Neil YoungIn the beginning I found Neil Young’s voice to sound a bit whiney but really enjoyed it by the end. My favorites were “Old Man” and “Heart of Gold”.
In the beginning I found Neil Young’s voice to sound a bit whiney but really enjoyed it by the end. My favorites were “Old Man” and “Heart of Gold”.
I get why they were popular but they sound very dated already.
This was a great reggae sounding album. It feels like Sublime used these guys as inspiration.
This felt like the opposite of a greatest hits album. My favorite part was the end I had been looking forward to it for over 2 hours.
This was definitely too slow for me, but it made for decent background music
Fun old-school rap album with classic rhyme schemes and solid beats. Definitely grew on me by the end of the album but I’m not sure if I’ll return to it.
Not a fan
I think this is my first time listening all the way through a Pink Floyd album and I can understand the hype but it wasn’t my favorite.
Very happy with this entire album, “The Food” is one of my favorite Kanye features of all time.
It feels like the quality of a “Greatest Hits” album
I could understand why it is well liked just not by me
Wow that sucked. I could have died happily without listening to this.
Half of the songs sounded like the intro to the Big Bang theory, their style sounded very dated to me.
It was a fun listen not sure if I will return to any of these songs in particular.
I was not feeling this album not sure why just didn’t hold my attention.
Wow she has an amazing voice, every song was beautiful to listen too
Totally get the hype for this album and Pink Floyd as a whole. My favorite was “Breathe”
Really fun album with lots of variety. I am ashamed to admit the most memorable song was certainly “Slut.”
All the songs were easy to listen to, my favorite was “Best Lose the Fear”
Interesting background music but not what I was looking for.
Really enjoyed this and understand their appeal, looks like I’ll have to check out some more from Dire Straits
I really enjoyed the Wu-tang style elements throughout this album.
I just find myself enjoying every song that he sings even though that is certainly not the best version of “Pennies From Heaven”
I’m not a huge Bruce Springsteen fan but this sounded like a masterpiece compared to the other albums I reviewed today.
This felt like the opposite of a greatest hits album. My favorite part was the end I had been looking forward to it for over 2 hours.
This was a great mix of feeling like background music that is still engaging to listen to.
This was very enjoyable, my favorites were “Wild World,” “Sad Lisa,” and “Longer Boats.”
Really solid album, I personally enjoyed “Seven Nation Army,” “In The Cold, Cold Night,” and “Little Acorns.”
Most of the songs were enjoyable but not amazing, my favorite was “The Lyre of Orpheus.”
Felt too indie for me
I’m finally starting to understand these guys I enjoyed this much more than “Document.” Not really sure why but “Orange Crush” is a great song.
Hard choice between a 1/5 and a 2/5 for me because it REALLY sucked but I could understand how some people could enjoy it.
Pretty solid tunes on here. I wouldn’t be mad if I heard it again but likely the only song I’ll revisit is “Every Breath You Take.”
I liked the slower and more emotional tone to this album. My personal favorites were “Johnny 99” and “My Father’s House.”
This was amazing I already knew and loved several songs from this album and found a few more.
I think this is the first time I have enjoyed interludes on an album also “Waterfalls” is a classic.
My favorite was “The Fairy Feller’s Master-Stroke.”
I don’t have any stand out tracks each one was equally wonderful.
Not at all what I was expecting and I’m happy about it. My favorite was “How Could Anybody Possibly Know How I Feel?”
Didn’t contain any of my favorite David Bowie songs but it was a fine listen.
It wasn’t bad but I wanted to skip through it the whole time.
I enjoyed this funky album, “Pusherman” is a classic.
Yeah this sucked. I couldnt even make it through the full songs, I had to skip after a minute or so of each.
This was pretty fun I enjoyed their unique sound. My favorite was “Bigmouth Strikes Again.”
Overall enjoyable but I likely won’t return.
I get why some people like them but I personally don’t. Far too slow for me.
This was very interesting, I could have done without all of the talking.
Never heard of these guys before but I enjoyed each song. My favorite was “Mr. Soul”
All great tunes, I liked the signature riff at the end of each song. My favorite was “”Oh, Marie”
She has a good voice and sounds like they could actually make some good music but this all sucked.
It didn’t bother me but nothing stood out.
Certainly held my attention but I hoped for a little bit more variety.
