Fleetwood MacIncredible album. Makes you dance, makes you feel, makes you cry. This could be a list of the top 25 albums of all time and you could still make a strong case for Rumours.
Incredible album. Makes you dance, makes you feel, makes you cry. This could be a list of the top 25 albums of all time and you could still make a strong case for Rumours.
War pigs is such a banger start to an album. The rest keeps up the energy
21st century schizoid man is holding this album up by itself. Influence cannot be d denied, though it gets a bit slow in the middle.
A couple are pretty corny, but honestly holds up better than I expected.
Very nice đź‘Ť
Life’s a bitch and then you die. Probably have been underrating this one. Not at the very top of my personal rap list but still really good and understandably a classic.
Makes me feel like I’m on an elevator in a good way. Easy listening, love me some Stan Getz.
Admittedly I’ve never really been an R.E.M. fan but I don’t really find much to latch onto. It’s not bad but I’m unlikely to be listening again anytime soon.
I wrote a long review but it didn’t save. Love this album, lyrically tight although goofy. The storytelling really shines through and the group bounces well off each other. Production is fun, can definitely hear how/why it influenced future artists. Sounds a little dated beats wise but they more than hold up and provide a good backing for the rap. West coast = best coast
Possibly my favorite Zeppelin album, it simply rocks.
Who doesn’t love a good organ? Good sunday morning album, but fades into the background a bit for me. Would give a 7/10 if if was an option.
Did not enjoy this. A couple songs were okay I guess but more than a couple were just straight bad. Production was… creative, but often not enjoyable. I really don’t that this was an album that I needed to hear before I die.
I have a sudden urge to head south
Too artsy fartsy for me. There were some interested elements mixed in but overall I was kind of bored. I probably just don’t get it.
Has lost a little bit of its luster over the years for me but still a top tier album. -1 because I don’t trust Mormons
Everybody wants to rule the world is an all-timer. The rest of the album doesn’t really do it for me
Spent longer than I’d care to admit last night unsuccessfully trying to moonwalk
Had some highs and some lows. Pretty weird listen overall. Probably would have liked it better if it was an hour shorter.
Good fall album. Don’t think I’ve ever sat down and listened to it all the way through and I enjoyed it more than I expected.
Had a very good time listening to this one. Forgot how much I love some Elton. Funeral for a Friend is awesome and really enjoyed some of the deeper cuts like Roy Rogers. Of course the hits rock. Really close to a 5 for me but just a few too many that I wanted to skip, and Jamaica Jerk Off is weird af
I liked the more psychedelic stuff but overall it was a bit boring
Supreme storytelling. Simple but effective instrumentation. John Prine is simply that dude. I bet Wes Anderson loves this album.
Weird, self-indulgent, murder porn. This guy sounds like Lin-Manuel Miranda’s cringier older brother. Way too theater-y for me. I get the impression the lead singer was jerking himself off the entire time he was writing this.
Like most of the new wave bands (in my opinion), Violator’s high are through the roof, but it also has some pretty forgettable lows. Dan Gahan also doesn’t have my favorite singing voice if I’m being honest. It’s an enjoyable enough listen through and through, but not an album that I’m likely to listen to end-to-end again.
Damn near perfect
We’re getting spoiled this week.
Pros: really fun, Paul Weller reminds me of Morrissey, not a bad song on the album Cons: sent me down a ska rabbit hole
Dennis needed to pick a lane. It was enjoyable enough, but a pretty disjointed listening experience.
Tough one for me to rate. Objectively, this might deserve a 5, but I guess the point of the exercise is to give our opinions. While the vocal harmonizing is nice on some songs but overdone on the album in my opinion. Kind of makes the whole thing sound dated to me. I wish they had given more songs to individual singers. Otherwise, it’s a very enjoyable listen and the talent of these guys really shines through.
A great artist and a great piece of history. The track list is pretty strong, but honestly I just don’t really like live albums.
James Bond nightfire soundtrack meets house meets hip hop? Very 90s. Not my style. Fuck Donald Trump
Fun early hip hop album. Definitely can hear the influence it had on east coast rap. I like the writing style of this era, with a focus on goofy stories/situations instead of the swag rap we hear so much of today. Good punchy beats that remind me of ssx tricky, which is always a plus. Feeling a 7/10 but gonna round down on account of Afrika being a diddler.
Classic album. It’s crazy how much talent came out of Wu Tang.
Wasn’t expecting such revolutionary messaging in the first several songs, but my god what a snooze fest.
