I'm not a big Taylor Swift fan in general. I enjoyed her two mostly acoustic albums released during COVID lockdown. But, this album is solid. Her last decent pop-based album, IMO.
Overall this is the best Rolling Stones album, in my opinion.
A good blend of jazz, funk and rock. Fairly typical of 70's jazz fusion albums. Enjoyable listen. That said, I'm not a fan of 7,8,9+ minute songs that drag on, so that drops this one to a 3/5 for me.
Other than the title track, I'd say this album is fairly forgettable 80's synth-pop. The Eurythmics, in my opinion, are a singles/best of band, not a 'listen to the whole album' band.
As a guitar player, I love listening to the old blues legends and hearing their chops and techniques. Some of Muddy's stuff is a little slow, and I don't love his voice, but it definitely fits his style and just the genre in general. Can't complain about this one. 3.5/5
Soulful, funky, and smooth with some cool covers thrown in. Enjoyable listen, would listen again. 4/5
Iconic. Not entirely my style, but still an enjoyable listen.
Classic, old school rock n roll
I feel like jam bands are best appreciated live, rather than on record. I enjoy the Allman brothers, but some of these versions of their songs just go on forever. Because of that, I give it 2/5.
I've always found the White Stripes to be a little too "garage rock" and unpolished for my taste. That said, this is still a rocker of an album with some classics from my high school days that instantly take me back.
Despite multiple attempts, I just cannot get into Steely Dan
I've never been a big prog/art rock fan, and this album is no exception. A few decent moments, but I would not seek it out again.
Other than 'Babylon', I wasn't familiar with anything on this album. Overall, kind of a slow listen. Not terrible, but not great either - decent background music. I don't know that I would listen again.
It took me a while to learn to appreciate Rush. The 20 minute opening track is a bit much, but the rest of the album is great!
Not really my style, but this was decent background music while I was working.
I was not familiar with this artist, but this was a decent listen. Vocals were just meh but the early 90's indie rock feel was awesome. I would listen again.
Overall, my favorite Metallica album. I'm not the biggest fan of theirs, but this is always a solid listen!
I think 10-12 good songs would have been better than 40 meh songs, some of which are incredibly short. Probably wouldn't seek this one out again. Hearing the Jackass into on Corona was pretty funny though.
Started off strong with "People Hold On" and progressively got more electronic and boring.
One of the best songwriters, in my humble opinion. I was familiar with the hits, but hadn't ever listened to the entire album. I don't know that I would dive into the deep cuts again but it was an enjoyable listen. 3.5/5.
Not for me at all.
Quintessential rock opera; Quadrophenia is superior, in my opinion, but the band had more time to grow before that came out. I'm a big fan of the Who so this is an easy 5/5 for me.
Not for me. 1/5
I was vaguely familiar with CHVRCHES, but I had never sat and listened to one of their albums as a whole. Overall, this was a pretty decent album! Catchy melodies and great production.
I just can't get into Bowie
One of my favorite albums of the 60's, whether you can see the toilet or not! (IYKYK)
In general I'm not a huge fan of live albums. IMO they fail to recreate the experience of seeing a band live and in-person. Long versions of songs and jam sessions drag on. I like Deep Purple, and I like these songs, but I give the live album version 2/5.
Not for me.
Straight good old rock and roll. An absolute banger.
I went into this with low expectations and was pleasantly surprised. Would I listen again? Maybe not, but a decent album.
I enjoyed this more than I expected
Basically just loud noise.
Hands down my favorite Steely Dan album
Not terrible but not great either. I feel like they're trying to be the Beatles meets the Byrds meets Dylan.
Not my favorite Coral album.
This was an enjoyable listen. I got Coltrane vibes at times and Vince Guaraldi vibes at others.
Can I give this 6 stars?
I have listened to Joy Division songs, but never a whole album. I liked this album, but I didn't really hear anything special that would make me listen again.
I enjoyed this album more than I expected to - I'm not a huge Jack White fan, but this was a cool listen. I added several songs to my library and would listen to this again.
Solid early rhythm & blues album. He has a great voice.
I didn't know what to expect here but I was pleasantly surprised - this album was a really fun listen! I will be checking out some more of their catalogue. 4/5
Her voice reminds me a little of Delores from the Cranberries and I also get Norah Jones vibes from some of the slower songs. I enjoyed this album a lot.
I would put this in the category of tolerable punk, along the lines of the Clash. Not my favorite but I didn’t hate it. 3/5
I didn’t know much by this artist outside of the Big Little Lies theme song, but this was a really enjoyable listen. I will definitely check out some more of his stuff.
This was a cool album, but the 2 ten minute songs that bookend it get kind of boring.
I know I'm supposed to like this but I just don't. It's very noisy, to the point where you can barely hear the vocals at times. Mix is pretty bright for an album with such a dark theme. 1/5
Can’t go wrong with Joni Mitchell. Fantastic songwriting, but I wish her voice wasn’t quite so grating on some tracks.
My favorite FF album.
Can't deny the vocal abilities that she has even it's not really my style of music.
This band reminds me a little of Hoodoo Gurus; I enjoyed this album, but it started strong and got weaker as it went on, IMO. I would, however, seek out more of their music.
I guess I didn't realize that Brian had released his own version of this separate from the Beach Boys release. Pretty cool album that is perfect to listen to right after Pet Sounds, IMO.
Good old school 50's rock and roll! A musical career cut far too short.
Meh. I personally don't understand the hype that The Band gets. Fairly boring album, IMO.
Not sure how I never heard of these guys among the 90's britpop scene. Overall, an enjoyable listen - not quite up the level of Oasis or Blur though. Added a few songs to my library and will check out some more of their albums. Album cover gets a 5/5 for being misrepresentative of the musical style.
Masterpiece. 5/5
One of my top debuts!
Underrated Queen album, IMO. Brighton Rock is a banger!
Noise rock is right. Not for me at all.
I wasn't familiar with non-disco Bee Gees. Kind of sounds like the Bee Gees trying to sound the Beatles and ELO. Kinda cool!
Not my favorite U2 album, but some good tracks. Didn't hate it but probably wouldn't listen again outside of the hits.
This is my second Supergrass album, it was decent, like the first. Mid-grade Britpop.
I prefer Cohen's songs when they are sung by/with other people. I like his songwriting, but not his voice.