Jul 15 2022
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Sufjan Stevens
Quite long. First I was jamming, then I was sad, then bored, ended with a few more jams though. Could see myself listening again
Jul 18 2022
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3 + 3
The Isley Brothers
Really looking forward to this one. First thought was “why am I thinking of mops?” My second thought was “the drums are on fire holy crap”. Soul/funk never disappoints when it comes to the rhythm section. This album almost makes The Doobie Brothers and Seals & Croft sound cool. The vocals are also great with all the range of emotions displayed, paired with some super cooool harmonies. The slower love songs are a little cheesy and boring but all in all I can see myself coming back to a lot of this album l
Stand-outs: Swiffer Commercial Song pts. 1&2, If You Were There, You Walk Your Way, The Highways of My Life
Jul 19 2022
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Otis Blue/Otis Redding Sings Soul
Otis Redding
Classic R&B/Soul. I always forget how influential Otis Redding was by originating hits such as ‘Respect’ and covering amazing songs like ‘My Girl’ and ‘Satisfaction’. Less funk and more blues. Certainly more timeless. Other favorites include ‘Ole Man Trouble’, ‘Shake’, and ‘Change is Gonna Come’
Jul 20 2022
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A Hard Day's Night
Honestly I’m surprised by how much I liked it. It reminds me of the other bands from that era I like and less psychedelic. Some songs are kinda whatever Beatles fare but there are really cool songs here. ‘Anytime at All’ has that rocking spirit that I love about The Who. I’m far more interested in the deep cuts here than the hits. I learned that one of my favorite jazz songs is actually a cover of ‘And I Love Her’ which turns out is also a pretty cool jazzy tune itself. ‘Tell Me Why’ makes me think of the Happy Days theme and not in a good way. The last song has such a lovely melody and really nice harmonies, and almost leaves me feeling melancholy. There might be something to these knappy haired kids from England. There’s honestly more on this that I like than I don’t. To rip-off YouTube movie reviewer Jeremy Jahns: I’d say it’s worth buying on vinyl
Favorites include: ‘If I Fell’, ‘And I Love Her’, ‘Any Time at All’,
Jul 21 2022
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Ragged Glory
Neil Young & Crazy Horse
Is this a joke? This sounds like a joke. It sounds like he’s making fun of himself. Also I can’t tell what it wants to be. Is it country? Is it rock? Folk? Some songs even gave me hair/glam metal vibes. The whole thing overstated its welcome from the start and lasted through to the end. Seeing that it came out in 1990 it’s clear that Neil Young was begging to stay relevant but I have to imagine this is what the death rattle of the 80’s sounds like.
Favorites include: Mansion on the Hill I guess
Jul 22 2022
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Blue Lines
Massive Attack
Kinda boring. It sounds like menu music from an old Xbox Live Arcade game. Might’ve been cool without the vocals but I’m afraid that would just make it house music. It’s like it was made with the expressed purpose for a DJ to remix it. It’s right on the edge of interesting for me. Also British rapping makes me feel weird.
Favorites include: Blue Lines, Be Thankful for What You’ve Got
Jul 25 2022
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Michael Jackson
I’ve loved this album since 5th grade.
The melodies, the beats, the bass. Quincy Jones’ touch is everywhere on this album. It’s so much fun and it’s so theatrical. So many songs on here are all-time classics. The 40th anniversary is this year and it’s absolutely worth buying on vinyl.
Favorites include: All of them. Seriously. I love all of the songs on this and the 25th anniversary bonus tracks.
Jul 26 2022
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Let England Shake
PJ Harvey
I think I really liked this.
Some songs were really kinda whatever but others had a certain quality to them that I enjoyed. The pace was enough to keep my attention and I always love a good saxophone. The guitars are jangly and pretty. A little unfocused to be higher but I’m definitely a fan of this one.
Favorites include:
Let England Shake, The Glorious Land, The Words That Maketh Murder, All & Everyone, On Battleship Hill, In The Dark Places, Bitter Branches
Jul 27 2022
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Buenas Noches From A Lonely Room
Dwight Yoakam
I previously knew or Dwight Yoakam because he played Bruce on the TV show Wilfred. So I went in a little more open minded than I normally would have when it comes to country. Aside from some pretty disturbing illusions to murdering a cheating ex, I think this is pretty accessible sounding country. It did not blow my mind or change my perspective on country by any means but I would be lying if I said I didn’t at least enjoy the sound.
Favorites include: Home of the Blues, Buenos Noches From A Lonely Room, Streets of Bakersfield, Floyd County
Jul 28 2022
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American Pie
Don McLean
Not big on folk rock and this didn’t do anything to change that. The title track is still a good song. Till Tomorrow is like American Pie again but sadder. Vincent is the token tragedy which was okay. Everybody Loves Me is probably my favorite song but it’s such a standout that it almost seems like a rockabilly parody (I mean that in a good way. Like when Sid Vicious sang My Way) Everything else seemed kinda filler-y to me, all clinging to a similar melody or structure. The deep chanting harmonies of Babylon was a neat moody closer.
Jul 29 2022
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k.d. lang
So it seems country music is going to appear on here so I might as well get used to it. Once I gave in an accepted it I really started to vibe with it. Reminded me of the music from Fallout: New Vegas. I think I like country ladies more than good ol boys, I’m more apt to listen to what they have to say. This album unlike the last few had really tight playing and production. The lyrics were better than Dwigt but nothing to write home about. Also some sneaky saxophoooooooooone. I dig it. Not bad, a little better than okay.
Favorites: Western Stars, Sugar Moon, Black Coffee, Shadowland, I’m Down to My Last Cigarette
Aug 01 2022
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The Köln Concert
Keith Jarrett
2022 has definitely been the year of jazz discovery for me. I’ve been trying to understand Jazz on a deeper level and it’s been a real challenge at times to be honest. So naturally I was excited when our first Jazz album came up and oh boy this is a really fun record. The sheer amount of skill and understanding of the craft is on full display. For a little while I was thinking this was going to be ‘cocktail party iazz’. Something quiet to throw on in the background while everyone pretends to be fancy, at about 8 minutes into the performance I was surprised. The tonal change engaged me enough to keep going. This is not challenging Jazz and I think that’s the best thing about it. It’s the opposite of cocktail Jazz. It’s the album I put on after a long day at work and want a nice, but not boring drive home. I’ll definitely be listening again and again because I don’t feel like I’ve heard every he has to say yet. It’s not really structured with songs so I can’t name a favorite but I definitely would buy on vinyl.
Aug 02 2022
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Paul Simon
It’d be hard to not have heard of Paul Simon or the song You Can Call Me Al but I definitely had never heard much else by him. Since he was part of S&G I was worried we were in store for another folk-rock album but this isn’t that at all. Apparently released near the end of apartheid and motivated by that you can hear the African influences in its rhythms and themes. At times you could almost imagine them all in the studio recording the different parts. The baselines were pretty groovy too. think it’s influence has only come to harm it though. It won a Grammy at the time but now it’s nothing I haven’t heard 1000000 times before in one way or another. Something about it seems off as well. Like he’s not quite on time or the reverb is bad, which definitely took me out of the experience. Catchy but mostly forgettable 80s fare.
Favorite songs: I Know What I Know, Diamonds on the Soles of Her Shoes, You Can Call Me Al, Homeless
Aug 03 2022
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A Wizard, A True Star
Todd Rundgren
Jackie from That 70s Show probably listened to this. When it wasn’t making weird noises it was almost a Zeppelin/Queen crossover with a touch of the Doors. Mostly engaging and it’s catchy enough for me find worth listening to again. Though at times it sounded like a guy who got a new keyboard and is playing with all of the settings. Some of the songs reminded me a lot of the music from the Treehouse of Horror Level (7) from Simpsons Hit & Run which made me happy to hear. Pretty average 70s Psych/Prog rock that’s alright with me.
Favorites: Rock and Roll Pussy, Zen Archer, Just Another Onionhead; Da Da Dali, When the Shit Hits the Fan; Sunset Blvd, Just One Victory
Aug 04 2022
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The Lexicon Of Love
Duran Duran + The Smiths = ABC?
I really liked this. It’s grooves were so infectious. It’s bass was everywhere and I had a blast. It almost felt like 80s RnB (Lionel Richie-esque) with an awesome rock edge. I particularly liked how they weren’t afraid to give each member a big moment for a cool solo or something. It sounded like a cohesive work in a way that I really appreciated
Aug 05 2022
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Ofc I knew of No Scrubs thanks to Weezer but the rest of this album didn’t really do it for me. It was pretty cool 90s hip hop for a while but I found myself getting very bored near the end. I have always loved the song Waterfalls though. I need to listen again because I don’t feel like I got everything out of it.
Favorite songs: Creep, Diggin’ On You, Waterfalls
Aug 08 2022
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MTV Unplugged In New York
What is there to say about this album that hasn’t been said? It’s a 10/10 iconic live album that stands up with the greats. A good handful of these songs are the definitive versions like About A Girl. I don’t care for Lake of Fire but that about all I don’t like.
Aug 09 2022
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The Stranger
Billy Joel
Man, for how famous Billy Joel is I expected more. The hits are classics and I dig those but it’s almost like they belong on a different album by a different artist. It’s more piano filler music to me, but it isn’t cocktail party music so I don’t know where to place it. I felt the same about Piano Man too. It’s just whatever.
Favorites: Movin’ Out, Only The Good Die Young, Scenes From An Italian Restaurant
Aug 10 2022
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Rain Dogs
Tom Waits
Fun fact: Tom Waits plays Captain Hook in Shrek 2! Anyway I went into this knowing that he was smoky drunken singer but I did not expect to like this as much as I did. It’s discordant and weird but it’s also catchy and very emotional. At times it was like evil Leonard Cohen. I even dig the almost weird noir movie monologues. The imagery his music paints is strong. You can almost imagine the dusty, dingy carnival, or smoky bar. It’s eclectic enough to be interesting, rocking and catchy enough to keep me listening.
Favorites: Clap Hands, Jockey Full of Bourbon, Time, Gun Street Girl, Union Square, Downtown Train
Aug 11 2022
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Tuesday Night Music Club
Sheryl Crow
At the start of this I really was not enjoying myself, but around the third song in I started to buy into the sound. I don’t think it has much of an identity of its own though, bouncing around from Country to RnB to Pop and Jazz.
I didn’t particularly care for a lot of the lyrics but for as many lyrics that I didn’t like there were just as many that I did. While I don’t see myself rushing out to listen again, I do think some of these songs will be refreshing when I’m in the mood for something different.
Favorites: Strong Enough, Solidify, No One Said It Would Be Easy, All I Wanna Do, We Do What We Can, I Shall Believe
Aug 12 2022
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Brown Sugar
There’s some thing about 90s R&B that I just don’t like. It’s not quite R&B it’s not quite rap and it all sounds the same. Really not a fan of the lyrics on this one either, could’ve used a touch more nuance.
Aug 15 2022
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Sunday At The Village Vanguard
Bill Evans Trio
This is more along the lines of the type of jazz I’ve been spending the year listening to. It starts off a little rough, it doesn’t seem like they’re jelling too much with the bassist being all over the board, but by the second song it seems like they find a groove and the music becomes much more hooky. I don’t think it stands out among the jazz that I’ve heard recently, but there are a few stand out tracks that will absolutely be added to my Jazz favorites playlist.
Favorites: My Man’s Gone Now, Solar, Alice in Wonderland, Jade Visions
Aug 16 2022
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Elvis Presley
Elvis Presley
This couldn’t have come at a better time for me. After seeing the movie and listening to its soundtrack I’ve been all in on Elvis music lately. I honestly wasn’t expecting much from his debut, I figured it would be too old timey sounding. It turned out to be like Johnny Cash with an edge and I enjoyed that very much. The slower ballads left a little to be desired but not so much that they ruined the experience. All in all, solid debut.
Aug 17 2022
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L.A. Woman
The Doors
I’ve never been much of a Doors fan tbh, not sure why. I enjoy Soft Parade but that’s about it. LA Woman came later in their career than I thought it did and boy does it sound sloppy. No one sounds like they care and everyone sounds drunk. It’s almost a decent blues rock album but I have others I’d sooner listen to.
Favorites: Love Her Madly, Riders on the Storm
Aug 18 2022
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James Brown Live At The Apollo
James Brown
James Brown is one of my favorite cameos in Blues Brothers so I loved hearing the music that influenced the movie. Pretty good live album, energy is really high and JB does a great job with controlling the crowd through interactions or whatnot. Musically I hasn’t left much of an impression but I think it’s an album to listen to just for the vibe
Aug 19 2022
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Seventh Tree
When it first started I was worried I was in store for a tender acoustic album but it wasn’t that. Textured and layered electronic alternative was not what I expected. It had some cool moments and was kind of a vibe but nothing really blew me away
Favorites: Happiness, Road to Somewhere, Cologne Cerrone Houdini,
Aug 22 2022
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Seventeen Seconds
The Cure
I’ve never listened to The Cure but being an elder emo I’m well aware of their impact on rock music culture. With that said I was pretty disappointed with this. It has a likely purposeful hollow and empty production. It reminded me a lot of Joy Division but without the emotion and dread that comes along with listening to the laments of a doomed frontman. The bass here was cool and very much the star of the show it seems but even still I had a hard time distinguishing one song from the next. It wasn’t until the last half of the album that I started to vibe with it. Maybe it’s me and because of that I feel compelled to listen again.
Favorites: Three, A Forest, M, At Night
Aug 23 2022
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C'est Chic
Fun fact about me: I’m a bigger disco fan than I let on. There’s something about the cliché guitar patterns and orchestras and funnnnky bass lines that I love. This would be workout music for me, if I was the type of person that took proper care of themselves. It’s uptempo, it’s iconic, and so sleek and cool. The songs run a little long but even then I couldn’t stop dancing. I was prepared to listen for as long as it would go. I can just imagine myself doing chores listening to this album and having an absolute blast. I definitely didn’t care for the repeated overuse of the band name as lyrics, I’ve always found that lame no matter who does it. The tender but skillful instrumentals were a welcome surprise too. All in all this was a really fun listen that I will absolutely listen to again.
Favorites: Chic Cheer, Le Freak, Savior Faire, Happy Man, Sometimes You Win,(Funny) Bone
Aug 24 2022
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In The Wee Small Hours
Frank Sinatra
I think the fallout games have given me a huge appreciation for vocal jazz of this era. I love Frankie’s voice which sounds awfully redundant because like, that’s what he’s known for but I don’t think it’s for nothing. It was cool to hear a Frank Sinatra album that wasn’t a compilation or live album. I especially like the particular way he sang about the subjects he was singing about, nuanced and emotional. Some parts didn’t age especially well but others very much did.
Aug 25 2022
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Trans Europe Express
The dudes at Green Light are huge Kraftwerk fans so I’d heard a few albums in the background working or whatever but I never ended up listening to them on my own. I know how influential Kraftwerk was to house and techno music because of how many artists credit them, hell you can absolutely hear Daft Punk in a lot of this. However when this album first started I was worried again. Worried about an experimental boop boop album with little variety. What I got was a lot more entertaining. The songs definitely ran long but a lot of times I didn’t notice and was surprised that it’d been 7+ minutes. My only complaint is that it could benefit from a low end rework. It’s a little sharp on the ears. Maybe also that I keep thinking the cover is a golf club. The worlds this album took my imagination to were fun, vibrant and a little spooky. Def going to look into these guys more. Turns out the dudes at Green Light know what they’re talking about sometimes.
Favorites: Europe Endless, Hall of Mirrors, Showroom Dummies, Trans-Europe Express, Endless Endless
Aug 26 2022
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Morrison Hotel
The Doors
Two Doors albums down and I’m still not blown away. While I enjoyed this one more than LA Woman mainly because Jim’s voice is totally shot yet. All the sea-faring blues songs got old here like they always do for me. I do dig the drums in this one a lot though. The frantic pace almost reminds me of Keith Moon’s style of playing. I liked Maggie M’Gill, but mainly because of Better Call Saul. There’s definitely more here but not a ton.
