Peter Gabrielthis album answers the question: what if phil collins was good?
this album answers the question: what if phil collins was good?
not shot these mf actually made this in 1973
i mean it’s fine but i don’t know why it’s on this list
with such a cool album title i was ready for some cool music. i did not get it. not bad by any means but very fine
i went into this album thinking that i didn’t like nirvana. i came out of this album only liking one song, which was a david bowie cover. just not my thing
i went into this album thinking that i didn’t like nirvana. i came out of this album only liking one song, which was a david bowie cover. just not my thing
i went into this album knowing absolutely nothing about REM but i enjoyed a lot of it!!
overall not my favorite style but Father and Son is an all time banger so that adds a star.
i am ashamed that it took me this long to listen to this album but it was very good. will need at least another listen
reminded me of the monkees just without that monkees spark
absolutely incredible. i had never heard of this man before last night but i liked almost every song on the album. the first album that i listened to here that made me search out more of the artist’s music
kinda weird, i bet they love cabaret
i mean it was good but a lot of the songs from that era sound very similar and you can only listen for so long.
i don’t love the AC/DC vocals but i mean this album is one of the most sold albums all time for a reason
it wasn’t bad, i just wouldn’t sit down and listen to techno
after the first minute of the album i thought i was gonna hate it but i didn’t! i think the vocals are the weakest part of this album and sometimes take away from some super cool things happening musically.
i mean it was okay, most songs would have been much better if it wasn’t cyndi lauper singing 😬
i mean this is one of 1001 albums to listen to before you die? really?
like it was good, it just wasn’t anything special in my opinion
fun album! sleigh ride lowkey was the easy best
probably as close as an album can get to 5 stars before reaching it. will listen to more at some point
i expected him to have a MUCH worse voice. overall pretty good
it was ok. he’s done much better stuff. it sounds like he got more personal in this album and unfortunately that didn’t translate well to good music
i didn’t love any specific songs but i can 100% see myself putting this album on in the car
i always thought of myself as a fleetwood mac hater because i don’t love stevie nicks’ voice but this wasn’t bad!
i think if bruce never sang in his raspy voice i would like his music much more
i mean i had fun with this album while i cleaned my room, it’s just not my favorite style.
i mean…. it was ok
not my cup of tea, couple listenable songs but not very good overall
it took a couple songs for me to get into it but i actually really enjoyed most of this album
they like to do this thing where they get a tight, quick groove going and then immediately stop it and slow it down for a vocal line. overall i expected it to be worse!!
outstanding. frank sinatra will always hit
simply put, i did not enjoy listening to this album at all.
there wasn’t many songs that i’d listen to on their own, but the album as one long project is very good
a couple complete bangers but just as many, if not more, tough listens
weird album, pretty good though
weird album filled with weird, mostly bad songs. love you is a banger though, wish it had a vacuum solo.
absolute banger tbh
actually a really fun album!! went in with low expectations but enjoyed a lot of the songs
i had never heard of elliot smith going into this which i thought was odd since this album came out in 2000. while listening i thought about how he gives off the vibe as an artist that died young and i was right. very good album though. some classic singer/songwriter type songs but then some that are almost pink floyd esque which was super cool!!
overall ok with a couple good songs. very listenable though!!
listening to the first song i thought i was going to LOVE this album but i didn’t. still good though!
some really good songs and a nice listen overall
not my cup of tea but i understand how people could like it
this was really disappointing i thought i was going to love this album but i didn’t even like it. just very boring to me and nothing real special about it
i had never heard of this band before but this album was super good!! will definitely be listening to some of the songs a lot more
i’ve never been the biggest beatles fan and this didn’t make me into one, but i was pleasantly surprised. not some of their best but some good songs on here
i mean it was fine, nothing really stood out though.
kinda weird but overall good! there were a couple songs where i liked parts but didn’t like the whole thing. some really cool horn parts
a little bit boring at times but overall really good
i went into this album thinking i didn’t like the blues and i came out of this album knowing i didn’t like the blues
pretty good!! kinda a mumford and sons/avett brothers/lumineers vibe
this album is so goddamn cool. unfortunately that doesn’t lead to all the songs being good but there are some good ones in there. very very cool overall though
i listened to an elliott smith album a little while ago in my 1001 album journey and loved it. i ended up listening to this album because i liked the other one so much so this was the first album here that i had already listened to!!! it’s highs aren’t as high as figure 8 but i think it’s better overall
kinda weird and out there at times but i generally enjoyed it.
a very interesting album, half rap half kind of spoken word over music. i can’t say i really enjoyed it but it also wasn’t bad
what a metal album should be
it’s not specifically bad but there’s just nothing really special about it. i actually liked a lot of the songs too but again it wasn’t anything special ig
a couple good songs and you can’t help but respect the sheer scope of the whole record but most of it just isn’t my cup of tea
wow. wow wow wow. i put on this album without knowing it was a film score and only realized it a couple songs in. it’s hauntingly beautiful. i can’t wait to watch the movie now. this album will stay with me.
not good not bad
pretty cool/out there techno album. i liked the orchestral stuff they threw in every once in a while
fine, nothing more nothing less
pretty forgettable but i liked the last couple songs
another just kinda bland cool album. good songs but nothing special about it. wouldn’t surprise me if this was revolutionary for it’s time though
very cool with the venturing into new and weird styles
i never would have even conceived that this was an album if not for this site which i think is really cool. it’s definitely not something i would listen to and i’m not even sure what it was. was it just a normal album or was it like a bollywood movie score? i wouldn’t be surprised if it was either.
pretty interesting
with an name like Oedipus Shmoedipus this album had high standards to live up to and it did it so well. absolutely crazy from start to finish. from truly uncomfortable techno/spoken word to melancholic piano led orchestral arrangements. crazy. so good
started off so strong with the weird long rock/orchestral song but then the rest of the album was just metal in french and I wasn't really a fan.
not shot these mf actually made this in 1973
better than the first radio head album i listened to!
generally speaking i don’t love old school rap but this wasn’t bad!!
after the first couple songs i thought i was gonna hate it but i didn’t, there were a couple good listens
some of the music was cool but i didn’t love the voice and don’t speak the language so it didn’t do much for me
i didn’t love a lot of the songs on this album but it was so different from the other 2 byrds albums it makes it so much better
this was kinda just a polished version of what i assume Car Seat Headrest sounds like
really fucking good
really weird album. like 1/3 english, 1/3, instrumental, and 1/3 hindi. not really my thing
i mean it was better than elephant…
holy fuck easily the worst album i’ve listened to yet
overall very OK but 1 good song and i liked the spacey ending
i had no idea what type of music i was going into here but there were some absolute bangers
not a bad song on the whole album with some absolute bangers sprinkled in.
i was looking forward to this album but it just wasn’t really my thing. not bad though
this album shined when the lead singer wasn’t singing. and it was pretty damn good when he wasn’t
sounded like 1992
i mean it’s classic led zeppelin of course it’s gonna be good. rush still clears though
it’s a 53 minute album with only 4 songs on it, it’s bound to be pretty cool.
not totally my type of music but some good stuff
good vibes, okay songs
like it’s obviously not bad music in my personal opinion, it is just a little bit more dated than most other people seem to find it
not too shabby
big and fun!!
a bit too british for me. not outwardly awful though
simply a great album all the way through. heard some gorillaz in there every now and then. will definitely seek out more stuff by Michael Kiwanuka
i mean i’m sure it’s good for what it is but it’s a 2 hour long techno album. i’m not gonna enjoy just sitting down listening to it
it was ok, some songs had a rush-y vibe which was cool
no bad songs but no stand out good songs really either. i feel like this would be a good album to play at a dinner party
really good and cool with the mix of genres
eh it wasn’t bad but it wasn’t really especially good or anything.
good rock album through and through and a couple stand outs
something i’ve learned from listening to a bunch of new albums is that i don’t love techno. this album is no different but it’s a little better than the other ones i’ve heard so far
this album is a wonderfully fantastical journey of musical. it made me think of what an album written by kurt vonnegut would sound like. heavy recommend
eh not really my thing
overall pretty enjoyable listen but there weren’t any great songs or anything really special
i don’t love Zappa’s stuff when he’s singing but this album is mostly instrumental so i liked it a lot!!
i didn’t love her voice and that brought some pretty good songs down to okay songs which was unfortunate.
i mean it was fine as kind of background music while doing my homework but a lot of it sounded very similar. probably due to my not knowing the language though
it was kind of like primus with worse singing and worse music. very difficult listen.
