M.I.A.Word on the street is that 1001albumsgenerator.com got hacked and shut down for 24 hours, so its sister company 1001annoyingalbumsgenerator.com stepped in for the day. Paper Planes wasn’t enough to save the album.
Word on the street is that 1001albumsgenerator.com got hacked and shut down for 24 hours, so its sister company 1001annoyingalbumsgenerator.com stepped in for the day. Paper Planes wasn’t enough to save the album.
I Do Not Want What I Have Heard by Sinead O’Connor.
My orange pubes don’t even like this shit.
Did you know this guy fucked dolphins? 2.5 stars
Ehhhhh. Ik y’all seemed to like this one but I’m not getting behind it. A lot of it blended together with not much standing out. Stand! and Sing A Simple Song were good though. A 2 through and through
Didn’t like the first half, it sounded obnoxious. Second half was great
2.5 but no fuggin half stars on this boat
I get what old heads mean when they say they don’t make music like this anymore
great top to bottom
I’ve heard better name-game rhymes from mid brodsky
flaming hot dumpster fire of garbonzo beans trash
give me half stars damnit - 2.5. nothing special, liked a handful of songs but 60% had me snooozing
So nice to have a good album after all the recent 90s hip hop treesha
not my thing love
If Zach Braff were an album, he’d look at this one and think “holy shit at least I’m not that boring”. Snooze fest
A personal favorite so I was stoked to listen. It never gets old
Wow. You know usually I love these random albums, kind of like one loves a puppy. It’s fun, it’s exciting, but every now and then it takes a shit on your carpet. This time, the shit was taken inside my ears and lasted 36 minutes too long. Her shaky voice made my skin crawl as I begged and pleaded with father time to make the album end already. Fuck. That. Shit.
I’ll have to thank The Fugees for setting the bar too high, my expectations were destined to be unmet. I found this to be bland and boring, and pretty repetitive throughout. I listened to this one 3 times bc I couldn’t believe I didn’t like it, but I’ve accepted it now and I’m ready to finally review. Ex-Factor, To Zion, and I Used To Love Him are the only songs I liked.
That felt like a bad dream where you’re forced to listen to Ferris Bueller’s monotone teacher try to weasel his way onto Indian techno dance idk wtf to call is music. You could strap me in a chair Clockwork Orange style and I still wouldn’t listen to that again.
True rating is a 3.5, gonna need to listen to this one a few more times but I liked it the first couple listens. Some weird shit but I liked it. Tic Tic Tic, It Wears Off was really cool and caught me by surprise. I liked the second half of the album more than the first half. Did you like this album? Or are you just another onionhead?
Not my thing, I liked Wasp though. 1.5 but I’ll channel my inner Mark Charron and round up for charity
Ehhhhh. Ik y’all seemed to like this one but I’m not getting behind it. A lot of it blended together with not much standing out. Stand! and Sing A Simple Song were good though. A 2 through and through
Help me understand why we got more Deep Purple. Is it that the first album wasn’t boring enough? Is it to make us appreciate the other albums, perhaps to soften the blow of the “trash can noises” album? I don’t get it. Please. No more Deep Purple, I beg of you 1001albumsgeberator.com have mercy
It wasn’t horrible to listen to but it’s not exactly full of returners. Didn’t hate it didn’t love it. While at times I loved the singers voice this didn’t have enough to it worth a 3. Marty Groves and Tam Lin went hard though
I’ve been saying Hey hey, my my all day. This was a nice switch up (meaning music I can stand to listen to). I was gonna give this a three until I looked back and realized I have 8/9 songs liked so a sneaky 4 for this one
The first time I heard The Smashing Pumpkins as a teen I thought I’d heard the most obnoxious voice of all time, it felt so forced. I’ve procrastinated listening to the band ever since, with the exception of a few songs here and there. One of my best thrifting finds was a ‘94 Smashing Pumpkins tee in near dead stock condition, I nearly creamed my jeans you should’ve seen the look on the Salvation Army employees face as I lost near all fine motor skills and fell in a pile of my own drool and cum, so this only feels right to finally listen. First listen thru I felt the same, but after 2 and 3 I’ve changed my mind. Overall I liked the album, and I like the band’s sound, BUT I don’t like the super punk rock songs (which is a lot of em Ik Ik), songs like Space Boy and Luna hit every time though, I also really liked Hummer and Today. Solid 3/5, gonna take a deeper dive into their music.