Favorites: Roadhouse Blues, Ship of Fools, Land Ho!, The Spy, Maggie M’Gill
Aug 29 2022
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Home Is Where The Music Is
Hugh Masekela
Yes yes yes. This is my kind of jazz. I think it’s like Fusion/BeBop. Uptempo and consistent. This was a really really fun listen. Every player was on point and kept me guessing around every corner. Got a little whatever near the middle but I think it finished out strong
Favorites: Part of a Whole, Minawa, The Big Apple, Unhome, Maesha
Aug 30 2022
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Live At The Harlem Square Club
Sam Cooke
This era of soul and Jazz normally impresses me and I love Sam Cooke but this was fine. Well performed and fun but I wasn’t able to get into this one like I the James Brown one (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ BTW). It didn’t help that he didn’t play any of my favorites by him. All in all pretty serviceable but tired.
Favorites: Soul Twist, Chain Gang, Twistin The Night Away, Bring it On Home to Me
Aug 31 2022
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Vulgar Display Of Power
Okay with that out of the way I liked this one. I was wondering if we were ever going to see a metal album on this list and this is a solid starter. I’ve always viewed Pantera as the logical evolution of 1980s Metallica with a very similar but more varied type of thrash. Dimebag’s signature chugging is here in full force along with some gnarly breakdowns and gnasty bass. Face melting solos and some smash starts that’ll give even the most seasoned horror fan a real jump.
And of course I have to mention Avenged Sevenfold’s cover of Walk which was actually my introduction to Pantera. An absolute blast front to back. There’s so much to keep me coming back again and again.
Favorites: Mouth for War, Walk, Fucking Hostile, This Love, Rise, By Demons Be Driven (those harmonics 👌🏻), Hollow
Sep 01 2022
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The Low End Theory
A Tribe Called Quest
I’m really glad this popped up because it’s been on my list for a long time. I liked it well enough. It’s like a companion piece to NWA. Less violent but retains a similar sound. On first listen not a lot immediately stood out to me but I really vibed with it so I’ll be listening again
Sep 05 2022
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Kind Of Blue
Miles Davis
This is often considered the best jazz album of all time. This is where I was recommend to start my jazz journey by a customer named Marty and I did. There are so many incredibly iconic players on this record that it’s basically the Avengers of jazz and they’re all at the top of their game.
I admit that I had to listen to this one a few times to finally start to enjoy it. But once it clicked it clicked. There are moments of tenderness, but also the faster almost Ed , Edd n Eddy style sound. Every time I listen I like to try and zero in on a different player and how they’re fighting for the limelight at any given moment. It’s a different album every time I listen based on my mood. I still have a lot to learn from this one but I can safely say I get why people like it so much.
Favorites include: So What, Freddie Freeloader, All Blues, Flamenco Sketches
Sep 06 2022
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The Who
Favorites Include: Overture, 1921, Amazing Journey, Cousin Kevin, The Acid Queen, Fiddle About, Pinball Wizard, Tommy Can You Hear Me?,
Miracle Cure, I’m Free, We’re Not Gonna Take It
Sep 07 2022
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Da Capo
Pretty solid 60s fare. This album seems to have found a nice middle ground between The Beatles and The Who and I dig it for the most part.
Not much else to say because it’s nothing I haven’t heard before but it is pretty well done even in that sense.
Favorites: Stephanie Knows Who, 7 and 7 is, The Castle
Sep 08 2022
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Natty Dread
Bob Marley & The Wailers
I really enjoyed this one. I’ve always been meaning to listen to Bob Marley & Co but never had a real reason to and boy do I regret it. I was worried I was in store for a repetitive album with an okay track but I definitely got an interesting and varied album. Some major soul, RnB, and jazz elements sprinkled throughout that I absolutely loved. Also Bob Marley has a really nice voice on top of it all.
Will definitely be listening again
Favorites: Lively Up Yourself, No Woman, No Cry, Them Belly Full (But We Hungry), Rebel Music, Natty Dread
Sep 09 2022
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The Gershwin Songbook
Ella Fitzgerald
Lmao shout out musical from sophomore year of high school
Gershwin is already not one of my favorite musical composers. I don’t think much of his stuff has aged particularly well. I do, however, like everything I’ve heard from Ella Fitzgerald (which is pretty much just from Fallout 3). I love Ella’s voice and backing orchestra but this is still so damn boring. I’m happy I didn’t listen to the 3.5 hour long version holy shit. I personally think that’s on Gershwin, though. All the outdated talk of “waiting around for the man I love” and shit like that was a lot at times. I wish the music saved it more here but sadly there were only very brief moments that I found interesting. I know there’s stuff I like out there so I’m not going to give up Ella so soon, but this one is not for me.
Favorites: I Got Rhythm
Sep 12 2022
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The Queen Is Dead
The Smiths
Okay so confession time: I haven’t listened to enough Smiths/Morriesey to have a strong opinion on either. I knew I’d been missing out but holy shit this was an absolute blast front to back. I never knew they were so catchy (which is apparently important to me), and there’s so much more nuance to Morrissey’s voice than I realized. There were some lyrics that I found kind of cringey but that’s about all I have in terms of negatives. The music takes every chance it can to subvert my expectations, be it an irregular chord progression or some cool pan flutes, I was engaged completely. I will be listening again and looking into more by The Smiths at least.
I liked all of the songs here except maybe Some Girls are Bigger than Others. Perhaps a bit rude. Musically really cool though.
Sep 13 2022
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The Stooges
The Stooges
I didn’t know much Iggy Pop beyond what appears in Tony Hawk games which were always cool punk songs.
This was also a really fun punk album to listen to. Surfy and fast which is my favorite kind of punk. The 10 minute chant in the middle was surprising and overstayed it’s welcome by about 7 minutes though. Short of that it was perfectly serviceable.
Favorites include: Pretty much all of them except We Will Fall
Sep 14 2022
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Nonsense and noise. All overlayed on top of the same goddamn drum track. It doesn’t help that I already thought Beck was boring and a borderline plagiarist. Devil’s Haircut is only cool because of Dude, Where’s My Car and Where It’s At is a bop. Short of that I can’t figure who this is supposed to be for?
Sep 15 2022
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Every Picture Tells A Story
Rod Stewart
I’ve heard this album before but it didn’t leave much impression tbh. I absolutely adore Maggie May and it’s iconic bass line but sadly, despite being perfectly serviceable 70s rock, the rest of the album didn’t quite stack up. The gospel influences were nice to hear (I love gospel vocals) but they were too few and far between with an inch too much country twang for me. That’s All Right was almost unrecognizable in a good way but I still prefer the original. Some okay stuff here but not much I’ll be clamoring for any time soon (except for Maggie May)
Favorites: Seems Like a Long Time, That’s All Right, Maggie May, (I Know) I’m Losing You
Sep 16 2022
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Absolute quintessential punk fucking rock. Lexicon Devil is what got me started (s/o THUG2) and I’ve listen so many times since. Top shit
Sep 19 2022
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The White Album
Heard this one before and I think for every one cool song there’s a bullshit psychedelic nonsense song. Should’ve been a single LP.
Favorites: Back in the USSR, Dear Prudence, Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da, While My Guitar Gently Weeps, Happiness is a Warm Gun, Blackbird, Helter Skelter
Sep 20 2022
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My Aim Is True
Elvis Costello
I really enjoyed this one. It didn’t do anything amazingly remarkable but I can absolutely see why people really like this album. I’ll definitely be listening again.
Favorites: Welcome to the Working Week, Miracle Man, Alison, Sneaky Feelings, Waiting for the End of the World, Watching the Detectives
Sep 21 2022
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The xx
Really low-key indie pop music. I could see myself listening to this late at night in fall. Sometimes catchy, sometimes dreamy, I enjoyed this one a lot more than I thought I would.
Sep 22 2022
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The Yes Album
Yes almost always bums me out in that it’s not as good as I want them be. They always devolve into like some weird classical rock mix thing.
Asia is better.
2/10 doesn’t have roundabout
Sep 23 2022
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Fairport Convention
Shout out to Apple Music for finally adding the app to Xbox. Much easier to listen without distractions.
The only other thing I’ve heard by Fairport Convention is Liege and Lief which we got a few days after we originally got this one. I remember not particularly caring one way or the other about it which tracks because I rarely like folk rock things. Unhalfbricking, though, is different. Pretty much right off the bat this one grabbed me with its melancholy lyrics and really interesting instrumentation. The musicianship as a whole is pretty great here. The drums are really excellent and was often what kept my attention. Noodly guitars and whispy, dreamy vocals stand to serve the lyrics nicely. Dear Landlord gets a special mention because ROCK N ROLL but level headed…despite the vague threat at the end. I am curious if the song help or hurt Bob Dylan’s situation with his landlord? Did he play it for them? A Sailor’s Life really killed the momentum and vibe of the album, feeling a little disjointed compared to the sound they were establishing this far. It was around this point that I realized I was listening to the album on shuffle. After fixing that up and listening to a nice French ditty, I have to say I had a nice time with Unhalfbricking. Might buy on vinyl if the price is right.
Favorites: Genesis Hall, Si Tu Dois Partir, Autopsy, Who Knows Where the Time Goes?, Cajun Woman, Percy’s Song, Dear Landlord
Sep 26 2022
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The Marshall Mathers LP
I’m a pretty big Eminem fan, having heard everything he’s ever released (Overground), and while this is not my favorite Em album I can see why it won a Grammy and is fondly looked back upon. For most of it I don’t exactly care for the subject matter that he’s rapping about, be it spousal abuse or homophobia, but I love the sound and the vibe of the songs…short of Kim. I still can’t squeeze any entertainment value out of that one. The hits like Stan, RSS, and The Way I Am are still amazing and deserve all the acclaim they get but the deep cuts are where this album shines to me. Dr. Dre’s production is almost top of his game with some cool samples and beats. Not my favorite but there are lots of songs that have grown on me over the years and I’ll listen again as I’ve listened before.
Favorites: Kill You, Stan, Who Knew, The Way I Am, The Real Slim Shady, Remember Me?, I’m Back, Marshall Mathers, Amityville, Criminal
Sep 27 2022
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Miriam Makeba
Miriam Makeba
I enjoyed this a lot more than I thought I would. Short of the middle parts that were a little draggy. When it was grooving I thought it was really grooving and I could find myself vibing with a lot of these songs in the future.
Sep 28 2022
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Live At The Star Club, Hamburg
Jerry Lee Lewis
I like a handful of JLL songs and while this started of pretty strong with solid energy, I was pretty over it by the end. The songs I was excited to hear all were better originally. Nothing special.
Favorites: High School Confidential, Great Balls of Fire, Good Golly Miss Molly, Lewis Boogie
Sep 29 2022
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Vauxhall And I
First The Smiths, which was excellent and now this which was pretty good, I’m really starting to buy into this whole morrissey guy. Catchy and interesting to listen to. Some middle stuff that kind of blended together but I think I will be listening to this again.
Sep 30 2022
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Machine Head
Deep Purple
The dudes from Green Light would usually play this when we got a used one in and I like it. Smoke on the Water doesn’t really do the rest of the album too much justice. Really pretty heavy for the time it was released but I don’t see myself coming back to it a ton .
Favorites: Highway Star, Maybe I’m a Leo, Pictures of Home
Oct 03 2022
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Too Rye Ay
Dexys Midnight Runners
This is my first favorite right out of the gate, I think. Upon first glance I didn’t think I knew anything on this album and it was such a party. Catchy and unique. Front to back I loved every single song and I will absolutely be buying on vinyl one day.
Oct 04 2022
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Hounds Of Love
Kate Bush
I don’t even watch Stranger Things and I know Running Up that hill because of it. Listening to it here I wonder about it’s context in the show. Nevertheless this was pretty okay. I liked a lot of the music but her voice was a little off at times. I could see her unusual style growing on me over time but for now it’s my biggest detractor. Moody and pretty catchy, I’ll probably be listening again.
Favorites: Running Up That Hill, Mother Stands for Comfort, Cloudbusting, Jig of Life, The Morning Fog
Oct 05 2022
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At Budokan
Cheap Trick
This was pretty good. There were definitely high points on this but I feel like it’s too early in their career to have the real heavy hitters on here. There were times especially near the end that I was getting major Queen vibes but it just never quite got there for me. I’ll probably come back to a few of these songs but a lot of the middle stuff isn’t doing it for me.
Favorites: Big Eyes, Need Your Love, I Want You to Want Me, Surrender
Oct 06 2022
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Liege And Lief
Fairport Convention
I really didn’t care for a lot of this one. It’s like psychedelic country with a yodeling singer. I’m not a lyric person so maybe they were saying some cool stuff but musically this did not hit for me. The build up on Matty Groves was really neat to hear though.
Favorites: Come All Ye, Matty Groves
Oct 07 2022
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Ambient 1/Music For Airports
Brian Eno
Oct 10 2022
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Fulfillingness' First Finale
Stevie Wonder
I’m a Stevie Wonder fan for sure but I’d never heard this one. It does t have any of his super hits but after about the 3rd sing in I was really jamming along to it and can see this being a good deep cut album. But still this and not Songs in the Key of Life or Innervisions?
Oct 11 2022
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Oct 12 2022
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Ananda Shankar
Ananda Shankar
Right off the bat I was surprised. This is simultaneously nothing like and exactly like what I was expecting. This is what the 60s must’ve sounded like. Really interesting, fun pace for most of it. I can see myself listening again for something different but also safe sounding.
Oct 13 2022
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A Short Album About Love
The Divine Comedy
Very moody and dark. At first I couldn’t get into the vocals but by the end I was pretty sold. This group seems like they know when to let the music rest in order to earn a catharsis, or in some cases an anti-catharsis. Oldies sound with a the aggression and malignancy that came along with the 90s. Didn’t blow me away but I think I might look into them more when I want a change of pace.
Oct 14 2022
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Fetch The Bolt Cutters
Fiona Apple
I think this is true alternative. It’s not quite anything but it’s also everything. At first I fucking hated it but strangely by the end I was bought into a lot of it. It’s too long for sure. Some songs could use a little monotonous chanting. Not something I’ll ever buy on vinyl but might listen to others by her.
Oct 17 2022
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Beggars Banquet
The Rolling Stones
Never been huge on The Rolling Stones. They have some hits that I absolutely love but I consider them that: a hits band. I’ve heard a few of their full albums and there are occasionally some deep cuts that I kind of like but as a whole they rarely impress me. This is no different. I adore Sympathy for the Devil and outside of that I found a few on here that I kind of enjoy but nothing too crazy. I kind of like some of the harmonica musings but as a whole it just didn’t have the same energy as Sympathy for the Devil
Favorites: Sympathy for the Devil, Parachute Woman, Jigsaw Puzzle
Oct 18 2022
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Buffalo Springfield Again
Buffalo Springfield
I really feel like I don’t have much to say about this one. I listened to it twice and still it failed to leave much of an impression. I feel I enjoyed its slower tender moments a lot but it felt inconsistent. Sometimes it was a rock album, others a psychedelic album. It’s even touched on Jazz noire? Hasn’t aged particularly well, I think.
Favorites: Mr. Soul, Expecting to Fly, Everydays, Bluebird, Good Time Boy
Oct 19 2022
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So I think I’m a closeted Beatles fan. This feels especially apparent after having just listened to Beggar’s Banquet. In my mind the Rolling Stones Vs. Beatles argument is settled. I have actually heard Revolver before because Eleanor Rigby is one of my favorite songs. Like before I think this is a more front side album with it feeling kind of tired near the end. I definitely prefer the early career Beatles before they get overly psychedelic, which you can hear edging it’s way into this album. Sweet, Sad, and hooky enough for me to listen again. I think A Hard Day’s Night was stronger, but marginally.