I got pretty tired of this sound by the end. I feel like these guys were a little too inspired by Lynyrd Skynyrd
A bit too much going on in this one, did not like.
I was very happy with this album, they have a really fun sound. My favorites were “Sex on Fire” and “Use Somebody”
I actually enjoyed every song on here but “Heads Will Roll” is the reason this is a 4 instead of a 3.
This was a bit much for me, not a fan
Not really my style of music but I could certainly see the appeal. It was a good casual listen but don’t see myself playing it again.
Very enjoyable album with several standout songs that I avoid smiling and bobbing my head to like “Sugar on My Tongue,” “Love —> Building on Fire,” and of course “Psycho Killer.” I will definitely be listening to this again.
The singers voice was very nice but not at all my style of music
All of the songs just felt okay, “Oh Yoko!” is the only song I see myself returning to.
The songs are well sung and played but not my favorite style.
The album that brought one of the best current rappers to the masses. I think I enjoyed this a lot more before all of the songs became severely over played.
“Take This Waltz” was a pretty song I wish the rest of the album resembled that.
She is certainly a talented rapper just not really my style
So fun to find an undiscovered talent, this guy has some serious potential and could really make it big one day. “My Sweet Lord” is an incredible song.
All the songs were just okay, none really captivated me.
I definitely enjoyed the album, it was a fun casual listen.
Not really a fan of this style of music but I did enjoy “Cheap Honesty.”
Had lots of fun listening to this, could potentially turn into a 4/5 with repeat plays. Favorites were “Blitzkrieg Bop” and “Havana Affair.”
My favorite of the ‘𝘣𝘢𝘤𝘬𝘨𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥 𝘮𝘶𝘴𝘪𝘤’ style albums I’ve heard. Each song felt equally pleasing to listen to, no stand out tracks for me.
Overall enjoyed this, likely the only non-Bob Marley reggae I’ve listened to. I’ll have to return back to this.
Really enjoyed hearing some of their older work and never realized they made “We’re Going To Be Friends.”
It feels like there was serious potential to make good music but they decided not to.
“Thriller,” “Beat It,” and “Billie Jean” might be the greatest 3 song run on any album I can think of. Absolute classic.
Really didn’t care for any of these songs, I wish the album was shorter
This was a pretty fun listen my favorite was “Supermassive Black Hole”
I didn’t realize I already knew who these guys were. My personal favorites were “A Message to You Rudy,” “Stupid Marriage,” and “Too Much Too Young.”
Really enjoyed this album, it has 4 undeniable hits and I liked all of the other songs too. I could be convinced that this album is a 5/5.
It was all just fine, not really my thing and no standout songs for me.
It was all pretty good but nothing stood out to me in particular. Wouldn’t mind hearing again but I likely won’t choose it.
I could see why people would like it but I didn’t really care for it.
He has a classic sounding great voice, I will have to look into Ray Price more.
Enjoyed this more than I expected, don’t think I’ll return
Was not looking forward to this album but the amount of variety really surprised me. My favorites were “Even Flow” and “Jeremy.”
I don’t feel like this plays well if you listen to the entire thing straight through but it contained a few really good songs.
I could listen to this kind of stuff all day, very enjoyable easy listening.
This was a great reggae sounding album. It feels like Sublime used these guys as inspiration.
This was definitely too slow for me, but it made for decent background music
First time listening to an entire project from The Who and they did not disappoint at all. My favorites were “Tattoo,” & “I Can See For Miles”
It was okay, not my favorite but not bad
Enjoyable but I will not return to it.
I can definitely see the appeal and did enjoy some parts of a couple of the songs but overall didn’t enjoy the album.
Lots of fun songs on here, my favorites were “Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds,” “When I’m Sixty Four,” and “Lovely Rita.”
I was very surprised by this and how great of a voice she actually has but I don’t see myself going back to this.
I really didn’t care for any of these songs and I found the interludes very annoying and totally unnecessary.
Feels like they used all of their talent to make “Take on Me” which is a great song but the others were subpar
This was solid from front to back and I actually didn’t mind the interludes. Obvious favorites are “So Fresh, So Clean” and “Ms. Jackson”
It wasn’t bad but their style feels extremely dated today
I’m glad the album was short and “More Than a Feeling” is a pretty good song.