I’ve beat this album to death, so I wasn’t happy to return to it. This one sent me spiraling into ignoring the albums for a week or so, but I’m back for good bitch. I tried to go in unbiased, I used to love this album, but idk I’ve just heard it so many times it kind of missed me this time around. It’s groovy no doubt, a few years ago I’d give it a 4 but I’ve since grown- Steely Dan you get a 3 today.
Please tell me what’s so influential about another break up album. I can recognize and appreciate she’s talented but I that was not fun to listen to. 1.5 but I’ll throw her ass a 2.
Eh, I can appreciate it but nothing really stood out to me, nothing I would return to. I’m not gonna write out Aretha Franklin entirely but she better come with the heat the next time I listen.
Now that was fun. I didn’t even know this genre of music existed, they sound kind of like the clash. I wouldn’t say it’s necessarily good music, but it’s definitely fun to listen to, unlike Mariah Carey.
My orange pubes don’t even like this shit.
Did you know this guy fucked dolphins? 2.5 stars
I love Van Morrison. It was heard to check my bias at the gate, either way I think this would get a 4 though
I tried to come into this unbiased but I knew from the start I loved it. The very first CD I ever got was a Michael Jackson greatest hits CD when I was 7, and for the next year I could only fall asleep if I was listening to it (what a weird kid). So groovy, I’ve listened to this album > 5 times in the past couple days, I’d say a solid 3.5 but I’ll round up
I Do Not Want What I Have Heard by Sinead O’Connor.
The Undertones should reach out to the Pogues to thank them for making their job miles easier. Nothing really stood out ab this one, and I wish they could commit to a fucking song and make it more than 2 mins. Right as I’d start to like a song it’d fade out, like my interest. 2.5 stars at best
Some songs were fun, some were really really annoying, reminded me of having a little brother. Brother gets 4 stars, album … not so much
Loved this one, definitely didn't live up to Ziggy but that's besides the point. Solid 3.5 but for David I'll always round up
I was very pleasantly surprised by this album. I’ve never gotten around to listening to Pearl Jam but I’m glad I did, don’t let this 3 fool you, it’s a strong 3. Waiting for the day we get half stars.
This album is so hit or miss, thankfully it's mostly full of hits though. I either loved the songs or absolutely hated them. Anything ear-piercing I can't get behind.
Mid pack. I hate the screamo-shit it just gives me a headache. I’ve always loved Jane Says so I was pretty excited to listen - little did I know I was set up for disappointment. Loved Summertime Rolls. Thank you boys was the advil this headache of an album needed
It takes some weird kind of talent to get people to rally behind rapping about raping your mom and killing your baby mama. That being said, I’m a fan of this album. I got grounded for stealing it from my uncle when I was like 7, and 14 years later I see my dad’s point … I liked this album though, his coming out interview from The Interview makes a whole lotta sense. 3.5 stars
No thank you
I couldn't get even halfway through this, and at first I didn't want to rate an album without listening through the whole thing but you couldn't pay me to revisit this noise pollution.
He sounds like J Cole’s little brother, but not in a good way. Four songs in and this sounds like any other album from the 2000s that’s better forgotten. “The Instrumental” sounds like a Lincoln Park song. Having finished it I can say there’s not anything special ab this and it was kind of corny, listened to some J Cole after for some good music
Driving around with the windows down after a nice spring cleaning listening to this album felt like visiting that spa from Rick and Morty where they remove your toxins but clone a shitty version of yourself. While my better self was listening to Five Leaves I bet my toxins were off getting an earful of Sinead O’Connor or Booker T & The MGs
I've had this album on repeat for about a year now so I was pretty excited to relisten top to bottom, but it was hard to come in with fresh, unbiased ears. Whether I did or not, this gets a 5. From the beginning with I Wanna Be Adored and She Bangs the Drums all the way through to Made of Stone and I Am the Resurrection, the Stone Roses massaged my ears for an hour. Shoot You Down is one of my favorite songs of all time and definitely my favorite on the album. It might not be on the same level as other 5s (Sgt. Pepper and Ziggy first come to mind) but I enjoy it just as much. Something about it just lands perfectly every time.
Nothing special, pretty boring
Word on the street is that 1001albumsgenerator.com got hacked and shut down for 24 hours, so its sister company 1001annoyingalbumsgenerator.com stepped in for the day. Paper Planes wasn’t enough to save the album.
This one was all over the place, I think I liked 2 songs maybe? 3 tops? The fact that I can't remember sums up my opinion. I'd give it a 1 but thanks to M.I.A. my standard for a one has plummeted.