Oct 20 2022
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George Michael
Obv I’ve heard the song Faith before but I’m definitely more of a WHAM! guy. I know this album is beloved and I’d always meant to listen to it, so needless to say I was pretty excited to see it pop up today. Faith is still a great (if not a touch dated) song but it doesn’t seem indicative of the album as a whole. Fitting somewhere in between Freddie Mercury and Michael Jackson, George Michael’s voice is just as immaculate here as in any WHAM! song I’ve heard. lyrically however it leaves a bit to be desired. Here we have another example of 80s/90s pop being all “ooga booga let’s fuck” with all the nuance and subtlety as a shotgun blast to the face. Musically it didn’t start picking up until One More Try. After that it was a lot less boring until the last bit, which just became kinda creepy. All in all not super impressed. I’d rather listen to Queen, MJ or WHAM!
Favorites: Faith, One More Try, Hard Day
Oct 21 2022
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Crime Of The Century
I’m so frustrated that this is the Supertramp album that we get first. Breakfast in America is one of my all-time favorites and kicks the ever loving teeth out of Crime of the Century but here we are.
Anyway, with that said this is still a very good album in its own right. It still has a lot of the themes of anxiety in youth and change, like in BiA, but it feels like they haven’t committed to it yet. This album is a good example of music is the space between the notes. Every time it would start to lose me all of the bullshit would drop out and it would starting building to a grand catharsis. Almost like it was on purpose. Musically, lyrically and thematically this still hits hard, despite not having any well-known heavy hitters on it. I already own on vinyl. That’s how I listened to this one.
Oct 24 2022
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Hunky Dory
David Bowie
I admit that I’m not the biggest Bowie fan in the world. That’s not because I don’t like him, it’s more because he has such a vast catalogue of music that I just am not well versed. I’ve heard things here and there but I gotta admit I quite liked this. At first I was a little worried that it was going to sounds too dated but it really found a groove and mood that I dug a lot. Lyrics don’t normally jump out at me but this had a few right off the bat that had me interested. Musically it was equally interesting with a piano forward sound. I would very much like to listen to this one again.
Oct 25 2022
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Gunfighter Ballads And Trail Songs
Marty Robbins
Shout out Fallout: New Vegas!
I think I really enjoyed a lot of this. Outlaw country done really well. If you told me this was an influence on Elvis’ music I’d absolutely believe it. There were a few songs where I felt like they were repeating the hook from Big Iron again and one song literally felt like an ad for just water. Outside of that, though, I think I found a direction to start a country journey if I want. Also this album has real Better Call Saul energy. I could imagine Jimmy doing his thing to any one of these songs.
Favorites: Big Iron, A Hundred and Sixty Acres, Cool Water, Billy the Kid, Utah Carol, El Paso, The Hanging Tree
Oct 26 2022
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Power In Numbers
Jurassic 5
When I first saw the length I was really concerned. I find rap challenging to begin with and a long one is intimidating to be sure. I’d say for the first few songs my fears were realized, but when I got to “What’s Golden” I felt like the album really found it’s footing. Pointed, clever, catchy. This felt like Sugarhill Gang X NWA (even though I think there’s an NWA diss track on here). I especially liked the bit about the messed up LP. All in all it’s definitely a back half album that I think I’ll be going back to often.
Favorites: Everything after “After School Special”
Oct 27 2022
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High Violet
The National
This is almost my kind of thing. Some really great lyrics here but musically it left a lot to be desired. The songs all blended together after the second track. I felt like I was anticipating something that either never came or wasn’t satisfying for me. It could’ve gone way harder than it did. Either way I prefer this guy’s work with T Swift way more.
Favorites: Sorrow, Bloodbuzz Ohio
Oct 28 2022
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Modern Kosmology
Jane Weaver
I really wish I had more to say. It’s a slightly above average dream pop album and it’s fine. There were times where the wubby music was really cool but the vocals were such a turn off. The effects made it impossible to hear what she was singing about but the mix was too vocal forward. Could’ve been a lot better.
Favorites: The Architect, The Lightning Back
Oct 31 2022
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There's A Riot Goin' On
Sly & The Family Stone
I really dig funk music. It just feels so cool and smooth. Sly and the Family Stone prove they are among the best in funk. When I listen to Soul/Funk I always listen to the drums and bass first and in both cases they’re on fire throughout. This also has the blown out soul fried vocals that I love. Varied enough to stay interesting and cool enough to get me to listen again.
Favorites: Luv N Haight, Poet, There’s a Riot Goin On, Time, Space Cowboy
Nov 01 2022
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Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables
Dead Kennedys
One of my absolute favorite albums and my gateway into hardcore punk. I love the speed and cynicism that drenched this album. The bass is off the hook here, along with the drums. There was recently a new mix of this by Chris Lord-Alge and people hate it.
Anyway we wouldn’t have so many awesome punk groups if it wasn’t for this album.
Favorites: Kill the Poor, When Ya Get Drafted, Let’s Lynch the Landlord, Drug Me, Your Emotions, Chemical Warfare, California Über Alles, Holiday in Cambodia
Nov 02 2022
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Teenager Of The Year
Frank Black
I have to be honest for an album that I enjoyed so much while listening, I’m surprised it didn’t leave more of a lasting impression. It had a cool sound but nothing remarkable. Plus idk why Frank Black creeps me out. I definitely feel like I need to listen again because I can’t pick out any particular favorites despite enjoying well enough.
Nov 03 2022
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American Beauty
Grateful Dead
So, I’m actually surprised by how much of this was…coherent. Almost good even. At best it’s really catchy and well paced but at worst it’s like sleepy country music.
Nov 04 2022
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Echo And The Bunnymen
I’ve heard of Echo and the Bunnymen because Ghost covered one of their songs, so I was interested in listening to more of the OG. I’m completely and totally whelmed by this album. It sounds like another band that I couldn’t quite put my finger on (The Clash maybe?) . Anyway it doesn’t sound anything like I expected based on the Ghost song. But not in a great way. It was fine. Some really cool bass licks here and there, some pretty broody lyrics that I kind of liked but I just can’t imagine this leaving much of a lasting impression. Idk. Whelmed.
Nov 07 2022
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The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars
David Bowie
I dropped the ball on the last two albums. Sorry, guys.
Anyways, 4.5
I admit I’d never heard this album all the way through either, and like with Hunky Dory I loved almost everything off of this. It had a lot of the rock and roll shit that I love The Who for but with a light psych twist. I’ll be listening again and probably buying on vinyl
Nov 08 2022
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Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
Man, this one was kinda boring.
It’s indie pop alternative and it all sounds the same to me. Occasionally they flirt with doing some cool stuff but they ultimately devolve back into the “one-and-two-and” rhythms that get old sooo fast.
Favorites: War on War, Jesus. etc
Nov 09 2022
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Pet Shop Boys
Lush, luxurious and flashy. This is the epitome of 80’s rich people pop. You can almost imagine fashion shows using this music. I’m a big fan of the song West End Girls since it was in GTA V and these guys always sold at Green Light so I’m not surprised I enjoyed most of this. By the end of the first song I found myself singing along. Aside from some boring bits in the middle, I think this is a super cool 80’s timepiece.
Favorites: One More Chance, What Have I Done To Deserve This?, Rent, It’s a Sin, I Want to Wake Up, King’s Cross
Nov 10 2022
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The Man Who
This is more my style of indie pop alternative. Catchy melodies and clear vocals. Sadly it doesn’t last. It gets too samey and for me by the end. The vibe is very Radiohead and the vocals remind of Civil Twilight but with little punch behind the music. I feel like I’m missing something with this kind of genre. I can’t seem to engage.
Nov 11 2022
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Joni Mitchell
I really don’t get this. While it isn’t as folky as I was afraid it would be, there still isn’t much for me here. I was so bored. I haven’t got much else to say.
Nov 14 2022
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London Calling
The Clash
Here is another album that separates the boys from the men. This album is easy to credit a big part of my punk/new wave love as it was influential to both genres. This is The Clash at their most well tuned. It’s not as experimental as Sandinista and it’s not as shitty as Cut the Crap. It edges on just a bit too long for me but that’s by maybe one song. I absolutely do own this on vinyl. Love it.
Nov 15 2022
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Madman Across The Water
Elton John
EJ has a lot of albums and only some of them are all-time greats. This is the worst of those (that I’ve heard). Tiny Dancer is still a great song and deserves all of the love it gets and Levon is a great title track but the rest is fine. Nothing remarkable for EJ but it’s the album with Tiny Dancer so it makes the list.
Nov 16 2022
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Dog Man Star
Never heard of Suede before this so I was curious but cautious. Pretty much right off the bat I knew this was going to be interesting. Soaring and catchy I can hear their influence immediately. They reminded me a lot of REM (though I know they were contemporaries). The album does go through a bit of a lull after Heroine though, which isn’t really picked up again until New Generation. Too much of nothing to be something. I can really only see myself listening to the first few songs again.
Favorites: Introducing the Band, We Are the Pigs, Heroine
Nov 18 2022
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Highway 61 Revisited
Bob Dylan
It’s a lot better than I thought it would be but it’s still not something I would listen to often. I like a lot of the lyrics here but I feel like if I wasn’t reading along with them I really would t find much here to like. It sounds like Bob Dylan through and through, for better or worse.
Favorites: Like a Rolling Stone, Tombstone Blues, Ballad of a Thin Man, Highway 61 Revisited
Nov 21 2022
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(Pronounced 'Leh-'Nérd 'Skin-'Nérd)
Lynyrd Skynyrd
I was already a pretty big fan of the hits on this album, but I’d never heard much outside of those. I’m very happy with what I heard by the end. Classic southern rock and fuckin’ roll! It has a nostalgic sound that I think has aided it in aging as well as it has. Nice and moving pace that is mostly consistent outside of one or two tracks. I definitely like this enough to buy on vinyl if I find it.
Nov 22 2022
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The Clash
The Clash
Short, sweet and to the point. Exactly how I like my punk. It’s astonishing how influential this album (and LC, of course) has been on punk rock and music in general. Punk can be catchy and fun but still be punk. If I hadn’t heard London Calling first this would be an easy contender for #1 favorite Clash album. This album deserves all of the praise it gets. Will probably buy on vinyl.
Nov 23 2022
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All Directions
The Temptations
I’m usually down with soul music but there was something disappointingly boring about this. Maybe it’s an attempt at being more tender, but other times it’s very political. I’m not sure what my mood is supposed to be by the end. Occasionally a song might have more of a groove than others and the talent is undeniable but I just can’t imagine when I would listen to anything off this. Rating it higher because I really want to like it more than I do, sadly.
Favorites: Run, Charlie, Run; Mother Nature, Do Your Thing was okay.
Nov 24 2022
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Tracy Chapman
Tracy Chapman
I gotta be honest, when I saw Tracy Chapman pop up I dreaded listening to it. I always assumed she was in the same category as Joni Mitchell, Bob Dylan and other singer-songwriters. My mistake was confusing singer-songwriter with folk music. This album rocked. The subject matter immediately caught my attention with themes of revolution, poverty and yearning. All things which are still prominent today. The whole experience is wrapped in catchy hooks. I really liked this, I’ll listen again and buy on vinyl if I find it.
Nov 25 2022
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Another Music In A Different Kitchen
Buzzcocks are definitely one of my favorite English punk bands. There’s something about the pace and production of this music that is almost addictive to listen to. This album has almost all of my favorites by Buzzcocks, too. This is the kind of album that reminds me of exactly why I love punk music.
Nov 28 2022
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John Mayall & The Bluesbreakers
I’m very nostalgic for a lot of blues music because it’s what my dad would always play when I was growing up. It’s safe to say that my musical foundations are built on the blues. Though I’ve never heard any of John Mayall’s music it reminds me of the blues that I grew up on. I can almost imagine myself with my parents back at Blues Fest or 411 Club watching master blues men practicing their craft again.
Less anecdotally but no less subjectively this is a really fun album. It’s improvisational but not to the point where it sounds jazzy. There are songs here that sound like what I imagine the Beatles would sound like if they were more talented musicians. Other times I hear the same building blocks that built The Who. This is exactly the kind of blues rock that originally got me interested in music and I really loved it.
Nov 29 2022
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I realized while listening to this that I don’t have any Ram Ones on vinyl.
I feel so nostalgic about Ramones. They are the second punk band that I ever loved (more on that later) thanks primarily to the Anthology CD that I borrowed from y’all. That is truly one of the best career summaries I’ve ever heard and I still listen to the (now digital) version of it quite often. This album was the backdrop for many gaming experiences, namely of course Halo on legendary with Luke. I could talk about this shit all day so I’ll end with this: while writing this review I called Green Light and put it on order. It’s 100% worth buying on vinyl and I cannot wait for it to come in.
Nov 30 2022
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Paul Simon
Paul Simon
Last time we had a Paul Simon album I wasn’t particularly impressed. I liked the poppy African styles but it didn’t do much to set itself apart. This album is no different. There is just nothing here for me to grasp on to. Basic lyrics, basic guitar and instrumentation in general really make this feel like a slog. There seem to be halfhearted attempts to branch out to different genres but they all feel so shallow and in distinct. As with Graceland I feel like the lyrics were written before the music and there was no attempt to match Rhythm or pace. I really only liked the bluesy songs. I can take or leave all others.
Favorites: Peace Like a River, Paranoia Blues
Dec 01 2022
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With The Beatles
I’m generally pretty hit or miss when it comes to the Beatles. Lately I’ve been leaning more towards hit as I’ve enjoyed the last few albums we’ve listened to (short of most of the white album). ‘With The Beatles’, however, despite having a few of my favorite Beatles singles, is mostly a miss for me. This is the first time that the bubble gum love songs sounded really phoned in and formulaic. Maybe I’d feel differently if I was a teenage girl in the 60s, sadly though, I’m not. I never felt like I was the target audience. Also, most of the time no one sounded like they were quite on the same page, nor were they performing very well in general. The cover of ‘Please Mr. Postman’ is iconic, but ELO did roll over Beethoven waaay better. The back half is a cool break in the formula, depicting internal conflicts of new and old loves, which is when I felt like the album made any real attempt to branch out and relate to its audience. By the time it was over, I feel like it ended right when it was getting started, leaving me mostly disappointed.
Favorites: It Won’t Be Long, All My Loving, Please, Mr. Postman, Hold Me Tight, Devil in Her Heart
Dec 02 2022
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Janis Joplin
It’s hard to be a music junkie and not know of Janis Joplin. She’s often cited as being one of the most important and influential figures in music and is famously part of the 27 club, leaving many to wonder what could have been. I guess I’d never actually (knowingly) heard a Janis Joplin song because this is way more rocking than I thought it would be. As usual I figured it would be the slow folksy side of the 60s but to my surprise it’s way closer to the rock n roll blues side of the 60s. Musically I’m reminded so much of Led Zeppelin. Despite showing its age a little and ultimately being nothing I’ve never heard before, I really enjoyed this. It’s well done classic rock and roll and I would probably buy on vinyl if I find it cheap enough.
Dec 05 2022
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Definitely Maybe
It’s tough to put my feelings about Oasis into words. Like Luke, I want to save most of my thoughts for when (What’s the Story) Morning Glory? eventually shows up on here so I guess I’ll be brief. I love this album. This one grew on me over the years but songs like “Supersonic” and “Live Forever” have been permanent staples of my in-head jukebox since I first heard them. I still remember driving home from school and thinking “damn, I really like ‘Married with Children” or how I had the CD from the library for over 3 months past it’s due date (I’m still paying that fine off). Point is this is an important band and album to me. There are others that are more so by Oasis but this stands proudly amongst my all time faves.
