Fisherman's Blues
The WaterboysBeautiful folk. I like the violins. Kurt Wallinger was the keyboardist on the album but he left the band to do more important things, mainly making the Lin’s Bin theme song.
Beautiful folk. I like the violins. Kurt Wallinger was the keyboardist on the album but he left the band to do more important things, mainly making the Lin’s Bin theme song.
This shreds. I sleep on the blues until I come across great albums like this
Prog rock makes for good listening. Not my fave though
Tbh not a huge fan of this one. Little too much murderin for my tastes.
Hell yea!!!!! Absolute beauty from the 70s. Sublime dance music for us all!
East coast rap goes hard. Great, driving, pounding beats.
Wow this is really great! Sort of chill lofi music to study to, but way better.
This is a good album. Radio Free Europe and Sitting Still are my favorite songs. Michael Stipe sometimes uses his ability to sing catchy nonsense, which somehow resonates with us.
I’ve got more flavor than 7-11 slurpees If Magic can admit he got AIDS, fuck it I got herpes
Total rock— I’m not very good at these reviews
Dad music, rad music. The organ sounds like a moog and is brilliant.
Not very good— some of the beats are actually terrible. The beat in the title track, at the end, is used in an Edward the Confessor song from Sleeping Dogs. That later song is much better. A lot of it sounds like Ratchet and Clank background music.
This was some good country— something I could hear on Mojave Radio
Not a fan — too dissonant. The ending couple of songs are pretty good though
I loved this when I was younger. I still do but I used to too
I was surprised by how fantastic this album is. The tv show Psych, with frequent 80s “homage,” gave Tears for Fears special place in their 80s pantheon. I thought that whatever band held that spot would be kitschy and overblown. But I was wrong! Shout and Everybody Wants… are both deserved hits. The Working Hour is my favorite song on the record. Big fan!
I think she was an Avril Lavigne type, but she’s really that Alicia Kets type. Not bad.
Great pop record. Some all-time tracks that are always popular at weddings and parties. We can ride the boogie!
Sooo long and not energizing or inspiring. A lot of it was ambient dance track sounding things. Like Moby
Not bad— kinda forgettable songs that fill up this long album though. A few of them are xrt standbys though which is a plus
Very fun. A bit front-loaded though. Huge hits that are widely beloved, but some pretty meh songs on the back end
Psychedelic folk. The folk half is meh and the psychedlic half is rough listening.
Great lyricism, beautiful twangy voice. 🎶 There’s a hole in Daddy’s arm, where all the money goes
I didn’t expect the album name to be a literal description. I won’t rate it highly because I do not like the lyrics (I’m sure you all know by now that I am staunchly against murder). But the music is kinda fun. And nick cave’s voice is really compelling.
Some fun songs, some xrt classics, but overall I’m not very excited by this record.
Great album - van’s the man! Caravan is a lot tamer in studio, but there’s still a fantastic six song stretch from the And It Stoned Me to Into the Mystic.
Really fun
Great album— tightly written and composed songs. Lyrics that can really be spit out
Really great— who’s the better Wilson?
I got tired of it as the album went on. I do like some songs, but it all blends together
Short but exhilarating. Songs are pretty good but the scene is incredible. “I’d like to thank the warden and the guards for setting this up” (Crowd boos and jeers) “Awwww… you don’t really mean that”
Blue Lines and Be Thankful are Great. The rest is pretty meh. Fiddler on the Roof “sample” sparks joy though.
A great classic and an okay one are on here. But I can’t stomach the idea of listening to this as a full album again.
Brilliantly fun— an exhilarating first listen and a groovy second
I’m honestly not that into this, and I once saw a RZA concert and it was sick
Pretty boring. It’s crazy how popular these songs were. I guess it was just the hippie resurgence of the nineties
Idk kinda bland but not bad
Bad, but not as bad as stagger Lee so it gets two stars
Beautiful folk. I like the violins. Kurt Wallinger was the keyboardist on the album but he left the band to do more important things, mainly making the Lin’s Bin theme song.
Not bad, not really my style
I don’t like it. This could lull me to sleep I spose
Sometimes it’s sick, especially imagining listening in a crowded dark basement. Sometimes it’s dull
I really liked the songs. Music accompaniment for the movie scene where the hero looks at VHS tapes of the family he’s lost
I think Monica is a great song. Animal Farm is good too, tempo and instrumentation, but the lyrics are kinda dumb. The rest I don’t enjoy too much. A lot of the songs are subdued and a bit boring. I also don’t think the theme, the modernization of England, was expertly developed. It all just seems a bit hammy and silly. Do we really need two songs to explore the deeper meaning of photographs?
I get the hype, great album. Very influential to the bands that would be featured on the OC it seems. Much better than those later bands though
This is fun, but not nearly as fun as the pharcyde. The bears are subdued, instead of exuberant.
I agree with Dylan, some pretty good songs on the first listen that deserve a relisten, but overall it doesn’t seem like a great album
The names are so bad it’s crazy. Surrealistic Pillow? Embryonic Journey? Easy on the acid fellas. Music ain’t that bad though. Some of it is 60s schlock, but the blues tracks are fun. My dad said he liked White Rabbit when he was younger, not a huge fan myself
Love it! So fun
Loved this album on my Walkman, but I haven’t listened to it since those childhood days. I really like it! Did anyone else notice the crystal clarity of the tambourine in the Spotify audio?
