Little SimzNot my favorite taste. Interesting instrumental arrangements
Not my favorite taste. Interesting instrumental arrangements
Another Christmas album in american pop stile. Maybe the first in this stile?
Take some Bowie, mix it with Roxy Music and add some synth pop with tr303 drumset...
American band goes Brit-Pop (at least it sounds a bit like this). I wonder why it's on the 1001 list.
An iconic punk - album
Not my favorite taste. Interesting instrumental arrangements
Terraforming album. Prepares the ground for Emerso Lake & Palmer, Pink Floyd ...
Piano Wizzard
Elton John early originals. What else
Another Christmas album in american pop stile. Maybe the first in this stile?
Rock - not really ..... country - not really ..... ballads - not really. Not in the 80ties, not newer works ..... Singer out of tune. I don't understand, why this album is in the 1001's. W H Y ???
Nice album, I like it - BUT I cannot see the influent relevancy. Stile - mix between funky rock, country and ballads
80ies Synth-Pop with wonderful Vocals
Synth-Pop at its best
I like this album. Another 'American Songbook'. Phantastic covers of old standards, but I have no idea, why it is in the 1001 - list.
Too indie. Not my taste.
Verry loud, verry metall, verry speedy
Wilco - another American band with no clear direction (country - rock - balads?). Not really remarkable.
Relaxed Trip-Hop, perfect for elevators and shopping-malls. I cannot see why it is in the 1001!
Metall at its best
Noise. Nothing else. Should be 0.
Genius rock- blues- jazzband. Genius album.
Monstrous version (25:50) of Bo Diddleys 57' Who Do You Love on side A, side B announced as Rock 'n' Roll (not at all) but verrry well made psychodelic rock. The epic length is modern in this time - compare with Deep Purple's 1972 live album Made in Japan (shortest track 6:52). I like this album, especially seen in the context of time.
Perfect starting gate listening jazz music
Nice music in the continuing line of synth - sounds of britpop
Summer of Love at it's best.
Solid rock album
Virtuos artists. Interresting sounds. This album shows the line between music and noise. For me it's noise.
That's what I call Motown and R&B!
Magnificent Miles Davies! This album shows on two tracks how to work out musical themes. Definitely NOT easy listening, but please compare with J.S.Bach "Die Kunst der Fuge", where the variation around 4 notes (Bflat, A, C,B) is celebrated in a complete concert.
Nice peace of music. The album-title is a bit missleading - I cannot find any ecstasy. My expectations for 'rock' are different.
The BPM identifies as rock, some tunes remind me of the Beatles' Revolution 9 of the 68' White Album, some other tunes shows psychodelic experiments with effect devices or funny substances (or both). No idea, why in the 1001 list
Funky, groovy, smooth, motown - or simply Stevie Wonder!
Voice OK, sound OK, arrangement ??? Definitive not my taste.
BritPop - what else
Verry dark-grey - it's Leonard Cohen. You have to love him or hate him. I love him!
Relevant because the the arrangements and post-production is the blueprint for punk and grunge. Not my favorite taste
Phantastic Brit 80's album. Unfortunately a kind of 'One Hit Wonder'
Brit-Pop goes Synthie - at its best
Superfunky bluesy album!
You have to look at this album in context of time. R&B performed by white guys was revolutionary in 64. Maybe the 'bad boys' image of the Stones was founded by this album.
Incredible album!
Perfect lounge music on dark winter evenings. Not my favorite taste.
Just like the architecture in the early 20th century. It tells me nothing.
Take some Bowie, mix it with Roxy Music and add some synth pop with tr303 drumset...
Never heard before. think, I'm not missing a lot.
Kraftwerk - what else!
Nice Pop-Rock. This live album from technical point of view 2nd choice (too much shouting Japanese girls)
HipHop is not my genre
Awesome record. Handmade minimalistic rock!
I almost fell asleep
Electronic Rock at its best.
Southern rock. Because the Confed-flag only 4.
Classical country ....
If you want Nick Cave, you'll get it. Sounds like Waits sings Cohen (or simmilar). No need to be heard before I die :-(
too indie, too garrage for me.
Revolutionary sound, phantastic songs. A real shout in 1966. Frank - the horrible guy for the brave man and housewifes. RIP Frank Zappa! Really terraforming !!!
Nice African music.
Nice modern Country band.
One Album Band, HipHop definitively not my taste. I think, there are more influent artists for the 1001-List.
Sun, surf, phantastic vocal arrangements. Wilson quality work.
too much shuting. not my taste
Just noise. Wonder who buys this. wonder who produces this. wonder who manages the 1001 list. definitivly 0 points
the next boring noise album. I'm concerned about the health of the 1001 author.
Very nice easy listening music. The album-title describes then content verry well.
Anothe Singer-Songwriter with his guitar. Not too good, not too bad.....