Dec 07 2022
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Bauhaus has been on my perpetual listen list for years. I think I first heard of them from the blink-182 song, so I figured it would be punky or at least influential to punk. I think there’s about half to 3/4 of a good album here, with the best parts sounding like Joy Division if they got the chance to continue with Ian Curtis, and without the impending doom of what we all know is to come. There’s some really interesting instrumentation going on with some equally interesting and dark lyrics, shown best during Hollow Hills, which paints an insanely grim and haunted picture. Kick In The Eye feels like the shot in the veins the album needed, but the energy felt short-lived. Everything past Man with the X-Ray Eyes I could take or leave. I can sort of see why people like this band so much but I doubt it’s their best work. The experimental song is neat, but I think I was just exhausted by the album’s length/complexity by the time the end came around. Where Joy Division feels like a funeral march, this feels like a party at the graveyard.
Favorites: Hair of the Dog, The Passion of Lovers, Of Lillies and Rainbows, Hollow Hills
Dec 08 2022
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Step In The Arena
Gang Starr
I absolutely did not expect this to be hip hop nor did I expect it to grab my attention right off the bat. The subject matter throughout reminds me of NWA and Eminem and subverts my expectations at seemingly every chance it gets. The beats and samples are so cool and distinct enough that I can easily tell the difference between songs but never so distinct as to betray the style of the album. Low-key and smooth, this has that pure 90s sound that would fit in perfectly on a Tony Hawk soundtrack (may have been on one, honestly). Front to back I loved this. This is exactly the type of album that made me want to do this challenge in the first place. My appreciation of hip hop is now a bit deeper.
Dec 09 2022
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If You Can Believe Your Eyes & Ears
The Mamas & The Papas
TIL Monday, Monday is by The Mamas and the Papas. True classic, that one. That song and this album have a lot of the 60s tropes that I find interesting and endearing. I think it reminds me a lot of The Monkees, who I’m extremely nostalgic about. The harmonies I found to be really nice and well done. They are ultimately what I think gives this album legs. The middle gets pretty run of the mill so I’m pretty whelmed by this one. A vanilla but well executed 60s album
Dec 12 2022
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The Undertones
The Undertones
Diet Buzzcocks. 3
Dec 13 2022
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Green Day
I've been avoiding this review because I'm not exactly sure what to say about Dookie. I came to the conclusion that I'll never be able to properly verbalize how I feel about this album so there's no point in trying so hard. While this isn't my favorite Green Day album (S/O 21st Century Breakdown) but it was one of the first albums that I listened to because of its history. I know it was the first album that my brother had to hide from my mom (back in the CD days lmao) and he passed it down to me. It was one of the albums that helped me appreciate punk music and through that, most other forms of music I listen to as an adult. Dookie changed music for me and apparently everyone else. The Led Zeppelin I of crappy punk rock. 5.
Dec 14 2022
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Todd Rundgren
Had to piece this one out into two sittings and I’m really glad I did because I very much enjoyed this album. It’s not top 10 material or anything but I had a nice time listening. I was especially entertained by “Intro” which is decidedly not the intro to anything and is pretty funny. This leads me to my primary complaint which is that I don’t know what I’m supposed to take seriously. Is it all of it? None of it? If it’s only some how do I know which ones? Also it’s length. I don’t remember much about the Todd Rundgren album we had but I’m pretty sure I like this one more probably?
Dec 15 2022
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A Walk Across The Rooftops
The Blue Nile
Really sleek. Low key but addictive. Twinkly synths that reminds me a lot of Duran Duran and Pet Shop Boys. I always think of it as rich people music. High-fashion, runway kind of shit. Aside from that it’s a pretty standard 80’s sound that the aforementioned bands both did dramatically better. It was entertaining enough but it absolutely won’t leave a lasting impression. Further proof that all that glitters is not gold. Pretty boring by the end.
Dec 19 2022
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The Slim Shady LP
Growing up this has never been my favorite Eminem album but as I’ve aged I’ve come to appreciate a few more tracks on this one. It’s one of those “why don’t I listen to this more?” kind of album for me. “My Name Is” and “Guilty Conscience” are all time Shady classics but there are also songs like “As The World Turns” and “Bad Meets Evil” which are very nostalgic for me. I think this is the first Eminem album with Dr. Dre producing and you can feel his style all over the place here. Classic and aggressive, this is really only a taste of what’s to cum (get it? It’s on theme.)
Dec 20 2022
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Hail To the Thief
I’ve always been very tepid about Radiohead. I’ve always found Creep to be fine but is not representative of the band’s sound. I enjoyed In Rainbows quite a bit but it isn’t something I find myself going back to very often. I feel mostly the same about this, maybe a teeny bit better than the others but not by a lot. At first I found the album boring and lifeless but after a few listens I found myself enjoying Thom’s nonsensical crooning. I will probably listen again because it is quite textured, but I’m not stumbling over myself to do so.
Dec 21 2022
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Deep Purple In Rock
Deep Purple
This album really goes hard holy shit. You can really hear how this album influenced all metal going forward. Particularly Ian Gillan on wailing vocals, which had to inspire the likes of Bruce Dickinson and Ritchie Blackmore fucking shredding in a way that almost sounds like Avenged Sevenfold at times. An absolute blast with a really solid pace. I’ll be listening to this often and revisiting Machine Head as well. This also so much like the music from That 70’s Show that I can’t help but love it.
Favorites: Speed King, Bloodsucker, Child In Time, Living Wreck, Hard Lovin’ Man
Dec 22 2022
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Joy Division
This has always been one of the bleakest albums I’ve ever heard. It’s the musical equivalent of Requiem for a Dream; the best album I never want to hear again. Released posthumously after Ian Curtis’ suicide, any optimism or whimsy that could be found on “Unknown Pleasures” is surely gone here. This album feels like a funeral march. It feels like listening to an actual ghost that’s walking the line between worlds - a sort of purgatory of music. However where one story ends another begins and like a Phoenix rising from its own ashes, New Order was born. It’s a good thing the remaining members reformed because the instrumentation on this album is superb. The album itself opens with a very slick drum pattern and at no point does it get any less creative. I know creative differences plagued this album but I think it’s one of the times when the back and forth created something great, it’s just a shame that it came with the cost of Ian’s life.
Favorites: Atrocity Exhibition, Isolation, A Means to an End, Heart and Soul, Twenty-Four Hours, The Eternal, Decades
Dec 23 2022
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I’m a Lonesome Fugitive
Merle Haggard
I’ll always be the first to admit that my distaste for country music is mostly due to my own ignorance about the genre. I have really only ever found one country artist that I truly enjoy (Johnny Cash). Otherwise there are a few singles here and there that I like, mostly from Fallout: New Vegas, but I never bothered to discover more country. That’s where this list comes in handy because in the case of “I’m a Lonely Fugitive” I think it’s fair to say I had a great time listening. The subject matter is quite melancholy and I think I only heard one John Deere reference. Surprisingly, I liked Merle’s voice and the guitar work was really intricate and well done. There were times I felt like this is the emo of country with lyrics like “My life will be a burden every day, if I could die my pain might go away” sounding like they were ripped straight out of Devil and God or The Black Parade. I liked just about everything about this album.
Favorites: I’m a Lonesome Fugitive, House of Memories, Life in Prison, Someone Told My Story, Mary’s Mine, Skid Row, Mixed Up Mess of a Heart
Dec 26 2022
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A Christmas Gift For You From Phil Spector
Various Artists
I just can't help but imagine that Phil Spector held a gun to all of these artist's heads while they sang christmas carols. 2
Dec 27 2022
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The Idiot
Iggy Pop
This isn’t really what I expected. This is a case where the solo work doesn’t sound much like the band they came from. Often times that can be to the artist’s detriment (Freddie Mercury, Steve Perry, Adam Ant) but in this case I think it really adds to Iggy Pop’s sound. Low key and catchy. I can see myself putting this on to chill out after work. Apparently this is produced by David Bowie and I can really tell. It has a weird but razor focused sound that I hear in Bowie’s work. This album honestly is a must listen for Bowie fans as much as it is for Iggy Pop fans. It has his style all over it. Really good stuff here from a few master class musicians and it shows.
Favorites: Sister Midnight, Nightclubbing, China Girl, Dum Dum Boys.
Dec 28 2022
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Dance Mania
Tito Puente
Oh man what a treat this has turned out to be. I’m a fan of Buena Vista Social Club and this has the same kind of vibe. Fun and carefree, it’s exactly the kind of music I would love to put on during a sunny day. I’m sure I’d have a lot more to say if I spoke Spanish and could comment on the lyrics but this album proves that music is the universal language. There are some incredibly soulful solos here and these players are all very clearly familiar with each other because this is some of the tightest playing I’ve ever heard. This is good ol feel good music. Nothing stressful here. Just bright, catchy and sometimes mysterious mambo music. Aside for it dragging a touch near the end, I’ll be listening to again and also redownloading Duolingo
Favorites: El Cayuco, 3D Mambo, Cuando Te Vea (Guauanco) Hong Kong Mambo, Varsity Drag
Dec 29 2022
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Locust Abortion Technician
Butthole Surfers
Reading ‘Locust Abortion Technician’ told that this album would be interesting, if nothing else. “Butthole Surfers” is a hard name to avoid if you’re into music but I’ve never heard a song by them before. I’m not sure if what I got was also what I wanted or if I even like it that much. I guess I was expecting more of a skate punk album a la NOFX or maybe CKY but this is more gothy post punk sound. Actually it almost sounds like a parody of that style, like they’re making it sound somehow more cynical. Experimental is putting it lightly. Some songs even had me wondering if there was a problem with my internet connection because it would randomly just change speeds and sounds without any thought or preparation. Ultimately this album was too much of nothing for me. I’m curious what makes this a must-listen because I don’t feel like I got much of anything out of this one.
Favorites: Human Cannonball, Graveyard
Dec 30 2022
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Deserter's Songs
Mercury Rev
Never have I ever heard of Mercury before this. “Please be cool” I thought as tender synth started playing and when Mr. Rev started singing my stomach dropped. Another quiet album with nothing to grab on to. I was already tenuous until BAM! Saxophone! By the end of the first song a lot of my fears were quelled and I was drawn in. This album sounds like lullabies for nightmares. This album was starting to put me to sleep near the middle until OPUS40 gave it a jolt of life which lasted through Hudson’s Line. Poppy and bluesy but the momentum was quickly halted by a song I can only describe as a Legend of Zelda song that was cut from the game. Goddess on a Hiway is fuckin’ awesome which I think highlights this album’s biggest problem which is it’s consistency. Is it elf-core or 90s pop rock? Tender and acoustic? Jazz? Idk but I’d say I like more than I didn’t like. That ending though…
Favorites: Holes, Tonite it Shows, OPUS40, Hudson Line, Goddess on a Hiway, The Funny Bird, Pick Up If You’re There
Jan 02 2023
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Lost In The Dream
The War On Drugs
Shit, I still remember when Red Eyes hit the waves. It took over the world. So dreamy and catchy with an incredibly timeless feel. It deserves all of the accolades it’s gotten. Sadly the rest of the album doesn’t stack up. The first song sounds like Red Eyes and then didn’t know when to quit. The second song is Red Eyes which gains a whole star, which is good because the rest of the album builds off of the same foundations. Aside from a few cool solos and licks here and there every single song sounded the same. When it was just a reskin of Red Eyes, it was relentlessly boring.
Favorites: Red Eyes
Jan 03 2023
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I don’t know if my tolerance for rap is improving or if I’m finding more rap that I enjoy. Nevertheless, I’m here for it. I really quite liked this album though I went in expecting to tbh. The beats are interesting and catchy but not too repetitive. The lyrics a poignant without becoming gratuitous. I wish I had more specific reasons but all I know is this is a recipe for an album that I would like. The back half is a little hit or miss where it becomes easy to ignore but I don’t think it’s a major detractor.
Favorites: NY State of Mind, Life’s A Bitch, The World is Yours, Memory Lane (Sittin’ in da Park)
Jan 04 2023
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The Velvet Underground
The Velvet Underground
One of the few albums that’s gotten on my nerves so much that I couldn’t finish it was Velvet Underground + Nico. It was noisy and generally annoying. It can be iconic, idgaf. So I went into this a little cynical but I think that may have helped in the long run. I didn’t care fire most if this album but there are definitely moments that I liked. I think the album gets more compelling near the end where the tempo picks up a bit. I found the 9 minute track really interesting which surprised me. The Velvet Underground are for sure not for me but I can honestly see why people like them so much.
Favorites: What Goes On, Beginning to See The Light, I’m Set Free, The Murder Mystery, After Hours, Jesus
Jan 05 2023
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The Gilded Palace Of Sin
The Flying Burrito Brothers
Apple Music has this album listed under rock. I can see if but I would compare it to that Merle Haggard album. The difference for me is that I enjoyed the Merle Haggard album. This one started pretty strong with some nice steel guitar sprinkled through. Lyrically speaking there’s not much for me. It got pretty boring pretty quick. There were a few spots where it grabbed my attention like the song that sounds like they’re running a tuba through a distortion pedal. Beyond that I haven’t got much more to say about this one.