One of the more timeless sounding old school rap albums I’ve heard recently. The obvious favorites were “It’s Tricky” and “Walk This Way”
My first play through I thought it was just okay, really enjoyed the second listen to several songs. My favorite was “Wild Horses” and “Sister Morphine”
I was actually surprised by the content of this album, I assumed it was just going to be filled with classic rock tropes but I was pleased to hear softer tunes.
It was enjoyable but nothing really stood out and I don’t see myself returning.
Really wanted to hate on this for being ANOTHER FUCKING BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN ALBUM but this guy knows how to make a catchy tune
This was great, several classics on here including “All My Loving,” “Please Mister Postman,” and “I Wanna Be Your Man” among others. I could keep this on repeat.
Hated that
Sounded nice but didn’t really tickle my fancy
I feel like this is for people that really like the B52’s but are a little bit shy. Not really my thing.
Not sure what this genre is but I enjoyed it.
Was not a fan of this, it feels like this music was made for pharmaceutical infomercials
A little too slow and indie sounding for me.
I started off feeling like this didn’t have the same pizzazz as Talking Heads 77 but I started to enjoy the calmer tone by the end.
This was my favorite of the Radiohead albums I’ve heard so far but that’s not saying much
This was a groovy and welcome change from Radiohead.
Far too slow for me but I could understand enjoying it in the right environment.
Another very slow album that had few redeeming qualities
The singer had a good voice, overall not too exciting but I did enjoy “Happiness”
More variety then expected, but I will probably only return to “Black Hole Sun”
This was surprised me with the guitar work. Made for good background and foreground music
I liked that the album was thematically put together well with all of the references to Tommy and other songs within the album but the music wasn’t really my style.
Didn’t care for this, the instrumentals felt messy and cluttered
It sounded okay, didn’t really mind any of it but didn’t connect with any of it.
Wow another Radiohead album, thanks. I thought I was starting to understand their appeal with “Idioteque” which I enjoyed but that was the only song i liked.
Had lots of fun listening to this, my favorites were “Mama Said” and “Wishin’ And Hopin’.”
Not exactly my style but I did enjoy listening, my favorite track was “Lust For Life”
Hard to give this a fair review as only 4 songs were available on Spotify but this was not my taste.
Not great but not bad, my favorites were “Roadrunner” and “Modern World.”
A very pretty voice but I didn’t really connect with any of these songs
I did enjoy this but each song felt like it was slightly missing something. My favorites were “Sleep To Dream” and “Shadowboxer”
Just okay, didn’t really care for the talking. 2.5/5
I think my fondness for the song “Ace of Spades” might be clouding my judgement but I really enjoyed this, at least the front half
Definitely some high quality music but not really my style
I could get why people like it if that was their preferred genre but I didn’t care for it.
Certainly wasn’t feeling this in the beginning but by the end I kinda understood why it was well received. 2.5/5
Easy to listen to 70’s music, nothing special in my opinion.
A little too slow and indie for me. Felt more like noise than music
Overall enjoyable but I feel like I need to listen again to truly appreciate it. 3.5/5
I listened to this for the first time last week and really enjoyed the second listen more. My favorites were “Nowhere Man,” “The Word,” and “Michelle.”
Going into this I only knew “Coconut” which is a great but goofy song, I was very surprised with the amount of range on this project.
Not a fan of this sound, I feel like if you enjoyed one of these songs you’d like them all because they all felt the same to me.
Not a huge Pink Floyd fan and this was a bit too out there for me.
Not bad but not great, my favorites were “Runnin’ with the Devil” and “Jamie’s Cryin’.”
I wanted to be annoyed because I had to listen to this on YouTube but these guys were just too groovy
It was okay overall with my favorites being “Fighter” and “Beautiful”
All I could think to myself while listening to this was thank god it wasn’t another Bruce Springsteen album
They have a very distinct style and thankfully it didn’t get too tired by the end. My favorite was “Last Nite.”
Couldn’t see myself listening to this again and only barely enjoyed it. 2.5/5
Overall lots of fun listening to this even with Janis Joplin doing a little too much at some points. My favorite was “Piece of My Heart.”
It was certainly good but not my style of music. My favorite was “All Along the Watchtower.”
Absolutely horrible and I cannot understand anyone pretending to enjoy that.