Kiwanuka’s got a great voice. A little slow in parts but very beautiful.
This was bad. Like really bad. What was the formula here? Madonna does madlibs over generic Dance Dance Revolution-type beats? Lyrically, this is one of the worst albums I’ve ever heard. The production ranged from bland to jumbled, at some points sounding like they were just randomly hitting a keyboard to see what stuck. I am left with more questions than answers: why was this included on the list? How did Madonna get so big making music like this? What was going on in the 80s? I’d rather grab a beer with Stagger Lee than listen to this pile of garbage again.
Really enjoyed the first half of the album, in particular the title track. The Van Morrison cover was also a very nice inclusion. The second half didn’t hold my attention as well. 3.5/5
Not bad, not great.
Production was definitely the highlight for me. Punchy beats throughout that were easy to bop my head to. Lyrically, I thought it was kind of corny. Flows were strong and they worked off each other well, but it was just missing something to make it interesting. I also can’t get over how wacky the deep voice dude sounds. Had a few songs that I’ll return to, but mostly just felt like a dollar store De La Soul.
This one had some interesting tracks. Was pretty hit or miss for me, admittedly 90s electronic isn’t exactly my cup of tea.
Some good clean 80s fun
Good enough. Not that interesting to me though
Enjoyed this quite a bit. Got some real Bowie going on
Gary admitting to eating eggs at the end of Ham n’ Eggs is one of the greatest twists in modern music. Really good album, I mean it has Can I Kick It. Probably a couple songs I could do without, and I do think they have a couple better albums, so I’m gonna go with a 9/10
I mean, I like Bowie as much as the next guy. But it’s a bit much, innit?
A psychedelic standard. Has some good jams, a few great even. A lot of it is pretty forgettable to me though.
Incredible album. Makes you dance, makes you feel, makes you cry. This could be a list of the top 25 albums of all time and you could still make a strong case for Rumours.
Good tweener for the Beatles. Still fairly poppy with plenty of replay value, but they were also starting to experiment with new and more interesting sounds. Enjoyable listen, although in my opinion their best was yet to come.
The cream rises to the top. Oh yeah
Enjoyed more than I expected. Good rock album with some jazz elements that I wasn’t really expecting. Got a little theatrical at times which I didn’t love, but overall I liked the album a lot.
XTC should stick to making plans for Nigel
Stevie is a talented dude. I probably should have listened more before reviewing, but it’s not his most memorable week after one listen.
Raw, for better or worse. Some of my favorite white stripes tracks come from this album; see: Blue Orchid, The Denial Twist, Take Take Take. The pure creativity and ability of Jack White really shines through. On the other hand, some of the other tracks probably could have used a bit more time in the oven. But that’s always been White’s style, and that’s why we love him.
I liked the Van Morrison cover, but I’m not really a fan of Patti’s singing style.
Gorgeous album and perfect time of year for it. This is one that I used to listen to a lot so there’s some nostalgia around it, but it more than holds up. Might only be a 4 in the summertime, so good job on the timing.
I wish that I had not spent 49 minutes listening to this.
Based on t-shirt sales, the #1 band since 1998. More than enough has been said about the music, but why aren’t more people talking about the wiener?
Perfect 2.5 for me. Not unpleasant but also not very memorable. Unlikely to listen again but wouldn’t complain if someone else put it on
Much has been said about The Dandy Warhols (by me), but I honestly enjoyed this album more than I expected. Moody and psychedelic at times, upbeat and jammy at others, they displayed more range than I would have given them credit for. Whipping Tree was downright Floyd-esque! That said, it wasn’t particularly innovative. I’m feeling a 3.5/5 but going to round down because it was too long imo
Good music for us fellas that bleed the red, white, and blue
🎶 cool in the pool 🎶
Brutally honest and hauntingly beautiful portrayal of a legends final days. Really remarkable work of art. While not every cover was my favorite, it is very interesting to consider why Cash selected each of them. Hurt is such a deeply moving song, the kind that I will always slow down to listen to closely. The deepest theme is clearly death here, but not necessarily despair. I think the album ultimately portrays a man who knows that he is not long for the world, and while he may have some regrets, is at peace with his fate. Given the context and just how beautiful much of the album is, this is a pretty easy 5 for me.
Imagine (song) is deservedly an all-timer. The rest of the album was fine but not that interesting to me.
Did not bring me joy
Classic versions of classic songs. Not gonna punish it for my being late to review. Could’ve done without silent night at the end.