Cinna funky as hell goddamn
pretty generic sounding for the 60s but that’s not a bad thing! very evident that it was made with a lot of heart too which was cool to listen to
I think disco MJ is my favorite MJ
reggae isn’t bad at a very specific time and place, usually at the beach. it is not very good sitting in a college dorm doing linear algebra work
everybody wants to rule the world is an all-time banger but i wasn’t expecting the rest of this album to be so good
it was a fine album and a nice listen but nothing stood out as something that i would want to listen to again
took me a couple songs to get into it but i liked a good amount of the second half. the only thing i knew about The Who before this was baba oreilly and this definitely wasn’t that
didn’t love it overall but some of the calmer ballads were good
bruce always hits can’t even lie
hot damn these cats were cooking!! my favorite part was when the audience started to riot
kinda gave me the vibes of a tone downed springsteen album. unfortunately i think a lot of the songs would have been much better with a different singer and different arrangements
pretty good!
i truly believe that Tom Sawyer, Red Barchetta, YYZ, and Limelight is one of, if not THE, best 4 song run in any album ever.
i never gave much to say about these 90s rap albums. most of them have a couple good songs and overall good listens
i really have no thoughts about this album. it was pretty good but i have already forgotten it
eh not awful but i just don’t like heavy metal
very bri-ish
heads will roll is an all time banger and the rest of the album is pretty good too
a couple good songs, a couple bad songs, and a lot of okay songs. i didn’t like when everything was super distorted
a lot of the songs sounded very Sparks-y but not in a bad way. definitely didn’t sound like it was made in 1974
this album has NO business being on this list but there were a couple catchy songs
extremely randy newman sounding, wasn’t expecting the slurs
some cool, catchy songs. this is one of those albums i never would have listened to if not for this site
thoroughly enjoyable listen. my favorite songs were the more classic big band jazz numbers but every song was pretty good
i listened to this album ≈ a year ago and truly didn’t like it at all but i mostly enjoyed it today. interesting how that happens, i wonder if it’s partly due to this website/project
overall fun dance album with some different, interesting electronic songs at the end. fun to run to
pretty confident in saying that this is my favorite rap album i’ve ever listened to
cool folksy-psychedelic album
a little bit boring if i’m being honest but that long instrumental at the end was kinda cool
the music was good the voice was just annoying at times, very scratchy
they have a sound and they stick to it. it’s not a bad sound though so the album works. my favorite song (This Is The House) was the one that strayed from the sound a little bit though, very bass led and cool horns
pretty damn close to a 5 star album. didn’t love the second half as much as the first which is why it’s a 4. through this website and this guy and elliott smith i’ve learned to appreciate the slower, male solo work more
i am glad that music like this exists and people like it but i did not
after the first track - bathtub - i was nervous but it was enjoyable overall
each song starts with about ≈5 seconds of interesting instrumental and then immediately gets ruined by gollum screaming over it. easily one of the worst albums i’ve listened to
solid pop album through and through with one REALLY good song (Till Death Do Us Part)
enjoyable and important album
obviously very good but nothing stood out so a solid 4
fucking love old big band music
kind of dull at times but much more interesting than i was expecting it to be
not very good but easily better than any of the white stripes albums i’ve heard
we got the beat is pretty close to an all time banger. there were a couple songs that kind of gave Blondie vibes.
i feel like the early Aquabats loved this shit
this album answers the question: what if phil collins was good?
jump is obviously an all time banger and the rest of the album is pretty much as good
fine! Where is my Mind got big on tik tok for good reason.
didn’t like his voice which made it not great overall. the vibe was there though
way better than i was expecting it to be given the name of the band
pretty good but nothing special
some not great songs but also some genuine bangers
2 out of the best 1001 albums of all time are by the pixies??? ok sure
idk what i’m not hearing that everyone else is but i just can’t get on board with Nirvana.
when i saw that i was going to listen to a Moby album i assumed it was all going to be techno. it ended up being basically everything but straight up techno. some very very good songs
good but, as with most of the older rap i’ve gotten on here, nothing special
everything about it. the songs. the commentary. the story. amazing
pretty cool!
i’m a sucker for these nostalgia ridden albums. bittersweet symphony is close to an all time banger lowkey
it was fine. i feel like she uses a little vibrato literally all the time which is annoying. i bet molly tuttle is a big dolly parton fan
really cool instrumentals throughout but i didn’t love her voice
this was i think the third nirvana album i’ve listened to and it’s definitely the best. i didn’t really like the other two at all but this one had some redeeming qualities.
couldn’t follow the story but starman is an all time banger
pretty cool, not sure it deserved to be on this list. highlight was definitely the 16 minute drum solo
to be honest this was a really boring album. nothing really special about it and pretty dated sounding for only coming out in 1998
as good as you would think
the entire album is just this guy jack elliot doing smothers brothers-esque songs until Dink’s Song which is a slow, big band jazz song with a female singer. i don’t know why
really good. i hope there’s more albums like this on here
pretty cool! kind of a range of genres
i can’t say that i liked it but i definitely liked it more than i thought i would. every once in a while a little primus would shine through, especially on 6” Gold Blade, which was cool
as good as everyone says
I had listened to The Suburbs on a recommendation before listening to this and really liked it so i was hopeful. it’s definitely not as good but there are some really great moments, the best of which comes at the end of Crown of Love with the switch from 6/8 to disco 4/4
i mean similar to the other old school rap albums i’ve heard on here, good but nothing super special. i guess i’d never actually heard 2Pac before but i wasn’t expecting his voice to be that low?
extremely good album. stand out bass and piano playing. really cool use of the flute as well. truly a shame it’s not on spotify because i would definitely revisit some tracks
Roundabout is an all time banger and the rest of the album is pretty good too. I wish i liked the vocals as much as Rush
can’t say i liked it but i liked it WAY more than i was expecting to following the first track
Joni Mitchell WISHES she could be Dusty Springfield. very pleasant listen
i understand that this is literally one of the most important albums of all time. and for that i am glad that i listened to it. but there are very few songs on here that i thought were good enough to listen to again. i just don’t get why it’s thought of as being so good. Here Comes the Sun is an all time banger though
overstayed it’s welcome a bit but overall average to good songs!
pretty good. no standouts besides the first instrumental. cool for an album like this to even have instrumental tracks
it’s a talking heads album of course it’s gonna be good
crazy how this is literally way better than Abbey Road
not bad, thought it was gonna be more grungey and glad it wasn’t! the singer sounds like the guy from Blues Traveler
one of the view albums on this list that i had listened to before. i rated it a 9/10 last time and i’d probably go with a 9.5 this time. crazy consistency with some all time bangers
i love when they have film scores on this list. this one was exceptionally funky
idek what type of music this was. maybe experimental techno? idk not my thing
the fact that this isn’t even thought of as their best album just shows how incredible Pink Floyd really is
every other song on this album is 8+ minutes long and super cool. the other songs were fine, not bad by any means
idk nothing special tbh
idk not great, a couple okay songs but really not my thing
pretty weird album to be honest. kind of a mix between prog rock and pop. prog pop if you will
the best songs were the ones with no effects on the vocals, unfortunately there were only like 2 of those.
maybe it’s just because the album cover kinda looks like that girl with her hat but this album feels like it could exist in the original 1982 Blade Runner world. obviously not in the story we see but i feel like it could exist in a lighter story set in the same universe. idk
an extremely cool album. sounds pretty timeless too
a thoroughly exhausting album to listen to. depressing song after depressing song and most of them not even very good. the reason i’m giving it a 3 star rating is because i have to appreciate making a 3 hour long album of 69 love songs. every once in a while there’s a really good song too which made it kinda seem like a needle in a haystack type thing. definitely interesting how the vast majority of songs are on the sad side. but that’s what love is. right? for every happy ending, there are 50 sad endings. idk i have complicated feelings on love as a whole which made this album even more interesting to listen to.
better than i was expecting! overall what i imagined the smashing pumpkins to sound like but some good songs in there
kind of sounds like if you combined The Monkees, Simon, Garfunkel, and Bob Dylan
holy shit this entire album just sounded like a parody making fun of british rap. absolutely terrible. the only okay song was Dry Your Eyes because at least that one had a singing chorus. i’m not anti-rap by any means but apparently i’m anti british rap
no stand out songs but a good album through and through
I’m Not Your Stepping Stone always sounded a little out of place in the Monkees discography but i never thought about how it could be a cover. cool to hear the original
i bet Kat Stratford loved this album
idk it’s fine. i think after playing 2 (3?) al green songs in jazz band this year i’m a little fatigued. it’s also just kinda bland
first couple songs were okay but i got into it. kind of Charge! aquabats vibes
when it comes to any sort of art there are two type of weird: good weird and bad weird. this album was a fat chunk of good weird with some bad thrown in for good measure. i bet les claypool likes this album
we need more of this weird shit on here!!! mostly good, some got a little out there for me but overall a great listen.
i mean yeah as good as everyone says it is
Good! didn’t know anything about U2 music wise but it was pleasantly good!
idk fine i guess. i’ll never think about this album again
this was good! bass was probably the MVP of the album. probably won’t revisit any tracks though
there are some bits where he settles into a melody for 2/3 minutes at a time and it’s some of the best music out there
this was weird but not too weird. also it was the good weird
some cool ideas music wise. nothing special overall though
i feel like this was a weird album to be on the list. it’s not bad my any means and i liked the baritone sax usage but who sees a list of 1000 important albums and thinks that the 2013 Bowie album deserves a spot?
liked it more than i expected to!
fine, a good car listen
i assumed that i didn’t like Björk and this album unfortunately confirmed my theory
banger after banger
really fucking good debut album
this is such a weird album. one of the best songs of all time, a bunch of slow acoustic songs, a song from the POV of an incel, a song about a guy literally in a war, Babylon??