Enjoyed this a lot more than expected, I’m going to have to listen to more Cream
Casually enjoyable but nothing special.
This surprised me, I anticipated just another 80s rock album but it was actually pretty entertaining throughout.
Far too slow and way too much talking for me even aside from the intros.
I definitely like their style but these songs didn’t really captivate me.
This was a disappointment, I had high hopes and this fell flat for me.
This was much better than Sign ‘O’ The Times but I don’t see myself returning to it. 2.5/5
I was pleasantly surprised by this and really enjoyed this version of “Ol’ Man River”
Some of the clearest vocals I’ve heard from Nirvana, really enjoyed the slightly softer tone to this album.
Once again just okay, I really have yet to understand the hype for David Bowie aside from a couple good songs
It sounded good but felt a bit boring. I enjoyed hearing a very different take on one of my favorite songs “Walking After Midnight” but it was a bit too slow for me.
Wasn’t really feeling this, about to out there for me.
Much more moody compared to the seductive tone to I’m Your Man and I preferred this.
Pretty fun casual listening, might have to check out T. Rex a little bit more. 3.5/5
Not bad but also not for me. 2.5/5
Really good casual listening but nothing really stood out to me. 3.5/5
I didn’t find any standout tracks on my first listen but I’m sure I will in the future.
This was great, I really enjoyed hearing him do some of my favorite Sam Cooke songs. I will definitely have to look into more Otis Redding. 4.5/5
Really enjoyed the softer tone of this album it feels like it fits the vocals well. My favorites were “My My, Hey Hey (Out Of The Blue)” and “Powderfinger”
Overall enjoyable but had few standout features
I didn’t hate it and certainly enjoyed some parts but won’t be back again.
I enjoyed this slightly more than A Girl Named Dusty and could certainly see myself returning to this. The obvious favorite was “Son Of A Preacher Man”
The music was fine and the vocals were okay not that I could understand them. I won’t be back to this. 2.5/5
Definitely enjoyed this album but there weren’t any tracks that stood out to me. 3.5/5
Very boring
I finally understand the hype around Prince but also get why he doesn’t get many new fans. While his style was likely innovative at the time it feels very dated now. Overall had fun listening to this.
I enjoyed the album but didnt find anything that really stood out to me
It was not horrible but I don’t think I want to hear any more Bruce Springsteen before I die.
Not at all what I was expecting, “School’s Out” was a fun tune but I didn’t care for much of anything else.
Easy listening but I didn’t connect with any songs in particular.
Despite not having any standout tracks I really enjoyed listening to this and the overall tone of The Doors.
“Tainted Love” is a great song but the rest of it did not hold up at all.
Didn’t mind any of it but I wasn’t blown away by any of it.
The music is fine but I did not find it to be very interesting. Also I am not a fan of this guys voice. 2.5/5
Not my bag 2.5/5
Good background tunes but it went a little long for me
I had high hopes for this album and was let down a little bit. Not bad just not as great as I pictured.
This sounded much older than it actually is. This did nothing for me but I didn’t hate it. 2.5/5
Very good easy listening, my favorite was “Junk”
Really like this style had fun listening to it.
Just very average.
Pretty easy to listen too and makes for good causal background music but not my choice for focused listening.
Enjoyed this more than I expected when it first started
I didn’t need to hear each different version of all these songs but there were some classics in this album.
I was pleasantly surprised by this because I expected to dislike it.
Didn’t hold my attention at all.
Enjoyable but I’m unlikely to return. 3.5/5
I was pretty annoyed with the singers voice at first but it definitely grew on me.
One of the better metal albums I’ve heard but still didn’t enjoy it. 2.5/5
Pretty easy to listen to but not going to be my choice
“With Or Without You” is probably the only U2 song that I really like. Wouldn’t listen to this again aside from that.
This was pretty solid it had a classic sound with a newer feel. 3.5/5
Fantastic album all the way through but definitely has a hot start. My favorite is “Something”
Fun style that reminded me of the Ramones
This was quite the display of talent, unfortunately as someone that is not musically inclined much of this was lost on me.
Really enjoyed this throughout, my favorite is obviously the title song but I was actually impressed the other songs held up.
Super groovy and pretty fun but I doubt I’ll return.
I don’t see any reason to listen to this besides “Hungry Like The Wolf” which is still pretty mediocre.