Jan 06 2023
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Guitar Town
Steve Earle
See review: Gilded Palace of Sin. 2
Jan 09 2023
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ABBA is probably the most consistent band I know of. 2
Jan 10 2023
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The Score
Excellent beats, fun samples, catchy as hell. I can absolutely see why this is a classic. Will buy on vinyl. 5
Jan 11 2023
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I was super worried this would be annoying as fuck like a lot of electronica music can be, but this was delightful. Each song has a unique identity that had me wondering what they were going to throw into the mix next. Also not to get political but speaking as a lefty, I experience leftism every day and I'm glad it's getting recognition. I mean the scissors, bro. and the notebooks, too! Whiteboards? Literally unusable. Thank you Leftfield. I finally feel seen. Jokes aside, this was surprisingly listenable and varied. I can absolutely seeing myself listening again. 4
Jan 12 2023
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Cloud Nine
The Temptations
Love the hits. Boring as a whole. Liked it more than the last one though. 3
Jan 13 2023
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The Cure
Obvious evolution over the last Cure album we had. Looking forward to more. 4
Jan 16 2023
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Fear Of A Black Planet
Public Enemy
Really cool samples. I loved the politics for lots of reasons but it also seems like the logical evolution of what NWA started. 4
Jan 17 2023
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At San Quentin
Johnny Cash
Funny thing, I’m a pretty big Johnny Cash fan but I’ve really only heard greatest hits albums so the deeps cuts are still largely new to me. I loved to find out that I enjoyed almost every song on this album. It’s well paced, funny and Johnny Cash has reaaaaal star power. 5
Jan 18 2023
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I’ve Got a Tiger By the Tail
Buck Owens
I kinda dig the western sound and I enjoyed Buck’s voice but I found myself getting pretty bored by the end. 3
Jan 19 2023
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Band On The Run
Paul McCartney and Wings
Surprisingly fun listen. Jet slaps. 3.5-4
Jan 20 2023
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A Grand Don't Come For Free
The Streets
The British really do everything better. Love this. 4
Jan 23 2023
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Diamond Life
Really cool and catchy album. Definitely will be listening again. 4
Jan 24 2023
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The Boatman's Call
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
Kinda just Tom Waits again but a little more listenable. He has a pretty interesting voice which he occasionally did cool stuff with. I guess I could see myself putting this album on while winding down for bed but I found myself more bored with this more than anything. I kept trying to figure out where I knew 'People Ain't No Good' from and I'm still in disbelief that it's Shrek 2. What an influential movie, damn. 3
Jan 25 2023
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Cheap Thrills
Big Brother & The Holding Company
I really dug the blues rock vibe for a while but it started to feel kind of samey near the end. Janis Joplin's voice is such a powerhouse that it's no wonder she's as iconic as she is. Really serviceable early blues rock who's influence can still be heard today. 3
Jan 26 2023
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Ill Communication
Beastie Boys
As someone who isn’t a fan o License to Ill I wasn’t looking forward to this a ton. Sure it’s got Sabotage on it and that songs still slaps but that was all I knew prior. I’m happy to say that while it didn’t leave a huge impression on me, I did enjoy this for the most part. Heavy and catchy. It’s sounds at times almost like the antithesis
to License to Ill. 3
Jan 27 2023
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Close To You
Austin Powers stans rise up. Honestly I’ve loved everything I’ve heard from Carpenters and I’m glad I’ve heard this. This is easily one of my favorites from this list. I love Karen’s voice and the melodies are entrancingly beautiful. 5
Jan 30 2023
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Celebrity Skin
Wow what a great 90s rock album. Front to back this has everything I like in a rock record. Great guitar tone. Production as a whole is actually quite nice. Light angst, good pace. This is one of the few times I’ve felt genuinely compelled to listen to more of the bands music. 5
Jan 31 2023
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Golden Hour
Kacey Musgraves
So fun fact about me is that I’m already a Kasey Musgraves fan. I don’t really consider her country. I consider her pop with a light country twang. I actually own her second album “Star-Crossed” on vinyl and I really like it. High Horse has been a favorite of mine since it came out (and it is still her best song). This album was a really nice listen and I appreciate here voice here as much as I expected. Sweet little album with a sweet vibe. 4
Feb 01 2023
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Despite my best efforts I can't seem to get Prince's music to leave much of an impression on me. I absolutely don't dislike him by any means but I just can never bring a Prince melody to mind. Maybe it's because I listened closer and with more intention, but I'm glad to say that this time was different. While it still didn't blow me away, I still had a great time listening. I didn't realize how explicit Prince got. He always struck me as more of an innuendo type of guy, but apparently not. All-in-all I don't mind this and I have full intention of listening again. 4
Feb 02 2023
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Steely Dan
Oh man the sax is back! At first I was thinking that it was a little jammy for my taste but then I got through the title track. The jazzy musical assault (that low-key sounded like a mario kart soundtrack) left me feeling like the Maxell cassette guy. At this point I was all in. All I knew about Steely Dan previously were all the jokes about them being lame and of course, "Do It Again", thanks to Guitar Hero: World Tour. I genuinely don't understand those jokes. This felt just as exciting and unexpected as any metal album I've heard. Damn good stretch of albums through the middle 100's, here. 5
Feb 03 2023
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Odessey And Oracle
The Zombies
Obviously I knew this album because of Time of the Season's timelessness. I really enjoyed that song this time around but I also enjoyed this whole thing quite a bit. It has all of the qualities I enjoy about the Monkees but with a little more of a folksy edge which separated it from its contemporaries. Not mind blowing enough to leave specific impressions beyond "yeah I like that one" 3
Feb 06 2023
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You've Come a Long Way Baby
Fatboy Slim
There's something iconic about Fatboy Slim. I have no idea where I know 'The Rockefeller Skank' from but I immediately recognized it. Really catchy music and beats that kept me on my toes. Between this and Leftism, I think I'm starting to enjoy some electronica. 4
Feb 07 2023
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Dire Straits
Dire Straits
My go to evening rock record. Love it. 5
Feb 08 2023
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Quiet Life
Pretty standard 70's New Wave album. Well executed and didn't actively piss me off which is nice. Outside of that not much to say. Totally unmemorable. 2
Feb 10 2023
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Emperor Tomato Ketchup
I was really enjoying this one until about halfway through, which made me feel kind of sleepy. I don't think this is anything I'd put on because I'm in the mood for it. I was doing stuff when it started and it had a nice, motivating pace but then it seemed to devolve in to drone-y tones and good enough singing. 2.5
Feb 13 2023
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Moon Safari
Very slick and engaging. This is likely to be the start of an electronic deep dive similar to the metal one that Anthrax sent me down a while back. This is exactly the type of album I could see myself playing while driving or walking around on a sunny day. It's the definition of a vibe. Never too repetitive so it never got annoying. Sleek and novel. 5
Feb 14 2023
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The Healer
John Lee Hooker
I’m glad to see more regular blues popping up on this list. I can start putting names to specific sounds and styles I like and feel particularly nostalgic for. John Lee Hooker in my family is up there with BB King, Muddy Waters, and Buddy Guy as one of the major blues greats. John Lee Hooker was also the subject of how I learned what a cameo is because of his very brief appearance in 1980’s cult classic film “The Blues Brothers”. On the subject of this album though, one thing I’m finding myself impressed with is the balance of sounds going on. Nothing sounds out of place or too loud without reason. I can’t deny though that it does get kind of samey near the middle but there’s something about the rhythms and instrumentals that keeps me invested. I guess blues is my folk music. The slower more straight up blues tracks are where I think this album shines brightest, especially near the end when the featured artists step off and John Lee Hooker is the one on display. The faster paced songs also brought about a nice change but I think it’s when the album makes attempts to modernize is where it has trouble. It’s probably just me but I always found keyboard has a tendency to clash with the intent and vibe of blues and it kinda just becomes rock music. I wish I was more familiar with the featured artists so I could understand better what each one brings to the table but by no means was anyone a detractor. All-in-all I thought this was a really nicely done blues album that makes me feel all warm and happy inside.
Favorites: I’m in the Mood, Baby Lee, Cuttin’ Out, Think Twice Before You Go,
Sally Mae, Rockin’ Chair
Feb 15 2023
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Van Halen
Van Halen
Up there with Boston as one of the best debut in regards to its sound. It’s tight, and flashy. Perfect for arenas and gets down to business right out of the gate. 4
Feb 16 2023
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For every moment that I didn’t like, or that I thought was weird, there’s another that I really like. Gets Daley near the end but I’m looking forward to listening again. 3.5
Feb 17 2023
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For Your Pleasure
Roxy Music
I remember hearing someone say that what made The Smiths so interesting was because you couldn't tell who they were listening to. They didn't hold their influences on their sleeves like a lot of bands. I don't remember who said it or in what documentary -- probably Sonic Highways but I digress. To that person in that documentary I feel I can safely say that The Smiths were listening to Roxy Music. Lyrically pretty different but all I could think of when hearing Bryan Ferry's wibbly operatic voice was Morrissey. Anyway this album was surprisingly interesting for me. As always I have to shout out the saxophone. Lovely inclusion. Fun and peppy as well as mysterious and spooky. I don't know if I'll listen to it very often but I had a nice time this time. 4
Feb 20 2023
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In It For The Money
What a surprise this turned out to be! These dudes are what would Smashing Pumpkins would have become in a universe where Billy was happy. Really fun and diverse sound to this one. It's hard to not have a good time while listening to this. I can hear bits of other bands in this as well. Namely My Chemical Romance. I get huge MCR vibes and it wouldn't surprise me to find out Gerard and gang are fans of Supergrass. The timelines surely line up. My only complaint is it seems like each song is mastered by a different person each of whom have differing opinions on how loud a song should be. This was the 2021 Remaster too so I'm scared of what the original sounded like. Anyway, quite good! 4
Feb 21 2023
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Fffffffffffffffunkyyyyyy and nerdy. 3
Feb 22 2023
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Among The Living
This album and Iron Maiden sent me on a pretty gnarly metal tangent that distracted me from this list for a bit. Anyway this is some top notch thrash. I can see why they're part of the "Big 4" of metal. Their politically edged sound is so complimentary to the hyper aggressive sound that bands like Metallica and Megadeth were offering at the same time. There's a purity to this level of thrash that beckons you to listen to more. 4.5
Feb 23 2023
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Hypocrisy Is The Greatest Luxury
The Disposable Heroes Of Hiphoprisy
I love politics in rap. Clearly he had a lot to say here. I like a lot of what he was putting but there were times that I felt like he was inching into "video games cause violence" territory a few times, but it was the 90s though so. It's funny though because to be honest I associate this style of rapping to Nickelodeon commercials and skits. Obviously it wasn't as political but I feel like I remember an Amanda Show skit or two having a music style VERY similar to this. Neverthless I liked this quite a bit. A little samey near the end but I added a few songs to my favorites. His version of California Uber Allies was really fucking cool. 4
Feb 24 2023
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In The Court Of The Crimson King
King Crimson
Red Screamy Man is such a meme in the vinyl community that I was stoked to see this because I've never actually heard it. To me this suffers from the same issues as other prog bands like Yes or ELP which are they have a few (or one) super cool song and then like 3 songs with just like, bird sounds and noise. New prog > OG Prog. 2.
Feb 27 2023
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The Real Thing
Faith No More
Extra Spicy Red Hot Chili Peppers. 4
Feb 28 2023
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The Visitors
ABBA is probably the most consistent band that I know of. 2
Mar 01 2023
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Scott 4
Scott Walker
Soo close..
This is so close to something I would listen to all the time. The pieces are all there but I know that I'm not going to remember this in 2 days time. Maybe its pacing is off because it didn't feel like it got going until the second half. Especially after a pretty solid opening. It tripped at the starting line. It really only grabbed my attention again during The Old Man's Back Again which was a nice tempo boost right before slamming on the brakes. Idk pretty lame over all. 2 max
Mar 02 2023
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Sweet Baby James
James Taylor
It's one of my goals to understand singer/songwriter and acoustic stuff so I went into this with as open of a mind as I could. I think this was a good step. I don't fully understand the draw but I did really enjoy the drums and the more bluesy tracks. I tried to pay extra attention to the lyrics and thought almost all of them were kinda stupid. Still not my bag but I'm learning at least! A light 2.5. Maybe more like 2.3.
Mar 03 2023
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Unknown Pleasures
Joy Division
Unknown Pleasures is like the "Requiem for a Dream" of music in that it's great and groundbreaking but I don't like to experience it often. The sorrow and the dreary sounds make me feel like I'm listening to an iceberg turned into music. This album differs from Closer in that there are moments that almost maybe sound hopeful whereas Closer has no hope. No positivity left to give. 3.5
Mar 06 2023
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Ocean Rain
Echo And The Bunnymen
I knew of Echo and the Bunnymen prior because of Ghost's cover of 'Nocturnal Me' which fortunately is on this album! I like the Ghost version better. Perhaps it's a case of your favorite version is the first you heard, Kind of like how your first Mario Kart is usually your favorite. I just think Ghost improved upon the song without changing it too much. Adds sustains where they should be and the range is a litter lower. That's enough about Ghost though, how is THIS album? I think it's quite solid. I was afraid of another Romantic New Wave band. And while it definitely has those trope and sound this has a notably...weirder sound, with The Yo-Yo Man in particular reminding me of Mr. Bungle. There are distant and dreamy vocals but its not muddled to hell like a lot of these style albums seem to be. I did get a little bored by the end from a music perspective but there were some lyrics, mainly the stuff in the hooks that kept me listening. Pretty good. Will likely relisten. 4
Mar 08 2023
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The Jesus And Mary Chain
This one wasn’t on streaming so I had to find a YouTube rip. I’m unsure of how much of my perception s were influenced by that. There seems to be a lot of folk and post-punk/goth on this list and I gotta be honest, the sound of harmonizing can openers is starting to wear on me. This album has occasional high points where a melody peeks through or rhythms are allowed to rest but I just don’t hear much of difference between this and say, Joy Division, Velvet Underground, The Cure, Echo & the Bunnymen etc. When it doesn’t sound like a vacuum cleaner that’s clogged this is just OK, and that in the loosest possible sense. The back half has a little more to dig into but all in all I feel like a band was playing in the basement of a some kind of workshop and the mic was upstairs. Almost unlistenable.
Mar 10 2023
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Man, this is a good one. It would be perfect if it also had "Where is my Mind" on it as well but alas...
This is another must have if you're at all interested in 90's music. I'd argue that Doolittle is more important than Surfer Rosa (not a dig - just saying). This album has songs that still routinely show up in popular culture. In fact, I've been recently going through the Forza Horizon series and Debaser features as one of the most well-known songs in that game. Sometimes the lyrics are a little cringe but I don't think there is a single band that isn't guilty of being cringy. Don't regret seeing them. Good stuff. 4.5
Mar 13 2023
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Wild Is The Wind
Nina Simone
This was a nice change of pace for me but honestly it was kind of boring. Jazz with vocals isn't my favorite but I do think Nina Simone pulls it off really well here. There are nice tender moments broken up by these grandiose finales with amazing crescendos but all of it failed to leave a huge impression. I think I liked it. I think? 3.5
Mar 14 2023
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Young Americans
David Bowie
Young Americans is actually one of the only Bowie albums I'd already heard before this list. (Lodger was the only other one) There's a lot I appreciate about this album. It's really well paced. There are a few all time favorites and a few new favorites this time around as well. Across the Universe was already one of my favorite Beatles songs and I totally forgot he covered it here. It doesn't get much more solid than this album. Will absolutely buy it on vinyl. 4.5
Mar 15 2023
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Van Morrison
Diet Bob Seger.
Does all of the 70's rock stuff I expect. The more swing like songs were cool but overall meh. Maybe once upon a time it was groundbreaking but it exists solely on legacy to me. Other than that it had little to offer. 2
Mar 16 2023
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Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness
The Smashing Pumpkins
In my opinion almost all double albums really only have one album's worth of decent songs on them. Mellon Collie is my primary example of this. There are SO MANY incredible tunes on here that will be in my personal playlist forever. So many songs that I have deep personal and nostalgic connections to. However for every one of those songs there's at least one boring forgettable filler fucking nonsense. Mellon Collie is nothing if not ambitious. 4 because the songs that hit, hit HORD
Mar 17 2023
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Music From The Penguin Cafe
Penguin Cafe Orchestra
Everything about this could be a Wes Anderson movie soundtrack. It's quirky and fanciful and sometimes a little shocking. I was originally going to compare it to like, Blue's Clues' music but that felt harsh. Idk too much for elevator music but not enough to keep my attention. Sick Scooby Doo reference, Luke. 1
Mar 20 2023
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Remain In Light
Talking Heads
Remain in Light is a perfectly fun album that does start to get samey and a little annoying by the end. I dig the Talking Heads but this is definitely not one of my favorites. 3
Mar 21 2023
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Amy Winehouse
I have been very interested in Amy Winehouse because She's always been spoken so so highly of. She also has her biopic AMY out which has her in the zeitgeist again. I know Frank isn't normally the go-to Amy Winehouse album but this was still a really a great listen! I do quite like her voice. She truly uses it as an instrument which not every singer does. Frank pushes it into more Jazzy territory than I thought it would and honestly those are my favorite parts of the album. I'm very excited to hear Back to Black when it inevitably appears on this list. 4
Mar 22 2023
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Supa Dupa Fly
Missy Elliott
Even though I found a lot of Apple Music's Top 100 albums of all time to be...divisive, I can totally see why this album is on there (though I don't know its placement on the list, probably somewhere stupid). I'll admit that I listened to about half of it relatively passively so I didn't listen to a lot of the lyrics. I was struck by the beats and rhythms for almost every song. Catchy and dynamic shit here. I like Missy's voice as well and the features on this album are always a cool treat and never overstay their welcomes. Cocky and confident but never undeserved. I will definitely be listening again. 5
Mar 23 2023
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I love this idea! I wish every band ever would do a symphonic greatest hits album. The additional instrumentation adds so much depth and texture to Metal Licka's music. It is a little gimmicky but that's not always a bad thing. I don't think 100% of these songs translate super well but like 90% do. They released a sequel to this a few years ago which I think is the better version of this, which isn't terribly hard to believe. Really cool concept and mostly well executed. 4.5
Mar 24 2023
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Wtf even was this?
It’s good to know that I could make an album of absolute fucking nonsense and it could be considered an all time great.