great listen. i didn’t know eruption like wasn’t an actual song though
this was really good. the beat changes and her ability to nail the vocal switches over them were SO good
this entire album was just me not liking the songs at the beginning but then coming around at the end. not his best but still very good
this might have been the first 90s rap album on here that i liked more than just it being good! a couple really good songs and overall enjoyable album
extremely good! can hear the energy the whole time
super cool. some songs gave the same vibe as a slow Springsteen song
as a piece of art this album is definitely a 5/5. but as music it’s like a 2. i just don’t like his voice and it’s hard to get around that. so i’m gonna give it a 4 but i will basically never listen to any of these songs again
crazy how much better this is than Abbey Road
whenever i think Earth, Wind & Fire i think disco. and they are pretty great at disco but they’re more than that too as this album shows. very good
a times a chore to get through. just not my thing. Think (Let Tomorrow Be) was pretty good
not bad. a little boring but that’s to be expected with these guys
i don’t love queen but they are always a good time
extremely tiresome. picked up halfway through with the addition of the full band but man 90 minutes of Bob Dylan is just not the vibe
idk what it is about 90s rap that just doesn’t do it for me. maybe the beats? it was a good listen but just good nothing special. gangsta’s fairy tale 2 was very funny
there are some flashes of greatness, the middle of CYHNK and the end of Moonlight Mile. when they got kinda psychedelic and out there. wish they leaned more into it
i mean it’s an hour long techno album it’s gonna get a little boring. the last 2 songs were my favorites though so definitely worth the listen!
one thing that i wasn’t expecting from this album was a 9 minute song but i’m so glad it was here. a couple standouts and no bad songs
vibes absolutely off the chart. production made everything sound so smooth it was crazy
there were some bright spots but they were few and far between. a lot of songs that i really had to force myself to listen through
music was good but vocals were just annoying
fine. not really anything special overall. My Mind Spray was the one stand out song
for their most famous song being on this album it’s pretty weird
easily one of the best albums i’ve listened to from this website. makes you feel like the main character in 2000s coming of age movie. bits of Sufjan Stevens, Gorillaz, Arcade Fire, and The Aquabats all coming together wonderfully
really just a group of guys jamming for 35 minutes. goes hard
with such a cool album title i was ready for some cool music. i did not get it. not bad by any means but very fine
Beach House is great at creating these atmospheric songs. i feel like the album is best listened to on a dark, rainy day. it is neither dark nor rainy today but it was still a great listen
i basically have the same sentiments for all 90s/early 2000s rap albums i get on here. they’re fine. not bad by any means but really never anything special. rather just listen to TPAB again
idk why but i thought christina aguilera was a pop artist. it was good but nothing really special. a little long
the only thing i know about U2 is that their album was preloaded on the first iphone or something like that. this was pretty good though!
Beyoncé is obviously one of the biggest artists right now, maybe ever. i never completely understood why she was SO big though and this didn’t really clear anything up. obviously not bad at all but it really wasn’t anything special. i think i might have even liked the remixes at the end better than the original songs
really fun album. great energy all the way through
music that i didn’t really love and lyrics in a language i don’t really understand. not my thing
better than i was expecting having only heard 505!!
i feel like i never love all the songs on Arcade Fire albums but i always really like the album as a whole
this is a CRAZY entry to this list. an 80 minute instrumental album where the main focus is bongos. it goes so hard though
i actually liked this album way more than Licensed to Ill. the instrumental tracks were a surprise but i enjoyed them more than i would have expected to
pretty much what you expect it to be. enjoyable listen though!
i mean it’s a classic for a reason. multiple great songs
Karma Chameleon is an all time banger and the rest of the songs held up pretty well too
thought i was gonna like it more than i did unfortunately. a couple good songs though, purple rain as a song is kinda overrated IMO
if the entire album was like the last 4 minutes of Black Screen it would have been a way better album.
not bad as background music but i bet i will never listen to think about this album ever again
lowkey really good gym album. there weren’t any big stand out songs but just really solid all the way through
not bad by any means but i think violator was definitely better
really and truly liked this album. it was just on the verge of being too punk/grunge but they really delve deeper into rock than their name/lyrics would imply
pretty cool as expected. thought i was gonna like it a little bit more but still very good
good overall and a couple stand outs
if Eminem’s voice wasn’t so goddamn annoying i think i’d actually be a big fan
probably the best GD studio album. an absolute classic
pretty good. sometimes has a less harsh primus vibe
really good vibes throughout tbh. some fresh prince theme-esque rapping but not really a bad thing.
pretty cool dance album overall and obviously Groove is in the Heart is an all time banger
exceptional. probably as close as an album can get to 5 stars without reaching it
some iconic songs but radiohead is simply never the vibe.
a 36 minute long jazz album consisting of 2 18 minute songs is bound to be good but the second song was really cool in it’s own right
not my type of music but there were some pretty good songs. i liked the incorporation of the harmonica added a cool layer
funky as hell. also gave us an absolute banger of a kendrick song so pretty good album overall
some good songs and some truly awful songs. 3 stars
really fucking good. i figured i’d like steely dan but i’d never got around to listening until now
some pretty cool things in here!
wow who could’ve guessed: a bland 90s rap album! it was fine like most of the others but it was so long that i’m knocking it down a star
better than i was expecting. i generally liked her voice
nothing to write home about but nothing outwardly terrible. more bands should throw in a 10+ minute song into a 35 minute album
these guys always bring the vibes
big chill and rainy day vibes. kind of like the non-jazz side of john martyn. most songs were 4 stars but a couple were lesser so entire album gets 3
eh. not awful but will never revisit
idk fine. nothing stand out
no stand out tracks (besides maybe Chi-City) but an outstanding full album. great instrumentals + super consistent Common + kanye in one of his peaks just made an amazing piece of art
to be honest, pretty cool and interesting dance album
some boring, almost bad songs. but some interesting ideas too
really good. rainy day vibes a lot of the time but great songs through and through.
obviously not bad songs but i just don’t think i love stevie wonder. i did like Blame it on the Sun though
interesting album, hard to describe but pretty consistent
unfortunately the first song on this album is so good that the rest almost pales in comparison. if you take out that first one though still a solid album. easy 4
i obviously just don’t like radiohead but i just don’t get it.
this is really a tough album to rate because it’s mostly a 2 but there are some glimpses of 3 and even 4 in there. some blondie vibes every now and then get it to the 3 i think
pretty bland to be honest. never outwardly bad though
not great but it was cool every once in a while so a low three makes sense
truly incredible album. at the first track i thought it was just gonna be another average british kinda alt rock album but it was so much more. very cinematic at times in the best ways.
some more interesting instrumentals on this one but radiohead loves to put just awful songs on their albums
paul simon albums are better than simon and garfunkel because he just sings about fucking whatever here. also more energy
the My Generation alone makes this album great. everything else just adds to it
i knew that i had heard the name TV On The Radio before but i couldn’t place where. turns out, as i found listening to this album, that this band is the original artist for Golden Age, one of the best covers Phish does. outside of that still a really cool album too. kinda a mix of arcade fire, flaming lips, and gorillaz
pretty damn close to a 5. objectively might be, just didn’t have that indescribable factor for me
i was excited when i pulled this album up because i recognized the cover and knew it was supposed to be good. i was let down, it was fine but really nothing special at all
just not my type of music
it was fine but wholly uninteresting besides some out-there lyrics
i feel like Meat Loaf is kind of thought of as a joke-y artist but this was really good. big and cinematic and crazy. a lot of christmas vibes for some reason and some springsteen vibes
first half was fine but the second half was actually really cool. kind of zappa-esque at times
lowkey a great album to do homework to
i can like and appreciate some techno but this just did not do anything for me
not my favorite genre but generally enjoyable all the way through
generally solid electronic pop album
i was on the verge of 4 and 5 for a while but the last song cemented the 5 star rating. great album for running and exploring in the woods. singer kinda has a bob dylan thing going on but it worked
i mean it’s thriller. genius through and through
pretty good, no standouts but super consistent throughout
i mean it’s interesting but it just doesn’t sound good
musically fine but my god was it boring.
great vibes
unfortunately when it comes down to it i just don’t think i like prince very much. wish it leaned into his guitar abilities more. not ever bad though
damon albarn has a very distinct voice so obviously this was gonna sound a little gorillaz-y at points. i love gorillaz though so it’s great! very nice fall listen
better than Abbey Road not as good as Rubber Soul. at least it was generally interesting and A Day In The Life is a great song
scary, sad, horror movie vibes but that was lowkey exactly what i was looking for so it worked out
cool and cinematic at times but pretty bland at other times
i think i liked Murmur better overall but this was a generally good album
blondie vibes, nothing jumped out but enjoyable throughout!
some interesting bits here and there but on the whole just didn’t enjoy most of this
enjoyed this way more than i thought i was going to. most songs weren’t able to be listened to on spotify so i had to listen on youtube and that’s never a great start. cool monkees-esque vibes throughout though.