Pretty classic rap album stuff, not the biggest fan but understand it’s cultural significance.
I can see why people would enjoy this but it really did nothing for me. 2.5/5
In the beginning I found Neil Young’s voice to sound a bit whiney but really enjoyed it by the end. My favorites were “Old Man” and “Heart of Gold”.
Very average stuff here, nothing special in my opinion.
I was surprised by the lyricism and word play in this album. 3.5/5
Really enjoyed their unique sound, my favorites were “Victoria” and “Shangri-La”.
This was great stuff, namesake is my favorite. 4.5/5
This is absolutely some of Kanye’s greatest work. My favorites were “All Falls Down” and “Through The Wire”
This really did nothing for me and I’m surprised by its inclusion on the list.
These songs were too long and boring for me.
I really only cared for “Girls Just Want to Have Fun”
This felt like a mix of Coldplay and Radiohead which I don’t care for either of but some how enjoyed this.
I get why they were popular but they sound very dated already.
I don’t think I was or ever am in the mood for this.
Not my style 2.5/5
Rarely do I give albums 2 listens before reviewing but I really missed the beauty of this album on the first listen. Really enjoyed this despite not have many hit songs on her.
Songs were way too long and just basic ass techno. 1.5/5
I do enjoy this style of country but nothing stood out in particular. 3.5/5
This was absolutely nothing special, can’t understand why it made the list. 2.5/5
I get why people like this and it certainly wasn’t bad but I couldn’t see myself wanting to hear this again. 2.5/5
This was much better than the previous Spanish album but still didn’t really stand out as very special.
I was very happy with this, this feels so much more cohesive than other wu tang clan members projects.
Maybe on another day there would have been something more special about this album but today it was just fine.
Certainly enjoy this style a lot but nothing stood out in particular. 3.5/5
This surprised me a lot and found myself enjoying this way more than expected. My favorite was “Shameika”
This was really high quality but not my favorite genre. 3.5/5
A little bit to smooth and sexy for me.
This style of 70s rock isn’t my favorite but they did fine. My favorite was “Bored Teenagers”
Finally Leonard didn’t let me down, I much prefer this compared to his other more Pop albums. 3.5/5
Love some CCR and I think this is the first time listening to a full album from them. The album as a whole was enjoyable with my standout favorites being “Lookin’ Out My Back Door” and “Up Around The Bend”
I could see these folks making some real hits but I didn’t find them here. My favorite was “Doledrum”
I might have been a bit distracted this day but this didn’t really capture me.
Not for me 2.5/5
Even though there weren’t any real stand out songs I really enjoyed this and found myself wanting to listen again
Definitely enjoyable and had some serious hits on here. My favorite is “King Kunta”
This was weird but fun. 3.5/5
This was good but I got tired of it after a few songs. 3.5/5
Not bad but a bit too out there for me.
Quality album with solid beat selection and clever lyrics but nothing really stood out to me, maybe with more listens I’d grasp the allure but I won’t give it the chance.
Great tunes if you want to fall asleep while driving!
It was certainly good but didn’t hold my attention
Groovy but not for me 2.5/5
I only got to listen to the last 2 songs but I’m glad I didn’t hear the rest, I don’t care for instrumentals.
Too slow for me.
43 songs and I didn’t really care for any of them. The only enjoyment that came from this album was hearing the Jackass intro in “Corona” and finding the sample from Sublime’s “Waiting For My Ruca” in “History Lesson Part 2.” 2.5/5
Didn’t really care for this, I’m sure it would be decent background music but it was in the foreground for me. 2.5/5
Lots of fun listening to this and it definitely starts out hot with the first 3 songs being my favorites in descending order.
I really enjoyed “Black Magic Woman” and “Oye Como Va” but the others didn’t really hold up to me. 3.5/5
Some of the best jazz that I’ve listened to but I’m still not a huge fan of the genre.
Very dated sound that wasn’t appealing to me. 2.5/5
I finally get it. I really enjoyed this and feel like I need to go back to Blood On The Tracks. 4.5/5
Really enjoyed this style and will have to check them out more. Once again I find myself enjoying Neil Young in a group more than I do on his own.
The whole album was really enjoyable but the title song was my favorite.
A bit too hardcore for me didn’t really enjoy that.