Dollar store Lou Reed. Inoffensive, but ultimately uninspiring.
One of the best hip hop albums to ever grace my ears. But is it Kendrick’s best? I’m not so sure.
Good stuff
3.5 Happy to see a non-English album on here. Really enjoyed the music, love some African guitar. Rounding up because I like the variety.
Kinda chill. Kinda sleepy. I liked small hours.
Classic rock album. Good music for fixing cars.
Another classic rock album. Made me want to play guitar hero.
Never was the biggest black keys guy but this is a solid offering from then with some strong tracks
Robert Smith on lithium. I almost really like it but there’s just something off that I can’t quite place my finger on
I’m glad smellphones don’t exist yet because this album stinks!
Very black keys-esque. Thought it was a bit more interesting though so I’d bump it to a 3.5. Enjoyed well enough but don’t really understand why it’s on the list.
Mods rise up
The highs are about as good as it gets. The lows are not bad by any means, but there are a couple songs that I could live without. I’ve been really waffling between a 4 and 5. Might be harsh, but just doesn’t quite get there for me. 9/10
One of the albums of all time
Pretty good! Wishing this list was less Brit-centric tho
Lovely. Made me feel good inside.
The early Beatles stuff just doesn’t really do it for me. Definitely some classics on here tho
How can you tell Green Day from other popular artists? Other artists play in major or minor key, but Green Day plays in Dookie.
Really good Bowie album.
The message (song) is a classic. The rest was kind of whatever to me
Did not have a Cheap Trick live album on my bingo card. Would’ve been a fun show to be at! 7/10
Some truly remarkable guitar, but overall not my cup of tea
I know I’m in the minority on this one but man I’m not a fan of this band. The instrumentation is fine, even great at times, but I just can’t stand Anthony Kiedis
Really enjoyed. Those aussies never miss! More of this please
Undeniably god music. Talented group even if they’re not my go-to
Love can. Really enjoyed 1/2 of this album. But like most can albums, there was a couple songs that I could barely get through. Usually I can look past this, but 30 minutes of haunted house sounds is capping this one at a 3 for me.
2 U2 albums in a week is too much. I liked the first one better
Neil Young seems like a real douchebag. Nice album tho.
Enjoyable but not something unlikely to return to
Ahead of its time. Jammy, psychedelic, shadowy. I’m sure this was a trip to hear when it first came out. 2 great minds come together and while the album may not have the most replay value, I really enjoyed listening to it.
Secret pixies album! Really loved it all the way through and never knew it existed until today. This is why we slog through the 2s and 3s folks
In a past life I probably would have regarded this more highly
Short and sweet. Dusty has a great voice
Thought we might be in for a treat after the first song but was pretty let down for the remainder. Sort of flaming lips-esque but lacking character. Idk not for me
She’s got a great voice and I do really love some Billie from time to time but it just didn’t do it for me yesterday
Never really understood why xrt seems to prefer this version of Mrs. Robinson
Sam Cooke is incredible. I do not think this was a necessary recording to hear of his.
The Doors are great man. Riders on the storm is an all time favorite. Really no skips in this album, maybe 1 or 2 that are just fine but very solid from top to bottom. 9/10
A couple of the songs were decent but overall not really my style
Nothing says badass like writing an album about all the crimes you intend to commit
It’s alright
Pretty fun. Probably not something I’ll put on super regularly but I’m glad I gave it a listen 7.5/10
See: The Beach Boys Today! Sean’s review made me audibly paaaah Getting to see this band this summer will be an oasis in the otherwise barren desert of my life, or will it just be a mirage?
Pretty fun, nothing super special
Writing music with your brother so you can explore the hard questions in life. Like, “how does it feel when you’re me?”
If you don’t like this, you can go funk yourself
Next time I’m whipping up biscuits, I know who I want on the butter knife. Incredible album, definitely one of my favorites we’ve had so far. So groovy and cool, Walk On By is a masterclass. Maybe could have cut down on the spoken word portion of By The Time I Get To Phoenix, but honestly I don’t mind it. Easy easy 5
One of the GOATs for a reason. Really good album, some great tracks, could’ve done without the sex recording though
War pigs is such a banger start to an album. The rest keeps up the energy
Never been the biggest Clapton fan but the talent is undeniable. This isn’t his most engaging album imo, doesn’t help that he’s a huge jerk. But not bad.
Love the pixies, haven’t listened to this one as much but it rocks