I was already annoyed and then there was a 9 minute song and then I was pissed. Fuck this.
Mar 27 2023
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Beautiful Freak
Having known Eels solely from Shrek and Shrek 2 I didn't know what to expect. I honestly thought it'd be a cheap Beck rip off with repeating beats and samples. That's not inspiring because I reaaaalllly don't like Beck. Beck can get fucked because this is everything he wishes he could be. Beautiful Freak is one of those rare albums that had me interested in a challenge like this. I knew the odds of find more music that I love than I don't were against me. This is one that I loved. It captures my specific suburban fears and insecurities and ironic hope that feels like it was written only for me. The music was not nearly as repetitive as I was expecting having melodies in places I'm not used to finding them, like bass, for example. The genre experimentation was cool because it never felt like a mish mash of shit. It's like a little flirt with experimentation, like the songwriter is almost afraid to let loose lest he sputter out. Where has this album been all my life? 5
Mar 28 2023
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Music for the Masses
Depeche Mode
Holy shit what an intro and outro! Really moody and gothic stuff there. Most of the middle was pretty lame with far too much talk of little girls which is always yucky feeling no matter the context. There's definitely stuff to chew on here but it's mostly okay. 3
Mar 29 2023
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Dear Science
TV On The Radio
“Stay out of my territory” said the unassuming chemistry teacher as he stared down a few gaunt junkies. The surprised junkies stared back, the bright light of the grocery store sign made them appear more pale than they already were. For a second they were going to fight the old man but something about him seemed unusual. Dangerous. Slowly the junkies backed away but still the old man did not stop staring, he tightened his grip on the paint cans he’d purchased as if intending to use them as blunt weapons. Fearing for their lives the junkies ran into their van, locked the doors and peeled out of the grocery store parking lot. Still though, the old man stared but now there was the slightest hint of a smile. He dropped the paint cans and left. Heisenberg was back.
This is my favorite moment in Breaking Bad and it’s backed by DLZ off of this album. It has grown to be one of my favorite songs ever. I’ve heard it countless times but strangely I never listened to the album. Obv I was hoping every song would be on the level of DLZ but it’s not the case. I liked just about everything on here though, just not like that. The music here is textured and catchy and it never gets too repetitive. It’s blends genres really well without betraying its own sound. The vocalist has a tone that is very unique and soulful. Good listen. Would probably buy on vinyl.
Favorites: Halfway Home, Crying, Dancing Choose, Family Tree, Red Dress, Shout Me Out, DLZ
Mar 30 2023
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Caetano Veloso
Caetano Veloso
In an effort to catch up this is the first in a series of express reviews:
Brazillian Donovan. Listenable. 3.5
Mar 31 2023
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David Bowie
It’s said he didn’t know he was dying when he wrote this. Pressing X currently.
(For Mr. Sienko - Press ‘x’ to doubt is a gaming meme) 4.5
Apr 03 2023
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Everything Must Go
Manic Street Preachers
Really good Uk rock music. After finding out that this is the first album after primary songwriter and guitarist had gone missing, I couldn't help but draw comparisons to Avenged Sevenfold's Nightmare. While obviously different types of bands I think the two albums share a lot in common. Catchy as fuck, first and foremost. But it also was a return, telling the world that they aren't going to stop. And in the case of both Everything Must Go and Nightmare they came out swinging and released really excellent music despite the odds. 4.5
Apr 04 2023
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Meat Is Murder
The Smiths
Yeah I don't like this one as much as The Queen is Dead. It's a little less interesting. They hadn't quite found their pop sensibilities yet, if they ever wanted any. Don't get me wrong there are cool songs on here but nothing that stood out or wowed me. Will probably listen again. 3
Apr 05 2023
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Appetite For Destruction
Guns N' Roses
So tired of about half of this album. The other half is okay. 2.5
Apr 06 2023
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The Madcap Laughs
Syd Barrett
Went from a Beatles rip off to a Donovan rip off. Barely even well executed. 2
Apr 07 2023
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The Pleasure Principle
Gary Numan
Fun fact: This album invented the flanger. Idk if it’s true but it’s used enough on here to be. 2
Apr 10 2023
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The Wildest!
Louis Prima
I had a really fun time listening to this one. I think we can thank Fallout for me even entertaining the idea of music like this. Now I have a fondness for this sound. I especially like the duets. I'm starting to find the vocal jazz artists that I enjoy. 4
Apr 11 2023
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The Wall
Pink Floyd
There was a period in my life where this was my favorite album. This is not that period. Still mostly good though. 4.5
Apr 12 2023
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DJ Shadow
Holy Calamity! This was a super interesting listen. I definitely liked the front half more than the back. It felt more sinister and textured and less like the Powerpuff Girls soundtrack. At times there was super really interesting stuff going on with the beat and others it was so run of the mill. Not bad. There are for sure some tracks I'll be listening to again but I doubt I'll go as far as buying on vinyl. 3
Apr 13 2023
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Mama Said Knock You Out
LL Cool J
I don't know why but this just didn't hit for me. I didn't care for a lot of the lyrics being examples of a lot of what I don't like about rap. If I ignored the lyrics, the beats and samples were still kind of uninteresting. It was one or the other. Either I liked the beat but hated the lyrics as in the case of Around the Way Girl or like the lyrics but think it sounds stupid like in Mama Said Knock You Out. It's rare when Five Finger Death Punch does a good song but their cover of that song is pretty solid. I think this album leans more Prince and less Michael Jackson. I wish I liked it more. 2.5
Apr 14 2023
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Born To Be With You
I don't have much in particular to say about this one. I'm surprised this is Dion's 14th album. And as always Phil Spector was a madman. Otherwise kinda boring. I feel like it's only on this list because one kinda famous guy said he loves it. idk. 2
Apr 17 2023
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Ladies And Gentlemen We Are Floating In Space
Yeah this album didn't really do it for me. Largely boring with a few sparse moments of being interesting. There are some okay moody tracks but I won't be coming back to this. 1.5
Apr 18 2023
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This was pretty okay! This is the way I like samples to be used. It's pretty front-loaded with the cool beats and catchy hooks though. Not that that's what it always has to be about but that's what keeps my attention. I like the lyrics when I noticed them. Common has a cool and almost relaxing style that I really enjoyed. I really only see myself going back to maybe half of this album. 3
May 03 2023
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Suzanne Vega
Suzanne Vega
Surprisingly enough, I enjoyed more of this than I expected. I figured it'd be a boring singer/songwriter deal and it almost was that, but it had enough pop flavor to keep me listening. Very 80's with all of the synth and slap-bass lines. Really listenable and something I might put on when I'm in the mood for something a little different. 4
May 04 2023
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Electric Warrior
T. Rex
The movie Longlegs opens with a title card with the lyrics "You're dirty and sweet, oh yeah
Well, you're slim and you're weak
You've got the teeth of the hydra upon you
You're dirty, sweet and you're my girl" from Bang a Gong (Get It On) off of this album. Not really sure what it had to do with the movie other than part of the movie taking place in the 70's but neverthless, Longlegs is now one of my favorite horror movies. This album on the other hand is also really quite good! It really exemplifies what I love about 70's rock n roll. It never becomes too much. It never outstays its welcome. Really well produced and everyone in the band is clearly playing at top form. It's not anything I've never heard out of 70's rock but it's well done. I don't think it's aged as well as some of their contemporaries like Bowie but that may be partially due to their frontman's death. They may not have had the chance to really take off yet. Anyway, I remember this album selling a lot and I always meant to listen to it. I'm glad I did! 4
May 05 2023
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Lou Reed
Strangely enough I really enjoyed this album despite my vocal distaste for Lou Reed and Velvet Underground. I'm not really sure what makes this one different than what I've heard before. I think the production is way better than anything else I've heard but LR or VU. It's a slower, more sad album that I recall others being. Not sure but this is going to make me go back and double check those other albums. 4
May 08 2023
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Machine Gun Etiquette
The Damned
I like when punk gets experimental. Really good stuff here that I’ll be going back to. 4.5
May 09 2023
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Black Sabbath
Black Sabbath
First Metal Album of all time. What I think doesn't matter. 5
May 23 2023
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The Infotainment Scan
The Fall
This sounds like a stand up comedian making fun of Bob Dylan or Morrissey. Kinda catchy otherwise. It seems like it wants to be a cynical album but the lyrics suggest that it's just not able to be. It seems to have a nostalgic edge that keeps it from detaching from emotion completely. It's the most fun post-punk album I've heard so far! 4
May 24 2023
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Slanted And Enchanted
There's a DIY aspect to this album that I hate. This would be a pretty solid album if they just tightened the screws a bit. I have a feeling that the DIYness is the allure to it. I can see hipsters are telling their weird friends: "these guys sound kinda bad! You'll love it".
There are some pretty okay songs but I really think these guys can do better. 3
May 25 2023
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The World is a Ghetto
I can't help but always think of Low Rider and its association with George Lopez when I hear War. I don't especially care for Low Rider because outside of George Lopez it feels like listening to the Full House theme song outside of Full House. Nevertheless The World is a Ghetto is a really really solid Soul/Funk album. I'm surprised how much I enjoyed it in fact. It has all of the commonalities that I love with this type of music. It gets a little sleepy near the end of City, Country, City and into the song that follows, but I think it picks it back up nicely from there. Even the 10 minute dealies don't overstay their welcomes (until like the last minute of both, maybe). All in all I really liked this and I will be listening again for sure! 4
May 26 2023
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Duck Stab/Buster & Glen
The Residents
*meme of Ben Affleck smoking*
May 29 2023
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The Soft Bulletin
The Flaming Lips
I kinda get the vibe this is about superheroes. If it is the album is a 4. If not, 2.
May 30 2023
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Oracular Spectacular
Damn this album always surprises me with its age. It came out in 2008 but it sounds like a 2012 album at the earliest, which I think speaks to its timelessness. It may not be front to back bangers or superhits but it's very consistent. Electric Feel, Kids, Time to Pretend, Weekend Warriors were all staples in my post high school days. I've been meaning to pick this one up on vinyl, maybe I'll do that. 3
May 31 2023
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D.O.A. the Third and Final Report of Throbbing Gristle
Throbbing Gristle
Fuck this.
Jun 01 2023
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Pieces Of The Sky
Emmylou Harris
She has a nice voice but I don't think I get it. Maybe later stuff is better. 2
Jun 02 2023
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Paul McCartney
I’ve never particularly cared for this particular PMC solo album. I find it annoying and boring. I didn’t realized this album was directly involved in the Beatle’s breakup so that’s interesting. Anyway I’m gonna go listen to Band on the Run for a palate cleanser. ‘Maybe I’m Amazed’ still slaps. 2
Jun 05 2023
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The Downward Spiral
Nine Inch Nails
I have always respected NIN for what they did for Pop culture, but I could never quite grasp their style. On paper it has all of the elements of music I like but put together it is always disappointing or disjointed. This is an album that I'll always want to listen to and want to enjoy but I don't see it being an album that I love. 2.5
Jun 06 2023
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Has roundabout 5/7
Jun 07 2023
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Bryter Layter
Nick Drake
Boring but in a good way. I don't know how else to explain it. 3
Jun 08 2023
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Einstürzende Neubauten
Okay yeah this is nonsense. I mean it’s German, but it’s nonsense
Jun 09 2023
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A Northern Soul
The Verve
Awesome album. It’s just a little long and could do without a few of the slower songs to help the pace. As a whole this is one of my favorites from this list so far. 5
Jun 12 2023
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Lady Soul
Aretha Franklin
Man, what to say about Aretha Franklin? Obviously of course she's Matt 'guitar' Murphy's controlling but hilarious wife in both Blues Brothers movies. so I've known about her and been familiar with some of her work my whole life, but also who the fuck hasn't? She's the queen of fucking soul for a reason. She is a once in a lifetime - humankind maybe - talent. An OG music legend. I very much recommend her biopic "RESPECT" if you want to see how much respect she commanded. Also Jennifer Hudson kills it. 5
Jun 13 2023
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Channel Orange
Frank Ocean
Exceptional. Stevie Wonder and Childish Gambino in one. Love it. 5
Jun 14 2023
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Vol. 4
Black Sabbath
I had to sit on this one for a while because I wasn't sure how I felt upon listening to it. Know it that it was fueled by cocaine helps to make sense of some of the crap that's on here. Overall, I think this was mostly fine. Supernaut is fucking incredible. The bass part in particular really grabs my ear. Sadly I found most of the rest of it to be run of the mill Black Sabbath stuff (Snowblind and the last two tracks), boring as hell (Changes, Laguna Sunrise) or just totally unnecessary (FX). Idk I went in really wanting to like this but really only one song blew me away. 3 for its legacy though, I definitely feel as though I'm in the minority on this one...
Jun 15 2023
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Blood Sugar Sex Magik
Red Hot Chili Peppers
I’m a pretty big Pepperhead and I fucking hate this album. I don’t understand the love it gets. I’ve heard this album numerous times since high school and to this day the only song I truly enjoy is Under the Bridge. Everything else is annoying or creepy. Not the RHCP album, man. 1
Jun 16 2023
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The Predator
Ice Cube
Truthfully I had to listen to this one a few times. The first time I thought it was strikingly unremarkable. It left no impression whatsoever so I didn't feel like I had anything to say. The next few times I slowly started to warm up to it. I initially had to get over the fact that my first real exposure to Ice Cube was "Are We There Yet?". It was hard to take anything seriously. This is also a problem for me with NWA's work too. Then I warmed up more when I realized this is kind of a "Jammy" hip-hop album, so to speak. Long instrumental interludes in songs reminded me of a lot of shoegaze stuff in terms of their progressions and movements. Anyway after a few listens I thought this was pretty nifty and I think I'll listen to more. 3
Jun 19 2023
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At Fillmore East
The Allman Brothers Band
Me: *Sees 7 songs at an hour and twenty minutes*
Me: This better be good I swear to god.
2 Hours Later...
Not bad honestly. I normally don't like jam band bullshit but the blues edge to this made it remarkably listenable for me. 4
RIP to literally everyone in this band.
Jun 20 2023
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Marquee Moon
Well I'll be a monkey's uncle. Ghost covered See No Evil on their latest covers EP "Phantomime". I had no idea this was a Television song. I probably ought to look at the original versions when Ghost covers a song. Across their career they've covered more than a few songs from this list, that's for sure. Needless to say that See No Evil set things off to a good start for me. I'd been meaning to listen to Television since they got a bunch of vinyl represses when I worked at Green Light, but never got around to it. That was the first I'd heard of them and their influence on punk music. Moving from See No Evil to the rest of the album I have to say that I enjoyed it throughout. The basslines are groovy as hell and there's a sweeping discordant quality to the guitar that I can't quite describe effectively. I also quite liked the vocals here and how they and the music seem to be talking back and forth at times. A few songs that were a little too jammy to leave a huge impression outside of how it makes me feel, meaning I don't see them getting stuck in my head or anything but they're cool to listen to nevertheless. Namely the title track, clocking in at 10 minutes long. A lot of proto-romantic themes that bridge the gap between punk and New Wave almost perfectly. Marquee Moon is an example of when punk started getting sad and thoughtful. 4.5
Jun 21 2023
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Ali Farka Touré
What a fun listen! I've never heard of Ali but I really dig his sound. This came at a really convenient time for me because I'm trying to widen my blues catalogue and this is will be an interesting entry. The main thing that stood out to me is the incredible guitar work. There are times where it feels like an ethereal being with 9 fingers is playing. I also saw that Ali collaborated with Ry Cooder, who is the Nick Fury of Buena Vista Social Club, an album that I very much enjoy. Like this one. 4
Jun 22 2023
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Fever To Tell
Yeah Yeah Yeahs
I would let this chick ruin my life.