I’m not the biggest Queen fan but this was pretty good, my favorite was “Killer Queen”. 3.5/5
Not bad for background music but I couldn’t even tell when this album started over again. 2.5/5
Really enjoyed their sound I’m gonna have to go back and check them out more.
Fame was the only song I really cared for and it sounded totally different than the rest of the album.
I feel like I should have enjoyed this more than I did. My favorite was “Animal Zoo”. 3.5/5
This was good but doesn’t really stand out amongst other great music.
I can see the appeal but it wasn’t for me.
This was better than the other Steely Dan album on the list. My favorite was “Dirty Work”
A bit too all over the place with few redeeming qualities
Still enjoyed this even though it wasn’t just hit after hit like Thriller.
This was good but it did get a little boring and there weren’t any stand out songs.
Not a big fan of indie rock and that is what this felt like to me. Just a bit to slow without any real attention getter. 2.5/5
Not really sure who the intended audience was but I don’t think it’s me. 2.5/5
I’m not a Metallica fan so this felt waaaay too long for me. Also they made me wait until the end for “Enter Sandman”. 2.5/5
“Starman” was definitely my favorite on this album and maybe the best overall David Bowie album I’ve heard so far.
I enjoyed “Wild Honey” but wasn’t captivated by the rest.
“I Can’t Do Anything” really summed it up.
I don’t feel like this was their best but it was still lots of fun. My favorite was “Once in a Lifetime”. 3.5/5
Not the biggest Queen fan but this was okay. I don’t even think I need to say what my favorite song was.
This sucked
This definitely grew on me, my favorites were “Baby Boomerang” and “Rabbit Fighter”
Not the biggest grunge fan but this is a classic.
Totally get why people would like this but I didn’t care for it.
I was hoping for more from this but I didn’t really find anything new that I’ll be returning to. “Mr. Blue Sky” is one of the best songs ever.
I thought this was gonna be totally overrated but this was actually great.
This sounds much older than it actually is. Some good songs and some bad songs.
Enjoyed this more than expected, my favorite was “Red Clay Halo”
Not his best work, felt like he was trying to be way too artistic. My favorite was “Power”
This was fine but didn’t tickle my fancy. My favorite was “Catapult”
Really didn’t get this or it’s popularity, if she had a more striking voice maybe I’d like it
They had a fun and interesting sound but it just felt like it was missing something.
“La Grange” is by far the best song on the album and it’s not close.
I think “Just What I Needed” is the only song I needed to listen to before I die.
This made for decent background music but I was hoping for a little more foreground.
I wanted to dislike the aggressively 90’s pop sound but listening to “Personal Jesus” and “Enjoy the Silence” changed my mind. 3.5/5
Another great album from the Beatles, my favorites are “Got To Get You Into My Life” and “Eleanor Rigby”
This was a really fun listen, enjoyed all of the features. My favorite was “Work It” or “Back in the Day”. 3.5/5
Way too slow and spacey for me
This whole thing was really weird and I didn’t care for it.
A little too slow for me, just didn’t hold my attention
Definitely fun to listen to but not really my genre. My favorites were “Dancing Queen” and “Tiger”. Also I feel like “When I Kissed The Teacher” wouldn’t have gone over so well today. 3.5/5
I enjoyed this style and sound but none of the songs stood out to me. 3.5/5
I don’t know what it is but I really had a hard time getting into this. My favorite was “The Jean Genie” 2.5/5
Not really my style but all these songs were good
Definitely found myself enjoying this but it was too much Jazz for me. 2.5/5
That was not fun
A little too slow and soft for my liking, “American Pie” is a pretty good song tho
“Song 2” was pretty good but that’s about it
Felt like a Willie Nelson album that wasn’t written or sung by Willie, I would have preferred if it was. Also waaaaay too long.
Not sure what to say about this but I didn’t like it and it was far too long.
Too EDM for me.
I don’t really know what it is but there is something about their style that I find entertaining but not enough to want to listen to more.
I’m sure this was groundbreaking at the time but doesn’t really hold up in my opinion.
Feels like every song is its own new genre. Not bad but also didn’t really captivate me.