a little bit weird and a lot bit good. maybe bowie at his peak here
if i was rating this as a piece of art it would be a 5/5. unfortunately i’m rating it as music so we only got 3/5. i know the who can be much better musically so the artistic weirdness unfortunately can’t overcome the lack of musicality
kind of coldplay vibes. nothing bad and sometimes good but nothing super special
obviously 2112 the song is a masterpiece and i remembered really liking Passage to Bangkok and The Twilight Zone but i was curious how the rest of the album was going to hold up. it held up amazingly. some great ballads and classic rock to end the album
some cool instrumentals but those were the best parts. never glaringly bad though so probably a low 3
a super cool, lowkey techno album that was great to do homework to
very big Blue by Joni Mitchell vibes. i hate that album
i thought i was going to like it a little bit more than i did. i’ve heard about The Band in conversation with other musical interests of mine for a while but this wasn’t anything spectacular
super enjoyable! kind of beastie boys vibes at times which makes sense
super enjoyable listen throughout. some monkees vibes at times. loved the sudden vibe switch with Wooden Ships (probably the best song on the album)
solid, quick album. i’ll probably never revisit but it’s albums like this that i’m so glad i’m doing this project. i NEVER would have heard this
i judged this book by it’s cover and thought it was gonna be another bad grunge/punk album. thankfully it wasn’t! it was a super solid rock album through and through
it got dull for the last ≈ 20 minutes but still a solid album. no songs that i “liked” on spotify but i would say that i liked the album on the whole. a low 4
based on the album cover and first minute of the album i thought i was gonna HATE it. i didn’t enjoy most of it but the music was more prominent than the screaming and the last song was a 12 minute long percussion jam so it gets points there
weird! started bad weird but once you got used to it it becomes good weird
i mean it’s not on the level of MBDTF but old Kanye was a force to be reckoned with
eh. nothing great nothing bad. just dull, will never think about it again
vibes off the chart. kinda a crazy album to listen to in the gym but it hit
it could have been way worse. i liked the more experimental route it took now and then. still can’t say i enjoyed much of it, just tolerated is. a high 2
i said this last time but i just don’t really like Stevie Wonder. nothing bad at all just doesn’t hit me for whatever reason
vibes through the ROOF
its reputation speaks for itself
i didn’t expect to dislike this album but i didn’t expect to like it as much as i did. a couple really good songs and very solid throughout. probably a low 4
short and sweet. nothing mind blowing but nothing bad. American Girl easy stand out. high 3
not a big blues guy but You Don’t Love Me, Elizabeth Reed, and Whipping Post easily make this a 4 star album
fine, pretty bland in my opinion. nothing bad
didn’t love it at first, was a fine album for homework but nothing special. the last 4 songs (really the 3 before the last one) were exceptional and easily make this a 4 star album. will revisit
the way that i listen to music doesn’t lend itself well to Dylan. his mastery comes in the lyrics and i just don’t really listen to lyrics in music. he has a catchy song every once in a while though
it’s no Close to the Edge but it’s still Yes at some of their best
super cool, chill kind of pop album. worked great for background music during homework but no songs stood out to me
nowhere near as good as Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots. this really wasn’t that good at all.
this was the 3rd of the 4 big Pink Floyd albums that i got from this site (including animals). it makes sense why some people consider them the best band of all time.
id be comfortable saying this was my favorite Stevie Wonder album so far. a couple good songs and only a couple not great ones. super high 3
pretty incredible tbh. funny and catchy and silly and weird and everything you want The Kinks to be
really cool. never would have heard or listened if not for this site!
just some classic, great jazz. simple as that
i wasn’t even a thought in the 80s but i feel like this was super 80s. not take on me, cindy lauper, synth 80s though, a “cooler” 80s music. and yet this album came out in 1995 so who really knows. it was good though! not groundbreaking but interesting songs with some cool stories
super solid album. a couple really good songs and cool guitar lines throughout.
just super bland. it’s only a 36 minute album but i found myself just waiting for it to end. the rock songs were better than the blues but can’t say i loved any of it
crazy how this is like half normal good Bowie stuff and half super cool weird ambient music
i mean it’s called Ambient 1 so you know what you’re in for. and it’s cool for a little while and then about 25 minutes in it becomes boring. nothing much you can do i don’t think
the vibes were definitely there, they just aren’t the vibes for a cold december night. i’d enjoy the fuck out of this album at the beach in the summer though
i thought this was going to be something special. and i kept waiting for it to become that. and it never did. not bad by any means but i thought this was a classic and i didn’t get that sense while listening.
definitely not as bad i was anticipating. much more interesting instrumentals than normal. i think a big reason why i don’t like radiohead is the whiny singing and a heavily instrumental album fixes that! still nothing crazy special though
had absolutely 0 expectations going into this album. had never heard of Super Furry Animals but it was a great listen. no bad songs and a lot of really good ones. the vibes were all over the place but in a good and purposeful way
i’ve known about Santana for a while, being on the outskirts of the jam band scene, but this is the first time i’ve sat down and actually listened to them. very cool
it was pretty good overall, the full band songs much better than the simpler stuff. just got boring about 30 minutes in and then had to kind of slog through the last 20 minutes
pretty good all the way through. the second to last song i didn’t like at all but that was the only one. good vibes and i love when an album is just a bunch of songs each telling its own story. i hope to make an album like that one day
The Talking Heads love making generally fine albums with a couple absolute bangers on them forcing me to give it 4 stars every time
definitely stands out against the other older rap albums on this list. never bad
pretty fine overall, the alien techno song was definitely the best
no songs stood out for me but it was a very good listen overall
way cooler than i thought it would be
it’s very good but i was a little disappointed because i expected it to be near perfect with its reputation. that’s my fault though and it’s still a great album
crazy song to start the album with. after the first 2 i thought it was going to be a 5 star but the rest weren’t as good. except for the last one. still super good though
some cool stuff here and there but overall very okay. low 3
i liked Back in Black a lot so i was excited going into this but it just didn’t hit the same. not bad at all just nothing stood out. obviously Highway to Hell (the song) is a classic but i’ve never loved it either
big and cinematic, generally cool
way cooler than i thought it would be. super catchy at times
it’s a good thing Reznor and Ross got into movie scoring because this shit SUCKED. 2 stars because at least it was cool at times
cool as fuck
it’s obviously not musically empty but it felt a little bland at times. generally enjoyed my time with it. the stand out was Three Days
this was probably the smallest band on this list, less than 1500 monthly listeners, so an odd choice seemingly. they were fine, just not my favorite genre overall
eh just not my thing. some cool ideas musically but didn’t like the singing. i know this is an important band and album and can respect that, just don’t like this type of music
very cool, maybe the best 90s rap album from this list so far. unfortunately a couple songs were unable to be listened to on spotify which sucks
the fact that this was recorded just a couple years before he died is crazy. super great album through and through. extremely high 4
really torn between 3 and 4. i’d probably never turn on the smiths but i also wouldn’t turn them off. i think a low 4 makes the most sense because it is a very solid album. i just don’t like his voice
a tough album to rate. it falls into the Bob Dylan pit trap. super cool when it’s the full band but pretty boring when it’s just him and guitar. 4 if it was full electric the whole time
way cooler than i originally thought it would be. probably a high 3 but definitely flirting with 4
now this is what i’m talking about. right up my alley. jammy and cool and weird. like king gizzard mixed with yes and king crimson. so good
way better than i thought it was going to be!! i obviously recognized some of the big ones from this album but never sat down and listened to Green Day. definitely pleasantly surprised - junk enough pop in their grunge to be listenable
rock lobster is 7 minutes long???? idk sounded like a B-52s album
banging all the way through
i mean it’s huge for a reason. no bad songs - just not the type of stuff i listen to normally.