Electronic Pop. Perfect for elevators in a shopping mall. Does nothing with me.
HipHop - Rap - nothing for me
Again Rap&HipHop
Sad. A bit like Leonard Cohen, one octave higher.
Mixture of Metall and Rap - not my favorite taste
Solid Rock; a little bit too 'indie' for me >3
Let's rock
No direction, no attitude, no points .....
Good old classic rock
I'm a child of this time - what shall I say :-)
If you want Nick Cave, you'll get it. Sounds like Waits sings Cohen (or simmilar). No need to be heard before I die :-(
Yeeeeeaaaaaaahhhhhh ! Metall from the finest
Nice Brit-Pop
Perfect soundtrack for Beavis&Butthead
Bare metall. the vocals are not my taste (shout)
Wow - Funk-A-Delic. Phantastic funk music and genious musicians!
Too nice for punk, too indie for easy listening, too silent for rock. Not impressive for me.
Nice Classic Rock Album
For me it's just another singer-songwritert. He doesn't moove me.
Good old solid rock. Forerunners of punk.
Not my real taste.
Not so well known album of Queen, but with outstanding quality. I think it is one of the best Queen - records
Texa supergroup (3 musicians) at their finest
Goodfathers of P*U*N*K
Relaxed slow Country
Classic Sprinsteen .....
Rap / HipHop is not my Taste!
Classic Britpop / Punk
Impressive Singer-Songwriter
Bach - Beethoven - Beatles
BluesRock at its best
Solid Rock
Interesting album, for me it is too 'alternative'
Nice album in another singer-songwriter - style.
Rap&Hip-Hop is definitvely not my taste.
Brit-Pop goes Synthie
once again :-( how many albums of Nick Cave are in the list ??? If you want Nick Cave, you'll get it. Sounds like Waits sings Cohen (or simmilar). No need to be heard before I die :-(
Hip-Hop - not really my taste
Yeahhhh! Let's have a headbanging session
Rap - Hip-hop -- not my taste
It's Rock 'n' Roll - and I like it!
Perfdct album as background track in restrooms - you shouldn't stay too long. 2/5
Hello D I S C O
Some nice songs, some songs not so easy to listen - but all in all - iconic
So many really good musicians in the US. I wonder how Mr. Black made it into this List? - 0/5
Best example for Singer-Songwriter
Too grunge for me. not my taste
Who - The Who - Who else :-)
Ella - kompletely out of discussion. The album - claims to be an encyclopedia of Gershwins's work. Phantastic, but I think it's well posisinoed in the bookshelf.
Nice album - can't see the uniqueness to be placed in the 1001 list
The musical style of Mark is unique! You may like this style or not. I like it!
Genious musician
Synth areal music goes classical
Smooth album. Good music when you just hang around :-)
hip-Hop not my taste
Rap - HipHop - I'm waiting for music in my wavelength
Genious musician
Late work of David
Scotish folk with a touch of magic mushrooms - not my taste
Stones - what else ;-)
American band goes Brit-Pop (at least it sounds a bit like this). I wonder why it's on the 1001 list.
Classic gruge
Interresting nice sound constructions. Does not hurt, does not alarm. In my mind: no music at all. from this point of view 1 Point, because 0 is not possible.
35.000.000 Fans can't be wrong - Jacko 4 ever!
80s Brit Pop. Nothing outstanding, so no album for the 1001 List
African folk meets Jazz. Incredible Album!
Marvellous African funky beat!
Nice Folk Singer
Bare metall. the vocals are not my taste (shout - I prefer a little bit of singing at least)
2-Tone music arising. Interesting mix between regae and brit-pop
Great part of the 'All American Songbook'
Only the good die young (much too young!)
Another band in the late 70ies on the way (?to punk?) not so bad, not so outstanding. nobody gets alarmed.
Difficult to review. The music reminds me to Brecht/Weil a little bit. I cannot understand, why the artist has been Grammy - awarded as "Rock Performance". From my point of view, rock is somthing different. When I watch the complete publications (5 Albums from 1996 to 2020) I cannot see big changes. All in all definitively not "Easy Listening" and - sorry - not my taste.
Well Bittersweet Symphony is weel known and often played. The rest ? I think I can survive without listening to this Album.
Classic Country album
Once again: Too nice for punk, too indie for easy listening, too silent for rock. Not impressive for me.
Genious Artist, verry interesting.
What is it? Punks try to sing or play instruments instead of hitting them? Not rock, not synthie-pop. Maybe experiment to indie. Unnecessary
Some indy rock in the sound of the 80ies. should be #1900 (of the 1001 list)
DISCO - Flashback :-)
Very nice album (4/5). Don't understand why it's classified as Rock? (not at all)
Rock at it's best
Enfant terrible, jazzy, rocky, genious
Verry smooth an silky jazzy blues. Perfect to come down after a hard day's worktime.