Jun 23 2023
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The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway
Another middle of the road album by a great band. Whatever. 3 for proggy shenanigans.
Jun 26 2023
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You Want It Darker
Leonard Cohen
And We Got It Darker.
Jun 27 2023
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Born To Run
Bruce Springsteen
If Bob Dylan was fun to listen to. 4
Jun 28 2023
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Legalize It
Peter Tosh
I have good news for Mr. Tosh.
Jun 29 2023
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Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots
The Flaming Lips
I liked the last album we had well enough but it didn't knock my socks off. I knew of this album first mainly because of 'Do You Realize?' from GOTG3, of course. I love that song like most of that soundtrack but I digress. The rest of this album is really solid too! It reminded me of an album that came out a few years ago called 'Deap Lip' which was a collab between Deap Valley and these dudes. I also love the sci-fi theme. There are a surprising few mainstream sci-fi themed albums that aren't played out or too experimental. As a whole I definitely see myself listening to this again - particularly in the evening. It's nice and quiet and would be a nice album to throw on at night. Will buy on vinyl someday probably. 4
Jun 30 2023
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At Folsom Prison
Johnny Cash
It's no surprise that this is considered one the best live albums of all time. Johnny Cash's ability to keep a crowd engaged is really interesting to hear. You can hear the energy ramping up as the music moves faster than the studio versions. This album is like a whirlwind and it proves Mr. Cash was the best in the game. 5
Jul 03 2023
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Rubber Soul
Another day another Beatles' album. I don't feel like I have a ton to say about this album. It's well done. Production is about as good as it can be. Some bonafide hits. Everything else is just static in the noise that makes up the Beatles' music. Perfectly listenable but not very memorable. Girl is really good though. I like that one. 2.5
Jul 04 2023
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Stevie Wonder
Not my favorite SW album but not my least favorite either. Still Iconic as fuck. Still a couple of really good tracks including a cover of RHCP's Higher Ground! Wow! 3
Jul 05 2023
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Grant Lee Buffalo
Wow what an unexpected listen! This is another one of those "How have I never heard of these guy before??" moments. It has that 90's alternative sound that I really dig. At times almost sounding like a 90's Rolling Stones (Not actual 90's Rolling Stones - like, if they actually evolved their sound) It got a little boring near the end but as an album I really really liked this. 4
Jul 06 2023
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The Young Rascals
Really enjoyable, if not run of the mill, 60's rock record, with an absolutely ICONIC soul song plunked right in the middle of it. Some catchy tunes on here that I wouldn't mind adding to some of my playlists. Would maybe even buy used on vinyl for cheap! 3
Jul 07 2023
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White Denim
I honestly thought this was at the very soonest a 90s album. Right when I saw this came out in 2011 I knew just about exactly what I was in for. A dreamy and stripped down sounding alt-rock album. That was just the popular rock music at the time and I remember it. I think this type of music is largely inoffensive but I normally skip it. This album has some interesting stuff going on though. It's like if Fleet Foxes was louder. Nice driving pace for most of it. The flutes were kinda neato. The slower songs didn't drag too much. Not the worst 2010's rock album I've heard. 3
Jul 10 2023
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Raising Hell
Goddamn this is so cheesy. The samples and beats are great. The back and forth flow between Run and DMC are awesome but its a shame about the things they chose to rap about. Shout out Guitar Hero Aersomith for introducing me to these dudes. 2
Jul 11 2023
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Led Zeppelin IV
Led Zeppelin
Man, what is there to say about IV a.k.a. Led Zeppelin a.k.a. Zoso a.k.a Symbols? I adore this album. It's one of the most important albums for me because it taught me so much about the dark side of music. I remember the first time I heard Stairway backwards and couldn't sleep all night or when When the Levee Breaks first melted my mind. This deserves every accolade it's earned in its lifetime. I can wax poetic about this album but ultimately I's just be retreading well trodden ground. 10
Jul 12 2023
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Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere
Neil Young & Crazy Horse
Better than the last one. Still not for me. Boring at best. 1
Jul 13 2023
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Sonic Youth
Not sure why I was under the impression that these guys were more way more punk like Agent Orange or Dead Kennedys but I was. Turns out they're way more shoegaze/post punk. This style is still not really my thing and even though this album had a little something else, I don't think I'll be listening to this again. 2
Jul 14 2023
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A Date With The Everly Brothers
The Everly Brothers
This has to be one of the most harmless album I've ever heard. It has all the edge of a sphere and as such was kinda boring. There was some interesting production choices when viewed through the lens of the time it came out but today is basic stuff. Not really doing it for me. Nazareth did Love Hurts better anyway.
Jul 17 2023
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Highway to Hell
Highway to Hell is another one of those super nostalgic albums for me. It's probably my favorite AC/DC album.
The hits are still great, but I still find myself drawn to the deeper cuts like "Walk All Over You" and "Touch Too Much". This has some of the best hype up music too. "If You Want Blood (You've Got It)" goes so fucking hard, but everyone knows that. All of these songs, however, always make me think of playing through Halo CE on Legendary. This along with Weezer (s/o Trainwrecks) and the Ram Ones were always in constant rotation on that playlist. The chaos at the very end of the level "Halo" specifically comes to mind when listening to this. I love this album. It has such energy that only AC/DC can truly call their own. It's the musical equivalent of the thrill you get from licking a 9 volt battery. Its rock and fucking roll. 5
Jul 18 2023
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Paul's Boutique
Beastie Boys
These dudes are so fucking annoying. Their whole career seems like a joke that got out of hand.
Jul 19 2023
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Iron Maiden
Iron Maiden
Really groundbreaking and influential stuff here. As one of the seminal bands of the New Wave of British Heavy Metal, Iron Maiden's sounds can be found in every single metal band since this album debuted. Bands such as Metallica's whole mission statement was bringing the NWOBHM sound to the US and we all know how that turned out. Iron Maiden's self-titled debut is far more punk sounding than the galloping, wailing Iron Maiden they eventually become known as. That may be due largely to this album not featuring Iconic singer "Air Raid Siren" Bruce Dickinson's touch. All the past stuff aside this album holds up. It's such a piece of music history that it's hard to dislike it. This album is still influencing bands today. Ghost even recently covered Iron Maiden's version of "Phantom of the Opera" for their Phantomime covers EP earlier this year. It may not be as theatrical as one might expect but it's importance stands tall. 5
Jul 20 2023
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São Paulo Confessions
*Re-downloads Duolingo*
Jul 24 2023
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Abattoir Blues / The Lyre of Orpheus
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
I think I once saw a comment on Reddit recommend this album if you're a fan of Ghost's "Meliora/Popestar" and I remember thinking that was weird. I never really vetted that claim so I'm happy to do so here. And while I don't think it's a perfect recommendation I do see the similarities. The skeletons of the two albums are somewhat alike and they share common themes and ideas but they are ultimately two different albums attempting different things. As far as this album goes I enjoyed it well enough. Too long to justify its length. I'm not sure if I prefer the front half more because I like it more or if I was just burnt out by the end. All things considered I'd listen to a few tracks again. 3
Jul 25 2023
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Neon Bible
Arcade Fire
This was okay. A little on the slow side for me but there a tracks I can see myself playing again on occasion. 2
Jul 26 2023
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Les Rythmes Digitales
Ce n’est un secret pour personne, j’ai tendance à aimer beaucoup la musique française – notamment électronique. Il est normal que la biographie de l'artiste sur Spotify mentionne Daft Punk car je peux absolument le voir. Ce groupe ressemble beaucoup aux Daft Punk de cette époque (Homework, Discovery). Pour moi, c'est comme Green Day et Blink-182 ou Avenged Sevenfold et Atreyu. De vrais contemporains à tous égards. Cela dit, je n'aime pas cette ère de la musique électronique. Il y a de la mélodie mais c'est encore trop house pour moi. Ce n'est pas vraiment destiné à être écouté par un nerd dans sa chambre. Il est destiné à être joué en direct devant des personnes sous MDMA. 3
Jul 27 2023
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Freak Out!
The Mothers Of Invention
This feels like an album that is clearly a joke album teasing doo-wop but at some point someone important took it too seriously and then through a series of comedic events ended up on this list.
Kinda funny and silly. This is the type of experimental that suits me more. Strong sense of melody but also kazoo. 3
Jul 28 2023
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At Newport 1960
Muddy Waters
Was looking for something kind of quiet and thought this would work. It's a pretty good blues album. Nothing particularly mind blowing. The final song was by far the best with its more jazzy feel. 2
Jul 31 2023
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We Are Family
Sister Sledge
Yeah I dig this disco shit. Absolutely adore the rhythm and flow of this album. I've started to notice that a lot of disco - this album included - is about an appreciation of music in general and I love that so much. "Lost in music, caught in a trap, no turning back, lost in music" is a great way to describe the feeling of discovery and why I like this list. It's great living in a time where it's chill to like both Metal and Disco without starting a gang war. 5
Aug 01 2023
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In Utero
I bounce back and forth between this and Nevermind being my top Nirvana album. Each offer different experiences but I'm not sure which experience is preferred. One thing I am sure of though is that it's definitely not Bleach. In Utero, however has a distinctly raw sound compared to their prior two. There's anger and fear which are absolutely palpable. Dave's drumming is more aggressive and it almost seems like the band has more to say this time around. I think of this as Nirvana's "Daisy". It's so angy that it's almost cathartic to listen to. It may not have the starpower that Nevermind does but damn it's just as good. 4.5
Aug 02 2023
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Heaux Tales
Jazmine Sullivan
Hell yeah sister, fight the patriarchy!
Anyway I’ll probably never listen to this again. 2
Aug 03 2023
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Will The Circle Be Unbroken
Nitty Gritty Dirt Band
If not for its length this would be fun. There are a handful of cool tracks and other versions of songs I know. 2
Aug 04 2023
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Cafe Bleu
The Style Council
I liked this a lot. It actually felt like sitting in a smoky jazz club listening to different musicians play and having fun doing it. I think I'll come back to a fair bit of this. 3.5
Aug 07 2023
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Duran Duran
Why do I never hear Rio on the radio? It's always fucking hungry like the wolf. Bullshit. Album's pretty good. 3.
Aug 08 2023
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Catch A Fire
Bob Marley & The Wailers
As I was listening to this I realized that I've ignored Reggae as a genre, which is a shame because I like a lot of what I've heard. This album was nicely varied, which is always a concern going into any album. I like the messages a lot of this album is has to say. I'm looking forward to seeing some of these songs pop up in my playlists. I don't think I'd buy this one on vinyl. 3
Aug 09 2023
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Straight Outta Compton
Straight Outta Compton is an album that I remember liking a lot more. I think coming off of the high of the Straight Outta Compton movie may have influenced that a bit because that movie is absolutely awesome (despite its revisionism). The album itself though is kinda boring with a ton of filler crap. The hits still hit and are as iconic as ever, but man wtf is Something 2 Dance 2 or 8 Ball? An unfortunate 2.5
Aug 10 2023
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Blood On The Tracks
Bob Dylan
This was okay. Easily the most listenable of Dylan’s albums I’ve heard thus far. Kinda bored by the end though. There are definitely songs I’ll listen to again. 2
Aug 11 2023
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Elephant Mountain
The Youngbloods
When it isn't hopelessly trite it's not bad. Kind of a Monkees x Led Zeppelin sound at times. The Uncharted song wasn't bad either. 3
Aug 14 2023
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R.E.M. is a lot like Supertramp to me. I vehemently disliked them both when I was younger but grew to appreciate them. This is actually the first time I've heard an R.E.M album all the way through. Previously I had grown fond of their Greatest Hits album with the moon on the cover. As for Document though I think there are some interesting tracks here especially in the back half. I was getting a little annoyed when 'We Didn't Start the 90s Fire' came on and the album was saved by the Guitar Hero World Tour song. The main thing that struck me was the layering and harmonies. I know R.E.M were a big influence on Brand New and I can really hear it on this one. All in all there are some new songs I've found on this album. I will listen to those and maybe the album again, for sure. 3
Sep 08 2023
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The Doors
The Doors
I still don't super dig The Doors but I once impulse purchased this album for like a quarter. It was beat to fuck. I made myself listen to it only once and it was so roughed up and noisy that I've never put it on my player again. With that said I remember really enjoying it at that time despite the quality. Nevertheless Break On Through is one of the de-facto THUG 2 themes for me, if not the song I associate with the game the most. The End, of course is also notable for its appearance in accordance with the Lost finale. I don't remember if it was actually in the finale or just for the promo but I digress. I enjoyed this album a lot this time around as well. It's probably redundant to say but this is my favorite Doors album. I particularly like the keyboard sound. Very 60s. Pretty sure it's a Hammond or something similar. Classic sound. I also feel like this album has a little more of a blues edge to it than others I've heard which is always nice. I still don't think there's much here for me. At least not a ton that I'll come back to often. Except Break On Through. Censored version though. This "she gets high" business has to go. 2
Sep 11 2023
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The Velvet Underground & Nico
The Velvet Underground
I find this album to be unlistenable. If you have the vinyl the banana is a sticker so that's kinda cool. 0
Sep 12 2023
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Raw Power
The Stooges
Bowie mix or Iggy mix...Bowie mix or Iggy mix...? I chose Iggy mix. As a whole I'm not the worlds biggest Iggy fan. I like the Tony Hawk song and a few tracks off of The Stooges s/t album. So I went into this with middling expectations and I believe that because of that reason I found myself enjoying this a lot more. It still wasn't mind-blowing or earth shattering for me but there was a little something in each song for me to grab onto and enjoy. Except the title track. That was the only one that did nothing for me. Not sure if I'll go out of my way to listen to this again but I probably won't skip any of these songs if they pop up in shuffle or something. 2
Sep 13 2023
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Come Find Yourself
Fun Lovin' Criminals
Oh shit this is rap n roll. Can't say I expected that. This was a surprise to me on basically all fronts. Cool samples, cool guitar, cool hooks. It's funny how the albums I like the most I have the least amount to say. As far as I'm concerned it does everything correctly when it comes to my taste. I will definitely be listening again and probably more from these dudes. 5
Sep 14 2023
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Led Zeppelin III
Led Zeppelin
LZIII has always been my least favorite of the numbered albums. I think it's a little to folksy and quiet as opposed to the heavy bluesy sound from the first two albums. I'm honestly kind of tired of the hits like Immigrant Song or Gallows Pole, but the deeper cuts like Out on the Tiles still rock. A very nostalgic listen for me but still not my fav. 3
Sep 15 2023
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Taylor Swift
Man, T. Swift really solidified herself with this one. Prior to Folklore I really only viewed Taylor Swift as a decent enough Pop star but not much more. Enter Folklore and her reputation changed entirely. Pretentious dicks like me thought 'Yeah this was good but it's probably a one off deal" and then BOOM enter Evermore and she proved the h8ers wrong. I wouldn't go so far as to say that I'm a swiftie but my appreciation and respect for her as a musician and artist changed exponentially after that. I think I like Evermore just a touch more than Folklore - not sure why that is. A really great album that I think will stand the test of time (alongside Folklore)
Sep 25 2023
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Talking Heads 77
Talking Heads
77 features my favorite Talking Heads song: Psycho Killer! I heard that song for the first time during the credits of some shitty horror movie mockumentary that I can never remember the name of. Leslie Vernon maybe? Doesn't matter. Not much of the rest of this album holds up quite as well as Psycho Killer does. It has all of the Talking Heads tropes though which I know Luke hates! Not as catchy as their later work but it's listenable for sure. Psycho Killer earns it one star on its own. So I guess that means 4.