Surprisingly eclectic, the West Side Story song was a joy
The stuttering madness of the singing is a big turn off. Some songs are worth a relisten
You know what Johnny? I do mind the bollocks and I think we all would feel a lot more comfortable if you put some pants on
I just didn’t groove with a lot of the backend songs. I love some Stevie songs, but these can be dull. Some deserve a relisten, like It Ain’t No Use
It’s alright. Some modern rock classics and some tracks I will never listen to again
I did not care much for this album. I am running out of novel things to say, so I can’t really say anything but that her voice is offputting
Vanilla pudding, not much else to say really
This was really cool and moody. Definitely a consistent album, but there aren’t any standouts.
This is good. Can be really head smashing at times. I honestly don’t think there’s that many great songs on here, but it does deserve a 4
This is tough, Bloody Well Right is such a jam. And, beginning with Rudy, the end is great. Fuck it, gets a 4
It sounds pretty good. I’ve heard, from credible sources, that the guy is a dick though
Pretty good. Not as ecstatic as A Nod is as Good as a Wink, but there all still some keepers on the album, like the first two songs
Very fun, very cool in the pool. The drumming is impeccable on this album. I didn’t care for Oh Lord Give Us More Money.
This is fun, but the covers don’t match the originals and I can’t say this is a necessary album to listen to
I like a few of the songs, but in general this wasn’t that inspiring
Fun Christmas album, Baby Please Come Home is an all-timer, can’t say that it is a 4 though because it’s just a Christmas album
It’s like Smog, but just the boring songs
Meh— I used to really like a lot of the songs and listened to it often, but I’m just not into it anymore. 3 out of respect
Great rock album. I’ve slept on The Stone Roses, probably because they’re Adam Eget’s fave band
How is this on the list? It is okay, not great by any means. Kinda good I guess. It seems so random and recent to be worthy of the “essential” list
I live John Martyn, but there’s not a lot of great songs on this record, unlike Thin Air. Couldn’t Love You More is beautiful and some of the other songs are alright
This is actually quite fun for a hair metal band— but none of the songs stick out to me as particularly great. Maybe I’ll relisten, but I’m unsure if I’ll give KISS the chance
Some certified xrt classics but I just don’t love it
I just don’t love the songs.
Really fun eighties pop— the bass lines are greasy, the lyrics are a kind of lovestruck funny hysteria.
Not fun at all. In fact, this album was excruciatingly boring. It’s like they wanted to make indie rock music, but decided to replace any edge with the dull twanging of a sitar throughout.
This might deserve a relisten, but I didn’t find it that great the first time. The songs had a timeless sound, kinda like the dead, but nothing really stood out to me. It’s odd to say really, there’s a lot of different instrument interplay in the songs, but it doesn’t amount to a whole lot
My dad is a big Who fan. Me? Not so much. The James Brown cover is good but not as good as James Brown. My Generation is timeless. The rest is chaff.
I also only knew the hits, which are superb, but had never heard the rest. Honestly, the other songs on this album are a bit underwhelming. The masturbating line in darling Nikki is rough. Still gonna give it a 4
Halloween kitsch and rockabilly revival. Doesn’t seem to belong on this superlative list, but hey, what do I know? It was only okay
Wow, Sean’s right! He does sound like Paul McCartney. (Exclamation does not mean surprise by the way). I really like the song Dry the Rain, which I think is from Trainspotting, but I’m less excited about these songs, although the tensing and soothing sensation is still palpable. Eclipse is a good closer.
Great vibes, but I can’t see myself listening to this a lot again— except for maybe a fun cleaning day. Seems like rough judgement, but hey it’s my choice
I agree with Bryan, the hits are fun but every song I don’t recognize doesn’t get me going. Take, for instance, “I’ll be back,” it has some sweetness to it, but it’s pretty boring. Way more cowbell than I remembered
I’m not a fan of the three hits on this album, welcome to paradise, when I come around, and basket case. But there are a lot of other good ones. Coming Clean might be my fave. Not enough to get a 4
Watch that man is a balls to the wall opening track. A lot of the rest didn’t really stick out to me (even the title track) but this deserves a relisten. But a lot of it was just good Bowie songs, not transcendent ones
The Message is an all-timer. The rest isn’t nearly as great but there’s still some fun to be had. The Stevie Wonder track was good and a funny homage. You Are is so similar though, and I have to ask, why are there two Stevie Wonder songs?
I’m really glad live albums are on the list. This is also a great one. I heard it first on xrt fr their Friday night lives (or some shit). The energy just courses through your veins. The Cheap trick hits sound great and the other songs can be pretty good too.
Not bad, just nothing exciting
Tough to rate for me. I think the instrumentation is great… at times. When the songs get into psychedelia I think there’s a big drop in quality. I also find Anthony Keidis’ voice to be annoying and the lyrics can be very bad.
Good, fun punk rock. Deserves a relisten but I’m only giving a 3 on the first time around
New Years Day and Sunday Bloody Sunday are great. The rest is unremarkable.
The unlistenable tracks got to me. Won’t revisit
Comparison is the thief of joy. This is worse than War, even if One and Wild Horses are alright. In generally I just think this album is bland
Didn’t really think of myself as a Neil Young fan before, but this is a great record. Powder finger and Thrasher are both great, and the bookending My My songs are really haunting
The first half is great. Exciting songs with incredible vocal range. Let the Good Times Roll is an all-timer, but maybe not as good as some of the other Ray hits. The second half takes on a sleepy/romantic lounge vibe, which is pleasant but unremarkable.
Muslim call to prayer with percussion, although it is admittedly good percussion
Punk, pop, grunge, garage. And even though this is an hourlong album of brief songs, it remains unified. A real breath of fresh air.