Garbage by Garbage. didn’t have high expectations, thought it was gonna be grunge or super heavy punk. but it was more in the vain of lighter riot grlll and was actually really good. not sure if it was a low 4 or a high 3 - think i’ll go 3 for safety
starting us off with an all time banger in Baba O’Reilly and then really good all the way through
good just not really the stuff i listen to
incredible all the way through. hints of king gizzard, fun., the monkees - but still pretty distinct. never heard of them before this but already listening to another album of theirs
these guys always hit. loved the use of horns throughout this one
a mix of beautiful and fun
i had no idea this album existed. i didn’t love it but i didn’t expect to - just not the type of music i listen to. the fact that it’s even a thing gets it 3 stars though and you can’t deny the harmonies
i really liked the first Getz album on this list so i was excited for this one but i was a little disappointed. not bad but certainly not as good - low 3
cool! generally good and a nice album for my run
i’m sure it’s good i just don’t like this type of music
i was expecting a more classic 60s type album but this was way better. kind of like if King Crimson decided to be radio friendly for an album
some standout songs but generally just good
fucking so good. unfortunately had to listen on youtube which had ads throughout and kinda messed up the listen. only not a 5 because of the live track at the end that weren’t up to the rest of the album’s standards
super good throughout. jay-z and kanye really helped rap after the 90s which i haven’t enjoyed during this listening project
like fine but pretty dull tbh
sitting through the whole album and then hearing the start of freebird and levitating
this is a hard album to rate because some songs were really cool. some songs had some cool parts and some bad parts. and some songs were bad. low 3 i guess
pleasantly surprised
it was a enjoyable but not sure if i agree that it should be on this list
couldn’t have asked for a better snow day album
i was gonna give this a 4 but i really can’t think of any reason it shouldn’t be a 5. Guns N’ Roses at their peak absolutely firing on all cylinders. Sweet Child O Mine all time banger
pretty solid but a lot of it sounded the same. it was good though so not bothersome. didn’t love the vocals but did love a lot of the instrumentals
i have friends that love Lana Del Ray but i never listened because i thought i wouldn’t love it. this was even worse than i was expecting - so boring. im hoping her other albums are on this list and are better
didn’t really enjoy any of this but it was cool enough that it deserves 2 stars
i had never heard of John Prine 2 weeks ago. then last week i was talking with my stats professor and Prine is one of his favorite artists so i listened to this exact album. and now i just listened to it again a week later. and it’s good! not amazing but never bad
been meaning to get into these guys for a long time now and they definitely came through. looking forward to listening more
super solid and a couple really good songs
hit the spot for the long night drive back to school from Cambridge. no songs stood out and i’ll probably never revisit it but it was absolutely what i needed tonight
first half of this album is an easy 5 stars but it loses steam a little bit after Money, Money, Money. still a very good album though! i’ve been an abba fan for years but never sat down and listened to this all the way through. very silly how Happy Hawaii is basically just Why Did It Have To Be Me with different words
not bad musically i just don’t like this type of music. obviously cool that they were playing this shit in 1968 though
eh fine. not on spotify so youtube kept interrupting songs with ads
pretty basic at times but also pretty cool at times. very 3 star album
fine but really nothing special
enjoyable as expected
more Yes vibes than the last ELP album on here but still super good. definitely an album where you listen to the whole thing rather than single songs though
this album is begging to be played outside on a warm summer day. i couldn’t do that today but hopefully i will soon
some good stuff but generally didn’t like it. not the kind of techno i like
really enjoyable listen! i thought she was more straight country but definitely more pop influenced country. and then that disco song out of nowhere which hit
a generally good listen, torn between high 3 and low 4. freedom definitely the standout but other good stuff too so i lean more towards 4
i only knew Simple Minds from Don’t You but that’s a great song so i was hopeful for this album. really nothing special though unfortunately, kind of a watered down Tears for Fears
very cool overall!! kind of arcade fire-esque
definitely not your average gym album but it was a good enough album it didn’t even matter. very beautiful throughout. achieves exactly what it sets out to do
fine! very new wave
pretty cool throughout. maybe a low 4 but it felt long in the middle so high 3
slightly underwhelming after the first couple songs but still fun
most definitely the weirdest album i’ve listened to from this list but i loved most of it! not a single song that i’ll listen to again but really enjoyed the listen overall. every song sounded like an inside joke for the band
not even close to as good as So but not really bad
good running album but nothing stand out
not bad at all but really idk how ambient this was????? i was expecting some brian eno shit
i feel bad whenever i get older rap albums on here because i generally feel the same way about them. not ever bad but never anything special. this one was really close to that but some cool instrumentals in the second half brought it higher for me
this was gonna be a 3 star but the last couple songs just pissed me off so i’m giving it a 2. just music id never WANT to listen to
like i’m sure it’s good but this simply isn’t made for me. actually really liked Tides
they set out to make a simple, catchy record and that’s exactly what they did. also cathy’s clown lowkey slaps
hadn’t heard this side of the temptations before. nothing super special but Papa Was a Rollin’ Stone elevates the album to a 4
same as most other 90s / 2000s rap albums. just fine
it’s fine when they aren’t screaming but that makes up a small amount of the album unfortunately
just don’t like this kind of music
REM is always good, just never great
hard to say whether this is funky pop or poppy funk. either way wish it was better. definitely some michael jackson influences it’s just pretty boring overall
some great vibes throughout
these guys are always a fun listen
quick and easy listening. always a good vibe
is this the best album on this list? no is this the best grateful dead album? not even close still 5 stars though
wish it had a couple more upbeat songs but a really good album nonetheless
no songs really stood out but just a really good vibe and solid album throughout
some high highs. some eh lows. not their best album but pretty good overall
actually had a really good time with this one. first half is definitely better than the second. kind of a mix between talking heads and sparks
The National do a cool version of Terrapin and collaborated with taylor swift but that’s all i knew from them. this was a super cool album though. no standout songs that i loved but really good time throughout. will definitely listen to more
some fine stuff but some not great stuff too. don’t know if it’d be on this list if it wasn’t Lennon
generally not my favorite genre but this was a fine listen
nowhere near as good as Like a Prayer. don’t love the more “modern” vibe she went for here. not bad though just not good
pretty standard beach boys. middle of the road
just on the line of a little bit too heavy metal for me but a generally good listen
my favorite of the bjork albums i’ve had to listen to! unfortunately that’s not a super high bar
i was skeptical at first with the album cover but this was actually pretty good. kind of flaming lips - esque at times with less electronic elements
soul at its best. really no point in giving this less than a 5
it was good for the first 15 minutes but then every song sounding exactly the same was near unbearable
pretty good. took me a little while to get into it but nothing bad
pretty cool. kinda elliot smithy and arcade fire-y at times
this shit SUCKS
i was skeptical at first but enjoyed it more and more as time went on. high 3
idk it was fine
fast and loud. super fun. my first grade teacher did the call and response “goodness gracious” and we’d say “great balls of fire” fun to hear where that came from
just not really my thing. maybe deserves a low 3 but i’m sticking with a high 2
relatively bland. like it’s fine but i expected more from “the king”
didn’t think i was gonna like it at all after the first song but it grew on me
pretty cool. not totally my thing but not a bad listen
some cool stuff in there but mostly just fine
had kinda low expectations for some reason but this was actually super good. kind of like if KNOWER went more synth pop instead of jazz.
pretty damn good
some genuinely beautiful stuff in here
it was good and i’m sure it was amazing when it came out but i just don’t love the 90s style of rap
these guys are always pretty cool
this this sucks i thought kid rock was a Billy Ray Cyrus type so i was looking forward to some corny but catchy country
this guy is always nothing but hauntingly beautiful
i was dreading listening to another Tom Waits album. but i shouldn’t have been this time!! this one was very Robots sounding in a way i’m guessing his other one i listened to wasn’t? i don’t remember why i gave it a one but this is apparently a big improvement
it’s the Queen album with Bohemian Rhapsody on it. that alone gives it a couple stars but it’s also a pretty solid album through and through
some great vibes for last saturday morning of sophomore year
the titular song is definitely the standout and one of the best songs out there. every else holds up pretty well too
i understand the appeal, it’s just not totally my thing
was very forgettable at the beginning but got more enjoyable over time
Me and Julio Down by the Schoolyard goes hard but the rest are fine or kinda boring
i’m not a huge techno guy but this was pretty cool. loved that last song
a ROCK SOLID classic disco album. couldn’t ask for anything more
idk it was fine
i like how they knew they had a hit with Layla so they decided to really push it with the album title
never bad but nothing stood out at all
to be honest i was disappointed. i liked Aja a good bit but this album felt lackluster
it sounds like it was super revolutionary in 1972 but it’s kind of a slog to listen to today
it’s 2 hours of absolute LEGENDS playing together. impossible to not give this a 5
not offensively bad but i feel like it could have been way better?
some cool stuff some super boring stuff
goes hard tbh, too bad it’s not streaming anywhere
these guys are always a good listen. i know teach your children from somewhere but i can’t place where and it will bother me for the next couple days
was skeptical when i started this album but it ended up pretty cool! jazzier than i was expecting which was nice
pretty cool
i feel like ZZ Top is one of those bands that cool people like, thankfully this album hit
funky as hell, love it when an album really sounds like it should be on this list
teetering on 3 and 4 but i think i’ll leave it with a high 3. grew on me as the album went on
some cool stuff, some pretty eh stuff. classic 3 star album right here
the music is pretty cool throughout. unfortunately, the lead singer uses this awful, distracting vibrato the entire time and makes it virtually unlistenable. the only songs not BAD are the one fast one that doesn’t give the opportunity to vibrato and the one that is sung by a different person
i had only known Aimee Mann from Rush before this but this was a great album!!
really cool, loses a little bit of steam in the second half
like a mixture of the beatles, elton john, and frank zappa. if i rated it purely as a piece of art i’d probably give it a 5. unfortunately this is still a music review and the music didn’t ALWAYS hit so i’ll have to go with a high 4
one of those haunting and cinematic albums. kind of like if leonard cohen was a woman. pretty cool though
i mean it’s fine but i don’t know why it’s on this list
fun but instantly forgettable. albums need to bring back skits though
kind of a weird album, simultaneously all over the place and sticking to the same vibe. didn’t love it didn’t hate it
it never really occurred to me that the doo wop guys would continue making music and evolving. this was nothing special but it was kinda cool
tbh wasn’t in the best headspace while listening but i don’t think it was great either way
this album was a different vibe from the other Cohen stuff i’ve listened to. it was still good though, he seems to be super consistent. you can just get lost in the music
abba always hits. they’re a weird band though because they have some MASSIVE MASSIVE hits and they go hard. but the rest of their discography is kind of weird. whether it be really electronic or have a full marching orchestra break. not always great weird too but sometimes
there was some cool stuff but generally i didn’t love this. it gave me some Selling England by the Pound vibes but never as good
Tom Waits is another one of those artists that i feel cool people like. unfortunately this time i don’t really love him, just can’t get over the voice. this album wasn’t bad though, had that cool instrumental and Underground from Robots!!!