Loved it. Black Mountain Side is the only song I wasn’t a fan of.
It served as great background music to start my day, and while I liked it I wouldn’t be able to pick it out from a crowd. Thought it was cool it was only 2 songs
We’ve got five stars, stuck on my eyes Five stars, what a surprise
Not bad not great, I haven’t taken the time to listen to too much 80s music just yet, and I don’t think Kate Bush is a great start. I’ve heard running up that hill too much, but I liked cloudbusting, watching you without me, and the big sky. Im writing this review weeks after listening so Im curious how they’d hold up rn
There’s definitely more to this album than Mr.Brightside and Somebody Told Me. It was better than I was expecting and pretty good, but I didn’t hear anything new or wildly creative.
I liked it a lot my first listen but when I came back to it I was bored and just waiting for it to end. I wanted to attack it a third time but in realizing it took effort I decided against it.
Nostalgia from Toy Story is the only thing I got from this
Definitely not their best work. Weekend wars, the youth, and pieces of what are good but otherwise I much prefer their albums Congratulations, Little Dark Age, and 11•11•11
The fact that they renovated a church to record this makes it that much better. I love their sound, I’ve only listened to funeral and now this album and I’m gonna have to check more out. Solid 3.5 but I can’t round up today
Liked all the songs but didn’t love too many. Soma, when it started, and hard to explain were my favorites. This doesn’t get a 5 because of its “give me the same thing but different!” Attitude throughout, I guess you could say that’s a good thing in that it all works together but that also bores me at a certain point. And holy overplayed batman, the strokes are more common than a false positive these days.
I went back and forth back and forth between a 4 and 5, if I use the Pollens-Tungate method my songs would average closer to a 4 then 5, but as a whole I liked this more than a 4. It was close but this earns a 5 I’m sure of it now, based off a lot of the shit we’ve had to listen to this blows 99% of it out of the water and deserves a seat at the 5 table.
Sometimes music scratches in itch, but other times it makes me itchy.
This wasn’t nearly as good as I remembered. There were a few songs, particularly buggin out, butter, chick the rhime and scenario that I really liked but the rest was pretty boring and lacked substance. Disappointing.
Do you like fish sticks?
Beetle Bum was okay, sounded catchy but nothing crazy give that a 3. Really liked Country Sad Ballad Man - 4. But then from M.O.R. to Movin’ On nothing grabbed my attention and I didn’t like most of it. Essex Dogs is a 5 though no doubt about it. Oh also Song 2 is so fucking corny
Good Ships is okay, maybe a 3 and that’s the best and last song I could listen to. I was surprised to hear Brimful of Asha and immediately recognized it. Can’t do this album anymore.
I really liked it. Particularly enjoyed fell on black days, black hole sun, and 4th of July. Strong 3 but not enough to this album to warrant a 4.
Super fun listen, nothing crazy special about it warranting more than a 3 but enjoyable nonetheless
With the exception of 1 or 2 catchy songs this album felt very empty, really not much to it and I’m not quite sure why it’s on here
Strong 3.5
Not quite bad enough for a one but nothing more than a 2.
Originally a 3, second listen bumped it down a notch
This started off so strong and lost me the second half, was feeling a 4 but it fell off.
Best part of this album was when it ended and The Go-Go’s came on
Liked I’m waiting for the man, Femme Fatale, Run Run Run, and I’ll be your mirror. I didn’t like this overall it was boring but I think I might give it a 3 if I gave it another listen but I’m so far behind so f that
Whether you’re a Starbucks hoe or a Dunks slut, we can all agree, like The Youngbloods track “Ride The Wind”, their refreshers are some of the most aptly named products on the market. I would’ve preferred more of that sound from this album, wasn’t a fan of the “sinshiney days” type tracks. Minus 2 points for the slide whistle. Also some haters out there will see even a 4 out of 5 and think “This @sshole hates this f*cking movie”, but I’m here to continue to prove that untrue. This was an enjoyable 2, but nothing more.
Not my favorite from good ol’ Cousin Nicky
This an old subway footlong
I got a letter the other day from the dmv the other day, I opened and read it, it said THEY WERE SUCKAS. I laughed out loud. Such a fun album, you can tell they had a blast making it. Oh Shit is hilarious too and the line in Ya Mama at the end where he says “your mom was an extra in the Simpsons” was hilarious.