I don't like rap
Genious album
I love blues, I love B.B. King, I usually don't like live albums, but this is an exception!
Nice easy listening pop - album
Starts in a folky stile and ends up verry punky. I think this early work represents discussions of the musical direction.
Genious mix of synth-pop, metall, industrial and a lot of angryness.
Inidie - a liitle bit too much. Im searching the "Rock"
Let's Rock :-)
In my mind a worried mix between industrial, synth-pop, brit-pop and some singer-songwriter. I didn't now Morrisey, and as I see, I don't miss a thing.
Phantastic electric piano, but a liitle bit too 'fusion' for me.
Not my taste
A solid rock album by Soundgarden
You love her or you don't like her. I'm undecided. Nice pop - Album.
Phantastic crossover album. Too heavy for me.
Not my taste.
I almost fell asleep
Difficult to review for me. Genious album, but many difrferent directions. Saddle up to ride n all directions - Peter Gabriel - stile (I think)
Classic country sound; quite nice. 1001 ????
Precursor band of CSN&Y. Clear 5 Stars
Verry funky, bluesy R'n'B album
Solid dark Rock album
Classic Blues album with authentic live feeling.
Blues Classics
Not my taste
Sweet gentle funky soul music!
The birth album of a Rockstar!
Verry innovative - in the time point of view; verry spacy .....
Fine cool jazz
Still not my taste
nice electronic lounge music
Disco Dancefloor .... 1001???
Fine R'n'B Girlpower
Fits perfect in between Montery and Woodstock. Nice Album in context of time, but nothing real special. I expected Country Joe McDonald or The Holding Company jumping in the line :-)
Millions of Debbnie's fans can't be wrong - 4
It's not my taste
Not the most notsble album by Korn.
Funny mix of styles. Not compareable with newer albums.
Not my taste
Something in between Oasis and Radiohead. No special alarm. Why on the 1001?
Some random sound from a freeware music creation tool. Sorry, that 0 is no option.
No Words. Just listen to the phantastic music. A famous Man and famous last words. RIP Johnny
I was 40 miles away in the forest, and I have to say: You've been f***ing loud (?ted Nugent?)
Sounds like the early Beatles recorded in a garage
Nice Pop album
Cool album of the classic BritPopRock Generation
Briliant Jazz album - if you are in the mood for Jazz. For me in person, it's a little bit too heavy. Therefore only 4 stars
Solid album by U2
Verry impressive Singer-Songwriter album
I love Sheryl Crow ;-)
Deep Purple MK II - what else?
I really wonder why anyone could throw 5 stars. I really wonder why the critcs can talk this way about this album. How much was the money they got ??? Clear 1 star, because 0 is no possible option.
?? What is it ??
Nice easy to listen rock album
Very fine tuned brittish fingerpickin' folk and blues
A little bit too alternate for me
I'm missing some outstanding music experiance. Nice modern blues-rock ...
Difficult to review for me. Genious album, but many difrferent directions. Saddle up to ride n all directions - Peter Gabriel - stile (I think)
A compilation of electronic experiments. I nearly fell asleep after the second track
Hostoric, iconic
Not my taste
Nice Post-Punk album. Nobody gets harm, nobody is alarmed.
Nice Rock album.
Never heard before - unfortunately! Verry fine singer-songwriter album.
Smooth Latin Jazz Album performed by "Northern" artists.
Nice singer-songwriter album
Cool punk album
Good Production, good sound. Not outstanding. Just another american singer-songwriter in the early seventies.
funk and soul goodfathers of the late sixties! Love -- Peace
??? not for my ears
Goodfather of Glarock
Noise -5 Stars
Wonderful calm and itimate Jazz Album!
Rap - Hip-hop -- not my taste
Refreshing rocking style singer songwriter
Nice Glamrock Album
Sting is a genious musician, BUT I'mnot a fan of his music.
Saddled up and riding to any direction. 1993 with Giant Steps as well as 2023 with "Eight". No idea, why's on the 1001 list. Clear 0 Points.
for me it is too 'alternative'
Genious album by Johnny Cash!
Nice Pop album, abit funky
A document of music developement in the US. I've heard more influent albums. 3/5
Rockband??? Just another Singer-Songwriter Pop style. Not so bad, but also not special. 2/5
A real 1001 Album.
Wow - One of the beginnings of grunge!
Exceptional extraordinary .......
A collection of balads trying hard to follow up the Beatles. I think there are better albums published by the Bee Gees. 3/5
Nothing really to hate, but it's only ambient music - maybe for movies? nothing for the 1001 list. 0 is not possible, therefore 1
Nice Singer-Songwriter Folk album.
Not so bad, nothing really exceptional for me.