second half of the album was 4 stars but first half was 3 so i’ll stick with 3. liked when they leaned into the electronic stuff more
this is a really tough album to rate, which probably means it’s a 5. i didn’t love every song but there was only one song that i didn’t really like (Writer in the Dark). i think as an album and cohesive work it’s easily one of the best pop(?) albums of all time. especially with green light on there - all time banger
this was a 75 minute long techno album so it wasn’t really meant to be listened to alone with earbuds in. it was cool at times though which made it less tiring than it could have been
never bad but pretty dull throughout. if it was 40 minutes i’d give it a 3 but the extra 10 minutes just drags it out too far
honestly i loved this album. kind of a wierd mix between bob dylan, leonard bernstein, over the garden wall, and herbert huncke. but it works well, that last song easily the best
apple music putting this as the only kendrick album in the top 100 list is CRAZY!!! it’s good because it’s kendrick but it’s not even in the same realm as TPAB. this might be my least favorite album of his tbh, speaks to his greatness though
pretty damn good throughout. wish the long one was cooler but still good
this album really shines when it’s just the music - would maybe have been a 5 if it was just a long cinematic, orchestral album. still really good though
just not the kind of music i like
pretty cool throughout. sometimes a little boring so it’s a low 4. standout was definitely City, Country, City
i’m a sucker for this stuff sometimes tbh
it was pretty good throughout but i was really expecting a little bit more unfortunately
more beatles and king crimson than the pink floyd you think of but cool to hear their start
Marilyn Manson sucks and so does this album
on the second song i was like “oh this just isn’t the kind of music i like” and then the album played for another 40 minutes. kinda nirvana vibes
actually really cool! kind of prog with more of a punk lean rather than rock
good vibes throughout - high 3 since i don’t really have any urge to relisten to any of it
this sounds like it was maybe some groundbreaking stuff when it first came out but now it just sounds like shit
not bad but i thought i’d like it a little more
some cool stuff but way too radiohead-y a lot of the time
undeniably beautiful, like a classic hollywood movie
weird album! all over the place musically
max mayfield knows her SHIT
nice solid disco album
it was cool for 20 minutes. then it played for another 30. would definitely be a good record for some background music at a function
great vibes. kinda made me think of the album equivalent of little women
pretty cool, got slightly zappa-y at times
SO BORING. never bad or anything but my god not sure it could’ve been more dull
these guys are always a good listen
music tech II definitely lets me appreciate this album more than i would have but it’s amazing. absolute behemoth of a first song and never bad all the way through
nothing special but it was a fine listen. quick and easy
solid electronica record with a couple parts that veered towards greatness but i felt never really got there
kind of a tough album to rate because his voice kinda sucks but it also really works with most of the songs so we’ll go 4. good album but no songs stood out
i feel like this has all the capabilities to be super good it but it just doesn’t put the parts together correctly. some parts were really cool but others were really bad
i struggle to give this album a 1 because there were bits and pieces that i enjoyed or were cool. unfortunately it was about 3 minutes of that in a 70 minute album. the rest was just uninspired, boring slop. such a shame that the album title is the best thing about this
just a quick, fun listen
fine! enjoyable enough just not the type of stuff i listen to
first listened to this song because it was my tattoo artist’s favorite album. and it’s a great album. doesn’t bridge the gap to amazing imo but still very good
bruce is always a good listen - this album was a little on the boring side though
pretty cool historically as (probably) the first rock opera. musically it’s nothing super special except for Baron Saturday which gets it over the hump to 4
enjoyable enough listen but nothing special and started to get old like 40 minutes in
funky as hell - nothing much else to be said
a really good and surprisingly emotional album!! i feel like springsteen might have really liked this one growing up
thankfully short, just can’t get into this kind of music
bowie’s always good but this was nothing special tbh
i feel like i said this about the last nick cave album but it’s very leonard cohen and over the garden wall and house of leaves. always pretty cool with 1 stand out song
actually really cool. like if dispatch was british and liked big theatrical compositions
some great jazz played by some jazz greats
i don’t really like punk that much but this was more artistically non-punk than some of the other albums from this list which made it more enjoyable
i’m starting to change my mind on Joni Mitchell. my introduction with her was Blue and i maintain that i hate that album. she sings in falsetto the whole time and it’s slow and boring and terrible. but since then i have listened to Mingus and was pleasantly surprised and now i am listening to Court and Spark and it’s undeniably hitting. also Both Sides Now is a genuinely amazing song that i really liked even when i was anti-mitchell
just a great batch of meticulously crafted songs. i wish all the songs got the full band and orchestrations because those were definitely my favorites
a truly exhausting listen. Rudy is a good song and when they lean into the more ska vibes it’s fun but overall just a slog
kind of like if joni mitchell collaborated with early john martyn
this album was billed as a 73 minute long Tom Waits album. while TECHNICALLY that’s what it is, it’s not a good descriptor of the actual album. it’s a beautiful mix of storytelling, comedy, and jazz over a couple nights in a controlled faux jazz club. and it captures that vibe perfectly. it’s funny and easy to listen to and just really great. it got a little tiring but i think that’s just because i didnt do it justice with my listening. it should be listened to over speakers in a dimly lit, kinda dingy room filled with people talking quietly underneath it. one of the easiest 5s i’ve given
kinda gives early Bowie vibes but with a more folky base. enjoyable listen but nothing crazy good
i honestly wasn’t expecting to like this as much as i did! i don’t love reggae but there was just something a little extra musically that made it better to listen to. i didn’t like any songs on spotify but i would listen to this again
eh. honestly just bland and boring
enjoyable enough but the recording sounds surprisingly bad and all the songs are expectantly similar
i actually liked this more than i thought i would. close between 3 and 4 but i think ill go with a low 4. definitely shined when it was just music but was more technically crazy than i was expecting. and all the instruments SOUND great - not too heavy at all which is what i was expecting
cool and weird. very colorful music
lowkey crazy move to explain what’s going on in each song to the idiots listening but it was a cool touch!! im not sure i got what Shankur hoped i’d get out of it but not a bad listen, just not gonna get me hooked on indian music
a genuinely cool and interesting album mixing electronic and acoustic elements
bigger arrangements than i was expecting with that album art but not bad, just not great either
i’ve been a scissor sisters fan for a long time but never got around to listening to any albums all the way through. some just okay songs but also some great ones (take your mama, return to oz). plus one of the coolest/weirdest pink floyd covers of all time
i was really excited for this album because i hadn’t listened to it before. i know it’s thought of as a super great album of the 2000s and was hoping to agree but i just don’t. like it’s fine but literally nothing standout
honestly super cool!! like if genesis made an album in the 60s with joni mitchell as a vocalist
a classic
i generally don’t love punk but this just came at a good time (otw to mondegreen) at they had an aquabats vibe a little bit
sounded like the punk band in Everybody Wants Some! which i suppose makes sense
great vibe for post-mondegreen
at first i was gonna give this a 3 because it was just whatever. then it dropped down to a 2 because it wasn’t great. and then girl and frankie teardrop played and it was unsalvageable. just absolute shit from a butt
sounds like what you’d expect the rolling stones debut to sound like. makes sense that it’s on this list but i doubt i’ll ever listen to any of it again
honestly really cool - almost moulin rouge-y at times
not great but not bad. like a slightly more interesting coldplay at times
pretty good listen, more ska than punk which makes it more fun
i NEVER would have found or listened to this album without this site which is what it’s all about. a pretty good listen too, never tiring and some genuinely fun music
kind of tears for fears-y with hints of elvis in there. overall a very nice listen
i’m not a big reggae guy at all but it’s so obvious how this is the best of the best
i mean it was fine but it was just a bunch of non-offensive samba jazz music. if it did anything interesting melodically i’d be inclined to rate it higher but almost every song sounded the same so it gets 2 stars
just that standard, british, light punk-esque music. fine
kinda shit. another britishy punk-esque band but this one was harder to get through
honestly a little disappointed overall. aside from Wars Of Armageddon it fell a little flat for me with less substance than some of the other stuff i heard from them. i feel bad giving it a 3 but i don’t think it cracks 4 with only having one song with relisten ability
this band has 11 thousand monthly listeners on spotify. this album isn’t even on spotify - had to listen on youtube. and it ended up being REALLY GOOD and it’s a shame i’ll probably never go back to it since it isn’t streaming anywhere. maybe i’ll check out their other stuff
honestly really enjoyed this! didn’t fall into the traps of a lot of 90s rap and was enjoyable throughout. more chill overall
the best part of this album was Jaco. 51 minutes is too much joni mitchell for a single sitting
a good listen, nice walking around music
turns out i did NOT know who Bob Jovi was. the amount of hits on this one record is astounding for a band i didn’t attribute any of them too. for that alone 3 stars and it was also a good listen so up to 4
if you played this album for me and then told me it was Van Morrison i wouldn’t believe you. brown eyed girl van morrison???? he’s cool?!?!? never woulda guessed
i think morrissey’s a pretty shit guy right?? idk he has that distinctive voice and it’s fine but it’s nothing special to me. very ‘background music’ album
love a good classic big band album
everyone knows Valerie and Back to Black but i hadn’t heard any of these before. still a super solid album
this (and lowkey most of) kate bush album was a lot of bad-to-okay songs with a couple good ones sprinkled in. obviously pushing the boundary of pop music in cool ways though
absolute garbage all the way through
Don’t You Want Me is a classic but the rest of this is just ok. extremely 80s pop in sometimes not the best ways
the album started REALLY good and i really should have listened to it earlier but the last couple songs really dampened the whole thing. would have been way better without all the features but i think his voice and the top 75% of the album are good enough to keep it at a low 4 stars
really cool techno. this is the kind of stuff i like, hinting at experimental but always nice to listen to
some catchy and genuinely good songs but they just have that late 90s/early 2000s sound that i just don’t love
i usually can’t get into albums that aren’t in english but this was a great listen throughout. cool mix of songs and styles and was never bored with anything going on
it should not have taken me this long to listen to this album. incredibly good, incredibly important - classic 5 star material
it’s a tragedy that evermore is on this list but folklore isn’t. this album is VERY okay. folklore is actually great and i think will age better than most of her other stuff. this album isn’t even bad but it’s in the bottom half of her discography and there’s a companion piece that is LEAGUES above this one so there’s no reason for it to be above 3 stars
some of the chillest, most atmospheric instrumentals you’ve ever heard broken up by some of the blandest songs ever. maybe 5 stars if it was all instrumentals
it was fine, it was just a lot of a style of music i’d never choose listen to
kind of sounds like pre-ska in a world without reggae
honestly really cool. this is the type of stuff that i love finding from this project because i never would have heard it otherwise
great time for a long ride
some cool stuff but really nothing special
Sinatra meets Meatloaf? if that makes any sense. kind of the big sinatra-esque vocals but with super maximalist, cinematic instrumentals. maybe shouldn’t work but it does
honestly pretty dull. it was a lot of the same thing and that wasn’t good enough to keep happening
shines brightest in the second half when he leans into the ambient stuff - which makes sense being Brian Eno. i think a full album of that would be a 4 but i was indifferent for most of the first half so we’ll go high 3
fine but boring. i would probably appreciate it more if i wasn’t sitting in a dorm room playing clash royale
a very cozy album. would hit on a warm, rainy night. feel iffy about giving it a 4 but it’s just a little too good for 3
kinda like prince but worse
uninteresting british pop instrumentals and a bad singer.