I went in with an open mind and it wasn’t too bad until the vocals came in, as instrumentals these wouldn’t be bad but being the pale Caucasian b#tch I am I can’t get down with this
Politik - 3.5 In my place - 4 God put a smile upon your face - 3.5 The scientist - 3.5 Clocks - 3.5 Daylight - 4 Green eyes - 3.5 Warning sign - 3 A whisper - 3 A rush of blood to the head - 4 Amsterdam - 3.5
Closer - 3.5 Crawl - 3 Sex on fire - 2.5 Use somebody - 3 Manhattan - 3.5 Revelry - 4 17 - 3.5 Notion - 2 I want you - 3 Be somebody - 2 Cold desert - 2
Shades of Elvis Costello but not in a good way. This guys voice really bugged me
Easy 5 🐐
Easily one of the best yet. Clear 5
Heart shaped box, dumb and all apologies are 5s but also the only songs I can listen to. Nothing worse than being on the aux at the family function when Rape Me comes on, never again…
Negative Space - 4 Static Resistance - 3 Ullswater - 4 The Soft Season - 3 Opener - 4 Each Time We Pass - 4 Boxing Day - 3 Reunión - 3 Shortcomings - 3
I always wanted to like Frank Ocean but never could, until now. First listen left me wanting more but second listen making breakfast and cleaning hit the spot
War Pigs/ Luke’s Wall - 4 Paranoid - 5 Planet Caravan - 5 Iron Man - 5 Electric Funeral - 4 Hand of Doom - 4 Rat Salad - 3 Jack the Stripper / Fairies Wear Boots - 4 Been on a Black Sabbath binge lately, I’ve only listened to their first four albums but this is probably my favorite so far. Songs like Paranoid and Iron Man deliver what I was expecting from the band, but tracks like Planet Caravan and Orchid off of Master of Reality really took me for a surprise and gave me a new appreciation for the band. 5 stars all day
Boring and religious … my favorite! I thought a song came on I finally liked so I checked my phone and realized it was the first song recommended once the album had ended.
A rush of blood to the head is muuuuch better
My favorite Zeppelin album to date - I’m sure that’s subject to change but for now goddamnit it stands out. Ten Years Gone is one of my favorite songs of all time. I don’t think there’s a sub-4 song on here and plenty of 5s to go around. Brodsky if you’re reading this and got this vinyl back from Slippery Shiv - hmu bubba
Honestly pretty disappointed. Obviously where is my mind is a 5, goes hand in hand with fight club oh so beautifully. Only liked 3 or 4 songs otherwise and not even that much. This BARELY got a 3.
This one grew on me, started as a 2 and matured to a casual 3, the deluxe version has a few more tracks that aren’t half bad. Nothing to run home bragging about though.
Ramshackle, Hot wax and Jack-ass take the cake. High 5 is equal parts 'I wanna run through a fucking wall rn' and annoying as shit. I wonder if the computer from Fitter Happier listens to Computer Rock ever
Call me Steph the way I be throwing 3s around like it’s nuffin 😤
I’m sure this is a 3 - listened to half of each song and tapped out. Call me an iPad kid but I can’t just sit and listen to jazz without it fading into the abyss that is my cavernous brain
Not a thiiiiing to doooooo
Blander than a white bitch pallette - one song towards the end the guitar fucked but ya haha das it
High 3 from me, mama dukes says ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Fun listen but after two go throughs I can say “meh 🫤”with full confidence
Finally, a voice more annoying than Bob Dylan 🤩🤩 Settle for Nothing gave me hope for the album but after two more songs I couldn’t take it anymore and had to pull the plug. Never returning to this headache
Despite the reputation the band tried to establish for themselves, I found them to be quite -good company- 🤣😭💯👀🤓🍻🥵😘🫢🥰😨🤮🙄😔😢🤌🏻😬💅🙊💀🫤😈👈🏻❤️🙈😏🤦♂️🫣👉🏻😎
Overall I didn't hate the sound of the album, it was equal parts lush and eerie. However, I think I'm saving just two songs and for that my love, my dearest Infected by The The, you get two stahs
Bronze star for the silver news
Mothers little helper, out of time and going home are my top 3. This album was a banger I loved it, hesitant to grant a 4 but honestly this just edged into a fo
Late night rainy walk was the perfect fit for this
Annoying af
I can always appreciate an aptly named product, fuck that was a bore. Not to mention annoying af. Teachers hit tho I won’t lie
His voice is so annoying I can’t make it past half of this
Audible porno Ellie’s Love Theme is 5/5