Oct 02 2023
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The Black Saint And The Sinner Lady
Charles Mingus
Wow this was great! It has all of the qualities of Jazz that I enjoy. I'm not sure what those qualities are, yet but basically if it sounds like the Ed, Edd n Eddy soundtrack I'm in! Also this was nice and short. A lot of Jazz albums have an issue with dragging a little and I feel like there wasn't much of that here. It was towing the line between rehearsed and improv really well. 4
Oct 03 2023
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Led Zeppelin
Led Zeppelin
I'm not proud to admit this but when I first heard this in 9th grade I cried. Then I found out it was largely ripped off and I never felt again. Today though I still really enjoy this one. Controversies aside this is a really cool album and when you put it in context of the time it came out, you can totally see how this was one of the albums to create entire genres of hard rock music. A little played out these days which is why it's not higher on my favorites by the band. 4
Oct 10 2023
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I know I've mentioned this album in at least one other review here. I think this may be one of, if not the best debut album a band has released. At least in terms of having a fully fleshed out sound. A lot of bands have great first albums but aren't necessarily indicative of the sound the band becomes known for. Anyway, this album means a lot to me. It was one of the first LPs I ever got. I can't deny that the unique and iconic guitar tone that Boston had a huge influence on my love of guitar now. 'More than a Feeling' and 'Peace of Mind' are two of my all-time favorite songs. This album like many others has been here for me and for that I give it a perfect 5. Don't Look Back and everything after kind of blow tbh
Oct 12 2023
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Chemtrails Over The Country Club
Lana Del Rey
I'm not going to lie, I'm surprised to see this on this list. I don't know one single thing about it other than it DID NOT SELL when I worked at Green Light. Of course that's not necessarily indicative of quality buuuuut...I'll just say I was curious to see why this was on here. Starting sleepy and boring as fuck this might be one of those rare instances where the middle of the album is actually the best. I really started off not caring for Lana's whispery almost inaudible singing but when she chose to let lose I really really liked her voice. I thought this album shone brightest during its biggest moments where the music becomes grandiose and pretty. By about halfway through I was surprisingly bought in. I can't help but notice some similarities to T. Swift's career defining album 'Folklore', which make me think this is a response and attempt to replicate the runaway success of that album. It doesn't quite reach the heights that I think it was striving for but there are little nuggets of really cool stuff buried here. 3
Oct 16 2023
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Cosmo's Factory
Creedence Clearwater Revival
The podcast I listen to says Creedence Clearwater Revival is bad luck. Not risking it. Also it's not 1968 and I'm not in Vietnam so listening to this kind of feels like stolen valor. I refuse to explain further. Going with 3 just because.
Oct 24 2023
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Head Hunters
Herbie Hancock
Head Hunters is widely regarded as a good gateway album into Jazz and I can totally see why. It wasn't my first personally (shout out Weather Report) but the recurring uses of common R&B tropes makes this almost feel like an off-kilter soul album. It has a nice groove and pace to it that a lot of other Jazz albums don't. It's a fusion monolith and it's more than earned its spot. 4
Oct 26 2023
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Q: Are We Not Men? A: We Are Devo
This is the hair metal of punk. It's technically still punk but wtf? This album is okay. I don't feel as though this is Devo's best work, despite it's ICONIC album cover. This also features the rare type of cover that's too different and ruins it. Usually covers are too samey and offer nothing new. As a whole pretty okay. I don't really think I'll find myself listening to this one too much. 2
Dec 06 2023
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Tubular Bells
Mike Oldfield
The Exorcist theme is an hour long? I like it better a 4 minutes. Totally not tubular, bro. Except for the Exorcist part. 2
Dec 11 2023
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Kid A
Alright this is the album that makes me fall in love with Radiohead!
edit: Nope. But it helped honestly. I still don't care for Thom's lyrics or the way he chooses to deliver them but I like his voice. The Instrumentation is where this one stood out to me most. A little repetitive but well constructed. Still not my thing but I've warmed up a little. 2
Dec 25 2023
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This is probably where my opinions of Metallica become confusing for even me. I know this is one of those game changer albums. The kind of album that makes an industry pivot and creates generations upon generations of musicians. I also don't really care for about half of this album. The songs that are memorable are very much so but everything else is especially forgettable. I don't know what to say about this album that hasn't been said. It's not my favorite Metallicka album but it does have some of my favorite singles. I like that I can hear a creative evolution. I can respect a band doing something different and it's cool when it works out. Anyway, not a bad album. 3.5
Jan 02 2024
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Songs From The Big Chair
Tears For Fears
It doesn't get much more 80s than Tears for Fears. Along with Duran Duran, T4F are one of those bands that I heard all the time growing up but never realized it was all the same band. At face value the seem like another whatever 80s pop duo a la WHAM! and they kind of are tbh. A lot of nostalgic and legendary stuff on here, it's a shame they never had many hits beyond this album to my knowledge. 4
Jan 15 2024
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Out Of The Blue
Electric Light Orchestra
We all know how I feel about double albums. This one is one of the only ones that almost breaks that rule. I think Out of the Blue is a rare album that exemplifies absolutely great about a band who are all performing at their absolute peak. Out of the Blue has quite a few of their greatest hits which says a lot about this album's importance in ELO's discography. While I do hold New World Record in slightly higher regard you simply cannot go wrong with (most) of Out of the Blue. 4.5
Jan 22 2024
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Green River
Creedence Clearwater Revival
See Review: #290
To add to that: I also don't like John Fogherty's voice. Their whole sound and vibe I used to like but I feel as though I've outgrown it. 2.5 because sequels are always worse.
Jan 23 2024
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To Pimp A Butterfly
Kendrick Lamar
I'd heard this once before a few years ago and it failed to leave much of an impression at the time. I remember thinking it was weird and almost a joke. Since then I've tried to deepen my understanding of both jazz and rap music and I think that influenced this listen. This time around I really enjoyed the album a lot more. Like most music I like when they get political and there's no shortage of such music on here. Even the songs I would normally not like had such great beats and instrumentals that they are far from un-listenable. I need to give DAMN another listen but I think this is my favorite Kendrick album so far. 4
Jan 24 2024
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Fleet Foxes
Fleet Foxes
lmao I have this shit on vinyl! Kinda surprised to see this here. I discovered this album through "White Winter Hymnal" when I was in, like 6th grade. I absolutely love that song and it's been in my regular rotation ever since. At that time I was sailing the digital seas with my friend Dan Carroll so I had access to the whole album, too, which makes this a nostalgic trip. Normally I find this style of music to be boring and I think if I were to discover this album today I would think so too, but this predates my venture into metal so I hadn't had my shit rocked quite yet. Anyway enough about my nostalgia. The album itself has a nice sound to it that I don't indulge in often enough. I think there's a pop sensibility on this album that the group sort of loses in later albums (yes I keep up). Amazing harmonies and musicianship on display here. Very much enjoyed this re-listen 4
Jan 25 2024
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Sheer Heart Attack
"Sheer Heart Attack is probably my second least favorite of the pre- "The Game" albums behind "Queen II". At least this has more memorable songs. This album feels like Queen's "Green" by Weezer. The last one had no radio hits so they over-corrected on the next release. This does have my favorite Queen song though in "Killer Queen". Not sure what it is about that song. I think it shows a glimpse of what Queen would achieve with "Night at the Opera" and beyond. Plus I feel like most songs rarely mention lasers and I think that's a shame. I never really understood the draw behind "Brighton Rock" tbh. The solo is cool and stuff but idk, it's never particularly blown me away. All in all "Sheer Heart Attack" is another fantastic building block in the sound that would eventually become what Queen is known for and also has a bunch of crap that they wouldn't be. 3.5
Jan 26 2024
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Sweetheart Of The Rodeo
The Byrds
So of course I expected to hate this one. Everything about it almost seems like it's directly trying to be something I dislike, from the name to the album cover. Surprisingly however I really quite liked this. I think it has to do with its abundance of slide guitar and lack of fiddle. Even though it has all of the pieces of the worst kind of country music, it didn't have much of the obligatory twang I've come to expect. Maybe it's because The Byrds are largely a rock group. Idk. Not bad. 3.5
Jan 29 2024
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Songs In The Key Of Life
Stevie Wonder
When I worked at Jimmy John's I went through a Soul/Funk discovery phase and Songs in the Key of Life was front and center. Obviously this has a lot of the well known stuff like Sir Duke and Isn't She Lovely but it also has some really moving and beautiful performances elsewhere too. Saturn makes me yearn for a civilization I doubt we'll ever see and Have a talk with God is a pretty rational look at religion. Double album so it can definitely cut some stuff back but I enjoy the vast majority of this. 3
Feb 08 2024
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Are You Experienced
Jimi Hendrix
Jimi Hendrix was my original guitar hero. In middle school I was a Hendrix superfan but since then, as my tastes have changed, I started finding Hendrix was becoming a little trite to me. Of course, Hendrix and his music is the opposite of trite but I fear history - though he helped make it - has not been kind to his music. I still listen to a lot of the big songs by him but I think a greatest hits album is about all you need. 4 because of importance.
Feb 19 2024
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The Dark Side Of The Moon
Pink Floyd
Top 10 most over rated albums of all time. I've never liked this album. It borders on being an ambient New Age album. Don't understand the attraction. Money and Time are good though... 2.
Mar 12 2024
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The Offspring
Okay so confession time. I've never listened to The Offspring outside of the monster hits. I've always meant to but Dexter's voice reminds me too much of Weird Al, so every time I tried I couldn't shake it and quit. Naturally of course I love Self-Esteem. It's an important part of who I am and is basically a core part of my DNA. So I tried to channel that when listening to this. As I worked my way through it I realized that I just didn't care for it. Everything was there. All of the pieces just how I like them. On paper I should love this but I just didn't. Every song was too similar I can't stand Dexter's voice Weird Al or no. Sucks because I want to like this fucking band. 2.
Apr 05 2024
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My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy
Kanye West
I knew this is often regarded as one of Kanye's best albums but I've always been somewhat hot or cold with ye (public persona notwithstanding). Holy shit what an album. I can absolutely see why this album is as highly regarded as it is. The beats, the samples, the lyrics even, all are incredible. I can hear influences other artists got from this album. I mean, even Nobody by Avenged Sevenfold uses an almost identical arpeggio as Hell of a Life. M Shadows has been very outspoken about ye's influence on LIBAD and now that I'm hearing more by him I can tell. Too bad he's a nazi bitch. 5 for music, 4 because of aforementioned nazi bitchness.
May 07 2024
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In Rainbows
In Rainbows was the first Radiohead album I'd ever heard. I listened to it sometime back in 17' when my buddy Cody showed me a YouTube video of Videotape performed live. He explained to me about how Thom is playing on the offbeat and in the particular video Thom kind of snaps at the audience for clapping and throwing him off. I think he said "earworm". After that I decided it was time for my Radiohead phase which quickly gave way to my Weezer phase. This is probably my favorite Radiohead album that I've heard. It's fairly concise, pretty catchy and not too much. I had this on vinyl at one time but sold it. I've been meaning to pick it back up. 3.5
May 08 2024
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Abbey Road
Paul is dead.
May 27 2024
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Here Come The Warm Jets
Brian Eno
Had a headache and thought this might be nice. It was not what I expected and now everything hurts. I feel betrayed by my expectations. I thought warm jets meant like on a hot tub. Fuck. I'm the opposite of relaxed now. 2
Jun 19 2024
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Bayou Country
Creedence Clearwater Revival
See Reviews: #290, #335
To add: I associate the Bayou with voodoo shit. Bad Juju, you see?
We can thank and/or blame Scooby-Doo for this racist review. 3.5 because of white guilt.
Aug 29 2024
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Slipknot is the coffee of music. It's bitter and disgusting the first time you have it. You wonder why Helen from HR would literally die without it. It's not like her to enjoy things that seem awful so you drink more coffee. Determined to understand wtf all the hubub is about. You add some creamer (Stone Sour) and it helps but it's still making something horrible taste better. Then one day maybe you're in a hurry or there's no creamer available so you just fucking drink the coffee and it clicks. All of the pieces fall into place and you know, right then and there that you have a problem. That's what listening to Slipknot is like. This is album to me is black coffee. Nasty. In a good way though. This album seems to have the most nu-metal influence to it, which they drop emphasis on eventually. The real standout on this album is the unbelievable drumming by the late great Joey Jordison. His play style is pure aggression and it's fucking incredible. Not my favorite Slipknot album but it's got a lot of really great moments throughout that make this a really rewarding album to listen to. 4
Sep 05 2024
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Reign In Blood
It's fast. It's searing. It's only 30 minutes. This album is weirdly enough a very accessible thrash metal album. Catchy and DRAMATIC this album is what metal is about. It also features Rick Rubin as producer and while hit or miss these days was incredibly influential in the hard rock and metal scene in the 80's and as such deserves a shout out. This is an absolute essential for a metal enthusiast. Fuck any metal head that acts too good for stuff like this, bitter little bitches. Anyway 5.
Oct 03 2024
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Michael Jackson
Bad is a classic sequel. It's the same but just a little worse. I love Bad, don't get me wrong but it's no Thriller. It has two to three songs I find myself skipping more often than not. It still has the iconic sounds and melodies that MJ and Quincy Jones are best known for and some of MJ's biggest staples. It may be worse than Thriller but it's still a 5.
Also I didn't know until I went looking for the vinyl a few years back that "Leave Me Alone" was a CD exclusive track...and one of my favorites on the album. :')
Oct 21 2024
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Time Out
The Dave Brubeck Quartet
Nice! I actually just listened to this one again before seeing this. This was another one of the first Jazz albums I listened to. It was recommended to me by a customer at Green Light. He wasn't a huge fan of Fusion Jazz but loves this more understated Jazz. He was (is? Not dead) a big drum nerd and always mentioned the drumming on this record, which is really good and often the star. Obviously Take Five is a huge track and one of my favorite Jazz tunes. I always get the piano riff stuck in my head again the drums stand out most here. I wouldn't blame anyone for thinking this is the epitome of cocktail Jazz, though. It does get a little wibbly and slow at times. Almost sounding like an old Disney soundtrack. Ultimately I do think this is an incredibly accessible jazz record and I do recommend buying it on vinyl. 4
Oct 24 2024
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Fuck Beck.
Oct 28 2024
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Isaac Hayes
"Goddamn it James Taylor! What are you doing singing about prostitutes to the children?" 3
Nov 01 2024
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Get Behind Me Satan
The White Stripes
I've always been pretty hot and cold with Jack White and his musical escapades. I've found that I don't really care for his style of blues-rock (or any blues-rock for that matter) and most of his works have 1 or 2 good tracks a piece. Get Behind Me Satan falls right in line with my opinion and didn't do anything to change it. Blue Orchid and My Doorbell are the only songs I truly enjoy without any sort of rationalizing. 2
Jan 30 2025
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Frampton Comes Alive
Peter Frampton
You know what was a monster? Frampton Comes Alive, 1976. Is there anyone you knew that didn't have that record? I don't think so. BAM. Okay have a good winter. 3
Feb 07 2025
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Axis: Bold As Love
Jimi Hendrix
Lmao. Jimi may be my primary example of music I feel like I grew out of. I used to love everything he made but as I've aged, I recognize that he was a great and revolutionary guitar player, but I've pared the stuff I like back down to a greatest hits album. Back in the day though, Axis was always my least favorite of all of the "Experience" albums. It's too psychedelic for me which is exemplified by the intro song of an alien doing an interview and then beaming up to its ship or something. This album does have one of my favorite Jimi Hendrix songs though, and that's Little Wing. I love the melody and guitar tone of that song so much. I just wish it was longer. Shout out Yellow Ledbetter for basically ripping it off wholesale. Pearl Jam is lame except for that one album. As a whole I think AXIS is pretty boring and aimless. Particularly compared to the other two Experience albums. 3
Feb 10 2025
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The United States Of America
The United States Of America
Oh man I thought this was the PRESIDENTS of the United States of America. My disappointment is immeasurable and this album shall suffer my wrath. 1