some good writing and some cool songs. will probably never think about it again but not a bad listen
unfortunately i don’t live in a farming video game and im not an english fisherman so this really didn’t do anything for me. probably the worst an album can be without being a 1 star
all over the place. the rap songs were very bad but the funk/soul stuff was pretty good. sounded childish gambino ish at times
pretty cool. i had listened to The Silver Tongued Devil and I right before this and they worked well together
it seems like the type of album that would get carried by great vocals. unfortunately the vocals were okay at best and it didn’t work
some of these old jazz albums are better than others but none of them are ever not good
kinda shit
definitely some cool stuff sprinkled in but overall nothing crazy
not bad but wouldn’t call it good. too many bland albums like this on this list tbh
i didn’t love the last Wilco album on this list but i really liked this one!! i think it shined brightest with the calmer, downtempo songs but there was more of those so the whole album worked really well
i wasn’t looking forward to this listen because U2 just seems like a band that exists. just kinda there. and this listen didn’t disprove that but i did make me realize i’d probably never turn OFF U2. i just probably wouldn’t ever turn them on. honestly a tough rate but i never was really bored so we’ll go with a low 4
boring and shitty basically the whole time
honestly pretty dull. imagine is overplayed but good and everything else was just kinda boring. was done with the album with like 12 minutes to go
when i was typing Franz Ferdinand into spotify Frank Zappa came up first and i was curious the difference in monthly listeners. Zappa has 950k and Franz has 9.8 million. i was kinda hoping this album was gonna suck and i was gonna shit on how many more listeners they have but this was actually a pretty cool record!! i liked it best when it got a little disco-y and when it didn’t sound too british. overall nowhere near zappa but still good
this album flows from pretty damn cool, to good bad, to lowkey bad bad in such a seamless way that you can’t help but respect it. i want to give it a low 4 but there were more bad bad songs than cool ones so we’ll go high 3
spotify has playlists that they think are similar to whatever album you’re looking at. one of the ones for this album was “Dive Bar Anthems” and tbh i see it. this is a generally good, inoffensive but unserious album that touches upon a bunch of genres in pretty cool ways. i’ve never actually been to a dive bar but i’d be happy if this was all that was playing
cool to hear hallelujah in its rightful place. not that many songs stood out but obviously a great work as a whole
obviously very good
great vibes throughout
some really cool stuff in here! unfortunately also some tough bits to listen to
really cool throughout - as these guys tend to be. might even put this a notch above Low End Theory but idk
not my favorite type of music but i never felt myself wishing for it to be over!!
Come On Eileen and a bunch of songs that kind of sound like Come On Eileen! not a terrible thing though
this list LOVES albums like this. male singer/songwriters with big voices and a touch cinematic arrangements. and they’re always pretty damn good - if not similar. this guy has 5133 monthly listeners. his most listened to song has <350k plays. idk this should be here but im happy enough that it was
this was a surprisingly cool listen!! never heard of these guys before but this album was kind of a mix of jazz, jam, psychedelia, and british. the best parts of the album were the non-british parts when they didn’t bother with lyrics and cared more for cultivating the atmosphere
just some solid, solid psychedelic rock
i’m glad i listened to it, the point of this project is to hear music i never would have otherwise, but this wasn’t very good. house of the rising sun cover was unexpected but not also very good. i feel bad giving it a 1 but it was a 34 minute long album that i was sick of after 15 minutes
a really good, fun listen!! but where was jason bateman??
it’s exactly what you expect a def leppard album to sound like. works well for this fine halloween day
the concept of this album itself is enough to get a couple stars from me. i’ve been pretty interested in the classic beat generation recently and THEY lived in the night life. it’s a cool idea overall that there are people that live in the night whether by choice or my circumstance. the songs made sense for 1967 and were pretty similar but they were never bad. music would be 3 stars but idea gets it up to 4
i rarely ‘like’ (on spotify) nick cave songs. but i always really enjoy the albums as a whole. this one was an unexpectedly good running album - it has a slow but heavy intensity that really makes you get going. always surprised that he shows up in this list so much but it’s always a good listen
the best songs were the last 2 - the wierd, ambient, instrumental, electronic stuff is where these guys stood out. the rest of it was fine
one of those albums that obviously deserves a spot on this list. incredibly consistent and great the whole time
sinéad o’connor is an important and powerful figure in music history - unfortunately her music doesn’t do that much for me
it’s a 2 hour smashing pumpkins album. a few songs are admittedly cool - especially when they don’t sound like themselves. unfortunately it’s still a 2 hour smashing pumpkins album and it’s tough for that to be good
Beastie Boys are one of the most FUN groups to ever exist. fun, exciting, funny songs in every album. never boring - you can just feel how much fun they have recording all this stuff. also basically musical geniuses with the samples and stuff
i don’t know why The Pogues are on this list multiple times. they have a very specific sound, and this time around i didn’t like it as much as i think i did last time. it was never BAD but there was nothing that good in this album either
pretty cool, nothing special
i’m definitely a bowie fan - and it’s great that he was able to make music up until the end. but this was obviously a step down from his earlier stuff. it had some cool instrumental stuff going on a lot but his voice was obviously tired. it’s good this exists but not sure what warrants it getting on this list
this was really cool. musically sounding pretty modern at times but still with the older recording sounds you get from these earlier albums
steely dan falls into that category where i would never turn it OFF. but i would rarely turn it on either. fun and enjoyable but never something im looking for. plus Aja was better than this so well go high 3
this was a pretty neutral, sometimes catchy album up until the song Don’t. then for that one song it turned into the album i assumed it would be based on the album art and band photo. that single song almost knocked this down from a 3 to a 2 star album but luckily there were more times where i was pleasantly surprised then when they were screaming in my ears so we’ll stick with a low 3
a mix of cool, kinda pre-riot grrrl songs and okay, annoying vocal songs. very eh overall. i wonder why it’s not on Spotify??