Didn’t really care for it but I liked the energy
This was actually pretty entertaining the obvious favorites were “Mr. Brightside” and “Somebody Told Me”
As far as jazz goes this was pretty good and engaging but I have a hard time fully enjoying something that doesn’t have any lyrics
This was really good and I’m looking forward to returning to this. My favorites from my first listen were “Bell Bottom Blues” and “Layla”
Painfully slow and boring
Felt like a very weird mix of the sugar hill gang and the b52s
Enjoyable but I would have liked a few more energetic songs
I couldn’t say it was bad but I also didn’t enjoy it
Kept me entertained but I don’t think I’ll be returning
I’m sure this is great if you like British punk but that’s not really my bag
I can see why they were very popular but this isn’t my style
Once again not a fan of this but I get why metal enjoyers would like this.
I don’t think this album is supposed to be played straight thru, feels like the same song on repeat and I did not enjoy it.
This was my favorite of the Bowie albums so far but that could be because I listened to Metallica before this.
Pretty enjoyable and could certainly see why people like this.
This feels like they were on the verge of making something great but nothing really stood out to me. Just fine.
Nothing memorable but not offensive
Way better than Led Zeppelin II, my favorites were “Whole Lotta Love” and “Ramble On”
Bits of good music surrounded by uncomfortably slow and quiet ambient sounds.
11 shitty repetitive pop songs and “Paper Planes” which is actually a pretty good song.
Grunge isn’t necessarily my favorite but growing up in Seattle you have to like Nirvana and this had some of my favorites “Heart Shaped Box” and “Pennyroyal Tea”
Sounds like a Michael Jackson impersonator got cocky and tried to make their own music.
A lot of great familiar songs, not quite sure how to rate a compilation album because I’ve heard this all before and the order or choices aren’t anything special.
I really enjoyed each of these songs, something about her voice just feels magical.
Way too repetitive for actively listening to, I’m sure if you like EDM or dubstep this would be enjoyable
He has a nice voice and I enjoyed the songs but can’t see myself returning to this.
Pretty boring sound that is really hard to understand the lyrics. 2.5/5
Every song is beautiful not just the hits.
Better than expected but still not for me. 2.5/5
Thank god it was only the A side, once again I have a hard time enjoying any full length album without lyrics.
I’m not sure what genre this was but it was a little too Jazz influenced for my taste. 2.5/5
Not for me but I could see enjoying that.
Isn’t bad but also isn’t what I would choose to listen to.
I had low expectations for this and it certainly surprised me, by the end I was actually enjoying it.
Almost all of my favorite Wu-Tang Clan songs were on this, absolutely will return to this.
All pretty good but nothing stood out in particular.
Definitely some big songs that were pretty good for their era and style. 2.5/5
This would have been really good in an Irish pub but felt a bit weird alone in my car.
This exceeded my subterranean expectations but still not worth returning to. 2.5/5
Reminds me of Mumford and Sons but without the accents and catchy tunes. Good but not my style.
I just think 80s indie rock isn’t for me. 2.5/5
This feels like a really soft version of grunge, not really my style but I could see why they are well liked.
A bit noisy for my liking.
This was good but not what I would play on my own
Way more relaxed than I expected and definitely enjoyed it. My favorites were “Perfect Day” and “Walk On the Wild Side.”
Usually I find this older style of rap kind of hard to listen to but these guys were pretty entertaining and it was refreshing to hear a rap song with a real message.
A bit to spacey for me.
This was interesting and maybe after repeated listens I’d start to like it but for now it was just ok. 2.5/5
This was a very interesting album that I don’t think I’d listen to again. My favorite was “Nadia”. 2.5/5
I found myself forgetting there was even music playing if this is truly considered music. I really wish there was anything interesting going on with this.
Not bad for the genre but nothing that would make me want to return.
This was pretty good but I feel like I’d need another listen to really figure out which songs I like
I felt as if this album was too tortoise for me I needed little more hare.
Easy to listen to but not much stood out on the first listen, probably deserves more.
This was really pleasant and fun to listen to. I’ll be back
I could see enjoying this more in the right environment but alone in my car wasn’t it.
This was really great, each song was interesting and unique but still matched the theme of the rest of it. Makes me want to watch this again.
These guys were absolutely ripping, enjoyed this so much more than expected.
Nothing special about this
A bit too jazzy for me, sounded good but not enough to return
The only song I was familiar with was “Brass in Pocket” and remained my favorite. I won’t be back. 2.5/5