THIS is why i have embarked on this project!!!! i would have never heard of this band or album or even style of music but this was super cool. i know it was Slovenian but it sounded like it could’ve been from an alien planet in the best way possible
a lot of shit from a butt. i hate grunge
UBER cool. has that 1960s rock sound while leaning into psychedelia without fully committing to it. a great blend that i hadn’t really heard before
shoutout massachusetts!!! i had heard Roadrunner before because my cryptography professor in college had the URL encrypted as an answer for a homework assignment. overall the album isn’t great, boring/bad instrumentals with an annoying voice. Hospital was a nice outlier - lower key than the rest of the album and more emotional.
hints of the greatness that is to come. and still pretty damn good on its own
some good, classic psych rock. nothing super special unfortunately but this was the first time i’ve really heard Joplin’s chops and damn they hold up
it’s a good album overall. and then there’s The Murder Mystery. i have no idea what it’s about but my god it’s amazing. does the heavy lifting but it does it well and easily
really solid album. aerosmith is kinda in that category of ‘won’t turn off, but won’t turn on’ but i can see myself revisiting this at some point
it kinda reminded me of a radiohead album but with bearable vocals. actually had a nice time with it
super solid rock album. had some eagles vibes now and then
this is an incredibly difficult album to rate. i don’t know that’s it’s really a 5 but anything else feels wrong. this album just did so much stuff that i’ve never really heard before in this specific way. the jumps from almost atonal stuff to some of the sweetest melodies out there was just magical. will be talking about this for a while and that is what brings it to a 5
it’s cool how these old popular albums are just like big bang jazz with some lyrics here and there. and it was fun but nothing special musically and he’s a great King Louie but i don’t love prima’s voice so 3 feels right
one of those albums that you expect to find on this list. i don’t LOVE his voice but i tolerate it. these guys know their sound and their ability to morph genres while maintaining it is very impressive
absolute MONSTER of an album. she pulls you in with the first half being a stellar pop/funk/electronic/disco album. then slowly we get deeper and deeper musically and stylistically until we reach the final 8 minute orchestral track to bring everything to a climactic end. simply brilliant
very earthy and americana but with more depth. comes out swinging from the first second and never lets the energy fade
it was pretty cool but didn’t sound much different from any of the other albums with this vibe
undeniably cool, but also tough to listen to so i can’t give it more than a 2. some quick snippets of relistenability but other than that doesn’t work in the context of straight up listening. i’m sure it’s perfect for the show
super cool all the way through
a nice listen!! very bowie-esque at times (one song just sounds like they wrote a bowie song and sang with a bowie impression) but overall cool
just an incredibly solid rock album the whole way through
super cool
very bad. some fine tracks in the garbage over overall very few redeeming qualities
pretty cool - some experimental aspects worked better than others
the majority of this album was fine songs and the rest was just bad noise
interesting enough but just not something i really care to listen to
great vibes all around and some really cool instrumentals for an album like this
super cool, absolute MONSTER of an opening track
fine but definitely not the best album of this style and time
super cool, very solid
incredibly interesting album!! almost every song took a little time to get used to but then they were almost all good. kind of a christmas-music vibe throughout with hints of arcade fire and gorillaz. very good
blur is a weird band. i really like Damon Albarn but i don’t love blur. a lot of the vocals and instrumentals are just a touch too harsh overall for my liking. the second half of this record really starts to understand itself better i think with some more psychedelic leanings than the first. overall okay
Cash is so effortlessly charming and funny. you just never want it to end
maybe deserves a 3 because there was some good stuff hidden in here but overall not a fan so we’ll go high 2
it’s long as hell but it’s also really cool so it’s okay. not sure it’s much different than any of the other techno stuff i’ve heard from here but that doesn’t mean it’s bad
i don’t even know what genre this would be called but i know i don’t like it
if you’re gonna make your songs this repetitive they have to at least be interesting. The Eternal was cool but the rest was very dull
what happened to rap GROUPS like these guys, beasties, even sugar hill gang??? there’s just such obvious charm going from voice to voice. maybe just the style of rap today doesn’t lend itself to it as much
pleasantly surprised by this album! the wikipedia said it was grunge so i was dreading this. and while there are some grunge elements (the worst parts) i feel like it was more than that. the melodies, vocal and guitar, were what stood out most to me
i always go into zeppelin albums thinking/hoping that i’m gonna LOVE it. and i just don’t really. i do like it and immigrant song is one of the best album openers maybe ever - but overall there’s just something missing for me to truly love them
3 great players in constant communication with each other. jazz trios are so fun because there’s just so much space and it opens up so many possibilities. and the quiet clinking and talking underneath?? love that
i checked out my other review for this band on this site and it talked about nostalgia. that’s honestly the best descriptor of this band for whatever reason. it’s not REAL nostalgia because i’ve only heard of them from this site but it’s just baked into their music. it’s very cool every time
wasn’t immediately on board but then Ready or Not started and the rest of the album was great
i’m generally not a punk fan but these guys do some cool stuff here
some cool stuff here and there but man that was a lot of RHCP to listen to
pretty cool! just kind of standard techno with some brazilian elements in there but never a tiring listen
extremely british (derogatory) even though the group is from Brisbane. every song sounds the same and not a single one is interesting
some cool stuff and some not cool stuff. i liked it most when it was the almost ambient synth songs and liked it least when it was the harsh guitar songs. but the juxtaposition worked well and i think there was a good amount of both
pretty cool!! it was kind of like if Mike was the main guy in the Monkees and they were a little more psychedelic. and i love the mike songs and i like classic psychedelia so this worked well
i feel like i love the concept of this album and these songs but i just don’t love their sound. and it’s hard to have such a big hit as Come On Eileen with such a distinctive voice and then have other songs. just sounds weird sometimes
not a punk guy but this had its charm
holy cow!! loud and bright and exciting and in-your-face and cinematic and fun. and then i would estimate that 75% of the songs were about love in various ways. they did this thing a lot here where they build up and then release on a sweet chord with a note being sung that works so so well over the top. i’ve liked the other Pet Shop Boys stuff on this list but this album absolutely blew away expectations
very Springsteen which, judging by the cover, is completely intentional. nothing much to say, a long but not bad listen. unlikely to revisit ever though
if you gave me a million guesses to try and name what band this album was by i don’t think i’d ever say The Bee Gees. in the best way possible though! kind of early floyd, beatlesque, abba, king crimson at times. very cool
basically what you expect from an album with this title, group name, album cover, and release year. some fun songs but nothing crazy
bleh. probably a 3 star album but it got so boring after 15 minutes i can’t give it anything above 2. one good thing about finishing this project is that i’ll stop having to listen to punk
aggressively mediocre and unfortunately 62 minutes
eh not a bad listen but i just don’t love this type of stuff i guess
achieved exactly what it set out to do. very repetitive but not a bad listen. nice to hear the original (?) recording of El Paso but weird that it’s on the album twice
SUPER cool. kinda dingy but also very smooth
i think i said something similar in my last Zeppelin review on here so i’m not gonna go super deep but there’s obviously just something not there for me. i “should” love them with the other bands that i love but each album (aside from physical graffiti) just seems to fall a little short. it’s all good but very little is GREAT and that’s what i go into these listens expecting. Stairway is obviously one of the best songs of all time and i really liked When the Levee Breaks too but overall it was just good.
pretty cool listen
this was super good. didn’t fall into any of those 90s/2000s pitfalls that rappers seem to. hard to choose between 4 and 5 but since i only “like” on song on spotify we’ll go with 4. not a bad minute of listening though
a good album with a bad last song. very melancholic and cool throughout but the last track, at 5 minutes also the longest i think, was an absolute slog. it ALMOST brings the rating down a full star but we’ll go with a low 4
that voice is horrific
the first song was super cool but then the rest of the album didn’t live up to it. a lot of the meandering sameness and he sometimes sung in this terrible falsetto for whole songs which was a very bad choice.
some cool stuff, some boring stuff, mostly just alright
some interesting stuff here and there - good use of dynamics and the steel guitar implementation was cool. but WHY is there so much goddamn punk on this list?!?! it’s a mediocre listen at best every time yet it feels like every 5th album is punk or post punk. i think that’s this list’s biggest flaw
it’s risky starting your album with Tiny Dancer because then the rest of the album has to live up to it. i think for the most part it does though!! prime elton john was pretty damn good
a nice enough listen but nothing special
an overall fine listen. sounded a little bit dated throughout but never enough to pinpoint why or where
pretty cool!! starting an album that has lyrics with an instrumental is always a risk but i think it worked really well here
why are there so many blur albums on here?? they’re fine but not great by any means
pretty cool overall. i never have much to say with techno albums but these guys are always a good listen
fine but forgettable
the songs are obviously and unapologetically personal. which makes them pretty universal. you have to appreciate that and i do. the music just didn’t always do it for me and i didn’t love the voice. not a bad listen by any means though
pretty fun overall!! definitely shows its age but not in a terrible way
way cooler than i expected it to be. the ‘world’ music on here is sometimes hit or miss but this was a very nice listen. the heavy techno core with the various world elements, especially the percussion, throughout worked really well
it took a little while for me to warm up to their sound. i really didn’t care for it at all at the beginning but it got better with time. never loved it though
if i had to give a description of this album im truly not sure what i would say. it was kinda mediocre at times but also pretty cool and interesting at others. not sure if i would even recommend it but worth checking out just because i cant think of anything else that really sounds like it. tough to rate but i think ill go high 3 over a low 4
a pretty cool listen!! seemed more funk influenced than i originally assumed it was going to be which i think definitely made it better. tough between low 4 and high 3
an undoubtedly good listen but nothing really stood out (save for Bonham in Moby Dick)
honestly pretty boring. some cool jazzy stuff happening here and there but nothing super special overall
has that classic female vocalist charm that just doesn’t really exist anymore
these guys are so fucking cool
i get the appeal and appreciate the artistry but i just don’t love this kinda stuff. just a little bit too slow and boring for me
really cool at times and pretty good throughout. good for some HW
some very, very cool stuff. some very bad, noisy grunge stuff. and a lot of very mediocre stuff
does exactly what you want/expect from a black sabbath record plus a little bit more
some cool stuff here and there but overall nothing special
it was fine but nothing special at all. and this guy sucks right??